
red__lol u what escott lol what swat?00:00
red__ok what do I need to install on mac?00:00
escottred__, its a gui for samba configuration. i don't know much about it, but it is suggesting in !samba00:00
qinred__: sudo apt-get install nast && sudo nast -i eth0 -m (-i wlan0 for wifi, this list machines on lan)00:01
iLuvGirlzi need help00:01
th0rred__: swat makes configuring samba a lot easier. For a new user I would suggest it00:01
Logan_!ask | iLuvGirlz00:01
ubottuiLuvGirlz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:01
iLuvGirlzalright the problem is that when I play any video the video would appear right over my internet broswer or any other window00:02
mabeswhere would I find upstart's logs?  Trying to create a new service and it doesn't start with "start new-service"00:02
iLuvGirlzits really annoying00:02
MC8Howdy, which is the simplest terminal text editor to use?00:02
qinMC8: nano00:02
earthmeLonWhat's the line that I can add to my .ssh/config file to prevent Public Key Authentication for a specific host?00:03
MC8ah, thanks. I should have remembered that00:03
iLuvGirlzdoes anyone know how to fix my video problem? the video(s) i play no matter which video program it would cover up my other app(s) and windows, like when I right click the video to open the menu options it is blocked by the video(its right underneath the video)00:04
red__qin i done that what u said00:05
grekkosdoes anyone know how I can allow a specific port on my ubuntu server? Would it be AppArmor that is blocking it? It's a non-sytem port (port > 1024)00:05
grekkosor a range of ports00:05
red__time for a coffee00:06
escottgrekkos, do you have ufw enabled00:06
grekkosescott: how can I check?00:06
hexacodehey you guys...what exactly is this operator called  ">>"  . this is the cntext which i use it. echo "hello world" >> helloworld.txt00:06
edbianhexacode: append00:06
grekkosMSHughes: actually I'm not sure it's a default Ubuntu Server install I just set up00:06
earthmeLonWhenever I connect to a new host, My computer attempts to use every public key that I have.  Is there a way to prevent this and only use public keys that I specify with a host in my .ssh/config file?00:06
escottgrekkos, sudo iptables --list00:06
grekkosMSHughes: does iptables come with ubuntu by default?00:06
iLuvGirlzno one can help me?00:07
[THC]AcidRainnot sure what its called. but it is append00:07
MSHughesgrekkos, I believe so00:07
hexacodeedbian is that a bash operator?00:07
edbianhexacode: It's bash yes.00:07
edbianhexacode: Do you know what it does?00:07
grekkosescott: it says policy ACCEPT straight down the line00:07
hexacodeyes...i just want to look up how it does it...does bash call an sbin program and pass the righthand side as an argument to the sbin utility?00:08
iLuvGirlzguys when I put any program over the video the video would still appear on top of it, its annoying, how do you stop it?00:08
grekkosescott: that should mean it should be accepting everything no? I can't even telnet on that port from within the network using the local ip00:08
iLuvGirlzthe video would appear over every single program, menu etc00:08
escottiLuvGirlz, sounds like a problem with xv extension. what video card do you have?00:08
hexacodeedbian does bash call an external program in sbin when u use the append operator? im not exacly sure how it works, but would like to know00:09
edbianhexacode: Well sbin programs are just programs that require root to run.  It probably has some things in bash that do file operations, those make system calls that do reads and write, those make drivers calls that spin the disk and stuff.00:09
iLuvGirlzati 4250 mobility00:09
hexacodeah ok edbian, thanks00:09
grekkosescott: is it possible that apparmor is blocking something?00:10
simpleblueSimpy!! :D00:10
iLuvGirlzI also been installing some xv extensions maybe that is the problem?00:10
simpleblueSimpy!! :D00:10
simpleblueSimpy!! :D00:10
FloodBot1simpleblue: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:10
edbianhexacode: What is the bigger picture here?00:10
hexacodeedbian  this is actually what im trying to do, but it wont work...someone told me to use the tee utility to do this     {  sudo echo "r3d2 \n root" >> /etc/cron.allow00:10
escottgrekkos, i thought apparmor was more concerned with file paths, but yes i suppose it is possible00:10
hexacodeoopd edbian ....take out the {00:10
grekkosescott: is it just read/write permission? I don't know if that could affect opening ports or anything like that for communication00:10
RealKillazthere is something NOTgood happening.... after an upgrade of the 10.04 LTS server I start getting a kernel panic..00:11
grekkosoh i think I may see the issue00:11
grekkosHow can I check for communication of a specific port number without using telnet?00:12
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RealKillazRioght now I'm reinstalling the system to pinpoint the problem... but how come a 10.04 LTS can give kernel panic can not mount fs after an update/upgrade?!00:12
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escottiLuvGirlz, mplayer will allow you to specifically select the output format with the -vo option (mplayer -vo help) see if you can confirm it is xv00:12
edbianhexacode: The reason it doesn't work is because sudo applies to echo but it does not apply to >>00:12
Jeruvygrekkos: netcat or nc.00:12
edbianhexacode: I recommend: sudo nano /etc/cron.allow   and just type that stuff at the end00:13
hexacodeedbian, whats the quivalent tee command that im trying to get at?00:13
edbianhexacode: I'm trying to look it up right now00:13
iLuvGirlzi will try but i dont have mplayer it happens with any video player00:13
grekkosJeruvy: thanks I'll take a look at it00:13
escotthexacode, echo | sudo tee filename00:14
edbianhexacode: echo 'whatever' | sudo tee /path/to/file00:14
* edbian is frustrated00:14
edbianhexacode: echo 'whatever' | sudo tee -a /path/to/file00:14
edbianhexacode: use -a to append instead of overwriting the entire file00:15
grekkosJeruvy: do you have an example on how to listen with nc? I'm trying nc -l -p 27015 and it's showing me usage i'm not sure what i'm missing00:16
Jeruvygrekkos: Thats not uncommon.  What are you trying to accomplish?00:17
grekkosJeruvy: I want to check to make sure a firewall isn't blocking incoming traffic to my ubuntu machine on port 2701500:17
qingrekkos: Is it on lan?00:18
Jeruvygrekkos:  so you're checking externally?00:18
grekkosJeruvy: qin I am checking it internally right now to see if it's a software firewall00:18
grekkos(or trying to)00:19
hexacodehey edbian i got dc'ed00:19
hexacodei dont know if you responded00:19
edbianhexacode: dc'ed?00:19
shanebnetappuse nmap00:19
shanebnetappto check for open ports00:19
hexacodedisconnected from irc00:19
qingrekkos: 2200 4567 open00:20
Jeruvygrekkos: so you have the right idea, remove the '-l'00:20
edbianhexacode: echo 'something' | sudo tee -a /path/to/file00:20
grekkosJeruvy: does the same thing00:21
qingrekkos: is not nmap better?00:21
grekkosJeruvy: do I have to listen on the host machine or I can just probe it like that from the other?00:21
hexacodeedbian thanks00:21
grekkosqin: I don't know I haven't tried it yet, I've never actually used nmap except for a handful of occasions00:21
edbianhexacode: sure00:21
Jeruvygrekkos: nc works both ways.00:21
edbiangrekkos: nmap can probe machines remotely (unless they're behind NAT or firewall)00:21
howoriginalAUHi everyone :)00:21
grekkosqin: I also don't seem to have nmap on this machine right now00:22
shanebnetappyou can also nmap
escottgrekkos, you can probe from the other computer, and can connect any firewalls that actively drop connections00:22
edbiangrekkos: sudo apt-get install nmap00:22
grekkosedbian: this machine is mac os x but I can try macports, hold on00:22
qingrekkos: Start service, and scan server, also add ssh sever so if you get 22 open and other closed you know where is problem00:22
escottgrekkos, rather nmap can detect firewalls that actively drop00:22
grekkosI really appreciate everyone's help, by the way00:23
excognachi Getting very tired of reinstalling natty on  a laptop... Is there any way to sort out MISALIGNED partition without reinstalling?00:23
tactical2hi.  do you think ubuntu is realy for someone's grandparents00:23
grekkosqin: well actually I can connect on port 22, I'm sshed in right now00:23
edbianyes it really is00:23
escottexcognac, gparted on the livecd can move the partitions00:23
grekkoslucky me, nmap doesn't have many dependencies00:24
qingrekkos: So, iptables -L and have a look what is there.00:24
grekkosqin: pretty much nothing, everything says ACCEPT00:24
grekkosqin: does that mean this is not a software firewall issue?00:24
howoriginalAUI've just installed Ubuntu for the first time (11.04) coming from Windows......and I just thought I'd ask - does it take long to get used to the interface?00:24
qingrekkos: Also, netstat -tulp on server to see if service is listening00:24
iceroothoworiginalAU: as long as in windows00:25
grekkosqin: well the broader scope of this issue is that I'm trying to run hlds (half life dedicated server) and HLDS is saying it cannot open the socket00:25
edbianhoworiginalAU: The new interface is very new for everybody.  I don't think it takes long to get used to.  The CLI takes long to get used to.00:25
howoriginalAUedbian: oh I see. CLI is command line is it?00:25
iLuvGirlzhow do you check if it is xv in mplayer?00:25
edbianhoworiginalAU: yep00:25
tactical2does ubuntu work out-of-the-box with any modem?  e.g. a mobile-broadband modem00:25
escottgrekkos, are you behind a nat00:25
iLuvGirlzi tried doing the help command but it\s not working00:25
iceroottactical2: depending on the modem00:26
grekkosescott: I am behind a router which I've already configured to allow the ports00:26
qingrekkos: What sound like lack of permissions00:26
grekkosqin: permissions on the server to create a socket connection?00:27
hexacodehey you guys, im testing if i can write to a file from terminal, and i can; however, when i try to write a newline into a file, it doesnt work, its writes everything one one line ...whats up with this?  echo "line1 \n line2" >> testlines.txt00:27
grekkosqin: right now I created a new user to run the server but I haven't changed its permissions at all00:27
escotthexacode, echo -e00:27
grekkoshexacode: or add another blank echo >> file00:28
iLuvGirlzguys I have a current video problem where my videos no matter which ones I played would always appear over my windows or other app(s) and menus00:28
hexacodeoh wow lol00:28
JadedI'm trying to get flash to play @ 360p with no video lag, is this possible with 1ghz Duron and 768MB ram.00:28
grekkoshexacode: echo -e will evaluate any escape sequences like \t and \n00:28
icerootJaded: yes00:28
hexacodeescott didnt think i had to supply an argument for that lol, oh well, kind of a wierd implementation00:28
icerootJaded: i am using it on a celeron 900 with 512mb ram00:28
iLuvGirlzdoes anyone know whats wrong?00:28
grekkosqin: nmap doesn't seem to be having much luck either (internally)00:28
JadedI installed Xubuntu, setup the nvidia drivers and it still lags during video playback in both firefox and chromium00:29
hexacodeflash player?00:29
Jadedum, adobe flash player00:29
iLuvGirlzwould sending a screen shot help you guys solve my problem?00:29
escottiLuvGirlz, were you able to confirm if it was xv?00:30
iLuvGirlzi coulnt00:30
hexacodeJaded, i sometimes get crashes, you think its a bug?00:30
iLuvGirlzi have mplayer here00:30
iLuvGirlzjust when I type the command nothing happens00:30
escottiLuvGirlz, try mplayer -vo x11 somefile.mov00:30
edbianflash player sucks on linux00:30
tactical2how old are the girls you love?00:30
JadedI'm dual booting with XP00:31
earthmeLonI can SSH into my server just fine.  SSHFS is giving "Connection Reset by Peer" error.  Not sure whats up00:31
grekkosqin: escott the message I get from HLDS looks osmething like this, while not a standard OS message maybe you guys can make sense of the verbage: FATAL ERROR (shutting down): Couldn't allocate dedicated server IP port 27015.00:31
iLuvGirlzalright i got this MPlayer 1.0rc4-4.5.2 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team00:32
iLuvGirlzmplayer: could not connect to socket00:32
iLuvGirlzmplayer: No such file or directory00:32
iLuvGirlzFailed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.00:32
iLuvGirlzPlaying The.Real.Hustle.S01E07.avi.00:32
iLuvGirlzFile not found: 'The.Real.Hustle.S01E07.avi'00:32
iLuvGirlzFailed to open The.Real.Hustle.S01E07.avi.00:32
FloodBot1iLuvGirlz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:32
jribiLuvGirlz: the file doesn't exist00:32
escottiLuvGirlz, you have to cd into the folder with the video00:32
hexacodelol i know someone who got his forum hacked by someone who told him it would be nice to have a page that teaches people how to echo their user agent with php. he did, and then the hacker changed his user agent header to a file upload onto the server lol00:33
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Jadedwhat crashes are you getting hexacode?00:33
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hexacodeJaded chromium browser mainly, shockwave player crash, and sometimes it just stays blacked out00:33
hexacodeJaded, i have better luck with firefox and flash player than i do with chromium00:34
escottgrekkos, thats not terribly helpful. you might try and see if you can get telnetd to bind on that port00:34
iLuvGirlzhow would I do that lol? i am new to this00:34
tactical2iLuvGirlz, what kind of girls do you love00:34
hexacodechromiums implementation of flash is defninitely buggy, im not sure about firefox...actually, i remember an older version of firefox crashing00:34
iLuvGirlzthe ones with pretty eyes00:35
iLuvGirlzand a good mind00:35
hexacodeJaded, what version of firefox are you using00:35
tactical2iLuvGirlz, your name sounds criminal00:35
iLuvGirlzit is00:35
iLuvGirlzwell it was until now00:35
tactical2how old are you?00:35
icerootiLuvGirlz: what about vlc instead of mplayer?00:36
iLuvGirlzyes i have vlc00:36
iLuvGirlzsame thing happens the video appears blocking my chat with you guys right now00:37
grekkosescott: here's a little bit better message maybe, which says essentially the same (again from HLDS) WARNING: UDP_OpenSocket: port: 27015  bind: Cannot assign requested address00:37
escotticeroot, the point of mplayer was to control the output format to x11 and not xv to identify a possible xv problem00:37
grekkosescott: i'm taking a look at telnetd now00:37
icerootescott: ok00:37
hexacodehey you guys, what books should i read in order to better understand the unix operating system and how it manages resources and manages devices and their input and output? i want to be able to program and use the hardware, but i lack in the necessary programming skills, i can do much with software, but im not sure how to program with my hardware00:37
iLuvGirlzwould a screenshot help?00:37
tactical2hexacode, why not just use windows00:38
bnghi all, anyone here has experience with virtualization? Is Intel's VT-d dependent upon motherboard support?00:38
iceroothexacode: http://lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3/00:38
bjorn_248hey can anyone give me a good curlpaste alternative for ubuntu? something in apt would be convenient00:38
hexacodetactical2 i want to program better...ive been wanting to do soe programming with images and sound formats, but i have no idea how to take microphone input and output raw sound to a speaker00:38
hexacodethanks iceroot, im goiing to bookmark that00:38
iceroothexacode: with that book you lean a lot about the kernel and other hardcore stuff00:39
escottiLuvGirlz, when you open a terminal it puts you in /home/username. you need to cd /path/to/your/video/file then mplayer -vo x11 yourfilename.avi00:39
qingrekkos: You there00:39
StarminnAudacity doesn't pick any mic input up. The sound goes straight through to my system's speakers, but Audacity is missing it somehow.00:40
grekkosqin: yes00:40
qingrekkos: ok, sudo nc -l 27015 (so this we noe know), but since that is hl problem, need a bit more time.00:42
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Jadedmy firefox is 3.6.1700:43
grekkosqin: ah, that worked now00:43
grekkosqin: I listened with nc and probed it with nmap00:43
TheLifelessOneIs there any way to install GNOME without all the unneeded crap?00:43
grekkosqin: internally it shows as open, I'm going to do one external to just to check00:43
TheLifelessOne(like the games, the media players, all of that)00:43
grekkosqin: okay so it is having issues connecting from the outside00:44
StarminnTheLifelessOne: GNOME comes with software, just like KDE. The "GNOME desktop" package comes with that default software. No way to get around it IIRC. Same with KDE. It comes with crap.00:44
grekkosqin: it's possible HL is giving an error because the serverlist servers can't connect to me, let me see if I can get nmap to connect with the outside ip00:44
TheLifelessOneStarminn, seriously? I just want GNOME. :(00:45
TheLifelessOneOh well. Thanks anyways. :/00:45
hexacodethanks so much iceroot....i actually downloaded this book before u showed me that http://www.amazon.com/Modern-Operating-Systems-Andrew-Tanenbaum/dp/0136006639/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1308267943&sr=8-100:45
hexacodei dont thin its what i wanted lol00:46
grekkosqin: hmm, the ports are open on the router but it still won't go through...00:46
iLuvGirlzi have gotten no luck00:47
iLuvGirlzit keeps saying it does not exsist00:47
iceroothexacode: andrew-tanenbaum is imo the guru for things like that00:48
iLuvGirlz/home/ray/Videos/Season_1/-vo x11 TRHS01E01.avibash: /home/ray/Videos/Season_1/-vo: No such file or directory00:48
improveuponanyone use mldonkey ?00:48
grekkosqin: I need to take a short break, if you come up with any ideas please send me a pm00:48
iceroothexacode: you dont do anything wrong to read his books00:48
qingrekkos: Did you assigned it to right machine? http://www.justlinux.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-49529.html00:48
hexacodeiceroot thanks00:48
JadedI'm  giving LXDE a go, if not, I'm downgrading to OpenBox or FlushBox00:49
iceroothexacode: but i think "my" book is easier to understand, i only know the german version and it is great. and its for linux 2.6.x00:50
hexacodethanks iceroot im looking at the book right now00:50
iLuvGirlzalright postting a screen shot hope that will help you guys solve my problem00:50
hexacodeim liking the table of contents00:50
iLuvGirlzthis is the problem00:51
tactical2iLuvGirlz, i konw what the problem is00:52
tactical2you should have zigged when you zagged00:52
iLuvGirlzso any soultions?00:52
iLuvGirlzsolutions anyone?00:52
caseysi need some help editing a script00:53
iLuvGirlzthe video appears right on top of everything as u can see00:53
icerootcaseys: maybe #bash  if it is a bash-script00:53
icerootcaseys: or is it an editor-problem?00:53
caseysits a shell script00:54
iLuvGirlzhttp://img854.imageshack.us/i/videoproblem1.png/ anyone know how to fix this?00:54
qincaseys: paste00:54
caseysits a simple problem00:54
StarminnIn Ubuntu 10.10, Audacity is not picking up any external sound inout. Whatever I play is just relayed over my system speakers -- Audacity doesn't even know it's there.00:54
caseysif [ $REMAINING_RUNTIME != none ]; then00:54
caseys        RUNTIME="Remaining Runtime: $REMAINING_RUNTIME Seconds"00:54
caseysi need to change it from secs to mins00:55
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qincaseys: man bc00:55
jimmieIm not sure if anyone else uses Deluge, but does it always have to re-check files after a reboot, or is there a way to turn that off?00:55
caseysqin: whats that00:55
iLuvGirlzhttp://img854.imageshack.us/i/videoproblem1.png/ anyone solutions to fix my video problem?00:56
earthmeLonMy mysql my.conf file has a bind address of localhost.  Does this prevent remote logins?00:57
iLuvGirlzthe video keeps always stays on top of the windows00:57
Jadedcan anyone help me troubleshoot why my cpu is on 99% when I'm playing flash videos on youtube?00:57
iLuvGirlzi dont know how to fix it00:57
iLuvGirlzJaded do you have your video driver?00:57
Jadedusing ubuntu with LXDE window manager and nvidia drivers00:58
qincaseys: easiest way to calculate in bash - bc00:58
iLuvGirlzis the nivdia drivers open or closed?00:58
losternHow do I edit passwd and group with a text editor? They seem to be protected somehow00:58
iLuvGirlzpoor video drivers forces most of the work on the cpu00:58
iLuvGirlzor 3d accel is not enabled00:58
Jadedhow do I list what IRQ's are being used by my PCI devices?00:58
caseysqin: so then what does the script need to be00:58
caseysjaded: what cpu is it?00:59
iLuvGirlzhttp://img854.imageshack.us/i/videoproblem1.png/ video stuck on top of windows how do you fix this???00:59
israellostern: if u edit that youll have many problems00:59
iLuvGirlzthe video will always stay on top unless I minizize it00:59
iLuvGirlzit appears over all apps etc01:00
qincaseys: or: http://pastebin.com/jxbCmaJU01:00
losternisrael: Thanks. How do I do it?01:00
iLuvGirlzeven the menu would be covered01:00
losternisrael: I need to restore users/groups from another config01:00
iLuvGirlzno one can help me =(01:01
rypervencheiLuvGirlz: THat is a problem with flash. I have it too. I have never found a solution for it.01:01
iLuvGirlzits not a flash problem its a video I have on the hard drive01:01
iLuvGirlzthis did not happen until i startyed installign video codecs01:02
iLuvGirlzso I dont what to do now01:02
jaslI'm generating a grid and want to add data to the cell that a mouse over and a single click could use to display details of the item referenced by the grid.  I have a formatter function but I'm not sure how to format the data and then where to find it in onCellMouseOver and onClick call01:02
iLuvGirlzhow to to remove 3rd party video codecs?01:02
jaslI tried to add an object but it looks like the grid only accepts strings.01:02
iLuvGirlzmaybe its conflicting with the orginal ones01:02
rypervencheiLuvGirlz: How did you install them?01:02
iLuvGirlzremove them01:03
iLuvGirlzi believe i installed more video codecs which are conflicting with each other01:03
rypervencheiLuvGirlz: but how did you install them?01:03
iLuvGirlzthats why the video is appearing over/ on top of my apps01:03
iLuvGirlzthrough the termial using commands i got on a website01:03
iLuvGirlzthe sudo etc u know01:03
rypervencheiLuvGirlz: Well I can only help you if you find the site.01:04
iLuvGirlzoh this one01:04
rypervencheiLuvGirlz: And it shouldn't be a codec conflict.01:04
grekkosqin: yeah I already tried the debug flag, nothing shows up01:04
escottiLuvGirlz, if your nickname were less offensive and you bothered to respond to people by name you might get more help01:04
iLuvGirlzgo all the way down to VLC codec01:04
Jadedcaseys: it's a duron 1ghz01:04
jgpzenHim being heterosexual is offensive?01:05
caseysqin: is this right RUNTIME="Remaining Runtime: $(($REMAINING_RUNTIME / 60)) Minutes"01:05
shanebnetappwhat's offensive about liking girls?01:05
iLuvGirlzbut i am a stranger in this land and i am afraid that you guys dont like me01:05
Jadedhow do I test that the video drivers are poor?01:05
iLuvGirlzthe stress test01:05
jgpzenStop loving girls.01:05
iLuvGirlzthere are programs trhat test GPU/CPU01:05
qincaseys: Do not look nice, not sure.01:05
JadedI'm going to crank open the bios and have a look01:05
rypervencheiLuvGirlz: Did you install that PPA?01:06
iLuvGirlzjqpzen that is hard :P01:06
iLuvGirlzall three of them01:06
iLuvGirlzi installed all three of those VLC codecs01:06
iLuvGirlzif i remove those it would fix my problem01:06
iLuvGirlzi believe01:06
caseysjaded: have you tried installing the lasest driver01:06
rypervencheiLuvGirlz: The codecs are fine. PPAs aren't supported here. The PPA could be the problem.01:06
qincaseys: You just add function, so you will get minutes and soconds.01:06
jgpzenThat's what she said,01:06
iLuvGirlzhow do i remove the PPA?01:07
shanebnetappyou can remove those the same way you installed them if you got them from the repos with apt-get01:07
iLuvGirlzbut girls dont get hard!01:07
shanebnetappsudo apt-get remove <package>01:07
rypervencheAnd with that comment, so ends my help to you.01:07
iLuvGirlzhow do you remove PPA?01:08
* jgpzen pinches rypervenche on the but 01:08
iLuvGirlzand thank you shane01:08
macoiLuvGirlz: if you can't keep it kid-friendly, you can't play here01:08
* rypervenche winks at jgpzen.01:08
iLuvGirlzalrighty i will now01:08
grekkosqin: I may have figured out why just now :)01:08
iLuvGirlzhow do you remove PPA?01:08
diyttodpkg -r package.id.here01:09
escottiLuvGirlz, please "/nick a_more_appropriate_name" and please respond to people by name01:09
qinhm, how can I ignore lines to iLuvGirlz too? I know! trigger!01:09
qingrekkos: Tell me?01:09
JadedJust set my bios to optimized defaults, and made a few changes too :)01:09
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Appropriatehow do you remove that PPA?01:10
qin!enter | Appropriate01:10
ubottuAppropriate: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:10
grekkosqin: The rule was set to allow UDP only on those ports01:10
grekkosqin: (in my router)01:11
escott!info ppa-purge | Appropriate01:11
ubottuAppropriate: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB01:11
jgpzenTechnically he's abiding now01:11
excognacWould cause any problem if I have a misaligned partition which does not exist just as the container for the actual ext4 root and swap?01:11
qingrekkos: Nice.01:11
grekkosqin: well actually I take that back, that alloed nmap to connect to nc but now the server itself still does not work01:11
nit-witexcognac, can you say that more clearly a non existing partition?01:12
qingrekkos: You need to make sure that all hl threads are down.01:12
grekkosqin: when i do ps aux|grep hld nothing comes up01:12
grekkosqin: except for grep...01:12
Appropriateubottu: would you know how to fix this problem? http://img854.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img854/4170/videoproblem1.png01:12
ubottuAppropriate: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:12
cdavis_How do you adjust the special effects of the desktop in natty?01:13
escott!ccsm | cdavis_01:14
ubottucdavis_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz01:14
qingrekkos: What is err now?01:14
grekkosqin: same error from HLDS, only now I can connect nmap to nc if I listen01:15
escottAppropriate, save a video file to your home folder. open a terminal and type: "mplayer -vo x11 the_video_file_name.avi" then try "mplayer -vo xv the_video_file_name.avi" I suspect the first will work the second will be broken01:15
grekkosqin: using the outside ip01:15
losternIs there a way to get aptitude to ignore non-existant packages when trying to install multiple packages from the command line?01:15
escottcdavis_, be careful with the settings its possible to break unity01:15
jimmieIm not sure if anyone else uses Deluge, but does it always have to re-check files after a reboot, or is there a way to turn that off?01:15
cdavis_escott: I want to reduce the eye candy because I cannto fgure out why playing a video in vlc is choppy01:16
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grekkosqin: I think I will take a break from it for now and try again tomorrow01:16
escottcdavis_, well reducing the eyecandy shouldn't matter. its possible that removing the eye candy entirely and dropping back to !classic or !unity-2d would be better01:17
grekkosqin: I know for sure I've set this up successfully before but on an ubuntu 32 bit server, this time it's x64 i wonder if that's affecting it... I think it's still 32bit though01:17
escottcdavis_, but as long as the compositer is running your video is being redirected which might be the source of the choppiness01:17
qingrekkos: Try to have own server by then ;)01:17
grekkosqin: well this is my server ;p01:18
grekkosqin: I might just try installing a 32bit vm if I can't get it working01:18
qingrekkos: Can you paste err once more01:18
JadedI seem to be hitting a wall here.01:18
grekkosWARNING: UDP_OpenSocket: port: 27015  bind: Cannot assign requested address01:18
grekkosFATAL ERROR (shutting down): Couldn't allocate dedicated server IP port 27015.01:18
JadedI've created an xorg.conf file using nvidia X server01:19
Jadeddo I need to add a line to enable acceleration ?01:19
StarminnIn Ubuntu 10.10, Audacity is not picking up any external sound inout. Whatever I play is just relayed over my system speakers -- Audacity doesn't even know it's there.01:19
grekkosJaded: XOrg was designed with many walls to run into01:19
qingrekkos: Ok, have a time to play a bit with this now ;) (Before going to play)01:19
grekkosJaded: does it have a line something like Set Options Composite01:20
grekkosJaded: (i forget the exact key)01:20
grekkosJaded: I'm assuming if it's not there you'd have to add it, even if you generated it using the NVidia tool01:20
LinuxPythonPeterare any gud fps for teh linuxexs?01:21
Jadedbut that's the thing, I don't know what line to add.01:21
grekkosLinuxPythonPeter: Quake301:21
JadedI'm trying to get smooth flash playback01:21
grekkosLinuxPythonPeter: for a recent version check ioquake3.org01:21
LinuxPythonPeterWhat about that software center or whatever?01:21
grekkosLinuxPythonPeter: alternatively OpenArena (the same game but with free assets)01:22
grekkosLinuxPythonPeter: software center probably has OA01:22
qinLinuxPythonPeter: Urban Terror01:22
LinuxPythonPeterJust a question, but how do i get back to the #ubuntu tab after switching to firefox/chrome01:23
grekkosJaded: well the composite extension is required for compiz, if you have that running it's loaded (or any other type of desktop compositing)01:23
grekkosLinuxPythonPeter: what IRC client are you using?01:23
LinuxPythonPeterif i press on the #ubuntu under rooms it doesnt switch01:24
grekkosI've never used it before01:24
onelinerfrom unity how do find directions such as System>administration>Software Sources > Other Software ?01:25
nit-witoneliner, synaptic01:26
Rollingood day all01:29
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trakinasRollin: night.01:31
LinuxPythonPeterhi lol01:31
LinuxPythonPeterIm back01:31
LinuxPythonPeterWith a different client :P01:31
* LinuxPythonPeter lol01:32
Atomix26I need help with wubi01:32
LinuxPythonPeterI dont reccomend using wubi, its broken imo.01:33
Atomix26yeah. I dont need you to tell me that01:33
Cuchulainnhi all...have something a little weird...my keyboard at logon is has a different time to register than once i'm logged in..01:33
LinuxPythonPeterjust restart and press f1 and load it from bios or whatever01:33
Cuchulainnthat is to say that i have to press and hold until it registers, but once logged in is fine..01:33
LinuxPythonPeterwhy not? thats what you have to do anyway01:33
Atomix26it says that wubildr.mbr is corrupted01:33
LinuxPythonPetertry redownloading and then reburning01:34
Cuchulainnhappened once before with natty beta, but when i reinstalled the official release it was fine..up until a couple of updates ago..01:34
Cuchulainnany ideas?01:34
LinuxPythonPeterI had to download 3 times b it worked01:34
Atomix26im not burning. I installed wubi to a USB removable hard drive01:34
LinuxPythonPeterwhats ur problem Cuch?01:34
LinuxPythonPeterahh, ok.01:34
LinuxPythonPeterWell try again anyway01:34
LinuxPythonPeterredownload and retry01:34
LinuxPythonPeterif that doesnt work try burning01:35
Atomix26redownload ubuntu, or wubi?01:35
LinuxPythonPeterTry wubi, and then Ubuntu if that doesnt work01:35
LinuxPythonPeterWait, no dont redownload ubuntu yet01:35
LinuxPythonPeterjust wubi01:35
CuchulainnLinuxPythonPeter, the keyboard isn't as responsive at the logon screen...takes about a 1/2 sec press to get the key to register, but once logged in is fine..01:36
nit-witAtomix26, the regular download has a wubi installer in it. Putting it on a external is a bad idea though.01:36
CuchulainnLinuxPythonPeter, was working fine, then a couple of updates ago..01:36
nit-witAtomix26, wubi is a file in windows that is where it should be if you want ease of use.01:37
Atomix26so install to the C: drive instead?01:37
nit-witAtomix26, yes01:37
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LinuxPythonPeteru there CUCH?01:38
vandemaris there a way to go about starting vino-server for another user's x session?  sadly although remote desktop is enabled in system->preferences->remotedesktop, vino-server is not running for some reason01:39
vandemarI am not quite familiar with X auth juju01:39
rileyp how can I do this :use a Dynamic DNS record that resolves to my WAN IP, but have the DNS resolve to the internal MythPodcaster host IP from inside the network01:40
th0rrileyp: you forward the port from the external ip to the internal ip01:41
th0rrileyp: or if you are running an internal network, you can add the mythpodcaster ip to the hosts file on each internal workstation01:42
vandemarinternal dns proxy that fakes authority for the dyndns provider and resolves your dyndns name to the internal ip01:42
plus1moreuse bind for a <host.txt>01:43
th0rvandemar: obviously you are a top down programmer....while I am a bottom up programmer <smile>01:43
rileyp<th0r> rileyp: or if you are running an internal network, you can add the mythpodcaster ip to the hosts file on each internal workstation I have done this01:44
plus1moreth0r is right .. for the external world, but vandemar is right for the internal users .. they need to see a working external official domain?01:44
rileypth0r> rileyp: you forward the port from the external ip to the internal ip I have a billion dsl modem/router and I port forward 80 to the server ip01:46
plus1moreso rileyp if u dont want to access an ip-number as domain you have to setup an internal dns-server .. to intercept request to your dyndns domain that points to your internal address01:46
Atomix26How would I get rid of my computer asking which OS to load? I would like to get my computer back to the way it was until my father who works with unix/linux for a living gets in here to get things working better01:46
jgpzen^ hahaha01:47
plus1morethat is .. your dns is authoritive for internal requests01:47
jgpzenIt's just cool that you made it to irc01:47
escottAtomix26, /etc/default/grub and you can adjust the timeouts, just update-grub afterwards01:47
davidrsmorris_why might my livedcd refuse to use eth0?01:48
Atomix26Whoa whoa whoa01:48
Atomix26I have no clue what either of you are talking about01:48
Atomix26ubuntu does not work on my machine01:49
rileypplus1more, http://code.google.com/p/mythpodcaster/issues/detail?id=28#c14 thi si what I was told but do not understand it precisely01:49
improveupondoes anyone use mldonkey, or can anyone recommend a good p2p client01:49
Atomix26Good bye01:49
jgpzenAtomix26, wait01:49
jgpzenAtomix26, I know how I can help you and it's easy01:50
Problemshow do you make compiz permanent?01:50
rileypI have asked in networking but no one responds.... 3 or more reponses here go figure... :D01:50
Atomix26Which would be? I cannot get on the computer at the moment. T-storm. I am working from my laptop(which I do not want ubuntu on)01:50
nunutest first time using xchat on ubuntu01:51
rileyp<plus1more> so rileyp if u dont want to access an ip-number as domain you have to setup an internal dns-server .. to intercept request to your dyndns domain that points to your internal address01:51
davidrsmorris_Problems: are you using a livecd?01:51
plus1moreperl works . python works. php works.         because html sucks : )))01:51
rileypso On my router I add the dns name and ip of my server in the dns list01:51
jgpzenAtomix26, Welcome to the internet01:51
Problemsdavidrsmorris_: no i am using full desktop version01:51
billybigriggerAtomix26, what's your problem?01:52
Atomix26Can I PM you?01:52
rileypplus1more so On my router I add the dns name and ip of my server in the dns list01:52
billybigriggeryour questions might be answered easier if you ask in here, but i don't mind01:52
davidrsmorris_Problems: And you're setting up compiz, but you lose those settings when you restart, or when you logout and login?01:53
plus1morerileyp: sry mate .. wrong chan01:53
rileypvandemar internal dns proxy that fakes authority for the dyndns provider and resolves your dyndns name to the internal ip  How do I do that?01:53
Problemsdavidrsmorris_: yes01:53
plus1moreanyway, theres no easy solution .. you'll have to install "bind" and configure it accordingly .. no easy task .. but simple .. go figure01:54
rileypplus1more come to to #networking Ill make it easy for you /join #networking    :D01:54
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davidrsmorris_Problems: see if its when you log out and in, or when you restart.01:54
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StarminnIn Ubuntu 10.10, Audacity is not picking up any external sound inout. Whatever I play is just relayed over my system speakers -- Audacity doesn't even know it's there.01:55
davidrsmorris_Problems: are you using compiz --replace?01:55
Problemsdavidrsmorris_: when i log in and log out01:55
plus1morerileyp: furthermoe you will have to point all your internal clients that want to resolve the domain("dyndns:domain) that external people can use to an internal ip-adress say ... unless you want to run out of the house everytime to access it fromt he "outside" :P01:55
Problemsdavidrsmorris_: thats what I dont want to use because it just reverts after that01:56
plus1moreto your internal dns bind server01:56
escottrileyp, if the port is forwarded things will still work it will just go A->router-(realize its router to itself)->router-(forward)->B01:57
plus1morerileyp: basically you hijack dns request from internal clients.01:57
davidrsmorris_Problems: Gnome-sessions.  THere's a dropdown box on the login screen.01:57
escottrileyp, so don't even bother enabling a dns to override the dyndns. as a bonus you get to double check your dyndns is working01:57
Problemsdavidrsmorris_: yes which one do I pick?01:58
plus1moreescott: wrong01:58
plus1moreescott: it is wrong because "domain-from-dyndns" will resolve to IP adress of router-wan-port .. so he just sees his router login page01:59
MikazeMy router (a linksys wrt54gl) does the dyndns for me, but you can use ez-ipupdate to link your IP with many dynamic dns providers...01:59
rileypescott> rileyp, so don't even bother enabling a dns to override the dyndns. as a bonus you get to double check your dyndns is working this is what I thought It just going to my dndns address and its send me back to my wan ip which then sends me onto my servers ip02:00
rileypescot is that correct02:00
The-Kernelhi, I have a 500GB hard drive in my system, I was wondering, if I add another 500GB, can I set it up in a RAID1 with the first without erasing the data already on the first?02:01
MikazeYou need to set up port forwarding on your router then, most likely.  Just be aware you cannot access your own system by domain name.02:01
stercorI just installed syncevolution with sudo apt-get.  I'd like to install genesis_sync, a GUI front end for syncevolution.  It's in a PPA.  I've successfully done the add-apt-repository and the apt-get update.  The program doesn't appear to be on my system.  Is there something else that I must do?02:01
plus1morerileyp: you cannot rely on an external dns-server to find your service (whatever port) that is running inside your network. you have to mirror the response from the outside dns-server by hijacking the dns request from internal networks, by setting up an autoritive dns server internally for the domains you want to "hijack" .. interally is the word02:01
jgpzenIf hes trying to give internal users a different IP for an external domain its as easy as pointing lan users to a local dns and setting an A record for that domain to a local IP02:01
escottplus1more, disagrees. but that would be my expectation. go out to dyndns and get directed to your wan ip. try to connect to your wan ip the router realizes thats not on the inside side of the network and sends it to the wan which sends it right back which forwards to your internal address02:01
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escottThe-Kernel, yes see tutorials on raid conversion02:02
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plus1moreescott: i'm sorry .. i complained ... my router is shi1tty : P02:03
rileypjgpzen, ie adding to /etc/hosts02:03
josheee12hey guys.  currently running softraid.  i'll be getting an SSD in a few weeks.  wanted to move the OS to the SSD, /home on RAID.  any known tutorials?02:04
rileypplus1more do I go fing out about interally?02:07
rileypfind out sorry02:07
escottplus1more, rileyp not overriding dns works perfectly on mine. I just get reflected back so it looks like I am coming from my routers WAN02:07
escottplus1more, install tomato if you can02:07
plus1morerileyp: simple yes: your service is . your dyndns domain is example.com. you forward your port:x from router to <. everythings good. but if u typ exmaple.com as adress on internal machine it doesnt work. you need to setup an internal dns-server that authoritive for that sya: IS example.com and tell all your INTERNAL machines to use that.02:07
plus1more..use that internal dns-server ..02:09
rileypplus1more you are a champion thankyou02:09
Jadedubuntu i hate you :(02:09
rileypnow to cut and paste todays help....02:09
blackshirtJaded: why ?02:09
plus1morethe dns server software is called "bind" ... a step-up more complicated "host.txt"02:09
billybigriggeris there any one here that can help out a wubi user?02:10
rileypplus1more,  So I could run bind on my server?02:10
plus1morerileyp: thank you .. and thank you : )))02:10
billybigriggermore speficially Atomix26, he's having trouble with wubi, and i can't say i've ever used it02:10
blackshirtbillybigrigger: what exactly your problem with wubi ?02:10
billybigriggerblackshirt, not me02:11
billybigriggeri'm trying to help him but i haven't ever used wubi, i was hoping someone could help him, i tried, but i just don't know anything about it02:11
blackshirtbillybigrigger: i think you can advice him to dual boot02:12
cuddlefishUkto: There's also ubitex.org, for buying with cash02:12
cuddlefisheh, wrong window02:12
Atomix26yeah, that is rather undesirable02:13
Jadedbecause I keep getting crazy high CPU use02:14
blackshirtJaded: have you check running process ??02:14
Jadedlooks pretty normal, except the system monitor is using about 30%02:15
blackshirtJaded: have you install some program from another repo's or maybe somebug on your  app02:16
supercom32What file system is the safest to use? That is, contains the most features to guarentee as little data loss as possible due to some kind of malfunction?02:18
billybigriggersupercom32, what do you use the system for?02:19
billybigriggerthere's nothing wrong with ext402:19
billybigriggersupercom32, i haven't had to much trouble with it on my servers, for my home fileserver i ran with xfs for a bit on an archlinux install...but i always end up falling back on ubuntu and ext402:20
billybigriggerwell ext3/4 i guess since it's fairly new02:20
billybigriggerbut stable and mature enough02:20
supercom32billybigrigger: Just large files (10gb+) and I want to try and guarantee some kind of integrity. Like in the event of a hard power off, or unsafe unplug, which FS will survive the best?02:20
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billybigriggersupercom32, well then your going to want a journaling fs02:21
escottsupercom32, with a file that large you want something with extents but checksums would also be nice. ext4 has extents, but I don't think it has checksums02:21
supercom32escott: Forgive the newbie question, but what are extents exactly/02:22
billybigriggersupercom32, ext4 is the way to go man02:22
escottsupercom32, instead of saying file is in block 1,2,3,4,5... it says file is in blocks range 1-10002:22
supercom32escott: oh, yes. Right right.02:23
Jadedi don't know what's going on.....02:23
supercom32Ah apparently ext4 does have checksums02:24
noobuntuHi im new to ubuntu i installed ubuntu 11.04 on my pc as the solitary os.  The partitions are sda1 as the primary and then sda5 as the swap.  I read that Im supposed to have a seperate partition for home or my data in case i have to reinstall.  How do I do that?  Thank you...02:24
escottsupercom32, i think its just the journal being checksummed not the files02:24
blackshirtJaded : i think there are someone here can help you...02:24
supercom32escott: Does btrfs checksum files?02:26
centHOGGreinstall for linux?02:26
billybigriggernoobuntu, you really need to set that up during your install02:26
vandemarsupercom32: it checksums blocks, you can also turn that feature off if you really want to02:26
escottsupercom32, feature-wise i think btrfs sounds best for large files like that, but its still in development02:26
noobuntubilly, thx, I was thinking that when I was installing with the live cd but had no idea how to partition in the advanced options...02:27
billybigriggernoobuntu, how long have you had your system installed? ie if you don't have to much going on with it right now we can walk through how to setup your partitions so that later down the road in weeks/months/years it will save you alot of hassle in dealing with backing stuff up and transferring files02:27
billybigriggerif you have a decent system a reinstall should only take a few minutes...02:27
billybigriggerand its not much of a hassle to do it now, properly02:27
noobuntuthx billy.  honestly, my stuff is all backed up.  Ive been playing with ubuntu and mint for the last week so, I can reinstall.02:27
billybigriggerhow big is your hard drive?02:28
noobuntuit is 250gb02:28
billybigriggerhow much ram?02:28
billybigriggerdo you play around with kernel compiling?02:29
escottsupercom32, just dont use ext3 and i think its fine.02:29
billybigriggersupercom32, stick with ext4 :)02:30
noobuntunope, im brand new to linux and barely know the sudo apt commands02:30
supercom32billybigrigger: Does ext4 have backup superblocks/journals in case the main one gets corrupt?02:30
billybigriggerif you'd like to know, google is switching from ext2 to ext4, they weighed out all the options for FS's and they've decided that over xfs, ext4 is the way to go...for them...02:30
billybigriggersupercom32, read wikipedia :P02:31
billybigriggerext4 is a journaling FS yes...02:31
escottsupercom32, yes at least one you can configure it to have others (just write down the address of the backup superblock)02:31
rhcpSup guys02:31
supercom32i see.02:31
rhcpIs the nvdia bug fixed on the latest ubuntu?02:31
billybigriggernoobuntu, ok, if your not compiling/playing with kernels its easy then...02:31
rhcpive heard nvdia cards had a bug02:31
rhcpand to stay away from upgrade :)02:31
escottsupercom32, there is not a backup journal though. if you are this worried you should have a backup disk not just a backup journal02:31
billybigriggernoobuntu, 2GB swap, 20GB / (root partition) and allocate the rest to /home02:31
noobuntubillybigrigger, cool02:31
billybigriggernoobuntu, use the filesystem of choice...i suggest ext4 :P02:32
billybigriggernoobuntu, if you were a kernel junkie we could set you up with a 500MB /boot partition but that's unneeded02:32
noobuntubillybigrigger, so this can be done easily with the livecd?02:32
billybigriggernoobuntu, yes on a re-install02:32
supercom32escott: Yes, I really should just be doing a traditional backup :P02:33
rhcpso anyone with ideas with the new ubuntu? with the nvidia issues?02:33
rhcpcurious if i can upgrade or not02:33
billybigriggeryou'll need to do advanced partitioning though, i can't remember the option, but DON'T let ubuntu partition for you02:33
noobuntubillybigrigger, ok i will give that a try.  i made a apt to cd disk.  what directories should I be backing up so I can reinstall preferences and settings easily02:33
billybigriggernoobuntu, your /home :)02:34
noobuntubillybigrigger, yup, figured that one :)02:34
billybigriggerthats why if your /home is on a separate partition, you can switch between, ubuntu/debian/fedora/mint, and keep the same /home partition, with all your setttings and preferences...02:34
toad`What would be the easeist way to reinstall Ubuntu 10.04 that is dual booted with GRUB2?02:34
toad`with windows 702:34
toad`can I just delete the partition /sda5 I believe and reinstal on the freespace? or does that mess up GRUB?02:35
billybigriggeryou just format your root partition and install your distribution of choice, keeping in tact your /home...and away you go02:35
toad`that wont mess with windows?02:35
billybigriggertoad`, it might, if /sda5 is your windows partition02:35
toad`its the Ubuntu partition02:35
billybigriggeryou need to be a bit more specific of your questions02:35
toad`I have it installed02:35
toad`Well this has all stemmed from NetworkManager disappearing after I installed Arping02:36
toad`so I have no networkmanager, cant get online. I cant figure out how to reconfig ifconfig or whatever it is I need to reconfig. so I figured I'd just reinstal.02:36
toad`or can I instal packages straight from the LiveCD?02:36
improveupondoes anyone here use mldonkey/can anyone recommend a debian p2p client?02:37
noobuntufor a new linux user, is it best to start off as mint or stay with ubuntu02:37
toad`so right I'm just thinking a fresh instal would be easier02:37
billybigriggernoobuntu, whatever your more comfortable with02:37
toad`so should I delete the original Ubuntu partition?02:37
billybigriggertoad`, just reinstall over it02:38
toad`over it?02:38
toad`thats what I'd like to do02:38
toad`but in order to do that dont I have to delete that partition? thats the only option i can see that would do anythign like that02:38
noobuntubillybigrigger, i liked the mint design, but I cant find a good livecd install and the unetbootin only has the mint9 available02:38
billybigriggernoobuntu, stick with ubuntu02:38
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billybigriggeryou can customize and make any distribution look however you want it02:39
ZykoticK9_noobuntu, unetbootin has an option to use an ISO you have downloaded (the "mint9" option just downloads for you) so you can use pretty much any gnu/linux distro you want02:40
toad`i like the looks of Mint too02:40
toad`how do you get your bar to look like mints? is there a style/skin for it?02:40
toad`theme rather02:40
toad`but anyway, back to reinstalling02:40
toad`someone help me out real quick02:41
SubCoolcan someone help me with my webcam and skype.. It wont work for skype, but it works on cheese.02:41
blackshirttoad: you can install mint theme on ubuntu :d02:41
toad`ok cool02:41
toad`I need to figure out how to reinstall02:41
escottSubCool, you dont get any video in skype? can you select the camera in skype?02:42
toad`do I select partitions? or 'install them side by side'?02:42
noobuntuzykotic9, when I tried unet to create a mint11 cd, it asked for the mounting point and i did not know how to select that02:42
blackshirttoad: what are you doing reinstall for ?02:42
toad`cause NetworkManager dissappeared or stopped working thanks to Arping in 10.0402:42
SubCoolescott, there is only one option in skype.. And no- no video.02:42
toad`so I figured instead of messing around wiht that seeing as how it was almost a fresh instal already I figured I would just reinstall02:42
escottSubCool, you could try using LD_PRELOAD to force skype to use v4l2 library it might work02:43
toad`blackshirt, what should I do02:44
escottSubCool #!/bin/bash \n export LIBV4LCONTROL_FLAGS=3 \n LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype02:44
SubCooli saw that on the fix list on one of the forums.. it didnt work02:44
toad`do I specify partitions manually and delete the partition that has Ubuntu on it already?02:44
SubCoolbut ill try it..02:44
SubCoolisnt that the script?02:44
escottSubCool, if you are 32bit install it would be /usr/lib instead of /usr/lib3202:44
blackshirttoad: if you want reinstall network-manager, you can reinstall it with apt or package manager02:44
toad`i cant get online02:45
SubCoolso only the LD_PRELOAD line? or the entire script02:45
toad`can I apt and get from the LiveCD?02:45
DigitalSkinwas wondering what is a ppa really?02:45
macoDigitalSkin: third-party repository02:45
macotoad`: yes02:45
escottSubCool, im honestly not sure what the V4L control flags do. try it without, then try it with02:45
SubCooli just did it- it worked..02:46
cryptopsyis it possible to encrypt tmpfs?02:46
toad`well thats what I was asking before02:46
toad`and ppl said no02:46
toad`that would fix all my problems really and I wouldnt have to worry bout reinstalling02:46
cryptopsytoad`: what are you trying to do ? i just go there?02:46
SubCoolescott, where do i put the script02:46
toad`I need NetworkManager02:46
toad`or to reinstall Ubuntu and delete the original partition02:47
escottSubCool, ~/bin is a good place02:47
zelrikhow to setup an intuos 3 on a dual screen on ubuntu02:47
cryptopsyinstall wpa_supplicant that will manage the fuck out of your network02:47
toad`just install the drivers zelrick02:47
blackshirttoad: you can alternate cd...02:47
toad`I'm not sure about the intuos 3 but my intuos4 installed fairly easily02:47
SubCoolescott, ok- what do i name it?02:47
zelrikis there drivers for intuos?02:48
escottSubCool, i called my skype-fixed.sh if you just call it skype double check that $HOME/bin comes first in your $PATH02:48
toad`go to wacom.com02:48
blackshirttoad: use alternate cd02:48
toad`their customer service will hook you up they are really good bout helping folks02:48
toad`waht do you mean blackshirt ?02:48
escottSubCool, and don't forget to chmod +x the file02:48
toad`I have a liveCD02:48
toad`how would I get that package off? network-manager gnome02:48
toad`or somethign02:48
blackshirttoad: live cd contain squashfs filesystem..not exactly .deb packages02:49
SubCoolescott, thanks alot- i shoulda known.02:49
escottSubCool, enjoy02:49
blackshirttoad: you can download it manually from packages.ubuntu.com02:49
toad`no I cant02:49
toad`I cant get ONLINE!02:49
toad`do you mean use the LiveCD and download frmo there? can I instal it using the LiveCD?02:50
toad`or should I just download and stick it in the filesystem?02:50
toad`would that work?02:50
zelrikok so the drivers are already installed02:50
blackshirttoad: are you have alternate ubuntu cd or dvd  ??02:50
toad`I have a LiveCD02:50
toad`whatever itr is02:50
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toad`I have one I burned myself and one Ubuntu sent me02:50
zelrikmy tablet pad covers only 1/2 of the screen02:50
zelrikand 1/4 when I try to configure it02:50
toad`you need to change the thing02:50
escotttoad`, is network manager still installed?02:51
toad`its pcakage is completely gone02:51
toad`after installing Arping02:51
toad`apparently their is a conflict in 10.0402:51
escotttoad`, is the nm package still in /var/cache/apt02:51
blackshirttoad: if you have ubuntu dvd's, i think you can use it to install from02:51
toad`it removed it after it installed which was strange, I didnt really notice at first02:51
toad`I tried that escott :P02:51
toad`install the package?02:51
escotttoad`, boot the livecd chroot yourself in, then install nm02:52
cryptopsycan mplayer play flv files?02:53
toad`I can install it to the filesystem? from the LiveCD?02:53
cryptopsyalso what are the main differneces between mplaye rand mplayer202:53
toad`do I install it straight from the CD? or do I need to download it?02:53
escotttoad`, are you familiar with a chroot?02:53
cryptopsywhat's a spam filter i can use with mutt email client?02:53
escotttoad`, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot (its for grub but the principle is the same). gives you access to your system but using the livecds to provide the basic system02:54
zelrikhttp://bensimonds.com/2011/05/25/setting-up-dual-monitors-with-a-wacom-tablet-on-ubuntu-11-04/ doesnt work :(02:54
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JoeR1is there a command to update the kernel?02:54
cryptopsyyes - rebuild it02:55
zelrikhow do I configure an intuos 3 on a dual screen?02:55
cryptopsyif previous part of it are there it will use those, if they are different it will rewrite them02:55
hdon-is there a command line tool to burn DVDs?02:56
hdon-(just want a filesystem, not DVD video or anything)02:56
ZykoticK9_hdon-, growisofs02:56
cryptopsyhdon-: yes lots of them google it02:56
escotthdon-, wodim02:56
hdon-ZykoticK9_, thanks02:56
hdon-escott, thanks02:56
hdon-cryptopsy, google "gratitude"02:56
cryptopsyhdon-: what's that supposed to mean, that you're mad and lazy?02:56
Cuchulainnso anyone have any insight into my issue?02:58
StarminnIn Ubuntu 10.10, Audacity is not picking up any external sound inout. Whatever I play is just relayed over my system speakers -- Audacity doesn't even know it's there.02:58
cryptopsyCuchulainn: i joined after you asked, what was it?02:58
zelrikthat s weird02:58
toad`is this what I need tho?02:58
zelrikxandr only lists one monitor02:58
toad`I dont need to reinstall GRUB02:58
toad`I need NetworkManager02:58
FloodBot1toad`: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:58
zelrikand I have 202:58
cryptopsyStarminn: check if alsamixer has a default sound device set with alsamixer then press f602:59
Cuchulainncryptopsy, at logon, the keyboard has a lag...1/2 second or so...have to press and hold to get the key to register...02:59
escottcryptopsy, seems like a perfectly reasonable response. not everyone would know what to search for. i didnt realize until yesterday that cdrecord had been renamed to wodim02:59
Cuchulainncryptopsy, is fine once i'm logged in...happened once before w/ natty beta...02:59
cryptopsyescott: command line burning linux03:00
Cuchulainncryptopsy, happened again with updates..?03:00
escotttoad`, follow the chroot up to the grub-install then try apt-get install network-manager instead03:00
cryptopsyCuchulainn: it could be due to many things but you can investigate by checking your kernel logs to see if its don't something in a loop that it shouldnt, or monitor disk IO03:00
Cuchulainncryptopsy, is on netbook, so probably not like os/2 style interrupt, but more like usb?03:01
