
directhexi need a no-change rebuild of antlr for the current mono transition. i lack upload powers for it, since it's only marginally monoish00:01
Viper550Does anyone know how exactly to change the gtk theme on lightdm?00:04
Rioting_Pacifistam i right in thinking pre-up and pre-down are no longer called in 11.04?00:25
Laneydirecthex: ajmitch can do such!00:25
directhexLaney: why hasn't he done it already? >8\/00:26
TheMusodirecthex: I'll take care of it for you.00:27
directhexTheMuso: thanks00:27
directhexTheMuso: i've test-built it, so it should be fine & dandy with just a rebuild00:27
TheMusodirecthex: What should I be mentioning in the changelog? You said its for the mono transition, but do you want anything more specific?00:27
TheMusoI'll test build again to be sure.00:28
directhexTheMuso: the Mono CLR 4.0 class library, more specifically. or something along those lines. just make sure it has "4.0" in it somewhere00:29
TheMusourm ok. I'm trying to parse that with lttle success.00:29
ajmitchLaney: eh what?00:29
Laneyajmitch: just trolling you00:31
Laneycarry on :)00:31
* Laney cuddles you00:31
ajmitchdirecthex: sorry I'm too slow to help you00:31
Laneywhat in the world is going on00:32
Laneya huge crowd of people have descended upon the street00:32
Laneythey appear to be filming something00:33
TheMusodirecthex: Ok, I see what change with the rebuild, and your message makes sense now. Will upload.00:34
TheMusodirecthex: Done.00:43
Laneycd ..00:47
directhexTheMuso: thanks00:47
directhexTheMuso: that should make a dent on the transition00:48
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pitti_Good morning05:38
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macoev: can you re-review that merge proposal? i made the requested changes. users in bug report are getting all smart-alecky *sigh*05:45
ScottKIs smart alecky users going to slow him down or speed him up?05:47
macoScottK: not sure. they're being smart alecky at me not him though05:50
maco"fix it or find someone smart enough to do so" they say05:50
macozomg its been two whole weeks05:51
macoyeah yeah i closed a 4-digit bug 2 weeks ago05:51
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found05:51
macosheesh, a bit of perspective...05:51
ScottKRight, so I'm confused how he's supposed to find that motivational?  He might just get popcorn and enjoy the show.05:58
micahgcan I get an AA to reject the rdscli in the queue, smoser has made some changes that I asked for and I'm waiting for one more before uploading06:00
micahgit's in NEW for oneiric06:01
ScottKmicahg: Done.06:03
micahgScottK: thanks06:03
ScottKYou're welcome.06:03
RoAkSoAxis the archive admin that rejected rdscli around?06:08
RoAkSoAxmicahg: ideas.. you commented on it06:09
ScottKRoAkSoAx: Read the backscroll.06:09
RoAkSoAxahh i just read06:09
RoAkSoAxmicahg: well I reviewed it and IMHO it could have been accepted with the warnings06:10
RoAkSoAxScottK: od you have time to review resource-agents and fence-agents06:10
ScottKNo.  Just about to go to bed.06:10
RoAkSoAxScottK: no worries then, thanks ;)06:10
micahgRoAkSoAx: I didn't see a second ACK, so I thought I'd review it since you uploaded it already, it needed some fixing and we weren't near a freeze, so I thought fixing before hitting the archive was a good idea06:11
RoAkSoAxmicahg: yeah well warnings are not a big of a deal atm .. I'm not in my main computer but they were only manpages and few spelling errors that seemed to not being fixable06:13
RoAkSoAxbut from my point of view no reason to reject the upload06:13
micahgRoAkSoAx: right, some were debian/control fixes, also, no instructions on how to update the package06:13
RoAkSoAxmicahg: yeah 1 spelling one description might be too short which I thought that the description couldn't get any bigger06:14
RoAkSoAxbecause there was nothing more to say06:15
RoAkSoAxbut no deal breaker IMHO06:15
micahgRoAkSoAx: yeah, I wasn't worried about that one, more the duplicate depends fields, build-dep on quilt, and various other things, if we were near a freeze, I would agree, but it's good practice for the packager to learn these things :)06:15
RoAkSoAxmicahg: the source format is 3.0 quilt, it doesn't need quilt as a dependency :)06:17
micahgRoAkSoAx: right, but it had one before :)06:18
micahgalso, apparently the depends list was short, his second version has a lot more06:19
RoAkSoAxmicahg: i guess the weird thing is that I dind't see all those warnings that were showed to you :S06:21
micahgRoAkSoAx: I have an alias called super_lintian that I run for new packages: lintian -iIEv --pedantic06:22
micahgI run it on the source and binary packages06:22
RoAkSoAxmicahg: k, will recheck that tomorrow06:23
