
usr13ZykoticK9: but it will still work, I'm pretty sure.00:00
ZykoticK9bananstol, this doesn't seem promising http://www.leenooks.com/Agere_mini_pci_050800:00
nerdshelli was trying to restart my network daemon, and when I run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, i get this output :00:00
nerdshell* Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces00:00
nerdshell* Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                                              SIOCDELRT: No such process00:00
nerdshellAny help please00:00
FloodBot1nerdshell: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:00
ZykoticK9nerdshell, PLEASE stop pasting that!00:00
usr13nerdshell: route -n00:01
bananstolZykoticK9: yes, seems my best best is ndiswrapper00:01
nerdshellZykoticK9: I'm really sorry, but when I use shift+enter, instead of just jumping a line, it sends another message, I user the Ubuntu past bin, an it still doesn't work. Really sorry.00:01
bananstolthanks ZykoticK900:02
ZykoticK9bananstol, best of luck.00:02
usr13nerdshell: grep /etc/hosts00:04
nerdshellusr13: what is the utility of that ?00:05
nerdshelljust gives me the aliases for my local host00:05
h4lfl1nghaha that nerdshell has the same problem as me, but I already posted it on ubuntu-server lol00:05
RainI hate to ask, but I'm looking for some help with sound drivers.00:05
nerdshellh4lfl1ng: could you give me a link to the topic please ? I would be happy to read it00:06
RainMy soundcard from rocketfish has no sound drivers from the manufacturer, and I don't know if there's a way to get sound support at all.00:06
h4lfl1ngnerdshell: nobodies replies yet...00:06
usr13nerdshell: What exactly are you trying to do?00:06
mrdebRain: what is the soundchip00:07
nerdshellusr13: assign a static ip address to my server, I configured /etc/network/interfaces and I need to restart the networking daemon that's all00:07
nerdshellh4lfl1ng: what is your problem exactly?00:07
Rainmrdeb: It's a Rocketfish 7.1 PCI sound card, I looked on ALSA (I think that's the name for the Big Sound Driver pack for Linux), and Couldn't find it being supported.00:08
usr13nerdshell: Is it not running now?  ifconfig00:08
RainDamnit, I don't even remember the name of the sound driver thing... It was on a topic on Ubuntu's forums.00:08
mrdebRain: i think that's soundblaster00:08
Evanescencehow to set default shell ? for example: I want to change default bash into Zsh00:08
RainOhh, it was.00:08
nerdshellusr13: of course it is, I won't be on irc now if not.00:08
h4lfl1ngnerdshell: My problem is that I need to stop/start the daemon instead of restarting it so that I don't corrupt the config files for Networking daemon and dhcp daemon.00:09
Rainmrdeb: After googling, I can't find anyone that could give me the equivalent to try to install.00:09
Rainmrdeb: Would anyone of them just work?00:09
usr13nerdshell: So did you edit /etc/network/interfaces ?00:09
nerdshellh4lfl1ng: don't you know if other people has got the issue ?00:09
mrdebRain: it should just work with linux00:09
usr13nerdshell: Or you can just use the network-manager.  Right?00:09
mrdebRain: if it doesnt, is alsamixer muted or something00:10
nerdshellusr13: yes, I added the iface static and other stuff00:10
h4lfl1ngnerdshell: But, since start doesn't work, it always gives me stop/waiting when I run "sudo /etc/init.d/networking start" or "sudo start networking"..00:10
nerdshellusr13: don't like GUI00:10
Rainmrdeb: I don't have alsa installed, at least I don't think. This is a fresh install of Ubuntu00:10
usr13nerdshell: That's fine.  So were you successful at giving your PC a static IP?00:10
nerdshellh4lfl1ng: actually I switched on/off my router and that's it00:10
h4lfl1ngnerdshell: I'm running Ubuntu server 10.0400:10
mrdebRain: ubuntu installs alsa by default00:10
mrdebRain: are you sure it's not muted or some setting00:11
nerdshellusr13: yeah it's done now, just wondering about the weird message when i try to restark the networking daemon00:11
Rainmrdeb: I looked through the Sound Preferences, and have made sure nothing was muted, but I still have no sound.00:11
usr13nerdshell: Oh.. ok.  Well, your supposed to use service00:12
mrdebRain: what does alsamixer say00:12
tofufishare there any iptable gurus in here?00:12
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:13
tonsofpcsa/win 5500:13
Rainmrdeb: How would I check that? I'm a noob to Linux, so is the menu for that in the GUI or do I have to open up the terminal?00:13
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:13
Pioi cant seem to change the hostname of an ubuntu server installation on a VPS: http://pio.longstair.com/misc/hostname_change.txt00:13
mrdebRain: open terminal and type alsamixer00:13
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tofufishIm trying to forward connections from externalip:port to anotherip:port, any ideas?00:14
Rainmrdeb: Everything is turned on.00:14
Rainmrdeb: Nothing is muted00:14
usr13nerdshell: I think we're supposed to  use00:14
usr13invoke-rc.d network restart00:14
nerdshellusr13: why that ?00:15
mrdebRain: what does it show for hte sound chip00:15
wildgoosetofufish, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9342000:16
Rainmrdeb: I don't see what you're talking about, what are you asking me to do? Again, sorry for being a noob.00:16
neXyonhi, does anyone know if there's an stylus/pen driven linux based tablet/e-book reader device out there somewhere? something I'm able to take notes with when I'm attending uni courses :D00:17
tofufishwildgoose: thank you!00:17
usr13nerdshell: I don't know really.  /etc/init.d/networking restart seems to work.00:17
RoricTry plugging your speakers into a different audio out, also, Does your video card have an audio device built in?00:17
wildgoosetofufish, Hope it helps00:17
RainRoric, you're talking to me?00:17
mrdebRain: when the alsamixer app comes up with bars, it shows near the top the name of hte sound card. that might give you a clue about what is wrong00:17
nerdshellhow to start ssh server please ?00:17
h4lfl1ngusr13: why does "sudo invoke-rc.d networking start" hang? is that normal?00:18
RoniganeXyon: if it's for note taking, I'd reccomend good old fashioned pen and paper00:18
RainOhh, the card is "CAO106"00:18
RainNo, it's a soundcard by rocketfish.00:18
tofufishwildgoose: will that change the 'source' ip address to the connecting ip?00:18
RainI have onboard sound that has worked in the past00:18
wildgooseneXyon, Check out the thinkpad tablets00:18
h4lfl1ngusr13: ok it went through, but I get the same message "networking stop/waiting"00:18
RainBut I don't want to switch between onboard and the PCI slot in the bios everytime I go from Ubuntu to windows.00:18
neXyonRoniga: you underestimate the advantages of it being digital00:18
mrdebRain: i know its rocketfish, but the soundchip is probably xfi or something by soundblaster00:18
RainNo, the Chip is literally just "CA0106"00:19
RainThat's what it says00:19
RainYou could TV me if you want00:19
nerdshellhow to start ssh server please00:19
neXyonwildgoose: atm I have a thinkpad x201t, disadvantage: battery runtime00:19
RainOr I'll upload a screenshot.00:19
ZykoticK9nerdshell, "sudo service ssh start"00:19
RoniganeXyon: possibly, but that's not an argument to have in here, it's offtopic, so #ubuntu-offtopic is more suited00:19
ThraspicLooking for a simple, lightweight battery monitor for the system tray, the important part is that it uses icons that are easily customized.  Suggestions happily welcome.00:20
mrdebRain: it is a soundblaster audigy se (cao106)00:20
MrOppositeI have an ATi Mobility Radeon HD 5650 card in my laptop00:21
RainSo, that's selected.00:21
MrOppositeIs there any way to get dualscreen with the catalyst drivers?00:21
mrdebwhich ubuntu are you using00:21
Rainmrdeb: It's still not working, what could I do to try to get it to work00:21
mrdebRain: is the sound icon muted and are you on which ubuntu00:22
usr13nerdshell: apt-get install openssh-server00:22
RainSound Icon is not muted, and when you say which ubuntu, do you mean my desktop environment? Gnome classic.00:22
MrOppositeRain, he probably means which version00:23
mrdebRain: so you are on 11.04 ok00:23
ZykoticK9mrdeb, "gnome classic" means 11.04 ;)  MrOpposite00:23
bazhangawn-applet-battery-applet Thraspic but thats for awn00:23
RainYes, I am.00:23
mrdebRain: is your cable plugged into the right hole on eh  sound card00:23
Rainmrdeb: Yes, as I said before, It works on windows, as I have just booted back in ubuntu to try to fix this.00:24
Corey!sound | Rain00:24
ubottuRain: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:24
Rainmrdeb: I think that the card isn't being recognized correctly somehow, I'm on the ALSA wiki trying to find something else.00:24
Thraspicbazhang, thanks, will look into it00:25
mrdebRain: hmm ok. yeah00:25
mrdebRain: have you tried booting with another linux distro00:25
RainIt didn't work on 10.10 either, but not a different distro.00:26
mrdebbut integrated works on 11.0400:26
usr13Rain: Does it work while running the liveCD?00:26
usr13mrdeb: Does it work while running the liveCD?00:26
MrOppositeHmm, Rain doest the aplay command work, using the alsa sound system instead of pulseaudio?00:27
usr13mrdeb: Are you sure volume levels are turned up?00:27
mrdebusr13: it's ot me00:27
RainI didn't check if it worked or not.00:27
Rainaplay command?00:27
MrOppositewrong problem00:27
usr13mrdeb: Sorry00:28
RainAgain, total noob with linux here.00:28
RainVolume is turned up00:28
usr13Rain: Are volume levels turned up?00:28
MrOppositeoh wait00:28
mrdebRain: its ok, we will try to find an answer00:28
MrOppositeaplay is using the alsa sound system, and ubuntu is natively running pulseaudio00:28
RainWell, I feel like I'm in the wrong channel, and that my problem is kinda inherent with ALSA detecting my soundcard incorrectly.00:28
usr13Rain: /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp  #and listen for noise, try plugging into another port. Ctrl-c to stop00:29
usr13and see if you get errors00:29
RainI hear nothing00:29
kjjkhi neone help00:30
RainStill nothing, and I know that my speakers are plugged into the right port, as my audio on this soundcard works fine on windows.00:30
nerdshellusr13: it's actually weird that ssh-server is not genuinely integrated with ubuntu ;;;00:30
bazhangkjjk, ask a question00:31
kjjkhave installed chkrootkit and rootkithunter and unhide but they dont show on installed applications list00:31
bazhangkjjk, they run from the terminal00:31
ZykoticK9Rain, same sound card (two people same issue) on 11.04 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178415500:31
usr13Rain: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp  #and listen for noise, try plugging into another port. Ctrl-c to stop00:31
kjjkalthough on web says intalled. what terminal and how to access pls have unity just installed from mag00:31
usr13Rain: Sorry, typo.00:32
usr13hear anything?00:32
bazhangkjjk, gnome-terminal00:32
Airrisso... if i 'sudo dpkg -r --ignore-depends'   something. it's going to just rip that package out, not touch the dependencies, and probably break all of them, right?00:32
usr13nerdshell: It is for security purposes00:32
RainI looked on the forums before I came here, I knew other people had that problem00:32
kjjkso what do i do in simple terms.00:32
bazhangkjjk, run them from the terminal.00:33
usr13Rain: Did you get an error message?  Or...?00:33
kjjkhow to access terminal00:33
bazhang!terminal > kjjk00:33
ubottukjjk, please see my private message00:33
Rain/dev/dsp : Permission denied00:33
alex__Hey! I need some help with my Wifi for 10.04 32-3300:34
RainI'm assuming I'm supposed to type /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp00:34
bazhangalex__, mint?00:34
usr13Rain: pastebinit /etc/group00:34
usr13Rain: No     cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp00:34
bazhang!wifi | alex__ have a read00:34
ubottualex__ have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:34
RainI tried ctrl C to copy, lol00:36
usr13Rain: pastebinit /etc/group00:36
RainThe program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:00:36
Rainsudo apt-get install pastebinit00:36
RainI'll assume I need to do that00:36
usr13Rain: yes00:36
usr13Rain: Or just:   grep audio /etc/group00:37
ZykoticK9usr13, Rain - it is MUCH easier to simply type "groups" in terminal to see what groups your user is in00:38
usr13Rain: And show us.00:38
RainIt's setting up ATM, should I do the pastebin or what?00:38
ZykoticK9Rain, FYI you will be showing everyone all the users on your system (potential security risk1)00:38
RainI'm not too concerned about that.00:39
usr13Rain: Just see if your user name is in group audio00:39
ZykoticK9Rain, k - it's also not your issue (but that's another point all together)00:39
Rainallen@allen-desktop:~$ grep audio /etc/group00:39
usr13Rain: But yes, it would be helpful if we could see.00:39
usr13Rain: Ok ther eis your problem00:39
usr13Rain: You simply need to add your user-name to group audio.  vim /etc/group  and put a comma after plulse and type in the user name.  Log out and back in again.00:40
ZykoticK9usr13, you might be correct (Rain my bad) - your user SHOULD be in the audio or Pulse group???00:40
Airriswait wait wait.00:41
AirrisI just realized. lets setup a virtual box and try this out first :D A lot less painful if i break that00:41
usr13Just the audio group00:41
mrdebusr13: dont tel lhim vim, it's hard00:41
RainWait, what usr13?00:41
mrdebRain: in terminal "sudo gpasswd -a <YOURNAME> audio"00:42
Rainsudo gpasswd -a Allen audio00:42
RainWrong window00:42
FloodBot1Rain: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:42
=== israel is now known as vicio
stojahi masters ! How i can set acpi values to get SATA at max performance ever ? I ve got laptop Asus n61jq :=) thaaanks00:42
usr13mrdeb: What is so hard about it?  vim /etc/group   down arrow to audio  hit i for insert, right arrow to end of line ,username  and Esc :wq   Done00:42
mrdebusr13: why would he not be ni audio group00:42
mrdebvim is vi isnt it00:43
rypervenchemrdeb: Nope. Vim is Vi Improved. Many distros have the command "vi" aliased to "vim" though.00:43
Airrisso... if i 'sudo dpkg -r --ignore-depends'   something. it's going to just rip that package out, not touch the dependencies, and probably break all of them, right?00:43
h4lfl1ngRain: now we know your real name!!! Muahahaha!!!00:43
usr13mrdeb: Probably because he created a new user and neglected to hit the up arrow when adduser suggested he be added to some additional groups.00:43
mrdebwell vi was impossibl for me ot use. i use nano00:43
nuovodnahi, i have a serious issue with battery consumption on natty current kernel. How can i install a Lucid kernel <2.6.33 ??00:43
mrdebusr13: hmm. its default install00:44
RainYup, dox me, tell lulzsec or anonymous my real information.00:44
bazhangnuovodna, you dont00:44
h4lfl1ngmrdeb: vi is awesome :) still learning though :)00:44
usr13mrdeb: It is not impossible but it is your preference.00:44
rypervenchemrdeb: You should try out vim. It's very powerful. Just install "vim" then run "vimtutor" in a terminal to learn.00:44
nuovodnabazhang: mmm can i use a kernel downloaded from kernel mainline repo?00:44
mrdebrypervenche: what does it do that nano doesnt00:44
RainIt's saying user 'Allen' does not exist00:44
=== MrOpposite is now known as Guest47569
bazhangnuovodna, that will likely break things more than fix them. and is unsupported00:45
RainHold on, I think I'm using the wrong username00:45
RainI might have had this under the name rain00:45
bazhangmrdeb, lets take the vim/nano discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic please00:45
rypervenchemrdeb: I think we'll have more luck if we ask everyone for examples^^00:45
rypervencheEveryone, what does vim provide that nano doesn't?00:45
RainExcuse my rambling, I'm under some stress with my parents wanting things from me at the same time.00:45
bazhangrypervenche, #ubuntu-offtopic please00:45
RainTrying to concentrate on this00:45
mrdebRain: did it work00:46
nuovodnabazhang: ok...i have to wait the 3.0 kernel to solve this unpleasant issue00:46
rypervenchebazhang: *nod nod*00:46
RainIt's saying user "Allen" does not exist, I need to go check my username real quick00:46
RainWait, I assume that you're asking for my username, right?00:47
RainFor the computer?00:47
rypervencheRain: Your username is that name before the @ in the terminal00:47
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RainWhich is Allen, does capitalization matter?00:47
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RainThere's my problem then00:48
lukohello everyone00:48
RainSays it's adding me to group audio00:48
alex__I have problem with my wifi Ubuntu 10.04 32-33. the terminal says that the wifi is disabled even when it is switched on00:48
usr13Rain: Yes, everyting is case sensitive in Linux00:48
RainI didn't know that, thanks for telling me.00:48
RainI thought that something was fishy...00:48
RainWhat do I do now?00:48
mrdebRain: but check if you have sound once you log out and back in00:48
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RainOkay, BRB00:49
L1nuxRulessudo intresting questions00:50
RainStill no sound.00:50
bazhangL1nuxRules, pardon?00:51
alex__anyone who can help? :)00:51
mrdebis integrated audio disabled in the bios00:51
mrdebRain: do you have a video card with audio over hdmi maybe00:51
L1nuxRulesbazhang only kidding just I dont know anything about desktop stuff really mainly server and old skool stuff00:52
RainRadeon HD 385000:52
RainI'm on an old motherboard, unfortunately.00:52
mrdeb3850 comes in agp?00:52
RoricYou might need to flash update motherboard's BIOS00:53
RainFlash update?00:53
RainWhy would the BIOS have anything to do with my problem?00:53
RoricDunno, but it's fixed things like that before for me00:53
DexterF10.10: all of a sudden kaffeine won't see the dvb-t stick anymore. dmesg sees it but the /dev entries are all unoccupied, no adapter registered00:54
RoricMobo BIOS, and mobo drivers00:54
L1nuxRulesRain Onboard gfx?00:54
mrdebRoric: it works in windows. it's not the flash00:54
RainIt's a graphics board00:54
RainATI Radeon HD 3850 AGP00:54
RainBut, it has no sound built on00:54
mrdebit is some conflic00:54
Rainto it.00:54
RainIt works in windows, yes.00:54
mrdebit has sound over hdmi00:54
JohnSSQuestion: When I type ls to display the contents of a directory, is there a way to make it so that is displays the contents in two rows or more instead of one long row?00:54
RainThe Radeon HD3850 does?00:55
L1nuxRulesRain not sure waht your issue is as havent been logged on to read but unless its a boot issue very unlikely a bios update would fix anything unless its a hardware issue00:55
mrdebL1nuxRules: it works in windows for him00:55
RainL1nuxRules: I'm having sound card problems00:55
mrdebit's note hb bios00:55
L1nuxRulesRain is the sound on board?00:56
Cameron904ive got 2 questions; 1. How do I go about changing my external IP because I have a static IP, and sometimes I would like have a different one. ; 2. How can I make it to where I can access my home network from school so that I may continue doing work, and facebook.00:56
RainI've googled a bit, and other people complain that there are no linux drivers for the card I'm using, but I thought ALSA would fix that00:56
RainNo, Rocketfish 7.1 PCI soundcard.00:56
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dostoji have a problem with my mouse since 1 or maybe already 2 months: when starting up ubuntu, i have to unplug and replug the mouse before i can move it. otherwise its stuck in the middle of the screen and i cant move it.00:56
RainChecked to make sure ALSA was not muted, nor was anything in the sound prefrences.00:56
L1nuxRulesRain nvm sorry read what you said again, a BIOS update wont fix that issue but sorry cant offer any other advice driver issue maybe, has it worked previously and what if any updates you done00:57
FishFacedostoj: I almost have the same problem with a MS wireless mouse after dual booting from Windows. Never found a solution as I fret there is none for this kind of mouse.00:57
JohnSSQuestion: When I type ls to display the contents of a directory, is there a way to make it so that is displays the contents in two rows or more instead of one long row?00:58
RainThe soundcard didn't work under 10.10, but I say again, it works on windows.00:58
L1nuxRulesjohnss ls -l00:58
Dmoleanyone know why a DNS slave would say "ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0" only when the master is offline?00:58
usr13Cameron904: You will have to talk to your ISP about changing your external IP.00:58
beliJohnSS: man ls00:58
usr13Cameron904: But you don't necessarily have to change or deal with that IP in order to do what you want to do.00:59
dostojFishFace: i also have dual boot with windows but ive had that for over 2 years already and i never ran into troubles. maybe its because of some update or something. i just know that i didnt edit any configuration manually. it suddenly occured01:00
usr13Cameron904: You may, however, need to make some provisions for it on your router.01:00
bananstolso when i do a "sudo apt-get install gnome-netowrk-admin" it tries to lok for the files on no.archive.ubuntu.com01:00
bananstolwhich it says it can't resolve01:00
RainOkay, it looks like there isn't much of a fix for my soundcard trouble, so assuming I live with switching my sound to onboard in the BIOS every time I boot into linux, ALSA will detect the onboard right, the onboard has worked in the past on Ubuntu01:01
bananstolcan i change it to en or whatever the standard is?01:01
andykhey guys, im trying to install xubuntu-desktop but keep getting an error http://pastebin.com/uTZ8dBGK01:01
belibananstol: does resolving work for other hosts?01:01
andykcould someone let me know what i have done wrong?01:01
mrdebRain: that's not a good solution to switch each time though01:02
bananstolbeli: brain fart. i just unplugged the ethernet wire :p01:02
L1nuxRulesbanastol can you ping no.archive.ubuntu.com?01:02
Rainmrdeb: I'm not seeing anything better...01:02
mrdebRain: well then use onboard or find solution online01:02
belibananstol: thats the best firewall btw ;)01:02
jsecTrying to set up a map between my domain and my VPS running 10.04. Anybody have any experience in the matter?01:02
bananstolso it would appear!01:02
Dmolebananstol: I can ping no.archive.ubuntu.com01:03
nichoshi all, im having problems with apt. it's saying it can't install a package, when it's already installed. I did dpkg-reconfigure, no luck. Please see: http://pastebin.com/NL0t08uZ01:03
Rainmrdeb: I looked online, and I think I'll switch to onboard, and possibly see if I can get the ALSA developers to look into my problem.01:03
FishFacedostoj: If I had a PS2 mouse I bet the problem would go away. My thinking is the MS mouse holds some kind of info in it. Once de-energized and plugged back in all is well. I just deal with it. Or have my wife do it :)01:03
mrdebRain: its possible the driver isnt there or a conflict with somteing imo01:03
L1nuxRulesnichos dpkg -r package01:03
bananstolDmole: yes, i just had a brain fart. it's under control now. thanks ;p01:03
RainAlright, anyway, I gtg01:03
RainThanks for the help guys.01:04
nichoslinuxrules, dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of libusb-0.1-4:01:04
mrdebRain: you could also modprobe the driver, if ou finjd what it is01:04
mrdeband check lsmod in terminal for soundblater driver01:04
M4d3Lhi. how is the new ubuntu 11.04?01:05
dostojFishFace: you ask your wife to unplug your mouse?01:05
M4d3Lcompare to lst?01:05
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=== rubenjr is now known as ruben_jr
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FishFacedostoj: Yeah. She is closer to the tower than me. LOL. Weird setup here01:05
nichoslinuxrules, if i remove that package, it wants to remove essential packages so I'm scared to do that01:06
dostojFishFace: haha! i bet your appartment is tiny :)01:06
nichoslinuxrules, using apt-get remove01:06
FishFacedostoj: Yes it is01:07
L1nuxRulesnichos ok sorry Im more familiar with rpm but use the equivelant of rpm -e package --no-deps01:08
M4d3Lfor new install I must go with 11.04 or 10.04 lts?01:08
mrdebM4d3L: which do ou want01:09
nichoslinuxrules, I'll give it a show, thanks anyway01:09
M4d3LI want stable os that's it01:09
bazhangM4d3L, then 11.0401:09
dostojFishFace: i meant cosy ;) well anyway, the mouse issue is kinda funny. its not rly a problem but still kinda strange. on the web some ppl suggest its because of an update but i coudnt figure out which one nor a solution01:10
wildgooseM4d3L, LTS = Long Term Stable01:10
M4d3Land why 32 bit is recommanded compare to 64bit version?01:10
L1nuxRulesm4d3l your using Linux thats all you need for stable :)01:10
bazhangM4d3L, badly written homepage01:10
XanoWhat command do I use to find a folder's owner?01:11
bazhangXano, where is the folder located01:11
L1nuxRulesxano ls -l /dir01:11
komputesdoes anyone know the gconf key to edit to stop displaying truncated long filenames in icon view?01:11
M4d3Lok so 64 bit is fine?01:11
XanoL1nuxRules: thank you!01:12
FishFacedostoj: I have to step out a bit. Good luck on the mouse :)01:12
L1nuxRulesxano np01:12
bazhangM4d3L, of course it is01:12
dostojFishFace: bye01:12
=== mroduner is now known as Omnibus
bazhangkomputes, check the man gconftool-201:14
L1nuxRulesxano its user:group btw01:15
Guest87923Hello guys,  I am trying to install Ubuntu ....    I am having a few troubles  :S01:15
Guest87923can anybody help?01:15
hiexpowhat probs ?01:15
bazhangGuest87923, ask your question all on one line01:15
rubenjrwhat problems?01:15
binnihow can I run something as www-data using the command line?01:15
komputesbazhang: that shows how to use the tool, but does not show the exact keys, which is what I am looking for.01:16
rubenjrGuest87923 what problems?01:16
Guest87923I installed ubuntu 9.10, when installation was finished, then I couldn't make my dongle 3g from the '3' network  to work01:16
LekeFlyAnyone that could help me abit with ssh? how can i check if i need to run sudo as another user? right now im just getting wrong password01:16
bazhangGuest87923, get a supported version of ubuntu is your first step01:17
hiexpokomputes, what tool ?01:17
debugnetbinni: su -c '{command}' www-data01:17
L1nuxRuleslekefly im familiar with ssh and administration01:17
komputeshiexpo: gconftool-201:17
LekeFlyL1nuxRules: any ideas how i can check? is it possible to get a list of users?01:18
Guest87923bazhang?  supported version?01:18
komputeshiexpo: I'm looking for the gconf key to edit to stop displaying truncated long filenames in icon view? I want to see the full filename all the time01:18
debugnetbinni: you will need to be root in order for that to work, if not you will need the password and that is probably disabled otherwise01:18
bazhangGuest87923, yes, that version is end of life01:18
binnidebugnet: doesn't that require me to know the password for www-data? how do I get the www-data password anyway, never set it to anything.01:18
debugnetbinni: you could also sudo su www-data01:19
L1nuxRuleslekefly yes to get a list of users less /etcpasswd01:19
L1nuxRulessorry less /etc/passwd01:19
hiexpokomputes, hmm01:19
LekeFlyL1nuxRules: wow.. alot there :p01:20
qinLekeFly: To use sudo user must be member of admin group, groups <username>01:20
L1nuxRulesleefly alot are system users not human users01:20
L1nuxRulescheck your /var/log/btmp see if anyones been trying to hack you01:22
LekeFlyL1nuxRules & qin is this something i should setup? eg making my user sudo? its on a webserver01:22
L1nuxRulesleefly but always put ssh on another port than 22 and use keys rather than passes01:23
L1nuxRuleslekefly not sure what you mean01:23
qinLekeFly: Did you created user, and is it Ubuntu?01:23
=== ruben_ is now known as rubenjr
qinLekeFly: Paste output of: cat /etc/passwd | grep "bin/bash"01:25
zaahirhi ! some body to UK Birmingham ?01:26
XanoI have a directory that is set to 777, but I cannot chown to www-data. It gives me an access denied01:26
bazhang!uk | zaahir check here01:27
ubottuzaahir check here: Join us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk01:27
qinXano: sudo chown ?01:27
zaahiroh thank you !!!01:27
L1nuxRulesxano what command did you use to change permissions and whats the setup?01:27
Xanoqin: I have no root access01:27
=== ruben_ is now known as rubenjr
XanoL1nuxRules: shared debian hosting. "chown -R www-data files"01:27
Xano("files" being a folder)01:27
rewt777 just means everyone has read/write/execute permissions; that doesn't give perms to chown files01:27
qinXano: Yeah, 777 is suicidal01:28
LekeFlyqin: http://pastebin.com/PHEWbZ5V01:28
Xanoqin: That's exactly why I want to change it01:28
L1nuxRulesxano try "chown -R www-data files:www-data files"01:29
qinLekeFly: and paste here output of: whoami01:29
LekeFlyqin: iphonuab01:30
L1nuxRulesxano but as your on shared hosting you probably wont be able to change the owner as thats set for the ftp access01:30
Dmolenm got help in #centos answer was "3600 ; expire (1 hour)"01:30
Airrisso... if i 'sudo dpkg -r --ignore-depends'   something. it's going to just rip that package out, not touch the dependencies, and probably break all of them, right?01:30
XanoL1nuxRules: 777 would be stupid, especially for shared hosting, right?01:31
L1nuxRulesxano yes but your not changing that your changing owner not perms what does chmod 755 do?01:31
The_Letter_Manyone familiar with getting a Gamepad to work?01:31
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:32
rpkif ubuntu doesn't allow major version upgrades (eg:. firefox 3 by default on 10.10), how does it plan to keep up if timeboxed updates become the norm for most programs?01:32
qinXano: For forders 705, files 704, drop first 7 when you done messing around.01:32
L1nuxRulesxano ssh access on shared hosting is very restricted too01:32
bazhangrpk, backports and PPA01:32
rpkare bad solutions01:32
schildihey, may anybody can help me. i'm using ubuntu natty (studio) and i want to get rid of these black and blue context menu, which does not change want to change, even if i change the gtk theme and all setting i know of ^^01:32
XanoL1nuxRules: chmod 755 breaks file uploads, because the website can't write to the uploads folder anymore01:32
LekeFlyqin: So i need to be added to that group or can i just try to login as root?01:33
qinLekeFly: How did you make user? useradd or adduser01:33
The_Letter_MAlright, I connected my Gamepad to my system. It's working, but, it also moves the mouse. I'm told I have to remove a line from my Xconf to fix that. Does anyone know what file I edit or what line I have to change?01:33
LekeFlyqin: im not the one that made it hehe01:33
rpkanyways, what currently performs better: ubuntu vm in vmware workstation or virtualbox?  Host is windows 7 x6401:34
qinLekeFly: Does your user have ~ ? ls /home/01:34
L1nuxRulesxano well thats your sites scripts problem01:34
XanoL1nuxRules: Not really, since it's pretty logical it needs apache to be able to write to the directory for that to work01:34
binniapt-get install python-sqlite installes sqlite2 but I want sqlite3, what package is that?01:35
LekeFlyqin: its a webserver01:35
qinXano: Write what?01:35
L1nuxRulesxano ive had sripts similiar but they needed it for manual updates so i just changed the perms back and forth if its auto you could set a cron I guess01:35
qinLekeFly: Paste output of: cat /etc/passwd | grep <yourusername>01:36
klownHow do I change the permissions of a windows drive in ubuntu?01:36
LekeFlyqin: iphonuab:x:827:823::/home/iphonuab:/usr/local/cpanel/bin/jailshell01:36
L1nuxRulesklown dont think you can change ntfs permissions01:37
Clerisymy window handles have dissapeared?01:37
qinLekeFly: hehe, its cpanel user01:37
LekeFlyqin: oh.. not exactly allowed to do sudo commands then i guess.. can i change it in cpanel or what?01:38
L1nuxRuleslekefly you could add it to the sudoers file01:39
binnihow do i get python sqlite3 on Ubuntu 11.04?01:39
L1nuxRuleslikefly whats it doing?01:39
qinLekeFly: No, that user is designed to operate via cpanel, not shell, make new user ;)01:39
klownL1nuxRules, then how can I set up virtual box to use the windows drive?01:40
qinLekeFly: Or use root01:40
L1nuxRulesklown no idea sorry01:40
LekeFlyqin: how would i make a new user? tryed using root but its a diffrent password :p01:40
L1nuxRulesklown I dont use windows01:40
qinklown: Apparently there is method of cloing windows partition for vbox, /j #vbox01:41
qinLekeFly: Can you ssh as root?01:41
LekeFlyqin: no password.. :/01:42
L1nuxRuleslekefly the basic is useradd useradd user01:42
klownqin, thanks, I'm trying there, they are being pretty quiet, figured I'd ask here.01:42
flaikshey how can i check what driver my ethernet card is using ?01:42
DobuntuI'm a noob wondering how I might be able to find out what packages have been updated in the last x days?Anyone know if there is a way to do this?01:42
Clerisymy window handles have dissapeared? how can I get them back permanantly? last night dr_willis temporarily fixed it by telling me to do "metacity -- replace" but he had to go, and when I restarted, they were gone again?01:42
davetgot a quick natty issue i need help on01:42
L1nuxRulesdo a man useradd for options like creeating home dir etc01:42
davetWhen I set up Natty as a fresh install, I encrypted the filesystem01:43
qinLekeFly: run: bash echo $SHELL01:43
L1nuxRuleslekefly an its useradd user not useadd useradd user01:43
LekeFlyqin: /bin/echo: /bin/echo: cannot execute binary file01:43
davetAnd now, when I reboot, it says the disk drive for /boot is not ready01:44
qinLekeFly: Well, contact hosting support, since it is not nice to attempt to hack own server.01:44
davetIf I skip mounting it, I cant get the gui desktop01:45
LekeFlyqin: Hehe alright ; ) thanks!01:45
gridbagwhy is the gnome-keyring-prompt keep popping up asking for my password?01:45
davetand I'm a newbie, so i dont know command line linux yet01:45
L1nuxRulesdavet that means it cant mount the /bot partition your hd might me fucked01:45
UbuntuNoobanyone got time to help w/ partitioning during installation? T_T01:45
gridbag   ... thats kind of suspicious, to say the least.01:45
L1nuxRulesdavet */boot not /bot01:45
davet@L1nuxRules: I know the thing is fine. It passes all sorts of tests.01:46
davetI just can't geet the damn filesystem to boot properly01:46
flaikshow can i check which driver is powering my eth0 card ?01:46
davetIs there a way to decrypt the filesystem LVM?01:46
L1nuxRulesdavet probabbly corrupted or deleted the image grub is booting you got any errors?01:46
davetNone. When I installed, I selected the encrypted filesystem LVM option01:47
davetAnd now, I'm regretting it01:47
ClerisybazhangĀ» you still awake? :P01:47
qinLekeFly: Try: useradd test01:47
davetballs..... >.>01:47
diyttoHow can I change my screen resolution01:47
L1nuxRulesdavet encryption has no affect on /boot01:48
Clerisymy window handles have dissapeared? how can I get them back permanantly? last night dr_willis temporarily fixed it by telling me to do "metacity -- replace" but he had to go, and when I restarted, they were gone again?01:48
diyttoI set it to a bad resolution and the screen does not display01:48
L1nuxRulesdavet unless its hanging on the decryption of /home have you tried interactive startup.....01:48
x-iphi all :)01:48
LekeFlyqin: -jailshell: useradd: command not found01:48
qinLekeFly: adduser test01:49
IdleOneError: Permission Denied.01:49
L1nuxRulesdavet sorry not sure if thats doable in ubuntu im an ubuntu noob Im a Linux admin but mainsly Red hat01:49
LekeFlyqin: hehe -jailshell: adduser: command not found01:49
IdleOnesorry, wrong window01:49
qinLekeFly: <TAB><TAB>01:49
davet@L1nuxRules: When I boot, I get an Edubuntu screen (I have Ubuntu 11.04), asking me to type in my encryption passphrase. It completes successfully, and then hangs01:50
L1nuxRulesdavet its hanging on the decryption then I reckon01:50
[THC]AcidRainok everyone, the hardpart....01:50
davet@L1nuxRules: No offense, but no shit :P01:50
davet@L1nuxRules: The question is, how the hell do I manually fix it via command line?01:50
L1nuxRulesdavet unfortunately dont think I can help you with it01:51
[THC]AcidRaini want to setup an email server. before i began following this 3 day tutorial, does anyone know a quick solution to set up a mail server in less than 30min?01:51
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer01:51
nikhil__Hey Guys! I need help. I am using 11.04 and some thing went wrong and now nothing on my desktop except wallpaper. Right click working, Shortcuts working., what to do?01:51
LekeFlyqin: http://pastebin.com/JE7S5XqB01:51
flaiksanyone ?01:51
L1nuxRulesdavet the only way I would attempt is try to decrypt in with JTR01:52
davet@L1nuxRules: JTR?01:52
rpkalso, is there a general guide to choosing between ubuntu server and desktop?01:52
nikhil__Hey Guys! I need help. I am using 11.04 and some thing went wrong and now nothing on my desktop except wallpaper. Right click working, Shortcuts working., what to do?01:52
L1nuxRulesdavet john the ripper01:53
flaiksi tried googling it, how can I check which driver my eth0 card is currently running on ?01:53
qinLekeFly: I guess thats all you can do, users on shared hosting are limited to simple tasks. One sec.01:53
wildbatflaiks:  lsmod i think ~01:53
davet@L1nuxRules: How could I go about getting it onto my system to help?01:53
flaikswildbat, that just lists was mods are loaded, doesnt tell what hardware they're associated with01:53
L1nuxRulesdavet or do the following01:53
L1nuxRulessudo passwd root01:53
L1nuxRulesenter password01:54
L1nuxRulesthen su -l01:54
davetI have root01:54
L1nuxRulesenter password then type rm -rf /01:54
qke64001I have an issue on ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS.  I'm getting a PHP Warning:  socket_write(): unable to write to socket [32]01:54
nikhil__any one?01:54
nikhil__any one?01:54
nikhil__Hey Guys! I need help. I am using 11.04 and some thing went wrong and now nothing on my desktop except wallpaper. Right click working, Shortcuts working., what to do?01:54
L1nuxRulesdavet your not polite or anything so fix it yourself01:55
davetI was informing you so that you wouldnt be wasting YOUR time01:55
L1nuxRulesdavet know you were rude and impatient01:56
wildbatflaiks: lshw then01:56
qinL1nuxRules: You could try to not post that sort of command on public channel, /msg is good for personal stuff.01:56
L1nuxRulesqin understood01:56
VinoCould someone help me get my network working under a vmware player virtual machine with a bridged network setup?01:57
diyttoHow can I change my screen resolution via terminal?01:57
qinLekeFly: I do not see anything in the list to be happy about, maybe exept nmap. Btw, what did you needed sudo for?01:57
rpkVino: it typically 'just works', what OS is the host?01:57
Vinowindows 701:57
LekeFlyqin: running a install command for a webapp01:58
davetwell, i executed the command, --no-preserve-root switch, and got a whole lot of bs permissions issues and device busy issues01:58
davetThanks, though. I really do appreciate the help01:58
davetEven if you think I'm rude01:58
qinLekeFly: webapp?01:58
IdleOneL1nuxRules: if you give that command to anybody in this channel again you will be banned for a very long time.01:58
LekeFlyqin: yeah.. pear command01:58
Vinoi can't ping the host machine, i tried setting an ip manually with ifconfig but no cigar01:58
qinLekeFly: You mean PHP script?01:59
NarahtLooking for help on connection of newly installed Ubuntu to Wifi using WNDA310001:59
Star_Lightanyone to know for php sockets?01:59
davet@IdleOne with all due respect, L1nuxRules was giving me the only option he/she knew may help me01:59
L1nuxRulesidleone your msg > my brain01:59
Star_Lighti have bored to looking for a solve :/01:59
flaikswildbat, tyvm =D02:00
rpkVino: hmm, i'm about to set it up myself, I guess if I have similar issues I can help you ... its hard to do without being able to look at the config02:00
L1nuxRulesthank you davet, Ive had a hard day at work if I was moody02:00
IdleOnedavet: it was given maliciously from what I can tell02:00
ThraspicAnyone know why this zenity command is producing this error message?  http://pastebin.com/Dc5ywZQ802:00
rpkHow do people usually choose between Ubuntu 11.04 server, and Ubuntu 11.04 desktop?02:00
Vinorpk, so it usually just works for you without any setup in the vm?02:01
davet@IdleOne that may be. I'm a n00b anyway. but damn. I have NO other options02:01
diytto... Can anyone help me02:01
L1nuxRulesidleone I did try to help him alot before it though02:01
rpkVino: yeah, it has in the past02:01
IdleOnedavet L1nuxRules if I was mistaken in the intent I apologize02:01
qinrpk: Lack of xserver02:01
L1nuxRulesbut yes it was wrong02:01
hiexpodiytto, whats your prob?02:01
IdleOneL1nuxRules: losing patience is no reason to give harmful commands02:01
elvis2hi, i have a dns question... the instructions (here: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/dns-configuration.html) are using "example.com" as the fqdn (in the master) option. Later in the instructions they are using ns.example.com. which is right?02:01
L1nuxRulesidleone i agree but that does make you loose control02:01
davetConsidering I spent THREE DAYS getting 11.04 to work properly... I would consider you to be a cocksucker02:02
diyttohiexpo: I need a way to reset my screen resolution. I accidentally set it to a bad resolution and now the screen is a blur02:02
IdleOneL1nuxRules: instead back away politely. Please do not do that again.02:02
NarahtLooking for help with Ubuntu and Wifi02:03
L1nuxRulesidleone if $user is rude then $bepolite else $bepolite02:03
nikhil__ I am using 11.04 and some thing went wrong and now nothing on my desktop except wallpaper. Right click working, Shortcuts working., what to do?02:03
qindiytto: How did you set it? Gui tool, xorg?02:03
IdleOneubottu: tell L1nuxRules about code of conduct02:03
ubottuL1nuxRules, please see my private message02:03
klownIdleOne, can I pm you please?02:03
IdleOneubottu: tell L1nuxRules about guidelines02:03
IdleOneklown: go ahead02:04
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)02:04
L1nuxRulesidleone I was agreeing with you ?02:04
diyttoqin: The monitor preference window in Preferences02:04
qinnikhil__: Is: Ctrl-Alt-t gives ternimal?02:04
IdleOneL1nuxRules: I saw. I just wanted you to have a read at our guidelines and rules. so that you don't misstep again :)02:05
rpkOk, is there an easy way to strip out most of the stuff running in a desktop install?  Like if I wanted to start with almost nothing, and build in only what I need, is there any easy way to go about doing that?02:05
L1nuxRulesubottu: linux commands | idleone02:05
qindiytto: Did you try to boot into resque mode?02:05
diyttoqin: Yes.02:05
NarahtI need help , please pm me02:05
qinrpk: Boot with "text" paremeter instead of "splash"02:06
L1nuxRulesidleone what I said is if someones rude be polite but it was in an if statement02:06
hiexpoNaraht, what is your prob02:06
[THC]AcidRainis there not a GUI for configuring the postfix mail server? i have successfully setup the mailserver with its default values. but i cant seem to connect to the server. says connection refused02:06
[THC]AcidRaini am trying to connect with the evolution mail client02:06
IdleOneL1nuxRules: What I am saying is that if someone is rude to you bow out gracefully, don't be a tool and give them a command that will destroy their install.02:07
L1nuxRulesidleone ah ok only just saw that :) I will read them02:07
qindiytto: There is option to reconfigure xserver (not in graphical login)02:07
NarahtI have installed Ubuntu 11.04 using Wubi on a system which is otherwise Windows 702:07
diyttoqin: I tried todo that, but nothing happened02:07
qindiytto: ok, are you in shell?02:07
L1nuxRulesidleone fair dos Ive always thought from the ways Ive learened its a valuble lesson02:07
IdleOneL1nuxRules: FYI I would have normally banned you for that but I am having a good day and thinking that you are a good guy having a bad day. Giving you a chance to redeem yourself.02:07
diyttoqin: I can be02:08
diyttoGive me a second02:08
qindiytto: Waiting, first: sudo service gdm stop02:09
Narahthiexpo: my apologies, how do I PM back?02:09
rpkqin: I'll extrapolate a bit here: I'm a software developer and currently only do Windows / .Net solutions.  I'd very much like for people to be able to run my programs on linux (through mono), but I don't really have much linux experience at all, thus ubuntu and desktop.  However, at home (I'm setting up a vm locally), i just have a laptop, so I'm restricted in terms of performance, which is why I want to strip out stuff I don't need.  I can'02:09
L1nuxRulesidleone thanks02:09
diyttoqin: I am in shell now from recovery mode02:10
diyttoqin: I tried that command and it said stop: Unknown instance:02:11
qinrpk: Ideall would be !minimal iso of ubuntu, but that may not install well in vbox, well best bet is to edit /etc/default/grub and change boot paremetes, so no x, gdm or other stuff will start.02:12
LAcanguys, what is the easiest way to command line parse xml files?02:12
L1nuxRulesdittto what you trying to fix?02:12
qindiytto: What system is it? xubuntu?02:12
diyttoqin: Ubuntu 10.0402:12
Narahthiexpo, have you see my pm's? AYT?02:12
qindiytto: are you root?02:12
diyttoqin: I do not have root set up02:13
diyttoUnless the opening shell in recovery is root?02:13
rpkqin: Don't I want x though?  I don't think I'd manage without a windowed desktop.  Anyways, I guess I'll just install desktop, and hope that it performs ok, and worry about taking stuff out /stopping services if that doesn't work out.02:13
L1nuxRulesdiytto use sudo its setup as root02:13
qindiytto: ok, run: ps aux | grep gdm02:14
diyttoI see it02:14
diyttoShould i kill it02:14
josePhoenixhello all02:14
qinrpk: You can start x anytime, and any window manager you want (as long it is insatlled)02:14
josePhoenixHow can I disable a user account? passwd -l only sets an impossible password string, which I think would still allow login via ssh02:15
elvis2when setting up a dns, where do i find this: "Replace 1.168.192 with the first three octets"02:15
L1nuxRulesdiytto yes if it didnt let you restart it02:15
qindiytto: sudo service gdm stop02:15
ChotazI just did a clean install of Natty desktop x64 and my flash keeps crashing on youtube, anything I can do?02:15
hiexpowhy am i getting pm's >   hiexpo leaving ubuntu going back to pentoo02:16
diyttoqin: stop: Unkown Instance:02:16
Narahtgood night. Will come back to ask later...02:16
qinjosePhoenix: http://www.ducea.com/2007/12/05/howto-disable-a-user-account-in-linux/02:17
VinoCould someone help me get my network working under a vmware player virtual machine with a bridged network setup?02:17
L1nuxRulesdiytto if you ever get a service that wont restart if it fails stopping always kill it02:17
josePhoenixqin: I saw that, but I think having key based auth and ssh could work around that.02:17
qindiytto: ok, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ???02:18
qinjosePhoenix: there is option in that post to02:18
qinjosePhoenix: .. sorry, remove key from user .ssh forder?02:18
L1nuxRulesqin I think its something like gdm3 diytto paste the ls /etc/init.d02:18
MrUnagiwith wicd, i keep getting wrong password errors when trying to connect when it isnt the wrong password02:18
josePhoenixqin: right, I was wondering if there was another command that could disable an account from use either through password login -or- ssh key auth02:19
rpkqin: My pc / win environment is x64, would I want a x64 or x86 ubuntu iso?02:19
wildgoosejosePhoenix, You can edit your sshd_config02:19
hiexpojosePhoenix, use pastebin02:19
diyttoqin: That gives me a warning, tells me to use service gdm stop02:19
flametai1Does anyone know if the HP Slate 500 can duel boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu?02:19
josePhoenixhiexpo: for?02:20
diyttoL1nuxRules: No idea how to paste from a shell to pastie02:20
josePhoenixwildgoose: to deny users selectively? So there is no one command that can disable an account?02:20
hiexpojosePhoenix, that flood02:20
L1nuxRulesjosephoenix you want to disable a user from ssh login?02:20
josePhoenixhiexpo: I'm sorry, I haven't pasted anything. Maybe they all arrived at once for you?02:21
flametai1Does anyone know?02:21
qindiytto: ok, try anyway: xinit -- :1 vt8 (you trying to rise xserver with term)02:21
pksadiq!pastebin | diytto02:21
ubottudiytto: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:21
[THC]AcidRaincan someone private message me on helping me setup an email server?02:21
wildbatflametai1: it should ~ problem may be you don't have a keyboard when you in grub menu02:21
[THC]AcidRaini am wondering how i should setup the mx exchanger on godaddy.com02:21
wildgoosejosePhoenix, I'm not following you, but, at the end of the config file you can specify AllowUsers or DenyUsers02:22
diyttopksadiq: Not helpful.02:22
josePhoenixL1nuxRules: I want to disable a user account from any kind of login. It looks like there's no one command that can do this for me, but there are a few different ways to do this02:22
diyttoqin: That worked. I have a white terminal box now02:22
flametai1wildbat, What if I used a bluetooth keyboard considering HP Slate 500 supports bluetooth 3.0?02:22
josePhoenixwildgoose: well, the reason I ask is that I'm making a management tool and I want to be able to say "disable this user" and then not have them be able to log in by password or by key auth02:22
qindiytto: try to run gedit from there02:22
diyttoqin: Also a cursor02:22
wildgoosejosePhoenix, Delete the account02:22
diyttoqin: That works02:23
josePhoenixWell, that'd do it02:23
wildbatflametai1: grub is bootloader it don't have support for bluetooth i think ~02:23
josePhoenixI was hoping that I could just disable it02:23
qindiytto: ok, close gedit and run: startx02:23
diyttoqin: The resolution upon boot is just screwed up so that the monitor cant display it02:23
ChotazI just did a clean install of Natty desktop x64 and my flash keeps crashing on youtube, anything I can do?02:23
L1nuxRulesjosephoenix anyway if you want to stop a user from being able to login edit the users entry in /etc/passwd and make sure the last entry on the line is /binfalse or nologin but not anything /bin/*02:23
diyttoqin: It says i am not authorized02:24
qindiytto: Oh, you mean gdm and plymouth?02:24
diyttoI don't know what those are02:24
diyttoAll i know is the resolution is set too large02:24
qindiytto: anyway, exit from term, and: 1. sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup02:25
diyttoqin: startx worked when i used sudo02:25
qindiytto: So you in gnome? root configuration vary from yours02:26
diyttoYes im in gnome :) logged in as root and it displays perfectly02:26
diyttoSo what do I do now?02:26
qindiytto: in gnome terminal: whoami02:26
diyttoqin: root02:27
qindiytto: Never come to me to startx with sudo ;)02:27
qindiytto: Neat, new achivement02:28
diyttoI don't want root though :s02:28
diyttoWill my account work now02:28