cryptopsyCuchulainn: oh you're running from a usb stick?03:01
cryptopsyyea that would do it03:01
Cuchulainncryptopsy, so how to check kernel log, and what am i looking for?03:01
cryptopsyCuchulainn: just type dmesg03:01
Cuchulainncryptopsy, no, full install..03:01
cryptopsyCuchulainn: yea but what did you full install on03:02
FlashSmithHello everyone03:02
cryptopsyCuchulainn:  you can full install on a usb stick or you can use the usb installation on a hardrive03:02
cryptopsyFlashSmith: hi03:02
Cuchulainncryptopsy,HD, MSI u100 "windbook"03:02
cryptopsyno one knows what that is03:02
yassine_hellhi, how can i know which version of postgresql i have?03:03
zelrikxsetwacom set "Wacom Intuos3 6x8" MapToOutput defaultUnknown parameter name 'MapToOutput'03:03
Cuchulainncryptopsy, dmesg | grep ?03:03
JoeR1is there a command to update the kernel?03:03
FlashSmithI havve heard about Ubuntu, and I was thinking of using/trying it, but I'm not sure03:03
escottJoeR1, why do you want to update?03:03
cryptopsyCuchulainn: we don't really have a guess waht the problem is so you can't grep03:03
JoeR1FlashSmith, They have a try without installing feature on the cd03:03
cryptopsyCuchulainn: dmesg |more03:03
cryptopsyCuchulainn: pastebin it if you want other people ot help you look03:04
py9371when looking at problems thats say stuff about graphs how should i start these problem03:04
FlashSmithI'm not sure how to do either03:04
JoeR1escott - just hoping to be at the most recent version, so is there a command?03:04
py9371like inflection points etc03:04
Cuchulainncryptopsy, atkbd might be a suspect?03:04
cryptopsyatkbd what03:04
py9371do I have to find several points and graph all these problems?03:04
Cuchulainncryptopsy, ok, walk me through pastebin..never used..03:04
cryptopsycopy and paste03:04
cryptopsythen press 'upload'03:05
cryptopsyor whatever it says03:05
cryptopsythere's many pastebins03:05
FlashSmithHow would I try Ubuntu without installing?03:05
cryptopsyactually ...03:05
FloodBot1cryptopsy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:05
escottJoeR1, not really. they settle on a version. stabilize and test it, and then give smaller bug fixes. you could install a vanilla kernel from the ubuntu kernel group, but without a reason (like this device driver doesn't work) you are just asking for things to break03:05
cryptopsyCuchulainn: go to ompldr.org and upload 'dmesg >myfile'03:05
zelriknothing works03:05
cryptopsyCuchulainn: then paste the link it gives you here03:05
cryptopsyit will be a direct link to your file03:05
Cuchulainn[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset03:05
Cuchulainn[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu03:05
Cuchulainn[    0.000000] Linux version 2.6.38-8-generic (buildd@vernadsky) (gcc version 4.5.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu3) ) #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 (Ubuntu 2.6.38-8.42-generic
Cuchulainn[    0.000000] Atom PSE erratum detected, BIOS microcode update recommended03:05
Cuchulainn[    0.000000] BIOS-provided physical RAM map:03:05
FloodBot1Cuchulainn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:05
py9371flashsmith - put the cd in before boot and ther is an optrion to boot live cd or something03:05
cryptopsyFlashSmith: order a free cd03:05
cryptopsyyou can install it on disposable things like usb sticks or cd roms03:06
cryptopsybut you always have to do some kind of installation03:06
cryptopsyunetbootin will do it automatically for you03:06
FlashSmithHow would I order a free CD? I thought you had to buy a CD?03:06
py9371flashmith no you can download ubuntu for free its free03:06
cryptopsyFlashSmith: oh maybe they stopped offering that03:06
cuddlefishcryptopsy: shipit is off03:06
macocryptopsy: they did03:06
FlashSmithWait what do you mean somekind of installation?03:06
ubottuCanonical is no longer sending free Ubuntu CDs to individuals through its ShipIt program.  For more information please see http://blog.canonical.com/?p=551 !LoCo teams can request CDs through this link https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/03:06
Cuchulainncryptopsy, thanks...sorry...try to learn...03:06
cryptopsymaco: i remember you03:06
Cuchulainncryptopsy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/628241/03:06
cryptopsyCuchulainn: okay now share that with people that want to look at it03:07
macoFlashSmith: you can just burn a cd of ubuntu and try it from that. you dont *have* to install to your system to use it03:07
FlashSmithOh oh well, how would I make my own CD or usbstick with Ubuntu?03:07
cryptopsyCuchulainn: but direct links are more convenient03:07
cryptopsymaco:  you're that cute girl from the ubuntu webpage right03:07
macoFlashSmith: the "desktop" iso on the download page on ubuntu.com is a live cd03:07
IdleOne!usb > FlashSmith03:07
ubottuFlashSmith, please see my private message03:07
macocryptopsy: uh...03:07
toad`I get the 'Following packages were automatically installed and no longer required; linux-headers-2.6.32-21'03:07
cryptopsyyea the one with the unibrow, i remember you03:07
macocryptopsy: i'm a woman with an ubuntu blog, if that's what you mean03:08
cryptopsyCuchulainn: those atkbd lines are probably from when you were pressing keys03:08
cryptopsybut i don't know how many times you pressed it03:08
IdleOnetoad`: sudo apt-get autoremove will get remove it03:08
cryptopsybut see how it says 'composite sync not supported', you can investigate that03:08
Cuchulainncryptopsy, http://ompldr.org/vOTNtaA]http://ompldr.org/vOTNtaA03:08
toad`remove linux-headers?03:08
cryptopsyalso note the times between the events03:08
cryptopsyCuchulainn: ompldr has a firefox tool and lets you upload other media too like images03:08
cryptopsyCuchulainn: that's why i suggested it03:08
toad`I said Y and it said 'Something wicked happend resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com:http'03:08
toad`it cant connect out03:09
toad`Unable to fetch some archives ... etc..03:09
cryptopsyCuchulainn: people who want to downloda your files can use 'wget yourfileURL'03:09
toad`No address associated with hostname03:09
cryptopsyCuchulainn: another good tool is etherpad by google03:09
cryptopsyCuchulainn: they quit that project so now there are various ehterpads, one is piratepad.net03:09
cryptopsyor maybe its .com03:09
IdleOnetoad`: if the package manager says it is no longer needed it is fine to remove03:09
escotttoad`, blah you probably need to copy some things like resolve.conf over from /etc03:09
cryptopsybut its like a multiplayer pastebin03:09
cryptopsyCuchulainn: for examle you and your friend can be both editing your document in REALTIME, and at the same time03:10
toad`so what should I do03:10
Cuchulainncryptopsy, so a netbook kbd works more like network transport layer, where instead of interrupt, it sends until gets ACK or not?03:10
cryptopsytoad`: ask in the ubuntu forums03:10
toad`see escott I think it would just be easier to reinstall03:10
cryptopsyCuchulainn: i don't know03:10
cryptopsypeople don't memorize these things03:10
rednuthi guys03:10
cryptopsyrednut: hi03:10
cryptopsyCuchulainn: you can ignore all the sdc stuff03:11
cryptopsyif you want to test your keys you can use xev03:11
FlashSmithHmm I don't think I can use a usb since I don't think I have a big enough usb. Is it possible to burn a cd; can any computer/desktop burn a cd?03:11
escotttoad`, try copying /etc/resolve.conf and /etc/hosts from the livecd to the chroot just in case03:11
cryptopsyFlashSmith: is it possible to burn a cd?03:11
cryptopsyits not withcraft03:12
escotttoad`, and see if you can ping something like inside the chroot (assuming that is your router)03:12
cryptopsyyea like no one knew without your brilliant correction03:12
rednutI'm looking for a cloning software, like clonezilla but in native no a live cd, to make an iso out of an hard drive ( not using the cmd dd or mkiso) Anyone has a hint ?03:12
Cuchulainncryptopsy, what is 'latency timer'?03:13
centHOGGi use acronis (just cause)03:13
cryptopsyCuchulainn: depends on the contexy03:13
toad`it pings03:13
toad`I'll try and reboot03:13
quentusrexHow do you get more info on what version of a kernel module is loaded?03:13
FlashSmithHmm, I have a few more questions I guess. If youre booting from a cd, does it install something on the computer, would it affect any of the existing files within the computer?03:13
escotttoad`, then its probably just dns (ie the resolve.conf)03:14
cryptopsyCuchulainn: oh in your dmesg, ... you can ignore it03:14
escotttoad`, were you able to install nm?03:14
Cuchulainncryptopsy, looks like my bios needs an upgrade?03:14
cryptopsyCuchulainn: probably not03:14
zelrikis there a way to make a tablet work on a dual screen on ubuntu?03:14
jgpzenroot@ubuntu:~# modinfo bnx203:14
escotttoad`, and i realize telling you to copy over /etc/hosts would have blown away your hostname03:14
cryptopsyCuchulainn: did you find out what atkbd and that other one mean?03:14
toad`i think so03:15
no-name-got python 3.1 interpreter from software centre, typed python in shell but still comes up with 2.6 interpreter03:15
toad`it said the stuff about linux-headers03:15
toad`but it says that everytime I try to apt-get something03:15
jgpzenno-name-,  Need to update the symlink03:15
cryptopsyCuchulainn: try xev first too03:15
jgpzenCheck path for python3.*03:15
toad`I said Y and it said something something bout somethign wicked happening no able to resolve hostname etc...03:15
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Cuchulainncryptopsy, is that a cli command, or something to look for in dmesg?03:15
cryptopsyits a program that you run from the command line03:16
Cuchulainncryptopsy, you have to keep in mind that i am a babe in the woods when it comes to this stuff..03:16
escotttoad`, well if you get nm working again on the installed system you will need to correct /etc/hosts to make sure your /etc/hostname is mapped to
Cuchulainncryptopsy, so thanks for the patience..03:16
cryptopsyCuchulainn: yea just install it03:16
cryptopsyand run it03:16
mrdebCuchulainn: lol babe in woods03:16
centHOGGamber alert03:16
no-name-jgpzen: I asked in #python. typing python3 works03:17
escotttoad`, thats no doubt what apt said was wicked, because hosts didn't direct hostname back to the localhost03:17
Logan_There are still inherent problems with XHCI, USB 3.0, and suspending on Natty, yet a bug relating to this was resolved as "Fix released," with comments since about workarounds still needing to be applied but no developer activity.  Why is this?03:17
Cuchulainncryptopsy, x11-utils?03:17
qingrekkos: Interesting that my ping on lan is 17ms, came across this: http://cloudservers.rackspacecloud.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_-_HLDS_(Steam_Version) , with all important line: apt-get install lib32gcc1 (since lack of free 64bit not tested)03:17
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Cuchulainncryptopsy, 'sudo apt-get install xev'='no installation candidate'03:19
JadedI've learnt a lot about linux today :)03:21
cryptopsyCuchulainn: apt-get search xev03:22
Drew|<Drew|> Anyone have an xchat now playing plugin for vlc03:22
Drew|<Drew|> or even an alternate media player for linux (that you know of a now playing script/plugin)03:22
mrdebJaded: good luck and feel free to always ask03:22
thatITguyjaded: good ;) you're doing well!03:22
CoreyDrew|: Those things are terrible.03:22
Drew|Corey, heh03:22
CoreyDrew|: Channels full of people really, really don't care what you're listening to.03:22
Jadedthanks ITguy03:22
Drew|Corey, yeah but they can deal with it03:23
Jadeddidn't see you in chat when I was asking questions ;p03:23
CoreyDrew|: Such things are bannable here. :-)03:23
Drew|Good thing I do not idle here03:23
cromagIm trying to install ubuntu 11.04 on the side of a pre-installed windows 7. I get Bootloader install failed wgen grub wants to install. Where do i go from here ?03:23
thatITguyim just being passive tonight :)03:23
Cuchulainncryptopsy, nothing...but ran just xev...got some text output in term, and a gui 'event tester', both of which seem to record w/o end?03:23
Logan_Drew|: http://xchat.org/cgi-bin/search.pl?str=vlc&cat=0&Submit=Search03:23
IdleOneDrew|: xchat.org has a tone of scripts03:23
Logan_Drew|: heh, one's called "VLC XChat spam 0.1"03:24
hdonhi all :) where does brasero store the disc image before burning to disc?03:24
Drew|fantastic, thanks Logan_ and IdleOne03:24
thatITguyhahaha logan03:24
nikhil_hdon, /tmp03:24
zelrikis there anything wrong with this: http://pastebin.com/3irN8rJP ?03:24
hdonnikhil_, thanks... i just realized though i don't think i used brasero. i used nautilus03:24
hdonwhere does nautilus do it?03:24
escotthdon, /tmp most likely03:25
nit-witcromag, run this script and pastebin the text. Can be run from a Live Ubuntu cd.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/03:25
cryptopsyCuchulainn: use the graphical user interface in the menu to search for xev03:25
cryptopsyi don't remember what it's called03:25
cromagnit-wit: when would i do that ?03:25
hdoni'm getting this error every time telling me there isn't enough space. but this isn't the error i got before, where i solved the problem by splitting up my ambition for one DVD into two DVDs. now it creates the disk image, then ejects the disk, and tells me there wasn't enough space, so i was thinkin gmaybe it was talking about creating the image on my hdd03:26
nit-witcromag, it is a script that generates a text file of your setup a what is where it saves the 1000, questions.03:26
nikhil_hdon, how did you partition your harddrive?03:26
cromagnit-wit: i mean, im "stuck" in the install right now. do i cuntinue without bootloader ?03:26
nikhil_hdon, did you use ubuntu's default scheme? if so, how much free space do you have?03:27
escottcromag, you can let the install keep going (the bootloader will fail) and then fix it afterwards with !grub03:27
escott!grub | cromag03:27
ubottucromag: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:27
hdonnikhil_, encrypted homes, swap, and root03:27
thatITguyhdon, so how large are the files and how much disk space is free on your primary partition?03:28
cromagok, i'll hit the conitinue without bootloader.03:28
hdonmount|grep /tmp # doesn't seems to suggest /tmp is on my / filesystem03:28
nikhil_hdon, navigate to "/" and look at the bottom of nautilus. it will tell you free space03:28
Cuchulainncryptopsy, xev (and possibly dmesg) seems to only log within session...my problem is happening at login, but not inside session?03:28
hdonthatITguy, the free space on / is fairly close to the size of the image i need to create303:28
nit-witcromag, without knowing more; I'm trying to get the appropriate information so we actually fix it.03:28
cryptopsymaco: you spin me right round baby right round ...03:28
nikhil_hdon, if that is less than the size of the dvd you want to burn, you might have a problem03:29
hdonthatITguy, nikhil_: brasero seems to have no problem doing the operation, only nautilus. using brasero works.03:29
cromagnit-wit: i know, and want you to have it, can i do this from the install menu ? other wise i need to get to a point where it¨s possible03:29
cryptopsyCuchulainn: i figured we can check what's going on at runtime03:29
thatITguyso are you trying to save it as an .iso, or are you burning an .iso to DVDs?03:29
nikhil_hdon, sorry mate, can't help you now. Gotta get ready for the day :)03:29
IdleOnecryptopsy: stop harassing the channel users.03:29
cryptopsyCuchulainn: gotta start somewhere03:29
nit-witcromag, read the link.03:30
cryptopsyCuchulainn: also i'm sorry if i've harrassed you in any way03:30
Cuchulainncryptopsy, oh...ok..not at all...just trying to get my bearings...appreciate the help..03:30
cryptopsylike a babe in the woods ...03:30
macocryptopsy: he's referring to you being exceedingly CREEPY toward me03:30
escottcromag, theoretically you could ctrl-alt-f1 to a console and do some of the things listed in !grub while the install is going on03:30
cryptopsymaco: what do you mean? there's /ignore03:30
cryptopsyi thought you didn't mind03:30
hdonnikhil_, thanks :) have a good day03:30
gryffushi folks... i am new to ubuntu and trying to build a patched kernel module on Ubuntu 10.4... so i installed kernel source and build deps with apt-get, patched the sources in /usr/src/linux and now what is the proper way to rebuild only the patched parts? Thanks much...03:30
macocryptopsy: if i didnt mind i wouldnt have kicked you03:30
_LuciferI have a multiboot liveusb set up. the liveusb aspects (I use it for other stuff too) are getting to be about the size of a DVD. is there an easy way to convert it to a bootable dvd?03:31
Cuchulainnmaco, crypstopsy..so what's going on now?03:31
cromagnit-wit: so you suggest i cancel the installation, and boot into the livecd, correct ?03:31
guampawhen you add an icon to the messaging indicator in /usr/share/indicators/messages , is there some way to control the order the order they appear in the menu?03:31
thatITguyhdon, so are you burning an iso to DVD or writing files to an iso?03:31
macoCuchulainn: turns out making comments about others' bodies doesn't count as tech support, so he's gone03:32
nit-witcromag, what is the error you getting again and where.03:32
balt11tmy laptop fn keys do not work for brightness, neither does power management, nor the widget .03:32
thatITguybalt, system specs?03:32
cromagnit-wit: during installation of 1104 on the side of windows 7, grub wont install on sda5, the linux partition.03:32
_Luciferbalt11t, what type of laptop is it?03:32
balt11tEEE Pc03:33
cromagoh wait, this might like to be on the windows partition ?03:33
Cuchulainnmaco, thanks, though 'babe in the woods' is an expression referring to a state of innocence and niavete...i didn't catch the comment...03:33
thatITguybalt, can you give us a version of ubuntu?03:33
nit-witcromag, normally it should go to sda are you trying to run easybcd?03:33
escottbalt11t, is there a backlight level in /sys/class/backlight03:33
Cuchulainnmaco, maybe i'm being inappropriate, and just too dense to realize...(wouldn't be the first time)?03:34
macoCuchulainn: it started further in backscroll. see PM for log03:34
balt11tescott, should I cd there?03:34
cromagnit-wit: no i dont think so, just the ubuntu 32bit install/try cd03:34
balt11tthen ls?03:34
escottbalt11t, sure (its actually in a subdirectory of backlight)03:35
nit-witcromag, so at the custom install partitioning setup you chose sda5 for grub, t should be sda which is the master boot record, MBR.03:35
escottbalt11t, mine is /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness03:35
nit-wit*it should be03:35
courtney_i upgrade to 11.04 and my integrated webcam stopped working (it can't find the folder /dev/video0), could someone please help?03:36
lee__what's the meaning of "$?==1" in bash03:36
anastasisPlease assist... When I ping or traceroute anything all i get back are asterisks. ***.  Firewall is off. Ubuntu 11.04 cabled straight into eth0. Is it my ISP blocking...something to do with port forwarding on router??03:36
balt11tescott, actual_brightness brightness and max_brightness03:36
centHOGGlesson 1 don't upgrade03:36
escottlee__, the last programs exit code (usually 0 is success)03:37
courtney_centHOGG: it updated and broke first03:37
cromagnit-wit: i need to be sure; you want me to choose sda and no numbers ?03:37
blackshirthi kiichiro03:37
escottbalt11t, ok that was just to check your kernel knows the backlight exists. you should be able to cat ## > /sys/class/.../brightness where ## is some value to change the brightness level (be careful with the values you test)03:37
nit-witcromag, that is correct I'm asuming you don't have a gpt or raid set up here as well.03:38
escottbalt11t, rather echo ##03:38
cromagnit-wit: correct.03:38
nit-witcromag, yeah just sda is where grub goes.;)03:38
balt11tescott, why don't the fn keys work?03:38
escottbalt11t, that i don't know. just suggesting that you check that the kernel is able to change the brightness level03:38
cromagnit-wit: ok, it seems the installation process has stopped now, cant chooses any of the options now :) - or i can choose but pressing OK doesnt do anything03:39
escottcourtney_, in what applications?03:39
escottcourtney_, nevermind if /dev/video0 doesn't exist nothing should work03:40
courtney_escott: i've tried with cheese and in the multimedia systems selector under system > admin03:40
courtney_i mean sys > pref03:40
balt11tpermission denied03:41
escottbalt11t, sudo -i first03:41
lee__<escott>,what's the last programes exit?03:41
nit-witcromag, in the partitioning section the custom install did you set the mount of the sda5 as /03:41
balt11tescott, permission denied03:41
cromagi asked it to be "along side windows 7"03:41
escottbalt11t, first line "sudo -i [ENTER]" it will ask for the password, then you get a root shell. then echo ## >brightness03:42
cromagbut right now i cant even cancel the installation process nit-wit03:42
nit-witcromag, that is risky, do you know how many partitons are there already03:42
TheLifelessOneHey, is there an apt-get command to only get the required packages, and ignore the suggested ones?03:42
anastasisPlease assist... When I ping or traceroute anything all i get back are asterisks. ***.  Firewall is off. Ubuntu 11.04 cabled straight into eth0. Is it my ISP blocking...something to do with port forwarding on router??03:42
cromagnit-wit: let me try reboot, check the partitions and get back. This installation has gone cold.03:42
balt11tit dimmed03:43
nit-witcromag, sounds correct03:43
escottcourtney_, do you know what kind of camera this is? lsusb to find it03:43
cromagnit-wit: ill get the partitions done manually instead then.03:44
escottbalt11t, well your backlight works then... perhaps the keyboard is sending strange keysyms the kernel doesn't recognize... all that is a bit beyond me03:44
balt11tescott, weird, 13 is dark, but 12 is bright03:44
billybigriggerbalt11t, you said eee pc yeah?03:45
nit-witcromag, your best served letting W7 partition itself leaving unallocated for Ubuntu, but knowing the partition limitations in types and amounts.03:45
escottlee__, if a program fails like rm file_that_doesnt_exist then $? =1 will be different than after it succeeds (touch foo; rm foo; echo $? = 0)03:45
balt11tbillybigrigger, yeah, and in 10.10, actually it worked in 11.04 too, but i had to reinstall ubuntu03:46
cromagnit-wit: im not sure i understood that, im a dane. what i have is a pre defined windows 7 part. on 300g, and an unallocated 200g space.03:46
courtney_escott: i'm not sure which one it is...03:47
cromagnit-wit: but now; partition window.03:47
escott!paste | court_jester03:47
ubottucourt_jester: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:47
nit-witcromag, your sure it is just one W7 partition, no boot partition, or recovery as well.03:47
escott!paste | courtney_03:47
ubottucourtney_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:47
lee__escott,I see,Thank you !~03:48
balt11tbillybigrigger, then after the reinstall it stopped03:48
cromagnit-wit: sorry, correct, a 100meg recovery something as well03:48
billybigriggerbalt11t, that's weird03:48
lee__<escott>,I see,Thank you ~03:48
Jadedquestion, I'm trying to save jpgs using Epiphany browser, but they keep coming out as junk 19KB files03:48
escottlee__, np03:48
cromagnit-wit: recovery in sda1, win7 in sda203:48
Jadedfirefox and opera can save them fine03:48
balt11tbillybigrigger, any ideas then?03:48
billybigriggerbalt11t, is google any help? there are quite a few eee ubuntu users out there...never heard of something like that happening on a re-format though03:49
billybigriggerbalt11t, was 10.10 to 11.04 an upgrade?03:49
courtney_escott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/628257/03:49
escottJaded, what does "file" think they are03:49
cromagnit-wit: removing the prev. ubuntu/swaps03:49
billybigriggermaybe there's a change in an acpi setting somewhere in 11.04 that breaks it?03:49
billybigriggerthat would explain your breakage in a fresh install of 11.0403:49
balt11tbillybigrigger, yeah, it was an upgrade than a reinstall. and google is no help03:49
billybigriggergoogle is NOT your friend!03:50
billybigrigger:P hehe03:50
balt11toh wait03:50
escottcourtney_, there is no camera there unless it is 0db0:3801 but i think that is bluetooth. this is an integrated camera?03:50
balt11tShoot, hmm,03:50
balt11tbillybigrigger, I lied, and got all my months confused, haha. I reinstalled 10.10, then upgraded to 11.04.03:51
courtney_escott: yes that was everything from lsusb, i don't think it detects it at all03:51
balt11tbillybigrigger, it never worked in 11.0403:51
nit-witcromag, on any single HD you can have at the most 4 primary partitions, or 3 primaries, and a extended which can hold logical partitions. The primary is needed for the W7 main boot OS, Ubuntu will run in logicals with no problem.03:51
billybigriggerbalt11t, ahhh03:51
billybigriggerstill i'm not helping03:51
escottcourtney_, maybe its not usb (which is odd but possible) try lspci03:51
escottcourtney_, you could also try lshw03:52
billybigriggerim mean i'm no help...im not an eee user bud :(03:52
balt11tbillybigrigger, March and April ran together in my mind lol03:52
nit-witcromag, YOu probably know this it just helps to mention it03:52
escottcourtney_, what model is this system03:52
cromagnit-wit: well, i never am sure what to pick during dualboot installs03:52
courtney_escott: uh zareason03:53
cromagnit-wit: primary logical, beginning end...03:53
courtney_escott: i can't find a camera in either of those03:53
nit-witcromag, as for install it is best to custom install for safety, or have everything cloned.03:53
nit-witcromag, here is a link that might helped this is a very good site. http://members.iinet.net.au/~herman546/p23.html03:56
error_404__hello, umm is the latest version of Virtualbox fixed from its problems with USB?03:56
excedereerror_404__, what usb issues?03:56
gryffusin case if anyone will find that it is "make M=path/to/module"03:57
wizard1hey guys, i am having trouble changing id3 tags on my music in ubuntu, i can't edit the tags with either EasyTag or Picard(MusicBrainz), they are stored on an NTFS drive which i am beginning to wonder has any effect on it (i ripped some tracks in ubuntu to the same drive and can't change them either).  and i did check, i have rw access to the files.  any ideas?03:57
error_404__excedere: it happened in 4.0.6 with something about the usb interface...03:58
escottcourtney_, well val aurora apparently like zareason so thats a plus. not sure what the deal with your camera is. you might try emailing them, or booting an older livecd that does work and seeing if you can identify the camera model in it03:58
cromagnit-wit: thanks. - lets see how it goes :)03:58
excedereerror_404__, USB is intentionally limited in the free version.. not sure if your issues are tied to that but I've never had an issue with mine03:59
mrdebi just felt dizzy03:59
cromagnit-wit: if i fail, ill try again tomorrow :)04:00
escottwizard1, shouldnt be. have you tried running easytag from the command line and seeing what errors you get in the terminal window04:00
nit-witerror_404__, there is a down loadable for usb....etc   VirtualBox 4.0.8 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack04:00
nit-witcromag, goodluck04:00
wizard1escott: good idea, sorry for not trying that04:00
escottwizard1, nothing to be sorry about.04:00
error_404__nit-wit: ill try it out, its just my ISP has a 40gb monthly cap and i do not want to go over it :b04:01
courtney_escott: it says its an intel webcam when i look up my computer online04:01
escottcourtney_, didn't know intel even made webcams04:01
error_404__nit-wit: plus ill use it to install ubuntu on it with the GNOME-Team PPA to test out GNOME 304:02
escottcourtney_, can you tell if it is supposed to be usb or what04:02
wizard1escott: IOError: [Errno 95] Operation not supported04:03
courtney_escott: well if it used to work with gstreamer, does that mean that it would be usb?04:05
courtney_escott: or am i just completely wrong04:06
escottcourtney_, doesn't mean much that it used to work with gstreamer. could be anything really. most webcams are usb (its a bus that is reasonably widely available and has the necessary throughput, and wasting a pci slot is unnecessary)04:06
escottwizard1, sure sounds like something related to ntfs. like an fseek or some other function call that might be used to insert data into the middle of a larger file is not supported. not sure what you can do about it though04:07
escottwizard1, you could copy the file out to the ext4 partition, modify it there, and then put it back04:07
no-name-which is the best version of ubuntu in your opinion?04:08
courtney_escott: well it's this computer if that helps at all > http://zareason.com/shop/Alto-1454.html04:08
wizard1escott: yeah ill check it out04:08
escottcourtney_, yeah it doesn't really say enough about the hardware. i would (a) see if it works after a complete shutdown (and wait 5 seconds before rebooting), (b) if you can determine the type and driver that used to work, (c) email zareason/try their forums04:09
=== Loaf is now known as Loto
escottcourtney_, without being able to identify the device its hard to make any progress04:09
courtney_escott: okay thanks ^^04:10
HackThePlanetwhat is the ubuntu dev channel?04:12
escott!cn | hanhua04:13
ubottuhanhua: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。04:13
blackshirthanhua: hello04:13
WarOpI'm trying to update some of the packages on my system but wont let me due to untrusted sources, Which I'm using medibuntu repository04:13
wizard1escott: yeah looks like an ntfs problem, from ext4 it could change the files and move them to the ntfs, it just looks like it can't modify files stored in ntfs04:14
escottwizard1, it would be interesting to identify what syscall is failing and either report it to easytag or ntfs-3g04:14
wizard1escott: any reason python would have different ntfs support when ubuntu seems to handle ntfs well enough04:15
wizard1escott: does ntfs-3g already run on ubuntu?04:15
cromagnit-wit: success - just booted into ubuntu and afterwards windows. Thanks for your help :)04:16
cromagsleeep.... now---04:16
escottwizard1, i think its the way the application is handling the file. its probably trying to write specific bytes or tell the kernel to insert bytes into the middle of the file (and thus avoiding reading the rest of the file and rewriting)04:16
escottwizard1, you are using ntfs-3g04:16
nit-witcromag, cool.;)04:16
tang 没有中文的吗?04:17
WarOpIs there a way to update packages on system with having unauthenticated  Sources04:17
escott!cn | tang04:17
ubottutang: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。04:17
escott!ko | tang04:17
ubottutang: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko04:17
wizard1escott: yeah that sounds like what is happening, any ideas where to find error report to submit?  sounds like ntfs-3g isn't responsible, but maybe they'd be interested in creating an interface since it is happening on both Amarok, EasyTag, and Picard04:18
NoqturnalXWhy is there no /etc/X11/xorg.conf in Ubuntu? Where does Xorg get it's config?04:18
escott!jp | tang sorry im guessing04:18
ubottutang sorry im guessing: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。04:18
escottNoqturnalX, autoconfig since about 2 years ago04:18
escottwizard1, I would start by stracing or gdb'ing the program to figure out what syscall it is that is failing04:19
NoqturnalXhow does that work? I'm trying to enable sound through my hdmi port04:19
escottNoqturnalX, well thats tricky, but unrelated to xorg04:19
wizard1escott: alright ill look into it04:19
NoqturnalXI have a ATI HD Radeon 2600 XT w/ Dual DVI ports and use a HDMI adapter to go to a TV04:19
NoqturnalXWhat do I need to learn to do then to figure this out?04:19
escottNoqturnalX, you have to (a) select the hdmi sound output in pulseaudio (b) pray... at least from what I have gathered from seeing others04:20
jimmieIm not sure if anyone else uses Deluge, but does it always have to re-check files after a reboot, or is there a way to turn that off?04:21
escottwizard1, one would think that the fuse (user space fs) should support all syscalls, but maybe these programs are assuming they can use some special linux only ioctl or syscall not supported elsewhere, in which case they should fall back to reading and rewriting the whole file04:21
NoqturnalXI think just by default it checks files, I've never looked into that though04:21
NoqturnalXI don't see the harm of deluge checking files on launch tho, but i'll check to see if there's a option to disable it04:21
jimmieNoqturnal: If it has to check multiple 50gb files04:22
jimmieIts a pain.04:22
NoqturnalXI hear ya there lol04:22
darkgodhola gente04:22
jimmieYeah I have like 400gb of stuff im actively seeding04:22
darkgodalguien que hable español?04:23
jimmieSo its a nightmare04:23
escott!es | darkgod04:23
ubottudarkgod: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:23
darkgodgracias gracias04:23
escottdarkgod, de nada04:23
NoqturnalXI didn't see a option in prefs, But to be honest i'm not sure if it's specific to deluge or the torrent protocol04:25
NoqturnalXI think it checks so it can update the trackers, but im not sure sounds worthy of looking deeper into04:25
escottNoqturnalX, it is technically part of the protocol, but its a bit obnoxious to not trust the system04:25
NoqturnalXYea I figured it might be part of the protocol itself lol04:26
escottNoqturnalX, if it didn't check the files then the user could modify the files and it would start sending bad blocks out thus DoS the other users04:27
NoqturnalXI got a seedbox for such things that never turns off or goes down so I don't really worry bout that stuff04:27
escottthat said if i wanted to DoS the other users I would write my own client to do exactly that04:27
NoqturnalXYea I can see reasons why it's part of the protocol.04:27
jimmieIt is mildly tedious though04:28
CuervoI am using nestopia and having issues with the screen sort of wrapping around at the top and the bottom when I move in some games. I understand that this was how the Nes behaved and that TV's clipped that part, so is there a way to clip the top and bottom?04:28
escottjimmie, the only thing I can to check is the timestamps, just in case your timestamps are presenting it as modified after the last time the program closed04:28
jimmieCuervo: A bit of masking tape?04:28
jimmieAh, will do escott. Cheers.04:28
NoqturnalXThere's actually been a few times where I've downloaded a new Linux distro via torrent and it say's it's complete but if I do a recheck it always found a corrupted piece lol04:28
jimmieThanks to you NoqturnalX as well04:28
NoqturnalXNo prob, I like Deluge04:29
NoqturnalXthe other client I used to use was the older versions of Azureus04:29
Cuervojimmie: Heh, I would like to avoid having to remove tape from my monitor every time I stopped playing04:29
=== amosk is now known as amosk_launch
k_szeDoes anybody know how to setup SLIP in Ubuntu?04:30
NoqturnalXSo I read researching my HDMI problem that by default the ati driver compiles with audio disabled. Is there a way to turn it on? I think i'm using the xserver-xorg-video-ati driver04:31
mquint[ * | NOTICE | * ] ON  JULY 1ST  YOU WILL BE  UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE  UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!  IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON  YOUR ACCOUNT  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND  ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO  DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY CONCERNS.  THANKYOU!  [ * | NOTICE | * ]   mquint billdawg djmaster sabalaba svinkle kloerky el_seano k_ pooky boby MartinP69 olskolirc Fantomas `greenlight Toph2 bube Cy_Slayer Cuervo cjae kalimist darkgod b04:31
mquint[ * | NOTICE | * ] ON  JULY 1ST  YOU WILL BE  UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE  UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!  IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON  YOUR ACCOUNT  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND  ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO  DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY CONCERNS.  THANKYOU!  [ * | NOTICE | * ]   ZykoticK9 noobuntu Whatamess lollo64it Jari0001 redgone bonhoffer Ricoshady Axlin|MB biffbaxter macUzer holes88 jiohdi zenlunatic kiichiro k_sze metatagg courtney_ D04:31
mquint[ * | NOTICE | * ] ON  JULY 1ST  YOU WILL BE  UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE  UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!  IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON  YOUR ACCOUNT  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND  ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO  DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY CONCERNS.  THANKYOU!  [ * | NOTICE | * ]   amosk_launch Vampire0_ SubCool Guest59707 SikEnCide EnigmaticCoder S74rk7 techd__ shamino_ kellycheng DJ_A littlebearz1 sysop3 Dizaz7 supercom32 GOP-USA_dotcom fcuk104:31
mquint[ * | NOTICE | * ] ON  JULY 1ST  YOU WILL BE  UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE  UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!  IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON  YOUR ACCOUNT  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND  ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO  DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY CONCERNS.  THANKYOU!  [ * | NOTICE | * ]   mdpatrick__ Lmull3-MBP Cuchulainn SuBmUnDo zruty s093294 dxman Diverdude Monarquista madLyfe winggndm mabes wildgoose filsmyth leefan ichilton pote bjorn_248 Cameron04:31
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.04:31
NoqturnalXI hate that crap04:31
escottNoqturnalX, i thought it was a different driver04:31
djmastercan any one help me im runing jolicloud and i cant seam to find a hardware tool to enable my wireless help?04:31
NoqturnalXThat should have died with MySpace04:32
Nobgul-BNCWhat would be the best way to setup vpn on the newest ubuntu server?04:32
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN04:32
NoqturnalXWell I heard I should use xserver-xorg-video-radeon but when I tried that it didn't work as well as the driver i'm using now04:32
Nobgul-BNCcheers escott04:32
jiohdiwhat is SASL?04:32
escottjiohdi, some variant of SSL. ignore it04:32
NoqturnalXSh*** As* Secure LInk???04:33
jiohdiwhy ignore it?04:33
NoqturnalXI just made that up04:33
NoqturnalXcause it was spam04:33
escott!botattack | jiohdi04:33
ubottujiohdi: The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.04:33
Nobgul-BNCSimple Authentication and Security Layer04:33
Nobgul-BNCis what it stands for.04:33
NoqturnalXNo security is simple :P Otherwise it's not very secure is it?04:34
NoqturnalXSo i'm going back with my original made up "Sh*t A*s Security Link" :D04:34
balleyneUbuntu keeps prompting me to install proprietary drivers for my HP printer every time I log in, but I've already got it installed and working with free drivers. How can I turn this off? Is there some HP proprietary printing package I can uninstall?04:34
ZykoticK9balleyne, are you serious?  oh man, that's a new low for Ubuntu04:35
escottballeyne, you could uninstall jockey04:35
centHOGGlower than twitter04:35
balleyneZykoticK9: dead serious... not just prompting me either, but bringing up a gksudo dialog and asking me for my admin password all ready to go!04:36
ZykoticK9balleyne, i think you must has installed something for that to happen.  jockey isn't usually that "in your face"04:37
NoqturnalXhow can you tell which driver your using from terminal?04:37
NoqturnalXfor video04:37
escottZykoticK9, i think it is for hot-plug devices04:37
NoqturnalXI wanna see if i'm using xserver-xorg-video-ati04:37
ZykoticK9escott, wow - that's all i have to say ;)  thanks.04:37
escottNoqturnalX, combination of glxinfo, lsmod04:37
centHOGGlsmod grep04:37
escottZykoticK9, its kinda nice for random printers you might find in a lab04:38
ZykoticK9NoqturnalX, 2 options: 1 - "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log" or 2 - "lspci -vnvn" find the VGA section and 'kernel driver in use' line.04:38
Nobgul-BNCThe terminal banner on ssh login has some information about server useage as well as  updates. how to i disable that i juust want to use the reg /etc/motd file04:39
balleyneescott: thanks, I'll take a look04:39
escottNobgul-BNC, check your /etc/ssh/ config04:39
balleyneZykoticK9: quite possible... trying to figure out exactly what it is that's popping up. hmm..04:39
ZykoticK9balleyne, escott suggested it could be from hot-plug04:40
escottballeyne, if you wanted to be surgical there is probably some udev rule you can tweak04:40
Nobgul-BNCescott, the only thing i see that is close to the banner is #Banner /etc/issue.net04:41
escottballeyne, but if jockey were doing that to me I would just chmod -x it :)04:41
balleyneZykoticK9, escott: hmm, yeah, does seem like a hot-plug type thing, I believe it's on log in, or when I turn the printer from off to on while logged in04:41
balleyneescott: hahaha it may well come to that... it's a family room computer, so I'm not logging in super often, but still pretty annoying04:42
Nobgul-BNCyer there is nothing in there escott.04:43
escottNobgul-BNC, could it be in /etc/profile?04:43
Nobgul-BNCWell when i edit the banner file /etc/motd its already got the information in there. So i guess there is something that fills that file at set times weither its at login or on a cron.04:44
escottNobgul-BNC, i don't have the server openssh-server so  have no such banner... not sure why it would be different on desktop though04:44
Nobgul-BNCNot sure escott04:44
NoqturnalXhmm.... So I'm not using Ubuntu exactly but a distro built off Ubuntu (backtrack) and it's running KDE 4, in KMIX I see 2 tabs for 2 different sound cards. I want to use the HDMI one which shows up as IEC958 but there's no volume slider there. I type in arecord -l and only get the onboard card ALC888 Analog04:45
Nobgul-BNCIt is just annoying because i would like to set my own banner for customers ie: type get egg to install blah blah. Unless I can make the system read a text file after each login?04:45
bodieconheading out of town and trying to configure remote desktop.  everything works but i still have to hit accept on desktop for session to begin.  i have enabled UPnP on router but still can't login.  is there a way around this?  what am i missing?04:46
Nobgul-BNCbodiecon, i had the same issue. I ended up using vncserver04:46
quiescensNobgul-BNC: motd stuff is most likely generated by the files in /etc/update-motd.d04:47
Nobgul-BNCtook about 3 mins to setup and get running04:47
Nobgul-BNCquiescens, I will check that now thank you04:47
bodieconNobgul-BNC: hmm.  i'll look into that.04:47
Nobgul-BNCIt runs pretty good. I am happy with it. Allows me to have it running on my dedicated and login to a dekstop for diff things04:48
Nobgul-BNCquiescens, those are deff the files that are populating the motd. If i just delete them will something bad happen?04:49
escottNobgul-BNC, better practice to chmod -x them, but check if cron is running them04:49
Nobgul-BNCnevermind seems like i will just add a new script there and let it read a file.04:50
Nobgul-BNCI think cat filename would work04:50
Nobgul-BNCIll figure it out but atleast i found the files i need to play with04:50
bodieconNobgul-BNC: i just want to be able to grab files and throw into dropbox or something if i need it while i'm gone04:51
escottbodiecon, if all you need is file access try ssh04:51
Nobgul-BNCNo worries. you could always ssh in as well. I have my dropbox setup for the dir. I just ftp the files into the incomming dir then cp them over04:51
toad`cp is illegal04:52
toad`im telling04:52
bodieconescott: yeah i looked at that but being new to linux i'm still trying to learn the command line stuff.  vnc will be much easier for now.04:52
escottbodiecon, ill bet you spend more time setting up vnc than it would take to learn the 3 cli commands you need :)04:53
bodieconescott:  you might be right!!!! lol!04:53
lagbolthello.  i have a usb webcam that uses the ov519 module.  it works on my laptop but on desktop i get a probe error -22.  the two machines are both running 64bit 11.04, same kern. both are intel based.  any ideas?04:54
escottbodiecon, ssh can also provide sftp which you could use a gui from04:54
bodieconescott: well then let me look in to that as well.  i've installed securessh already04:56
Nobgul-BNCquiescens, escott, thank you my motd is finally working04:56
tripelbI made my icon text bigger but now it's all big and slim so that I only get a few letters per line. where do I go to make the icons wider.04:57
escottbodiecon, just apt-get install openssh-server; then try to sftp localhost. put in your password and ls. you should see your home directory04:57
escottbodiecon, if that works then you can try using fireftp or some other gui04:57
Nobgul-BNCwinscp is also nice.04:58
Nobgul-BNCif you using a winblows box04:58
bodieconescott: looking into it now.  thanks04:58
GTRsdkon Natty, after the computer shows the BIOS screen it says out of range. Is there a way to fix that?04:58
escottGTRsdk, /etc/default/grub will allow you to set a smaller video range04:59
escottGTRsdk, run update-grub afterwards04:59
pissedkidfucking peice of horsepissing crap shit asshole jizz face Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!04:59
Nobgul-BNCGTRsdk, I had that issue I think it was a Graphics issue04:59
pissedkidsister fucking whore04:59
Nobgul-BNCwoah calm down04:59
pissedkidI AM PISSED!04:59
centHOGGfirst time ubuntu?04:59
zek152`calm down05:00
GTRsdk!ops pissedkid is using fowl language05:00
Raikiapissedkid: Watch your language or be banned from this channel05:00
pissedkidfuck u bitch05:00
GTRsdk!ops | pissedkid is using fowl language05:00
ubottupissedkid is using fowl language: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!05:00
pissedkidSlug Moses Permium User      Join Date: Apr 2005 Posts: 5,102  ....................../´¯/)  ....................,/¯../  .................../..../  ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸  ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\  ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')  .........\.................'...../  ..........''...\.......... _.·´  ............\..............(  ..............\.............\...05:00
SubCoolcan someone help with flash, i was watching anime and it crashed. Now it wont load at all. I have uninstalled it, and reinstalled via Software manager, i have uninstalled and reinstalled FLAHS-aid for firefox.05:01
Nobgul-BNCIgnore ftw05:01
linux_probeseems to me one moron cussing, isn't much of an emergency :)05:01
pissedkidashole cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dick ballsaced bitch05:01
zek152`mods just ban him05:01
SubCoolim with him05:01
Nobgul-BNCNot really when you can ignore.05:01
balleyneZykoticK9, escott: fixed it -- uninstalled hplip. I may have installed that when trying to find the right driver, but I'd got the printer working with foo2xqx instead. With hplip uninstalled, no longer prompted for installation every the I log in / connect the print. Finally!05:01
SubCoolwhat his issue?05:01
pissedkidI'm pissed for good reasons ok05:01
SubCoolusually we get mad.. when people dont help05:02
Nobgul-BNCHe's mad at life?05:02
SubCoolso am i05:02
pissedkidat my mom05:02
benzaldehydeyou know what they say, if you cant beat'em, join'em05:02
linux_probe /ignore pissedkid all = the easiest fix05:02
ZykoticK9balleyne, nice!  glad you fixed it.05:02
* SubCool hates his mom05:02
pissedkidyesterday I was eating sweets she yeleld at me to stop me eating because it's bad for my health today she told me to eat sweets I was like fuck no and she is like it's ur harm then not my problem I was like WTF bitch05:02
* Raikia hates SubCool's mom too05:02
pissedkidI HATE MY MOM!05:02
pissedkidsorry u guys05:02
Flannelpissedkid: please mind your language.05:02
pissedkidwon't swear05:03
SubCoolthats just irrational05:03
Raikiapissedkid: You just made my intelligence go down a little05:03
SubCooli dont think that something to be irate about-05:03
pissedkidI was just pisssed05:03
SubCooli dont eat candy though05:03
pissedkidyes it is05:03
SubCooli hear ya- my mom does a lot worse05:03
pissedkidand I don't have anger amanagement problems05:03
SubCooli do05:03
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:03
GTRsdkpissedkid, /join #ubuntu-offtopic since this is a support channel for Ubuntu.05:03
tripelbIs this #ubuntu? I am seeing chat.  go thee to #ubuntu-offtopic05:04
TheLifelessOneHi, I have a complicated question. Is it possible to move to Ubuntu from a debian-based installation?05:04
tripelbI made my icon text bigger but now it's all big and slim so that I only get a few letters per line. where do I go to make the icons wider.05:04
benzaldehydepissedkid your body turns everything into ATP which is adenosine triphosphate.. before that it turns it into glucose which sugar.. eat whatever u want05:04
SubCoolTheLifelessOne, Headache05:04
tripelbgo away chatters05:04
TheLifelessOneSubCool, no other option for me. I haven't any discs I can burn to. :/05:04
SubCoolim waiting on help too05:04
benzaldehydethe sugar you have to stay away from is the complex carbohydrates, polysaccharides05:05
tripelbTheLifelessOne, I'm no expert but you cant do that. You have to install ubuntu on it's own partition.05:05
Flannelbenzaldehyde: Your body doesn't turn it into ATP, and I'd be happy to explain further in #ubuntu-offtopic.05:05
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!05:05
TheLifelessOnetripelb, really? :/05:05
benzaldehydeflannel stfu it does05:05
SubCoolya seriously?05:05
* wildgoose igoners Flannel, benzaldehyde, pissedkid 05:05
escottTheLifelessOne, theoretically, but lots of things are different. its certainly not supported05:05
* SubCool tripelb is a baby05:05
benzaldehydewho the hell did that and why05:06
SubCoolhey escott, thanks for the help before..05:06
tripelbTheLifelessOne, YOu cant even go from ubuntu to ubuntu without doing it one udate at a time.05:06
FlannelSubCool: Please take offtopic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic.  You can be in more than one channel at a time.05:06
SubCooli wasnt able to apply the script because i walked away. But- i knew where to find it.05:06
TheLifelessOnetripelib, well I've got time, but no discs I can burn to. :/05:06
tripelband TheLifelessOne it's a good idea because if it doesnt work you still have the working debian partition to use.05:06
crephotoi have a question about packaging... would this be the place to ask it?05:06
SubCoolFlannel, yes i can- but im not going to.05:06
balleynecrephoto: just ask, probably05:06
tripelbTheLifelessOne, you can do it on a usb flash drive05:06
TheLifelessOneI'm not so concerned about the partition, honestly.05:06
FlannelSubCool: That's fine, as long as you remain ontopic in this channel.05:07
SubCoolFlannel, if u know anything about flash.. that'll get me out quicker..05:07
TheLifelessOnetripelb, BIOS doesn't support that. :/05:07
tripelbTheLifelessOne, please use my nick in every line when you are talking to me.05:07
tripelbTheLifelessOne, ty05:07
TheLifelessOnetripelb, sorry. :/05:07
tripelbah I see the lifelessone, older comuter than my 2004 one.  Then have someone else make you a liveCD05:07
pissedkidChupe mantequilla de mi culo05:08
tripelbah I see the lifelessone, older comuter than my 2004 one.  Then have someone else make you a liveCD  TheLifelessOne05:08
escottTheLifelessOne, you could try booting a vm of the install cd and then installing to a raw image... then chroot in to install the bootloader05:08
TheLifelessOnetripelb, 'tis a very old computer.05:08
benzaldehydeflannel you havent said one ontopic thing since i got here other than to hand ring everyone else what do you even do here05:08
TheLifelessOneescott, I wouldn't even know where to get started with that. :/05:08
crephotoright now, the blender package is behind the currently released version... if i wanted to package the current version and post it to the repos, how would i do that/where should i go to find out?05:08
SultansElephantfind the ppa05:09
escottTheLifelessOne, there is an ubuntu minimal netboot. you might try that. its the closest to a debian bootstrap that i am aware of05:09
benzaldehydeif anyone needs a lesson on topics its you, look up socrates, he inveted topics05:09
tripelbTheLifelessOne, I cant understand what escott said. sHe's a better source. I hand you over... HEH05:09
SubCoolKICK BUTT benzaldehyde05:09
TheLifelessOneescott: there's a netboot of that?05:09
benzaldehyde,,!,,, flannel t-shirt sit n spin05:09
tripelbescott, doesnt installing ubuntu on a partition erase everything on that partition?05:10
TheLifelessOnetripelb, all my data is backed up.05:10
escottTheLifelessOne, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot05:10
escotttripelb, i would think so05:10
TheLifelessOneescott: Thanks05:10
balleynecrephoto: not sure myself, but looks like there was a packaging guide put out recently: http://iloveubuntu.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide-out-easy-logic-presentation-lucid-maverick-natty05:10
mylistohey folks05:10
crephotoballeyne: thnx, ill check it out05:11
mrcreativitycan someone please tell me how can enable show desktop in unity.05:11
tripelbTheLifelessOne, ah so escott has an answer better than asking for a liveCD (triplelb remembers this)05:11
balleynecrephoto: oh, better link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete05:11
crephotomrcreativity: have you tried <super>+d ?05:11
tripelbquestion, can I repartion my hard drive in a way that I dont lose my data. I have used 15% of it.05:11
mrcreativitysorry if i want clear...i didnt mean show desktop, i wanted something like show all windows05:12
SubCoolFlash anyone?05:12
Nobgul-BNCSubCool, what is the flash question?05:12
crephotothen you should try <super>+w05:12
SubCoolcan someone help with flash, i was watching anime and it crashed. Now it wont load at all. I have uninstalled it, and reinstalled via Software manager, i have uninstalled and reinstalled FLAHS-aid for firefox.05:12
tripelbmrcreativity, click on the thing in the panel that shows desktop then click on it again to reveal all deaktops. It's a purple square way on the left for me.05:12
Starminnmrcreativity: There's Compiz Scale. Works in 10.10, I don't use 11.04 so I couldn't say05:12
tripelbsubcool. try installing chrome.05:13
Nobgul-BNCSubCool, Did you reboot the system?05:13
balleyneSubCool: what happens when you try to view a flash video? grey box? crash? nothing loads?05:13
tripelbgood call for subcool.05:13
SubCooli have chrome05:13
SubCooli have rebooted a few times05:13
mrcreativitysomething like what super + w does...but with the mouse. i have it enabled in gnome classic using cssm, i cant figure out how to do it in unity05:13
Flanneltripelb: Please don't give annoying answers like that.  Thanks.05:14
SubCoolum.. when i try to load a poage with flash, it says i do not have flash05:14
Nobgul-BNCmrcreativity, mouse gestures ish?05:14
tripelbflannel, I beg your pardon?05:14
benzaldehyde1ineffectual operator05:14
Flanneltripelb: "How do I get flash working in firefox" "Install chrome" is not a helpful answer.05:14
mrcreativityyeah...sorry for not being able to find the correct words...im kinda stupid today morning05:14
Nobgul-BNCmrcreativity: It's ok.05:14
benzaldehyde1is that what you do give everyone grief05:15
balleyneSubCool: oooh... in multiple browsers? Do you get the same results in Chrome *and* FIrefox, or is it only giving you trouble in one browser?05:15
Omegabenzaldehyde: Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, this is not the correct channel for those comments.05:15
crephotomrcreativity: you can use ccsm in unity... unless you already tried that05:15
Nobgul-BNCmrcreativity, you can install gestikk as well, I am almost sure that is for mouse genstures.05:15
tripelbflannel, first he didnt say that. He wanted to see his anime. And we are all learning. If you install chrome and it works then you isolate the problem. I've never heard anyone so rute in all the years I have been here but then I dont tend to remember the rude ones.05:15
SubCoolballeyne, both browsers05:15
CodenameStrikeI thought Unity's behavior is controlled by CCSM?05:15
* tripelb leaves05:16
escottCodenameStrike, to some extent05:16
SubCoolballeyne, Nobgul-BNC tripelb - i have this problem frequently- Ill be watching anime. then it'll randomly crash. Then i have nothing until i reinstall everything. Which isnt working05:17
benzaldehyde2you ain't no daisy05:17
OmegaSubCool: Do you have the flash plugin enabled?05:17
benzaldehyde2couldn't operate my johnson05:17
benzaldehyde2friggen loser05:17
balleyneSubCool: what command / method are you using to reinstall Flash?05:17
benzaldehyde2toss my salad05:17
Nobgul-BNCSubCool, I don't think it is a isolate issue to just you. I have the same problem.05:17
benzaldehyde2town punk05:17
SubCoolOmega, ofcourse?05:18
centHOGGseek professional help05:18
SubCoolballeyne, i am using software manager05:18
OmegaSubCool: In Firefox go to Tools->Add-ons->Plugin and check.05:18
benzaldehyde2flannel your mother sucks cocks in hell05:18
benzaldehyde2suck it05:18
benzaldehyde2pickle kisser05:18
CodenameStrikeescott: well that I do understand. But as far as enabling Unity options is concerned the options are in CCSM I guess05:19
CodenameStrikemouse gestures on the other hand, I think it's not related to Unity05:19
SubCoolI have Firefox 4, and there is nothing with flash in my plugins05:19
escottCodenameStrike, it uses compiz so ccsm still takes effect, but the unity-panel is not exposed in ccsm so you can't configure it that way05:19
OmegaSubCool: There should be an entry called "Shockwave Flash" if it is not there, flash is not installed.05:20
SubCoolOmega, i only have picasa, skype and iced-tea in my plguins05:20
Nobgul-BNCSubCool: type About:Plugins in the address bar05:20
OmegaNobgul-BNC: If it is not where I told him to look, it won't be in about:plugins.05:20
CodenameStrikeescott: I see05:20
