
Kanobut i dont get why newer kernels instantly crash with lenny00:00
Kanoi do not compile anything,but atoms need really long to recompress00:04
jjohansenback on later00:08
Logan_Anybody here good with XHCI issues?  There's a bug that has "Fix released," but I find that I still need to use a workaround to fix suspending on my USB 3.0 laptop.03:22
jjohansenLogan_: update the bug with the information04:29
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apwsmb, moin08:47
smbapw, Got past the signals?08:47
apwsmb, yeah about 20 mins sitting on the rail for nothing while they counted trains08:48
* smb hopes "sitting on the rail" is different from "sitting on the rails"08:48
smbBut yeah, some are very "secure"08:49
smbOne here lets you wait quite long before anything happens. Then with another of those you got 5s between the barrier being down and the train being there.08:50
apwheh me too08:54
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* ppisati -> out for food11:39
ckingdownload .ddebs -> need a faster pipe11:43
ppisatiapw: btw, i tested the image used by Michael and it's working ok on my panda13:36
ppisatiapw: so, faulty hw or a new hw revision13:37
apwppisati, the oneiric one you mean ?13:39
ppisatiapw: uhm... no, it was a natty iirc13:40
ppisatiapw: but natty and oneiric omap4-wise are the same13:40
apwppisati, well actually no at the moment oniric is behind natty (which it shouldn't be) ... i am looking at fixing that right now13:41
ppisatiah ok13:41
apwppisati, yeah i am just testing a setup for it like mvl-dove 14:04
apwtgardner, so we are starting to get excessive skew between natty and oneiric ti-ompa4.  as officially oneiric should be updated before we can SRU, but also becuase we know we are getting an update for Oneiric "shortly" i am proposing we do a mvl-dove style forward port to oneiric.   as an experiment i am looking to do it the same way we do fro the lucid bacports, ie with oneirici1 (no ~) on the end of the version14:18
apwtgardner, this is starting to skew testing in oneiric it seems14:18
tgardnerapw, TI has promised to come up with a 2.6.39 kernel. we ought to ask Bryan where that is before we put too much effort into it.14:19
ckingapw, ping14:20
apwtgardner, from waht i can tell, its a ways away, i think we can do this for very little effort, ie effectivly pass it to stable to handle -- once i have this tested.  so far i've spent just 10 mins on setting up an update-from-xxx style tree for it14:20
apwand its looking like it works ok14:21
tgardnerapw, ok, but does it run on the HW ?14:21
apwppisati, any idea how far out the .39 kernel is for ti ?14:21
smosersmb, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ec2/+bug/614853 . user reporting that they're still seeing that issue with a kernel that should have been fixed14:22
ubot2Ubuntu bug 614853 in linux-ec2 "kernel panic divide error: 0000 [#1] SMP" [Medium,Fix released]14:22
apwtgardner, well that is part of the issue, there are compiler issues in the mix here, and unless we're building in the right series the testing is actually useless14:22
tgardnerapw, well, yhou can build in the c-k-t PPA as a test14:22
apwtgardner, if the priinciple seems sound to you, then yes that is cirtainly the sensible next test step14:23
ppisatiapw: that was yesterday topic and the answer is... unknown14:23
tgardnerapw, if its not too much work then I'm fine with it14:23
ppisatiapw: well, actually linaro has already a .39 kernel14:23
apwppisati, your feel?  still at least weeks out ?14:23
ckingapw, want to book those flights before matt closes for business?14:24
apwcking, yeah if there is a generall arival that saturday before then i guess so14:24
tgardnercking, apw: plumbers ?14:25
ckingI will book mine and CC you and ask matt to book yours too14:25
ckingtgardner, yep14:25
ckingand pre-kernel sprint too14:25
apwtgardner, yeah kernel sprint ... what he said14:25
tgardnercking, ah, I have not encountered tha in my email yet14:25
apwtgardner, you can practically walk there :)14:25
