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kenvandineTheMuso, i dropped that service now02:39
kenvandineTheMuso, you can just build and run the client02:39
TheMusokenvandine: oh ok.02:47
kenvandineTheMuso, so have you checked it out yet?03:03
TheMusokenvandine: Yeah but haven't got it to pull my twitter feed yet.03:03
vishkenvandine: hi, around?05:55
pittiGood morning06:05
RAOFGood morning!06:10
TheMusoMorning pitti.06:12
TheMusorobert_ancell: Seems you jumped ovev 0.4.0-0ubuntu1 in your recent upload...06:15
robert_ancellTheMuso, yeah, it FTB in the PPA, so I just bumped the version06:15
micahgrobert_ancell: in the future, you can collapse the changelog for the archive upload06:15
robert_ancellpitti, I finally got the regression tests to work in my pbuilder, but then they fail on the buildd!  So frustrating...06:17
micahgthe archive has separate source records, so you can upload the same version to the archive after it goes to a PPA (at least for the moment)06:17
robert_ancellmicahg, can I upload the older version?06:24
pittirobert_ancell: oh, looking06:24
micahgrobert_ancell: well, before you uploaded ubuntu2, you could've  uploaded an ubuntu1 with a collapsed changelog, at this point, it doesn't make sense, just something to keep in mind06:27
pittirobert_ancell: 0.3.7-0ubuntu2 didn't run the test suite on build yet then?06:27
pittirobert_ancell: for some reason there isn't a 0.4.0-0ubuntu106:27
robert_ancellpitti, no, I disabled it06:27
pittirobert_ancell: so it failed in a PPA then?06:27
robert_ancellpitti, yeah, in the lightdm PPA06:27
pittias I don't see a failure in an ubuntu build06:27
pittihttps://launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/+archive/lightdm/+packages -> uh, maverick only06:28
robert_ancellpitti, no that one's obsolete, see the comment06:28
pittiok, so there's no build log06:29
pittirobert_ancell: did it only fail some particular test, or all of them (i. e. some problem with dbus setup)?06:29
robert_ancellpitti, all of them failed, but I don't have enough info to work out why06:30
robert_ancellpitti, any debugging tips to work it out?06:30
pittirobert_ancell: didn't it give you an exception or g_critical or anythign that points out why?06:31
robert_ancellpitti, one of the child processes in the test failed I think.  I'll have to upload a modifed package with debugging enabled to see why.  I was going to see if I can log into the buildds somehow and test before trying that06:32
pittirobert_ancell: no, that's not possible06:32
robert_ancellit's going to be really slow constantly uploading to a PPA to work out why it's failing06:32
pittiyou can only add some echos/printf()s, and keep throwing stuff into the PPA06:32
pittior try to reproduce locally, of course06:32
pittiwhich kind of services does it try to talk to?06:33
pittiyou could try stopping X.org, ConsoleKit, system dbus, stop your network connection, and build in vt106:33
pittipbuilder should already shield away the system bus, though06:34
pittiso the most common causes for this are (1) no internet connection from buildds, and (2) the local host name can't be resolved06:34
robert_ancellit seems to be failing when I run the fake xserver, it starts, but the SIGHUP never gets received from the test runner.  There will be a log on the disk somewhere, but I don't dump it out06:35
pittiah, the SIGHUP is sent by X.org to its parent to notify that it's ready06:41
pittirobert_ancell: but it does work on real iron, i. e. lightdm sets up the signal correctly in general?06:42
robert_ancellpitti, yeah, it works running as a service, in test mode, in a pbuilder, but not in a buildd06:42
robert_ancellRAOF, can you decode this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/628286/.  It's from the GDM Xsession file.  I think it's obsolete and will always be ignored on Ubuntu07:12
RAOFrobert_ancell: It looks like it's trying to propagate the xkb symbols from XF86Config (which we don't have) in the case that /etc/X11/X isn't a symlink (which it is) and /etc/X11/X contains some sort of Sun string.07:16
RAOFIn short - that's not going to be run on Ubuntu.07:16
robert_ancellyay! dropped07:16
robert_ancellRAOF, one more, here is my sane Xsession that I'm going to use for LightDM http://paste.ubuntu.com/628288/.  Does it look like it makes sense?  Is the xmodmap stuff still applicable?07:17
