
duanedesignmorning all11:37
faganmorning duanedesign11:43
duanedesignrye: thought you might find this interesting http://www.stgraber.org/2011/06/14/app-containing-on-the-modern-linux-desktop/11:50
ThePhobosI got a "problem" with my windows u1 client - it seems to create files with some uuid (e.g. ".7e69c264-b81e-4920-a4b1-42c9b231eab7") and sometimes even uploads them to my store11:53
ThePhobosdoes anyone know what they are  for and wether I may delete them?11:54
ryemandel, ^11:55
ThePhobosthat explains all ;)11:55
mandelThePhobos: does are partial files, feel free to delete them, the issue there is that the tool is not working as expected11:57
mandelThePhobos: its a known issue but we are working really hard to get the new version out in a few weeks that will have all the same features as on linux11:57
ThePhobosok gr8 thx :)11:57
ThePhobosThe linux client rocks definitely11:58
ThePhobosbtw was the android contacts client cancelled? I cant find it in the market?11:59
ryeThePhobos, the contacts app info - http://voices.canonical.com/ubuntuone/?p=94312:01
ThePhobosah ok thanks again12:01
ThePhoboswell keep up the good work then and Im definitely looking forward to the new windows Client12:05
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
nessitahello everyone!12:31
nessitamandel, alecu: if you can, I need reviews12:33
mandelnessita: sure, shoot12:33
nessitamandel: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/preferences/+merge/64883 and https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/clicking/+merge/6490012:34
mandelok, on them12:34
nessitamandel: were you able to fix the vm_helpers branch, so I re-review them?12:34
nessitait* :-P12:34
mandelnessita: yes, you can take a look12:34
nessitamandel: great, I'll do that now12:35
nessitamandel: what did you mean here "It is but it was added as a defensive pr" seems like the phrase was chopped off?12:38
mandelnessita: oh, I was meant to write defensive programming, in case someone forgets to do it12:38
mandelbut we should be using os.path.join as much as possible12:38
nessitamandel: right, but I think you misread my question. Let me re-ask:12:39
nessitamandel: I agree we need to use os.path join for every *path*. But, the suggested path, is something that is not a path in the filesystem but a suggested path, that will be sent to any platform, so we need it to be ~/Documents, always (I think). If you look at ubuntuone/platform/windows/vm_helper.py (ie the Windows implementation), you'll see that even you expect the suggested path to have / and not \12:41
nessitamandel: there you do "path = suggested_path.replace('/', '\\')"12:41
nessitamandel: so from that code seems like all the suggested_path in every test should not be built with os.path.join12:41
mandelnessita: I think we should ask chichara what suggested_path is truly meant to return, 'cause I understood it in a diff way12:43
mandelnessita: I need to walk the dog, can we do that lateR?12:43
nessitamandel: then why your code do "path = suggested_path.replace('/', '\\')" in ubuntuone/platform/windows/vm_helper.py?12:43
mandelnessita: I unsderstoo that the path was ment to be the one used in the platform, and though so because guille moved it to the platform module12:44
nessitaok, walk the dog, I'm not sure we're understanding eachother :-D12:45
* mandel walking dog12:50
nessitaChipaca: hi there, can I bother you with some reviews?12:57
Chipacanessita: no, but you can ask me to do them without it bothering me12:58
nessitahttps://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/preferences/+merge/64883 and https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/clicking/+merge/6490012:58
nessitaChipaca: if you run the QT tests, you need to git clone the qtreactor into the branch from:12:58
Chipacanessita: tests are expected to pass on [ ] ubuntu [ ] windows [ ] osx [ ] os213:00
nessita[x] ubuntu13:00
nessitamay pass in [?] windows13:01
Chipacaok :)13:01
alecuhello #ubuntuone!13:04
Chipacanessita: from the IRL-testing thing, -backend isn't needed?13:06
nessitaChipaca: it is needed indeed, but you don't need to run a separated process since in QT we're not using dbus but plain deferreds (ie all run in the same process)13:07
nessitahi alecu13:07
Chipacanessita: tests on winodws die trying to import dbus13:13
Chipacanessita: on linux, they pass13:13
Chipacanessita: want to take a look? lenticularis, :2013:13
Chipacanessita: I'm probably doing something wrong, because it's trying to test the gtk stuff13:14
nessitaChipaca: we never ran these suite in windows, so the import error is expected13:14
nessitaChipaca: ./run-tests test GTK stuff13:14
Chipacaok, i'll do the IRL test on windows13:14