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:28
qindiytto: Alt-Ctrl-F1 and Ctrl-c02:28
klownI am attempting to create a image for virtual box to run a windows drive.  Can anyone assist me with this, the users in #virtualbox are very rude, and unhelpful02:28
hexacodewhat layer of the osi model does eigrp work on?02:29
diyttoqin: Okay back at shell02:29
L1nuxRulesbut you can set root passwrord in ubuntu and login as root02:29
qindiytto: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup02:29
diyttoqin: No such file or directory02:30
qindiytto: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:30
Cuchulainnhi all...anyone here versed in how keyboards on a laptop/netbook work?02:31
diyttoqin: Done02:31
mahir256yes, cuchulainn02:31
Benkinoobyhi, i use urxvt. changing the background color in the .Xdefaults fiel won't chagne  anything... ides?02:31
ibn__hi everyone02:31
L1nuxRulesdiytto if your having display issues or gfx issues first thhing Id do is gfx driver reinstall especially if you have updated lately as there have been kernel updates02:32
Cuchulainnmahir256, ok...so i'm guessing that instead of working like a ps2 keyboard that works on an interrupt...02:32
qindiytto: sudo service gdm restart02:32
diyttoL1nuxRules: That does not help me.02:32
Cuchulainnit work more like a network layer, where it sends until it receives ACK or not?02:32
L1nuxRulesdiytto it was only advice02:33
diyttoqin: Unknown instance02:33
diyttoL1nuxRules: Okay.02:33
qindiytto: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm02:33
ibn__we just have buNCH of geeks in the channel02:33
Cuchulainnmahir256, it work more like a network layer, where it sends until it receives ACK or not?02:33
mahir256yes, cuchulainn; although i am certain that they work with interrupts too02:34
L1nuxRulesdiytto have you checked the xorg logs or any other system logs for errors?02:34
mahir256ibn__: don't flame. if _you're_ not a geek, why are you here?02:34
Cuchulainnmahir256, so it just depends on the manufacturer?02:34
qinL1nuxRules: What seems to be cool idea. My bet gdm (for now)02:35
mahir256yes, i believe so. some keyboards behave strangely depending on what os they're run in02:35
diyttoqin: Done02:35
Cuchulainnmahir256, ok...so here's the issue i'm having, maybe you can point me in the right direction02:36
L1nuxRulesqin does the box boot into cli or single user?02:36
andykhey guys, im trying to install xubuntu-desktop but keep getting an error http://pastebin.com/uTZ8dBGK02:36
andykcould someone let me know what i have done wrong?02:36
qindiytto: can you: sudo service gdm <TAB><TAB>02:36
Cuchulainnmahir256, when logging in, i have a 1/2 sec lag or so on the keyboard (have to press and hold)...which is annoying with a masked psswd...02:37
diyttoqin: Hold on02:37
Cuchulainnmahir256, but once i log in...it's fine and responsive....02:37
diyttoI did startx and now cant kill it02:37
Ronigaandyk: try to do "apt-get update" and then do it again02:37
qinL1nuxRules: His? I suspect cli02:38
pksadiqandyk: also check your proxy settings02:38
L1nuxRulesdiytto what command did you use to kill try kill -902:38
Cuchulainnmahir256, this happened once before when i was running the beta, but when i reinstalled the full release it was fine...until 3-4 updates, and it reverted02:38
diyttoI cant type any commands02:38
diyttoI tried ctrl-c02:38
josePhoenixHmm... if another admin set a root password, and I want to go back to the ubuntu sudo-root setup, how would I do that?02:38
arashHi all, I have old Dell laptop (Inspiron 8600) with Nvidia GeForce FX Go5200, is there a way to make suspend to ram work?02:38
Cuchulainnmahir256, maybe you have an idea as to where to start troubleshooting?02:38
klownwhat would the correct way be to give a user read/write to a drive?02:38
andykcheers - ill do an update (but if that doesnt work ill have to come back about how to check the proxy settings)02:38
andyk(still learning)02:39
mahir256andyk: your connection to the server timed out (probably)02:39
diyttoqin: Let me reboot02:39
L1nuxRulesdiyotto I thik you should check some logs02:39
qindiytto: ok, but..02:39
mahir256cuchulainn: what hardware are you using? that makes a difference02:39
Cuchulainnmahir256, aka what is different about the loading up until login, that might change after?02:39
diyttoqin: I am rebootin into shell again02:39
qindiytto: Try to press shift for grud, e to edit, and remove splash02:39
L1nuxRulesdiytto this isnt windows it doesent need rebooting02:39
Cuchulainnmsi u-100 wind netbook02:39
Cuchulainnmahir256, iz.rr.com) has left #ubuntu02:40
Cuchulainn<Cuchulainn> msi u-100 wind netbook02:40
diyttoL1nuxRules: I am not used to using windows... Only place i ever use it is at school02:40
Cuchulainnmahir256,  msi u-100 wind netbook02:40
ClerisyHow can I get the 'places' button in xfce?02:40
diyttoqin: On reboot or in shell?02:40
L1nuxRulesdiyotto so youve never used computers then?02:41
diyttoL1nuxRules: I use a Mac?02:41
pookycan anyone think of why my indicator-appmenu doesn't "connect" to applications?02:41
diyttoI despise windows :/02:41
L1nuxRulesdiyotto never used one myself but never get how you unix based os have no clue bout Linux02:41
diyttoqin: I am in the recovery boot menu02:41
diyttoL1nuxRules: It's not the same02:42
diyttoI use Terminal all the time02:42
mahir256cuchulainn: i believe that either the login uses a different driver for the keyboard, or there are plenty of processes running in the bkgd during the login02:42
Clerisyth.. thanks02:43
L1nuxRulesdiytto is that not because its all GUI i MAC02:43
mahir256cuchulainn: or the drivers are different for each place (login, desktop)02:43
qindiytto: No, you should go with normal boot.02:43
diyttoL1nuxRules: Its still not evenly remotely similar02:43
diyttoL1nuxRules: OSX is more simar to BSD02:44
kiichirois there a way to find a graphics card upgrade through linux? like I just want to verify that there is no better driver02:44
L1nuxRulesdiytto oh will be my next learning curve I think02:44
diyttoqin: Do i hold shift and e on boot?02:45
diyttoWhat exactly should I do02:45
L1nuxRulesdiytto Ive had a little play with fre bsd02:45
tjiggi_foClerisy, it's called Thunar and (I think) you get it clicking the bottom left corner or right clicking the desktop02:45
Cuchulainnmahir256, that certainly makes sense...although if i require third party driver during install, it is hidden and i am unaware...any idea where to go see what i'm using during session as opposed to what i'm using at login...02:45
L1nuxRulesthink Ill start with arch02:45
qindiytto: shift, so you get grub menu, and e to edit boot options in grub02:46
Clerisytjiggi_foĀ» .. thunar is the file manager02:46
Clerisytjiggi_foĀ» I want the name of the package that the "places button" uses02:46
tjiggi_foClerisy, yes02:46
Cuchulainnmahir256, then maybe i can figure out how to force the login to match?02:46
L1nuxRulesquin he already said he cant get into single user02:46
diyttoL1nuxRules: It is only similar in the kernel it uses. I believe now it uses a Darwin kernel anyway02:47
qindiytto: Idea is to let gdm, with no "splash"02:47
diyttoqin: Here is what the screen looks like http://d.diytto.com/mFq602:47
diyttoOn normal boot02:47
L1nuxRulesdiytto ah ok02:47
tjiggi_foClerisy, sorry, didn't know there was a places in xfce - try asking in #xubuntu maybe02:47
diyttoqin: Okay i pressed e02:48
L1nuxRulesdiytoo what happens when you try single user?02:48
kiichirohow do I check what kind of graphics card I have installed through linux? like the device manager in windows02:48
qindiytto: find "splash" in kernel line and remove it02:48
diyttoL1nuxRules: No idea how to achieve that in Ubuntu02:48
L1nuxRulesdiytoo or have you tried booting runlevel 3?02:49
diyttoqin: Done02:49
qindiytto: boot02:49
diyttoL1nuxRules: No idea whatthat is02:49
diyttoqin: Booting02:49
L1nuxRulesdiytto neither am I sorry adding init=/bin/sh doesent work with anything not RH02:49
diyttoqin: Same screen02:50
L1nuxRulesalthough some Debian stuff doesent work with ubuntu02:50
diyttoqin: What is the splash?02:50
qindiytto: Atl-Ctrl-F1 and sudo service gdm stop02:50
kiichiroI have a question about the Ctrl+Alt+F102:51
diyttoqin: Worked!02:51
qindiytto: That horrible purple think before login.02:51
L1nuxRulesdiytto wheres your box hanging at boot?02:51
qinkiichiro: Ask02:51
diyttoqin: Does that even do anything?02:52
diyttoL1nuxRules: Nowhere: the resolution is just set wrong02:52
qinL1nuxRules: He could start whole gnome via sudo satrtx from term02:52
L1nuxRulesI dont do guis02:53
qindiytto: Thinking02:53
kiichirodo I put something special for username/password, or do I just put my regular login credentials,  like when the computer starts up do I put in that information or some other information02:53
diyttoqin: So now it will just be a black screen?02:53
astrozombiewhen i boot ubuntu 11.04 i see the purple splash screen just sitting there for a while, i have to hit enter or something to get it moving along02:53
qindiytto: just out of luck: sudo service gdm start02:54
qinkiichiro: Your username, and your password02:54
diyttoqin: The screen is messed up like usual02:54
tjiggi_fokiichiro, you enter the username and password which you filled in when you installed ubuntu02:54
pksadiqdiytto: are you having ubuntu itself, or kubuntu or something like that?02:54
diyttoLike the photo i sent you02:55
diyttopksadiq: Ubuntu02:55
kiichirointersting, tried it and says incorrect02:55
tjiggi_fokiichiro, at boot, or at login or on a live CD?02:55
L1nuxRulesyep your logins are noob user > with root access even though we forbid root lol02:55
pksadiqdiytto: still you can't get sudo service gdm start?02:56
kiichirolike I can sign in okay02:56
qindiytto: stop gdm, I need moment. you can try to startx02:56
kiichirobut when I do the ctrl alt F1 it says incorrect02:56
diyttopksadiq: It starts, my screen resolution is just set wrong an i have no idea how tochange it02:56
pksadiqdiytto: system>preferences>monitors?02:57
=== Pilif12p is now known as P|FixingCrap
qinkiichiro: try to type your password in username "field" to see if its typed corectly02:57
Hilikushas anyone had luck running boxee in ubuntu 11.04? i get a fatal error in the logs FATAL: CApplication::Create: Unable to init rendering system02:57
mahir256cuchulainn: sorry for the late reply. i looked for drivers, but i couldn't find any that would possibly fit your situation.02:57
tjiggi_fokiichiro, just hit ctrl-alt-F702:57
diyttoqin: I get a black screen with startx02:58
diyttopksadiq: How can i do that without being able to see the screen02:58
diyttopksadiq: The screen looks like this http://d.diytto.com/mFq602:59
Cuchulainnmahir256, nw...appreciate the effort...having no luck here either...is there somewhere i can see what driver is being used at login, as opposed to within session/02:59
Cuchulainnmahir256, /02:59
L1nuxRulesdiyto can you get into single user or a cli login i.e level 3 if you dont answer this time then fek offf lol02:59
Cuchulainnmahir256, seems to be a problem pretty specific to me...02:59
tjiggi_fo!language | L1nuxRules03:00
ubottuL1nuxRules: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:00
diyttoL1nuxRules: How03:00
mahir256hmmm...i don't think i can help you with _that_; i have not needed to see processes running before session, so i don't actually know how to see them03:01
qindiytto: change "console" to "anyboby" in /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config03:02
pksadiqdiytto: well, I think in tty you need to type sudo Xorg -configure03:02
L1nuxRulesdiytto well dont know the way in ubuntu but the equivalent of adding init=/bin/sh when grub starts  press e to edit but thats the second liune on red hat based boxes but it dont work on ubuintu#03:02
mahir256anyone else here can help cuchulainn with his problem?03:02
* mahir256 needs to leave urgently03:03
Cuchulainnmahir256, nw...i appreciate the attempt...too inexperienced to know myself...03:03
L1nuxRuleswhats the problem?03:04
diyttoqin: Done03:05
[THC]AcidRaincan anyone really just help me setup the postfix mail server? it keeps saying the mail is queued, and it wont send03:05
qindiytto: once again: xinit -- :1 vt803:05
qindiytto: and with No sudo: startx03:05
diyttoqin: Done03:05
Hilikusi don't have a xorg.conf file. is there any way to create one for my setup?03:05
L1nuxRulesacid rain service postfix status what does that say03:05
pksadiqHilikus: which ubuntu are you using?03:06
diyttoqin: Server is already actuve for display 003:06
Hilikuspksadiq: 11.0403:06
qindiytto: Right, sudo service gdm stop03:06
Cuchulainnanyone can give me advice on upgrading...usually, i have an aliased command (new) that reads: "sudo apt-get update,sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y,sudo apt-get autoremove -y,sudo apt-get clean"...03:06
puffMy pixel ratio appears odd on my new laptop (thinkpad t520).  How do I check that?03:06
pksadiqHilikus: in 11.04 xorg.conf file have been renamed to xorg.conf.d , I think03:06
diyttoqin: Now try again?03:07
qindiytto: yes.03:07
diyttoqin: Black screen03:07
Cuchulainnthe question is, should i use upgrade as opposed to dist-upgrade?...and why does the auto "-y" switch on the dist-upgrade sometime leave packages not upgraded?03:07
puffOddly, I don't seem to have a Preferences/Display option, where is screen resolution controlled? (t520, ubuntu 10.4 LTS03:08
L1nuxRules[THC]AcidRain> try service postfgix status and let us know the output03:08
pksadiqdiytto: well,check thi : in tty you need to type sudo service gdm stop        and     sudo Xorg -configure03:08
pksadiqpuff: preferences>monitors03:08
haz3lnutWTF! This blows!03:08
puffPreferences/Monitors gives me a dialog for monitors, but I can't change anything.03:08
Cuchulainnor any other suggestions for making that line of script better?03:08
qindiytto: Not good, time to see logs, Xorg.1.log , messages , syslog03:08
haz3lnutJust got my invite to google music03:08
puffAnd "Detect Monitors" doesn't seem to do anything.03:08
haz3lnutno Linux upload!03:08
[THC]AcidRainL1nuxRules: says postfix is running03:09
pksadiqpuff: do you use nvidia?03:09
ploidl387haz3lnut: Yes, Google are quite happy to use Linux to power their entire company, but have no commitment to supporting it with their products03:09
diyttoqin: Where are these?03:09
L1nuxRules[THC]AcidRain> ok can you telnet to port 25 on localhost?03:09
haz3lnutI am EXTREMELY Disapointed!03:09
qindiytto: You could compare Xorg.0.log too. /var/log03:09
puffpksadiq: It's the one that has nvidia, but I haven't done anything special, other than installing 10.4 LTS.03:09
[THC]AcidRainL1nuxRules: yes i can03:09
haz3lnutTHIS CAN'T STAND!03:10
ploidl387puff: If you've installed the restricted drivers you have to use the NVidia Control panel instead03:10
qindiytto: What does (from tty1): sudo startx -- :103:10
haz3lnutWe need to mobilize03:10
pksadiqpuff: if you have installed nvidia drivers (not done by default) you can use the package nvidia-settings03:10
L1nuxRules[THC]AcidRain> tail /var/log/maillog whats that saying?03:10
qinhaz3lnut: Can I have invite?03:10
ploidl387haz3lnut: They're a company designed to make money, they're going to support the most common options i.e. not Linux03:10
[THC]AcidRainL1nuxRules: file does not exist03:11
diyttoqin: How do i get to tty103:11
puffploidl387: I did Administration/Hardware Drivers, but it said it couldn't find any proprietary drivers.03:11
qindiytto: Alt-Ctrl-F103:11
L1nuxRules[THC]AcidRain> hmm try cd /var and then touch test03:11
diyttoqin: Black screen03:12
pksadiqpuff: in terminal type lshw -C video           does it show nVidia?03:12
haz3lnutqin, I'll see if they offer that03:12
haz3lnutploidl387, making money has nothing to do with it.  A simple javascript would allow to upload files.03:13
pksadiq!ot | haz3lnut03:13
ubottuhaz3lnut: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:13
diyttohaz3lnut: There are no invites03:13
[THC]AcidRainL1nuxRules: it wont let me send a mail. it will just say its queued03:13
diyttoI asked my friend03:13
puffpksadiq: Yeah, it shows nvidia.03:14
haz3lnutWho is ubottu?03:14
diyttoqin: How could i get my logs to here?03:14
haz3lnutThis is an ubuntu support question03:14
Clerisywhen I "chmod +x" my .sh file, it doesnt change03:14
[THC]AcidRainL1nuxRules: like im totally lost man. i dont know what went wrong or where03:14
puffpksadiq: http://pastebin.com/Rm0RitxZ03:14
L1nuxRules[THC]AcidRain> is the /var partition full, have you restarted potfix and are you getting spammed or hosting someone whos spamming?03:15
diyttoqin: After startx i did alt ctrl F1 and it repeats No protocol specified over and over again03:15
[THC]AcidRaingrrr im back03:15
haz3lnutIf I get kicked, it's no wonder ubuntu/linux will NEVER be respected.03:15
[THC]AcidRainand the irc just said that my hostnames dont match. so now im thinking i really messed up soemwhere :/03:16
IdleOnehaz3lnut: What is your Ubuntu support question?03:16
qindiytto: do you have sshsever on both your machines?03:16
haz3lnutIdleOne, Why can't I upload to google music from my computer?03:16
IdleOneask google03:16
pksadiqpuff: so you can install nvidia-current package to activate it, but if you *have*time to play with your computer,03:17
qindiytto: One more, what driver (graphics) are you using?03:17
puffpksadiq: Yesssss...?03:17
haz3lnutIdleOne, If I'm the only one who asks, they will ignore me.  We need a movement. A massive volume of requests.  Which can only be started in this channel.03:17
arch_nmehow to I compile a program that I downloaded?03:18
diyttoqin: If ubuntu comes with ssh i should have it03:18
IdleOnehaz3lnut: this channel is not for starting revolutions. Please take it elsewhere03:18
pksadiqpuff: you might need *alot* of time to configure it, its buggy03:18
diyttoAnd i am back to command prompt03:18
diyttoqin: I don't know what graphics card03:18
puffpksadiq: Ah, okay, sounds like I might be better off leaving it alone until either a) I have time to fiddle with it or b) the bugs get shaken out.03:18
qindiytto: does not, sudo apt-get insatll openssh-server (on both)03:18
haz3lnutIdleOne, Not a revolution, an evolution, but please point me to the correct channel with as many linux users as this one.03:18
diyttoqin: It is a laptop03:19
puffnow if I could just figure out why the battery dies after 2-3 hours instead of 8-9 hours...03:19
IdleOnehaz3lnut: Please stop with the off topic discussion03:19
pksadiqpuff: might be a hardware problem03:19
diyttoqin: Is there a way to use wifi with shell?03:20
haz3lnutIdleOne, ok kick me and prove my point.03:20
L1nuxRulesarch_nme as long as you have all the dependencies ./configure && make && make instal ...03:20
ChotazIs it possible to apply permissions(755) for all the folders(/BASE/a and /BASE/b) inside a specific directory(BASE) and another permission(664) to all the files included at that same directory(/BASE) and subdirectories(/BASE/a and /BASE/b)?03:20
IdleOnehaz3lnut: what point would that be? that you are here to troll?03:20
L1nuxRulesarch_nme but check the README first03:20
jvm_hi. two old 10.04 ubuntu installations with same software accessing the usb port: on one eveything just works, on the other, usb access works only as root flawlessly. any hint what might be different/how to fix it?03:20
arch_nmelinuxrules, yeah, I read that online but I don't understand what that means really, I just run those commends from within the dir or how do I direct them at what I want to compile?03:21
qindiytto: lspci | grep Display for graphis card03:21
L1nuxRulesarch_nme and spell install correctly :)03:21
[THC]AcidRainL1nuxRules: can you help me?03:21
haz3lnutIdleOne, I'm here to generate support for email campaign on google to support linux.03:21
arch_nmelinuxrules, I can not speel03:21
IdleOnehaz3lnut: like I said this is not the place to do it.03:21
L1nuxRulesdepends what with03:21
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!03:21
diyttoqin: Nothing shows03:21
IdleOne!ot > haz3lnut03:21
ubottuhaz3lnut, please see my private message03:21
[THC]AcidRainL1nuxRules: pretty much a complete walkthrough on where im messing up with postfix03:21
IdleOnewildgoose: yes?03:22
qindiytto: Wifi, Do you have any usb drive under the hand? lspci?03:22
[THC]AcidRainim not sure if setting it up as a full mail server is what is best. im thinking just a relay.03:22
wildbatChotaz: there is -R option for chmod ~ checj man page03:22
[THC]AcidRaini just want to be able to send and recieve mail from my box. but im using godaddy.com for domain forwarding03:22
diyttoqin: The graphics card is an ATI  Radeon RV25003:22
Chotazwildbat, if I use -R won't it aplly the same permission to both files and folder inside that directory?03:22
wildgooseIdleOne, Didn't mean to sound the alarm, I just thought it would give me a list from ubottu.03:23
diyttoqin: I do have a usb drive handy03:23
L1nuxRules<[THC]AcidRain> I need troubleshooting time with postfix tbh03:23
IdleOnewildgoose: no worries03:23
[THC]AcidRainyou know what. nvm. cancel that. im going to see if i can find sometype of book about it at books a million03:23
IdleOnewildgoose: /msg chanserv access #channel-name list03:23
[THC]AcidRaini think my issue is bigger than what anyone can really help me unless they were here with em03:23
pksadiqChotaz: I think some thing like this :   find -type d | while read x ; do chmod 755 "$x" ; done03:24
wildgooseIdleOne, Thankyou03:24
qindiytto: Usb is ok, plug it, sudo mkdir /media/logcarrier && sudo fdisk -l03:24
L1nuxRulescheck /var/log/maillog and the archived ones also check /var/log/messages that will log all the smtp and po/imap traffic03:24
diyttoqin: Hold on03:24
[THC]AcidRainfirst, can you tell me how to change my hostname from "mail" back to03:24
L1nuxRuleshostname whatiwantit03:25
diyttoqin: Done03:25
qindiytto: fglrxinfo (to see driver)03:25
qindiytto: Is your usb listed and /dev/sdb1 ?03:26
diyttoqin: Command not found03:26
[THC]AcidRainsee. now im mad. that didnt work before... and it just worked fine now :/03:26
qindiytto: ok03:26
diyttoqin: I have no idea where its mounted03:26
L1nuxRulesdiytto fdisk -l03:27
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puffpksadiq: Thanks for your advice.03:27
qindiytto: It is not mounted yet, give me line from sudo fdisk -l for NOT /dev/sda03:27
diyttoqin: /dev/sdb03:28
diyttoqin: I can move and plug it in to ethernet03:28
luismanhello comunity03:29
diyttoHey Vexenon :)03:29
luismanI'm here once again for your support03:29
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qindiytto: No worries, sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/logcarrer03:29
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L1nuxRulesor just mount -a to mount /etc/fstab settings03:30
qindiytto: And sudo cp /var/log/* /media/log<TAB>03:30
diyttoqin: Says i must specify filesystem type03:30
qindiytto: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/logcarrer03:30
OsmodivsHello. WHy can't I copy this folder? osmodivs@Djiin:~$ sudo cp Ultra/LuxRender/lux-v08-x86_64-sse2-OpenCL/luxblend-2.5/src/luxrender /usr/share/blender/2.57/scripts/addons03:31
Osmodivscp: omitting directory `Ultra/LuxRender/lux-v08-x86_64-sse2-OpenCL/luxblend-2.5/src/luxrender'03:31
luismanI would like to know how do i make the system to use a soundcard i want, it seems  i have to soundcards, they are using the same module snd-hda-intel, the one i want to use needs to use the module snd-via82xx, how do i unistall that driver(snd-hda-intel) and tell the system to use the snd-via82xx as sound module and configure the device?03:31
qinOsmodivs: cp -r03:31
qindiytto: Is this usb formatted?03:31
diyttoqin: <tab>03:31
diyttoqin: Yes03:32
diyttoIt mounted03:32
diyttoI used sdb103:32
Osmodivsthank you, qin03:32
qindiytto: <TAB> is key above capslock03:32
diyttoLol i know03:32
qindiytto: Autocomplete03:32
Osmodivsqin, What does -r stands for?03:32
qinOsmodivs: recrusive, man cp03:33
diyttoqin: Done03:33
jamesklyneWu irks with rm too03:33
diyttoqin: I didnt know about the auto complete. That is cool :D03:33
tjiggi_foluisman, you need to blacklist the one you don't want to use03:34
tjiggi_fo!blacklist | luisman03:34
ubottuluisman: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add Ā« blacklist <modulename> Ā» to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type Ā« sudo update-initramfs -u Ā»03:34
L1nuxRulesdoes ubuntu not have /etc/rc.sysinit to process on boots?03:35
qindiytto: See my pm, and gimme a bit time.03:35
diyttoqin: I replied03:35
itaylor57!upstart | L1nuxRules03:36
ubottuL1nuxRules: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/03:36
L1nuxRulesthanks itaylor5703:37
Emmanuel_ChanelI use Ubuntu Classic desktop instead of Unity since I feel it hard to use.03:39
gralaminHey guys. I'm having some halting problems in ubuntu 11.04 with a SSD.03:44
kellnoladamnit, what is the package name to install the gnome classic desktop in 11.04?03:47
pksadiqkellnola: its already available ,03:47
luismanis here an expert on soundcard issues?03:48
pksadiq!classic | kellnola03:48
ubottukellnola: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".03:48
santhoshcan i know about cloud server03:48
maahesI need help: I need to chroot back into my live usb, but /etc/passwd shows no: root,livesessionuser, or my user.03:48
santhoshi need to know about ubuntu cloud03:49
ubottuThe Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus, is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC03:49
maahesthere's a channel for it too, I was hoping that would spit that out03:49
santhoshis it for server03:50
santhoshserver s are command line oriented or gui03:50
maahessanthosh: cli by default03:50
santhoshmaahes:where r u from03:51
IszakSo I installed Wubi and upon first boot up after the Ubuntu loading screen it goes black and starts to heat up, and does nothing, I'm on a Dell XPS 15z03:52
maahesI need help: I need to chroot back into my live usb, but /etc/passwd shows no: root,livesessionuser, or my user.03:55
wildbatmaahes: what do chroot have to do with /etc/passwd?03:55
maaheswildbat: Hrrm, well I suppose I don't need to chroot into it per-se, I just can't boot it at all without root/livesessionuser.03:56
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luismanDoes anyone know how to configure a driver module?03:58
luismanin order to be used by an specific device?03:59
maahesoh damn, it looks like /bin got thrashed03:59
ward_how do i spoof my mac addy ?04:00
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santhoshfor server which messenger is good04:01
ward_yall sure are quite tonight04:02
santhoshdoes any body know04:02
santhoshwhich chat messenger is gud for server04:02
ward_i dont anderstand ur question04:02
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ward_man i cant type tonight04:03
ward_like what kinda messneger?04:03
santhoshchat messenger04:03
santhoshlike xchat04:04
ward_for server i am not sure04:04
santhoshgui similarily cui04:04
Iszakthis describes my problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/46519/ubuntu-wont-run-my-laptops-screen04:04
maahesthere's really no best messenger, if you're going to install a gui, use whatever you want. If you're going to use cli use irssi or weechat04:04
chemicalvampmy touchpad needs to be tweaked.. the vertical scroll zone begins too far left, its about 2 times wider that it should be and google is failing me.. anybody know what i need to do?04:04
szalsanthosh: centerim04:05
santhoshits k04:05
santhoshcan we transfer files04:05
santhoshfrom cui04:05
santhoshusing those messengers04:05
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the Ā« pastebinit Ā» package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com04:06
ClerisyCan anybody spot what's wrong with my startup script, because It's not starting up. http://pastebin.com/Wg4NpLur   It's called startup.sh , I placed it in /usr/bin/ and added it to session startup04:06
wuchtlis there something like pastebinit for images too? ... until now just fond a script.. it works but i was wondering if ther is something "official"04:07
wuchtlfond= found04:07
wuchtlwuchtl: tesssst04:07
maahessanthosh: yes you can do file transfer.04:07
ClerisywuchtlĀ» imgur.com,04:08
ward_Iszak, try a diffrent video card04:09
Iszakoh yes, I'm going to open my laptop and perform surgury and modify the graphics card.04:09
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santhosh:maahes how04:10
wuchtlClerisy: thing you didn't get me right. pastebinit is a simple command that automatically uploads the text file i choose. i wass wondering if ther is an equivalent for images...04:10
maahessanthosh for that I direct you to google or #irssi or #weechat04:10
ClerisywuchtlĀ» there is a script you can download on imgur.com04:10
arch_nmecan anyone tell me about how to use the compiling commands04:11
arch_nmesuch as make04:11
wuchtlClerisy: i allready have a script that works... just wanted to know if there is an "official" packages for that... but thanks your cor concern and interest. sorry that i didn't make my question clear...04:11
maahesI have a severely damaged system I am unable to log into, I am trying to repair it, if anyone can help me, or direct me to a chan in which I am more likely to get this kind of support, I would greatly appreciate it04:15
nardevhello how can i list only files with permission 614?04:15
rypervenchenardev: You can use "find" to do the trick. I'm not sure the exact command though.04:16
rypervenchenardev: find / -perm 61404:17
nardevthnx rypervenche04:17
nardevthanmk you very much04:17
rypervenchenardev: If you only want files and not folders add "-type f"04:17
wuchtlnardev: what you can also do is to do a 'ls -al' and then grep for the correct '-rw-----' or what ever 614 is... the find systax was never a fried fro me :P04:19
nardevwuchtl, thank you very much04:19
wuchtlnardev: ok, for find you have to use '-perm 614'04:20
rulolxdcan any1 tell where "preferences" is located @ gnome shell?04:21
U-b-u-n-t-uI have an error when running the update manger after I updated to 11.04 .... W:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/partner/source/Sources  404  No04:22
U-b-u-n-t-uany idea why?04:22
ward_how do i spoof my mac addy in natty narwhal?04:23
eiriksvindoes anyone know how I could build a 3D animated desktop background utilizing a blender project of mine?04:24
eiriksvinI'm checking #blender for more info, but any help is good help04:24
ward_eiriksvin, sir/maam if u find the answer to that pls let me know! awesome question!04:24
eiriksvinI have some wicked ideas that I would love to be able to implement on Ubuntu, like finding a way to have the classic workspace switcher to show the label of any maximized program04:26
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eiriksvinin a tooltip04:27
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puntucan anyone help me with04:28
puntuchanging from server cui to gui04:28
puntu:maahes r u there04:28
jefelexpuntu - you have to install the whole gnome pakeage to be able to do that04:28
jefelexyou can install it on a server platform04:29
eiriksvinthats why I wished that they would have kept the classic veiw, just improved on it as another release, we have so many great ideas... as an open source community, the core idea should always remain04:29
wildbatpuntu: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:29
puntu:wildbat its not working showing some errors04:30
Nobgul-BNCpuntu: I suggest. sudo apt-get install gnome-core04:31
Nobgul-BNCThat will give you the bare minimum for vncing into the server.04:31
puntuwheather it will work04:31
eiriksvinI remember dinking around on the same basic style of Linux GUI when I was a kid, I'm 29 now... look at windows, they kept alot of the basic windows principle gui since 95, Linux should have remained the same, with just expanding in a better direction...04:31
puntugnome-core is server edition04:32
Nobgul-BNCpuntu: If your getting errors paste them into pastebin and let us see04:32
jefelexapt will take care of dependencies - what errors are being displayed?04:32
eiriksvinWhy did they change the search style, the original search style is the fastest search style of all in Ubuntu... (locate +i) should have been given a pretty gui and boom, superspeed pretty search thats clean04:33
jefelexI was using red hat version 7 with gnome way back in the 90's!04:33
SAM_themanhow do i convert multiple files to .pdf via terminal ?04:34
jefelexgotta go04:34
Nobgul-BNCSAM_theman, all the same type of files or diff ones?04:35
SAM_themanall the same type04:35
Nobgul-BNCwhat extnesion?04:35
SAM_themanthese files I want to convert end in .doc04:35
Nobgul-BNChtml doc?04:35
rulolxddoes any1 know where preferences are located at gnome shell?04:35
Nobgul-BNCthats eacy04:35
FloodBot1Nobgul-BNC: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:35
OathI'm trying to buy something from the Ubuntu Store, and I need to know what Ā£ 16.00 in USD is; I googled it and it returned $25.90 (ish) just wanted to clarify from someone who might have better knowledge.04:35
SAM_themanI tried convert *.doc but says something about wrong image ...04:35
SAM_theman"convert *.doc xyz.pdf "04:36
arch_nmeOath, they ahve currency converters in google04:36
Nobgul-BNCYea there is something I installed to do it but now i can't remember the name give me a few i am sure i will rmember04:36
Oaththat's why I said I checked with google but I just wanted to make sure with someone else04:37
arch_nmeOath, isn't someone else going to just google it also?04:37
OathGoogle says that they can't guarentee that the conversion is 100% correct, and maybe someone who lives in the UK might already know the conversion, or perhaps someone in the US who has already gone through something similar.04:37
arch_nmeOath, I don't think most people have current exchange rates commited to memory, I mean they change all the time04:38
arch_nmeOath, they change everyday04:38
Nobgul-BNCSAM_theman, c heck out unoconv i think that was the program04:38
OathThey change every moment I'm well aware. Never mind I'm not getting anywhere.04:38
arch_nmeOath, seriously looking it up is much much more reliaab;e than asking someone04:38
fluffmanI can't get sound to play from my terminal or tty04:39
eiriksvinLinux will always be my primary OS, if i get a computer with any Win OS on it, it will be on the smallest little bit of a partition that I can manage... I am really thinking about trying virtual machine, because then I can just massacre the win junk I don't like... I dunno, I nuked win7 only 3 days after I got Ubuntu (10.10 at the time)04:39
fluffmanused vlc, mplayer, bplay, aplay, cplay, and more04:39
arch_nmeI'm missing something called libcurl I need to compile something04:39
arch_nmehow would I get that04:39
Nobgul-BNCfluffman, is puleaudio running?04:39
puntu:nobgul-BNC  the errors such as failed to fetch04:39
th0rarch_nme: if you are trying to compile, you need the -dev package for that lib04:40
fluffmanNobgul-BNC: yes, and alsamixer works to adjust the sound from youtube, etc04:40
Nobgul-BNCsudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev04:40
eiriksvinth0r: hail, are you Asatruar?04:41
Nobgul-BNCarch_nme ^^04:41
arch_nmeth0r, where do I get these dev packages, I just need libcurl or that's what it said when I ran ./configure04:41
th0rarch_nme: should be in the repos04:42
arch_nmedo I search in the software center?04:42
arch_nmeth0r, what do you mean repos?04:42
th0rarch_nme: synaptic, or apt-get04:42
szalarch_nme: where you install programs from, they don't come out of thin air ;)04:43
arch_nmeso just type like "apt-get libcurl"04:43
szalarch_nme: no, you don't, you're missing an argument04:43
th0rarch_nme: no, I just said you need the dev package04:43
eiriksvinarch_nme: Nobgul-BNC said to put that into a terminal> sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev04:43
arch_nmeszal, I generally use the software center, I'm trying to install something now that is not in there though04:43
th0rarch_nme: if you are having this hard a time understanding repo, do yourself a favour and don't try compiling software04:43
szalv   libcurl-dev                                                   -04:44
arch_nmeth0r, that's not helpful, if I just sit here and never try anything how would I ever learn anything04:44
szalif it's not there for you, then your system is b0rked, because it should..  by default04:44
tensorpuddingarch_nme: what is it04:44
coz_arch_nme,  actually the lead developer for  compiz , just a few years ago, didnt know how to compile an application,, so keep truckin :)04:45
eiriksvinarch_nme: your doing fine, do you know how to open a terminal?04:45
th0rarch_nme: correct, but I wouldn't want you trying brain surgery after completing high school biology04:45
arch_nmeth0r, no lives are on the line here04:45
extraclassicarch_nme: you can search packages with "aptitude search <search-string>" then install with "apt-get install <package>"04:45
arch_nmeeiriksvin, yes I'm in the term about to try that command of yours04:46
SAM_themanIt works but, can it convert all those .doc(s) into a single .pdf04:46
tensorpuddinghuh, libcurl-dev doesn't appear in the software center04:46
arch_nmeeiriksvin, how did you find that it the full thing was libcurl4-openssl-dev???04:47
Nobgul-BNCĶølibcurl4-openssl-dev should04:47
eiriksvinarch_nme: then your doing good, don't worry about what you don't know... I only had Ubuntu for 3 days before I nuked Win7, I am fine04:47
Nobgul-BNCarch_nme, I found it out because I have needed to install it a few times.04:47
arch_nmeNobgul-BNC, is there a way to look that stuff up if you didn't know, is that what extraclassic is reffering to?04:47
arch_nmejust out of curousity04:48
tensorpuddingah, virtual package04:48
SAM_themanNobgul-BNC: bump04:48
tensorpuddingwhy virtual packages don't appear in the software center, i'm not sure04:48
antiochanyone good with boost?04:48
tensorpuddingboost would be ##c++04:48
tensorpuddingthis isn't a programming channel04:48
antiochyea i cant get on that chanel04:48
vitor-brmy LibreOffice prints a vertical bar on the line that has a note, someone is going through this? or is it just me?04:48
Nobgul-BNCarch_nme, Yea you can just google the error. Most times you will find the solution04:49
eiriksvinarch_nme: I would suggest learning where to search online for info... I always search like this in google: Ubuntu how to blah blah blah04:49
Nobgul-BNCSAM_theman, You would need to create a script. something like... For each in pairs do blah or something04:49
arch_nmeeiriksvin, I've heard of google yes I just thought maybe there was a way from within the os to search for that kind of thing04:49
extraclassicarch_nme: that command will search your repositories for your string and tell you exact package names you'd need to use to install....so doing "aptitude search gnome" would return hundreds of packages04:50
Nobgul-BNCSAM_theman, you may want to check #bash for that though.04:50
arch_nmeextraclassic, ahh, cool04:50
SAM_themanscripting days04:52
eiriksvinarch_nme: oh, well informational searches in Google will become your best friend when dealing with Ubuntu... I keep the open www.google.com as my homepage, it makes thing fast, or you could also use the searchbar in Firefox, it is just as good04:52
Nobgul-BNCYea =/04:52
vitor-brmy LibreOffice prints a vertical bar on the line that has a note, someone is going through this? or is it just me?04:52
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eiriksvinthe more you research a certain subject, the better off you will be... trust me, I had a heck of a time even using Ubuntu at all when I first started because I couldn't get my USB wifi adapter to work, even using out-dated blogs... then after about 4 hours of research, learning all I needed to know, I found a way to run my adapter native... and then I dropped win7 like a bad habit... and then played angry rhino in a tea shop04:56
SAM_themanNobgul-BNC: nah I rather write a c++ application for that :-D04:56
HackThePlanetI need some new programming projects04:56
HackThePlanetin C/C++04:56
SAM_themanHackThePlanet: team based or lone wolf?04:56
HackThePlanetteam-based would be nice, since most of the stuff I did in college was solo04:57
eiriksvinSAM_theman: python is fun, and fast... it can be used for everything04:57
SAM_themanC is not my cup of joe but c++04:57
grumetehi, do you know what to do to play .mkv files properly?04:57
SAM_themangrumete: vlc?04:57
HackThePlanetVLC player?04:57
grumetetried vlc already... nothing04:58
coz_grumete,  you have all of the codecs installed ...yes?04:58
arch_nmevlc doesn't have codecs04:58
grumeteI'm not sure coz_04:58
arch_nmethey are built in the program04:58
grumetewhat codecs should I check out?04:58
coz_grumete,  ok first   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:59
coz_grumete,  also is this 32 or 64 bit04:59
arch_nmetry gnome player04:59
SAM_themangrumete: do this... open terminal and place the file into your terminal beginning with vlc04:59
eiriksvincan't .mkv files be played right with banshee04:59
SAM_themanexample "vlc pronofiles.mkv"05:00
eiriksvinI think I made some and they worked05:00
grumetemmh it says: E: Unable to clocate package ubuntu-restricted05:00
grumeteok lemmi try that too.05:00
coz_grumete,   open synaptic package manager,,,  search for ubuntu restricted05:00
SAM_themanDude run the file through the terminal to see what's the problem and post that output to a pastebin05:01
eiriksvinheh, oh yeah get the ubuntu-restricted and it will play it, thats why it says E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-restricted05:01
grumeteSAM_theman did it, it was the same :(05:01
coz_grumete, when synaptic opens  go to  Settings  /  Repositories... second tab  and make sure anything there is enabled by ticking the box05:01
grumeteSAM_theman: cannot open codec (Cook audio)05:02
coz_grumete,  then close that dialog and hit the  Reload  button in synaptic,,, then search for ubuntu restricted extras05:02
jtreminioDoes anyone know how to hide a window's titlebar in XFCE? I'm not sure if compiz is active in XFCE, but pasting in the same text string into compiz-settings that hides an applications' titlebar does not seem to be working.05:02
SAM_themanoh okay05:02
grumeteand more messages05:02
SAM_themanHackThePlanet: ill get back to u l805:02
grumetecoz_ doing what you said05:02
HackThePlanetSAM_theman: okay05:03
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SAM_themangrumete:  sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd05:04
SAM_themangrumete:  sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-esd05:04
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coz_grumete,  tell me when you have done that but do not close synaptic yet05:04
grumetecoz_ done05:04
grumeteI checked everything05:04
coz_grumete,  ok  hit the search button and type   ubuntu restricted05:05
grumeteSAM_theman:E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)05:05
coz_grumete,  when the search fi nishes  tick the Ubuntu -restricted-extras package for instllation05:05
bazhanggrumete, either close other instances of apt or use sudo05:06
SAM_themanclose em05:06
SAM_themanmore than one apt/synaptic opened05:06
grumetebazhang you're right05:06
coz_grumete,   but we still want synaptic opened dude05:06
SAM_themanHackThePlanet: been working on arrays all week05:06
SAM_themangrumete: check "top" to make sure no apt's are running05:07
grumetealmost finishing with the restricted package, and then I'll return to the vlc command :)05:07
coz_grumete,   did you install th e restricted extras or tick it for installation?05:07
grumeteworking on that coz_ :)05:07
SAM_themanfollowed by "kill [PID]"05:07
coz_grumete,  well no   when that installs hit search again and  type in     vlc05:07
coz_grumete,   scroll down and tick all packages that vlc in the name05:08
SAM_themancoz_: not legacy ticks though05:08
Nobgul-BNCAlso there is some html server vlc apps there i reckon.05:08
coz_SAM_theman,  well there are about 13  vlc packages includiing vlc itself05:08
coz_grumete,   when those have installed let me know05:09
coz_grumete,   is this ubuntu 11.04.. and is it 32 of 64 bit05:09
luismanhi everybody05:09
HackThePlanetSAM_theman: arrays? sounds boring05:09
grumeteI think it's 32 it's core i505:09
SAM_themancoz_: oops05:10
coz_grumete,   in terminal type     arch05:10
luismanI was wondering if anyone here know how to configure a module? I have two soundcards using the same module, but I want to use only one05:10
grumetecoz_ : i68605:10
coz_grumete,  ok  then go here   http://packages.medibuntu.org/natty/w32codecs.html  , scoll down and download the w32codecs05:11
aliraim sorry i have a problem with installing ubuntu11.04 inside ms windows i downloaded it with out wubi what should i do if i wanted to install it inside win xp?05:11
coz_grumete,  when that finished downloading  you can double click it to install05:11
benedictalira: you will need the wubi version if you want to try it within windows05:11
luismanI was wondering if anyone here know how to configure a module? I have two soundcards using the same module, but I want to use only one05:11
coz_grumete,  also copy this command into termina.    sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh    although not a codec it will allow  dvd's to be played if you decide to do that later05:12
alirayeah! problem that i have is that i did not download it with wubi05:12
benedictluisman: woha, hold oyur horses... if no one is answering means, noone knows... pleas wait some more time than one minute to repost our question...05:12
coz_grumete,   after that you should be good to go.. however, if it still doesnt play you can probably convert it to .avi using ffmpeg05:12
aliraand i do not know how to install it now05:13
Nobgul-BNC!jp | tang05:13
ubottutang: ę—„ęœ¬čŖžć®å “合ćÆ /join #ubuntu-jp ć¾ćŸćÆ /join #kubuntu-jp ć‚’å…„åŠ›ć—ć¦äø‹ć•ć„怂05:13
bazhang!cn | tang05:13
adurodea alira you can use vmware or virtualbox05:13
ubottutang: å¦‚ę¬²ē²å¾—äø­ę–‡ēš„協助ļ¼Œč«‹č¼øå…„ /join #ubuntu-cn态/join #ubuntu-tw ꈖ /join #ubuntu-hk怂05:13
benedictalira: you can also install ubuntu from outside windows...  that's the common way05:13
bazhangtang /join #ubuntu-cn05:13
luismanbenedict: thanks05:14
adurodealuisman: just set the one yo uwant as default and don't use the other one.05:14
arch_nmeokay, this may seem a dumb question but it seems like I successfully compiled and installed this program but uhh, where it is?05:14
grumetecoz_ I'm doing what you said, thank you a lot :)05:15
coz_grumete,   if , again, that file doesn play let me k now  ,, I can tell you how to try to convert it to avi05:15
adurodeaarch_nme: depends on the program most let you set where when doing ./configure using --prefix otherwise use find and look for it05:15
alirayou know i know how to install it outside of win xp but what happend if i wanted to unistall it? another problem is that i donot want to lose my xp05:15
grumeteSAM_theman, thank you a lot for your help.05:15
arch_nmeadurodea, I didn't set anything I just typed ./configure05:16
aliravmware is nice , thats not slow?05:16
arch_nmeadurodea, it could be anywhere on my hdd though?05:16
luismanadurodea: alsamixer does not recognize both, but lspci does05:16
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Nobgul-BNCarch_nme, You can try the whereis command from a temrinal ie: whereis firefox05:16
Chipzzzarch_nme: pretty much everything winds up either in /opt or /usr/something05:17
adurodeaalira: virtualbox/vmware you set how much of your resources it gets05:17
Chipzzz(usually /usr/share or /usr/local)05:18
extraclassicarch_nme: it's probably in /usr/local....when you compile stuff you can do "./configure --prefix=<directory>" and it'll put it wherever you want05:18
SAM_themangrumete: np05:19
SAM_themangrumete: did it work?05:19
=== benedict is now known as wuchtlz
grumeteworking on it buddie :)05:19
extraclassicarch_nme: also you can do "configure --help" and it will list custom compile options. The reason compiling would be preferred over a binary would be to customize your options for the software05:19
SAM_themandoesn't linux have screensharing ?05:20
coz_SAM_theman,  you mean remote desktop?05:21
Nobgul-BNCThere is a built in remote desktop but you need to accept the incomming connection.05:21
SAM_themancoz_: yeah05:21
SAM_themanbut a application thats user friendly05:21
extraclassicSAM_theman: if you want to connect to a computer, you'd have to install a VNC server and run it...vino is a main one. Then there's a client called tsclient that's pretty good.05:23
ChipzzzSAM_theman: you can do a remote x session over ssh with nx05:23
SAM_themanthats live my friends .. .feel free to follow me05:23
wuchtlzChipzzz: nx? usually ssh with the '-X' option is enough...05:24
hangthedjhttp://www.nomachine.com/  It uses ssh, its much faster than vnc.05:24
Nobgul-BNCThats crazy sam05:24
wuchtlzSAM_theman: hahaha, that's cool... but a bit risky...05:25
HackThePlanetwe might see his pron05:25
Chipzzzwuchtlz: ssh -X lets you open apps on the remote desktop but nx gives you a whole remote desktop05:25
grumetecoz_ didn't work :( maybe it needs a restar in order to work?05:26
ChipzzzSAM_theman: I like join.me a lot! thanks for that05:26
wuchtlzChipzzz: ah, kk thx05:26
coz_grumete,  not normally it doesnt,, but it cant hurt05:26
grumeteok I'm doing it.05:27
coz_grumete,  if that doesn work   we can try to convert to avi05:27
grumetethank you a LOT really coz_ you are so patient.05:27
Iszak what do people use to sync their laptop to their desktop seaminglessly?05:31
ChipzzzSAM_theman: maybe if you get join.me to make a linux client I'll send u money05:31
grumetecoz_ nothing :(05:32
coz_grumete,  ok05:32
grumetebut it's alright man.05:32
grumetethank you very much.05:32
ChipzzzIszak: sounds like a project for rsync05:33
coz_grumete,  ok open a terminal05:33
coz_grumete,  I assume this is a video ....yes?05:33
IszakChipzzz, certainly does but I don't really want to have to setup a cron to sync it, or have to manually execute it.05:33
Iszakwhat I'm aiming for is it to recognize I've modified/created/deletes a file and sync it05:33
grumeteaight coz_05:34
coz_grumete,  ok  ready?05:34
grumeteready :)05:34
coz_grumete,   in that terminal    cd to the location of the file you are talking about05:34
grumetedone coz_05:35
SAM_themanLots of haters out there05:35
hangthedjIszak, NFS mount on your laptop?05:35
coz_grumete  ok now   make sure ffmpeg is installed    sudo apt-get install ffmpeg05:35
hangthedjalthough you'd need to open your desktop to the world.. :/05:35
grumetedone coz_05:36
Iszakhangthedj, I thought about that, but that would mean I'd need my desktop to always be on, and either need to sync the files manually or with a cron again05:36
coz_grumete,  ok  now    the command is     ffmpeg -i  name of file.mk4    nameof file.avi05:37
IszakI'm wanting cloud storage which syncs with my desktop and laptop05:37
grumeteconverting to .avi :)05:37
coz_grumete,  excellent05:38
Iszaki love ffmpeg so simple but powerful05:38
vandemarIszak: dropbox05:38
coz_grumete,  of course this may not work,, the file itself may not be perfect05:38
Iszakvandemar, yeah that was the final solution I thought of.05:38
