
RAOFHurray!  llvm mir goes through!01:46
RAOFThat means it's coffee time!01:46
ScottKSarvatt: Cross-grading from one architecture to another is definitely not supported, but that's not quite the same thing as saying it can't be done.02:54
ScottKIIRC when Debian dropped arm in favor of armel the migration strategy was 'reinstall'.02:55
RAOFScottK: Cross-grading is actually one of the explicit aims of the multiarch work, isn't it?03:44
RAOFYeah, third user-story on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchSpec03:45
ScottKDon't think so.03:45
RAOFOh, yeah!  PowerPC exists as well! :/04:46
tjaaltonthere are typos, and then there are _typos_07:04
RAOFOh, armel.  Would it be so hard for you to be just a *little* bit faster?07:11
tjaaltonwonder how many cores the buildd has..07:27
RAOFI think the Canonical porter box has one.07:53
RAOFSarvatt: I can haz xorg-edgers team renewal?07:57
ach1mafter the upgrade of xorg-edgers today I noticed some graphical glitches http://imageshack.us/clip/my-videos/845/x9r.mp4/12:25
ach1mMy graphic chip is a g45 (X4500HD) from intel.12:26
Sarvatthttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~sarvatt/lp761065/  6-11x performance increase on sandybridge and fixes bug 761065 at the same time? yes please!16:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 761065 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "[Sandybridge] Spurious "*ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... blt ring idle" messages in dmesg when using compiz (affects: 40) (dups: 3) (heat: 234)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76106516:31
Sarvattoh boo, just built 5 kernels and now there's a v2 of the patch :)17:49
XenoPhoenixHi Guys, been directed in here to re-ask my question:19:44
XenoPhoenixIf KMS is enabled, I have green output on HDMI till I unplug and replug the TV (goes green again if i turn off and on the TV again), disabling modesetting using i915.modeset=0 fixes this issue however it is not a solution as it also disables graphical acceleration. This only occured with natty, no problems before upgrading, Any ideas?19:44
mdeslauris there a tool to see if vdpau support is enabled/working?20:10
Sarvattoops meant to respond here20:13
Sarvattthere's a vdpauinfo package, what are you trying to check though?20:14
Sarvattit isn't working on i386 on amd64 unless you install lib32vdpau1 from debian directly20:14
Sarvattits not in ia32-libs and they disabled it from the ubuntu packages for some reason..20:14
Sarvatti'm guessing you want 32 bit flash vdpau on amd6420:15
Sarvattmdeslaur: sorry, meant to ping you as well :)20:16
mdeslauri'm actually running i38620:16
Sarvattlooks like its not in the archive yet20:17
mdeslaurah, thanks20:17
Sarvatthttp://cgit.freedesktop.org/~aplattner/vdpauinfo if you want to build it yourself20:18
mdeslaurI'm trying to get mythtv to use vdpau to play hidef h264 encoded video20:18
mdeslauroh, hrm, I think going to metacity instead of compiz made it work :(20:19
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bryceheh, ouch:  https://github.com/MrMEEE/bumblebee/commit/a047be85247755cdbe0acce6#diff-122:28
Sarvatthey now, SNA seems to be working ok on sandybridge with no xserver patch22:30

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