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bjsniderBUGabundo, you do not need smartmontools to get smart data00:33
bjsniderudisks --ata-smart-refresh /dev/sdx00:37
bjsniderfor sata00:37
bjsniderthat's what palimpsest uses, and really that's all you need00:38
BUGabundodidn't know that00:38
bjsniderthat means you can remove smartmontools and its dependencies00:40
BUGabundoI like them00:41
BUGabundoused to use them00:41
BUGabundowill eventually stop00:41
BUGabundoits like aptitude00:41
BUGabundoits the 1st thing I install00:41
alex_mayorgawhat's the widget that tells me if my disk is about to break?00:44
BUGabundodo we have one ?00:46
bjsniderthere's no "widget", but the palimpsest disk utility handles the task if you launch it00:50
bjsniderit's actually called palimpsest, so if you search for that in unity or gnome-shell it will find it00:50
bjsniderbut smart data is not totally accurate, and the disk might be ready to fail even if the smart data says it's healthy00:51
alex_mayorgabjsnider: thanks01:05
CarlFKsomething pops up a dialog every so often "your disk is about to break "01:05
BUGabundoI hope not01:08
BUGabundoI disabled that two cycles ago01:08
BUGabundoit was madness01:08
billybigriggerhey all02:55
billybigriggeri just did a fresh install of 11.04 the other day, and i got the Addition Drivers dialog, and thought maybe oneiric that maybe we could start including driver versions for drivers, ie the ati/nvidia/broadcom drivers...02:56
billybigriggerit would just be nice for a new user to see what driver they're getting, and maybe a bit more info on the driver aswell02:57
billybigriggeris this being considered/implemented already?02:57
IdleOne'apt-cache policy nvidia-*' will tell you the version of your nvidia driver or you can check via Software Center or Synaptic03:04
IdleOneapt-cache policy nvidia* | grep Installed03:05
billybigriggerIdleOne, i know this03:09
billybigriggerhaha im not new03:10
billybigriggeri'm just saying doing a fresh install opened my eyes to the fact that maybe new users want to know more of what they're installing03:10
IdleOneok, well "regular" users can use one of the package managers to see what they have installed and what version03:10
billybigriggernot if your using additional drivers03:11
billybigriggerie restricted drivers03:11
IdleOneit is a scientific fact that a more verbose installer is scary!03:11
IdleOneI made that up ^03:11
billybigriggerthe restricted drivers dialog is the first step to installing any closed-source video driver...03:12
billybigriggerthere is no previous driver to find a version from...nor is there a version viewable anywhere03:12
billybigriggerthat's scary03:12
IdleOnethere has to be some sort of video driver03:12
IdleOneisn't it vesa?03:13
billybigriggeryeah xorg-server-video-ati03:13
billybigriggerim talking the restricted drivers dialog that wants you to install propriatery ati driver03:13
charlie-tcamost " normal " users don' t really care what any version of anything is. They just want the computer to work.03:13
billybigriggerthere's no version or "More Info" tab anywhere, it sucks03:13
IdleOnethere is a version and info available...in the package managers03:14
IdleOnemaybe a more info tab would be good.03:14
IdleOneI suppose. get working on it :)03:14
billybigriggerim not a dev03:14
IdleOneneither am I. brainstorm.ubuntu.com03:15
billybigriggerhow about the progress bar when extracting an archive in nautilus03:16
billybigriggerit goes from 0 - %50 on the bar, and sits there until the archive is extracted, then jumps to %100 when it's all done03:17
billybigriggerit's been like that since i hoary...no plans to fix this either? an actual "working" progress bar would be nice03:17
billybigriggerIdleOne, any opinions on this? :P03:18
billybigriggerhehe jk man03:18
IdleOnehaha I never really paid attention to that03:18
billybigriggerits been broken for years03:21
IdleOneusually I hit install and switch window03:22
IdleOneI don't look at the progress. report a bug perhaps, not sure what package you would report against03:22
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billybigriggerfile roller i assume03:33
billybigriggerit happens when your extracting a .rar volume03:33
ircrobpulseaudio should not depend on consolekit05:02
ircrobuse dbus if needed05:03
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BluesKajdoes the new 3.0-1 kernel fix the graphics screwups that came with 3.0-0 ?18:40
yofelnot sure, I've nvidia running with 275 and 3.0-0, haven't rebooted with 3.0-1 yet18:45
BluesKajyofel, I have nvidia 8400gs and 3.0-0 totally screwed my setup... had to revert to 11.04 , that new nvidia current driver wasn't working for my card18:48
BluesKajyeah the 27518:49
BluesKajno harm done tho , I didn't lose any data ...did a nice clean install to /18:51
Ian_Cornenvidia "works" on 3.0.1-pae now19:24
BluesKajwhich nvidia, Ian_Corne ?19:27
BluesKajwhich card ?19:27
Ian_Cornebut i'm saying "works"19:28
Ian_Cornebecause glxinfo errors19:28
Ian_Corneand I'm being thrown back to unity2D19:28
* BluesKaj decides to stick with what I have til at least beta ..my other box has "O" working ok with 7600gt card, but the 8400gs here is iffy19:30
Ian_CorneWhen trying to update atm: i get that mesa wants to uninstall the nvidia driver and gnome-panel wants to unistall gnome-panel19:46
BluesKajyup Ian_Corne , that happened to me yesterday19:53
trismIan_Corne: mesa breaks on nvidia-current for now until lp 798049 is fixed19:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 798049 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nvidia-* and fglrx need to be migrated to per-architecture gl_conf alternative" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79804919:54
BluesKajstill looks messy to me19:59
BluesKajIan_Corne, in my case mesa wanted to remove most of the kde apps20:03
zniavremesa does not want legacy 173.14.xx nvidia driver too20:04
* BluesKaj doesn't regret reverting to 11.0420:05
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afvhi, is anybody having problems in empathy (opening a chat window)?.. the chat window just "hangs" and empathy-chat process has 100% cpu usage21:52
afvsince 3 or 4 days ago21:52
afvalready deleted the config folders from my home, purged/reinstalled the packages..21:53
Ian_Corneyes afv21:56
afvah, as i didn't see any post about this on the forums.. is the cause known? any workaround?22:00
Ampelbeinafv: see bug 79837722:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 798377 in empathy (Ubuntu) "empathy is using lot of cpu when opening the window chat" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79837722:06
Ampelbein(no workaround though)22:07
CarlFK natty loaded snd-hda-intel - todays oneiric 3.0-1 does not, so no sound.  should I bug this on lp?22:08
afvAmpelbein, thanks!22:08
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