
=== Y0Y0 is now known as yoyo
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:53
uberfrauBATi: ready? :)00:55
* uberfrau shakes BATi00:58
BATiuberfrau: here... fallen asleep01:03
BATiuberfrau: 2 AM here :) so, any luck?01:03
uberfrauBATi: i just put my computer together on the floor :)01:03
uberfrauBATi: `sudo tail -f /var/log/messages' doesn't show the product info >.<01:05
BATiuberfrau: oh, okay so let's continue...01:05
BATiuberfrau: in which stage you are? already compiled module?01:06
uberfrauyou're overestimating my knowledge by a couple of orders of magnitude01:06
BATiuberfrau: oh, i see :) lsusb with wireless stick plugged in should give similiar result...01:08
uberfrauoh, i did that before, but did not record the results, will do again, sec01:08
uberfrauBATi: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 13b1:002f Linksys AE1000 v1 802.11n [Ralink RT2870]01:09
BATiuberfrau: great - same vendor and product id as in howto (13b1:002f)01:11
uberfrauBATi: mhmm01:11
BATiuberfrau: lets check if the module is not present already - "ifconfig ra0"01:12
uberfrauBATi: ra0: error fetching interface information: Device not found01:12
BATiuberfrau: right... so let's download driver sources - "?t=U0wyRnpjMlYwY3k4eU1ERXdMekV5THpNeEwyUnZkMjVzYjJGa05qVTFOREF6TURNME55NWllakk5UFQweU1ERXdYekV5TVRWZlVsUXpOVGN5WDB4cGJuVjRYMU5VUVY5Mk1pNDFMakF1TUM1RVVFOD1D'"01:14
BATiuberfrau: wget -O ~/Download/RT3572_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.0.DPO.bz2 'http://www.ralinktech.com/download.php?t=U0wyRnpjMlYwY3k4eU1ERXdMekV5THpNeEwyUnZkMjVzYjJGa05qVTFOREF6TURNME55NWllakk5UFQweU1ERXdYekV5TVRWZlVsUXpOVGN5WDB4cGJuVjRYMU5VUVY5Mk1pNDFMakF1TUM1RVVFOD1D'01:15
uberfrauBATi: i already downloaded "Ralink_RT3572USB_drv2400.zip" earlier01:15
uberfraushould i do that command, or is what I downloaded okay?01:15
BATiuberfrau: you need THIS one... trust me...01:15
BATiuberfrau: after it downloads, unpack it and enter directory - "tar -C ~/Download/ -xf ~/Download/RT3572_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.0.DPO.bz2" "cd ~/Download/2010_1215_RT3572_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.0.DPO/"01:18
uberfrauBATi: i entered the above above and it returned: /home/sophia/Download/RT3572_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.0.DPO.bz2: No such file or directory01:19
BATiuberfrau: did you execute "wget" commandline?01:20
uberfrausophia@sophia-EP45-UD3R:~/Downloads$ wget -O ~/Download/RT3572_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.0.DPO.bz2 'http://www.ralinktech.com/download.php?t=U0wyRnpjMlYwY3k4eU1ERXdMekV5THpNeEwyUnZkMjVzYjJGa05qVTFOREF6TURNME55NWllakk5UFQweU1ERXdYekV5TVRWZlVsUXpOVGN5WDB4cGJuVjRYMU5VUVY5Mk1pNDFMakF1TUM1RVVFOD1D'01:20
uberfraushould i be doing it in home instead? >_>01:21
uberfraui was already in Downloads because of the one driver file i downloaded01:21
BATiuberfrau: well it should not matter, but directory /home/sophia/Download (notice missing "s") should exist, or change it in wget commandline01:22
uberfrauadd an s then, k, sec01:23
uberfrauBATi: okay, now.. unpacking_it == extraction with Ark?01:24
BATiuberfrau: better stay in commandline - "cd ~/Downloads" "tar -xf RT3572_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.0.DPO.bz2"01:25
uberfrauit does a readline prompt01:26
uberfrauyou meant to quote them to separate them as commands01:26
BATiuberfrau: I mean first cd into Downloads, then unpack with tar -xf ....01:27
uberfrautar: This does not look like a tar archive; bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.;tar: Child returned status 2;tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now01:28
BATiuberfrau: uh... found the problem - ratech moved the file somewhere elsewhere, so what you have is file with "ERROR: File not found." in it :) lemme find the right URL...01:30
uberfrauBATi: okay, thank you. sorry i'm so incompetent at linux stuff, i won't be soon, taking an intro to UNIX class starting in 5 days >_>01:30
BATiuberfrau: no problem... this one was my mistake, not checking file beforehand...01:32
BATiuberfrau: okay... URL is http://www.ralinktech.com/license_us.php?n=2&p=0&t=U0wyRnpjMlYwY3k4eU1ERXhMekEwTHpJM0wyUnZkMjVzYjJGa056RXhOamcyTXpRMk9DNWllakk5UFQweU1ERXhYekEwTWpkZlVsUXpOVGN5WDB4cGJuVjRYMU5VUVY5Mk1pNDFMakF1TUM1RVVFOD1D  ... you need to download it manually into your "Downloads" folder 'cause ralinktech added a licence acceptance...01:35
uberfrauk, downloading01:37
uberfrauinternet speeds here are not impressive lol, 80 kbps download01:37
uberfraui'll have to download some music so i'm not streaming it01:37
uberfraui immediately tried the same tar command as above but it returned the same error message01:39
BATiuberfrau: :))) nevermind... after it downloads, back to commandline, cd into Downloads na better verify if file is there by "ls -la"... you should have file 2011_0427_RT3572_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.0.DPO.bz2 there01:40
BATina = and01:40
