
* pleia2 waves01:00
* greg-g waves!01:00
MootBotMeeting started at 19:00. The chair is maco.01:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]01:00
macoello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board for the Americas meeting for 16 June 2011. he wiki page for the Review Board is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/Americas01:01
maconerf. that'd be "Hello"01:01
macoWe will attempt to get through all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list before today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the entire list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off.01:01
macoThe format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO).01:01
macoEach applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions.01:01
macoDuring this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote.01:01
macoWhen the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If the sum of those numbers is positive, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (feel free congratulate them!)01:01
macoNow, with any further ado, lets get started with the first applicant...01:01
greg-gMatthew, are you here today?01:02
macohis nick doesn't appear to be joined01:02
pleia2I'll send him an email and remove him from the list01:02
dindatxHas Matthew really been signed up since February?01:02
pleia2dindatx: yeah01:03
greg-gtenach / Thomas?01:03
macoChrisGagnon looks like the only nick that's actually here01:03
greg-gChrisGagnon: you ready?01:03
macowell this'll be quick01:03
macoChrisGagnon: please introduce yourself01:03
maco[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChrisGagnon01:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChrisGagnon01:03
ChrisGagnonI am ready.01:04
maco[topic] Chris's application01:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Chris's application01:04
pleia2ChrisGagnon: please go ahead and introduce yourself :)01:05
greg-gChrisGagnon: if you could introduce yourself, that'd be great01:05
ChrisGagnonHi I work for canonical in the OEM service department01:06
ChrisGagnonI have been using ubuntu since Feisty fawn01:06
ChrisGagnonhmm I don't know what you want to know about me01:07
greg-gChrisGagnon: what kind of involvement do you have with the Ubuntu Community, generally?01:07
dindatxand why are you applying for membership?01:07
ChrisGagnonI answer questions when in IRC when I see them in #kubuntu and #ubuntu01:08
ChrisGagnonI also promote Ubuntu at my local LUG01:08
greg-goh good, what is the LUG's name?01:09
nhandlerChrisGagnon: Are you involved with a LoCo?01:09
dindatxnice - which LUG?  is there a Loco team near you?01:09
ChrisGagnonI would start at LoCo, but Maddog attends the local LUG groups and I don't feel like a loco could compete.01:10
macoyikes, looks like NH LoCo is deaded01:10
greg-gahh :)01:10
Pendulummost of the NE LoCos are pretty dead01:10
macolast post a year ago from a guy i *know* doesn't even live in NH01:10
maco(by which i mean, he was my neighbor when i lived 2 miles south of here :P)01:11
PendulumMA is the only one with any sort of activity and it's so low it lost 'approved' status last cycle01:11
Pendulummaybe 2 cycles ago01:11
pleia2ChrisGagnon: have you done presentations or events at the LUG?01:11
ChrisGagnonNo. I plan on doing a presentation on an automation robot I am building, when it's finished.01:12
nhandlerChrisGagnon: I see you are a member of the kubuntu bug team, have you done any triage work there?01:13
macoand in the same vein:  i was surprised to see your wiki page say you're a QA Canonifolk who uses Kubuntu when ive never seen you talk in #kubuntu-devel ... are we doing that great a job?!01:14
ChrisGagnonI've looked at a couple of bugs there01:14
ChrisGagnonI work in QA, on hardware enablement most of my work is covered by NDAs01:15
ChrisGagnonbecause I work on hardware before it's released to the public01:15
greg-gvery interesting01:15
dindatxChrisGagnon:  why are you applying for membership now?01:16
ChrisGagnonBecause I want to become more involved in the community.01:17
ChrisGagnonI figured that becoming a member would be a good start.01:17
dindatxChrisGagnon: we'd like that too!  but. . .01:17
dindatxChrisGagnon:  generally membership is gained after a record of community involvement01:18
greg-gChrisGagnon: have you thought about giving an Ubuntu related preso at the LUG? Things like that look good for membership01:19
dindatxChrisGagnon: what sort of involvement are you planning in the next few months?01:20
ChrisGagnonI plan on giving an Ubuntu related talk on my automation robot next month...01:21
ChrisGagnonI plan on giving an Ubuntu related talk on my automation robot next month...01:21
ChrisGagnonlag sorry01:22
pleia2oh nice, you're doing it with ubuntu (that was unclear)01:22
ChrisGagnonThat's been taking up most of my free time, I'd also like to blog about it on the planet ubuntu feed01:22
ChrisGagnonI'd also like to blog about my hardware enablement work when that work is no longer covered under NDA01:23
greg-gthat'd be great01:23
nhandlerChrisGagnon: If you are trying to get the word out, you can always send a link to ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com . It might end up in an issue of UWN01:23
ChrisGagnonAfter the hardware has been release and can be purchased preloaded with Ubuntu01:23
macoChrisGagnon: We'd like to see more involvement on the community side of things before you make another application, but please do make one!01:24
ChrisGagnonnhandler: I'll send things thanks01:25
pleia2yeah, build up a solid base of community work, and the blog posts about hardware stuff would be great and come apply again, right now I don't really see enough work to +1 for membership yet01:26
