
apacheloggerLinking CXX shared library ../lib/libkdeinit4_kwin.so09:32
apacheloggerCMakeFiles/kdeinit_kwin.dir/lanczosfilter.o: In function `LanczosShader':09:32
apachelogger/home/linaro/kde-workspace/kwin/lanczosfilter.cpp:543: undefined reference to `vtable for KWin::LanczosShader'09:32
apacheloggerjolly fun09:32
sheytanapachelogger pingi09:51
sheytanapachelogger did you see the modified v. of lightdm?09:52
sheytanlike it?09:53
sheytanyeah, hope someone will take care bout that ;D09:53
debfxScottK: the issue about ark asking for the format when opening .deb files is bug #797067 (needs SRU verification)09:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 797067 in kdeutils (Ubuntu Natty) "kerfuffle_libarchive_readonly.desktop missing in package ark in natty 11.04" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79706709:53
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debfxScottK: what happened to the amd64 live images?10:00
shadeslayerdebfx: i think they're called amd64+mac now10:02
shadeslayeri was a bit confused myself :P10:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: poke poke10:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: PM10:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: i also tore apart the qt graphics system KCM module you designed10:23
shadeslayerit was fun10:23
apacheloggertore apart?10:24
shadeslayerwell .. yes .. i went through the entire code isolating stuff that i needed for my own KCM10:25
shadeslayerbut for some reason now i have 2 KCM's showing up in systemsettinsg10:25
shadeslayerprobably because i changed the name of the desktop file and everything10:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: here's my KCM : http://i.imgur.com/wfawf.png10:26
apacheloggermy kcm has very nice code10:26
apacheloggereven documentation10:26
apacheloggerwho'd have known10:27
shadeslayeryes indeed10:27
shadeslayerwhich is why it was a pleasure to tear it apart10:27
apacheloggerwoah, the engineprobe is scary10:27
* apachelogger must have been on drugs when he came up with that idea10:28
ScottKdebfx: Dunno.  I'll ask re amd64 (the +mac ones don't replace it AFaIK).12:12
jussiQuintasan: ping12:14
ScottKdebfx: Thanks for the pointer on the ark bug.  I'll do the verification test as soon as I have a moment.12:15
ScottKdebfx: amd64 image issue is fixed and cjwatson is retrying the image build now.12:20
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ScottKdebfx: ark .deb fix verified.  Thanks for looking after it.14:19
chonlateemontfras: i have error log in kdm.log.116:36
chonlateemontfras: and i don't understand16:37
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shadeslayeranyone on a clean install? 17:48
shadeslayerof natty17:48
DarkwingDuckClean enough...17:48
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: do you have the kubuntu ppa's enabled?17:48
DarkwingDuckNot yet.17:49
shadeslayeroh goody17:49
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: do you have proposed enabled?17:49
* DarkwingDuck checks17:49
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: bug 797849 awaits you ^_^17:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 797849 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Natty) "Add rev 3bbd4496 from kde4libs trunk" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79784917:49
DarkwingDuckshadeslayer: Gimme a sec.17:50
DarkwingDuckshadeslayer: So, test case... Update and verify that it updates?17:51
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: yes, everything is there on the bug report :)17:52
DarkwingDuckYeah, reading it.17:52
kubotushadeslayer_ listened to "100 Suns" by 30 Seconds to Mars [This Is War, 2009] 20 hours ago; [http://open.spotify.com/track/1diSFxNvwkKMOI2vcadxy5] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/shadeslayer_ for more17:52
shadeslayerkubotu: thou art outdated17:53
DarkwingDuckshadeslayer: Upgrading... will comment when finished.17:54
shadeslayerthanks! :)17:55
DarkwingDuckshadeslayer: Upgrades just fine. x86 install18:14
DarkwingDuckshadeslayer: ++18:15
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: please report and change tag to verification done :)18:15
DarkwingDuckshadeslayer: done and done.18:16
fabodebfx: looking into creator now!18:33
debfxfabo: great :)18:36
debfxfabo: what do you think about setting InitialPreference=9 in the desktop file? I rarely want to start a full IDE when opening a cpp file18:36
fabodebfx: let me try the diff, otherwise I'm fine with the changes18:39
debfxwhich diff?18:40
fabocurrent behavior vs InitialPreference=918:41
fabodebfx: what do you have by default?18:42
debfxfabo: I think 10 is the default18:43
faboit's kwrite?18:43
* fabo should have changed to kate years ago18:44
debfxah, I have kate18:44
fabodebfx: sounds good anyway ;) I don't start a full IDE session either18:45
debfxshadeslayer: the kio_http patch is a bit broken, try opening http://www.microsoft.com%26item%3Dq209354rexsddiuyjkiuylkuryt2583453453fsesfsdfsfasfdfdsf@www.test.de/ and press yes18:46
debfxit seems to spawn a dialog for every subrequest18:46
DarkwingDuckkate is epic18:48
debfxDarkwingDuck: can you reproduce that (konqueror spamming dialogs)?18:49
DarkwingDuckdebfx: gimme a sec.18:50
DarkwingDuckWow... this is annoying.18:51
debfxfabo: can I convince you to merge my changes to install the icons in the proper locations? :)18:53
DarkwingDuckAnd it's only broken in Konqueror.18:53
DarkwingDuckIt's fine in Rekonq, Firefox and Chrome18:53
debfxit's only a temporary workaround, I've already pushed a proper fix upstream18:53
fabodebfx: I'm going to look into bzr branch, no worries18:53
debfxDarkwingDuck: could you please set the bug to verification-failed? this is clearly a regression18:54
DarkwingDuckCommented and changed the tag.18:56
DarkwingDuckdebfx: ^^^18:57
* DarkwingDuck goes to fix the documentation workflow blueprints19:02
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shadeslayerdebfx: fooey19:44
shadeslayerdebfx: whats the correct fix?19:44
debfxshadeslayer: I don't know20:33
debfxbut could you report the problems upstream?20:33
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shadeslayerdebfx: didn't you say that you have a proper fix?20:34
shadeslayer<debfx> it's only a temporary workaround, I've already pushed a proper fix upstream <<20:34
debfxshadeslayer: that was about qtcreator20:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: omg http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/17/hp-ships-free-touchpads-to-homebrew-devs-may-want-something-in/21:28
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