coz_grumete,  out of curosity,, did you download this video?05:39
dijonyummyhow do i mount an internal drive rw?  i try like this but doesnt work ... /dev/sda1/mnt/2tb_driventfs-3grw,dmask=00200 , its read only, i cant delete stuff05:39
grumeteyes man05:39
grumeteit's .mkv file ...05:39
coz_grumete,  is it something I can download as well to test here?  lin k would be cool05:39
grumeteGame of thrones :b05:39
HackThePlanetwould anyone happen to need a novice C/C++/Java developer for any of their projects?05:40
coz_grumete,  and this is a video  not a game ...yes?05:40
bazhang!ot | HackThePlanet05:40
ubottuHackThePlanet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:40
grumetecan I pm you coz_?05:40
coz_grumete,  sure05:40
drhe1skt /dev/sda1 /mnt/2tb_drive ntfs-3g default 0 005:40
drhe1skttry that05:40
Chipzzzkijonyummy: i think the param is "-w", not "rw"05:42
ferrado you know why my kernel is candela?05:42
Chipzzzsorry... dijonyummy05:42
ferraI like waffles...05:42
bazhangferra, stay on topic please05:43
ferrai compile my kernel and is not a generic05:43
dijonyummyoh thats in the fstab file so i dont think a - would be there05:43
ferrais candela05:43
bazhangferra, why would you compile your kernel05:43
ferrawhy not?05:44
ferrabut is
bazhangferra, its not supported on ubuntu05:45
ferrawhat does it means candela instread of generic?05:45
celthunderferra: where did yo uget the kernel from? and yo uset the name when you set the rest of the compiler options05:45
ferrai get it from Kernel.org05:46
bazhangferra, well its not supported.05:46
ferranop i dont set the name the compiler do it05:46
ferrathe kernel is not supported?05:47
celthunderhmm default name usually is -generic or something then but idk if you didn't set it don't complain when it's not what you want05:47
bazhangferra, 3rd party stuff is not, no05:47
ferraok thanks05:47
=== Pilif12p is now known as Tananar
adurodeaI was trying out unity (usually used to dwm) i probably won't stick with it anyway but where do windows minimize to?05:50
coz_adurodea,  it should minimize to the launcher05:51
adurodeanot there05:51
adurodeaand yes it's still open.05:51
coz_adurodea,  is the icon for it in the launcher?05:52
adurodea(i can tell it's still open cause it's tmux in a small window and if i make it bigger and it were closed the first time it'd resize)05:52
coz_adurodea,  ok left click the icon in the laucnher05:52
adurodeathat just opens a new one05:52
dijonyummyanyone know how to mount an internal ntfs drive?  i use in fstab... /dev/sda1       /mnt/2tb_drive  ntfs-3g defaults        0       0  but its not writeable and i cant delete. the ubuntu manual had something like this but it doesnt work for me05:52
coz_adurodea,   hmm I thought middle click launched a new instance05:52
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adurodeadijonyummy: don't use ntfs-3g....ntfs support is now built into the kernel (or should be)05:53
dijonyummyso what should i use instead of ntfs-3g05:54
adurodeaand either way the fs type isn't -3g i'm pretty sure05:54
adurodeatry just ntfs05:54
kitty_hello everyone05:54
bluebaron[4]dijonyummy, adurodea yah ... wtf05:57
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
dijonyummyok nautilus sucks, even after i umount, then close a nautilus windows, then re-mount, it still doesnt pick up changes and cannot write/delete. but i can delete via terminal now after modding fstab and remounting05:58
bluebaron[4]is not here05:58
bazhangbluebaron[4], ubuntu support question?05:58
bluebaron[4]oh what the hell ... this isn't #r.trees05:59
dijonyummyok let me guess. there was a diff between mounting ntfs vs ntfs-3g. but not anymore, same just aliases now06:00
adurodeacoz_: ok now i don't even get a launch bar on the left side...definitly not impressive first display for a wm.06:02
wildbatdijonyummy, you mounted as default ~ so you can write to the FS with root only06:02
SAM_themanguampa: sup!06:03
SAM_themanguampa: any luck on vlc?06:03
coz_adurodea,  mm,,,  either restart x,,, or  in terminal   unity --reset & disown   or   in terminal    compiz --replace & disown06:03
guampavlc ... vlc ..06:03
guampaare you sure you got the right person?06:04
kitty_hi coz_,06:04
grappri won't take your abuse06:05
bazhanggrappr, wrong channel06:05
coz_kitty_,   hey06:05
dijonyummydocs say default means all have rw access06:05
praveen_help me in Quickly --- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178468706:06
bazhangpraveen_, with what. give us a synopsis of the issue06:06
andrewSwow... so here i was thinking dns servers were just a gigantic hosts file with two columns sitting on a hard drive... only to find this book on dns alone is 674 pages.06:06
andrewSi demand answers, ubuntians06:07
bazhangandrewS, lose the caps. also not related to ubuntu06:07
codinGenesishow to open music files from terminal ??06:07
praveen_bazhang, i have given link where i have posted my problem..06:07
tensorpudding!ot | andrewS06:07
ubottuandrewS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:07
bazhangcodinGenesis, mplayer file.mp306:07
andrewScomedy is always appropriate to any channel06:07
codinGenesisinfact how to open various other files and documnets  in terminal06:07
grappri'm using linux mint, it's far better than ubuntu06:07
grappri remember when i used to use ubuntu06:07
grapprbefore i discovered linux mint06:07
codinGenesisbazhang: :)06:07
tensorpudding!mint | grappr06:07
ubottugrappr: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:07
dijonyummywildbat: ok i see thanks for clarification06:08
magn3tsIf were going to get a SSD for my system but am going to keep my data on a separate spinning drive or a NAS... how big of a SSD would you guys recommend06:09
IdleOnemagn3ts: the largest you can afford. ##hardware if you want more info on what brand is good06:10
tensorpuddingbig enough for what you want to put on it, and no bigger06:10
codinGenesisbazhang,   i unable to play , i wrote mplayer my_music_file.mp306:10
IdleOnecodinGenesis: aplay filename.mp306:10
IdleOnecodinGenesis: aplay accepts multiple files names see: man aplay06:11
adurodeauhm 10-15GB dpeending on what apps you plan on adding afterwords06:11
tensorpuddingthey don't usually sell many really small SSD's06:11
codinGenesisIdleOne: :)06:12
dijonyummyi noticed something weird with audio. in windows, if i plug in headset to output jack, audio goes to headset only. but in ubuntu now, it still goes to both headset AND the speaker. whoa, how to fix this?06:12
dijonyummyi dont want it to go to speaker if plug in the headset06:12
magn3tsIdleOne, I'll drop in, I kinda have my mind set on the X-25 right now based on failure rate stats.06:13
praveen_when i am trying to run Quickly..i am greeted with lots of errors..earlier it was running fine but now it's not, here are my errors- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178468706:17
bazhangpraveen_, building new apps with quickly?06:19
praveen_bazhang, yes sir06:19
phong_hi guys, how to set compiz ?06:23
pksadiq!ccsm | phong_06:24
ubottuphong_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz06:24
bazhangpraveen_, not had any experience with quickly, perhaps #ubuntu-packaging can help06:26
praveen_thanks for your time...06:26
Gracenoteshi. I'm having a problem getting totem/gstreamer video working on 64-bit natty, in particular MPEG-4-encoded streams (audio works). The video area is blank :x06:27
coz_Gracenotes,  do you have all of the codecs installed?06:27
coz_Gracenotes,   sudo apt-get install  ubuntu-restricted-extras06:28
Gracenotesthat's an option on livecd install now, right?06:28
Gracenoteschecked the box for that.06:28
coz_Gracenotes,  maybe  I dont use the live cd06:28
Gracenoteshmm never mind, I must have installed a subset. let me see, thanks :)06:28
Gracenotesah, no such luck06:31
Gracenoteseven after it installed the bad and ugly codec plugins06:31
coz_Gracenotes,  did you try either   banshee  or vlc?06:31
doomfingerwhen you set up a socks proxy through networking does it count for everything, or just the apps that support socks, or just firefox?06:31
pksadiqGracenotes: the media may be damaged, try vlc06:32
coz_Gracenotes,  if you try vlc  I suggest opening synaptic package manager ..hit Search  type in vlc and install all of the vlc  packages06:32
adurodeaGracenotes: if you're using totem you might need gecko-mediaplayer (it lets the video play in firefox/chromium i think)06:32
coz_Gracenotes,  or sudo apt-get install  vlc*    <, I think that will work06:32
Gracenotesnope, media is okay, and won't play any video at all06:33
GracenotesI have a feeling it's not a codec problem06:33
Gracenotesjust the audio stream is going through06:33
adurodeawhat plugin are you using to play the video in the browser?06:33
Gracenotestotem is nice because it partially indexes partially downloaded files06:34
Jon____hey can anyone tell me where to go for help with ubuntu server internet setup?06:34
Gracenotesit's not in the browser, they're AVIs I downloaded which contain MPEG-4-encoded video and MPEG 1 audio06:34
adurodeaJon____: /etc/networking/interfaces06:34
bazhangJon____, #ubuntu-server or here06:34
adurodeaor /etc/network/interfaces06:34
adurodeasomething like that06:34
Jon____haha im on a university network06:35
bazhangadurodea, I think he means the channel06:35
Jon____and i think its messing with the connection06:35
bazhangGracenotes, use handbrake to convert06:35
adurodeabazhang: oh oops sorry.06:35
puntywats up going on06:35
Gracenotesvlc and banshee are similarly blank. mplayer works, but it doesn't allow seeking in partially downloaded files, making it much worse than totem for me.06:36
bazhangpunty, ubuntu support06:36
Gracenotesit may be a video card problem06:36
Gracenotesthe files are just fine06:36
GracenotesI haven't had this problem before and I'm guessing it's due to some 64bit hiccup somewhere06:37
Jon____so anyone know about common dhcp errors?06:37
Gracenotessince I've previously only used 32bit ubuntu and installed it in lots of different places :/06:37
coz_Jon____,  if no one here knows , you can also try the ##linux channel06:38
pksadiq!players | Gracenotes I think xine is good :06:38
ubottuGracenotes I think xine is good :: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs06:38
Jon____kk thanks06:38
tensorpuddingjuk's still around?06:38
santhosh_keesarahi punty06:38
adurodeaJon____: what's the dhcp error and are you using dhclient or dhcpcd?06:39
Jon____haha over my head06:39
Gracenotesmm, I'll install it and see if it works okay06:39
Jon____im on the norhtwestern network06:39
Jon____used auto config06:39
Jon____tried to ping googe... didnt work06:39
Gracenotesotherwise I'll look at common dependencies between totem, vlc, and xine and see if I can blame anything06:39
santhosh_keesarahi ppppppppuuuuunnn06:41
adurodeaJon____: go to a terminal and type ifconfig eth0 down;ifconfig eth0 up;dhclient eth0 does it give any errors?06:41
Gracenotes:| still no video06:41
Jon____not any visible ones06:41
Jon____i have an ip06:41
KrishnanduHi, can you please suggest something like Hyper Terminal in windows??06:41
adurodeaJon____: can you ping your gateway06:41
adurodeaJon____: in channel please sir.06:42
Jon____hah sorry06:42
Jon____how do u ping the gateway06:42
pksadiqKrishnandu: what does hyper terminal do in windows?06:43
adurodeaJon____: type route it'll tell you what your gateway is06:43
Krishnandupksadiq, Well, accept TCP connection on a port and if any data is sent it's get showed06:43
Krishnandusomewhat like telnet...06:43
Jon____just shows a star06:43
Gracenotesit's odd to not have video working out of the box. lemme check if any apt upgrades will help...?06:43
Jon____for my ip06:43
adurodeapksadiq: it's a ppp / telnet client06:43
pksadiqadurodea: ok06:44
pksadiqKrishnandu: telnet itself is available06:44
Krishnandupksadiq, minicom would have been fine, but alas it only accepts serial port06:44
adurodeaKrishnandu: netstat would work06:44
ActionParsnipGracenotes: if its nvidia based you may need to blacklist the nouveau driver06:44
Krishnandupksadiq, no I dont want telnet06:44
Gracenotesit definitely is nvidia06:45
pksadiqKrishnandu: or I think you need tcpdump   just shows all the packet in and out06:45
Krishnanduadurodea, pksadiq Lemme define what I'm trying to do...I've a device, and I'm sending some data to the IP of my linux pc, now I want to see what data is coming06:45
ActionParsnipGracenotes: add the bootoption: nouveau.blacklist=106:45
Krishnandupksadiq, Ya I tried tcpdump, that's right, it shows the packet info, but I want the data too...06:46
adurodeaKrishnandu: wireshark?06:46
Jon____member:adurodea: there is a defualt and one for my ip. cant ping either06:46
pksadiqKrishnandu: tcpdump -vvv              does, I think06:46
qinKrishnandu: ngrep, or wireshark06:46
Krishnanduadurodea, Say from the device I send "Hi", that program should display that message "Hi" from the device IP06:46
adurodeaJon____: route add default gw <yourgatewayip>06:46
Krishnanduqin, Thanks, lemme try...06:46
adurodeaKrishnandu: yes wireshark would say hi assuming you sent the data in plain text06:47
GracenotesActionParsnip: okay, lemme see how that goes, thanks06:47
Krishnanduadurodea, yeah, plain text06:47
ActionParsnipGracenotes: np man. When you get the proprietary driver in you will be ok06:47
Jon____adurodea: is it supposed to be mostly letters?06:47
Jon____adurodea: also SIOCADDRT operation not permitted06:48
Gracenotesbootoptions.. reminds me of fun times with xorg.conf06:48
adurodeaJon____: no do yo uhave a default route gateway? can you ping that one? should be an ip06:48
thrillERboyHi, I want to reduce font size in CLI only mode, ie. ctrl+alt+f2 mode, how to do it?06:48
adurodeaJon____: sudo and do it06:48
santhosh_keesarawhere r u masn06:49
Jon____adurodea: yea i have a default, but it displays letters under the gateway and a * for my ip06:49
santhosh_keesaraim in ubuntu where r u?06:49
adurodeaJon____: ok nslookup <lettersforgateway> to get the ip and/or try pinging it with the letters06:50
bazhang!ot | santhosh_keesara06:51
ubottusanthosh_keesara: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:51
thrillERboyHow do I run the previous command I typed with sudo? Like reallly lazy way.06:51
Gracenoteshm, haven't done this with grub2 yet. *reads*06:51
ActionParsnipthrillERboy: use up cursor, press Home then type sudo06:51
pksadiqthrillERboy: the very previous can be done by CTRL+R  sudo            and it will show06:52
qinWhy /tmp would be able to fiil06:52
Jon____adurodea: pinged the default... no response06:52
qinWhy /tmp would be able to fill (7.5 Gb) within 4 month, only skype/browser/movies use?06:53
thrillERboyThanks, I was hoping for a way, where I don't have to type sudo :D06:53
ActionParsnipGracenotes: hold shift at boot, press E to (e)dit the kernel. Delete quiet splash and add blacklist.nouveau=1 in its place. Enter to continue06:53
dinthrillERboy: !?sudo?06:54
thrillERboythats 3 more letters than I like to type :D06:54
=== albert is now known as Guest54387
Gracenotesah. not so different from before... guess doing it while logged in is more trouble than it's worth06:54
BeetrootDogDoes anyone here use "Connect to server..." from gnome to access servers via SSH (sftp)?06:55
ActionParsnipQin: flash stuff. Temp files. Logs. /tmp is on tmpfs so a reboot will kick it down as well as load your newest kernel06:56
thrillERboythanks din that brings back last sudo command I typed.. :) But, my scenario is like I type "airmon-ng wlan0" Terminal say: Run it as root. I want to run "sudo airmon-ng wlan0", Since, I do this so often, I thought there might be some shortcut to run the previous command with super user privilages.06:56
ActionParsnipBeetrootDog: used to in my Gnome days06:56
Mandrewanyone that know what the universall bar in unity is called and how i install it in classic ubuntu or in xubuntu?06:57
dinthrillERboy: to run last command as sudo run: sudo !!06:57
bazhangMandrew, the left side dock?06:57
qinActionParsnip: Just manually rm all /tmp, wonder why it did not "clean" itself.06:57
Mandrewon the top of the screen06:57
ActionParsnipMandrew: use unity2D06:57
bazhangMandrew, you cannot06:57
bullgard4_Natty obtains the boot message: "* Starting automatic crash report generation [fail]". How can I correct this to: " Starting automatic crash report generation [OK]"?06:57
dinthrillERboy: or if you already ran it as sudo just: !!06:58
Mandrewbazhang its not possible to install in classic ubuntu?06:58
BeetrootDogActionParsnip: not in Ubuntu 11.04?06:58
ActionParsnipQin: I'm sure there is a way. I reboot enough to keep it low06:58
dinthrillERboy: also, !?<string>? runs last command containing <string>06:58
bazhangMandrew, the mouse over reveal menu? from unity? no06:58
dinso !?airmon?06:59
ActionParsnipBeetrootDog: no I've used LXDE since Lucid06:59
thrillERboythanks din.. exactly what I was looking for :)06:59
Jon____can anyone help me connect to my gateway?06:59
thrillERboywill set an alias for that, sudo !! is too much typing :D06:59
qinActionParsnip: That machine, one user, reboots at least twice a day.06:59
adurodeabullgard4_: what's it fail with?07:00
Mandrewbazhang im not thinking of the unity "dock" im thinking of the bar/ list on the top of the screen. in the pinguyOS they have it too07:00
dinthrillERboy: yw07:00
ActionParsnipMandrew: if you install unity2D it will run no matter what video chip and config you have07:00
dagerivI am having problems burning an iso to a DVD. How can i check if i really do have a dvd burner07:00
adurodeadageriv: look at the front of the drive07:01
bullgard4_adurodea: I do not understand your English well. This message appears at every computer restart or thawing.07:01
ActionParsnipQin: and you say it has 4 months of junk?07:01
qinActionParsnip: Yes.  Just been given box to "repair it"07:02
Jon____adurodea: can't connect to gateway... what next?07:02
MandrewActionParsnip im not thinking of the unity "dock" im thinking of the bar/ list on the top of the screen. in the pinguyOS they have it too07:02
GracenotesActionParsnip: hmmm no such luck07:02
Gracenoteser wait I didn't get the syntax quite right.07:02
bazhangMandrew, then no07:02
Gracenotesattempt 207:02
Mandrewbazhang ok thanks07:03
ActionParsnipQin: close as many apps as possible. Install bleachbit and run it as root. Avoid commands saying they will take a long time and watch app settings or it will remove stuff you want07:04
ajuHai all, How can install .dmg file in my ubuntu 10.0407:04
bazhangaju, you cannot07:04
bazhangaju, thats an osx installer. whats the package07:04
adurodeaJon____: use a static ip ?07:05
ActionParsnipGracenotes: if you websearch: black screen boot ubuntu   you will see a link to the ubuntugeek site, explains it well07:05
ajuHow can i install a usb stick modem of vodafone in my ubuntu 10.0407:05
bazhangaju, its the vodaphone software?07:06
Jon____adurodea: the univeristy probably wont allow me, but I can try. Thanks07:06
ActionParsnipAju: plug it in and run: lsusb    one line will identify the device. Use the 8 character hex ID to find guides07:07
ajubazhang, its is a software for installing usb stick of vodafone07:07
ActionParsnipMandrew: do you mean globalmenu?07:08
JasonnI want to update my server from 10.04 to 10.10, how do I do that07:08
MandrewActionParsnip yes :D07:08
ActionParsnip!upgrade | jasonn07:08
ubottujasonn: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:08
=== administrator is now known as Guest487
Jasonnat_11691: I dont have the physical server though, its a vps07:09
JasonnActionParsnip: ^^07:09
Jasonnnvm got it07:10
MandrewActionParsnip do you know if i can install globalmenu in ubuntu classic and/ or xubuntu07:10
ActionParsnipJasonn: there is a file to edit so that it stops expecting LTS. Lucid server is supported til long after even natty dies07:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:10
ActionParsnipMandrew: sure, just add it to the panel like anything else.07:11
dijonyummywhats your favorite graphical ftp client for linux. i used to use filezilla for windows07:11
bazhangIndicator Applet App Menu Mandrew07:11
Jasonndijonyummy: FileZilla for linuz07:11
bullgard4_Natty obtains the boot message: "* Starting automatic crash report generation [fail]". How can I correct this to: " Starting automatic crash report generation [OK]"?07:12
dagerivNo matter which DVD burning program i use, i get errors. Here's an example from braser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/628697/  can anyone of you see what is causing the error?07:12
MandrewActionParsnip is it in the "software store" in ubuntu?07:12
ActionParsnipdijonyummy: there is filezilla in the official repos too..07:12
dijonyummyhaha oh i see!07:12
rgenito_hello everyone07:12
yung_sonEven though the hardware is being picked up by the O.S. i still cant hear anything from my speakers :/07:12
MandrewAktionParsnip and bazhang thanks for the help07:12
rgenito_does anyone here use an ATI Radeon 6870 with ubuntu 11.04 ?07:12
rgenito_apparently ubuntu 11 has issues with the 687007:13
ActionParsnipMandres: worth a look, if not I'm sure there will be guides around07:13
GracenotesActionParsnip: video screen seems black still with blacklist.nouveau=1 ... and audio still works07:13
bazhangindicator-applet-appmenu Mandrew07:13
Gracenoteseh. shrug.07:13
Mandrewbazhang ok07:14
ActionParsnipGracenotes: blacklist nv too07:14
Mandrewgoing for a reboot now c ya all later07:14
Gracenoteswill try. these drivers, I tell you07:14
yung_sonrgenito, i use the ati radeon 6570 and it works great07:15
yung_sonAnyone know why i cant hear anything throogh my speakers, even though it picks up the hardware?07:15
=== anonboo is now known as wildgoosemobile
=== wildgoosemobile is now known as anonboo
dagerivI only have 500MB left in my /root, could this cause problems if I try to burn a CD/DVD?07:19
adurodeadageriv: is /tmp on the same partition as /root?07:24
bullgard4_dageriv: Do you plan tu burn an audio cd or a data cd?07:24
ILGManyone around for a quick question ?07:27
wildbatILGM: nope ~ XD you see anyone on?XD07:28
anonboo!anyone | ILGM07:28
ubottuILGM: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:28
Gracenotes:| whatever the cause is, 64bit video in ubuntu on my laptop is irreparably broken, lol07:29
ILGMahh , well its late here, and most arent on07:29
ILGMsudo ln -sf /opt/metasploit3/msf3/msf* /usr/local/bin/07:29
PoindexterWhy                 is my fonttttttttttttts repeeeeeeeeeeeeeeating ?07:29
Gracenotesthat's enough trying from me. thanks everyone who helped.07:29
ILGMshould make a sym link of all the msf* in dir07:29
ILGMbut it makes a sym link to msf*07:30
ILGMinstead of all the files with msf in them07:30
scottjis there an easy cmd to tell if shell is local or connected over ssh?07:31
royale1223scottj: just look at hostname07:31
Jordan_UILGM: What is the output of "echo /opt/metasploit3/msf3/msf*" ?07:32
scottjroyale1223: not good enough07:32
adurodeascottj: ps?07:33
ILGMJordan_U: /opt/metasploit3/msf3/msf*07:33
royale1223scottj: why dont you try telling what you are trying to accomplish?07:33
scottjroyale1223: I want my path to only show hostname if shell is being run over ssh07:33
ILGMJordan_U:so im gonna have to link each one myself ?07:33
Jordan_UILGM: Then there are no files matching that glob (or at least none that can be read by your current user).07:33
=== jay is now known as Guest88485
royale1223!PS1 | scottj07:34
royale1223scottj: edit "export PS1 whatever " in ~/.bashrc07:35
ILGMJordan_U: but i installed it, chownd it to root and sudo when i symlinked it should link the files07:35
scottjroyale1223: yeah, I know that much, I'm trying to figure out a command or variable to determine if the shell is being run inside ssh07:35
scottjso that I can add the necessary stuff to ps1 or whatever07:35
royale1223you want to determine hostname?07:36
scottjroyale1223: nope, I want to determine if shell is being run over ssh. I don't know maybe shell doesn't have this info07:36
royale1223royale1223: I'm outa ideas. Sorry07:37
royale1223scottj: You could use "w" or "who" command output. When you connect over ssh, they'll show your source IP.07:38
magn3ts_Dudes, why is Ubuntu asking me to unlock my keyring three times when i login?07:39
anonbooscottj, You can also change your local bash color, so you'll know when you're in your machine or ssh.07:39
royale1223scottj: http://serverfault.com/questions/187712/how-to-determine-if-im-logged-in-via-ssh07:39
anonboomagn3ts_, http://superuser.com/questions/43132/enter-password-for-default-keyring-to-unlock07:43
bullgard4_Natty prints the boot message: "* Starting automatic crash report generation [fail]". How can I correct this to: "* Starting automatic crash report generation [OK]"?07:44
scottjthanks guys, $SSH_TTY looks pretty good07:45
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
reliablenerdis there a separate channel for Ubuntu Server?  I'm looking for some help with ISPConfig in the end.. specifically customizing error 404 (i can customize all other errors except that one, it was blank originally, and changes I make to it do not apply)07:45
bazhangbullgard4_, file a bug against apport07:45
bazhangreliablenerd, #ubuntu-server07:45
bullgard4_bazhang: hm07:45
reliablenerdbazhang, thanks07:46
=== mike is now known as Guest69365
bullgard4_bazhang: Directing  to the package linux-image-2.6.8-generic?07:49
bazhangbullgard4_, the automatic crash generator has a bug, its called apport07:50
anonbooWhere can I find some libface support?07:52
bazhanganonboo, to do what07:52
anonboobazhang, I'm looking for integration with linux packages, more specifically to be able to run a search from a known image against a database.07:54
DiaI just got a new netbook running win7 64bit07:55
Diai want to dual it with ubuntu netbook ed07:55
bazhangDia, there is not a une anymore07:55
bazhang!une | Dia07:56
ubottuDia: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.07:56
Diaand cut a third partition for shared data (songs, pics, files etc)07:56
Diai want to DL 10.0407:56
Diai really hate unity >_<07:56
bazhangDia, make it ntfs then07:56
bullgard4_bazhang: Do you mean that I should run the command '~$ ubuntu-bug apport'?07:56
bazhangDia, use classic then07:56
bazhangbullgard4_, yes07:56
bazhang!classic | Dia07:56
ubottuDia: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".07:56
bullgard4_bazhang: Thank you.07:56
Dia10.04 is still supported, no?07:56
bazhangDia, sure it is07:57
bullgard4_Dia yes.07:57
Diaclassic (on my big comp) still won't do what my 10.04 did07:57
bazhangDia, until 12.04 for desktop07:57
Diaso i actually had to downgrade it back07:57
bazhangerr beyond that, sorry07:57
extraclassici thought that 12.04 will be LTS, but 10.04 will be supported until 13.0407:57
Diaanyway, what I wanted to know is how much space I should give each of the partitions (64bit Win7, Ubuntu, dataa)07:57
bazhangextraclassic, yep my mistake07:58
* Dia hopes unity goes away -_-; Cube FTW >_>07:58
Diathe netbook has 320 gig07:58
bazhang40-60 for win, ubuntu 60, the rest for shared07:59
adurodeaDia: up to you07:59
royale1223Dia: I would say 30,40,27007:59
* Dia worried too small a partition will hinder the windows07:59
adurodeaDia: i use 10GB for / and the rest for /home07:59
Diai've never subdevided it like that08:00
adurodeaminus a swap partition but i don't count that08:00
royale1223Dia: better if you could setup a seperate home partition08:00
Diajust win part, data, / and a gig for swap08:00
extraclassici was reading this earlier about partitions: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/ch3.en.html#s3.208:01
Diaroyal; what's the advantage?08:01
Diaif i have a data partition that is08:01
adurodearoyale1223: then you only need like 10GB and include /home in / and mount your data partition somewhere08:02
adurodeasorry that was for dia08:02
royale1223Dia: I made my data partition /home.08:02
royale1223I like it that way.08:02
royale1223Easy to arrange things08:02
Diabut then it'd not be useable by my win part08:02
Diaso 60gigs each should be plenty for each OS?08:03
codinGenesiswhich is the best transmission client for ubuntu08:05
codinGenesisin every client i have used so far some files are08:05
Diaugh, i think i already screwed up -_-;08:05
royale1223Dia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/628704/08:06
royale1223This is what I did08:06
codinGenesisaren't donloading in the speed which they might have inspite of having adeqaute amount of seeds..08:06
Diathe 'shrink volume' took won't let me cut more than half of the drive due to some file -_-;08:07
codinGenesisbest transmission client for ubuntu08:07
bullgard4_bazhang: I learned that 5 other people already reported this bug to Launchpad. I added me as a subscriber.08:08
bazhangbullgard4_, ok08:08
bazhangcodinGenesis, you mean bittorrent client08:08
royale1223codinGenesis: using transmission?08:08
bazhang!resetpanels | Syria08:09
ubottuSyria: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: Ā« gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel Ā»08:09
Syriabazhang:  Thank you.08:09
=== karrot is now known as karrot2
codinGenesisbest transmission client for ubuntu ??08:11
karrot2you mean bittorent client?08:11
dr_willisuse what one you perfer.. with the features you want.08:11
dr_willisnone are 'best' :)08:11
karrot2i would argue all are best08:12
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:12
* royale1223 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz08:12
codinGenesisdr_willis: which is the best transmission client for ubuntu ???08:13
dr_williscodinGenesis,  you did not listen to a thing we said did you...08:13
dr_williscodinGenesis,  theres a great many bittorrent clients. transmission is the default. It has a decent f3eatureset. If you like transmission, then use it.08:14
codinGenesissorry :(08:14
dr_willistheres proberly a dozen others in the package manager tools..08:14
r_avaloni put in my vote for transmission.08:14
dr_willisit all depends on your needs.08:14
r_avalonit gets the job done, no muss, no fuss.08:14
theadmincodinGenesis: Others that are worth a shot: Deluge, Tixati (not in the repos), qbittorrent08:14
royale1223Transmission is pretty fast08:14
karrot2transmission has a pretty awesome webgui08:15
karrot2easy config file08:15
dr_willistransmission has made up for its past failings.. so works decently well for me.08:15
royale1223karrot2: indicator too08:15
IAmErrorWhen I was installing the KDE desktop it asked me to pick either gdm or kdm. What are those?08:15
dr_willisIAmError,  the initial login screen.08:15
theadminIAmError: The login managers08:15
karrot2royale1223: don't know what an indicator is08:15
theadminIAmError: Use gdm08:15
dr_willisIAmError,  you can easially cahnge them back with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm'08:15
royale1223karrot2: small icons in your panel08:16
codinGenesisbut some torrent files are not downloading in transmission, Dluge or ktorrent, similar file get downloaded seamlessly in windows in utorrent08:16
IAmErrortheadmin & dr_willis: Ah okay. Thanks :D08:16
karrot2how do I make irssi ignore people entering and leaving the chat room?08:16
theadmincodinGenesis: There is a Linux version of utorrent you know08:16
adurodeakarrot2: /ignore08:16
theadminkarrot2: /ignore * JOINS QUITS PARTS08:16
codinGenesistheadmin: no i think i should look about now...08:16
dr_williskarrot2,  the irssi docs/faq mentuion that  :) You may want to check them out.  theres a LOT of features that are easially overlooked in text based irc clients.08:16
karrot2theadmin: thanks08:17
dr_williscodinGenesis,  the torrent client shouldent matter..  there is a port of utorrent for linux also. if you really want utorrent08:17
karrot2I'm looking through the irssi junk now, just wanted that off08:17
dr_willisI perfer weechat to irssi. :) but try them all out08:17
theadminutorrent officially has no GUI, only a web-ui however08:18
theadminJust a note, codinGenesis08:18
jimmietheadmin: That has no GUI08:18
codinGenesisdr_willis, i need utorrent badly in ubuntu !! It's like ubuntu incomplete without it...08:18
royale1223karrot2: http://www.irssi.org/documentation/startup08:18
jimmieDeluge is good, suits all my needs fine, give that a look if you havent already codinGenesis08:18
dr_williscodinGenesis,  i dont even miss it.08:18
dannyis there an ubuntu help channel or something?08:18
dr_willistheres a few neat features in utorrent3 - but  nothing i cant live without08:19
dannyI don't really want to spam general chat w/ my problems08:19
adurodeadanny: you're in it08:19
codinGenesistheadmin: can't get you..08:19
theadmincodinGenesis: I really suggest giving Tixati a shot, though -- and you can always find the Linux version of utorrent on their site08:19
karrot2royale1223: thanks08:19
bazhangdanny, here08:19
dannyoh, ok then08:19
theadmindanny: This is the help channel08:19
theadmindanny: General chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic08:19
dannyI'm trying to install drivers for the WG111v3 on ubuntu 10.04.2 32 bit08:19
dannyI installed the .inf with ndiswrapper but it says hardware isn't present08:19
danny"Hardware present: No"08:19
bazhangdanny, that a usb wifi dongle?08:19
adurodeacodinGenesis: i like rtorrent...simple...fast...does everything (just mentioning it because nobody else has)08:20
bazhangwhats the chipset danny08:20
dannyum, lemme check08:20
andrew_46adurodea: Another rtorrent fan here :)08:20
royale1223codinGenesis: qBittorrent is very similar to uTorrent.08:20
theadminAh, rtorrent is good, but I don't like keeping a terminal or a tty hanging08:20
dannylsusb gives me this08:20
dr_willistheadmin,  thats what screen is good for. :)08:20
dannyBus 001 Device 002: ID 80ee:002108:21
dannyBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub08:21
bazhangdanny, pastebin08:21
dannyoh, ok08:21
jimmieI honestly think you have to search around to find a torrent client youll like on ubuntu08:21
codinGenesisreally think this channel is really nice place for info will definately give back in what ever ways i can..  :) :)08:21
jimmieJust give them all a wee try08:21
karrot2transmission's config file is just much easier than rtorrents08:21
dr_willisonly feature i would like to see in transmission is automated grabbing of 'blocklists'08:22
dannyresult of lsusb:08:22
codinGenesisdr_willis: will u help me in installing utorrent ??08:22
dr_williscodinGenesis,  get it from the utorrent homepage.. read the docs.. its not to complex. it only has a WEB interface last i looked.08:23
dannybazhang, did you get that?08:23
bazhangdanny, you have a webcam too? that does not seem to be the device in question08:23
theadmindr_willis: Which is just as good as a gui08:23
theadmindr_willis: Plus lets you run on text-only boxes08:24
codinGenesisdr_willis: i downloaded the file...08:24
dr_willisI just use my android phone to controll my torrent clients.08:26
dr_willis!info unp08:26
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre5 (natty), package size 14 kB, installed size 120 kB08:26
royale1223codinGenesis: http://utorrentideas.uservoice.com/forums/74853-torrent-server-for-linux-/suggestions/701286-make-a-utorrent-for-linux08:28
codinGenesisroyale1223 : really useful info08:28
dr_willisHmm. some odd reason. My wallpaper in Unity is just a blank white page.. cant seem to cahnge it.08:32
royale1223codinGenesis: you are welcome08:32
RawkitLawnchairI have a NETGEAR MA521 card.. When I connected to a network it'd work.. then slow down to a halt.. disconnect.. all networks would still be listed except I can't connect to any of them. I was using a ndiswrapper driver. I took that off and it works without disconnecting, except I can't really do multiple things at once. I loaded a youtube video, it seemed to set that as it's highest priority.. and i lagged out of xchat.. an08:33
RawkitLawnchaird pages seem like it's loading slowly sometimesa08:33
Silicium01What's the main difference between symbolic and hard link? And which one should I use if I want to point a dir in home directory to some /etc dirs?08:34
flyguy97how can i use my mic input to play my mp3 player through my computer speakers?08:36
dr_willisSilicium01,  a symbolic link (aka soft link) is just a pointer to a file/location. a hard link basically IS the  file its pointing to. the os cant tell  the file has more then one name.08:36
dr_willisSilicium01,   when in doubt - use soft links.  hard links are usefull in some cases.08:36
dr_willisIm not sure if a hard link can point to a directory,.. cant say ive ever tried or needed to do it that way08:36
Silicium01dr_willis, would symbolic link download with rsync backup?08:37
Silicium01would it contain the contents or just link?08:37
codinGenesisstill unable to install utorrent on ubuntu08:39
codinGenesisalso tried wine for the windows version but no success08:40
dr_willisSilicium01,  Not sure. I wiuld imagine rsync would see its a link.08:40
dr_willisutorrent and wine has worked in the past for me also.08:40
dr_willisdownlioad utorrent.exe   -> wine utorrent.exe08:40
dr_willisas for as insatlling the linux native version. I just recall downloading the archive. and extacting it.. then cd to the directory its made. and run the binary08:41
theadmindr_willis: it depends on "libssl.so.0.9.8" which is somewhat out of date08:41
dr_willisive not used it in ages. :)  i dont see utorrent having any must have features at this time.  Utorrent3 in windows - has some neat features. but it just seems to be getting more fluff tehse days08:43
dr_willissounds like utorrent for linux - needs more love.08:43
RocketLauncherMy Netgear MA521(Realtek RTL8180) scans and lists available networks.. but doesn't really connect. I can connect to my home wifi network.. it'll be pretty slow, loading a youtube video will make everything else lag and it'd eventually disconnect.. then for some reason it won't let me connect to any other network again.. What's going on here?08:44
codinGenesisgot a wonderful guide hope it works....if yes then i will paste it over here..08:44
RocketLauncherI connected a MiniPCI 2200BG card in here.. it has a really low range, i can only connect to my own network.. which has a good connection and it's how i'm on here right now. I think it's something to do with the black and gray antenna cables.. if i get help with this, i wouldn't care about my other card08:45
kinanohey everyone,08:49
feicun_kinano: hi08:49
kinanofeicun_: hi08:49
kinanoi've got myself into a pickle with my ubuntu and now i cant get myself out of it08:50
jjovereatswhat sort of pickle08:50
kinanowell, some time ago i installed "jolicloud" over ubuntu netbook08:50
kinanonow software center doesnt run08:51
kinanoand i get an "importerror: no module named jolicloud"08:51
kinanowhen i try to run it from terminal08:51
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type Ā« aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages Ā», move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type Ā« sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install Ā» - See also !automate08:51
maahesthat's not working08:51
IAmErrorWhats the command to open the terminal on KDE? ctrl+alt+t isn't working.08:52
jjovereatskonsole, I think.08:52
dr_williskinano,  mixxing up disrots like that. is not a good idea. I think you may be needing to restort to a reinstall.08:53
dr_williskinano,  jolicloud does a lot of very weird things  in  ways that are going to be hard to 'fix'08:53
kinanodr_willis: i can see that08:53
kinanohow can i restore my ubuntu installation08:54
xgt001hello everyone, i am having problems with my bluetooth, like i can pair my device and use all services like (gprs, file transfer ) in natty , but i want to stick with maverick, but in maverick the device just wont even pair ... is there a way to solve it?08:54
kinanowithout losing08:54
dr_willisI like and used JoliOS for a while.. but it eventually became more trouble then it was worth.08:54
dr_williskinano,  backup your imporntant data. reinstall.. the only way to be 'sure'08:54
kinanodr_willis: i see! is there no "repair" option?! :P08:54
VxQemy install of ubuntu server isn't picking up my e1000 intel nic even though it has the module etc. :/08:54
=== ithkuil is now known as runvnc
VxQeDoesn't seem to be picking up any nic's.08:55
Chilaquileshello, does somebody know if it's possible to install another operating system in another hard drive?08:55
Showni bought a low cost vps with ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS. i would like to install a minimal desktop environment in order to make mIRC run with Wine. What can I do? I followed few tutorials but all installed incomplete software. This is the log when i tried running startx: http://pastebin.com/tZd3DRR708:55
KDEV_i have install ubuntu 11.04 on vmware and try to install vmware tools ........but i m stuck ... (What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel ?)  please help08:55
xgt001and to add i tried "sdptool browse " from terminal it gives me "connection reset by peer" in maverick08:55
ChilaquilesI installed debian in a computer where I have ubuntu but it seems like my GRUB got screwed.08:56
runvncso I thought I was just messing with my config and restarting to get my wiresless usb to work on my wubi install, but now somehow I don't seem to have any /ubuntu/disks folder.  am I fucked?08:56
ChilaquilesCan somebody help me to fix it?08:56
bazhangrunvnc, no cursing08:56
xgt001Chilaquiles: the grub of debian has overwritten the grub of ubuntu...08:56
bazhang!grub2 | Chilaquiles please have a read08:56
ubottuChilaquiles please have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)08:56
runvncshould I be worried that my wubi install has no /ubuntu/disks folder and I only seem to be able to boot to sh:grub08:57
KDEV_i have install ubuntu 11.04 on vmware and try to install vmware tools ........but i m stuck ... (What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel ?)  please help08:57
Chilaquilesxgt001: It's possible to overwritten the grub from debian with the grub of ubuntu again?08:57
xgt001Chilaquiles: ideally u should have installed debian first and then ubuntu, coz grub of Ubuntu is newer, so it will add debian in boot list automatically08:58
KDEV_any help08:58
Chilaquilesxgt001: my ubuntu version is 10.1008:59
codinGenesisutorrent is really diffucult to get installed on linux right now... Hope it gets ready and bug free very soon..08:59
xgt001KDEV_: just a suggestion, try virtual box instead of vmware08:59
anonboocodinGenesis, There are many torrent alternatives.08:59
Chilaquilesxgt001: but I already have my programs and everything in Ubuntu, I don't want to reinstall it back again08:59
VxQeThat aren't owned by the movie industry no less.08:59
xgt001Chilaquiles: ok now u should reinstall only the grub2 from the 10.10 live cd :)08:59
anonboohaha VxQe09:00
Chilaquilesxgt001: Could you help me to do that?09:00
Chilaquilesxgt001: cuz I've tried many methods already09:00
KDEV_thx, i love virtual box  but ...i can't sleep without sort out the problem09:00
runvncI am pretty sure my entire system is gone since as far as I know wubi keeps the filesystems in /ubuntu/disks right? and if I have no /ubuntu/disks, thats it?09:00
VxQeKDEV, you need the kernel headers installed...09:01
VxQeI am not sure what the package you need is though09:01
VxQeprobably kernel-source?09:01
VxQeI only know how to install vmware tools on redhat, sorry. :)09:01
xgt001Chilaquiles: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 may be this would help09:01
Chilaquilesxgt001: when I type sudo grub it says command not found09:03
xgt001Chilaquiles: are u in live cd environment?09:03
VxQeSo looking through the logs, I can clearly see that it is loading the right driver and designating the nic as eth0... but if I try for instance eth0 up I just get no such device.09:03
coz_Chilaquiles,  gksudo  /etc/default/grub09:03
coz_I believe09:03
hexacodehey you guys...i was looking into pipes and it says takes output of one program and makes it the standard input of another program....lets say i write the program that is receiving the piped info, how would i go about accessing this data in the program and doing something with it? lets use c++ for this example plz09:04
murlidharthe sound in my natty has decreased a lot after i updated some recent apps from update manager! at full sound it is barely audible and the screen dims down while booting!09:05
ChilaquilesI tiped that coz_ but nothing happened09:05
EastDallasIs there still no GUI for configuring Samba in Natty?09:05
xgt001Chilaquiles: http://duopetalflower.blogspot.com/2010/11/reinstalling-grub-after-installing.html give it a shot09:05
coz_Chilaquiles,  it should  try   sudo gedit  /etc/default/grub09:05
codinGenesisanonboo: can u name some ??09:05
dr_willisEastDallas,  theres swat, and ebox i belive.. but ive rarely needed a gui to configure samba.09:05
dr_willisEastDallas,  used tobe a few other gui's for samba - ive tested in the past.. but most were lacking in ways09:06
murlidharinterestingly my maverick's sound is pretty loud which i haven't yet uninstalled it.09:06
codinGenesisI think Tixati is almost similar to utorrent in GUI terms and worth giving it a shot09:06
VxQeMmm samba is easiest with the conf files.09:06
EastDallasdr_willis: I don't either, but someone like my mom does09:06
dr_willisMost 'users' will just bne right clicking on a folder and selecting share.. that works fairly well. :)09:07
EastDallasSet the workgroup name to match the windows machines...smb.conf09:07
VxQeAh I see whats going on here.09:07
dannyI'm trying to install the WG111v3 usb wireless adapter on ubuntu 10.04.2 using ndiswrapper09:08
VxQeWasn't actually showing up as eth009:08
dannyI can install the .inf file with ndiswrapper but it says hardware isn't present09:09
dannycan anyone help me?09:09
Showni bought a low cost vps with ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS. i would like to install a minimal desktop environment in order to make mIRC run with Wine. What can I do? I followed few tutorials but all installed incomplete software. This is the log when i tried running startx: http://pastebin.com/tZd3DRR709:09
dannyNo one can help me?09:10
dr_willisNot a lot of peopel use ndiswarappers these days09:11
dannyhow else can I install the drivers then?09:11
dr_willisLucky for me - i dont need it any more.09:11
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:11
odixwhy would ubuntu server give me inpjut not supported on boot from my monitor ?09:11
dannyYes runvnc?09:11
odixbut i got it to work one time ? then when i log in ifup eth0 gives me unknown interface09:11
VxQeWas just udev rules. Fixed and works now~09:11
odixyet inconfig shows it, yet /etc/networking doesnt09:12
odixnot iw ont even boot, says input not supported09:12
runvncdanny I was trying to get my wireless usb to work, I changed a config file, rebooted, and my entire filesystem was deleted (wubi install, no /ubuntu/disks).  all I can say is, I hope your luck is better than mine09:12
EastDallasI actually keep a copy of an old config file file from 2 or 3 years ago as reference for myself, but it's just surprising to me that there's no 'easy' way to make changes without getting into editing config files.  It's just pretty intimidating to a new user.09:12
VxQeShown: a better question would be why are you trying to run mIRC?09:12
dr_willisShown,  it seems a little weird to use a vps to run a desktop to run wine, to run mirc...09:12
trijntje_oneiricwhat program is the sound pictogram in the top bar?09:12
EastDallasWell, there is a way to get a web based config, but I don't dare mention the name here.09:12
VxQeI agree with the Doc. :)09:12
hexacodehow on earth do i work with piped data? i need to access pipe data programatically in c++ please help09:12
danny@runvnc, ugh, hopefully09:12
dr_willishexacode,    read stdin use data...09:13
danny@runvnc I just need it to recognize the darn dongle09:13
VxQehexacode: This probably isn't the best place to ask.09:13
dr_willisI imagine thers dozens if not 100000's or c++ programs out taht do it.. and you can look at for examples.. i dont do c++09:13
runvncisnt there a #c++ or something09:14
VxQeTry a C++ channel maybe. :/09:14
Chilaquileswhat language is made linux in?09:14
runvncwhat type of usb wireless is it09:14
amit121hii friends09:14
amit121 I have an unusual problem in Banshee09:15
n8wulfgood morning from South Africa09:15
danny@runvnc it's the netgear WG111v309:15
ososgood morning!09:15
amit121whenever I click any song to play it doesnt play .. it just opens up09:15
trijntje_oneiricWhat program draws the sound icon on the top panel?09:15
runvncI guess having my filesystem deleted isn't the worst thing that could happen.  At least I have no more Ubuntu problems anymore.09:15
EastDallashexacode: theres a channel called ##c++ that has a lot of users.09:15
runvncwhat version of ubuntu danny09:15
odixanybody ?09:16
odixbooting ubuntu gives me nothing, i got to the command line once09:16
n8wulfAMIT121:  do you have sound otherwise?09:16
danny@runvnc Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS 32 bit, run on VM VirtualBox09:16
odixstartx wasnt installed, its the server version, it also didnt connect to the internet, ifup eth0, start eth0, ifconfig, tried them all09:16
runvncah, on virtualbox09:16
dr_willisodix,  how are you connected to the internet?  do you use dhcp?09:16
odixdoes ubuntu server not come withx windows ?09:16
dr_willisodix,  server = No X GUI09:17
runvncdoes vitualbox let you use any other usb devices?09:17
odixdr_willis, yes i was trying with dhcp to09:17
danny@runvnc, I'm using my usb keyboard and mouse09:17
odixdr_willis, it wont even boot now, monitor says input not supported, could it be a driver issue? its a via computer09:17
odixcyrix processor09:17
odixx86 based tho09:17
Shown[10:12:30]VxQe: Shown: a better question would be why are you trying to run mIRC?09:17
Shown8[10:12:34]dr_willis: Shown,  it seems a little weird to use a vps to run a desktop to run wine, to run mirc...09:17
Shownwindows vps cost 3 times linux ones. i've many mirc scripts. wouldn't like to recode them all.09:17
dannywhat's weird is that I have the wireless drivers downloaded on windows, so I get internet in virtualbox ubuntu09:17
dannybut it doesn't recognize the hardware for some reason09:17
dr_willisodix,  all ive ever had to do was sudo dhclient eth0  or similer..    if you are seeing an  'input not zupported' by the monitor. it could be GRUB's refresh rate/display is not liking the moniotr. I set the gruib configs to use a simple text display on this machine. or else i get a similer message 'frewuency out of range'09:18
odixdr_willis, well how do i even fix that if i cant see anything ?09:18
runvncdanny did you try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73282709:18
odixusing the keys, after it loads, what should i push to get me to the command line09:18
dr_willisodix,  well for here. (on desktop edition) grub timed out and booted the fiorst time. so i fixed it then.09:19
runvncdanny are you just trying to get your windows internet to carry over to your virtualbox?09:19
amit121n8wulf: I have sound in Banshee09:19
dr_willisodix,  i would think grub would eventually boot the default entry.09:19
