
philipballewhow can i edit my grub menu to show the name of the operating system as something different00:26
philipballewbacktrack5 shows up as ubuntu 2.6.3800:27
DarkwingDucklolz... Backtrack500:30
DarkwingDuckphilipballew: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128760200:31
philipballewits the best system to monitor my network. my nirghbors use our internet and i dont want to have the cops show up at our door so i monitor all websites and downloads, then flagg it with things. kinda like opendns00:32
philipballewbut yes, it does have a bad rap!00:33
DarkwingDuckOh... I finally got the druggies in few apts down from me to stop...00:34
DarkwingDuckI changed my essid to IB_Surveillance_Van_800:35
philipballewhaha, was it not password protected?00:36
DarkwingDuckYes, but when people would scan it would show up.00:36
philipballewoh i see. so its a hidden network. im trying to set up my router to only log pre approved mac address with a rsa type key00:41
philipballewprobably gonna ddwrt the router00:41
philipballewthe drug lords must have figured out how to scan wifi00:41
r4yHow do I find out how much time several videos on my hard drive add up to?02:16
holsteinr4y: i would probably just que them up in something02:18
r4yI know that if I right click one of the videos it will say how long a video is, so other then adding their time together.02:18
r4yI ried Banshee but no go02:18
r4yas well as mplayer02:18
holsteinthere is a calculator ;)02:18
* holstein looks around02:19
* IAmNotThatGuy looks at the side02:19
holsteinrhythym box is doing it with audio...02:20
r4yHmm, I am not sure what might work for queing them up, so  guess I with add their total, thank you for responding. I will try rhythmbox out in a sec02:20
r4yThere are 2 to pick from?02:21
r4yOK, never mind02:22
holsteinyeah, if you're too lazy to add, just drop em here, and i'll do it :)02:22
r4yWell, it didn't work. I meant never mind to which rhythmbox to choose from using open with02:23
holsteinyeah, rhythymbox doesnt do video right?02:25
holsteinim just saying, it has that summing funcionality in the playlist02:25
holsteinVLC doesnt seem to02:25
holsteintotem didnt02:25
holsteinyou tried banshee and mplayer02:26
r4yI just tried smplayer as well02:26
r4yRight, rhythm box is for music, I was just trying02:27
r4yI even tried soundconverter, it's cool, it's not a big deal to add it together. It would be neat to be able to find out how long through a queing of some sort. I try to find out little things like this. It's fun to find out. Thank you for talking with me.02:28
holsteinyeah, now i want to know too :)02:29
r4yMight be possible with a script perhaps.02:30
holsteinrelevant http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/3612/get-the-total-length-of-all-video-audio-in-the-current-dir-and-below-in-hms02:32
r4yI downloaded a bunch of Angry Video Game Nerd with the AVGN vs the Nostalgia Critic and That Guy with the Glasses because my brother is coming and I am not sure he will want to watch them all because he sort of has ADD02:33
r4yYes, perfect, I need to go and do chores, so I will have to try it out later, TY02:34
r4yThank you ver much02:35
r4yThe second command from the link you gave me worked. The first command may need to be changed a little in my case. I tried removing the avi part, but it doesn't matter because the second command worked. 1h:27m:55s03:49
r4yI even calculated the time roughly and I had about 1.46, 1 being an hour and 46 minutes, so I don't know how my math was wrong, but I tried.03:52
r4yHmm, I should try again I guess03:53
r4yTY, you it worked. Now if I can get my own math right, lol.03:53
r4yDang it, I have to go to the store. I am going to try an online calculator for time.03:55
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Ubuntu-firsttimeQuestion - which version of Ubuntu would best suit a Toshiba Satellite laptop?08:59
Ubuntu-firsttime<Ubuntu-firsttime> T2300 processor - 1 mb ram08:59
Ubuntu-firsttime<Ubuntu-firsttime> have installed 11.4 but seems to run very slow08:59
Ubuntu-firsttime<Ubuntu-firsttime> Can anyone help?08:59
bioterror1MB is bad ;)08:59
bioterrortry 11.0409:00
bioterrorwhy is it slow?09:00
Ubuntu-firsttimesorry yes 11.04 is installed09:00