micahgRoAkSoAx: could you get it to build in a clean env on i386 oneiric?06:23
micahgthat was the one thing troubling me, I got it to build on my amd64 machine, but in my oneiric i386 sbuild I get JavaVM initialization errors06:23
RoAkSoAxmicahg: yeah it was working fine for me06:28
micahgk, I figured as much06:28
RoAkSoAxmicahg: i'll recheck everything tomorrow on clean pbuilders06:28
micahgRoAkSoAx: k, ACK from me once it has README.source06:28
RoAkSoAxmicahg: thanks for reviweing it btw... :)06:28
micahgRoAkSoAx: no problem06:29
micahgRoAkSoAx: and sorry, I should have subscribed you to the bug so you knew what was going on06:31
RoAkSoAxmicahg: no worries :)06:32
RoAkSoAxmicahg: i was just surprised of all those lintian warnings that you saw which i didn't06:33
micahgI also ran it with oneiric's lintian since that's where I built it, normally would've been on natty06:34
RoAkSoAxmicahg: maybe that's the difference cause I did it in natty06:35
RoAkSoAxmy external screens are kind amessed up with oneiric06:35
RoAkSoAxsince I work from external monitors06:36
micahgah, I'm on laptops at the moment06:36
RoAkSoAxmicahg: yeah me too, one running natty and one oneiric06:36
RoAkSoAxand a thjird one as a oneiric home server06:36
micahgyep, that's what I have06:36
RoAkSoAxI usually work remotely since the oneiric one external display ability is broekn06:37
RoAkSoAxmicahg: but anyways, im off to bed06:39
RoAkSoAxhave a good one06:39
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diwicdoko_, apw asked me to ping you about bug 78903108:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 789031 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu) "Built-in ASM constraint "rm" does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78903108:33
apwdoko_, i have this odd feeling we've seen this either a fix in the kernel to work round it, or i saw it on a gcc upload, can you remember08:34
apwdiwic, does the code work ok on the 4.6 compiler ?08:34
diwicapw, let me check08:34
diwichmm, 4.6 does not ship with natty it seems08:35
apwdiwic, sadly not, there are onieiric chroots on tangerine08:35
diwicapw, perhaps you could give it a shot quicker than I, there is a test.c in the bug08:36
apwdiwic, i cannot trigger the error on any version of the compiler right now08:41
apwdiwic, can you confirm you gcc-4.5 version for me ?08:43
apwPackage: gcc 4:4.5.2-1ubuntu308:43
diwicapw, really? It triggers here with gcc 4.5.2-8ubuntu408:43
apwdiwic, 64 or 32 bit ?08:44
diwic32 bit08:44
diwicworks fine on amd6408:44
apwdiwic, better, ok08:44
diwicat least this example (amd64 has more registers)08:44
diwicapw, yeah, that's the same package version as I have here08:45
apwdiwic, ok 4.6 shows the same behaviour08:45
apwdiwic, and gcc-4.4 in lucid too08:47
diwicseems doko_ is not around atm08:48
diwicdoko_, actually in pulseaudio the problem was worse, it allocated one "r" and one "rm" into the same register, so it compiled it but generated faulty code :-(08:49
diwicapw, ok but I guess I've done what I can now? Just want to make sure that someone looks at the bug at some not too distant point in the future08:52
apwdiwic, yep08:52
dholbachgood morning08:54
dholbachRoAkSoAx, Happy Birthday! :)08:56
seb128slangasek, hi, could you copy the xerror message you get with that g-s-d issue?09:16
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seb128oh, it's in the gtk bug you opened yesterday09:17
evmaco: sure thing, on it now09:49
evmaco: done. It'll go out with the next ubiqutiy09:54
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brendand_does anyone know what NetworkManager state 'locally connected' 50 means11:25
brendand_i guessed at local ip available but no global ip11:25
brendand_but if i connect to my router when it has no internet connection i still get 70 back11:25
brendand_global connection11:25
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dokojhunt_: libnih now built on armel. not sure if you want to build upstart with standard compiler flags too12:39
* ogra_ hugs doko for that 12:50
mr_pouitcjwatson: looking at *.manifest files, xfce packages are here, so I guess your fix worked. Thanks!13:08
adityahi there13:09
adityaunity geeks ther?13:09
abhinav-aditya: may be #ayatana will be a better place13:12
adityano problems13:12
cjwatsonmr_pouit: good good13:21
adityaany new issues guys?13:23
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abhinav-aditya: what are you looking for ?13:27
adityaam new to this group , just want to get into ubuntu development13:28
abhinav-ah ok. Welcome :)13:28
adityaany group talks going on presently?13:29
abhinav-aditya: there will be Ubuntu Developer Week in July, that is very helpful for new comers to Ubuntu development13:30