greg-gbut, you're close, and I think your plans for what you want to do are perfect for that01:26
PendulumChrisGagnon: also, I don't know how far you are from Boston, but that's where the MA LoCo events usually happen01:27
Pendulum(and they take all-comers)01:27
ChrisGagnonI live too far from boston to make it to their meetings.01:28
macoby the way, what you said about the LoCo v. LUG thing:  is the LUG just presentations?01:28
ChrisGagnonmaco: it's drinking beer and then presentations  :)01:29
macoI don't think most LoCos function in a "let's have someone do a presentation each month" way like most LUGs do01:29
macoso there may actually be room for a LoCo to hit the streets01:29
macomy LoCo has a table at a folk festival each year, and Vancouver's has a table at a farmers' market01:29
macoinstead of preaching to the choir, they go out and try to spread the word about this "linux for human beings" to the rest of the human beings01:30
ChrisGagnonI did pass out ubuntu CDs in hungary's first beer fest at the end of UDS-O :)01:31
macoWell, if you get the organizing bug, think of a LoCo being like a street team for a band :)01:32
dindatxChrisGagnon:  just remember to document everything in your wiki and you'll have no problems next time01:32
macoHmm, looks like the others haven't shown up, so I guess that's it01:32
MootBotMeeting finished at 19:32.01:32
ChrisGagnondindatx: sounds good01:32
dindatxthanks everyone!01:32
pleia2thanks everyone01:33
cyphermoxhmm. anybody actually pinged tenach?01:33
cyphermoxiamfuzz: you're late!01:33
iamfuzzcyphermox, sorry, got hung up in personal life01:33
macois there a #restartmeeting command?01:33
iamfuzzstrange hour this is at!01:33
cyphermoxall good :)01:34
* iamfuzz apologizes profusely01:34
iamfuzzif you guys wanna wait till the next one that's fine01:34
macoor maybe #unendmeeting? :P01:34
macodo we still have quorum?01:34
greg-glets see if we still have.. yeah, quorum01:34
macopleia2, dindatx, Pendulum: still here?01:35
* dindatx waves01:35
iamfuzzwhat's quorum01:35
macoiamfuzz: enough people to vote01:35
Pendulumi'm here01:35
iamfuzzmaco, no I meant he number for this grp01:35
macooh heh sorry01:35
greg-giamfuzz: are you MOTU already?01:36
iamfuzzgreg-g, nope, i got rejected for "lack of involvement in the breadth of the community"01:36
iamfuzzhence trying to be more involved with the breadth of the community :-)01:36
greg-gahhh, gotcha01:36
greg-giamfuzz: rock, we like that! :)01:36
iamfuzzso wanted to be an ubuntu member, shoulda done it 2 years ago01:36
iamfuzzwanna start a blog mainly, and join the bug control team01:37
iamfuzzoften need to edit partner bugs and can't01:37
MootBotMeeting started at 19:37. The chair is maco.01:37
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]01:37
maco[topic] Application of Brian Thomason01:37
MootBotNew Topic:  Application of Brian Thomason01:37
dindatxiamfuzz: interesting that they'd give you the feedback01:37
greg-gso, iamfuzz what have you done since the MOTU application?01:38
iamfuzzgreg-g, quite a bit01:38
dindatxiamfuzz: I've seen your name and work around for awhile01:38
iamfuzzfor MOTU I mainly did security fixes and some merges and SRUs01:38
* greg-g nods01:38
iamfuzzdindatx, indeed, they make it a little harder on us Canonical folk as they don't want it to lok like they rubber stamp us, which is a good thing IMHO01:38
macowhen was that, BTW?01:39
iamfuzzI tried to dabble in a bit of everything, joined a LoCo, threw a release part for Natty for the guys there, got a few packages in universe01:39
maco(i dont remember your MOTU application, so i assume "before my time")01:39
iamfuzzmaco, wanna say almost a year ago now01:39
macoah ok01:39
greg-ghow was the release party?01:39
iamfuzzI also do a (mostly) weekly post on OMG about cool new apps in software center01:39
iamfuzzgreg-g, small but fun01:39
iamfuzzbout a dozen linux geeks from Ga Tech here01:39
iamfuzzwe went and had some pizza and I handed out CDs and schwag01:40
greg-gaweosme, not a bad turn out really01:40
iamfuzzeh, I like big ;-) Was shooting for 30-3501:40
macotakes repeat attempts and knowing the address for all the local tech mailing lists to get that ;)01:41
greg-gyeah, we usually get around 25ish for the Michigan LoCo release parties. Though, we do have two of them, on both sides of the state, one gets 25ish, the other 15-2501:41
iamfuzzthats a good turnout01:41
iamfuzzeven the "official" montreal one only drew 2501:41
iamfuzzgeeks don't always get out ;-)01:41
dindatxpleia2: how many did we have at the CA one?01:42
macofor DC's we get about 30-ish people, but that includes me emailing all 3 LUGs in the area01:42
dindatxlots of surprise guests showed up :)01:42
greg-gnot sure if pleia2 is still here, actually, she may have ran after the first half of the meeting ended :)01:42
macoit's alright, Pendulum's here01:42
iamfuzzfair enough, i was extraordinarily late01:42
macoshe's just stealthy01:42
iamfuzzafter 7:30 my brain takes a cooldown period01:43
iamfuzzmy wife said "didn't you have an Ubuntu meeting"01:43
dindatxiamfuzz: okay, so sounds like you've become more publically active since last year, that's good01:43
iamfuzztried to, and tried not to do it for the sake of doing it; searched for things I was actually interested in01:44
greg-gyeah, looks like your bug list is pretty varied, https://bugs.launchpad.net/~brian-thomason01:44
dindatxiamfuzz: are you going back for MOTU approval soon?01:44
iamfuzzI'm also now working with nigelb on packaging training starting next week.  We just went through the 500+ FTBFS in Oneiric Universe and will be doing a packaging training/bug squashing session with those01:44
