
Laneypitti: regarding lpi, it would be better to drop the BDs on libmono-2.0-dev and mono-gmcs entirely00:09
TheMusoRAOF: Just reading the merge changelog entry for mesa confirms that specialists need to be handling that part of our system. :p I am sure others think that about audio etc.02:13
TheMusoThats one big lot of changes we carry.02:13
RAOFTheMuso: There are fewer changes conceptually than appear there.  But yeah, we've got quite a lot of changes!02:15
=== asac_ is now known as asac
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Hi Robert, Have you had a chance to look at the suggestions at https://launchpad.net/bugs/793366 ?05:31
ubot2Ubuntu bug 793366 in lightdm "Sets $LANG to invalid value "de"" [Undecided,In progress]05:31
robert_ancellGunnarHj, Hi thanks for that.  I've had a quick look.  I'm just trying to get 0.4.0 out the door, and then it's my top priority for 0.4.105:32
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Ok, then I know. Let me know when you are ready to talk about it. Thanks!05:34
robert_ancellGunnarHj, will do05:37
pitti_Good morning05:38
=== pitti_ is now known as pitti
TheMusoMorning pitti.05:40
lifelessbryce: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric - see the diffs section05:53
brycelifeless, sweet06:10
brycelifeless, 'Add comment'... interesting06:11
robert_ancellRAOF, aha, I think I worked out why my unit tests don't work in a pbuilder...  xcb/xlib tries to connect over TCP/IP first right?  Any ideas how to make something running in a pbuilder definitely run my local X server and not connect outside of the pbuilder?06:33
RAOFrobert_ancell: I think that if you've got DISPLAY set appropriately (ie: to “:0”) xlib should be connecting locally before trying TCP/IP?06:35
* RAOF goes code diving.06:35
robert_ancellit looks like it's using the xauth and connecting to my main xserver06:36
RAOFHm.  You could also try DISPLAY set to “unix:0”.06:40
robert_ancellRAOF, I think the problem is while pbuilder uses a chroot, the chroot is not used for unix sockets.  So it always connects to the host socket06:44
RAOFWell, another option would be to start xvfb on :99 or somesuch?06:45
robert_ancellyes, that works.  So it prefers the host sockets, and falls back to local ones?  It's very weird06:45
robert_ancelloh, no there will be a table in the kernel where the names of each socket are, and that name will be taken by the host first06:47
RAOFI think the latter is correct, yes.06:54
=== warp10` is now known as warp10
pittibonjour Monsieur Bacher08:28
pittihm, is there any CLI way to determine the default value of a gsettings key?08:31
seb128hey pitti, how are you?08:32
pittiI'm great, thanks!08:32
pittihad a challenging training last night, was a bit harder than usual to get out of bed :)08:32
seb128not sure about the default value08:32
seb128you can ask on #gnome-hackers08:32
seb128desrt should know ;-)08:32
pittiok, thanks08:33
* pitti checks the GLib API -- using GI would be fine08:33
pittihm, seems not08:34
pittiok, plan B then08:34
seb128pitti, get out of bed at 5am is difficult, training or not ;-)08:37
pittihey, it's 6 am!08:37
seb128same difference :p08:37
seb128I'm on the late evening side nowadays but 6am would still be at least one hour too early for me ;-)08:39
seb128robert_ancell, hey08:39
robert_ancellseb128, hello08:39
seb128robert_ancell, how is that new lightdm version coming? do you need testing on the current vcs code?08:40
robert_ancellseb128, I'm fighting pbuilder to run the unit tests08:40
seb128robert_ancell, btw I read your meeting logs and set up oneiric retracers yesterday08:40
robert_ancellseb128, that will be a huge help08:40
seb128usually they are not that useful for GNOME that early in the cycle because we are too busy packaging to look at those bugs08:40
seb128but it's true that for new product or things we are actively hacking on they are useful08:41
seb128robert_ancell, sorry that it took a while08:41
seb128pitti, btw do you want bugs about things that take apport down in the bug description formatting?08:43
pittiseb128: yes, at least as a place to discuss them08:43
pittiI wonder what's better, silently ignoring them or stopping on them to fix the bugs08:44
seb128pitti, like08:44
seb128"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apport/crashdb_impl/launchpad.py", line08:44
seb128 751, in _subscribe_triaging_team08:44
pittibest might be to send email about the bugs and go on, I guess08:44
pittioh, please bug me for those, yes08:44
seb128it was doing that yesterday one a bug where the \n got eaten after the previous line08:44
seb128so the Distro..what next to another field rather to be on its line08:44
seb128pitti, ok, thanks08:45
seb128hey rodrigo_, how are you?08:48
seb128how do I set a package on hold? echo "binary hold" | dpkg --set-selection?08:48
seb128or is there a better way?08:48
seb128that seems to do it, let's keep that08:50
pittioh, I didn't know about that08:55
pittiseb128: I usually use apt pinning08:55
pittiseb128: for the retracer chroots?08:55
rodrigo_hi seb128, pitti08:55
pittihey rodrigo_08:56
seb128pitti, yes, to pin down python-httplib2 to a working version08:56
seb128pitti, well, that's easier to do a one line command that to remember the pinning syntax and values to use :p08:56
pittiright, I just didn't know about it08:56
seb128learning every day ;-)08:58
seb128I used before but I had to google to find it back :p08:58
seb128robert_ancell, don't forget to make lightdm read .profile before rolling a new tarball :p09:02
robert_ancellseb128, yeah yeah.  Actually thats in the ubuntu package09:03
seb128robert_ancell, btw is there any process that is likely to have private infos in its gdb dumps?09:03
seb128robert_ancell, just to know if I need to be careful about making lightdm bugs public09:03
robert_ancellseb128, yes, they may contain passwords so don't make public until backtraced (and then should still check if is in trace)09:04
seb128robert_ancell, ok, I don't make bugs public before retracing in any case09:04
seb128robert_ancell, bug #795686 just got a duplicate09:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 795686 in lightdm "lightdm crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79568609:05