nessita./run-tests -qt tests the QT stuff13:15
Chipacanessita: run-tests uses xvfb-run13:15
Chipacanessita: so I'm running u1trial13:15
nessitaChipaca: the control panel does not work on windows since we can't communicate with syncdaemon yet, that is what mandel is working on13:17
Chipacahm, where was it I got txnamedpipes from?13:17
nessitaChipaca: lp:rxnamedpipes13:17
nessitaChipaca: lp:txnamedpipes13:17
nessitaChipaca: the u1cp backend uses SyncDaemonTool which does not exist on windows, yet, that is the work that mandel was supposed to submit for reviews yesterday13:19
nessitabut that work depends on this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/working_windows_vm_helper/+merge/64804 which needs fixing, and now that I see, d-obey needs-fixing'd it and he's out today...13:20
nessitacrap, the branch will be blocked until Monday13:20
nessitaChipaca: maybe the iocpsupport does not have a __init__?13:23
Chipacai probably need to build it or sth13:23
Chipacaanyway, nm13:23
* alecu is having breakfast, bbl13:23
nessitaalecu: you have the txnamedpipes compiled, right?13:24
alecunessita, yes13:24
nessitaalecu: can you please forward that to Chipaca?13:24
Chipacanessita: nah, compiled it13:24
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alecuI just forwarded it anyway....13:26
nessitaalecu: thanks!13:26
nessitamandel: you back?13:26
Chipacai don't seem to have txnamedpipes.qt13:27
nessitalooks like it13:27
Chipacai'm sure i saw a url for that somewhere13:27
nessitabut needs fixing still13:28
nessitaChipaca: ./setup.py build13:41
nessitaChipaca: that is the work regarding CredentialsManagementTool that we have been talking in the meetings13:42
nessitaChipaca: mandel landed it, now we need the control panel use that13:42
ralsinamorning ubuntuone13:42
nessitainstead of hitting dbus13:42
nessitaloooooook! a ralsina!!!!13:42
Chipacaok :)13:42
Chipacaalo ralsina! fala muito portugues?13:43
nessitaChipaca: I'll start working on that. alecu, when you're back, let's sync tasks.13:43
* Chipaca no sabe nada de nada de pt, se nota?13:43
nessitaChipaca: grab a mate so you have your mouth busy :-P13:43
* nessita handles a mate13:43
Chipacanessita: I don't usually type with my hands13:44
Chipacawith my mouth, i mean13:44
ralsinaChipaca: eramos todos argentinos, y la gente del hotel habia que hablarle en ingles asi que nada nada :)13:44
faganChipaca: is that a manager joke13:44
Chipacafagan: no, *I* am a manager joke13:44
ralsinamattgriffin: pong13:44
faganChipaca: heheh13:44
nessitafagan: when in doubt, everything is a manager joke13:44
mattgriffinralsina: good morning. made it home yet?13:45
* fagan learns not to listen to managers any more since they are always joking 13:45
ralsinamattgriffin: wednesday at noon :-)13:45
ralsinamattgriffin: just started feeling alive today though13:46
Chipacaralsina: you're supposed to be on holiday13:46
mattgriffinralsina: oh good. must be odd to be back after so long. the seasons have changed ;)13:46
Chipacaralsina: scram!13:46
ralsinaChipaca: I am, just miss you guys13:46
Chipacaralsina: unless you've dropped by to show off your suntan13:46
ralsinamattgriffin: well, it was raining and chilly exactly the same as in london13:46
mattgriffinralsina: quick question about FISL13:46
ralsinamattgriffin: I am not sure... chipaca, should we send mandel to fisl? noone else wants to go13:47
ralsinaeither that or I go13:47
Chipacaand he does?13:47
ralsinaChipaca: he does13:48
ralsinaMy wife just said "tell them you go and take me there"13:48
Chipacawhat's the date?13:48
mattgriffinChipaca: need someone to speak about the u1 developer program13:48
Chipacamattgriffin: i know13:48
ralsinalet me check... 29/jun13:48
mattgriffin29 jun - 2 july13:48
Chipacaeither or both can go, iff we've released :)13:49
mattgriffinshould we confirm that the speaker slot is still available?13:49
nessitaso, I will jump in in this one. Isn't aquarius *the* person to go there?13:50
Chipacayes, yes he is13:50
nessitaI mean, mandel speaking in spanish from spain is as not-understandable as english13:50
ralsinanessita: he is another option, but really? Send aquarius on ANOTHER trip?13:51
nessitaralsina: another?13:51
faganyeah sending him everywhere is a bit bad13:51
Chipacaralsina: he's one of the less traveled ones13:51
mandelnessita: what do you mean, my spanish is great13:51
ralsinabudapest, full team sprint, futures sprint, now fisl?13:51
faganwell the sprint wasnt that far13:51
nessitamandel: YOU ARE BACK!!!!13:51
faganit was just up the road for hi13:51
Chipacaralsina: aquarius is a local in london, according to jamesh13:52