adityaare you abhinav upadhyay by any chance?13:31
abhinav-aditya: you might want to go through this to set up your development environment. dholbach even did a video on ustream for this, you may search for it. It's a good place to start with13:35
vish!development | aditya13:37
ubottuaditya: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment13:37
smosermicahg, i'll add a README.source file.13:37
adityathanx ubottu13:38
smoserif you, or anyone, can write a uscan that parses output of http://s3.amazonaws.com/rds-downloads/ that would be what needs to be done.13:38
smoseri think the issue i ran into before was that there are no line breaks.13:39
bdrungwhom should i ask to get a proposed package accepted?13:41
Laneyhow long has it been?13:42
persiasmoser: You could create a small AWS service that did XSLT on that to make it standard uscan input format :)13:42
bdrungLaney: a few days13:42
bdrungtwo to be precise13:43
smoserindeed.  i would think i could probably add support to uscan, but it would be very limited in use (other than the half a dozen or so packages from amazon that do this).13:43
* mok0 is damned annoyed that installing drupal6 forces mysql to be installed. I use postgresql13:44
persiaFor sourceforge, I think the conclusion was that it was easier to create a translation service than to add parsing to uscan, but you may find the converse to be true.13:45
dokojamespage: just to clarify, were the fop dependencies included in the MIR review?13:55
seb128cjwatson, bug #797669, I'm just pointing it in case you didn't notice it, should probably be milestoned for the next alpha?14:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 797669 in casper (Ubuntu Oneiric) "No autologin on live session with lightdm" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79766914:01
jamespagedoko: I've not reviewed the additional dependencies added to the MIR since SpamapS raised the original bug report14:13
jamespagethats batik, libsaxon-java and xmlgraphics-commons14:14
dokoyes, set to incomplete for now14:15
cjwatsonseb128: ok14:23
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ntr0pyI am trying to get proftpd to authenticate users against a postgresql db and i am missing "mod_sql_passwd.c" for "SQLPasswordEngine" directive... Does somebody know where it did go?14:33
directhexntr0py, you have proftpd-mod-pgsql installed?14:34
directhexmod_sql_passwd.so is in the proftpd-basic package14:36
ntr0pydirecthex: for maverick it is not in there...14:38
directhexthis isn't an end-user support channel, and maverick isn't really something anyone's thinking about anymore in development terms14:39
ntr0pydirecthex: ok thanks i found it in natty package, i will try to compile it for maverick14:40
macoev: thanks14:49
RoAkSoAxdholbach thank you!!!14:49
bdrungcjwatson: can you have a look at the vlc sru upload?14:52
bdrungcjwatson: and set this branch to merged: https://code.launchpad.net/~druke/ubuntu/natty/g15daemon/bug-657598/+merge/64168 ?14:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 64168 in kdebase (Ubuntu) "KDE clipboard used with Openoffice does not support Umlauts" [Low,Fix released]14:52
cjwatsonboth will have to wait until this CD has synced so I have bearable bandwidth again14:53
cjwatsonI'm doing minimal-bandwidth things in the meantime ...14:54
bdrungcjwatson: even for setting a merge proposal status?14:54
cjwatsonbdrung: well, the page ain't loading, so apparently so15:02
goof2092pitti: when you have the please review Language Pack bug report #796591 for Bemba15:03
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mterrypoolie, heyo, are you still involved with librsync at all?15:15
pittihello goof209215:16
pittigoof2092: I replied in the bug15:18
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jcastroev: any chance you have screenshots the screens that come after each of the choices in the installer? Basically a step by step for each available choice a user can pic?15:37
mterrybarry, to port a package to dh_python2, all packages that put files into the same toplevel module need to be ported at the same time?16:04
barrymterry: yep, all subpackages of the same namespace package must be ported at the same time.  e.g. all lazr.* or zope.*16:05
mterrybarry, ok.  Then I need to do futz with the dependencies to make sure that a user doesn't only get half the upgrade?16:06
barrymterry: good question.  i think if you upload all the ported packages at the same time, there'll be only a small window where they could get screwed, which probably isn't enough to worry about.  but maybe i'm missing something16:07
seb128barry, yeah, you miss partial upgrades16:07
