
SpamapSkirkland: thanks, no, I will have a new upload on Monday.00:04
kirklandSpamapS: okey00:05
SpamapSniemeyer: For the copyright thing, I'm almost done with the branch to add copyright/license to all relevant files.00:05
_mup_ensemble/debug-log-relation-settings-changes r261 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:38
_mup_Fixed broken test_spawn_cli_set_can_delete, wasn't testing what it claimed to be testing04:38
_mup_ensemble/debug-log-relation-settings-changes r262 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:39
_mup_Fix docstring04:39
_mup_ensemble/debug-log-relation-settings-changes r263 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:09
_mup_Verify that YAMLState.write returns a list of all changes05:09
_mup_ensemble/debug-log-relation-settings-changes r264 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:16
_mup_Provide guaranteed ordering on change items for YAMLState05:16
_mup_ensemble/debug-log-relation-settings-changes r265 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:19
_mup_Follow Python naming convention, AnItem, not AnEntry for dict items05:19
* hazmat_ yawns13:10
_mup_txzookeeper/swap-sync-errors-to-failures r28 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com15:40
_mup_merge trunk15:40
_mup_txzookeeper/session-event-handling r45 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com16:35
_mup_- Allow for the ZK cluster to be reset and destroyed.16:35
_mup_- Session tests using a ZK cluster as a test layer/test resource, cluster state16:35
_mup_  is reset between tests.16:35
_mup_- Zookeeper Client session test for server rotation across multi-node cluster.16:35
_mup_- ClientEvent repr now includes pretty name for connection state.16:35
_mup_- Client server rotation and session/watch migration tests.16:35
_mup_- Session event handling, sent to user defined callback, else ignored by default.16:35
_mup_- Connection loss handling, sent to user defined callback, else raised at the16:35
_mup_  API call point. The callback result if any is returned as the error to be16:35
_mup_  returned to the API.16:35

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