
holsteinnhandler: you want a new thread?00:08
holsteinactually, i dont have permission either :/00:10
nhandlerholstein: Thanks. I'll try and get this sorted out01:28
holsteinnhandler: lemme know if i can do something01:29
nhandlerholstein: Will do01:29
nhandlerRight now, it is mainly a game of IRC tag :)01:29
dholbachI'm just writing an article on ubuntu-news.org10:43
dholbachbut it seems like I can't add pictures?10:43
dholbachdo I have to upload the picture somewhere else and edit the HTML myself?10:44
NRWlionhi there10:48
dholbachif somebody could review my ubuntu-news post, I'd appreciate it11:22
dholbachcan somebody please review my ubuntu-news post?14:31
holsteindholbach: sure14:35
dholbachthanks holstein!14:36
holsteindholbach: where is it?14:36
dholbachholstein, oh, I think you need to be a reviewer of ubuntu-news.org to be able to review and shove it through14:36
dholbachhum, I'm not sure who all can do that14:37
holsteini thought that was a forum thing14:40
holsteini dont think i have any control over there...14:40
dholbachnhandler, pleia2: ^? :)15:17
dholbachpopey, Pendulum: are you ubuntu-news reviewers as well?15:54
holsteindholbach: is this for something you are trying to get in the newsletter?15:55
Pendulumdholbach: nope, sorry15:55
dholbachholstein, no, on the ubuntu-news.org blog15:56
dholbachPendulum, no worries :)15:56
pleia2looking now16:01
pleia2dholbach: where?16:02
dholbachpleia2, I guess it's a draft in ubuntu-news.org?16:02
dholbachpleia2, I clicked "submit for review"16:02
pleia2yeah, not seeing any drafts, hmm16:03
popeyi looked earlier16:03
popeyit is there16:03
pleia2yeah, there it is16:03
dholbachsuper! :-D16:03
popeyi also upgraded wordpress whilst I was there16:04
popeybut didnt have time to properly read your post, sorry16:04
dholbachpopey, no worries16:04
dholbachto be fair most of the post is what Abhinav wrote about his experience, which I mostly just quoted :)16:04
dholbachhe just rocks16:05
dholbachpopey, do you know if there's a way to include pictures? or is it "upload somewhere, edit post's HTML"?16:05
pleia2dholbach: published16:06
pleia2dholbach: let me get you an account set up (openid is broken, but I can set you up with a regular account for now that you can link later16:06
* dholbach hugs pleia216:06
dholbachpleia2, you rock!16:06
* dholbach dances the crazy I've-become-a-reporter dance16:06
* popey steps away from the nutter16:06
dholbachit never was my intention to become a reporter :)16:07
nigelbDon't worry, we're glad you found your life's calling :P16:08
pleia2dholbach: you should receive an email w/ passwd16:08
* dholbach coughs16:08
dholbachthanks pleia216:08
dholbachpleia2, got it - thanks muchly16:08
pleia2we submitted a ticket last week about openid not working, once that is again we can link your account to your lp account so you don't need to bother with the password (and http auth)16:11
nhandlerpleia2: Do we want to put dholbach through the process of being assigend a "mentor" to review his posts before they go live?16:13
DavieyI don't think he can be trusted. :)16:13
pleia2nhandler: he can just ask in here for review, I don't think any of us has to be a specific mentor16:14
dholbachI'm happy for you to review :-)16:14
nhandlerpleia2: Yeah, I meant more putting him through the process of requiring all posts get reviewed before being posted for a while16:15
nigelbDaviey: Did dholbach steal your tea? :P16:15
pleia2nhandler: yeah, he's just an "author" for now, we'll bump him up to editor in a couple weeks16:15
nhandlerpleia2: Ah, perfect16:15
nhandlerIs the fridge crawling for anyone else today?16:24
pleia2it was fine earlier16:34
pleia2but yeah, now it's a bit slow16:34
nhandlerI had Spads give it a poke so I can get the americas rmb post out16:40
pleia2nhandler: btw, Technoviking is the one that set up the forum mods, might want to give him a nudge re: uwn on forums16:51
pleia2(if you haven't already)16:51
nhandlerpleia2: Yeah, I poked him about that yesterday. He said it should have been working (and I do have access to the moderation tools for existing threads). I poked him saying holstein couldn't post a new thread either17:09
pleia2ok, cool17:10
pleia2nhandler: interview script WIN! :)20:10
nhandlerpleia2: Did you add the interviews category? Or did the script finally work?20:16
pleia2it finally worked :)20:16

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