
Laneydirecthex: hmmmmmm00:00
Laneyprobably ought to go00:00
directhexit's the law.00:01
directhexenrico will be there an' ev erything00:01
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dholbachgood morning07:55
kklimonda^shadeslayer: hey, can you tell my why did we change oauth id for choqok? It is now supposedly identifying itself as "Kubuntu Choqok".09:04
shadeslayer_kklimonda^: sure, it was because Choqok ships its own Auth ID *inside* the source code and twitter discourages that, so in general it was suggested that we use our own auth id instead of choqok's auth id09:54
shadeslayer_let me get the article09:54
shadeslayer_kklimonda^: http://arstechnica.com/security/guides/2010/09/twitter-a-case-study-on-how-to-do-oauth-wrong.ars09:57
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shadeslayerkklimonda^: so there's a good chance that twitter will block choqok's key in the future, so our key is a workaround for that09:59
kklimonda^shadeslayer: thanks10:14
hrwhi kklimonda^10:31
kklimonda^hey hrw10:32
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Amozhi, what's the usual waiting time before a merge proposal gets reviewed?15:01
tumbleweedAmoz: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring-stats/15:02
Amoztumbleweed, wow, thanks!15:06
DorianJaminaisHello everybody !15:21
DorianJaminaisI am trying to package ogrenewt, an addon for ogre15:22
DorianJaminaismy problem is that when building with pbuilder, it fails because it does not find the newton library15:23
DorianJaminaisthis library is in the package folder15:23
DorianJaminaisbut i don't know how to tell pbuilder where to find it15:23
DorianJaminaishere is the end of the buildlog : http://paste.ubuntu.com/62843215:25
DorianJaminaisDoes anybody knows how to fix my problem ?15:26
tumbleweedDorianJaminais: it's not about telling pbuilder where to find it, it's about tessing this package's build system where to find it15:32
DorianJaminaisThis package uses Cmake15:33
* tumbleweed wonders why newton isn't packaged for debian. Does it not provide a stable ABI?15:33
DorianJaminaisnewton is not package on its own for debian because of the license15:34
DorianJaminaiswe can only package it as part of another project15:34
DorianJaminaisthat's why i try to package ogrenewt15:34
DorianJaminaisso, i have added a variable in the cmakelist.txt15:35
tumbleweedit looks like it's permissivyl licenced, so I don't see the issue15:35
DorianJaminais-> SET(NEWTON_INCLUDE_DIR "newtonSDL/sdk")15:35
tumbleweedDorianJaminais: sorry I try to avoid learning cmake :)15:36
DorianJaminaiswell the license says : "THe LICENSEE may not trdistribute the SOFTWARE, except as part of a compiled software program that is not itself a physics library"15:37
tumbleweedok, I didn't look at the licences included in the source, just the home page15:38
DorianJaminaisthe things is that i manage to compile it by hand but when using pbuilder it fails15:38
tumbleweedare you sure you didn't have it in /usr/local/lib or something?15:39
DorianJaminaisi think so15:40
tumbleweedwell that's how it was finding it then15:40
tumbleweedyou need to make it find the local version15:40
DorianJaminaisi try again by hand on a clean environment15:40
DorianJaminaisyes but how can i do that15:40
tumbleweedDorianJaminais: I have no idea, I'd have to work it out. And for that I'd need to see the source package you are using15:44
DorianJaminaisokay, i am uploading it15:45
DorianJaminaisalright, here is the source package : http://parent.jaminais.fr/ogrenewt.tar.gz15:59
Laneysurely that license is unsuitable for the archive16:01
DorianJaminaiseven part of a packaging project ?16:01
Laneywhat's a packaging project?16:02
DorianJaminaisi mean, the content of this archive is aimed at being packaged16:02
DorianJaminaisand the license says i can redistribute it packaged with other things16:03
DorianJaminaisas newton is not the only software in this archive, i think we can consider it a package and it is not a physics library package16:03
cjwatsonit can't go in the Ubuntu archive with that licence term16:05
cjwatsonwell, not in main16:05
cjwatsonor universe16:05
cjwatsonit could go in multiverse I guess16:05
Laneyi don't think it's clear whether that really allows redistribution16:06
Laneya pessimistic interpration would probably say no16:06
cjwatsonI think it clearly allows redistribution together with other non-physics things16:06
DorianJaminaisthe licenses states that we are entitled to redistribute it as part of an other project than a physics library16:06
cjwatsonbut it is definitely non-free by our terms16:07
Laneywhat's a physics library?16:07
Laneywhat's a part?16:07
DorianJaminaisyes i know that, but it can still be package16:08
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cjwatsonLaney: I'm quite sure there are grey areas16:08
LaneyThe LICENSEE agrees to notify www.newtondynamics.com of any products, commercial, shareware or free that incorporate the Newton Game Dynamics technology.16:09