nessitamandel: c'mon, we need to transform you in a branch landing machine13:52
ralsinaChipaca: well, he had to stay at the hotel in london fr 12 days or so...13:52
nessitamandel: land, land, land!13:52
fagannessita: well I can do merge requests when ever they come around13:52
mandelnessita: :)13:52
faganjust for code style and running the tests and the like13:52
mandelnessita: I need to get momentum first :)13:52
nessitamandel: I'm worry about the vm_helper branch, since d-obey is not here, and he needed-fixing your branch13:53
nessitaso, unless the bosses allows to, that branch is blocked until MOnday :-(13:53
ChipacaI ALLOW13:53
mandelnessita: monday?13:53
mandelnessita: is he on holidays?13:53
Chipacayou know how to get around tarmac for that, yes?13:53
Chipacamandel: swap day13:53
nessitamandel: d-obey is not coming today13:53
Chipacamandel: because we pulled him from his swap day on tuesday to unblock things13:53
nessitaChipaca: yes, bzr push lp:ubunutone-client13:54
Chipacanessita: :)13:54
nessitaChipaca: well, he will scream, so I need you to take that burden. If we have your +1, I'll seek another review and we'll land13:54
* ralsina has the rubberstamp and/or can do a proper review13:54
nessitaI said scream but I meant not being happy, sorry13:54
faganstandup in 513:55
mandelnessita: we need to first talk about the suggested path method, then we can land it if it is ok13:56
mandelnessita: but I'll like to ask that in chicharra after the standup13:56
nessitamandel: I'm asking verterok to give us a hand and a review13:56
mandelnessita: great!13:56
nessitaok, let's write standup notes13:57
Chipacanessita: a less screamy version is to make a new branch13:57
alecuralsina, hello there boss.13:57
nessitaChipaca: see? that's why you're the boss13:57
Chipacamandel: what was the program called that replaced C-A-D ? was it process explorer?13:57
Chipacanessita: that, and my dashing good looks13:57
alecuralsina, if your wife is thinking on going to porto alegre, let me tell you guys that FISL is great, but the city is not really suitable for tourism.13:58
nessitaalecu, mandel, Chipaca: mumble after standup to syncup and freak out in group13:58
ralsinaChipaca: yes, process explorer13:58
ralsinaChipaca: are you in the office today?13:59
Chipacaralsina: I am in my office, not in the office14:00
ralsinaChipaca: ok14:00
faganmandel, alecu thisfred (I think)14:01
mandelChipaca: let me check14:01
* fagan thinks thats all thats supposed to be here today14:01
nessitaalecu: standup?14:01
nessitafagan: go!14:02
fagan* A little bit of fiddling with objective C14:02
fagan* Re-read some of the twisted stuff just to keep it fresh14:02
fagan* Wrote 3 diary posts since I haven't been keeping up on them14:02
fagan* Find some bug or something interesting to do14:02
fagan* publish the posts14:02
Chipacamandel: yeah, process explorer. ralsina: thanks. unzipped and replaced c-a-d :)14:02
fagan* nope14:02
fagannessita: go14:02
nessitaDONE: reviews, bug #798217, bug #797294, bug #798198,14:02
nessitaTODO: bug #798429, bug #798413, define who work on migrating u1p to CredentialsManagementTool14:02
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes, but close to freak out :-D14:02
nessitaNEXT: mandel14:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 798217 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-login fails with ImportError (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79821714:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 797294 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Implement preferences tab in the QT version (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79729414:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 798198 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Implement clicked callback for buttons that link to the web (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79819814:02
thisfredDONE: bug #779851 TODO: package couchdb for IS / work with vds on porting the servers to a more recent desktopcouch14:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 798429 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Implement functionality for adding a new cloud folder (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79842914:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 798413 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Provide a method in backend to list only devices info without querying local settings from syncdaemon (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79841314:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 779851 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntu One's Unity progress bar is uninformative when transferring a single file (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77985114:02