* maco winces01:44
iamfuzzdindatx, yes, probably in 1-2 months01:44
iamfuzzmaco, I scripted it ;-)01:45
iamfuzzhe wanted to do it manually as he must enjoy the pain01:45
macoare those the ones that are ending up on LP?01:45
macothere were 160-ish targetted at alpha 2 last i looked01:45
iamfuzzdindatx, I want some of my cloud foundry packages to get into oneiric before I apply again, which should be in ~1 month01:45
micahgI think the universe ones were pushed back to alpha301:46
iamfuzzmaco, not sure, he's targetting these specifically due to a linker issue that raised its ugly head in Oneiric01:46
macomicahg: wait so theres 160 ftbfs in *main* then? O_O01:46
iamfuzzmaco, indeed01:46
iamfuzzor at least there were01:46
iamfuzz509 last count in Uni01:46
micahg38 packages in main currently on http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/oneiric.html01:47
macoi knew we were understaffed but sheesh01:47
iamfuzzmicahg, theyre knocking them down then01:47
iamfuzz89 last I looked a few days ago01:47
maco[vote] Brian Thomason for membership01:47
MootBotPlease vote on:  Brian Thomason for membership.01:47
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot01:47
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting01:47
MootBot+1 received from greg-g. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 101:47
MootBot+1 received from Pendulum. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 201:47
MootBot+1 received from dindatx. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 301:47
MootBot+1 received from maco. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 401:47
MootBot+1 received from cyphermox. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 501:48
macothat's everyone?01:48
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 601:48
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 601:48
greg-gcongrats and welcome, iamfuzz !01:48
cyphermoxcongrats iamfuzz01:48
macocongrats on membership!01:48
dindatxiamfuzz:  congratulations!01:48
iamfuzzthanks guys, good to finally be officially ubuntu rather than just canonical01:48
Pendulumiamfuzz: congrats!01:48
iamfuzzit gets lonely in commercial software land01:48
MootBotMeeting finished at 19:49.01:49
greg-gI bet!01:49
cyphermoxplease don't hesitate to add your blog to planet and let everyone know the cool stuff you add to softwarecenter and all ;)01:49
pleia2dindatx: probably at least 35, lucid had over 60!01:49
iamfuzzcyphermox, exactly what I had in mind!01:49
iamfuzzcyphermox, OMG gets tired of me whoring the commercial stuff and I don't blamem01:49
micahgmaco: a lot of the main ones remaining could be from the rebuild test and the packages haven't seen new versions yet in oneiric01:49
iamfuzza blog seems the more sensible route01:49
cyphermoxiamfuzz: but OMG is still a nice place too01:49
iamfuzzcyphermox, I love those guys, especially ben01:50
iamfuzzI meant their userbase, Ben couldn't care less01:50
iamfuzzwe've just had such an influx lately and noone buying!01:50
cyphermoxblogging about MOTU or pre-motu stuff is good too :)01:50
iamfuzzof course, Cloud Foundry01:51
iamfuzzIf I can ever wrestle it into submission01:51
iamfuzzgot the client packaged but the server is a beast01:51
iamfuzzand waiting on chrisccoulson to fix a bug in mongodb for me :-)01:51
iamfuzzmaco, anything I need to do on my end, or will you guys do all the LP/blog magic on yours?01:53
macoiamfuzz: you get to do that "add yourself to planet" thing...after we do the rest01:54
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha-afk
greg-giamfuzz: you are now in the LP ~ubuntumembers team, so you can do the planet ading part now02:29
* greg-g waves and leaves -meeting02:35
MooDoohello all09:00
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
* pitti waves15:58
* skaet waves back at pitti15:58
* NCommander waves15:59
* ogra_ strands15:59
skaetogra_, strands??15:59
ogra_well, you wave i strand :)16:00
skaetok,  time to start - welcome all16:01
MootBotMeeting started at 10:01. The chair is skaet.16:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:01
skaet[Topic] Oneiric Release Meeting overview - skaet_16:01
skaetAgenda is at:16:01
skaet[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-06-1716:01
skaetHere is the new proposed regular agenda order.16:01
skaet- QA team update -  pgraner or jibel16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Oneiric Release Meeting overview - skaet_16:02
skaet- Hardware Certification team update - ara or brendand16:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-06-1716:02
skaet- Security team update - jdstrand16:02
skaet- Kernel team update - ogasawara16:02
skaet- Foundations team update - cjwatson16:02
skaet- Server team update - Daviey16:02
skaet- ARM team update - ogra16:02
skaet- Linaro update - fabo16:02
skaet- Ubuntu One Team -  Chickapa16:02
skaet- Desktop Team update - pitti16:02
skaet- Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth16:02
skaet- Kubuntu Team update - ScottK16:02
skaet- Edubuntu Team update -16:02
skaet- Xubuntu Team update - charlie-tca16:02
skaet- Any other teams?16:02
skaet- Toolchain update - slangasek16:02
skaet- MOTU team update - tumbleweed16:02
skaetIt is in the team agenda.  There's been one special request to shift around for today only from Server team.  ;)16:02
skaetIf there's no further feedback,  I'll update the calendar invite with the above order.16:02
skaetEvents Approaching:16:02
skaet- Debian Import Freeze: June 30, 201116:02
skaet- 10.04.3 Freeze: June 30, 201116:02
skaet- Oneiric Alpha 2: July 7, 201116:02