smbsmoser, Hm, both patches should be in that kernel. Need to check whether it is the exact same place14:25
ckingdude, you need to keep up with your inbox  :-)14:25
ppisatiapw: we won't get it for A2 unfortunately (end of month)14:25
tgardnerapw, its a surprising pain in the ass for me to get there14:25
smosersmb, i'm commenting. 14:26
tgardnercking, 6 days off produced over 700 emails. blech14:26
ppisatiapw: jcrigby has a .39 linaro kernel14:26
apwppisati, blimey ... 14:26
ppisatiapw: but that doesn't even boot on my board14:26
apwppisati, and that is no good for our use ?14:26
ppisatiapw: actually i would like to get t ASAP14:26
ckingtgardner, that's why I loathe taking a vacation ;-)14:26
* apw goes away to VENT about how useless that makes the linaro kernel14:27
tgardnercking, I usually keep up while traveling, but wilderness rafting doesn't really lend itself to electronic communications.14:27
smosersmoser, commented. i think its user error, or at very least there is user error involved14:27
* cking nods14:27
smbsmoser, Wait... that trace is from -312 and the patch went into -31314:29
smbsmoser, Ok, saw you commented the same...14:31
sforsheetgardner, could you accept my natty nomination on bug #767192 ?15:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 767192 in linux "Wireless flaky on Acer Aspire 5100 after installing Natty" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76719215:25
tgardnersforshee, done15:28
ppisatinuntio vobis gaudium magnun: it _seems_ we are going to get 3.0 for oneiric/ti-omap4 too15:53
ppisatibut no ETA yet15:54
sconklinsmb: Your email about the xenmotion and patch, is that a recommendation to publish it or to not publish it? 16:46
smbsconklin, To publish. Actually there has been one verification by now16:46
sconklinor rather to verify or not to verify, upon which publishing will be decided16:46
sconklinok, thanks!16:47
sconklinI'll nudge that along16:47
smbCool thanks16:47
smosersmb, do you have thoughts on bug 784937 ? I'd rather have hte kernel "fixed" than work around it.17:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 784937 in cloud-init "/mnt not mounted, swap not used, disk is xvde" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78493717:36
smbsmoser, The only thought currently is that I had not thought much about that one...17:37
* smb looks17:37
smoserverified its still in Ubuntu 3.0-0.1-virtual 3.0.0-rc217:37
smbsmoser, Could this be something related to that unplug unnecessary thing? That it does not give you sda because it would be the same as xvda...17:39
smbAnd the other thing would be, why directly specifying devices, and not uuid or label?17:40
smoseri dont know. i suppose it could be.17:40
smoserwell, 2 things lead me to care about a name17:41
smosera.) xen is stupid, amazon followed xen's lead, and they allow a user to specify "--device" when they attach a volume.17:41
smoser  the expectation is that that device, will then be what appears in the guest17:42
smoserb.) in this init case (trying to mount swap), cloud-init is reading the metadata service for "swap", which says "sda2".  It then translates that to xvda2 if there is no sda2.17:43
smoserbut i'd like to avoid more hacks and translations17:43
smbOk, I can understand that. Hm, at least the start it odd at first glance... But need to read a bit more details...17:45
* apw calls its a day ... have a good weekend all17:59
smbapw, same thing18:00
highvoltagehowdy, is there a kernel parameter I could use to disable scsi emulation for usb mass storage devices?19:04
jjohansensconklin: could you accept nomination for Bug#798860 and Bug#78940919:04
sconklinjjohansen: sure, stand by19:04
highvoltage(I have a sd card reader that shows up as sda on some laptops and it's messing with my d-i mojo since it's preseeded to install to sda)19:05
sconklin#798860 #78940919:05
jjohansensconklin: thanks, you can ignore the accidental oneiric tick, sadly I can't delete nomination mistakes19:05
sconklingot the first one, there is no 78940919:06
ubot2jjohansen: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0x8d65a2c> bug 789409 not found19:07
