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mick_laptopdanilos: you in?01:18
wgrantmick_laptop: Unlikely at this hour.01:18
mick_laptopah ok01:19
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jmarsdenWhat is the expected delay time when requesting an import of code into LP/bzr from git?  Minutes?  Hours?  Days?05:03
wgrantjmarsden: Your two should start within a few minutes. I'm not sure how big they are.05:06
jmarsdenSmallish.  Thanks!05:06
wgrantjmarsden: There's a bit more load than usual at the moment, due to some fixes last week that mean more are working, so there's a bit of catching up to do.05:06
wgrantjmarsden: It may be a little while longer than I thought. There's still a backlog of around 200 imports (but it was 3k a couple of days ago, so it's just about caught up)05:17
jmarsdenwgrant: Ah, OK :)  Sounds like I should find something else to do for a while :)05:17
wgrantjmarsden: The actual import should take less than a minute.05:18
jmarsdenwgrant: So... 200 minutes to go before I get my turn, maybe?05:19
wgrantjmarsden: Not quite. One is running now.05:20
jmarsdenHmmm, looks like it just did something to one of them :)05:20
wgrantAlthough it's on an old slow machine :(05:20
wgrantOh, and one's done already.05:20
wgrantAnd indeed took 40s.05:20
wgrantAnd the other is just finishing up.05:20
jmarsdenGreat.  I05:21
StevenKSo the answer is "Minutes"05:21
jmarsdenI'm hoping to make daily build packages for these so we get more testers of the code before an upstream source code release.05:21
wgrantjmarsden: Great! That's the purpose of daily builds :)05:23
jmarsdenI would have tried this sooner, but I only realized the git-to-bzr import thing is what I needed today; I created a recipe before, but for a project where the sources were already in LP bzr...05:24
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Laneyis the syncSource method still not turned on?09:41
Laney(for the likes of me)09:42
wgrantLaney: For the Ubuntu primary archive? No.09:48
wgrantLaney: Copying into there is a much more difficult ordeal that PPA copying, due to overrides and announcements and queues and permissions. But it's just being finished up now.09:48
bigjoolsit's being done for derivatives syncing first09:49
geserI've read "derivatives" several times already but still have no idea what whose are in this context. "forks" of Ubuntu?09:55
jmarsdengeser: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/Derivatives10:10
Laneywgrant: Yeah, OK. I just looked at the devel API docs and saw it there — prompted by the localpackagediffs enablement. Maybe it's been there for ages.10:13
wgrantLaney: It's been there since 2008. It's used between PPAs and by the security team.10:14
wgrantLaney: That page will have a sync button soon.10:14
LaneyI saw the sync button on the dogfood version :-)10:14
wgrantWell, it does already, but it's not enabled yet. Announcements/permissions/overrides/timeouts aren't quite sorted yet.10:14
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: henninge | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
bigjoolsjmarsden: that is not a derivative in the same sense.  We're talking derivatives like Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian.10:46
persiabigjools: Many of the things listed on that page fall into that category (e.g. Fluxbuntu, Nexenta, Mint, Mepis).11:20
bigjoolspersia: ?11:21
* persia fails at timestamps: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/Derivatives vs. LP derivatives. The ones I listed *could* be LP derivatives, if that was present in the past (at least Nexenta would surely have been so)11:22
persiaSorry: it all would have made more sense had I posted 30 minutes earlier.11:24
henningemaxb: Hi!11:31
maxbHi henninge11:31
henningemaxb: I have a question about https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/16157511:31
henningemaxb: The project he mentions seems to be gone. Do you know if anybody took already action?11:32
maxbafk ~15mins rightnow, will look after11:32
henningemaxb: ok, thanks11:32
geserbigjools: are there any LP derivatives currently?11:32
bigjoolsgeser: Ubuntu!11:33
wgranthenninge: pantheon-desktop, not panthon-desktop11:33
henningeah, theses little things11:33
henningethanks wgrant11:33
geserbigjools: if Ubuntu is a LP derivative how does this match that LP derivates get syncSource sooner that the Ubuntu main archive? where did I misunderstood something?11:37
bigjoolsgeser: syncSource is nothing to do with derivatives11:38
bigjoolswe've added a way of syncing between derivatives11:38
bigjoolsat some point I will make syncSource also use that way so that people can push PPA packages into the Ubuntu queue.11:38
wgrant(if the current syncSource backend still exists in 12 months I will be rather sad)11:39
bigjoolsgeser: the upshot, though, is that the actual package copy will get done asynchronously11:40
henningemaxb: nm, it's solved11:40
bigjoolsright now the call returns when the synchronous copy is finished11:40
bigjoolsso it's a bit of a change for clients to deal with11:41
wgrantbigjools: We should probably leave the synchronous API there -- it can be changed to fire off a job and then await completion.11:42
wgrantAssuming we have a message queue...11:42
