
BUGabundomount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting nas:/volume101:44
BUGabundobeats me :(01:44
BUGabundono idea why I can't nfs mount it01:49
BUGabundoand GUI for network (samba, ssh, etc) is crashing01:49
BUGabundoalso gparted01:49
BUGabundoand turning NM off, kills WiFi01:50
Ian_CorneI've had an update from NM today01:53
BUGabundo  Installed: 0.8.9997+git.20110614t173923.b4a72d1-0ubuntu101:54
Ian_Corne  Installed: 0.8.9997+git.20110614t173923.b4a72d1-0ubuntu101:54
Ian_Corne  Installed: 0.8.9997+git.20110616t193616.b2e6a33-0ubuntu101:54
Ian_Corneit was network-manager-gnome that was updated01:55
BUGabundo  Installed: 0.8.9997+git.20110529t170033.9ec4c5d-0ubuntu101:56
BUGabundoI guess my mirrors are always old01:56
Ian_Corneno matter what I do01:57
Ian_CorneI always get thrown back to unity2D01:57
Ian_Corne$ glxinfo | grep direct01:57
Ian_Cornedirect rendering: Yes01:57
Ian_Corne$ glxinfo | grep direct01:57
Ian_Cornedirect rendering: Yes01:57
Ian_Corneoops sorry for double01:57
BUGabundodoes your keychain password get rested too ?01:57
BUGabundoI have a pass different from the user01:58
BUGabundoand for the 3rd time, it got reseted01:58
Ian_CorneI don't have it different01:58
Ian_Corneah but the unity_support_test fails01:58
Ian_Corneah that's to bad :(01:58
Ian_CorneHopefully, the nvidia driver will work again soon :)01:58
trijntje_oneiricHi all, I have a general question about the alpha08:47
trijntje_oneiricwhat should I do when I find bugs in the alpha, should I report all of them if they are not reported yet, or would that generate too much noise for the developers, who may already be aware that they broke something08:48
tsimpsontrijntje_oneiric: the point of alpha/beta is for people to report bugs08:55
trijntje_oneirictsimpson, so I should just report the bugs, and let the developers deal with them08:57
trijntje_oneiricok thanks! I was not sure because there are still a lot of bugs, so that would make a lot of bug reports09:00
trijntje_oneiricWhat program draws the sound icon on the top panel?09:19
htorqueok, who broke nautilus?09:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 799007 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_icon_info_load_symbolic()" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:31
Ian_Cornehtorque: apt-get install gnome-icon-theme-full ?09:35
Ian_Cornedoes that fix it?09:36
htorqueon it09:37
htorqueyeah, nautilus starts09:37
htorqueIan_Corne: thanks, added that information to the report09:39
Ian_Corneok :)09:40
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trijntjeWhat program draws the sound icon in the top panel? It has a bug but I dont know what package it belongs to13:40
trijntjefound it: /usr/lib/indicator-session/indicator-session-service13:45
zniavregood afternnon13:45
zniavreim using oneiric with gnome classic session (no unity )13:46
zniavrethere is a way to activate overlay scrollbar ?13:46
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CardinalFangHrm.  Anyone know why window placement on my Unity desktop would be so close to the new panelthing that it forces it to hide?15:59
dupondjesomebody alive ? :)17:27
penguin42sshh we're sleeping17:28
dupondjeI just upgraded to oneiric17:29
dupondjebut seems there is something weird with gnucash17:29
dupondjegnucash-common isn't build from the source package ?17:29
dupondjebut its just a sync from debian, where it IS build ?17:29
penguin42it's possible that there's a library difference that's stopping it17:30
penguin42oh, that is a bit odd17:32
penguin42dupondje: That looks like a bug somewhere17:33
dupondjecan you try to rebuild it on a clean up-to-date pbuilder ? :p17:34
* penguin42 hasn't got one in front of me - I could set one up, but so could you :-)17:34
dupondjeyea true17:34
dupondjei'll fix it17:34
penguin42dupondje: I think I know what it is17:35
Ampelbeinpenguin42:, dupondje: the problem is that arch all packages are only built on i38617:35
Ampelbeinpenguin42, dupondje: and gnucash FTBFS there.17:35
penguin42dupondje: and the i386 build failed17:35
penguin42odd failure; dpkg-trigger: error: syntax error in triggers deferred file `/var/lib/dpkg/triggers/Unincorp' at character `:' midline17:36
Ampelbeinpenguin42: was fixed with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/dpkg/
penguin42ah well there you go17:37
dupondjeah :D17:37
dupondjehehe ok17:37
penguin42always fun when something like dpkg gets broken17:37
dupondjeah well17:37
Ampelbeinbug 798803 ;-)17:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 798803 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "package libatkmm-1.6-1 2.22.5-1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: syntax error in triggers deferred file `/var/lib/dpkg/triggers/Unincorp' at character `:' midline" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79880317:37