seb128 xserver_get_server_type (server=0x0) at xserver.c:10009:05
seb128that's all from recent retracing09:05
robert_ancellseb128, I think it's fixed in 0.4.009:06
seb128chrisccoulson, hey09:12
seb128chrisccoulson, rodrigo_: could one of you have a look to bug #79794709:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 797947 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashes frequently with X protocol error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79794709:12
rodrigo_seb128, looking09:12
seb128slangasek got a stacktrace but I've the feeling it's useless because the libxklavier handler traps the real error or something09:12
seb128chrisccoulson knows better about the libxklavier issue than me I forgot the details09:13
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?09:13
seb128but I think those usually are not libxklavier bug, it's just trapping the error09:13
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm fine thanks, what about you?09:13
seb128can we turn that libxklavier handler off or something?09:13
LLStarksricotz, gnome-shell is making my laptop cry. how do i force notifications for critically low battery situations?09:14
bryceseb128, sounds like we should09:14
chrisccoulsonunfortunately, the stack isn't much use there - the actual error code would be interesting (that's usually printed in the error message when it quits, and it should be on the stack as well)09:14
seb128chrisccoulson, can you remind me why the stack is hijacked by libxklavier? was there anything we could patch to avoid that and get the actual errors?09:16
RAOFLLStarks: I think you'd need to get gnome-power-manager to actually work.09:16
chrisccoulsonseb128, it sets it's own error handler, but it needs to do that so it can catch errors that it legitimately creates09:17
seb128chrisccoulson, so we could have a version without that in a ppa that users could install to get the real stacktrace of their non libxklavier issues?09:17
seb128chrisccoulson, rodrigo_: the actual error he gets is09:17
seb128"The error was 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)'.09:17
seb128  (Details: serial 102079 error_code 8 request_code 2 minor_code 0)"09:17
seb128he said he usually gets it once a day on workspace switching09:18
rodrigo_ugh, those are usually on the X stack, right?09:18
chrisccoulsonrequest code 2 is ChangeWindowAttributes, which doesn't match what is in the stack. so the actual error occurred earlier on :)09:19
chrisccoulsoni think it would be useful to see the stack with --sync09:19
seb128chrisccoulson, I hate those09:19
chrisccoulsonheh :)09:19
seb128rodrigo_, no, usually they turn to be issues on the client side09:20
seb128chrisccoulson tracked a few of those back then when he still had time for desktop work ;-)09:20
seb128chrisccoulson, can you comment on the bug asking what you need?09:21
seb128chrisccoulson, would rebuilding libxklavier without the signal handler help?09:21
seb128it seems that handler gets in the way most of the time, it turns out that those issues are often not libxklavier ones :p09:22
LLStarksraof: as if the low-capacity warnings weren't depressing enough. thanks though.09:27
* pitti -> dentist, bbl09:38
seb128I just discovered evolution-settings09:52
seb128it's quite nice, you just enter your email and password, it figures all the account settings for you09:54
seb128servers, etc09:54
rodrigo_seb128, but the UI is horrible, or it was, haven't run the 3.0 version09:55
* rodrigo_ runs it09:55
rodrigo_yes, as horrible as it was :)09:55
seb128right, but the "new" dialog is just nice09:56
seb128i.e just having to enter your email and having all the server details figured for you09:59
seb128rodrigo_, ok, mcrha fixed the "wrong time is displayed in the meeting reminder dialogs" ;-)10:03
seb128it was a typo in a gconf key name10:03
rodrigo_seb128, yes, that's very nice, what I don't like is the main UI, the list of accounts10:03
seb128it was not seeing that the system tz is used and reading the gconf value10:03
seb128rodrigo_, right, I was not suggesting the dialog is nice, just the "add an account" part10:04
seb128it should be the first run dialog imho :p10:04
seb128just enter your email and password and we done10:04
rodrigo_seb128, yes10:08
rodrigo_need to run some errands, bbiab10:21
jasoncwarnermorning EU folks.10:30
seb128jasoncwarner, evening .au ;-)10:32
jasoncwarnerhey seb12810:33
seb128jasoncwarner, how are you?10:33
jasoncwarnerso, uh, I think I, like, screwed up my machine?10:33
seb128what did you do this time? ;-)10:33
jasoncwarnerI just updated and when I rebooted it put me into Unity-2d with no option to go back to Unity10:34
jasoncwarnerI'm thinking my machine now thinks I don't have the necassary hardware to run it? I'm nvidia on that test machine10:34
jasoncwarner(this is oneiric, fyi)10:34
seb128jasoncwarner, right, didrocks mentioned that linux 3 screwed nvidia yesterday or the day before10:35
jasoncwarnerok... so I'm just in a waiting period now until that gets sorted? or is there something I need to do to get it fixed?10:35
seb128jasoncwarner, check with tseliot he made nvidia updates yesterday10:35
seb128jasoncwarner, otherwise didrock's workaround was to boot the previous kernel10:35
jasoncwarnerseb128: but...but...but...3 is newer than "previous" kernel...it has to be better?10:36
tseliotjasoncwarner: can you boot in recovery mode?10:36
brycejasoncwarner, not really a matter of better... if the kernel ABI changes, nvidia has to be rebuilt else it won't interface with the kernel properly10:37
jasoncwarnertseliot: I can boot, and I boot into unity-2d...I'll check recovery mode when I go back upstairs (test machine is not right next to me right nwo...non-ideal physical layout :( )10:37
seb128jasoncwarner, it's clearly better, it's getting ride of that boring 3d, soon you will be back in real command line ;-)10:37
tseliotjasoncwarner: you could control you machine with ssh ;)10:38
seb128jasoncwarner, having to take stairs to switch between computers seems good physical exercise at least :p10:38
jasoncwarnerseb128: tis true, though, if you've seen me lately, how could one think I need _more_ excercise?! (as a gentle reminder to seb128, 2012 objectives are being written this week...respond with care :) )10:39