benzaldehyde3you pickle chasing queen05:20
benzaldehyde3couldn't operate a walkman05:20
SubCoolOmega, Nobgul-BNC neither05:20
benzaldehyde3cant even stand your ground and fight you kick and ban05:21
k_szeHow does SLIP really work? Do I just attach a TCP/IP interface to a serial line using slattach, and *assume* there is somebody at the other end of the serial line?05:21
OmegaSubCool: run the following command: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer05:21
escottFlannel, you keep banning him before I can ignore him. stop it ;)05:21
SubCoolOmega, already installed05:23
SubCoolOmega, flashplugin-installer is already the newest version.05:23
balleyneSubCool, Omega: could it up an update-alternatives thing? I remember using that tool a few versions of Ubuntu back when switching between Gnash and Flash...05:24
balleyneSubCool, Omega: not sure if that's relevant for 11.04 though05:24
b_enz_aldehyde4a sphincter bans b_enz_aldehyde405:26
OmegaSubCool: What did you do with Flash-aid?05:26
SubCooluninstalled it once flash crashed. rebooted. reinstalled05:26
kaushalI have connected Huawei Technologies EC 156 Tata Photon+ Data Card to Ubuntu 11.04, pastebin here -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/628261/ Please suggest.05:26
escottSubCool, its possible your firefox profile is confused. you might try rm -rf .firefox/plugins or some such05:27
SubCooli work off of chrome05:27
SubCoolescott, i suppose but doubt it.05:27
SubCoolOmega, escott i use chrome, but im not use to chrome. And i know when i install flash via Firefox, it fixes it. SO- i dot know if messing with the firefox profile is going to work.05:28
OmegaSubCool: run the following command: sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer05:28
PCdoci dun understand why ubuntu finds updates for touchscreen when I dun have one :-s05:28
PCdocis there linux version for chrome :-o ??05:28
escottPCdoc, chromium is in the repos05:29
escott!info chromium-browser | PCdoc05:29
ubottuPCdoc: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.0.742.91~r87961-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 16069 kB, installed size 55964 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all)05:29
SubCoolOmega, done05:29
PCdocits available on google.com/chrome too .. i just saw05:30
SubCoolOmega, Fixed05:30
escottSubCool, you do have the browser closed while you do this right?05:30
=== Charlie is now known as Guest51690
balleynekaushal: what are you trying to do with that device?05:30
SubCoolescott,  ya05:30
kaushalballeyne: Its a USB Data Card05:30
SubCoolOmega, TY!!!05:30
Lasivianhow can I make a sshell script run as a cron job under another user account?05:31
SubCoolescott, ty!05:31
OmegaSubCool: No problem :)05:31
Guest82337PCdoc: You want chromium. It's just same as Google Chrome without that extra icky tracking stuffs.05:31
balleynePCdoc: Chrome is the proprietary version, Chromium is open source. Slight differences, e.g. with Chromium from the repos, you'll get updates and such through Ubuntu's update manager, doesn't have Google branding05:31
_ben_zalde_hyd_ea sphincter bans _ben_zalde_hyd_e505:31
_ben_zalde_hyd_ea sphincter bans _ben_zalde_hyd_e505:31
_ben_zalde_hyd_ea sphincter bans _ben_zalde_hyd_e505:31
FloodBot1_ben_zalde_hyd_e: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
Lasiviansudo -u username /location/script.sh fails because it's not acting as that user05:31
escottLasivian, username is part of crontab05:31
Lasivianescott: oh, duh.. you;re right05:31
PCdockaushal: u need to install wvdial in terminal fire this command  >> sudo apt-get install wvdial05:32
kaushalPCdoc: Can i get it configured using NM ?05:32
escottLasivian, if its an actual user with login it would be better to su to them and then use the standard method to make sure they can edit it (if you want them to be able to edit their own cron entries)05:32
PCdockaushal: m using reliance usb data card and i use wvdial .. without nay probs :P05:33
moegreenanbody else lose audio from the headphone port when going to 11.04?05:33
moegreenbugging the heck out of me05:33
praxgenlose audio??05:33
escottmoegreen, there was a regression in the intel-hda profiles, eventually got better for me05:33
moegreenwhat can i do?05:33
balleynemoegreen: what sound card do you have?05:34
bullgard4[Ubuntu  Classic (No effects)] I have lost the notification area and all applets in the right-hand half of the upper pane. How to get them back?05:34
moegreenuh let me check..its onboard my asus sabertooth05:34
Omegabullgard4: what did you do that resulted in them being lost?05:35
moegreenvia VT202005:35
Jadedhey hey05:35
bullgard4Omega: I tried to repair a nasty bug: To get rid of an unknown keybinding of the F12 key.05:36
Jadedfound a problem with my install05:37
Jadedcat ./proc/interrupts05:37
JadedIRQ was taken by my video card AND eth005:37
Jadedput my eth0 in different pci slot, problem solved05:38
balleynemoegreen: I'm not quite sure how to fix your problem, and I've got to run, but worth asking again with mention of your sound card, or maybe searching the web on that -- probably to do with your specific card under 11.0405:38
opakavichi everyone05:38
moegreenok thx05:38
pksadiqFloodBot1: Why are you blocking all the ips ?05:49
pksadiqFlannel: Why are you blocking all the ips ?05:49
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest74655
thunder1212how to optimize xubuntu it seems to be using 10005:53
thunder1212% of my cpu05:53
Lee_Prisonthis is my command:"I love you "|od -t x1 -An test |tr -s "\n"   ,but i can't remove the "\n|05:53
thunder1212 i have very little ram 348 mb only05:53
ZykoticK9thunder1212, find out what is actually using your CPU, in a terminal you can use "top"05:53
ZykoticK9thunder1212, also, Lunbuntu is MUCH lighter then xubuntu for low power systems.05:54
Jadedthunder1212: i was having a few issues like that a few hours ago.05:54
Jaded512MB ram for me, was it a pure xubuntu install?05:55
Jadedwhat graphics drivers are you using?05:55
bullgard4[Ubuntu  Classic (No effects)] I have lost the »Indicator Applet Session« applet. How to bring it back to my panel?05:55
Lee_Prisonhere is my command:"I love you "|od -t x1 -An test |tr -s "\n" " "             I want to remove the \n,,,,,but how ?05:55
AirrisSo i need to update a package controlled by synaptic to a newer version i compiled from source. Said package is libjpeg and has dependencies in the hundreds. Is there some way to do this without having to reinstall pretty much everything?05:56
Lee_Prisonhere is my command:"I love you "|od -t x1 -An |tr -s "\n" " "             I want to remove the \n,,,,,but how ?05:56
FlannelLee_Prison: Please stop that.05:56
AirrisLee_Prison, coming from someone that has to repeat himself a lot. doing it at about 8-15 min intervals is ideal :305:57
lucas-argWhen is ubuntu coming out with it own line of computers?05:57
zenlunaticlucas-arg: doubtful05:58
codoadobe flash player keeps crashing on chromium and firefox on my Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal05:58
lucas-argThey would kick apple ass05:59
=== conradmurphy is now known as conradmurray
joe9876anyone know what defines the default email password from postfix...default mail goes to <username>@server but I want to change the default05:59
zenlunaticlucas-arg: hah youre funny05:59
Airristhat reminds me, if the upgrade between ubuntu versions fails because of package dependency nightmares, is there ways to tinker with it so it works?05:59
AirrisThis is already a matured system, reinstalling from scratch isn't really on the table05:59
conradmurraycodo: try gnash06:00
thunder1212i think i should switch to lubuntu its much lighter and faster06:00
zenlunaticlucas-arg: but if you wanna play make-believe, i wish canonical would come out with a tablet06:00
joe9876Airris: if you have to make a backup of etc, var, home  its easier to copy over config files than reconfigure06:00
conradmurraythunder1212: i think i should switch to gentoo06:01
centHOGGgentoo = painfully slow setup06:01
JadedFlushBox for life06:01
thunder1212conradmurray: is gentoo very fast..06:01
conradmurraythunder1212: it is the fast penguin06:02
Airrisjoe9876 : it's not that it's more that there's a number of open source projects installed manually on here that'd take days to put back on, i was thinking i can't back that much up since one of them may very well be the problem in the first place06:02
thunder1212how about linux mint xfce debian edition, i checked their website and the ram requirement is very little it says06:03
joe9876Airris well *IF* you have to resort to the worst case, it will take days, and then you'll have to slowly put things back until it breaks again, then you'll know your problem06:03
conradmurraythunder1212: you can get a minimal install from the ubuntu server disc and install just the lightest things, Xorg, fluxbox, midori.. these are faster in my opinion06:03
hawke_Hi all…hoping someone could help me, I’m having some trouble with Unity’s system menu, it shows up behind all my windows… and if I have a full-screen window it is (obviously) not visible at all.06:03
hawke_Anyone have any idea what’s going wrong?06:03
zenlunaticlinux mint xfce debian edition... now theres a name06:03
pvh_sadoes anyone know how to adjust webcam brightness? i've got a built-in cam on my toshiba portege, running 11.0406:03
joe9876Airris: you could try and do a nondestructive reinstall, but you'll probalby have to do a lot of reconfig anyways06:04
Lee_Prisonsorry ,my expression has problem.06:04
joe9876hawke_ and if you move the mouse over it doesn't appear?06:05
Airrishmmm. wait. *facepalm* i might have figured out what's probably breaking this in the first place06:05
conradmurraythunder1212: midori over firefox is a big difference as is using fluxbox instead of gnome06:05
Airriskde is on here for some reason...06:05
Airris(regular ubuntu, so gnome is the default used)06:05
joe9876hawke_ mine is behind two until i move the mouse over to the edge06:05
FlannelLee_Prison: Are you trying to remove a single newline character? or "\n"? (two characters, a slash, then an n)06:06
hawke_joe9876: Right.06:06
hawke_joe9876: That’s including clickin on the ubuntu logo in the top left.06:06
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dinkyd00hi, I got a boomk a while back that covers programming asm on x86 linux (ubuntu specifically) .. but I got an amd64 for xmas and wonder, can I still use this book?  much thanks!!06:06
hawke_I have to minimize everything if I want to see the menu or the ‘taskbar’ (whatever it’s called in Unity)06:06
joe9876hawke_  hmmmm not sure, there must be a setting somewhere if its not going in and out... sorry i can't help further, you'll have to get on the forums or google a lot06:07
conradmurraythunder1212: xterm over gnome-terminal.. little choices like that play a major difference.. i command line my videos, mplayer for example.. also command line for my dvds and cds growisofs and wodim, respectively06:07
Jadedconradmurray, do you have a good site that lists light weight alternatives, for all the packages you've listed?06:08
Jadedfor apps i mean.06:09
Jadedand also window managers06:09
conradmurrayJaded: aptitude or apt-get.. dunno about sites i just try a lot of stuff06:09
JadedI've tried every window manager on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems06:09
Lee_Prison<Flannel>,it's the newline character    and hex form is "0a"06:10
conradmurrayJaded: i'm in xdm with fluxbox set as my default06:10
JadedI'm getting very fustrated, almost prepared to go back the 2.4 kernel06:10
ghsh<Jaded> blackbox and windowmaker are the best06:10
ghsh<Jaded> and cde06:10
Jadedxdm, nice06:10
Jadedtried that out a few hours ago.06:10
FlannelLee_Prison: you want | tr -d '\n'06:10
Airrisalright, so i'm trying to rip KDE out of this system. while i go do that. anyone for the other thing? There has to be some way to manually upgrade a package without uninstalling it's dependencies. Synaptic manages to do it whenever you want to download an update06:11
Jadedi thought fluxbox was based on blackbox?06:11
ghsh<Jaded> yes06:11
vandemar2.4?  how will that help?06:11
conradmurrayJaded: i've heard positive things about enlightenment but haven't tried it yet06:11
vandemarE used to be the epitome of bloat06:12
ghshAirris: insmode -f06:12
Jadedwhat's your hardware conradmurray?06:12
ghshAirris: arg06:12
JadedWhat's the best way to setup desktop icons for flushbox?06:13
hawke_joe9876: Well, I restarted unity and it seems to be OK now.06:13
hawke_joe9876: Thanks for listening at least. :-)06:13
Jaded2.4 has better support for legacy hardware :p06:13
joe9876Airris: can you just install ubuntu-desktop and remove kubuntu-desktop?06:14
ghshAirris: man apt-get |grep force06:14
ghshJaded: give me box back -- you don't want it if you want icons06:14
Lee_PrisonFlannel:   I have done.It's my  logical problem.   Thx06:15
Airrisjoe9876, working on that. Ubuntu-desktop i think is already present, it's just getting all the kde bits off06:15
joe9876Airris: so do a --purge remove on kubuntu-desktop?06:15
AirrisXD I'll have to remember that for later, probably would have been easier than what i did.06:16
Airristhanks Joe. I might try dist upgrading tonight. My other problem i think would be resolved if i could make it to 11.04. I think 11.04's repositories have the version of libjpeg i need to upgrade to :306:20
ghsh11.04 sucks!06:21
bazhang_ghsh, then use something else06:21
ghshbazhang: I do06:22
bazhang_ghsh, if not support, then chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please06:22
ghshbazhang_: :P06:23
Airrishmm. then again 10.04 is a LTS release, there's some merit to sticking with it until the next one. Ok lets get crazy and go back to trying to upgrade libjpeg06:24
FireStormsHow would I go about building a script that will change a compiz profile when a program is launched and change it back when the program is closed, are their hooks?06:26
FireStormsI'm using NetBeans and it takes a lot of system resources with the way I've got it set out, so I would like to automatically take the visual effects of compiz to imrpove performance06:27
magn3ts_My computer is hanging/unresponsive but via SSH I can see that it's not under load, why would it be unresponsive (note ssh login took nearly 10 minutes to complete)06:27
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joea2how can i copy settings from fedora to ubuntu. my touchpad works properly in one and not the other.06:29
joea2that is for my touchpad06:30
mccHello... I am confused... I used some string I downloaded off the internet to add myself to a group... if I look in the users-admin utility and look under that group's "properties", I am listed as a member... however... if i open terminal and type "groups"... it is not listed... and I cannot access a particular folder which is 770 to the group06:30
ghshmagn3ts_: top?06:30
mcc* types "su mcc" *06:34
mcc* suddenly is a member of the group he was not listed as before *06:34
mccmaybe this is some kind of weird x windows thing06:34
adurodeamcc: i believe you have to re login for groups to change06:35
khaimehello to all06:35
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mccI just su'd from myself to myself and picked up a group06:35
mccadurodea: so... when i open a new terminal in Ubuntu gui... that does not count as a "new login" the way it would if i had been SSHing in?06:35
adurodeamcc: correct. X is all one session06:36
adurodeaminus ssh / su'd terminals inside of it06:36
SultansElephantis there any reason at all to use compiz06:36
SultansElephanti dont get it06:36
mccgot it, thanks06:36
enovativi am trying to load ubuntu server on a dell poweredge 2600, and I have burned the image from the ubuntu site TWICE and i still cant install it06:36
SultansElephantenovativ: why not?06:36
enovativi keep getting "file is corrupt" errors06:36
celthunderSultansElephant: waste your resources for a terrible ui and waste your time?06:36
ghshSultansElephant: way it down make it only funny for under 20 etc06:37
enovativi have the six drive configured RAID 506:37
SultansElephantso what windows manager or whatever do i use out of the box06:37
SultansElephantand what exactly does compositing do06:37
enovativand there were no errors on the burrning on either two CDS06:37
celthunderSultansElephant: i use xmonad but anything other than gnome kde unity xfce or such are usually pretty good06:38
enovativuse imgburn on a windowz box06:38
enovativi HATE windows...LOL06:38
celthunderenovativ: did the md5 hash match?06:38
celthunder(for the iso)06:38
ghshSultansElephant: you could change compize to medacity -- i use that06:38
enovativcelthunder: didn't verifyy the md5 hash06:38
rageIs there a way to send key presses to X from a shell script?06:38
KickaxeHave you done a sha1 check on your images from ubuntu.com?06:39
enovativis the md5 hash on the site ?06:39
SultansElephanthow can i see what im using currently?06:39
rageSpeficically I want to read a /dev/usbtty and send it as key strokes to X :-)06:39
celthunderSultansElephant: uhm what's running?06:39
KickaxeMd5 has works too06:39
enovativcelthunder: i will check the md5 hash now06:40
Airriswait wait wait. question. can i install the newer version from source, then remove the older version, and hopefully aptitude will figure it out?06:40
AirrisOr is that going to make everything explode spectacularly06:40
FlannelAirris: You install the new one, don't remove the old one, and make sure the programs figure it out06:41
aleksilI have a problem with the month&date display in the indicator.06:41
alexfpms__FireStorms, try here #compiz06:41
celthunderAirris: ? you could use aptitude to install the version in the repo's or the source version for whatever version yo uwant why would it explode?06:41
FireStormsalexfpms__, ty06:41
Airriscelthunder, i need a newer version of what's in the repositories. But i can't remove the old version first without uprooting countless dependencies06:41
aleksilThe indicator currently shows "Fri 17. Juneta", a combination of the English month name and a Finnish suffix "ta".06:42
durrethe data in my ubuntu server has been rolled back to the state of 1st of May. is there any logs that could give a hint of what happened?06:42
Kickaxehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes check this to see if your md5 has on the iso matches06:42
mccI am confused by my options re: installing libpng in apt-get06:42
celthunderAirris: so instal the new one from source using the same --prefix as the packaged version does it should overwrite anything it needs to06:42
mccDo I want libpng12-0 or libpng306:42
bullgard4How can I determine to what program my F12 key in Ubuntu Classic (No effects) is bound to? I installed a test user, and there this binding does not exist.06:43
Airriscelthunder: what happens if something that uses that package is running when i do that?06:43
Guest82337bullgard4: Check Keyboard Shortcuts if you haven't.06:44
almoxarifewhere can I d/l ubuntu-desktop pckg ? and how do I keep it from adding missing dependencies?06:45
adurodeaalmoxarife: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop --nodep06:45
almoxarifeadurodea: thnks06:45
aleksilHow do I change the way the time indicator displays date in Natty? The default is buggy.06:46
aplundI'm getting lots of uncleared damage to windows on X.  I have an nvidia Quadro NVS 135M.  Only started happening on the upgrade to 11.04.  Is this a known issue; I cannot seem to find any hints on how to deal with it.06:46
almoxarifeadurodea: --nodep is not understood06:46
adurodeaalmoxarife: man apt-get06:47
Airriswait. i should check lucid-bleed just to see if i get lucky06:47
bullgard4Guest82337: I already have. I also checked the "key" in /apps/metacity  in gconf-editor. Nowhere I could find "F12" or "f12".06:47
Guest82337bullgard4: Maybe this is relevant -- but I recall I can't run a terminal shortcut. I didn't know why -- Later I found out because I was in metacity. So try compiz. metacity. Some functions are disabled.06:50
Lee_Prisonhey,i have wrote a script:   sman(){man $1|grep "\$2"}              to achieve a function,such as    sman  ls -o     ,but it does't work06:52
r1zahellow world06:54
MarcelT3hey there. i'm trying to get the first line of top output to a php script. i'm here: top -b | grep "load average" # but i'd like to stop the top command after getting th first line. how?06:54
qinLee_Prison: did you try: man ls | grep "-o" ????06:55
bullgard4Guest82337: I do not understand you well. Why should I try Compiz? In Compiz an analogous error (key binding) appears.06:55
llutz_MarcelT3: top -b06:56
magn3tsI just had Ubuntu/gdm/X crash... my system was not under load, nor was I under heavy IO load... What could cause this? What logs can I check? This was majorly disruptive, I lost data and I corrupted a VM... I don't mind and it's no one's fault but I'd appreciate any tips in debugging it or tracking down any idea of what happened.06:56
Lee_Prisonqin,  yes , but your expesion is wrong :man ls |grep "\-o"06:56
magn3tsthis happens about once every two or three weeks if I don't reboot.06:56
MarcelT3llutz_ yep. for batch. how can i stop it?06:56
llutz_MarcelT3: top -b -n 106:56
MarcelT3many thanx llutz_06:57
qinLee_Prison: You right06:57
Guest82337bullgard4: I don't really know your problem -- but I'm saying that I can't do certain things until I am running compiz. Stupid -- but -- I don't know if that's your case.06:57
zeroedoutmagn3ts: start with dmesg06:58
zeroedoutalso check /var/log/xorg.0.log for x related stuff06:58
bullgard4Guest82337: I just told you that the same error appears under Compiz. So this reasoning does not help.06:58
ghostnik11hi, need help with getting pitivi to update to latest build which is 14 and i am on 13.5 but when i put in the ppa i get this error when i tell update manager to update: Requires installation of untrusted packages06:59
zeroedoutand /var/log/syslog06:59
ghostnik11The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.06:59
magn3tszeroedout, I had to reboot though, it was completely unusable.06:59
magn3tszeroedout, as in, I had to manually pull the plug `sudo reboot` from SSH gave me the "system going down" but it just sat there...06:59
Guest82337bullgard4: I get it. That's all I have to offer. (I tried). :)06:59
bullgard4Guest82337: Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it.07:00
zeroedoutwhen you ssh'd in you couldn't cat /var/log/xorg.0.log?07:01
zeroedoutif it's a kernel issue, i believe it's kern.log07:01
magn3tszeroedout, I dunna, it didn't occur to me until just now. I suppose I can still check that log though, it's not burnt at boot07:01
qinLee_Prison: \ seem to escape $ in script07:02
zeroedoutyou can enable the deepest level of kernel logging as well (log level 8, do this in grub.conf) and that will give you very detailed messages if it is a kernel issue07:02
DJHenjinim thinking of upgrading my windows servers to the better *free* alternative ubuntu server, how good of performance can i expect as conpared to a windows machine hosting the same functions?07:02
magn3tszeroedout, there's nothing useful in xorg.0.log07:02
magn3tszeroedout, ugh, thanks but why isn't that sort of thing turned on by default? it's never helpful after the fact when people wonder what happened.07:03
llutz_DJHenjin: "same functions" are?07:03
zeroedoutloglevel 8 will slow things down07:03
magn3tskinda like how there's no logging enabled for Vino when there's a freaking vulnerability in the wild.07:03
DJHenjinapache webserver, MySQL server, Email server07:03
zeroedoutalso you can run specific componants in gdb and strace to create useful crash reports07:03
magn3tszeroedout, oh.07:04
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, I have always prefered a *nix based server. They seem to be more stable to me.  As far as hosting goes, in my opinion it should be a lot faster, But if you have never used *nix then there will be a learning curve07:04
magn3tsheh, running gdb and causing a crash would imply I knew what crashed or caused the problem :P07:04
DJHenjini have used *nix based systems before, but not fully to the extend that i would like to07:04
DJHenjindoes ubuntu server offer any kind of clustering?07:05
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, For my clients I install unbuntu then install ehcp control panel for hosting.07:05
pRoV7xHello there folks07:05
Nobgul-BNCIt will set everything up for you. I have never had a issue where I had to configure more then just simple settings.07:06
Lee_Prisonqin:maybe,but man ls |grep "\-o"   works.07:06
DJHenjinehcp control panel?07:06
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, What type of clustering are you looking for managment?07:06
zeroedoutmagn3ts: lol, true... try reproducing the crash and document what you do that causes it. then try running various things in gdb to see if there is anything out of the ordinary07:06
Nobgul-BNCYes its a opensource web based control panel.07:06
DJHenjinwell, i have to spread the MySQL webserver email server and minecraft server over 3 physical machines07:07
llutz_Lee_Prison: but if you escape the $ ("\$2") your expression is "man foo|grep $2" "$2" literally07:07
DJHenjinwhich i would like to run *as though* they are a single machine, with a degree of failover07:07
adurodeaDJHenjin: I have an email/dns/web server on nix with about 100 people on it uses under a gig of ram and almost no cpu07:07
DJHenjinthe minecraft server is the kicker, also the age of my physical servers07:07
DJHenjin2 single core 3.0GHZ processors 2 GB of ram...07:08
ghostnik11Requires installation of untrusted packages for pitivi error in ubuntu 11.04 how do i fix this problem?07:08
aleksilIs there a way to make the date/time indicator display the month number instead of name? I'd prefer "17.6." to the current "17. Juneta" (which itself is buggy).07:08
Nobgul-BNCDjMadness, With the exception of Clustering to control managment I have never had to spread anything out like that.  I have a webserver that has over 1k websites on it and you would never know it. We do have a seperate server for mysql and the mail.07:08
DJHenjin1k like 1 thousand seperate site? what are the specs on that beast07:08
Nobgul-BNCYes. 1000 sites.07:09
Nobgul-BNCDual quad core xeon with 16 gigs ram07:09
DJHenjinno wonder you have 1 thousand sites...07:09
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, What type of specs are on your boxes?07:10
Lee_Prisonllutz_: i see,but how to solve the problem?07:10
DJHenjin2 single core 3.0 GHZ processors 2 GB ram, dual gigabit nic's07:10
DJHenjin2 73 gig 15k RPM HDD's07:10
DJHenjincost of 3 servers $500, knowing what to do with them, Priceless07:11
wladstonI want to move the /home directory to /mnt/users. Is it possible ?07:11
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, Imho you should not need to spread it out that much.07:11
bazhang_wladston, why would you want to do that07:12
adurodeawladston: yes07:12
DJHenjinthe MySQL databases are huge07:12
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, Yea i have a 60gig mysql db.07:12
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wladstonbazhang_: because my first partition got filled :/07:12
wladstonDJHenjin: how ?07:12
DJHenjinhow what?07:12
littlebearzWhere you get the bandwidth?07:12
Nobgul-BNClittlebearz, for what?07:13
andyccaleksil: I think that the date display is controlled by your regional settings. In the region configuration there *should* be a tab dedicated to time/date formats. Not on Ubuntu now, so I can't give you detailed instructions.07:13
wladstonDJHenjin:  ops, sorry, that was for adurodea07:13
wladstonadurodea: how ?07:13
littlebearzBandwidth is like 2.00 per gb07:13
tsimpsonwladston: create a new partition, copy the contents of /home to it, mount that partition as /home07:13
qinLee_Prison: arg=$(echo '\'$2)07:13
Nobgul-BNClittlebearz, not at all i have a unmetered gigabit connection.07:13
wladstontsimpson: but that partition can't be just for /home07:13
bazhang_!home | wladston see this also07:13
ubottuwladston see this also: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving07:13
littlebearzOh wow. Must be expensive07:14
qinLee_Prison: so: man $1 | grep "$arg"07:14
adurodeawladston: cp -pr /home /mnt/users change /etc/passwd and set the home to /mnt/users/$USER>07:14
wladstonI know how to move it to a different partition. I wanted to "point" it to somewhere else07:14
Nobgul-BNClittlebearz, It really depends on where you host / rent your server. The place I am with has unmetered 100mbit servers for like 150$ per month07:14
tsimpsonqin: "\\$2" works too07:14
llutz_wladston: you could bind-mount the new homedir07:14
jtannenbaumif I have ubuntu desktop installed on a machine, is it possible to make it into a server without reinstalling (the CD drive doesn't work)?07:14
sliverquery: is the ubuntu wiki giving 500s for others?07:14
qinLee_Prison: I guess in #bash they will give you elegant solution.07:14
tsimpsonwladston: just use a bind mount07:14
mccSo... an autoconf question I guess... what is this ".deps" folder that winds up behind when I build something from an autoconf configure file?07:14
qintsimpson: grep gives err with \\07:15
tsimpsonwladston: bind /mnt/users to /home07:15
littlebearzMines 150 for3 years for 1 site07:15
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, I would start by getting 1 server compleatly setup and let it host everything, if you find yourself in a crunch for resources you could always use the 2nd server for just db and mail.07:15
wladstontsimpson, llutz : thanks! will google about this bind mount07:15
mccMore importantly: If somebody checked ".deps" into source control... would I be correct that this was a huge mistake?07:15
DJHenjinthe minecraft server software currently uses 80+ percent CPU usage, and its the main draw on the MySQL which i would like to seperate into seperate physical machines, and the apache needs to be on the same machine as the MySQL07:16
Nobgul-BNCWhy does it have to be on the same machine?07:16
DJHenjinbecause of the way a couple of the sites are setup07:16
DJHenjinDB is hardcoded into the site07:17
CodeWarguys I love Ubuntu hate Unity ... where do I protest to avoid this road to hell07:17
Nobgul-BNCYou can still span them across machines but would need a code rewrite =X07:17
bazhang_CodeWar, use classic instead07:17
tsimpsonwladston: in /etc/fstab, something like "/mnt/users /home none bind 0 0", which is equivalent to the command "mount /mnt/users /home -o bind"07:17
bazhang_!classic | CodeWar07:17
ubottuCodeWar: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".07:17
CodeWarbazhang_,  not the same ... there are bugs with compiz that dont work with classic07:17
bazhang_CodeWar, file some bugs then07:18
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, I have a user running a minecraft server and its not using that much ram , or proc. How many users use yours?07:18
DJHenjinoh and then theres the fact that the minecraft server needs to write some files into a specific directory on the apache07:18
tsimpsonwladston: just make sure that /home is empty before you bind /mnt/users to it, or mount will probably complain07:18
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, You can for lack of a better term symlink those.07:18
wladstontsimpson: right! :) I'm trying here07:18
DJHenjinNobgul-BNC is he using the server software from mojang or something else?07:18
CodeWarI want to make a larger difference... create a voice to prevent Unitification of Ubuntu :-) I m sure there are other pissed of ubuntu users07:18
DJHenjinlike say Bukkit which supports plugins07:18
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, From the official site. He knows the developer.07:18
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bazhang_CodeWar, this is not the place for that. file bugs if you wish07:19
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Frettawheres a good dir to store ssl certs?07:19
DJHenjinso from minecraft.net then?07:19
Guest96690I was wondering if it makes sense to run Linux Mint only from my USB key and not install it07:19
Nobgul-BNCNever really dug into it as it doesnt cause me andy problems.07:19
bazhang_Guest96690, ask in mintsupport07:19
bazhang_!mintsupport | Guest9669007:19
ubottuGuest96690: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:19
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, Its a jarfile hes running with a few args.07:19
DJHenjini use bukkit, which is from Bukkit.org, with that i run plugins which slightly modify the entire play experience, adding money and stuff like that, i run approximately 30 of said plugins, which causes a higher load07:20
Guest96690What about running Ubuntu from the USB key and not installing it on the hard drive?07:21
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, How many visitors are there to your site? even with your box specs i am thinking that apache + minecraft may not be a issue.07:21
ozaking_ubuntuoin #platform07:21
bazhang_Guest96690, slow, but sure. check out persistent usb07:21
bazhang_!usb | Guest9669007:21
ubottuGuest96690: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:21
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, If you are using 80% cpu underwindows i would think that it would be 1/2 less in *nix.07:21
wladstontsimpson: rebooting .... let's pray the server won't crash07:22
DJHenjini get at leats 1k unique users per day approx07:22
Guest96690Reason I want to do that is, it would be nice to switch computers and retain all of my files and settings and everything.   I can also run Ubuntu on someone else's computer without annoying him by installing Ubuntu07:22
DJHenjinnow, does ubuntu support NIC teaming?07:22
bazhang_Guest96690, thus the need for persistent (last link there)07:23
DJHenjinyeah you can run Ubuntu off a usb stick, it wont be optimal but its sure faster than a CD07:23
DJHenjinso i can have essential a 2 gigabit connection assuming ive got gigabit cables and router/switch?07:23
Nobgul-BNCAs long as you don't surpass the speed of the cards of course.07:24
DJHenjinthe cards are gigabit nics07:24
Nobgul-BNCThen you should be fine.I have 2 cards but one is redundant incase the other losses connectivity07:24
DJHenjinwould it be better for interconnect between the minecraft machine and the MySQL machine to use a gigabit crossover cable and link them directly to each other?07:25
wladstontsimpson: worked just like a charm. server is now copying the homefolders to the new location07:25
wladstontsimpson: thanks :)07:25
Psydoll_hey folks whats going here?07:25
tsimpsonwladston: you're welcome07:25
bazhang_Psydoll_, ubuntu support07:25
DJHenjinthusly keeping that link completely dedicated to the MC<->MySQL communications07:25
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, again I really can't speak for that as I never have had to do it.07:25
nabeelHey I can't get a correct display on my Dell Latitude D80007:26
Nobgul-BNCAsk your question then sip a cup of coffee07:27
bazhang_!details | nabeel07:27
ubottunabeel: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:27
DJHenjinnow quick question, my server isnt in the list of certified servers for ubuntu 10.04 server X6407:27
bluegoonHi guys07:28
DJHenjinis that a problem?07:28
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, Do you need to run 64 bit?07:28
theadminDJHenjin: Probably would still run, I mean, it's a damn server, just the text mode.07:28
bluegoonHow do you set the default IP settings for all wireless connections on a wireless card?07:28
DJHenjini hate textmode07:28
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, in my experience naw, i have never had something that would not run ubuntu07:28
bazhang_!wifi | bluegoon please have a read07:28
ubottubluegoon please have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:28
theadminDJHenjin: Then you shouldn't use Ubuntu Server07:28
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, your 100% gonna be using text mode.07:28
DJHenjinsadly, im one of those users that really badly needs a gui07:29
aurillianceHi all. I want to set up a script that will run and take a screenshot of my desktop every X minutes and save them to a folder. I've found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1691198 but apparently it doesn't quite get the file names right. Anyone know how to do this?07:29
Nobgul-BNCI have a desktop on my server but thats just to keep some always on programs on.07:29
DJHenjinwhy "100% using text mode"07:29
theadminaurilliance: Check scrot out07:29
theadminDJHenjin: Ubuntu Server does NOT even have a gui07:29
aurilliancetheadmin: will do. Ty07:29
Nobgul-BNCBecause that is the way that linux servers work for the most part they are all text.07:29
DJHenjinisnt there an x server?07:29
Nobgul-BNCAnd you can add it in like i have to the server.07:29
nabeelI an running Natty; Display card "nvidia Geforce 4400, and using additional experimental drivers, the pointer is distorted. I was using nvidia 96.x drivers with lucid but after upgrading this problem arosed.07:30
Nobgul-BNCbut its not the best option07:30
theadminDJHenjin: No, there's not, use the desktop edition if you want one07:30
DJHenjinbut then its not a server OS...07:30
theadminDJHenjin: That doesn't make any difference07:30
bazhang_install lamp DJHenjin07:30
DJHenjino rly07:30
k_szeAnybody here understands pppd chat scripts?07:30
bazhang_!lamp > DJHenjin07:30
ubottuDJHenjin, please see my private message07:30
theadminDJHenjin: They're the same, just the software you get is different07:30
DJHenjini already use wamp so same difference07:31
littlebearzI use archlinux personally07:31
Nobgul-BNCBottom line is you can install x server into the server distro07:31
theadminlittlebearz: gooood07:31
Nobgul-BNCYou need to use vnc to connect.07:31
DJHenjinoy vey07:31
Nobgul-BNCThat is why i suggested the control panel.07:32
Nobgul-BNCYou basically install it once via command line. then everythine else u need to do you do via web07:32
DJHenjinlike installing something through the web interface?07:32
Nobgul-BNCYou can yes.07:33
Lee_Prisonqin: I appreciate your solution,thx ,qin07:33
Nobgul-BNCIt basically passes the commandsa through a php script and installs07:33
DJHenjinnow, how about this, i need to monitor temp sensors on my machines can it do that?07:33
DJHenjineven for dell proprietary hardware?07:33
qinLee_Prison: Forgot it, use: grep -e "$2" or grep -- "$2"07:33
Nobgul-BNCThere are scripts to do that and send you e-mails if it is out of range07:33
Saharhi... after my ubuntu10.10 update, i cant open flash pages... it installed by dpkg -l | grep flash but i cant use it. pls help me.. tx07:33
shinobilordAny downsides to using normal gnome in 11.04?07:34
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, I can't speak for your hardware but for mine yes.07:34
DJHenjinwell then, i might just have to go grab my spare server and install 10.10 server on it07:34
bazhang_shinobilord, what is normal07:34
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, I would suggest that. Do some putzing around before you make the move.07:34
DJHenjinthats why i have a spare server07:35
DJHenjinkeyword, spare07:35
Nobgul-BNCThe other alternative is to get a cheap vps and just play with that.07:35
shinobilordbazhang_: the option to choose regular gnome without unity on bootup07:35
DJHenjinbut i already has spare server for lulz07:35
bazhang_shinobilord, thats classic, no problems07:35
DJHenjindont really need a VPS if i have one on hand ready to roll out07:35
kiichiroin a way I see this as an ubuntu problem, I can not delete files from my trash can07:36
bazhang_kiichiro, using what command07:36
Nobgul-BNCI agree DJHenjin. Just giving options.07:36
shinobilordbazhang_: are certain things disabled? or do functions have to be re-enabled specifically for classic?07:36
DJHenjinill brb in about ten minutes, gonna grab my spare server and DL the ubuntu server ISO07:36
Saharhi... after my ubuntu10.10 update, i cant open flash pages... it installed by dpkg -l | grep flash but i cant use it. pls help me.. tx07:36
bazhang_Sahar, what is "it"07:36
Lee_Prisonqin:  oh,  it's perfect!07:37
Saharflash is installed07:37
DJHenjinshould i get 11.04 server?07:37
bazhang_shinobilord, just choose at login window07:37
DJHenjinor go to an older more proven release?07:37
bazhang_Sahar, from where07:37
kiichiroI just go to my trash can and hit empty07:37
kiichirotells me can not delete07:37
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin it is what i am using07:37
shinobilordbazhang_: yeah, I know that but would all my settings be enabled?07:38
Saharhi... after my ubuntu10.10 update, i cant open flash pages... it installed by dpkg -l | grep flash but i cant use it. pls help me.. tx07:38
bazhang_Sahar, where was flash installed from07:38
bazhang_shinobilord, sure07:38
shinobilordbazhang_: cheers mate07:38
DJHenjinwell isnt that fun, i clicked the download link and it wont download07:38
Saharadobe flash in installed07:39
bazhang_shinobilord, try unity-2d if you want a lower spec version as well07:39
bazhang_Sahar, yes. stop repeating that. where did you get the flash to install07:39
DJHenjinwhere can i get a direct download link so i can right click-> save as07:39
Sahari use apt-get install flash and it installed 2 week ago...but now it does not work07:40
bazhang_Sahar, and you have updated and upgraded since then?07:40
dibblegowhy when I press unlock on gdmsetup nothing happens, simply because I am running over ssh -X?07:40
DJHenjini cannot download using the link on the ubuntu.com site07:41
Nobgul-BNCWhy not.07:42
Nobgul-BNC1 second07:42
DJHenjinbecause my web browser doesnt allo left click downloads for some messed up reason07:42
bazhang_http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ DJHenjin07:42
DJHenjinthat 64 bit image says AMD, my processors are intel...07:43
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, can u grab a torrent?07:43
bazhang_DJHenjin, thats fine, its the same07:43
DJHenjinyeah i can do torrent07:43
DJHenjinprobably faster07:43
ubottuNatty can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/server/ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/07:44
bazhang_DJHenjin, see above07:44
Nobgul-BNCthere u go =P07:44
nit-witDJHenjin, bazhang_ link will right click save as07:44
Nobgul-BNCnd to answer your question. yes the amd64 will work with intel07:44
Nobgul-BNCAs amd was the first 64 bit that's why it is named that way07:44
DJHenjinalright well brb in 10 minutes gotta grab my server,07:45
Nobgul-BNCWell have fun, I am off for the night. its 3 am here and i need sleeps07:45
DJHenjinand then the main reason i was going to do it right now is gone. oh well07:45
Nobgul-BNCI can wait =P07:45
Nobgul-BNCOthers can help07:45
DJHenjinnah, you can go to sleep, you probably need it more than i do07:46
Saharmy flash is installed but yesterday i get update and after that it doesnt work . when i wanna install again it says it already installed07:46
Nobgul-BNCIll just grab another beer =P07:46
DJHenjinonly if you want07:46
k_szeHow do I make it so that any (or at least a specific) non-root user is allowed to establish PPP connections using pppd?07:46
Nobgul-BNCsure go for it ill be back in 507:46
aurillianceI have a variable $DELAY in my .sh file, which equals 1. I want to sleep for 1 minute, but writing sleep $DELAYm doesn't work - how do I put the m next to the 1?07:46
Lasersaurilliance: Crazy idea? Just use 60.07:47
aurillianceLasers: *facepalm*07:47
Saharno one cant help mee07:47
Nobgul-BNCaurilliance, there is a sleep command is there not?07:47
Lasersaurilliance: If you prefer 1 -- See #bash -- They can help you properly with quotes and whatnot.07:48
nit-witSahar, FF browser? adobe flash?07:48
Nobgul-BNCaurilliance, If i rmember correctly its just sleep time ie: sleep 507:48
Saharyes i used adobe flash07:48
nit-witSahar, which browser07:48
Saharfire fox yessss07:48
Saharit worked tiill yesterday07:49
tsimpsonaurilliance: "sleep ${DELAY}m"07:49
nit-witSahar, install the FF add on flash aid it will most likely fix it.07:49
newbeeewhy is an adobe flash plugin 65 mb in ubuntu?07:49
newbeeeA simple plugin even larger than the browser07:49
theadminSorry everyone, something seems to have crashed my system so I was off07:50
Saharnit-wit, but it is enable in addoness07:50
newbeeeIs there a light flash plugin for mozilla?07:51
bazhang_newbeee, no07:51
newbeeeSomething that is light in size07:51
tsimpsonnewbeee: no, there is only one adobe flash07:51
nit-witSahar, click on the icon to run it, should be one on the right side of the FF panel07:52
newbeeeOk guys thanx07:52
bluegoonHI guys, my Additional Drives say Driver is Activated but not currently in use..07:52
bluegoonHow do I activate my STA Wireless driver?07:52
DJHenjini now need the USB boot disk maker07:52
bazhang_DJHenjin, unetbootin07:53
DamnSoGoodbluegoon: try restarting07:53
newbeeeWhat is the command to stop apache207:53
Lasersbluegoon: Have you reboot?07:53
theadminnewbeee: service httpd stop. I think07:54
zhonewbeee: /etc/init.d/apache2 stop07:54
theadminnewbeee: Or service apache2 stop07:54
bluegoonYes I did restart after uninstalling that ntlwrapper thing07:54
lotuspsychjeanyone knows what this means: ntfs-3g[807]: Inode 42976 has corrupt attribute flags (0x8000 <> 0x20): Invoer-/uitvoerfout07:54
DamnSoGoodtheadmin: hey, how can i resolve this? my virtualbox ain't working07:54
DamnSoGoodafter i upgraded to a new kernel07:55
Nobgul-BNClotuspsychje, is that on a vps?07:55
DJHenjinsetting up bootable USB07:55
DJHenjinnow on the server07:55
theadminDamnSoGood: Not sure I can help. Sure it's the latest? Have you ran /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup yet?07:55
bazhang_DamnSoGood, try #vbox07:55
lotuspsychjeNobgul-BNC: no its my home ntfs drive that suddenly refused to write nntpgrab downloading07:55
DJHenjinooh this servers got slightly better specs than the other two07:56
bullgard4What file stores the HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE environment variables? http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-productivitytips.html I'd like to increas them.07:56
DamnSoGoodyes, but seems nothing happened07:56
tsimpsonbullgard4: usually ~/.bashrc07:56
k_szeI just issued "sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/pppd", but I still get a "permission denied" when I try to run pppd as nonroot. What am I missing?07:56
Nobgul-BNClotuspsychje, sorry no help from me I have only seen that error with parrlys or w/e the vps thing is.07:56
tsimpsonbullgard4: I don't think they are set by default though, so you just append them to the file07:57
DamnSoGoodResult Code:07:57
DamnSoGoodNS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)07:57
DamnSoGoodIMachine {99404f50-dd10-40d3-889b-dd2f79f1e95e}07:57
FloodBot1DamnSoGood: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:57
theadmink_sze: s? What kind of a permission s is? The only valid ones are rwx07:57
bazhang_DamnSoGood, what kernel did you upgrade? from what to what and using which version of ubuntu07:57
k_szetheadmin: I thought u+s means setuid, no?07:57
theadmink_sze: Hm, never heard07:58
theadmink_sze: Didn't have to deal with that, sorry07:58
DJHenjinnow, my servers dont have hardware raid, but i would like to setup raid 1 on this server, is there an option in the ubuntu server 11.04 to setup software raid?07:59
tsimpsonk_sze: it's suid by default, but you need to be in the "dip" group to execute it07:59
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, yea07:59
bullgard4tsimpson: I found it there. Is "export HISTSIZE=10000" all right?08:00
k_szetsimpson: What's the dip group for?08:00
tsimpsonbullgard4: that should work, yes08:00
DamnSoGoodi'm using mint 9 from 31.XX to 32.3208:00
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, when your installing you have to use the manual partition method08:00
bazhang_DamnSoGood, then go to mintsupport08:00
theadminDamnSoGood: We don't support Mint, also version 9 is out of date08:00
bullgard4tsimpson: Thank you very much for your help.08:00
bazhang_!mintsupport | DamnSoGood08:00
ubottuDamnSoGood: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:00
DJHenjinoh god, not manual partitions again08:00
Nobgul-BNClol yea08:01
lotuspsychjeNobgul-BNC: ok tnx anyway08:01
Nobgul-BNCThere are a few how-to's08:01
DJHenjin73 gig drives, so 3 gig swap per drive 70 gig ext3?08:01
tsimpsonk_sze: dip is "Dialup IP"08:01
DJHenjinthen set them up as raid 1?08:01
shinobilordAnyone know how to re-enable cube in classic gnome?08:01
DamnSoGoodtheadmin: how can i upgrade from a live usb?08:01
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, i always use 2x the ammount of ram for swap xspace08:02
bazhang_DamnSoGood, mint is not supported here08:02
DJHenjinso 4 gigs per drive?08:02
theadminDamnSoGood: Mint is not upgradable.08:02
Nobgul-BNCI would yes08:02
k_szetsimpson: so "sudo useradd -G dip <username>" should do it, eh?08:02
DJHenjinat 2 gigs *hehhehehe* ram08:02
theadmink_sze: Without the -G08:02
DamnSoGoodtheadmin: how can i reinstall vox?08:03
bazhang_DamnSoGood, please stop asking for mint support here.08:03
Nobgul-BNCI thought it created the swap auto for you08:03
DJHenjinnot in manual partitioning?08:03
DamnSoGoodbazhang_: would you please shut the fck up?08:03
k_szetheadmin: oops, adduser is for *new* users08:03
theadminDamnSoGood: First just re-run /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup please08:04
theadmink_sze: Works for old ones too08:04
theadmink_sze: You can always do usermod -aG group user08:04
tsimpsonk_sze: use "sudo usermod -a -G dip <username>"08:04
lotuspsychjeanyone knows what this means: ntfs-3g[807]: Inode 42976 has corrupt attribute flags (0x8000 <> 0x20): Invoer-/uitvoerfout08:04
theadminlotuspsychje: Try running a fsck or a chkdsk (from windows) on the partition08:05
DJHenjinokay booting up USB on the server08:05
jtannenbaumjusy sshed into my own computer, didn't know I could do that08:06
k_szestrange, I did "sudo usermod -aG dip alice" and I still can't use pppd.08:06
lotuspsychjetheadmin: would it be recommended to format all drives in ext?08:06
jtannenbaumhow would I ssh into a particular computer on my network.. I tired computername@localhost but that didn't work08:06
theadminlotuspsychje: As much as Windows compatibility is out of question, yes08:06
tsimpsonk_sze: you need to logout/in for the new permissions to apply08:06
shinobilordno takers for enable cube in 11.04 classic gnome?08:06
k_szeah, didn't know that.08:06
Nobgul-BNCjtannenbaum, ipaddress08:06
bazhang_shinobilord, try #compiz08:06
Nobgul-BNCjtannenbaum, local ie:
shinobilordyeah, I did mate08:07
tsimpsonjtannenbaum: it's ssh user_name@computer_name_or_IP08:07
theadminjtannenbaum: wut? It's username@computername08:07
DamnSoGoodtheadmin: how can i reinstall virtual box?08:07
theadminDamnSoGood: Delete it and install again08:07
IdleOneDamnSoGood: Mint is not supported in this channel08:07
jtannenbaumssh: connect to host joe-hspc port 22: Connection timed out08:08
theadminDamnSoGood: But I tell you, stop bugging this channel with Mint support questions or you'll be kicked08:08
shinobilordbazhang_:  I'm in it. It's enabled. U might remember that I asked u if things got disabled. Well, here's a new one for u. They DO!08:08
Nobgul-BNCjtannenbaum they don't have sshd running08:08
tsimpsonor firewalled08:08
Nobgul-BNCOr its running on a non standard port08:08
k_szeawesome. I think I got it.08:08
DamnSoGoodi'm not asking about mint, is vbox only for mint?08:08
k_szeThanks tsimpson08:08
DJHenjinbooted off USB08:08
bazhang_DamnSoGood, #vbox08:08
jtannenbaumall I did was sudo tasksel and chose openssh08:08
jtannenbaumI didn't set anything else up08:09
jtannenbaum(I also set up LAMP)08:09
theadminDamnSoGood: This channel won't help you if they know you run something other than Ubuntu, that's the rule08:09
theadminA very stupid one at that, heh, but still08:09
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
lotuspsychjeshinobilord: i also tryed cube on natty 64 classic and failed on me08:10
DJHenjinalright im to the partitioner, what do i do now?08:10
tsimpsontheadmin: it's not a stupid rule considering that we have no control/clue about how <random people> have changed <random Ubuntu based distro>, it's not an arbitrary rule08:10
Nobgul-BNCDJHenjin, its a bit old but. should get the trick done. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID08:11
shinobilordlotuspsychje:  cheers dude. I wish other people wouldn't dish out advice glibly08:12
theadmintsimpson: Yes, but supporting parts that WERE NOT changed should imo still be done08:12
lotuspsychjeshinobilord: maybe its related with unity disabling, cube wont work properly in classic?08:13
IdleOnetheadmin: the parts that were not changed can still be affected by those that were08:13
tsimpsontheadmin: we can't tell what was/wasn't changed, and we're not going to invest the limited man-power we have in doing that08:13
theadminIdleOne, tsimpson: Meh okay. Other distros are fine with supporting derivs, just saying. Mostly.08:13
lotuspsychjeshinobilord: did you update to natty or clean install?08:13
tsimpsontheadmin: heh, go ask for Ubuntu support in #debian and tell me that :)08:14
christopherHas anyone created a program that will read Zune media players?08:14
IdleOnetheadmin: nothing is stopping you from helping people who use mint, join their channel or start your own here on freenode :)08:14
shinobilordlotuspsychje: I disabled that. Didn't work. Suddenly everything unchecked - by itself. But nothing changed. I'll just import my saved profile :). Actually, I updated. Could be why.08:14
theadminIdleOne: I can't start my own channels since then nobody'll come to them, it's my big problem08:14
lotuspsychjeshinbilord: i found natty smoother on compiz after clean install (64bit)08:15
bullgard4'Why does the mc file viewer (F3 key) in my Lucid computer not show the keywords of a program text colorfully? But my Natty's mc does.08:15
shinobilordlotuspsychje:  will consider it. Thanks mate. For now I'll just hack away some more08:16
DJHenjini think i have got raid setup, 71.3 GB software raid 1 and 2.1 GB software raid 108:17
azmhi, how is called the basic wifi network manager in ubuntu please ?08:17
DJHenjinhmm, getting no root filesystem is defined08:17
lotuspsychjeshinobilord: http://askubuntu.com/questions/40590/desktop-cube-compiz-gnome-and-natty-narwhal-bad-mix08:18
bazhang_azm, network-manager08:18
azmI installed wifi-radar and it sucks08:18
azmbazhang_, thanks08:18
bazhang_azm, try wicd then08:19
noricin a gemspec, how do I tell rdoc to use README.org as the main page? Specifically will it work for *.org?08:19
theadminnoric: I think you'd be best off asking in #ruby or something08:19
DJHenjin71.3 GB as ext4 and rest as swap?08:20
norictheadmin, oh wrong channel thanks =d08:20
theadminnoric: Nice language choice btw08:22
DJHenjinam i right in using ext4 with mount point / ?08:24
jtannenbaumused nmap to find the IP of the machine. yay laziness08:24
aima_is there any way to upgrade from jaunty? Trying to use the upgrade-manager -d which attempts 10.04.2 LTS it fails with an error from tar. I can't update jaunty packages due to the archive 404ing08:25
DJHenjinif i messed this up im screwed, i hope i got it right08:25
prabhakarhow can install filename.so in ubuntu08:26
bazhang_prabhakar, whats the package08:26
Nobgul-BNCsorry DJHenjin, If you follow the guide i linked you should be fine. I have never had to manually partition my drives.08:26
DJHenjinit made me setup mount points and stuff, it got really weird fast08:27
theadminprabhakar: Move that to your browser's plugins folder08:27
Nobgul-BNC*nix has a way of getting weird fast =P08:27
DJHenjinshould i encrypt the home directory?08:28
Nobgul-BNCIf you want to .08:28
prabhakarit contains tar.gz08:28
DJHenjini dont think i really need to08:28
Nobgul-BNCIf someone gains access to the pc and its encrypted then it will be harder for them to get at the files.08:28
DJHenjini wont really be usint /home08:28
kiichiroFor control+alt+F2 what username/password do I use for it?08:28
DJHenjinbut it will slow down performance08:29
Nobgul-BNCFor me in a server enviro the only thing that i have in /home are install's08:29
Nobgul-BNCand or .tar.gz files08:29
DJHenjinim not puttins sensitive data in /home08:29
tsimpsonkiichiro: yours, it's just text login08:29
DJHenjinwoot configuring apt08:30
prabhakarbroswer folder where i find08:30
Nobgul-BNCprabhakar, Internet browser and or your website root?08:30
DJHenjinthis thing should run pretty darned fast when its done compared to windoze right?08:30
Nobgul-BNCYes it should08:30
Nobgul-BNCPersonally i never run 64 bit anything. Even this home pc i run 32 bit08:31
Nobgul-BNCprabhakar, If you are looking for something you can drop into a terminal window and type whereis "program"08:31
DJHenjinnow i have 3 choices, no automatic updates, install security updates automaticall, or manage system with landscape?08:31
prabhakarcan you tell commands to install install_flash_player_10_linux.tr.gz08:31
DJHenjinim guessing install security updates automatically?08:32
Nobgul-BNCI would.08:32
Nobgul-BNCI mean updatig is not that difficult08:32
DJHenjinokay, obviously install LAMP but what other packages should i install?08:32
crypticsquaredhrm seem to have the launcher in unity stuck. ie it's not autohiding08:32
Nobgul-BNCI would not08:32
DJHenjinprobably samba08:33
Nobgul-BNCIf you are going to use a web based control panel08:33
Nobgul-BNCi would let it install lamp08:33
Nobgul-BNCAs it will configure it and you dont have to muk around08:33
DJHenjinwell yeah, ill be installing lamp08:33
DJHenjinand samba08:33
Nobgul-BNCWhat i mean is08:33
Nobgul-BNCAre you going to to use webmin or shcp?08:33
Nobgul-BNCthen do not install lamp08:34
Nobgul-BNCit will install it for you08:34
Nobgul-BNCand configure everything.08:34
Nobgul-BNCI would do samba.08:34
DJHenjinso, if im running minecraft which is java should i install tomcat java server?08:34
Nobgul-BNCno you need the reg sunos one08:34
DJHenjinvmm host?08:34
DJHenjinoh come on, im a windows server user,08:35
Nobgul-BNCI don't think i installed it08:35
DJHenjinis there a native MySQL for ubuntu? or do i need postgresql08:35
Nobgul-BNCbut i can't think of what it is either08:36