skaetBugs targetted for this release can be found:16:02
skaet[LINK] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+bugs16:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+bugs16:02
skaetBugs milestoned for oneiric alpha 2 are at:16:02
skaet[LINK] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/oneiric-alpha-216:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/oneiric-alpha-216:03
skaetNew status site is now up,  and final tweaking of the configs is in progress.16:03
MootBotLINK received: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/16:03
skaetDocumentation on how to set up a "topic-" page is available at:16:03
MootBotLINK received: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TopicHowTo/16:03
skaetReminder:   please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing.   If someone wants to comment during the updates, please "o/", so we know to wait.16:03
skaetok, lets move into round table then....16:04
skaet[Topic] QA team update -  pgraner16:04
MootBotNew Topic:  QA team update -  pgraner16:04
* skaet looks around for pgraner or jibel... hmm?16:05
skaet[Topic] Hardware Certification team update - brendand16:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Hardware Certification team update - brendand16:05
brendandAll I can report is that we've started testing the proposed Maverick kernel16:06
skaetthanks brendand.   Which oneiric daily do you intend to start testing next week?16:07
brendandtbh, i don't know16:07
brendandi believe we always use current16:08
brendandso it will depend on which day we start16:08
skaetdo you know which day is likely?16:08
brendandi don't16:10
skaetbrendand,  no worries, I'll follow up with you and ara then offline,  and we'll move on for now.16:10
skaet[Topic] Security team update - jdstrand16:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Security team update - jdstrand16:10
skaethi  :)16:11
jdstrand[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric16:11
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric16:11
jdstrand[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-security.html16:11
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-security.html16:12
jdstrandWe are currently under the trend line for our blueprints. We've had a skeleton crew this week, and our team is mostly concentrating on updates atm, and getting to work items as we can fit them in. I fixed a milestoned libvirt regression (bug #795800) and my patch was accepted upstream. Looking at the (rather long) list of oneiric bugs, I don't see anything else worth highlighting.16:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 795800 in libvirt (Ubuntu Oneiric) "virsh save fails on oneiric when the apparmor security driver is enabled" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79580016:12
skaetthanks jdstrand16:12
skaetwe're talking about getting the list cleaned up a bit off line.16:12
skaetany questions for jdstrand16:13
skaet[Topic] Kernel team update - ogasawara16:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel team update - ogasawara16:13
* skaet looks around for ogasawara or apw?16:14
* apw is here16:14
skaetapw,  any update from kernel team prep'd?16:15
apwOverall status is reported at the first link below.  Burn down for the release milestone is at the second link below.  Burndown for the cycle is at the third link:16:15
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric16:15
apw[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team-oneiric-alpha-2.html16:15
apw[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:15
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric16:15
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team-oneiric-alpha-2.html16:15
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:15
apwWe are making solid if slow progress on our Alpha-2 work items.  Those items which are slipping are non-release critical related to upstreaming older patches.  The oneiric kernel is now at v3.0-1.2 which is based on the v3.0-rc3 upstream snapshot.  We continue to track a small number of version number related issues, the latest in nfs-utils.16:15
apwOf the bugs called out on the agenda against the kernel, status is as below:16:15
apw#754711 investigation continues, upstream not currently responding,16:15
apw#542660 seems that the issue is triggered by bugs in the EFI boot some fixes may be in 3.0 needs testing,16:15
apw#760131 local testing looks good with newer 3.0 kernels, some fixes expected via stable for 2.6.38,16:15
apw#791552 appears to be fallout from the switch to newer gcc versions where 'undefined behaviour' has changed, upstream still discussing resolutions, and16:15
apw#796892 likely this is due to an out of date Oneiric ti-omap4 kernel, test kernels being prepared.16:15
skaetthanks apw! :)16:16
skaetany questions?16:16
skaet[Topic] Foundations team update - cjwatson16:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations team update - cjwatson16:16
* skaet looks around for cjwatson?16:18
tumbleweedhe was around in #ubuntu-motu 5 mins ago16:19
cjwatsonsorry, one moment16:19
cjwatsonFeature progress this week:16:19
cjwatson * foundations-o-dhpython-transitions: We have good wiki documentation on doing conversions now.  dh_python2 migration underway and making steady progress (bug 788514, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/dh-python2.html); bug jam planned.16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788514 in Ubuntu Oneiric "python packages on the CDs not using dh_python2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78851416:19
cjwatson * foundations-o-live-build: Landed.  A few regressions, but mostly sorted out now.16:19