RAOFThat looks fairly sane to me.07:18
RAOFI think that there's still stuff that xmodmap does that no other tool does, so it's probably still applicable.07:19
pittiplease keep it07:22
pittibreaking people's ~/.xmodmap files wouldn't be nice07:22
pittiand it's a no-op for people who don't have it07:22
pittialthough mine is called ~/.xmodmaprc07:23
pittiI'm not sure which part reads that, maybe something in g-settings-daemon07:23
robert_ancellpitti, will do07:25
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robert_ancellpitti, I am away next week, can you and others keep an eye out for any major lightdm issues that crop up today and send to my gmail address.  I'll drop in tomorrow if it's important08:19
pittirobert_ancell: can do, yes; enjoy your holiday!08:20
robert_ancellpitti, thanks08:21
pittiit's a Seb!08:51
pittichrisccoulson: can I annoy you with https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ubufox/default-homepage-override/+merge/63121 again?08:52
seb128hey pitti, how are you?08:53
seb128is the new unity working for people who upgraded?08:53
pittiI didn't notice a difference so far08:54
pittiso I guess that's a "yes" :)08:54
seb128pitti, it's the new SRU candidate version I uploaded to oneiric, it's only bug fixes, you shouldn't notice a difference ;-)08:56
seb128pitti, I did find a bug in the autohide though so I didn't upload as a SRU, waiting for a fix08:56
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:58
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, will do that in a minute, sorry :)08:58
pittihey chrisccoulson, good morning08:59
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?09:01
chrisccoulsonseb128, good thanks, how are you?09:01
seb128I'm fine thanks09:02
pittihey rodrigo_09:09
seb128can everybody makes sure you update unity if you run oneiric and restart it?09:11
seb128I would like to make sure there is no other bug before doing the sru ;-)09:11
mvodobey: hi! I will request a sync for pyinotify, you did a init_errno.patch for this that raises a proper OSError() if the init fails. this is done by upstream now as well, but the string is slightly different (but contains the same information, i.e. the errno and os.strerror). just FYI in case you need to update your code09:12
zygastgraber, ping09:12
mvozyga: he is most likely still sleeping, in the middle of the night for his TZ09:14
zygamvo, canada?09:14
zygamvo, aww, ok09:14
zygamvo, perhaps you know how his sandboxing wrapper is called?09:14
zygamvo, I want to isolate processes from internet09:14
zygaawesome, thanks09:14
bigonkenvandine: you have stolen the -1 revision of empathy package :(10:33
seb128bigon, it's not like we could sync anyway10:35
rodrigo_seb128, oh, btw, just saw on my todo list the grepping for system-wide gsettings we talked about, for the gconf plugin in g-s-d, did you do it?10:36
seb128rodrigo_, not yet10:36
seb128but seems low priority anyway?10:37
seb128there is still quite some gconf rdepends10:37
rodrigo_seb128, yes, no hurry, the plugin should be working ok now10:37
seb128I'm about to build a list of gconf and gtk2 rdepends10:37
seb128on the CD I mean10:37
bigonseb128: yeah I know, but for the telepahy ppa that's annoying10:37
rodrigo_seb128, yes, just wanted to know what was using desktop-wide settings, that would confirm the need to have the gconf plugin10:37
seb128rodrigo_, I will have a look to that next10:38
rodrigo_seb128, as I said, no hurry :)10:40
rodrigo_tkamppeter, around?10:40
seb128rodrigo_, seems like libedataserver so evolution still use it10:42
seb128rodrigo_, pidgin as well10:42
seb128just to list 2 popular ones I've installed10:42
seb128they use the http_proxy values10:42
rodrigo_ugh, right, evolution10:42
seb128rodrigo_, those alone are enough to justify needing it10:42
rodrigo_we probably need to push evo port to gsettings10:42
rodrigo_seb128, yes, evo itself is enough10:42
rodrigo_omg, what have I done to deserve this toothache :(10:51
seb128rodrigo_, still having tooth issues?10:52
pittirodrigo_: what did they do to your teeth?10:52
pittisounds like they blew it?10:53
pittiafter treating cavities they should feel good again after a day..10:53
rodrigo_pitti, they removed it, and put some stuff to fill the hole10:54
rodrigo_and the 1st week I was perfect, but pain is getting worse every day10:54
rodrigo_so not sure why I went to the dentist in the 1st place really :(10:54