bigjoolswgrant: no no no11:42
bigjoolsthat will hold webapp threads open11:42
bigjoolsit needs some thought if you want that kind of api11:43
wgrantBut we have to be careful if we are going to break stuff :)11:43
bigjoolssometimes you gotta break some eggs11:43
maxbbigjools: making syncSource asynchronous WILL break lots of API scripts11:57
maxbSo, please don't :-)11:58
bigjoolsmaxb: exactly.  But at the same time when people whinge at me for it timing out, this is the solution :)11:58
maxbPeople wanting to copy 1 source from one PPA to another PPA feels like a pretty common operation, and having success/failure notification is important11:59
bigjoolsit's why I've not enabled any of it yet12:00
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maxbhenninge-lunch: Re "If you want to get rid of it, please turn it over (i.e. change the owner) to registry." - he won't be able to see the project any more, since it is deactivated12:01
henninge-lunchmaxb: oh, I forgot about that12:01
Quintasanmaxb: ping12:28
Quintasanmaxb: https://code.launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde/debian-telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm12:28
QuintasanAny idea what's wrong with that?12:28
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maxbQuintasan: Leading space on the URL :-)  Fixed.12:39
Quintasanmaxb: :O Thanks!12:39
RAOFHm.  I've just got an odd rejection email from launchpad claiming I uploaded mesa/7.10.3-0ubuntu1 to the “guido-iodice-kernel-and-driver” PPA.  I'm quite certain I did not.12:48
bigjools^^ oops12:49
bigjoolsRAOF: someone else reported that bug the other day12:49
wgrantRAOF: Are you mentioned in changed-by?12:49
RAOFI uploaded the package to oneiric?12:50
RAOFMight this be triggered by someone trying to copy that package to their natty PPA?12:51
RAOFFull email is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/62792012:51
bigjoolsyeah probably12:51
wgrantRAOF: Ah, that's a build.12:51
wgrantRAOF: Someone copied without binaries, then quickly deleted it while the build was still going.12:51
bigjoolsthis is the bug that steve fixed I think?12:52
wgrantThis is indeed a StevenK bug.12:52
RAOFOh, yeah.  Should have noticed the _i386.changes.12:52
bigjoolsor a new one?12:52
wgrantbigjools: This was introduced by the refactor.12:52
wgrantbigjools: It's meant to result in a failedtoupload build.12:52
wgrantInstead an email was sent about the upload...12:52
bigjoolsyep - but he fixed something to do with BFN the other day12:52
wgrantNot sure why.12:52
Quintasanmaxb: bzr dailydeb still does not work with source format 3.0 quitl?12:53
wgrantHe fixed something about empty recipient lists.12:53
wgrantOr was there something else?12:53
bigjoolsah that was it12:53
wgrantRAOF: Could you file a bug?12:53
maxbQuintasan: I'm unaware of anything significant changing in that recently - you want to talk to james_w if you want a forecast of what will happen in the future regarding that12:54
QuintasanOh, I see12:54
maxbNew enough versions may, however, force the format to 3.0 (native) if doing so would avoid a build failure12:54
* Quintasan doesnt like taking upstream work and branching it just to change source format to native12:55
maxbQuintasan: Actually, it must just work now, because we're not maintaining any of that sort of branch for the bzr daily ppa12:56
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adeuringhenninge: ^^^12:58
henningeadeuring: Thanks13:01
wgrantDaviey: Hi.13:08
Davieywgrant: Hello!13:08
wgrantDaviey: "The current autogenerated diff per source package doesn't cut it for merges, as it includes the Debian changes.  I want to view just what the merge delta was."13:09
wgrantDaviey: +localpackagediffs provides diffs from base->debian and base->ubuntu. Is that not sufficient?13:09
Davieywgrant: where base is current archive package?13:09
wgrantDaviey: No, the last common ancestor.13:10
wgranteg. assuming we have 1.2-3ubuntu1 in Ubuntu and 1.2-4 in Debian, it will diff between 1.2-3 and each of those.13:10
wgrantSo you can see the changes that were made by each distro.13:10
Davieywgrant: Hmm, let me have another poke.13:13
Davieywgrant: I think that is exactly what i want :)13:14
Davieyjust waiting for the diffs to generate.13:14
wgrantThe cron job is not quite optimally fast yet.13:15
Davieyhmm.. seems to require request per package to generate the diff, no?13:15
StevenKYes, it does.13:15
StevenKThe diffs can be quite large13:15
DavieySo will it be possible for me to say, generate a diff for a Lucid merge that happend?13:16
DavieyAs in, is it a oneiric and future thing.. or retrospective aswell?13:18
Davieyand posible to view delta from the common base of various uploads, rather then just current archive?13:18
DavieyAlso, can i have a moon on a stick please? :)13:18
DavieyHonestly tho, I am really rather impressed with what has been done so far.13:19
DavieyEventually, i'll be deprecated with a script.13:19
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DavieyScottK: Do you realise your discussion on ubuntu-devel regaridng the new diff feature sound awfully like, "This is shit, don't bother"?14:53
DavieyI hope/suspect that isn't the intention, but I did get that taste from it.14:54