Showni've 128 mb ram. that should be fine to run mirc+wine+minimal desktop? isn't it?09:19
ososis it possible to get window resize behind some button. in the same fashion alt-key works by default for window move?09:19
EastDallasodix: Cyrix hasn't been around for something like 15 years....09:19
odixdr_Willis, it should...but its not09:19
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dr_willisShown, i would be impresed if it ran very well at all.09:19
amit121the problem is I have set Banshee as default player and It should thus start playing the song I doulbe clikc09:20
danny@runvnc I haven't tried that tut and will immediately. I'm trying to get ubuntu to recognize it so I can use it with kismet09:20
amit121instaed it just opens09:20
danny@runvnc I'll do the tut and post results09:20
van7hugood afternoon09:20
runvncdo you juust need the internet or you need to actually use that device09:20
runvncif you have the internet provided by windows09:20
runvnccan you just set the network in virtualbox to NAT or something09:20
=== PetaJesus is now known as SatoshiJesus
danny@runvnc I need to actually use the device, I get internet fine in ubuntu because I have my wireless configured in Windows09:20
n8wulfamit121: I see, but once you are inside banshee, if you click on a song, then it will play?09:21
van7huSIMH is not in repo?09:21
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dr_willis!info simh09:21
odixmonitor is saying input not supported on boot, but i got it to the cmd line one time, otherwise its stalling..09:21
ubottusimh (source: simh): Emulators for 33 different computers. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.1-2 (natty), package size 4748 kB, installed size 9004 kB09:21
dr_willisvan7hu,  its uin the universe repo.09:21
EastDallasodix: how old is the computer?09:21
odixbrand new from best buy09:21
ghufranis there a way to get back applets in 11.0409:22
odixthey are little via boxes09:22
van7hudr_willis, nice command, thanks09:22
amit121If I press play button it starts with some song which it has set as default09:22
odixsuper small, very small, tiny computers09:22
ghufrani dont mind where they are .. infact i'd prefer they are in the launch bar09:22
EastDallasOK, VIA licensed all of Cyrix's technology09:22
amit121If I press play button it starts with some song which it has set as default09:22
odixits a mini computer with like 3 usb ports and a vga and ethernet, thats it, forget what they are called. like a mini server09:22
amit121normally one expects to double click and song starts playing09:23
EastDallasOdix: It's like a media server of some sort?09:23
danny@runvnc, I have a problem with the tut. I try "tar -xvjf compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz2" and get a couple of errors09:23
Ubuntu-firsttimeanyone recommend the best version for a Toshiba Satellite laptop with a T2300 processor - 1 mb ram09:23
odixeastdalllas, yes sorta, the motherboard is like 4 x r4 inches, one slot for room, and two sata slots09:23
n8wulfamit121: sorry mate... hoped it would be something easier like a sound issue09:23
n8wulfamit121: bump... somebody else09:23
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n8wulfbluenemo why would you wanna do something like that?09:24
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EastDallasodix: itx?09:24
van7hu!info virtualbox09:25
ubottuPackage virtualbox does not exist in natty09:25
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EastDallasodix: rather mini-itx09:25
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox09:25
van7hu!info vbox09:25
ubottuPackage vbox does not exist in natty09:25
ghufran!info launcher09:25
ubottuPackage launcher does not exist in natty09:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:26
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots09:26
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".09:26
MandrewBazhang how do i actvate globalmenu in xubuntu? I cant find that setting :( i find it in ubuntu without breaking a sweat though :)09:26
van7huI wish I could make a bot for fun :)09:26
dr_willisvan7hu,  its not that hard.09:27
EastDallasodix, is this a solo install or dual boot with windows?09:27
amit121well this sucks09:28
van7hudr_willis, yeah, I know, but it could take me 7 days for learning a little about python or other09:28
amit121tried exaile09:28
amit121it doesnt support this basic feature as well09:28
amit121when I double click I hope that it starts playing..09:28
odixedast, dual09:28
dr_willisvan7hu,  at least you dident spend ages learning  'mIRC' scripting and thinking you were learning some real codkign skills :)09:28
amit121any1 knows any music player that does that09:28
EastDallasodix: with wubi or it's own partition?09:29
dr_willisvan7hu,  theres premade bots out there also.  it all depends on what you want to waste your time on. :) as long as its fun09:29
odixown partition09:29
odixmade a / for ext4, and a swap09:30
cnawitam wszystkich, hello all09:30
MandrewAnyone that knows how to activate globalmenu in xubuntu? I have done sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-appmenu but i cant find the setting to activate it in xubuntu09:30
van7hudr_willis, I agree, it's really fun09:30
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ososamit121: sorry, what's your problem, mate?09:30
odixbeing really weird09:31
odixinput not supported on boot09:31
dr_willisodix,  so its the monitor saying this? or the computer/bios saying it?09:31
EastDallasodix: I think I might just start over.  You could spend hours or days trying to figure out what's wrong.  Since it's brand new, it might just be easier to start over, then if you are still having issues....09:31
EastDallasdr_willis: odix: that's a monitor message09:32
EastDallasdr_willis: odix: like no signal09:32
odixi know09:32
odixbut why would it say that09:33
odixit boots the bios09:33
dr_willisRight. Ive some monitors where i have to edit my /etc/default/grub and enable --> GRUB_GFXMODE=640x48009:33
odixthen says that09:33
FloodBot1odix: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:33
amit121osos: hii09:33
dr_willisgrub is using some res/dosplay the monitor dosent like. Odd that its not just auto-booting. It could be theres a 2nd issue that its not dosplaying09:33
=== Chiliblue_ is now known as Chiliblue
amit121I was trying to kill music player but it is playing..09:33
dr_willisYou could boot a live cd. chroot in, fix and reinstall grub.09:33
amit121no sign of nay player09:33
amit121tried system monitor to kill clementine .. it became zombie09:34
ososamit121: have you tried open with -> other -> banshee -> remember this setting?09:34
amit121but it has a fixed playlist09:35
amit121osos: tried that again09:36
rgenito_ubuntu saddens me sometimes09:36
amit121when I click on a mp3 file; it just opens09:36
amit121nothing is played09:36
dannyHey, I'm having major trouble trying to untar a tar.bz209:36
amit121rgenito_: Ubuntu is great09:36
dannyI used the command tar -xvjf compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz209:36
theadmindanny: Why so? tar xvf blah.tbz209:36
theadmindanny: Or that09:37
=== vatts[off] is now known as vatts
amit121its our lack of knowledge tht creates problem most of time09:37
dannytheadmin: it always gives me the same errors. Let me link you pastebin...09:37
hiexpoyup human error09:38
rgenito_for my IPv4 eth0, my method was Automatic DHCP and internet worked great..then i changed it to manual real quick. internet no worky. so THEN i changed it back to automatic. internet still doesn't work.09:38
rgenito_any ideas? =\09:38
rlyCan I pause a file transfer via ssh?09:38
theadminrgenito_: sudo dhclient eth0?09:38
dannytheadmin: http://pastebin.com/nDBm102609:39
dannytheadmin: that's a paste of the errors I get back when I do those09:39
rgenito_theadmin, i think that may have worked... but it insists on giving me ... and i just want it to be ... for my OCD reasons lol09:39
rly(I am using the Gnome GUI to do the transfer.)09:39
rlyrgenito_: OCD?09:40
hiexpopausing usually means epic failure09:40
rlyhiexpo: right, kind of ridiculous, isn't it?09:40
theadmindanny: You sure the filename is right though? And it's in your home folder?09:40
amit121is zombie status in system montor for three processes a sign of fork bomb?09:40
dasupergamererm when I boto into a ubuntu live usb and try to install along side windows vista. it deosnt detect my vista install..........09:40
dannytheadmin: yep09:40
theadmindanny: Do you have read permissions on the file?09:41
rlyamit121: a fork bomb means you cannot enter your machine via ssh anymore.09:41
dannytheadmin: how do I check?09:41
rgenito_OCD = obsessive-compulsive disorder09:41
cnafirst install vista then linux09:41
theadmindanny: ls -l compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz209:41
rlyrgenito_: anyway, you tell your router to give you static IP adresses.09:41
dasupergamervista is  installed first......09:41
cnagrub update ?09:41
rgenito_rly ya, apparently i'm missing something when i do that09:41
amit121rly: any idea to make banshee or any music player open and play the mp3 player I clikc09:42
dasupergamerbut ubuntu detected xp when i had xp... but wont pick up 32bit vista home premium09:42
odixjust hooked it up to another monitor, works now09:42
rgenito_rly: ya, just something wrong on my part honestly09:42
dannytheadmin: http://pastebin.com/ZK1ypdhB09:42
odixso after i login, how to do i get eth9 up ?09:42
dannytheadmin: that's the result of the command09:42
dasupergamerright click on the mp3 file09:42
theadmindanny: Sounds fine. Weird.09:42
rlyrgenito_: if you use network manager (the gui applet), then you can just say you want a static address.09:42
theadmindanny: Can you, uh... bzip2 -d http://pastebin.com/ZK1ypdhB09:42
dannytheadmin: does it make a difference if I'm using virtualbox?09:43
rgenito_rly how do i tell what my subnet mask and all of that needs to be?09:43
rlyrgenito_: if both the router and your computer want a static address there is no way you are getting a dynamic one.09:43
dannytheadmin: what do you mean?09:43
dasupergamer@amit121 right click on the mp3 file. then go to a tabto change the defualt program it laods when you click on it to banshee09:43
cnain terminal grub update dasupergamer09:43
theadmindanny: bzip2 -d compat-wireless-whatever.tar.bz2 | tar x?09:43
dasupergamerthanks cna09:43
theadmindanny: Try that command09:43
rlyrgenito_: you do a google search, since tens of millions of people already configured the exact same thing.09:43
amit121dasupergamer: did that09:43
cnaworks ?09:43
amit121when I click on an mp3 file the music player just opens09:44
rlyrgenito_: in combination with some documentation of your ISP.09:44
amit121nothing plays09:44
dasupergamer@amit121 i don't know then09:44
rlyrgenito_: e.g. where your router is09:44
amit121and when I press play button. it open some songs09:44
dasupergamerit works cna......09:44
amit121it is showing three banshee players09:44
rgenito_rly: that is quite obvious. the problem is not my lack of google searching (i mean, who seriously has a lack of that?) ... i am putting some information in incorrectly, and i am overlooking it. that's all, i'll figure it out.09:44
amit121why 3 players?\\09:44
dasupergamer@amit121 try all 3 of them09:44
dasupergamer@amit121 one of them has to work09:45
hiexposudo killall banshee09:45
dannytheadmin: http://pastebin.com/3Q2nDU0G09:45
amit121all three work same09:45
odixdr_willis ...eth0 up ?09:45
LinSkyratedownloaded a radio app for Radio Tray.. Cool app but howto import norwegian channels?09:45
theadmindanny: damaged archive09:45
theadmindanny: My best guess09:45
dannytheadmin: is there any way to fix it? I'm trying to follow a tutorial on how to install a wireless adapter09:46
dasupergameroh I don't know how to change that radio tray app......09:46
theadmindanny: Probably redownload or something09:46
theadmindanny: If not, contact whoever published it09:46
dasupergamerubuntu automatically works with wireless adaptors... well mine does anyway09:46
odixplease somebody help, need to get eth0 up from terminal its really important right now boss right berhind me09:46
dannytheadmin: ok, thanks!09:46
theadminodix: sudo ifconfig eth0 up09:47
dr_willisodix,  or dhclient eth0   i recall09:47
dasupergameryep what theadmin siad09:47
dr_willisif its a normal wired network connection09:47
dasupergamerguys...... do you guys recommend using WINE for microsoft office. i virtual machine for microsoft office and suing a linux office suite to do my work09:48
theadmindasupergamer: Use Libreoffice and don't fsck your brain09:48
BlouBloudasupergamer: most of use use libreoffice09:48
theadmindasupergamer: There is no need for M$office09:48
odixit kinda is09:48
dr_willisyep. From what i hear libreoffice works very well.09:48
dasupergamerwell i did buy office 2010 profession though09:49
odixits not resolving yahoo.com on ping tho09:49
dr_willisget a refund. :)09:49
dr_williswe dont even know of  office2010pro will wiork in wine. check the wine app database09:49
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:49
theadminodix: sudo dhclient eth0 then09:49
dasupergamerwell stuff like word does and excel and access but nothing else though09:50
theadminodix: Err, wait, actually09:50
theadminodix: Edit your /etc/resolv.conf to say "nameserver"09:50
dr_willisping             and try  ping google.com09:50
dr_willisif ip works.. but not name = dns issue.09:50
cnalibreofiice works werry wlell09:51
odixnetwork unreachable09:51
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dasupergamerbut only has 6 programs..... anything like visio for linux09:51
MandrewAnyone who knows how to activate globalmenu in xubuntu?09:51
LinSkyratedownloaded a radio app for Radio Tray.. Cool app but howto import norwegian channels? anyone?09:51
dr_willisifconfig - to see if yiour network card even has an ip#09:51
amit121no music player in Ubuntu??09:51
dasupergamercant help you there amte09:51
BlouBlouMandrew: #xubuntu, #xfce09:51
dr_willisdozens of music players for linux and ubuntu09:51
amit121I just want to be able to click a song and play it09:51
amit121but no music player seems to does it09:52
dr_willisI double click a mp3 here and it loads in banshee fine.09:52
dasupergameri am off to reinstall windows vista in a minute...... damn tv tuner09:52
MandrewBlouBlou that channel is dead ;)09:52
BlouBlouamit121: there are 2, totem and banshee09:52
pksadiq!player | amit12109:52
ubottuamit121: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs09:52
dr_willisYou do need the proper codecs09:52
cnasudo apt-get install banshee09:52
BlouBlouMandrew: dead or not, it's in which you're going to get help09:52
BlouBlouMandrew: try "ubuntu-restricted-extras"09:53
amit121actually the problem is when I click an mp3 file it just opens the default app09:53
BlouBlouamit121: ^09:53
dr_willisMandrew,  its very possible that global menu does not work in xubuntu/xfce  -09:53
BlouBlouamit121: change it then09:53
aslanhi people, which linux distro best for offical using with 90 client ? for stable and good management with PFSENSE firewall ? i am looking for linux versions which one i will install. this office will be open in august first week... this is an hospital.. and hospital program is web based and i only need firefox... this is why i will use linux and we will not spend stupid moneys for licenses, whats your suggest to use ? ubuntu ? suse ? fedora ? slackware ? thank09:53
cnaamit121 : sudo apt-get install banshee09:53
amit121I it does nothing09:53
amit121I have banshee09:53
amit121just i remove it and reinstall?09:54
odixstill cant get it up09:54
BlouBlouaslan: you're on #ubuntu, so we'll recommend ubuntu09:54
pksadiqaslan: of course, here I won't say other than Ubuntu09:54
dr_willisaslan,  if everything is web based.. then it really dosent matter.   You could use a live cd setup.09:54
odixits connected via ethernet to a switcher on t3 diff lines, works perfect when i plug it into my laptop09:54
MandrewBlouBlou and dr_willis thanks for the help09:54
aslanBlouBlou:  pksadiq : BlouBlou  i only ask ideas . for management and stable versions.. thanks again09:54
dr_willisodix,  so theres a router/dhcp server somewhere on the network?09:55
dr_willisaslan,  most business would go the Ubuntu LTS route.09:55
cnaamit121:  try install Rhythmbox09:55
BlouBlouaslan: try using Ubuntu LTS versions then09:55
aslanBlouBlou:  thanks, i use ubuntu 11 04 now. i have 10.10 maverick meerkat at home. i will try your suggestions.09:56
odixwtf is giong on!!!09:57
BlouBlouaslan: I wouldn't use  if you want stability, try 10.0409:57
odixsudo ifconfig eth0 up gives me no errors, ifconfig gives me a long ip addy, cant get anything to download from apt-get09:57
BlouBlouI wouldn't use 11.0409:57
cnadon`t usue 11.04 if you use gnome09:58
odixim just trying to get gnome09:58
dr_willishaving to teach 90+ people how to use Unity - would be... tramatic..09:58
cnaomg unity09:58
BlouBlou!omg | cna09:58
ubottucna: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.09:58
hexacodeanyone know of an ubuntu utility that lets me look up the daemons that are running?10:00
pksadiqdr_willis: isn't gnome and Ubuntu classic the same?10:00
dr_willisthe service command hexacode10:00
dr_willispksadiq,  they look similer - but they are not identical10:00
cnaodix,: before log in use ubuntu clasic10:00
pksadiqdr_willis: k, so untill ubuntu 10.10 it was gnome, and 11.04 not?10:01
bgutomhmm. i have a problem with lamp, can someone help me..10:01
odixcna, ya im down with ser4ver edition10:01
bgutomi am new to ubuntu10:01
odixim just goin to make my own server out of hte desktkp edition...10:01
dr_willis11.04 has unity and the ubuntu-classic over top of the gnome-3 foundataion.. i think thats  a good summary10:01
odixthis is stupid nothing but pissing me off it cant setup dhcp auto by itself10:01
dr_willisnext release will be Unity over gnome-3 foundataions, and gnome-3 as an option. No Ubuntu-classic.10:02
bgutomAnyone help please, i am new to ubuntu and irc10:02
Chilaquilesxgt001: Can I reinstall debian only and make that grub from debian doesn't overwrite grub from ubuntu?10:02
dr_willisbgutom,  state the problem. see who can help10:02
dr_willisChilaquiles,  you would  have to tell debian to not install the bootloader.10:03
bgutomok.. well, I just installed lamp yesterday10:03
dr_willisor just let it.. then reinstall grub from ubuntu.10:03
bgutomand now, i want to downgrade php from 5.3 to 5.210:03
Chilaquilesdr_willis:  but then I will be able to boot debian10:03
pksadiqdr_willis: great _waiting* for *gnome3* ;)10:04
robin0800pksadiq, in 11.04 unity is on top of gnome 2.xx classic is just gnome 2.xx10:04
nascentmindHi. My /var/log/messages file is empty. How can I enable messages?10:04
amit121rhythmbox failed as well10:04
re_rockwhois re_rock10:04
amit121any help? would be much appreciated10:04
pksadiqrobin0800: ok10:04
bgutomAnyone, please help me downgrade my lamp PHP version from 5.3 to 5.2, I am using ubuntu unity10:05
sushantany body knows good tool to write iso to usb ?10:05
pksadiqamit121: there might be some problem with codecs then, try vlc10:05
mklappstuhlhow was the name of that program that shows big files as colored blocks again?10:06
pksadiqamit121: before that try restarting your system, check whether the sound is muted, cable is plugged, etc.. ;)10:06
Chilaquilesdr_willis: I let it overwrite the grub but I have so many problems now10:06
robin0800pksadiq, and if unity dosn't work there is always unity 2d10:06
Chilaquilesdr_willis: So I just want to keep the one from ubuntu10:06
lotuspsychjesushant: is it for Os booting usb?10:07
amit121pksadiq: music plays10:07
amit121its not problem with sound10:07
pksadiqamit121: logout and login again, do you get the login sound?10:08
pksadiqamit121: so wheres the problem?10:08
bgutomAnyone, please help me downgrade my lamp PHP version from 5.3 to 5.2, I am using ubuntu unity10:08
dr_willisChilaquiles,  the ubuntu grub should show debian insstalls id think. it finds/shows most other disrtos.10:08
re_rockcan someone run a whois on me and tell me the IP?10:08
amit121my problem is whenever I click any mp3 file in folder; the player just opens nothing plays... it either gets enquequed or is lost10:09
cousin_mariois there a ppa for the nvidia driver 275.09.07 yet?10:09
weirdpercentsomething is wrong with my gnome-control-center in Natty10:09
weirdpercentthe only icon there is Users10:09
amit121decibel audio player worked as I wanted it :) finally!!10:09
weirdpercentI've tried reinstalling all related packages and nothing changes10:10
re_rockcant get the proxy to work10:10
amit121amusing gmusic browser also worked10:10
pksadiqamit121: tried totem too? I'm using that, also vlc works fine, I think rhythmbox and banshee works the way as it is now for you10:10
amit121seems the  banshee and rhythmbox are too advanced10:11
amit121vlc works fine too10:11
amit121totem has library function?10:11
lotuspsychjeanyone found bug for natty wlan TKIP encryption disconnecting wifi?10:11
amit121does totem has library function?10:11
Chilaquilesmany bugs for natty, there is a big one called unity10:12
mklappstuhlhow was the name of that program that shows big files as colored blocks again?10:12
sushantdoes anyone know a good program to write iso images to usb disk10:12
bgutomAnyone, please help me downgrade my lamp PHP version from 5.3 to 5.2, I am using ubuntu unity10:12
lotuspsychjemklappstuhl: whats the purpose for the program?10:12
weirdpercentwait I take that back, you said USB disk, sorry10:13
mklappstuhllotuspsychje: finding big files on your system that you might not need anymore10:13
sushantbrasero only burns iso to cd/dvd not usb10:13
dr_willissushant,  what kind of image?10:13
vindolinono grub menu shows up on my 11.04 installation :( timeout is 10.. any ideas?10:14
computerxmklappstuhl, Disk Usage Analyser, under Accessories10:14
sushantits debian 6.0 iso image for i38610:14
dr_willissushant,   then try unetbootin, or the tools at pendrivelinux web site10:14
jaslvindolino hold shift key down during boot10:14
sushanti want to write it to a 4 gb pen drive i've10:14
lotuspsychjemklappstuhl: isnt that the default ubuntu space monitor prog?10:14
weirdpercentwhat would cause gnome-control-center icons to disappear in Natty?10:14
sushantok let me check with unetbootin and pendrive linux, thanks10:15
jaslsushant google for bootable usb drive linux10:15
vindolinojasl: cool.. thanks!10:15
jaslvindolino da nada10:15
lotuspsychjesushant: ubuntu has a usb booting tool prog inside10:15
sushanti'm not able to get the program10:16
sushantsearch for usb-imagewriter but its not there10:16
pksadiqlotuspsychje: I don't think it could be used for debian 6.010:16
oCeanjasl: please don't suggest google searches10:16
lotuspsychjepksadiq: isnt it for all iso images?10:16
sushanti already tried google but didnt get any so came here10:16
BlouBlou!google > jasl10:16
ubottujasl, please see my private message10:16
oCeanjasl: not helpful. Provide at least a link that you know is helpful10:16
pksadiqlotuspsychje: no, its for Ubuntu images only I think , my first try was the puppy linux which failed10:17
lotuspsychjepksadiq: ok my bad then didnt try with other images10:17
bgutomAnyone, please help me downgrade my lamp PHP version from 5.3 to 5.2, I am using ubuntu unity10:17
mklappstuhlcomputerx: lotuspsychje I want to isntall on another distribution. can you tell me the name of the project?10:18
Kurdtheyy ppl10:18
jasloCean I usually do.10:19
Tyrnisplop all10:19
oCeanjasl: Good to hear10:19
jasloCean I'm preoccupied this morning.10:19
dr_willisthe Ubuntu usb-disk tool - dosent work for every linux disrto. its ubuntu spefific i recall.10:19
cnasushant,  try AcetonelISO10:19
computerxmklappstuhl, Which, the disk usage analyser?10:20
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sushanthave u tried that cna ?10:20
computerxbgutom, I can't find a specific 5.2 in the package repository. If you want a specific version, I'd compile it yourself.10:20
mklappstuhlcomputerx: yup10:20
lotuspsychjemklappstuhl: baobab10:21
dr_willissushant,  the Pendrivelinux web site has tools that can do what you want.10:21
sushantcna, have u tried that ?10:21
computerxmklappstuhl, I thought it's part of Gnome, but I can't run it and check because my system has gone a bit screwy...10:21
sushantyeah i'm checking the pendrive linux10:21
Guest23653im having trouble with unity n my ati hd4200  card10:21
cnasush yes, there is option burn10:21
amit121gmusic browser is amazing!!10:22
computerxHow can I force umount something, regardless of it being in use?10:22
amit121uncomplicated and easy10:22
sushantactually i want to install from the USB not on USB10:22
amit121hope it imporves more in future10:22
amit121eyecandy is good10:22
jaslsushant https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick10:22
lotuspsychjedr_willis: Startup Disk Creator converts a USB key or SD card into a volume from which you can start up and run Ubuntu. You can also store files and settings in any space left over.10:22
lotuspsychjeThe program also works for Debian, or any other Debian-based OS for which you have a CD or .iso image.10:22
amit121Guest23653: hiii10:22
soamehi all10:23
computerxGuest23653, Perhaps you could explain. We're not psychic, despite my best attempts.10:23
sushantthanks jasl10:23
dr_willislotuspsychje, ive  found it very flakey with ubuntu variants.. i would be very suprised if it worked with debian very well.10:23
pksadiqlotuspsychje: but elive was not working which is based on debian10:23
mklappstuhllotuspsychje: baobab10:23
mklappstuhllotuspsychje: baobab?10:23
bgutomcomputerx, is it possible to install lamp, and set the option to install php 5.2?10:23
dr_willisPendrivelinux has a nice tool that can make a usb that can boot ISO files.  which is very very handy10:23
lotuspsychjei just paste what control centre describing10:24
sushantjasl, will that work for debian 6.0 as well?10:24
bgutomcomputerx, i am thinking of uninstalling lamp, and then reinstalling it again, but i am lost. i am new to ubuntu10:24
soameanybody knows what zeigeist-datahub doing in ubntu10:24
dr_williswhat the center says.. and how well it works.. is often 2 differnt things.10:24
dr_willisthe Startup disk creator has had issues with UBUNTU isos in the past. :)10:24
Guest23653i did a fresh install and i keep getting distortions in unity10:24
dr_willisIts a tool that can use some work..10:24
computerxbgutom, Well lamp is 3 separate programs. Perhaps you could look for a specific 5.2 .deb file10:24
jaslAh have no idea since you asked on a ubuntu channel you got a ubuntu answer.10:24
cnasushant,  sorry misunderstood10:25
sushantohh okay, no probs, thanks10:25
computerxGuest23653, I guess you're using the free driver. Have you checked hardware drivers in the system menu?10:25
Guest23653it didnt work10:25
bgutomcomputerx, can you please guide me on how i can get this php5.2 .deb file and install it on my ubuntu?10:26
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
computerxGuest23653, I know this isn't helpful, but ATI annoyed me so much, I switched to Nvidia...10:26
lotuspsychjemklappstuhl: the default ubuntu hd space checking tool10:27
Guest23653if i do the system becomes un bootable10:27
Chilaquilesis it possible to install ubuntu in one drive and another os in another drive, and be able to log in in any of them?10:27
Guest23653if i install  drivers from the menu dat is10:27
amit121Chilaquiles: absolutely!10:27
Sidewinder1!dualboot | Chilaquiles10:28
ubottuChilaquiles: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:28
Tm_Tbgutom: you are trying to install php?10:28
hiexpobgutom, double click it10:28
Guest23653u think by the time 11.10 comes out this problem wud be solved?10:28
amit121I declare gmusicbrowser is the best music player in the world!! .. really I am quite impressed with it10:28
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
bgutomTm_t, yes, I actually have already installed lamp, but i would like to downgrade its php version from 5.3 to 5.210:29
=== bool_ is now known as notregistered
bgutomhiexpo, im am sorry, where should i double click10:29
wrek-garneed some help setting up desktop to act as either a wireless access point or ad hoc - trying to get mobile phone to access web via wifi10:29
amit121anyway; after a weak of tweaking; I fnnaly have a great looking and fast working distro customized to my llking...10:29
dr_willisbgutom,  if theres an older version in the repos you can 'pin' it - otherwise. You may have to do it all from source.10:30
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto10:30
Chilaquilesamit121: well, it seems like its not possible for me10:30
amit121Any1 knows if I can somehow save this configuration.. can i?10:30
hiexpobgutom, the deb file10:30
Sidewinder1Guest23653, It's doubtful, but did you check Ati.'s website to see if they have a linux driver for your card?10:30
dr_willis!remaster | Aminzai10:30
ubottuAminzai: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility10:30
notregisteredwhat is the logic of separating the menubar from the window? i don't understand that.10:30
amit121Chilaquiles: what did you do?10:30
dr_willis!remaster | amit12110:30
ubottuamit121: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility10:30
dr_willisamit121,  theres also some remaster scripts i recall.. not tried them in ages10:31
ChilaquilesI installed ubuntu, then win 7 and then debian, but the debian installation is not working10:31
computerxI made a sshfs connection to a remote server hours ago. The connection seems to have dropped, I can't umount it and it's stopping me running other software...10:31
Chilaquilesamit121: when I try to log into debian it says device not found after I install it10:31
dr_willisnotregistered,  apple and a few other os's have done it in years..  theres discussion of its pros/cons in various forums10:31
amit121dr_willis:  abd ubottu   I need to save my current configuration with its themes and softwares.. What should I do?10:32
Sidewinder1Chilaquiles, Win 7 must be installed first; then the linux Os.s.10:32
dr_willisnotregistered,  whats the point in having 4 apps all showing  a menu bar  taking up more screen space.. is one argument10:32
thauriswulfaHELP:How do I close http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1931013676679&set=a.1836660677913.2099953.1282376812&type=1  this irritating window in libre office10:32
magn3tshow do I exclude all traditional applet?10:32
amit121Chilaquiles: are you trying to install debian? where? which operating system you already have?10:32
dr_willisamit121,  time to do some research on it. :)10:32
bgutomdr_willis, i am sorry, I just started using ubuntu and a total noob in using terminal codes, but how can i check the repositories for php versions?10:32
dr_willisamit121,  its doable i hear.. not tried it in uyears.10:32
magn3tsI have one, idk what it declares itself as. but I need to excude it10:32
Chilaquilesamit121: I already have ubuntu and win710:32
Chilaquilesamit121: And they are both working fine10:32
dr_willisbgutom,  i just use the synaptic package manager and see whats there. it has some menu items for it. Its possible theres NOT an older version in the repos.10:33
pombaerHow can I find out which Java version my Ubuntu uses. I want to use the Sun version and not the free one.10:33
dr_willisbgutom,  if you really need the older version. You may need touse an older ubuntu - that may be the easiest way10:33
dr_willispombaer,  java -version10:33
amit121Chilaquiles: then how did you try to install debian?10:33
Chilaquilesamit121: With the cd, text installation10:34
oCeanChilaquiles: how is that an ubuntu issue?10:34
pombaerJust as I thought, I am using the open JDK Java. I want to use the SUN Java. How can I switch to it?10:34
Chilaquilesis ubuntu-debian issue10:34
oCeanChilaquiles: your ubuntu is already there, you said10:34
Chilaquilesyes but I think the grub is the problem10:35
Chilaquilesand is ubuntu grub10:35
amit121Chilaquiles: sorry no idea abt Debian10:35
magn3tshow do i exclude ALL regular notifications?10:35
magn3tsAnyone? please, this *has* to be a common question, if it's not, idk why. jfc.10:36
oCeanChilaquiles: debian also uses grub.10:36
van7huwhat a spell a good tool10:36
ChilaquilesoCean: I know10:36
NiSis anyone having problems using ATI Radeon mobility and 11.04?10:36
amit121any1 can explain what backup exactly does10:37
oCeanChilaquiles: when running update-grub, the os-prober should find other installed os'es and add grub-entries. Did you re-run update-grub?10:37
Sidewinder1pombaer, dr_willis already answered your question. ^^^10:38
ActionParsnipamit121: it archives importnat data so if there is a catastrophe you can easily restore the data10:38
amit121ActionParsnip: so there is not backup of themes or softwares?10:38
ActionParsnipamit121: not by default, no10:38
ChilaquilesoCean: when I try to load it it says Loading please wait..... Gave up waiting for root device.10:38
amit121I have installed these themes and softwares after spending a lot of time10:38
NiSATI proprietary drivers is actually making the whole thing slower than without it10:39
hexacodecan someone tell me wat is happening to my terminal when i type any word followed by "()" ..for example   type "hello()" into the terminal...what the hell is that happening after i you type that in and hit enter?10:39
ActionParsnipvan7hu: do you want a spelling tool?10:39
pombaerHow can I uninstall openJDK and install Sun Java?10:39
thauriswulfapombaer:https://help.ubuntu.com/search.html?cof=FORID%3A9&cx=004599128559784038176%3Avj_p0xo-nng&ie=UTF-8&q=sun+java&sa=Search     and   jdk-distros.dev.java.net/ubuntu.html10:39
ActionParsnippombaer: just install sun java and the open one will be ignored10:39
amit121I dont have any important personal data on drive.. but I wanna backup my settings and software collection and themes.. any idea how to achieve that?10:39
kwtm2Hi.  Is this the official #ubuntu channel, or another one that exists when I join freenode instead of ubuntu.org?10:39
ChilaquilesoCean: And then it goes to a shell in debian10:39
ActionParsnippombaer: http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-install-java-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal-ppa/10:39
hexacodecan someone tell me wat is happening to my terminal when i type any word followed by "()" ..for example   type "hello()" into the terminal...what the hell is that happening after  you type that in and hit enter?10:39
amit121kwtm2: this is official10:39
NiSin the synaptic package manager10:39
NiSjust type sun-java6-jdk10:40
oCeanChilaquiles: debian? So you're running update-grub from debian?10:40
notregisteredis there going to be some more customizing options on the unitybar? I would like to remove the show/hide delay and probably want to remove the autohide aswell10:40
NiSselect what you want to install, and it will be installed10:40
pombaerThx but I am using Ubuntu 10.1010:40
ActionParsnipamit121: thats fine, there are hidden folders containing the settings in your home folder, just copy those to an extermal source and you can easily restor them later10:40
ActionParsnippombaer: it has a maverick branch10:40
ChilaquilesoCean: I can't run debian, how can I run that?10:40
amit121ActionParsnip: do they contain all the themes and softwares?10:40
thauriswulfaHELP:How do I close http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1931013676679&set=a.1836660677913.2099953.1282376812&type=1  this irritating window in libre office10:40
oCeanChilaquiles: quote: then it goes to a shell in debian10:40
van7huActionParsnip, I got spell, any other?10:41
NiSsomeone please help me with ATI graphic driver peoblems?10:41
pombaerActionParsnip: thx10:41
hiexpowow this is debiansupport now10:41
ChilaquilesoCean: When I try to log in into debian. but I just see a shell10:41
wrek-garNiS, scroogle.org  - search; alberto milone10:41
amit121ActionParsnip: where can I find the folders?10:41
kwtm2amit121: Thanks.  Need help with dependencies: apparently I've gotten into a circular dependency of some sort.  It says:  dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-runtime-data_4%3a4.4.5-0ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack): <newline> trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/apps/khelpcenter/searchhandlers/docbook.desktop', which is also in package khelpcenter4 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu110:42
ActionParsnipamit121: those will probably be in .themes or in gconf someplace, I'm not sure exactly where they are stored10:42
oCeanChilaquiles: my question was, did you re-run update-grub in ubuntu. That should run the os-prober, adding newly found os-es10:42
ActionParsnipvan7hu: is that what you desire though, you missed the question10:42
hexacodecan someone tell me wat is happening to my terminal when i type any word followed by "()" ..for example   type "hello()" into the terminal...what the hell is that happening after  you type that in and hit enter?10:42
kwtm2Apparently it won't install kdebase-runtime because that would clobber kde-helpcenter410:42
dr_willishex-code,  its expecting more input due to that being some sort of macro/alias/extended feature.10:42
lotuspsychjeany known bugs for natty on TKIP encryption disconnecting wifi?10:42
dr_willishexacode,  its expecting more input due to that being some sort of macro/alias/extended feature.10:42
ChilaquilesoCean: I ran it, Im still trying to figure out if that will work10:43
dr_willishexacode,  same as if ya did  ->  foo `10:43
ActionParsnipamit121: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1235248.html10:43
kwtm2But it won't remove kde-helpcenter4 because kubuntu-desktop depends on it.  Is there  a way I can tell it to remove kdehelpcenter4 even though kubuntu-desktop depends on it?10:43
van7huActionParsnip, yeah, I am just getting started with word games10:43
kwtm2Is there something like   apt-get accept-missing-dependency <dependent package>  <package I want to remove> ?10:43
hexacodedr_willis that only helps a little. i wanna know whats it waiting for me to do10:44
avernosthe volume icon with ubuntu classic login is gone, how can i reload it? the sound volume applet10:44
dr_willishexacode,  its a bash feature. why are you even using () that way?10:44
NiSwrek-gar: who is he? and how does that help?10:44
wceshexacode: it is waiting for you to define a shell function10:44
ChilaquilesoCean: But the last time I did it, it fixed it and then when I started debian, I had the grub problem again10:44
dr_willishexacode,  break out of it with CTRL-C10:44
dr_willisshell function - yea. thats the term.. :)10:44
NiSwrek-gar: oh automatic detection, but mine is detected and installed10:44
ActionParsnipvan7hu: http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2011/05/offline-dictionaries-in-ubuntu.html10:45
kwtm2hexacode: You are defining the function   hello  .   To find out more, ask in the  #bash  channel (but they are less newbie-friendly there)10:45
ChilaquilesoCean: I don't know if debian overwrittes the ubuntu grub when I start it10:45
hexacodeah ok10:45
dr_willisCheck the topic in #bash to find some docs/guides :)10:45
dr_willisChilaquiles,  i imagine by default it would install its own bootloader. thus overwriteing ubuntus' theres proberly some option to tell it to NOT install a bootloader.10:45
naxahow can i print on both sides of paper in lucid?10:46
amit121gmusic browser is amazing.. now using google image for cover art search, that was clever very clever.. most cover arts fetchers in other music player fail to fetch hindi sons covers10:46
amit121good music player!!10:46
ChotazIs it possible to run a script when the screensaver activates and shut it down when screensaver deactivates?(Folding)10:46
kwtm2If I type "apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop", will it just remove that package itself (while leaving alone all packages that depend on it) or will it start disassembling the entire distro (which depends on it)?  I just want to get rid of kde-helpcenter4 which is preventing the upgrading of my other components.10:46
ActionParsnipamit121: I use deadbeef. Its sweet10:47
oCeanChilaquiles: if you are working with 2 os'es that both install the grub in MBR, then the 2nd will write over the 1st install. You can start ubuntu, run update-grub, or even try running os-prober first (this will just list what OS'es are found on which partitions)10:47
dr_willisChotaz,  perhaps if using the xscreensavers instead of the gnome ones...10:47
lotuspsychjeamit121: screenshot looks nice, is it stable?10:47
dr_williskwtm2,  the *buntu-desktop psackatges are just meta-packages. removing them wont affect much10:47
amit121lotuspsychje: yes its great10:48
kwtm2dr_willis: Thanks.10:48
amit121ActionParsnip: I tried deadbeef but its only barebones10:48
van7huActionParsnip, thanks for the link10:48
amit121lotuspsychje: I dont know if its stable.. seems so10:48
amit121no reason to think it isnt10:48
ActionParsnipamit121: my main player is mplayer but deadbeef is good times10:48
Legend_Xeonhi there. I have two partitions on my hard disk viz. C: (40GB) and E: (60GB), in windows XP.  Now when i insert my Live CD during boot time and enter into cfdisk utility then it shows only 40GB NTFS drive only. What might be the problem?10:49
Chotazdr_willis, going to take a look at it, I cant have folding hogging my resources while im working thats why I was trying to run it alongside the screensaver, during inactive periods, thanks mate :10:49
amit121anyways its good eyecandy and easy navigation using coverarrts10:49
amit121also fetching art from google images.. it won me over10:49
ChilaquilesoCean: I did that but when I start debian, and then I restart the computer, it seems like now the grub changes because it says error: no such device10:49
ActionParsnipLegend_Xeon: does the 60Gb partition hold an OS?10:49
amit121fetching art cover of hindi songs from last.fm always failed!!10:49
amit121google image search is much more advanced and inclusive!10:50
dr_willisChotaz,  i thought the folding-service could do that allready.. even if the screensaver is not going.. it can sit in thebackground being nice and doing its work10:50
Legend_XeonActionParsnip, No. Its empty and i want to install Slackware onto that partition.10:50
amit121such small thing make big difference10:50
jakeriverdoes anyone know how to make nokia cs-17 mobilebroadband usb-flash to work with ubuntu?10:50
ActionParsnipLegend_Xeon: so you want XP and slackware by the end of the exercise?10:50
Legend_XeonYes. Dual boot :)10:50
ActionParsnipLegend_Xeon: so how does that releate to ubuntu?10:51
dr_willisLegend_Xeon,  so what live cd are you using right now?10:51
lotuspsychjeanyone knows a package to real-time view system logs?10:51
Legend_XeonSlackware 13.37 x86 DVD ISO10:52
dr_willislotuspsychje,  you can do 'tail -f /var/log/XXXXXXX'  or theres other logviewer apps out there.10:52
Guest23653hey i knw this is off topic but is a server board any good for gaming especially the ones with to cpu`s?10:52
lotuspsychjedr_willis: tnx10:52
dr_willisLegend_Xeon,  see what fdisk says about the drive. slackware is not ubuntu related you know. :)10:52
wolsGuest23653: ##hardware. identify to nickserv first10:52
Guest23653does anyone know?10:53
ActionParsnipLegend_Xeon: slackware isn't supported here. This is ubuntu support only]10:53
wceslotuspsychje: gnome-system-log if you prefer GUI10:53
karthick87How to set password for my samba share?10:53
dr_willisGuest23653,  games are more GPU limited these days the CPU limited.. so i doubt if it will matter much..10:53
ActionParsnipGuest23653: for games you want a big GPU, not so much processing10:53
Legend_Xeondr_willis, maybe this problem is related to cfdisk. Should i retort to gpart.10:53
Legend_Xeoni see10:53
ActionParsnipkarthick87: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER10:53
Legend_XeonThanks anyways10:53
dr_williskarthick87,  for what share?   you can set a default users samba password with the command above.10:54
Guest23653thx guys ur the best10:54
wcesLegend_Xeon: Retiorting won't work ;)10:54
jakeriverwhat should i do to get usb-modeswitch to work?10:54
Viking667really quick question:  Natty, grub2, and I want to change the grub2 background image. startupmanager doesn't show me any options to change the background that I can see, unless I'm not looking in the right place. Any hints?10:54
ActionParsnipjakeriver: if you run:  lsusb   then you will get an 8 character hex ID which can find you guides10:54
dr_willisViking667,  check the grub2 docs/wiki pages. You can ghange it by editing the config files.10:55
lotuspsychjedr_willis: tnx for the trick, terminal showing nicely logs in realtime10:55
ActionParsnipViking667: http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/p20/GRUB2%20Splashimages.html10:55
Viking667meh. Was wondering if there was a Ubuntu front end program to do that...10:55
Guest23653now i cant wait for the am3+ cpus to come out for sever imma make a 16 core beast10:55
Viking667but I'll take a look at that page. I was afraid of that.10:55
dr_willislotuspsychje,  theres  some color-tail tools out also to make the logs colorized.10:55
ActionParsnipViking667: why, it's not hard. Just backup the files before you play10:55
dr_willis!info color-tail10:55
ubottuPackage color-tail does not exist in natty10:55
dr_willishmm what was it called..10:55
Viking667... and the files get _replaced_ when the packages get updated.10:56
lotuspsychjedr_willis: im pretty happy already with my transparant terminal : )10:56
dr_willisViking667,  like haing a image you see for just a few seconds is worth that much effort.. :) but learning GRUB2 is worth the effort.10:56
Viking667... I could probably put a change into /etc/default/grub10:56
jakeriverActionParsnip: i got the hex ID but what should i do now?10:56
karthick87ActionParsnip: I have already executed that command. When i access my samba share from another machine. Its prompting for only password, i am not able to enter username there..10:56
ActionParsnipjakeriver: use it in websearches10:56
dr_willisViking667,  ive seen scripts/tools that sync the users wallpaper and grub2 background images :)10:56
Viking667well, the image supplied is already quite nice, but i wanted to replace it.10:56
jakeriverActionParsnip: ofcourse, sorry :)10:57
ActionParsnipkarthick87: from what OS are you connecting to it with?10:57
Viking667I'll go look up that webpage.10:57
dr_willisViking667,  and the grub2 configs do NOT get replaced when upgraded. unless you tell it to do so.10:57
karthick87ActionParsnip: Windows XP10:57
ActionParsnipkarthick87: map a network drive and you can specify username and password10:57
iCHoZeNhi bitches!10:58
hiexpodr_willis, what makes deadbeef so special   like over audacious     :010:58
oCeaniCHoZeN: do you have a support question?10:58
wrek-garhttp://paste.debian.net/120234/ <- anyone?10:58
dr_willishiexpo,  no idea. i rarely listen to muzak.10:58
dr_willistalk radio :)10:58
lotuspsychjedr_willis: does tail -f (follow) work for all txt based logs?10:58
karthick87ActionParsnip: No other way? have a look at my samba setup pls http://paste.ubuntu.com/628726/10:58
dr_willislotuspsychje, should work for any text file10:59
lotuspsychjedr_willis: sweet10:59
wols!info hostapd10:59
ubottuhostapd (source: hostapd): user space IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.6.10-2 (natty), package size 320 kB, installed size 832 kB10:59
wolswrek-gar: that's what you want10:59
dr_willislotuspsychje,  a few years back 'colorized logs in a transparent root terminal' window was a big 'eyecandy thing'10:59
hiexpodr_willis, oh was ActionParsnip that said it was weet sorry11:00
wcesdr_willis: Can I colorize the tail -f output?11:00
lotuspsychjedr_willis: i still love that stuff (transparant xchat and terminal11:00
dr_williswces,  theres tools to do it - yes11:00
iCHoZeNanyone know how to modify GRUB2 on 11.04?11:00
dr_willisI find transparent apps annoying. :)11:01
=== szal_ is now known as szal
ActionParsnipkarthick87: that's how I do it, it should ask for a username like this: http://lis.luther.edu/files/learn_NetworkShare_4.jpg11:01
dr_willis!info colortail11:01
ubottucolortail (source: colortail): log colorizer that makes log checking easier. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.3-1 (natty), package size 24 kB, installed size 144 kB11:01
dr_williscolordiff - tool to colorize 'diff' output   <------------- handy11:01
wcesubottu: thank you11:01
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:01
lotuspsychjelets try that :p11:01
dr_willissupercat - program that colorizes text for terminals and HTML11:02
wcesdr_willis: thanks11:02
dr_willismultitail - view multiple logfiles windowed on console11:02
dr_willisdozens of similer apps in the repos11:02
dr_willisroot-tail - Displays select log files in the X root window11:03
iCHoZeNmodify GRUB2 on 11.04? ='(11:03
dr_willisiCHoZeN,  alter the config files as needd.. rerun update-grub.11:03
lotuspsychjedr_willis: what about rss tail :p11:03
dr_willis!grub2 | iCHoZeN11:03
ubottuiCHoZeN: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:03
[elvis]hi! after  years of linux-lessness, iĀ“ll switch back today. iĀ“m wondering why the Ubuntu32-Bit-Download is "recommended" on http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download? Are there any drawbacks using the 64bit-version?11:03
dr_willis[elvis],  idiot proofing :) if you know the differance.. use what you need.11:04
lotuspsychje[elvis]: i use natty 64 and im real happy with it, yes recommended11:04
dr_willis[elvis],  a few  minor issues can exist on 64bit.11:04
wces[elvis]: I am on 64 bit natty11:04
BlouBlou[elvis]: Because if you don't know what to use, 32bit will work surelly, but not 64-bits11:04
dr_willis[elvis],  bottom line - use what suites you and your hardware.11:04
ActionParsnip[elvis]: some 3rd parties only support 32bit (some printer drivers and such)11:04
iCHoZeNyep i know what is grub2 i want to customize the grub11:04
ActionParsnipiCHoZeN: in what way?11:05
BlouBlou[elvis]: If you know that your PC will use 64-bits, use it then11:05
naxa[elvis], i also think that it's just the equivalent of "if you're unsure please select 32bit..."11:05
dr_willisiCHoZeN,  so edit the grub2 configs.11:05
dr_willisactual question?11:05
naxa[elvis], although i never had a 64 bit cpu11:05
dr_willisGrub2 on ubuntu - dosent support 'themes' as far as ive seen.11:05
ActionParsnipiCHoZeN: http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/p20/GRUB2%20Splashimages.html11:05
[elvis]i started in Ā“99 with SuSE 6.1 , there where no 64bit-desktop-pcĀ“s :-)11:05
dr_willischangeing the background image is doable.11:05
dr_willis[elvis],  its came a long way11:05
Viking667whew. I'm done, I think.11:05
Viking667made it easy.11:06
ActionParsnipdon't see the point in theming grub, its on the screen all of 2 seconds11:06
karthick87Actionparsnip: It is asking for username and password, but i am not able to enter username coz it is greyed out..11:06
wcesI have a wubi linux, but after kernel updates wubi cannot read my grub.cfg and drops into command-line, what might be the reason for that?11:06
