
=== yeager_ is now known as yeager
TLEgood morning07:45
askhlGood evening08:07
TLEshow off ;)08:07
TLEhow's it going, you keeping the yanks busy08:08
askhlYeah.  Well, one of them at least08:09
askhlJust have to finish some things before tomorrow...08:09
TLEbefore tomorrow? Was it just 1 week or are you going to be doing something else?08:10
askhlGoing home on Sunday08:10
dpmevening askhl, are you in the US?08:26
askhldpm, yes, near San Francisco08:56
askhlNice place...08:56
dpmcool, I've never been there, but from people who've been in SF I've heard is quite nice08:57
askhlThanks.  Haven't actually seen the city yet, it's work-related so that'll be in the weekend08:58
RawChidMorning :)08:59
dpmmorning RawChid :)09:00
dpmok, I have to step back for a bit, if there is anything, I'll read the scrollback09:00
kelemengaborhi, TLE, dpm: I'm testing the proposed langpacks for Maverick, and there is a problem: they are not brand new base packs, only updates, which means bug 690248 is NOT fixed by them :(10:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 690248 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "In Maverick 'About Ubuntu' displays Natty info (affects: 64) (dups: 23) (heat: 338)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69024810:21
kelemengaborcan we do something about this?10:21
TLEkelemengabor: hallo10:22
TLEwhat do you mean by brand new, is it a problem because they are not complete lang packs or it is a problem due to the time where they were built?10:22
kelemengaboryeah, I mean not complete, sorry10:23
kelemengaborso the language-pacj-gnome-hu is version 20110531, but -base is still 20110315, the buggy one10:24
TLEahh crap, I thought they were actually supposed to be complete10:26
TLEI think we need dpm and/or pitti in on this10:29
dpmhi kelemengabor, TLE, so I understand for the bug that the fixed Ubuntu docs package was already uploaded and all it's needed is to upload new full language packs?13:34
kelemengabordpm: I think so, yes13:34
dpmok, we've disabled maverick langpacks from the schedule of regular exports, let me see how we can request an export13:35
TLEdpm: but I just thought that we just had one done13:44
TLEyou already disabled the regular exports before this cycle, which was why we had to wait until a manual one was run13:45
TLEand I though that it would be a full one13:45
dpmTLE, no, we hadn't had one for maverick. On the e-mail exchange with pitti we said that for maverick we had already disabled exports, but since we didn't need a full export (i.e. no FF5 changes in maverick), we could use the latest delta langpacks in the maverick PPA and just copy them to maverick-proposed. I think what pitti said with waiting was rather referring to not to have two simultaneous "copy to proposed" processes going on (natty + maver15:20
dpmick), as IIRC, due to a bug in LP the copy process is not just a copy, but it means building the langpacks for all languages, which does take time and resources.15:20
dpmIn any case, I would have requested a full export if I had had bug 690248 in mind15:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 690248 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "In Maverick 'About Ubuntu' displays Natty info (affects: 64) (dups: 23) (heat: 338)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69024815:20
dpmon #launchpad they tell me that the full maverick export should be ready by Monday15:21
artnaythis is interesting: http://nienhueser.de/blog/?p=32816:06

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