
scott-workubuntu is one of the most awesomess distributions on the face of the planet13:31
scott-workbut i can't understand why the wiki performs so poorly and frustratingly13:31
holsteinscott-work: im glad its not just me13:39
charlie-tcaum, they did give it a new update yesterday... Now it takes a LOT longer to log in13:41
scott-worki wanted to edit one of the pages i use to plan releases13:44
scott-worki have to log in again13:44
scott-worki log in again13:44
scott-workit takes me to the wiki.ubuntu.com home page13:44
* scott-work scratches his head thinking it didn't do that before13:45
scott-worki click my bookmark to take me to my release planning page13:45
scott-workit tells me i have to log in again13:45
scott-work-> infinite cycle13:45
scott-workholstein: i was rereading the OSM blog and rediscovered abgate, the lv2 plugin that is a noise gate13:45
holsteinyeah, i routinely get an error message when i save13:46
scott-worki wanted to add it to the seeds for oneiric when i make the other changes13:46
scott-workweird...after three tries, now i can go to this page and edit it :)13:46
astraljavaYeah, that wiki SUCKS!13:47
charlie-tcaYeah, I got the same nonsense logging in13:50
charlie-tcaThe improvement appears to be another step backwards13:50
charlie-tcaAt least before it took me to the page I wanted after login13:50
holsteinmaybe its just outgrown itself13:52
holsteinthe amount of users/pages13:52
charlie-tcaI haven' t seen any other moinmoin wiki so slow though13:54
charlie-tcaI think it has more to do with Ubuntu/Canonical changes that don't quite work13:54
scott-worki didn't think the wiki worked well before, and it seems to be working less well now14:11
astraljavaYeah. Are the powers that be not using it at all?14:12
scott-worki wouldn't think this should be a scalability issue14:12
scott-works/should/should NOT14:12
astraljavaOr is no-one just complaining about it?14:12
scott-workunless they have an old P3 with 512M memory in a cupboard is being used for the wiki ;)14:13
charlie-tcatried filing bugs against it?14:13
scott-worki haven't filed a bug for this specific item at this point14:14
charlie-tcaI have; it results in " we are working on it, but it takes a while to get the changes approved" 14:14
scott-workbut i believe i have seen a bug about the wiki being so slow before and with all the errors14:14
astraljava*rolls eyes*14:14
falktxhi there15:12
scott-workhi falktx 15:22
falktxhey scott-work15:22
scott-worki tried the menu dilliwhopper again last night15:22
scott-worki rebooted and the menu looked the same15:23
scott-worki even checked to see that ubuntustudio-menu was installed, which it was15:23
scott-workshould i install other ubuntustudio packages?15:23
scott-workshould i start with ubuntu studio install and then add xfce on top of it?15:23
falktxscott-work: the menu looked exactly the same? like no audio p. menu at all ?15:25
scott-worki did not see an audio submenu15:25
scott-workand of course ardour, qjackctl,hydrogen, rakarrack were all in multimedia15:26
scott-workfalktx: there is possibly another issue15:26
scott-workwhen i have tested installing ubuntustudio packages on top of a vanilla ubuntu install i needed to add a "other menu" widget to the panel15:27
scott-workthis gave me the ubuntustudio menu for that install (which was still on gnome2)15:27
scott-workin fact i could have an icon for the vanilla ubuntu menu and the ubuntu studio menu on the same panel15:27
scott-workcould this be a similar situation?15:28
* scott-work had looked before for an additional menu widget to add to the panel but didn't find one15:28
falktxscott-work: please test the us-menu with my patch and see if this is fixed15:29
falktxscott-work: oh, the ISO script is kinda working now:15:30
falktxscott-work: I had some disk issues so I was unable to complete the ISO (kernel img went 0 size...)15:31
scott-workfalktx: will do (test with patch)15:31
scott-workfalktx: are you saying that i should try the script and that you expect it to work for me?15:32
falktxscott-work: it should be able to create a basic iso right now, not sure...15:32