uberfrau2011_0427_RT3572_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.0 yesh01:41
BATiuberfrau: hoooray! :) so "tar -xf 2011_0427_RT3572_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.0.DPO.bz2"01:41
BATiuberfrau: "cd 2011_0427_RT3572_Linux_STA_v2.5.0.0.DPO"01:42
uberfrauBATi: okay, now what, i'm in that directory01:43
BATiuberfrau: now the real work begins :) "sed -ir -e 's/^HAS_WPA_SUPPLICANT=n/HAS_WPA_SUPPLICANT=y/' -e 's/^HAS_NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT=n/HAS_NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT=y/' ./os/linux/config.mk"01:43
uberfraui pasted that in and hit enter, no return message for me? ;o01:44
BATiuberfrau: nope, sed did the work, sed gets return message :)))01:45
BATiuberfrau: "sed -ir -e 's!^#endif // RT2870 //!        {USB_DEVICE(0x13B1,0x002F)}, /* Linksys AE 1000 */\n#endif // RT2870 //!' ./common/rtusb_dev_id.c"01:45
uberfraubtw, in cmdline strings, do trailing spaces or spaces in between commands matter?01:46
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
Magnusson_lol BATi, still at it i see01:47
uberfrauMagnusson_: are you from like Norway?01:47
BATiuberfrau: we are gonna mess with function names: "sed -ir -e 's/\tusb_buffer_alloc/\tusb_alloc_coherent/' -e 's/\tusb_buffer_free/\tusb_free_coherent/' include/os/rt_linux.h"01:47
Magnusson_uberfrau>lol i wish, i get that question an average of once every 5 mins :)01:47
BATiMagnusson_: oh yeah... almost 3AM here and still alive... well, half alive :)01:48
uberfrauMagnusson_: it's a very Norwegian name...01:48
uberfrauor NW Germany01:48
uberfraubut definitely more Scandinavian01:48
Magnusson_uberfrau>yep so i was informed years ago after i'd created it hah01:48
Magnusson_yep yep, i usually get asked if i'm from sweden01:49
uberfrauyears O_O01:49
uberfrauno, Swedes have even stranger names ;D01:49
uberfrauso BATi, anything else? ;d01:49
szal"son" rather points to Sweden; Danish and Norwegian names are more likely to end in "sen"01:49
uberfrauszal: good point01:49
uberfraubut "Magnus" is very Norwegian to my ears01:49
BATiuberfrau: sure - "make && sudo make install", if you pasted all sed cmdlines I sent ya :)01:50
uberfrauBATi: i prefer that, it gives me output ;)01:51
BATiuberfrau: well, that is sed - all quiet until sh*t happens :)))01:52
uberfrauokay, the make cmd is complete...01:52
BATiuberfrau: even the "sudo make install" part? no errors?01:53
uberfrauBATi: i didn't see any errors, would it be at the end of output?01:54
BATiuberfrau: yep... let's do a quick check - "ls -la /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/"01:55
uberfraui assume the radioactive green thing is what we want: RT2870STA.dat01:56
BATiuberfrau: yeah... :) let's make sure everything works after reboot - "sudo su -c "echo -e 'alias ra0 rt3572sta\nblacklist rt2800usb' > /etc/modprobe.d/rt3572sta.conf""01:57
uberfrauBATi: it gave no return value01:58
BATiuberfrau: good... now check output of "lsmod", if it contains any names like rt2870sta, rt2800usb, rt2860sta, rt2x00usb, rt2x00lib, rt2870sta01:59
=== roger_ is now known as BitOperator
szalsudo lsmod | grep -i rt202:01
uberfrauBATi: http://www.pastie.org/private/zzclgpculp0pvt1qldrrfa02:01
uberfrauszal: that cmd returned nothing02:02
szaluberfrau: iow, no such modules loaded02:02
BATiuberfrau: okay... so try to load the module you've built - "sudo modprobe ra0"02:03
uberfrauk, sec02:03
uberfrauk, now?02:04
uberfrauit gave no return value or anything, also02:04
BATiuberfrau: I hope you did have the usb stick plugged in during all that messing with lsmod, did you?02:04
uberfrauBATi: it's been plugged in the whole time o.o02:04
BATiuberfrau: that's ok, now we can try "ifconfig ra0" again02:05
uberfraudevice not found -___-02:05
BATiuberfrau: ok.. "sudo lsmod | grep -i rt2"02:06
uberfraui hope it's okay that i have it plugged into a USB on the front of my comp, i don't think it matters though, as the lsmod cmds and such show all USB slots02:06
uberfrausure, sec02:06
uberfrauno return value02:06
BATiuberfrau: ok.. "sudo lsmod | grep -i ra"02:07
uberfrausnd_rawmidi            22207  1 snd_seq_midi02:08
uberfrausnd_seq_device          6912  3 snd_seq_midi,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq02:08
uberfrausnd                    64181  11 snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_hwdep,snd_pcm,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device02:08
uberfraushould have stuck that in pastie, sorry02:08
BATiuberfrau: right... try to unplug the stick and plug it back in...02:08
uberfrauBATi: and?02:09
uberfrauit gave the same return value02:10
BATiuberfrau: and check lsmod again...02:10
uberfraufor a 'ra' item?02:10
BATiuberfrau: ra and rt202:11
uberfraura returns the same as before, rt2 returns nothing02:11
uberfraudid i do something wrong? maybe the usb was too loose? D:02:11
BATiuberfrau: well, check output of dmesg if kernel sees the stick02:12
uberfrauhopefully that is the relevant part of the message02:14
