
* Nivex just woke up from a nap a bit ago01:51
=== axisofentropy is now known as adam_vollrath
=== adam_vollrath is now known as 15SAAR3GP
BugeyeDakgraner: self2011 was the best yet, for me anyway. cindy was surprised she didn't see you there; that is, until i told her how you had mangled your lower half.13:10
BugeyeDprobably not the worst you've been through, i'm sure you'll get through it. that's not to say it'll be fun, of course. :)13:10
* BugeyeD is busy converting most of his git repositories to fossil.13:12
BugeyeDsimple to do *and* i feel like i'm getting something done. you know, FOR ONCE.13:13

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