pittimaybe they forgot some pieces of the caries?10:55
rodrigo_there was no caries, they removed a fake tooth I had which had broken and created some infection10:55
rodrigo_so yeah, not sure what's up, I am supposed to have nothing infectable there10:56
rodrigo_anyway, it's not too painful for now, let's hope it doesn't get worst10:56
cdbsseb128: Wasn't 3.8.16 expected to get into -proposed?10:59
cdbsof Unity, I mean10:59
seb128cdbs, no11:00
cdbsseb128: Its written as "SRU2" here: https://launchpad.net/unity/3.0/3.8.1611:00
cdbsthough that may be wrong11:00
seb128cdbs, bug #798318 needs to be fixed first11:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 798318 in unity "launcher autohidding is failing with 3.8.16" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79831811:00
seb128cdbs, no point to push something which we know will not let in because it has a new bug11:01
cdbsseb128: And I also noticed another regression, the window control buttons on the panel, occasionally get faded away under randomly occuring black boxes11:01
seb128njpatel, ^11:01
cdbsseb128, njpatel: I'm not sure, it may be an isolated case with me, and an upstream driver mess since I use the xorg-edgers PPA11:02
tkamppeterrodrigo_, hi11:02
rodrigo_tkamppeter, hi11:02
rodrigo_tkamppeter, I have been looking at embedding system-config-printer in the new g-c-c, as we discussed at UDS11:02
rodrigo_tkamppeter, and the s-c-p window inside g-c-c will look horrible11:02
rodrigo_tkamppeter, so I was thinking about patching the printer panel in g-c-c to call s-c-p for adding printers and setting options11:03
rodrigo_tkamppeter, but s-c-p doesn't have any argument at all to be able to do that11:03
rodrigo_tkamppeter, that is -> s-c-p --add-printer or s-c-p --config "HP PhotoSmart"...11:03
njpatelcdbs, it sounds like it (I've been running since yesterday and haven't seen it)11:05
cdbsnjpatel: http://imgur.com/f7FE0&RQJPw11:05
cdbsnjpatel: click the 'second picture' link to see the second one11:05
njpatelcdbs, yeah, that's graphics corruption  fwict11:06
cdbsnjpatel: in the first pic, look at the window buttons. In the second one, look at the bfb11:06
rodrigo_tkamppeter, would it be possible to add that?11:06
njpatelcdbs, I don't think this update causes that, but I can't be sure, of course, thanks to drivers being crap11:06
cdbsnjpatel: I'm running an Intel GPU, which one are you running btw?11:07
njpatelcdbs, both intel and nvidia11:07
cdbsprobably its isolated to only the Intel driver?11:07
njpatelcdbs, but on natty11:07
cdbsnjpatel: by both you mean optimus?11:07
njpatelcdbs, no, I mean two systems, sorry11:07
njpatelcdbs, running on fully updated natty, no PPAs11:07
njpatelwell, no important PPAs ;)11:08
* cdbs thought he found another friend who is dealing with the optimus mess11:08
njpatelcdbs, heh11:08
rodrigo_oh, got an answer from mkestner about https://github.com/mono/gtk-sharp: "Usable in a few known ports which are proceeding.  Unreleased as yet."11:11
rodrigo_so at least now we know the status of the gtk# port11:11
tkamppeterrodrigo_, s-c-p can be called for adding printers via D-Bus, but probably only if a printer ID is supplied. Probably the best is patching s-c-p. Also newprinter.py has some debug command line calls to open an add-printer dialog. Perhaps you could get in contact with Tim Waugh and offer him patches to call the add-printer wizard and the properties dialogs separately, either by moving parts of s-c-p into a new Python library or by addin11:11
tkamppeterg command line arguments to the s-c-p call, or by adding new calls to the D-Bus interface, like add printer without device ID, so that the wizard starts with the printer discovery, whatever is most convenient to you (probably the D-Bus thingy is the best and easiest.11:11
rodrigo_the dbus interface might work, although if it doesn't have what we need, it'd be better to just add the command line args11:12
* rodrigo_ checks d-feet11:12
tkamppeterrodrigo_, all types of interfaces need work on s-c-p ... So choose the most convenient for your purposes.11:14
tkamppeterrodrigo_, to contact Tim: twaugh at redhat dot com, please CC me.11:15
rodrigo_ok, s-c-p service has NewPrinterDialog and PrinterPropertiesDialog calls, although they seem to crash scp-dbus-service11:18
tkamppeterrodrigo_, that must be a bug, patches welcome, best is to contact Tim.11:19
