
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dakerwoo localized URLs https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/i18n/internationalization/#specifying-translation-strings-in-url-patterns12:11
mhall119oh thank God for launchpad15:42
mhall119I accidentally deleted my loco-feeds branch15:43
mhall119but at least I had it pushed up to LP15:43
cjohnstonmhall119: ping15:58
nigelbmhall119: heh16:03
mhall119cjohnston: pong16:15
cjohnstonif I get LD ready, can you release it?16:16
nigelbcjohnston: How're you finding tarmac so far?16:16
cjohnstononly thing ive done is fixed the one that was approved16:17
cjohnstoni like the theory tho16:17
mhall119cjohnston: no, I don't have access to LD's directory on cranberry16:17
mhall119you'll still have to file an RT16:17
mhall119nigelb: I like it16:18
cjohnstonanything against preparing a release today?16:18
mhall119I'm working on implementing meetings in localtime16:19
mhall119if you  want to wait for that16:19
nigelbmhall119: I know you already do :-)16:20
cjohnstonmhall119: how are you doing it? Are we just going to allow picking the default time for the team and the meeting time matches that?16:20
cjohnstonseems easiest to me16:21
nigelbokay, time to fix those summit merges16:21
cjohnstonthink you will be done with it today?16:21
cjohnstonfix summit merges?16:21
cjohnstonwhat broke?16:23
nigelbcjohnston: I hadn't addressed comments in a few of them16:38
nigelbmhall119: Does this merge look alright to you? https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/summit/777171-percentage-problem/+merge/6324716:38
nigelbcjohnston: you too ^^16:40
mhall119nigelb: I already commented on it16:43
mhall119needs fixing16:43
* nigelb needs his eyesight checked16:43
nigelbI didn't understand what you meant till now :)16:43
nigelbmhall119: with regard to the last refresh time16:46
nigelb2) We should probably display localtime for in-person participants and UTC for remote participants.16:46
nigelbI disagree with this one16:47
nigelbwhen I participated remotely, I liked having everything local since everyone at UDS and on summit was running in summit local16:47
nigelbAlso, updated merge16:50
mhall119cjohnston: I could be done with this today17:39
cjohnstonwhere does the code suggest that it sorts the venues by teams17:47
doctormoHang on, hang on!17:47
doctormoI deleted all my branches, redownloading :-)17:47
cjohnstonwas just asking again in here since we moved17:47
cjohnstonfor logs17:47
mhall119doctormo: do you perhaps mean the grouped_options_list?17:48
doctormoloco_directory/events/forms.py: def grouped_options_list()17:48
doctormo"Show the venues which belong the the 'current team' first. then show the other countries"17:49
cjohnstonmy thought would be that if you are in the UK, it would show UK first17:49
cjohnstonbut im not sure... maybe mhall119 has more info17:50
mhall119doctormo: that just groups venues by country17:50
mhall119it doesn't check the venue's teams' countries17:50
doctormoI have an IDEA!17:50
doctormoteam -> events -> venue list :: previous used venues!17:51
mhall119it's possible, but that's a lot of SQL joins17:51
mhall119we'd have to see how it performs17:51
cjohnstoneww.. nigelb when are you going to start working on caching LD17:52
nigelbcjohnston: for now I'm workign on abandoned projects.17:53
doctormoSo do you want me to write the code and see how it goes?17:53
mhall119that would be awesome, doctormo17:54
nigelbcjohnston: LD already has 4 people and more new people. mhall119 and I had a chat about this, so we decided its better I stick with summit so that slow and steady works goes into it.17:54
cjohnstonI want to get a release done, and then just work on what i feel like working on at the time17:55
nigelbcjohnston: If we all make it to next UDS, we should have a hackathon for we bprojects18:00
cjohnston+1 james_w you too18:01
nigelbBut mhall119 might hate being locked in a room again :P18:02
nigelbI'm sure we can have jcastro or someone from IS get us some space to use from the sessions18:02