cjwatson * foundations-o-great-cd-debate: Switched to hybrid CD/USB images.  amd64 builds regressed but are fixed now.16:19
cjwatson * foundations-o-python-versions: Discussing Python 3 CD size issues.  It looks as though removing .pyc files from the livefs will offset the extra size of Python 3, although this will need some care.16:19
cjwatson * foundations-o-wubi: Doing design work and planning slideshow changes.  Removed Windows entries from the Wubi boot menu (which is already chainloaded from Windows).16:19
cjwatson * foundations-o-multiarch-next-steps: Trying to keep up with syncs from Debian as they land multiarch patches.  Some GCC fixes.16:19
cjwatson * packageselection-foundations-n-event-based-initramfs: Continuing work on initctl pivot command.16:20
cjwatson * foundations-o-application-sandboxing: Arkose 1.0 released (http://www.stgraber.org/2011/06/14/app-containing-on-the-modern-linux-desktop/); implemented X, dbus, and pulseaudio sandboxing support.16:20
cjwatson * upstart: Upstart 1.3 released (Ubuntu merge in progress).  Discussion on job aliases and "chkconfig-like" tool.  Working on shutdown improvements.16:20
cjwatson * java: Evaluating JamVM test rebuild failures.16:20
cjwatson * software-center: Lots of planning with design team.16:20
cjwatson * apport: Hook for software-center; include /var in disk checks.16:20
cjwatson * bug 597673, bug 644198, bug 791883: We'll look at these next week (Evan has been at the QA sprint all week so the installer's been a bit short-staffed).16:20
cjwatson * bug 774999: Michael is on this as of today.16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 597673 in console-cyrillic (Ubuntu Oneiric) "console-cyrillic changes settings on consoles it doesn't own, causing crashes with plymouth + X" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59767316:20
cjwatson * bug 797555: Not actually ours to fix, just requested by us.  Incidentally, I'm told that Canonical folks would be better off requesting manual bootstrap builds like this through RT rather than Launchpad.16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 644198 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Ubuntu LIve Cd does not enable bluetooth before choice menu in live-cd" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64419816:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791883 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "ubi-console-setup.py:set_keyboard() gets error 141 (crashes) in Kubuntu" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79188316:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 774999 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "[i865G] Upgrade should warn user about lack of support for old 8xx intel hardware" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77499916:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 797555 in libjboss-buildmagic-java (Ubuntu Oneiric) "libjboss-buildmagic-java needs a manual build using the unstable binaries" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79755516:20
skaetThanks cjwatson!  :)16:20
mvoI'm on #77499916:21
skaetThanks for the bug updates,  looks like we should be good going into the rally then.   :)16:22
skaetany questions for cjwatson?16:22
skaet(and thanks mvo, :) )16:23
skaetok,  skipping server for now,  per request,  will pick it up at end.16:23
skaet[Topic] ARM team update - ogra_16:23
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM team update - ogra_16:23
ogra_oh, thats me :)16:23
ogra_Detatiled Status is at:16:24
ogra_ * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARMTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric16:24
ogra_ * QA from Ubuntu ARM attended the QA sprint in London last week.16:24
ogra_ * Additionally to the normal netinstall images, work on mini isos for netinstall has happened, also omap4 support was merged into debian-installer now16:24
ogra_ * Further netboot work is waiting for some linaro u-boot ode to land in the archive.16:24
ogra_ * Work on adding the ship seed (preinstall pool) to preinstalled images has been started16:24
ogra_ * SD speed optimizations are being merged right now.16:24
ogra_ * A lot research of the broken USB support with gcc 4.6 has been done by ppisati but is still unfruitful yet.16:24
ogra_ * Work on fixing the kernel/bootloader postinst handling has started.16:24
ogra_Image Status16:24
ogra_ * Desktop images are currently at 1G which is slightly to big and being investigated16:24
ogra_ * Headless/serial images build fine.16:24
ogra_ * Entire http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html16:24
ogra_ * A2 http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-2.html16:24
ogra_ * bug 791552 is slowly getting critical16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791552 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "No USB support on beagle/beagleXM" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79155216:24
ogra_for the question about armhf from last week i just talked to the guys in #linaro-armhf ...16:24
ogra_seems the hope is to have a minimal armhf image for oneiric if time permits ... but at least to try to get something bootstrappable ready16:25
skaetThanks ogra_ !  :)16:26
skaetI'll mark that action item done then.   And not look at modifying the image testing list for this release.16:26
ogra_yeah, i dont think we will se anything that we can call official16:27
ogra_but something for the curious to test :)16:27
* skaet nods 16:27
skaetsomething for the curious is always good though :)16:28
skaetany questions for ogra_ ?16:28