seb128stupid question, but if I loop mount an image and chroot into it, can I mount a directory outside the chroot in some way?11:31
seb128would be handy to write logs for my rdepends calls :-)11:31
seb128I could use unsquashfs to unpack the livecd also but that's quite slow11:32
pittiseb128: not this way around, but you can bind-mount a dir into the chroto11:42
pittie. g. /tmp/11:42
ogra_seb128, you should be able to mount from another terminal11:42
ogra_i.e. outside the chroot11:42
pitti/tmp            /home/dchroot/lucid/tmp          none    bind    0 011:42
pitti^ example from my fstab11:42
seb128hum, when I tried it told me the mount was read only11:42
pittiseb128: then /tmp/ in the chroot is exactly the same, you can even run X programs, etc.11:42
pittiseb128: with bind mounting?11:43
pittisudo mount -o bind /tmp /your/chroot/path/tmp11:44
pittiought to be as easy as that11:44
seb128pitti, indeed thanks, dunno what I did before11:46
seb128pitti, I think I tried to create a log dir but it didn't let me mkdir since the mount is ro11:47
seb128and it wouldn't mount to a non existant dir11:47
seb128but using tmp works for what I've to do11:47
pittiI generally find it very comfortable to do so, as this allows you to run X stuff11:47
pittii. e. I can test gnome stuff in my sid or lucid chroots11:47
* pitti lunch &11:50
seb128coffee here11:50
seb128restarting with the new unity and lightdm as well11:50
ogra_bah, no robert ancell ...11:58
* ogra_ finally has lightdm to not die on login ....11:59
ogra_saldy i now have to start it manually after boot :P11:59
seb128pitti, when you are back from lunch I would appreciate a SRU review from the new unity ;-)12:13
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cjwatsonanyone mind if I upload lightdm to actually install its autologin PAM file?12:41
* cjwatson is working on making it work right on the live CD again12:41
seb128cjwatson, go for it12:48
seb128cjwatson, thanks for working on that ;-)12:48
cjwatsonthanks - just got it working12:48
pittiseb128: sure12:54
seb128pitti, danke12:56
seb128ok, so I've a script that give me daily iso rdepends for any binary in one command12:56
seb128current iso has 63 libgconf2-4 rdepends12:57
seb12889 libgtk2.0-0 ones12:57
seb128(binary rdepends)12:57
seb128how do you guys prefer those lists to be maintained? copy in the etherpad? vcs? static list on a people url?12:58
seb128or tagged bugs all the sources that need porting before the lts?12:58
seb128I would lean toward using the etherpad or tagged bugs12:59
pittitagged bugs are better for long-term tracking, but harder to create13:07
pittiI think for now an etherpad would do13:07
pittimvo: oh, merge-o-mania today? :-)13:09
seb128pitti, \o/ danke for the SRU13:12
mvopitti: I was a bit lazy with merges so I thought I should make up for it today :)13:13
seb128pitti, ok, I will probably dump the lists as it on the etherpad and start filing some tagged bugs for things that will need work13:14
mvolots of sync as well13:14
seb128mvo, \o/13:14
mvo*hint* *hint* ;)13:14
mvoI can't wait for the day when LP lets me do it finally13:14
pittiI thought I read on -devel that this might be next week already13:15
pittiback in ~ 1.5 hours13:15
seb128pitti, mvo: yeah, on the "diff with debian" discussion they said it will win a sync button next week13:15
* rodrigo_ -> lunch13:35
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kenvandinepitti, my empathy is doing the same thing now... after i rebooted last night14:23
davmor2kenvandine: is that not theme and really slow typing rate?14:36
pittikenvandine: even with 3.1.2?14:41
pittikenvandine: I upgraded to that now, but since then nobody spoke to me on jabber14:41
kenvandinedavmor2, what do you mean?14:44
kenvandinepitti, let me IM you :)14:45
seb128see the bottom of the etherpad for a first gconf rdepends list14:45
seb128is the format working for everybody?14:45
pittikenvandine: still the same problem apparently14:45
pittikenvandine: I got a notification, I click on your nick, I get an empty chat window14:45
davmor2kenvandine: I upgraded to oneiric on my netbook, empathy is unusable,  the theme doesn't show up in the chat window and text input is really slow14:46
pittikenvandine: I blindly typed "hello", but neither see your text, nor mine14:46
pittinow the window grayed out14:46
kenvandinedavmor2, so you are seeing it too14:46
