
JadedCool, I got compiz working00:00
Jadedused that00:01
Jadedsorry rotura, you'll probably have to make a thread on ubuntuforums00:01
roturaThanks Jaded :-)00:01
JadedI'm not sure if it's the 3d acceleration or not, but xubuntu is def a lot snappier now.00:02
Jadedi think what helped was opening nvidia x server settings, and setting up my monitor and then creating a xorg.conf file from that00:02
Jadedall through the nvidia GUI00:02
JadedI'm about to try LXDE :)00:25
Unit193Jaded: LXDE as in Lubuntu?00:28
JadedI'm installing the LXDE packages00:31
draiochhi anyone about to help pls02:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:48
draiochused a linux format mag distro of latest xubuntu and choose retain folers files option, dual boot option comes up when i opt for me original xubuntu is can see files with ls in terminal but how do i copy them to usb drive02:53
GridCubeyou cant see the folder using thunar?02:55
GridCubeor you dont have X?02:56
GridCubeanyway use sudo apt-get install mc              and then run mc on a terminal and its pretty explainatory, on one side go to the /media/usbdrivename and on the other side to the folder you want to copy, then copy from one pane to the other02:57
draiochthx grid cube ru u the person that saves me thx02:57
draiochwait sys restart gonna reboot02:58
bobyi have a problem with xubuntu desktop04:29
thunder1212i have just installed xubuntu on my desktop05:46
thunder1212i have little ram 384 mb only :)05:46
thunder1212can u suggest some method to optimize xubuntu05:46
TheSheepthunder1212: use something lighter than firefox06:00
TheSheepthunder1212: like chromium or midori06:00
thunder1212TheSheep: i will use chrome..06:03
thunder1212TheSheep: i just checked the system monitor, firefox was using 64mb of my memory06:04
TheSheepthunder1212: I call it firehog ;)06:05
TheSheepthunder1212: also flashblock helps06:05
thunder1212TheSheep: how is linux mint xfce debian edition ?06:13
thunder1212TheSheep: i want a very userfriendly desktop06:14
TheSheepthunder1212: never used it06:23
Wizardgood morning everybody07:15
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pteague_workany idea why X would be eating up 40-45% cpu on a consistent basis?16:48
Sysipteague_work: problem with some application or driver16:50
pteague_workintel video card \o/16:50
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charlie-tcapteague_work: firefox?17:13
charlie-tcaIt has been known to do stupid things to cpus and memory17:13
charlie-tcabut it could be a panel plugin doing it too.17:14
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pteague_worksorry, ended up in a meeting & i can't seem to get xchat to continue blinking for more than a couple seconds :(20:25
pteague_workcharlie-tca, i'm running both firefox & netbeans & i my work issued laptop is a single-core cpu >.<20:26
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mattmananyone out there that wants to help me with ndiswrapper?23:42
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GridCube!ask | mattman5523:46
ubottumattman55: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:46
mattman55Ok, I use a dlink dwl-650+ wireless card. I have used ndiswrapper before to install the drivers from WinXP using ndisgtk on ubuntu 10.04. now i am using xubuntu 10.04. when I run lshw -C network I get a *-network UNCLAIMED. i seem to remember getting this issue before. as a pointout, it does say that it is ACX100 Wireless interface, but I have tried the acx100 drivers already. also, when i try iwconfig, wlan0 does not show up, just lo and eth0. Thanks23:52
mattman55in advance for any help.23:52

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