
linuxman410are the going to put another irc client in next version of lubuntu since they are dropping xchat00:40
linuxman410anyone here00:43
Unit193linuxman410: You can always install xchat and Pidgin is an IRC client00:43
linuxman410Unit193 why are they removing it using too much memory00:44
Unit193linuxman410: IIRC, to free some space on the CD01:01
Slick666Hi all01:16
Slick666I was looking at doing a lubuntu 64-bit install01:16
Slick666any way to do this?01:17
phillwthe topic as the links :)01:17
Slick666oh yea01:18
Slick666this might be a little newbish but is it easy to install next to a regular ubuntu install01:21
Slick666so I would have Windows/Ubuntu/Lubuntu01:22
phillwSlick666: yes, it is...01:41
phillwSlick666: how well do you know ubuntu and the disk system?01:43
Slick666A decent amount01:43
Slick666I wasn't sure how well the install would play with the Grub that was already there01:43
phillwgrub lives on the MBR area - when you install a new OS grub just needs telling to go and find it @:)01:44
phillwthe way I do it, is extended partitions - as you can only have 4 primary ones01:45
linuxman410have they decided on lxde or lightdm yet02:38
linuxman410for 11.1002:38
linuxman410anyone here02:39
linuxman410phillw you here02:40
Unit193linuxman410: Not quite yet02:44
linuxman410Unit193 they are not going to unity are they02:44
linuxman410Unit193 you here02:47
Unit193linuxman410: Lubuntu = LXDE, not Unity02:47
linuxman410Unit193 i do not like unity or gnome 302:47
Unit193linuxman410: I'm not going with Unity any time soon, nor do I plan to use Gnome (XFCE isn't bad though)02:48
linuxman410Unit193 i prefer lxde or openbox02:51
maahesI er...have a weird problem: my version dependencies for lxde in natty are all screwed up12:50
maaheslxde-core won't install because lxde-common won't install and lxde-common won't install because lxsession won't install. lxsession by itself installs fine. And all version numbers meet the dependency requirements.12:57
maahesand these are the latest lxde packages in natty, so I'm confused12:57
maaheslubuntu can't be broken12:58
maahesthe whole reason I'm wanting to install btw, is so that I can get lxsession/settings/appearance to work with awesomewm13:00
maahesso far lxappearance isn't effecting my gtk settings at all13:00
maahesor rather...nevermind it is, its just not effecting synaptic13:04
maahesalso lxinput crashes when I try and change the mouse settings but this is a known issue with no fix yet, so yey.13:05
pmatulisis there any way to sync files with ubuntu one?13:08
gumushi all17:21
gumusdoes anyone know how to connect to FTP server?17:21
gumuswhen i searched for it most of the solutions were for ubuntu17:22
phillwgumus: I use filezilla for my ftp stuff. I'm sure there are other ways, but I'm used to that one :)17:23
szczurgumus, you can just run filemanager and put ftp://user@server as a path17:24
szczursame thing for sftp or ssh17:24
phillwalso chromium 'should' now support ftp... http://blog.chromium.org/2009/09/new-ftp-implementation-goes-live.html17:27
szczurmake sure that gvfs-backends is installed17:27
szczursudo apt-get install gvfs-backends17:27
bioterrorno one should support ftp17:28
gumusi'll take a look at it , thanks!17:28
bioterrorlet's start from there ;)17:28
gumusi didn't know it was easy that much17:34
gumusguys, i got one more question about FTP17:40
gumusi managed to reach the server as i wrote the address, however i want to make that common folder stable. is just bookmarking enough?17:42
=== Unit193 is now known as Unit193BeGone
pmatulisinstalled 11.04 yesterday.  so far i'm quite happy!19:52
AmberJLXDE_menu -> Preferences -> Keyboard and Mouse exits when I try to change 'mouse sensitivity'...19:55
AmberJamber@amberj-lubuntu:~$ lxinput19:55
AmberJSegmentation fault19:55
ubot5To get a backtrace of a failing application please read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace19:56
phillwAmberJ: you on 11.04?19:57
AmberJyes phillw19:58
phillwAmberJ: let me just fire it up..19:59
phillwAmberJ: I can confirm that on my  VM..... It's a little gremlin :(20:02
bioterrormake backtrace and send it to launchpad20:02
AmberJbioterror, doing that.20:02
AmberJbioterror, the application hanged when I tried reproducing the error...When I try to Ctrl+c in gdb nothing happens...Any idea as to how I get past this?20:04
bioterrorwhat :D20:05
phillw-virtualsoz, just had to jump from 11-10 alpha1 back to 11-04 to confirm a bug. Jeez, these VM's are cute a s hell :D20:05
AmberJbioterror, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace#Generation ....Step 420:05
phillw-virtualwhoops... wrong channel :-[20:06
AmberJphillw, it still makes sense though :D20:06
bioterrordo you see lxinput process?20:06
bioterrorgive it a kill witout -920:06
bioterrorif it doesnt take just plain kill, give it then -920:07
AmberJdidn't worked without -9...20:08
AmberJOk, got it killed with -920:08
AmberJbioterror, damn...now though the cursor flashes at terminal, it doesnot allows me to type anything at (gdb) prompt20:09