jasoncwarnertseliot, seb128 mentioned that you rebuilt nvidia drivers yesterday or so? can I pull those down somewhere?10:40
seb128jasoncwarner, DOH ;-) (indeed!=10:41
tseliotjasoncwarner: just make sure that you have nvidia-current 275.09.07 and the linux-headers for your kernel10:41
tseliotjasoncwarner: that would be a first step. Then I'd like to see the X log, dmesg and the output of dkms status10:41
jasoncwarnerok...let me go upstairs..be back in a bit..thanks10:42
jibeljasoncwarner, there is bug 798007 today with mesa and nvidia, even with the latest nvidia you'll fallback to 2d.10:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 798007 in mesa "[Oneiric] Latest mesa (7.10.3) breaks 3D with nvidia-current" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79800710:50
seb128oh, so it's RAOF breaking things!10:52
alex3fhello, any vala god here?10:55
seb128try #vala on irc.gnome.org10:56
seb128chrisccoulson, nice, your accountsservice patch has already been uploaded to debian10:56
seb128rodrigo_, ^10:56
alex3fthanks seb12810:57
seb128alex3f, yw10:58
mvoalex3f: hey! what are you up to with vala? just curious?10:59
seb128oh, a mvo, hey mvo ;-)11:00
mvohey seb12811:00
alex3fhi mvo :) I'm still stuck at PackageKit + gi + GPtrArray + pygobject :(11:00
alex3fand I wanted to write the same code I'm running in python, but in vala11:01
pittihey jasoncwarner11:01
alex3fto see if the problem isn't inside PackageKit instead of gobject-introspection11:01
mvoalex3f: aha, ok. good luck, your branch is *still* on my high importance todolist, but today I will finally review/merge, I'm sure11:01
mvoalex3f: *nod*11:01
alex3fnp, after the merge, I'll bring the other two left things11:02
alex3fhaven't got the time either *nod*11:02
seb128pitti, wb11:03
tseliotjasoncwarner: what jibel said is correct. So, as a quick fix, I guess you can downgrade mesa11:05
seb128pitti, do you know what happened to the daily iso yesterday?11:16
seb128where is the extra space use coming from?11:16
seb128there daily-live doesn't have isos from < 15 to diff the manifest lists11:17
rodrigo_seb128, my or chrisccoulson's patch?11:17
seb128rodrigo_, yours11:17
sorenseb128: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-June/033495.html perhaps?11:17
rodrigo_ah ok11:17
rodrigo_seb128, can you sync it then?11:17
LLStarksseb128, hybrid iso prep work?11:17
seb128rodrigo_, yes11:17
seb128LLStarks, soren: that email said it would take an extra meg11:17
seb128or did I misread it?11:18
sorenseb128: No, you're right.11:18
LLStarks1MB. still contributing though.11:18
seb128right, though we go from 710 to 720mb there11:19
sorenseb128: Ah, and that would only be starting today.11:19
sorenseb128: And from yesterday->today, it grew 1 MB.11:19
seb128it's something else11:19
pittiseb128: I wonder myself -- today we dropped tomboy and a bunch of libs, and yet it didn't shrink11:19
pittiit even grew by 1 MB or so11:20
seb128pitti, no we didn't11:20
seb128pitti, tomboy etc are still in the current build11:20
seb128well tomboy is in the manifest11:20
ogra_pitti, you uploaded to late for the iso build11:20
pittiah, darn11:20
seb128$ grep tomboy oneiric-desktop-i386.manifest11:20
seb128pitti, ^11:20
sorenseb128: We still have the build logs, though.11:20
* ogra_ was also just looking for tomboy in his manifests 11:20
seb128next build I guess11:21
pittiI did that first thing in the morning11:21
LLStarksspeaking of the hybrid iso... will zsync work fine?11:21
pittino, the manifest does have 1.22911:21
seb128not so weird, didrocks ran into a similar case recently11:22
pittiI can't find it in germinate either11:23
sorenThere's a whole bunch of perl things on the CD now that weren't there two days ago.11:23
seb128pitti, cjwatson had an explanation the other day11:23
soren...and autoconf and automake..11:23
seb128I think it's wrong timing issue11:23
pittiseb128: I'll try a rebuild then11:24
seb128like the lifefs build still had outdated datas or something11:24
pittisoren: uh11:24
pittisoren: there's also some 5 MB of new mono bits on it11:24
sorenpitti: Really? didn't spot that yet.11:24
seb128well those were the 700 to 710 mb though11:24
seb128that's something new11:24
seb128soren, can you pastebin the diff?11:24
* pitti sighs -- 25 MB growth in just a few days, after all the hard work of getting it from 730 to 69811:25
sorenA whole bunch of erlang stuff was added.11:25
pittioh, couchdb?11:25
sorenseb128: I'm working on making it more readable.11:25
seb128soren, thanks11:25
pittidesktopcouch is back11:25
sorenHeh :)11:25
pittifor xdiagnose11:26
seb128desktopcouch is on the CD11:26
pittiwhcih also pulls in python-distutils-extra, and toolchain bits11:26
pittixdiagnose                        | xdiagnose                        | x11-common (Recommends)                  | Bryce Harrington <bryce@ubuntu.com>11:26
seb128bryce, !!! ;-)11:26
pittibryce: ^ could this not use desktopcouch?11:27
sorenThere we go.11:27
pittibryce: also, I guess the python-distutils-extra dependency is unnecessary? (it's a build time tool)11:27
pittioh, also uses python-gtk211:27
seb128could be tjaalton's fault, he did the recent xorg upload ;-)11:28
pittiseb128: I have a feeling that xdiagnose actually came from us, not from Debian11:29
pittiabove pastebin is the delta from alpha-1 to today's daily11:29
seb128+  [ Bryce Harrington ]11:29
seb128+  * apport/source_xorg.py:11:29
seb128+    - Move Failsafe-X out of the xorg package to xdiagnose11:29
seb128+xorg (1:7.6+7ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low11:29
seb128 11:29
seb128I guess11:30
pittihm, that delta doesn't have the xorg bits yet11:31
pittiI suppose the alternate was built before that got published?11:31
seb128pitti, that was uploaded on tuesday11:32
seb128so that would be weird11:32
pittiapt-get source xdiagnose -> no trace of couch there, hmm11:32
sorenIf you scroll down to line ~1700 or thereabouts..11:33
sorenYou see the stuff getting downloaded. Scroll down to see where the gaps are to see what was only downloaded now, but not two days ago.11:33
sorenI've cheated a tiny bit (removed a few lines here and there to make things line up), but it's mostly accurate.11:33
pittiseb128: oh, xdiagnose 0.3 FTBFSed11:34
* pitti looks to fix11:34