mterryseb128, you're saying we don't worry about those?16:07
seb128like users doing an apt-get install binary and not a dist-upgrade16:07
barryseb128: ah, yeah thanks16:08
seb128mterry, I'm not saying that ;-)16:08
barryseb128: how do you suggest we handle these upgrade dependencies?16:08
seb128well ideally you would Breaks:.... on all the things you actually break16:08
mterryseb128, that sounds more like you  :)16:08
seb128not sure how practical it is for that python transition16:09
barrymterry: i guess it's a good question to ask on ubuntu-devel and see what people think.  i'm working on a critical bug atm so don't have time to do that.  could you?16:09
mterrybarry, sure16:10
barrymterry: thanks!16:10
mterrydoko, the ubuntuone python package set is a big, lockstep upgrade to dh_python2.  How about I trade you 2 other packages for ubuntuone-couch?  :)16:18
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dokomterry: I don't mind if it's now. just be aware that it stays on your radar16:25
dokobarry, seb128: well, we don't support partial upgrades, or did that change?16:26
seb128I don't know if we have an official position on that16:26
seb128I usually try to get things to not break in partial upgrades for desktop but I'm not sure if we say that we support those or not16:27
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cjwatsondoko: I've never heard any official statement that we don't support partial upgrades.  IMO it's silly *not* to support partial upgrades to at least some extent because somebody's bound to run into it and file a bug and why wouldn't we want to avoid that?16:44
cjwatsonnot supporting systems that are half karmic and half maverick or something is a different matter, but that's a much weaker statement16:45
cjwatsonbdrung: marked that g15daemon branch as merged now16:46
mterrypitti, thanks for the awesome dh_python2 tip16:46
cjwatsonbdrung: looks like somebody dealt with the vlc SRUs?16:46
pittimterry: glad that I could recycle it :)16:46
bdrungcjwatson: no, i was talking about 1.1.9-1ubuntu1.216:48
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cjwatsonbdrung: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html isn't showing any vlc package in -proposed and nothing in any of the upload queues, so you're going to need to give me more detail if you want me to do something, I think16:51
cjwatsonpitti: I'm reviewing the status of the grub2/lupin SRUs16:52
bdrungcjwatson: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=16:52
cjwatsonpitti: bug 610898 has now been verified on both lucid and maverick, and I've marked it v-done16:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 610898 in Wubi "grub-pc upgrade renders computer unbootable when Wubi is installed to partition other than Windows" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61089816:53
cjwatsonpitti: I think the testing there is almost certainly sufficient to cover bug 695290 and bug 742967 as well; do you agree?16:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 695290 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "10_lupin case problem with ntfs UUIDs" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69529016:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 742967 in Wubi "Wubi grub prompt on install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74296716:53
cjwatsonpitti: then we can unblock bug 687501 and we're good to go16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 687501 in OEM Priority Project "when installer is multipath aware, grub fails to install" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68750116:54
pitticjwatson: yes, for regression testing that's certainly more than we usually get, so I'm fine with moving this to -updates16:56
cjwatsonexcellent, I'll mark those bugs then16:57
cjwatsonlupin has to move at the same time16:57
cjwatsonbdrung: looking now, then17:00
cyrildzhi all17:01
cyrildzI'm new here17:01
cyrildzI'm an ubuntu user and I want to start programming17:01
cyrildzI don't know where  nor how to start17:02
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cyrildzIf I am on the wrong place , please let me know17:02
cyrildzI 'm very interested in C/C++17:03
cjwatsonbdrung: OK, approved, thanks17:04
cyrildzI have learnt stuff on C/C++ , I like the Object Oriented approche of C++ and now I want to jump ahead a do something real17:04
cyrildza bit of help to where to look  would be welcome17:05
cjwatsoncyrildz: this isn't really a help-you-get-started-programming channel - perhaps try #ubuntu-app-devel, or a specialist C or C++ channel (though I can't recommend one)?17:07
cyrildzthanks , I will have a look a this17:08
bdrungcjwatson: thanks17:10