davmor2kenvandine: indeed reported it last night14:46
kenvandineok, pitti was seeing it yesterday but i wasn't14:46
kenvandinei had updated and restarted empathy, and all was fine until i rebooted14:47
ubot2Ubuntu bug 798440 in empathy "empathy chat is ridiculously slow and shows no text on the default theme" [Undecided,New]14:47
ftais there a way to put evolution(3) offline/online from a script?14:47
davmor2pitti: try changing the theme to blue14:47
davmor2that shows the text then it's still slow as hell though14:48
seb128fta, no idea, ask on #evolution on irc.gnome.org14:48
pittidavmor2: slightly better, but still hanging14:48
davmor2pitti: right but you do see things in the chat window then14:49
seb128pitti, when did that start?14:49
davmor2seb128: I clocked it last night14:49
kenvandineit is pegging my CPU14:49
seb128kenvandine, when did that start for you?14:49
kenvandineit started for me after i rebooted last night, it was fine even with new empathy until i restarted my session14:49
seb128could one of you try downgrading gtk3 to 3.1.4 and try again?14:49
kenvandinei killed empathy and everything telepathy related after pitti mentioned it yesterday14:50
davmor2kenvandine: on my netbook it causes the fan to go crazy so it is possibly doing the same thing to my system cpu too14:50
kenvandineand started them back up and all seemed fine14:50
seb128deja-dup has speed issues as well since recently14:50
seb128seems gtk geometry computation slowness or something14:50
kenvandineseb128, i'll try that14:50
pittiseb128: a couple of days ago, not sure14:50
seb128pitti, can you try with gtk3.1.4?14:50
pittiseb128: sure14:50
seb128pitti, btw http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/oneiric-desktop  see the bottom14:51
seb128pitti, I will start filing tagged bugs for things I think we should do active work on14:51
pittiseb128: splendid14:51
seb128pitti, I will start filing tagged bugs for things I think we should do active work on14:52
seb128wrong focus14:52
seb128pitti, same list for gtk2 coming next14:52
kenvandineseb128, gtk 3.1.4 seemed to have fixed it14:54
pittikenvandine: much better from my end with 3.1.414:54
pittiseb128: ^14:54
seb128ok, what I though14:54
seb128it's likely the same issue mterry has with deja-dup14:54
pittiI just downgraded libgtk-3-014:54
seb128there is something slow in gtk 3.1.614:54
pittinot the other gtk+3.0 binaries14:54
seb128let me check upstream bugs and git14:54
pittiI'll try with git head14:55
Laneywhat is the difference between indicator-applet and indicator-application? I cannot tell from the descriptions15:02
seb128pitti, I asked on #gnome-hackers, not really a known issue15:02
seb128Laney, one is an applet, i.e a gnome-panel loader15:02
pittiseb128: I check git head then, and bisect15:03
seb128Laney, the other one is an indicator15:03
seb128pitti, thanks15:03
Laneyan indicator to display indicators?15:03
seb128Laney, indicator-applet or unity are "loaders", they render indicators15:03
seb128Laney, indicator-application is what render libappindicator clients, it's an indicator like the session, messages, etc ones15:04
seb128Laney, the applet is a container if you prefer15:04
LaneyI get applet, it's application that is more confusing15:05
seb128it's just an indicator which render libappindicators client icons15:05
seb128pitti, can you join #gnome-hackers?15:06
seb128pitti, will be easier than to split the discussion15:06
seb128Laney, it could called indicator-newsystray :p15:08
seb128Laney, it's basically the indicator equivalent of the systray applet15:08
Laneyi thought thats what indicator-applet or unity were15:09
seb128Laney, we have one extra layer compared to the systray in some way15:09
LaneyI guess I don't understand what an indicator to render indicators is15:10
seb128Laney, the indicators render icons and those icons are packed in the applet15:10
Laneyhow does this first indicator get rendered?!?!!?15:10
* Laney 's head spins around a bit15:10
seb128Laney, each indicator render icons, all the indicators are packed in the panel by the applet15:11
Laneyhmm ok15:11
seb128Laney, you could have one applet for indicator-application if you want, one for indicator-session, etc15:11
seb128Laney, in the past we have 2 groups, session and me in one applet and the applications in another15:11
Laneyso it collates all of the app indicators into one place15:11