seb128soren, the perl stack is pulled in by python-distutils-extra it seems11:36
pittiI'll get that fixed, too11:36
seb128it's all down to the xorg issue11:36
sorenseb128: Yup.11:36
tjaaltonseb128: ah, so xdiagnose pulls a lot of stuff?11:36
pittitjaalton: it's all just an error, not required11:37
tjaaltonpitti: cool11:37
pittiit doesn't even need pysupport/dh_python, there are no python modules11:37
RAOFtseliot: Yeah, you sneakily uploaded a new non-multiarched nvidia-current while I wasn't looking. :)  I've updated the Breaks, and I'll fix the armel build, and upload.11:37
seb128soren, thanks for the pastebin dual column thing ;-) but yeah, it's all down to one issue it seems11:38
seb128so let's wait for pitti to fix it and trigger a new iso build later in the day11:38
tjaaltonpitti: the new xorg upload should actually save a few kb since -video-all pulls in fewer drivers now :)11:39
sorenseb128: Sure thing. I was in the mood for a bit of detective work, apparently :)11:39
tseliotRAOF: yes, thanks. I'll make sure nvidia and fglrx are ready soon so that we won't have to worry about this any more11:39
pittibryce: I push my changes to lp:ubuntu/xdiagnose; is that ok?11:40
RAOFtseliot: The Breaks: will be unversioned this time; once we know what versions of the packages support multiarch we can stick the appropriate versioning on there.11:40
pittiuploaded 0.411:40
seb128pitti, danke11:40
tseliotRAOF: right, as you explained on launchpad. It's a sensible choice, so that we don't have to rebuild mesa every time11:42
seb128rodrigo_, did you plan to fix other issues in accountsservices or do you need feedback from kees on your comments?11:42
rodrigo_seb128, I have a patch for upstream, about the -- thing Kees comments on, should be pushing it as soon as mclasen approves it11:43
rodrigo_seb128, apart from that, yes, need feedback from Kees11:44
seb128rodrigo_, can you add a pointer to your patch and reassign to kees, setting as New?11:44
seb128not sure if he will notice comments otherwise11:44
seb128ok, lunch time11:45
rodrigo_seb128, yes, as soon as I push it, since mclasen told me it looked ok yesterday11:45
seb128rodrigo_, thanks11:45
rodrigo_seb128, just needed some more testing, which I've done today11:45
dpmpitti, chrisccoulson, a bunch of Natty langpacks + Firefoxes have been tested -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA - We don't have feedback for all languages, but as discussed, we need to upload them all to make sure FF appears translated. This is just a heads up that the testing period from the translations side is over, and that the langpacks can be uploaded11:48
chrisccoulsondpm - ok, thanks. they need to wait for the firefox release though11:52
dpmchrisccoulson, yeah, yeah, this was just a fyi that langpacks are ready to go11:52
chrisccoulsondpm - thanks :)11:52
pittidpm: ah, thanks; so I guess we can wait a little longer until ffox is ready11:52
chrisccoulsoni'm glad things have gone smoothly :)11:53
dpmchrisccoulson, np :) do you know roughly when the FF release is planned?11:53
* pitti does another xdiagnose upload to actually make the package work11:53
chrisccoulsondpm - it's meant to be june 21st, i'm not sure if that will slip yet as they did 2 new beta's this week11:54
dpmchrisccoulson, ok, thanks11:54
chrisccoulsonso, it looks like they've done their release build already11:54
chrisccoulsonso i'd imagine we're still on for the 21st11:55
* pitti ports xdiagnose to pygi while he is at it, and the project is still small12:02
pittibryce: FYI, I ported xdiagnose from obsolete pygtk2 to PyGI with GTK3, and pushed to ubuntu:xdiagnose; but this doesn't build right now, I need to fix python-distutils-extra first (which I'll do now)12:07
mptmvo, hi, I'm getting a blank grey window whenever I launch USC 4.0.3. Do you have time to help fix it? :-)12:14
mvompt: wehh - does ps afx show another running s-c that is for some reason sstale?12:15
mptmvo, no, just the one12:16
mpt21074 ?        Sl     5:34 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/software-center12:17
mvompt: and if you kill that (kill 21074 on the terminal)12:17
mptmvo, when running it from a terminal I get the grey window, but the terminal command returns, which seems odd12:17
mptmvo, killing that process closes the window12:17
mptoh, and now relaunching it works fine12:18
mvompt: yeah, so the problem is that one software-center was stuck for some reason (would be nice if you could mail me .cache/software-center/softwarecenter.log)12:21
mvompt: but it had a dbus server still running, so the other s-c tried to contact the dbus server of the hanging ne and exited12:21
mptmvo, logs sent12:26
cjwatsonLLStarks: zsync should continue to work just fine12:27
cjwatsonpitti: have you folks debugged the CD size growth problems I saw in scrollback, or is there more to do?12:27
seb128cjwatson, it's debugged12:28
seb128cjwatson, should be fixed or will once things build12:28
pitticjwatson: the ones for the perl and couchdb/erlang bits, yes12:28
pitticjwatson: not yet the mono growth12:28
seb128do we have the manifests from previous week somewhere?12:29
seb128just to diff what got pull off and in with the updates12:29
seb128well I guess diffing with alpha1 could work12:30
seb128it's just easier to work on a smaller diff12:30
cjwatsonseb128: you might be able to find them by going to http://{cardamom,kapok}.buildd/~buildd/LiveCD/oneiric/ubuntu/ from a DC machine12:35
cjwatsondepends how long ago12:35
seb128cjwatson, ok, thanks12:35
seb128cjwatson, should be around a week or less12:35
cjwatsonseb128: also, the build logs have enough information to reverse-engineer the manifest, more or less12:35
cjwatsonwe should probably log that properly somewhere12:36
pitticjwatson, seb128: also, diff to alpha-1 is not too hard to read, I think: http://paste.ubuntu.com/627891/12:37
pitti(that's not a live .manifest diff, though, but an alternate; but it's more actionable)12:38
pittissl.SSLError: [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:340: error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib12:40
pittiseb128: I just got that from lp-project-upload12:40
pittiseb128: wasn't that the one you got in the retracers as well?12:40
pittihttplib2 downgrade?12:40
seb128pitti, yes12:41
