
jo-erlendwhere can I find documentation for writing appindicators in Python?00:46
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
MacSlowgood morning everybody08:32
jahkopWhat do you think about this? http://www.whatdoestheinternetthink.net/index.php?s=ubuntu+unity&st=all08:38
=== daker_ is now known as daker
vishmpt: hi, seen bug 785571 ? if we have changed that maybe we need to update » <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu#A.2BIBw-Sound_Preferences.2BICYgHQAvIBw-Sound_Settings.2BICYgHQ-> ?10:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 785571 in The Sound Menu ""Sound Preferences..." should be "Sound Settings"" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78557110:38
dbarthjaytaoko: ping? when you wake up, do you have the bug ref. for the vsync problem? fta is looking for it11:37
ronocHarryHaaren, skype ?11:48
ronoccall me when you are ready11:48
zniavregood afternoon12:00
zniavrewhat is new about this bug please ? > https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/76247812:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 762478 in unity (Ubuntu) "[nouveau] No icons shown in unity launcher" [High,Confirmed]12:00
zniavrecan we think it could be solved in Oneiric ?12:01
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Ianster_guyHello my name is Ian and I'm a Ubuntu/windows user. On my Ubuntu desktop I have a usb surround sound card that stopped working after a upgrade. Who is interested in a problem like this or where do I drop a bug report.13:09
Ianster_guyI've gone through the trouble shooting already13:10
mptvish, you're right. Fixed.14:08
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
vishmpt: i guess we should re-open the bug to keep the ellipses?14:14
mptvish, no, the update retains them14:14
vishmpt: oh..?  ok,Cool! i hadnt checked the update, just saw the bug14:15
mptvish, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/73655618/indicator-sound_0.7.0-0ubuntu1_0.7.1-0ubuntu1.diff.gz14:16
mptvish, it does reveal, though, that it's using "..." when it should be using "…"14:16
vishmpt: yea, it just seems the changelog entry was not updated.14:19
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== gabon_ is now known as gabon
jo-erlendcan someone help me find some working examples of Python appindicators? None of them work. This one, for instance: http://conjurecode.com/create-indicator-applet-for-ubuntu-unity-with-python/14:29
jo-erlendappindicator does not have any Indicator member.14:30
tedgjo-erlend, I'd grab the weather indicator, I'm pretty sure that's in Python.14:30
jo-erlendtedg, no, Vala.14:33
jo-erlendlike all the other Python examples I've found...14:33
c10udjo-erlend, https://github.com/emesene/emesene/blob/master/emesene/gui/gtkui/Indicator.py14:34
jo-erlendc10ud, but that also says appindicator should have a Indicator member. I can't find that here.14:37
c10udwhat says what?14:38
jo-erlendyour example.14:38
c10udi don't get it14:38
jo-erlendthere is no Indicator class in the appindicator module.14:39
jo-erlend>>> import appindicator \n >>> dir(appindicator) \n ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', 'appindicator', 'gobject', 'gtk']14:40
c10udwell, that should work in lucid and maverick, not sure about natty though14:41
jo-erlendare you running natty?14:41
jo-erlendyou're right. On Lucid, appindicator does have an Indicator class.14:42
jo-erlendhmm. Strange. I had a file named "appindicator" in my home, which was imported instead :)14:48
=== Wolf is now known as Someoneelse
=== Someoneelse is now known as Wolf1978
Wolf1978hi, i'm just here to inquire about unity and wether canonical will continue to use unity as standard desktop in the future.14:57
tedgWolf1978, We have no plans to stop Unity development that I know of.15:00
tedgjo-erlend, I'd like to get the Python examples updated to start using GObject introspection for Oneric, since that's the way all GTK stuff is going.  I'm not too familiar with Python myself though.15:03
jo-erlendWolf1978, that's very likely.15:04
Wolf1978tedg: to be more specific about my question: i really dislike unity, after working for it for 2 weeks now, and would rather switch distribution than going through the pain of uninstalling unity from ubuntu. if unity will stay in ubuntu, i guess ubuntu ist "just not right" for me... which would be sad, as I have been using ubuntu for some years now.15:04
jo-erlendWolf1978, Unity is not a "desktop" though. The desktop is still Gnome. Unity is just one shell for it.15:04