mhall119cjohnston: nigelb: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/loco-directory/meeting-in-localtime/+merge/6503818:20
nigelball hail mhall11918:20
mhall119all test mhall119's code18:21
* nigelb writes up one more post-it18:22
nigelbmhall119: make the time into a context_processor is unncessarily complicated.18:25
nigelbmhall119: datetime.datetime.today() and datetime.datetime.now() have the same output18:26
nigelbnewz2000: ping.18:27
mhall119nigelb: you sure?18:27
nigelbmhall119: just confirmed18:27
mhall119I thought datetime.datetime.today() returned only a date18:27
nigelbmhall119: date.date.today()18:27
koolhead17AlanBell: isn`t it a room with same active members?18:27
mhall119oh, ok18:28
cjohnstonkoolhead17: there are others here.. but its about having the correct conversations in the correct place18:28
AlanBellkoolhead17: what is the problem?18:29
nigelbmhall119: I hit that confusion a few days back :-)18:29
koolhead17hello all!! I would request if some one could look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/792320 and try to fix it as soon possible. Its canonical`s official website and the sooner its rectified better18:29
ubot4koolhead17: Error: Bug #792320 is private.18:29
nigelbnewz2000: koolhead17 has a bug about canonical.com that you might want to look into.18:29
koolhead17aah this bot is smarter!! nigelb18:29
cjohnstonkoolhead17: what is the bug18:29
mhall119nigelb: use datetime.date.today() and datetime.datetime.now() to avooid that confustion ;)18:30
koolhead17cjohnston: some youtube embeds which does not exist now18:30
koolhead17and also few typos on the page18:30
cjohnstoncan you make it unprivate please18:30
nigelbmhall119: hehe18:30
AlanBellonly needs to be private if it is a security issue18:31
nigelbkoolhead17: that doesn't really need a privaet bug.18:31
mhall119koolhead17: thanks18:31
koolhead17nigelb: i didn`t file it as private bug though :P18:31
mhall119I made it public18:31
koolhead17mhall119: welcome :D18:31
koolhead17maybe someone else would have made it private18:32
mhall119koolhead17: looks like yaili is already on it18:32
cjohnstonit will be taken care of as they get used to it18:32
AlanBellInayaili de León (yaili) is the right person18:33
koolhead17cjohnston: mhall119 AlanBell lemme hunt him :D18:33
koolhead17mhall119: :D18:33
cjohnstonkoolhead17: they will take care of it in time... not everything can be fixed right now18:33
koolhead17cjohnston: i was worried cos its a official page :)18:34
koolhead17anyways it will be taken care as you guys suggested!!18:35
cjohnstonthere are more than 40 bugs.. plus any other work that they have to do18:35
koolhead17cjohnston: understandable :)18:36
nigelbmhall119: Do you think there is moer work needed for the time thing?18:42
nigelbmhall119: would you be able to ack that today?18:43
nigelband the other one too18:43
nigelbI'm wondering if the RC channels one is too much for tonight18:43
mhall119ack what?18:44
mhall119oh, *your* time thing?18:44
mhall119I thought you meant my LD branch for meetings in local time18:45
mhall119I'll have to merge and test your summit branches before I approve18:45
mhall119but since I'm done with my LD one, I should have time for that this afternoon18:45
nigelbI'll try to push in one more branch18:46
mhall119nigelb: cjohnston: do you guys have time today to review my LD branch?18:46
nigelbmhall119: yup, as soon as I finish my coding on the summit branches18:46
nigelb""A programmer without public source code examples is a little like a company without a web page." Discuss."18:59
nigelbcjohnston, mhall119: ^^18:59
nigelbhv: You should know that summit doesn't support payments yet + we depend a *lot* on LP.19:30
hvyes, I see the launchpadlib in there ...19:30
hvI'll try to see if I can make it work for us.19:30
hvsince it is AGPL3, I prefer to use it instead of [mostly crappy] commercial stuff.  I did google for conference planning, and got disgusted ...19:31
nigelbif you want our help with understandign something, fixing something let us know.19:32
nigelbwe can't guarantee a fix, but at least we can point you in the right direction19:32