BATiuberfrau: ok...  now check /var/log/kern.log02:16
uberfraujust input that?02:17
uberfraubecause when i did...'permission denied' >.>02:17
BATiuberfrau: eh... better with "less /var/log/kern.log" and after it loads, press "shift+g" to go to end of that file.... or use "tail /var/log/kern.log"02:18
szalBATi: the End key will do for that02:19
uberfrauand i'm looking for? >.<02:19
BATiuberfrau: anything which contain ra0, ralinktech or rt3xxxx02:21
BATiszal: jeebus, nitpicker :)02:22
uberfrauhttp://www.pastie.org/private/zzclgpculp0pvt1qldrrfa bash errors? o.o02:25
BATiuberfrau: eh, you've pasted part of that log into shell :)02:28
BATiuberfrau: tail should be safer02:28
uberfrauBATi: o.o?02:28
uberfrauunexpected token: \n02:29
uberfrauwhy would it care if it strips spaces and stuff, it doesn't strip \n?02:29
BATiuberfrau: because for some reason you are trying to interpret a line from logfile in shell, which is generally not a good idea :)02:30
uberfrauBATi: i don't understand what error i made ;s02:30
BATiuberfrau: nevermind... close konsole and open a new one...02:31
uberfrauk :X02:31
BATiuberfrau: in clean new console do "tail /var/log/kern.log"02:33
uberfrauand? >.>02:34
uberfrauJun 15 18:03:55 sophia-EP45-UD3R kernel: [ 4256.533354] rtusb init rt2870 --->02:34
BATiuberfrau: hmm and lsmod still does not mention anything about rt2870?02:36
uberfrauBATi: no D:02:37
* BATi is stumped... and using only half of brain doesn't help it...02:37
BATiuberfrau: type "ls -la /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/", does it mention rt3572sta.ko?02:39
uberfrau-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1034411 2011-06-15 17:52 rt3572sta.ko02:40
BATiuberfrau: ok... "cat /etc/modprobe.d/rt3572sta.conf", does it have a line with alias and blacklist?02:41
uberfrauBATi: yesh02:41
BATiuberfrau: I mean two lines, one with alias other with blacklist...02:42
uberfrauBATi: i know, and yes02:43
BATiuberfrau: right...  can you add lines with blacklist for rt2870sta, rt2800usb, rt2860sta, rt2x00usb and rt2x00lib?02:46
uberfrauwhat, put "blacklist rtXXXXxxx" for each of them?02:46
BATiuberfrau: yep02:47
uberfraublacklist is not a cmd, so i hope that isn't what you mean ;x02:47
BATiuberfrau: that .conf file is a config file for command "modprobe", which accepts blacklist as it's internal command...02:48
* uberfrau is just getting confused, so 'blacklist rtXXXXxxx' is *not* what i'm supposed to enter?02:49
* uberfrau swears she isn't trolling :S02:51
BATiuberfrau: okay this will be better "sudo su -c "echo -e 'alias ra0 rt3572sta\nblacklist rt2800usb\nblacklist rt2870sta\nblacklist rt2800usb\nblacklist rt2860sta\nblacklist rt2x00usb\nblacklist rt2x00lib' > /etc/modprobe.d/rt3572sta.conf""02:52
uberfrauokay, now?02:53
BATiuberfrau: moment, checking something...02:54
uberfrausure :o02:55
BATiuberfrau: just for a test, try "sudo modprobe rt3572sta"03:01
uberfrauBATi: no return value03:01
BATiuberfrau: and something changed in lsmod? like line with rt3572sta appeared?03:02
uberfrauBATi: no such line appeared when i just tried lsmod03:03
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BATiuberfrau: well... can you try to reboot, just for sake of completness?03:07
uberfrauBATi: i can, should i check to see if it works without a reboot first? ;D03:08
BATiuberfrau: well it obviously does not work :) and a quick check with "sudo ifconfig ra0 up" should prove it :)03:10
uberfrauBATi: nope D:03:17
BATiuberfrau: not even "sudo ifconfig ra0 up"?03:19
uberfraura0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device03:19
uberfrauwhat did i do wrong? :(03:19
BATiuberfrau: well, in fact you did everything perfect - which can be proven by existence of rt3572.ko and the .dat files...03:21
uberfrauso what now? :s03:21
BATiuberfrau: okay, try "sudo depmod -a" and then "sudo modprobe ra0"03:22
uberfrauwas the 2nd cmd supposed to return something? :x03:23
BATiuberfrau: nope03:23
uberfrauoh, okay then :)03:23
uberfraunow what?03:23
BATiuberfrau: "ifconfig ra0" :)03:24
uberfraudevice not found :x03:24
BATiuberfrau: "cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/" and then "sudo /sbin/insmod rt3572sta.ko"03:26
uberfrauBATi: insmod: error inserting 'rt3572sta.ko': -1 File exists03:26
BATiuberfrau: "lsmod" check, please :)03:27
uberfrauBATi: i'm not seeing anything new >.<03:28
uberfrauBATi: rt3572sta             644684  003:29
uberfrau o_o?03:29
BATiuberfrau: and "ifconfig ra0"?03:30
uberfraura0: error fetching interface information: Device not found03:30
uberfrauwhat can we do to troubleshoot? >.>03:32
uberfrauBATi: do you have Teamviewer?03:33
uberfraumay be quicker if you want to mess around x.x03:33
BATiuberfrau: nope, no teamviewer here...03:33
uberfrauso troubleshooting? >.<03:34
BATiuberfrau: downloading teamviewer...03:35
uberfrauBATi: me too o.o03:35
uberfraui just figure it would be way faster03:35
BATiuberfrau: certainly :)03:35
uberfraui'm at 15percent03:36
uberfrauinternet is slowwww03:36
