
sowngoldi want to install unity in ubuntu 10.04.2. Can you help me?07:43
vishthorwil: http://twitter.com/#!/conscioususer/status/80303187084587009 , (incase you havnt seen it)13:28
thorwilvish: no, i don't follow twitter. ty. if only there had been some support on the list in discussion with a certain idiot (which motivated me to that post)14:16
vishthorwil: ;p14:16
vishthorwil: yea, i noticed you got angry there, but i guess not having folks counter you is also a good sign ;)14:17
coz_hey.. not to meaning to sound critical,,  but are there any americans on the design team?15:45
vishcoz_: hmm, afaik, nope15:49
coz_vish,   again I dont want to sound critical ,, however,, seems to me,, that at least one representative from each country,, bringing in their own cultural visions,, would be more appropropriate ..15:51
vishcoz_: indeed, might be a good idea.. but depends on what "the appropriate" is :)15:52
vishwhat the fudsickle!! drop box just updated and began to use the indicator!!!15:53
coz_let me check15:53
coz_vish,  not updating here15:54
vish\o/ i'm special!!15:54
coz_vish, :)15:54
vishcoz_: i'm on maverick15:54
coz_vish,  ah ok I am on natty15:54
coz_so I guess mine is already updated :)15:55
vishyea, it was odd watching the icon switch from the notification area to indicator automatically, i dint accept any "Update"15:55
vishi'm loosing control of my sys!! sky is falling!!15:56
coz_vish,  :)15:56
coz_vish,  I was looking at these videos     http://www.youtube.com/celebrateubuntu   when it struck me that the designs are  seemingly  " not catchy"  for my eye.. "cubical"  in a sense,,  I saw an austrailian ubuntu advertisement for 10.10  and it was quite remarkably well done15:57
coz_vish,  I could be in a strange mood today though :)15:58
vishcoz_: IMO, you need to make it your regular mood ;)15:58
coz_vish,  oh?  why is that?15:58
vishcoz_: to find more " not catchy" things :)15:59
coz_vish,  so having a somewhat critical eye is good then I suppose :)15:59
vishcoz_: the BGM is really crappy! i've seen the "Introducing Ubuntu" during UDS and it had a waaay cooler BGM, this one just sucks balls(Cartman) ;p16:02
coz_oh! ok16:10
coz_vish,  I like the "cartman"  reference  :)16:11
coz_vish,  he is truly an evil little kid :)16:12
vishyea! he is awesome!  :)16:12
thorwilthere's this requirement for all the design team people to be in london ...16:59
thorwilthough i'm not sure that that video would be particularly british or european17:01
thorwilmaybe an US video would have to include some talking heads with big wig and be super-sized? ;)17:02
vishi think the BGM was the most lame part of those videos, we have public access TV here and it sounds nearly as lame sound :/17:08
vish with some better BGM it would surely not be so boring..17:09
thorwilyeah, BGM like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0o9Qimfsgo ;)17:39
=== DanRabbit_ is now known as DanRabbit
vishthorwil: hahha!! that would be awesome18:03
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