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uwehi all22:12
holsteinuwe: o/22:12
uweanyone working with 11.04?22:13
orngjce223yeah you wanna ask holstein22:13
holsteinnah, you're using 11.04 right orngjce223 ?22:13
holsteini have a test install, but i mostly use the LTS22:13
holsteinuwe: whats up?22:13
orngjce223I'm using 10.0422:13
uwejust wanna hear about you experience22:14
orngjce223Naw, I'm on Lucid22:14
orngjce223plan on switching to the next LTS three months after it's out to make sure the most egregious stuff is fixed22:14
uweok i am on 10.1022:15
holsteinuwe: what are you wanting to do?22:15
uwecompiles ardour with vst support22:15
holsteinuwe: you want to check out KXstudio22:15
holsteinthose guys are the VST'ers22:15
uweKXStudio? Never heard about that22:16
holsteincheck #kxstudio22:16
uwethanks for the hint22:16
holsteinits based on ubuntu 10.0422:16
orngjce223It's a bunch of PPAs maintained by a couple of guys who do more work with that kind of stuff22:16
holsteinwe (ubuntustudio) cant support VST's like that22:16
holsteinuwe: go for the 32bit version of kxstudio22:16
uweI just use one Bass Amp Plugin22:16
holsteintheres a bunch of 32bit only stuff that the dev (falktx) has already put in there22:17
orngjce223The thing here is you want VST support compiled in even if you only have to use one22:17
uweby the way: I am a guitarist from germany22:19
holsteinuwe: welcome22:19
uwenice to meet you here22:19
ssds_asdiueni have just installed ubuntustudio, but i think the grub has been installed wrong22:28
holsteinssds_asdiuen: are you dual booting?22:28
holsteinso.. you installed, everything went as planned, and you rebooted and?22:29
ssds_asdiuenanf now it say: [ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported ....22:30
ssds_asdiuenthe monitor22:31
holsteinhmm.... OK22:31
ssds_asdiuenohh it is getting started22:31
holsteintry hitting control+alt+F222:31
ssds_asdiuenthat's weird22:31
holsteinssds_asdiuen: the monitor is starting?22:31
ssds_asdiuenthe system22:32
ssds_asdiuenubuntu studio22:32
ssds_asdiueni rebotted like 3 times22:32
holsteinssds_asdiuen: its a good idea to try an normal ubuntu live CD and see how the hardware is supported22:32
holsteinbut, if you are getting in now, thats good22:33
holsteinjust check for and apply updates22:33
ssds_asdiuenyeah ready thanks22:33

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