hvis enabling payment handling something that fits in the summit's (summit the software, that is) future plans?19:33
nigelbAs of now, no.19:34
hvI mean if we add it will it be useful contrib?19:34
nigelbBoth linaro and Ubuntu who are the stakeholders to the project don't use payment processing.19:34
hvI see19:35
nigelbNote: summit development was originally done by Canonical employees, now its volunteer-maintained.19:35
mhall119nigelb: depends on the example19:46
mhall119hv: SCaLE had an event registration system that had that19:48
mhall119which was also Django based19:48
mhall119you can probaby tie the two together19:48
mhall119hv: http://code.google.com/p/scalereg/19:49
nigelbmhall119: what's the easy way to debug "NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'summit.schedule.decorators.inner' with arguments '('',)' and keyword arguments '{}' not found."20:02
cjohnstonthat bug still20:02
nigelbI don't know if its a bug.20:03
cjohnstonmhall119: I need to do syncdb and migrate before doing the loaddata correct?20:03
* nigelb deletes his db and tries again20:03
cjohnstonnigelb: issue, whatever20:03
cjohnstonmhall119: is your merge using info from LP?20:05
mhall119cjohnston: ?20:06
mhall119timezone info?20:06
nigelbcjohnston: It worked fine for me till about 30 mins back .20:07
cjohnstonnigelb: what did, summit?20:07
mhall119you broke it again?20:11
nigelbmhall119: I don't think I did.20:12
nigelbI'm debugging.20:12
cjohnstonmhall119: I guess I need step by step instructions (i still havent done it yet) on importing that db20:12
cjohnstonfor LD20:12
* nigelb thinks django version mismatch.20:12
nigelbmhall119: yes, I was right.20:15
nigelb(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),20:15
nigelb^^ this is what's causing the problem20:15
cjohnstonwe need to get them updated20:15
nigelbwell, lack of it20:16
cjohnstonmhall119: can you bug them to get them updated20:16
cjohnstonthem being django and django south20:16
nigelbmhall119: argh, that didn't fix much. What's a good way to debug these problems?20:20
mhall119cjohnston: you need me to get what updated?20:22
mhall119oh, django and south20:22
mhall119cjohnston: did they ever respond to your email?20:23
nigelbI wonder if I should start learning pdb20:23
mhall119nigelb: you should20:23
nigelbmhall119: how do I start?20:23
mhall119add "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()" before the line you're interested in, and it'll break there20:24
mhall119then "help" to get the list of commands20:24
mhall119most common are "n" for next, "s" for step-into, and "l" for list source20:24
mhall119also "p" for print, as in "p varname" to print the value of "varname"20:25
nigelbwhat about this case where I don't know what I'm interested in per se.20:25
mhall119what's the view you're getting the error on?20:25
* nigelb raises fists at cjohnston 20:26
nigelbdebug = True by default20:26
nigelbI keep forgetting that.20:26
nigelbmhall119: nevermind.20:26
nigelbmhall119: Its a bug I introduced in my local branch.20:26
cjohnstonset it in local settings nigelb20:26
mhall119nigelb: what summit code do you want me to review?20:28
nigelbmhall119: 2 outstanding branches, the percentange and the time20:28
mhall119did you land mars's code?20:28
nigelbit worked, merged cleanly, and looked okay.20:28
mhall119tests passing?20:28
mhall119awesome, now i can reject any MP from you that don't contain test cases for the bugs they fix20:29
nigelbmhall119: But you also get to review MPs that are just tests.20:29
mhall119that too20:30
mhall119got any of those?20:30
nigelbNot yet20:30
nigelbI want to clear up outstandign merges first20:30
mhall119got any tests for these 2 branches?20:30
nigelbthese are old branches20:30
nigelbso, I never got around to it.20:31
nigelbRealy, I'll get tests from my next new merge.20:31
mhall119s/never got around to it/haven't gotten around to it yet/20:31
nigelbRight, that.20:31
mhall119wow, I like seeing all those -D's in my bzr pull of summit20:32
nigelbbrainstom got nuked20:32
nigelbmhall119: How do I do a migration for a new field?20:34