BATiuberfrau: heh, you should be on my side - CDMA connection only...03:36
uberfraugoing to kitchen, may be a while ;x03:37
BATiuberfrau: installed...03:38
uberfraui'm only at 66% BATi03:43
BATiuberfrau: ok, poke me when ready :)03:44
uberfrauBATi: okay, they gave wine, WINE updated, and the download is complete03:54
BATiuberfrau: and your id is?03:55
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* KhanFused is live-CD testing kubuntu 11.04 pending blowing away v9.10 ... the 'additional drivers' control in v11 says 'no proprietary drivers in use' -- when every version before has detected an NVidia graphics card... has an open-source driver been merged into (k)ubuntu v11.04?04:56
KhanFusedI think a graphics card issue was why the 10.10 live CDs would freeze on my after a few minutes of use04:57
BATiuberfrau: so? does it work?05:06
uberfrauBATi: i'm retarded and can't get it to work :|05:06
BATiuberfrau: what is the problem? system cannot find wireless again?05:07
uberfrauBATi: it sees the network, but i simply can't get it to work05:07
uberfraui've never done wireless stuff in Linux before, can you try it? :\05:07
BATiuberfrau: sure05:07
Andreas_where do i find official help channel05:08
DarthFrogAndreas_: For what?05:09
Andreas_general help --more specific with my network05:10
DarthFrogAndreas_: For Windows?05:10
DarthFrogAndreas_:  You want #ubuntu05:11
SIR_TacoI'm still upset that Vancouver lost05:17
SIR_Tacook, time for bed, good night05:38
aaronthloving the KDE life05:39
uberfrauokay guys, BATi helped me get my driver installed, can someone else help me get the connection to work? :305:56
iuliahello,everybody.could I reinstal ubuntuand keep my home directory?I lost the sound and I thought the simplest method would be to reinstal ubuntu06:06
uberfrauanyone? >.<06:14
iuliahello,everybody.could I reinstal ubuntuand keep my home directory?I lost the sound and I thought the simplest method would be to reinstal ubuntu06:22
ryan_did u reformat ur whole drive?06:23
ryan_and lost sound?06:24
ryan_but the answer is no06:25
ryan_u can install a doul boot and run ur other partition to retrieve ur stuff06:25
iuliaMy HDD was full and the I lost sound.I deleted some stuff,but the sound did not come back06:30
ryan_that don't make sence06:31
ryan_were u playn with other things?06:31
iuliano,not at all06:32
ryan_full hdd don't= dead sound06:32
iuliabut some error mesages appeared on the screen06:32
ryan_what does it read?06:32
iuliaok,so you are saying the two things have nothing to do with each other06:33
ryan_usually no06:33
ryan_full hdd's don 't make failures in operations06:33
ryan_just in operations of hdd needed apps06:34
iuliathen,what could I check to make the sound come back?06:35
uberfrauwireless help? :)07:33
noaXessnormaly in konsole or everywhere you can select a text, single klick  and then with left/right klick paste the selected text anywhere.. but on my kubuntu this won't work.. any idea to enable it?07:38
noaXessuberfrau: wlan help.. aks so we see if we canhelp :)07:38
uberfraunoaXess: just trying to get wireless connection to work, BATi helped me install driver for my wireless network adapter (Linksys AE1000), but idk how to make it work from here :/07:40
noaXessubso the wlan card works but no connection?07:40
LINKSWORD2DarkwingDuck: Greetings...07:44
uberfraunoaXess: i don't know how to connect to the network :|07:50
noaXessuberfrau: you work on kubuntu, right? what about trying with networkmanager applet?07:51
uberfraunoaXess: that's what i've been doing, but it's somewhat complicated by the fact that i cannot see the whole applet because my monitor is defective and part of the screen is non-visible07:52
noaXessuberfrau: aha... more problem than only wlan ;)07:57
uberfraunoaXess: my problem is at the 'waiting for authorization' stage07:57
noaXessuberfrau: i normally use wicd app for wlan... you can install it and need to remove this packages: network-manager07:59
noaXessuberfrau: i do it always like this:   sudo apt-get purge network-manager and after that if all is done > sudo apt-get install wicd07:59
uberfraunoaXess: o_O? elaborate please07:59
noaXessuberfrau: your wlan accesspoint uses WEP?08:00
LINKSWORD2uberfrau: I like your backgrounds in that screenshot.08:00
uberfraunoaXess: idk, how do i check08:00
noaXessso wait with my info about wicd08:00
uberfrauLINKSWORD2: thanks08:00
noaXessuberfrau: see the screenshot08:01
LINKSWORD2How did you get it like that?08:01
uberfrauo_O like what08:01
uberfraui just downloaded it, it's a really good screenshot08:01
uberfraunot sure where it's from, but if i didn't rename it i can give the name to you so you can look for it08:01
LINKSWORD2Yeah, sure.08:02
LINKSWORD2Or you could upload it and I can download it... Of course, when you have time.08:02
uberfrauneaXess: my roomies would have no idea what WEP or any of these acronyms are, so idk08:03
noaXessuber check your wlan settings.. i see on your screenshot that security is WEP... check your accesspoint settings08:03