jahkopIs ubuntu ever going to upgrade to gnome 3?08:36
Nobgul-BNCthere is mysql but that will install with lamp08:36
Nobgul-BNCwhen you do ehcp08:36
DJHenjinoh yeah08:36
Nobgul-BNCi almost want to say vmn is a vmware thing08:36
DJHenjinso just mail server and samba then, what about manual package selection?08:36
Nobgul-BNCno mail server08:36
Nobgul-BNCehcp will handle that08:36
DJHenjinvm host is for virtual machines yeah08:36
DJHenjinso just samba then08:37
Nobgul-BNCYea anything else you need later you can add easilyt08:37
tsimpsonyou can install mysql without lamp...08:37
Dragonster82i need help guys08:37
Nobgul-BNCand or you can let ehcp install it and configure it08:38
Dragonster82When i run Ubuntu startup disk, it gives me error, "prefix" is not set08:38
prabhakari installed xp using virtual box but xp not recognize pendrives08:38
DJHenjinill let ehcp install lamp08:38
DJHenjinare you passing the drives to virtualbox?08:38
Dragonster82my motherboard is msi motherboard v-class08:38
Dragonster82it dont have a startup disk button, so i had to use the third option, but it gives me "PRefix" is not set08:38
novitololoI'm running Gnome sensors-applet and I see temp1 and temp2 sensors, but I don't know what they represent.  Is there a way to know what those sensors mean (GPU, HDD..)?08:39
prabhakarudragonster82 ,u can put os cd in cd rom and try it08:39
Dragonster82I tried it already08:39
Dragonster82my motherboard doesnt have the "boot cd" option during startup08:39
kiichirogo into your cmos editor08:40
shinobilordlotuspsychje: done! Cube is back up including all the other snazzy window switchers in 11.04. No need for a complete re-install. Just a matter of configuring compiz and using "compiz --replace". Not straigthforward but definitely doable! :)08:40
Nobgul-BNChow old is the computer?08:40
Dragonster82BIOS then?08:40
Dragonster82My computer doesnt have anything to do with it08:40
Dragonster82I recently bought a new motherboard08:40
Dragonster82thats what.08:40
FloodBot1Dragonster82: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:40
Nobgul-BNCof course it does.08:40
Nobgul-BNCSet your bios to boot from cd first.08:41
Dragonster82oh ok thnx Nobgul08:41
Dragonster82Which CD though?08:41
lotuspsychjeshinobilord: cool i will try it also later on cheers mate : )08:41
Nobgul-BNCThere should also be a hotkey to hit a boot menu08:41
Dragonster82I knw08:41
kiichiromine is nice, will auto boot from HDD unless it detects a CD than it will ask me08:41
FloodBot1Dragonster82: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:41
Dragonster82is the hotkey08:41
kiichirootherwise won't annoy me at all with it08:41
prabhakarxp or any image file cd08:41
Dragonster82Lol kkkkkkk08:41
Dragonster82good for u kiichiro, im jealous ( LOL) )08:41
Dragonster82im gunna try it now, thnx guys08:42
DJHenjinoh crap "device for boot loader installation" ???08:42
celthunderDJHenjin: usually /dev/sda08:42
DJHenjinim using raid...08:42
DJHenjinsoftware raid08:42
tsimpsonnovitololo: not really, but if there are only 2 one will be CPU temp and one will be case temp, the highest will be CPU08:42
DJHenjinand i cant remember what it called the raid device08:43
DJHenjinprobably /dev/raid008:43
novitololotsimpson: I have a dual core, and I can see those temperatures as Core0, Core1.  I have two extras called temp1, temp2...08:43
Nobgul-BNCshould still be sda sdb sdc08:43
DJHenjinone physical drive was sdb and the other sdc08:43
DJHenjinany way i can find out without restarting the entire install?08:43
DJHenjinor should i leave it as what it put in, '/dev/md'08:44
Nobgul-BNCyer its md08:44
DJHenjinso leave it as is then08:45
Nobgul-BNCyea it cant hurt it08:45
DJHenjinexecution 'grub-install /dev/md' failed08:45
Nobgul-BNCtry md008:45
DJHenjinnot md0 not raid008:47
Nobgul-BNCdid you try sda108:47
DJHenjinwhat if its not the raid array?08:47
prabhakarin ubuntu 10.10 suddenly sound collapsed what can i do08:47
DJHenjinsda1 is probably the USB drive im booting off of08:48
Nobgul-BNCWithout being able to drop to a prompt to check im not sure how to tell08:48
ChronicSyncopeprabhakar, collapsed? have you tried restarting?08:49
Nobgul-BNCAnd I don't think that the usb drive whould show up as a mount point. esp not sda108:49
prabhakaryes when sound is closed i restart system its verry big task08:49
DJHenjini get to a menu after grub install fails, where i can drop to a shell,08:50
DJHenjinNobgul-BNC the USB is hard drive emulated08:50
Nobgul-BNCI figured that after i typed.08:50
bullgard4'Why does the mc file viewer (F3 key) in my Lucid computer not show the keywords of a program text colorfully? But my Natty's mc does.08:50
Nobgul-BNCMy motherboard does the same thing.08:50
Nobgul-BNCwell if it thinks sda is the usb then sdb would be the next physical drive08:51
DJHenjinthe sdc08:51
prabhakarchronicsyncope help me08:51
DJHenjinso what, should i try sdd?08:52
Nobgul-BNCif you have to drop to a prompt fdisk -l08:52
Nobgul-BNCwill tell u the drives08:52
Guest63597hello all08:52
msx78is there a way to use Xvesa instead of Xorg?08:52
DJHenjinbloody hell, it should be /dev/md0, but /dev/md0 doesnt contain a valid partition table08:53
bullgard4!ask | Guest6359708:53
ubottuGuest63597: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:53
DJHenjinwell, nether does /dev/md108:53
Guest63597let me know08:53
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Guest63597dev/md1 shoud work08:54
DJHenjinyeah but /dev/md1 is swap08:54
Guest63597by the way anybody here knows dj stolen ?08:54
DJHenjinand doesnt have a valid partition table either08:54
DJHenjinnow i really need help08:55
Guest63597i need help with vpn08:56
Guest63597not working at all08:56
msx78Is it possible to use Xvesa instead of Xorg? how can I set it up?08:56
lukafulmineXvesa no,but vesa yes08:57
msx78anything but Xorg will work08:57
DJHenjincan anyone help me figure this out?08:57
lukafulmineyou can set it from /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:57
Guest63597hey i need a ride to new york anybody heading that way soon?08:57
bullgard4!enter | DJHenjin08:58
ubottuDJHenjin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:58
msx78the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesn't exist, I'm running Ubuntu 11.0408:58
Guest63597lots of bugs08:59
bullgard4Guest63597: Stop trolling.08:59
lukafulminemsx78 you have to do : gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and modify in this string (  Section "Device" --- Identifier "Videocard0" ----- Driver "vesa")08:59
Guest63597any review for bt5?08:59
cyphaCan I search within files?08:59
cyphatext files08:59
llutz_cypha: use grep09:00
msx78lukafulmine: if the file doesn't exist, create and saving it in that path, will work?09:00
cyphaI want a query of all files that say “*myproject.views*09:00
cyphawithin the text of the file09:00
DJHenjinim attempting to setup software raid1 in ubuntu server 11.04, i got to the point where it wanted me to install grub2 onto a disk. /dev/md0 being my ext4 partition for the software raid is what i tried, grub failed to install to it, so i dropped to a shell and listed all my drives, at which point i found out /dev/md0 (ext4) and /dev/md1 (swap) both do not have a valid partition table, how fix?09:01
lukafulmineno, because in default there is this file, try to search it, (different name???)09:01
SmokeyDhey everyone. How do I mark a set of packages in the update manager that should not be upgraded? Ubuntu wants to upgrade my firefox to FF5 all the time, but I don't want that (yet) due to incompatible plugins. But the update manager keeps suggesting the update09:01
DogearsAny idea why my CD/DVD is showing as floppy0?09:01
lukafulminemsx78 this is the guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397309:02
msx78thank you09:03
DJHenjinbetter bullgard4 ?09:03
jtannenbaumhow would I wget something like http://www.djangoproject.com/download/1.3/tarball/ where it isn't the direct file09:03
jtannenbaumit just starts the download09:03
lukafulminemsx78 all ok?09:04
bullgard4DJHenjin: Yes.09:04
DJHenjinim just going to abort the install and start from fsck'ing scratch09:04
msx78I'm going to read the guide and test, I'll be back in a while ^^09:05
lukafulminemsx78 ok09:06
cyphallutz_, when I use --> grep “term” , I get no results09:06
cyphaI have to press ctrl+c to get the command prompt back09:06
rams_panduHow can I know the port number on which mysql is running?09:07
DJHenjinprobably default rams_pandu09:07
llutz_cypha: grep searchpattern file09:07
cyphai dont know what kind of file it’s in09:07
llutz_rams_pandu:3306 default09:07
rams_panduDJHenjin, what is the default value?09:07
rams_pandullutz, thank you.09:07
cyphallutz_, is that required?09:07
llutz_rams_pandu: sudo lsof -i09:08
rams_panduDJHenjin, thank you09:08
llutz_cypha: grep "myproject.views" *09:09
llutz_cypha: "man grep" for more usefull options09:09
bullgard4Why does the mc file viewer (F3 key) in my Lucid computer not show the keywords of a program text colorfully? But my Natty's mc does.09:10
DJHenjinim trying to install to software raid 1 on ubuntu 110.6 64 bit server edition,, im new to this and need help09:11
DJHenjin11.04 sorry09:11
theadminbullgard4: Well, Natty probably has a newer mc version with some cool features09:11
bullgard4theadmin: Yes.09:11
cyphathanks llutz_09:11
Airriswell that plan failed entirely.  maybe someone new is around that can help : I have source code for a version of a library newer than what's in the repositories. I want to install it without having to remove the hundreds of dependencies the old library has. Not breaking half of the system in doing this would be nice too :P09:12
DJHenjinwill i be able to get help with this issue or should i expect to be patronized because im not using automatic partitioning09:12
d_atharvahi....my ubuntu one account need to be connected manually after every startup.is there any way so that Ubuntu one can start synchronisation automatically ?09:12
tarzeauhow can i remove/disable the "shut down computer" in unity (natty)?09:12
mgolischAirris: install it into some custom prefix?09:13
petrolmand_atharva, is your auto user login enabled?09:13
Airrismgolisch : will the programs hunting for this newer version still be able to find it?09:13
d_atharvapetrolman : I dont know ...how to chek for it ?09:14
theadminAirris: How about dpkg --no-force-deps -P that_library ?09:14
petrolmand_atharva, do you need to enter a password at startup ob Ubuntu ?09:14
mgolischAirris:youll mostlikely have to  write a startscript that changes LD_LIBRARY_PATH09:14
mgolischthats how i would do it, that way it does not affect any of the system installed stuff09:15
Airristheadmin, what will that do? hunting for --no-force-deps in the man pages09:16
Airrishaven't found it yet09:16
byomkeshbakshiI have installed Ubuntu 11.04 on a virtual box on WindowsXP. I am trying to setup ssh port forwarding but the command just hangs and nothing happens. After a while I get connection time out. ssh -L8000:localhost:8000 server.com -N What could be the reason?09:16
theadminAirris: It's for ignoring dependencies if I recall right09:16
theadminAirris: err, sorry, it's --no-force-depends09:16
theadminAirris: Or, there is --ignore-depends09:17
theadminAirris: Not sure which of these does what *exactly*, cause the only package manager I have near me is pacman, not dpkg09:18
DJHenjinwell then, i guess it was pointless to think i could get any help09:19
Airristheadmin, ok let me experiment with this a bit, there's the --simulate option for me to try before ripping this system to pieces :D09:20
Airrissince i'm replacing libjpeg. a crapton of applications are going to go boom if i get this wrong09:20
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llutz_Airris: if your version is newer than the repos one, it shouldn't break anything. build a deb with correct version numbering. most packages depend on libs "version xxx or higher"09:23
king42net split  :)09:23
Airrisllutz, what won't break anything ? I'm still not entirely sure what i'm supposed to be doing here. Trying to remove libjpeg62 and install libjpeg8c from source in commandline was the best idea i had. If something simplier would work that'd be great09:24
snoemanHow do I make keyring log me in automatically at startup. I am using ubuntu 11.0409:25
theadmin!checkinstall | Airris09:25
ubottuAirris: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!09:25
Airrisyea i know about that part :) Just do i need to uninstall the old library before doing that?09:25
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theadminAirris: If the package is named the same, actually not09:25
mark_sczhow can i migrate from an encrypted folder to a non-encrypted folder09:26
mgolischsrsly dudes, why dont you just compile it by hand and write a startscript for that app that needs the newer lib?09:26
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Airristheadmin, how would i find out if they're the same?09:27
theadminAirris: Err... Specify the package name as the same one as one you have installed when checkinstall'ing09:27
llutz_Airris: they aren't libjpeg62 != libjpeg8c09:27
Kartagiswhat's this called? http://render.groupon-content.net/farm/v1/barcode/qrcode/base64url/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5ncm91cG9uLXBhcnRuZXIuY29tL3JlZGVlbS9Ra016TkRJeU1EUkJRZy9PVGN6THprM05EYy8zOTU0MTMvMTQxNDUwMDk/150/150.png09:28
ikoniaa url ?09:28
DJHenjininstalling ubuntu server 11.04 64 bit, on software raid. manually partitioned disks, creating md0 (ext4) and md1 (swap), trying to install grub2 fails. drop to shell in install menu, run fdisk -l and shows /dev/md0 and /dev/md1 both missing valid partition table, this is second attempt to install. getting frustrated09:28
KartagisI mean the image type09:28
theadminKartagis: A QR code09:28
Kartagishmm, thanks09:29
ikoniaKartagis: is that anything to do with ubuntu09:29
ikoniaDJHenjin: do they have partition tables ?09:29
ikoniaKartagis: ok, so please keep the non-ubuntu stuff out please.09:29
DJHenjintheay are showing as not having valid partition tables09:30
ikoniaDJHenjin: that's the problem then09:30
DJHenjinnooo really,i thought it was because they're in something i own09:30
ikoniaDJHenjin: sorry what ?09:31
DJHenjinnothing i own ever fricking works properly, even when i set it up according to guides online09:31
ikoniaDJHenjin: did you create a partition layout on the meta devices ?09:31
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ikoniaDJHenjin: what guide are you following ?09:32
DJHenjintried this one first09:32
Airrisllutz, theadmin : just to make sure you two aren't disagreeing, so the checkinstall thing will work if i masquerade this new package as the old one's name?09:33
snoemanCan I ask again. How do make keyring log me in automatically at startup on 11.0409:33
sukhi1yo yo yo09:33
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok , let me have a quick look at that, but did you actually create a partition table on the meta devices ?09:33
DJHenjinim new to this stuff09:33
theadminAirris: Better listen to llutz_, (s)he's a regular here and IIRC an op too09:33
DJHenjini setup md0 as ext409:33
theadminAirris: I'm not even an Ubuntu user xD09:34
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok - so think of it logcially, a raid disk is just a virtual disk, made up of multiple disks. Can you install to a disk without a partition (and partition table) ?09:34
DJHenjini know that09:34
llutz_Airris: that won't work with apps expecting libjpeg8c. better listen to mgolisch :)09:34
DJHenjinim new to ubuntu, not computers09:34
ikoniaDJHenjin: oh, if you know all this, then you should be able to figure it out - bye09:34
llutz_theadmin: i'm not :)09:34
theadminllutz_: Not what?09:34
llutz_theadmin: op09:34
theadminllutz_: Oh okay, you totally look like one though xD09:35
Airrismgolisch, ok... looks like everyone just agreed startup script is the way to go. how do i do that?09:35
llutz_theadmin:nope, channel would be nearly empty if i were :) </ot>09:35
theadminllutz_: looool09:35
DJHenjinthere people go again patronizing me because im new to linux09:36
amit2011any1 knows how I can find the MBR?09:36
ikoniaDJHenjin: no - because you're telling me you know this09:36
theadminamit2011: Sorry, WUT?09:36
ikoniaDJHenjin: when you're installing what raid level are you using ? 0, 1, 5 etc09:36
amit2011I need to install BURG09:36
DJHenjinwhen did i tell you that, i said i know how raid works and that you need a partition table to install anything09:36
ikoniaamit2011: I don't you "need" BURG09:36
DJHenjin raid 109:36
theadminllutz_: May I pm you for a sec? I want to wonder why would the channel be "empty"09:37
amit2011It says to specify the partition to install burg09:37
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok so in the installer it tells you to select "manual" for the partition layout, did you select manual ?09:37
ikoniaDJHenjin: did you create partitions ?09:37
sukhi1r u real dj?09:37
ikonia!topic > sukhi109:37
ubottusukhi1, please see my private message09:37
llutz_theadmin: sure09:37
DJHenjinon the physical disks, yes09:38
ikoniaDJHenjin: no - on the raid disk - the meta device09:38
sukhi1i have read09:38
ikoniaDJHenjin: as that's where you are installing, to the meta device09:38
DJHenjintheres no option to do that anywhere09:38
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ikoniaDJHenjin: ok - so just so I'm clear are you doing individual partitions on the disks converted to raid meta devices, or are you doing a whole disk as a raid device, then partitioning the raid device09:39
mallet`Hi. How can I have wicd start at boot? I removed networkmanager and installed wicd and wicd-daemon (using apt-get). But at the moment, I need to start wicd manually: sudo service wicd start.09:39
DJHenjini folowed the guide i linked EXACTLY09:40
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok - so that explains why they have no partition tables, as the meta devices you've created are partitions of the disks themselves09:40
ikoniaDJHenjin: am I correct in thinking your problems is that you're trying to install grub / fix grub ?09:41
DJHenjininstall grub09:41
pksadiqmallet`: might be sudo update-rc.d wicd enable09:41
DJHenjinhtis is a fresh install09:41
ikoniaDJHenjin: what command are you doing to install grub ?09:41
DJHenjinthe ubuntu 11.04 server installer ISO09:41
ikoniaDJHenjin: yes, but that's not worked so what are you doing to fix it09:42
DJHenjinnothing because im new to ubuntu09:42
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok - if you look in the guide you quoted me, it gives you an example of a common grub problem and it's resolution09:42
DJHenjinwhich says its fixed in 9.10 and should stand to reason that its fixed in 11.0409:43
mallet`pksadiq: sounds good. wicd appers in sysv-rc-conf after the command you gave. Thanks!09:43
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ikoniaDJHenjin: it doesn't always work depending on your layout and your hardware09:43
pksadiqmallet`: np ;)09:44
go8765_ohello. can i find in ubuntu something like Dragonfly but with canceled option?09:44
DJHenjini tried #grub-install /dev/sdb #grub-install /dev/sdc  and it didnt do anything09:45
ikoniaDJHenjin: are your disks called /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc ?09:45
DJHenjinthe physical disks yes09:46
ikoniaDJHenjin: ah, so you don't have an sda09:46
DJHenjinsda would be the USB that im booted off of,09:46
joppanhelo ...my wpa/wpa2 doesnot connect automaitcally in ubuntu 10.1009:47
ikoniaDJHenjin: ahhhh you're botting off a usb, did you install from the usb ?09:47
DJHenjinim attempting to install off the USB09:47
king42DJHenjin:  try fdisk -l en use pastebin so ikonia can help you09:47
joppani have to manually connect to my wifi network each time i log in09:47
ikoniaDJHenjin: that may explain why grub didn't get installed correctly09:47
joppananyone out please help09:48
prabhakarhello for all09:48
ikoniaDJHenjin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub09:48
DJHenjinhow am i supposed to pastebin something from an install?09:48
ikoniaDJHenjin: that will tell you how to re-apply grub to the mbr of your disks, keep in mind you want to apply it to /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc - not a09:48
ikoniaDJHenjin: also keep in mind you want to reference physical disks, not the meta disk, as that's not assembled at this point in time09:49
maahesI'm getting a nasty crash from nautilus whenever I try and do anything involving an external drive, it seems the nautilus-gdu extension is crashing, I'm running a fully updated natty09:49
prabhakarsome  times my  mouse tucch pad hang out whic s/w i want to be install09:49
* Airris headdesks. 09:50
joppanhow toupdate nautilus to 3.0.2 form 2.30.2 on my ubuntu 10.1009:50
Airriswell thanks everyone, it turns out the problem might be something other than this in the first place09:50
maahesit attempts to do it the first time, and then summons up an infinite number of additional nautiluses, after I manage to kill them all, nautilus crashes after trying to load nautilus-gdu and gives this error  http://pastebin.com/GjdjY9Sk09:51
Airristhat'd be good news in a sense that it's still looking like getting libjpeg8 working might be annoying09:51
DJHenjinnot working09:51
ikoniaDJHenjin: you can't have done it that quick - you can't have read that document09:51
prabhakar  joppen:  just type on terminal what u want install ubuntu automaticall updated09:52
DJHenjinits called reading fast, or speedreading. some people reach speeds in excess of 1000 words per minute with comprehension of more than 90%09:52
ikoniaDJHenjin: you need comprehension %10009:52
ikoniaDJHenjin: what is the problem, what makes you think it's not working09:52
DJHenjinof more than 90% includes 100%09:52
Airrisactually wait : one last question : llutz : out of curiosity, what would happen if i just tried to checkinstall libjpeg8 to standard location? Would it override the older library safely, give me an error and refuse, or just plain break everything?09:52
joppanprabhakar: says natutilus is uptodate09:53
joppani want to upgrade to 3.0.209:53
llutz_Airris: i don't know for sure, it might overwrite parts of the old version09:53
Airrisllutz, hmm. would dpkg know how to revert it if i uninstalled it afterwords?09:54
llutz_Airris: it should if the deb is ok09:54
DJHenjinscrew it, if its going to be this stupidly complex to get any help at all ill just keep using windows09:54
Airrisllutz, and there's a way to forcibly just reinstall the older package over itself if that doesnt work, right?09:54
* Airris is thinking about trying this out and seeing if it works09:55
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok,09:55
llutz_Airris: yes09:55
Airrisyay! experiment time09:55
Airriswell i'm heading off for the night, going to try doing this. if it doesn't work. ah well.09:56
Airristhanks llutz09:56
DJHenjinthere has to be an easier way to do this09:56
ikoniaDJHenjin: that is the method if the auto installer doesn't work09:57
DJHenjinno that is the method if theres an existing grub installed and you can boot INTO ubuntu09:57
ikoniaDJHenjin: no it's not, it is the method of re-applying grub if grub is not working09:58
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DJHenjinwhich i kinda cant do because it requires to be booted into a live CD09:58
ikoniaDJHenjin: you have a usb09:58
DJHenjini cant abort the install before its finished09:58
ikoniaDJHenjin: ah, so the install hasn't finished09:59
DJHenjinno it hasnt09:59
ikoniaDJHenjin: let the install complete and resolve problems afterwards09:59
DJHenjini need to install grub from the installer before i can continue09:59
ikoniaDJHenjin: in the installer where are you telling it to install grub ?09:59
DJHenjininto /dev/md09:59
ikoniaDJHenjin: also where are you running the commands I asked you to run that you said don't work if you're in the installer ?09:59
Evanescenceubuntu-docs is the project that pressing F1 to view ? I want to remove it, because its F1 is conflict with my key bindings . Can I ?10:00
DJHenjinthe ubuntu installer menu has a shell you can execute10:00
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok - as I said earlier you don't install to /dev/md10:00
ikoniaDJHenjin: you need a physical DISK as the meta devices are mirrors of the partitions10:00
DJHenjinive trid sdb sdc sdb0 sdc010:00
ikoniaDJHenjin: grub should go onto /dev/sdb (for the master boot record) and point at /dev/sdb(number) where your /boot directory is stored10:01
ikoniaDJHenjin: raid what ?10:01
prabhakarhow can i create cloud with my system10:01
ikoniaprabhakar: how many systems do you have ?10:01
DJHenjingrub has to be on both disks in the raid 110:01
prabhakar4 systems10:01
ikoniaDJHenjin: yes, but you can deal with that after - put it on /dev/sdb to boot the machine10:01
ikoniaDJHenjin: the installer should put it onto it's sister disk foryou10:02
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=== AlertEye_ is now known as AlertEye
NicklessHey guys, I tried to copy a file to a folder, but it says "Error opening file '/usr/share/irssi/themes/screwer.png': Permission denied", and when i open the folder with "sudo nautilus" it says "Operation not supported", so what can I do about it?10:02
ikoniaprabhakar: there is the ubuntu cloud components, have you checked them out ?10:02
prabhakarwher i can check10:02
DJHenjinunable to install GRUB in /dev/sdb10:02
ikoniaprabhakar: they have specific requirements though, so make sure you check out the details properly10:02
ikoniaDJHenjin: does it give any more info in the other virtual terminals ?10:02
ubottuThe Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus, is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC10:03
DJHenjinikonia what exactly do you mean?10:03
rnimeioso many body here  who can response me10:03
ikoniaDJHenjin: I mean do you have any more information than that one line, look in the other virtual terminals for more info10:03
DJHenjinvirtual terminal?10:03
ikoniaDJHenjin: alt+f3 / f410:03
prabhakarno mam now i am beginner to create cloud10:03
rnimeiovirtual box?10:04
DJHenjinoh my10:04
NicklessHey guys, I tried to copy a file to a folder, but it says "Error opening file '/usr/share/irssi/themes/screwer.png': Permission denied", and when i open the folder with "sudo nautilus" from terminal, it says "Operation not supported", so what can I do about it? Help??10:04
ikoniaNickless: gksudo nautilus10:04
DJHenjinikonia definately more info10:04
Nicklessgksudo? what's that?10:04
prabhakarvirtual box its supports multiple operating system10:05
ikoniaNickless: the command you use to launch gui apps as root (not sudo)10:05
DJHenjin'error: Runing 'grub-install --no-floppr --force "/dev/sdb" failed'10:05
NicklessOh, thank you, ikonia  ^^10:05
ikoniaDJHenjin: if you do "fdisk -l /dev/sdb" in the console, what do you see10:06
NicklessIt still says ''Operation not supported''10:06
ikoniaNickless: where is this file kept ?10:06
DJHenjinikonia, which part?10:06
Nickless"~/.irssi/themes" actually10:07
ikoniaDJHenjin: does it sow you the partitions ?10:07
ikoniaDJHenjin: how many partitions does it have ?10:07
DJHenjin3, sdb1 sdb2 sdb510:08
ikoniaNickless: open a terminal and type "ls -la /usr/share/irssi/themes/screwer.png"10:08
ikoniaDJHenjin: are those partition types listed as raid/autodetect ?10:08
DJHenjin1&5 are yes, 2 is extended10:08
wsagenthi therere10:09
ikoniaok, that's pertty reasonable10:09
DJHenjinwait a tick sdb2 occupies the same space as sdb510:09
evdveldeHi all, is there a way to make sure interfaces have an IP address when networking is started? Thus networking service waiting for DHCP replies before proceeding?10:09
NicklessKay, thnks10:09
ikoniaDJHenjin: it will do because sb2 is an extended partition and sdb5 is inside that extended partition10:09
DJHenjinah okay10:10
ikoniaevdvelde: dhclient already does that unless it hits the time out10:10
d_atharvapetrolman : thanks..its working now....10:10
ikoniaDJHenjin: I can't see a reason why you can't apply to sdb from the information you've given me10:10
NicklessUmm, ikonia, screwer.png is not in the folder, I want to save it there,but it's not there.10:10
shinobilordI've searched high and low but still can't find out how to "properly" disconnect from ssh. Any ideas?10:10
evdveldeikonia: by default? we tried it but even when putting condor in rc.local, it was aborted because no ip address was already available10:11
bullgard4Why does the mc file viewer (F3 key) in my Lucid computer not show the keywords of a program text colorfully? But my Natty's mc does.10:11
ikoniaDJHenjin: if you scroll back in the installer and select "don't install a boot loader" I can help you apply grub afterwards10:11
ikoniaNickless: so that's why you are getting an error -it's not there10:11
ikoniabullgard4: later version, enchancments ?10:11
NicklessNah, I get those errors when I try to save it there.10:12
DJHenjinalright fully installed10:12
ikoniaNickless: just do "sudo cp /home/.irssi/file /usr/share/whereever/file10:12
ikoniaDJHenjin: out of interest, try to boot it - see what it says10:12
DJHenjinyeah im trying10:12
Nicklesscp: cannot stat `/home/.irssi/file': No such file or directory10:13
llutz_shinobilord: quit from ssh? ctrl-d or type exit10:13
ikoniaNickless: oh come on - you know the name of your own file - it was an example10:13
NicklessO man10:13
DJHenjinikonia zip zilch nada zero10:14
shinobilordllutz_: cheers dude. Those only close ur current session but don't force you to re-enter ur passphrase/password on next ssh session10:14
ikoniaDJHenjin: no error ?10:14
DJHenjinno error but no worky10:14
ikoniaDJHenjin: black screen ?10:14
DJHenjinone minute, it didnt get past BMC setup10:15
DJHenjinyeah nothing, the POST stuff is left on screen and it goes to a newline10:15
llutz_shinobilord: restart ssh-agent (just a guess)10:16
ikoniaDJHenjin: just give it a minute, if it times out the error can be useful10:16
DJHenjinwaiting patiently10:16
ikoniaDJHenjin: did you install from the server CD ?10:16
DJHenjinthe server ISO put on a USB according to the instructions on the DOWNLOAD SITE10:17
shinobilordllutz_: I'll put that one on the list :)10:17
ikoniaDJHenjin: or the desktop cd ?10:17
ikoniaDJHenjin: any reason you didn't use the desktop cd ?10:17
DJHenjinbecause its a fricking server10:17
ikoniaDJHenjin: so ?10:17
martin__am unable to install skype10:17
ikoniaDJHenjin: you said you are new to linux the desktop CD makes an excellent server plus is easier to deal with for people who are new to Linux10:17
DJHenjinserver ISO installed on physical Dell server = better10:17
martin__how do i install?10:18
ikoniaDJHenjin: no it's not ?10:18
ikoniaDJHenjin: why do you think that ?10:18
DJHenjinive used ubuntu before, but not ubuntu server10:18
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok - so why do you think the server install is better on a dell server ?10:18
DJHenjinbecause it doesnt have the GUI which can use up resources that are needed for other things10:18
DJHenjinplus less bloatware10:18
ikoniaDJHenjin: you can shut the gui off10:18
ikoniaDJHenjin: no it's not10:18
ikoniaDJHenjin: fine, lets move on then10:19
DJHenjindesktop comes with graphical editors and music players and all that stuff which is useless on a server10:19
ikoniaDJHenjin: the server install cd has a recovery environment from mememory - could you please boot into that10:19
MarcelT3how can "ls" be made to echo the whole path to a file (i.e. when grepping in ls -R) ?10:19
DJHenjinalright give me 4 minutes for post10:19
=== Administrator is now known as Guest1992
king42martel: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/index.aspx download 4th or use with wine no installation needed10:21
Guest1992can anyone here help me with stardict?10:21
RoricHmm, StarDict disappeared from SourceForge...10:23
DJHenjinbooting into recovery environment10:23
RoricThere, it's back.10:24
DJHenjinikonia , its going through the same stuff as an install10:24
ikoniaDJHenjin: it's just setting up the enviornment10:24
llutz_MarcelT3: you'd better use "find" than ls10:25
DJHenjinokay, device to use as root filesystem?10:25
DJHenjinassemble raid array?10:25
ikoniaDJHenjin: can you select meta devices ?10:25
ikoniaDJHenjin: if possible sure10:25
Guest1992can anyone access stardict.sourceforge.com?10:25
Guest1992or org10:25
DJHenjinokay its assembled, now i have meta devices10:25
DJHenjinmeta device 0?10:26
MarcelT3llutz_ found that out right in that moment as well :)10:26
pksadiqGuest1992: yes, I do stardict.sf.net10:26
Hedgehog456If I want a LAMP server in what order do I install Apache2, MySQL, PHP?10:26
monkey1911we got any ndiswrapper experts in here tonight?10:27
DJHenjinikonia what now?10:27
novoidWhen I do face problems using an external TFT with other resolution than 1024x768, which package do I have to blame in a bug report? Xorg?10:27
pksadiqGuest1992: but no access to downoads10:27
amit2011any1 has any idea where my MBR is instaled 2 which partition? how can i find?\10:27
DJHenjinalright i have a shell at /dev/md/0 ikonia10:29
Guest1992pksadiq:do u know how to use stardict with xdxf10:29
NavionCan someone tell me how to get to single user so I can efsck my system disk?10:29
NavionI'm running 10.04 LTS10:29
Guest1992does anyone know how to get xdxf working with stardict?10:30
DJHenjininstalled grub on sdb and sdc, now booting10:30
DJHenjinikonia im at grub, but it wants commands to be passed to it now10:31
adurodeaDJHenjin: which grub prompt?10:32
DJHenjingrub2 i would guess10:32
adurodeai meant the normal prompt rescue or ?10:32
DJHenjinnormal boot10:32
DJHenjinno ISO connected to the system10:32
beef-supremedoes anyone here use a tv tuner? i have a tv tuner related problem10:33
tasslehoffIs there a way I can give a system account a home folder? I need the Jenkins user to have ssh-keys.10:33
DJHenjingod this is a pain10:34
adurodeaDJHenjin: set root(hd0,msdos1)10:34
llutz_tasslehoff: you can specify any key-location you want with ssh10:34
adurodeaDJHenjin: linux (hd0,msdos1)/boot/vlinuz26 ro10:34
DJHenjinadurodea, not working10:35
tasslehoffllutz_: yeah, but I have no way (in Jenkins) to specify the key location on the command line, so I need to get Jenkins a ~/.ssh/config directory10:35
ikoniaDJHenjin: just away from desk= back asap010:36
adurodeaDJHenjin: initrd (hd0,msdos1)/boot/kenel26.img or something like that10:36
llutz_tasslehoff: read "man usermod" then (-a -d ...   iirc)10:36
adurodeaDJHenjin: ok where did it fail? (change hd0,msdos1 to where your kernel image/init are and root to where grub is10:37
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok - back10:37
ikoniaDJHenjin: as I understand it you've applied grub10:37
DJHenjinyeah grub is installed in the array10:38
ikoniaDJHenjin: if you do "sudo fdisk -l" you should see your disks, I'm assuming the raid disks are still /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc ?10:38
ikoniaDJHenjin: but it's hitting the real disks, yes ? not the mdX meta devices10:38
DJHenjinthat mean i have to reboot into recovery right?10:39
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok - so you've not installed grub yet, you're just in the recovery shell10:39
DJHenjini did install grub10:39
DJHenjini was just at grub10:39
ikoniaat grub ?10:39
DJHenjininstall grub, reboot10:39
ikoniahow did you install grub ?10:40
FrankLvHi, All. I got a weird problem today, the file is there but can't execute10:40
FrankLvhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/628325/    Please helps me to find out why10:40
DJHenjingrub-install /dev/sdb and then grub-install /dev/sdc10:40
ikoniaDJHenjin: nah ! that's not how it's done, you need the other document I gave you10:41
ikoniaDJHenjin: but with a few minor modifications10:41
DJHenjinlet me get back into recovery then10:41
DJHenjini somehow lost that page in my history and cant find it again10:43
DJHenjinnvm found it10:43
DJHenjinikonia alright im now into recovery10:47
ikoniaDJHenjin: give me 2 minutes, just need to finish something quickly10:47
ThePhobosIm currently using ubuntu-one on windows and it seems to create files with clsIds.... Does anyone know why and wether I may delete them (since it sometimes even uploads them into my u1 file store)10:50
DJHenjinalright this is messed up, in recovery mode i told it to automatically assemble raid devices and its given me /dev/md126 and 12710:50
oCeanFrankLv: there is java in the partner repositories10:50
lolcatThePhobos: Are you asking the same question in several channels?10:50
userThePhobos: nvm I had the channel open in two windows10:51
administrator__ask for trouble10:51
tasslehoffllutz: supplementary group?10:51
FrankLvoCean: I'm not looking for java, I'm trying to install websphere application server under ubuntu server10:51
auroraa94hey is there a guy that can help me install the catalyst 11.6 drivers from the amd site10:51
FrankLvinstall media ship with jre10:52
DJHenjinis there a way to rename my meta devices?10:52
auroraa94hey am i online?10:53
adurodeaauroraa94: yes10:53
auroraa94hey can anyone help me with my graphics card problem10:53
adurodeaauroraa94: the ati catalyst drivers should be in the repositories no?10:54
oCeanFrankLv: in your paste you are trying to execute java.10:54
auroraa94yes they are but they are very slow10:54
adurodeaauroraa94: and you are expecting the ones on the site to be different because?10:54
novoidHow can I disable 3D on 11.04?10:55
auroraa94well the ones from the reposetory are version 11.2...im shooting for newer :|10:55
auroraa94in hope for better results10:55
FrankLvoCean: Right, I try to install Webphere but failed, After a little investgate I found the cause is java won't execute.10:55
adurodeaauroraa94: ok what happens when you try to install them? What command are you executing?10:55
oCeanFrankLv: I don't think oracle supports running on ubuntu10:55
Dragonster82Uhmhey guys i need help10:55
Dragonster82Why is my ubuntu running really LAGGY?10:56
Dragonster82im running on natty10:56
auroraa94well i install them clean...like i was told from the link http:/**/help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI10:56
monkey1911Can I get a little bit of help with ndiswrapper? I have some logs/info if needed.10:56
Dragonster82Any1 help me?10:56
Dragonster82Can someone help me duh10:56
Dragonster82About my ubuntu lag10:56
FrankLvoCean: oracle? it's a IBM product10:56
FrankLv17:56     FrankLv: oCean: oracle? it's a IBM product10:57
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Jamshoot
oCeanFrankLv: sorry, you're right. Confused (with weblogic)10:57
Dragonster82CAN ANYONE HELP ME10:57
oCeanDragonster82: first, drop the CAPS10:57
jpdsDragonster82: It's a bit vague what the issue is.10:57
Dragonster82It has never been this laggy10:57
sagaci!enter | Dragonster8210:57
ubottuDragonster82: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:57
Dragonster82when i scroll = lag, type = lag, Alot more!10:58
jpdsDragonster82: Sandybridge processor? Intel graphics?10:58
FrankLvoCean: one thing here is I'm wondering why the java command (along with all execute file untar from installation media) can't run10:58
auroraa94adurodea: do you have any solution?10:58
Dragonster82i use ati radeon 3100 (Integrated graphic cards )10:58
oCeanFrankLv: have you tried running:  file /apps/download/JDK/jre.pak/repository/package.java.jre/java/jre/bin/java10:58
auroraa94i use ati saphire 583010:58
NavionCan anyone point me to a RAM resident OS I can use to fsck my system disk?10:58
FrankLvoCean: yes10:58
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Jamshoot
Dragonster82Running what?10:58
oCeanFrankLv: result?10:59
auroraa94ubuntu 11.0410:59
DJHenjinyou could use backtrack4 in forensics mode10:59
Dragonster82I'm on ubuntu 11.0410:59
auroraa94so are 98% of the people on this channel :P10:59
DJHenjinwin 7/ubuntu 11.04 oh yeah10:59
auroraa94...just a fact :P10:59
Dragonster82Any way on how to fix my epic lag issue?10:59
Dragonster82Video lag like ****11:00
FrankLvoCean: /apps/download/JDK/jre.pak/repository/package.java.jre/java/jre/bin/java: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, not stripped11:00
auroraa94watching videos or something else?11:00
Dragonster82lol when i watch a video, it lags like hell11:00
auroraa94video drivers?11:00
Dragonster82In windows 7, it was perfectly fine11:00
FrankLvoCean: I'm runing 64 bit ubuntu server. But i'm sure it's ok to install 32 bit version Websphere11:00
Dragonster82Ima take pic of my stats lol11:00
Dragonster82i'll just type it out11:01
Dragonster82But nvm11:01
oCeanFrankLv: sure, if you also have 32bit libs added11:01
Dragonster82Graphic cards: Ati radeon 3100 ( Integrated graphic card)11:01
Dragonster82Ram: 3gb11:01
auroraa94how is it that i cant install the fucking drivers from the amd site properly11:02
Dragonster82Processor: (PS FOR TYPO ) AMD anthlon 64 x2 2.2ghz ( Rated at 4.4ghz )11:02
oCeanDragonster82: please stop using enter that much11:02
ThePhobosI asked this before - my IRC crashed tho.... Does anyone know what the .{clsid} files are good for in the windows ubuntu one client?11:02
oCeanDragonster82: try to describe your issue in one single line, then wait for an response11:03
DJHenjinbloody hell11:03
Dragonster82oh well, i just said it11:03
JamshootHello. Got a problem with hard disk, i always got a read DMA EXT error, while loading linux... Can some body help me with it or tell any other room, comuse i guess it is an offtom in ubuntu channel (my xchat stalls, then i try to see channel list)?11:03
Dragonster82Graphic cards: ATI radeon 3100 ( INtegrated ), Ram:3gb , Processor, amd anthlon 64 x2 2.2ghz ( Rated at 4.4.ghz ), using MSI v-class motherboard11:04
ikoniaDJHenjin: really sorry about that, all done now11:04
ikoniaDJHenjin: had to finish something off to give you proper attention11:04
auroraa94hey...where are the files for the amd graphic drivers suppose to be located?11:04
Jamshoot*sorry for gram. mistakes =)11:04
Dragonster82.. so who is gunna help me?11:04
shiftingcontroli am using ubuntu 11.04 i have ubuntu 11.04,9.10,fedora 14 and windows and my 11.04 is the main one from which grub loads,after entering bios password i get following error http://pastie.org/208185711:04
DJHenjinim attempting to install grub2 in /dev/md0 (raid1) to boot ubuntu server 11.04 64 bit using command sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/boot /dev/md0 i get error sudo unable to resovle host ubuntu and /usr/sbin/gurb-setup error unable to identify a filesystem in /dev/sdb: safety check can't be performed11:05
Dragonster82Any1 gunna help me?11:05
oCeanDragonster82: you still have not described what your issue is (detailed) and what you have done to try to resolve so far11:05
oCeanDragonster82: also, stop asking 'who is gonna help me'11:05
auroraa94i fucking did and nobody helped me :@11:05
oCeanauroraa94: control your language11:06
auroraa94so i will :|11:06
Dragonster82 oCean: uhh, i tried removing all effects from compiz, still not fixed! Stats:Graphic cards: ATI radeon 3100 ( INtegrated ), Ram:3gb , Processor, amd anthlon 64 x2 2.2ghz ( Rated at 4.4.ghz ), using MSI v-class motherboard11:06
oCeanauroraa94: it is all volunteers here, your attitude should reflect that. Also understand that help is not always available11:06
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok - lets step back a minute (apologies for going away from keyboard) you've rushed in a bit and that maybe a problem11:06
DJHenjinim following your link to a T11:07
auroraa94oCean-omg sorry guys :S11:07
ikoniaDJHenjin: yes, but I said it needs changing as you're doing something different11:07
oCeanDragonster82: "still not fixed" what is not fixed? No one here will understand your problem if your posting fragments of your issue.11:07
DJHenjinikonia ok, so what do ?11:07
Dragonster82 oCean: Video lag, everywhere is filled with lag, thats what.11:08
auroraa94ok i installed the drivers perfectly11:08
Dragonster82 oCean: In windows 7, videos could play perfectly fine without lag, so whats the problem?11:08
ikoniaDJHenjin: to me it looks like you didn't do the bind mounts11:08
auroraa94i will reboot and see if it works :D11:08
DJHenjini mounted md0 at / and md1 as swap11:08
ikoniaDJHenjin: what about the rest ?11:09
DJHenjinthe rest?11:09
ikoniaDJHenjin: yes, /dev, /proc11:09
Dragonster82Looks like oCean is gunna abandon me LOLOLOL11:09
monkey1911ROFL, thanks!11:09
DJHenjinikonia, like i said im new to this portion of ubuntu11:10
ikoniaDJHenjin: this is the same in any porition - and it's in the document that you'd said you'd read11:10
DJHenjindid i screw up royally?11:10
ikoniaDJHenjin: nah, it's all fixible11:10
ikoniaDJHenjin: is your recovery environemtn on the network ?11:10
DJHenjini did read it though, and followed it religiously11:10
DJHenjinyes its on the network11:10
ikoniaDJHenjin: you didn't read it through  as this is detailed in it11:10
ikoniaDJHenjin: could you please "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"11:11
monkey1911Still looking for some help with ndiswrapper, running 10.04 LTS. when I modprobe nsidwrapper I get no return, I have a dmesg log if that will help.11:12
DJHenjininstalled ikonia, what now11:12
ikoniaDJHenjin: excellent, please do "mount | pastebinit"11:12
ikoniaDJHenjin: (easier to work if I can see exact info)11:13
DJHenjinshould we do this in private?11:13
ikoniaDJHenjin: nah, it's fine11:13
ikoniaDJHenjin: if you type "exit" does it drop out of the chroot ?11:14
niko-nojoDoes anyone know how to add minimise,maximise,close buttons on the menu bar in Unity 11.04 ?11:14
DJHenjinit drops me to select where i want to execute a shell11:15
ikoniaDJHenjin: sorry, I've not worked with the server recovery console for a while so you'll have to be a little more descriptive, is it a menu system or just a shell ?11:16
DJHenjinits text based and asks where to execute a shell /dev/md/, installer environment11:17
ikoniaDJHenjin: could you again do "mount | pastebinit" please11:17
DJHenjinmenu based i guess11:17
ikoniaahh, so you don't have a command line,11:17
DJHenjinuntil i choose where to execute the shell at11:17
ikoniathis is going to be really tricky11:17
DJHenjinexecute from installer environment?11:18
ikoniaDJHenjin: I actually don't know what that option does11:18
* DJHenjin reminds himself to take deep breaths and count to ten slowly11:19
ikoniaDJHenjin: try it see what it does, but be careful11:19
ikoniaDJHenjin: we can always reboot back to the other enviornment11:19
DJHenjinwhat other environment?11:19
lapionHell I was wondering for a long time why ubuntu doesn't give the option to cancel updates/installs/upgrades while the process is still downloading files11:19
ikoniaDJHenjin: the md0 shell one11:19
DJHenjinim in the installer shell11:20
ikoniais it actually a shell environment that you can type with ?11:20
DJHenjinits terminal (badumtsh11:20
inputmicehi guys11:20
fwestcan i get ubuntu for arm cpu's?11:20
ikoniaDJHenjin: super, ok so mount /dev/md0 /mnt11:21
ikoniaDJHenjin: actually wait11:21
ikoniait's probably already mounted11:21
lapionfwest, you can get allmost anything if you google..11:21
ikoniaDJHenjin: do a "mount" and see if /dev/md0 is already mounted anywhere11:21
shiftingcontroli am using ubuntu 11.04 i have ubuntu 11.04,9.10,fedora 14 and windows and my 11.04 is the main one from which grub loads,after entering bios password i get following error http://pastie.org/208185711:21
inputmicewhere do i change the uuid in initramfs? the initramfs tries to boot from an "old" partition and i want to tell it to boot from the new one11:21
fwestlapion, google only talks about 9.04 for arm11:21
DJHenjinits mounte to /target11:22
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok - so lets "mount -o bind /dev /target/dev11:22
ikoniaDJHenjin: now lets do "mount -o bind /proc /target/proc"11:23
ikoniaDJHenjin: finally, cp /proc/mounts /target/etc/mtab11:23
DJHenjinas well done ikonia11:24
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok, now "chroot /target /bin/bash"11:24
DJHenjinas well done11:25
ikoniaexcellent, so you're now back in your install - but hopefully correclty mounted11:25
ikoniaDJHenjin: can you redo "mount | pastebinit" please11:25
ikoniaDJHenjin: not perfect, but more than good enough11:26
ikoniaDJHenjin: just let me work out the string you need,11:28
ikoniaDJHenjin: can you do "blkid" from witin that environment ?11:28
DJHenjinlet me guess pastebinit11:28
ikoniaDJHenjin: if you like, than I can work it out properly fo ryou11:29
DJHenjinif i didnt.... you wouldnt have anythign to go on11:29
ikoniaDJHenjin: well, I could ask you to work it out....11:29
xanderIs bitcollider no longer in ubuntu repos (Maverick)?11:30
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok, here we go11:30
ikoniaDJHenjin: "grub-install --boot-directory=/boot /dev/sdb"11:31
=== tum is now known as Guest80719
DJHenjin"installation finished. no error reported"11:32
ikoniaDJHenjin: cross your fingers and boot11:32
monkey1911Still looking for some help with ndiswrapper, running 10.04 LTS. when I modprobe nsidwrapper I get no return, I have a dmesg log if that will help. http://pastebin.com/8X9gVGjZ11:32
pksadiq!find bitcollider maverick11:33
ubottuPackage/file bitcollider does not exist in maverick11:33
xanderIt was there in intrepid (IIRC)11:33
DJHenjinwell flip11:33
DJHenjinim at grub, but its given me a prompt to type a command in11:34
ikoniaahhhh we forgot the menu !!!!11:34
DJHenjinah crap11:34
ikoniaDJHenjin: darn it, sorry, I totally didn't think11:34
xanderWhen was bitcollider removed?11:34
DJHenjinon my way back to recovery11:34
ikoniaDJHenjin: can you get back to the same place we where at before with everything mounted ?11:34
DJHenjinnot easily11:35
ikoniaDJHenjin: if you're not sure just ask11:35
ikoniaDJHenjin: get the basics done, then ask and we'll get it sorted11:35
DJHenjini mean i could go back in chat on here to look at the commands again, but at the rate messages are sent to this channel11:35
ikoniaDJHenjin: just get the thing booted, we'll set it back up again11:35
DJHenjintakes quite a while to boot into recovery,11:36
DJHenjinalright im in11:39
oCeanxander: packages.ubuntu.com says it was only in dapper and hardy11:40
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok so "mount -o bind /dev /target/dev"11:40
xanderoCean: I'm using it in intrepid on my old machine. So it was definitely there.11:40
xanderHowever, thanks for the confirmation.11:41
oCean!info bitcollider intrepid11:41
ubottu'intrepid' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable11:41
DJHenjinikonia next?11:41
ikoniaDJHenjin: mount -o bind /dev /target/dev11:41
ikoniasorry, just did that11:41
ikoniaDJHenjin: mount -o bind /proc /target/proc11:41
ikoniaDJHenjin: cp /proc/mounts /target/etc/mtab11:42
xanderubottu: Hardy (8.04) -> Intrepid (8.10) -> Jaunty (9.04) -> Karmic (9.10) -> Lucid, etc. :-)11:42
ubottuxander: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:42
oCeanxander: right, intrepid is eol, that's why the search did not give11:42
k_szeI forget what's the command to list the locales that are acceptable to assign to LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, etc.11:42
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xanderThat's why I enquired about maverick.11:43
oCean!info bitcollider maverick11:43
ubottuPackage bitcollider does not exist in maverick11:43
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf11:43
oCeanxander: so you're correct, it got removed11:43
xanderI know. Guess I'll just compile it from source.11:43
xanderThanks for your support!11:43
oCeanxander: welcome11:43
shiftingcontroli am using ubuntu 11.04 i have ubuntu 11.04,9.10,fedora 14 and windows and my 11.04 is the main one from which grub loads,after entering bios password i get following error http://pastie.org/208185711:44
xanderAnyway to petition Canonical to re-introduce it?11:44
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok so now "chroot /target /bind/bash"11:44
k_sze'locale -a', right?11:44
DJHenjinint it /bin/bash ?11:44
DJHenjinalright done11:45
ikoniaDJHenjin: oops, well spotted11:45
ikoniaDJHenjin: so now "update-grub2"11:46
ikoniaDJHenjin: look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg11:47
DJHenjincannot find list of partitions(try mounting /sys)11:47
ikoniaDJHenjin: does that file exist11:47
ikoniaahhh sys11:47
ikoniaDJHenjin: exit out of the chroot11:47
DJHenjinout of chroot11:47
ikoniaDJHenjin: mount -o bind /sys /target/sys11:48
ikoniaDJHenjin: chroot /target /bin/bash11:48
ikoniaDJHenjin: lets try "update-grub2" again11:49
ThePhobosMaybe some1 can help me now? I got files of the following type with my u1 windows client ".7e69c264-b81e-4920-a4b1-42c9b231eab7" (some kinda uuid?) and sometimes U1 even uploads them to my store ... any1 know what they are for or why?11:49
DJHenjincannot access cdrom no such file or directory11:49
DJHenjinno other errors though11:49
ikoniaDJHenjin: that's ok that's just a warning I think11:50
ikoniaDJHenjin: does that file exist ?11:50
ikoniaDJHenjin: look in /boot/grub/grub.cfg11:50
ikoniaDJHenjin: does it look like it contains real data ?11:50
ikoniaDJHenjin: just glance through it11:50
DJHenjinhow do i look in it?11:51
oCeanThePhobos: I have no idea. There is a channel #ubuntuone though11:51
ikoniaDJHenjin: open it with a text editor ?11:51
DJHenjinwhat one?11:51
ikoniaDJHenjin: anyone you want11:51
ThePhobosoCean: K Thx I will try there11:51
DJHenjini dont know which ones are installed, or should i install kate?11:51
ikoniaDJHenjin: hang on11:52
ikoniaDJHenjin: you said you didn't want a desktop ealier yet you want to use a text editor that needs a desktop11:52
DJHenjini used less11:52
ikoniaDJHenjin: just cat it11:52
ikoniaDJHenjin: less works11:52
=== samba is now known as Guest39548
DJHenjinlooks like real data to me11:52
ikoniaDJHenjin: ok - again, cross fingers, lets boot11:52
introublewhat is the best type of encryption? and how long it will take to encrypt/deencrypt ?. after encryption. can no NO ONE (in any case) open and read the hd partition?11:53
DJHenjindepends on the key length11:53
DJHenjinand with long keys they have to be stored somehow, unless you are going to memorize 10k digits11:54
ikoniaDJHenjin: ?11:54
DJHenjinencryption stuff11:54
ikoniaDJHenjin: who are you talking to ?11:54
theadminintrouble: I use AES encryption with a software called TrueCrypt, however you can not encrypt system partitions with it11:54
ejv"encryption" isn't a one-size-fits-all methodology, so your question is inherently silly11:56
introubletheadmin so how can i encrypt11:56
introublewhat max bit encrypt is available11:56
DJHenjincrap, well im at login, but i cant remember what my username is11:56
theadminintrouble: Look at their website, download the .deb package from there, enjoy -- it's got a clean, nice GUI11:57
theadminOh wait11:57
DJHenjinbloody hell11:57
theadminintrouble: They got rid of the .deb packages, they have one universal installer now, so use that11:58
DJHenjinis there any way i can recover my username?11:59
ikoniaDJHenjin: what do you mean ?11:59
DJHenjinit booted to the login prompt, i forgot what i put in during install for username, therefore i cannot login11:59
ikoniaDJHenjin: recovery time again, this should be easy /quick though12:00
introubletheadmin truecrypt ? isnt bitlock better ?12:00
DJHenjinonly problem is i have to go into the bios every time and change the boot order to USB12:01
theadminintrouble: I don't think so.12:01
ikoniaDJHenjin: can't help that12:01
DJHenjinwhich is good mind you because i can put a pass on bios and make it so someone cant boot it off of say backtrac412:01
introubletheadmin why so12:02
DJHenjinbitlocker can encrypt a system drive with a USB key as the key12:03
olskolirchow do i export path /ibus/bus to .config/ibus/bus please my script won't connect to the next command until I end the first one12:03
introubleDJHenjin can you elaborate12:03
DJHenjinon windows with bitlocker anyways12:03
theadminintrouble: It's not Windows-only, at the very least12:04
coderrhi, i'm trying to monitor changes of my (laptop) display brightness, which is stored and modifyed via /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness. but inotifywait /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness doesn't notice any events when i change the display brightness, tried it as root and as user. any hints on this?12:04
oCeanolskolirc: sorry, I don't know what you mean12:04
introubletheadmin truecrypt you mean is multi platform and bitlock is only for windows ?12:04
coderrthe file contents are actually changed btw., i checked that12:04
DJHenjinalright ikonia im in recovery12:05
theadminintrouble: Yeah...12:05
introubletheadmin what max bit of encryption is possible?12:05
theadminintrouble: Let me check12:06
monkey1911Still looking for some help with ndiswrapper, running 10.04 LTS. when I modprobe nsidwrapper I get no return, I have a dmesg log if that will help. http://pastebin.com/8X9gVGjZ12:06
theadminintrouble: Most of algorythms it supports use 256-bit keys, however you can combine multiple encryption algorythms, like AES+Twofish12:07
DJHenjinikonia im in recovery mode now,12:09
ikoniaDJHenjin: cat /etc/passwd | pastebinit12:10
ikoniaDJHenjin: your username is ubuntu-server-112:12
ikoniaDJHenjin: set the password on it by doing "passwd ubuntu-server-1"12:12
DJHenjinis it easy to change the password, i tried that a few times12:13
ikoniaDJHenjin: the command I've given you will change the password12:13
DJHenjinyeah i typed that just as you hit enter12:13
ikoniaDJHenjin: ahh, are you in the md0 chroot / shell enviornment ?12:13
ikoniaDJHenjin: great, no problem then12:14
DJHenjinits obviouse that i have to be there to get the pswd12:14
n0gearhas anyone had problems enabling wifi on minilaptops with broadcom adapter12:14
ikoniaDJHenjin: no it's not, as you could be looking the CD's password file12:14
ikoniaDJHenjin: you'll get a lot further if you stop giving smart repsonses to people who know more than you and are tyring to help you12:15
DJHenjinits obvious to me that if i want to see the password on the system installed in /dev/md0 you have to be in a shell at /dev/md012:16
DJHenjinsimple logic12:16
theadminn0gear: Yes, you need broadcom-wl12:16