seb128pitti, downgrade python-httplib2 to the natty version12:41
pittithat helped12:42
pittibryce: FYI, p-distutils-extra fixed, so ubuntu:xdiagnose bzr head is good to go12:46
seb128go pitti go12:47
seb128pitti, once those are built can you do an iso spin?12:47
pittipygified GTK3 xdiagnose, here you come!12:47
pittiseb128: the xdiagnose package with the dependencies fix is already published12:48
pittiso I'll start one in a few minues, yes12:48
seb128pitti, thanks12:48
pittiI wanted to do the GI port as a separate upload12:48
seb128cjwatson, is there a way to chroot in a daily-live iso?12:50
seb128(I'm trying to see if I can automate rdepends calls from a script)12:50
cjwatsonwell, you can loop-mount the ISO and then loop-mount casper/filesystem.squashfs?12:51
cjwatsonif you have fuse privileges on the relevant system you might even be able to do that without root using grub-mount :-)12:52
cjwatsonpitti: can you wait for parted 2.3-6ubuntu1 before spinning new ISOs, please?12:52
cjwatsonmight as well have a system that's vaguely installable12:53
seb128cjwatson, thanks, that works fine ;-)12:57
seb128(doing loop mounting, I didn't try grub-mount)12:58
seb128try grub-mount next just to see ;-)12:58
pitticjwatson: sure12:59
pittiso, in an hour13:00
pittisounds like lunch break :)13:00
cjwatsonseb128: it's not entirely POSIX-compatible, but it's fine for read-only work13:02
cjwatson(well, it never will be entirely POSIX, given that it will never support writing ...)13:02
seb128cjwatson, I just want an easy way to do rdepends list for gconf, gtk2 and some other things on the CD image13:02
seb128so read only is fine ;-)13:03
* rodrigo_ -> lunch13:21
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
fta2hi, after an upgrade+reboot, i ended up with unity-2d13:33
fta2oh, unity_support_test crashed13:34
fta2known already?13:34
seb128fta2, nvidia?13:34
seb128yes, known13:34
fta2ok, good13:35
fta2well, sort of13:35
pittiseb128: FYI, building new ubuntu alternate/desktop images now14:17
seb128pitti, thanks14:17
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
sandy|lurkseb128: howdy, just heard the news about Tomboy on the CD14:25
seb128sandy|lurk, hey14:25
sandy|lurkseb128: looked a bit, only issue appears to be that the gconf property editors library has some widgets (that we don't use) that depend on gnome-sharp and bring all that stuff in14:26
sandy|lurkseb128: so we can either just copy the widgets we use into Tomboy source, or see if the gconf-sharp maintainer will just remove that stuff and do a new release14:26
seb128sandy|lurk, right, gconfpeditor is in libgnome2.24-cil which brings the whole old gnome stack in14:26
sandy|lurkseb128: is there a timeframe that would make this really convenient for you?14:26
sandy|lurkor are we already dropped from the CD so it doesn't matter when we do it? :-P14:26
seb128sandy|lurk, you can't really remove the depends, it would break the api compability14:27
seb128sandy|lurk, there is no decision taken about dropping tomboy from the CD once it's ported to new apis14:28
sandy|lurkseb128: I guarantee you that no existing app uses the gnome-sharp-dependent peditors14:28
sandy|lurkbut yeah, we'll just bundle, it is a tiny amount of code14:28
sandy|lurkseb128: sorry, I didn't understand that last bit14:28
sandy|lurkI mean, we can get rid of those dependencies without even porting to gsettings14:29
sandy|lurkand then just port to gsettings when the mono bindings are stable/released14:29
sandy|lurksince you guys are continuing to ship gconf14:29
seb128sandy|lurk, the main issue is that it brings libgnome, ui, bonobo, etc in now so yeah use gconf rather than gconfpeditor would be nice14:30
seb128but I though rodrigo checked with you previous cycle and that you said there was no plan to port to gconf, but rather to gsettings directly when it will have bindings...speaking of which do you know when mono will get gsettings bindings?14:31
sandy|lurkseb128: I believe knocte on the banshee team is planning to have that by the end of the cycle14:32
seb128sandy|lurk, sorry, I meant that we didn't decide to drop tomboy (yet), if it stops pulling old libs in we can put it back14:32
sandy|lurkbut if it's not released, and they bundle or something, we wouldn't want to be stuck doing the asme14:32
sandy|lurkgreat :-)14:32
sandy|lurkwe'll fix asap, hen14:32
sandy|lurkgtg, baby calling14:33
seb128sandy|lurk, we might have other discussions during the cycle to drop mono from the CD though since one options that would bring us the CD space we need (having 2 GTK stacks and some other things put us out of budget)14:33
seb128sandy|lurk, but that's nothing done and that will be only if we find no other way to solve the issues we have14:33
seb128sandy|lurk, thanks for checking with us on the tomboy situation ;-)14:34
seb128sandy|lurk, well I'm pretty sure there will be quite some push back on dropping mono if we suggest it so that's not done, it would not be the first cycle where it's suggested and doesn't happen so let's see14:35
chrisccoulsonheh, is deja dup trying to frighten me in to backing up my files?14:41
chrisccoulson"In the case of a disaster, you would be able to recover them from that backup"14:41
seb128yeah, if you don't opt-in mterry will make sure a disaster happens to your laptop at the rally ;-)14:41
mterrychrisccoulson, exactly.  :)  You hit the new "tell non technical users about backups" feature.  Should have only shown after a month from updating to 19.2 though...14:43
seb128deja-dup apparently backuped my datas yesterday morning, I didn't notice anything out of the notify-osd bubble to say that it finished doing a backup14:43
mterryseb128, good...?14:43
seb128mterry, yes, that's exactly what I'm waiting from a backuper, just be quiet and do the job ;-)14:43
mterryseb128, wait until you've successfully restored to say it did it's job ;)  not that I expect something to go wrong, but that's the crux of the biscuit14:44
seb128mterry, I just wish it was telling me somewhere when he last backup-ed things with success14:45
mterryseb128, it does, go to the preference screen14:45
seb128I did14:45
seb128g-c-c using 100%cpu now14:45
mterryThe overview page should have a line "Last backup:"14:45