Viking667 /etc/default/grub, BACKGROUND_IMAGE="/here/is/the/image"; update-grub11:06
[elvis]so, thank you very much, iĀ“ll try the 64bit version, i donĀ“t think that i need special drivers.11:06
ActionParsnipkarthick87: weird, all I can suggest is mapping the drive. Could try restarting the smbd service11:06
iCHoZeNwatch this --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBCR0jVzMFs11:06
dr_willisViking667,  i alwqays set mine to be /boot/grub/image.png   so i can easially find/change it.11:06
ValierothAnyone that knows how to get a VPN client working when all i have is WICD? Kvpnc doesnt wanna play with me :S11:06
iCHoZeNi need a tut for 11.0411:07
Viking667yup yup, only problem is, I would need to remember to copy it in all the time.11:07
Viking667anyhow, I'm off. Thanks for the help11:07
dr_willisViking667,  copy what in it? :)11:07
szaltoo late ;)11:07
ActionParsnipiCHoZeN: that's burg, which isn't grub no r is it supported here11:07
dr_willisso unsupported.. theres not even a factoid on it. :)11:07
szal!info burg11:08
ubottuPackage burg does not exist in natty11:08
iCHoZeNyep burg but doesnt work on 11.0411:08
dr_willisive not heard a lot of good things about Burg11:08
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:08
dr_willisive never had it work on other releases either11:08
bhghhnew to ubuntu. still feels a bit like a work in progress. unfinished.11:08
ActionParsnipiCHoZeN: BURG is not discussed here11:08
dr_willisbhghh,  comptueres and operating systems are always a work in progress..11:08
bhghhno easily acessible program list like windows start menu11:09
lotuspsychjedr_willis: colortail looks very nice tnx11:09
dr_willisbhghh,  what release are you using? theres a list at the top left..  windows 8 is also going  away from the start-menu route.11:09
ActionParsnipiCHoZeN: #burg maybe11:09
bhghhi have a problem. i downloaded 3 programs unhide, chkrootkit and rkthunter but cant find them in any installed program list11:09
wcesWubi problem: grub drops into commandline mode unable to read grub.cfg, I've to manually type in the grub load commands then it works11:09
cnaubottu,  simply type in the console: grub update11:10
ubottucna: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:10
ActionParsnipiCHoZeN: considering its on the screen very little, why would you want to use a 3rd party app when the official and supported app does the job?11:10
bhghhsomeone said they run from console gnome but what is that when its at home and where do i find it11:10
wolsbhghh: last two are only on console so they don't show in any menu11:10
wolsbhghh: open a x terminal and run them there11:10
wolsbhghh: like in windows if you open cmd.exe11:10
bhghhi have unity from a mag.11:10
dr_willisbhghh,  time to learn some terminal skills it seems like. start by running 'gnome-terminal' and pin it to the launcher.. you will want  quick access to it.11:10
szalcna: 1. you were talking to a bot; 2. you were talking nonsense11:10
ashwinI copied everything in my home folder and reinstalled kubuntu.How can i replace new home folder by old one?11:11
wolsashwin: just copy it over11:11
dr_willisashwin,  copy it back. as root if needed.. and chown it to be owned by yiour new user.11:11
bhghhcan i find gnome terminal in search11:11
wolsashwin: and log out and log in again11:11
dr_willisbhghh,  type in gnome-terminal   and yes...11:11
ActionParsnipbhghh: press CTRL+ALT+T and it will run11:11
iCHoZeNCTRL + ALT + T11:11
benonsoftwareAnything I could help with?11:11
dr_willisbhghh,  or alt-f2 gnome-terminal11:11
bhghhah thanks doing it now11:11
wolsbhghh: gnome terminal is in your "start menu"11:11
ashwinno is not coping11:11
iCHoZeNapplications -> accesories >terminal11:12
wolsashwin: then there is an error you need to tell us11:12
lotuspsychjedr_willis: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/171/colortail.png/11:12
bhghhhave terminal up11:12
pksadiqwols: start menu ? :o11:12
cnawas typed as a note:)11:12
bhghhwhat do i type in it11:12
wolspksadiq: note the quotes?11:12
cnaI saw11:12
cna 11:12
dr_willisbhghh,  whatever command/tool you were wanting to use.11:12
wolsbhghh: r"khunter" for example11:12
pksadiqwols: well, still thinking of windows ? ;)11:13
dr_willis!terminal | bhghh11:13
ubottubhghh: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:13
bhghhok thanks11:13
bhghhoh yes a list of commands for it came up11:13
wolspksadiq: if you are in a hole, stop digging. you dig mighty fast right now. do you have a ubuntu related problem?11:13
ashwinaccess denied /home/ashwin/.kde/share/apps/kate/plugins11:13
bhghhis it running in background auto or do i need to 'turn it on'11:14
sarithow does modprobe know to load "i2c-piix4.ko" when I type "modprobe i2c_piix4"?11:14
ActionParsnipsarit: its the same name11:14
wolssarit: it has a list of all modules for the kernel made with depmod -a11:14
dr_williswant the classic menu in Unity ---> http://www.florian-diesch.de/software/classicmenu-indicator/11:14
odixcan someone help me get thsi box online11:14
odixim in the command line11:15
ActionParsnipodix: how do you connect?11:15
wolsodix: how do you intend to connect?11:15
odixits ubuntu server edition...plesae...been trying for hours... its dhcp11:15
ActionParsnipodix: wired or wireless............11:15
odixthernet chord is connected11:15
saritalmost the same name... slight difference: underscore and dash...11:15
wolsodix: ifconfig -a11:15
bhghhjust one thing. y does windows have registry keys and ubuntu doesnt. what do they do that ubuntu doesnt need11:15
wcesodix: dhcp server or client?11:15
bigmahatmaI cannot visit a certain url, while it is accessible by another computer on the my wifi lan. WHY???11:15
odixit says11:15
odixand eth011:15
ActionParsnipodix: ok, if you run:  sudo lshw -C network     you can view the product line for the wired connection, what does it say?11:15
wolsbhghh: windows is OLD. and the registry is not exactly good engineering. gnome has something similar in gconf but smaller in scope11:16
wolsodix: and sudo dhclient eth0   does what?11:16
odixsays pci sysfs11:16
odixthast it11:16
ActionParsnipodix: wait a while, it will give text11:16
dr_williswindows smashed all the old 'individual config files' into one  disaster of a single config file. :)11:16
odixthen DISABLED11:16
wcesbigmahatma: try doing tracepath url11:17
odixthernet interface disabled11:17
ActionParsnipodix: yes but what is the product line?11:17
wols!errors | bigmahatma11:17
ubottubigmahatma: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message11:17
bhghhhmm should have studied more. i was put off computers for life after someone gave me a spectrum 48k and a book on machine code and assembly language11:17
bigmahatmawols: nothing to paste, it just says connection refused11:17
odixgigabit ethernet adapter11:17
szal!enter | odix11:17
ubottuodix: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:17
odixsorry, why is it disabled ?11:18
wcesbigmahatma: Is the other machine on the same network?11:18
ActionParsnipodix: well we can see now, give me a sec11:18
bigmahatmawces: yes11:18
[elvis]bye and thanks11:18
dr_willisbhghh,  i stll jhave a timex sinclare. :)11:18
bigmahatmawces: tracepath says "gethostbyname2: unknown host", but it does the same also with google.com11:19
wcesbigmahatma: and you are able to connect to it from other hosts?11:19
ActionParsnipodix: try:   sudo ifup eth011:19
wolsbigmahatma: your DNS is broken then. do you use dhcp?11:19
bigmahatmawces: yes11:19
odixukmown interface11:19
bigmahatmaif my dns is borken, why can the other PC visit the site?11:20
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ActionParsnipodix: ok what is the output of:  lsb_release -d11:20
saritodix: module not loaded?11:20
wolsbigmahatma: the dns setup on that machine is11:20
bhghhok the list of commands in the terminal have come up for rootkit hunter. eg -v, --version   display version number, then exit. sorry to sound stupid but is that what you type in -v. is the program now running in the console11:20
wcesbigmahatma: Is there some firewall running on the server?11:21
ActionParsnipodix: found this: http://www.viaarena.com/displaydrivers.aspx?Drivers.aspx?PageID=1&OSID=35&CatID=2860&SubCatID=130&Old=111:21
bigmahatmawols: it's set to automatic, so it should work11:21
wolsActionParsnip: if there is no eth0 entry in interfaces.... hence why I asked for dhclient011:21
bigmahatmawces: no11:21
wolsbigmahatma: nslookup google.com11:21
wols*dhclient eth0  rather11:21
odixso i just need drivers ?11:22
ChillanceI got stutter and bad quality when rendering x264 movies using kdenlive 0.8... so, I uninstalled pulseaudio.. and have no sound11:22
wolsActionParsnip: don't give out bad advice like this please11:22
odixubuntu doesnt have them ?11:22
wolsodix: no11:22
bigmahatmawols: wols nslookup works both with google and with my site11:22
wolsbigmahatma: and telnet google.com 80  ?11:22
dr_williswhy does everyone think 'removeing pulse audio' is a fix? :)11:22
odixok...so im confused...i just want to be able to get on the internet htats all, this is weird usually ubuntu does this for me.11:22
bigmahatmawols:  also11:22
szalChillance: what's Pulse got to do w/ bad encoding?11:22
wolsodix: I asked you something above, plase answer11:22
Chillanceaccording to Internet that was the bad guy11:23
ActionParsnipwols: if the driver isn't loaded then eth0 wouldn't be upable11:23
odixwhat did you ask i dont see it ?11:23
bhghhhmm will fiddle...11:23
Chillancedo you have other suggestions?11:23
ActionParsnipodix: try:   sudo modprobe via-velocity11:23
ChillanceI can reinstall pulseaudio..11:23
wolsActionParsnip: if the driver i sn't loaded there is no eth0 in the first place, duh11:23
ActionParsnipwols: yes, hence the link to the driver...11:23
wolsActionParsnip: but there is a eth0. he told us so11:23
ChillanceI was hoping it would default to ALSO.. but apparently not11:24
ActionParsnipwols: lets see how this goes, according to hadware4linux it uses via-velocity11:24
odixactionparsnip: that worked...no errors...now ?11:24
wolsActionParsnip: and before you tell people to download drivers for 5-10 year old common nics, better check there really isn't a driver for it in the kernel...11:24
ActionParsnipodix: cool, now try: sudo dhclient3 eth011:24
ActionParsnipwols: its just something I found, its a step towards the solution11:25
odixfailed to get attributes: no such file or directory for resolv.conf11:25
wolsodix: how did you install that there is no resolv.con? is there really no /etc/resolv.conf? no /etc/resolvconf/ either?11:26
odixok not it worked11:26
odixsecond tiem i typed it11:26
FloodBot1odix: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:26
odixsorry for multiple lines!11:26
odixim up, thanks11:27
wolsmake sure it comes up next time too by writing a proper /etc/network/interfaces entry11:27
ActionParsnipodix: ok cool, what is the output of:  file /etc/resolv.conf11:28
odixdomain, search. nameserver, nameserver11:28
odixlinksys.com first tweo, 208* ip second to11:28
ActionParsnipodix: ok cool. I recommend you run:  sudo nano /etc/modules   and at the bottom of the file add a new line with:  via-velocity   and it will load the module at boot11:29
JAdlsCould somebody walk me through this?: http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Xfce/Tasklist_fixed_width I don't understand it11:29
wols< wols> odix: ifconfig -a < odix> it says  < odix> lo < odix> and eth011:29
ActionParsnipJAdls: are you using Ubuntu?11:30
JAdlsyes ActionParsnip11:30
bananstolim having trouble with wireless on ubuntu 11.04, installed ndiswrapper and now ubuntu has wlan0 listed in iwconfig, i can choose network, but when i try to connect to my wireless it comes up a box with "wireless network authentication required." there is a dropdown box labeled "wireless security," but it's grayed out11:30
wolsbananstol: what wlan chip?11:30
bananstolwpa2 btw11:30
ActionParsnipJAdls: portage in Ubuntu?11:31
dr_willisJAdls,  thats compiling from source with some modifi cations.. none of those directions will work in ubuntu i imagine..11:31
ActionParsnipodix: all good?11:31
JAdlsidk ā”('ļ½ž`ļ¼›)ā”Œ ActionParsnip Im using xfce and I'm trying to get a feature back but i dont understand that guide11:31
odixyep, now just oing to download xwindows, thanks11:31
wrek-garis there something that will display the wireless driver for a usb connected wifi adapter?11:31
dr_willisJAdls,  you get the proper source. do the edit they want. then compile it.11:31
wolsActionParsnip: he needs to patch the xfce panel to perform like he wants to. this howto assumes portage but it would (probably) work with apt-get source and patch just as well11:32
bananstolit's a n agere systems chip11:32
ActionParsnipodix: why install xwindows on a server?11:32
JAdlsI'm a noob dr_willis11:32
JAdlsI dont understand how11:32
ActionParsnipwols: makes sense, just curious of the link11:32
dr_willisJAdls,  i doubt if anyone can walk you through it either.11:32
odixbecause i need to, and hm, it wont let me11:32
odixsaying unable to locate11:32
JAdlswhy dr_willis11:32
dr_willisJAdls,  it would proberly take a few hrs to teach you how to do it all..11:32
dr_willisits not a trivial task11:32
ActionParsnipodix: why not just install desktop OS?11:32
saritJAdls: the ubuntu way to get the source: apt-get source <package>11:32
odixaction: cause we screwed up11:33
ActionParsnipodix: i see11:33
JAdlsIs there an easier way to do that dr_willis ?11:33
wolsJAdls: short version, you get the source of the xfce panel, patch it with the patch shown there (and pray that patch applies cleanly) then create the .deb of xfce panel which you then install and set on hold so nothing else overwrites it11:33
ActionParsnipodix: I recommend you run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade11:33
odixwhy is nto finding any packages?11:33
dr_willisJAdls,  i dont use xfce. so no idea. for all we know there may be a checkbox now that does it..11:33
wolsodix: your sources.list is probably empty since you had no network11:33
dr_willisJAdls,  ask in #xubuntu and check the xfce channels/homepage11:33
ActionParsnipodix: you didn't run apt-get update   this updates the packaging knownledge of what is available11:33
JAdlsok dr_willis11:34
dr_willisJAdls,  or just get used to the current behaivor.11:34
dr_willisand put the time into learning more linux fundamentals11:34
benedicthi, i use conky and see that the speed of my cpu is changign all the time. are such high frequent changes harmful?11:34
bananstolAgere Wireless Mini PCI Card11:34
wolsbananstol: it has a PCI ID then, which?11:34
saritbenedict: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_frequency_scaling11:35
dr_willisbenedict,  you dont want the cpu slow when you need it.. :) and you dont want it fast when you dont need it.. so no.. i doubt if its an issue11:35
wolsbenedict: no. needed to save power, especially on a notebook11:35
ActionParsnipbenedict: should be ok11:35
Sidewinder1JAdls, If you want to compile in ubuntu please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware?highlight=%28%28CompilingEasyHowTo%29%2911:35
JAdlsI dont understand it at all Sidewinder1 I dont know how to compile let alone follow them steps. I just want that feature back >.<11:36
domenicohi there11:36
domenicoi need some help11:36
domenicohow can i transfer file from ubuntu to my mac partition?11:37
dr_willisJAdls,   but is it worth a few hrs of time.. and learning a lot of things...11:37
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE11:37
domenicois there anybody who could please help me?11:37
inashdeenhi, need a help, how do u cp a whole directory into another directory using terminal11:37
JAdlsI dont have a few hours dr_willis. Im just trying to get one simple feature back11:37
dr_williscan ubuntu wrte to hfs+? i dident think it could11:37
inashdeensecond, how do u create menu entries using existing .desktop using terminal too. great thanks everyone!11:37
BlouBlouIf I install ubuntu 11.10 alpha/beta/or-whatever-version-it-is, will it get updated automatically to final release with normal updates or will I need to reinstall the whole system?11:38
dr_willisJAdls,  guess you do without.  interfaces/guis change.. thats just how life is.. check the xfce forums there may be a easier way to get the feature back11:38
ActionParsnipinashdeen: cp -r folder destination folder11:38
saritinashdeen: cp -prv /wholedirectory /into/another/directory/11:38
JAdlshmk dr_willis11:38
dr_willisJAdls,  for all wee know that Gentoo wiki is outdated and no longer the easy way to fix it.11:38
ActionParsnipinashdeen: you can make a copy of the file in /usr/share/applications and change the text to do as you wish11:38
inashdeensarit: what is difference between -prv or -r. which is better?11:39
dr_willisJAdls,  theres the askubuntu.com site. and the ubuntu forums also  you may want to search, and post the question11:39
sarit-p preserve file rights -r recursive -v verbose, print filenames11:39
inashdeenActionparnsnip: i am thinking of running an auto icon installer using bash. so, how do i do it?11:39
sarit-prv is equivalent to -p -r -v11:39
dr_willisauto icon installer? does what exactly inashdeen ?11:40
ActionParsnipinashdeen: I'd have either a file to copy in, or the text in the script to output to the file.11:40
domenicois there anybody who could tell me how to transfer files from a partition to another?11:40
domenicothis is my first day on ubuntu and I am having a very hard time11:40
dr_willisdomenico,  what filesystems are the partitions?11:40
JAdlswell dr_willis is there a way to use the old xfce instead of the newer version?11:41
inashdeendr_willis : i did this to install my BUC written software. sudo cp ~/fileA/program.mc /usr/bin.   next, i want to have the programA.desktop file in menu11:41
dr_willisJAdls,  no idea. I dont use xfce at all.. i perfer Lubuntu/lxde.11:41
inashdeendr_willis: please dont ask me to use deb. given up tring to use it. besides, i am trying to make the dependencies in .deb files to be installed together11:42
dr_willisdomenico,  macs normally use HFS or HFS+ - i dont own a mac. so no idea if you can write to HFS/HFS+ under ubuntu11:42
inashdeenActionparsnip: i dont understand.come again11:42
wolsJAdls: you can install the old one manually. if it works. big if11:42
oliver3So I'm running the latest Ubuntu on a relatively well powered machine, yet every time I install updates it slows to a crawl. I can't even move the mouse, anyone know if this is a known issue?11:42
domenicoyeah it's an HFS11:42
mark7845can anyone tell me what command I should use to tell what graphics driver I am currently using?11:42
domenicowhat am i supposed to do then?11:42
wolsmark7845: glxinfo11:43
oliver3Relatively well powered is Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, 2GB DDR2 RAM @ 1066MHz, ATI Radeon HD 4670 1GB VRAM11:43
dr_willisinashdeen,  you copy various .desktop files to a users  home like -->  /home/willis/.local/share/applications  if you want the user to have an icon.  theres a system wide directory for a similer task.11:43
wolsoliver3: run "top" besides your updates install and check what is causing the problem. it sounds a bit like non-dma disk access11:43
oliver3wols, thanks, next time I do an update I'll do that.11:43
dr_willisdomenico,  its very likely you cant write to HFS or HFS+ you should put the file on a NTFS. or some service like dropbox. would be the easy route11:44
oliver3wols, shocked I didn't think of that myself to be honest11:44
domenicothe only problem is that we are talking about a 35 gb file11:44
* oliver3 checks if DMA is enabled11:44
mark7845wols: also select the fastest mirror to DL from11:44
dr_willisdomenico,  mac may have some tools to read ext2/3/411:44
wolsmark7845: what are you refering to? to oliver3's problem? your suggestion is nonsense11:45
dr_willisI dont own a mac any more. so cant really suggest more.11:45
wolsdomenico: try a VM. can vbox run OSX guests on a Mac?11:45
mark7845wols apologies that was for oliver311:45
wolsmark7845: your suggestion is still nonsense11:45
inashdeendr_willis: when i put the .desktop there, where will the icon come in the menu? i am using gnome classic btw11:46
dr_willisinashdeen,  its supposed to - yes.11:46
wolsmark7845: cause no matter how slow a network mirror is, it doesn't slow down the client machine so it can't move the mouse?11:46
dr_willisinashdeen,  thats also where all the wine apps get their icons put :)11:46
codinGenesis:( still unable to download some torrent files in ubuntu but they work exactly fine on win 7 utorrent !!!  Trying from morning to sort this prob out but no success !! :(11:46
jebusi just installed 11.04 and im trying to pull the backtrack 5 repos, any tips??11:47
mark7845wols, Sorry I thought it was just DL speed he was talking about. Missed the bit about the mouse.11:47
dr_willisjebus,  i would suggest not doing that.. you can break ubuntu.11:47
wolsdr_willis: there is no "can" about it, he will break it11:47
jebusmeh, i break it all the time its nothing new11:47
oliver3wols, whenever I run hdparm on /dev/sda (my primary HDD) I get "* failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device", no matter what the query is11:47
jebusand im just installing tools11:47
oliver3wols, don't suppose you know what causes that?11:47
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
Sidewinder1!backtrack > jebus11:47
ubottujebus, please see my private message11:47
dr_willisjebus,  then go ahead..  dont expect much support here from it.11:47
strami have the new ubuntu, you know, the most annoying one yet, with gnome installed. so i gotta ask, what's the difference between the minimize and close button now?11:48
sundarhi folks, I'm not able to hibernate my system after the latest update, did anyone else have this problem?11:48
wolsjebus: edit your sources.list with the backtrack repos. but never ask for help here again when it will break. btw: BT5 is very badly made. lots of brokennes, doesn't even boot properly11:48
oliver3wols, e.g., HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device11:48
dr_willisMinimize and close do the same thing they have always done...11:48
wolsoliver3: what SATA controller? what disks, cables all working as they should?11:48
stramreally? i hit close and it minimizes the window.11:48
ActionParsnipstram: they are the same as they have always been...11:48
dr_willisstram,  they work fine here...11:48
jebusoh no im not looking for support, just tips...wondering if anyone else has done it, im pretty linux savy...just having problems iwth the keys11:48
stramit's like i'm on a faggot mac or some shit11:48
dr_willischeck yoru theme i guess...11:48
codinGenesiswould be like my firewall in ubuntu would be preventing this transmission client to work seamlessly  ??11:49
ActionParsnipstram: are you fully updated?11:49
jebusugh i gota get rid of this unity crap11:49
wolsjebus: that is not exactly on topic here. and the tip is easy: don't do stupid things like that11:49
dr_williscodinGenesis,  theres no default firewall rules.. by default11:49
stramActionParsnip: why the hell would i update again? isn't this linux? it's a clone of a 1969 operating system called UNIX.11:49
dr_williscodinGenesis,  and how long did you let transmission run?11:49
jebuswols: whats with the hostility? sorry, i won't bring it up again, didn't mean to cause drama11:49
saritjebus: choose Ubuntu classic at the login screen11:49
ActionParsnipstram: no, like system updates to get the latest packages for your release11:49
ActionParsnipstram: calm down11:49
stramwhat, did they update the "ls" command?11:50
jebussarit: haha, i know...forgot to on first login11:50
oliver3wols, Intel 82801JI (ICH10 Family) (from lspci), Samsung 640GB SATA II HDD. SATA controller is onboard an Asus P5QL11:50
stramcoreutils has some striking new features?11:50
codinGenesisdr_willis,  it run well over about an hour !! I tried every possible transmission client but facing prob in all of them...!! :(11:50
jebusmy internet connection is hating life...haha11:50
dr_williscodinGenesis,  for the 1000th time.. its not a 'transmission' client.. its a 'torrent' client...11:50
wolsjebus: we don't like people breaking their ubuntu or installing stuff from other distros. ask #linux about that for example. we only support ubuntu, not backtrack11:50
codinGenesissorry "torrent client"11:51
Sidewinder1codinGenesis, I don't use Transmission, but perhaps you need to configure it to listen on the ports you have opened in your router.11:51
dr_williscodinGenesis,  and ive never noticed a simile rissue in any of them.    unless your torrent seeds are some how blocking spefific clients.. which is a possibility i guess11:51
stramyou guys should update coreutils, there's a huge problem with it. it actually fucking works11:51
wolsoliver3: if you can, replace the cable? check maybe a knoppix or other live cd to test the connection? do a long smartctl test?11:51
dr_williscodinGenesis,  poste the problem torrent somewhere for us to check out. and lets see if others have simile rissues.11:51
tsimpsonstram: watch your language and attitude in here11:51
jebuswols: thats understandable...i have a habit of messing with stuff though, thats why ubuntu is so amazing, so is this channel just for support?11:51
oliver3wols, hdparm -i works, according to that udma6 is enabled11:51
inashdeendr_willis: i tried putting it in ~/.local/share/applications, but it doesnt seem to be in my menu. what did i done wrong? and here is the setting in my .desktop :11:51
inashdeen#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open  [Desktop Entry] Name=record my keyboard Comment=Merekod semua input keyboard anda! Exec=~/.recordmykeyboard-0.1.0/recordmykeyboard Icon=/usr/share/recordmykeyboard/icons/recordmykeyboard.png Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=true Categories=GNOME;GTK;Accessories;Security; Name[en_US]=Record my keyboard.desktop11:51
stramyou know, there was a time when i thought i didn't have to do tedious shit myself, like install linux from scratch11:52
dr_willisinashdeen,  you may need to somehow refresh the menus.11:52
strambut ubuntu manages to prove me wrong every fucking time11:52
ActionParsnipstram: you don't11:52
* dr_willis waves bye.11:52
wolsoliver3: but "HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device" says otherwise :)11:52
codinGenesisdr_willis,  this is the link of that torrent   -     http://torrentz.eu/784b9ec23f276a46f0b2dc19ff248287b82062f611:52
jebusanyone have any experience with using yubikeys on ubuntu?11:53
sundarhi all, the hibernate option has gone off from my session menu, and cmd line hibernate commands are also not working... any suggestions please?11:53
dr_williscodinGenesis,  its working in transmission here.11:53
oliver3wols, okay I'll try switching the cable when I get the time, thanks for your help.11:54
dr_williscodinGenesis,  from -> http://www.torrentdownloads.net/torrent/1652893799/Linux+Format+-+August+201111:54
wolsoliver3: it might not be the cable. can't really say what it is, I just suggested things to try to pinpoint the problem11:54
dr_williscodinGenesis,  its done. :)11:54
codinGenesisis the file downloading and are u getting speed ???11:54
oliver3wols, yeah I know. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.11:54
dr_williscodinGenesis,  its alrleady done downloaded....11:55
dr_williswas only 66mb.11:55
dr_williscodinGenesis,  so in 11.04 - transmission - did work..11:56
dr_willisbbl - gotta run to the store.11:56
=== lilstevie is now known as lilstevie|ZNC
codinGenesisdr_willis,  downloaded from that site but still it doesn't works in transmission...11:56
codinGenesisno seeds11:57
oliver3wols, oh... apparently SATA drives don't use DMA/UDMA anyway...11:57
codinGenesiseverything is zero ....11:57
dr_willisi am seeding to 5 people here..11:57
codinGenesisthere might be some prob wiith my ubuntu installation ???11:57
oliver3wols, which is probably why hdparm reports it as unsupported.11:57
wolsoliver3: they sure do. it's named differently but they definitely don't ues programmed IO :)11:57
dr_willisbbl. gotta get some foods.11:57
ActionParsnipcodinGenesis: does your router support upnp?11:57
drbobbWTF, all of a sudden I can't switch off the damn touchpad on my lenovo11:58
oliver3wols, not programmed, but not DMA either. Apparently DMA was just used on PATA devices.11:58
Romney12Like individual mandate Obamacare, an agressive foreign policy, and the rest of Barack Obama's policies?  Are you nervous around Black people but still like Obama's policies?  Then vote for Mitt Romney, the White Barack Obama!11:58
wolsdrbobb: BIOS always can. and that's the only place you want to do it :)11:58
codinGenesisdr_willis,  i am getting an error that tracker didn't respond11:58
drbobbwols: it used to work not long ago!!11:58
wolsoliver3: they do, cause there are only two choices: use busmaster DMA or programmed IO via the CPU, and no SATA disk want to use PIO11:58
codinGenesisActionParsnip,  i don't have router it is connected to modem11:58
Sidewinder1!ot > Romney1211:59
ubottuRomney12, please see my private message11:59
drbobbwols: there's a key combo to toggle the pad on/off, and it was working11:59
ActionParsnipcodinGenesis: ah, that takes that complexity out of the equation11:59
codinGenesisis there ny solution ???11:59
saritoliver3: wols is right about this :-) my SATA drive currently uses udma611:59
codinGenesisis there some prob with my ubuntu installation ??11:59
oliver3sarit, wols okay I'll have to do more research into it :P12:00
knoppiesI want to run synergyc klap.local when the login prompt loads (so that I can type in my password and hit enter). Does anybody know how to get a this (or a shell script) to run at the login window?12:00
ActionParsnipcodinGenesis: tried other clients?12:00
codinGenesisi tried possibly all the other clients facing similar prob !!112:01
codinGenesisbut similar torrent file works totally fine on windows12:01
ActionParsnipcodinGenesis: yikes, is your provider throttling torrents?12:01
ActionParsnipi see12:01
drbobburrrgh I'm totally unable to type with the *%@## touchpad on12:02
codinGenesisit might be due to changes in the firewall settings ???12:02
wolscodinGenesis: there is no firewall settings by default. sudo iptables -L  to see for yourself12:03
codinGenesisshould i install ubuntu again ???12:04
wolscodinGenesis: no12:05
illmortalAnyone know how to install a Linksys AE1000 driver? I'm following a few different tutorials.. I can see it in my list of network adapters.. but seems like it doesn't pick up my wireless network12:05
codinGenesiswhat should i do i can't understand, i have lots of things to be get downloaded form torrentz12:05
wolsillmortal: what wlan chip does it use?12:06
ActionParsnipillmortal: if you run:  lsusb  you will get a hex ID, what is it?12:07
codinGenesisdo proxy settings affect torrent clients ??12:07
ActionParsnipcodinGenesis: could try a windows client in wine12:07
ActionParsnipcodinGenesis: yes they will12:07
illmortalhmm.. not sure what you're asking..  I just know the module is a rt2870sta12:07
codinGenesisbut as i enable proxy i am unable to log into ubuntu servers, they tell u are banned because you have open proxy12:08
codinGenesisi am stuck from both the sides...12:08
illmortalActionParsnip: Bus 001 Device 002: ID 13b1:002f Linksys AE1000 v1 802.11n [Ralink RT2870]12:08
wolscodinGenesis: depends on the kind of proxy. e.g. a http proxy doesn't12:10
wolscodinGenesis: then I suggest you fix your proxy configuration. running an open proxy is very very bad and can get you in legal trouble12:11
tjiggi_foillmortal, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176169712:11
ActionParsnipillmortal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1621022   seems comprehensive12:12
passwordƮƵ ƫƮƫ12:13
oCean!ru | password12:14
ubottupassword: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° ŠæŠ¾ŃŠµŃ‚ŠøтŠµ #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:14
codinGenesiswols: how to correct those things...??12:14
=== lilstevie|ZNC is now known as lilstevie
wolscodinGenesis: depends on the proxy you use12:14
codinGenesishow can i know which proxy i am using ??12:14
passwordI hate ubuntu =)12:15
shiftingcontrolMy 11.04 fails to boot mbr,grub doesn't display menu option .what can i do ?error message http://askubuntu.com/questions/49223/grub-doesnt-load-in-11-0412:15
wols< codinGenesis> but as i enable proxy i am unable to log into ubuntu servers, <- you apparently know how to enable it. so either you or someone you can contact can fix the config12:15
BlouBloupassword: ubuntu hates you12:15
passwordBlouBlou aahhaahah XD12:15
passwordBlouBlou +112:16
oCeanpassword: do you have a support question?12:16
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: what if you hold shift at boot?12:16
codinGenesiswols: i just tried myself with network settings and got the thing working but technically i don't know, how and what works12:16
shiftingcontrolActionParsnip: I haven't tried12:16
ActionParsnipusername as password is a bit of a headjob12:16
passwordoCean no =\12:16
bazhangpassword, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat NOT here12:16
shiftingcontrolActionParsnip: http://askubuntu.com/questions/49223/grub-doesnt-load-in-11-04 here is my problem12:17
passwordbazhang =)12:17
Mikey1337What kind of pass is bazhang ?12:17
saritshiftingcontrol: something's wrong inside your initrd scripts12:17
shiftingcontrolsarit:yes yes,if i replace initrd scripts manually it will work ?12:18
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: all I can suggest is boot to liveCD to reinstate grub212:18
passwordof here are big and clever uncle12:18
saritshiftingcontrol: replace with what? initrd scripts from a similar machine, similar install: probably yes12:18
Mikey1337you need to reinstate grub212:18
shiftingcontrolActionParsnip: i tried that too "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/d56c75ad-4527-4115-97d9-b17524084651/boot/dev/sda" this one failed12:19
passwordbazhang not to do =)12:19
wolsshiftingcontrol: your problem is not grub12:19
saritdon't think grub is the issue here, as the boot process is already loading the kernel and the initrd12:19
shiftingcontroland i replaced root-directory with boot-directory too12:19
bazhangpassword, thats enough. stop.12:20
shiftingcontrolwols: then ?12:20
wolsthe creation of your initial ramdisk is12:20
shiftingcontrolMikey1337: how to do that ,i tried too12:20
passwordbazhang I just told the truth12:20
shiftingcontrolwols:initrd fails ,12:21
Mikey1337shifting control : you want to reinstate grub2 ?12:21
saritshiftingcontrol: boot the pc with a livecd, usb or something else, mount root file system, use mkinitrd to rebuild your initrd12:21
Mikey1337yes !!!12:21
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shiftingcontrolMikey1337,sarit:right now i am using 11.04 from liveusb ,now what should i do ?12:21
Mikey1337live cd, mount root, mkinitrd12:22
shiftingcontroland i mounted12:22
saritchroot into the directory you mounted your root filesystem12:22
wolsMikey1337: and this works without a chroot?12:22
Mikey1337shifting control what is your main objective here ?12:22
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin712:22
saritbtw, if you have a separate /boot partition, make sure you mounted that one too12:23
shiftingcontrolMikey1337: i want to boot my pc normally12:23
kkksppppneone understand ubuntu commands12:23
bazhangkkkspppp, ask a real question12:24
kkksppppi am trying to gain root priveledges with su in console12:24
Mikey1337so your saying its all jacked up huh.... anything missing in the boot ?12:24
szalkkkspppp: and speak real English ;)12:24
dr_williskkkspppp,  use sudo, not su12:24
bazhang!sudo > kkkspppp12:24
ubottukkkspppp, please see my private message12:24
kkksppppit asks for password which i type in12:24
Mikey1337most systems have default as root/toor12:25
Goliathwhere are the config files to start daemons in ubuntu12:25
kkksppppthe logon password (which doesnt appear, the cursor doesnt even move actually) but it says wrong passworld12:25
szalpassword: lol, nick fail :P12:25
oCeanMikey1337: don't be silly12:25
dr_willisGoliath,  /etc/init for the most part. see the service command12:25
io!sudo | kkkspppp12:25
ubottukkkspppp: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:25
Goliathdr_willis: what about /etc/rc1.d rc2 etc?12:25
dr_williskkkspppp,  use sudo not su. and of course the password dosent echo back12:25
kkksppppi have set up ubuntu i am trying to run rkthunter12:25
wolsGoliath: those are simply links12:25
dr_willisGoliath,  those are the old sysv init scripts. if you look. most are actuaklly links to upstart /etc/init scripts12:25
kkksppppso i type su then my logon lspassword which fai12:26
io!root | kkkspppp12:26
ubottukkkspppp: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:26
iokkkspppp: try reading12:26
dr_williskkkspppp,  for the 12th time. dont use su use 'sudo'12:26
mikebeechamHi all...I have my windows 7 machine communicating to my epson printer on Ubuntu via CUPS. I can print a test page from Windows, but no other document will print. Wold this be a windows or Ubuntu problem?12:26
szal!caps | mikebeecham12:26
ubottumikebeecham: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:26
oCeanMikey1337: when helping, be helpful. That is definitely not helpful12:26
szalmikebeecham: sry, wrong nick12:26
passwordszal =)12:26
mikebeechamszal, lol12:26
Mikey1337the entire root kit project is garbage.12:26
kkksppppok then12:26
wolsmikebeecham: depends. check your cups logs first12:26
dr_willis!info rkhunter12:26
ubotturkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.6-5 (natty), package size 218 kB, installed size 892 kB12:26
kkksppppcan i get a rootkit in ubunt12:26
mikebeechamwols, would you mind point me to where I can look?12:26
dr_williskkkspppp,  install it. run it via sudo.12:27
kkksppppthats y i changed from windows12:27
wolsmikebeecham: /var/log/12:27
kkksppppok thanks12:27
dr_williskkkspppp,  you may want to spend some time learning Linux basics...12:27
wolskkkspppp: yes there are linux rootkits12:27
kkksppppwhere are the basics tutorials12:27
kkkspppponline are there any12:27
dr_williskkkspppp,  1000;s of sites out there. You may want to check the delicious.com tags for what people suggest12:27
dr_williskkkspppp,  of course theres some online.. 1000000's of them.12:28
dr_willis!terminal | kkkspppp12:28
ubottukkkspppp: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:28
saritshiftingcontrol: does the chroot thing work?12:28
dr_willisstart with terminal basics. :)12:28
kkksppppaah ok.12:28
kkksppppwhat is difference just out of curiosity between su and sudo12:28
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:28
Goliathdr_willis: ok i am in /etc/init . which file shows which daemons start on boot?12:28
dr_willissu switches users.12:28
dr_willisGoliath,  there is no one file. if its in there.. it starts.12:28
kkksppppok thanks12:29
ActionParsnipkkkspppp: su switches the user to the user you specify, sudo gives your user admin access (assuming it is in the 'admin' group)12:29
dr_willisGoliath,  unless the spefific file has a option to not run12:29
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/12:29
perlsyntaxHow do i get 3D to work wit a geforce card ?12:29
perlsyntaxi download the driver.12:29
kkksppppi can access my windows files in ubuntu. will they work? i havent tried yet but am about to12:29
dr_willisperlsyntax,  use the addational-drivers tool to install the drivers is the normal way12:29
dr_williskkkspppp,  work as in how?12:30
Sidewinder1kkkspppp, Please see this: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33812:30
Goliathdr_willis: you know i am used in arch where in rc.conf there is an array listing all the daemons that start on boot12:30
ActionParsnipkkkspppp: yes Ubuntu has full read and write access to NTFS12:30
dr_willisGoliath,  thats arch speficic. no such things exist in ubuntu,12:30
perlsyntaxwhere the button to turn on 3D?12:30
dr_willisperlsyntax,  run 'jockey-gtk'  and enable the drivers12:30
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kkksppppi plugged in the memory card from my camera into the computer. it has a few photos and a video. in windows they all come up ready to go. but in ubuntu only the photos came up. last question by the way. ne suggestions as to what to do eg link mpeg files to a certain program12:31
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=== mikey1337 is now known as Mikey1337
dr_williskkkspppp,  when you double cliock on them.. it should ask.12:31
dr_willismpeg should be playable in totem,. or most any video player12:31
Sidewinder1kkkspppp, Try Totem for mpegs.12:31
mikebeechamwols, I've performed a nozzle check from windows to ubuntu printer....this log shows up in /var/log/cups12:31
kkksppppok thanks12:31
Mikey1337VLC is the way to go12:32
mikebeechamwols, however, when I try to print a document no command is sent to the printer and therefgore, there is no log created12:32
kkksppppi had it on windows do they do linux version12:32
dagerivI was gonna restore the grub loader because I installed win7 after ubuntu. Now when I boot, I am given the grub prompt, and no boot options. Help?12:32
dr_willis!info vlc12:32
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.9-1ubuntu1.1 (natty), package size 1374 kB, installed size 3536 kB12:32
oCean!fr | remy12:32
ubotturemy: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en franƧais, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:32
ActionParsnip!players | kkkspppp12:32
ubottukkkspppp: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:32
Mikey1337i have vlc for one of my knoppix clusters12:32
wolsdageriv: how did you restore it?12:32
dr_williskkkspppp,  explore the package manager system :) yes. vlc is for linux12:32
perlsyntaxThis drier is activated but not in use ??12:32
saritdageriv: grub-update12:32
dagerivwols: followed online tutorial12:32
dr_willisperlsyntax,  you may need to reboot.12:32
kkkspppphmm will stick with vlc very good12:33
wolsdageriv: that's niec but doesn't answer my question12:33
Mikey1337vlc plays everything.12:33
Sidewinder1!synaptic | kkkspppp12:33
ubottukkkspppp: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto12:33
perlsyntaxok i will12:33
kkksppppok might as well ask whilst here. i play gamevial games which need the unity web player to run online. can this be used in ubunt. i heard you need wine or something whatever that is12:33
kandinskiwhat's a good terminal that can save its output as a textfile?12:33
ActionParsnipMikey1337: ubuntu uses a central repository of codecs, so whatever vlc can play, the others can too12:34
dr_williskkkspppp,  never heard of the unity web player. check the wine app database perhaps.12:34
dr_willis!appdb | kkkspppp12:34
ubottukkkspppp: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:34
dagerivwols: I did this: mount /dev/sda7 /mnt;grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda12:34
wolsActionParsnip: *cough*12:34
perlsyntaxNo luck after i reboot it.12:34
wonka_what is the ubuntu package with some interesting wave effects?12:34
dr_willisthat was a fast reboot...12:34
wolsdageriv: that's wrong. you need to chroot into your mounted ubuntu install first12:34
Mikey1337codecs are not all universal, some are app specific.12:35
perlsyntaxdr_willis,In ubuntu 10.10 there was a buttion i push to turn on 3D.12:35
dr_willisperlsyntax,  10.10 used jockey-gtk also.. to install/enable the drivers...12:35
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: do you mean desktop effects>?12:35
dr_willisas did most of the releases...12:36
Mikey1337anyone here use Kopete ?12:36
wols!fixmbr > dageriv12:36
ubottudageriv, please see my private message12:36
kkksppppand i cant get trusteer rapport to work which was an anti keylogging program that ran in the browser address bar. apparantley wont work with linux. ne thing similar for ubuntu12:36
oCean!anyone | Mikey133712:36
ubottuMikey1337: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:36
saritwols: not sure if you really need to chroot to fix grub12:36
perlsyntaxnope i not sure how to turn that desktop effects on.12:36
saritwols: afaik grub-update will detect your ubuntu install even if you're not chrooted12:36
dr_willisYou really cant use desktop effects- untill you get the 3d drivers going.12:37
wrek-gardoes anyone have information on setting up hostapd?12:37
wolssarit: grub-install does too?12:37
saritwols: grub-install only installs the grub binary on the MBR, afaik, it doesn't scan for os's to boot12:37
perlsyntaxhow do i turn on3D in ubuntu wen the driver is installed?12:37
saritwols: I have the habit of running grub-update after grub-install12:38
wolssarit: grub is more than stage112:38
niclAnyone know how to make speakers turn off when using headphones - ubuntu 11 on a Dell M14X laptop12:38
dr_willisperlsyntax,  run nvidia-settings tool. does it say the driver is in use?12:38
wolsperlsyntax: you restart X and it works automatically12:38
perlsyntaxhow do i do tha12:38
dr_willisperlsyntax,  what version of ubuntu are you using?12:38
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: press ALT+F2 and run:  compiz --replace12:38
dr_willisalt--f2  run nvdia-settings12:39
dr_willisassuming the drivers are working, you can then enable compiz12:39
dr_williswhich is NOT the same as enableing '3d'12:39
kkksppppblimey the libre draw program is a nightmare. i miss good old paint12:39
bigmahatmaI can't visit a URL from my PC, while other PCs on the same network can. "tracepath www.anysite.com" doensn't give any output. "nslookup www.anysite.com" works. What could it be wrong?12:39
saritwols: that's why you need grub-update12:39
dr_williskkkspppp,  theres proberly a dozen paint type programs out there.12:39
kkksppppu have to be a bloomin graphics artist to understand it12:39
Sidewinder1kkkspppp, To learn more about ubuntu security, please see: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33812:40
wolssarit: goodbye. and don't give up your dayjob12:40
perlsyntaxi useing gnome classic.12:40
kkksppppok better learn alot then come back12:40
ActionParsnipkkkspppp: install gpaint or tuxpaint12:40
dr_willis!info mtpaint12:40
ubottumtpaint (source: mtpaint): painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.31-4 (natty), package size 640 kB, installed size 1780 kB12:40
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: the comamnd I gave will make it work12:40
inashdeenDr_willis : hi, dr, thanx for the trick, it did work for my computer, but didnt work in the other. i tried this command:  sudo cp -r ~/recordmykeyboard-0.1.10-installer-pack/main-installer-file/shortcuts/recordmykeyboard.desktop ~/.local/share/applications12:40
saritwols: haha12:40
perlsyntaxhow do i do that.12:40
kkksppppthaks going to security forums ta ta12:41
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inashdeendr_willis : but it didnt work. cp: cannot stat `/home/ihsan/recordmykeyboard-0.1.10-installer-pack/main-installer-file/shortcuts/recordmykeyboard.desktop': No such file or directory .what might be the prob/12:41
dr_willisinashdeen,  there was no need for your user to use sudo to copy a file to their own home.12:41
wonka_how can I fix the mbr when trying to reinstall xp after ubuntu?12:41
dr_willis inashdeen  looks like you did some typo   or mistake in the path12:41
wonka_ fdisk /mbr is not working12:41
wols!fixmbr > wonka_12:41
ubottuwonka_, please see my private message12:41
inashdeendr_willis : ok, but why cant i copy the file. this is the path taken directly from "location"in nautilus /home/ihsan/recordmykeyboard-0.1.10-installer-pack/main-installer-file/shortcuts/recordmykeyboard.desktop12:42
dr_willisinashdeen,  why not just drag/drop it via nautilus?12:43
wolsinashdeen: use tabcomplete to construct the path, you will seen when it errors then12:43
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: ALT+F2 and run:  compiz --replace12:43
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perlsyntaxit working12:43
inashdeenwols: what is that12:43
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: sweet12:43
perlsyntax:D i not use to 11.0412:43
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inashdeendr-willis : it was suppose to be an autoinstaller running iin bash12:43
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: I suggest you add a startup item to run the command ;)12:43
dr_willisnautilus has thisneat 'f3' key does a dual pane output. makes it easy to drag/drop things12:43
dr_willisinashdeen,  looks like you got some typos to me then. or a differnt username...12:44
wolsinashdeen: type "ls /ho" and then press tab and you will see12:44
inashdeendr-wills : i dont seem to find th etypo. + i use this on the bash ~/recordmykeyboard..12:44
inashdeenwols: come again, with detail, i am a newbie12:45
dr_willis~ is  a shortcut for /home/YOURCURRENTUSERNAME12:45
dr_williswhich may or may not be what you want12:45
wolsinashdeen: I gave you the exact keys to hit. what more detail do you need?12:45
Trashihello. i've a atheros 5001 wlan chip .. after installing madwifi i got a ath0 entry from iwconfig. it is a fujitsu notebook and it has a special wlan key above the keyboard. but ubuntu does not know that key, so i can not activate the wlan. can someone help to enable wlan please?12:45
wolsTrashi: why are you installing madwifi? that's very outdated12:45
wolsTrashi: ath5k has supplanted it long ago12:46
Trashiwois: so whats the better solution? i just find madwifi with help of ubuntuusers and google ....12:46
wolsTrashi: I just told you12:46
ActionParsnipTrashi: try: sudo rfkill unblock all12:47
inashdeenwols : no seriously, i dont understand 1 bit. :( type ls/ho where and how? because when i type on terminal, it doesnt give anything12:47
wolsinashdeen: I said type "ls /ho". spaces are IMPORTANT12:47
Trashiok so first i'll uninstall madwifi12:48
wolsTrashi: if you even can12:48
obscurant1sthi is there any way i could use 2 different proxies for 2 different applications at the same time?12:49
wrek-gardoes anyone have information on setting up hostapd?12:49
wolsobscurant1st: sure12:49
ClerisyHow can I remove the unity scrollbar thing? (Note that I already removed unity altogether)12:49
Trashiwois: and after that? i think there is no ath5k package ?!12:49
dr_willissome apps have their own proxy settings12:49
obscurant1stwols, can you please tell me how?12:49
wolsobscurant1st: can't. depends on the proxies and the applications12:50
obscurant1stdr_willis, i am talking applications like miro transmission, which doesnt have proxy settings,12:50
obscurant1stwols, ^^12:50
wolsobscurant1st: proxychains12:50
wolsTrashi: ath5k is a driver, present in every ubuntu kernel for years now. you simply plug in the card and it works12:51
dr_willisI thought miro was based on (somehow) firefox, which does have proxy settings.12:51
obscurant1stno no i think you mis understood me. the scenario is like while I use for miro i need to use for transmission12:51
ClerisyHow can I remove the unity scrollbar thing? (Note that I already removed unity altogether)12:51