thisfreddidn't mean to hit enter]14:02
mandelDONE: worked on bug 798638 and bug 798641 and so that the can be landed and fixxed asap.14:02
mandelTODO: lad the rest of sd tool.14:02
mandelBLOCKED: nope14:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 798638 in ubuntuone-client "There is no vm helper implementation for windows (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79863814:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 798641 in ubuntuone-client "The windows IPC should be using named pipes and not sockets (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79864114:02
mandelthisfred: go go go14:03
thisfredBLOCKED: no14:03
thisfredalecu: !14:03
alecuDONE: been working on bug #797256, fixing tests in mandel's txnamedpipes+qt branch14:03
alecuTODO: add more tests, make control-panel-qt run on windows14:03
alecuBLOCKED: found a few weirdness in the branch, that need to discuss with mandel14:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 797256 in txnamedpipes "There is no integration with the Qt UI main loop (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79725614:03
alecuNOTE: will be working on monday, and I'll save the natholiday for later.14:04
* nessita too14:04
* alecu goes to canonicaladmin14:04
nessitaralsina: alecu and I are working this Monday because we're at least 2 days behind. We will be filling the swap request in the canonicaladmin today14:05
ralsinanessita: good I will approve. And I promise to be back on tuesday to help :-(14:05
faganralsina: while you are here is there anything in particular I should be doing at the moment14:06
nessitaralsina: if you're bored, Lisettee sent the installer build guide, which may be interesting for you since you started with that, I think14:06
* fagan at least knows how to approach the tests now14:06
nessitaalecu, Chipaca, mandel: mumble?14:07
ralsinafagan: re-search for bugs that you believe you could fix.14:07
ralsinafagan: now that you know more about tests you may do them before someone comes and steals them from you ;-)14:07
Chipacagoing ...14:07
faganralsina: ill go look for a bug I suppose then14:07
ralsinanessita: I read that, will check it more thoroughly14:08
ralsinafagan: that is what developers do. Look for a bug, fix it, repeat ;-)14:08
faganralsina: well and features too14:08
nessitaralsina, fagan: the nm0.9 fix that michael terry made is already landed in both ussoc and u1client (FYI)14:08
fagannessita: yeah I saw thats why I didnt work on it14:09
faganhis one was better I was just using it to learn about the tests14:09
nessitais ok :-)14:09
fagan40 lines > 20014:09
nessitamandel: you coming?14:09
ralsinafagan: features are the funny part, you only get them every once in a while ;-)14:09
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faganralsina: ah ok14:10
nessitaalecu: can you hear us? (we can't hear you)14:10
pmatulisis there any way to sync files with ubuntu one without using nautilus (i'm using lubuntu, it uses pcmanfm)?14:11
nessitamandel: ping?14:12
ryepmatulis, u1sdtool CLI is sufficient14:13
Chipacapmatulis: nautilus integration is merely for convenience14:13
mandelnessita: goign, sorry  I wes in the loo14:14
nessitamandel: ENOPARSE :-)14:14
Chipacapmatulis: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15710/ubuntu-one-for-xfce14:15
mandelhehe, you seems worry I gave info :)14:15
ralsinamandel: top speaking mancunian, switch to english ;-)14:16
Chipacanessita: facundobatista: is there a build of the new magicicada you showed off at the sprint?14:18
faganand did you guys make that with quickly :)14:19
ChipacaHAH! no.14:19
pmatulisrye, Chipaca: i see.  i'm relieved14:19
nessitaChipaca: I can build one for you this weekend14:22
Chipacanessita: nah, it was for pmatulis :)14:22
nessitaChipaca: I'm just waiting a review from facundobatista, and then I will build a new binary14:22
nessitapmatulis: bzr branch lp:magicicada; cd magicicada; ./bin/magicicada14:23
* facundobatista will review nessita extensively14:23
pmatulisnessita: will try, thanks a bunch14:23
nessitapmatulis: let me know how that goes! (is a WIP)14:24
ralsinaOk, back to my vacation. Have fun, tweet me if there's anything urgent I can help with14:25
rodrigo_any idea why this happens -> http://pastebin.com/SCY6tkPJ ?14:56
rodrigo_the client (evo-couchdb) is sending the oauth tokens found in the keyring14:56
faganrodrigo_: what ubuntu version is it on14:57
faganrodrigo_: the keyring breaks the auth in u1 in oneiric14:57
rodrigo_oh, why?14:58
faganrodrigo_: there was some change that breaks us and no one is working on fixing it yet14:58