ikoniaDJHenjin: the CD's password file will look pretty much the same12:16
ikoniaDJHenjin: why why I as checking you'd not modified the wrong acount12:16
DJHenjinexcept it wouldnt have username ubuntu-server-1 which i recognized as soon as i did the cat12:16
ikoniaDJHenjin: so your simple logic is flawed due to your lack of knowledge, so again, better to just answer questions than try to give smart answers and look foolish12:16
ikoniaDJHenjin: yes, but I didn't know that was your username, hence why I was checking12:17
ikoniaDJHenjin: trying to save you from making more silly mistakes12:17
DJHenjinit seriously is simple logic12:17
ikoniaDJHenjin: no, it's not, you're just trying to be smart, and looking a fool after I've just spent an hour trying to help you with basic things12:17
ikoniaDJHenjin: it's not hard to just say "yes, I'm in the md0 shell"12:17
DJHenjinbasic to an advanced linux user12:17
ikoniaDJHenjin: then perhaps dropping the smart responses would be helpful12:18
=== LukosAnth[Away] is now known as Lukosanthropos
DJHenjineither way i need food12:19
ikoniaI hope you don't need any more help, as I'll be backing away from your attitud enow12:19
ikoniaDJHenjin: and of course you are welcome for the help12:20
marceloBrazil, whats channel?12:20
ikonia!br | marcelo12:20
ubottumarcelo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:20
=== marcelo is now known as macfiree
monkey1911Still looking for some help with ndiswrapper, running 10.04 LTS. when I modprobe nsidwrapper I get no return, I have a dmesg log if that will help. http://pastebin.com/8X9gVGjZ12:21
* theadmin thought ikonia is saying stuff without getting any reply, but then realized I have /ignored that DJ dude for stupidity xD12:22
eleVenhi, i ve installed ubuntu 1.04 and i tried fooling around with compiz(cube) and now i cant work... no sidebars no topbars..... :(... what do i do ?12:25
DJHenjinikonia, just because i needed help installing ubuntu server on a non standard setup doesnt mean im a computer illiterate12:26
theadmineleVen: 1.04? Where did you even find that?12:26
eleVentheadmin, 11.0412:27
theadmineleVen: Ah. From what I know compiz doesn't work well on it, indeed :( Try running "unity --reset" in a terminal12:28
codeManiacHello. I need a text editor with built in support for version control. Asked google, it hushed me away. I seek refuge here.12:28
dr_williscodeManiac,  geany has all sorts of plugins and addons.12:28
eleVentheadmin, i couldn't even open terminal from tty7 so i logged in with tty6 and tried unity --reset . but unity wasn't even installed ...12:28
theadmineleVen: Huh. It's installed by default12:29
dr_williscodeManiac,  and i imagine such a thing exists for emacs.  if you like emacs. :)12:29
codeManiacdr_willis: thanks a bunch! checking it out! :)12:29
dr_williscodeManiac,  but i like geany for many other reasons. I even use it on my windwos box's12:29
ikoniaDJHenjin: doesn't excuse your lack of manners12:29
eleVentheadmin, i only "unity decorator " or something like that was there... tried --reset with that... didn't help12:29
codeManiacdr_willis: Sounds cool! I think I have used it before, but without the suitable plugins.12:29
DJHenjinikonia how old are you/how long have you used *nix12:29
ikoniaDJHenjin: doesn't matter - offtopic for this channel12:30
eleVenDJHenjin, chill12:30
DJHenjinjust trying to find out what species of bug is up your ass :)12:30
eleVentheadmin, should try compiz --replace after that and reboot12:30
ikoniaDJHenjin: the one that's telling you to control your attitude and mind your manners if you want to continue to use this channel for support12:31
macfireei have a problem, when i want a maximine the window12:31
ikoniaDJHenjin: you'll get really good help if you can drop the smart responses to the people helping you,12:31
macfireedont appear the options12:31
eleVentheadmin, can u tell me a terminal based irc so that i dont have to log on to windows again and again in order to find help/solution ?12:31
dr_williseleVen,  weechat or irssi12:31
theadmineleVen: irssi, weechat12:31
icerooteleVen: irssi + screen + ssh12:32
dr_williseleVen,  i perfer weechat, irssi is nice also. but lacking in some ways. :)12:32
DJHenjindude may i say 1 thing in a civilised manner?12:32
eleVenthanks :) all12:32
ikoniaDJHenjin: I think we'll leave it there please.12:32
theadminiceroot: s/screen/tmux/12:32
iceroottheadmin: what is better about tmux?12:33
dr_willisdiffernt featureset.12:34
dr_willismay be a little easier to learn. theres also byobu - which is screen+moreuserfriendly bindings12:34
theadminiceroot: More senseful keycombos + that green bar + split windows (if you used tiling wm's you can imangine) + etc12:34
iceroottheadmin: screen can also splitt windows12:34
dr_willisages ago i used 'twin' for a similer thing. but i think its no longer being developed.12:34
icerootbetter would be something were i can LATER attach a running shell into an existing screen session12:35
theadminiceroot: Oh, didn't bother to learn it enough12:35
dr_willistwin was sort of a 'text' based window manager for the console, (and later for X)   like the old dos-box drawing type programs.12:35
theadminiceroot: Oh and dtach can do that thing12:35
dr_willisiceroot,  always set up your shell to use screen by default :)12:35
introubletheadmin truecrypt cant encrypt external usb stick drive . can it?  or any other can ?12:35
dr_willisor was it byobu that could do that with a setting.12:35
icerootdr_willis: bashrc calling screen?12:35
theadminintrouble: It can12:36
icerootdr_willis: sorry, .zshrc :)12:36
theadminintrouble: My USB stick is encrypted with it :P12:36
introubletheadmin how much time does it takes for 8g12:36
introubletheadmin ic :)12:36
dr_willistheres a ways to set your default shell to call up screen - i saw byobu do it somehow.12:36
theadminintrouble: I dunno, probably 5 minutes for the initial format -- and working with TrueCrypt-ed drives is almost as fast as with non-encrypted ones12:37
icerootdr_willis: sounds nice, i will have a look but because screen is installed by default on the most systems i guess its best to stay with screen (like vi(m) instead of emacs)12:37
DJHenjinis there any way from terminal that i can get a list of installed packages?12:37
dr_willisiceroot,  byoybu is screen also. Just nicer keybiondingz12:37
dr_willisso your screen-fu skills will still work with it.12:38
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate12:38
codeManiacdr_willis: I installed geanyvc, exactly what i needed. Thanks again :).. good bye.12:38
introubletheadmin oh so every drive i have to encrypt should be first formated by truecrypt..?12:38
icerootdr_willis: nice, normally i only use ^a+c and ^a+n :)12:38
dr_willisthe first command there DJHenjin  puts all installed pacakges in a text file  :)12:38
theadminintrouble: Yeah12:38
dr_willisiceroot,  on my g15 kweyboard i set up special bindings to the GKeys :)12:38
introubletheadmin do i need a decrypting software installed on os to decrypt the stick. suppose i plug it into a linux os and want to read contents?12:39
introubletheadmin ic12:39
theadminintrouble: TrueCrypt decrypts as well as encrypts, you can just carry it's installers on a separate partition, like I do12:39
introubletheadmin ic.12:40
DJHenjinis there an EHCP package?12:40
introubletheadmin  ill take linux installers too.12:41
introubletheadmin one important idea i was thinking of. is it possible to stop anyone from formating the encrypted stick?12:41
theadminintrouble: Unfortunately there's no protection from formaatting, yeah :(12:41
DJHenjinsome USB flash drives have write protection which will prevent formatting12:41
DJHenjinits a physical write protection switch12:42
bazhang_DJHenjin, check packages.ubuntu.com12:42
dr_willisI bought a USB flash that couldent be formated.. or written to.. no switch either.. :) had to return it..12:42
introubleDJHenjin ya but that can be manually turned off12:42
introubledr_willis lolz12:43
theadminintrouble: But from what I know not even the FBI managed to decrypt data on a truecrypt partition12:43
eleVenhi again, succesfully got in here using weechat... how do i reset unity to get those sidebars again now ? theadmin12:43
hideaki974hi all12:43
eleVencant find terminal in tty7... how do i do this ?12:43
introubletheadmin you feel truecrypt is best when security is concerned?12:44
theadminintrouble: Yeah, my favorite12:44
dr_williseleVen,  7 is normally for X. 1-6 are for consoles12:44
introubletheadmin k..12:44
eleVendr_willis: ya, so where do i reset unity... i cant see any bars ... cant do anything except look at my usb drive on the desktop12:45
dr_williseleVen,  at any console. use the proper command12:45
dr_willisthen try logging back in... is one way12:46
introubletheadmin i heard you can use multiple alogrithems and keys ?12:46
eleVendr_willis: and what would be that ? unity --reset ? ive tried that...12:46
dr_williseleVen,  that resets the icons/launcher as far as i know..12:46
DJHenjinwhats the command for viewing current CPU load and stuff like that on ubuntu 11.04 server?12:46
dr_willistheres a few other unity/gnome/compiz reset commands12:46
theadminintrouble: Yes, you can even use files instead of/along with passwords (so feed the file to it when decrypting, and if it's the same file it will work, if it's not - it won't)12:47
eleVendr_willis: so can u directly tell me what i can do? cant use lynx to find solutions u know12:47
eleVendr_willis: the best part is all users are affected12:47
introubletheadmin hm. ic.12:48
introubletheadmin how much should be the key strengh?12:48
dr_willishttp://www.delicious.com/dr_willis 3 item - how to reset :)12:48
theadminintrouble: They recommend 20 characters and above for passwords12:48
dr_willisgconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-112:48
dr_willisunity --reset12:49
eleVentheadmin: please help... how do i reset unity ?12:49
dr_willisand/or unity --reset-icons12:49
theadmineleVen: What dr_willis says12:49
introubletheadmin i think i only have to remember the password . right?12:49
eleVeni dont understand dr_willis12:49
introubletheadmin iam currently using winrar atm12:50
dr_williseleVen,  use the command shown avove from a console...12:50
dr_willisgconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1         then  unity --reset12:50
eleVendr_willis: that gconf *** line followed by unity reset ? from any tty?12:50
dr_williseleVen,  use the command shown  from a console. yes...12:50
eleVendr_willis: u want me to sudo that?12:50
=== richard is now known as Guest14171
dr_williseleVen,  why would you think you need sudo?12:51
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dr_willisits your users settings. :) not root's12:51
eleVendr_willis: ok i'll try that12:51
oCean!afk > LukosAnth[Away]12:51
ubottuLukosAnth[Away], please see my private message12:51
eleVendr_willis: well i tried changing settings for one user wonder why all users have "no sidebar" problem then ?12:52
=== Guest14171 is now known as Flying
dr_williseleVen,  if a single user changed settings.. it should not be affecting other users.12:52
=== introuble is now known as root
dr_willisunless you used some sudo vodoo when you should not have..12:52
eleVendr_willis: well thats what is supposed to happen but thats not the case here12:52
=== root is now known as introuble
theadmin!fr | leagris12:53
ubottuleagris: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:53
eleVenhmmm ok12:53
dr_williseleVen,  i would guess that  what you think happened - is not what really happened..   its possible some update/upgrade messed stuff up for all users.. but its hard to tell.12:53
dr_williseleVen,  try making a new user, see if they have the same issue.. *(what is the issue anyway)*12:53
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
eleVendr_willis: u kick azz12:55
eleVenthis weechat is also kickazz12:56
leagrisI am trying to get ekiga support for x264 but the provided natty version does not offer that. Has to compile ekiga trunk. Listed deb and ubuntu repository from ekiga wiki are outdated empty. Too bad. The Ubuntu opal library has stability usability issues. Any other known good ekiga packages with x264?12:56
dr_williseleVen,  check the weechat docs/beginner guides.. it has some amazing features12:56
rizzehirssi > weechat (imo) :D12:57
dr_willisI find weechat >>>> irssi12:57
dr_willissmar filters are so handy.12:57
eleVendr_willis: yo... i will check it out.. thanks once again... u r the dr...12:57
rizzehlarger footprint12:57
dr_willissmart fiilters are smart.. :)12:58
dr_willisyea.. i really need to conserve ram on this 6gb desktop :)12:58
rizzehim ssh into 64mb ram server :z12:58
usr13showoff :)12:58
* dr_willis sends rizzeh a c64 for a upgrade 12:58
daxrocHey all12:58
daxrocGetting a strange problem, when im typeing sometimes a keypress will stick or one will be missed entirely anyone seen this before ?12:58
rizzehlol ty :)12:59
dr_willisdaxroc,  does it do this in the console? or just terminal> or in word processor? or everywhere?12:59
DJHenjinif i setup EHCP with mail configuration with my domain name, and i already have an existing email server, will that cause any problems?12:59
daxrocdr_willis: Everywhere12:59
usr13daxroc: Yep.  Was bad keyboard, in my case.12:59
dr_willisdaxroc,  as a text. you could try some alternative live cd. like tcl, or even freedos, see if it affects the iother os's as well.  If it affexts them all.. i would have to think its a keyboard hw issue.13:00
dr_willisas a 'test' :)13:00
dr_williscat hasent chewed on the cables?13:00
daxrocdr_willis: Sorry, If I switch to a console it doesn't persist13:01
baubunHi everyone13:01
leagrisDo you know of an alternate good ppa or deb repository for ekiga with support for H.264/263/+ ?13:01
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daxrocdr_willis: All apps in ontop of the xserver get the glitch, You dont configure input devices with a manual xorg.conf anymore right ?13:02
dr_willisdaxroc,  X auto configures for the most part these days13:02
dr_willisdaxroc,  this a laptop? or usb or ps2 keyboard?13:02
daxrocdr_willis: a usb keyboard, desktop13:03
rrittenhouseIs there a way to do a repair on Ubuntu?13:03
bazhangrrittenhouse, repair what13:03
dr_willisrrittenhouse,  clarify what you  want13:03
rrittenhousebazhang: dr_willis: Was upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 and the VM disk filled up so now it kinda works but its in a weird state. I would like to upgrade completely to 10.1013:04
dr_willisthat dosent sound good...13:04
bazhangrrittenhouse, repair a virtual machine? just reinstall fresh13:04
rrittenhousebazhang: true. Its just using LAMP I just wanted to know if there was a 'repair'13:05
caulkzlooking for a snmp viewer to use with adsl router? TIA :)13:05
bazhangrrittenhouse, vmware vbox, which one13:05
rrittenhousevmware esx13:05
FlyingHey guys13:05
FlyingI have a question13:05
bazhangrrittenhouse, perhaps check their support forums13:05
daxrocdr_willis: any other suggestions ?13:06
bazhangcaulkz, apt-cache search snmp13:06
usr13daxroc: Do you have ps2 keyboard port?13:06
coz_Flying,  what is the question?13:06
caulkztried synaptic but no joy :/13:06
dr_willisdaxroc,  not really.  Unless you have a spare keuyboard to test.  check the cables/ plug in differnt port.13:06
rrittenhousebazhang: I think its more of an Ubuntu issue? I think it just can't recover from a bad install (which would be tough to do).13:07
bazhangrrittenhouse, no idea, really. I'd doubt it could be repaired, thus the suggestion for vmare forums13:08
dr_willisif it did get repaired.. how to you really prove it got repaired correctly. you could have some issues next week from it..13:08
FlyingI bought this new router, it's a D-link something, quite expensive and it's really unstable and shit, I tried upgrading the firmware but I think I already had the latest, the speed randomly goes down to like 50kbps when connecting a third computer(via a switch) and now even with one computer the internet is going down for like 1 min ute every halv hour.13:08
bazhangcaulkz, my command, or packages.ubuntu.com13:09
bazhangFlying, no cursing please13:09
caulkzbazhang: cheers :)13:09
usr13Flying: WHat router?  Wireless or Wired?13:09
bazhangFlying, that sounds completely like a hardware issue, nothing to do with ubuntu13:09
bazhang##hardware Flying13:10
FlyingYeah I know but you guys are good at this13:10
coz_Flying,  do you have the olde router to test  to be sure it is not the isp  dropping speed every half hour?13:10
bazhangFlying, no matter its offtopic here13:10
FlyingI'm using an older one which works perfectly13:10
rrittenhousebazhang: yeah. Thanks for the suggestions. I could have had the OS about half reinstalled by now ;)13:10
usr13Flying: Maybe you have some sort of IP conflict?13:10
coz_Flying,  then I am not sure,, I is unlikely an ubuntu specific issue13:10
FlyingIt's both wired and wiereless, i'm only using wired at the moment13:10
bazhangFlying, its got zero to do with ubuntu.13:11
coz_Flying,  you could try asking in either ## linux  or  #hardware channels13:11
Flyingoh okay13:11
FlyingI'll do that13:11
usr13Flying: Check to see that you do not have IP conflict(s).13:11
Flyinghow do I do that lol13:11
FlyingI'm using DHCP13:11
Flyingalso I can't join #hardware13:12
usr13Flying: You just have to go to the various PC to see what IP addres they are using13:12
coz_Flying,  you need to register your nick13:12
bazhangusr13, feel free to support him in ##hardware13:12
bazhang!register | Flying13:12
ubottuFlying: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:12
bazhangFlying, /join #freenode13:12
Ianster_guyWhat channel would be interested in sound upgrade bugs? #ayantana (user experience) ?13:13
FlyingWell you guys were much help13:13
FlyingI'll just go use my Windows now13:14
LjLFlying: then feel free to come back here to ask a Windows question later!13:14
bazhangIanster_guy, alsa issues?13:14
coz_Flying,  register you nick and you will be able to log onto #hardware13:14
usr13Flying: We wish you all the best.13:14
coz_Flying,  also ##linux13:14
Ianster_guyHello my name is Ian and I'm a Ubuntu/windows user. On my Ubuntu desktop I have a usb surround sound card that stopped working after a upgrade. Who is interested in a problem like this or where do I drop a bug report13:15
usr13!bug | Ianster_guy13:15
ubottuIanster_guy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:15
DJHenjindoes ubuntu 11.04 have a firewall?13:16
bazhangDJHenjin, iptables13:16
blzDJHenjin:  yes, it's called iptables.13:16
prabhakari installed mono develop sw ,i am difficult to find visuval design13:16
usr13DJHenjin: Not by default.  You can install a firewall script or use a firewall if you want.13:16
bazhang!firewall > DJHenjin13:16
ubottuDJHenjin, please see my private message13:16
blzDJHenjin, if you look on google, there are a lot of tutorials and graphical frontends.  There's also UFW, which I believe depends on iptables, but people have good results with that13:16
DJHenjinholy crap how many people just answered that?13:17
blzDJHenjin:  welcome to the community =)13:17
blzusr13:  i believe iptables is installed by default13:18
spassufw too13:18
usr13DJHenjin: If you have a router between you and the internet, you are relatively safe.  Linux not near as vuneralbe as a MS Windows PC.13:18
DJHenjinooooohhhh i really like ehcp13:18
spassblz: and yes, it depends on iptables.13:18
usr13blz: Yes, you are correct, iptables is installed by default.13:19
usr13blz: And iptables rules can be used for firewalling.13:19
bazhang!info gufw13:20
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): Configure system firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 11.04.2-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 197 kB, installed size 1252 kB13:20
usr13A firewall for us linux users is basically a firewall script that uses iptables rules which is very effective.13:21
neurehow do i change the menu font size on ubuntu classic?13:21
ciphergothIs there a way to kill and restart the Unity launcher?  It keeps getting into various stupid states13:22
neurei have changed the application font size but menus are not affected13:22
dr_willisunity --reset13:22
dr_willisor unity --reset-icons13:22
neurethere seems to be no way to change the menu font size :/13:25
ashwinwhen i open kubuntu i am getting:13:25
ashwinwarning :cannot open consolekit session.failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system bus socket no such file or directory13:25
bazhangashwin, open kubuntu? as in start up your system?13:25
DJHenjinanyone here use EHCP?13:26
bazhangDJHenjin, ask a real question please13:26
bazhangashwin, normal install? dual boot, some details would help13:26
DJHenjinanyone here use EHCP that could help me out getting familiarised with it and properly setup?13:26
ashwindual boot with windows 713:26
bazhang!find ehcp13:27
ubottuPackage/file ehcp does not exist in natty13:27
ashwinspeakers are not working and i cannot connect to internet13:27
ashwinvolume control button is not showing.13:27
ciphergothWow, unity --reset meant that everything started to ignore clicks/keystrokes13:27
bazhangDJHenjin, how does that relate to ubuntu support13:27
viddyDJHenjin: how about, first you try it out yourself using documentation and the likes. And then when you actually run into PROBLEMS you could ask someone13:27
ciphergothkilling and restarting GDM and re-logging in has left me with no Unity launcher at all!13:27
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
usr13!sound | ashwin13:27
ubottuashwin: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:27
ciphergothNo, I tell a lie, launcher has finally reappeared, but broken13:28
ashwinubottu:no volume applet13:28
ubottuashwin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:28
Ianster_guylol the bot13:29
Ianster_guyI suppose I do have a question while a try to file this bug report. When I have two sound cards and my alsa version looks like this Driver version:     1.0.2313:30
Ianster_guyLibrary version:
Ianster_guyUtilities version:                   is it a sign that the versions are not aligned/working?13:30
Ianster_guyI read somewhere for old ubuntu13:30
Ianster_guythat they sould all be the same number13:31
DJHenjinheres a better question, EHCP can replace my existing email server web server MySQL server and FTP server all in one nice package correct?13:31
ashwinbazhang:my problem statred after update13:31
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bazhangDJHenjin, thats not ubuntu specific try ##networking13:31
Ianster_guylamp :-D13:31
usr13DJHenjin: http://ehcp.net/?q=node/79413:34
ciphergothOK now my desktop is really quite screwed13:36
sagaciHow come?13:36
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:36
ciphergothI moved all compiz related stuff out of  my .gconf/apps dir to try to get back to a sensible state13:36
dr_willistheres commands to reset compiz. and unity13:36
PiX3LGuys, accidentally I killed a something notification process from 'System Monitor' now, If I open xchat, vlc I don't see any of icons in Notification manager/top bar.13:37
dr_willisgconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1          resets compiz  then this resets uinty -->          unity --reset13:37
PiX3LI want to restore that feature.13:37
wonka_xchat works on cygwin?13:37
dr_williswonka_,  theres native windows xchat ports13:37
ciphergothI'm running Natty Narwahl on x64.  My Launcher is very confused - a few shadowy icons at the top, and that's it.  Running the mouse down the side shows tooltips for icons though13:37
dr_williswell i guess you can call them native. :)13:37
Sidewinder1PiX3L, Did you try a reboot?13:37
PiX3LSidewinder1: Yes.13:38
ciphergothnot the ones I set up myself, the defaults - LibreOffice calc etc13:38
linux_я куда попал?)13:38
ciphergothdr_willis: will try that, thanks13:38
bazhang!ru | linux_13:38
ubottulinux_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:38
slinker1wonka_: xchat-wdk works well on windows box here13:38
dr_willisIve been using some of the KDE irc clients ported to windows lately13:38
dr_williskvirc i think.13:39
ciphergothdr_willis: I'm back to exactly where I was before13:39
ashwini updated my kubuntu 11.0413:39
ashwinnow my speakers are not working and i cannot connect to internet13:39
ashwinvolume control button is not showing.13:39
ashwinat startup i am getting:13:39
ashwinwarning :cannot open consolekit session.failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system bus socket no such file or directory13:39
ashwinplease help13:39
FloodBot1ashwin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:39
Clerisymy window handles have all dissapeared13:39
Clerisymy window handles have all dissapeared13:39
ciphergothVery very odd behaviour.  The tooltips appear where I would expect the icons to be, but far above where the mouse is - the lower the mouse, the greater the disparity13:40
dr_willisClerisy,  alt-f2 run 'compiz --replace'13:40
ashwini updated my kubuntu13:40
ashwinnow my speakers are not working and i cannot connect to internet13:40
ashwinvolume control button is not showing.13:40
ciphergothIs there an equivalent of pastebin for screenshots?13:40
bazhangashwin, dont repeat so quickly13:40
Clerisydr_willis» still not there13:41
bazhangciphergoth, imagebin and the like13:41
Sidewinder1!enter > ashwin13:41
ubottuashwin, please see my private message13:41
dr_willisClerisy,  try it from a terminal window. look for error messages, try alt-f2 and 'metacity --replace' also13:41
Clerisythanks dr_willis :)13:42
Clerisyall fixed13:42
cba123I have a computer with a 2.6ghz dual-cpu dual-core xeon.  Whenever I boot up, it says it can't "speedstep", and the fans are always loud.  Is there anything I can do for this?13:42
dr_willisClerisy,  meticity is  not exactly a 'fix' its the window manager without all the fancy eyecandy13:42
dr_willisClerisy,  compiz requires the proper 3d drivers also. metacity does not.13:43
* ashwin slaps bazhang around a bit with a large trout13:43
bazhangashwin, dont do that13:43
ciphergothThis is what I can see: http://imagebin.org/15872413:43
Clerisydr_willis» is there a way i can move the close window minimize and maximize buttons to the right side? (currently at left)13:43
dr_willis!controls | Clerisy13:44
ubottuClerisy: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more informationand workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263313:44
ciphergothit's blank all the way down apart form that detail at the top13:44
ciphergothI don't have much config I care about, so I'm happy to wipe and restart, but I don't want to lose eg my IM accounts13:44
Ianster_guyLOL i'm not that skilled so I always reset gnome to defaults when I have error like that (Using a different metacity -replace that I found on google.)13:45
ciphergothI've tried unity --replace and unity --replace-icons and compiz --replace and logging in and out and deleting my compiz config13:45
dr_willismake a new user - see if it actually works for them13:46
ciphergothdr_willis: you mean me?13:46
dr_willisif all users have the same issue.. then its a system wide setting/problem. :)13:46
ciphergothThat's astonishing - no, it doesn't work for them13:47
Ianster_guyrm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity13:47
ClerisyHow can I install google chrome under ubuntu? it wont show up in the repos and when i downloaded the deb from google i didn't know what to do from there since i usually use deb package manager. so I tried running it with software manager and it just wouldnt install it13:47
ciphergothhow can that be?  I haven't changed anything - haven't touched root privs.13:47
dr_willisClerisy,  google has their own repos for it i recall.13:48
ciphergothMaybe I should try a reboot13:48
ciphergothClerisy: but also see if "Chromium" meets your needs13:48
dr_willisif you doload a deb. you normally just douile click on the deb and it can install13:48
Clerisyciphergoth» no13:48
ciphergothWill reboot, bbiab, thanks13:48
dr_willisChromium and chrome  seem virtuually identical to me these days..13:48
Clerisyi have configs for gchrome saved13:49
dr_willisI got my chrome's all 'synced' so every pc has the same configs. :)13:49
ashwinis there anything like restore point like windows in ubuntu13:49
dr_willisif its chromium or google chrome. same setup on all my pcs13:49
wildmanhello there, I'm running 10.04 x86 and I need the 'capability' kernel module, 'modprobe capability' tells me that there's no such module. Compiling a custom kernel is the only solution I have?13:49
Clerisyany ideas on how i can go about getting chrome?13:49
dr_willisClerisy,  google has an acutal repository for chrome you can use13:50
Ianster_guylove chrome it has everything built in13:51
dr_willisor download the chrome deb. and inztall it.13:51
dr_willisI think the .deb insables the proper repos also13:51
Clerisyyeah, I tried13:52
dr_willis --> Note: Installing Google Chrome will add the Google repository so your system will automatically keep Google Chrome up to date.13:52
Clerisybut Im used of using deb package managers13:52
Clerisyand software manager on ubuntu wont do it13:52
rumenhi everybody i am under ubuntu 11.04. i have installed ubuntu 10.04 LTS ob vurtualbox-ose. the problem is: how to map or mount from my guest linux machine the shared folder from my host machine linux ubuntu 11.04?13:52
dr_willisall you do is download the deb.. then double click on it.. or sudo dpkg -i foo.deb13:52
dr_willisor sudo gdebi foo.deb13:52
dr_willissoftware manager should do it also.13:53
ClerisyProcessing triggers for python-support ...13:54
ClerisyErrors were encountered while processing:13:54
Clerisy google-chrome-stable13:54
FloodBot1Clerisy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:54
ashwinis there a restore point in ubuntu?13:54
sagaciyou need to install  extra packages for chrome to install properly13:55
sveinseDoes ubuntu (natty) have any gnome tool for viewing man and info pages?13:55
ciphergotha reboot fixed my problem! Of all things, I would never have guessed that613:55
ciphergothwhat persists across gdm stop/starts but not across reboots?13:55
dr_willisClerisy,  what command did you use to isntall it?13:55
Clerisydpkg -i13:55
dr_willisClerisy,  try installing gdebi, and try it..13:55
Clerisysaid no command13:55
dr_willisinstall it....13:56
dr_willis!info gdebi13:56
ubottugdebi (source: gdebi): Simple tool to install deb files - GNOME GUI. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.0 (natty), package size 26 kB, installed size 244 kB13:56
Sidewinder1ashwin, No restore point, per say; you should back-up, then you can "restore"...Afterall that's what restore does in windows. :-)13:56
Clerisysudo: gdebi: command not found13:56
ClerisyE: Unable to locate package gedbi13:56
rumentell me how to mout a drive or folder which i shared with my virtual machine? my host machine is ubuntu 11.04 and my guest machine is ubuntu 10.04 LTS13:57
Sidewinder1!enter > Clerisy13:57
ubottuClerisy, please see my private message13:57
rumentell me how to mount a drive or folder which i shared with my virtual machine? my host machine is ubuntu 11.04 and my guest machine is ubuntu 10.04 LTS13:57
dr_willisrumen,  using virtualbox? or vmware? or what?13:57
rumeni am usin' virtualbox, i have installed virtual addition in linux ubuntu 10,04 guest machine13:58
dr_willisyou could just access the other system via the networking features. ie: samba/nfs/sshfs13:58
ClerisyOk. gdebi worked. Thanks again dr_willis13:58
kontolgederumen: install samba13:59
ashwinis there a way i can restore ubuntu13:59
dr_willisfirtualbox manual details the proper mount command to mount a 'share' from the host os thats set up that way. I dont recall the sysntax13:59
dr_willisashwin,  be more clear in what you wan tto do.13:59
ashwinlike restore pint in windows13:59
rumeni want to use virtual machine ubuntu 10.04 LTS13:59
dr_willisashwin,  thers no feature like that   - that i have ever seen.13:59
dr_willisashwin,  its normally just not needed.14:00
joruHi, i'm trying to configure some automatic backup-strategy, been using crontab for time-driven backup successfully. now i'm wondering if i should use event-driven instead, as in executing the script upon login.14:00
sipiorashwin: typically such things are accomplished through lvm snapshots, but you'll have to set that up in advance.14:00
joruwhat is the "best" approach, use the /etc/.profile file ?14:01
ClerisyWhat's the default font? I accidently changed it earlier14:01
ashwinis there a way i can delete update?14:01
dr_willisjoru,  it would all depend on the details, how, who, how much, and so forth14:01
bazhangashwin, rollback? no14:02
sipiorashwin: reverting a system to a pre-update state would require filesystem snapshots. like i said, if you set up lvm snapshots in advance, you can get that functionality.14:02
ashwinafter update at startup i am getting this warning :cannot open consolekit session.failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system bus14:02
dr_willisUnless ashwin  is meaning update in a differnt way.14:02
jorudr_willis: ok, i've got multiple users on multiple computers. right now i've got a strategy for all those users using crontab.14:02
dr_willisashwin,  so its a warning? or is there some other actual problem?14:03
zaksoldierHi all14:03
bazhangashwin, perhaps try in #kubuntu14:03
ClerisyWhat's the default font? I accidently changed it earlier14:03
jorudr_willis: i was wondering if i should run it upon user login (interactive at first), or maybe after a few mins14:03
ashwinbazhang:they say #ubuntu14:03
dr_willisjoru,  what if the user logs in 4 times in quick session. Like via ssh. :) lots of things to watch out for.14:04
=== b0ot_linux is now known as DynamicFail
bazhangashwin, you said earlier you were using kubuntu when you got this error14:04
sipiorjoru: also, do you really want to slow the system down with a lot of disk activity right after a user logs in?14:04
jorudr_willis: yes both issues are true14:04
dr_willisjoru,  and proberly a dozen other potential issues to watch out for. :)14:05
jorudr_willis: :) well i just want to secure the data14:05
ashwinbazhang, i mean users in #kubuntu recomended #ubuntu14:05
jorudr_willis: problem is that the users login very infrequently14:05
jorudr_willis: thus time-driven is not "safe"14:05
jorudr_willis: (i must tell you that im learning bash/cron atm)14:06
ClerisyWhat's the default font?14:06
jorudr_willis: but maybe i could use a script to check when the user data was backuped last14:06
jorudr_willis: and then act accordingly?14:06
dr_willisjoru,  i think rsync/fsarchiver can allready do that14:06
dr_willisClerisy,  i think its the 'ubuntu' font :)14:07
jorudr_willis: ok, i'll do some more reading of those details14:07
jorudr_willis: thanx14:07
Clerisydoesnt look right14:07
ashwinany one know what causes warning :cannot open consolekit session.failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system bus14:07
bazhanghttp://mikebeach.org/2011/06/default-font-packages-installed-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty/ Clerisy14:07
linux_есть здесь русские?!14:08
dr_willisashwin,  is this warning keeping somthing from running? or is there just a warning ane you dont like the text?14:08
ashwinde_willis:my audio,network connection is not working14:08
bazhanglinux_, in #ubuntu-ru14:09
ericPlinux_, i doubt go14:09
dr_willisashwin,  i am not sure those are related to that warning.14:09
ashwindr_willis:i am getting all these after update14:10
bazhanglinux_, /join #ubuntu-ru14:10
ericPi'm using compiz with the standard (as in i didn't tweak anything) network controller interface (puts the the wifi icon in the main menu bar)14:10
dr_willisashwin,  its possible some update broke things.. but i am not sure that consolekit would be the core of  your problem.14:10
ericPafter a couple days, the menu that comes up when clicking the wifi icon is unresponsive (no meny selections do anything except for [More Netorks] and [VPN Connections], which paint a tiny empty box)14:10
TetracommEver since I uninstalled Pulseaudio and reinstalled it I don't see a volume control icon in the notification area anymore. Help?14:10
ericPhow do i restart this tool in hopes of restoring network control without having to log out?14:10
ericP(whatever restarts implied by reinstalling network-manager-gnome didn't do the trick)14:10
ashwindr_willis:so what am i suppose to do?14:10
ericP(occurred after a 10.10 to 11.04 upgrade)14:11
NattyUserhello, i was wondering if anyone could help me. I am using natty. My problem is that my hp integrated laptop is not working. I've tried troubleshooting, but to no avail. Can anyone help?14:11
Clerisynone of these look like the default one when i installed it bazhang14:11
bazhangClerisy, nonetheless those are the default ones14:11
ClerisyI think it was sans 1014:11
Clerisythanks though14:11
ebytvmhi room14:12
theadminHello, ebytvm14:12
ashwindo i need to reinstall ubuntu14:12
ebytvmIm new here... :)..... how do I get into rooms of interest :)14:12
NattyUserso...does anyone know how to go about troubleshooting the webcam?14:13
bazhang!alis | ebytvm14:13
ubottuebytvm: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*14:13
bazhang!webcam | NattyUser check this list14:13
ubottuNattyUser check this list: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:13
ebytvmthx :)14:13
PythonSnakeis Ubuntu good for programming with Python ?14:14
bazhangPythonSnake, sure, why not14:14
PythonSnakeI'm using Windows 7 atm14:14
Kartagiswhy do I get No username specified with the line //campus01/mtozses/mnt/t  cifs  user,credentials=/root/.mtozses 0  0 in /etc/fstab?14:14
PythonSnakewhy is it better than windows14:14
bazhangPythonSnake, thats not really on topic here14:14
PythonSnakebazhang: ?14:15
NattyUserhi bazhang, would you mind pointing me in the proper channel/direction regarding my integrated webcam issues?14:15
bazhangPythonSnake, try it and decide14:15
bazhangNattyUser, check the webcam link14:15
sharat87Hello, my gnome-terminal does not seem to defferentiate between C-z and C-S-z, is there a way I can make it differenciate these two?14:15
slakcphilslacker_nl, my broskie?14:15
KartagisPythonSnake, for one, you can customize ubuntu the way you like and you can't windows14:15
ClerisyHow do I remove this scroll bar thinga-ma-jig?14:15
bazhangClerisy, unity? use classic from login window14:16
BluesKajPythonSnake, maybe the python channel can help you with your decision14:16
NattyUserhi bazhang, i did. i tried redownloading uvcvideo modules, but to no avail. i have a chicony webcam, but the problem is that when i open cheese, it says no device found14:16
PythonSnakehm ok14:16
ashwinbazhang:do i need to reinstall kubuntu14:18
ashwinbazhang:please help14:19
bazhangashwin, try creating a new user and testing that way14:20
osmosis_paulSomebody know if there's any cool application in ubuntu to control the PC by voice???14:21
Clerisydr_willis» you were right. The metacity thing was only a temp fix14:21
osmosis_pauland how go the Kinect implementation in ubuntu some beta to work with it?, i'm thinking in buy a Kinect only if there's any project open14:22
Ianster_guyClerisy, The metacity the one I used to fix gnome was permanent.14:23
dr_willismetacity is not compiz. they are both window managers. but differnt :)14:24
=== Joshua is now known as Guest23855
Ianster_guybut the commands I use are alot longer Google search "reset defaults gnome"14:24
ClerisyAny idea how to perm fix the problem dr_willis ?14:24
Ianster_guysome don't work14:24
dr_willisClerisy,  run compiz --replace, from a termial. look for error messages..14:24
Kartagiswhy do I get No username specified with the line //campus01/mtozses/mnt/t  cifs  user,credentials=/root/.mtozses 0  0 in /etc/fstab?14:25
Sidewinder1osmosis_paul, Have a look at pocketsphynx14:25
Ianster_guyClerisy, I'm a noob BTW:P14:26
* Kartagis wave to Xano 14:26
ntr0pyAre there any problems suspected when installing Natty x64 from usb stick (start media creator from iso image)?14:26
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dr_willisntr0py,  i normally insatll from usb drives..14:27
dr_willisfaster then from cd14:27
tumbes2000Worked fine for me14:27
ntr0pydr_willis: exactly, i just had weird kernel freezes last time i tried to do that with natty14:28
tumbes2000Usb stick install that is14:28
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Clerisydr_willis» http://pastebin.com/CLXTLRBH14:28
Clerisy( ´,_ゝ`)14:29
ntr0pydr_willis: Since i always need to set the nomodeset parameter for any fresh ubuntu installs on my box (to get GUI), would you suspect the kernel freezes comming from the X.org or nouveau drivers? I am thinking about installing the nvidia-current drivers from ubuntu-x-swat repo, restarting gdm and trying to install from there...14:32
ashwinbazang:i created new user but no use14:34
ashwinbazhang:new user also have same problem14:34
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Sidewinder1ashwin, Perhaps, the best thing to try is back-up all of your video, music, docs., etc...and reinstall ubuntu.14:37
Sidewinder1ashwin, Or kubuntu, as the case may be.14:38
dlynesworkI'm having problems getting Ubuntu 10.04 to boot up on a particular machine.  What's getting output to the screen is something to do with AppArmor.  However, I don't believe it's AppArmor that's causing the problem, because it's at a random place in AppArmor every time.  Anyone know what it might be?  Fwiw, the drive checks seem to be complete when this happens.14:38
ashwinSidewinder1:is it possible to creater backup of themes and config files14:39
TetracommEver since I uninstalled Pulseaudio and reinstalled it I don't see a volume control icon in the notification area anymore. Help?14:39
Sidewinder1ashwin, I'm sure there is but I don't know the exact steps to perform same. :-(...Sorry.14:40
tilerenderinghi - I m on Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 - when doing a apt-get install subversion it "leaves" my subversion on version 1.4.6 instead of the current 1.6.* releases. 1.4.6 is the state of 2009. is this normal ? or am I doing something wrong with the apt-get install command14:41
bazhangtilerendering, thats normal14:41
iceroottilerendering: you will only get security updates within an ubuntu-version14:41
dlynesworktilerendering, you're stuck with whatever version Hardy uses14:41
iceroot!backports | tilerendering14:41
ubottutilerendering: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging14:41
bazhangtilerendering, why not at least upgrade to 10.04 if not 11.0414:42
icerootbazhang: never touch a running system :)14:42
ntr0pyTetracomm: maybe you could try to reset the gnome panel: "gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel" and "pkill gnome-panel"14:42
dlynesworkbazhang, he's on hardy because it's LTS, I'm guessing...and also iceroot's point, too :o14:42
jiltdilNy channel for computer architecture?14:42
icerootdlyneswork: 10.04 is lts too14:42
Sidewinder1ashwin, I know it's after the fact, but, the best way to avoid this problem in the future is to back-up your home directory to an external drive; that way a reinstall will retain all of your settings and configs; once you have copied your home to the new install.14:42
bazhang!alis | jiltdil14:42
ubottujiltdil: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*14:42
dlynesworkiceroot, yeah...but like you said...if it ain't broke, don't fix it14:43
bazhangdlyneswork, 10.04 is lts14:43
ZykoticK9Tetracomm, see if there is a gnome-audio package in Ubuntu, it "might" help.  Good luck.14:43
MaimsterMorning all.14:43
iceroottilerendering: but remeber, hardy 8.04 desktop version is out of security updates14:43
tilerenderinghow would I enable hardy backports in /etc/apt/sources.list14:44
omegaphihi folks, I am using phpmyadmin on ubuntu, but it is asking me to enter username and password, when I have set no password. What do I do? Please help :)14:44
dlynesworkiceroot, what's the difference between the normal version, desktop version, laptop version, and server version, anyways?  Just what packages get installed?14:44
icerootdlyneswork: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-backports main universe multiverse restricted14:45
bazhangtilerendering, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the # in front14:45
jrib!repos > tilerendering14:45
ubottutilerendering, please see my private message14:45
icerootdlyneswork: desktop comes without a gui and with a pae-kernel by default.14:45
icerootdlyneswork: sorry, server14:45
icerootdlyneswork: but they all use the same repos14:45
Kartagiswhy do I get No username specified with the line //campus01/mtozses/mnt/t  cifs  user,credentials=/root/.mtozses 0  0 in /etc/fstab?14:45
bazhangdlyneswork, as of 11.04 the netbook is no more14:45
dlynesworkiceroot, ah...so that's the only difference14:45
icerootdlyneswork: between server and desktop, yes14:46
bazhangdlyneswork, its unity all the way down14:46
tilerenderingany recommandable hardy backport repository ?14:46
dlynesworkbazhang, that's good...I think someone gave me one of those installs, and it gave me a completely fubared install...never rebooted properly...always had to do a full shutdown, followed by a power up14:46
iceroottilerendering: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-backports main universe multiverse restricted14:46
tilerenderingbecasue there are none in my plist14:46
bazhangtilerendering, check iceroot above14:46
dlynesworkbazhang, something to do with unloading the kernel and reloading the kernel14:47
tilerenderingthanks iceroot14:47
iceroottilerendering: no problem14:47
obscurant1stmy system sometime, logs off on its own! :o14:48
JoFoHello everybody.14:49
JoFoI wonder whether gucharmap (Ubuntu’s default character map in the version with Gnome) has been updated to support the new Unicode 6.0 characters.14:49
JoFoIf that’s so, would it be possible to easily update gucharmap while remaining on Maverick ?14:49
bazhangJoFo, search for a ppa I suppose14:50
icerootJoFo: ppa or backports14:50
omegaphi*reposting*  I am using phpmyadmin on ubuntu, but it is asking me to enter username and password, when I have set no password. What do I do? Please help :)14:50
icerootomegaphi: its the mysql-user14:50
natrixnatrix89hello. I'm running ubuntu on a very slow pc. Is there a list of processes I could kill to make it run faster?14:51
icerootomegaphi: normally root with a password (not the root from ubuntu)14:51
icerootnatrixnatrix89: you can see with "top" and "ps aux" waht is running but killing randomly is a bad idea14:51
bazhangnatrixnatrix89, why not try lubuntu-desktop then14:51
compdocnatrixnatrix89, just curious - is it slow to boot?14:51
usr13natrixnatrix89: X14:51
natrixnatrix89not really14:51
natrixnatrix89the pc is decent.14:52
natrixnatrix89but when I bought it, it was one of the cheapest14:52
bazhangnatrixnatrix89, ubuntu is not really designed for slow, old or low ram computers14:52
tilerenderingI forgot: how do I mv a whole dir with the mv command ?14:52
usr13natrixnatrix89: Are you running gnome?14:52
natrixnatrix89what is lubuntu using?14:52
usr13natrixnatrix89: xfce414:52
compdocdoes anyone find that 11.04 is slow to boot on old PCs?14:52
omegaphiiceroot : but I didn't create any mysql user too, everything is default!14:52
ZykoticK9natrixnatrix89, lubuntu uses LXDE14:53
usr13compdoc: natrixnatrix89 does14:53
natrixnatrix89faster than xfce?14:53
bazhangnatrixnatrix89, you could try xubuntu, but that is hardly any lighter, lubuntu is the best bet14:53
ZykoticK9natrixnatrix89, much14:53
The_Pugilistanyone know of any good free C++ IDE's14:53
natrixnatrix89so I can just install package lubuntu-desktop, and then just switch to it when logging in?14:53
jpainternatrixnatrix89: switching window managers helps a lot...try openbox.14:53
bazhangnatrixnatrix89, install the package lubuntu-desktop14:54
xokvictorhi all, i have a problem14:54
bazhangxokvictor, then ask a question14:54
natrixnatrix89bazhang: so I can just install package lubuntu-desktop, and then just switch to it when logging in?14:54
icerootomegaphi: then its root with an empty password14:54
bazhangnatrixnatrix89, yep14:54
bazhang!ide | The_Pugilist14:55
ubottuThe_Pugilist: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator14:55
bazhangThe_Pugilist, they are all free14:55
xokvictorwhen i look flash movies online (for example youtube) after some minutes the screen make black and pc locked14:55
bazhangxokvictor, disable compiz for one14:55
The_Pugilistsweet :)14:55
The_Pugilistty bazhang14:55
xokvictorbazhang, nooooo )14:56
bazhangxokvictor, and set screensaver to a longer time14:56
xokvictorthis is bad way14:56
bazhangxokvictor, try it14:56
MK``I'm installing VLC but its progress in the software center seems to be stuck at 50%... how can I check if it's stuck due to some bug?14:57
xokvictorin  Windows when i looking online movies screensaver is not locked pc14:57
bazhangxokvictor, that means nothing, this is not windows14:57
xokvictori know, but.. i want this function in ubuntu14:58
bazhangxokvictor, then follow my suggestions14:58
usr13natrixnatrix89: I recommend lubuntu-desktop  It is a lot like gnome anyway.  It's pretty nice and very fast.14:58
natrixnatrix89yeah. I'm downloading it now14:59
xokvictorbazhang, if i looking movie more than 40 minutes.. i need set sreensaver in >40 min?14:59
bazhangxokvictor, try it and see15:00
xokvictorok, thank you15:00
MK``Please, I need help to know if this is frozen, and if I can safely kill it15:00
bazhangMK``, what does top in terminal show15:00
MK``Software center is on top, seems to be doing something.15:01
MK``I am just scared it's stuck in a loop15:01
usr13MK``: May be just that the download has been sopped for some reason.15:01
bazhangMK``, let it error out, or wait a bit longer, then try from command line15:01
MK``It's at "Applying changes"15:02
bazhangMK``, then dont kill it15:02
usr13MK``: vlc is pretty complicate app15:02
MK``It's just been like this for almost 10 minutes without the bar moving15:04
bazhangMK``, killing it now may break some packages15:04
MK``Is there some failsafe to abort after a certain time?15:05
jpainterMK``, in my experience it takes a good long while until it finally times out, but it eventually will.15:05
MK``:O I closed the software center (just the UI) and reopened it and the bar was farther along, and is now moving15:06
MK``...and it finished instantly. Touche, Linux.15:06
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sungjihi, unfoortunately I've got to use the "acerhk" driver to enable the WIFI of my Fujitsy AMILO laptop. I was using acerhkgui before (in 9.10) but with natty it doesn't seem to work correctly15:09
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sungjido you have any idea on how to enable acerhk wifi?15:09
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omegaphiiceroot : root with empty password isn't working :(15:10
icerootomegaphi: set a mysql password15:11
icerootomegaphi: imo phpmyadmin is not allowing the default root with empty password15:11
icerootomegaphi: phpmyadmin is using the same credentials as "mysql -u root -p"15:12
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omegaphiiceroot : how do I set a mysql password?15:12
codinGenesisLOVE to be back here......!!15:12
codinGenesisi was banned because of open proxy thing....!!!15:12
braiamwhy my keyring deposit isn't unblocked at login? is annoying write my pass 4 times15:12
icerootomegaphi: mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD15:14
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icerootomegaphi: better is to write the password in a file and use mysqladmin -u root password $(cat file-with-password)  or delete the history-entry after15:15
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KlunkHi guys, is anyone here running Lord of the Ring Online through wine on Ubuntu?15:16
iceroot!appdb | Klunk15:17
ubottuKlunk: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:17
Klunkok thanks, I can get the app running but have a few issues, I will give that a try15:17
sungjisudo lshw -C network finds my AR5001 wireless network adapter, and says it's *-network DISABLED <-- how can I enable it?15:18
tilerenderingok all work done - almost.15:19
omegaphiiceroot : I think my mysql server isn't running, what's the command to do it?15:19
tilerenderingnow the only thing which is worrying me is that I run subversion 1.5.1 instead of the current
inashdeenHi guys, I need an advice on how to do this. I just wrote a really simple program using the BUC programming language. I am a newbie who does not have any background in programming. I don’t know how to write in python, jav a nor C+. the question is, how do I convert my created software into a .deb package. Its dependencies are BUC programming language and the logkyeys. But I want to make it an offline installation since I alread15:19
tilerenderingshould I use a different backport repo ?15:19
tilerenderingit upgraded, but not far enough15:19
edbiansungji: I'm not sure if it's just not turned on or if the driver is missing.  Can you pastebin lspci -k for me?15:20
wonka_xchat is troubling me15:20
sungjiedbian: yeah, hang on :)15:20
edbiansungji: sure15:21
KlunkGuys is this the place to resolve issues with nvidia drivers as well?15:21
BluesKajKlunk, what issue ?15:21
icerootomegaphi: what ubuntu version?15:21
inashdeen_Hi guys, I need an advice on how to do this. I just wrote a really simple program using the BUC programming language. I am a newbie who does not have any background in programming. I don’t know how to write in python, jav a nor C+.15:21
inashdeen_the question is, how do I convert my created software into a .deb package. Its dependencies are BUC programming language and the logkyeys. But I want to make it an offline installation since I already got the logkeys source as well as the BUC .deb.15:22
omegaphiiceroot : 1015:22
icerootinashdeen_: man debhelper15:22
edbianinashdeen: Knowing other programming languages or not will not be an issue.  (it's c++ by the way, not c+)    Making a debian package (unfortunately) is not easy: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/15:22
icerootomegaphi: sudo service mysql start   or maybe sudo service mysql-server start15:22
braiamwhy my keyring deposit isn't unblocked at login? is annoying write my pass 4 times15:22
icerootinashdeen_: with dh_make its relativ easy to build your own deb15:23
KlunkWell I am running natty and the Addition Drivers keeps telling me the driver is activated but not in use. I have installed the latest driver from the Nvidia site and I get graphics. But I want to make sure I am using the correct driver15:23
Klunkhow can I check15:23
inashdeen_edbian : and what is the differencib and usr/sharee between /usr/l15:23
icerootbraiam: auto-login? key-ring has the same password as the user-password?15:23
edbianinashdeen_: /usr/l/  ?  That's not a thing15:23
sungjiedbian: http://pastebin.com/5ZW7MqKY15:23
inashdeen_edbian : and what is the difference between /usr/lib and usr/share. sorry15:23
braiamiceroot: no, i don't use auto login, and yes is the same15:24
edbiansungji: It says we're using ath5k  Can you run sudo iwlist scan for me?  What does it say ?  (just summarize please)15:24
introublein office 2010 . theres no powerpoint ?15:25
Wolfsherzhi, can someone please help me with my graphic issues? catalyst control center reports, that i have an ati mobility radeon hd 4200 installed at my laptop. but there is a mobility radeon hd 5650 installed. it also reports i have got 320 mb of video ram, but installed is 1gb dedicated... graphic performance is overall slow and windows stutter when dragging them.15:25
sungjiedbian: for lo, eth0 it says" Interface doesn't support scanning.15:25
omegaphiiceroot : http://codepad.org/HJpwRrf5 :(15:25
sungjiedbian: for wlan0 it says: Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down15:25
edbianinashdeen_: /usr/share/ is platform independent stuff.  http://tldp.org/HOWTO/HighQuality-Apps-HOWTO/fhs.html15:26
icerootomegaphi: output of "ps aux | grep mysql"15:26
edbiansungji: I think the driver is not working.  Can you pastebin lsmod ?  It will show me if the card is actually using ath5k or not15:26
omegaphiiceroot : http://codepad.org/bB8FHYdy15:27
icerootomegaphi: you have not installed mysql-server thrugh apt-get15:28
mgjthe opensshd server (service) is installed by default in the newest ubuntu, yes?15:28
shishirdwivedi20ubuntu runs exactly same command as red hat linux ?15:28
iceroot!repo | omegaphi15:28
ubottuomegaphi: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:28
icerootmgj: no15:28
mgjiceroot, no? okay, thanks15:28
icerootmgj: only on the server-edition15:28
mgjoh okay15:28
icerootshishirdwivedi20: on bash, yes, rest no15:28
sungjiedbian: http://pastebin.com/u8CcJKcs15:29
inashdeenedbian: so where do i actually install the software. and how do i get it automatically recorded on menu registry??15:29
Abhijitwhats the cd command to go up one directory?15:29
icerootomegaphi: best is to remove your mysql-installation and use "sudo apt-get install mysql-server"15:29
icerootAbhijit: cd ..15:29
shishirdwivedi20iceroot : you are talking about command line interface15:29
icerootshishirdwivedi20: the bash, yes15:29
Abhijiticeroot, thanks15:29
edbianinashdeen: The actual binaries go in /usr/bin and /usr/lib/15:29
belihi there...while trying to install 11.04 32bit from an usb cdrom i get this error: Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (8,1)...any ideas?15:30
sungjiedbian: I also modprobed acer_wmi ...15:30
shishirdwivedi20iceroot  : thanx for help coz i am learning on CLI mode  red hat15:30
sungjiedbian: used by 0 is not good, right?15:30
edbiansungji: I'm guessing that's bad, yes15:30
icerootshishirdwivedi20: #redhat15:30
shishirdwivedi20iceroot  yes i am learning redhat15:31
icerootshishirdwivedi20: and if you want to lean bash use #bash15:31
codinGenesisguys i was banned due to open proxy so pls confirm that u all can hear me....15:31
omegaphiiceroot : I did this yeasterday15:31
omegaphiiceroot : yesterday*15:31
sungjiedbian:hm what do I do now?15:31
PicicodinGenesis: Yes, we read you.15:31
icerootomegaphi: the line you posted is not an apt-get installation15:31
edbiansungji: I'm thinking and researching.  Hang on.15:31