nkarkare_LTS core module is not running :(12:51
nkarkare_any help?12:51
inashdeenwols : ok, here goes, when i try to type ~/recordmykeyboard-0.1.10-installer-pack/main-installer-file/shortcuts/ in terminal, it says bla bla bla is a directory. but when i try to put ~/recordmykeyboard-0.1.10-installer-pack/main-installer-file/shortcuts/recordmykeyboard.desktop , where recordmykeyboard.desktop is the file i want to cp, it says no such file or directory12:51
Trashiwols:  i wish ... but i did install ubuntu natty and it does NOT work ... thats the reason why i ask ...12:52
ActionParsnipClerisy: just log in to gnome classic and the desktop will look like Maverick did12:52
ClerisyActionParsnipĀ» Im on xfce though12:52
ActionParsnipTrashi: did the command I gave not make it work?12:52
dr_willisClerisy,  theres a webupd8 entry that details how. I think i bookmarked it at my http://delicious.com/dr_willis  links today12:52
ActionParsnipClerisy: didn't think xfce had unity...12:52
obscurant1stdr_willis, i dont know about that. but there is no options like adding proxy in the preferences of miro12:52
TrashiActionParsnip: srry, i did read over ... will try it now12:52
ClerisyActionParsnipĀ» the unity scrollbar carried over from when I changed DE's :S12:53
obscurant1stActionParsnip, i saw one of your questions regarding using proxy ofr transmission bitorrent client in launchpad, did you manage to do that?12:53
wols!doesn't work > Trashi12:53
ubottuTrashi, please see my private message12:53
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: i don't use a proxy but it can be done12:53
Clerisyhng cant find it dr_willis12:54
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nkarkare_anyone with ubuntu+ncomputing? facing this issue "LTS core module is not running"12:55
KNUBBIGHey, I got 11.04 and a custom theme installed which has the window buttons like close and maximize on the right, which doesn't fit nicely into Unity. Any way to move them to the left?12:55
perlsyntaxhow do i remove the gnome-panel in 11.04?Iwant touse the cario-dock.12:56
TrashiActionParsnip: nice .. it really enables the wlan .. thanks .. could you explain how to make it automaticly onboot?12:56
dr_willissudo apt-get remove overlay-scrollbar liboverlay-scrollbar-0.1-012:57
dr_willisto remove the overlay scrollbar.. one of the nicer features  i think of 11.0412:57
Clerisydr_willisĀ» can you find it?12:57
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dr_willisClerisy,  it was there on the webupd8 blogs.12:58
perlsyntaxanyone know how to remove the gnome-panel??12:58
dr_willisi just move it to the top and auto-hide it.12:58
perlsyntaxhow do i do that?12:59
obscurant1stDid somebody reply me while I was gone?12:59
obscurant1st ActionParsnip, i saw one of your questions regarding using proxy ofr transmission bitorrent client in launchpad, did you manage to do that?12:59
wolsobscurant1st:  < ActionParsnip> obscurant1st: i don't use a proxy but it can be done13:00
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wolsobscurant1st: I told you what to use. IIRC torrents use tcp only, so it's doable with proxychains13:00
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Sidewinder1!nickspam > ohmy1234513:01
ubottuohmy12345, please see my private message13:01
obscurant1stwols, oh ok. Thanks. Can you explain it a little more! I am not getting the idea, how proxy chaining is helpful when I cannot even add one single proxy to an application which does not have the option to proxify it13:02
wolsobscurant1st: have you checked out proxychains?13:02
Clerisythanks dr_willis13:02
wolsread its description and such?13:02
Udonnomeguys where i can find the latest version of ubuntu?13:03
obscurant1stwols, sorry i thought you were telling me about the proxy chaining, in which we chain multiple proxies to increase the anonimity13:03
wolsat ubuntu.com13:03
bazhangUdonnome, www.ubuntu.com13:03
Udonnomethank you13:03
obscurant1stthatnks wols now i got it. its the application right?13:03
krisss117hi, i java proces kill my cpu, it use 100%13:04
krisss117it is normal ?13:05
kruxkill -9 PID#13:05
krisss117i run jDownloader13:05
krisss117yes, i won't kill13:05
krisss117it's normal - java using 100% cpu ?13:05
wolsdepends how the application is written. can be normal13:06
obscurant1stkrisss117, no its not normal13:06
codinGenesiseven somtimes my cpu gets mad and uses 100 %13:06
krisss117when i turn off jDownloader then java still running and use 100% cpu13:06
krisss117have u any idea ?13:07
=== XOXO1 is now known as Monkfish
codinGenesiskrisss117: i also face similar problem, even after exiting the application cpu is 100 % so for that usualy i reboot my computer13:07
rubydiamondDoes this http://pastie.org/private/z8am0ekjfz7syhbez7cza look like a correct cron job13:08
codinGenesisor ending that program from system monitor might also help you...13:08
krisss117so u dont help my :/13:08
rubydiamondthat fails that cron fails with message13:08
rubydiamond(CRON) error (grandchild #29850 failed with exit status 127)13:08
Udonnomeguys,need a little help13:08
Udonnomei am insteling ubuntu under windows13:09
codinGenesisopen system monitor and kill the process that shows is utilizing the most memory or cpu13:09
codinGenesisudonnome: go ahead...13:09
Udonnomeand instalation size it pointed at 7GB,what that mean,it will use only 7gb of the harddrive?13:09
Joshunhi. i'm using kde. hi. I have several folder views on my kde plasma desktop, and on startup i get 'the process for the file protocol died unexpectedly' on at least one of them. could anybody help with this?13:09
wolsUdonnome: yes13:09
Joshunin the kubuntu irc nobody replies13:09
Udonnomeis that enough/13:09
ActionParsnipUdonnome: is your windows partition very full?13:10
ActionParsnipUdonnome: its a squeeze but it can be enough13:10
Udonnomei am instaling it an separete drive13:10
wolsUdonnome: ubuntu itself uses 7GB in this case. your data and documents might use more. for starters, allocate about 10GB I'd say13:10
wolsUdonnome: but you can use more if you want of course13:10
dr_willisUdonnome,  i would say 10gb at a min.   if you are doing a normal 'full' install to its own hard drive. and not using wubi. i would give it more.13:10
codinGenesisudonnome: wols right it's better to have partition space more than 10 gigs13:11
Udonnomei am quite newb at this so i am gonna point like  areounf 20GB13:11
ActionParsnipUdonnome: you can store your docs on your windows partition, it is accessible from /host13:11
dr_willisHow is he douing a wubi install to a seperate drive?13:11
dr_willisI thought wubi had to be on C:13:12
XanoI am trying to chown a 777'ed folder on a shared server (so no root access) to www-data, but I keep getting a permission denied. Is there a way to work around this, or is that due to restrictions to my own account?13:12
Udonnomeit that right,does it have to be in C:?13:12
rubydiamondwhat is the difference between .. man crontab and man 5 crontab13:13
dr_willisI dont use wubi Udonnome  and i dont reccomend using wubi. but  wubi installs to a 'file' on the windows drive.  it  may be able to go on other drives now a days.. but ive never tried it lately13:13
belinothing rubydiamond13:13
metadanhey can anyone help. i'm trying ot get ubuntu 11.04 installed on my machine dualboot with win7 (Which is previously installed) but I can't work out how to setup the partitions the gparted display of the hd seems a bit weird13:13
rubydiamondmetadan: hmm13:13
dr_willisrubydiamond,  one is specifically asking for sectuon 5 of the man docs13:13
belirubydiamond: but there are different sections of the man pages13:14
rubydiamondbeli: hmm13:14
dr_willisman man   :) may tell you the differnt sections13:14
rubydiamondbeli: how do I know the specific command has multiple sections ?13:14
belirubydiamond: each section is related to special stuff...lets say system level...programming api......command syntax...13:14
Udonnomewell i already run the installer,hope it will be ok13:14
belirubydiamond: take a look at the bottom of the man output13:14
belirubydiamond: for example try   man 2 syscall   ....its not a command...but system/programmig related13:15
rubydiamondbeli: yeah.. it tells about current number ... but how do I know what other numbers are supported13:16
metadandr_willis, sorry to come and bug you again, but I don't suppose you can offer any advice on whats shown here: http://inky.ws/g/cs13:16
Mahmoudhow to upgrade xubuntu to run gnome3?13:16
rubydiamondbeli: do you mean "SEE ALSO"13:16
belirubydiamond: yes....and you need to know what you are searching before.....take a look at this overview: http://www.december.com/unix/ref/mansec.html13:17
wolsmetadan: you create 4 partitions, all primary ones so now your partition table is full13:17
dr_willismetadan,  you can only have 4 primary partitions.. You allready have 4... you need to remove the last one. and make it a extended partition.13:17
bazhangMahmoud, from the ppa after you install ubuntu-desktop, its unsupported and will break. best to avoid13:17
dr_willissda4 should actually be  a extended.. and the first logical IN the extended would be sda513:17
wolsmetadan: you need to move one ntfs partition (usually sda4) to an extended partition and also the unallocated space. then you can create ubuntu partitions inside there13:17
metadandr_willis ok but the partitions gparted display dont match the sizes of the ones in win?13:18
dr_willismetadan,  rounding perhaps...13:18
metadanthere is actually no unallocated space on the drive13:18
metadanin win7 the whole thing is partition in 4 sections13:18
rubydiamondbeli: thanks for the link .. now things are clear.13:18
dr_willisa system reserved partiton of a huge 922k.... wionder what that even is13:18
wolsmetadan: how big is your drive?13:18
belirubydiamond: another tool to use if you dont know what you are really searching for ist           info13:18
Mahmoudbazhang: bleh, ok13:19
belirubydiamond: try         info man13:19
wolsmetadan: then yes there is unallocated space. in windows too.13:19
metadanif i check the drives in windows13:19
wolsmetadan: just check what you have available in windows, it's a lot less than 1000 GB, is it?13:19
rubydiamondbeli: info command is not installed .. will install it13:19
Andreas__anyone gud within networks. I can't get my routes right13:19
wolsmetadan: run drivemgmt.msc and you will see there is unallocated space13:19
metadanthe one shown as sda4 is not 22+ gb13:19
metadansorry 200+gb13:19
beliruby: it does a more "allover" look13:19
metadanits aboiut 150-160gb13:19
rubydiamondbeli: yeah  installed now13:20
Mahmoudhow to upgrade my xubuntu? sudo apt-get upgrade?13:20
bazhang!upgrade > Mahmoud13:20
ubottuMahmoud, please see my private message13:20
metadanlikewise the acer partition showing as 12gb is probably 200gb13:21
dr_willismetadan,  if you are installing to sda4 it does not need to be ntfs..  you should be able to delete sda4. boot the ubuntu cd. tell it to use the unallocated space.. and IT should auto partition the unloccated space to be  a extended + a few logicals in side it13:21
metadandr_willis It doesn't give me that option13:22
metadani only get 'replace win7' or 'something else > your own partitions expert thing'13:22
wolsmetadan: you need to have 3 or less primary partitions to do it. as me and dr_willis already told you13:22
metadanyes i've tried that13:23
metadanthat's the situation i started in13:23
wolsmetadan: please boot windows and pastebin the picture of drivemgmt.msc please13:23
metadanok 1min13:23
Mahmoudbazhang: should I follow all the upgrades in sequence until I reach 11.xx?13:23
dr_willis (priamry 1) (primary 2) (primary 3 ) (extended  <logical 1 - /> <logical 2 swap> )13:24
pluessIs there a way to get access to my ubuntu 10.4 machine, if I've lost the root pw and ssh pw? My machine is running on Amazon EC2.13:24
dr_willispluess,  ask amazon ec2 to reset them>13:24
wolspluess: only via amazon13:24
belipluess: do you have any reboot options?13:24
pluessI'm not an amazon pro.13:25
dr_willisI imagine amazon has some support people.13:25
pluessI do see some credentials in the amazone account but I don't know what do with them.13:25
dr_willistime to check the amazon faq/docs/support areas i think13:26
gunbuck_Im using ubuntu 11.04 and i wanna put linux mint on a usb stick so i can try it out....How would i do this ??13:28
dr_willisgunbuck_,  use unetbootin, or some of the tools from pendrivelinux web site13:28
gunbuck_thank you :)13:28
gbilihello, does anyone know how to launch compiz config settings manager?13:29
Mahmoudshould I upgrade from lucid to nanny then to the last version? can I just jump from luicid to last version ?13:29
freq9anyone can tell me why "tree" is not available? http://paste.ubuntu.com/628760/13:30
BlouBlouMahmoud: it's "natty"13:30
dr_willisThe program 'tree' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:13:30
dr_willissudo apt-get install tree13:30
praveen_mahmoud, you can't jump..u must have to move in sequence13:30
wolsMahmoud: natty IS the latest version. and you need to upgrade from 10.04 to 11.10 and then to 11.04 if you want to run it13:30
BlouBlouMahmoud: And no, you can't13:30
dr_willis!info tree13:30
ubottutree (source: tree): displays directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.3-1 (natty), package size 30 kB, installed size 96 kB13:30
dr_willisEnable the Universe reposuitory13:31
dr_willisand 'sudo apt-get update'  then try it again13:31
gunbuck_grr i can only find windows to linux13:31
gunbuck_i need ubuntu to linux mint13:32
wolsgunbuck_: mint being debian based, debootstrap will work13:32
freq9dr_willis: ah thanks :) didn't know i need to update before using the new repository13:32
gbiliWhere is CCSM (Compiz Config Settings Manager)13:32
gunbuck_sweet thanks13:32
wolsgunbuck_: but I suggest asking mint people about installing mint from another linux distro13:32
brontosaurusrexgunbuck_, check "startup disk creator" under system/admin13:32
dr_willisYou always need to update  AFTER enableing a new repo.13:32
dr_willisand you shoudl update every so often anyway.13:32
gunbuck_ui tried start up disk creator it didnt work well :(13:33
dr_willisgunbuck_,  the pendrivelinux site has tools for linux. and unetbootin does work in Ubuntu13:33
dr_willisstartup-disk-creator may have issues with non-ubuntu disrtos.13:33
freq9dr_willis: thanks ;)13:33
metadanwols win config http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ivaczc&s=7 I need, c,d and k13:36
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Sidewinder1metadan, The following link is a great resource: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php13:36
gunbuck_Live USB installer seems to be what im looking for cheers guys13:36
Sidewinder1metadan, And an 11.04 specific, once you've got it installed: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html13:37
metadanSidewinder1, thanks, i'm comfortable from that point its just getting the partitions setup to install it13:38
metadani've installed it prob 4-8 times before13:38
metadanbut this is the first time the partitions in gparted/win7 have seemed v different13:38
wolsmetadan: you use a dynamic disk partitions. these are non-standard and totally windows only13:38
metadanwols, thanks, so how can i get round it?13:39
wolsuse "Basic" partitions or "GPT"13:39
ActionParsnipwols: non-standard..windows.... ;)13:39
metadanok so if i delete ubuntu1 & ubuntu2 as partitions13:40
wolsmetadan: see for example: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170548113:40
wolsmetadan: there is no way. even your windows boot partition is a dynamic disk.13:40
metadanwols thanks, i'll have a read13:40
kingofswordshi how do i stop my screen from auto dimming after a couple mins?13:41
metadanthis pc came set up with dynamic partitions13:41
metadanok i'll read13:41
pishguyhi all. this line is not work correctly from bash: gksu echo "menuentry 'Microsoft Windows' --class os { insmod ntfs set root='(hd0,msdos0)' chainloader +1} " >> /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:41
metadanthanks for the info13:41
theadminkingofswords: System -> Prefs -> Power mgmt13:41
ActionParsnipkingofswords: in power options / screensaver options13:41
theadminOr what ActionParsnip said13:41
wolsmetadan: the first thing you always do with such a PC is: make a windows DVD to install from and nuke the whole disk and start fresh. removes all the adware manufacturers like to spam you with too13:42
Sidewinder1metadan, I think you'll have to format one of those partitions to ext3/ext4 to properly install ubuntu.13:42
kingofswordstheadmin, thx13:42
wolsSidewinder1: that won't help13:42
metadanwols: so if i have any dynamic partitions I cant work with that drive?13:42
kingofswordsActionParsnip, nah that just stops te screensaver on mine13:42
Sidewinder1wols, They all appear to be NTFS partitions, no?13:42
kingofswordsscreen dims after 1 min or 2...even if im watching movies13:42
wolsmetadan: yes. as you saw the dynamic partitions and what ubuntu sees has almost nothing to do with each other. you will usually overwrite windows partitions then and delete data. not a good thing13:43
wolsSidewinder1: they are dynamic partitions. learn what those are13:43
dagerivI took backup of my $HOME folder and reinstalled ubuntu. Can I now simply copy the home folder back?13:43
wolsdageriv: yes13:43
metadanwols: ok i figured something was wrong when it didn't match13:43
theadmindageriv: Sure, just chown it all properly later13:43
dagerivwols: will all configurations and such come back?13:44
Sidewinder1wols, Thanks! I will have to read up on dynamic; never heard of them before, again, thanks.13:44
metadanwols: i'll look at converting them13:44
theadmindageriv: Yah13:44
wolsmetadan: if you are lucky, parted might be able to do it13:44
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brontosaurusrexdageriv, sure, if you did backup all stuff which started with a . as well13:44
theadminbrontosaurusrex: except maybe ..13:45
theadminbrontosaurusrex: ;)13:45
brontosaurusrextheadmin, right13:45
metadanwols: actually bugger this, i'll buy another drive and stick it on that rather than wasting the backup time and risking the data loss13:45
metadanit seems win7 creates dynamic partitions by default when you choose 'new simple volume'13:45
wolsmetadan: I doubt it. mine didn't13:46
theadminmetadan: Use easueus if you intend on creating partitions in Windwos13:46
theadminmetadan: windows*13:46
Trashihello. i still have problems with my atheros 5001 wlan chip .. i activated wlan via rfkill unblock... but now it doesnt find networks. could someone help to fix please?13:46
theadminmetadan: It can create ext3 partitions too13:46
wolsTrashi: iwconfig13:46
codinGenesiswols,  i have installed utorrent windows version perfectly in ubuntu13:46
metadancan it safely (i know thats a tentative word in this context) convert dynamic > basic?13:47
theadminmetadan: Not even sure, I never worked with dynamic partitions13:47
brontosaurusrexso is there something in utorrent, that say transmission lacks?13:47
Trashiwols: wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:off/any13:47
codinGenesisbut the prob is same the trackers are giving the same error, that means their some prob with my ubuntu's installation13:47
theadminbrontosaurusrex: Nothing, he's just, ahem.13:47
metadanok i'm off for a read13:47
metadanthanks for the help guys13:48
theadminbrontosaurusrex: He's probably just used to utorrent13:48
brontosaurusrexmakes sense13:49
dagerivFACK, my hidden files were not backed up13:49
wolscodinGenesis: is the portforward set and working?13:49
theadminbrontosaurusrex: Except I wanted to say something *much* more rude13:49
Trashiwols: wlan0 seems to be off :/13:50
theadminTrashi: ifconfig wlan0 up?13:50
wolsTrashi: define "off"?13:50
codinGenesishow to check that stuff ??13:50
Sidewinder1wols, codinGenesis is using a modem, not a router.13:50
Trashitheadmin: had no effect13:50
wolscodinGenesis: then the output of sudo iptables -L and ifconfig -a please13:51
codinGenesisSidewinder1, you are right , i think there some prob with my network confugration !!13:51
Trashiwols: wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:off/any Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated RTS thr:off Fragment: off Power Management: off13:51
Sidewinder1codinGenesis, It's been years since I've used a modem; not sure how to port forward with a modem. :-(13:51
wolsTrashi: doesn't say anything about being off, does it?13:52
perplexahi, does anyone know why my pidgin notify-osd popups seem misplaced on natty?13:53
Trashiwols: dont understand the question .. that is just the output of iwconfig ... the wlan led on my notebook is enabled ... but ubuntu doesnt find any networks13:53
perplexait's like they are placed a bit too low, so there would always fit another notification between it and the border of the screen13:53
codinGenesiswols,  i have send you the outcome13:53
Udonnomeok,installing is done,now it booted up,and it show me something like guide,how to close that guide and start using ubuntu?13:53
theadminperplexa: It's "intended"13:54
wols!info ufw13:54
Sidewinder1codinGenesis, There are many folks that don't care for it but I use Azureus as my torrent client; I believe it's currently called Vuze. You might try it.13:54
ubottuufw (source: ufw): program for managing a Netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.30.1-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 128 kB, installed size 820 kB13:54
perplexatheadmin: it sucks :P13:54
wolscodinGenesis: next time use a pastebin13:54
theadminperplexa: There's a tool to bring them back to a normal place, I just don't remember what. Probably ubuntu-tweak13:54
ososhi! Is it possible to bind window resize to for example ctrl-key in the same fashion alt-key is bound to window move?13:54
codinGenesiswols, ok i will take care from now after...13:54
Le_Vassosos, are you using compiz?13:55
ososLe_Vass: aye.13:55
perplexatheadmin: gonna look into it, thank you. i don't see any valid reason to place notifications anywhere else than in a corner :)13:55
ososLe_Vass: oh, right. :D13:55
andypandy89hey, anyone know what mono package to install that are compatible with .NET 4.0 ?13:55
ososLe_Vass: cheers, mate.13:55
brontosaurusrexany guides on how to make my laptop an internet provider for my android when usb connected?13:55
andypandy89I tried mono-complete but no cigar13:55
codinGenesisSidewinder1, from morning i was having prob related  torrents so tried most of them but no use, i was getting error in tracker connection as error always13:55
theadminperplexa: Ubuntu devs reserved the corner for "VERY important" notifications13:55
Le_Vasslemme check13:55
perplexai'd also like to have the app come to front when clicking on them as that's intentional behaviour, instead of clicking throug them.13:55
theadminperplexa: i.e. volume change things xD13:55
perplexathat's somewhat stupid, if you ask me13:56
perplexaa huge usability fail13:56
theadminperplexa: I know13:56
brontosaurusrexlaptop running natty13:56
Trashiwols: so, no idea what could help? :-/13:56
Linux4UnMeI want to hear a vote here for the hell of it..... Those who like Unity say "IIIIIIIIIIII" those who don't say "NNIIIIIII"13:56
cnaunity suks13:57
Le_Vassosos, go to CompizConfig and search for the Window Resize plugin13:57
Trashicna: right13:57
wolsTrashi: use the standard interfaces stuff and no network-manager perhaps13:57
K1nghisto, i just installed ubuntu server 10.4.2 TLS...13:57
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:57
Le_VassBTW, I'm translating from portuguese so the exact word might be different13:57
K1ngthe problem is the server doesnt boot without pendrive13:57
cnathe best was 10.04 lts :)13:57
gbilihello, i was wondering if it was possible to broaden the search capabilities of the top left button in ubuntu 11.04 unity13:57
Linux4UnMeI hate unity too. but i'm gonna try out the latest build13:57
Linux4UnMeopen minded13:58
kwtm2cna: You say that in the past tense, but it still holds true currently, I think.13:58
Sidewinder1codinGenesis, Vuze has many, many configuration options, so many that it can get confusing, but perhaps with it and some research you can solve your problem.13:58
Diamondcitebrontosaurusrex: http://blog.mycila.com/2010/06/reverse-usb-tethering-with-android-22.html  <-- try that?13:58
Le_Vassgbili, I use Gnome Do instead13:58
cnanow i have  debian 6.0 sqeez :)13:58
andypandy89hey, anyone know what mono package to install that are compatible with .NET 4.0 ? tried mono-complete but didn't work13:58
ullaswhen playing movies in 11.04 the video freezes every second (nvidia drivers)13:58
codinGenesisSidewinder1,  thanks i think i would have to try it also...13:59
Trashicna: ubuntu 11.04 supports gnome2 also...13:59
Sidewinder1codinGenesis, Can't hurt. :-)13:59
ullas<ullas> when playing movies in 11.04 the video freezes every second (nvidia drivers)  Help13:59
Vinocan someone help me get networking working on my vmware ubuntu install? i've tried bridged and nat but i can't seem to get it working13:59
cnat but is very unstable13:59
codinGenesisSidewinder1,  :)13:59
Trashicna: hm .. i have no problems so far13:59
Sidewinder1codinGenesis, Unfortunately your final solution may be to loose the modem and get a router but they cost $. :-(14:00
cnaI had the same problems only14:00
ullas<ullas> when playing movies in 11.04 the video freezes every second (nvidia drivers)  Help14:00
AciD_after some unexpected hard reset, I saw that some files from / are corrupted. So I decided to reainstall all the packages using "dpkg --get-selections | awk '$2 == "install" { print $1 }' | xargs apt-get -y --reinstall install". For unknown reason, nothing will install outputing this error "E: Impossible d'effectuer la configuration immĆ©diate de Ā«Ā bashĀ Ā». Veuillez consulter la page de manuel apt.conf(5) et notamment la section Ć 14:00
AciD_ propos de APT::Immediate-Configure, pour plus d'informations. (2)" which could be translated into "E: Could not perform immediate configuration "bash". Please see the manual page apt.conf (5) and in particular the section about APT:: Immediate-Configure, for more information. (2)". any idea how to force the system to reinstall all installed packages ?14:00
gbiliLa_Vass, what do you mean you use gnome?14:00
brontosaurusrexDiamondcite, ty14:00
codinGenesisSidewinder1 do you know how to reset iptables ??14:01
pksadiqAciD_: do an fsck on the partition14:01
codinGenesisor set the basic network confugration ??14:01
cnaspeech is not about playing movies or drivers because it improved14:01
Sidewinder1codinGenesis, Sorry but that's beyond my abilities. Perhaps in a terminal, type man iptables.14:01
AciD_pksadiq: all clean iirc14:02
Le_Vassgbili, Gnome Do, is an application in te repository. http://do.davebsd.com/14:02
brontosaurusrexullas, what kind of movies, what players did you test?14:02
cnabut the system settings and some things14:02
codinGenesisok let me give it a try...14:02
whitmanIs it possible to set the side bar to not disappear when an app is full screen or moved all the way to the left?14:02
Trashiwols: just installed wicd and it seems to work .. thx for your help14:03
ullastortem and vlc14:03
AciD_pksadiq: at least fsck says it's clean, but I somehow have some ext4 error in /var/log/kern.log from time to time14:03
gbiliLe_Vass, ah ok, and what is it intended for?14:03
ullasbrontosaurusrex tortem & VLC both has the same problem Its also in Youtube videos as well14:03
Le_Vassso guys, can I use my local APT cache as a repository for another PC in my local network?14:04
james23My shared partition is never mounted when I turn on my computer, how do I automount it?14:04
wols!info apt-mirror14:04
ubottuapt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8-3ubuntu1 (natty), package size 13 kB, installed size 124 kB14:04
Sidewinder1whitman, I can't answer your question, sorry, but perhaps it might be found here: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html14:04
pksadiqAciD_: force fsck14:04
wolsLe_Vass: /msg ubottu apt-proxy    /msg ubottu apt-cacher-ng14:04
brontosaurusrexullas, check mplayer or/and smplayer gui14:04
Le_Vassgbili, it's sort of hard to explain. You use it to do stuff :-) Mostly finding files and apps, m14:04
Le_Vassgbili, but it can be used for much more14:05
ullasbrontosaurusrex No use its also in youtube videos14:05
codinGenesiswols,  ?? did you get anything ???14:05
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Le_Vasswols, thanks14:05
gbiliLe_Vass, ok thanks ill check it out14:05
brontosaurusrexullas, youtube is something complettely different, it requires flash or html5 browser14:05
cnaunderdeveloped system released, with the precedent Aug. unity, if you ask me, however, won the gnome of unity14:06
cna 14:06
AciD_pksadiq: errors like that : http://pastebin.com/8rHysFym14:06
ullasbrontosaurusrex So you suggest I change the player14:06
wolscodinGenesis: yes. and the firewall is not cutting off anything with your torrents14:07
ullasbrontosaurusrex Will it be the trouble with the Nvidia configration14:07
brontosaurusrexullas, as always, the procedure is: a. figure out what the media files is b. see if cpu can deal with it, see if gpu may be able to decode that c. play it with mplayer - thats what i do at leat14:07
AciD_pksadiq: I'll reboot with a live usb to force the fsck. brb14:07
cnaTrashi, underdeveloped system released, with the precedent Aug. unity, if you ask me, however, won the gnome of unity14:07
cna 14:07
codinGenesiswols,  so where the prob is then?? i am thinking of a new instalation now...14:07
brontosaurusrexullas, could be14:08
Diamondciteullas: How fast is the system? Also what resolution are the videos? (codec would be nice to know)14:08
wolscodinGenesis: new installations won't solve problems. they just mask them at best. usually not even that14:08
brontosaurusrexullas, mediainfo is the thing i'am using to get info about files, you may also use ffmpeg14:09
brontosaurusrexor mplayer14:09
ullasHow fast I have an old PC with AMD athalon 786 Ram14:09
lvhHello! Is there a way to connect to AFS shares using Nautilus? I'm on Ubuntu 11.04.14:10
Diamondciteullas: No model number for the Athlon? Can you atleast check the speed by looking at /proc/cpuinfo ?14:10
Diamondciteullas: Do "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and please pastebin that information?14:11
lvhSorry, I mean AFP* shares.14:11
ullasDiamondcite ok wait14:11
wolslvh: mount them in a terminal and then access like any other file?14:12
shiftingcontrolI m using 11.04/my grub2 doesn't display menu but it enters grub console automatically14:12
TweasyGood afternoon everyone14:12
Diamondcitelvh: http://stackoverflow.org/wiki/Mount_an_AFP_share_from_Linux   <--- something like that maybe?14:12
lvhwols: Yes, I know about afpfs-ng14:12
wolsshiftingcontrol: you mean "grub>"?14:12
kartikshifting control did you upgrade from 10.10?14:12
shiftingcontrolwols, yes14:12
lvhwols: My goal is to get my *mom* to do it, so I would expect Nautilus to be able to do it14:13
TweasyI don't know how to put this so I'll just go straight ahead14:13
TweasyI'm new to Ubuntu, came from Win7 yesterday14:13
wolslvh: create a script for her to run14:13
TweasyAnd I have a situation14:13
kartikshifting, you'll need a live cd to fix that, happened to me yesterday14:13
wols!fixmbr > shiftingcontrol14:13
ubottushiftingcontrol, please see my private message14:13
ActionParsniplvh: afpfs-ng is a tool you can use14:14
shiftingcontrolKartik:i have that14:14
TweasyI'm using Vaio VGN-Z Series laptop and I wanted to know if there is anyone here that has the same laptop14:14
cnashiftingcontrol, grub update in cosole14:14
TweasyThe laptop has a Graphic card switch from Intel to Nvidea14:14
shiftingcontrolcna:even after that i have same issue14:14
AciD_pksadiq: everything seems fine even with the -f option14:15
wolsTweasy: asking if "anyone" has the same hardware as you is never a good idea. ask your real question14:15
ActionParsnipTweasy: I know of bumblebee which may be usable to switch. I personaly avoid those dual GPU things14:15
AciD_pksadiq: no error in the output, apart the information that 7,9% of my /home and 3,7% of my / files are not contiguous14:16
TweasyI'll tell you guys the problem then14:16
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:16
TweasyEverything is working fine after formatting and coming from windows 7 except the Graphic card switch. Laptop is a VGN Z51WG/B (Vaio)14:17
wolsTweasy: graphic card switch doesn't work14:17
codinGenesisin network proxy settings which option i should keep ???14:17
TweasyEverything I use, ofcourse. Didn't test the micro card slot. But the brightness and volume work fine!14:17
pksadiqAciD_: k, try chrooting to your ubuntu and do dpkg --confgure -a14:18
ActionParsnipTweasy: they are a pain14:18
codinGenesisdirect, manual or automatic14:18
ActionParsniphttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/bumbleebee-brings-nvidia-optimus-gpu-switching-to-linux-users/ Tweasy14:18
TweasyWols, ActionParsnip: So is there a way around?14:18
wolsbunblebee is a software hack that can make it work but considering the developer distributed code that removed your whole /usr for 14 days, I wouldn't trust this guy to tell me the sky is blue14:18
wolsTweasy: not really14:18
codinGenesisdoes the proxy setting of web browsers affect the connection prob of the computer ??14:18
ActionParsnipwols: I think the whole gpu switching idea is a hack14:19
wolscodinGenesis: only if you need the proxy to access the internet. if your ISP mangles your tcp packets, then torrents may not work14:19
gNewPowerHi, I want to upgrade to 11.04 and I don't have enough space on / [size:13G used: 9.7G  avail:2.6G]  I got rid of OpenOffice but I need to get rid of another 200MB.  What are typically the real big aps I could get rid of? thanks!14:19
AciD_got disconnected, I said :14:19
TweasyActionParsnip: I'll read into it! Thank you very much.14:19
Tweasywols: Okay, thanks anyway!14:19
AciD_pksadiq: everything seems fine even with the -f option14:19
theadmingNewPower: GNOME14:19
wolsActionParsnip: it's a fine thing. a very good idea. but in this case the architecture of X doesn't work with it14:19
AciD_pksadiq: no error in the output, apart the information that 7,9% of my /home and 3,7% of my / files are not contiguous14:19
ActionParsnipwols: i think the gpu should just clock up and down like cool'n'quiet14:20
prajathadiamondcite its: processor: 014:20
prajathavendor_id: AuthenticAMD14:20
prajathacpu family: 614:20
prajathamodel: 814:20
prajathamodel name: AMD Athlon(tm)14:20
prajathastepping: 114:20
FloodBot1prajatha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:20
gNewPowertheadmin, all of GNOME?!14:20
codinGenesiswols,  my torrent works perfectly in windows, so i think there is no prob from the ISP..!!14:20
prajathacpu MHz: 1249.94914:20
TweasyHave you though about grabbing all your data and saving it into a hard-drive then, formatting?14:20
wolsActionParsnip: anything that lets notebooks have more graphicspower while still being able to have long batery life is a good thing14:20
theadmingNewPower: Sure xD14:20
theadmingNewPower: Why not?14:20
ActionParsnipwols: true true14:20
gNewPowertheadmin, but that is my desktop manager?14:20
theadmingNewPower: It *is* huge14:20
AciD_gNewPower: try removing the *-doc package14:21
theadmingNewPower: What is your problem, remove it, upgrade and install back again14:21
codinGenesiswols,  should i keep direct internet connection in proxy preference ??14:21
gNewPowerAciD_, where? which ones?14:21
theadmingNewPower: Also run "sudo apt-get clean"14:21
gNewPowertheadmin, that I did14:21
AciD_gNewPower: you can sort by size under synaptic iirc, go search there14:21
prajathadiamondcite processor: 014:22
prajathavendor_id: AuthenticAMDcpu family: 6model: 8model name: AMD Athlon(tm) stepping: 1cpu MHz: 1249.949cache size: 256 KB14:22
gNewPowerAciD_, where are the *-doc files located? what are they?14:22
gNewPowerAciD_, you don't mean MS word docs, do you?14:22
wolsgNewPower: /usr/share/doc  it's documentation files14:22
AciD_gNewPower: not files, debian packages14:22
AciD_like kmymoney-doc14:22
wolsgNewPower: and you can see packages via "dpkg -l |grep doc" for example14:23
AciD_usually *-doc packages are quite big14:23
gNewPowerwols, can I just erase all of /usr/share/doc ?14:23
TweasyHey guys, how do I delete the icons left on the applications menu that weren't removed after an uninstall?14:23
AciD_gNewPower: no14:23
prajathaMy video freezes every second when i play videos. Youtube also has the same trouble Help14:23
AciD_gNewPower: you still want to keep a 'clean' and coherent install14:23
wolsgNewPower: don't. check dpkg -l | grep \\-doc14:23
gNewPowerAciD_, ok14:23
AciD_pksadiq: any though on my previous problem since fsck.ext4 returns no error whatsoever ?14:24
prajathaMy video freezes every second when i play videos. Youtube also has the same trouble I am using amd athlon Help14:24
ActionParsnipprajatha: is your ram healthy?14:24
wols!repeat > prajatha14:24
ubottuprajatha, please see my private message14:24
prajathayes its healthy14:24
gNewPowerwols, AciD_ - how do I best remove all the *-doc packages?14:24
wolsprajatha: don't use nvidia drivers for startsd14:25
theadmingNewPower: apt-get remove *-doc14:25
wolsgNewPower: the same way you remove any other package14:25
pksadiqAciD_: so I hope there is no problem with your files due to restart, and also I hope now its working right, isn't it?14:25
ActionParsnipprajatha: when did you last test it?14:25
gNewPowertheadmin, ok I will try that14:25
gNewPowerlet's see14:25
AciD_gNewPower: not all, just sort the packages in synaptic by size, then remove the bigger ones as needed14:25
prajatharight now action14:25
Tweasywols: is there a way to remove old shortcuts from the applications menu? I've got some leftovers from an uninstall.14:25
gNewPowerE: Unable to locate package *-doc14:25
gNewPowerE: Regex compilation error - Invalid preceding regular expression14:25
gNewPowerE: Couldn't find any package by regex '*-doc'14:25
prajathaActionParsnip for the last two days14:26
wolsTweasy: purge the packages, don't just remove14:26
theadmingNewPower: Oh, does it use regexes? Then try apt-get remove .*-doc14:26
gNewPowerwols, can you give me the correct command please14:26
AciD_pksadiq: I still have so error in some files. For instance right now I'm copying all the files from / to a backup hd, and get some i/o error14:26
Tweasywols: sorry mate, just came from windows don't know what that means.14:26
wolsAciD_: that sounds like a bad disk, not a bad filesystem14:26
wolsTweasy: apt-get purge <packages>14:27
AciD_pksadiq: the point is my previous problem was finding a way to force the reinstall of all deb packages using xargs and --get-selections14:27
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gNewPowerwols, does 'apt-get purge .*-doc' look correct?14:27
AciD_pksadiq: which wasn't working :/14:27
wolsAciD_: /msg dpkg aptitude clone    for example14:27
wolsgNewPower: no14:27
Tweasywols: I went to the ubuntu software and removed an app, now theres a shortcut there w/o the program14:27
pksadiqAciD_: so I think using dd is better to backup now14:27
Tweasywols: the purge is still applicable?14:27
Le_VassApt-proxy was dropped on Maverick. Anyone know why?14:27
gNewPowerwols, what is the correct command then?14:27
AciD_wols: the disk in brand new though14:28
wolsAciD_: and?14:28
wols!errors > AciD_14:28
ubottuAciD_, please see my private message14:28
AciD_wols: that would be a pita14:28
gNewPowerwols, what is the correct command to purge all doc packages then?14:29
Tweasybtw, wols, how do I know what package to put there for purging?14:29
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AciD_pksadiq: I'm not using dd since I want to be able to copy/paste the files to another partition if needed14:29
pksadiqgNewPower: I think sudo dpkg remove \*-doc          , *not* sure14:29
TweasyActionParsnip you there?14:29
wolsTweasy: you know what you uninstalled and you know what file is still in your menu14:30
TweasyI do14:30
wolsthen you know what to purge14:30
TweasyThen I'll just right the shortcut's name?14:30
pksadiqgNewPower: or apt-get remove \*-doc14:30
TweasyI'll give it a try14:30
Sidewinder1pksadiq, /14:31
AciD_wols: there is no error from fsck, but when I copy the file, I get things like "cp: lecture de Ā«myroot/var/log/kern.logĀ»: Erreur d'entrĆ©e/sortie" which means input/ouput error14:31
gNewPowerwols, does 'apt-get remove \*-doc' look right?14:31
wolsgNewPower: not really14:31
wolsAciD_: check your kernel log14:31
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gNewPowerwols, please help me out here and give me the correct command14:32
dr_willisid be real real carefull with using  wildcards to remove packages.14:32
wolsAciD_: and use LANG=C <command> next time. we don't speak french very well. maybe even use export LANG=C;<command>14:32
ActionParsnipTweasy: sup14:32
ghufranhello all.. can someone tell me how to start using applets in 11.04 .. like the force quit or the process list ..or cpu temperature etc ?14:32
AciD_wols: k14:32
gNewPowerdr_willis, I guess I will try with synaptic then14:33
ActionParsnipghufran: look into gdeskletas14:33
dr_willisghufran,  install the proper indicator-applet thing and it should show up.   many of the old gnome-panel  things dont work that well in the new unity interface.14:33
TweasyActionParsnip: wols answered me but hes being asked a lot of questions and I wanted to take that load off him14:33
TweasyActionParsnip: so I wanted you to help me basically :P14:33
dr_willisthe webupd8 site  and askubuntu.com site have some nice lists of new indicator-applets to expand your ubuntu unity system14:33
gNewPowerthanks to all. bye14:34
ghufrandr_willis, yes, i am realizing that a lot of things are work-in-progress now..14:34
AciD_wols: I do got a _lot_ of errors in kern.log like this : http://pastebin.com/ALDWG0fG14:34
alasdair1hey guys14:34
Tweasy@wols: tried purging it says can't find what I'm trying to purge14:34
wolsgNewPower: I doubt apt-get or dpkg can do what you want. aptitude most probably can but I dunno the way to call it. why not just cut+paste the ones you want removed. can't be that many...14:34
alasdair1im having a really hard time configuring my Ubuntu Server network card settings14:34
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codinGenesisdr_willis, i succesfully installed utorrent and that to latest version of windows using wine14:34
dr_willisghufran,  those applets might work in the ubuntu-classic desktop. but theres proberly replacements for most of them.14:34
dr_williscodinGenesis,  ill stick with transmission on my linux boxs :)14:35
wolsAciD_: I see a new disk in your future14:35
Tweasyapt-get purge Evolution Mail and Calendar @wols14:35
wolsAciD_: could be other things too of course, cable for example14:35
AciD_wols: on the other hand, the 'cp' command only output i/o errors for 6 files14:35
Tweasydidn't work14:35
wolsTweasy: apt-get purge evolution  only14:36
AciD_wols: it's in a laptop14:36
bullgard4_[Natty] I set up a new computer. Nautilus opens new directories in the Ā»IconsĀ« view. How can I make Nautilus to open new directories in the Ā»ListĀ« view?14:36
alasdair1i want to input these settings  ip :, Subenet :, def Gate:, Dns 1 :
alasdair1can anyone help me know how to do this please?  Im using the latest 32bit version of ubuntu server in VirtualBox14:36
dr_willisTweasy,  Case Is Impiorntant I belive14:36
wolsAciD_: then ignore them. still, some of your hardware is shot14:36
wolsalasdair1: man interfaces14:36
Tweasydr_willies Thanks, I know that14:36
codinGenesisdr_willis,  i want your help regarding how to configure the network, because it seems somewhere ubuntu is stopping these torrent clients to work properly14:36
Tweasy@wols: did that, same.14:36
wolscodinGenesis: it's not14:36
AciD_wols: any way to tell the system to not use those bad sectors ?14:36
wols!info evolution14:36
dr_williscodinGenesis,  i only use the default network settings here. with no issues.14:36
ubottuevolution (source: evolution): groupware suite with mail client and organizer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.2-0ubuntu7 (natty), package size 208 kB, installed size 1084 kB14:36
ghufrandr_willis, well how do i find those replacements? where will they be shown? currently i'm not even able to properly change the items in the launcher .14:37
dr_williscodinGenesis,  it gets ip/dhcp stuff. and it works.. so im  not sure how to configure14:37
TweasyIt's still @ Applications>Office mr.wols14:37
Sidewinder1!volunteers > codinGenesis14:37
ubottucodinGenesis, please see my private message14:37
TweasyIsn't there a way to go there and delete it my self @wols14:37
alfa77hello, I'm having some problems with flash plugin: in this page it tells me that I have installed Flash player 10.1.999 installed, but some flash site doesn't work correctly14:37
alasdair1can i set my ubuntu server to DHCP mode rather than static ip mode?14:37
wolsTweasy: I am no "mr." and it might be cached, I dunno14:37
dr_willisghufran,  which launcher? you lean the left side unity panel?  You can remove things, then add things, and use the menui to pin them to the launcher14:37
wolsalasdair1: yes. man interfaces  as before14:37
alfa77what could I check with this?14:37
Tweasy@wols, Sorry.14:37
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dr_willisghufran,  -->   the webupd8 site  and askubuntu.com site have some nice lists of new indicator-applets to expand your ubuntu unity system14:38
alfa77I have tried using chromium 12.0.742.91 or firefox 3.6.1714:39
vampyre2000Hey Guys any decent Gui interface to the ATI command line for overclocking14:40
wolsvampyre2000: no14:41
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vampyre2000I have see a few old ones from 2009, but most had library issues14:42
ghufrandr_willis, yes, i can do that ..but the options are very limited. for instance, it won't let me change the ordering of the items..14:43
ghufrandr_willis, going to check out webud8 and askubuntu14:43
Daniel0108The mic on my HP pavilion  dv7-2070eg does not work on Ubuntu 11.04, I tried to enable it with alsamixer and the sound preferences GUI. Any ideas?14:44
esmirlinestĆ” de mĆ”s que pida soporte de kubuntu en este canalĀæ?14:44
dr_willisghufran,  if you are refering to the order of the indicator-applet icons.. thats doable with some tweaks i saw at the webupd8 site14:44
bullgard4_Daniel0108: If alsamixer did not show a clue the only solution I know is to google for microphone and your computer type.14:46
AciD_wols: using "dpkg --get-selections | awk '$2 == "install" { print $1 }' | xargs apt-get -y --reinstall install" to reinstall all my packages, I get that error : E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'bash'. Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2). any idea about that ?14:46
Daniel0108bullgard4_: I tried to google it, no results :/14:47
wolsAciD_: no14:47
AciD_echo 'APT::Immediate-Configure "false";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/67configure won't do the trick14:48
bullgard4_Daniel0108: A friend of mine had a hard time to find a solution for the same problem but having bought another computer. --  I wish you good luck.14:48
Udonnomehm is it normal to take like 30min to complete teh ubuntu installer...?14:48
ghufrandr_willis, yes, searched about that. there was something with bzr. and launcher editor. didnt work for me. bugged out while installing14:48
bullgard4_Daniel0108: A friend of mine had a hard time to find a solution for the same problem but having bought another computer. --  I wish you good luck.14:48
Daniel0108bullgard4_: thank you :)14:48
bullgard4_[Natty] I set up a new computer. Nautilus opens new directories in the Ā»IconsĀ« view. How can I make Nautilus to open new directories always in the Ā»ListĀ« view?14:49
dr_willisghufran,  not sure what you were following  this is what i was looking at --> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/how-to-change-application-indicators.html14:50
theadminbullgard4_: File management preferenecs14:50
bullgard4_theadmin: Thank you very much for your help.14:52
Daniel0108bullgard4_: I should have HDMI, but it doesn't work either :/14:52
theadminbullgard4_: No problem14:52
Udonnomeguy,a little help please14:53
alfa77could somebody help me with the problem with flash plugin, please?14:53
AbhijitUdonnome, ask14:54
BluesKajalfa77, did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras?14:54
MIH1406Hi, I have windows and ubuntu but I want to start to Ubuntu directly without the waiting menu14:55
UdonnomeAbhijit,i am installing ubuntu under windows14:55
skeleton__I have files on usb14:55
alfa77BluesKaj, no14:55
Abhijit!grub | MIH1406 see the doc14:55
ubottuMIH1406 see the doc: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:55
wolsMIH1406: set the timeout to 0 I guess14:55
skeleton__I want a way to connect them to a folder /var/www14:55
Abhijit!details | Udonnome14:55
ubottuUdonnome: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:55
MIH1406wols, how?14:56
BluesKajskeleton__, make sure you don't wipe your windows partition if you want to keep windows14:56
alfa77I have ubuntu 10.10, not 11.0414:56
Udonnomethe insteller went fine,and i booted up ubuntu,and it show me some another windows ti install on it,but it takes alot ofg time like 20 mins and it havent done yet14:56
wolsMIH1406: /etc/default/grub14:56
MIH1406thanks, bye14:56
Udonnomeis this normal?14:56
BluesKajalfa77, same applies , install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:56
alfa77ok, I'll try14:57
BluesKaj!ubuntu-restricted-extras | alfa7714:57
ubottualfa77: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:57
alfa77BluesKaj, thanks14:57
UdonnomeAHA,finaly :D14:58
skeleton__BluesKaj, I did not understand what you wrote14:59
skeleton__I have files on the usb link to them I want to work on the track /var/www15:00
suigenerisit seems these days openssh has a security breach. what do you guys recommend instead?15:01
alasdair1i ran man interfaces as suggested and have been totally overwhelmed15:01
bullgard4_What package provides the Ā»Disk MounterĀ« applet?15:01
alasdair1its far too much information for me to take in all in one go15:01
alasdair1can anyone help me configure my Ubuntu Server to pick up dhcp via comand line15:02
alasdair1its not on the internet yet and i just want to install the gui so i can crack on15:02
theadminalasdair1: dhclient eth015:02
Nobgul-BNCalasdair1: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-and-configure-dhcp-server-in-ubuntu-server.html15:03
mrdebvlc is now at 1.10 but 1104 is still at 1.09. why15:03
BluesKajskeleton__, now I don't understand what you're trying to do15:03
bullgard4_Udonnome: Yes.15:03
ActionParsnip!latest | mrdeb15:03
geniuwitam wszystkich15:03
ubottumrdeb: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:03
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qin!pl | geniu15:05
ubottugeniu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:05
alasdair1just to clarifie, i want this server to be a dhcp client15:05