rodrigo_ok :(14:58
rodrigo_now that I fixed the last issue I saw with evo-couchdb, can only test it on the system wide couchdb instance14:59
rodrigo_rye, ping14:59
ryerodrigo_, pong14:59
ryelooking at the pastebin... are you using nightlies couchdb-bin ?15:00
faganrye: is there a couch problem too?15:01
faganI dont know if there is a bug about the keyring thing but it is a known issue15:01
ryerodrigo_, sorry, not nightlies, hackers15:01
ryefagan, known?15:01
faganrye: there is something broken with how u1 uses the gnome 3 keyring15:02
ryefagan, ah, gnome 3?15:02
faganrye: yeah15:03
ryefagan, sorry, i am still on gnome 215:03
faganrye: yeah in 11.10 they updated the keyring and it brakes u1 auth stuff15:03
rodrigo_rye, hmm, probably15:08
rodrigo_rye, btw, I remember you told me you had some problem in natty with evo-couchdb, right?15:09
karninessita: Hiya! :)15:09
nessitahi karni15:09
karninessita: How are you?15:09
rodrigo_fagan, doesn't seem so, not sure, the tokens have been added correctly by dc15:09
ryerodrigo_, yes, i do have it, but i need to re-test w/o nightlies15:09
karninessita: I just had a first successful registration with SSO :) Do you delete your accounts on staging or leave them be?15:10
rodrigo_rye, oh, ok, it's because I just submitted a fix for oneiric that migh work for the natty version15:10
nessitakarni: I let them live... staging sso db is cleared up regularly15:10
rodrigo_rye, ping me on Monday and I'll build a natty package for you, ok?15:10
ryerodrigo_, ok15:10
karninessita: ok, then I'll just change the password for a stronger one and let them be.15:10
karninessita: Thanks :)15:10
nessitakarni: :-)15:11
faganrodrigo_: hmmmm its something weirder than that15:11
faganI cant remember the details though15:12
* nessita brbs15:12
duanedesignrye: noticed a recent article on U1 Indicator, fwiw. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-one-indicator-ubuntu-one-plugin-for-application-indicators.html15:31
faganduanedesign: I noticed that too15:32
duanedesignbeen trying to stay up on my rss feeds lately15:33
ryeduanedesign, thanks... now that you reminded I noticed it has stopped working with latest nightlies :(15:33
CardinalFangAlright, one week later:  Unity has grown on me.15:41
CardinalFangLike a fungus.15:41
CardinalFangA tasty tasty fungus.15:41
CardinalFangI will keep it.15:41
faganCardinalFang: hehe15:41
faganI love unity though even with the weird bugs that go on some times15:42
kingmiloHi guys, is it possible to use the UbuntuOne service from an Ubuntu Server yet?16:10
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=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
CardinalFangkingmilo, perhaps.  The initial auth probably requires some GUI windows, but if you can display those on a local X, you might be able to work it out.16:50
CardinalFangkingmilo, we don't have any console notification system, though.16:51
CardinalFangkingmilo, so, it looses some of its "prettiness".16:51
nessitaalecu, mandel: WE HAVE CredentialsManagementTool in u1cp! review please? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/cmt-wtf/+merge/6502617:05
duanedesignrye: do you know of a bbug that prevents resuming downloads of files greater then 25mb?17:20
duanedesigni think this user is effected by that bug. bug 79687717:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 796877 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntu one not syncing some files (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79687717:21
duanedesignwas wondering if maybe their was a master report for that issue to dupe it on17:21
kingmiloCardinalFang, Ok thanks, its probably easier to just use a desktop version then. Will UbuntuOne sync if the user is not logged in, ie. if i rsync files to the UbuntuOne folder will UbuntuOne ync it?17:29
* karni enjoys the lunch17:34
karnikingmilo: by default, Ubuntu One gets the tokens from Gnome Keyring, which is unlocked upon user login. So I would guess it's a 'No'.17:36
karnikingmilo: on the more extreme - imagine a user has encrypted home. how would Ubuntu One sync that :) (Encrypted file system is mounted upon user login as well.)17:37
* duanedesign waves to karni 17:37
* karni waves back and greets duanedesign 17:37
kingmilokarni, Ok, so the user needs to be logged in at all times?17:38
kingmiloSo i should configure the user to be logged in automatically, that way if the server restarts without a user in front of it, then it will login and initiate the sync?17:39
karnikingmilo: For Ubuntu One to work? Yes. It's a user-oriented service. It's been implemented with the user in mind. It's not a server-friendly piece of software, as you see :(17:39