seb128well all or a defined set15:11
seb128we have different applets15:11
seb128-session, -complete15:12
seb128but the one we use nowadays pack all the indicators15:12
Laneybut you still need something else to actually render the indicators15:12
seb128that's indicator-*15:12
Laneygot it15:12
seb128indicator-application is what renders the systray equivalents15:12
seb128then it's packed in the panel by the applet15:13
seb128Laney, you can install libindicator-tools if you want15:14
seb128Laney, it has a standalone loader which load an indicator .so and display it on screen15:14
LaneyI only ask because I'm maintaining sparkleshare which has an indicator15:15
Laneyand I'd like to understand how it works (and maybe have it in Debian ... but GNOME 3)15:15
seb128Laney, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators btw15:17
seb128that can be useful to read15:17
seb128Laney, there is a pkg-ayatana team in debian packaging that stack15:17
seb128they didn't do gtk3 builds yet though15:17
Laneysaw that, but it didn't exaplin all the different parts clealy to me15:17
Laneyneeds those for the new libappindicator apparently15:17
Laneylooks like gtk3 in unstable is new enough now though?15:18
chrisccoulsonsomebody needs to rename the indicator stack, it's too confusing ;)15:18
seb128Laney, yes, there is no specific gtk3 version required, not sure why the pkg-ayatana guys dropped the gtk3 builds15:18
Laneybetter long descriptions would have been ok15:18
seb128they basically merge on ubuntu15:18
Laneyseb128: it was only in exp when they did it I think15:18
Laneyonly got to sid on 2011-04-1015:19
seb128so yeah, somebody should tell them to bring that back ;-)15:19
Laneyis anyone working on indicators in gnome 3?15:19
ftaseems there's a typo in evolution.desktop, last line (from debian/patches/10_desktop_shortcuts.patch)15:19
mterryLaney, for gtk3, yes.  for gnome3, no15:21
seb128Laney, define gnome3? gnome-shell?15:22
Laneylike porting indicator-applet i guess?15:22
seb128Laney, we aim at having GTK3 builds for the stack at the end of the month15:22
Laneythat will bring gnome shell support?15:22
seb128but I guess it would easy to write a .js loader15:22
Laneybut it's a prerequisite, right :-)15:23
seb128that will make those work in gnome-panel3 though15:23
seb128Laney, yes15:23
seb128Laney, I guess it would be easy to write some .js for g-s to load indicators if you want to15:23
Laneybut if i'm just caring about myself then the panel is sufficient... *cough*15:24
Laneyoh, look at this: gnoe bug 65212215:24
Laneygnome bug 65212215:25
ubot2Gnome bug 652122 in message-tray "AppIndicator support in the message tray" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65212215:25
mterrypitti, how easy is it to push a lower version to natty-proposed than has been pushed to it so far (i.e. for deja-dup, to not push the latest stable release with its broken help files and instead push a targeted patch on top of previous version)?15:26
seb128mterry, you can't downgrade15:27
seb128mterry, I guess you want nextstable-1~ppa115:27
mterryhmm, I may release an actual new stable then15:27
pittimterry: it hasn't been accepted into natty-proposed15:27
seb128ups, ppa -> sru15:27
pittimterry: I didn't accept it because it looked fishy15:27
mterrypitti, oh right!  brilliant15:27
pittimterry: if it's indeed wrong, I can reject it, and you can upload a fixed version15:27
pittiwant me to?15:28
mterrypitti, yeah, I'm still confused by the help translation regression.  I'm looking into it and have some ideas why, but easier to just do a targeted patch for now15:28
pittimterry: rejected15:29
seb128mterry, in case you didn't read the channel or the discussion a bit earlier the deja-dup slowness issue is a gtk bug15:30
mterryseb128, yeah I was watching that go by; makes sense15:32
seb128so the etherpad has a list of gtk2 and gconf users on the liveCD16:01
seb128I will add references and file some bugs for things that need porting16:02
chrisccoulsonb'ah, i can't build firefox locally any more16:02
chrisccoulsonthe kernel versioning change has broken the nss build16:02
pittiLaney: do you now if it's possible to add some radio stations to banshee by default?16:13
pittisimilar to /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/iradio/iradio-initial.xspf ?16:13
pittior a gconf schema, etc.16:13
