
jonoPendulum, all good for the Q+A today?16:03
AlanBellooh, looking forward to that16:12
Pendulumjono: afaik yes :)16:18
jonoPendulum, :-)16:18
Pendulumcharlie-tca: just reminder that we're on later :)16:19
charlie-tcaThanks, Pendulum 16:21
Pendulumshould be in just over an hour :)16:24
Pendulumcharlie-tca: do you have time for a quick PM now?16:25
Pendulumor any point before we go on really (this is about a 1 min conversation so nothing heavy)16:25
charlie-tcaI can try16:26
Pendulumcharlie-tca: ready?17:32
macowoah that orca unstable email is like a bug report haiku!21:13
macojust move the "so" from the bottom line to the end of the middle line, and there you go21:14
macooh wait, no, thatd be 5, 7, 6 ...remove teh "it"...21:14
macoim crap at this. first line is 1 too long too. bah21:15
macobut as a haiku:21:15
macohas anyone observed21:15
macoorca sometimes crashes so21:15
macoyou must start again21:15
phillwPendulum: sorry I missed the Q&A session, it fell just as my parents were getting the final packing and the 2 crazy Border collies into the vehicle to have a few days off :(21:20
Pendulumphillw: no worries 21:21
phillwPendulum: if you have a couple of minutes for a PM? just a little snippet of news, which is positve :)21:23
charlie-tcamaco: yes, I have seen that happen, along with freezes that have to be force killed21:24
phillwjono: do you have a spare couple of minutes? I promise, dead quick!23:23
jonophillw, sure23:23
phillwjono: you have a PM23:27

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