jibelcjwatson, latest alternate build failed to install see bug 798306. I filed it against debian-installer but from the error it looks more like debconf. It is reproducible.17:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 798306 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "unable to install the selected kernel with oneiric-alternate-i386 20110616.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79830617:20
smoserpersia, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/oneiric/devscripts/lp-798293/+merge/64857 is to add S3 bucket listing support to uscan17:21
cjwatsonjibel: thanks, I'll have a look.  I think I probably need to seed debconf-i18n17:21
persiasmoser, Heh.  That was fast.  Nice!17:21
* Quintasan does that way too often17:41
jdstrandDaviey: fyi, I am finalizing the patch to fix bug #795800. I should be uploading it to Ubuntu today (tomorrow at the latest) as well as submitting the patch upstream18:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 795800 in libvirt (Ubuntu Oneiric) "virsh save fails on oneiric when the apparmor security driver is enabled" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79580018:23
Davieyjdstrand: Ah super.. I understand zul was looking at the libvirt merge, but wanted you to peer review it? :)18:24
jdstrandDaviey: last I heard, I reviewed hallyn's merge, uploaded it and then zul was asked to test said merge against Ubuntu Cloud18:25
zuljdstrand: yeah there is a newer version in debian now though18:26
jdstrandDaviey: if he is doing an 0.9.2 merge, I can review it and add my patch to fix the bug to it during the review18:26
Davieysounds like a plan!18:26
zuljdstrand: ill talk about it to you later, im kind of in a buffer overflow situation right now :)18:26
* Daviey cycles zul 18:26
jdstrandzul: it is unlikely I could put real review time in until monday anyway, so no worries18:27
zuljdstrand: ack :)18:27
Davieypeer reviews rock my world.18:27
jdstrandI'll still get my upload in though18:27
micahgjdstrand: is there a reason why linux-any is dropped from the merge?  AFAIK launchpad understands that now18:35
jdstrandmicahg: all I see in the merge from hallyn is 'remove [linux-any] from all dependencies'18:50
jdstrandzul: fyi ^18:50
zulno idea18:50
pitticjwatson, kees, sabdfl, Keybuk: TB meeting reminder in 10 mins18:51
micahgjdstrand: right, was just wondering if you knew why, I guess I should talk to hallyn about it18:51
jdstrandzul: no I meant you may want to leave it in next time :)18:52
zuljdstrand: heh ok18:52
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micahgzul: another thing to keep in mind is that we still have python2.6 in oneiric, even if not though, if the python-dev-all package doesn't have a python version, I don't think you need to worry about X-Python-Version being older18:54
hrwI have small C code which compiles on amd64 but fails on armel19:17
evjcastro: Apols, somehow I didn't see your message until now19:24
jcastrono worries, it's not urgent or anything19:24
evI don't have up to date ones, sadly. There are olds ones on people.c.c/~Evans19:24
evDamn iOS19:24
jcastrota, that should put me on the right track19:25
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jdstrandzul: what is happening with libxen-dev-- has it been approved in the MIR? your libvirt upload won't build cause it isn't available20:14
zuljdstrand: ill go check20:14
zuljdstrand: MIR has been aproved20:17
zulso i guess they need to be promoted20:17
jdstrandzul: ok, then I'll promote it. what is the bug number?20:17
jdstrandzul: the bug states that the server team will do security support-- can Daviey or someone else comment in the bug that that will happen?20:20
zuljdstrand: sure20:20
zulDaviey: ^^^20:20
jdstrandsupport really means testing here, as I read it20:20
zuljdstrand: but that will probably end being me anyways20:20
jdstrand(like euca, iscsi, etc where we don't have the testing infrastructure for it)20:20
zuljdstrand: wha? you guys dont want to use xen? :)20:21
bdmurrayslangasek: I've about 24 open bug reports where update-initramfs has failed due to lack of space and plan to open a new bug suggesting that update-initramfs should deal with this better (make the existing ones duplicates of that new one)  and write a bug pattern to prevent further reports.  Does that seem reasonable?20:30
* Daviey looks20:31
* Daviey is not having with oneiric desktop atm20:32
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Davieyzul: is xenstore needed as a build dep?20:34
zulDaviey: yeah it pulls it in when you install libxen-dev20:34
* micahg thought libxenX was renamed libxenstoreX20:34
nxvlcjwatson: ping20:41
cjwatsonnxvl: yes?20:41
nxvlcjwatson: did you have somewhere a magic regexp that will match a valid ubuntu version?20:42