uberfrauwith what cmd?08:03
noaXessuberfrau: directly on the access point...08:03
noaXessuberfrau: it's your acess point?08:03
uberfraunoaXess: do you mean the physical modem?08:03
noaXessuberfrau: maybe.. if this is also used for wlan08:04
* uberfrau has no idea08:04
uberfrauwlan == wireless? >_>08:04
noaXessuberfrau: you have to check the "what ever" modem/router where the wlan is configured...08:04
noaXessuberfrau: yes.. wlan = wireless lan08:05
uberfraui see08:05
uberfrauwhat should i be looking for? :)08:05
noaXessuberfrau: how are you connected now?08:06
noaXessover cable/lan?08:07
uberfraui'm like 2 feet from the modem, yes08:09
uberfrauso cable08:09
uberfrautrying to get wireless adapter to work so i can move machine into my room, instead of middle of living room on the floor08:09
noaXessuberfrau: go into konsole and enter this command: route08:10
noaXessand then press enter..08:10
noaXessscreenshot please ;)08:10
uberfraunoaXess: here, faster than SS: http://www.pastie.org/private/odaxsumtdhg6pvkq3owog08:13
noaXessuberfrau: ok your router is now try to connect to that IP over your browser/firefox..08:13
noaXessuberfrau: what brand is your router?08:13
uberfraunoaXess, sec08:14
uberfraunoaXess: motorola, and idk how to connect to that address through firefox o_O like what do you mean?08:16
uberfraujust copy+paste it in to the address bar?08:16
noaXessor klick ^08:16
uberfrauit has Qwest modem setup page08:17
uberfrauwat do08:17
noaXessuberfrau: puh... hm... don't need a password?08:17
uberfraunope, just took me to modem configuration page with some icons08:18
noaXessuberfrau: so search anything about wlan/wireless or like that08:18
uberfraunoaXess: wow, i have access to change the key and stuff, i better tell them not to let anyone they don't trust use a laptop here -_-08:21
uberfraulol Macusers08:21
uberfraunoaXess: i think i'm connected now; how do i check to make sure without disconnecting my wired connection?08:23
noaXessuberfrau: hm... what settings now? screenshot of your kubuntu wlan settings08:24
uberfraunoaXess: do route again, or what? :\08:24
uberfrauor do you just want 'network connections' open08:25
noaXessuberfrau: jep08:25
uberfrauthe latter? -_-08:25
uberfrauif it says 'wlan interface' in the top left corner, does that mean i'm connected wirelessly?08:26
noaXessuber not really08:27
noaXessuberfrau: to test.. just unplug your lan cable :)...08:27
uberfraufine, sec08:27
noaXessif wlan is connected you chouls see something like a wlan symbol in systray.. near your clock08:27
noaXessshould ^08:28
uberfrau1problem fixed08:38
uberfrau1except for the uberfrau1 part D:08:39
emilsedghhas Kubuntu stopped shipping a netbook edition?08:46
vasyliiНужен хелп. никак не хочет подключаться к скрытому ssid kubuntu 11.0409:01
vasyliiпереход на wicd не помогает09:02
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:03
amichairdoes kubuntu use the ubuntu fonts by default on a clean installation?09:14
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
LINKSWORD2Hmm.... I may need help....09:28
LINKSWORD2DarkwingDuck: I don't suppose you're awake...09:29
artlaberhi everyone!!09:48
artlaberi need some help, could you please help me?09:48
artlaberthe thing is that i'm using kubuntu and ubuntu on my laptop (acer aspire 4740g) and not so long ago i found out that it kills my hdd...09:49
artlaberthe thing is that if i don't touch any hdparm -B param - the temperature rizes till 60 celsium...09:49
artlaberif i set hdparm -B 252 or lower - the load cycle grows like hell09:50
artlaberin 2 minutes on 40 points09:50
artlaberis there any way not to kill my hdd and not to overheat it?09:50
LINKSWORD2Shut down the computer when you're not using it.09:56
artlaberdamn you are guru of iT :)09:57
artlaberbut u know it's not that funny...my previous laptop burned to hell )) i don't wanna get the same thing with this one09:58
uberfrauartlaber: if you use laptop just at home, maybe one of those cooling fan platforms? :309:59
LINKSWORD2Well, I'm signing off and shutting down for the night.10:02
wildgooseartlaber, Does the cooling fan kick on?10:04
=== mohamed is now known as mamo
mamosalut a tous10:04
artlabersure it does... i've got bios that can't disable the fan and no software controll available... the notebook is fresh only 2 month old10:05
mamoje cherche d'executer un script a la fermeture d'une session10:05
wildgoosemamo, #ubuntu-fr10:07
uberfrauwildgoose: does that chan have many users? :P10:07
wildgooseuberfrau, ~200, not too bad10:08
uberfraui see ^_^10:08
uberfraui was expecting like10:08
uberfrau11 ;D10:08
wildgooseme too, so I checked before I sent mamo10:09
uberfrauso, are IRC people super nice, or is it just linux IRC people o.O10:10
artlaberanybody... please :)... what is the normal value of hdd temperature in working state on laptop in Summer? what are optimal borders of load cycle change per day? thanks in advance10:17
toumboHi to all!!Can I  change between diferent desktop in kubuntu natty as I do in ubuntu natty?How can I do this?10:22