sungjiedbian: oh ok, thanks for doing this15:31
omegaphiiceroot : how do I uninstall it? from synaptic pack. manager?15:32
codinGenesisPici: Thanks !!! :) :) :) :) :)15:32
edbiansungji: sure15:32
codinGenesisreally glad to be back.......15:32
icerootomegaphi: i dont know, i dont know where your mysql-installation came from15:32
inashdeenedbian : so do i install my software into usr/share or usr/bin ???15:34
jswensenI have probably installed Ubuntu 100 times and have never seen this problem.  I am trying to boot off the standard install CD.  I am unable to select the options for booting as a live cd, installing, or checking the media.  I can, however, select the memory check and boot to hd option.  This is a newer Dell laptop.  Any suggestions?15:34
edbianinashdeen: You do if you're using the debian package.15:34
edbianinashdeen: If you're doing a manual installation then you put it in /usr/local/bin/15:35
PiX3LGuys, Accidentally, I killed a Process from System Monitor, it was something related to notifications. From that time, I'm not getting any notifications on the top-bar. It doesn't shows me any apps icons. like VLC, XCHAT or even the Active Connection. Except that, everything is working as a fresh install. I'd restarted my system later but it's still the same. I want to restore the system. Please, tell me if there's any solution.15:35
edbiansungji: Mmmm.  The documentation I'm finding says to use ath5k:  http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath5k/devices?highlight=%28ar242x%2915:35
belijwheare: verify md5 sum of your download15:35
edbiansungji: Still researching15:35
inashdeenedbian : next, where di i cd .desktop file to make it appear automatically in the menu system?15:35
edbiansungji: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up15:35
edbianinashdeen: I don't know.  You'll have to figure that one out on your own.15:36
sungjiedbian: it says: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill15:36
jswensenbeli: It is the same CD I used on an install just a week ago on a different machine15:36
clusterfuskMy girlfriend decided not to wait for my instructions to burn a disc image.  Instead, she put the freaking 180MB .iso file on the disc, wasting her last CD.  after ubuntu has written files from the integrated drag'n'drop interface, is it possible to write a disc image to the same disc as multi-session, deactivating the previously written track?15:37
inashdeenhi, anyone know where do i put a .desktop file in ubuntu to make it appear in the menu? i want to make it ( kinda) automatic installation rather than right click on the menu and edit menus15:37
ytooxjoin irc.freenode.org15:37
edbiansungji: sudo iwconfig15:38
Gneaclusterfusk: if it's a CDR, no15:38
sungjiedbian: i did: sudo rfkill unblock 0 and 115:38
sungjiedbian: now it works15:38
sungjiedbian: also, I found this: http://axcoto.com/blog/article/tag/siocsifflags-operation-not-possible-due-to-rf-kill15:38
edbiansungji: I just found that too: http://axcoto.com/blog/article/tag/siocsifflags-operation-not-possible-due-to-rf-kill15:38
edbiansungji: horray!15:38
clusterfuskGnea: Are we clear on what a multi-session disc is?15:38
edbianstop that!15:38
n0gearhow can i edit desktop switcher settings? need all dtops to be in same line, so i can use just two key combos to go left and right. Dont want go down or up at all15:39
sungjiedbian: :)15:39
PiX3LGuys, Accidentally, I killed a Process from System Monitor, it was something related to notifications. From that time, I'm not getting any notifications on the top-bar. It doesn't shows me any apps icons. like VLC, XCHAT or even the Active Connection. Except that, everything is working as a fresh install. I'd restarted my system later but it's still the same. I want to restore the system. Please, tell me if there's any solution.15:39
Gneaclusterfusk: are you clear on the difference between a CDR and CDRW is?15:39
MACscrok, so i added a ppa using add-apt-repository, but now i found out it doesnt have a natty repo. For some reason though ppa-purge cant find it, but its still showing the error for the ppa when i run apt-get update15:39
rypervenchePiX3L: Just restart15:39
PiX3Lrypervenche: I had several restarts.15:39
sungjiedbian: this laptop does have a fn+1 mechanism to enable WIFI. is it possible to automate the loading during boot?15:39
clusterfuskGnea: you can't erase a CD-R, which is not what I'm trying to do.15:39
PiX3Lrypervenche: That didn't work.15:40
edbiansungji: It should remember the state of that button.  I suspect you hit it (on accident) or something and we just turned it back on using rfkill15:40
Gneaclusterfusk: once the laser has written the final burn instruction, the CDR is done. there is no changing.15:40
losternHow do I use the install cd as a recovery cd?15:40
MACscrGnea: you can do multi sessions on a disc if you dont close it out15:40
Wolfsherzhi, can someone please help me with my graphic issues? catalyst control center reports, that i have an ati mobility radeon hd 4200 installed at my laptop. but there is a mobility radeon hd 5650 installed. it also reports i have got 320 mb of video ram, but installed is 1gb dedicated... graphic performance is overall slow and windows stutter when dragging them.15:41
MACscryou just cant write over already used areas15:41
GneaMACscr: but will he be able to boot with it into the OS?15:41
zertyuiohello there15:41
zertyuiowhat is the default mail server on ubuntu ?15:41
sungjiedbian: pushing the button on "AcerHK GUI" enables the wlan led... unfortunately, i don't know what it exactly loads when the button is pressed15:41
MACscrGnea: probably not. No reason to do multisession on a boot disc15:41
GneaMACscr: sounds of slashdot had that feature15:42
clusterfuskGnea: Please read this and refrain from trying to answer questions that you don't know about: http://www.osta.org/technology/cdqa2.htm15:42
edbiansungji: The button affects rfkill is my guess (rfkill just blocks it from running)15:42
Gneaclusterfusk: consider taking your attitude out the door and never asking again.15:42
clusterfuskGnea: what attitude?  I'm telling you to stop giving wrong answers.  You can leave yourself if you're going to be counterproductive.15:43
Abhijitwhich library to install for the package 'lua'? i searched in synpatic and it gives lots of result but which one to install?15:44
Abhijitit is needed for enlightenment15:44
sungjiedbian: oh ok thank you very much for your help and time!   is it possible to do "rfkill unblock #" during boot?15:44
edbiansungji: It's just a terminal command so you could write a script and have it run at boot time.  I suspect you wont' need to though.15:45
Gneaclusterfusk: the fact that you're calling me out on it is inappropriate. I don't have to leave, I've been here for years helping people. If you can't accept the fact that I already changed and realized what it is you're talking about, then it is you that has the problem. I won't tell you again.15:45
bobo123i'm trying to make a bash script for login-ing users, but how do i check if the user exists on the system or not?15:45
edbianbobo123: They will be listed in /etc/passwd15:45
bobo123edbian, yes i can get that, but how to check if the password is good or fake?15:46
edbianbobo123: You wanna replace the login program?  What are you trying to change about it?15:46
wirrrdoes anyone use mldonkey/can anyone recommend a good p2p client program?15:47
bobo123edbian, yes i want to replace it i'm doing a simple program for doing some calculations and i want the user to login again in order to do the calculations15:47
mastertheknifeI love unity, but i have a question.. for example the home button in the unity toolbar, how can i open it more than once?15:48
bobo123edbian, is there a function how to check if a user/password combination is ok or not?15:48
icerootwirrr: transmission (torrent)15:48
mastertheknifeAlso, in unity, if i drag the terminal to the unity toolbar, its missing its icon15:48
edbianbobo123: I'm not sure.  I've never done that.  I think you hash what they type (somehow) and then compare it to what's in /etc/shadow15:48
edbianbobo123: I am not aware of some library but maybe there is15:48
belibobo123: login shell is defined in /etc/passwd15:48
sungjiedbian: just rebooted, and I had to manually enable it again. So, everything in init.d is triggered on boot time, right?15:48
edbiansungji: yes.  use update-rc.d /path/to/file.sh default15:49
VSpikeHome come when I start a ghome-terminal, the bash it runs is not a login shell, does not have a login shell as a parent, yet it seems to have stuff set that can only come from /etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc ?15:49
wirrriceroot: i do not want just torrents. i want gnutella2 and everything that like limewire uses15:49
edbiansungji: In the file put #!/bin/bash  and on the second line rfkill whatever15:49
edbiansungji: Does that make sense? Have you ever made a bash script before?  Maybe I'm going to fast.15:50
Abhijitwhich library to install for the package 'lua'? i searched in synpatic and it gives lots of result but which one to install?15:50
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sungjiedbian: uhm.. kinda :) but it  makes sense yes15:50
edbiansungji: first let's make the script and run it.  Then we'll worry about making it run at boot time.15:51
VSpikesungji: simple stuff oyu can put in /etc/rc.local15:51
oCeanAbhijit: ? lua is in the repositories and should pull all necessary dependencies15:51
VSpikesungji: just sudo nano /etc/rc.local and add it at the end15:51
edbianVSpike: sungji true, but this is good practice ;)15:51
AbhijitoCean, i dont have lua installed. so i want to install it. for this i searched it in synaptic by typing lua. but it gives so many result. so which one i shoud install?15:51
oCeanAbhijit: I think you are referring to the package lua5.115:52
oCean!info lua5.115:52
ubottulua5.1 (source: lua5.1): Simple, extensible, embeddable programming language. In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.4-5 (natty), package size 125 kB, installed size 308 kB15:52
AbhijitoCean, i need it for enlightenment15:53
AbhijitoCean, lua5.1 is installed already15:53
wirrrcan anyone recommend a p2p client for gnutella2 networks and all the other kinds that like shareaza connects to, or send me an informative link15:53
clusterfuskI'll rephrase my question to make sure only those who know what's going on will answer.  Does Ubuntu's Nautilus-integrated cd burner "finalize" so the disc can't be written to again, or just "fix" the disc so it can be written to again as multi-session?15:54
sanestohello, is there a way to show messages like tail -f /var/log/messages with highlighting a specific words? i know i could pipe it to grep, but grep will show me only the lines contains words, and what i want is to have all the logs but highlighting specific words15:55
pythonirc101what is the gui for network management in ubuntu?\15:56
losternHow do I use the install cd as a recovery cd?15:56
oCeanAbhijit: you're installing from source? enlightment?15:56
AbhijitoCean, yes15:56
sergiosanchesanesto, try tail -f /var/log/messages | egrep --color=auto [whatever]15:56
Wolfsherzhi, can someone please help me with my graphic issues? catalyst control center reports, that i have an ati mobility radeon hd 4200 installed at my laptop. but there is a mobility radeon hd 5650 installed. it also reports i have got 320 mb of video ram, but installed is 1gb dedicated... graphic performance is overall slow and windows stutter when dragging them. if no one knows an answer, maybe someone knows where to ask?15:56
sungjiedbian: it says: warning: /etc/init.d/wifiscript.sh missing LSB information15:57
usr13Wolfsherz: Well, sounds like wrong video driver is loading.15:58
oCeanAbhijit: I don't know what it is looking for. The enlightment people should know I think. Last suggestion try liblua5.1-0-dev15:58
Wolfsherzusr13: i istalled the proprietary driver ubuntu recommends15:59
AbhijitoCean, okay i am asking in enlightemnet channel but its dead15:59
magnetronhi! my HDD gets very hot, where can i read about configuring hdd spindown in an ubuntu-aware way?15:59
magnetron(for a laptop)15:59
oCeanAbhijit: ah ok.15:59
Patrunjelhi guys, I had Ubuntu installed on my PC, and now I installed Windows XP (they are on different partitions), but now it just boots XP, i mean, GRUB does not appear so I can choose where to boot from. Can someone please help me out with this? :D16:00
ZykoticK9!grub | Patrunjel16:00
nibbler_!grub | Patrunjel16:00
ubottuPatrunjel: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:00
PatrunjelZykoticK9, nibbler_  It's not from GRUB, it's because of the (lame) Windows boot loader, but I don't really know where to ask. I have encountered this problem before, but I don't remember what were the commands to solve it (I'm not a Windows user, it's for mom :D)16:02
ZykoticK9Patrunjel, did you read the link?  "Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub"16:03
magnetronPatrunjel: the factoid you got has a link for reinstalling grub after windows broke it16:03
PatrunjelZykoticK9, magnetron Sorry guys, my bad :D (thanks for the help)16:04
RA_drchi, i'm running natty narwhal, and when i try and drop the text editor into the launch bar, it doesn't stay in there.  why is this?16:04
Wisienhi what are available file managers for ubuntu ?16:04
ZykoticK9Wisien, besides Nautilus there is also Thunar, PCManFM, GNOME Commander, ROX-Filer16:06
AbhijitWisien, search in the ubuntu software center by word file manager16:06
vivekrpGuys anyone know what is phpMyAdmin's default username in xampp (lampp) ??16:07
Wisienthanks, i need intuitive file manager like in windows or similar to total commander16:07
usr13Wisien: What is intuitive about MS Windows' file manager?16:08
vivekrpgeshp: Tried it. But getting "Cannot log in to the MySQL server". Whats default password?16:09
usr13Wisien: What is intuitive about explore?16:09
Wisienusage, its user friendly16:09
geshpvivekrp:i dont think it sets a pass by default16:09
ZykoticK9Wisien, "unix is user friendly as well, it's just picky about who it's friends are" ;)16:09
killowwhi everyone, is there anyone that wouldn't mind wasting a few seconds of their life (lol) helping me out choose a netbook? (i dont think this could be on topic here if so please just tell me i dont want to bother anyone) i'm looking at a few brands but now i'm really concerned about build and compatibility with linux, looks like the hardware is mainly the same but im really having some paranoia right now lol16:10
vivekrpgeshp: Yes. I set it using /opt/lampp/lampp security and gave and password. Now when tried to login using pma and password its not working16:10
Wisienunix can be hard to learn it has lots of commands and manuals16:10
afromanhello. how do I enter the system using usb device with Ubuntu and a terminal?16:10
usr13Wisien: Since MS Windows relies so heavily on file extensions and explore hides those extensions, I find it somewhat less than intuitive.16:10
edbianusr13: That is extremely annoying16:10
edbianWisien: But the file manager is GUI.  There are no commands16:11
usr13edbian: I'm sorry.  I'll try to control my comments :(16:11
samlis there full desktop zoom without compiz?16:11
edbianusr13: No no.  I agree with you.  Windows relying on file extensions is extremely annoying16:11
samlWisien, what is it?  i don't like compiz16:11
mgjWireless touble: Using a Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG, when i try to do 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan' i get: Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down16:11
afromanwhat do I do with grub-rescue_16:12
yunoshhi, how can i find out with apt/aptitude from which source a suggested package update is coming from?16:12
samli want to use different window manager.. but i like full desktop zoom16:12
oCeanyunosh: apt-cache policy packagename16:12
usr13Wisien: What is wrong with the default file manager you are seeing now?16:12
edbianmgj: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up16:12
yunoshoCean: thanks16:12
edbianusr13: You're not annoying me at all :)16:12
mgjedbian, SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory16:12
usr13edbian: I know, was just kidding .....16:12
xcc112Hi all!16:12
geshpvivekrp:why not just reset the pass in mysql query?16:13
Wisiennothing wrong , i look at the windows gui and ubuntu ...16:13
edbianmgj: You need to get a driver for your card. What card / chipset do you have?16:13
vivekrpgeshp: Code?16:13
mgjedbian, from what i can find on google, it *should* be supported. Its a Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG16:13
usr13Wisien: Once you learn a little more about Linux, you will realize it's not difficult, just different.16:13
vivekrpgeshp: I mean command?16:14
mgjedbian, if it did not have a driver, i shouldn't see it when i do 'iwconfig'.... correct?16:14
edbianmgj: agreeed.  What driver is listed for it in sudo lspci -k   ?16:14
ZykoticK9vivekrp, xampp shouldn't really be supported in this channel, as Ubuntu provides the same packages - but you've chosen to use a 3rd party instead16:14
Wisienyes, it has other philosophy than win16:14
edbianmgj: Is it showing up in iwconfig?16:14
fddgdfgfdgi have a problem with indicator clock, it doesn't show the date of the zone I choose (in the list), can anyone help me?16:14
edbianmgj: What name does it have in iwconfig16:14
mgjedbian, http://pastebin.com/p2hs0HhC16:14
geshpvivekrp: shutdown mysql: /etc/init.d/mysql stop16:15
edbianmgj: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up says what?16:15
geshpvivekrp: start it with grant: mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &16:15
mgjedbian, SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory16:15
vivekrpZykoticK9: I have installed  it on ubuntu 11.04. And i know its not xampp channel. so posted on #apachefriends but no one replyed there so askign here.16:15
geshpvivekrp: go to sql shell: mysql -u root16:15
afromananybody home?16:15
edbianmgj: What driver is being listed in sudo lspci -k   ??16:16
usr13mgj: Do you know the essid?16:16
RA_drchi, i'm running natty narwhal, and when i try and drop the text editor into the launch bar, it doesn't stay in there.  what is wrong?16:16
geshpvivekrp: update user set password=password('whateveryouwant') where User='pma';   (pma or root or whatever)16:16
geshpvivekrp: followed by: flush privileges; and quit16:16
mgjedbian, disclaimer: Helping a friend. I *think* he messed around with /etc/network/interfaces to fix it. I changed it back to only contain the loopback "lo" device.16:16
mgjedbian, i dont.... actually see the driver16:17
afromanhow do I enter my system using a live cd?16:17
soothHow do I feed a list of packages to aptitude and then resolve the dependencies interactively?16:17
edbianmgj: Does it contain only the lo device?16:17
geshpvivekrp: then /etc/init.d/mysql stop followed by /etc/init.d/mysql start16:17
edbianmgj: can you pastebin sudo lspci -k ?16:17
mgjedbian, yes16:17
geshpvivekrp: whew that should be it to do a mysql reset16:17
Wisienanyone knows how ubuntu display and gui works?16:17
vivekrpgeshp: When i command : /opt/lampp/bin/mysql . Its giving an error : " Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)"16:17
usr13mgj: sudo lspci -k | pastebinit16:17
ZykoticK9afroman, you could see the chroot directions in the !grub2 link16:17
Wisienis it xree86 or x1116:17
edbianmgj: Then /etc/network/interfaces is correct.  (it's a good sign it shows up in iwconfig)  I suspect the firmware is missing but first I wanna see the ipw2200 driver there16:17
usr13Wisien: xorg16:18
geshpvivekrp: you have to restart mysql with the --skip-grant-tables option16:18
ZykoticK9Wisien, Xfree86 was replaced on most (probably all) distros by Xorg quite some time ago16:18
jtreminioMorning all. I'm on 11.04, running Chrome. I know there's an update in the future for this, but does anyone know of anyway to watch Netflix streams right now? Does Moonlight work?16:18
edbianWisien: It's elaborate.  I know how it works at various level.  None of which are complete :P16:18
afromanZykoticK9: what is the !grub2 link?16:18
edbianjtreminio: You cannot watch netflix on linux :(16:18
ZykoticK9!grub2 > afroman16:18
ubottuafroman, please see my private message16:18
jtreminioedbian:  noooooooooooooo16:18
Wisieni need to chceck what graphics chipset i have16:19
mgjedbian, i dont see the ipw2200 driver. Pastein: http://pastebin.com/q0XH3zKK16:19
edbianjtreminio: do not want!16:19
Wisienhow to do it16:19
edbianmgj: reading...16:19
ZykoticK9Wisien, "lspci | grep -i vga"16:19
usr13Wisien: lspci16:19
jhfdjnever used ubuntu bfore just installed latest releasse and have a simple question16:19
edbianmgj: The only wifi card I see is a broadcom BCM4309  on the last line.  There is no intel 220016:20
edbianmgj: You've got some 'splaning to do!16:20
jhfdjis there a program list like in windows. i have libre draw (or something like that) but it isnt in the left hand widget displaying programs etc16:20
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
jhfdjand i cant find how to access it16:20
mgjedbian, you are correct. Think i have been fooled by either the dell website (which claims broadcom is only used in the asia market) or my friend :P. Im sorry16:21
jtreminiojhfdj:  hit your Windows key and type "libre"16:21
mgjugh.... broadcom wifi trouble16:21
jhfdjok thanks16:21
mgjhave tried fixing broadcom before, such a pain16:21
sw0rdfishhey guys where are background images kept again?16:21
mgjedbian, none the less, there is a driver, why cant i scan?16:21
jhfdjis there a simple way of seeing and accessing the installed program list on the desktop without having to type in the name of the program16:21
mgjshouldnt i be able to?16:21
edbianmgj: no worries.  I am more confident with this chipset!16:21
mgjreally? awesome16:22
ZykoticK9sw0rdfish, /usr/share/pixmaps maybe?16:22
geshpbroadcom is *not* just used in asia damn thats so wrong16:22
usr13jhfdj: No16:22
edbianmgj: do you have a /lib/firmware/b43 folder ?16:22
jhfdjthat could be an improvement suggestion then n'est pas16:22
mgjgeshp, i know, only speaking about this specific laptop16:22
jhfdjfor ease of use etc time etc16:22
geshpmgj: is that a mini by any chance?16:22
mgjedbian, i dont. I do have a "brcm" folder tho16:22
usr13jhfdj: Do you realize that if you had close to a thousand icons on the Desktop it would be impossible to find anything?16:23
mgjgeshp, i dont know. Not my laptop, helping a friend remotely16:23
geshpahh gotcha16:23
sw0rdfishZykoticK9, nice one16:23
edbianmgj: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer    This will install the firmware needed by the driver to use your card.16:23
jhfdjor at least be able to open it from the installed software list16:23
jhfdjor find the path to where it is from there in right click menu. eg do u want to open this16:24
usr13jhfdj: They are all accessable via the start menu.16:24
mgjedbian, nice! Guess that means i dont have to deal with the pains of ndiswrapper?16:24
ZykoticK9usr13, "start menu" eh?  ;)16:24
edbianmgj: I don't think so16:24
usr13ZykoticK9: Ok, well what should I call it?16:24
jhfdjthe widget aint big enough to show all programs in just has libre write and the presentation one16:24
ZykoticK9usr13, ?16:24
mgjedbian, scanning seems to work, awesome! Thanks a lot16:25
usr13ZykoticK9: But it IS a start menu.  Right?16:25
edbianmgj: You can get on a network?16:25
edbianI'm better than the documenation!  linux wireless lists this card but not what driver covers it.  And under the b43 driver it does not list this card.  ubuntu packages don't mention bcm4309 at all16:26
mgjedbian, will try, but i assume so. At least, it is able to find multiple networks16:26
jhfdji mean an easy access to software list or something is just an obvious necessity surely. unless linux users are so clever they dont need it16:26
edbianI just got it to work16:26
ZykoticK9usr13, "start menu" is a windows term, so you can call it that if you like (everyone will know what you are talking about)16:26
magnetronHi, i have a laptop that gets very hot. what is the recommended way to set up power save for hard drives?16:26
edbianmgj: Finding networking basically means the card is working16:26
jhfdjit is a visual interface not dos16:26
mgjthats a good start in my book =)16:26
edbianmgj: sure16:26
dr_willisive heard the next release of windows is also trying to move away from the start-button mentality16:26
balachmarHi, GDM doesn't start anymore and I have errors about loading the nvidia driver. But sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current did not help16:26
sungjihmmm WHAT did they do with the gnome samegame ?16:26
ZykoticK9usr13, i was just joking around with you, thus the ;) at the end.  But i really don't have an alternate suggestion...16:27
jhfdji mean thats a big flaw really innit16:27
jhfdjits bleadin obvious one16:27
jhfdjwood for the trees...16:27
jhfdjhmm starting to wonder about you lot16:27
balachmarJust for your information fail-safe x works16:28
adurodeajhfdj: far as i can tell you're complaining about no list of software?16:28
blzmagnetron, I'm not sure that harddrives generate all that much heat.  Is this really the best way of handling the problem?16:28
edbiandr_willis: I read that.  All tiles just like windows phone 716:28
adurodeajhfdj: theres plenty of ways to list software...installed running or available to be installed16:28
dr_willistheres getting to be a lot of neat Unity Indicator-applets and lens out it seems. :)16:28
ZykoticK9jhfdj, FYI Gnome2/classic has a list of installed programs - you're talking about a Unity shortcoming16:28
magnetronblz: it's old and i just want to save some power. what would you recommend? turning off the computer?16:28
jhfdjyes unity16:28
jhfdjgot it from a linux mag16:29
jhfdjfed up of worms16:29
jtreminioIs there a way to override the Hidden Files filter for Nautilus? I still want to hide all hidden files/folders, EXCEPT for any ".htaccess" files - I want those to always be visible16:29
jhfdjin windows16:29
jhfdjlast one was a rootkit called avg1016:29
dr_willisI was able to run the normal gnome-panel on unity also. :) looked a litle weird.. but it worked..16:29
dr_willisjtreminio,  not that i have ever seen16:29
blzmagnetron:  well that would certainly work =).  Otherwise open it up and clear the heatsink of dust.  That can make a HUGE difference.16:29
Wisienanyone used commercial unixes here?16:30
jhfdjunless you really know about computers you might as well just reinstall everything after infected.16:30
oCeanWisien: please stay on topic16:30
blzmagnetron, otherwise, I'd throttle CPU power, dim the backlight, and run powertop16:30
ZykoticK9jtreminio, i don't think you can selectively hide things - they're either hidden, or not --- FYI ctrl+h will show hidden in nautilus16:30
jtreminioZykoticK9:  yeah I've been doing that ... was hoping though! Thanks anyway16:30
blzmagnetron, and there's an option to spin down hard disks in the power management app installed by default16:30
jhfdjis there an alternative to linux. you have windows linux and there must be something else lurking out there no one talks about...16:31
oCeanjhfdj: this channel is about ubuntu support.16:31
magnetronblz: the cpu power is already throttled. the heat is coming directly from the place where the hdd is so i'm pretty sure that's the problem, it's constantly spinning. i use the command-line version of ubuntu.16:31
seidosjhfdj: maybe you should ask in #ubuntu-offtopic16:31
ZykoticK9jhfdj, *BSDs are another free OS out there16:31
jhfdjok well off to waste time finding libre paint put that in suggestion box for unity pls clever people thanks16:32
dr_willisjhfdj,  check the disrtowatch web site.16:32
mgjedbian, it works =) Thanks again16:32
edbianmgj: awesome.  Glad I could help!16:32
xcc112On ubuntu 11.04 ,how to fix mon0 is fixed on channal -1 in airodump-ng, broadcom wireless card, b43 driver16:33
giuliociao ragazzi mi potete suggerire come posso installare i driver di un scanner lide 110? sono novello su ubuntu e mi sto cimentando da qualche giorno . grazie per la collaborazione.16:33
blzmagnetron:  Hmm.  Concerning the heat, it's possible (and somewhat likely) that because hard drives tend to conduct heat, it feels hotter after some time.  I'd still check out the heatsink.  As far as disk power management goes, I forget how it's done16:33
oCean!it | giulio16:33
ubottugiulio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:33
blzmagnetron:  but give powertop a whirl too.  it's in the default repositories16:33
magnetronblz: yeah, but i'm on the commandline system so i doubt the problem is too much software16:34
xcc112anybody know how to fix airodump-ng problem with fixed channal (mon0 on -1) with b43 driver16:35
xcc112anybody have compaq 6715b with ubuntu and b43 driver?16:38
fa_effektneed to set up wireless connection from cell phone to desktop via wifi adapter16:38
fa_effektthe adapter works16:38
edbianxcc112: I don't have that machine but I can help.16:38
parapanhello fellows > I have some troubles mounting partitions when using nx remote on Ubuntu system .....can anyone help pls ???16:38
fa_effekthowever don't know how to set it up16:38
StereocaulonI have a hardware RAID1 system and Ubuntu 11.04 (64bits) complains from time to time that it has encountered serious errors mounting my /home directory. Is a simple fsck safe on a RAID1 array, or do I need to take special precautions?16:39
oCeanparapan: best is just to describe your issue (detailed, in single line)16:39
edbianxcc112: you there?16:39
edbianxcc112: What card / chipset do you have?16:40
sipiorStereocaulon: fsck operates at the level of the filesystem, and so is more or less orthogonal to raid/lvm status.16:40
xcc112broadcom wireless card16:40
edbianxcc112: I need the number, bcm43XY  what are x and y?  You can find out by running sudo lspci -k16:40
xcc112ok sec16:41
edbianxcc112: It' big!16:41
Sub_ZeroHow can I remove some of the entries in the right click menu?16:41
Stereocaulonsipior, thank you! I'll go ahead next time (after making a backup)16:42
sipiorStereocaulon: sure thing. backups are always a good idea :-)16:43
parapanoCean: when I'm in front of  my PC, I am mounting a linux partition using Places>Partition Name (the partition is not mounted on the fstab); when I remotely access the PC using NX, I go to Places>Partition name and I receive message  "Unable to Mount partition > Not authorized ...but I'm logging with the admin user .......funny thing is : some time is working ...most of the time is not working ....16:44
fa_effektanyone knowledgeable on how to get wifi adapter set up?16:44
Rickta59I'm having copying and pasting data from a java applet in Firefox ( and Chrome ).  It doesn't work.  Is there some setting I can change to allow cut and paste on for java applets?  The site I'm trying to use is the circuit simulator at http://www.falstad.com/circuit/ It has a feature that allows you to export the link.  It shows a dialog box with a text widget.  If you right click on the exported text there is no copy or cut.  I tr16:44
Sidewinder1Jamshoot, Good mornin'.16:45
xcc112edibian i am on another computer i cant use my now , i will come later and try to find you16:45
edbianxcc112: cya16:45
Jamshooti got read DMA Ext error, while i try to boot Ubuntu. I finded bad partition and deleted it from fstab. But it doesnt helps... What should i do?16:46
oCeanparapan: weird, I didn't think it would make a difference, locally or remote (nx)16:47
Jamshootany guess?16:47
fyksenDoes anybody know what the shortcut to switch tab in empathy is?16:47
sipiorJamshoot: dying drive, i would imagine16:47
sipiorJamshoot: possibly just a bad connection.16:48
oCeanparapan: I would suggest a logfile, if I could come up with one of some relevance.. /var/log/auth.log maybe?16:48
parapanoCean: normally, it sholdn't be a problem ...maybe because of a slow remote connection ??? even if it happend to me when using a good internet connection also .....16:48
sipiorJamshoot: consider running smartmontools on the drive and see what comes up.16:48
Jamshootsipior, this is bad... However, i can mount it from live usb (cd)...16:48
sipiorJamshoot: then make sure you have a reliable copy of the data therein16:49
Stereocaulonsipior, thanks again. going to backup now.16:49
oCeanparapan: have you tested other actions?16:49
Stereocaulon\leave #ubuntu16:49
tsaknorrismy friend has sony vaio with AR9285 atheros card and his connection quality is 40/70 (not even 40/100) is there other drivers that that ath9k what i could test?16:50
=== OneiricOne is now known as Guest17496
Jamshootsipior, i tried smart tools, test throws this ->16:50
Jamshoot# 3  Short offline       Completed: read failure       90%      8321         122172008116:50
tsaknorrisspeed is in bits not in bytes :D16:50
Jamshootand already checked connectors16:50
sipiorJamshoot: time for a replacement drive.16:51
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sipiorJamshoot: at least plug in a spare to verify that it's not a problem with the controller &cet.16:51
afromanZykoticK9: hello again... thx for the help16:52
Jamshootsipior, =\ he is too young to die =)16:52
tsaknorristhere is also windows (dual boot) so with windows its very good wlan connection16:52
sipiorJamshoot: if only the world worked that way...16:52
Rickta59so no one has suggests on how to solve copy/paste problems with java applets on ubuntu ?16:52
soothHow do I manually start the window manager from the console?16:52
afromanZykoticK9: just a quick question, how do I find out if UUID of a partition?16:52
tsaknorrisi dont want to use ndiswrapper :P16:52
soothafroman: blkid16:52
OneiricOnesooth, startx16:53
soothOneiricOne: I want to start it on another tty16:53
soothor display16:53
OneiricOnesooth, sorry I don't know how to do that.16:53
Jamshootsipior, ok ill try it... But what happend with boot? Why the error appears there and dont appears while i mount hd it livecd ubuntu?16:54
sipiorJamshoot: i don't know.16:54
oCeansooth: I think it is startx -- :2  to start x on tty216:54
afromanthx sooth16:55
Jamshoot2nd question, is there scandisk-like prog. for ntfs in linux?16:56
Jamshootfsck doesnt like ntfs...16:57
jay_Question: is there a good software for desktop recording in ubuntu ? can u recommend me one ?16:58
rypervenchejay_: gtk-recordmydesktop or ffmpeg16:58
mgjjay_, the ones i have tried, sucks. recordmydesktop is easy, but i think ffmpeg is more reliable16:58
rypervenchejay_: I wrote a script for ffmpeg to do it.16:59
SintientNeed help with Ubuntu install using Wubi on a Win7 system (ASUS Eee PC 1015PED-PU17)17:00
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Abhijit!details | sinistrad17:03
ubottusinistrad: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:03
AbhijitSintient, ^^^^^17:03
roastedQuestion - I've heard that Gnome Shell breaks Unity. Is this because the current Unity is Gnome 2.X based and GS is Gnome 3 based? When 11.10 comes out, will Unity and Gnome Shell be able to live together on the same system or will the same issue still exist?17:03
fa_effektanyone knowledgeable on how to get wifi adapter set up?17:04
FLeiXiuSI'm trying to create my own debian repo; however, every time I go to apt-get install, the package is unavailable.  Apt-get update shows my repo being 'Ignored'17:04
Abhijit!wifi | fa_effekt17:04
ubottufa_effekt: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:04
magnetronfa_effekt: have you been experiencing any problems with it?17:04
fa_effektmagnetron, this is a new setup17:05
fa_effektthe adapter is recognized but don't know how to get the cell phone to connect17:05
magnetronfa_effekt: what happens when you plug it in and click the network icon17:05
fa_effektit shows a wlan connection17:06
SintientInstall process seemed fine, rebooted, presented with boot options, selected Ubuntu, OS began loading, hung on slide-show. I left it on all night and it still did not fully load17:07
CainFooolI need a bit of help.17:07
ThraspicI'm trying to change the Chromium program icon.  Not jsut the icon on the main menu, which I've done, but the icon which appears in my task tray and in my window manager.  I've done this with other programs by changing the icons in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/(various resolutions)/apps, but for Chromium and Chromium alone this isnt working.17:07
CainFooolAnybody here?17:07
magnetronfa_effekt: can you access the internet?17:08
CainFooolsudo: can't open /etc/sudoers.d/README: Permission denied17:08
CainFooolThat error message shows once I try sudo for anything.17:08
CainFoooleven just typing sudo.17:08
fa_effektmagnetron, to be specific - in gnome under system > preferences > network configuration17:08
magnetronfa_effekt: yes. what SPECIFICALLY isn't working17:09
fa_effektit says that under wireless connection tab there is a wireless connection 117:09
magnetronfa_effekt: that's good, it's supposed to17:09
fa_effektmagnetron, after that not for certain about what should be done17:09
sipiorCainFoool: well, what are the permissions of that directory, and /etc/sudoers?17:10
CainFooolHow do I check sipior?17:10
sipiorCainFoool: "ls -l"17:10
sipiorCainFoool: ls -l /etc/sudoers17:10
magnetronfa_effekt: sure, but you haven't told me what the problem is yet17:10
CainFoooldr--r-----  2 root    root     4096 2010-04-29 13:18 sudoers.d17:10
CainFooolIt is not the sudoers file that is the problem, it's the sudoers.d folder that is.17:11
fa_effektmagnetron, just trying to get a connection between cell phone wifi and desktop17:11
magnetronfa_effekt: can't they both connect to the router?17:12
fa_effektthe router is lan17:12
dr_willisteathering. :)  always a handy thing.17:12
killowwhi everyone, is there anyone that wouldn't mind wasting a few seconds of their life (lol) helping me out choose a netbook? (i dont think this could be on topic here if so please just tell me i dont want to bother anyone) i'm looking at a few brands but now i'm really concerned about build and compatibility with linux, looks like the hardware is mainly the same but im really having some paranoia right now lol17:12
roastedAnybody see this? Seems to be more user friendly to recover grub - http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/boot-repair-fix-ubuntu-boot-issues.html#more17:12
fa_effektmagnetron, the router is ethernet17:12
CainFooolsipior: I get dr--r-----  2 root    root     4096 2010-04-29 13:18 sudoers.d17:12
dr_williskilloww,  eee has some new netbooks with ubuntu preinstalled..17:12
sipiorCainFoool: you don't have /etc/sudoers?17:12
magnetron!ics | fa_effekt17:12
ubottufa_effekt: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing17:12
CainFooolsipior: I do have /etc/sudoers ; but that file is not the problem.17:13
killowwdr_willis: sadly asus is very  bad here with support and prices, i was considering dell, hp, toshiba  you have any experience? I mainly focus on build quality since support can be good where you live but crappy here17:13
dr_williskilloww,  im not even sure what you would mean by 'support' :) ive rarely needed the pc makers for any reason17:13
CainFooolsipior: For sudoers, I get -r--r-----  1 root    root      609 2011-06-10 02:08 sudoers17:13
dr_williskilloww,  check the reviews i guess.17:14
CainFooolsipior: But for sudoers.d ; I get dr--r-----  2 root    root     4096 2010-04-29 13:18 sudoers.d17:14
killowwdr_willis: well when it breaks i cant actually replace the mobo on my own (i would never find someone that would sell me one lol)17:14
sipiorCainFoool: yes, i saw.17:14
mgjkilloww, if all you care about is build quality, i think good ol' IBM Thinkpad is hard to beat17:14
dr_williskilloww,  its a netbook.. its basically a throw away computer..17:14
CainFooolsipior: So how do I fix this fail?17:14
sipiorCainFoool: which version of ubuntu are you running, and when did the problem begin?17:15
dr_williscost of parts would be more then a new one in most cases..17:15
CainFooolsipior: Ubuntu 10.04 ; and it happened 2 days ago.17:15
sipiorCainFoool: what did you change on the system 2 days ago?17:15
killowwmgj: sadly i cant buy them here :S17:15
mgjwhat, really?17:15
CainFooolsipior: Erm.. I chmod'd / by 0777 xD17:15
mgjthought they were very global17:15
killowwdr_willis: i couldnt agree more :D17:15
killowwmgj: they are but here noone sells lol17:16
sipiorCainFoool: you could've saved us a great deal of time mentioning that at the beginning...17:16
haavarosHi! How do I make the week start on monday in 10.10?17:16
CainFooolsipior: So how do I fix it then17:16
mgjkilloww, you could use that thing.... whats it called.... interwebz? to buy one :P17:16
sipiorCainFoool: boot from a rescue cd (or boot into single-user mode), and fix the permissions.17:16
RA_drchi, how can i  get gedit to stay in the quick-launch bar on natty narwhal?17:16
killowwmgj: lol, problems are that 1 my company needs to buy them directly from the manufacturer (and thats a big one) 2 that they re not sold on national territory anyways so id need an imported product17:17
CainFooolsipior: I have been doing that, I've been booting off an Ubuntu Live CD (my previous install one) and i got the README file chmod'd to 0440 this morning, but once I did it I get the PErmission Denied error.17:17
CainFooolsipior: Would fsck fix it?17:18
mgjkilloww, fair enough. I honestly know nothing about how IBM goes about selling to companies17:18
sipiorCainFoool: no.17:18
killowwmgj: ibm rocks, i don't know how they got our former machines lol17:18
killowwmgj: you happen to have experiences with hp dell or toshiba?17:18
mgjIm afraid i dont. Im a coder, i dont buy stuff for companies =)17:19
Sintient"I have a problem with Ubuntu not completely loading after boot, I'm running Ubuntu version 11.04 dual-booting on a Win7 Starter system. When I try to boot Ubuntu it stops at the initial desktop with a slide show of Ubuntu features, I get the following output: The pointer continues to remain a spinning wheel., but I expected it to finish loading the desktop and show a taskbar and list of programs"17:19
mgjonly speaking from personal experience with thinkpads, they are generally of very high build quality17:19
killowwmgj: no i mean experiences with said brands, like you ever owned one of those machines?17:19
mgjoh, no. Only had thinkpads and shitty low-end asus's17:19
killowwmgj: ouch17:20
omegaphihi, can someone help me uninstall the phpmyadmin from my ubuntu?17:20
gumushi all17:21
omegaphithere are multiple folders with name phpmyadmin on my system. Please help :)17:21
Piciomegaphi: How did you install it?17:21
mgjI have a 7 year old Asus laptop, it still works. The fan is quite noisy by now, but it works. But honestly, the build quality does not even compare to that of a thinkpad. Im a bit of a fanboy in that regard.17:21
llutzomegaphi: sudo apt-get purge phpmyadmin17:21
omegaphior can someone help me fix my phpmyadmin? it is asking for some username and password which I don't know!17:21
Picimgj: Could you please mind your language here? also, laptop brand discussion isn't really on-topic for this channel, there is a conversation about the same thing going on in #ubuntu-offtopic though.17:22
SintientWubi install provided by Ubuntu.com17:22
killowwmgj: i saw one, sadly lenovo is kinda picky here and all i can find are low end ones17:22
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mgjPici, sorry. Dont think my language is very offensive, but ill stop the laptop discussion17:23
Kartagishow do I downgrade ssh?17:23
killowwyeah sorry everyone for the off topic, sorry mgj too17:23
shockratessomeone type my nick17:23
shockratesi am checking highlight17:23
gumus[absolute beginner] does anyone know how to connect to FTP server without using the "Places" , "connect to server" ?17:23
shockratesk nice17:24
Gargameli have a desktop (Dell Dimension 2400) with a belkin wireless card in it and i cannot seem to find the drivers compatable anyone know where i can find a driver that works with the broadcom 801 and ubuntu 11.04?17:24
CainFooolftp {domain}17:24
pythonirc101anyone can help me setup a static ip on an ubuntu box? I tried to follow -- http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html but still get the dhcp ip that i used to get17:24
dr_willisgumus,  theres the fuse ftp tools17:24
Gargameli have a desktop (Dell Dimension 2400) with a belkin wireless card in it and i cannot seem to find the drivers compatable anyone know where i can find a driver that works with the broadcom 801 and ubuntu 11.04?17:25
gumusok, i'll take a look thx17:25
Gargamelbelkin does not support the linux os and its the only wifi card i have and reallly need to get it operational so that i can get my linux system online17:26
ninjageekhola soy nuevo alguien me da una mano?17:26
Nobgul-BNC!es | ninjageek17:26
ubottuninjageek: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:26
omegaphi*REPSOTING* can someone help me fix my phpmyadmin? it is asking for some username and password which I don't know!17:26
omegaphi*REPOSTING* can someone help me fix my phpmyadmin? it is asking for some username and password which I don't know!17:26
Nobgul-BNComegaphi Wait a second and yes i can17:27
Nobgul-BNCDo you have root access to the server or computer?17:27
Piciomegaphi: The username and password it is asking for are the credentials that your mysql server would normally accept.17:27
Gargamel*REPOST*i have a desktop (Dell Dimension 2400) with a belkin wireless card in it and i cannot seem to find the drivers compatable anyone know where i can find a driver that works with the broadcom 801 and ubuntu 11.04?17:28
SintientIs it an expected function for Ubuntu 11.04 to show a desktop background with a slide-show and nothing else except OS customization options?17:28
omegaphiPici : My mysql is installed with default settings, user: root and no password, but it's not working :(17:28
hex-codehi omegaphi17:28
SintientIf not, what should I expect?17:29
omegaphihex-code : hi17:29
hex-codecan you help out with Glib 2.28 upgrade on ubuntu 10.1017:29
Piciomegaphi: The default for mysql is for it to prompt you for a root password upon install.17:29
hex-codesynaptic doesn't show any new upgrade beyond  Glib 2.26.1, and i need some help with manual installation17:29
Null000What is a good program to check computer heat ,hard disk etc on ubuntu?17:30
Gargameli am running ubuntu 11.04 but i want to get my wireless card working till i do i have a linux box with no internet anyone willing to help me out finding the driver for the wireless card compatable with Belkin G Wireless F5D700 V1134?17:30
omegaphiPici : I simply pressed enter while installation, I can access thr mysql from shell using "mysql --host=localhost --protocol=TCP"17:30
omegaphihex-code : sorry, I don't know nothing about it17:31
Nobgul-BNComegaphi, try this mysql --user=root mysql17:31
Piciomegaphi: Then you can change your password so that phpmyadmin will accept it: UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('newpasswordhere'') WHERE User='root';17:31
Piciomegaphi: Then: FLUSH PRIVILEGES;17:31
omegaphiNobgul-BNC : ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)17:32
Nobgul-BNCThen you have larger issues. Pici, that is where i was going with him.17:32
omegaphiNobgul-BNC : ok17:32
Picihex-code: Upgrading glib is likely to break your system. Why do you think you need to do this?17:32
Gargamelok all these people that use linux and noone knows where i can find a driver that will work with my Belkin G Wireless Card?17:32
omegaphiNobgul-BNC : what should I do now?17:33
Nobgul-BNComegaphi, You can run the code that Pici, gave you ands reset the password by login in the way you did before.17:33
Pici!broadcom | grandrew17:33
ubottugrandrew: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:33
Picigrandrew: sorry, mistab17:33
hex-codei have to install gtk+-3.017:33
PiciGargamel: see above ^17:33
hex-codeand it depends on glib2.28.017:33
Gargamelpici i tried that17:33
Picihex-code: glib2.28 is available in Ubuntu 11.04, you could upgrade.17:34
Gargameli have to have internet first and without the drivers i cannot retrieve them17:34
SintientSorry, I am new to this. Should I be addressing someone specifically?17:34
hex-codei was wondering if i can do it in 10.10 only17:35
mgjSintient, if you have a question, just ask it. If someone answers, it might be appropriate to adress that person17:35
GargamelPici you have to be connected to retrieve the drivers, my linux box has no internet till i get those drivers17:36
omegaphiERROR 1142 (42000): UPDATE command denied to user ''@'localhost' for table 'user'17:37
Nobgul-BNCUsb drive Gargamel?17:37
omegaphiPici : ERROR 1142 (42000): UPDATE command denied to user ''@'localhost' for table 'user'17:37
Nobgul-BNComegaphi, you know how to stop mysql17:37
Nobgul-BNCIf so kill mysql17:37
Null000gargamel if you using linux in virtual box than use nat connection to get internet coonection in box than download driver17:38
mgjNobgul-BNC, not sure if you should use the "service" tool these days, but otherwise you should be able to use /etc/init.d/mysqld start|stop|restart17:38
Nobgul-BNComegaphi, and once its down start it with mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables17:38
omegaphiNobgul-BNC : I did pkill mysql17:38
Nobgul-BNCOk run that command above to launch it.17:38
mgjomegaphi, is that... safe?17:38
GargamelNull000 I HAVE NOT CONNECTION AT ALL WITH Linux17:38
NCS_One_I have this "XTerm*background: #080808" on ~/.Xresources but it doesn't change color, anyone knows why?17:39
Null000gargamel you using virtual linux?17:39
Sintientubottu, I have a problem with Ubuntu not completely loading after boot, I'm running Ubuntu version 11.04 dual-booting on a Win7 Starter system. When I try to boot Ubuntu it stops at the initial desktop with a slide show of Ubuntu features, I get the following output: The pointer continues to remain a spinning wheel., but I expected it to finish loading the desktop and show a taskbar and list...17:39
ubottuSintient: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:39
Sintient...of programs17:39
omegaphiNobgul-BNC : http://codepad.org/xiHU1yr217:39
Nobgul-BNComegaphi, after you restart with the above command you can use the password rest command that Pici listed above17:39
Gargamelno its a full install17:39
Gargamelonly OS on box17:39
arunkumar413hi, i want to convert some individual html pages into a single pdf document.17:40
Nobgul-BNChrmm omegaphi, type ps aux | grep mysql17:40
Null000try conect with cabel to router every linux disto can achive that without any driver installed i think than search for driver17:41
omegaphiNobgul-BNC : http://codepad.org/jgtJ99Uq17:41
illDecreei've got a set of song files. they are all named like this: "# SONG ARTIST".  how can i rename them all via terminal to remove the ARTIST part of the files?17:41
Gargameldownloaded a package gonna go try that one17:41
Gargameltalk to ya later17:41
Gargamelthanks for the info17:41
Nobgul-BNComegaphi, try putting sudo in front of the command to launch the mysql.17:42
dr_willisillDecree,  some bash scripting, or use of 'qmv' from the renameutils package.  proberly other ways as well.17:42
omegaphiNobgul-BNC : the command which you just gave me or the one I use to start mysql?17:42
Nobgul-BNCThe one from above mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables17:43
illDecreedr_willis: thanks!17:43
Nobgul-BNCso sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables17:43
ZolHow come 'sudo echo "wm.zolomon.com" > /etc/hostname' says I lack permission? I've got root access.17:43
omegaphiNobgul-BNC : done17:43
Nobgul-BNCDid it launch omegaphi17:44
ZolIf I change the hostname, how should I change my hosts file?17:44
omegaphiNobgul-BNC : http://codepad.org/mkSKIxSg17:44
Zol(I managed to change the hostname file, and I read that if I didn't update the hosts file sudo would stop working.)17:44
omegaphiNobgul-BNC : I guess it launched then ended immediately17:44
NCS_One_I have this "XTerm*background: #080808" on ~/.Xresources but it doesn't change color, anyone knows why?17:45
Nobgul-BNComegaphi, that is what it looks like. Unfournately the only way i know how to reset the pass is this method. Mabey someone else knows why it wont run. but im not sure17:45
SintientAny suggestions of another place I should go that could more appropriately address my issues?17:45
omegaphiPici : Can you help?17:46
arunkumar413hi, how to convert individual html pages into one single pdf document17:47
kenusing doPDF to print it in windows.....17:47
Nobgul-BNCarunkumar413, you can in firefox print to pdf17:48
arunkumar413Nobgul-BNC: it's not a single html page. there are some individual html pages and i want to create a single pdf document17:49
gridbaghow do you install the JavaSE  JDK1.6 download from oracle? the download is a jdk1.6.0_26.bin , and it extracts the stuff into a ./jdk1.6.0_26/ directory.  the fonts are messed up when i use it, though.17:49
calziferhi, i need help installing mysql, because it always fails http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/6616/screenshot1706.jpg17:50
iSpoofhi guyz, anyone knows how to mount remote locations via FTP so they appear mounted at ~/.gvfs ? I am using nautilus-connect-server and can access it through nautilus but not from terminal17:50
dasupergamerhi guys17:51
SintientSorry, I am not sure how this game is played. Who can I ask for help?17:52
dasupergamererm can i get ask a few questions on hardware support please... mainly stuff like TVTuners.......PCI interface cards and such17:52
dasupergamerjust ask in this chat17:52
* Mr_Brooks is wondering if anyone is here..17:52
Picidasupergamer: ##hardware would be a more appropriate place for that.17:52
dasupergamerPici: still17:53
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Sintientdasupergamer, can you help me?17:53
dasupergamersintient, sure17:53
dasupergamerwhat do you need help with17:54
SintientI have a problem with Ubuntu not completely loading after boot, I'm running Ubuntu version 11.04 dual-booting on a Win7 Starter system. When I try to boot Ubuntu it stops at the initial desktop with a slide show of Ubuntu features, I get the following output: The pointer continues to remain a spinning wheel., but I expected it to finish loading the desktop and show a taskbar and list of programs17:54
dasupergamerok as you are using WUBI you can uninstall it via control panel.... also windows 7 started only come on netbooks with 32bit processors not 64biot... there is a command line to install ubuntu via wubi but the 32bit version17:55
amit2011any1 knows irc channel of doc team.. I wanna join doc team17:57
Sidewinder1dasupergamer, wubi should be used only to "try ubnutu", it is not meant to be a method for continued usage...If you like ubuntu, install it as dual boot and go from there.17:57
SintientI thought I did install it17:57
riktkingwhats the package name of the remote desktop viewer?17:57
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dasupergamerwubi allows booting for a vhd.... or virtual ahrd disk in another sense17:58
dasupergameryou can get full ubuntu usage out of it... i only use it to test wine compatability17:58
SintientI used the install here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/windows-installer17:59
SintientI rebooted and selected Ubuntu from the boot menu17:59
dasupergamerwubi is good for ppl who just want to use ubuntu for dvds, web browsing and things like that17:59
dasupergamerbut you get full ubuntu usage out of it18:00
Sidewinder1dasupergamer, Wubi and wine are two aspects that "i" avoid like the plague; with all due respect to the developers.18:00
Sintientthat was my hope dasupergamer18:00
SintientSo far I only have a slide-show and OS personalizations.18:01
amit2011any1 knows how to type | separator symbol18:01
dasupergameri use ubuntu but i also have windwos as my main OS cause i play world of warcraft]18:01
beef-supremecan anyone tell me what image viewer comes on by default on ubuntu 10.10?18:01
RevSpecies116You just did amit201118:01
dasupergameri write guides on the forums for playing under linux.... and the blizzard ppl thank me for it but don't sticky it18:01
pksadiqamit2011: how does you do now?18:01
nmpribeirogrub rescue> insmod normal (after doing prefix and root to the right places) gives me "error: out of disk". Same thing if I go beyond ls (hd3.1)/. HOwever, the mounting point / is visible using ls. Any one help? Thanks in advance18:02
dasupergamerto install 32 bit via wubi ..... right click on wubi application and add the arguement --32bit18:02
amit2011I copy pasted it18:02
pksadiqamit2011: shift + backslash key18:02
Sidewinder1"Full Ubuntu usage" from wubi;...Not a chance, but that's just my opinion. If you like it, install it and go from there. Dual boot will allow you to get "the best of both worlds. :-)18:02
amit2011I have edited thousands of wiki and I dont know this..18:03
pksadiqamit2011: usually just above the enter key or left of Backspace key18:03
Sintientbut my problem is that there is virtually no usage Sidewinder118:03
amit2011thanks guys18:03
amit2011millenia problem solved!18:03
Sidewinder1Sintient, Sorry, my responses were directed to dasupergamer18:04
SintientI thought this would be a fairly straightforward process. I have been trying to install some Linux distro, but always encounter issues like this.18:04
dasupergameri only use ubuntu for testing really... like openoffice or koffice vs office 2010 professional dats all..... or linux  mmorpgs vs windows mmorpgs... which is basuically anything mmorpg on linux vs world of warcraft18:05
pksadiqbeef-supreme: oeg  i think18:05
morosrhi all! does anyone installed ubuntu on an acer tablet a500 with android?18:05
Gargamelthat didnt work18:05
beef-supremepksadiq, eye of gnome?18:05
Gargamelstill no wifi18:06
Sidewinder1dasupergamer, My sons are both WOW intense...They won't go anywhere near *nix for that reason.18:06
SintientSo, I am sol? Should I just unstall and find another Linux distro or installation method.18:07
Gargamelb43-fwcutter not found when trying to install the wifi driver18:07
dasupergamerhow big is your hard drive18:07
arunkumar413hi, i want to convert some individual html files to a single pdf document? if not then htmls files> pdfs files then pdf files> single pdf. please help me18:07