ActionParsnipmrdeb: I have 1.1015:06
ActionParsnipmrdeb: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/vlc; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade15:06
alfa77BluesKaj, I've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras but it still doesn't work, is it possible that I've installed some wrong packages too before this?15:06
alasdair1sudo dhclient eth0 did the trick.  thanks theadmin15:07
mrdebActionParsnip: no it should  be in the main repo. that's the point why isnt it15:08
BluesKajwhat doesn't work , flash on youtube , alfa77 ?15:08
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kaushalis there a way to open terminal using right click on Ubuntu Desktop 11.04 ?15:08
ActionParsnipmrdeb: log a bug. If there are securiy fixes or significant reason to upgrade it then it will be updated15:09
null__ctrl + alt + t15:09
mrcreativitycan someone tell me why the software center uses do much processing power15:10
alfa77BluesKaj, on youtube it works and it worked before install ubuntu-restricted-extras too. Other sites like an Italian weather forecast www.meteo.it doesn't work15:10
kaushalnull__: using Desktop ?15:10
skeleton__BluesKaj, A shortcut folder on the usb to the server apache15:10
ActionParsnipmrdeb: if you look at the changelog: http://www.videolan.org/developers/vlc-branch/NEWS   I doubt it will be for a while (my opinion)15:10
mrdebActionParsnip: its not a bug. they do this with every release15:11
ActionParsnipkaushal: if you use terminal a lot, I recommend you install guake or tilda15:11
ActionParsnipmrdeb: there is no huge gain from the new version for linux15:11
mrdebor use alt f215:11
TweasyActonParsnip: where should I install stuff? I just downloaded bumblebee and I dknow how to install it either...15:12
null__tilda is best15:12
BluesKajalfa77, what browser ..latest FF has some issues with flash15:12
mrdebwel lwe dont know that15:12
mrdebthats like sayign there is no diff between 106 and 110 on lts15:12
alfa77I'm using firefox 3.6.17 or chromium 12.0.742.91, it doesn't work with both of them15:13
ActionParsnipmrdeb: check the change log dude. Why should it be included?15:13
Lee_PrisonI want to use wget to get a page,but i don't want to put it in the file ,only print on the screen ,how to do it?15:13
theadminLee_Prison: wget -q -O - http://example.org15:13
alfa77BluesKaj, I have installed flashplugin-nonfree and flashplugin-installer too, is this right or should I remove them?15:14
icerootLee_Prison: what about w3m oder lynx?15:14
mrdebalfa77: its ok. you can keep them15:15
BluesKajalfa77, you can remove the nonfree , the flashplugin-installer replaced it15:15
TweasyActionParsnip: You there?15:15
TweasyActionParsnip: where should I install stuff? I just downloaded bumblebee and I dknow how to install it either...15:15
GigacoreGuys how to setup a windows 7 - ubuntu lan connection? Win 7 keeps saying "unidentified network"15:15
ActionParsnipTweasy: anywhere outside of /proc.  /opt is a handy place15:16
iceroot!samba | Gigacore15:16
ubottuGigacore: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:16
ActionParsnipGigacore: can you ping the IPs?15:16
Gigacoreiceroot: I installed samba15:16
GigacoreActionParsnip: nope15:16
TweasyActionParsnip, I had a tag.gz or something like that15:16
ActionParsnipTweasy: then extract it and see what you have15:16
TweasyActionParsnip: and I extracted it15:16
GigacoreActionParsnip: I am able to setup a ubuntu - ubuntu connection.. not ubuntu - win715:16
alfa77I've removed the nonfree, and it still doesn't work, any advices?15:17
TweasyActionParsnip: now I renamed the folder to Bumblebee15:17
ActionParsnipGigacore: if you cannot ping the IP then yoyr issue isn't samba15:17
TweasyActionParsnip: should I do cd bumblebee/15:17
Udonnomewired,ubuntu runs way slower on my laptop slower then win 715:17
Tweasyand then install?15:17
TweasyWill it ask me where to install or will it install where it is?15:17
Udonnomeis there a way to ptimise this thing a bit?15:17
GigacoreActionParsnip: any idea how to resolve the issue?15:17
TweasyUbuntu is confusing.15:17
Sub_ZeroOkay guys yesterday I faffed around in gconf-editor to make the window borders of metacity themes transparent. However upon restarting the window manager does not load. I can use the PC (I am now) by uninstalling both compiz and metacity. But I can move or minimize windows so it's a tad tricky15:18
ajakeWho here can help me with the grub loader?15:18
BluesKajajake, depends what's wrong with gtrub15:19
Sub_ZeroI tried 'metacity --replace' but then the few things that I can see (small chuck of my white panel at the top, icons on desktop and my borderless windows) dissappear15:19
wolsajake: ask your real question15:19
vivekrpWhich is best Twitter client for Ubuntu?15:19
Sub_ZeroI can still see the background. Same thing happens for compiz (Compiz seems to use loads of CPU when executing it)15:19
wolsUdonnome: for starters you don't install it inside a ntfs partition. that slows it down a lot right there15:20
ajakeBluesKaj: I have a wireless keyboard and mouse, and when I boot, the grub loader doesn't let me select OS15:20
wolsSub_Zero: if it uses alot of cpu it seems you don't have proper accelerated drivers?15:20
ajakeI've got win 7 installed as well15:20
Sub_ZeroI did actually redo the changes I made in gconf-editor but that didn't help15:20
wolsajake: does it work in BIOS?15:21
pfifowhen my CPU starts to heat up the fan is supposed to turn on high and cool it down, but after installing 10.04 this no longer happens. I notice I cant find /proc/acpi and it seems that something is missing here, any ideas?15:21
Sub_Zerowols Not particually bothered about about the amount of CPU. I just want to get any window manager to work15:21
BluesKajajake, then it's not a grub problem , it's startup15:21
BluesKaj!pm | ajake15:22
ubottuajake: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:22
TweasyActionParsnip: I extracted it unto opt folder15:22
Sub_ZeroI asked on ubuntuforums and tried two suggested methods ( reinstalling ubuntu-desktop and restting unity and compiz) again it hasn't worked15:22
TweasyNow to install how do I do it15:22
PeskyJMy son just bought a laptop (MSI CR620) and we're trying to put ubuntu on it, but the USB stick installer and the CD install (11.04 desktop amd64) both just get stuck on the "ubuntu ..." screen - any ideas how to troubleshoot?15:22
ajakeBluesKaj: What exactly should I change to make it work?15:22
TweasyActionParsnip: now, I opened the Terminal and typed cd bumblebee/ but nothing happened15:23
ActionParsnipTweasy: ok, see what fils you have15:23
vivekrpWhich is best Twitter client for Ubuntu?15:23
ActionParsnipTweasy: it's  cd /opt/bumblebee15:23
alfa77I'll try something else later, thank anyway15:23
BluesKajlook in startup , and make sure your input devices are enabled there , ajake15:23
ActionParsnipvivekrp: there is no best application for anything in any OS15:23
TweasyActionParsnip: thanks.15:23
ajakeBluesKaj: They are15:23
pfifoPeskyJ, try booting the alternate installer, see if you can get to a command line15:23
wolsBluesKaj: what has that to do with keys not working in grub?15:24
ActionParsnipvivekrp: its as intelligent as asking: What is the best colour?   It makes no sense15:24
PeskyJpfifo: how do you make it boot that? is there a key to press during boot?15:24
Udonnomeis there a way to make ubunto look for my wireless drivers15:24
wolsUdonnome: what wlan chip is it?15:24
ActionParsnipUdonnome: it does it at bootup15:24
Udonnomebroadcom... something15:24
Udonnomeat first run ot fond it and ask me to isnatll something15:25
ajakeBluesKaj: Any other inputs15:25
GigacoreActionParsnip: I am now able to ping from windows.. but from ubuntu15:25
wols!broadcom > Udonnome15:25
ubottuUdonnome, please see my private message15:25
wolsPeskyJ: how did you create the installer?15:25
Udonnomebut now hardway kay for wifi is on,but ut tells me its off15:25
ActionParsnipGigacore: can you ping the name or IP? does your firewall block ICMP15:25
TweasyActionParsnip: UBUNTU based distribution not found15:25
BluesKajwols, wirless KB & mouse , couls be mislabelled , not starting til after grub loads15:26
TweasyActionParsnip: can't install it...15:26
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GigacoreActionParsnip: I can ping IP. I will check firewall now15:26
mrdebis it a good idea to have java installed or is it bad slow software15:26
ajakeBluesKaj: The kb and mouse do work for the bios though15:26
PeskyJwols: I used the create startup disk from ubuntu menu on my laptop with the 11.04 desktop amd64 .iso file, for the USB installer and just burned the iso to CD to try from CD15:26
wolsBluesKaj: you talk nonsense15:26
BlouBloumrdeb: it's good if you need it. It's bad if you don't need it15:26
Sub_ZeroI faffed with gconf-editor yesterday to make the metacity window borders transparent. Now upon booting up no window manager loads. If I uninstall both compiz and metacity I can see all the icons on my desktop and also execute sh files to perform tasks. Redo-ing the changes in gconf doesn't solve anythign. How can I fix this?15:27
TweasyActionParsnip: wooohoooo you there pal?15:27
mrdebBlouBlou: is it slow and qustionalble like flahs15:27
BlouBloumrdeb: no15:27
mrdebtahnk you15:28
Tweasywols: ActionParsnip is afk it seems, could you help me install Bumblebee?15:28
CardinalFang_Hi hi.  I'm using unity on my large desktop now, and initial window placement is usually or always so close to the left-side bar (sorry, name?) that the bar hides itself.  Laptop is fine.  Ideas?15:28
ajakeAnyone who can help, with wireless kb & mouse boot problem?15:28
ActionParsnipTweasy: sup15:28
vivekrpActionParsnip: I just know tweetdeck in ubuntu. i wanted to ask which are good twitter clients other than tweetdeck and default one15:28
wolsajake: I asked you something15:28
TweasyActionParsnip: Hes aliiiiiveeee :D15:28
CardinalFang_ajake, no one will commit to helping.  Just construct a good question and ask it.15:29
dr_willisSub_Zero,  see if affects a newly made user.   if all else fails you could reset all your problem users settings by deleteing the various .gconf and .gnome files/dirs15:29
Linux4UnMewho likes unity15:29
wolsvivekrp: there is only what twitter.com provides. they lock out other clients for a good reason: money!15:29
TweasyActionParsnip: Ok. So I extracted it and tried to install through terminal, tried to run it also, did sudo ./instal.sh, nothing worked15:29
ActionParsnipvivekrp: try a few http://www.sizlopedia.com/2008/05/03/twitter-clients-for-ubuntu-linux/15:29
PeskyJpfifo: wols: I found the alternate text based installer on the ubuntu site - I'll try that.15:29
ajakeHere's the problem, I can't select the OS, when grub loads, using a wireless KB & mouse15:29
dr_willisLinux4UnMe,  its a work in progress.. i tweaked it some and have few issues with it,.15:29
pfifoPeskyJ, download and burn the alternate iso15:29
ActionParsnipTweasy: have you read the readme?15:29
BlouBlouLinux4UnMe: #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to talk about it15:29
wolsLinux4UnMe: you've been told not to poll in here. please heed that advice. thank you15:29
pfifo!alternate > PeskyJ15:29
ubottuPeskyJ, please see my private message15:29
TweasyActionParsnip: I did follow what was in it15:29
Sub_Zerodr_willis I think I'll just go straight to the deleting the config files. Where are they?15:30
ajakeWols: Here's the problem, I can't select the OS, when grub loads, using a wireless KB & mouse15:30
wolsajake: does your BIOS work with your keyboard?15:30
Linux4UnMegeez. talk about restrictions of speech15:30
Linux4UnMecan't even ask a question15:30
ActionParsnipTweasy: then you know more than me. I only know bumblebee exists15:30
pfifowhen my CPU starts to heat up the fan is supposed to turn on high and cool it down, but after installing 10.04 this no longer happens. I notice I cant find /proc/acpi and it seems that something is missing here, any ideas?15:30
BluesKajajake, try hitting the lock key to see if it will unlock during the grub load phase ...I recall i had that prob a while back15:30
wolsLinux4UnMe: do you have a ubuntu related problem? or shall I call ops?15:30
dr_willisSub_Zero,  in the various .* dirs.. .gnome* .gconf* and perhaps .config15:30
ajakewols:yes it does15:30
TweasyActionParsnip: damn.15:30
PeskyJshould be a "press some key to do alternate installer" option during normal installer startup :(15:30
Linux4UnMewols i'm shakin in my boots15:30
ajakeblueskaj: will try that15:30
CardinalFang_Linux4UnMe, what sort of response are you looking for?  Assume some "me"s and some "not me"s.  Now what?  You're making only noise.15:30
Sub_Zerodr_willis is it safe to be deleting those?15:30
Linux4UnMeok I have a question15:30
ActionParsnipLinux4UnMe: you can, asking whom  likes unity is not a support question15:31
Linux4UnMeabiogenesis.... can anybody explain to me what the process is please15:31
Tweasy@ActionParsnip: Download the .zip or .tar.gz by clicking the 'Downloads' button on the 'Source' page to a directory of your liking. Unzip or untar and run the install script with 'sudo ./install.sh' (or 'sudo -E ./install.sh' on Fedora)15:31
dr_willisSub_Zero,  you could awlasy move them tgo some other dir.  depends on how you got things configured..  you can lose your customized settings for cvariouis apps15:31
Linux4UnMequick. google it15:31
Linux4UnMeits a big word15:31
vivekrpActionParsnip: Thanks15:31
Tweasy@ActionParsnip, it seems I can't paste it all here, fail moar15:31
Sub_Zerodr_willis okay I'll give that ago15:31
qinLinux4UnMe: Task associaded with pid15:31
ActionParsnipTweasy: sounds like a plan15:31
wols!ops Linux4UnMe is trolling15:31
Linux4UnMeerrrrrrr no15:31
BluesKajajvpot, it's odd that it 's enabled during BIOS and gets turned off at grub15:31
Linux4UnMei am not trolling15:32
dr_willisSub_Zero,  i recall ubuntu-tweak also had a reset-gnome feasture. but not sure iof it works with  unity/compiz15:32
ActionParsnipLinux4UnMe: do you have a problem with your ubuntu installation>?15:32
Linux4UnMe!ops wols is a fairy15:32
Linux4UnMeyes ActionParsnip15:32
Lee_Prisonwget "http://www.google.cn/music/search?q=love" -o ./test.html -q       ,but i get nothing  ,why?15:32
CardinalFang_/ignore Linux4UnMe15:32
philipballewLinux4UnMe, TROLL ALERT!!!!!15:32
ActionParsnipLinux4UnMe: then explain it on one line and we will endevour to help15:32
wolsLee_Prison: robots.txt maybe15:32
dr_willisSub_Zero,  what would be cool would be to have your settings synced on ubuntu one. :)15:32
BluesKajooopps ajvpot , sorry , aj-person15:32
qinLinux4UnMe: In terminal: top15:33
=== CardinalFang_ is now known as CardinalFang
npu3pak_hi all15:37
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Linux4UnMeBy default, -mtune is set to be the same value as -march. However, because of the lack of a proper cost model for Intel Core and later processors, GCC versions <= 4.5 actually generate better code with -mtune=generic then they do with their respective -mtune options [1]. You would think that this would easily be gotten around by specifying "-march=native -mtune=generic", but this drops some flags that are otherwise available (in particular --pa15:37
Linux4UnMeram flags). ..... how do I set this in ubuntu>?15:37
npu3pak_give me one shell account15:37
qinLee_Prison: wget http://www.google.cn/music/search?q=love gave me 59Kb file15:37
=== langui is now known as blueghost
Linux4UnMehhmmmm I don't suppose any ubuntu noob users would know the answer....... :)15:38
osseIn Users and Groups I can see my user's priviliges. Apparently I cannot connect to networks or use VirtualBox. The fact is that I can. Are those settings some legacy stuff that's not used anymore?15:38
Sub_Zerodr_willis Before I go deleting those files I want to check if I changed all the values in /apps/gwd/ correctly back to what they were originally. Could you use gconf-editor and go to apps/gwd and tell me what the top-most value is?15:38
mrdebhow do you install new printer drivesr for someone on ubuntu that doesnt know how ot use linxu15:38
aristidesflAre there any problems using a flash drive with ubuntu 24/7 instead of a normal HDD?15:38
mrdebaristidesfl: it will wear out faster probably, unless you set fstab to noatime and other tweaks15:39
ulearistidesfl: Do you trust in a flash drive for it?15:39
ghufranin the new left hand side bar in 11.04, i can't start multiple instances of an application? i have to press super key, search the application and then open it from there..15:39
wolsmrdeb: depends on the printer driver. and I suggest you admin the box remotely and do stuff like installing such troublesome printers15:39
CardinalFangTry #gcc.  Ubuntu would be the same as all Unixes for that.  This isn't specific to Ubuntu.15:39
mrdebwols: i dont know how to admin remotelyh15:39
wolsLjL: thank you15:39
ActionParsnipmrdeb: depends on the model. Some manufacturers make linux drivers in deb which you can instal via ssh15:40
LjLwols: np, was a bit late15:40
wolsmrdeb: usually via ssh, vnc or the like15:40
aristidesflmrdeb: It's probably only gonna read on boot, when energy fails..15:40
aristidesflule: it's not gonna have sensitive data..15:40
ActionParsnipmrdeb: HP printers should just drop in. You may need to install the latest hplip via ssh if it's not already installed15:40
Sub_Zerodr_willis Ow well nevermind. I'll try deleting the files now. Pray for me15:41
wolsmrdeb: what printer is it?15:41
martijn1985Could someone help me with NFS? My client can't mount the server dirs, it gives: "No such file or directory". The dir does exist, as well as the mount location. In /etc/exports on the server the dirs are shared, ports 111, 2049 and 32771 are open, firewall turned off doesn't help either. Has someone an idea where to look next?15:41
ulearistidesfl: so.. just put it in your /etc/fstab and use it15:41
aristidesflule: what for?15:42
Lee_Prisonqin:it's my fault ,  use the "-O" instead of "-o"15:44
aristidesflule: talking about noatime?15:45
BluesKajmartijn1985, check the /etc/fstab to make sure the mount entries are listed on both server and client15:45
Le_Vassis there a way to merge /var/cache/apt with /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng ?15:47
vanessaj'ai un problĆØme: flash n'est pas disponible sous firefox dans les comptes utilisateurs , il ne l'est que dans le compte principal. Quelqu'un peut m'aider ?15:47
BlouBlouvanessa: english15:47
martijn1985BluesKaj /etc/fstab on client has it all mount entries listed with the appropriate IPadres; on the server the disk is mounted (it's my /home drive)15:48
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vanessais there a french ubuntu chanel ?15:48
BlouBlouvanessa: #ubuntu-fr15:48
vanessaBlouBlou, thanks15:48
user82i accidently kicked zeitgeist from the autostart. which command do i need to add to get it back? (zeitgeist-daemon)15:49
ulearistidesfl: you only have to find your device.. using something like this: fdisk -l15:50
ulearistidesfl: and put it in your fstab15:50
qinLee_Prison: Life... I always mess äŗŗ with å…„15:50
Miguel29Hello guys15:51
Miguel29I am getting an error when I tr to boot from a ubuntu 11.04 cd15:51
Jaap_2hi all15:52
Jaap_2My machine has 2 nics, only one of the 2 works. lshw -C network tells me *-network:1 Disabled15:52
Jaap_2i try to enable it, because i need it. but i don't know how.15:53
Jaap_2modprobe 8139cp and modprobe 8139too gives no errors.15:53
dr_williswhat is the 2nd nic connected to?15:53
dr_willisdoes ifconfig show its eth1 or a similer name?15:53
Jaap_2now to a accesspoint15:54
dr_willisa router?15:54
Jaap_2ifconfig returns only lo and eth015:54
dr_willisboth nics are connexcted to the same thing?15:54
Jaap_2ifconfig eth1 up gives a error15:54
wolsJaap_2: iwconfig15:54
trelinxdid you add it to /etc/network/interfaces15:54
Jaap_2eth1: error wile getting interface flags:15:54
dr_willisthisis a wired or wireless card?15:54
Miguel39error is:   Busy Box v1.17.1(ubuntu 1:1.17.1-1Outbunt-1) builtin shell(ash)   <initranfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on / //filesystem.squashfs failed: Input/output error15:55
bananstolubuntu came with wpa_supplicant, but when i use -Dndiswrapper to run it i get "unsupported driver." how do i fix this, do i have to recompile?15:55
wolsdr_willis: accesspoint is a big hint :)15:55
dr_williswols,  tje 8139 cards i had were wired...15:55
wols< Jaap_2> now to a accesspoint15:55
aristidesflule: did you get the aim is to boot from the flash drive?15:55
dr_willisas far as i know those are modules for wired nics..15:55
Jaap_2wired card15:55
Miguel39Hi guys, I am getting an eror when trying to boot and install  Ubuntu 1115:56
dr_willisMiguel39,  looks like a bad cd burn.15:56
null__what error?15:56
dr_willisMiguel39,  or a bad download15:56
wolsJaap_2: lspci -nn15:56
CardinalFangMiguel39, "11.04", btw.  There is no "11".15:56
ulearistidesfl: buy a new hard-disk driver!15:56
levi_yes check your cd15:56
thegladiatorhas anyone faced any bugs in Natty ,  I have some weird problem like 2 -3 lines in my netbook doesnt respond to HYPER links or any buttons , buttons get disabled in 2-3 rows of my monitor15:57
dr_willisthegladiator,  2-3 lines of what?15:57
Tweasy@all: best torrent download program?15:57
aristidesflule: the point is to save energy, I got plenty hard drives15:57
wolsthegladiator: monitors rarely have "buttons", especially not full rows of them15:57
Tweasy@all: for ubuntu, ofc.15:57
CardinalFang"buttons get disabled in 2-3 rows of my monitor"  That makes almost no sense, thegladiator .  :(15:57
wols!best > Tweasy15:57
ubottuTweasy, please see my private message15:57
Jaap_2lspci -> two networkcards15:57
dr_willisTweasy,  depemds  on your needs. Transmission works very well for most people15:57
wolsJaap_2: show us the output15:57
BluesKajmartijn1985, I don't mean to staet the obvious, but had some NFS probs and I found this to be helpful : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo15:58
ulearistidesfl: so you may get an ssd-driver15:58
Jaap_2ehrm. mirc => windows pc..15:58
thegladiatorI mean , lets say you have a gmail window opened , or any other gnome application .... when you go the middle area of my netbook - I just can't CLICK on any thing thats in that area of the monitor15:58
Tweasy@wols, that was kind of weird but thanks15:58
wolsJaap_2: you were asked several questions and didn't answer one of them properly. I think you don't want help15:58
aristidesflule: you probably mean drive, and, a usb flash still consume much less than a ssd15:58
FishFaceTweasy: Vuze. Give it a shot15:58
thegladiatorusually you see the mouse pointer moving to a " HAND " symbol , it doesn't happen in this area15:58
dr_willisthegladiator,  as if theres an invisible window above that area captureing the clicks eh?15:58
wolsTweasy: never ask for "best" things15:59
dr_willisthegladiator,  as a off the wall test. You could try some other window manager, and see if the problem exists in it as well.  such as installing icewm,15:59
Tweasywols why not? it's a question like every other! I forgot to add "in your opinion"15:59
dr_willisthegladiator,  sounds like some window/program is there but not seen15:59
wols!polls > Tweasy15:59
ubottuTweasy, please see my private message15:59
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P16:00
Jaap_2i want to paste te output, only my mirc is windows based. :$16:00
wolsTweasy: cause it's stupid to do. if you seen the traffic it can generate you know why.16:00
wolsTweasy: and everyone has a different notion what "best" is16:00
phong_hi guys, what is WWAN card is?16:00
thegladiatormovie scroll bars , hyperlinks - anything that is clickable , doesnt respond in the middle area of my laptop ----- a span of 3-4 lines16:00
wolsphong_: a UMTS card.16:00
dr_willisthegladiator,  and the pointer changes  in that area?16:00
thegladiatorit's the weirdest error I have encountered using a modern computer16:00
BluesKajJaap_2, doesn't matter  pastebin it and post the url16:00
thegladiatorpointer doesn't change16:00
wolsphong_: or 3G. depending where you are freom16:00
Tweasywols: Thats exactly the reason why I wanted to know different opinions in the first place. I'm new @ linux and I wanted different opinions, nothing else.16:00
thegladiatorit should ideally become a "hand" symbol or something like that ....16:01
wolsTweasy: then do that elsewhere16:01
phong_wols, my notebook has a slot..it said WWAN16:01
wolsTweasy: if you do that on irc you are spamming the channel16:01
Tweasywols: why so rude?16:01
dr_willisthegladiator,  well as a test i would . try it with a newly made user, and try it with a differnt window manager.  I heard someone in here last week with a sijmiler issue.. but never saw a fix for it.16:01
phong_wols, one is already has WLAN, WWAN is empty slow now16:01
CodenameStrikeI am currently trying to draw on my Wacom Graphire 4 tablet, and I notice that while hovering the stylus over the tablet,16:01
CodenameStrikethe cursor shakes a lot16:01
qin!torrent | Tweasy16:01
ubottuTweasy: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P16:01
thegladiatoromg dr_willis seems like a problem ----- I have this since I installed natty16:01
dr_willisis wwan for 3g/cell modems?16:02
wolsphong_: I told you. wireless cards with support from your mobile carrier.16:02
BluesKajTweasy, use the ignore option ,it helps :)16:02
qinTweasy: But best is rtorrent16:02
wolsdr_willis: yes16:02
mrdebis it safe to buy amd graphics to use with ubutnu with open drivers, or is nvidia better16:02
dr_willisvi! emacs! :)16:02
ActionParsnipqin: best is an opinion, so never concrete16:02
dr_willismrdeb,  i would stick with nvidia16:02
wolsmrdeb: just as "safe"16:02
TweasyGuys, thanks for answering!16:02
TweasyLet me read and formulate an answer16:02
TweasyYou see, I was looking for something like utorrent16:03
TweasySimple, fast and reliable16:03
mrdebdr_willis: does the open driver work well enough16:03
mrdebi would rather get one where i dont hvae to install extra drivers16:03
Jaap_2wols > i don't know how to paste it @ pastebin from a commandline :$ i am just a newb.16:03
ActionParsnipTweasy: there is utorrent for linux, it's just not packaged. Transmission is in a default install16:03
mrdebas long as it does not poorly16:03
TweasyI'm having some troubles with my Internet Provider. Keeps blocking torrents it seems... just can't download anything decently16:04
wolsmrdeb: better than the nvidia alternative :)16:04
qinmrdeb: Well, have 3 different ATI and happy, my last nvidia just melted on lappy.16:04
ActionParsnipmrdeb: nvidia have supported linux for ages16:04
TweasyActionParsnip: Yes sir, I checked it but found it hard to install!16:04
BluesKajTweasy, if you don't mind some kde libs on you machine ktorrent is as close to utorrent as it gets or you could always run utorrent under wine , which has been siccessful in the past16:04
suigenerisit seems these days openssh has a security breach. what do you guys recommend instead?16:04
wolssuigeneris: and you base that on what?16:04
suigenerisit can't get past out IDS at work16:05
qinsuigeneris: What breach?16:05
wolsah, great proof that16:05
suigeneriswols: netadmin says its signature is frowned upon by IDS16:05
wolssuigeneris: hint, one misconfigured IDS doesn't mean anything is vulnerable.16:05
Tweasywols: I just wanted to add that I'm sorry if I annoyed you with all the questions and the best thingy. Didn't want to upset you or anything like that. Again, sorry.16:05
TweasyBluesKaj: what are kde libs?16:06
BluesKajsuigeneris, there is a launchpad bug that might explain ssh server probs in 11.04 , but you'll have to search launchpad for it .16:06
ubottuNatty can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/server/ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/16:06
Miguel29also, I tried before using the ubuntu 9.10...   anloved it.. .   but I use a dongle to connect to the internet...    I could figure it out for it to work16:06
BluesKaj!kde | Tweasy16:06
ubottuTweasy: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: Ā« sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop Ā», or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.16:06
wolssuigeneris: there is lsh from GNU, but I dunno if it's packaged16:06
mrdebso the ati graphics ar fast enough16:06
Miguel29I googled aboutit and found a couple of info...   but didn't manage to make it work...   anybody can help?16:07
bullgard4_How can one determine the active graphics driver?16:07
Miguel29I wanna get reid of windows!!!!!16:07
wolsmrdeb: always depending what you want to do with it. if two cards are hardware-wise the same speed, then the fastest driver is nvidia, then fglrx, then radeon, then nouveau.16:08
ActionParsnipMiguel29: use the 8 character hex ID in websearches16:08
phong_is it good idea to remember password in ubuntu?16:08
TweasyBluesKaj: damn I'll need a new brain, mine is burning16:08
BluesKajbullgard4_, lshw -C video16:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:08
qinmrdeb: Well, for compiz and cs 1.6, yes, but never come to me to effectively test it.16:08
wolsbullgard4_: glxinfo or Xorg.0.log16:08
BluesKajbullgard4_, use sudo16:08
wolsTweasy: don't spam.  /msg ubottu <topic>16:08
null__anybody have any expirience with airodump-ng skriptom?16:08
Sub_Zerodr_willis Thanks I removed some of my configuration and now everythingā€™s fine again. Quick question is it okay if I remove compiz as I will only ever use metacity. Does ubuntu need it?16:08
Miguel29ActionPArship: sorry, what do yo mean?16:08
wolsBluesKaj: that shows hardware. no drivers currently used16:09
wols!pm > Tweasy16:09
ubottuTweasy, please see my private message16:09
suigeneriswols: thanks, I'll look at that16:09
BluesKajwois , and glxinfo is so easy to read16:09
Miguel29help pls16:09
wolsBluesKaj: yes it is. it tells you the renderer or something like that which pretty clearly shows which driver you currently use16:10
Tweasywols: Sorry if sending you a pm offended you, I though you didn't want spam. You're such a complicated person!16:10
wolsBluesKaj: better than not showing at all what was asked...16:10
wols /ignore tweasy16:10
qinMiguel29: What so messy here, can you formulate problem again?16:11
wolsMiguel29: we need more info about your "dongle" to help.16:11
phong_can someone help me how to install flash player manullay ?16:11
BluesKajwols, the lshw shows which card , he can then determine which driver is required , I have 2 graphics cards , and only one is enabled16:11
wolsphong_: why? what's wrong with installing it the ubuntu way?16:12
phong_wols, cause it doesn't play movie well16:12
phong_wols, it has white box flash all the time16:12
phong_wols, well can u just show me the  copy  .so file thing16:12
phong_wols, i did that before it plays well16:13
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:13
Miguel29qin, wols: huwai 3G dongle from the network '3'    I installed ubuntu 9.1(I didn't have the cd for 11.04 and neither internet coneection to download it)     but then I couldn't use my dongle16:13
Miguel29I think the system saw it as a USB storage devide16:13
null__which movie player for ubuntu have subtitle corection option?16:14
bullgard4_BluesKaj, wols Thank you very much for your help.16:14
wolsoften happens with those. use "lsusb" to find out the number ActionParsnip asked you about16:14
ActionParsnipphong_: copy the .so file to your browsers plugin folder16:15
TweasyI guess I'll have to go back to windows @ some point, Ubuntu is giving me to many problems.16:15
qin!karmic | Miguel29 First you would want to upgrade to 10.04 (still supported)16:15
ubottuMiguel29 First you would want to upgrade to 10.04 (still supported): Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.16:15
phong_ActionParsnip, where can i get the .so file?16:16
wolsphong_: from adobe16:16
BluesKajTweasy, don't threaten , that won't help you16:16
Miguel29being a newbie in ubuntu, I don't know what you mean with that   lsusb       and what number did ActionParship mean?16:16
phong_wols, got it thanks16:16
ActionParsnipphong_: from the tar.gz file from adobe. Why not use the package in the repos??16:17
phong_ActionParsnip, i got the .so, now where is the plug in folder locate?16:17
TweasyBluesKaj: not theatning just stating the facts and trying to pass a little of the huge frustration I'm feeling right now16:17
BluesKajMiguel29, open a terminal and type , lsusb16:17
qinMiguel29: Second: Post on paste.ubuntu.com output of lsusb and dmesg (replug device before dmesg)16:17
wolsMiguel29: run lsusb in a terminal. and it will give you a number like this xxxx:xxxx that's what's needed16:17
ActionParsnipphong_: which browser do you use?16:17
zerosniperhi guys16:17
phong_the default ubuntu browser16:17
ActionParsnipphong_: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins    put it in there16:17
mun_does anyone know how to rotate only one screen 90 degrees and have compiz?16:17
ActionParsnipphong_: default means little in Ubuntu ;)16:18
thegladiatorwhat would be a good window manager to install dr_willis and is this a problem with window manager ? or gnome control thing ?16:18
th0rTweasy: I have been in here for over ten minutes. I have seen you whine, threaten, apologize...why don't you just ask the question and save everyone a lot of aggravation?16:18
zerosniperi wanted to install a desktop on my server so i ran "sudo aptitude  install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop"16:18
BluesKajTweasy, don't let some knowitall troll bother you ,....we get alot of those here on weekends ..let's start over16:18
zerosniperhow long should this take on average?16:18
phong_ActionParsnip, how can i view with '.' folder?16:19
wolszerosniper: mainly depends on your network connection16:19
ActionParsnipphong_: press CRL+H16:19
wolsphong_: ls -al16:19
qinTweasy: Dont worry, all of them are coffee fanatics.16:19
phong_ok thanks16:19
zerosniperwhat does CRL+H do?16:19
ActionParsnipzerosniper: why didn't you just install the desktop OS if that's what you wanted?16:19
Tweasyth0r, BluesKaj, qin: thanks a lot, I actually feal better! (Seriously.)16:19
zerosniperits a hotspot gateway running with freeradius16:19
th0rTweasy: and still no question16:19
phong_ActionParsnip, thanks, it works..i saw the hidden folder ;)16:20
zerosniperthe desktop is just for quick and easy access for some tasks16:20
phong_thanks u so much16:20
ActionParsnipphong_: cool16:20
wolszerosniper: which begs the questiong why the heck it needs GUI16:20
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BluesKajTweasy, I didn't see your issue earlier , perhaps you could repeat it , we'll try to help16:20
phong_ActionParsnip, video play smoothly now...i love you ..thanks16:20
Miguel29ActionParsnip, blueskaj, qin, wols:  thanks very much for your help.   I give it a try and be back....cheers!16:21
zerosniperbecause.  I am a windows geek by trade.  This is pretty much my first experience with Linux.  Somethins when trying to read documents and do other tasks i have gotten stuck in the command line and the only way I have found to get out of thoes positions is to reboot16:21
wolsMiguel29: are you in windows right now?16:21
ActionParsnipMiguel29: np man16:21
zerosniperi want a solution that can help me bridge the gap and learn16:21
ActionParsnipphong_: hehe16:21
qinTweasy: You could try deluge (much better than transmission) and see if torrents are faster. use torrent for ubuntu image to check it.16:21
Miguel29wols: yes, unfortunately    haha16:21
delinquentmecommand to unpackage a tar.gz?16:21
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: tar zxvf file16:21
wolsMiguel29: windows shows this USB ID in device manager as well. but fairly hidden16:21
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: or you can install unp and use it for all archives ;)16:21
Miguel29actually, I ve got internet connectivity problems...   my dongle keeps on disconnecting16:22
PeskyJalternate installer works great :)16:22
PeskyJit should be the default16:22
ActionParsnipMiguel29: when it drops, run:  dmesg | tail    it may give clues16:22
wolsPeskyJ: not as userfriendly16:22
ActionParsnipPeskyJ: it can be16:22
qinMiguel29: On battery, or main?16:22
ActionParsnipPeskyJ: just download the alternate instead of desktop16:22
delinquentmewhat makes something "slackware"16:22
zerosnipernow my desktop installation has finished... how to i load the desktop enviroment? lol16:23
PeskyJyeah, I got it - it works great whereas the desktop version didn't work16:23
dr_willis!info unp | delinquentme16:23
ubottudelinquentme: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre5 (natty), package size 14 kB, installed size 120 kB16:23
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: it'll be a distro based on slackware16:23
damian_-_hi, anyone know how to install a windows game with 6 cd's, basically, wine is using the cd so i cant unmount it to  insert the second when installer asks for it16:23
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PeskyJI guess it depends on the hardware16:23
ActionParsnipdamian_-_: playonlinux may help16:23
Miguel29wols: I only found   HUAWEI MObile Connect - 3G PC UI Interface (COM5)16:23
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dr_willisdamian_-_,  copy all the cds to a directory. cd to the directory... wine setup.exe  (or whatever its called)16:24
Miguel29under device manager16:24
Tweasyqin, th0r, BluesKaj PROBLEM1: After installing Ubuntu today @ my Sony Vaio VGN-Z51WG/B I found out that the switch from Intel to NVIDIA GPU is not working. I think everything else is working but, I wanted the switch to work. Any ideas? Someone told me to install a program called Bumblebee which I tried and couldn't install.16:24
damian_-_dr_willis, i will give that a shot actually. i assumed the games installer would do cd checks16:24
DiamondciteTweasy: Switchable graphics is a work in progress. Not too complete yet.16:25
zerosnipergot it16:26
dr_willisdamian_-_,  its an old issue with how cd's get mounted and how wine does it..   Not as big a problem these days since most games come on 1 dvd.16:26
dr_willisdamian_-_,  game copy protexction is a whole differnt problem16:26
damian_-_dr_willis, its the old driver game. i will give it a shot thanks, copying now.16:27
zerosniperdoes ubuntu server come with ssh server by default?16:27
qinzerosniper: Yes16:27
delinquentmeand the ubuntu command to move :D?16:27
Oerzerosniper, it is a standard option, yes16:28
qindelinquentme: mv16:28
qindelinquentme: man mv16:28
TweasyDiamondcite: Are there any fixes right now that I can easily "install" my self?16:28
DiamondciteTweasy: I don't think there is a way to reliably use the Nvidia GPU at the moment.16:29
zerosniperis ssh port 22 by default?16:29
TweasyDiamondcite: thanks. Any where I should go to for more info?16:30
qinzerosniper: Yes.16:30
ulezerosniper: if the sshd is running, yes :)16:30
damian_-_dr_willis, not sure if your speaking from experience and are even interested but i also found a handy game for this. " wine eject <drive letter>" or "wine eject -a"16:30
damian_-_handy command rather16:31
zerosniperule how do i check the status of sshd?16:31
qinzerosniper: netstat -tulp16:31
DiamondciteTweasy: I'm sorry I don't know much about that topic, haven't been keeping up with it.16:31
wolssudo netstat -anpl|grep :2216:31
rewtservice ssh status16:32
ulezerosniper: sudo lsof -i tcp:2216:32
TweasyOk thanks.16:32
BluesKajDiamondcite, what about BIOS peripheral settings , could Tweasy choose to run just the nvidia gpu there ?16:32
DiamondciteBluesKaj: I have no idea. At somepoint I think there were people trying to force nvidia only, but I don't know how far that got.16:33
ulezerosniper: I think service ssh status is the best idea for check the sshd status. Like as rewt wrote16:33
TweasyBluesKaj: I could try and check if it's possible anyway. Wouldn't hurt imho.16:33
TweasyBluesKaj: should I?16:34
mun_does anyone know how to rotate only one screen 90 degrees (to portrait mkode) and still have compiz?16:35
wolsBluesKaj: depends how the BIOS/GPUs are set up. can work, doesn't have to. D. Airlie I think it was wrote a text about it16:35
wolsmun_: xrandr maybe?16:35
Goliathhey i tried to connect using ssh somewhere and it added the key permanently (authentication). how do i delete that?16:36
delinquentmemv libxml2/ include << i just ran this command and i've not got two "include" dirs     what did i do ?16:36
zerosnipermy server is running in virtualbox.  its using DHCP.  Do i have to configure the network card in virtual box to allow ssh?16:36
ActionParsnipmun_: which video chip do you use?16:36
mun_wols, but compiz wouldn't work with xrandr right?16:36
mun_ActionParsnip, it's an NVidia16:36
ActionParsnipzerosniper: set it to a bridged network card and it will appear on your LAN like a new PC16:37
zerosniperi have it to NAT atm16:37
ActionParsnipmun_: the rotate control shoul;d be in nvidia-settings#16:37
ActionParsnipzerosniper: so no router?16:37
ActionParsnipmun_: press ALT+F2 and run: nvidia-settings   and it should be in there16:37
Goliathubuntu sucks16:37
Goliathreally it does16:37
zerosniperYeah, there is a router on my network, this is just my first play with Virtual Box and Ubuntu Server16:37
ActionParsnipGoliath: don't use it then16:37
zerosniperi have to learn these little things16:37
ActionParsnipGoliath: simple fix16:37
mun_ActionParsnip, under display configuration, there's nothing about rotation.16:38
ActionParsnipzerosniper: it will get DHCP from the router16:38
ActionParsnipmun_: flick around in the app16:38
zerosniperwill try that in a moment16:38
mun_ActionParsnip, there's position, panning, resolution...16:38
zerosnipersorry, my cars reg : trying to put into another chat :/16:38
mun_ActionParsnip, nope. nothing.16:39
mun_ActionParsnip, does yours have it?16:39
nina_can someone help me with my sound issue?16:39
ActionParsnipmun_: try: xrandr -o right16:39
BluesKajTweasy, not yet ..need to do more research ,,it's become more difficult in some ways now that google dumped the google-linux search16:39
mun_ActionParsnip, but xrandr doesn't work with compiz, right?16:40
bgutomHI! Is it possible, on Empathy, to become invisible on a specific buddy or group only??16:40
ActionParsnipmun_: http://tuxtweaks.com/2010/05/ubuntu-enable-rotation-nvidia/16:40
ActionParsnipnina_: wassup?16:40
thezman60hi everyone Im new to this so any advice would helpful16:40
TweasyBluesKaj: right-o. I'm looking in the forum anyway!16:41
mun_ActionParsnip, oh, maybe i should make my Q clearer: i have a dual monitor setup, but only want one screen turned into portrait.16:41
pshrJeanGrey, hi16:41
nina_I cant get any audio! i have the master audio turned up, but get no sound...16:41
thezman60hi jeangray16:41
hpblack dots on the screen , what can be the problem of that ?16:42
thezman60how can i add other rooms16:42
zerosniperwhat is the shutdown command for ubuntu server ?16:43
zerosnipersudo shutdown -h now ?16:43
qinthezman60: /join #ubuntu-offtopic16:44
BluesKajTweasy, which version ubuntu are you running?16:45
ActionParsnipnina_: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x .alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh16:45
TweasyBluesKaj: the latest, I think. Downloaded yesterday!16:45
ActionParsnipzerosniper: that will work, yes16:45
TweasyBluesKaj: How do I check it?16:45
bgutomHI! Is it possible, on Empathy, to become invisible on a specific buddy or group only??16:45
tim_My sound suddenly stopped working.  Is there a way to reinitialize my sound card?16:45
qinTweasy: lsb_release -a16:46
BluesKajTweasy, open a terminal , lsb_release -a16:46
ActionParsniptim_: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*16:46
nina_ActionParsnip: how/where do I input this string?16:46
ActionParsnipnina_: terminal16:46
zerosniperright. im outta here16:47
zerosnipersee yaaa16:47
Tweasyqin, BluesKaj: Cheers! 11.04 codename: natty16:47
tim_ok. I typed that into a terminal. Nothing really happened.  Now what16:48
ActionParsnipnina_: paste it all as one in a terminal and hit enter, upload to the server and a red URL will be generated, if you can paste the URL in here we can advise16:50
ActionParsniptim_: it just reset your sound, try sound stuffs16:51
tim_so go to system, preferences and sound?16:51
qinDoes Xchat have /exec ???16:51
tim_It doesn't show any hardware...16:52
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InitMassHow do I start gnome-color-manager? I installed the program by using APT. If I double-click an ICC-file, then the program starts. But the calibration opportunity doesn't show up.16:52
ActionParsniptim_: try something like vlc16:52
tim_How do I "try vlc"? sorry...16:53
bullgard4_I have installed Ubuntu Natty 64 bit on a new hard disk of a newly bought computer. I installed also a "testuser" account. '~$ grep video /etc/group; video:x:44:testuser'. Why am I no member of the video group, but testuser is a member?16:53
ubuntu1Having issues installing ubuntu onto Macbook Pro (5.2) - Using Refit and not using Refit. Booting from CD freezes right away, and cannot boot from USB (will say "Missing Operating System") I tested the DVDs, CDs, and Flash Drive methods on a windows box, and all of them work just fine, just cannot get it to work on the macbook or iMac. Any ideas?16:53
ArmyMan007hello... my sound dosen't work! i worked with the tutorial on the ubuntu  website and it worked! after restart it disappered! what should i do?16:54
Bravohi anyone knows that page for best linux programs to use in terminal without gui?16:54
tim_My system under Preferences and Sound doesn't even show a sound card anymore.  There's no speaker icon in the bar on top...16:54
Sub_ZeroWhen I disallow my panel to expand (and thus shrinks) two things appear at either side of the panel. Allowing me to drag the panel left and right. How can I remove them?16:54
nhjlran chkdisk and gave me a log. typed it into console said access not permitted16:54
nhjlhow to access log pls16:54
bullgard4_!sound | ArmyMan00716:55
ubottuArmyMan007: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:55
dr_willis_Bravo,  given the variaty of programs out there... that would be a big page.. what are you looking for exactly?16:55
ArmyMan007bullgard4_: already told u didn't work out..16:55
nhjlneone know how to access chkdisk log16:55
nhjlhad a few warnings want to check out16:55
bullgard4_ArmyMan007: I am sorry.16:55
Bravodr_willis_,  there was good page with few best programs for every task like monitoring, music etc16:56
dr_willis_nhjl,  sudo more logfile perhaps..16:56
ArmyMan007anyone else?16:56
Bravodr_willis_, but I cant find it now:(16:56
nhjlsudo chkdisk then paste log maybe16:56
dr_willis_Bravo,  cant say ive ever noticed one.. sounds like somnthing that would ghet outdated real fast.16:56
BluesKajTweasy, open system>admin> addtional drivers , what does it say about recommended or active drivers?16:56
nhjlwhere are log files stored16:56
qinnhjl: /var/log/16:57
ubuntu1I've tried multiple options on trying to install ubuntu on the macbook, but nothing gets me to the install screen. It's almost as if apple is preventing it.16:57
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DEVASTATORhey all16:57
DEVASTATORwhats up guys16:57
nhjlthanks qin16:57
lolevoAnybody have experience with issues concerning installing ubuntu on macbook, and finding a work around?16:57
tim_Armyman: I'm having the same problem.  My sound card suddenly disappeared.  Worked fine for months.16:58
ActionParsniptim_: run the app, use it16:58
ActionParsnipnina_: did you get the script ran ok?16:58
BluesKaj!macbook | lolevol16:59
ubottulolevol: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages16:59
phonex01guys im using firefox on ubunt  when i use facebook i have to refresh the page manually to see new post and comments and messages !!!16:59
lolevoubottu: I've checked that, nothing there has helped.16:59
ubottulolevo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:59
tim_vlc nor any other media player will produce sound.  The sound card isn't showing up.16:59
TweasyBluesKaj: hang on a sec.16:59
fr00gCan anyone tell me if it's possible to modify the indicator-workspaces code so that it displays the workspace number instead of an icon?17:00
nina_ActionParsnip: when i type "wget -0 alsa-info.sh" after the prompt, I get "wget: invalid option - - '0'. I tried to copy and paste but it wont let me copy or paste.17:00
BluesKajtim_, type alsmixer in the terminal , the soundcard will showup in the top left . if the driver is installed17:00
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ArmyMan007tim_: what happened with me is that my previous version of ubuntu had a working sound, this ubuntu does not17:01
TweasyBluesKaj: I have two Drivers there, both are Nvidia. But I did Install the one that says recommended!17:01
ActionParsnipnina_: copy and paste the text, if you copy it you will generate errors17:02
TweasyBluesKaj: Nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version 173) and the other is (version current) [Recommended]17:02
nina_ActionParsnip: wait, i have something now...17:02
TweasyBluesKaj: I have the second one activated right now.17:02
tim_BluesKaj:  It tells me 'No Command alsmixer'17:02
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dr_willis_nina_,  it may be an O upper case o   or a ZERO 017:03
bullgard4_I have installed Ubuntu Natty 64 bit on a new hard disk of a newly bought computer. I installed also a "testuser" account. '~$ grep video /etc/group; video:x:44:testuser'. Why am I no member of the video group, but testuser is a member?17:04
BluesKajTweasy, the curent version is for the "performance" gpu , the 173 is an older version used for the low power setting17:04
nina_actionparsnip: is this the url you want? http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-driver.git;a=blob_plain;f=utils/alsa-info.sh17:05
BluesKajtim_, sorry I misspelled ..it's , alsamixer17:05
TweasyBluesKaj: So, what you're saying is, to put Intel I'll just use the 173? Is that it then?17:05
ActionParsnipnina_: if you read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure   you'll see where I got it17:05
tim_BluesKaj:  'Cannot open mixer: No such file or directory'17:06
ActionParsnipnina_: the script will run and give a text based GUI, use TAB and ENTER to navigate it17:06
TweasyBluesKaj: then it's a work-around and invalidates the use of the button. Although the button would be easier. Right now the Nvidia is activated, also?17:06
BluesKajTweasy, it could be , but I'm not sure if intel used nvidia chips , they may have I have them on my soundcard17:06
ActionParsniptim_: try: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install alsa-base alsa-utils; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*17:06
TweasyBluesKaj: So, is there a way to check if I'm actually using the Nvidia one?17:07
BluesKajActionParsnip, thanks ...that damn pulseaudio strikes again17:07
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: standard17:07
tim_BluesKaj:  I get 'install: cannot stat `alsa-base': No such file or directory'17:08
nina_ActionParsnip: the script executes but i dont get a text based GUI. Here is what I see: Resolving www.alsa-project.org...