mterryseb128, you get that too?  I was wondering what was going on14:46
mterryseb128, so did your "indeed" mean that you now see the "Last backup:" line?14:46
seb128it says "today"14:46
mterryseb128, awesome.  I assume the g-c-c issue is due to the gtk3 bump...14:47
seb128it must have been this morning and not yesterday I got the notification, I was not sure ;-)14:47
seb128mterry, it does eat cpu when switching between categories14:47
mterryseb128, I get it eating cpu just sitting on a preference screen too14:47
mterrybad enough that compiz blacks it out14:47
seb128#6  0x0040a357 in icon_info_ensure_scale_and_pixbuf (icon_info=0xb2814308,14:48
seb128I'm wondering if there is some icon it's busy scaling or something14:48
chrisccoulsonthe evolution messaging indicator only shows a count for the main inbox doesn't it?14:49
seb128chrisccoulson, correct14:49
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm just wondering what to do for thunderbird14:49
seb128mterry, yeah, seems gtk related, either theme or icons14:49
seb128chrisccoulson, check the spec or with mpt perhaps?14:50
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the spec says - name should be set to to the name of the mailbox. If (and only if) there is more than one mailbox with the same name, the mail program should disambiguate them using the account name if possible, e.g. “Inbox (Home)” vs. “Inbox (Yoyodyne)"14:51
chrisccoulsonwhich is how m_conley has already done it14:51
chrisccoulsonbut i'm thinking that if we only show a count for the inbox, then having "Inbox" in the menu seems a little redundant14:51
seb128the screenshot shows other boxes on the wiki though14:52
chrisccoulsonmpt ^^ :)14:52
seb128"one message source item for each mailbox that contains new messages concerning you"14:52
seb128says the wiki14:52
seb128with a maximum of 614:53
chrisccoulsonok, so it seems that evolution is not compliant with the spec :)14:53
seb128so I guess it should display the folder and count for folders with messages14:53
seb128seems not14:53
chrisccoulsoni think thunderbird does the right thing then ;)14:54
m_conleypoints! :D14:54
chrisccoulsonheh :)14:54
seb128well done guys ;-)14:56
mptchrisccoulson, it depends whether you are able to get new-messages counts for individual Thunderbird folders. If you can, show them as separate items. If you can't, show a single count.14:59
chrisccoulsonmpt - ah, ok. thanks15:00
chrisccoulsonshouldn't it be "if you can't, then fix it so you can"? ;)15:01
seb128well, evo does neither of those15:01
seb128it shows a single count but which is the inbox one15:01
seb128not the unreads count15:01
pittiseb128, cjwatson: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110616.1/ -> back to the previous 709 MB, yay15:11
pittithat's still 10 MB more than we had a couple of days ago :/15:12
pittioh, and tomboy and old libs are gone now, and it still didn't shrink15:13
pittiso something else must have grown again, too15:13
seb128pitti, no, they are small15:13
seb128it's like a 1mb win which is what the iso format switch used15:13
pittiit seems cruft piles up faster than we can take it away :/15:13
pittiah, that'd be the alignment, yes15:13
pittibut tomboy alone is already 0.5 MB15:14
dobeypitti: rhythmbox plz :)15:15
pittibutyeah, the rest is small15:15
seb128pitti, right, but those libs are some ten kbs15:15
pittiI guess unseeding gbrainy is no biggue15:15
seb128it's not no15:15
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
pittiso for banshee, who should we ask about this?15:18
pittii. e. who were the persons who advocated it for maverick/natty in the first place?15:19
pittiI remember jcastro15:19
Laneythis is fast going from 'we can bring this back when you do the porting' to 'lets remove mono'15:20
rodrigo_yes, jcastro was the biggest advocate :)15:20
pittiLaney: mono itself would be a nice side effect of course, but my bigger concern is actually to get a GNOME 3 music player15:21
pitti(well, and I love RB)15:21
pittibut I don't want to make this a personal preference15:21
Laneyyou've spoken to upstream about their gtk3 plans?15:21
chrisccoulsoni like banshee15:22
chrisccoulsonbut i would also like space for thunderbird :/15:22
Laneythey said just today that it's hoped for this cycle15:22
pittiwe had a discussion about it some weeks ago, and there was apparently some progress with providing GI support for mono15:22
pittiwhich would unblock the migration for banshee, tomboy, and all the other apps15:22
pittiI haven't spoken to them since then15:22
Laney16/06 14:09:53 <knocte> sandy: migrating to gsettings is in the todo list of the bug to port to gtk3, hopefully will be finished by 2.2 (sept)15:24
seb128Laney, well the issue is rather down to "would having rb and thunderbird" better than what we have now15:24
seb128if we want thunderbird on we will need to make space15:24
seb128we will need to make space without that15:24
seb128and mono is one of the only things we could drop15:25
Laneyif there's nothing anyone can do then just come out and say it15:25
seb128it would be unpleasant but better ideas are welcome15:25
pittiwell, the question should be which music player is better15:25
Laneyit doesn't sound like quality is the primary consideration15:25
seb128pitti, we decided on that previous cycle and that's why we switched15:25
Laneybut space15:25
pittiwe wouldn't want a worse music player to get a different email client15:25
pittiI'm not saying that RB would be worse; I don't personally think it is15:26
pittibut we shouldn't just discuss that in terms of space15:26
seb128Laney, yeah, it's not down to purely merit reasons, we need CD space :-(15:26
pittiotherwise we'd ship abiword and not LibO15:26
seb128well some people think the thunderbird brand and quality would be a strong value for Ubuntu15:27
seb128I've no strong opinion either way15:27
seb128Laney, btw is somebody looking at why the new mono is taking an extra 5mb on the CD?15:29
Laneyi didn't know it was15:29
Laneywhat grew?15:29
seb128I tried to have a look but out of noticing it has some new binaries I've no clue about I don't know why15:29
seb128Laney, http://paste.ubuntu.com/627891/15:29
seb128new binaries15:29
seb128libmono-corlib4.0-cil (1.0 MB)15:30
seb128libmono-system4.0-cil (0.7 MB)15:30