bioterror!xubuntu | Ubuntu-firsttime09:00
ubot2Ubuntu-firsttime: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels09:00
Ubuntu-firsttimesorry to both you09:02
* nlsthzn has run all distro's on a similar Toshiba and it is plenty fast enough to handle any of them...09:18
benonsoftwareHi al.10:42
benonsoftwareWho is looking for mentors here?10:46
kristian-aalborgsoo... trying to set up an usb hdd with gparted12:20
kristian-aalborgthe program became unresponsive... I can't get to view the "detailed view"12:20
kristian-aalborgI just have a minimized "Applying pending operations"12:23
kristian-aalborgholstein, get some fresh air :P12:25
stlsaintyo yo13:03
stlsaintany terminator users in here13:06
r4yHow do  an mp3 every so many seconds?, Is there a way to make a longer bar in Banshee?, that would be cool.13:12
r4yHow do we mark an mp3 every so many seconds?13:12
r4yLOL, oops13:12
Sidewinder1r4y, Have you tried it in Audacity?13:28
r4yI am looking13:28
r4yI am going to try regular Interval Labels13:28
r4yO ya, that was it13:31
r4yTY Take care13:31
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kristian-aalborghi all20:44
kristian-aalborglooking to rename some movies via imdb - I got the imdb-tools package, but it makes a dotfile out of the input file (.avi)20:45
kristian-aalborgit looks unmaintained, I guess imdb changed the API20:45
kristian-aalborganybody know another way to do this?20:45
kristian-aalborghttp://photos.wiju.es/1/7/6/1/6/3/2/6/969a6e7b8395eb5179591e275ca1355a.jpg <--- anybody know if somebody's selling a keyboard similar to this nowadays?20:58
holsteinkristian-aalborg: i saw one at the charity shop the other day :)20:59
kristian-aalborgholstein, make and model=21:00
kristian-aalborgthis is not #lol, you know :P21:00
holsteinkristian-aalborg: you mean the kind that bows up in the middle like that?21:04
holsteinor a particular brand?21:04
holsteinim not interested in them, so i didnt really pay much attention, but i see them at the used places all the time21:05
holsteini remember getting on in, and dropping it off at the charity shop too21:05
kristian-aalborgholstein, the kind that splits in the middle - with keys in the "spacer"21:05
kristian-aalborgbrand is not important21:05
kristian-aalborg(not for me, for someone I know)21:06
holsteini dont recall ever seeing a black one21:06
holsteinthe one i had was really nice... silver and wireless21:06
kristian-aalborgcolor is not important, either21:10
kristian-aalborgholstein, I shall be seeing a good bass player on monday :)21:10
holsteincool... whos that?21:11
kristian-aalborghis name's Scott Firth... you could say that he's "freeloading" on Jah Wobble etc as he's "only" doing live stuff and have not written the songs21:15
RRRRubekristian-aalborg If you search for Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard, you should find someone selling them21:16
kristian-aalborgRRRRube, thanks21:18
kristian-aalborgthe one on the picture is made by Trust, btw21:18
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RRRRubeI used to have one a while ago, but I got fed up with it :)21:20
kristian-aalborgI *might* get an IBM model M next time, just to keep it real21:21
kristian-aalborgholstein, do you like the music?21:22
* holstein listening21:22
holsteini got busy..21:22
RRRRubeI actually have an ancient MS keyboard that I've been using forever. MS got a lot of flack but I think they actually make decent keyboards (or they used to anyway)21:22
kristian-aalborgRRRRube, yes, it will look good with my green Terminus font ;)21:22
RRRRubeOh, you're so hardcore LOL21:23
holsteinhmmm... well my mom always told me 'if you dont have anything nice to say...' ;)21:24
holsteinits not bad, its just not my thing21:24
kristian-aalborgyeah, not for everyone21:25
holsteinwell, thats kinda my issue.. i would argue that it is exactly constructed for *everyone*21:25
kristian-aalborgbass dude has worked with Toni Braxton, the Spice Girls, Elvis Costello... pretty much everyone21:25
holsteinbut, thats just my opinion*21:26
kristian-aalborgholstein, please expand on that21:26
holsteinwe should go to -team ->21:26
kristian-aalborglikely ;)21:27

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