sconklindoesn't look good19:07
jjohansensconklin: there really is, I am looking at it the browser19:07
charlie-tcaIs it private?19:07
jjohansenah yes, but its not supposed to be19:08
jjohansensconklin: try now19:08
vishhi, while building the kernel deb, i get a lot of questions (y/n) or (M/n)  … is it OK if I choose 'y' for all and 'M' when y is not available?19:09
sconklinjjohansen: all done, I went ahead and declined the Oneiric one so it wouldn't be hanging19:09
jjohansenvish: maybe, its usually safe to choose the default19:09
jjohansensconklin: thanks19:10
jjohansenvish: if you just hit enter you get the default19:10
vishjjohansen: how do i know which is default? 19:10
vishjjohansen: ah ok.. :)19:10
jjohansenvish: it will be the one that is capitalized19:10
jjohansenhighvoltage: none that I know of19:10
highvoltagejjohansen: ok thanks19:11
sforsheetgardner, for the rt2800 firmware updates I started on last week, I discovered that hardy lbm does not include the drivers. Are we no longer updating compat-wireless in hardy? Because if not there's no point in adding the firmware.19:12
tgardnersforshee, I don't think I ever bothered with Hardy compat-wireless. Lucid shold be sufficient;y old enough for CW backports19:14
sforsheetgardner, ack. I'll send out the pull requests for lucid and maverick shortly.19:16
tgardnersconklin, do we have a test victim for the USB 3.0 regression? it should be fixed in, right?19:23
sconklintgardner: I can't remember, but I think there may still be another patch required after .8. I haven't worried about it because we just reverted it all. We'll circle back after we get these releases out.19:25
sconklintgardner: the last time I checked was a week or so ago and one of the fix patches wasn't even in Linus's tree yet19:27
tgardnersconklin, ok, I'll roll a without the xhci patches19:28
vishcheck-config: FAIL: value CONFIG_SECURITY_YAMA y19:40
vishcheck-config: FAIL: value CONFIG_DEFAULT_SECURITY_APPARMOR y19:40
vishcheck-config: 26/28 checks passed -- exit 119:40
vishmake: *** [config-prepare-check-generic] Error 119:40
vishwhile building i get that^ error; how do i fix that? 19:40
vishbuilding kernel*19:40
vishi could probably comment it out of /config/enforce , but Apparmor is required for security right?19:45
jjohansenvish: define required.  It is required for apparmor make, but you still have unix DAC without it19:52
jjohansenvish: what kernel are you building?  I assume upstream?19:52
vishjjohansen: required as in; "if i dont have it, bad men will take control of my system" :D19:53
vishjjohansen: maverick, trying to bisect between .35 and .3419:53
jjohansenvish: ah, if you are bisecting and debugging I wouldn't worry about yama, or apparmor, they are added near the end of the stack of commits so they will disappear19:54
vishjjohansen: ok, cool, thanks.. will comment it out.. (the problem started between those kernel and persists even in .39 , so trying to figure out the commit)19:55
jjohansenvish: you can build without those by putting skipconfig=true on the command line19:55
jjohansen eg.  skipconfig=true fakeroot debian/rules binary19:55
vishoh, k. will do that for the next build.. i just commented it out and its building \o/19:56
jjohansenyou may also need skipmodule=true skipabi=true19:56
* vish makes note19:57
jjohansenvish there are also files you can touch/modify to get the same effect but if you aren't building a ppa, just putting those on the command line is good enough19:57
vishjjohansen: nah, not in ppa, just local build19:58
vishlp hates me atm, i dput the upload and it stops at the last 1 kb and just gets stuck forever, did that like 5 times already o.020:00
jjohansenvish: sadly that happens to more than just you20:09
jjohansenor maybe not so sadly, depending on your pov.  ie. lp hates more than just you :)20:10
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CarlFKnatty loaded snd-hda-intel - todays oneiric 3.0-1 does not, so no sound.  21:56
CarlFKshould I report this somewhere?21:56
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