seb128libmono-system-xml4.0-cil (0.4 MB)15:30
Laneyoh we probably have a dual 2.0/4.0 stack15:30
seb128libmono-csharp4.0-cil (0.4 MB)15:30
seb128libmono-security4.0-cil (0.1 MB)15:30
Laneystuff needs rebuilding to get it from 2.0 → 4.015:30
Laneydirecthex is handling it15:30
rodrigo_is mono-introspect the project for bringing the new introspection bindings?15:31
seb128so that should autosort itself over rebuilds?15:31
seb128pitti, ^ well at least that's something15:31
Laneythe 2.0 stuff should fall off15:31
seb128Laney, thanks15:31
pittiah, thanks for the heads-up15:32
Laneydo rebuilds if you want, but start with core stuff first15:32
Laneymono → libraries → apps15:32
pittiso it's more or less an ABI transition15:32
Laneyeverything in main should be without issue15:32
sandy|lurkshould Oneiric alpha 1 work in vmware or vbox? do I get some 2D environment?15:32
Laneyprobably best to coordinate with directhex before doing any rebuilds though15:32
pittii. e. "apt-cache rdepends libmono-corlib2.0-cil" shoudl be empty at some point?15:32
Laneyit's a transition from CLR 2.0 to CLR 4.015:33
seb128sandy|lurk, not sure, it will fallback to unity-2d but it has some issues, you might be better trying a daily15:34
seb128sandy|lurk, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/15:34
rodrigo_hey sandy|lurk15:34
sandy|lurkthanks seb12815:35
rodrigo_sandy|lurk, is mono-introspect the project for bringing the new introspection bindings?15:35
sandy|lurkhi rodrigo_15:35
sandy|lurkrodrigo_: I don't know15:35
sandy|lurksorry, I'm totally out of the loop15:35
rodrigo_sandy|lurk, and if so, is the github repo the correct one?15:35
rodrigo_sandy|lurk, ah, ok, didn't get any answer from alan15:35
sandy|lurkrodrigo_: the guys in #banshee (on gimpnet) are pretty on top of this, it seems15:35
brodersandy|lurk: vmware doesn't support passing through the opengl support needed for unity, but vbox should if you install the guest tools15:35
Laneytry knocte15:35
sandy|lurkmaybe knocte knows?15:35
Laneyor more generally #banshee15:35
brodersandy|lurk: (might need the non-open guest tools)15:36
sandy|lurkbroder: not a problem, I'm actually in OS X for work right now15:36
rodrigo_sandy|lurk, ok, trying15:36
* Laney covers his eyes15:36
seb128\o/ the retracers natty and oneiric queues are empty15:38
rodrigo_hmm, https://github.com/mono/gtk-sharp seems to have support for 3.0, included gio15:41
cyphermoxseb128: dunno, I tried yesterday's daily (today seems to be missing amd64), and lightdm or session startup has issues15:43
cyphermoxsandy|lurk: rodrigo_: ^15:43
seb128how so?15:43
seb128it doesn't autologin but doing enter should work?15:44
cyphermoxafter you login in lightdm, you get thrown back to the text cnsole15:44
pitticyphermox: did you select ubuntu-2d?15:44
cyphermoxisn't there a password?15:44
pitticyphermox: or tried on real iron?15:44
pitticyphermox: it's empty, just press enter15:44
cyphermoxpitti: iron15:44
rodrigo_cyphermox, gnome-session crashing maybe?15:44
cyphermoxheh. maybe that's what I did wrong, I was convinced the password was "ubuntu"15:44
cyphermoxbut yeah, gnome-session was crashing in some way even if I did startx after15:45
cyphermoxI ended up adding ubiquity to .xinitrc and startx again ;)15:45
charlie-tcauser = ubuntu, password = ENTER15:45
charlie-tcahit ENTER, that is15:45
cyphermoxyeah ;)15:45
ftamvo, hi, what exactly are those "short read on buffer copy for backend dpkg-deb" errors about?15:59
jibelcyphermox, I can confirm what you said re lightdm login on live cd. If the user enters a password he's dropped to a console. nice16:00
cyphermoxjibel: well, the password *is* wrong ;)16:00
jibelcyphermox, sure, but that's not a  reason to punish the user with a console only mode.16:01
cyphermoxjibel: indeed16:01
cyphermoxjibel: are you using today's image?16:10
jibelcyphermox, yes16:10
cyphermoxjibel: are you able to partition?16:11
jibelcyphermox, 20110616.116:11
jibelcyphermox, haven't tried, the default test uses the whole drive16:11
jibelcyphermox, anyway the default partitioning scheme works fine.16:12
cyphermoxjibel: that's what I'm trying to do too, but with the 20110615 image because 16 and 16.1 don't have amd6416:12
jibelcyphermox, the fix for the partman is on 20110616.116:13
pittihm, is it just me, or is empathy jabber quite busted? I receive notifications, but the chat window just greys out and uses 100% CPU once you try to send something16:31
pittiand it doesn't display conversations16:31
pittikenvandine: ^ is that related to the telepathy-indicator bits by chance?16:31
kenvandineshouldn't be... but perhaps16:32
kenvandineactually no16:32
kenvandineit couldn't cause the chat window to grey out16:32
pittiwell, if it works for other people, I'll some more debugging16:33
kenvandinei haven't restarted since updating today...16:33
pittiit's not new from today, it started a couple of days ago16:34
kenvandineoh, interesting16:34
kenvandinenot sure... i am actually running empathy 3.1.2 now, which i think is still in depwait on the new folks to get out of binNEW16:35
kenvandinepitti, thx :)16:40
rodrigo_ugh, toothache is starting to be unbearable, bbl16:46
pittirodrigo_: get well soon!16:48
* pitti sympathizes with rodrigo_, was at the dentist today as well16:48
pittiscary people!16:48
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
mvoI do the vte merge now if nobody minds17:01
seb128stupid question, but can a source v1 package use a .tar.bz2 orig?17:15
seb128it's ignoring the .orig.tar.bz2 and doing a native source build17:15
Laneyno, gz only17:16
pittiseb128: what's wrong with 3.0 (quilt)?17:18
seb128pitti, I'm doing the unity update and it's full source in vcs17:19
pittiseb128: bzr, bzr bd-do/uscan will automatically create a .gz from the .bz2, but that's not what we want, i guess17:19
seb128oh and also I think whatever dx is using for their daily builds didn't like source v317:19
seb128well anyway I will tar xjf; tar czf17:20
pittiI assumed it was GNOME now not releasing tar.gz any more17:20
pittigzip -cd tar.gz | bzip2 -9 > tar.bz2 should do, no reason to regenerate the .tar17:20
pittibut anyway17:20
seb128I guess that's what didrocks does usually17:20
pittiif DX wants orig.tar.gz, why don't they release tar.gz?17:20
seb128I think DX doesn't care about the format17:21