amichairartlaber: dunno about laptops in the summer, but my desktop hdds are usually somewhere between 35-48 deg celsius or so10:24
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ioloHello. What is the "kde-native" application (or applet) to manage ( wireless) connections on KDE? Is it the network-manager-kde package in Ubuntu?12:32
PiotrNnetwork manager is "kde-native" :) it's fully integrated12:35
mohamedje cherche de lancer un script a la fermeture d'une session, Merci12:42
mohamedje cherche de lancer un script a la fermeture d'une session, Merci12:42
ioloThank you, PiotrN. Is it installed by default? Or in what package is it included? I installed Ubuntu first, then did a apt-get install kde-plasma-desktop to install just the bare minimum.12:46
szal!fr | mohamed12:46
ubottumohamed: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:46
PiotrNiolo: i'm not sure if it would be installed like that, but you can add it, just make sure to add related comonents (like plasma widgets ect)12:47
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mohamedje cherche de lancer un script a la fermeture d'une session, Merci12:55
mohamedje cherche de lancer un script a la fermeture d'une session, Merci12:56
szalmohamed:  -> #ubuntu-fr12:59
szalfor the 2nd time12:59
szaland don't repeat yourself12:59
=== federico is now known as Guest72874
chris____can anyone help with a KDE problem?14:23
chris____I installed the ubuntu-display interface to try it out. Now I'm stuck with the Gnome interface and can't revert back to the KDE one14:24
chris____I've been looking on forums, but no dice14:24
scottato start a application without password (alias firestarter)14:25
scottausername ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter ??14:26
scottahelp me14:28
basyIs it possible to configure 1xPC with 2xmonitor, 2xmouse 2xkeyboard to have 2 separated X11 session, each use one display, mouse and keyboard... I want to have something like virtual 2 computers on 1 hardware.. How to config this ? I am on kubuntu, but which chanel i have to ask this question?14:33
basyIs it about Section "ServerLayout" in xorg.conf ??14:36
jonshawI'm having problems installing a couple of games on kubuntu and wondering if anybody is familiar with Heroes Of Newerth and Savage2 on Kubuntu 11.04?14:49
jonshawThey both fail with she same error14:49
jonshaw199096+0 records in14:49
jonshaw388+1 records out14:49
jonshaw199096 bytes (199 kB) copied, 0.0586591 s, 3.4 MB/s14:49
jonshaw(<unknown>:2398): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_text_attributes_ref: assertion `values != NULL' failed14:49
jonshaw(<unknown>:2398): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_text_attributes_ref: assertion `values != NULL' failed14:49
FloodBotK2jonshaw: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:49
jonshawsry for flood14:50
jonshawDoes ANYBODY know how to get games to run on Kubuntu????16:18
jonshawIt seems anything I download and try to install just will not install with the same error every time16:18
Peace-jonshaw: what?16:25
Peace-which game?16:25
jonshawHeroes Of Newerth, Savage2, Steel Storm...16:26
jonshawIt doesn't seem to matter, the installer fails.16:26
Peace-jonshaw: wtf they are exe?16:26
Peace-or windows only?16:26
jonshawsigh... no they're not exe's16:27
jonshawthey are the linux versions16:27
Peace-which is the eorr?16:28
jonshawthey all segfault16:28
Peace-jonshaw: paste the correct error.16:28
Peace-i mean the error or i will not help you.16:29
jonshawjust a sec16:29
Tm_T!ohmy | Peace-16:29
ubottuPeace-: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.16:29
jonshawFor HoN or Savage2 I get the same error:16:29
Peace-Tm_T: ok leave16:30
Peace-i leave16:30
jonshaw199096+0 records in16:30
jonshaw388+1 records out16:30
jonshaw199096 bytes (199 kB) copied, 0.0586591 s, 3.4 MB/s16:30
jonshaw(<unknown>:2398): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_text_attributes_ref: assertion `values != NULL' failed16:30
jonshawSegmentation fault16:30
Tm_TPeace-: I'm not asking you to leave, just donät use that three letter acronym you did earlier16:30
Tm_Tjonshaw: hmm, so installer is segfaulting, does the installer have some debug switch so it would provide more information what is happening?16:32
jonshawNot that I know of16:34
jonshawIt has to be some kind of Gtk/gnome or 32bit dependency issue but I can't find any help16:36
Tm_Tjonshaw: I'm not that convinced that it is necessarily gtk/gnome dependency issue16:37
jonshawIts pretty annoying... the only games that work are directly from the repositories... Its incredibly frustrating and annoying when you download demos of games that simply wont install16:38
jonshawgames makers don't seem to understand: "must work for user"16:39
jonshawIts just ridiculous, you download several games and none of them will install16:39
jonshawand they're supposed to be the linux versions...16:40