jo-erlendin 11.10, you'll be able to switch between Unity and Gnome Shell as easily as you do with Unity and Gnome Panel now, for instance.15:05
tedgWolf1978, Okay, that's your choice.  Sorry that you don't like it.  There are other desktop shells you can try on Ubuntu, including Kubuntu and Xubuntu.  But if you feel a different distribution is right for you, that's okay too.15:05
jo-erlendWolf1978, Unity is just a plugin for Compiz. You can easily switch to Gnome panel. There is absolutely no reason to reinstall or uninstall anything.15:05
jo-erlendWolf1978, takes about five seconds to switch. Installing a different distro will take more effort.15:06
Wolf1978well, it uses up disk-space. ubuntu stands for one application for one purpose, unlike e.g. opensuse, where you just have too much applications for the same purpose. thats why I like ubuntu, but having unity on it does not make sense when i am not using it. i am a purist, and would rather have it uninstalled, which seems complicated. and sorry if my english is horrible to your ears.15:07
jo-erlendWolf1978, just choose Ubuntu Classic when you login and you're back to the way Ubuntu was before.15:08
jo-erlendWolf1978, how much space does Unity take?15:08
Wolf1978will gnome get the same attention as unity in the future, or will you focus on unity?15:08
jo-erlendWolf1978, Unity is a shell for Gnome. But yes, Gnome Shell will be back in 11.10, as I said.15:09
jo-erlendWolf1978, but since Gnome has killed Gnome Panel, that will not get any more attention in any distro I reckon. It would be very surprising, anyway, since nobody has worked on it for years now.15:10
jo-erlendoh... And btw: according to apt-cache, Unity takes 620KB.15:12
Wolf1978true... but i like it still more than unity ;) will definately try out 11.1015:12
Wolf1978ok, that is not very much indeed...15:12
Wolf1978may i ask another question regarding the detection of my graphic adapter?15:13
jo-erlendseems a little bit off topic in this channel?15:13
Wolf1978i see, will try somewhere else. thank you again for answering15:14
jo-erlendWolf1978, have you discovered the keyboard functions in Unity, btw? Lots of people doesn't know about them. Or right-clicking on lenses in the launcher, etc.15:14
jo-erlendI have big difficulties understanding why anyone would prefer Gnome Panel to Unity.15:15
jo-erlendbtw: you can still use gnome-panel with Unity, if you want a bottom panel, for instance.15:16
Wolf1978maybe because everyone has worked with gnome for so many years now, and with unity the feel of linux changes a lot.15:16
jo-erlendyes. Finally being able to use the keyboard properly, is one of the things I personally love about Unity. Easier access to files and apps is another. :)15:17
Wolf1978i have not used any keyboard commands with unity, i dont even know of them...15:18
jo-erlendWolf1978, that doesn't surprise me. Most people that have complained about Unity, doesn't. Here are some simple ones: press and hold super (winkey). You'll see numbers over the launcher and if you press that number while holding super, you switch to that application, or start it if it isn't running.15:19
jo-erlendif you press that number twice, then you get an overview of all the windows that belongs to that application. If you press shift, then you start another instance of the application. Press super+w to get an overview of all open windows, super+a to go directly to your applications or super+f to go directly to files and folders.15:20
HarryHaarenjo-erlend: How can one change the delay before the launcher pops out, & displays the numbers?15:21
jo-erlendHarryHaaren, I don't know.15:21
jo-erlendwhy would you want to?15:21
Wolf1978i really dislike, that i can not give parameters to starters... e.g. --geometry 80x25 to the terminal...15:22
Wolf1978or change the background color of starters at all.... at least i did not find out how15:22
HarryHaarenjo-erlend: hate waiting for my computer to respond to me :D15:22
jo-erlendWolf1978, you can't?15:22
jo-erlendHarryHaaren, oh, you want it to not animate, but appear instantly?15:23
jo-erlendWolf1978, you mean on the launcher, right? The background colour depends on the icon used.15:24
Wolf1978on the launcher, yes. why can i not make it the color i want? and where do i enter parameters?15:26
jo-erlendWolf1978, when you make the launcher, you can enter parameters as you like.15:26
Wolf1978when i start a gnome-terminal, and tell it to stay on the launcher, where can i set the parameters?15:27
jo-erlendWolf1978, if you want a custom launcher, then you have to make it. Right click on the desktop and "create starter" (I don't use english desktop, so your label might be different)15:29