skaet[Topic] Linaro update - fabo16:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Linaro update - fabo16:28
faboLinaro GCC 4.6 and 4.5 2011.06 released.16:29
fabo[LINK] http://launchpad.net/gcc-linaro/4.5/4.5-2011.06-0/+download/gcc-linaro-4.5-2011.06-0.tar.bz216:30
MootBotLINK received:  http://launchpad.net/gcc-linaro/4.5/4.5-2011.06-0/+download/gcc-linaro-4.5-2011.06-0.tar.bz216:30
fabo[LINK] http://launchpad.net/gcc-linaro/4.6/4.6-2011.06-0/+download/gcc-linaro-4.6-2011.06-0.tar.bz216:30
MootBotLINK received:  http://launchpad.net/gcc-linaro/4.6/4.6-2011.06-0/+download/gcc-linaro-4.6-2011.06-0.tar.bz216:30
faboLinaro QEMU 2011.06 released.16:30
fabo[LINK] http://launchpad.net/qemu-linaro/trunk/2011.06/+download/qemu-linaro-0.14.50-2011.06-0.tar.gz16:30
MootBotLINK received:  http://launchpad.net/qemu-linaro/trunk/2011.06/+download/qemu-linaro-0.14.50-2011.06-0.tar.gz16:30
faboLinaro Kernel is freezed on June 23rd for the 11.06 release.16:31
faboit's based on 2.6.3916:31
faboLinaro 11.06 release is planned on June 30th.16:33
faboany questions?16:33
skaetThanks fabo!   good data.  :)16:34
skaetyou answered mine ;)16:35
skaetanyone else?16:35
skaet[Topic] Ubuntu One Team -  Chipaca16:35
MootBotNew Topic:  Ubuntu One Team -  Chipaca16:35
ChipacaThe Ubuntu One installer is currently going through design; engineering work hasn't started yet. Very early days.16:36
Chipaca(it's a 'shim' that'll enable us to do the rapid updates we need, plus some text as to why using u1 is a good idea, etc)16:36
pittiChipaca: U1 installer> is that for the external PPA? I thought the agreement was to provide updates as SRUs, possibly with bundled libraries and translations?16:37
Chipacathis'll be a step back in how close we've worked (similar to how we worked in 8.04 iirc), while we work out something better in the long term16:37
Chipacapitti: this is an external ppa. we will be providing updates via SRUs and backports and etc, but none of the solutions gets us all the way16:38
Chipacaso we have to do them all16:38
Chipacathe code itself is not that much, and should be ready in a couple of weeks16:39
Chipaca(but, this is not an estimate)16:39
pittifor the record, I don't approve this with either my desktop TL nor SRU hat on; if we can't provide it with an SRU with bundled libs and translations, we mustn't provide it at all16:39
Chipacai think that is all16:39
wendarpitti: let's wait and see the full details of their plan16:40
skaetThanks for the update Chipaca.  :)   Sounds like there will be more discussion going forward.16:41
Chipacai can get into some details (not sure if this is the venue), not all of them have been worked out, but it seems pitti's objection is deeper16:41
Chipacapitti: you want to talk after the meeting?16:42
pittiwe can also do that by mail, easier16:42
wendarChipaca: yes, let's continue discussing in email16:42
* skaet nods16:42
skaetany other questions for Chipaca?16:42
skaet[Topic] Desktop Team update - pitti16:43
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop Team update - pitti16:43
pittiLanded new X.org versions16:43
pittiLanded the first bits of GNOME 3.1.x, starting with the lower-level libraries (GTK, etc.); we expect to start with, the UI bits in the next two weeks, now that we have a resonably stable GNOME 3.0 in oneiric.16:43
pittiCD space situation: We are 5 (amd64) / 9 (i386 MB oversized again, due to the new Mono transition, new mesa GLES support, and an extra 1 MB due to the new CD format; we expect 4.5 MB growth from new X.org gallium drivers with LLVM, and potential growth of ~ 6 to 10 MB for thunderbird (not firmly decided yet). We already implemented many of the biggest space savings (removing icons, removing less16:43
pittiimportant software), though. Completing the Mono transition will give us back some 2 MB, and we just discovered that we can free some 12 MB by dropping *.pyc files from the squashfs and regenerate them at install time.16:43
pittiSlow progress on RC bugs, as we are concentrating on updating the platform and getting work items done in this period, and there are no real showstopper bugs right now: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus#rcbugs16:43
pittiThe most tricky bugs right now are:16:43
pitti- bug 772873: Not really something new, but seems to have aggravated; we don't have someone who knows enough about compositing and VNC to do much about it, so we can only wait for upstream there.16:43
pitti- bug 787694: This is a prerequisite for a tight integration of the Ubuntu settings panels into the GNOME control center; however, this is still being discussed, it could also be that we drop the control center shell and provide a unity lens for it, in which case this wouldn't be needed.16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 772873 in vino (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Vino does not work with compositing" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77287316:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787694 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Oneiric) "GNOME 3 System Settings: Allow Python Programs (or general programs) as embedded capplet" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78769416:44
* pitti should add that to his c&p report16:46
skaetpitti, does it make sense to leave 772873 milestoned at A2,  since we're waiting on upstream.16:46
pittiit's not16:46
pittiit doesn't make sense, no; it's by far not a milestone blocker16:47
pittiwe do have one milestone blocker which causes empathy and deja-dup to get unusably slow, but it's not reported as a bug yet (fix is being worked on upstream)16:47
skaetthanks for the heads up.16:48