cjwatsonnxvl: define "valid ubuntu version"?20:43
nxvlcjwatson: 0.8.4-1ubuntu2stuff4 will facil20:43
nxvlcjwatson: however 0.8.4-1ubuntu2 or 0.8.4-1 will pass20:44
cjwatsonI don't understand why the first should fail20:44
nxvlcjwatson: because the use case i need, should fail20:44
cjwatsonI do not have a magic regexp that matches requirements I do not have. :-)20:44
nxvlcjwatson: ok, thanks!20:44
cjwatsonfrom Ubuntu's point of view, valid version numbers are those defined in policy 5.6.12, and version numbers with the substring 'ubuntu' inhibit autosync from Debian; that'sal20:46
cjwatson*that's all20:46
nxvlcjwatson: that will help, you surely have that on a regexp in a script somewhere, right?20:48
cjwatsonburied in the archive somewhere, I can't remember when I last had to care20:50
Davieythe secret sauce. :)20:50
cjwatsonre_valid_version = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+:)?[0-9A-Za-z\.\-\+~:]+$")20:50
cjwatsonsays Launchpad20:50
nxvlcjwatson: awesome!, thank you!20:52
cjwatson(that's in lib/lp/archiveuploader/utils.py)20:52
slangasekbdmurray: sounds great to me!20:53
* nxvl HUGS cjwatson 20:53
bdmurraycjwatson: I found an announcement about not ps3 isos for natty was there a similar one for powerpc isos?20:57
cjwatsonpowerpc ISOs were never stopped20:57
cjwatsonthey weren't *released* because they didn't get tested, but the daily builds are still going20:57
bdmurrayah, thanks!20:58
jdstrandzul, Daviey: fyi, libxen-dev and libxenstore3.0 (and 'xen' source) have been promoted and I uploaded libvirt 0.9.1-1ubuntu421:00
zuljdstrand: cool thanks21:00
jdstrandzul: fyi, one of the two patches can be dropped in 0.9.2, but the other not until 0.9.3 (see the cahngelog)21:00
jdstrandzul: ie, of the 2 I just uploaded21:01
zuljdstrand: gotya21:01
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Davieyjdstrand: rocking!21:15
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
pooliemterry, hi, i haven't touched librsync for a long time22:43
poolieidon't know if it's very active at all22:44
mterrypoolie, that's what I've gathered.  Last comment by an ex-maintainer was 200622:44
mterrypoolie, was in reference to a MIR (deja-dup->duplicity->librsync)22:45
mterrypoolie, seems stable, just unmaintained22:45
poolieyeah, pretty much stable23:09
pooliei'd kind oflike to do something on it23:09
pooliei'm sure there is room for improvement, but not many bugs23:09
poolieremarkably few actually23:09
bdmurrayslangasek: so there are a lot of dist-upgrades with this error too but update-manager has its own free space calculator for /boot.  I think those should probably be a separate bug.  Do you agree?23:29
slangasekbdmurray: the two bugs being 1) poor error message when you're out of space, 2) update-manager's free space calculator needing help?23:32
bdmurrayslangasek: right - it looks to like update-manager just uses the following23:32
bdmurrayKERNEL_INITRD_SIZE = 19 * 1024 * 102423:33
bdmurray19 seems kind of random to me23:33
slangasekheh, yes23:34
broderi don't know...23:36
broderebroder@warwick:~$ ls -lh /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-8-generic  | awk '{print $5}'23:36
broderthough i've thrown a bunch of random crap into my initrd23:37
broderlooks like stock natty is 13M or so23:37
slangasekwell, a much better predictor would be to check the size of the initrd for the current kernel23:40
broderyeah, sure. i was just surprised how close mine was to the magic number :)23:41
directhexhow frequent is the pull from debian unstable?23:49
cjwatsonassuming I'm around anyway23:50
cjwatson(it's a cron.cjwatson kind of thing)23:50
cjwatsonwhy, are you looking for something in particular?23:50
directhexcjwatson: i've been uploading fixes to sid which ought to also apply to the mono transition in oneiric23:51
directhexi wondered what time the cronjob runs, so i can check the ben page for added green ticks23:51
cjwatsonright, it's not a cron job, it's "Colin usually runs this when he starts work in the morning"23:51
cjwatsonI can run it now if you'd like23:51
directhexno, don't do it on my account. that's close enough to a number23:52
directhexi'm busy migrating from ejabberd to prosody tomorrow anyway, hopefully it means i won't have time to look at non-work things in work hours23:52
cjwatsonactually, I think I'll do one now anyway - with the exception of powerpc, the buildds are fairly quiet and it's good to space things out so that they're more responsive when people need them23:53
cjwatsontyping screen commands into firefox is not helpful23:55
directhexnote to self: do packagecraft after less wine.23:57

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