jo-erlendthen drop it onto the launcher.15:29
Wolf1978ok, when i delete the starter from the desktop is is gone on the launcher also...15:30
jo-erlendhmm. Really? That's strange. Let me have a look.15:31
jo-erlendWolf1978, you'd probably want to place it in ~/.local/share/applications anyway, so that shouldn't be a real problem.15:34
jo-erlend(that way, it'll show up in dash and be counted in recent applications as well)15:35
Wolf1978it is just more complicated than is was before unity. i'm just trying to tell you WHY i do not like unity in its current state... the color thing is just another example. there SHOULD also be an option to disable global menu, instead of having the user use google to find a guid on how to disable it.15:36
jo-erlendsure. I personally like to use the keyboard and have the system learn from my actions so I don't have to repeat myself, but others prefer to use the mouse and click a lot. That's fine.15:38
Wolf1978the system to learn from my actions? is unity doing that?15:40
jo-erlendit counts when and why you run applications, and optionally where you are when you do it. So, over time, it'll learn what you're trying to do. Actually, it's zeitgeist that does that, but Unity uses that kind of data to display files, applications, etc.15:42
jo-erlendif you have a morning meeting every monday from 9AM to 10AM, for instance, then it makes sense that documents related to those meetings should be easily available around that time. You shouldn't have to navigate your filesystem for them.15:44
Wolf1978isn't that dangerous? is this data transmitted anywhere?15:44
Wolf1978ok, another one. can i change the size of the icons on the launcher?15:44
jo-erlendI don't think you can atm.15:45
jo-erlendWolf1978, I would recommend that you give Unity another chance. It has many "hidden" features that I'm sure you'll come to love. If you want to, you can always run a gnome-panel at the bottom and right to lean on until you get comfortable.15:46
Wolf1978will unity get feature updates on the same interval as ubuntu releases new versions, or is it updated more often?15:47
jo-erlendthat's a good question. I don't really know. I don't think I'd mind if it were made an exception to the SRU rule, since there's obviously many things to improve yet.15:48
HarryHaarenWold1978: Launcher icons, yes, terminal -> ccsm (advanced compiz thingy), Scroll to "unity panel plugin", advanced tab, icon size :)15:48
jo-erlendah :)15:48
HarryHaarenWolf1978, see above post by me15:48
Wolf1978jo-erlend: guess i'm giving it another chance...15:49
jo-erlendHarryHaaren, that's great. Thanks. They were a little big for my taste. :)15:50
Wolf1978HarryHaaren: thank you15:50
HarryHaaren32 is a little big for my taste :P There's a bug report floating about to make the range bigger though15:51
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=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
andyrockhi all17:41
andyrocki can't compile unity from lp, after gtk+3 porting17:41
andyrockcmake works good17:42
andyrockbut make -j2 give me this:17:42
andyrockIn file included from /usr/include/unity-misc/unity-misc/na-tray-manager.h:32:0,17:43
andyrock                 from /usr/include/unity-misc/unity-misc/na-tray.h:32,17:43
andyrock                 from /home/andyrock/Desktop/unity/src/PanelTray.h:32,17:43
andyrock                 from /home/andyrock/Desktop/unity/src/PanelView.h:35,17:43
andyrock                 from /home/andyrock/Desktop/unity/tests/TestPanel.cpp:28:17:43
andyrock/usr/include/unity-misc/unity-misc/na-tray-child.h:44:3: error: ‘GtkSocket’ does not name a type17:43
andyrock/usr/include/unity-misc/unity-misc/na-tray-child.h:53:3: error: ‘GtkSocketClass’ does not name a type17:43
andyrockmake[2]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/test-panel.dir/TestPanel.cpp.o] Error 117:43
andyrockmake[1]: *** [tests/CMakeFiles/test-panel.dir/all] Error 217:43
andyrockmake[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....17:43
andyrocksorry: http://pastebin.com/du1r8UQb17:43
mterryHeyo!  Is there any way to have bamf treat multiple executables as part of the same app?  So far, for bamf to recognize an executable, it needs its own .desktop file and bamf treats each .desktop file as a separate app17:48
mterrynjpatel, ^17:48
njpatelDBO, for you ^17:50
* njpatel can just chain on pings like it was his day job17:50
mterrynjpatel, it's not?17:51
DBOmterry, no, why would we need to?17:51