seb128it's didrocks who does the packaging17:21
pittidinner, back for TB meeting17:21
seb128but since he's offline I will just do that update and sort it with him later17:21
seb128pitti, see you17:21
LLStarksseb128, as per the discussion last night. the erlang, python dist, and couch stuff is gone again, right?17:54
seb128LLStarks, hum, I was not sure yesterday for a discussion about that, we investigated this afternoon though and fixed it yes17:56
LLStarkshehe timezones. thanks.17:58
seb128ok, new unity uploaded to oneiric18:04
seb128there is a launcher autohide bug though18:04
seb128bug #79831818:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 798318 in unity "launcher autohidding is failing with 3.8.16" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79831818:04
seb128so I've not uploaded as a sru yet18:04
seb128but I've done a natty upload to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa18:04
seb128if people want to test it18:05
seb128dx is working on a fix for the issue and if no other bug is raised on oneiric we might get the sru done tomorrow18:05
LLStarkswill do. this is for sru2, right?18:09
seb128what is the ppa is the sru candidate18:10
seb128since I've found the bug I pointed before I didn't bother uploading for SRU, we will need a patch for it so waiting on that18:10
seb128so testing is welcome to make sure there are no other bug ;-)18:11
LLStarkskinda sad that unatty needs such aggressive SRU fixes, but that's a 26 week dev cycle for ya18:13
dobeysad because natty got firefox 5.0 as an sru? :)18:33
broderi don't think there's anything sad about SRUs18:33
dobeybroder: only if you're a developer trying to get certain updates in :)18:34
broderdobey: no, i think SRUs are great as an end user18:35
broderand i think they're great for anybody who's not crazy enough to run dev releases (which is almost everybody)18:35
micahgdobey: no, it will be a security update...18:36
micahgdobey: the security team has the right to use proposed for extended testing and I will be taking advantage of that18:36
dobeymicahg: ah, i guess that's why i got it then. didn't see where it came from exactly. but alas18:39
micahgdobey: it's only in -proposed at the moment (at least it better be :))18:39
dobeybroder: yes, but as a developer trying to get certain chanes into SRU, it can be a hassle. :)18:39
dobeymicahg: right, i'm pretty sure i have -proposed enabled and just forgot about it :)18:40
pittiplease someone say that they can read me19:04
micahgpitti: I can read you :)19:04
* pitti haven't had a TB meeting yet where nobody at all turned up19:04
pittimicahg: thanks :)19:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - i can't read you ;)19:08
* pitti ^5s chrisccoulson19:09
chrisccoulsonheh :)19:09
brycepitti, awesome, thanks!19:39
pittihey bryce, good morning19:39
pittibryce: later I noticed that there's an lp:xdiagnose branch which looks like being the packaging branch19:39
pittiI didn't see it at first, as there's no Vcs-Bzr:19:40
pittibryce: do you rather want to use this instead? I could replay the commits into that, and propose a merge (I can't commit to lp:xdiagnose)19:40
brycepitti, yeah I should add that19:40
brycepitti, it's both the main branch and packaging, I haven't split them out (perhaps they should?)19:42
pittibryce: if you split it, then we can just as well use the standard ubuntu:xdiagnose branch, I guess?19:42
pittibryce: but right now it is versioned as ubuntu native, so splitting the branch sounds too complicated to me; but it's your baby, set it up as you like19:43
=== ArneGoet1e is now known as ArneGoetje
brycepitti, yeah let's keep it simple.  I can give you commit access to lp:xdiagnose19:46
bryce(I think...)19:47
brycepitti, actually, yeah just propose a merge, that's probably easiest19:49
pittibryce: done, https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/xdiagnose/oneiric/+merge/6488620:02
pittibryce: perhaps you can pull from lp:~pitti/xdiagnose/oneiric instead of merging, to retain a clean history20:03
brycepitti, ok20:03
brycepitti, thanks for converting to dh7 btw, that was on my todo list today :-)20:06
pittibryce: no problem, it was quite easy, and actually required to make the package work20:06
pittibefore it didn't install any of the upstream parts20:06
pittiit's much easier now20:06
pittijust a boilerplate standard python 4-line debian/rules20:07
pittiTTFN, have a nice evening everyone!20:07
kenvandinegood night pitti20:07
brycepitti, night!20:09
cyphermoxhey bryce, i saw your email about the diffs between packages earlier, really nice :)20:14
brycecyphermox, thanks20:19
cyphermoxoh yay, finally got nm-applet in more than one user at the same time.20:33
cjwatsonlooking at bug 79766921:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 797669 in casper "No autologin on live session with lightdm" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79766921:18
cjwatsonseb128 says that the conffile will be /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf in the next update (it's currently /etc/lightdm.conf)21:18
cjwatsonI don't want to have to keep moving this around in casper and other bits of the installer - I'd rather wait for the location to settle and then use that21:18
cjwatsonwhen's that next update going to be?21:19
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mterryis empathy chat broken for anyone else?22:21
TheMusocjwatson: Robert said he plans updating this week, so likely uploaded today Australian EST.22:31
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
cyphermoxmterry: yes, empathy is broken majorly for me, too22:33
mterrycyphermox, ever since the gtk3 update22:33
cyphermoxI try to type, it hangs; I kill chat windows, it eventually somewhat unfreezes and starts showing e.g. notifications22:33
cyphermoxahh, thanks for closing the nm task on the 0.9 API bug22:35
cjwatsonTheMuso: OK, that's soon enough I guess then22:40
TheMusokenvandine: Just a heads up, it seems that services/Makefile is missing from configure.ac in your new libgwibber. I'd send a patch, but its so trivial that its quicker to let you know about it.23:25
TheMusoHowever, I can send a merge proposal/patch.23:26

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