falktxI was able to build the filesystem.fs, but because of that kernel thing it failed to create the boot15:33
falktxhm, let me try it again...15:33
falktxscott-work: the iso script is pretty much finished, I only need to add the auto-creation of the needed files for boot menu16:02
falktxlike boot.cfg, etc16:03
scott-workfalktx: super sweet!  in the next couple of weeks i'll be sending you some money via paypal :)16:21
falktxscott-work: no hurry, I'm still testing this16:22
=== falktx is now known as falktx-work
falktx-workscott-work: the script is working!17:12
falktx-workjust some final details and it will be complete17:12
falktx-workI'm amazed how I got this working so fast...17:12
falktx-workscott-work: I'm rebuilding the squashfs now, I'll let you know how it goes17:13
astraljavaSo is anyone here actually running natty at the moment?18:29
holsteinastraljava: i have test installs18:31
holsteini DL'd xubuntu 11.10 last nite, and tried it live on my netbook18:31
astraljavaholstein: But are you running it right now?18:31
holsteinthere was a nasty bug with the wifi card on this box and 11.04, and that seems to be sorted out :)18:31
holsteinastraljava: nah, but i can boot in if you need18:32
charlie-tcaMine is oneiric18:32
holsteini can be in it in 4 minutes18:32
astraljavaholstein: I wouldn't ask that of you. I'm just amazed that in my setup, there's no possibility of saving the currently running applications in Startup Applications.18:32
astraljavaThis is a ubuntu vanilla install with all ubuntustudio packages.18:33
holsteinastraljava: is there anything like that normally?18:34
astraljavaCould something have messed up the original install, or has it been removed completely?18:34
holsteini see an option when shutting xubntu down18:34
astraljavaholstein: Yeah there was at least in 10.10.18:34
astraljavaBut I haven't installed vanilla 11.04 on anything else, and I didn't check before I installed ubuntustudio packages.18:34
holsteinastraljava: wheres the option and i'll check18:35
astraljavaSystem | Preferences | Startup Applications18:35
holsteinim just watching 'short circuit' and about to run out for a sandwich18:35
astraljavaThere should be some tab where you could save them.18:35
astraljavaHaha. :D18:35
astraljavaI just had a pizza. :D18:36
holsteinOH yeah... i see that option in 10.0418:36
holsteinive never used it though...18:36
* holstein checks natty18:37
holsteinastraljava: yeah, that tab is gone now it seems18:37
holsteini actually didnt install any of the meta packages on here either18:38
holsteinjust JACK and ardour and some others18:38
charlie-tcaastraljava: that is in settings -> Session and Startup in Xubuntu18:39
holsteinthats from both classic and unity18:39
holsteincharlie-tca: still there in 11.10 for you?18:39
charlie-tcaMay have gone with appearance settings in Unity, though18:39
charlie-tcayes, Xubuntu 11.10 has that18:39
holsteinwell, its moved or taken out in gnome and unity :/18:40
charlie-tcaYou can also right click the panel, click panel, click logoff and mark it there18:40
charlie-tcaright, gnome/unity removed several thing18:40
astraljavaholstein: Thanks!18:41
astraljavaDamn, that's a loss.18:41
holsteinthats odd i think18:41
holsteinsize maybe?... or unity integration i guess18:41
charlie-tcaYou can't find what used to be system -> Preferences -> Appearance either now in unity18:42
holsteinyeah :/18:42
holsteingrowing pains, at least i hope its growth18:42
holsteinalright... lunch... BBL18:43
scott-work_charlie-tca: how did you install your oneiric?  i couldn't get the vanilla ubuntu to work18:55
* scott-work_ is wondering if he should have finished the backscroll before asking the question18:55
charlie-tcaI used the Xubuntu alpha1 image18:58
charlie-tcaI did not use Ubuntu's image, cause it drags in too much of Gnome18:58
* scott-work_ will be install xubuntu this weekend on his development machine :)19:04
charlie-tcaKeep in mind, we haven't had a good image for over a week now19:04
holsteinyeah, i was using xubuntu alpha1 too21:22

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