karnikingmilo: yes :)17:39
Chipacarye: ping17:39
kingmilokarni, ok, well at least then there is a way to do it :)17:39
Chipacarye: iff you're still working today, could you explain on http://askubuntu.com/questions/49273/sharing-files-between-2-ubuntu-one-accounts the data loss possibilities?17:40
Chipacarye: (or the way of doing it 'right')17:40
karnikingmilo: Plus, I'm not saying there are no other ways. You could extract the tokens from gnome keyring and instruct sync daemon to use them and start before any login. How? I'd start with reading the sources, so it's not a short way..17:40
karnikingmilo: Impossible is nothing :)17:41
Chipacakingmilo: headless is easy. dbus-less, probably not that much.17:41
* nessita is back17:41
kingmilokarni, yes i was attempting that but then i thought why bother, just install ubuntu-desktop and use the normal ubuntu client but make sure the user is constantly logged in.17:42
kingmiloThat way when i drop files via rysnc into the specific folder then it will sync, well thats the theory karni  :)17:42
duanedesigncant you put the oauth token in the syncdaemon config file17:42
* fagan EOD17:43
fagansee you all monday17:43
karnikingmilo: correct. that'd be the easiest way, as long as you have gnome with gnome-keyring, etc. I'm not really profficient on that topic here :)17:43
karnikingmilo: Right :)17:43
duanedesignhave a good weekend fagan17:43
kingmiloexcellent karni - thanks!  ;)17:44
faganyou too duanedesign17:44
karnikingmilo: you are ver welcome!17:47
mterryChipaca, did you ever manage to wrangle a U1 designer up (for deja-dup)?17:49
Uber_Geekdo you guys use c or c++?17:53
nessitathisfred: would you be interested in doing a review? :-)17:53
thisfredI was waiting all day for you to ask me :)17:53
thisfrednessita: gimme the url!17:53
nessitaYEAHHHH https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/cmt-wtf/+merge/6502617:53
nessitathisfred: ah, let me add IRL testing intructions17:54
ChipacaUber_Geek: why?17:55
Chipacamterry: checking on that right now17:56
nessitathisfred: added!17:56
thisfredwe use EVERYTHING17:56
alecunessita, reviewing it.18:11
nessitaalecu: thanks!18:11
alecunessita, approved.18:15
nessitamandel: ping18:25
alecunessita, mandel, Chipaca: http://ubuntuone.com/p/zir/18:57
alecuralsina, ^18:57
nessitaalecu: does it get the real credentials?18:57
* Chipaca orderes pizza con champán for alecu18:58
alecunessita, not yet18:58
nessitaalecu: the thing that I like the best is the PASSED in green :-P18:58
* alecu will microwave the remains from yesterday: mila de merluza y puré18:58
mandelalecu: te love u!18:58
nessitaChipaca: so, this give us half of alecu's day back :-P18:59
nessitawhich would be like recovering 0.25/day, but is something18:59
alecuthis gives me a bit more confidence on qt+txnamedpipes. But just this bit: ><19:00
mandelalecu: well it works, so is not that bad :P19:01
mandelalecu: if it is using the qt integration you can try the webclient I did, is a not tested branch I did in 30 min during the sprint but should be a start19:02
nessitamandel: we agreed this morning we will not use that unless strictly necessary! :-)(19:02
mandelalecu: also removing the reactor from linux should work AFAIK, but that hsould be for after the 24th19:02
nessitasince moving to that client may raise another issues19:02
mandelnessita: sure, np19:02
mandelnessita: but I wont delete the branch since it gives proxy support for the control panel on windows...19:03
nessitamandel: of course, do not delete.19:03
mandelalthough since sd has no proxy support we really do not care :)19:03
nessitamandel: there is a high chance we use your branch, but not just now19:03
* mandel dances in happiness 19:03
nessitapoor happiness, you sure she can take your weight? :-D19:04
mandelnessita: we can try :)19:05
thisfredmandel: look out, that's dog happiness you're dancing in!19:05
thisfredand if y'all wanna celebrate like it's 1988: http://turntable.fm/ubuntu_one_team19:05
nessitathisfred: I refuse! (no news on that, I know). I don't have a facechot account19:06
thisfredah :)19:06
alecuthisfred, "Sorry, we're temporarily not letting new people in. We are at capacity and will be opening back up soon. back"19:07
alecuthisfred, but just after usurping my email from facebook authentication.19:08
thisfredOh, sorry19:08
thisfredit took a while for me to get in too19:08
thisfredoutloud.fm is less fussy19:08
thisfredand it plays oggs19:09
thisfredbut it doesn't have a 'LAME19:09
thisfred' button19:09
thisfredwhich is a killer feature19:09
nessitamandel, Chipaca: so, silly question. Is this path multiplatform: '/etc'19:14
nessitaI'm confused about the '/'19:15