pittiso far I just see them in .config/banshee-1/banshee.db, but I can't pre-create this obviously16:13
pittihmm, gnome bug 548197, seems to be missing ATM16:15
ubot2Gnome bug 548197 in Internet Radio "no radio stations provided by default" [Enhancement,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54819716:15
Laneythere's code to migrate from an xspf playlist16:15
Laneythat could probably be used to provide a default list16:15
pittioh, interesting16:16
pittiI'll check that16:16
pittiubuntu-defaults-builder is creating an xspf one anyway16:16
Laneywhen initialising the plugin for the first time → populate from some default path16:16
pittiLaney: thanks!16:19
Laneyno worries16:20
seb128mterry, hey, how busy are you today?16:25
mterryseb128, I can take something; just working on non-urgent deja-dup stuff16:25
seb128mterry, that's non urgent as well but njpatel is just rolling a new bamf tarball with gtk3 support16:25
seb128mterry, do you want to package it and make it dual build gtk2 and gtk3 libs?16:25
pittiLaney: ah, bummer, it only checks in ~/.config/banshee/plugins/stations/, not in any /usr path16:26
seb128mterry, feel free to say no if you don't, I'm just checking because it's getting late european time but that can wait monday16:26
mterryseb128, oh yeah.  I already have packaging changes for a number of the libraries I ported (for testing)16:26
mterryjust sitting on my machine16:26
seb128mterry, ok great, it's yours then ;-)16:26
pittiLaney: but I guess we might patch it to look in /usr/share/banshee/stations/default.xspf?16:26
* pitti follows up in above GNOME bug report16:26
Laneypitti: yeah, some API for that (importing aribtary xspfs) would be reasonable16:28
Laneythen you could even give a UI for it16:28
Laneypitti: wouldn't MigrateXspf work?16:28
pittiLaney: I guess so, but we need to make it look in /usr/share/banshee/ by default; that's what I'm proposing in teh bug report16:29
Laneyah, extending Migrate() to do that, right16:29
Laneywould be rather simple indeed16:29
Laneyif it read every xspf file in some directory then distributors could customise the lists without having to modify banshee16:30
pittifollowed up16:30
pittiif they agree to that, I'll cook up a patch16:31
pittibut I'll give some days for a reply, in case upstream wants it to be done slightly differently16:31
njpatelseb128, mterry https://launchpad.net/bamf/0.2/0.2.9216:31
seb128njpatel, \o/16:31
mterrynjpatel, awesome, after I grab lunch, I'll uplod16:32
mterryupload even16:32
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pittioh, llvm has landed17:00
mptmvo, hi, if you're still around: Did you see my suggestion on the unattended-upgrades blueprint?17:09
mvompt: yes, i have seen it17:14
mptmvo, do you think it's reasonable? :-)17:15
mvompt: well, it makes a valid point, but it would still be nice to know where the new "install in the background" element would fit into the spec even if the spec is not implented yet17:18
seb128dobey, is evolution-webcal still useful nowadays?17:19
mptmvo, ok, I'll sketch some possibilities. But I'll be quite frustrated if one of them gets implemented without any of the specced simplifications being implemented. ;-)17:23
mvompt: fair enough. its not that its not important to us, its really a matter of finding time or someone doing the dbus backend work17:24
mptmvo, right. I think you told me that and471 had done the GUI but didn't know the dbus?17:24
hex-codehi all17:25
hex-codehi mvo17:25
mvohey hex-code17:25
hex-codecan you help me with Glib 2.28 upgrade on ubuntu 10.1017:25
hex-codesynaptic doesn't show any new upgrade beyond  Glib 2.26.1, and i need some help with manual installation17:26
hex-codei have compiled 2.28 manually but dont know how to replace old Glib 2.26.117:26
seb128hex-code, try #ubuntu for user questions17:26
hex-codeactually i am doing this for dev packages17:27
pittigood night everyone, have a nice weekend!17:31
seb128'night pitti17:33
dobeyseb128: i think so, but i'm not maintaining it any more17:57
seb128dobey, what was,is it doing exactly? calling evolution when you click on an url?17:58
dobeyseb128: no, it pops up a dialog to subscribe to a calendar and set the poll rate and color of the calendar in e-d-s, when you click on a webcal:// url. doesn't actually open, or require, the evolution gui itself18:00
seb128dobey, ok thanks18:00