ScottKDaviey: From the perspective of a MoM replacement it's currently completely inadequate and that's immediately obvious to the most casual observer.  I don't think the focus of the work was to replace MoM, so this isn't surprising.14:55
ScottKSo I'd say 'it doesn't do this thing it wasn't meant to do' was what I was getting across.14:55
ScottKThe problem isn't the page, but the email suggesting that would be a good place to leave comments about pending merges.14:56
ScottKIf it's desirable for LP to replace MoM in some way then I think it's good to have a discussion about what the requirements are.14:56
DavieyScottK: it's clearly work in process, and a first cut.14:57
ScottKThat discussion needs to be more than "ScottK files bugs."14:57
DavieyScottK: agreed, but leaving a taste of "why bother, it's useless" is not exactly motivating.14:57
DavieyScottK: I agree a discussion is useful, but i don't feel you did that.14:58
ScottKIf there was a 'why bother' in my reply it was why should I bother to file bugs about what it doesn't do that MoM does since it's pretty obvious.14:58
DavieyI also agree that filing bugs is not necessarily the correct solution to have a generic discussion tho.14:58
DavieyScottK: then why not just not enter the discussion?14:58
DavieyThis conversation feels like Deja vu.14:59
ScottKI'm not aware there is one.  The only response from anyone on the LP team was that I should file bugs.14:59
bigjoolsthe intention was to make something useful for OEMs and Linaro15:00
ScottKWhen I tested this feature at UDS the context was about providing tools to allow people to drive their own syncs.  Being a MoM replacement wasn't discussed, IIRC.15:00
ScottKbigjools: Right, so I think it's not at all surprising it doesn't do something it wasn't meant to do.15:01
bigjoolsthere's clearly a lot of work to do to replace MoM15:01
spivDaviey: If the suggestion/implication from the start of the thread to leave comments on that page rather than on MoM was misguided or premature in ScottK's view, then it seems reasonable for him to say so.15:01
bigjoolsbut I intend to supersede MoM at some point15:01
ScottKOK.  Then I think we ought to have a requirements discussion about that for some future (I assume) LEP.15:02
Davieyspiv: Well yes. I agree with that.. but he didn't question IF it was supposed to be a MoM replacement or not?  So surely that goal was not achieved.15:02
DavieyAll i am trying to suggest is, that i felt demotivating reading that mail - and i'm not even a LP developer :)15:03
spivDaviey: well, not demotivating valuable contributors like ScottK is important too :)15:03
spivDaviey: I see what you mean, although my reading of those posts was less harsh than yours I think.15:04
Davieyspiv: ok, great - if i see WIP that is incomplete.. i'll let you know that it is crap.  Please can we have dak back please?15:04
ScottKDaviey: I think you're over-reacting.15:05
ScottKIt's a start.15:05
ScottKOnce the sync button is there it'll be a REALLY useful start for Ubuntu.15:05
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bigjoolsScottK: who can moderate my messages to ubuntu-devel?15:28
ScottKI'm not sure who all can, but cjwatson is one that I know can do it.15:29
bigjoolsok thanks15:29
ScottKyou're welcome.15:29
Davieyi can.15:29
bigjoolsah ok thanks15:30
apwanyone know if you can have more than one "Release URL Pattern" for a project?  for the kernel -rcN's are dropped in a differnt place to main releases and i'd like to include both15:30
Davieybigjools: approved15:30
bigjoolsDaviey: permanently? :)15:30
bigjoolsI might have to reply a few times15:30
Davieybigjools: Sorry, i can't do that :(15:31
bigjoolsoh well15:32
bigjoolsDaviey: so how much of the diff stuff on your email to -devel is relevant after the earlier conversation on here?15:32
nigelbbigjools: cjwatson has the power to do that :)15:33
* nigelb has been approved before15:33
bigjoolsDaviey: packagesets are done BTW, just waiting for a rollout15:34
Davieybigjools: Being able to have historic diff data is useful.. might be out of scope?15:34
Davieynigelb: bigjools was asking about blanket whitelisting15:34
nigelbDaviey: yes, that's what I meant.15:35
bigjoolsDaviey: historic debdiff or version diffs?15:35
nigelbDaviey: I've been blanket whitelisted I believe.15:35
nigelbThis was when I did have to mail devel frequently.15:35
nigelbBut then, I sent a few mails and then got whitelisted15:36
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persiaWhat's the difference between an "ignored" package and a "non-ignored" package on the distroseries derivations page?16:53
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tumbleweedany way to link bugs to specifications via the API? Looks like the UI way isn't AJAX, and $spec.bugs_collection is read-only according to the API docs17:57
SudoKingk so i meant to delete my signature w/ key from ubuntu code of conduct so I could sign it again w/ a new key and clicked deactivate... i don't seem to be able to sign it again18:00
SudoKingI think I figured it out :)18:02
abentleytumbleweed: I don't think there's a way at the moment.19:25
tumbleweedabentley: thanks for confirming that19:26
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