
=== issyl0 is now known as Guest96732
dpmmorning all09:15
TLEdpm: good morning10:26
dpmhey TLE, morning10:53
TLEdpm: hey11:23
TLEI was wondering, are we pushing out the updates today as planned11:23
TLEThe reason I'm asking is that we have a testing cycle of Maverick looming in the background. The packages have been copied to -proposed and we are ready to go, but I don't want to take focus from the natty testing11:32
TLEon the other hand we should get it started as soon as possible not to comprimise the schedule to much11:32
dpmTLE, yeah, sorry, I was busy with something else. Let me ping pitti about uploading the natty langpacks11:44
dpmTLE, do you want to hop into #ubuntu-desktop?11:44
dpmTLE, I've just spoken to chrisccoulson. He tells me that the Firefox 5 release will be around June 21st, so the Natty langpack upload will have to wait until that (as they need to be released at the same time)11:56
dpmI'll send an e-mail to the list11:56
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=== henninge-lunch is now known as henninge
TLEdpm: sorry, out for lunch12:42
TLEdpm: roger on the new date12:44
TLEsince it seems we are having good progress with this, then it is probably ok to start the maverick cycle today then?12:44
TLEafk check back in later12:48
dpmTLE, yeah, let's start maverick13:06
TLEdpm: ok13:36
goof2092dpm: please when you have time review my Bemba language pack bug report #796591. Thanks14:25
dpmbug 79659114:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 796591 in langpack-locales (Ubuntu) "language pack creation for Bemba (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79659114:30
dpmhi goof2092, I'm not the maintainer of the langpack-locales package. Would you mind pinging pitti in the #ubuntu-devel channel? He should be able to help you if he's around14:31
goof2092oh, ok. thanks will do14:32
andrejzis it possible to diplay more than 10 strings at once in launchpad?15:30
=== ArneGoet1e is now known as ArneGoetje

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