pittiwe had several bugs which are true milestone blockers, but we usually get them fixed within days anyway16:48
* skaet nods16:48
skaetany other questions for pitti?16:48
skaet[Topic] Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth16:49
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth16:49
skaethi :)16:49
dbarthreport as usual at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/OneiricReleaseStatus16:49
dbarthin short, we're finally making tarballs and releasing parts into oneiric16:49
dbarthnew unity-2d https://launchpad.net/unity-2d/+milestone/3.8.816:50
dbarthnew unity-gl16:50
dbarthnew overlay scrollbar https://launchpad.net/ayatana-scrollbar/0.2/0.2.116:50
dbarthNew sound API update, with accompanying sound indicator: https://launchpad.net/indicator-sound/fourth/0.7.116:50
dbarthalso a couple of touch libs updates: utouch-grail 2.0.0 and utouch-geis 2.1.0 to Oneiric16:51
dbarthsee the report for further details16:51
dbarththere are a couple FTBS and issues that are being worked on by chase and cjwatson i think16:51
dbartha few thngs are late however16:51
dbarthlibgrip, gtk23shim; we'll do better next week16:52
dbarthalso, at last we landed the natty SRUs for unity16:52
dbarthand the cert team has been able to confirm the changes do fix a good part of the garbled screen bug16:52
dbarththe multi-monitor part is still being investigated, but it's at the driver level now, we're almost sure16:53
cjwatsonthere was a dpkg bug which broke a load of stuff (much broader than only DX), fixed an hour or so ago16:53
dbarthok thanks, cnd will retry uploads soon16:54
skaetThank dbarth.  :)  any update on the bugs - will the new drops fix some of them?16:54
dbarththe bugs fixed are attached in the release notes of the upload (SRUs)16:55
dbarthand for oneiric, there are also quite a few that are fixed16:55
dbarthin unity-2d i have the link handy16:55
dbarthfor unity-gl i'm still waiting for the actual upload to have the full list16:55
dbarthbut it will come as a set of milestoned bugs as well16:55
ogra_i noticed that we default to have composite on in metacity for unity-2d, that breaks a lot of apps that use fake transparency (i.e. gksudo has a black background instead of a transparent one)16:56
ogra_do you plan to keep that on ?16:56
ogra_if so, such apps will likely need to be touched16:56
dbarthogra_: ah ok16:57
dbarthogra_: hmm16:57
dbarthif there are loads of them, adding unity-2d tasks may be a bit difficult to deal with16:57
dbarthogra_: can we see the list offline with Kaleo?16:57
ogra_i dont think there are loads16:57
dbarthto assess whether we can fix the apps, or need to revert to non-composite by default16:57
ogra_for now i noticed gksu only, but i guess you will see it with other apps that dont use proper compositing16:58
ogra_xchat might be affected16:58
ogra_(havent tested that)16:58
ogra_but yeah, lets take that offline16:58
skaetthanks dbarth, ogra_   :)16:59
skaetany other questions for dbarth ?16:59
skaet[Topic] Kubuntu Team update - ScottK16:59
MootBotNew Topic:  Kubuntu Team update - ScottK16:59
* skaet lookin around, but sees ScottK's marked away17:01
tumbleweedlast I saw, he said he was in an airport, with spotty wifi17:01
tumbleweedpresumably gone17:01
skaetthanks tumbleweed,  guess we'll move on.17:01
skaet[Topic] Edubuntu Team update17:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Edubuntu Team update17:02
skaet[Topic] Xubuntu Team update - charlie-tca17:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Xubuntu Team update - charlie-tca17:03
charlie-tcaXubuntu goals for Oneiric are defined at17:04
charlie-tcaThis is what we will use instead of blueprints.17:04
charlie-tcaXubuntu is trying to cut as many gnome dependencies as we can for Oneiric, since Xfce will stay at GTK2.17:04
charlie-tcaWe don't have any bugs to add at this time, since we haven't any images to determine if bugs are valid.17:04
skaetThanks charlie-tca!  :)17:05
skaetAny specific blockers on why you don't have images?17:05
charlie-tcano, just the change to the builds, I believe.17:05
charlie-tcacjwatson has been working on the images.17:06
ogra_that should have settled by now ...17:06
charlie-tcasome of the fixes just got finished today17:06
cjwatsonyou got an i386 image yesterday17:07
cjwatsonbut yeah, there've been a few problems, I don't have any open ones at the moment17:07
charlie-tcaIt still had the partitioning error. You respun Ubuntu, but not ours17:07
charlie-tcaThe only image today was the 386 alternate17:07
cjwatsontoday's was bitten by the dpkg multiarch/triggers failure17:08
cjwatsonnot actually a cdimage problem as such17:08
charlie-tcaThen I have no images17:08
cjwatsonsuch is life in a development cycle17:08
charlie-tcaI am patient. Hopefully, monday will be better17:08
cjwatsonyou just have to keep squashing build problems with alacrity17:09
skaetthanks charlie-tca, cjwatson - fingers crossed for better images next week.17:09
skaetany other questions for charlie-tca?17:10
skaet[Topic] Toolchain update - slangasek17:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Toolchain update - slangasek17:10
slangasekhi there17:10
slangasekthe big thing in the pipe right now is that doko is evaluating eglibc 2.1417:11
slangasekthe known breakage this will bring is that rpc support is disabled by default in 2.14, so anything that needs rpc headers would need to start build-depending on libtirpc instead17:11
slangasekotherwise, not much movement this week; I don't have an eta on when we'll be starting full-archive rebuild tests17:12
skaetThanks slangasek! :)17:13
skaetappreciate the head's up on eglibc 2.14 breakage.17:13
skaetany questions?17:13