mterryDBO, I'll give the case of my pet project deja-dup.  It has several desktop files for technical reasons.  But ideally, the user would just see the various windows as part of the same "app"17:52
DBOyou mean various executable?17:52
mterryDBO, both several desktops and several executables (they are 1-1)17:52
DBOhow are they launched?17:53
njpatelmterry, shush!17:53
mterryDBO, it has changed in various versions of DD, but I can walk you through the various .desktop relationships if that would help paint the picture17:54
DBOmterry, more I was curious if one exe is launching the next17:55
mterryDBO, it happens to be the case in the oneiric version that they are, but in natty, they could be launched separately17:55
DBOso in the oneiric version are there still multiple desktop files?17:55
mterryDBO, yes17:55
mterryDBO, I am fine with explaining this, but are you merely curious or trying to challenge the idea that an app should ever have multiple .desktop files?17:57
DBOI am both curious and confused as to why you might do this17:57
DBOto me if a user sees multiple desktop files17:57
DBOwell no17:57
DBOI mean to me what you have described are multiple applications17:57
DBOso I am trying to figure out why they wouldn't be17:57
mterryDBO, well (A) not all .desktop files are visible.  (B) It's a technical limitation of .desktop files that they can only describe one executable.  But certainly you can imagine a logical "App" that had multiple executables?17:58
DBOsure but not one that would also have multiple launchers17:58
mterryDBO, well, I could imagine that being debatable, but let's say the app author wanted the window to be well-described by bamf when it came up.  So they wrote a NoDisplay .desktop file for the second executable17:59
mterryTo provide translated name and icon17:59
mterryBut now the app author is stuck with two entries on the launcher.  The second .desktop file the author wrote is really to workaround the fact that he/she can't associate the second executable with the first .desktop file18:00
mterryDBO, that's basically the situation deja-dup is in now18:01
DBOyou could easily associate multiple executable with the same desktop file provided they down have their own18:01
mterryDBO, it has a preference window and a 'worker executable' each with their own .desktop file18:01
DBOmake sure they all have the same wm-class that matches the desktop-id of the desktop file18:01
DBOand done18:01
mterryDBO, ah, excellent.  I will look into that.  That helps for the oneiric case.  But I'm also curious how one might solve the problem of natty deja-dup18:02
DBOI dont really know18:03
mterryDBO, that had two entry points into the "app"18:03
DBOto bamf, those are different applications18:03
DBOwe would have to I guess add some metadata to the desktop file18:03
DBOthat bamf could read18:03
DBObasically linking to the primary desktop file18:03
mterryDBO, if an executable described in .desktop A had a wm-class for .desktop B, which would bamf associate it with?18:03
DBOthat depends18:04
DBOif it was launched from desktop file A18:04
DBOit would match to A18:04
DBOif it was launched by some other means18:04
DBOit would likely match to B18:04
mterryDBO, well, the wm-class trick will help me for now.  I set wm-class to (e.g.) "deja-dup.desktop"?  or "deja-dup"18:05
DBOdesktop-id == foo for foo.desktop18:06
mterryDBO, cool, thanks!18:07
Zhenechtedg, mailing contributor-agreement@ and you is sufficient? or someone else too? indicator-datetime isnt listed on that page19:59
tedgZhenech, Yeah, those two is good.  I'll forward it on.20:00
tedgOdd that it's not on there...20:00
Zhenechbtw, as exchange you fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/705363 for me :)20:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 705363 in gwibber (Debian) "gwibber bypasses certificate checking when providing the login/password for OAuth" [Unknown,Confirmed]20:01
Zhenechtedg, done, going to bed now :)20:11
tedgZhenech, Thank you!20:12
=== daker is now known as daker_
jo-erlendhmm. Appindicators only supports menus, as I've understood it. But things like the media indicator has other stuff, like play and volume controls. How can that be?21:55
jo-erlendnormal gtk menus doesn't support stuff like that?21:55
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
meebeywho is in charge of the debian/ubuntu packages of libindicate? I wonder if the lib should suggest or even recommend something from the indicate stack else the app that provides the indicators land in the bin23:23

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