DarthFrogjonshaw:  game makers understand "must work for whomever signs the cheque". :-)16:40
jonshawwell... if the demo doesn't work, users aren't so likely to pay for the full version are they...16:40
Peace-jonshaw: have you ati ?16:40
jonshawPeace-: no, nvidia16:40
Peace-jonshaw: driver open or other?16:40
Peace-jonshaw: it semes a video card issue i guess it's the driver16:41
jonshawhow do you figure its a video card issue when the installer wont even run16:41
Peace-jonshaw: could you try to use the standard driver?16:41
Peace-jonshaw: because it's 4 year i use linux?16:41
jonshawI currently have other games installed and working fine like Nexuiz and Amnesia: The Dark Descent16:42
Peace-well that doesn't mean that game has issue with the driver of your invidia16:42
Peace-*has not16:42
Tm_Tsegfault doesn't hint anything towards graphics drivers16:42
Peace-i have found a topic.16:43
jonshawthere's no error coming up relating to graphics issues16:43
Peace-with an ati changin driver fixed the situation.16:43
Peace-ok fix by yourself then :)16:43
jonshawI'm not fixing something that isn't broken16:43
Tm_TPeace-: what did the changing drivers fix? as in, could you post the topic so we could see the context16:44
Peace-it0s not on english16:44
jonshawchanging drivers when my current ones work fine isn't an option16:44
jonshawother games work fine16:45
Tm_TPeace-: still16:45
jonshawNexuiz is quite demanding and I can run the game with everything on high with a very good frame rate16:45
jonshawIf I had a graphics driver issue I'm pretty sure I'd know by now16:46
Peace-well kde is well know had some problem with nvidia16:46
Peace-known  to have16:46
Tm_Tjonshaw: unfortunately the driver issue isn't that simple, but I can't remember seeing drivers causing segfaults16:46
jonshawme neither16:47
jonshawIf I try to install Heroes Of Newerth as root the installer starts but says the game must be installed as a normal user and you are only given an "ok" option to quit16:59
Quintasanjonshaw: Then install it as an normal user17:23
jonshawQuintasan: it fails17:24
Quintasanjonshaw: Any error messagE?17:24
jonshawI posted it earlier17:24
jonshawthe installer fails in normal user mode17:24
Quintasan(<unknown>:2398): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_text_attributes_ref: assertion `values != NULL' failed17:25
Quintasanjonshaw: Can you pastebin the whole log from installator output?17:27
jonshaweverything I posted earlier is everything it gave me17:28
jonshaw199096+0 records in17:29
jonshaw388+1 records out17:29
jonshaw199096 bytes (199 kB) copied, 0.0586591 s, 3.4 MB/s17:29
jonshaw(<unknown>:2398): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_text_attributes_ref: assertion `values != NULL' failed17:29
jonshawSegmentation fault17:29
Quintasanjonshaw: HoNClient-2.0.21.sh ?17:29
Quintasanjonshaw: google yields that you should try the following command in a separate folder -> unzip HoNClient-
Quintasanand then move out data/ folder somewhere17:31
QuintasanUnfortunately I can't find any other solution for that17:31
jonshawunzip doesn't work17:32
jonshawunzip:  cannot find or open HoNClient-2.0.29.sh, HoNClient-2.0.29.sh.zip or HoNClient-2.0.29.sh.ZIP.17:33
jonshawI've heard people saying that but I don't know how they're unzipping/extracting a sh file17:33
Quintasanjonshaw: You told me it's
jonshawgetting a data folder now17:34
Quintasanjonshaw: cd to it and try17:35
QuintasanShould work17:35
Quintasanjonshaw: I'm up for a match if you want :)17:35
jonshawtrying it now17:35
jonshawIT WORKS17:36
FloodBotK2jonshaw: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:36
* jonshaw looks at FloodBotK217:37
QuintasanUrgh, persistent as usual17:37
jonshawty Quintasan17:37
QuintasanNo problem :)17:37
jonshawI don't have an account yet, have to make one17:37
sithlord48does anyone know how to find out what bus a block device is on?17:50
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
ashwini closed the plasma widget that shows desktop items .How can i open it?18:59
ashwin270 users and no reply?19:10
BATiashwin: no reply is a reply too :)))) which widget do you mean? folder view?19:12
ashwinwhich shows items in home/desktop19:13
BATiashwin: simply right click on the desktop, choose unlock widgets, then add widgets, find a folder view widget in shown selector, drag it out onto desktop and customize to your needs either by using "wrench" button or right click menu on widget...19:14
BATiashwin: no problem... and don't forget to lock widgets after you position/resize widget19:16
BATiwell, talking to an empty space in the air - my favorite sport :)19:17
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LINKSWORD2Greetings, all.19:22
=== cp is now known as Guest74695
ovidiushi, all. hope i do not annoy by asking, but is there any news about kde 4.7 in kubuntu ppas (natty)?19:31
Peace-ovidius: kubuntu.org ==> news19:32
Peace-ovidius: if there is not = there is not on ppa19:32
BATiovidius: Peace is right, and last oficial release of KDE is 4.6.4, 4.7 have just one beta for now19:35