cyphermoxmterry: how ready is libido3?18:13
cyphermoxI really wish I could open the indicator-datetime-preferences ;)18:13
mterrycyphermox, oh, the port for indicator-datetime is ready, just unmerged I think18:14
cyphermoxoh cool :)18:14
mterrycyphermox, oh, hm, so is ido3 (unmerged).  Blame DX  ;)18:15
cyphermoxyeah, I was looking at it ;)18:15
seb128mterry, you or kenvandine should deal with ido, it has no maintainer in dx since bratsche left18:22
mterryseb128, ick18:22
seb128let's get that update out in a distro way and talk about ido maintainship at the rally18:23
mterryseb128, is there a reason DX hasn't assigned someone else?18:23
mterryseb128, ok18:23
seb128mterry, out of "everybody is busy and nobody made a move to claim extra work"?18:24
* mterry reboots18:24
seb128mterry, no, I just think nobody raised it as an issue18:24
seb128they might not have realised work was needed18:25
seb128mterry, wb18:28
mterrylatest kernel works!18:28
seb128mterry, not sure if you read my "no, I just think nobody raised it as an issue, they might not have realised work was needed"18:28
mterryseb128, yeah, just as I shut down, thanks18:29
seb128mterry, we will sort it at the rally18:29
seb128mterry, brave man, I still didn't update my kernel nor xorg this week ;-)18:29
seb128I should probably do that before the rally to make sure I fix issues if there is any before travelling18:29
mterryseb128, as you know, we must dogfood!  ;)18:29
seb128I dogfood desktop :p18:30
seb128no, forget that, it's lame18:30
seb128mterry, I dogfood partial upgrades because others don't! ;-)18:30
seb128(that's better)18:30
cyphermoxthat's partly why I was asking about daily images yesterday, reinstalling my "travel laptop" to have a clean slate for the rally18:35
seb128reinstalling?! ;-)18:36
seb128chrisccoulson, can firefox stop using gconf?18:36
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, i thought it had stopped using it18:37
seb128chrisccoulson, the firefox-gnome-support binary depends on libgconf2-4 on the current oneiric iso18:37
chrisccoulsonoh, actually, gconf support is compiled in when turning on the gnome support18:37
chrisccoulsonit actually uses gsettings when available18:38
chrisccoulsonbut i will need to distro patch the gconf bits out then18:38
seb128can we drop the depends on libgconf2-4? ;-)18:38
seb128like put the file in the shlibs exclude list or something18:38
seb128or would that break things?18:38
seb128chrisccoulson, well don't bother yet, we still have some 65 sources to clean18:39
seb128but you're on the list!18:39
chrisccoulsonyeah, libmozgnome.so wouldn't load18:39
chrisccoulsonand you'd lose gio, gsettings and libnotify then ;)18:39
seb128when we get down to a few we will need to clean18:39
seb128that might be next cycle though18:39
seb128so don't bother for now18:39
mterryGuh, I'm being a bonehead, but I can't see how.  The following compile line for a test app is giving me undefined symbol errors for all the gtk calls: gcc `pkg-config --libs --cflags gtk+-2.0` test.c -o ./test18:45
mterryAny ideas?18:45
mterry(linker errors, not compile ones)18:45
ftapitti, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/apport-bug-duplicated-entries.png  ???18:46
seb128mterry, what does "pkg-config --libs --cflags gtk+-2.0" give you?18:47
chrisccoulsonmterry, try putting the "-o ./test" before the linker flags18:47
mterry-pthread -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/gio-unix-2.0/ -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/usr/include/libdrm -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include  -pthread -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lgdk_pix18:48
mterrybuf-2.0 -lm -lcairo -lpango-1.0 -lfreetype -lfontconfig -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lgthread-2.0 -lrt -lglib-2.018:48
mterrychrisccoulson, no help18:48
mterrychrisccoulson, oh!18:48
seb128mterry, try with gcc-4.5?18:48
mterrychrisccoulson, but if I put the test.c in front, it does help18:48
seb128mterry, it seems like a --as-needed thing18:48
mterryI didn't know order of source files mattered like that18:49
mterryseb128, chrisccoulson: thanks!18:49
seb128it does since --as-needed18:49
seb128that's annoying18:49
mterryI see...18:49
mterryDoes Ubuntu have test armel machines to log into?  I want to test a build for reals...18:57
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