dasupergameri cant help you on that one18:07
Sidewinder1dasupergamer, If ubuntu has one weakness, it's the ability to play graphics intensive, multi-player windows games...18:08
Pici!who | dasupergamer18:08
ubottudasupergamer: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:08
dasupergamerok.... keep the windows partition at 150gb and give 80gb to ubuntu.... i suggest isntall via USB18:08
nmpribeiroanyone about grub rescue out of disk error?18:08
Gargamelim trying to install the broadcom drivers in ubuntu 11.04 but it says b43-fwcutter not found18:08
dasupergamerwhen i speak to my web host matt...... i can sort out another website for ubuntu guides 'n' such......18:08
SintientIt has two partitions around 100G each I gave Ubuntu 20G18:08
BluesKaj!broadcom | Gargamel18:09
ubottuGargamel: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:09
dasupergameras i ahve a 1.5tb hard drive i am giving ubuntu around 100gb18:09
morosrhi all! does anyone installed ubuntu on an acer tablet a500 with android?18:09
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dasupergamernope... installing via android isn't possible18:10
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dasupergamerunless there is an android ubuntu installer....... or android linux installer18:10
Sintientdasupergamer, I did install via USB18:10
morosr@Sintient how? please help me18:10
Gargamelcrap looks like i nuke linux and put windows back on itr18:10
dasupergamerreformat your ubuntu partition and reinstall ubuntu18:10
sam_hello guys,, can I ask a question here ?18:11
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:11
ktosieksam_: don't ask to ask, just ask18:11
Sintientper directions here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download18:11
Gargameli have read that and it dont work18:11
sam_is there away to install gnome3 along with unity without problems ?18:11
sam_i need to have both18:11
yayaHow to build a very light ubuntu ?18:12
techzillayes, you can choose which one to enter in GDM18:12
RexodusBoth are installed sam_18:12
kiichiroon linux what do I do with .bin's?18:12
ktosieksam_: you do have both, Ubuntu Classic is GNOME3 IIRC18:12
Sidewinder1!gnome3 | sam_18:12
ubottusam_: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.18:12
kannan_can't write to /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm even with root prvilages in 10.04 .. pls help me write to this file..18:12
techzillaubuntu classic is no graphic effects, which I prefer18:12
dasupergamer@sam_ when you log in... click on the part to enter password... at the bottom you will see a drop down boss to change to ubuntu classic18:13
ktosiektechzilla: no, "no effects" is one of "ubuntu classic" versions :-)18:13
baggar11Anyone ati/amd eyefinity users in here with 3+ monitors? how was your experience setting it up? What card are you using?18:13
sam_I see .. ok thanks18:13
amit2011any1 know ubuntu-doc irc18:13
techzillamy bad, I regularly use kde18:13
BluesKaj !who > Gargamel , dasupergamer, techzilla, kannan_18:14
pksadiqkiichiro: double click18:14
ubottuGargamel, please see my private message18:14
Piciamit2011: #ubuntu-doc oddly enough18:14
techzillaand ...doze at work,18:14
kiichirogrr, asks what I want to open it with18:14
techzillawhich I have no choice on, check this even stoopider18:14
Sidewinder1Thanx, Blue :-)18:14
PiciRexodus, ktosiek, sam_: Ubuntu Classic is GNOME 2.x18:14
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techzillaI work AS A LINUX SYSADMIN18:14
techzillatalk about garbage18:14
sam_yeah I know .. I asked about Gnome318:14
kannan_can't write to /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm even with root prvilages in 10.04 .. pls help me write to this file..18:14
amit2011Pici: lol18:15
Sintientmorosr, is there another distro or installation method I should use18:15
ktosiekPici: thanks, I was sure it's 3 already (I'm using wmii and i3-tree)18:15
pksadiqkiichiro: chmod +x and double click might be enough if it is really an *executable*18:15
BluesKajSidewinder1, these conversations are getting ridiculous to follow ..ppl have to address their answers to nicks who are asking18:15
sam_this IRC is really cool ... can I install it on my computer to be a server ?18:15
kiichirookay since I've obviously no idea how to install java on linux18:15
techzillaim currently at work, have time to kill...building php packages18:15
techzillaI'm going to ppa them when I'm done18:15
XenoPhoenixIf KMS is enabled, I have green output on HDMI till I unplug and replug the TV (goes green again if i turn off and on the TV again), disabling modesetting using i915.modeset=0 fixes this issue however it is not a solution as it also disables graphical acceleration. This only occured with natty, no problems before upgrading, Any ideas?18:15
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, Totally agree! :-)18:15
RexodusPici: I know. Thats why I told him so :P18:15
rypervenchehi kiichiro18:16
kiichirohey rypervenche18:16
techzillaphp 5.3.6 for lucid coming soon to techzilla ppa18:16
techzillahopefully before the next 4 hours18:16
pksadiqkiichiro: so easier way > right click the file > properties > permisions > tick Execute, and then double click ;)18:17
morosr Sintient wich one?18:17
kiichirothere is no execute tick?18:17
arunkumar413how to convert some individual pages into their respective pdf in one go18:18
Sidewinder1kannan_, Open a terminal, type: gksudo gedit, enter your password and it should be able to write to any file...18:18
Sintientmorosr, either. I just want a Linux distro that I can gain some experience with.18:18
pksadiqkiichiro: by default it will not be ticked,tick it18:18
ktosiekI'm getting "Error: AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP" when trying to turn nVidia card off on my 1015PN18:18
ktosiekAny ideas why? (or where to ask?)18:18
techzilla@Sintient, ubuntu is that distro,18:18
ktosiekI'm doing: echo '\_SB.PCI0.P0P4.DGPU.DOFF' > /proc/acpi/call; cat /proc/acpi/call18:19
Sintientmorosr, so far all I have experience with is the android os on my phone18:19
techzilla@Sintient, anything you do hold true in debian as well (except a few ubuntu specific things)18:19
Jo_RHi everyone18:19
Jo_RWhy aren't there checksums at http://www.ubuntu.com/download ?18:19
alienmindtrickso, this morning, trying to update my machine, i ended up updating to 11.10 oneiric instead of updating 11.04. now i can't access my files and folders. any thoughts (besides the obvious: i'm a d**b*ss)18:19
Sintienttechzilla, I am trying with Ubuntu, but have been unsuccessful so far.18:19
Jo_RWhat is the checksum of ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso ?18:19
oCeanJo_R: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes18:19
dasupergamerdunno why18:19
Jo_Rah, thanks, oCean18:20
Gargamel1I give up18:20
* Gargamel1 breaks out his windows XP pro disk18:20
Jo_RI wouldn't hide it like this.18:20
techzilla@Sintient what problems you having?18:20
pksadiqGargamel1: NO, why?18:20
tomjkearGreeting community - first timer here!18:20
ktosiekGargamel1: that'll hurt. At least try Win718:20
techzilla@Sintient, iv got time to kill while my php packages build18:20
Gargamel1i have no internet on the linux machine18:20
RexodusPici: sry, you are right! The gnome version installed is 2.3218:21
Jo_RIn case there's someone responsible here, it's really annoying to have to ask for such things.18:21
tomjkeardamn, short time, gotta go18:21
Sintienttechzilla, I tried using Wubi. I reboot and Ubuntu begins booting but stalls at the desktop/slideshow.18:21
Gargamel1trying to get my wifi card going and cannot seem to find the right drivers to install the drivers to get the belkin g wireless card up and ruinning18:21
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dasupergamerwell the nyour hardware isn't compatible.....18:21
techzilla@Sintient, wubi has some issues as of last I tried it (which I got in trouble for, at work)... which was a month ago. I had the same weird issues18:22
Gargamel1its a Belkin G Wireless F5D7000 Version 1134 with the broadcom chipset18:22
Sintient@techzilla, any other suggestions?18:22
techzilla@Sintient, it worked when I logged in with "Ubuntu Classic" mode18:22
pksadiqGargamel1: install b43-fwcutter package , hope it would work18:22
Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, As I'm sure you've already surmised; you'll need to reinstall 11.04. :-(18:22
Gargamel1if i had net on that box i would18:22
techzilla@Sintient with gdm you can choose which WM/DE at login18:23
ktosiekGargamel1: do you have any other box handy?18:23
Gargamel1i dont have any connection at all on that computer18:23
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Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, Hope you backed everything up...18:23
antlongI think i created a user incorrectly, when i ssh in, i see $ in the prompt, instead of the usual user@hostname: prompt. how do i fix this?18:23
Gargamel1Kt i am on a windows box18:24
techzilla@antlong, you are missing default .bashrc files18:24
alienmindtricksidewinder: trying to reinstall 11.04 is what was suggested yesterday when this actually began. that's how i ended up with 11.10.18:24
techzilla@antlong do this command in your home dir18:24
alienmindtricksidewinder: no, nothing backed up since i had no intention of upgrading, just updating18:24
techzilla@antlong cp /etc/skel/.bash* ./18:24
impizafriends i have found a software called CyberLink_PowerDVD11 in windows it can play videos in 3D does linux have any kind of softwares like that18:24
astraljavaHello everyone, is anyone else missing the possibility of saving a session's applications into "memory" in Startup Applications?18:25
astraljavaThis in 11.0418:25
ktosiekGargamel1: well, you can download packages and dependencies by hand from packages.ubuntu.com18:25
arunkumar413hi, i have some 100 individual html pages and i want to convert them to pdf in a single go. plz help me18:25
ktosiekand then use them when you set up your Ubuntu18:25
Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, That "should" never happen, by accident.18:25
Sintient@techzilla, how do I login with Ubuntu Classic mode?18:25
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".18:25
alienmindtricksidewinder: i burned 11.04 to CD, but my machine won't boot from CD when i start it with it in the drive, nor will it boot from the CD when i try to manually18:25
tsaknorrishmm i have ath9k installed to this 11.04 ubuntu but there isnt ath9k.conf file?18:26
tsaknorrisi checked the whole hdd18:26
alienmindtrickyes yes, i'm sure i'm wrong. it's like calling customer service when something breaks, you're GOING to be wrong18:26
Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, How did you initially install ubuntu?18:26
alienmindtrickbut the issue is this, how do i fix it?18:26
techzilla@ Sintient, @ubottu had a good response18:26
alienmindtricksidewinder: from CD18:27
techzilla@Sintient, if you are still freezing between gdm and desktop, tell me18:27
tsaknorrisis there anymore something equal  package to linux-backsport-compat-wireless....18:27
Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, What changed? It did booy from CD, now it won't?18:27
antlongarunkumar413: http://pdfcrowd.com/18:27
Sidewinder1boot, even.18:27
pksadiqarunkumar413: do you now the app to conver html to pdf?18:27
alienmindtricksidewinder: that would seem to be the case, yes18:27
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arunkumar413pksadiq: no18:28
Sintient@techsilla, i ahe no option to select my username. I have boot options, the Ubuntu load screen and the desktop with slideshow. in that order18:28
oCeantsaknorris: what would ath9k.conf be used for?18:28
arunkumar413pksadiq: i think i can do it with openoffice18:28
codinGenesisi installed ubuntu 11.04... and then after i installed propritory drivers of my graphic card, but after installing them graphical display were not working properly18:28
wirrrcan anyone recommend a good p2p client that connects to gnutella2 and all the kinds of networks like mldonkey connects to18:28
techzilla@Sintient, this stupid oversight of the wubi people, shoudl'nt stop you from using ubuntu, its still th ebest distro for new people, and truthfully even experienced people18:28
Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, Did you check your "boot order" in BIOS?18:28
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impizaplease pm me18:28
alienmindtricksidewinder: how?18:28
tsaknorrisoCean, well i could maybe see the settings because now atheros card isnt working well very bad connection compared to windows side18:28
Sintient@techzilla, so how do I do it, or where should I look for the ingormation?18:29
Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, Would you like to take this to PM?18:29
alienmindtricksidewinder: whatever's appropriate18:29
techzilla@Sintient, I used to be a debian only person, but 5 years ago I tried ubuntu and like it.. but it wasn't llike it is now. the last 2 years I tried it agin, and it was flexible like debian but cleaner as well18:29
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oCeantsaknorris: it's a kernelmodule18:29
tsaknorrisyeah it is18:30
arunkumar413antlong: i'm looking for a batch converter. not a one by one manually18:30
pksadiqarunkumar413: I think wkhtmltopdf is somewhat like that18:30
oCeantsaknorris: you can see more info using modinfo ath9k, and change options using /etc/modprobe.d/18:30
techzillaSintient: on sex18:30
techzilla...not commenting on how that typo looked18:30
bil21alcan any one help me.from where can i get guide line about triaging a bug ?18:31
tsaknorrisoCean, parm:           nohwcrypt:Disable hardware encryption (int) <-- i want to enable that18:31
techzilla@Sintient: ok check this out,http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/04/change-classic-ubuntu-desktop-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/18:32
techzilla@Sintient: description with pix18:32
Sintient@techzilla, sorry, but in my limited and ignorant experience it seems to be more broken than flexible. I have faith that I can find a way to make it work, but it it is becoming more frustrating.18:32
dasupergamerwell......... who'd like to old gmaes like gta san andres that can use opengl for rendoring ported to ubuntu18:33
techzilla@Sintient, it is not ubuntu that is broken, it is the wubi install method18:33
NCS_One_can anyone help me install this http://paste.ubuntu.com/628515/18:33
techzilla@Sintient, it is always recommended to do a regular install... but to just try it out wubi it ok, if working18:33
dasupergameruse wubi to see if your hardware works... if wubi doesnt work your hardware doesnt work18:34
Sintient@techzilla, so how do I do a regular install.18:34
impizai have found a software called CyberLink_PowerDVD11 in windows it can play videos in 3D !  does linux have any kind of softwares like that18:34
techzilla@Sintient: that is a whole nother story, its not difficult.. but needs some time and a good description online18:35
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Sintient@dasupergamer, so I should assume that my Eee PC is not practical for Linux? Seems like a sweeping generalization.18:35
techzilla@Sintient: try wubi with classic install to see if you like it18:35
dasupergamerwhat.... can you tell me your make and model.....18:35
dasupergamerwait not what... shen18:36
Sintient@dasupergamer, ASUS Eee PC 1015PED-PU1718:36
techzilla@Sintient, you should.. if your commited to learning you won't regret it, if your serious on having a better computing experience, or commited to being a more able systems person18:36
techzilla@Sintient: I'm not going to lie, transitioning to another OS is always frustrating18:36
dasupergamerit should work...18:37
Sintient@techailla, that's why I am here. It took me all morning to figure out how to use IRC18:37
dasupergamertry fermorting the ubuntu partition and then reinstall ubuntu18:37
techzilla@Sintient, but I don't know that many people who use GNU/Linux for years and go back to windoze... most that go back to MS either have to for apps, or go back in frustrating defeit after months at most18:38
Giant81linux can connect to a windows box using RDP, can I set somthing up to use mstsc to connect TO my linux box?18:38
techzilla@Sintient: are you a computer person?, or in IT, or student (like young student HS or BS)18:39
dasupergamerthats why i still use windows.... giving u... gonan try again but a step at a time... wubi testing is done... so now time for partition and dual boot.... but will sue BCD bootloader18:39
tsaknorriswell anyway very crappy wlan connection18:39
Giant81I use windows and linux18:39
tsaknorrison windows its fast18:39
Sintient@techailla, I will look around for WUBI with classic install. I would love to be able to never use MS again. So far I haven't been able to18:39
Giant81I like them both, for different reasons, use the one you like and move on18:39
techzilla@Sintient: what about the link I sent you???18:39
improveuponcan anyone recommend a p2p client program that connects to gnutella2 and basically everything else18:39
dasupergameronly thing is... windows has to have anti virus or your fucked18:40
techzilla@Sintient:, it has the instructions to log in, you already have it installed by default 11.0418:40
maco!language | dasupergamer18:40
ubottudasupergamer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:40
techzillayou need link again18:40
techzilla@Sintient: you need link again18:40
oCeandasupergamer: mind your language here please18:40
Giant81dasupergamer, true but AVG is effective and free18:40
dasupergamerso is avast18:40
Giant81there you go18:40
dasupergamerbut comodo lawl18:41
tsaknorris02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)18:41
Giant81and as linux gains popularity you'll see more viruses for it too18:41
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic18:41
tsaknorrisdoes anybody other has problems with wireless18:41
tsaknorriswith AR928518:41
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:41
techzilla@dasupergamer for GNU/Linux I like to use Fprot , its CMD only .. for file servers .. not GNU/Linux Desk use18:41
Sintient@techzilla, I am curious. I like being able to break the seal and see what is under the hood. I am program language illiterate.18:41
dasupergamerhttp://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/230284/dont_like_ubuntus_unity_try_one_of_these_desktops_instead.html - different GUIs to unity18:41
tsaknorrisQuality=67/70  Signal level=-43 dBm18:42
oCeantsaknorris: I'm using that AR928x myself, no issues18:42
tsaknorrisi want its atleast 67/10018:42
ballball87HEY AVERY BODY18:42
tsaknorrisoCean, what iwlist scan is showing?18:42
dasupergamerdoes ubuntu support the new ati raedon the 6990 4gb18:42
oCeanballball87: hi, no need to SHOUT here18:42
techzilla@Sintient, curiosity alone, might have you trying it... but when the going gets though its commitment that is what gets you through...18:42
john_ramboCant open any website but Xchat is working ...How to proceed ?18:42
cheshairhi! ubuntu 11.04 -> system settings -> compiz manager settings -> preferences: i switched by accident from "unity" to "Default" and everything went pear-shaped: i don't have bars nor panels anymore, i tried reinstalling gdm/compiz/unity/ubuntu-desktop/... with no luck; can you help me?18:43
dasupergamerswitch back to unity before you  log in18:43
impizaavast is better one18:43
techzilla@ dasupergamer, ubuntu might not OOB18:43
Sintient@techzilla, please send the link again18:43
techzilla@ dasupergamer, but ati does18:43
techzilla@Sintient, ok one second18:43
cheshairdasupergamer: if i reboot my computer or simply restart gdm, i am in with no auth required (which is weird)18:44
techzilla@Sintient, http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/04/change-classic-ubuntu-desktop-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/18:44
tsaknorrisdamn :D now my friend isnt going to use linux, because bad connection to wlan router18:44
techzilla@cheshair, that is a configuration option18:44
techzilla@cheshair, a risky one18:44
cheshairtechzilla: i am all ears18:44
dasupergameri don't know then18:45
Sintient@techzilla, thanks for the help18:45
tsaknorrismaybe i can recompile whole driver :/18:45
gumusare we allowed to talk about hardware issues here ?18:45
dasupergamergo ahead18:45
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tsaknorrisi dont think of anything else18:45
techzilla@Sintient, no prob.. good luck18:45
dasupergamerdoes the gt 520 work mit ubuntu18:45
Sintient@dasupergamer, thanks for the help.18:46
gumusok, i got two Wireless Cards18:46
techzilla@cheshair, one second18:46
cheshairtechzilla: ok, thanks18:46
gumusi don't know which one is better18:46
dasupergamermakes and models18:46
techzilla@cheshair, use !gdmsetup 18:46
oCeantsaknorris: 67/100 is not bad at all18:47
cheshair@techzilla: i will and let you know18:47
gumusIntel PRO/Wireless 2200BG and the other one WM3B2200BG18:47
oCeantsaknorris: 67/70 is not bad at all (it's not 67 out of 100)18:47
dasupergamerboth intel...... right18:47
techzilla@cheshair, not sure if its installed by default these days18:47
gumusor maybe they r just the same ^^  i have no idea [absolute beginner]18:47
techzilla@cheshair, after the GDM1 to GDM2 switch things got (and still are) ugly18:47
dasupergamerwhat type... b/g/n n+n18:48
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dasupergamermine i g and my router is G+ no issues in ubuntu18:48
gumusi guess you mean supported protocols? but i don't know where to check it from18:48
cheshair@techzilla: i will have some tries with gdm setup (let's hope i won't have to reinstall my wall distro from scratch!)18:48
dasupergameri suggest use the one thats on your mtoherobard if any of them are18:49
techzilla@cheshair, no that's rarely required in the GNU/Linux world18:49
dasupergamermotherboard* as they work better than the PCI ones any way18:49
dasupergameralso who wants a world of warcraft linux client18:49
cheshair@techzilla at the moment i have a bare naked desktop with icons and the pointer18:49
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gumusin fact , i detached one of them from my notebook because i get poor signal18:50
techzilla@cheshair, o wow...diffrent story altogether18:50
dasupergamerpres ctrl+a;t+t to load terminal18:50
cheshair@techzilla no bars nor keyboard shortcuts to launch a terminal!18:50
dasupergamerthen run compiz via terminal18:50
techzilla@cheshair, if you can do it without regard to old setup.. then blast it away18:50
techzilla@cheshair, did you kill system during updates18:50
dasupergamerthen reinstall ubuntu or boot into recovery mode18:50
techzilla@cheshair, or actually, you could just try deleteing your user config directories18:51
techzilla@cheshair, one sec, I'll see which one18:51
cheshair@techzilla to blast away what?18:51
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dlynesI accidentally enabled the Mythbuntu desktop...any idea how to reenable the Gnome desktop?18:51
Picidasupergamer: If you're talking to someone in particular, could you please put their nick at the front of your message?  Its very confusing otherwise.18:52
techzillaok try "rm -rf .gnome218:52
dlynesI'm guessing it's dpkg-reconfigure something....I just don't know what that 'something' would be18:52
iNethackDuring installation of Ubuntu 11.04, it doesn't detect Windows 7 x64 - is this a known issue? I'm using a SAMSUNG AHCI SATA hard drive18:52
BluesKajdlynes, hit the \ key18:52
NCS_One_can anyone help me install ricoh memory stick this http://paste.ubuntu.com/628515/18:52
techzilla@cheshair, try "rm -rf .gnome2" with an xterm or gnome-terminal... or log in to console18:52
dlynesBluesKaj, eh?18:52
cheshair@techzilla ok i will18:53
dasupergamererm.... install the boot loader to another partition... the nuse easybcd to add an entry for grub2 called ubuntu18:53
cheshair@techzilla then what? should i restart gdm?18:53
Sidewinder1iNethack, After installation, did you try, from a terminal, sudo update-grub?18:53
techzilla@cheshair, yes restart gdm after that18:53
BluesKajshould bring you back to the normal desktop, dlynes18:53
cheshair@techzilla /etc/init.d/gdm restart?18:53
techzillaactually do a18:53
dasupergamer@NCS_One_ USBs should work like windows plug and play18:53
techzilla@cheshair, pkill -9 X18:53
iNethackSidewinder1: No because it doesn't detect Windows 7, it only gives me the option to format the drive18:53
sundarhi... how do I tell ubuntu that I never want some packages selected in the Update manager? Like chromium-browser or cups related stuff?18:53
iNethackAnd I don't want to format the entire drive18:54
NCS_One_dasupergamer: not usb memory stick18:54
dlynesBluesKaj, And what do I need to focus on, in order for it to read the backslash key?18:54
dasupergamerclick manual install options18:54
iNethackIt doesn't give me the option of using the free space on the drive, and it also says that the drive is 320GB of free space18:54
dasupergamerthen i dont know then NCS_One_18:54
BluesKajcheshair, fyi , @ doesn't work on irc, just use the nick and it will highlight18:54
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ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:54
dlynesBluesKaj, I have the clock in the upper right hand corner, a light black bar across the top, and a black screen underneath, with absolutely nothing else18:54
dasupergamerbefore isntalling use a tool like gnome partition editor to partition the drive18:54
dlynesBluesKaj, when ubuntu booted up, on the splash screen, it said 'Mythbuntu', instead of 'Ubuntu'18:55
tuxicityHello, I've just received a notebook and I would like to install Ubuntu from a USB Hard Drive (not a USB Flash Drive). Is that even possible?18:55
theadminsundar: echo "PACKAGENAME hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections18:55
iNethackSidewinder1: It doesn't give me the option of using the free space on the drive, and it also says that the drive is 320GB of free space18:55
dasupergameryes... just don't put any other files onto the hard drive... as the install crashes18:55
dasupergameras i ahve learned18:55
BluesKajdlynes, then you have the mythubuntu set as your default desktop , relogin and choose ubuntu in the drop down menu18:56
dlynesBluesKaj, there is no drop down menu, because ubuntu's set to automatically log in18:56
Sidewinder1iNethack, Once you boot to LiveCD, have you tried to use "Gparted" to check your partitions to make sure that you have at least one logical drive that is formatted to ext3/ext4 to install ubuntu, to?18:57
cheshair@techzilla ok, i deleted the .gnome2 folder and pkilled X, then i got the gdm login screen back alive. if i choose ubuntu as profile then i get the same problem (only icons on my desktop, everything else is dead). on the other hand if i choose the "ubuntu classic" profile i manage to get into a classic (apparently working) system18:57
iNethackSidewinder1: it says my drive is 320GB of free space18:58
ben_qhey guys, is there a tool that lets me make an image of the directory-list of an external HDD? so I can search it without having the HDD on? (got lots of externals...)18:58
iNethackSidewinder1: which its clearly not, given that W7 x64 is installed and working on there18:58
cheshair@techzilla how do you think i can restore the standard 11.04 ubuntu settings?18:58
mbeierlI have a new 11.04 install of ubuntu and it appears to have some sort of IRC bot rootkit or something on it.  There is a directory in /dev/shm called ".../lnx" and it contains files as described here: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=72397418:58
techzilla@ cheshair, that did not work18:58
mbeierlAnyone else come across this one?  I don't have apache or PHP installed on this machine18:59
techzillaok.. kill all dot dires18:59
techzillagoto your home dir18:59
cheshairtechzilla ok18:59
techzillaand do , (this will kill any sshkeys or anything in a hidden direct)18:59
cheshairtechzilla ok18:59
BluesKajdlynes, http://souta95.blogspot.com/2010/06/change-autologin-settings-in-ubuntu.html19:00
omegaphican someone help me unistall phpmyadmin from my ubuntu?19:00
techzilla@cheshair, "rm -rf ./.*"19:00
techzilla@ cheshair, then restart system19:01
techzilla@ cheshair ,if that doesn't work.. tell me19:01
cheshairtechzilla a little backup, then the rm and finally the restart, i'll be back in a minute19:01
BluesKajtechzilla, fyi , @ doesn't work on irc, just use the nick and it will highlight19:01
mbeierlit also created the following crontab for me: "* * * * * /dev/shm/.../lnx/update >/dev/null 2>&1"19:01
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:02
omegaphi*reposting* can someone help me unistall phpmyadmin from my ubuntu?19:02
Sidewinder1iNethack, What you need to do is use the Win7, defrag function and defrag it at least twice; then shrink it to the final size that you need for the NTFS partition. Then using Gparted from LiveCD make a new logical partition and format it to ext3/ext4 and install ubuintu there. Make sure that you back-up all data from your NTFS partition prior to doing the above.19:02
Jadedthanks ubottu, didn't even know19:03
rahulr92I am a linux newbie and am using Ubuntu Ultimate edition (jaunty).I tried to update my sys. through terminal using 'sudo apt-get update'. I am getting a series of error msgs like "Err http://in.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/restricted Packages     404 Not Found [IP: 80]". Can anyone tell me how to update and upgrade my distro? I know that my version is no longer supported.19:03
iNethackSidewinder1: I can't do that! GParted says my drive is 320GB of free space19:03
iNethackSidewinder1: so if I try to format it, it will format the entire drive. I can't create partitions or anything19:03
iNethackJust FYI my drive is 320GB in size19:04
pksadiqrahulr92: Ubuntu Ultimate edition is not supported here19:04
oCeanrahulr92: jaunty is EOL and the utlimate edition is not supported in this channel19:04
iNethackill be back in a min, ill try it again19:05
HorusofozHow to create a shared folder for another user?  EG my admin account share "guest user" desktop folder so can be access via samba19:05
kender_hello everyone19:05
Horusofozwhen I try to create the share using "guest user" account won't allow19:05
techzillaBluesKaj thanks19:06
kender_I just installed Gnome 3 in ubuntu using the ppa and I noticed that it is not searching through the files in my home when I type something in the search bar19:06
kender_has anybody had a similar problem?19:06
oCean!gnome3 | kender_ it's not supported19:06
ubottukender_ it's not supported: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.19:06
computerxBrain meltdown, what's wrong with this? find . -name "*.flac" -exec "ffmpeg -i {} -f wav pipe: | lame --abr 192 -q 1 - {}.mp3" \;19:06
techzillakender_ , there really is no "The" for a ppa19:06
Oerkender_, gnome3 is not supported yet, unstable19:06
MoleManeasiest way to add a ppa on ubuntu server 11.04?19:07
techzillakender_ , there are so many of them, they are by definition "Personal" even if they are Public19:07
techzillaMoleMan, use the new apt ppa syntax19:07
dasupergamer@moleman via software sources19:07
dasupergamerfound in the ubuntu software central19:07
techzillaMoleMan , as long as you hava recent ubuntu19:07
techzillaMoleMan , on the ppa page there is a help for using the ppa, they show the command there19:08
MoleManerm... is that a GUI tool? i'm using server 11.04 so i just have command line...19:08
techzillaMoleMan , my reccomendation was for CMD19:08
kender_techzilla: I meant the ppa pointed by ubottu19:09
techzillakender_, my bad19:09
kender_I understand it's unstable and I installed it taking that risk19:09
oCeanMoleMan: use apt-add-repository19:09
kender_but it doesn't mean there couldn't be a solution to my problem ;-)19:09
HorusofozHow ubuntu admin share other users folder?19:10
saf_Hello, I have a question about MIT / GPL / LGPL licensing19:10
oCeankender_: correct, but "not supported" means that it is not supported in this channel19:10
kender_oCean: alright ;-) thanks anyway19:10
MoleManoCean i tried that but it said command not found19:10
techzilladoes anyone know if there is an unoffical ubuntu support channel for kender?19:11
techzillaactually, would like to know myself especially for ppa launchad stuff19:11
dasupergamerwhats kender19:11
techzillathe user19:11
amit121I cant update19:11
kender_dasupergamer: he means for me19:11
saf_I am wondering if it is possible to use NLopt (C library) in a commercial development task19:11
techzillais guess @kender19:11
amit121It shows error http://pastebin.com/Sn5FpbGn19:11
oCeanMoleMan: maybe it's optional command. It is in the package python-software-properties19:11
dasupergameroh... whats the problem then19:11
* ericP , hoping some network tool geeks are around, repeats earlier question:19:12
mbeierlthe content of the directory which contains the suspicious code is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/628534/  I can't seem to find any valid posts about what this vulnerability is or how it gets installed on a computer.  Anyone good with recovering from a hack?19:12
ericPI'm using a compiz with the standard (as in i didn't tweak anything) network controller interface (the thing which puts the the wifi icon in the main menu bar).19:12
ericPAfter a couple days, the menu that comes up when clicking the wifi icon is unresponsive (no meny selections do anything except for [More Netorks] and [VPN Connections], which paint a tiny empty box).19:12
amit121cant updAte   It shows error http://pastebin.com/Sn5FpbGn19:12
amit121any ideas guys19:12
ericPHow do I restart this tool in hopes of restoring network control without having to log out?19:12
ericP(Whatever restarts implied by reinstalling network-manager-gnome didn't do the trick.)19:12
dasupergameri can recover hacks... its called back up all data and files 'n' shen and reinstall19:12
ericP(This occurred after a 10.10 to 11.04 upgrade.)19:12
cheshairtechzilla i will use "rm -fr ./.[a-zA-Z]*" otherwise i am afraid i'll delete my home19:13
dasupergameri am off in a minute wonna paly warcraft 3 lol19:13
amit121cant updAte   It shows error http://pastebin.com/Sn5FpbGn19:13
amit121any ideas guys19:13
techzillacheshair, that's fine.. I believe you don't need to regex but why take risk19:14
cheshairtechzilla: hmmm sure? if i launch a tar cjf with only ./.* it eats everything19:14
cheshairtechzilla: i'll investigate further and let you know when i am ready19:15
rlyI am running Gnome Classic, but my application icons (e.g. Skype, Pidgin, etc.) are not visible. How can I get those icons visible?19:15
techzillayes my command work, just tested it again19:15
sundartheadmin: Thanks... Will I have to manually do this for every PACKAGENAME? Do wildcards work (eg. "cups*") ?19:16
gargamel1i got the b43-fwcutter how do i install it?19:16
techzillacheshair, yes command "rm -rf ./.*" works as intened19:16
gargamel1i compiled it and it still says not intstalled19:17
techzillacheshair, you will get these messages though rm: cannot remove `.' directory `./.'19:17
techzillarm: cannot remove `..' directory `./..'19:17
techzillacheshair, but will delete only the . dirs19:17
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
techzillacheshair, we are specifing the directory with ./ (saying this current dir) then .19:18
techzillacheshair, you could also do "rm -rf ./\.*" if that makes you more comfortable19:18
techzilla\ = interprete literally19:19
gargamel1having bad luck with ubuntu 11.04 and my wifi card19:19
HorusofozDoes "accountx" have to exist on "pca" and "pcb" to access files on both machines from each other?19:19
theadminsundar: Nope, and yes, manually for every19:19
Horusofoznot pca win pcb buntu19:19
theadminsundar: Or you can set up a script19:20
BernardVHorusofoz: Nope, you can login with credentials, so they won't have to exists on both.19:20
gargamel1i know i know i can fix the ubuntu box!! with about 4 oz of C4 and a blasting cap!!!19:20
mbeierlsorry to spam, but i'm on a new network which blocks IRC and I have to use webchat.  Am I muted or can others read me?19:21
HorusofozBernardV: it appears that unless I enable access to everyone though it gives password error (win7 accessing ubuntu11.04 share19:21
BernardVmbeierl: ping19:21
gargamel1im getting extremely frustrated with this wifi card on my ubuntu machine19:21
mbeierlBernardV: thanks!19:22
amit121mbeierl we cant read you.. joking19:22
mbeierlamit121: hee he...19:22
seidosgargamel1: have you talked to papasmurf about it?19:22
dlynesBluesKaj, actually....just realized...it does allow me to log in, but no drop down to choose a window manager/desktop19:22
gargamel1seidos no19:22
mbeierlStill trying to get to the root cause of this apparent irc bot hack that showed up on my clean install Natty 11.04.  This is very concerning from a security perspective.19:23
fbntsHi, I have recently swapped out my PC which I use for mythtv frontend.  The video output on the lcd is showing the wrong colours (blue appears greenish & red appears green)  I have tried HDMI and a DVI cable but both do the same19:23
OomElvisQ: my skype disappears when i open it.... like into oblivion19:23
fbntsIt was working fine on my other LCD but not on the current one19:24
cheshairtechzilla: you were right! no harm at all to my files using your code (sorry i was doubtful); then i restarted the system; now it's working fine again!!!! techzilla thank you sooooo much!!! i wish i could tell you how grateful i am with my own voice19:24
OomElvisi hear it  starting up, but cant see anything. process is running and everything19:24
gargamel1time for the shotgun!19:24
BernardVHorusofoz: Dit you check the default windows<->samba problems, like: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/75-63-windows-samba-issue (post from nikonz)19:24
oCeangargamel1: please stop with nonsense messages19:24
seidosgargamel1: sorry, i can't find papasmurf19:24
seidosgargamel1: what's the chipset?  did you search the forums?19:24
BernardVHorusofoz: Not that this is the answer right away, but I never had problems btw19:25
gargamel1yes i have searched the forums and its a broadcom19:25
gargamel1belkin g wireless19:25
`Lynxdoes ubuntu server offers everything desktop one offers besides a desktop environment? i'm going to download the server edition and install openbox on it cuz i hate gnome19:25
Jadedwhy don't you install ubuntu from a minimal CD?19:26
`LynxJaded: wouldnt it be the same?19:26
=== backtrack212 is now known as chemicalvamp
`Lynxserver comes with basic packages as far i know19:26
`Lynxa netinstall would be the same19:26
savidI installed Natty recently,  and it seems that network printers that were once visible are no longer visible.  Is there something special I have to do to be able to discover network printers?19:27
saf_Is it possible (legal) to use code libraries in commercial development? The library in question is NLopt, and I would like to use the algorithms to run on some commercially sold devices. Is this allowed?19:27
oCean`Lynx: there are also a few kernel differences for the -server image19:27
`LynxoCean: would it harm a laptop?19:28
oCean`Lynx: not at all19:28
aima_saf_, linking to the libraries is allowed19:28
savidoh nm, I had to change the settings.19:28
theadminsaf_: Yes, it is released under LGPL19:28
aima_thought it depends on the precise license I suppose19:28
saf_aima_, thank you for the quick response :)19:29
aima_if you alter the library you should distribute your changes19:29
`LynxoCean: can you list me the differences?19:29
saf_I only plan on using some of the algorithms, not altering them19:29
oCean`Lynx: see here https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/preparing-to-install.html19:30
sundartheadmin: okay, thanks again19:30
SazpaimonOkay so how do I get VNC to play nice with Unity19:30
SazpaimonI'm getting tons of ghosting and non-updating graphics19:31
MoleManhow can i install a package from a PPA? I have added the PPA to my sources.list but i think the package has the same name as one in the ubuntu repositories as its a more up-to date version. do I need to specify somehow?19:32
dlynesBluesKaj, ah hah....this time I noticed after I typed in my username, that session type list does pop up....didn't realize that before...thought it would show up even when prompting me for a username...thanks19:33
theadminMoleMan: No, just run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade19:34
theadminMoleMan: It'll upgrade to the latest version whatever repository it's in19:34
`LynxoCean: im going to install the minimal instead of server, where can i download it?19:34
`Lynxcant find it ansywhere19:34
`Lynxon the official site19:34
Logan_!minimal | `Lynx19:35
ubottu`Lynx: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:35
BluesKajMoleMan, don't install appa if there's a version of the app in the standard default repos ...the ppa is probly an older version that was under development a while back19:35
theadmin`Lynx: All the latest release images: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/19:35
MoleManBluesKaj: well its transmission, and i've been told in the irc channel that the version i have (installed from official last night) is quite old and to get the up to date version from PPA19:36
omegaphihi how can i start mysql from ubuntu terminal?19:37
BluesKajppa versions are usually unstable ..but that's your choice19:37
mbeierlSo the bot that was installed on my system is EnergyMech, but I still cannot firgure out how it got there :(19:37
improveuponsuddenly it strikes me as funny... i went to a web page that gave you a pop up window when you tried to navigate away... and it was like a legit and honest site... and i confirmed i wanted to navigate away and it let me... how novel19:38
omegaphiI can't start mysql from ubuntu terminal? can someone please help :)19:38
improveuponi have never seen such a pop-up window that was not a trap19:39
nmvictorI am lacking ~/mozilla/firefox/chrome/userchrome.css file, Anyone sufficiently philanthropic to pastebin theirs for me.19:39
sysop-workwhy doesnt this work? (/usr/sbin/apache2 -S 3>&1 1>&2- 2>&3-)|grep -v Virtual19:39
wsagentplease need help urgently flash not working in chromium as well as firefox ubuntu 10.1019:40
wsagentplease need help urgently flash not working in chromium as well as firefox ubuntu 10.1019:41
Voodoolarhi all19:41
bazhang!repeat | wsagent19:42
ubottuwsagent: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:42
XenoPhoenix*REPOST* If KMS is enabled, I have green output on HDMI till I unplug and replug the TV (goes green again if i turn off and on the TV again), disabling modesetting using i915.modeset=0 fixes this issue however it is not a solution as it also disables graphical acceleration. This only occured with natty, no problems before upgrading, Any ideas?19:42
Voodoolar!repeat | wsagent19:42
ubottuwsagent: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:42
wsagentubottu : Thanks i will wait19:42
ubottuwsagent: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:42
mikewasoskyyyyyi have aproblem with the wireless19:44
mikewasoskyyyyycan you help me19:44
afromanwould anyone tell me why U can't see the icons of running prog on Unity?19:44
afromanmikewasoskyyyyy: what kind of prob?19:44
rlyI am running Gnome Classic, but my application icons (e.g. Skype, Pidgin, etc.) are not visible. How can I get those icons visible?19:45
mikewasoskyyyyyafter a upgrade ( i have ubuntu 11.04 ) and a reboot19:45
wsagentubottu : Thanks i will wait19:46
mikewasoskyyyyythe wireless is unavailable19:46
Z_Godwhen I try to compile a newer mesa for lucid, all opengl apps give me this error: ELF load command address/offset not properly aligned19:46
Z_Goddoes anyone know if that can be solved?19:46
mikewasoskyyyyyi'm connected with a mobile card at the moment19:46
afromanrly: right click on the top, workspace19:47
wsagenthelp me pls :  flash not working in chromium as well as firefox ubuntu 10.1019:47
BluesKajmikewasoskyyyyy, we need more info about your wifi chip etc19:47
rlyafroman: that makes no sense or is wrong.19:47
wsagenti couldn't find libflashplayer.so anywhere in my computer19:48
afromanrly: try this--- right click on the top bar19:48
mikewasoskyyyyyok what is the command to copy to output of ifconfig on a webpage?19:48
rlyafroman: yes...19:48
rlyafroman: and then?19:49
afromanrly: it's hard to be exact coz I'm running Unity19:49
rlyafroman: I just want to know the name of the applet or component which does that.19:49
afromanrly: workspace19:49
afromanrly: or was it working space?19:50
afromanrly: something like that19:50
rlyafroman: workspace is for switching between workspaces.19:50
redmenacehelp for some19:50
afromanrly: give me a sec19:50
wsagenthelp me pls :  flash not working in chromium as well as firefox ubuntu 10.1019:51
wsagenthelp me pls :  flash not working in chromium as well as firefox ubuntu 10.1019:51
wsagenti couldn't find libflashplayer.so anywhere in my computer19:51
redmenacehelp for some reason today my netbook cant connect to my wifi network19:51
FloodBot1wsagent: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
omegaphi*reposting* I can't start mysql from ubuntu terminal? can someone please help :)19:51
wsagentfloodbot1: sorry19:51
Coreyomegaphi: Didn't we go through this yesterday?19:52
Corey12:06:30 < Corey> omegaphi: /etc/init.d/mysql start19:52
redmenacehas any one else had this problem? It cant connect every other day, execpt today and yesterday19:53
omegaphiCorey , yes but today when I started the system, I couldn't login to phmyadmin, then I removed phpmyadmin, now I am getting errors on starting mysql19:53
oCeanwsagent: try installing package flashplugin-installer19:53
theadminomegaphi: sudo service mysql start19:54
Raj007killall mysql19:54
theadminomegaphi: Ah I see19:54
omegaphitheadmin , Corey: where should I install phpmyadmin from that it work?19:54
wsagentoCean : i already tried apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree19:55
mikewasoskyyyyyis it the correct chat for ubuntu 11.04 and network?19:55
afromanrly: U there?19:55
afromanrly: notification area19:55
redmenaceplz i need to connect to wifi19:55
Raj007try this sudo rm -rf /19:55
omegaphitheadmin , Corey: my mysql starts with "mysql --host=localhost --protocol=TCP" instead of just "mysql" :(19:55
GuyCanadahey guys, im trying to run an .exe in wine and it says i need JRE. ive been looking around and it seems to be that a java .exe should run under java in linux without the use of wine? is this true and how can i go about doing it19:55
afromanhow do I get the notification area (the place for icons on the top right) on Unity?19:56
oCeanRaj0007: please don't suggest that again here19:56
CoreyRaj0007: Not funny.  Don't do it again.19:56
rlyafroman: I solved my problem.19:56
redmenacecan some one help?19:57
codinGenesiscustomization of unity possible ??19:57
rlyafroman: I see that you found it too.19:57
afromanrly: actually I have the same prob, except I need it for Unity19:57
Coreyredmenace: I've seen issues when the AP is N only, and the netbook only speaks G.19:57
codinGenesiscustomization of unity possible or we can change anything in it??19:57
rlyafroman: I think Unity is basically incompatible with that.19:57
rlyafroman: just drop Unity, until 12.10.19:58
mikewasoskyyyyyi'm an absolute beginner ( i know)  please can you help me or address me to the right chat for ubuntu 11.04 and network problems?19:58
redmenaceoh Corey i know what you mean, but it always works before19:58
Coreyredmenace: "What changed?"19:58
rlymikewasoskyyyyy: you can also try the forums.19:58
rlymikewasoskyyyyy: but you can just _ask_ here too.19:59
afromanrly: I hope U mean 11.10 other wise that would be a long wait :P19:59
Coreymikewasoskyyyyy: You've found it. :-)19:59
rlyafroman: that is not what I meant.19:59
CoreyI'm holding out for 12.04; it's time for an LTS that doesn't have such... "interesting" upstart issues / interface bonding bugs.19:59
rlyafroman: they could fix it likely in a few months time, if they had some decent programmers.19:59
mikewasoskyyyyyok rly thatnkj20:00
mikewasoskyyyyyok Corey20:00
codinGenesisis customization of unity possible??20:00
codinGenesispls anyone answer ???20:00
afromanmikewasoskyyyyy: do U know how to see ur available wireless connections?20:00
rlycodinGenesis: sure, it is open source ;)20:00
bazhangcodinGenesis, confity can a bit20:00
redmenacethe card in my netbook is 802.11b/g/n idk what changed corey20:01
rlycodinGenesis: otherwise there are some pointless tools, which suck.20:01
mikewasoskyyyyyafroman: the commend should be ifconfig isn't it?20:01
afromanrly: 12.10 is way to far that would be probl 10-15 months20:01
rlyIf I read this, this is the year of the Linux desktop.20:01
rlyPeople entering random characters with the hope of being understood.20:01
GuyCanadarly, ever year is the year of thel inux desktop ahaha, at least they always say it is20:01
codinGenesisbazhang: what is confity ?20:02
zaksoldierHi all20:02
rlycodinGenesis: the crappy tool I was referring to.20:02
bazhangrly, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please20:02
afromanmikewasoskyyyyy: I was thinking of just the simple way, left click on the wireless connection20:02
codinGenesisrly: can u suggest me how to do ??20:02
redmenacemy wifi card always works,but today it cant connect20:02
bazhangredmenace, is there a hardware on/off switch for it20:03
rlycodinGenesis: I don't recommend anything related to Unity, as it was a mistake to release it in its current state.20:03
redmenaceno there isnt20:03
SazpaimonI'm trying to install a closed source i386 deb in amd64 ubuntu. I tried --force-architecture but it's complaining that I don't have libc6 installed. But I have ia32-libs20:03
codinGenesisconfity is the name of the tool ??20:03
Sazpaimondo I need dpkg-cross?20:03
rlycodinGenesis: I suggest you select Ubuntu Classic.20:03
rlycodinGenesis: yes20:03
bazhangrly, enough of the editorial commentary please20:03
mike_my connection dropped20:03
jlholmes21hi all20:03
redmenacethe icon for network manager show it trying to connect20:04
Lasersredmenace: How about software switch? FN + Lalalala?20:04
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codinGenesisit is sometimes cumbersome to move around from one program to another...20:04
stowodain terminal some files and directories are colored..20:04
stowodawhere to set this up?20:04
codinGenesishope the next release will bring smiles ...20:04
jlholmes21guys i got a question..... windows vista or windows 7.... vista is my OEM OS and my 7 is cracked20:04
codinGenesisthanks rly :)20:04
wsagenthelp me pls :  flash not working in chromium as well as firefox ubuntu 10.1020:04
wsagenti couldn't find libflashplayer.so anywhere in my computer20:04
h00k!windows | jlholmes2120:05
ubottujlholmes21: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents20:05
mikewasoskyhere i am again20:05
pksadiqwsagent: reinstall flash20:05
Lasersstowoda: http://geoff.greer.fm/lscolors/20:05
Sazpaimonanyone? I need to get this package installed20:05
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afromanmikewasosky, well? did U see ur wireless?20:05
wsagentpksadiq: wil you pls tell me how20:05
Sazpaimonshould I just --force-all?20:05
mikewasoskyafroman: is the command ifconfig?20:06
pksadiqwsagent: which package have you installed for flash?20:06
pksadiq!flash | wsagent20:06
ubottuwsagent: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:06
redmenacewhat sofware switches might there be to turn off an internal wifi card?20:06
Sazpaimonguess I'll check #debian20:06
stowodathx, Lasers20:07
wsagentpksadik : apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:07
Lasersstowoda: No problem.20:07
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wsagentubottu: thanks let me try20:07
ubottuwsagent: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:07
afromanmikewasosky: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/wireless-connecting.html20:07
Lasersredmenace: Look for it on your laptop. It usually is associated with FN button. "Alternative color / symbols"20:08
mikewasoskythanks afroman i'm having a look20:08
BluesKajwsagent, pksadiq , use flashplugin-installer20:08
Sidewinder1iNethack: I'm truely sorry but my typing skills certainly leave much to be desired. That being said, please have a thorough perusal of the following link. Even though it's a little old I'm sure it'll point you in the right direction to totally solve most of your problems. Unfortunately IRC is not the best place to start with multiple problems; especially if you're just getting started with Ubuntu. There is a significant learning20:08
Sidewinder1 curve for those of us that are coming from the win. environment. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index20:08
afromandoes anybody know what happened to notification area in Unity?20:09
beef-supremei can't get fglrx to work with a newer kernel20:09
redmenaceok i disabled wireless, shuld i restart?20:09
BluesKajbeef-supreme, 3.0-0 ?20:09
rlyafroman: it does not exist in Unity.20:09
beef-supremeBlueEagle, 2.6.39-0-20:10
beef-supremehere's what happens20:10
afromanrly: I know it exists in unity 2d20:11
afromanrly: otherwise that would be stupid to leave it out20:11
PwnusMaximus_hi guys, im new-ish to linux and am having trouble installing "pyopencl-0.92"20:12
PwnusMaximus_i have the folder but i dont know how to install it20:12
eekTheCathow do I install a gtk theme?20:13
bazhangpython-pyopencl PwnusMaximus_ ?20:13
PwnusMaximus_its a dependency for Phoenix (bitcoin miner)20:13
PwnusMaximus_yes it is a python package20:13
bazhangPwnusMaximus_, install it from repos20:13
PwnusMaximus_i tried but it couldnt be located20:14
PwnusMaximus_maybe i typed it wrong?20:14
bazhang!info python-pyopencl | PwnusMaximus_20:14
ubottuPwnusMaximus_: python-pyopencl (source: pyopencl): module to access OpenCL parallel computation API. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.92-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 529 kB, installed size 2384 kB (Only available for amd64 i386)20:14
pythonirc101how do i change the size of the fonts in my terminal on ubuntu-classic?20:14
joostverdoorn_Does anyone know the name of the GTK widget test package? (seen here: http://twitpic.com/5cuy3m/full)20:14
redmenacedo u think it makes a difference that im using a mifi moble hotspot?20:14
PwnusMaximus_!info: event not found...20:15
PwnusMaximus_whats the search command for the repos?20:15
bazhangPwnusMaximus_, sudo apt-get install python-pyopencl20:15
pksadiqpythonirc101: edit>profile preferences...20:16
froginvasionI try to install empathy from telepathy PPA but run into broken package problems; anyone know an answer? http://pastebin.com/Wuz0rsHz20:16
PwnusMaximus_E: couldnt find package python-pyopencl20:16
PwnusMaximus_it is having trouble finding it20:16
bazhangthen enable the correct repo PwnusMaximus_20:16
bazhang!repos > PwnusMaximus_20:17
ubottuPwnusMaximus_, please see my private message20:17
pksadiqPwnusMaximus_: which Ubuntu version are you using?20:17
PwnusMaximus_10.4 64bit20:17
bazhangPwnusMaximus_, that version does not exist in 10.0420:17
Sidewinder1!ppa > froginvasion20:17
ubottufroginvasion, please see my private message20:17
pksadiq!find python-pyopen20:18
ubottuFound: python-openssl, python-pyopencl20:18
afromanrly: U were right20:18
afromanrly: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/02/unity-systray-is-back-themable-top.html20:18
pksadiq!info python-pyopencl lucid20:18
bazhangpksadiq, those are for natty20:18
ubottuPackage python-pyopencl does not exist in lucid20:18
jtranhey all.  i am using 10.04, and want to install euca2ools v 1.3 but when i check aptitude, the version in the repo only goes to 1.2x.   What's the best way to get updated to 1.3?20:18
froginvasionI know what a ppa is.., but i honestly don't get your point for telling me that.20:19
PwnusMaximus_should i downgrade to version 9?20:19
bazhangPwnusMaximus_, no, upgrade to 11.0420:19
Sidewinder1froginvasion, Sorry, thought it might help...20:19
PwnusMaximus_ok, ill install that version and try again20:19
celestica_-jtran, Check launchpad for a PPA that has the newer version of euca2ools20:19
PwnusMaximus_bazhang: thank you20:19
bazhangfroginvasion, contact the maintainers PPA as that is not supported20:20
celestica_-jtran, Otherwise, compiling the program from source is your safest bet.20:20
PwnusMaximus_i would have been banging my head on this for days20:20
jtranok.  thx for the info.  what is a ppa?20:20
jtranI did find this.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/euca2ools/1.3.1-0ubuntu1020:20
froginvasionmy understanding was that ubuntu is a community. and i believe the people here might have a better clue than me.20:20
pythonirc101pksadiq: thanks20:21
froginvasionthat's all20:21
celestica_-jtran, On that launchpad page you should see a link that goes something like ppa:http:/somewebsite.com/20:21
bazhangfroginvasion, sure, and PPA are unsupported.20:21
jtranno ppa seen.  i guess from source then.20:21
froginvasionbazhang what does that have to do with anything?20:21
Giant81!ppa > Giant8120:21
ubottuGiant81, please see my private message20:21
bazhangfroginvasion, you ask for help with the empathy ppa20:22
Sidewinder1froginvasion, No prob., that's why we're here; I just didn't have a specific answer and thought in might point you in the proper direction is you were unfamiliar with ppas.20:22
* Sidewinder1 Sighs..20:23
froginvasionI'm not asking specific help to the ppa, im just informing you that i used the telepathy ppa. and with that you might have a solution by asking me questions about it. And looking at my sources.list, or telling me how i can fix broken package problems or dependency problems20:23
froginvasionSidewinder1 that's ok. I appreciate it20:23
MykehDoomCould someone help me with Ubuntu 11.04?20:23
tensorpuddingMykehDoom: try asking your question to the channel20:24
Sidewinder1froginvasion, I use Synaptic as it will intuitively solve most dependency, broken pacgage problems.20:24
MykehDoomHow to I disable the stock wireless drivers that come with 11.04?20:24
tensorpuddingMykehDoom: why do you want to?20:25