ovidiusi know, i was asking for a packaged beta19:36
Peace-ovidius: on kubuntu.org you can get information about ppa too19:36
Peace-ovidius: but.. i guess they was pretty busy with kde 4.6.419:37
Peace-i don't know if there will be a ppa for kde 4.7 right now19:37
ovidiuspeace: thanks. i was just hoping for some news ... if there isn't: no problem19:38
Peace-they was\ were19:39
BATiovidius: only openSUSE binary packages of KDE 4.6.80 (aka 4.7 Beta1) was released AFAIK... but maybe some deep google search will come up with something...19:40
ashwinevery time i open chrome ,kwallet is asking for password19:41
Peace-ashwin: go on chrome settings19:42
BATiovidius: and of course you can "roll your own" from sources :)19:42
Peace-i guess on that you should be able to disable kwallet19:42
Peace-*i guess*19:42
Peace-bye guys19:42
ashwinis there a way i can make chrome "always allow" to kwallet?19:45
jimmy51_is there a keyboard shortcut to view CPU usage (like ctrl alt del in windows)19:46
BATiashwin: maybe give a kde wallet manager a try...19:46
BATijimmy51_: ctrl+esc19:47
jimmy51_BATi: ah, i guess i could sum up those percentages19:47
BATijimmy51_: eeeh, there should be a global shortcut for ksysguard...19:48
ashwinKDE Wallet Configuration shows kontact can always allow to access kwallet,but i cannot add chrome to that list19:49
ovidiusdr3am: salve, amice? quo modo valeas?19:54
BATijimmy51_: cannot find it, but you can always run ksysguard from krunner...19:55
dr3amovidis per me ubuntu è un nuovo mondo, non ti dico il latino ammesso che lo sia19:56
LINKSWORD2dr3am, this is an English chat. Please go to #kubuntu-es for help.19:58
Peace-!italian | dr3am19:58
ubottudr3am: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:58
Peace-dr3am: zio billy19:58
dr3ami'm very very sorry19:58
Peace-no problem19:58
dr3ambye my friend19:59
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jimmy51_BATi: the ctrl esc is good enough...20:32
jimmy51_next question...  when i click to restart it always stops after a bit and asks me to close other sessions.  is there a way to make it be more forceful? or should i just sudo shutdown20:32
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BATijimmy51_: ctrl+alt+pgup should be unconditional restart or was it pgdown?20:36
jimmy51_BATi: doesn't do anything on this machine.20:37
BATijimmy51_: hmm... strange... anyway remote sessions are reported always when doing shutdown/restart, local only when somebody logs in... if it can be disabled, I don't know how20:39
jimmy51_i guess i could always add sudo init 0 or something at the end of my script20:41
BATijimmy51_: hmmm, maybe better would be to find out proper DBus magic for reboot :)20:42
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
smallfoot-i installed a kubuntu guest under a win7 host with virtualbox, then installed guest addons, but still couldnt pick 1920x1200 screen res22:33
lcbhello ladies and respective companions22:45
lcboops, gentlemen22:45
dniMretsaMeveryone's computers must be working perfectly22:53
BATidniMretsaM: working and perfectly don't belong in one sentence, when talking IT :)22:55
dniMretsaMtru that22:55
dniMretsaMbut nobody is on here asking for help, so I can only assume22:56
lcbif i recall right,today,  it's broken keyboard day22:57
dniMretsaMah yes22:58
dniMretsaMforgot about that.22:59
dniMretsaMthey could use voice-to-text though22:59
lcbhmm... you just said a perfect workaround for a lot of people keyboard issue. now is a matter of time because it might be necessary to teach  vtt engine to recognize voice and typing.23:02
lcbnot too much probably.. like 2 days23:02
lcbso in 2 d channel would be back to FloodBotK1 activities.23:03
tacticalhi folks.  what do you think about ubuntu using GNOME by default23:06
tacticaldoes that sound the death bell for kde?23:07
lcbtactical: probably better to ask at #ubuntu23:07
lcbtactical: why death of kde? i used gnome not long ago (and using several flavors of ubuntu) and there is no comparison to kubuntu23:08
tacticalisn't it a huge blow for kde that ubuntu chose not to use it?23:09
lcbtactical: as with gnomte.e... ppl keep using it. it's a matter of tas23:10
lcberr *taste23:11
lcbtactical: kde and kubuntu keeps being the first choice for people who like nice graphical interface23:12
kps_foolcb: +123:12
lcb*nice and efficient...23:12
lcbone thing i noticed, appart from kde, gnome is much alike unity or vice-versa. my opinion.23:14
lcband i'm talking about gnome3, of course23:14
* kps_foo thinks unity sucks...gnome 3 is better than unity...but KDE is the best :P23:18
lcbdniMretsaM: notice this. "<lcb> tactical: as with gnomte.e... ppl keep using it. it's a matter of tas". See? Keyboard issue. sometimes my cursor jumpes like crazy. in this case, part of last word "taste" jumped to the middle of the sentence, near gnome.23:20
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl

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