cjohnston./manage.py startmigration $app $migration_name --auto20:35
nigelb ./mange.py startmigration schedule name_of_migraton20:35
cjohnstonmhall119: http://paste.ubuntu.com/628566/  <-- im sure its my fault, but i dont know why20:37
mhall119cjohnston: you need to reset your tables before loading the fixture20:38
mhall119that's part of the problem I had20:38
cjohnstonhow do i do that20:38
mhall119it's not a good solution yet, we need to revist it20:38
cjohnstonI did syncdb, migrate, init-ld, loaddata20:38
mhall119python manage.py reset $app20:38
nigelbmhall119: look at the irc channel merge too. I'll create a new field later in the cycle.20:38
mhall119you want to loaddata before you migrate20:38
mhall119nigelb: is the "last refresh" time intended to be visible on the screen at UDS?20:41
mhall119it might (likely is) too far down to be shown20:41
cjohnstonyes it is mhall11920:41
cjohnstonmaybe top right corner, opposite the day of the week?20:42
mhall119yeah, that's what I was thinking too20:42
nigelbTop wwas waaay to crowded.20:43
mhall119not the right side20:43
nigelbbesides, its hard to get it right in all ther views20:43
cjohnstonits most important on the date page as that is the one displayed.. everywhere else the user has the option to f520:43
mhall119you can refactor the layout code if you want20:43
mhall119yeah, I'd even approve it on just the date page20:44
hvmhall119: thanks (about scalereg), I am looking into it :)20:55
mhall119cjohnston: nigelb: you guys should follow this: http://micknelson.wordpress.com/2011/05/19/sharing-your-development-environment-across-branches/21:30
mhall119I've started doing it for all my projects, canonical and community, and it's soooooo much easier this way21:30
mhall119big big props to noodles21:30
nigelbmhall119: I've been doing it for a long long time :)21:31
nigelbI copied the procedure from ubuntu distributed development guide21:31
nigelbok! bed tiem.21:32
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mhall119at 2am? Bed time was hours ago21:33
nigelbmhall119: I have different definitions of bed time ;)21:34
mhall119cjohnston: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/798826/+merge/65059 needs a commit message so it can land21:34
nigelbmhall119: Should the committer set it or reviewer?21:34
cjohnstoni thought the reviewer21:36
cjohnstoni dunno21:36
cjohnstonis there a way to set the commit msg from the command line when comitting or pushing?21:36
mhall119probably with the lp-propose21:37
mhall119alright, since I've rejected all of nigelb's MP, I'm calling it a day21:39
cjohnstonyou still have more work to do21:40
mhall119I do?21:41
mhall119on what?21:42
cjohnstonim sure theres something21:42
cjohnstonmhall119: if you stick arround for a couple minutes, i think ill have something you will like21:48
nigelbcjohnston: yeah, you didn't eeven accept one :(21:52
nigelbmhall119: ^^21:52
nigelbmhall119: this one too https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/summit/irc-channels/+merge/6328121:53
cjohnstonnigelb: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/bzr_apps  could you see if you can figure out why twidenash isnt working please?22:05
cjohnstonif you can, then its ready to go22:05
doctormonhandler: https://code.launchpad.net/~doctormo/loco-directory/previous-used-venues/+merge/6507123:31
mhall119doctormo: why nhandler?23:41
doctormomhall119: I got you confused. n* sorry23:41
mhall119I'll take a look after dinner, ok?23:43
* nhandler doesn't think he would be much use in reviewing that ;)23:43
cjohnstonmhall119: could you take a look at my bzr_apps branch above and see if you can figure out my issue with twidenash23:52
doctormomhall119: It's no rush, in your own time and at your own bidding. :-D23:52
cjohnstondoctormo: could you please set a commit msg on LP23:55
doctormocjohnston: I've already set two commit messages when I pushed the branches, no?23:55
cjohnstonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~doctormo/loco-directory/previous-used-venues/+merge/65071 the one on <--23:55

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