skaet[Topic] MOTU team update - tumbleweed17:14
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU team update - tumbleweed17:14
tumbleweedUniverse plods along, as ever.17:14
tumbleweedToyed with some approaches to monitor FTBFSs. skaet suggested linking FTBFS bugs to a blueprint for a burndown table, but the LP API doesn't permit that.17:14
tumbleweed(And we need some automated cleanup of bugs tagged ftbfs when a build succeeds before that would be accurate)17:14
tumbleweedI've started collecting the csv files qa.ubuntuwire spits out, and will do some historical graphing from them.17:14
tumbleweedGetting that on ubuntuwire would be nice, anyone know if the source is public?17:14
tumbleweednigelb and iamfuzz have a preliminary list of linker-related issuse suitable for a fixing-jam announc17:14
skaetThanks tumbleweed! :)17:15
skaetLooking forward to seeing what the graphing looks like from the csv files.17:15
skaetany questions for tumbleweed ?17:15
tumbleweedit'll take a few weeks before they are interesting17:16
* skaet nods17:16
skaetam not sure who can help on the ubuntuwire side, but will poke around17:16
nigelbtumbleweed: there's #ubuntuwire for talking to ubuntuwire folks17:16
skaetthanks nigelb :)17:17
tumbleweednigelb: yeah, and I think /ftbfs/ is james_ws17:17
skaetany other questions?17:17
skaet[Topic] Community input on Q/R dates - wendar17:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Community input on Q/R dates - wendar17:18
* skaet looks around for wendar?17:19
wendar * Feature Freeze date more relevant than release date for most development, but some upstreams align with our cycle and make bug fix releases after FF.17:19
wendar * End of the month better for likely KDE upstream schedule, for bug fix releases.17:19
wendar * Halloween gets +2 for being home, no votes for being at UDS that week.17:19
wendarAre there other points people would like to add to that list?17:20
wendarThen I'll hand the input off to our Release Manager for consideration.17:22
skaetThanks wendar17:22
Daviey... /me is checking the dates for the next Openstack Design Summit, last UDS caused issues with that.17:22
cjwatsonwendar: too close to end of the month for final releases causes high bandwidth costs because the payment stretches across two calendar months, I'm told17:23
skaetwill check in with a few of the other stakeholders,  and then make some revisions.   Appreciate your gathering and summarizing of the input :)17:23
cjwatsonso it would be best not right at the end if possible17:24
skaetgood point cjwatson.17:24
cjwatson(that's just final release, FF obviously doesn't matter in that way)17:24
skaetanyone else have comments?17:24
skaet[Topic] Server team update - Daviey17:25
MootBotNew Topic:  Server team update - Daviey17:25
Daviey== Feature Work: == * To enable tracking, for the core server deliverables we have added a topic:17:25
MootBotLINK received:  http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-server-overview.html17:25
DavieyWe do need to reset the trend line and this is still WIP to fully give a rounded overview.17:25
DavieyGenerally, progress on the feature work has been quite good.  It feels it has slowed this week, as we have hit a few walls.  However, we are bouncing onwards and upwards.17:25
Daviey* server-o-cobbler-next-steps - Most of the A2 commitments are DONE * server-o-drop-vmbuilder - Blocked on direction * server-o-ensemble - Most of declared commitments are either DONE or well under way INPROGRESS (awaiting zookeeper related work in Debian) * server-o-ubuntu-orchestra-server - largely meta blueprint, but making OK progress.17:25
Daviey * server-o-arm-erver - NCommander is driving this.  Not beent able to sync since last meeting. Will follow up on. * server-o-openstack - Heavy burden on MIR's.  Oh joy. * server-o-boot-experience - My understanding that this is make slow progress, need evaluate. * server-o-puppet-integration - adam_g spent a while onsite with puppet, and is collecting the achieved work; and hoping to showcase it soon.17:25
Daviey== Bugs: == - Comment: Incoming bug count for Oneirc is low. Natty incoming is higher. :(17:25
DavieyBug 791454 - Needs to be reproduced.. not yet been looked at.  Will be a priority first part of next week.17:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791454 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "Oneiric Alpha1 Server x86 and x86_64 RAID1 Test Failed: Device need to be readded manually" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79145417:25
skaetThanks Daviey !  :)17:26
Davieypah, line break fail.17:26
skaetheh,  it was readable17:26
skaetwhich is appreciated17:26
skaetlooks pretty good for this point in the cycle.17:27
skaetany questions?17:27
Davieynone from me.17:27
Davieyany to me? :)17:27
skaetany questions for Daviey ?17:28
skaet[TOPIC] any other business?17:28
MootBotNew Topic:  any other business?17:28
skaetI'm going to be on vacation next week.17:28
skaetwendar has kindly agreed to host this meeting.17:28
skaetany agenda changes,  etc.  please address to her next week.17:29
Davieyskaet: have fun!17:29
skaetDaviey, :)  yup will do.17:29
skaetanything else?17:29
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:30.17:30
skaetwhewh... snuck it in right under the wire....17:30
skaetthank you   brendand, jdstrand, apw, cjwatson,  ogra_, Chipaca, pitti, dbarth, charlie_tca, wendar, tumbleweed, Daviey17:30
jdstrandthanks skaet17:30
pittithanks everyone! have a nice weekend17:31
charlie-tcanow to the weekly Q&A which is accessibility this week17:31
apwskaet, thanks17:31
skaethave fun with that charlie-tca :)17:31
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