Chipacanessita: no, it isn't. why?19:15
nessitabecasue I can't use os.path.join there19:15
mandelnessita: what is exactly confusing?19:15
nessitawhy is not multiplatform?19:15
mandelbecause /etc means nothing on windows19:15
nessitais not like I can do os.path.join('/etc')19:15
mandelnessita: separator and not root volume19:15
nessitamandel: eh?19:15
mandelnessita: were are you using that?19:16
nessitahow can I build a path outside home that is multiplatform?19:16
nessitaa path pointing outside home, I mean19:16
mandelnessita: what is the path being used for?19:16
thisfredthat's hard, but aside from packaging nothing should point outside home, I think19:16
nessitamandel: is doesnt matter19:18
nessitathisfred: I know, this is a test19:18
thisfredah ok :)19:18
mandelnessita: ok, let me look then, one sec19:19
nessitamandel: ah, I can loook, no worries19:19
nessitaI thought you knew from the top of your head19:19
mandelwill me 1 min no more19:19
mandelnessita: I think I know what you want, let me double check19:19
CardinalFangnessita, like, a temporary directory?19:19
nessitaI want a valid path pointing to the filesystem to be multiplatform, for example '/' and 'C:\\"19:20
nessitaos.path.root, if such thing existed19:21
mandelnessita: what about using os.path.expandvars?19:21
nessitamandel: no worries, I'll work around this19:22
mandelnessita: I know you can tell windows to expand %SYSTEMROOT% or other things and will be out of the user folder19:22
mandelnessita: is there a root env var on linux?19:22
mandelnessita: that wy you just call the same code and use a diff string… I cannot thing truly multiplatfororm from stdlib19:22
nessitamandel: forget about this, please19:23
nessitamandel: but thanks!!!19:23
* mandel forgets19:23
mandelnessita: all the needs fixing done, the new lines were added because de lines were 80 chars and not 7919:25
nessitamandel: looking19:25
mandelverterok: ping19:27
* mandel needs to buy a fan… even the chicharras are making noise...19:30
nessitamandel: hurry to move to ARgentina, is freezing here19:31
mandelhere is terrible… I think we are at 30 C and is 8 pm.. I knew there was I reason I left the south of europe..19:31
CardinalFangnessita, I think you can start at os.curdir, and iteratively append os.pardir upward, testing with os.stat().st_ino until it's the same value for one dir and its "parent".19:32
nessitaCardinalFang: yeah, what I did was:19:32
nessitaoutside_home = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(user.home, os.path.pardir))19:32
nessitawhich is 100% outside home, and will exist19:33
CardinalFangnessita, ah, thought you wanted root.19:33
nessitaCardinalFang: no, just something outside home and a valid path19:33
nessitaCardinalFang: thanks!!!19:33
mandelnessita: on question about ~/Ubuntu One19:33
nessitamandel: shoooot19:33
CardinalFangnessita, hopefully, there's nothing for which home = /19:34
mandelnessita: is that a UDF or is it considered a special path?19:34
nessitaCardinalFang: I guess is a safe assumption19:34
nessitamandel: 2 things19:34
nessita1- no, is not an UDF, is the RootVolume19:34
nessita2- do not hardcode ~/Ubuntu One, instead use the definition of root_dir given in Main()19:34
mandelnessita: ok, just wanted to make sure about that… got it :)19:35
nessitamandel: so, it could be the case where the RootVolume (volume_id = '') is ~/Ubuntu Two19:35
nessitaand we need to support that19:35
mandelnessita: is supported, I was thinking about the peple that want to add illegla chars on that, but that will brake and we can tell them is because the screwed up the config19:40
nessitadoes a window user understand the concept of "your home folder"?19:42
verterokmandel: pong19:44
mandelverterok: I;ve made some changes in the branch for the windows volume_manager, can you take a look19:44
CardinalFangnessita, assume not.  They don't use the word "home" at all, AFAIK.19:45
mandelverterok: will like to have this approved before my EOD19:45
verterokmandel: ok19:45
nessitaCardinalFang: what word would they use?19:45
mandelverterok: gracias!19:45
thisfredHOEM in Purple 55pt Comic Sans19:46
thisfredinsert obligatory friday afternoon apology19:48
mandelalecu: ping19:48
karnidanrabbit, where are you19:51
alecumandel, pong19:51
mandelalecu: can you tell me the value you get when you expand this env var %windir% on your windows machine?19:51
alecumandel, C:\Windows19:51
mandelalecu:  and %USERPROFILE%?19:53
alecumandel, C:\Users\user719:53
alecu(user7 is the user in the vm)19:54
mandelalecu: ok, got it, thx19:54
nessitamandel: branch approved19:56
nessitamandel, alecu, Chipaca: how does this look? http://ubuntuone.com/p/zjy/19:57