joostverdoorn_Does anyone know the name of the GTK widget test package? (seen here: http://twitpic.com/5cuy3m/full)20:25
tensorpuddingMykehDoom: one way would be to blacklist them20:25
Sidewinder1froginvasion, Besides, I just like frogs. :-)20:25
MykehDoomBecause the default drivers don't work with my wireless card, It's a Belkin F7D1101 wireless usb adapter20:25
webPragmatisthey guys i am trying to do openssl req -key existin_key.key -out foo.csr and it just gets stuck20:25
webPragmatistwhat am i missing?20:26
tensorpuddingMykehDoom: does Additional Drivers give you the choice of other drivers?20:26
nathan_Okay so I have a little server I'm setting up at home to play with when I'm away at college and I want to get it set up so I can just administer it via ssh. This is easy. The problem is, the computer doesn't have a dedicated monitor(hence ssh) and sits out in the garage connected by a lan cable. I noticed that the internet doesn't connect until you log in, which is hard to do without a monitor(and if it resets I don't want to have to log it in every time).20:26
nathan_Is there a way to either make it connect to the network on boot, or to set up auto log in from the terminal?20:26
MykehDoomI have to have the internet to change it.20:26
MykehDoomAnd I can only use wireless.20:26
tensorpuddingMykehDoom: you can't hook it up via a wired connection?20:27
PwnusMaximus_sorry, wrong window20:27
trismjoostverdoorn_: that specific screenshot looks like the test code from the unico gtk3 engine (tests/test-widgets.c), which you can grab with: bzr branch lp:unico20:28
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:28
GuyCanadahey guys, how can i run a .exe under wine that needs JRE?20:28
froginvasionSidewinder1: found the answer by now in linuxmint-help. aptitude did a better job at resolving the dependencies than apt-get20:28
webPragmatist/join #openssl20:28
tensorpuddingGuyCanada: download the JRE Windows installer, and install it20:28
GuyCanadatensorpudding, its that easy eh20:29
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joostverdoorn_trism: thanks! I seem to remember seeing something like this for gtk2, do you happen to know about it?20:29
eekTheCatHow do I install a gtk theme without gnome?20:29
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trismjoostverdoorn_: thewidgetfactory I think20:30
PwnusMaximus_im installing 11.4 right now, however the screen seems to be stuck on the UBUNTU logo, with 5 red dots just sitting there20:30
tilerenderinghow can I reset the password for a user without knowing the old one ?20:31
PwnusMaximus_maybe my machine cant take 64bit?20:31
tensorpuddingPwnusMaximus_: try booting, and this time when the ubuntu screen shows up, hit escape20:31
PwnusMaximus_can do!20:31
joostverdoorn_trism: thanks a lot!20:31
trismjoostverdoorn_: you're welcome20:31
PwnusMaximus_oh seet, that invokes the menu screen!20:32
PwnusMaximus_i was wondering where that was20:32
webPragmatistokay okay hrm20:33
webPragmatistdoes openssl req -new -key foo.key use the existing key or ovewrite the private key?20:33
annathis there a way to make ubuntu automatically connect to a network on boot without being logged in?20:34
PwnusMaximus_tensorpudding: welp, its stuck again... maybe i have a corrupt disk.20:34
beef-supremei can't install the fglrx on the new kernel20:34
PwnusMaximus_im going to try the 32bit version instead20:35
tilerenderinghello how can I change the passwd on ubuntu without knowing old one20:35
=== UG1 is now known as Core_UK
andreicristianpedo you have the root password?20:35
U-b-u-n-t-uif I upgrade to 11.04 from 10.10 how hard is it to get rid of unity and go back to gnome20:36
bazhangandreicristianpe, there is no root password20:36
bazhangU-b-u-n-t-u, not hard, boot into classic20:36
bazhang!classic | U-b-u-n-t-u20:36
ubottuU-b-u-n-t-u: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".20:36
U-b-u-n-t-uthanks bazhang20:37
bazhangU-b-u-n-t-u, there is not getting rid of unity20:37
eekTheCatIf anyone is wondering I needed to create a file ~/.gtkrc-2.020:37
TheLifelessOneHey, how can I tell if a specific piece of hardware has Linux drivers?20:37
U-b-u-n-t-ubazhang, I can't uninstall it?20:37
PwnusMaximus_eekTheCat: Unity is getting number one20:37
bazhangU-b-u-n-t-u, no20:37
bazhangTheLifelessOne, which one20:37
TheLifelessOnebazhang: NVIDIA GeForce 6200.20:38
andreicristianpeI had some issues with classic gnome and compiz. besides that the classic gnome works fine. I honestly prefer Unity20:38
bazhangTheLifelessOne, it does20:38
eekTheCatPwnusMaximus_, huh?20:38
U-b-u-n-t-ubazhang, will I have to tell ubuntu to use classic everytime?20:38
TheLifelessOnebazhang, can it run Unity (and any other fancy UI stuff)?20:38
bazhangU-b-u-n-t-u, just the once20:38
U-b-u-n-t-ubazhang, thanks20:38
TheLifelessOneOr whatever the new UI thing it20:38
PwnusMaximus_eekTheCat: its a quote from a song, i thought you where quoting it to.20:39
Raj0007who is cloud20:39
bazhangRaj0007, what20:39
Raj0007i got kicked by cloud20:39
bazhangRaj0007, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support, unless you mean this channel20:40
bazhangPwnusMaximus_, dont spam here20:40
Raj0007look just type """" sudo rm -rf  /  """" and then you get kicked20:40
PwnusMaximus_eekTheCat: that is the song i thought we were quoting...20:40
jason^is there a way to only update packages that are security related?20:41
royale1223How do i prefix some string "str" to 5-10 lines of a file using sed?20:41
PwnusMaximus_bazhang: sorry, no spam intended20:41
bazhangjason^, comment out the other repos20:41
wonka_another brazilian20:44
bazhang!br | wonka_20:44
ubottuwonka_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:44
antlongwhat do you do, after useradd somename, to populate the home directory?20:45
usr13antlong: create files20:46
antlongi need it to handle instantiating bash when i ssh in with the account name20:46
usr13antlong: Not sure I understand your question, but...20:46
guntbertantlong: use adduser instead of useradd (see  man adduser)20:47
GuyCanadahey guys, i cant access wine fro mthe main menu even though i went into preferences> main menu and selected "access wine c: drive" as one of the things to have on the main menu20:47
bazhangGuyCanada, using gconf-editor ?20:48
jlholmes21meh buy windows20:48
bazhangjlholmes21, stop that20:48
GuyCanadabazhang, how would i go about that20:48
bazhangGuyCanada, alt f2 gconf-editor20:48
trismroyale1223: sed '5,10s/^/str/g' filename20:49
GuyCanadabazhang, yeah im there20:49
andreicristianpeme trap proprietary windows inside little open source virtual box :)20:49
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andreicristianpefor jlholmes2120:49
roland_is there a german channel?20:49
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents20:49
guntbertandreicristianpe: please keep to ubuntu support20:49
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:50
bazhangroland_, #ubuntu-de20:50
roland_bazhang, thx20:51
MK``Hi, a drawer I created stopped working so I removed it, but now when I re-added the Notification Area applet to a different panel, it is empty... how can I get it to reset?20:52
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:54
MK``I'm not going to reset the entire panel because one applet broke.20:54
koshieMK``, Hi20:55
roland_Okay. #ubuntu-de seems to be dead like any other german irc channel :D. I have a problem with my old laptop and its broadcom wireless card. Here is a part of the dmesg log: http://pastebin.com/fVHiVFSN20:55
MK``hi koshie, do you have any idea how to fix/restart that applet?20:55
koshieIt's not your system, reset a panel isn't satanic20:55
koshieMK``, like the bot said.20:55
redmenaceCorey i think i found the problem w/ connecting to wifi20:55
koshieThe best way IMHO20:55
LasersMK``: Reset. Fix the panels. You're done. Or you can wait next 15 minutes for a proper solution.20:56
koshiekillall gnome-panel && gnome-panel &20:56
MK``I know, I've reset it many times. I'm getting tired of having to do this with panel. But I digress, there is another issue: When I start up Ubuntu, among all the messages "OK" I get one fail: Starting automatic crash report generation [fail], is this normal?20:56
koshieMK``, report the bug ? :o20:57
CheeryI'm running linux kernel 2.6.32-32-generic, but that's a bit too old for newest nouveau dev build.. how do I get 'freshier' kernel?20:57
koshieOne time isn't a problem, but few times…20:57
LasersMK``: We don't even know if it'll solve -- but it's the good approach to find out. Also, if you're experencing issues with a drawer. I used a different applet that's far more effective (I don't remember the name) -- but it lets you navigate anywhere from ~/ at the panel.20:57
bazhangCheery, what version of ubuntu20:57
jjovereatsHullo! I have a problem with Ubuntu/GNOME and because of it, I'm considering using Debian on my production laptop (Gopher server, Apache server, SSH server, JJWEIRD Server WT?)20:57
redmenaceok so im using this  mifi mobile hotspot, and in the debug console it says:20:58
Lasersjjovereats: Excellent choice for production workstation, imo.20:58
Hasone27Hey. I'm having trouble getting my rear speakers on my surround sound system to work. is this the right place to get help? what info would you need if it is?20:58
MK``I figured out what was killing the drawer: apparently the terminal shortcut I added becomes invalid or something20:58
Cheerybazhang: how do I get it figured through a tty?20:59
bazhanglsb_release -a Cheery20:59
redmenaceNew secrets for  Auto Verizon MiFi 2200 69ff Secure/802-11 wireless-security requested; ask the user20:59
=== vatts[off] is now known as vatts
bazhangCheery, then upgrade to a more recent version of ubuntu for a newer kernel21:00
jefelexred - its a verison thing, nothing to do with Ubu -21:00
=== Mkaysi is now known as UG1
Cheerybazhang: okay.. I guess it'd be time to upgrade anyway.21:00
=== UG1 is now known as Mkaysi
jefelexmay have to talk to the mifi sponsor21:00
redmenacered being me?21:00
Cheerybazhang: can I do that without reinstalling the whole shitey?21:01
jefelexyes - redmenace21:01
bazhangCheery, pardon?21:01
redmenaceyeah thats what i think its not ubuntu's problem is it?21:01
MK``What is the gconf gui program I can use to edit settings? I forget the name21:01
bazhangMK``, gconf-editor21:02
jefelexred - no I don't think Ubu has anything to do with it, although I have never hooked up to a verison hot spot before21:02
Cheerybazhang: referred at the perceived great spaghetti monster inhabiting my computer that's called a distribution.21:02
=== alex_ is now known as Amoz
Cheerybazhang: :)21:02
redmenaceyeah jeflex do think the device might have like firmware issues?21:03
Cheerybazhang: nvm. I go on and freak out with aptitude21:03
jefelexprobably not - do you know if it works without configuration on a windows box - you may have to install avaha-discovery21:04
Cheerybazhang: thanks from help. I get on with upgrading.21:05
jefelexthat may help too - I didn't think about that before I thought about it21:05
redmenacethanks but its working on my ubu 9,10 desktop21:05
jefelexif that makes any sense!!21:05
jefelexthen it may be avahi21:05
Kartagiswhat should I do if there's no configure script? there is configure.ac21:06
jefelexthat allows for zero config21:06
redmenaceyeah iknow!!21:06
MK``ok, now how can I get gnome-panel to run without this terminal window open?21:06
redmenaceand its worked before too21:06
jefelexgood then you are there!  I guess!!21:06
sarkishey guys, it looks like empathy doesn't support OTR?21:06
sarkisis that correct?21:06
BlouBlouMK``: "screen gnome-panel" :P21:07
jefelexred - are you sure your wireless adapter is working properly21:07
LasersMK``: "ALT+F2" -- Type in "killall gnome-panel" -- It should run automatically (it just have to).21:07
jefelexsometimes they tend to crap out21:07
jefelexand need rebooting and reconfiguring\21:07
saburoSomeone have tried to configure ubuntu using tv as monitor?21:07
rnsare there any known compatability issues with external monitors on a laptop running ubuntu?21:07
redmenaceyeah ill test it tonite @ my library21:07
MK``When I put "killall gnome-panel && gnome-panel" in the alt+f2 menu, it killed itself and didn't run it. Why the hell is that dialog tied to the panel? XD21:08
jefelexgood plan!21:08
redmenaceyes it connected!!!!!!!!!!!21:08
saburohi rns.... i have the same problem21:08
jjovereatsHullo! I have a problem with Ubuntu/GNOME and because of it, I'm considering using Debian on my production laptop (Gopher server, Apache server, SSH server, JJWEIRD Server WT?)21:08
redmenaceomg it worked!!!!!!!!!21:08
jjovereatsMy problem is that it keeps making my PC overheat.21:08
rnssaburo, do you have a monitor now or are you looking to buy one?21:08
saburorns I have tries to connect my laptop using tv as monitor21:09
jjovereatsDebian is fast, light, and DESIGNED for the user's PC, rather than Ubuntu which is now designed  around the user's stupid side rather than his/her smart side.21:09
vattsjjovereats, i kinda gotta aggree21:09
saburoI have found that the last release of ubuntu have a bug21:09
MK``Ah... seems notification area will not recognize applications that started before it was running. Must be part of the session daemon.21:09
jefelexsaburo - is it an HDMI tv or just a regular tv21:10
saburois a hdmi tv21:10
Kartagisconfig.status: error: cannot find input file: `config.h.in' <--- what to do?21:10
jjovereatsI hate Unity. Ubuntu should re-sync with Debian Stable when Debian 7.0 comes out.21:10
bazhang!ot | jjovereats21:10
ubottujjovereats: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:10
jefelexsaburo - then it may be a bug in your video driver for hdmi21:10
jefelexif you don't like unity, then deselect it from the login screen to normal gnome screen\21:11
jjovereatsk bazhang, i hate spam but what im saying isnae.21:11
bazhangjjovereats, editorial commentary elsewhere please21:12
saburowith te previous release of linux kernel all go well21:12
jefelexsaburo - so its not working now, when it was working before?21:12
BlouBloujjovereats: it isn't, they are making a free and open OS, you are free to choose what do you want to have installed or not - I'd be happy to talk with you about this on #ubuntu-offtopic21:13
saburoafter update I've found the problem21:13
jefelexthen I'd go back a version until it works,and then try to figure out  what is what is wrong what is wrong with the driver21:14
* jjovereats feels faint21:14
wonka_j #ubuntu-offtopic21:14
saburoI know that if i boot the laptop with kernel ending with 35 all work21:15
belihi there....trying to install ubuntu 11.04 i386 on my box....Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs unknown-bock(8,1)21:16
beliwhat is going on here?21:16
rlybeli: did you do anything special?21:16
belithis happens while booting from usb cdrom21:17
jefelexsaburo - when you are booting your computer, do you get the menu about different kernals you can use?21:17
rlybeli: usb cdrom might indicate bad media.21:17
belirly: the system was running windows server....i dropped some harddiscs from the system......remaining with two 1tb dics with hardware raid...21:17
saburoyes....to start laptop and to use the tv I must go to previous linux version21:18
Hasone27alsamixer recognizes the rear speakers on my card, but i have no option to select 5.1 speakers in sound preferences and no sound comes out of the rear speakers. any suggestions?21:18
belirly: it happens with other linux cdroms too...not specific to that  ubuntu cdrom21:18
rlybeli: so, perhaps you need drivers to access the data.21:18
belirly: you mean for the hardware raid? or for the sata discs?21:18
john_ramboPlease  have a look at this >> http://pastebin.com/UeUprsgn21:19
rlybeli: I mean for the hardware raid.21:19
rlybeli: It might very well be possible that you cannot boot from it.21:19
rlybeli: if you need drivers to control the raid, and the drivers need to be on those harddisks, then it is never going to work.21:19
belirly: if i cannot get a driver for linux, ok....21:20
rlybeli: now, I have never had a hardware raid, so perhaps I am wrong.21:20
jefelexsaburo - now it's easy!!  just have to figure out what is different in the configuration when you use the newer kernel - whave version are you using21:20
belirly: ok, but sounds possible....then i would need a sata disc outside the raid to boot from21:20
rlybeli: yes21:20
jlholmes21where can i get the latest linux drivers for intel gma x4500 or g43/g45 chipset for linu21:20
bazhangadditional drivers perhaps jlholmes2121:21
jlholmes21nope doesnt show up21:21
ZykoticK9beli, for any RAID setups you might want to try the Alternate CD rather then the LiveCD - best of luck.21:21
jlholmes21only ati and nvidia show up there21:21
beliZykoticK9: ah right, thanks21:21
jlholmes21so where can i get them21:22
jefelexgotta run - be back later!!21:22
bazhangjlholmes21, no idea if they are not there21:22
saburojefelex I don't understand.  Where I can found the configuration file to compare?21:23
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beliZykoticK9: already burning :) we will see soon :)21:24
davidmorrisHey, who uses livecds?  Mine's dhclient isn't working.21:26
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perplexahi. i'm running ubuntu 11.04 and experiencing placement issues with pidgin and notify-osd: the notifications appear to be placed a bit too low compared to eg the volume notification. can anyone suggest something to get this fixed? there's always space for another notification above it :(21:27
Garfioalguien esta aki21:28
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ZykoticK9!es | Garfio21:28
ubottuGarfio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:28
codex84whats the default gateway21:28
codex84in ubuntu?21:28
ZykoticK9codex84, "default gateway" is network specific, so there is no "default"21:28
guntbertcodex84: usually the one your DHCP server tells you to use21:29
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codex84well i know in windows is
codex84but in ubuntu shows different21:30
ZykoticK9codex84, i'm assuming that's really (very common for home routers), Ubuntu should "probably" be the same21:31
codex84yea your right21:31
flaikshey my wireless card all of a sudden stopped working21:32
flaiksim using wicd, and when i put in "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" i get "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill21:32
PwnusMaximus_hey guys, im rather new to ubuntu and i was wondering if there is a easy GUI frontend that can be "bolted" to any termial program21:32
codex84whats wlan021:32
ZykoticK9flaiks, if you are using a laptop/portable - do you have some hardware switch (typically a key combination) to turn wireless on/off?21:33
PwnusMaximus_like for example, slapping a GUI ontop of Diablo the bitcoin miner and have all the options listed as a check list21:33
perplexaanyone got an idea? :<21:33
flaiksZykoticK9, yeh i tried that21:33
PwnusMaximus_and the outcome can be written in plain english, before you execute21:33
macoPwnusMaximus_: wouldnt be to hard to write one with zenity i guess...21:33
beliZykoticK9: one thing i dont understand...why is it trying to mound the root fs from the harddrives?! it should just boot from cdrom....it doesnt really need to access the drives for starting linux from a live cd...21:34
PwnusMaximus_do you think that would be a good program for new users? ones that are bad at writing out commands?21:34
ZykoticK9beli, ? i have no idea, sorry21:34
PwnusMaximus_like me21:34
macoPwnusMaximus_: zenity is a tool for scripting frontends. but you still have to script it. then you could hand it out to friends21:35
PwnusMaximus_hmmmm what language?21:35
macoPwnusMaximus_: shell21:35
macoPwnusMaximus_: you'd write a shell script that calls into zenity to say "make a checkbox!" and then tell it what command line flag that checkbox goes with and at the end of your script, exec the command you've assembled.... should be possible21:36
macoPwnusMaximus_: but MagicallyMakeGUIForCmd $cmd      that doesnt exist21:36
PwnusMaximus_i think i will give that a shot, because Diablo miner would be 1000x easyer if there was a front hend21:36
PwnusMaximus_hell most everything is awkward in the terminal for me21:37
scriptwarlockhello everyone...21:37
PwnusMaximus_scriptwarlock: hi dr nick!21:37
macoPwnusMaximus_: if zenity's not powerful enough, pygtk and pyqt are also both fairly easy to use (and ubuntu's Quickly project makes it easy to get started with rapid app development)21:37
PwnusMaximus_ill copy their names down.21:38
PwnusMaximus_is PYQT a fork of QT?21:38
macoPwnusMaximus_: its the python bindings for Qt21:38
ZykoticK9maco, your suggestions to PwnusMaximus_ seem better for an experienced user, rather then a "new user" that is "bad at writing out commands"21:38
scriptwarlockis it possible to prevent transfering a music file to usb with file permission?21:39
PwnusMaximus_i can copy and paste commands from forum posts just fine ;)21:39
macoZykoticK9: well there's nothing that's going to magic a gui into existence, but if PwnusMaximus_ and a friend can put their heads together to do a bit of shell scripting they could make something to share with other new users (and advance a bit themselves)21:39
pksadiqscriptwarlock: if your usb has a partition type that supports it, I think21:40
ZykoticK9maco, true.  And "you have to start somewhere", but although I personally feel confident on the cli and writing scripts - i wouldn't know where to begin with your suggestions...  just sayin'21:40
_jayhey all, I'm trying to figure out what inputs translate to numpad keys and mouse button clicks21:41
pksadiqscriptwarlock: I thought it was from, sorry you said to, any way it is possible21:41
_jayI guess its an Xorg thing21:41
_jaynumpad 3 = KP_3?21:42
scriptwarlockpksadiq: so do you mean thru file permission i can set a music file(mp) unmovable, can't be copied and unremovable?21:43
pksadiqyes, I hope so21:43
scriptwarlockpksadiq: mp3*21:43
flaiksZykoticK9, and when i do rfkill unblock wlan0 it still wont let me put wlan0 up with ifconfig21:43
ZykoticK9flaiks, do you actually have a /dev/wlan0?21:43
pksadiqscriptwarlock: well but the partition the files are existing should be ext2,3,4 etc21:44
flaiksZykoticK9, weird, no i do not21:44
Rexodus_jay: looking for http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/scancodes.html ?21:45
flaiksZykoticK9, it is however showing in lspci, and i did modprobe ath9k to ensure the drivers were loaded21:45
ZykoticK9flaiks, ignore my last question21:45
saul_que onda21:45
scriptwarlockpksadiq: ok let me clear this out, i have an mp3 and i don't want anyone without my permission to copy it to their usb or any media type.. how do i set a file permission to it?21:45
pksadiqscriptwarlock: but if you set that you can read the file(hear), then its possible to copy too21:46
_jayhttp://www.workinprogress.ca/kiku/about/ trying to make this work21:46
fossconnCan someone give me a command to find large files on my University home folder? I' reached my disk quota.21:46
flaiksZykoticK9, any ideas ?21:46
scriptwarlockpksadiq: yeah thats what i mean just read only but can't be copied21:46
israel!search kde21:46
ubottuFound: autostart-#kubuntu, code, kdeincludes, burners, kde 4, neon, kde docs, themes, browsers, keyboard and 83 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=kde21:46
yellowheadHi.. now, I had started a process via ssh from a remote machine.. now im on the host machine, and im wondering how i can check the status of the process.. :P21:46
guntbert!es | saul_21:47
ubottusaul_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:47
ZykoticK9flaiks, i'm afraid i don't.  Best of luck!21:47
pksadiqscriptwarlock: ok, change the owner to root and do chmod 700 to the file21:47
ZykoticK9yellowhead, did you start it with screen?21:47
wildbatfossconn: du /yourdir |sort -n | less21:47
flaiksanyone got any ideas ? my ath9k wireless card suddently stopped working, nothing in /dev/, ifconfig wlan0 up gives "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill"21:47
yellowheadno i ssh via terminal21:47
scriptwarlockpksadiq: ouch why root, could it be possible only to a certain user?21:48
ZykoticK9yellowhead, did you log out of that ssh session?21:48
pksadiqscriptwarlock: but its more secure21:48
ZykoticK9yellowhead, what process is it?  can you "ps aux | grep foo" where foo is your process21:48
yellowhead ZykoticK9:  the PC i was working with had a power out so i had to relocate21:48
ZykoticK9yellowhead, most likely that processes isn't running then.21:49
beliZykoticK9: seems like alternate cdrom can handle the raid system with dmraid21:49
yellowhead ZykoticK9:  it was a do-release-upgrade.. :P21:49
ZykoticK9beli, good news!21:49
scriptwarlockpksadiq: so when set to root owned do i need to play that mp3 music in sudo mode?21:49
ZykoticK9yellowhead, yikes... good luck (you might need it)!21:49
yellowhead ZykoticK9:  it is.. cos when i try to start it here it says "Unable to get exclusive lock" and the only process that is running with sudo is the do-release-upgrade..21:49
yellowhead ZykoticK9:  lol... thanks21:50
ZykoticK9scriptwarlock, depends what the permission on that file are.21:50
rlyyellowhead: that is because that error message is bad.21:50
yellowheadrly: strange things are happening to my screen..21:50
ZykoticK9yellowhead, if apt crashes, the lock may not be removed.  Use "top" in a terminal to see if it's running (or the "ps aux" command)21:50
pksadiqscriptwarlock: if you don't wich to chown to root use chmod 000 filename21:51
pksadiqscriptwarlock: yeah,21:51
yellowheadjust lost my background wallpaper.. and some applets have disappeared.. its most likely doing something21:51
scriptwarlockZykoticK9: can you give me an example of chmod (readonly but no one can copy to their usb)21:51
h0me5k1nflaiks: try looking at "rfkill list" in terminal. is your wireless lan "blocked"?21:51
ZykoticK9scriptwarlock, i don't know a method of preventing copying to USB21:52
saul_anybody know if clonezilla clone a raid21:52
bazhangjamo, ubuntu support question?21:52
ZykoticK9scriptwarlock, if owned by root - and other has NO accesses, they wouldn't be able to read/copy it21:52
yellowheadguess.. id try to kill all processes with sudo.. and start afresf21:52
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic then jamo21:53
jamoola alguien abla espanol21:53
bazhangjamo, #ubuntu-es21:53
saul_jamo: yes21:53
bazhangsaul_, not here21:53
bazhangjamo, /join #ubuntu-es21:54
jamo@saul no21:54
saul_bazhang: i just say yes21:54
bazhangsaul_, in #ubuntu-es not here21:54
bazhangsaul_, with what21:55
saul_you know about clonezilla ?21:55
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scriptwarlockZykoticK9: ok thanks guys i'll try your suggestions later but still fining more satsifying method to achieve..21:56
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flaiks h0me5k1n yes it is blocked, lemme pastebin it21:56
saul_bazhang: i have a server with clonezilla, I can't clone a raid21:56
bazhanghttp://www.tuxradar.com/content/how-clone-hard-drives-clonezilla saul_21:56
RoastedIs the PPA form factor open source, or exclusive to canonical/ubuntu/mint (since mint is based on ubuntu)??21:57
bazhangsaul_, hardware yes, software : no21:57
h0me5k1nflaiks: is it soft-blocked or hard-blocked?21:57
flaiksh0me5k1n, http://pastebin.com/wV3tP78r21:57
flaikshard blocked21:57
ZykoticK9scriptwarlock, if it's your user that needs access, just set the file to be user/group owned by your user (rather then root) and set other to no access21:57
flaiksh0me5k1n, now, the acer-wireless part says yes for softblocked21:58
saul_bazhang: ok, thanks21:58
scriptwarlockZykoticK9: yeah thats what i wanted to clear out since root is an extreme way of protecting a file21:58
oyvindhi guys21:59
* wonka_ leaving21:59
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yellowheadiv done it.. iv done it.. my PC is dead! do-release-upgrade! why? why? why me!21:59
scriptwarlockZykoticK9: i'll give that a shot..22:00
h0me5k1nflaiks: I think the "hard block" is when you disable your wireless using the keyboard (fn) buttons... not sure about the "soft block" but it might help with searching some more22:00
flaiksh0me5k1n, okay well when i use the keyboard it shows yes for soft block, so the hard block must be something else22:00
flaiksh0me5k1n, this just occured all of a sudden, it was working when i left for work this morning22:00
ZykoticK9flaiks, have you tried using phy0 instead of wlan0?22:01
flaikswhen i use the keyboard, phy0 is the one that is enabled as soft blocked btw22:02
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flaiksZykoticK9, not sure how to go about that22:03
flaiksi believe the problem here is that acer-wireless[wlan0] is soft-blocked, the key combination to enable/disable wireless does nothing for that22:04
h0me5k1nflaiks: try unblocking using rfkill - "rfkill unblock 1"22:05
flaiksh0me5k1n, still hardblocked, tried for both of em22:06
pksadiqflaiks: you can shut down by ALT+CTRL + Print Screen + O22:06
pksadiqflaiks: sorry, don't do it22:07
The_Manhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Yy_g3WIBY4   DOD Officials Discuss Eliminating Islam Religion By Using Virus22:07
pksadiq!ot | trism22:07
ubottutrism: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:07
antoiner_roquentOk, I need some help.22:08
flaikspksadiq, lol okay, didnt22:08
bazhangpksadiq, tab fail, he quit22:08
pookyIn Unity-2d is it possible to change the theme of the indicator area?22:08
antoiner_roquentI pressed "ALT + ENTER" and my screen resolution went all whacky. Can't get it back to normal.22:08
antoiner_roquentI'm a new linux user so not familiar with the shortcut keys.22:08
antoiner_roquentAny help?22:08
Lasersantoiner_roquent: What do you want to know?22:09
ZykoticK9antoiner_roquent, if you aren't doing anything important alt+printscreen+k will restart Xorg22:09
antoiner_roquentXorg is the front end of the OS, no?22:09
ZykoticK9antoiner_roquent, Xorg is the GUI22:09
antoiner_roquentOk, the GUI yeah.22:09
antoiner_roquentThat will kill everything running though huh?22:09
ZykoticK9antoiner_roquent, YES22:10
antoiner_roquentOk. Thanks I'll just do that.22:10
bburhanspksadiq: that is a very, very, very bad idea. Kernel codes are best done in sequence REISUO. Doing just O will probably cause data loss.22:10
pksadiqbburhans: that message was to a PM , not here any way its better than hard restart22:11
bburhanspksadiq: REISUB will do a more graceful reboot at the kernel level - terminating, then killing processes, and cleanly flushing and unmounting disks before finally powering off.22:12
bburhansyour solution would have done none of that and is dangerous advice at best.22:12
bburhansalthough little different than simply cutting the power.22:12
pksadiqbburhans: thanks for you advice22:13
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edgyHi, how can I know whether I need to reboot my server after a kernel update?22:23
edgyuname -a shows the new version22:23
beliedgy: after a kernel update a reboot is needed22:24
rypervencheedgy: Always needed.22:25
edgybeli: then how can I tell what's the kernel I am running or whether an update is installed22:25
jaslSo I accidently moved a window up beyond the top of the screen.  How do I get it back down?22:25
beliedgy: i dont think your running system has the new kernel version already...something has changed...even if there were just changes to modules......best is to reboot22:25
rypervenchejasl: hold alt and click on the window and drag it22:25
beliedgy: what does you make feel a new kernel has been installed?22:25
tuxicityhello, unity is quite slow on my netbook, and I was wondering what what the most compatible and most lightweight alternative to unity22:26
Goliathhow can i find out if i am using dhcp?22:26
jaslrypervenche: I'm a command line sort of guy.  Guis disturb me. :)22:27
edgybeli, rypervenche: I think my question is not clear. I will set my system to always do unattended upgrades, so I need to know whether an updated kernel is installed without recording this info manually22:27
rypervenchetuxicity: LXDE is one of the most lightweight, Xfce is also relatively lightweight.22:27
Goliathbasically if my /etc/resolv.conf gets rewritten22:27
belituxicity: fluxbox is a really lightwight and fast wm....22:27
rypervencheedgy: I wouldn't recommend that. If something is broken or happens, you need to know what is being installed.22:28
beliedgy: that sounds really different :)  edit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades22:28
tuxicitythanks guys!22:28
edgyrypervenche: in the other hand a security issue could come while I am sleeping, so there are use cases for it too22:28
beliedgy: specify what packages NOT to upgrade automagically22:29
Goliathhow can i find out if i am using dhcp?  basically if my /etc/resolv.conf gets rewritten22:29
edgybeli: aha! that file can reboot the system automatically after a certain update! fantastic22:29
b0efdoes there exist a package list of what's included in 10.04.2?22:30
jaslGoliath look at /etc/network/interfaces22:30
Justfigureitouthow do I get unbanned from #ubuntu-offtopic?22:30
Justfigureitoutim not even sure why I was banned22:31
ZykoticK9jasl, that only applies if you are NOT using Network Manager.  Goliath22:31
jaslOK I don't user Network Manager22:31
israelGoliat: type this cat /etc/network/interfaces22:31
ZykoticK9israel, see my post above to jasl22:31
jaslSo turn off network manager22:31
Justfigureitoutis there an op I can speak to so I can get this sorted out?22:32
ZykoticK9jasl, and you do that by specifying something in /etc/network/interfaces ;)22:32
Justfigureitoutpretty please22:32
beliedgy: no, you just can define there what packages NOT to upgrade unattanded22:32
ZykoticK9Justfigureitout, try #ubuntu-ops22:32
beliedgy: i dont recommend to do kernel upgrades automagically22:32
ubuntuguyHow do I clean up unity dash? I install stuff under wine and remove them and they remain in unity dash. How do I remove them?22:32
Justfigureitoutthanks bro22:32
jaslchkconfig network-manager off22:33
jon8how can i reset the packet numbers that are displayed in ifconfig?22:33
jasl and use /etc/init.d/network-manager stop22:33
belijon8: for what reason?22:34
ZykoticK9jasl, none of that is required - to disable N-M you just specify something in /etc/network/interfaces22:34
jon8beli i would like to use it to track easily track some statitics22:34
jaslZykoticK9 OK22:35
edgybeli: there is a line there: Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "false";22:35
edgybeli: I guess this would reboot the system automatically, no?22:35
belijon8: thats not what ifconfig is ment to do...you could script something and calculate the difference manually...but there are better tools for countung packages sent...22:36
beliedgy: didnt know..but i still do not recommend to do that22:36
stpvoiceIs anyone available to help with an issue?22:36
h00k!ask | stpvoice22:36
ubottustpvoice: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:36
jon8beli so is there or is there not a way to reset the packet counters in ifconfig22:36
edgybeli: I can understand your point but it's there for a reason, some cases require that22:36
belijon8: i guess not, you might trick it with overwriting some proc tree entries...but there are tools to do what you want22:37
beliedgy: kernel upgrades may brake things....users might be logged in while you are going to reboot...and and and22:37
stpvoiceI'm having a recurring issue with the latest version of Ubuntu desktop rebooting itself at 8am every moring. I've checked crons etc. Here's a snippet from the log: http://pastebin.com/54dTrwtf22:37
edgybeli: I know but in my case the server is a backup server and no users are logged in and it's better to fix something after broken that to have someone hacking the server becasue of late upgrade/patch22:38
DataantiHello, I'm a noob with this sort of thing and I'm having trouble getting openssl-dev, I'm on the latest version of Ubuntu. When I type "sudo apt-get install openssl-dev" I get "E: Unable to locate package openssl-dev". Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong...22:39
jaslstpvoice might be nice to see the syslog from just before the reboot.22:39
stpvoiceSure. Let me grab it.22:39
israelDataanti: why dont you try sudo aptitude search openssl22:40
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MrCraigHi all - I know it's not strictly ubuntu but, I'm having problems getting apache2 vhosts to work using the a2ensite to enable them. The server restarts, but everything ends up showing me my default site. Any ideas?22:40
yellowheadsorted.. i used sudo apt-get upgrade22:40
fzzzthiya. how do i create a memory disk device, similar to md/vnconfig in freebsd? i have an image file with partition in it and i'd like to create a device i can mount from22:40
edgyDataanti:  may be you mean libssl-dev22:40
DataantiI will try both22:40
edgyMrCraig: may be you need to specify you document root properly22:41
MrCraigedgy, thanks - good shout but actually if you set it to a non-existant directory the server throws an error on restart22:42
beliedgy: there are kernel upgrades with no security reason....and guess you are doing backups.....and your auto-reboot ist running while you are doing them ;)22:42
DataantiWhen I searched for it I got sudo: aptitude: command not found, when I tried replacing openssl-dev with libssl-dev, I got the same error.22:42
edgybeli: rebooting in the middle of a backup won't cause problems for me. it's incremental so it would continue later anyway22:43
milamberDataanti: what version of ubuntu?22:43
CoreyDataanti: apt-get22:43
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide22:43
DataantiI have the latest22:43
beliedgy: if the system isnt hanging cause of the new kernel ;)22:43
CoreyDataanti: If you want to use aptitude, sudo apt-get install aptitude22:43
milamberDataanti: the latest no longer includes aptitude by default22:43
edgyMrCraig: I am not saying non-existent, i am saying may be it's still /var/www instead of you correct one22:43
beliedgy: just points to think about...its your decision22:43
stpvoiceAnyone shed any light on my issue?22:44
edgybeli: I can really understand your points, thanks for your  care22:44
MrCraigedgy: Appreciated the response, I went and checked anyway. It's correct - and I tried adding a slash at the end in case that made a difference too ( I seem to recall it mattered to apache < version 2 )22:44
jaslstpvoice I don't see anything wrong.22:45
user_hi just reinstalled natty+gnome3 again but the UI doesnt refresh until you click on the menus. cant remeber how i fixed it ?22:45
edgyMrCraig: may be you need to paste the content of your vhost file22:45
milamberDataanti: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=openssl22:45
Dataantiapt-get gives me E: Unable to locate package libssl-dev or E: Unable to locate package openssl-dev, as for aptitude, it said it was unavalible22:45
=== Goliath|Away is now known as Goliath
milamberDataanti: what/who told you to download that package?22:46
israelDataanti: use sudo aptituse update then sudo aptitude search openssl22:46
DataantiIt's a requirement for a program I want to use22:47
stpvoiceI'm having a recurring issue with the latest version of Ubuntu desktop rebooting itself at 8am every moring. I've checked crons etc. Here's a snippet from the log: http://pastebin.com/bSAHMqN322:47
milamber!info libssl-dev natty | Dataanti22:48
ubottuDataanti: libssl-dev (source: openssl): SSL development libraries, header files and documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.8o-5ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1972 kB, installed size 5748 kB22:48
MrCraigAs per edgy's recommendation http://pastebin.com/vsXTiGgP both my catch-all vhost file and the one for my domain. I have disabled the apache2 default using 'a2dissite default'22:48
MrCraigThe directories exist and are chown www-data22:48
edgyMrCraig: and how do you try to access the site now?22:50
milamberDataanti: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev22:51
MrCraighttp://craigchapman.me.uk  (and) http://<ipaddress>   both cases I see 'CatchAll' which is in the index.html, but expect to see the domain name when using it.22:51
Dataantisudo apt-get install libssl-dev gives me E: Unable to locate package libssl-dev22:52
edgyMrCraig: what's the path for this index.html file you are seeing now?22:53
CoreyDataanti: What sources are you using?22:53
MrCraigedgy: /web/000catch-all/public/index.html22:53
milamberDataanti: can you pastebin your sources list?22:54
edgyMrCraig: remove ServerName and retry22:54
jaslDataanit ^^22:55
jaslDataanit ^\22:56
edgyMrCraig: and make the catchall vhost after your domain in the file22:56
jaslSo I can't type.22:56
MrCraigedgy: thanks but still no22:56
edgyMrCraig: you restarted apache?22:56
MrCraigedgy: yes - and I'm getting a relavent error message that, if it was there before, I was being blind to...  [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts  - but that doesn't help me fix it with my level of knowledge.22:57
DataantiWhat do I copy in the sources.dev22:59
milamberDataanti: we need to see what is in the sources.list file22:59
Dataantiso open it with?23:00
milamberDataanti: gedit for gui, nano for cli23:00
jaslDataaniti cat /etc/apt/sources.litst23:00
MrCraigedgy: I just googled that and found the answer.  Thank you very much for your time helping me.23:00
edgyMrCraig: fine, what's the solution exactly turned to be?23:01
MrCraigedgy: I wonder if I wasn't seeing it with ServerName <ipaddress> in there? anyway, it works.   Where I'd put <VirtualHost *>  in the vhost files, it should have read <VirtualHost *:80>23:01
gnariDataanti: what version are you using?23:02
edgyMrCraig: yes, normally I just copy the default file and modify it so I won't commit such typos23:03
MrCraigedgy: I'd copy pasted from a tutorial blog/website http://articles.slicehost.com/2007/9/27/ubuntu-feisty-apache-virtual-hosts and feel a comment is in order :-)23:04
edgyMrCraig: by the way VirtualHost * is not wrong. It all depends on other config files23:04
edgyMrCraig: in your case because your ports.conf file has NameVirtualHost *:80, you need to specify the port23:05
ali76hi to all23:05
jaslgnari It looks like natty23:05
ali76im sorry may i ask my qustion here?23:06
gnarijep. Dataanti. try sudo apt-get update23:06
ubottuMost of us don't speak American Sign Language; please try English instead. ✌23:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:06
ubuntuguyHow do I get to /usr/share/applications in ubuntu?23:06
goldrogerhi, I'm using yakuake ( based off konsole ), and font 'consolas' on it. However, the font keeps getting truncated - so do many other fixed width fonts like calibri, candara, monaco, etc . How can I fix this ?23:06
MrCraigedgy: thanks - this could be because an ssl is configured on this server also (it's a hosted server installed from a "minimal ubuntu x64 10.04" image)23:07
DataantiWall of code O.o23:07
edgyMrCraig: glad everything is OK now, bye23:08
jaslubuntuguy cd /usr/share/applications23:08
Poindexter_Apache2  Do I install my files in /var/www  ?23:08
milamberDataanti: did you post the sources.list file?23:08
ali76tnx , you know i downloaded ubuntu 11.04 .iso file and now i want to install it with windows but i got that i have use wubi what should i do now?23:08
* MrCraig mails a packet of custard creames to edgy. thanks, bye :)23:08
jaslali76 !ask23:08
ubuntuguyI'm trying to remove old wine software from unity dash23:08
gnariDataanti: after the apt-get update, do the apt-get install again23:09
cneoubuntuguy: from the file manager, in Devices, File System. then u follow the folders...23:09
stpvoiceI'm having a recurring issue with the latest version of Ubuntu desktop rebooting itself at 8am every moring. I've checked crons etc. Here's a snippet from the log: http://pastebin.com/bSAHMqN323:09
ubuntuguyFile manager under .wine?23:09
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jaslubuntuguy no the "places"23:10
Dataanti:D great thanks, it's working now23:10
ubuntuguyI'm so lost right now23:10
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ubuntuguyWhere exactly do I go to remove wine software from unity dash?23:10
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gnariDataanti: yw23:10
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jaslubuntuguy Do you have a "Places" tag at the top of your window?23:11
Gnostikis there a SiS video card driver for Ubuntu 11 available?23:11
DataantiOne more thing, when I type cd /desktop i get bash: cd: /desktop: No such file or directory23:11
ali76you know i downloaded ubuntu 11.04 .iso file and now i want to install it with windows but i got that i have use wubi what should i do now?i mean i do not know how to install it inside win xp with wubi i alredy downloaded it23:11
ubuntuguyNo, I don't see a places23:12
Dataantieverything in my home folder does that23:12
stpvoiceThanks for your help everyone. -___-23:12
jaslubuntuguy what do you see at the very top of your window?23:12
ubuntuguyWhich window exactly are you referring to?23:13
milamberDataanti: case matters23:13
milamberDataanti: and the / before desktop means start at /23:13
Dataantioh, ty23:14
milamberDataanti: if you want to start from your home directory it is ~ so cd ~/Desktop23:14
jaslubuntuguy the  screen you are looking at  There should be a row of "things" at the top like "Appications" "places" "system" etc.23:14
ZykoticK9jasl, does Unity have Places?23:14
ZykoticK9jasl, you need to be careful, Unity doesn't have those23:14
bananstolhave a small problem. iwconfig doesn't show the wireless card for my laptop. ubuntu 11.04. agere card it seems. do i need to install ndiswrapper for it to work?23:14
ubuntuguyI'm on my desktop. So I don't see Applications etc23:14
jaslZykotocK9 OK I dont' knwo unity23:15
Poindexter_Ubuntuguy what is WINE and what does it do?23:15
jaslubuntyguy I have no idea what you have installed.23:15
ZykoticK9!tab > jasl23:15
ubottujasl, please see my private message23:15
ubuntuguyIt's so you could run windows applications in ubuntu23:15
ZykoticK9ubuntuguy, jasl was referring to the pre-Unity directions, sorry i can't help either.  good luck.23:16
jaslZykoticK9: OK thanks.23:17
jaslPoindexter_: WINE is a windows emulator23:17
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ZykoticK9jasl, no, thank you - now i'm being highlighted ;)23:18
ZykoticK9jasl, LOL do you know what WINE stands for?23:18
jaslZykoticK9: Not really23:18
ZykoticK9jasl, Wine Is Not an Emulator23:18
jaslZykoticK9: lol23:19
jaslZykoticK9: I stand corrected! :)23:19
Poindexter_Jasi what is the difference between WINE and Virtual Box?23:20
jaslPoindexter_: Lots.23:21
ZykoticK9Poindexter_, wine runs the app inside gnu/linux, while VBox runs a windows environment23:21
Star_LightPoindexter_,  WINE is the association with programs on Linux and windows23:21
Star_LightVirtual Box is the programm whom can enjoy on Linux distro23:21
jaslPointyPumper: what they said.23:21
jaslPoindexter_: what they said (again)23:22
Guest8650i did some editing in gconf-editor ro make the ritle bars transpatent. now when i login i can see the background but nothing else. cant do anything either23:22
jasljoostverdoorn: Are you laughing at me? :)23:22
Guest8650tried reinstallimg ubuntu-desktop and metacity but to no avail23:23
joostverdoornjasl: yes somehow it made me laugh, although looking back it's not extremely funny23:23
Guest8650sorry for spelling on itouch23:23
ZykoticK9Guest8650, do you have any other users on your box, does it work for another user?23:23
Poindexter_XykoticK9 VBox is a Linux application too.23:23
jasljoostverdoorn: Well I did too.23:23
joostverdoornjasl: things like that get me through the day though ;)23:23
ZykoticK9Poindexter_, i certainly never said it wasn't???23:24
jasljoostverdoorn: Me too.23:24
ZykoticK9!tab > Poindexter_23:24
ubottuPoindexter_, please see my private message23:24
Poindexter_I was just trying to see the difference and if there is any significant reason to choose one over the other.23:25
Guest8650ZykoticK9, only me23:25
Guest8650i cant even see long messages on this itouch23:25
jasljoostverdoorn: If I were perfect I'd be rich!!23:25
Orion164Anyone know how I can mount  initrd.img in Ubuntu 10.04?23:25
joostverdoornjasl: such is life eh? ;p23:26
jasljoostverdoorn: exactly23:26
jasljoostverdoorn: Are you up very later or very early?23:27
joostverdoornlate, i'm guessing23:27
joostverdoornjasl: ^23:27
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jaslOK I guessed as much23:27
DataantiI have a new problem, when I type "make" for the thing im trying to install, I get http://pastebin.com/FHhyx21P23:28
gnariOrion164 : use -o loop23:28
tylerdoes ubuntu offer a java comaptible browser?23:29
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gnariOrion164: I am curious, why do you want to do this?23:29
jasltyler: What do you mean?23:29
ZykoticK9jasl, tyler is gone23:30
Guest63274well my chatserver says it requires a java compatible browser23:30
gnariOrion164, you might have to use correct -t option too23:30
Guest63274firefox aint java compatible23:31
jaslFunny my firefox works with java23:31
freeekiemine too23:31
ZykoticK9Guest63274, you need to install a java plugin icedtea6-plugin or the non-free version23:31
gnarioh, Orion has left and missed my replies23:31
usr13Dataanti: sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng23:31
Guest63274okay i will look for a plugin23:31
oraqolhey guys23:32
ZykoticK9!java | Guest6327423:32
ubottuGuest63274: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.23:32
jaslZykoticK9: wonderful23:32
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Dataanticool thanks :D23:33
chemicalvampMy setting changes like mouse acceleration taskbar orientation and size do not remain after reboot. any ideas?23:33
oraqoli have an hp dv4 laptop, i upgraded to 11.04 over wire but i hate unity so i reformatted and reverted to 10.10, worked fine for a few days, then i did something (not sure what) and now it will boot up to black screen.  Not blank, black, as in no power to lcd.  If i plug in vga monitor it recognizes it.  No amount of jiggling helps.  Eventually after I reboot enough the lcd comes back up.  I doubt its hardware.  Any ideas?23:33
jaslrecovery boot works OK?23:34
oraqoli cant even get to grub, bios screen wont even load, like i said, no power to lcd whatsoever, completely black, not blank.23:35
jaslDid you hold down the shift key?23:36
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ZykoticK9oraqol, if your BIOS doesn't show, that sounds like hardware issue23:36
jaslI agree23:36
KNUBBIGHey, I'm trying to start a gnome session over SSH, but I don't know how to start the session once I'm logged in, on the server gnome is installed, and ssh has ever been running fine. Any help?23:37
Guest63274i found the icedtea java plugin. after i install it it should work correct?23:37
jaslNo bios, nothing to do with Linux23:37
jaslGuest63274: try it23:37
ZykoticK9Guest63274, hopefully (you need to restart your browser after install)23:37
Guest63274okay thanks for the help :)23:38
beliKNUBBIG: read about X11 forwarding settings for sshd and about setting  export display23:38
oraqol$^&$&%  Last time i buy hp.  Thanks guys.  :/23:38
ZykoticK9KNUBBIG, typically you don't start and entire DE from ssh - just start the program you need.23:38
KNUBBIGbeli:  I activated X11 forwarding already, but I'll look for export display, thanks23:39
KNUBBIGZykoticK9: okay, thanks23:39
ZykoticK9KNUBBIG, does "gedit" work?23:39
jaslOr xterm23:39
androidbrucecould anyone help me get dual monitros going in 11.04?23:39
androidbrucedual monitors**23:39
ZykoticK9androidbruce, your graphics card is?23:40
androidbruce9500 gt23:40
KNUBBIGZykoticK9: no, it throws no error message but does nothing at all23:40
androidbrucedvi and vga out23:40
androidbruceZykoticK9, ^23:40
chemicalvampdoes he just need to make the settings under system settings?23:40
chemicalvampMy setting changes like mouse acceleration taskbar orientation and size do not remain after reboot. any ideas?23:41
ZykoticK9androidbruce, sorry i'm not going to google what a 9500GT is (i'm assuming nVIdia).  Someone else can help.23:41
ghufranhi. can someone please help me install flashplayer in 11.04?23:41
androidbruceZykoticK9,  i think i got it23:41
Instinctis there a way to use a .fon font on Ubuntu?23:41
ghufrani downloaded the files from adobe and extracted them. but i cant find the plugin files to put them into chrome or firefox23:41
ZykoticK9KNUBBIG, are you connecting from a linux box?23:41
KNUBBIGZykoticK9: yes23:41
usr13ghufran: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin23:42
ZykoticK9KNUBBIG, "grep X /etc/ssh/sshd_config" does forwarding say YES?23:42
Poindexter_Jasi should I install a web site in apache2 default-site or /var/www  ?23:42
ZykoticK9usr13, that's not a package.  ghufran23:43
KNUBBIGZykoticK9: yes, I've already looked for that :)23:43
ghufranusr13, will it also put it in all plugins directories? from the instructions i read, it said i'd have to copy the files even then23:43
ZykoticK9KNUBBIG, sorry - i don't know then.  Good luck.23:43
KNUBBIGZykoticK9: np, ty for your help23:43
ZykoticK9KNUBBIG, if you had to make that change, did you restart sshd?23:43
ghufranusr13, abobe-flashplugin has no install candidate23:44
ZykoticK9ghufran, it's not a package, that was going to fail.23:44
usr13ghufran: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtH78waXoZ423:44
KNUBBIGZykoticK9: didn't have to restart, was already set to yes, but I also restarted23:44
ghufranZykoticK9, okay - trying flashplugin-installer then23:45
ZykoticK9KNUBBIG, then I really don't know.  Good luck23:45
chemicalvampapt-cache search flashplugin23:45
chemicalvampDoes anybody have any idea why my KDE settings arent saving?23:46
Instincthow do i get a .fon font to work on Ubuntu?23:46
Star_Lighthow i can run a socket on php? :p23:46
Star_Lighti have the code23:46
Star_Lightbut i have prob with the ports23:46
chemicalvampOops.. Im going to kubuntu ;)23:46
Star_Lightgood trip :P23:47
LABcrabHello everyone!  The primary Internet connection for me is tethering via an Android.  However, it frequently is very slow, refusing to load websites, or whatnot.  Can someone help me please?23:47
Star_Lightjust kidding23:47
usr13ghufran: Really, all you do is unpack the file and place it in .mozilla i.e.  mv libflashplayer.so .mozilla23:47
tofufishdoes PREROUTING in iptables change the originating IP?23:47
chemicalvampi wondered for a sec why nobody was answering my question about KDE until i remembered all you folks use gnome23:48
LABcrabThe ping is AWFUL.  It's like way over 500 ms!23:48
ghufranusr13, i'm trying to do this with chrome first.. cant even seem to find where that thing is installed23:48
usr13ghufran: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/23:48
bastidrazorchemicalvamp: gnome ftw! o\23:48
ghufranwhich chrome returns nothing. which chromium-browser returns nothing. theres nothing in /usr/lib, /usr/lib64,.. anywhere23:49
usr13ghufran: simply place the file in the plugins directory23:49
ZykoticK9ghufran, if you install the flash package, both chrome and firefox should have working flash (without any manual copying)23:49
ohaidarcheck this out, firefox users23:49
usr13ghufran:  mv libflashplayer.so .mozilla/plugins/23:49
ghufranZykoticK9, okay, trying it out now. its downloading .. my internet is slow23:50
usr13(I left out /plugins/ on the first one.23:50
Ribertywhat is the difference between gnome3 opensuse and fedora?23:50
ZykoticK9ohaidar, with the no-script plugin it didn't crash - but don't post that stuff here.23:51
ohaidarZykoticK9, not a crash23:51
ohaidarjust the name of my program23:51
ZykoticK9ohaidar, once i enabled scripts on that page, firefox crashed23:51
ohaidarjust dont visit the main index23:51
ohaidarno it didnt23:51
ohaidargive it a few seconds23:51
bananstolubuntu doesn't detect my wireless network card, any way to fix this?23:51
bananstolseems to be an agere card23:52
ohaidarbananstol, what card?23:52
ZykoticK9bananstol, what is your wireless card?  "lspci | grep -i net" should show specifically.23:52
ohaidarZykoticK9, did it come back up?23:52
ZykoticK9ohaidar, ya - i'd assumed that was a recover from crash - but i'm guessing i assumed wrong23:53
ohaidarI think it has to do with GTK23:53
ohaidarresizing the broswers >65555 pixels23:53
ohaidaror OS-widgets23:53
ohaidardoesnt work in chrome23:53
=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
bananstoli can't find | right now, keyboard setup thingie :P but it's agere systems device23:55
ZykoticK9bananstol, run that command in a terminal23:56
ZykoticK9bananstol, can you copy/paste perhaps?23:56
nerdshelli was trying to restart my network daemon, and when I run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, i get this output :23:57
nerdshell* Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces23:57
nerdshell * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                                              SIOCDELRT: No such process23:57
bananstolyeah i can probably do that. brb searching for tilde on google ;p23:57
nerdshellAny help please23:57
ZykoticK9bananstol, tilde = ~ which is different then pipe = |23:57
bananstoloh yah you23:58
bananstol're right sorry23:58
nerdshelli was trying to restart my network daemon, and when I run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, i get this output :23:58
nerdshell(11:57:12 PM) nerdshell: * Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces23:58
nerdshell(11:57:12 PM) nerdshell:  * Reconfiguring network interfaces...23:58
nerdshellSIOCDELRT: No such process23:58
nerdshellAny help please ?23:58
FloodBot1nerdshell: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:58
usr13nerdshell: What are you trying to do exactly?23:58
usr13nerdshell: You can try /etc/init.d/networking stop ; /etc/init.d/networking start23:58
nerdshellusr13: could you explain the error messages to me please ?23:59
ZykoticK9usr13, technically that is "deprecated" but I'm not sure what the replacement is23:59
bananstolagere systems devide ab3423:59

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