dupondjenobody around to rebuild gnucash ? :D17:37
Ampelbeini'll trigger a rebuild17:38
Ampelbeinthere you go: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnucash/1:2.4.6-3/+build/257028917:38
dupondjeelse upgrade went quite fine17:39
Ian_Corneanyone else on unity 2D?17:46
dupondjeAmpelbein: ?19:27
dupondjecan you rebuild https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libaqbanking ?19:27
dupondjeseems like that one failed also :D19:27
Ampelbeindupondje: but for another reason19:28
dupondjemake: *** [binary] Error 119:28
dupondjemmm odd19:28
Ampelbeindupondje: the no-change retrys only work if the error is only temporary.19:29
dupondjeyea I know :)19:30
Ampelbeindupondje: the error is in the description lines before that line.19:30
dupondjewell its a warning indeed19:30
dupondjebut it did build on amd64 for example19:30
Ampelbeindupondje: libaqbanking-data_5.0.10-1_all.deb is arch all thus only builds on i38619:31
Ampelbeindupondje: see the dpkg-deb: building package `libaqbanking-data' in `../libaqbanking-data_5.0.10-1_all.deb'. line before the warning19:31
dupondjethe version check has a exit 119:38
dupondjeso it makes indeed the build fail19:38
dupondjeshould not be WARNING then but ERROR imo19:38
dupondjeAmpelbein: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libaqbanking/+bug/79922519:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 799225 in libaqbanking (Ubuntu) "Fix FTBFS caused by not up-to-date Build Depend" [Undecided,New]19:52
dupondjecould you check ?19:52
dupondjethis should fix it :)19:52
Ampelbeindupondje: checking19:57
Ampelbeindupondje: sponsored, thanks for your work! Small change I did was to add LP bugnumber to debian/changelog20:12
dupondjeah yea right :) forgot20:12
dupondjeaha, and the debian maintainer commented also20:15
dupondjemaby he fixes it in debian asap, then we can sync again in some days :)20:15
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dupondjeand it build :D20:29
Ampelbeindupondje: nice ;-)20:32
Ampelbeindupondje: I was about to suggest using submittodebian or send the patch manually.20:33
dupondjewell its not really a bug in debian at this moment20:34
dupondjeas libgwenhywfar60-dev was 4.0.3 when the package got build :)20:35
dupondjebut anyway, think the maintainer will fix it anyway20:35
dupondjebtw, the build package will first get into the oneiric queue?20:35
dupondjethen it needs to be accepted before its in the archive ? :d20:36
Ampelbeindupondje: it already is ACCEPTED20:37
Ampelbeindupondje: otherwise it would be in NEW20:37
Ampelbeindupondje: see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+queue?queue_state=2&queue_text=20:38
dupondjethat goes auto or ? :)20:38
Ampelbeindupondje: it only needs manual approval once per binary package (from NEW), after that it's automatic20:42
dsathegnome shell chat integration seems to have a issue20:49
dsathenot maximising / closing20:49
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Ian_Cornetrying to install nvidia current atm= 0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 382 to remove and 0 not upgraded.22:44
yofelyeah, I've got some mesa lib held back here which tries to remove nvidia :/22:47
AmpelbeinIan_Corne: see bug 798007 for the cause22:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 798007 in mesa (Ubuntu) "[Oneiric] Latest mesa (7.10.3) breaks 3D with nvidia-current" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79800722:48
Ian_CorneI know the bug :)22:50
Ian_Corneyofel: I'm running with 'experimental 3D support' now22:51
Ian_Cornewhatever that might be22:51
yofelgallium I think22:51
Ian_Corne$ /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p does give back no22:51
Ian_Cornevideo                  18908  1 nouveau22:51
Ian_Corneso maybe the driver is just not enabled?22:51
yofelwouldn't help me much since nouveau's accelleration is broken on my hardware :/22:52
yofelno idea, really22:52
Ian_Cornejockey says it's in use22:52
Ian_Cornebut i've not been able to trust jockey much in 11.1022:52
Ian_CorneI think it's confused22:52
Ian_Corneafter I installed the mesa updates, jockey still showed nvidia installed, which was not the case22:53
yofelwell, xorg.log will tell what's being used in any case22:53
yofelbah, battery empty, bbl22:54
Ian_Corneaccording to the log, it tries to load nvidia, fails, tries to load nv, fails, loads vesa (wtf?) and then a whole bunch of stuff about nouveau22:55
Ian_Corne317 [     8.376] (EE) NOUVEAU(0): Error creating GPU channel: -1922:55
Ian_Corne318 [     8.376] (EE) NOUVEAU(0): Error initialising acceleration.  Falling back to NoAccel22:55
Ian_Corneguess it's broken for my card too :)22:55

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