mandelnessita: looks goo to me19:59
aleculooks fine.20:01
mandelnessita: I need to go, but wil be back later and will propose the branches so that they can be pushed asap, being the latest on monday20:25
mandelthat includes the bin branch, which I have a test failing20:25
nessitamandel: ok, email me the branches20:25
nessitamandel: I mean email all of us20:25
nessitaso we can review if we have slots20:26
nessitamandel: ack?20:26
mandelnessita: yes, will send the report with the merges and bug worked on, I'm just away a litle because is 21:27 here and I need to take a small break20:27
mandelnessita:  ack :)20:27
nessitamandel: get some rest!20:27
mandelnessita: ok jefa!20:28
* nessita is tired21:08
nessitaI'll get some snacks, brb21:08
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
nessitareview approaching, get ready!!!22:11
nessitathisfred: ^ :-D22:17
* thisfred is on it!22:18
nessitathanks :-)22:20
thisfredis it still supposed to say 'Hello Lisette!' ?22:22
thisfrednessita: can't choose folders outside home (good) but choosing folders inside home does not add them (bad)22:24
nessitathisfred: can you please file a bug about that?22:24
nessitathisfred: you will not see the folder iun the list22:24
nessitathe list in the UI is fake22:24
thisfredbut also not in u1sdtool22:25
nessitathisfred: no? weird22:25
nessitaany error in the terminal?22:25
thisfredtried twice two different folders22:25
nessitathisfred: please go to the terminal were you're running the UI, and press several enters, then try again and paste the output22:25
thisfrednessita:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/628604/22:26
thisfredis what happens when I click 'Open'22:27
nessitathisfred: is that a big folder?22:28
nessitathisfred: can you please the last 500 lines from syncdaemon.log?22:28
thisfrednessita:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/628604/22:29
nessita NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'AUTH_FAILED'22:30
thisfredwhat does that mean?22:30
nessitathisfred: u1sdtool -s?22:30
thisfredState: AUTH_FAILED22:31
thisfred    connection: With User With Network22:31
thisfred    description: auth failed22:31
thisfred    is_connected: False22:31
thisfred    is_error: True22:31
thisfred    is_online: False22:31
thisfred    queues: IDLE22:31
nessitathisfred: syncdaemon is using the token you had before you remove it from the token list22:31
nessitathisfred: u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c22:31
thisfredoh I need to kill sd?22:31
thisfredyep works now, sry false alarm22:32
thisfredtoo many moving parts to fit in my head, as usual ;)22:32
nessitano problem!22:34
nessitathisfred: I like that you stresss my branches :-P22:34
nessita(and myself)22:34
nessitawell, I'm off22:35
nessitathisfred: thanks!22:35
nessitasee ya on Monday22:35
thisfredcode looks good, appriving, have a great weekend!22:35
nessitathanks!! and you too22:35
duanedesigndoes anyone know where I can get a list of packages related to Ubuntu One for each release22:37
duanedesignIt has changed over the last three ro four releases and have a hard time keeping up with the changes22:37
* thisfred EOWs22:44
duanedesignthisfred: have a good weekend22:45
Uber_GeekChipaca:  I have been wanting to get more involved in the community, and while I have decent PHP / PERL skills, I was curious if I should study C or C++ more.22:46
duanedesignUber_Geek: C is always a good one in my opinion22:47
duanedesignUber_Geek: it is a little lower level language. little harder to learn but, In my opinion that will pay off in the end22:48
Uber_Geekok, thanks22:48
duanedesignUber_Geek: soo once you learn Python you will be able to understand some things a bit better22:48
duanedesignUber_Geek: U did it backwards and which I had not22:49
duanedesignerrr, I did it backwards22:49
Uber_Geekduanedesign: so I should learn Python, or C next?22:49
duanedesignUber_Geek: personally i would start with C. It is a little harder to learn22:50
duanedesignbut helps build a better foundation22:50
duanedesignUber_Geek: but your goal will likely be Python. A lot of apps in Python22:50
duanedesignUber_Geek: their is a C book that is the bible used by all C coders. I think I have the link22:51
duanedesignUber_Geek: i sent you a PM with the link22:54
duanedesignjoshuahoover: ping22:57
joshuahooverduanedesign: pong22:57
duanedesignjoshuahoover: do you have a quick secong for PM?22:58
ChipacaUber_Geek: go with python, i say23:16
* Uber_Geek thanks his stars he learned the languages he has already.23:22
Uber_GeekI have done come to think of it, very little, but some Python tweaking.23:22

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