bioterrorrather difficult to solve what's the problem20:10
bioterrorphillw-virtual, do backtrace in your vm20:10
phillw-virtualbioterror: I do not know enough about the VM. The error should be logged somewhere.20:11
phillw-virtualif you can talk me through it - I will try. But am still 100% n00b at VM!20:11
AmberJbioterror, http://codepad.org/zs458L5Q quickie look into current state of gdb log in case you are interested20:11
AmberJphillw, using vbox?20:12
bioterrorAmberJ, doesnt tell much =D20:12
phillw-virtualyeah - the oracle one. I've never used VM's before so am really new to it all!20:13
AmberJphillw, So, you see lubuntu desktop....right20:13
AmberJJust open lxterminal...20:13
AmberJand install gdb...20:14
phillw-virtualbioterror: do you want me to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace#Generation and install gdb?20:14
phillw-virtualokies - I've done that before for pcmanfm :)20:14
phillw-virtualinstalled... next?20:16
bioterrorcontinue guide20:18
* phillw-virtual twiddles thumbs as awaits which <program> you want ;) gdb <program> 2>&1 | tee ~/gdb-<program>.txt 20:18
phillw-virtualbioterror: remember I'm admin / wiki - not a coder :P20:19
phillw-virtual'phone... brb20:20
AmberJphillw, <program> is lxinput20:22
bioterrorphillw-virtual, then you should understand that your wiki stuff :D20:22
AmberJIsn't there a way to assign a shortcut to quickly switch from one keyboard layout to another?20:24
AmberJlxkeymap doesnot seems to have one :(20:24
phillw-virtualAmberJ: there is - just let me sort this out 1st!20:25
phillw-virtualbioterror: command done. do you want me to launch the program?20:26
bioterrorhow else you would backtrace it?-)20:27
phillw-virtuallol - it's nearly 2 years since I last used gdb - give this old dog a little while :)20:29
phillw-virtualIt has successfully crashed20:29
phillw-virtualProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.20:29
phillw-virtual0x006f6300 in _XSend () from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.620:29
bioterrornow run rest of the commands20:29
AmberJlol phillw over your reply: "It has successfully crashed" :D20:30
AmberJThat reminds me of http://amberj.devio.us/pub/funnie/lxde_error_msg.jpg ;)20:31
phillw-virtualA debugging session is active.20:31
phillw-virtualInferior 1 [process 1816] will be killed.20:31
phillw-virtualQuit anyway? (y or n)20:31
phillw-virtual(after 'quit')20:31
phillw-virtualI assume 'y' but I do not wish to make an "ass" out of "u" and "me" ... please advise.20:33
phillw-virtualbioterror: ??20:34
bioterrorpress y then20:34
phillw-virtual-rw-r--r-- 1 phillw phillw  8573 2011-06-17 20:31 gdb-lxinput.txt20:36
phillw-virtualyou want this?20:36
bioterrorI dont want it, but lxinput developers might want ;)20:36
phillw-virtualAmberJ: can you pop onto https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxinput/+bug/798919 and confirm it (and say 'affects me) - thanks.20:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 798919 in lxinput (Ubuntu) "When adjusting mouse speed program seg-faults" [Undecided,New]20:45
bioterrorphillw-virtual, where's the gdb-lxinput.txt stuff?20:47
phillw-virtualI told it to attach? :(20:48
bioterrory u launchpad no attachment!?20:48
bioterrorgilir, hop20:52
phillw-virtualAmberJ: if you head over to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ you'll find multiple keyboards discussed at about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ#Multiple keyboard layouts :)20:54
phillw-virtualbioterror: is it there?20:55
AmberJconfirmed the bug.20:55
phillw-virtualthanks. It will keep the devs out of the pub for a night :P20:56
bioterrorhurrrhhh... a link to forum discussion20:57
phillwbioterror: they had a good discussion on it. I think it is quite excellent and come 11-10 will be using it for the FAQ wiki side, as we do need to be able to support multiple languages.21:00
phillwMy fun with the swede earlier is testament to the fact lubuntu 'can' do it, just needs some instructions :)21:01
AmberJphillw, thanks for the link...21:01
phillwAmberJ: as you may tell, i'm a documenter - these guys on here are front line support. I will always do as requested to help the project, and they enjoy re-telling me stuff that I have not touched in over a year :)21:03
AmberJphillw, these guys?21:08
AmberJAnd, is lubuntu officially supported by canonical now?21:08
AmberJOr, are you volunteer documenter?21:08
bioterrorAmberJ, we are all volunteered21:09
bioterrorand not yet, 11.10 will be "official"21:09
phillwI'm a volunteer, we all are. lubuntu is on track to be 'fully' canonical endorsed for 11-1021:09
phillwCanonical has very few 'employees' and many thousands and thousands of volunteers.21:10
AmberJwell yea...'voluteer', this is what most of open source is all about :)21:15
phillwbug #121:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121:18
beef-supremeanyone here use xmonad?21:39
beef-supremei need help setting it up in such a way that it keeps a ?px margin21:39
bioterrorwhat does lxde and xmonad have in common? :D21:39

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