cjwatsongosh, good luck doing that if it was in the Ubuntu archive16:09
DorianJaminaisyes i know that impossible16:10
DorianJaminaisbut i think it can still be packaged and made available on the ogre forum as a deb file16:11
LaneyI am only speaking for the ubuntu archive here, as that is what this channel is about :-)16:11
DorianJaminaisthis is allowed and would be very usefull for a lot of peoples16:11
DorianJaminaisyes but my problem here is not on the license but on the way to package it16:12
cjwatsonanyway, either put -L. before -lNewton on the link line, or use libNewton.so in place of -lNewton16:14
cjwatsonthis isn't specific to pbuilder - it's just that pbuilder is working in an environment where libNewton isn't installed in /usr/lib or whatever16:14
cjwatsonyou could see the same effect in an ordinary system by making sure libNewton isn't installed in the system library path16:15
DorianJaminaisand is there a way to move libNewton to /usr/lib ?16:15
cjwatsonnot during the build, no16:15
cjwatsonthat would not be the correct fix16:15
cjwatson(I mean, if it were packageable separately, sure ...)16:16
DorianJaminaisyes but here comes the license again :(16:16
DorianJaminaisso i am trying with libnewton.so16:16
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cjwatsoncapitalisation will matter16:20
DorianJaminaisin my cmakelist.txt i have SET(NEWTON_LIBRARY "Newton.so")16:22
DorianJaminaisis that ok ?16:22
DorianJaminaiswell, nothing has changed16:30
DorianJaminaisi still get the exact same error message16:30
JackyAlcineDorianJaminais, you're using CMake? Did you modify CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX?16:54
DorianJaminaisyes I am using cmake16:54
JackyAlcineIf it's not set to "/usr", it won't go to /usr/lib16:54
DorianJaminaisit is set to /usr16:54
DorianJaminaismy problem is that libNewton.a is not in /usr but in ogrenewt/newtonSDK/sdk/16:55
JackyAlcineDid you use an install function to install the shared library?16:55
DorianJaminaisi only get the already compiled code of newton16:56
JackyAlcineHm, well, the install method would handle that for you. Try running cmake --help-html and look up the method.16:56
JackyAlcineIt would copy it from the ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} to ${NEWTON_INSTALL_DIR} (whatever that's set to).16:57
DorianJaminaisI don't have any variables name newton_install_dir16:58
JackyAlcineCan I see your CMakeLists.txt file?16:58
DorianJaminaisyes for sure16:58
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DorianJaminaishere it is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/62847416:59
DorianJaminaiswell, i'm giving up for today, i'll try again on monday17:13
DorianJaminaisthank you very much for your help guys17:13
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micahgRoAkSoAx: were you still planning on taking care of rdscli?18:28
RoAkSoAxmicahg: you said is an ACK for you now right?18:33
RoAkSoAxmicahg: if so, please go ahead and re-upload as i'm immerse deeply into cobbler import code atm18:34
RoAkSoAxs/immerse deeply/deeply immerse/18:35
micahgRoAkSoAx: k, if not today, will do over the weekend18:35
micahgLaney: or directhex are you around by any chance?19:08
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Amozhey, when fixing small bugs, how do I know when to use the bzr commit changelog and when to use the debian/changelog with dch -i ?21:03
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Laneymicahg: yeah a bit21:39
tumbleweedAmoz: changelog is what really matters, if you 'debcommit' it'll use your changelog entry as a commit message21:39
micahgLaney: ah, was just going to ask about running update-maintainer on moon, but I figured out how to do it w/out modifying the maintainer21:40
micahgLaney: but unfortunately, updating in natty for Firefox 5 is blocked on the FTBFS in oneiric (bug 798941) if you want to take a look at it21:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 798941 in moon (Ubuntu Oneiric) "moon FTBFS in oneiric with libav 0.7" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79894121:42
Laneyyou'd better ask directhex about moonlight21:44
Laneydon't know if anyone cares for it these days21:44
micahgk, I tagged ftbfs and milestoned for alpha-3, so I figure someone will get to it eventually21:45
Amoztumbleweed, so I guess my bugfixes where I bzr commit is bad then.22:26
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micahghi gilir23:30
directhexLaney: RM it. if it becomes usable again, we can re-NEW it.23:44
micahgdirecthex: seriously, moon go bye-bye?23:45
directhexmicahg: i think it's irresponsible to pretend it's fine, given i don't even know if it has an upstream anymore23:45
micahgdirecthex: ok, wfm, that means I can add it to the packages to be tested in natty23:46
directhexmeans monodevelop needs patching. (or unpatching, to be more precise)23:47

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