nina_Connecting to www.alsa-project.org||:80... connected.17:10
nina_HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found17:10
nina_Location: http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-driver.git;a=blob_plain;f=utils/alsa-info.sh [following]17:10
nina_--2011-06-18 12:09:05--  http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-driver.git;a=blob_plain;f=utils/alsa-info.sh17:10
FloodBot1nina_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
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thegladiator_how to change my window manager ? thank u17:10
koshiethegladiator, hi, type nameofthewindowmanager --replace &17:11
koshieOr edit it in GDM17:11
tim_What was the alsa command again?17:11
koshieThe first one is for test without log out17:11
BluesKajtim_, , sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils17:11
iszakI need to setup an easy way for someone to login and upload files to my server (10.10) preferrably I'll like it to be SSH but it doesn't need to be, they should be jailed to a certain folder with limited shell17:12
bakunin@theglaidator: the easiest way to change your window manager I think is using the compiz-fusion icon17:12
IAmErrorIs there a way to get an "icon bar" thing, like from OSX, onto either KDE or an XFCE desktop?17:12
koshieiszak, sftp with nautilus / GDM ?17:12
koshieFor the configuration it's not possible.17:12
pfifothegladiator_, when your logging in, before you enter your password, there is a box at the bottom that allows you to change the session17:12
koshieBut I don't know how.17:12
th0rIAmError: cairo dock17:12
iszakkoshie, I don't understand?17:12
qinIAmError: New xfce have bottom panel made looks like "icon bar"17:12
koshieWhen you've a server you can log in with nautilus or dolphin17:13
koshiethegladiator_, np17:13
tim_BluesKaj: The    alsamixer command still doesn't do anything17:13
iszakkoshie, I know but it's creating a jailed account which I need help with.17:13
DFMCan anyone tell me if there are good 64 bit video driver's?17:13
koshieiszak, oh. Remove the shell for the user for example ?17:13
tim_I ran this script to get alsa  'wget http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh -O alsa-info.sh && bash alsa-info.sh'17:14
iszakkoshie, not sure?17:14
koshieiszak, for an user like Apache yes. But it's maybe a plus for you.17:14
pfifoiszak, you cant really jail a ssh, but it works great with ftp17:14
koshiepfifo, he can.17:14
BluesKajok tim_ that means alsamixer should be installed , now try alsamixer17:14
koshieRemove the shell for exampleā€¦17:14
iszakwell either way, I need help setup a secure way for the user to share files either via SFTP or what not.17:15
koshieiszak, I've forget a software17:15
koshieIt's for limited the place of the user.17:15
wolsiszak: use ssh and tell the user to use filezilla as a client17:15
nina_ActionParsnip: you say to upload to the server and a red URL will be generated, if you can paste the URL in here we can advise. how?17:15
koshiewols, :o !17:15
koshieNautilus is better dude.17:15
wolsiszak: or if you user login in must happen, use "scponly"17:15
aarHello, is there such a thing as a standalone, multi-OS pendrive encryption solution? (Something that will allow me to plug in my pendrive into any OS and access my files after typing in a passwrd without the need of installed software.)17:15
koshieReally, filezilla's not pretty good.17:16
iszakwols, I still don't know how to secure the accoung though.17:16
tim_BluesKaj:  alsamixer does nothing.  I tried 'aplay -l | grep card' and it returns "no soundcards found...'17:16
koshieiszak, what do you mean by Ā«secureĀ» ?17:16
mechanisthy everyone17:16
koshiehi mechanist17:16
iszakso they can't browse outside a given directory, so they can't execute commands that could be dangerous, I guess.17:16
wolsaar: yes, some usb sticks provide hardware encryption. but lots of them are just snake oil. rule of thumb: if the drive is cheap, it's shitty encrpytion. stuff like ircnkey is very expensive17:17
koshieiszak, first, REMOVE the shell (third time :D)17:17
pfifoaar, i think truecrypt is compatible with both windows and linux, and I KNOW gpg is compatable with atleast a dozen OS'es in cluding mac and windows17:17
wolsth0r: truecrypt doesn't work for him17:17
mrdebwols: how do you tell what drive is good17:17
mechanistI don't want to bother here, but I've got a shitting virus that fricked up my table of partitions, and now I am no more able to see a partitions and its own files, even if I have reinstalled windows... Ubuntu doesn't seem to detect just the partitions... someone knows how to help me?17:17
iszakkoshie, I don't know how..17:17
aarth0r, I had a look at it but I'm not sure how to access my files without having truecrypt installed in the host computer. do you have any links or names to lead me in the right direction?17:17
koshieAnd I'm not remember a useful software for you17:17
wolsmrdeb: reviews, papers where people examined the usb key, etc17:17
th0rwols: you can install it to the pen drive and then create an encrypted folder17:17
koshieiszak, sorry for the answer but see the man / documentation, I've forget.17:17
koshieBut it's easy17:17
iszakalright, will do.17:17
mrdebwols: huh17:18
MitchHugginsHello Ubuntu.17:18
koshieJust one line in on file to edit I believe17:18
wolsth0r: he said without software. and you need to be admin/root for it to work, even when truecrypt is only on the pendrive. no go17:18
BluesKajtim_, sudo lshw -C sound17:18
Oermechanist,  paste the output of "sudo fdisk -l "17:18
koshieiszak, for the directory17:18
wolsiszak: look up scponly17:18
koshiedon't autorize reading for other folder17:18
Oermechanist,  paste in paste.ubuntu.com pls17:19
koshieIt's 2 ou 3 easy thing to do, but sorry, I really don't remember >_<17:19
wolskoshie: and how do you suggest to do that?17:19
wols!info scponly17:19
ubottuscponly (source: scponly): Restricts the commands available to scp- and sftp-users. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.8-4.1 (natty), package size 35 kB, installed size 176 kB17:19
koshiewols, not to grant the user to see other directory.17:19
wolskoshie: /usr is wrold readable if you haven't noticed :)17:20
mechanistOer: let me boot with Ubuntu, then17:20
koshiewols, I've not understand sorry (not english)17:20
tim_BluesKaj:   It returns  ' PCI (sysfs)'17:20
bullgard4_I have installed Ubuntu Natty 64 bit on a new hard disk of a newly bought computer. I installed also a "testuser" account. '~$ grep video /etc/group; video:x:44:testuser'. Why am I no member of the video group, but testuser is a member?17:20
ubuntu__i have a doubt17:21
ubuntu__i am using an acer laptop17:21
ubuntu__model 4736zz17:21
ubuntu__model 4736z17:21
wols!enter > ubuntu__17:21
ubottuubuntu__, please see my private message17:21
ActionParsnipnina_: the url contains your system and sound info we need to troubleshoot17:22
pfifobullgard4_, cause the video group is somewhat useless, if you want to 'sudo adduser <username> <groupname>'17:22
koshieiszak, sorry if i'm not more precis but I think I gave you somes tips, search a little bit or ask on the forum and you will be do that easily and quickly17:22
ActionParsnipubuntu__: what is your doubt?17:23
bullgard4_pfifo: If the 'video' group is useless, why die Ubuntu add "testuser" to that group?17:23
pfifobullgard4_, perhaps video wasnt created when the first user account was setup17:24
tim_BluesKaj:  Now if I go to Preferences and Sound it says "Waiting for Sound system to respond".  I'm going to trya restart...17:24
TweasyBluesKaj: thanks a bunch for helping me out. I'm leaving to the gym right now, I'll be back l8r17:24
BluesKajtim_, I should have mentioned the card will show beside , product : somekind of audio controller17:24
ubuntu__i have an acer laptop 4736z, and there are no nvidia drivers,etc still when i try the live disc the screen is blank actually the os is on but everything is blank or sometimes extremely dim..17:24
ActionParsnipubuntu__: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=117:25
tim_I'll be right back17:25
bullgard4_pfifo: I see your point. --  Thank you.17:25
mechanistOer: what was the command? fdisk?17:26
ubuntu__i want to first try out with the live usb so where do i add this and is it possble to add in a live session and the logout and log in again..17:26
zakwilsonDoes anybody have suspend/resume working on a recent Thinkpad with 11.04 or an up-to-date kernel on 10.10?17:27
ActionParsnipnina_: run this big command: http://pastie.org/208782117:27
bullgard4_zakwilson: Me.17:27
jimmshi all, i would like to install apache on my ubuntu, can you please help me, i have been googling17:27
ubuntu__ActionParsnip: what shud i do?17:27
zakwilsonbullgard4_: which model?17:27
wolsinfo apache217:27
wols!info apache217:28
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.17-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB17:28
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:28
wolsjimms: apt-get install apache217:28
ActionParsnipubuntu__: as I said, add the boot option. Some nvidia chips don't like nouveau on the CD17:28
bullgard4_zakwilson: I am speaking about Ubuntu 11.04 and Thinkpad T61.17:28
jimmsapt-get command not found17:28
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wolszakwilson: all TPs work fine, except the latest x20 maybe17:29
mechanistOer: here's the fdisk -l content:17:29
zakwilsonbullgard4_: did you have to do anything to it, or did it just work?17:29
ubuntu__ActionParsnip: i don't have an nvidia chip ! and i can very easily run ubuntu 10.04 infact i have 10.04 installed and working fine17:29
mechanistsomeone can help me? a virus screwed my partitions in windows, and now I cannot acces to my data anymore via Ubunti17:30
bullgard4_zakwilson: It just worked and works. "Out of the box" so to say. I did no upgrade but a clean install. 64 bit.17:30
wolsmechanist: can you boot your ubuntu?17:30
ActionParsnipubuntu__: why fix it then?17:30
mechanistwols Im in live cd now, ubuntu17:30
zakwilsonwols: They may work, but they don't all work trouble-free out of the box without tinkering. My W500 will not suspend, as of a kernel update to 10.10. I kept using the old kernel on 10.10 and hoped 11.04 would fix things. It did not.17:30
wolsmechanist: that's not what I asked17:30
ActionParsnipubuntu__: you may need to boot option: nomodeset   if its a non-nvidia chip17:31
ubuntu__ActionParsnip: oh no i don't want to fix i just want to try 11.04 and its not working17:31
wols!fixmbr > mechanist17:31
ubottumechanist, please see my private message17:31
mechanistwols I don't know what you mean; ubuntu loads in live cd, I have not installed it in the hard disk17:31
tim_ BluesKaj:  Restarted the system and still no soundcard found.  Any other suggestions?17:31
jimmsguys what can i use instead of apt-get ? because that doesn't work17:31
wolsmechanist: so you want to use ubuntu to do what?17:31
ubuntu__i tried nomodeset and it boots fine but in low graphics mode17:32
mechanistwols to recover my partitions.... interesting this fixmbr17:32
ActionParsnipjimms: can you pastebin the output of:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade      Thanks17:32
iojimms: explain "doesn't work"17:32
mechanistwols: how can I use it?17:32
wolsjimms: ls -l /usr/bin/apt-get17:32
ActionParsnipubuntu__: thats fine, get updated and it may help17:32
mrdebwhy dont you log in with live usb and fix your paritions17:32
BluesKajtim_, I should have mentioned the card will show beside , product : somekind of audio controller17:32
wolsmechanist: we don't support windows here. ew don't know what things a windows virus does17:32
jimmswols: No such file or directory17:33
ubuntu__no i updated in live mode and then  log out and log in it doesn't work out..17:33
BluesKajafter doing lshw -C sound , tim_17:33
mechanistwols: ok let's talk of general data, not of windows anymore now. How can I recover those data? I can recover a NTFS partitions with this fixmbr command?17:33
wolsmechanist: you can't. as I said: we support Ubuntu and troubleshoot ubuntu problems. NOT windows problems. if your data is gone, restore from backups17:34
BluesKajgotta go...other stuff to do today17:34
milamberjimms: then something is very broken17:34
jimmsio: apt-get command not found17:34
wolsmechanist: I was under the assumption you ran ubuntu. for a ubuntu user this fixmbr factoid can help. it cannot help a windows user to recover data17:34
mechanistwols: I don't have any backup, unluckily, is there a way to fix the master boot record with ubuntu?17:34
wolsmechanist: yes. as there is with a windows cd. the package "mbr" can do it17:34
ubuntu__ActionParsnip: update did not help i tried ..17:34
itaylor57jimms, what version of ubuntu are you running?17:35
mechanistwols: I AM running ubuntu, I am under ubuntu now17:35
mechanistlive cd17:35
wolsubuntu__: have you tried the alternate installer to install ubuntu?17:35
tim_BluesKaj:  It says  'Warning: you should run this program as a super-user.  then the same thing 'CPUID' then PCI (sysfs)'17:35
wols!info mbr17:35
ubottumbr (source: mbr): Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible computers.. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.10-2 (natty), package size 22 kB, installed size 92 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)17:35
mechanistok then I'll search some documentation about this fixmbr17:35
iojimms: can you open the package manager GUI?17:35
wolsmechanist: this can write a default, windows compatible MBR in ubuntu17:35
jimmsah it's a redhat enterprise linux server releae 5.617:35
ActionParsnipubuntu__: what video chip do you use?17:36
wolsmechanist: fixmbr (at least the one in ubuntu) will NOT help you. AT ALL. it will make it worse17:36
ubuntu__ActionParsnip: intel GMA17:36
iojimms: then ask in redhat support, not ubuntu17:36
milamberjimms: we don't support redhat (they use yum, not apt)17:36
jimmsio: and the rest ok thank you and sorry because i am in the wrong chan17:36
jimmsok i will join there17:36
ActionParsnipubuntu__: i'm not so good with those, can you give the output of: lspci | grep -i vga; lsb_release -d       Thanks17:37
thevishyi botched up my computer after I installed a window manager called17:37
ubuntu__wols: i haven't tried the alternate disc but i can install with live disc also but the problem remains that the os always boots in low graphics mode..17:37
thevishyxmonad ...17:37
thevishyhas anyone had this problem with xmonad ?17:38
iojimms: their IRC channel is #redhat17:38
wolsubuntu__: you should check your Xorg.0.log then. also: do you use a sandy bridge CPU?17:38
wolsthevishy: depends what you mean with "Botched up"17:38
jimmsok thanks17:38
eb3ha4elis there any difference except the pretty case between external HDD and normal HDD that you put in bareborn PC??17:38
thevishywols : I just cant login to my user session anymore , I am not in recovery mode as root user17:38
wolseb3ha4el: ##hardware17:38
wolsthevishy: what happens if you try to login?17:39
eb3ha4elwols: can you explain bit further?17:39
ubuntu__ActionParsnip: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)17:39
thevishyIt hangs when I use my user name17:39
wolseb3ha4el: hardware questions are OT here. the channel for them is ##hardware.  /join ##hardware17:39
eb3ha4elwols: thanks17:39
thevishyyou need to join #hardware eb3ha4el , here its different help17:39
mrdebis it a good idea to avoid version 11.04 for a while since it is unstable and a first experiment with unity adn use the more mature 10.1017:40
wolsthevishy: press ctrl+alt+f2, login and apt-get remove xmonad again. also check ~/.xsession-errors17:40
eb3ha4elthevishy: sure. thanks... I just tend to ask everything here...17:40
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wolsmrdeb: if you don't want 11.04 and use something more stable, use 10.04. it's called LTS for a reason17:40
mrdebwols: lts performs lower than 10.10 so no thanks17:41
ubuntu__wols: i don;t have sandy bridge, i am using 10.04 and its working fine the problem is when i try ubuntu 11.04, infact i also tried fedora 15 the new version and i faced the same prob.17:41
wolsah, you have sns then17:41
mrdebwhat is wrong with sandy bridge ubuntu__17:41
wolsubuntu__: then answer ActionParsnip17:41
wolsmrdeb: support for its GMA chips is a bit iffy and unfinished17:42
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wolsto be expected, all linux distros have it to some degree. it's bleeding edge hardware after all17:42
thevishyis it possible to remove the users setting ?17:43
ubuntu__mrdeb: there's no problem with sandy bridge, the prob is with 11.04 ubuntu not working on my laptop acer 4736z,actually booting but with black screen17:43
mrdebwols: so what is the safest intel graphics chips with graphics for ubuntu now17:43
rype89a quick question, if I were to download the ubuntu iso onto a usb stick, will i be able to do a uefi boot? or must I use a cd?17:43
ubuntu__wols: i don;t have sandy bridge..17:43
mrdebubuntu__: did you blacklist broadcom17:43
tim_I have no sound and no sound card listed.  I get this message when I reinstall alsa 'grep: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory' .  Is that a big problem?17:44
wolstim_: and what does lspci -nn say what soundcard you have?17:44
mrdebrype89: you use usb creator to install the iso to usb17:44
ubuntu__mrdeb: i dont have broadcom, also how do i blacklist broadcom17:44
tim_lspci -nn17:44
mrdebubuntu__: ok, that causes blackscreen before boot sometimes. you do it in grub17:44
rype89mrdeb: yea i meant that. i will still be able to do a uefi boot from the usb drive right?17:45
Udonnomeguys,how to get a mirc for ubuntu?17:45
jnlsnl_I have just created a new user, but the user dose't have permissions to mkdir in its own home directory17:45
mrdebrype89: yes17:45
jnlsnl_the home directory is owned by the user17:45
ubuntu__mrdeb: can i try what u suggest in live mode?17:45
rype89alright thanks17:45
mrdebubuntu__: yes, if taht is the cause but you said you do not have bcom17:45
milamberrype89: uefi boot?17:45
wolsjnlsnl_: id;ls -al .  in your home dir please17:45
tim_wols:  How do I show you the results?  I know I shouldn't just paste them in here.17:46
ubuntu__ActoionParsnip: what to do next17:46
jnlsnl_wols there are 3 hidden folders owned by my user17:46
jnlsnl_Im thinking that i need to add the user to some kind of default group ? =)17:47
seidos!paste | tim_17:47
ubottutim_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:47
wols!paste > tim17:47
ubuntu__wols: what to do next17:47
wolsjnlsnl_: it's not what I asked. I gave you a clear command to type17:48
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=== koshieFinalRelea is now known as koshieFinalReliz
wolsubuntu__: it depends when your screen goes black. I told you to use the alternate installer, you didn't want to. but I don't care: it's not MY problem but yours. if you don't want to take suggestions, no skin off my back17:49
thevishyis it possible to change a user's X session proerpties17:49
tim_!paste | tim17:49
ubottutim: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:49
jnlsnl_wols http://pastebin.com/wxc02aAr17:50
mrdebhow would alternate install differe, wols17:50
tim_Here is the link:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/628836/17:50
mrdebit doesnt from my experience17:50
ubuntu__wols: when i run the live usb and select try ubuntu till then everythig is visibel and after that everything is blackscreen17:50
ubuntu__mrdeb: i agree with u17:51
wolsubuntu__: so it looks like a X problem. check your Xorg log17:51
mrdebtry holding shift after selecting boot from usb to see what hlds it up17:51
perlsyntaxHow do  truemobile 1150 pc card to work in ubuntu?17:51
wolsmrdeb: it lets you easier run/start without X and lets you troubleshoot X17:51
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perlsyntaxi hope i can get it to work17:51
mrdebwols: yeah but that is not practical bec you have to install the whole system vs a few seconds to boot from usb17:52
ubuntu__mrdeb: how do i check my xorg log17:52
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsDell17:52
wolsmrdeb: then you help him. have fun. good luck17:52
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: seems to be out of the box but can only connect to WEP17:52
mrdeb /part17:53
ubuntu__wols: how do i check xorg log17:53
perlsyntaxnope,But i going to try 10.04.217:53
billy2007hi im using the new ubuntu how would i get my webcam to work for chatroulette17:53
ubuntu__what command17:53
yung_sonMy desktop seems to be really laggy with this closed source graphics driver, even tho games run great. You guys got some support on this?17:53
tim_wols:  did I post that correctly?17:53
perlsyntaxActionParsnip,i not sure how to get it work in ubuntu.17:53
perlsyntaxit work in ubuntu 9.1017:54
ubuntu__ActionParsnip: how do i check xorglog17:54
wolstim_: there is no soundcard listed at all.17:54
ImDexterhow many ubuntu 11.04 users can connect and use icq at their site? I can se the applet, log in, but I cannot type any word, the keyboard does nothing17:54
tim_wols:  I don't mean to be fresh but to all who are trying to help me - That's what I've been saying!17:54
ubuntu__wols: although there is no problem of x with ubuntu 10.04 then why with 11.04?17:54
billy2007hi im using the new ubuntu how would i get my webcam to work for chatroulette17:55
tim_wols:  The sound was working find until about 2 days ago then nothing...17:55
Udonnomeguy how to find the broadcom drivers for my wifi17:55
pfifobilly2007, make sure your webcam works with something else first, try installing 'cheese' or something17:55
wolstim_: well, when ubuntu doesn't see a soundcard it cannot use one. check your bios if you can enable the soundcard. the rest of your system looks bog standard so I'm very sure you have a AC97 soundcard somewhere17:55
pfifo!broadcom | Udonnome17:56
ubottuUdonnome: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:56
yung_sonWhy is my desktop so laggy17:56
billy2007it definatly works ive used cheese17:56
ImDextercan anyone suggest any general chat website?17:56
david_\join #ubuntu-fr17:56
Udonnomepfifo,you using broadcome?17:56
nangiewhat best blog for ubuntu17:56
tim_wols:  I do have a soundcard.  It worked until Wednesday.  I have the case open. It's there and seated properly.17:56
nangiewhat best blog for ubuntu ?17:56
pfifobilly2007, im pretty sure you have to configure flash to automatically allow all sites access to yor webcam, right click a flash video and select global settings17:56
pfifoUdonnome, yes17:56
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Udonnomei saw that thing but i dont understand anyting17:57
wolstim_: lspci doesn't agree with you17:57
thezman60how do I change the channel17:57
Udonnomeis there a page for more stupid ppl17:57
billy2007pfifo, ive got it working now i had to go to the new site thanks anyway!!17:57
ActionParsnipnangie: what do you really need?17:57
wolstim_: old hardware dies sometimes, but you are free to use any other linux distro or live CD and check if it shows up there in lspci.17:57
ubuntu__although there is no problem for my laptop running 10.04 why is it creating problem with 11.04(black screen from the very start, i.e after boot menu)17:58
ubuntu__wols: ?17:58
tim_wols: ok. Thanks for trying.17:58
wolsubuntu__: kernel mode setting for example17:58
nangieblog for ubntu17:58
StevenRHi. What's the current standard desktop kernel on natty? (i.e. output of uname -rv and package name)... I'm not sure if I've got it back to where it should be. Thanks :)17:58
nangieblog for ubuntu17:58
ubuntu__wols: ok..17:58
Udonnomepfifo,can i pm you?17:58
eliotnwhy does Xchat automatically take me to this channel?17:59
pfifoUdonnome, no17:59
eliotncan I make it take me to a different one?17:59
pfifo!pm | Udonnome17:59
ubottuUdonnome: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:59
wolsStevenR: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all17:59
pfifoUdonnome, if its ubuntu support related, you can ask here, otherwise ask in #ubuntu-offtopic18:00
thezman60# ubuntu-us-nh18:01
Udonnomeis thiss offtopic?18:01
StevenRwols: I'm still not sure if what I've got is right though18:01
wolsStevenR: dpkg -l |grep linux-image18:02
timwols:  The last thing you said did it.  I don't know why it changed but I checked my bios and sound was set to off.  All set now.  Thanks18:02
thezman60ok what do I need to type to change channels18:03
wolsthezman60: /join #channelname18:03
thezman60ok thanks18:03
ubottuFor Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: Ā« sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla Ā» in a terminal.18:03
wolsthezman60: and edit your xchat configuration18:03
pfifowols, * Cannot join #channelname (Channel is invite only).18:03
wolspfifo: don't be a smartass18:04
ubuntu__< . . >18:04
bananstolwhen i use -Dndiswrapper to run wpa_supplicant i get "unsupported driver." how do i fix this, do i have to recompile?18:04
ubuntu__| O O |18:04
ActionParsnippfifo: you must register then, then identify18:04
timwols: now it sees the card but no sound.18:04
StevenRwols: but that still doesn't answer my question. There are lots of kernel packages installed, and more available to me. I asked "What's the current standard desktop kernel on natty?"18:04
pfifoim not ided18:05
wolsStevenR: and I told you. if you don't want to read it's not my problem18:05
Mobon1can anyone help?18:05
ubuntu__why's ubuntu 11.04 not working on my laptop ??18:05
StevenRwols: I have read. I don't understand how your answers answer my question.18:06
twinkie_addictnot sure i cant see your laptop18:06
ubuntu__can SOMEBUDDY HELLLP !!!18:06
thezman60Im not sure how to do that wols Im really new to this18:06
twinkie_addictit works on my netbook18:06
wolsStevenR: linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic, linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic-pae depending on your hardware18:06
twinkie_addict11.4 that is18:06
bananstoli had problems installing ubuntu on an old laptop, then i figured out why. i had removed the memory chip on an earlier occasion ĀØ18:07
Mobon1i'm trying to install the latest ubuntu server onto my desktop, i get to the boot screen but if i choose any options it just hangs at a blank screen with a flashing cursor in the corner18:07
wolsthezman60: what channel do you want to join?18:07
compdocMobon1, what kind of options?18:07
ubuntu__H E L P : (18:07
mrdebsometimes it just doesnt work, so you can try latest of LTS18:07
thezman60well i have a list and I want to be able to check the differnt channels out18:08
Mobon1like if i try to install or check the disc for errors18:08
wolsubuntu__: yelling won't make us help you but ignore you. what I will do now I think. better people to help than such as you18:08
Mobon1don't know how to properly work this irc so bare with me18:08
pfifoMobon1, how long have you waited, it takes a long time for an old computer to boot from CD (like 20 minutes)18:08
wolsthezman60: write "/join <channelname you want to join>" without the quotes18:08
Mobon1i had it going for nearly 45 minutes18:09
Mobon1i have it on right now18:09
compdocMobon1, it was going? was the drive light flashing?18:09
StevenRwols: hmmm.. I seem to have 3 of those installed. The #42-Ubuntu refers to me running the kernel provided by the linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic             2.6.38-8.4218:09
Mobon1see but my friend had an older computer and it installed quite faster18:09
StevenRwols: package, right?18:09
thezman60ok I feel so lost with this whole thing but I want to be able to do it18:09
gNewPowerI just upgraded to U11.04.  Did not like Unity at all. When back to GNOME (aka "Ubuntu Classic).  Now I don't see compiz any more.  Since compiz is now part of Unity, does that mean that it is not available for GNOME?18:09
Mobon1the drive light is NOT flashing18:09
wolsMobon1: try this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#Disable_framebuffer_at_install_time18:09
Mobon1so i dunno what's wrong18:09
wolsStevenR: dpkg -l |grep linux-image  pastebin the output18:10
Mobon1oh thanks wols i'll do that18:10
mrdebgNewPower: unity is compiz plugin. compiz is there18:10
gNewPowermrdeb, where is the config menu for it then?18:10
pfifo!ccsm | gNewPower18:10
ubottugNewPower: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz18:10
StevenRwols: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/628847/18:11
mrdebgNewPower: it's not installed by default. you need to install two apps to get it to show up18:11
gNewPowerthanks ubottu - I will try that!18:11
Justfigureitoutam I the only one who didn't know that AIR was available on Linux before the announcement to kill it? Why didn't they promote AIR on Linux?18:11
Mobon1so i added vga=71118:12
Mobon1after the 'quiet --' bit18:12
illmortalanyone know how to get a Lynksis AE1000 (2870) installed onto Ubuntu? I think I installed it correctly but it doesn't pick up my 5Ghz wireless connection18:12
Mobon1in the boot options18:12
wolsStevenR: pastebin your sources.list? looks like you had proposed updates or such18:12
Mobon1the drive light isn't showing any indication of working18:12
wolsMobon1: remove the "quiet" bit next time. that way you see what the kernel actually does18:13
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Mobon1it's not like a vga issue i don't think18:13
Mobon1graphics issue18:13
Mobon1the card is half decent18:13
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:13
bullgard4_!enter | Mobon118:13
ubottuMobon1: please see above18:13
Mobon1oh sorry ubottu, i'll try not to spam, just used to instant messaging like a moron18:14
thezman60hi everyone Im new to whole xchat  so I would like any advice  for useing it18:15
StevenRwols: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/628850/  I tried the server kernel to see if it would fix an issue, but it turned out to be something else that cause the problem. Now I'm trying to get back to the default desktop kernel18:15
mrdebyes instant messaging or texting is bad for the mind18:15
theadminthezman60: My advice: don't use it, use irssi xD18:15
Mobon1i removed the quiet option from the boot options. it's not doing anything.18:16
ActionParsnipthezman60: looks like you are pro18:16
thezman60lol not really this the frist time in these rooms18:16
ActionParsnipthezman60: use tab to complete user nicks is all I can advise really, its a pretty basic protocol18:16
wolsStevenR: well, the is the one you want to boot. and you can remove all those old ones18:16
theadminthezman60: Also register your nickname with nickserv18:16
theadmin!register > thezman6018:16
ubottuthezman60, please see my private message18:16
thezman60well what rooms/chennels18:17
thezman60I know how to move around after a few screw ups18:17
theadminthezman60: We can't help you with that to be honest, nobody knows all channels18:17
Mobon1anyone want to help? there's no indication that the install is even doing anything18:17
theadminthezman60: I stick around here, sometimes in #archlinux-offtopic18:18
thezman60ok thanks18:18
balin_hi there18:18
balin_en espa?ol?????????????????'18:19
ubottuEn la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:19
twinkie_addictjoin ##linux18:19
illmortalanyone know how to install a Linksys AE1000 USB wireless adapter... used a tutorial last night.. have it showing on my network list, but it's shown as, "disconnected"18:20
Mobon1right it appears i've lost all attention to solve the issue18:20
VinoWhy doesn't my new ubuntu install have all the nice vim features like the up/down button working in insert mode and auto complete and so on?18:20
esc__hello, is there a way to delay the alsa output? i want to "synchronize" an mpd stream and alsa output. mpd is configured to output to alsa and httpd.18:20
wolsillmortal: check your kernel logs (anything about firmware for example) and check via iwconfig18:21
illmortalYa I see my adapter on ra0 when I use iwconfig18:22
illmortalbut bad status.... seems like it's disabled or something not sure18:23
theadminVino: You probably run it in Vi-compatible mode18:23
theadminVino: Try "set nocompatible" in your .vimrc and try again18:23
Vinothank you18:24
=== Inkognito is now known as anony
theadminVino: Did that work?18:25
douglhow do I install xbmc on ubuntu 10.10 -> err... why isn't it in synaptic package manager?18:26
coz_dougl,  you probably have to use a PPA18:27
theadmindougl: https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/ppa18:27
StevenRwols: ok, so I should have linux-image-generic installed, and it's dependencies... or the linux-image package?18:27
coz_dougl,     http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/1364-install-xbmc-media-center-on-ubuntu-1010-maverick-meerkat-and-linuxmint-10-julia-ppa-repository18:27
wolsStevenR: the linux-image package. so that the upgrades later work properly18:28
illmortalxbmc is awesome :D18:28
douglcoz_, k - thanks for... hey thanks alot for the info guys :)18:28
StevenRwols: thanks, lots of apt-work now to  :) (and to mrdeb)18:28
theadmin*sighs* Just why... ah whatever18:28
StevenR*sigh* my typing sucks today18:29
theadminStevenR: Mine does all the time18:29
croninhow do you run httpd -S on ubuntu?18:34
grapprMiami, FL18:35
wolscronin: run apache218:36
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thunder1212any one using gnome3 ?18:36
wolsthunder1212: ask your real question18:37
croninwols: apache2 -S returns apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}18:37
theadminthunder1212: Used to run it, why?18:37
thunder1212wanna use gnome 3, currently am usin'  gnome2 on 'buntu 1018:38
thunder1212, wols18:38
wolscronin: well, apache needs to run as root, otherwise it cannot bind to port 8018:38
theadminthunder1212: Don't use gnome3 then, it breaks many Ubuntu things and sucks18:39
mrdebwhy does an application block all other sounds from playhing unless you change from alsa to sdl18:39
ubuntuguyHow can I open my homefolder from terminal, what's the command?18:39
wolsmrdeb: cause it opens the soundcard devicefile exclusively most probably. that's why we have sound daemons to use18:39
mrdebgnome 3 is ok18:39
mrdebit is incomplete but works18:39
wolsubuntuguy: "open" in what way18:39
ActionParsnipubuntuguy: nautilus $HOME18:40
green91ubuntuguy: cd ~/18:40
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.18:40
ActionParsnipthunder1212: note the words in capitals18:40
ubuntuguyty Action, and eveyone else18:40
mrdebwols: how do you make it not do that. what do you put in config instead of default18:40
thunder1212theadmin: u know what, to try gnome 3 i downloaded fedora 15, i even installed it on my desk, the interface was indeed very eycandy but it was not that fast  so i thoght i might just try it owt on 'buntu ; /18:41
thunder1212what words in capitals..18:42
mrdebthunder1212: it is made for tablets like unity is, but works if you have no choice18:42
croninwols: i switched to root and ran apache2 -S and got the same error18:42
wolscronin: mybe try www-data? but I'm guessing, sorry18:42
theadminthunder1212: It's slower on Ubuntu18:43
theadminthunder1212: Use Arch if you want speed.18:43
RPG-MasterAnyone here good with rsync/backintime?18:44
* theadmin haz a system booting in 15 seconds on a netbook18:44
RPG-MasterI've recently been getting this error with backintime: [E] Error: rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4 bytes to socket [sender]: Broken pipe (32)18:45
RPG-MasterI have no clue what the gibberish means. :/18:45
=== lol is now known as {}
RPG-MasterAlso, "[E] Error: rsync: write failed on "/media/Seagate GoFlex/backintime/matthew-desktop/matthew/1/new_snapshot/backup/home/matthew/Documents/Misc./Documents.7z": No space left on device (28)"18:46
RPG-MasterIt says I'm out of space, when I have 24gigs left!18:46
Wisienhi i need virtualization software what do u recommend18:46
grapprboaz: how do you like linode?18:46
grapprboaz: say bye18:47
boazgrappr: how did you know I use linode?18:47
wolsWisien: virtualbox probably18:47
grapprboaz: i'm going to hit your linode machine with hella ddos, i'll run up $5k in bandwidth costs for you in minutes18:47
illmortalanyone know if this is possibly preventing me from fully installing my lynksis AE1000 usb adapter: sudo make install18:48
thunder1212theadmin ar yu sure that i must not uze gnome3 on 'buntu18:48
illmortalmake -C /home/illmortal/Desktop/2010_0709_RT2870_Linux_STA_v2.4.0.1/os/linux -f Makefile.6 install18:48
andyccboaz: just type "/whois boaz"18:48
illmortalmkdir: cannot create directory `/etc/Wireless': File exists18:48
theadminthunder1212: Do not, it breaks Unity and Gnome218:48
thunder1212arch i have tried there's no gui there18:48
theadminthunder1212: And many gtk apps18:48
gibranhelp pls. The pages on my firefox we browser takes forever to load,i tried to install chrome browser thru ubuntu software center but it won't install18:48
theadminthunder1212: So what?18:48
theadminthunder1212: pacman -S gnome18:48
thunder1212ok theadmin i take ur words..18:48
wols!ops grappr is threatening other users. < grappr> boaz: i'm going to hit your linode machine with hella ddos, i'll run up $5k in bandwidth costs for you in minutes18:49
jnlsnl_sometimes when I type "ll" in terminal I can see hidden folders and sometimes I can't, just wondering why?18:49
thunder1212pacman -S gnome will install gnoeme318:49
boazgrappr: that's kind of a mean thing to say :(18:49
mrdebwols: did you answer my qs about hw to fix the sound18:50
thunder1212before pacman how do i connect to internet on arch without GUI18:50
wolsmrdeb: no. it depends on the application18:50
andyccthunder1212: #archlinux is the channel for asking that, I think18:50
boazI guess the lesson is don't hang out in #ubuntu18:50
boazthat sucks18:51
mrdebwols: there has to be a name to use instad of default ot tell it18:51
mrdebi dont want ot use sdl, bec it uses more cpu power18:51
mrdebthunder1212: read the wiki on ifconfig etc18:51
rumpe1jnlsnl_, depends, which alias the account has defined18:51
thunder1212andycc , thnx andy cc byebye18:51
rypervenchethunder1212: wicd is nice.18:51
edbianI'm running gedit on xfce.  I can't edit any of the preferences.  Any ideas?18:51
jnlsnl_rumpe1 where is it i can see alias? have forgotten :)18:52
Ampelbeinedbian: any error message? anything in ~/.xsession-errors?18:52
wolsedbian: more info needed18:52
rumpe1jnlsnl_, usually in $HOME/.bashrc18:52
kakashi_is there any deb package for installing hdiutils ?18:52
kakashi_or can it be ever installed18:52
mrdebedbian: try leafpad18:52
thunder1212thnx mrdeb, will read wiki on ifconfig but i use a wireless modem to connect18:52
edbianLots of gconf errors18:52
wols,info hdiutils18:52
edbianmrdeb: I don't have leafpad and I can't install it because I don't have root! :(18:52
mrdebedbian: no root?18:52
edbianmrdeb: no root18:53
jnlsnl_rumpe1 it says: ll = alias ll='ls -alF'18:53
jnlsnl_err alias ll='ls -alF'18:53
jnlsnl_should just be ls, if i dont want hidden folders right ?18:53
edbianlot's of errors: vailed to contact config server18:53
edbianOh heck I'll just use gnome for now18:53
thunder1212will i be able to config my wireless modem on arch??18:54
thunder1212i wanna use gnome 318:54
thunder1212; )18:54
chantihow do one install a software in ubuntu pinguy remix18:54
thunder1212when's gnome 4 coming : : ) )18:54
wolsthunder1212: #arch. not here18:54
alvin_is gnome3 out in the synaptic?18:54
thunder1212alvin: no18:54
mrdebalvin_: gnome 3 is not ready for ubuntu18:55
theadminthunder1212: #archlinux18:55
rypervenchethunder1212: #archlinux is very helpful with arch :)18:55
alvin_ouch, good i didn't upgrade into it :D18:55
thunder1212thnx all bye18:55
wolschanti: ask the pinguy folks, not us. we only support ubuntu proper18:55
rumpe1jnlsnl_, the parameter "a" is for showing hidden files (with leading dot)18:56
jnlsnl_rumpe1 got i now, set the alias to ls -l and ill use ll -a when i need to see hidden, thanks :)18:56
Wisienanyone used or use Solaris here?18:57
mrdebwols: well thanks for tips18:57
ImDexterim trying to install AA onto my 11.04. I get /home/dexter/.setup15604: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, that library is not in the repos, how do I find it?18:57
wolsImDexter: packages.ubuntu.com18:57
oCeanWisien: do you have an ubuntu question?18:57
rumpe1jnlsnl_, you don't need the -a for ll18:57
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alvin_if i will remove gnome what will be the appearance of my desktop after it?18:59
DamnSoGooDalvin_: why will you remove gnome?18:59
ImDexterpackages.ubuntu.com, is there a finder?18:59
Ampelbeinalvin_: that depends on what other desktop environment you have installed.18:59
alvin_i have kde installed18:59
wolsImDexter: yes there is19:00
arooni-mobilejust bought a brand new t420 laptop.  has a 500 gb 7200 rpmhard drive. debating throwing ina 32gb ssd drive in pci express slot to run the OS off of (ubuntu) http://cgi.ebay.com/Wintec-Filemate-32GB-SolidGo-Express-Card-SSD-USB-PCIe-/370515672077?pt=PCC_Drives_Storage_Internal&hash=item5644747c0d#ht_2937wt_1169  ...thoughts?19:00
Ampelbeinalvin_: then your desktop will look like kde.19:00
AmpelbeinImDexter: 1.2 is a very old version of libgtk.19:00
AmpelbeinImDexter: where did you get the package that needs it from?19:01
wolsarooni-mobile: bad idea19:01
alvin_if i will also remove kde, will there be a desktop gui ?19:02
arooni-mobilewols, why?19:02
wolsarooni-mobile: cause it's a PCI Expresscard when your T420 has IIRC 3 Mini PCIE slots. 1 or 2 of them free19:02
wolsarooni-mobile: get a msata ssh19:02
Ampelbeinalvin_: if you have another desktop environment yes.19:02
wols*msata ssd19:02
arooni-mobilewols, isnt that external?19:03
arooni-mobilewols, v19:03
ImDexterampelbein, Im trying to install america's army 2.5.019:03
wolsarooni-mobile: no. your express card is external: it sticks out of the case. a miniPCIE is like your wlan card. built in19:03
arooni-mobilewols, http://shop.lenovo.com/us/products/Laptops/ThinkPad/t-series/t420/index.html19:03
wolsarooni-mobile: I know what a T420 is19:04
ImDexterampelbeim im trying to install AA onto my 11.04. I get /home/dexter/.setup15604: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, that library is not in the repos, how do I find it?19:04
arooni-mobilewols, :) ok19:04
arooni-mobilewols, but if i found a minipciexpress what douthink19:04
wolsarooni-mobile: what is there to think about? either you want a ssd or no. am I supposed to admire your epeen or what?19:05
AmpelbeinImDexter: that version is more than 5 years old and installing that old libraries isn't supported.19:05
wols!info libgtk1.219:06
ubottuPackage libgtk1.2 does not exist in natty19:06
U-b-u-n-t-uI upgraded to 11.04 and when I did the install froze then I logged on and the / wouldnt mount so I manually mounted it and dkpg --configure -a to finish the install but it hung up on winbind. I restarted and 11.04 booted however now when I leave the computer running over 4 hours without activity the ubuntu doesnt respond19:06
Ampelbeinwols: last release with libgtk1.2 was hardy.19:07
douglwhat is the command to start xbmc on my other display... "DISPLAY 0:1" xbmc or something like that?19:08
thauriswulfaQUESTION: HOw do I completely remove gnome from ubuntu?19:09
Ampelbeindougl: DISPLAY=:0.1 xbmc19:09
douglAmpelbein,  - that is it thanks for the info :)19:09
[snake]i made an ubuntu 11.04 usb with unetbootin, and it comes up boot error at the bios.19:10
arooni-mobilewols, i missed what you might have said after i said whatdo youthink...my internet connection here sucks19:10
pfifothauriswulfa, you would really want to do a cli install insted, it would be much quicker19:10
wols < wols> arooni-mobile: what is there to think about? either you want a ssd or no. am I supposed to admire your epeen or what?19:11
thauriswulfapfifo: what is cli install?19:11
arooni-mobilewols, i just dont know if its a smart thing to do19:11
pfifothauriswulfa, use the mini.iso or the alternate install, and at the bootsplash, type 'cli<enter>'19:11
wolsarooni-mobile: ask ##hardware. it's not a ubuntu related question19:12
ImDexterhas anyone installed this? http://commanderstalin.sourceforge.net/19:13
[snake]i will try ubuntu startup disk creator instead19:13
[snake]rafal_, you faile19:13
gNewPowerHi,  Can I get applets in the top panel in Unity?  I miss my CPU monitoring applet19:13
* gNewPower is away: ŠÆ Š²Ń€ŠµŠ¼ŠµŠ½Š½Š¾ ушŠµŠ»19:14
* gNewPower is back (gone 00:00:04)19:14
pfifowhats the best way to upgrade from lucid to squeeze?19:14
kezzawdhi all19:14
oCeangNewPower: please disable announcing away/back19:14
wolspfifo: you cannot do that19:14
kezzawdpfifo two separate ditros19:14
gNewPoweroCean, my bad, sorry19:14
pfifowols, should i goto natty first?19:15
IdleOnegNewPower: look up indicator-system-monitor I believe it is called. there is a PPA19:15
gNewPowerwhat is a PPA? (sorry)19:15
wolspfifo: you cannot upgrade from ubuntu to debian19:15
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.19:15
Ampelbeinpfifo: you can't switch from ubuntu to debian or vice versa.19:15
pfifobut say I wanted to anyway...19:16
oCeanpfifo: you will fail19:16
rypervenchepfifo: Then you install Debian over Ubuntu.19:16
wolspfifo: then neither #ubuntu nor #debian will support you in any way19:16
gNewPoweris it safe to fully remove Ubuntuone from U11.0419:17
ActionParsnippfifo: if you want squeeze, download squeeze and install it fresh. Remove Ubuntu first19:17
AmpelbeingNewPower: usually yes.19:17
ActionParsnipgNewPower: yes its one of the first things I do19:17
kezzawdpfifo are you looking to move from ubuntu to debian and retain your personal files ?19:17
pfifocouldn't i jusr sed -i sources.lis and replace it with debian repos, then apt-get {update. upgrade}19:17
ActionParsnipgNewPower: its fine, pull it out if you don't use it19:17
gNewPowerActionParsnip, via synaptic?19:17
oCeanpfifo: no19:18
rypervenchepfifo: No, because it wouldn't work.19:18
Jordan_Upfifo: No.19:18
IdleOnepfifo: no you can't. it will break everything19:18
ActionParsnipgNewPower: however you wish19:18
gNewPowerk thanks19:18
Travis-42The sshd_config says that you should consider using a non-standard port and says that "one above 1024 is preferable" Why?19:19
dr_willis_below 1024 is normally reserved19:20
LABcrabHello everyone!  i have an Acer 5552 but it shuts down by itself quite often.  This happened two to three times when watching a movie!  It is very frustrating!  Can somebody help me please?19:20
Travis-42dr_willis_, but if it's above 1024, users other than root can listen on the port, which would seem to be less than secure19:20
IdleOneLABcrab: over heating perhaps19:20
kezzawdTravis-42: And you should use a non-standard port particularly if you are expecting to connect to your machine remotely19:21
rypervencheLABcrab: I would think overheating. I had the exact same problem. I had to update my BIOS, because my old one wasn't reading the temperature correctly, and the fan wouldn't turn on because of it.19:21
dr_willis_Travis-42,  i think that statement is incorrect19:21
rypervencheLABcrab: I can the same problem with an Acer*19:21
Travis-42dr_willis_, at least traditionally, only root can listen to ports below 1024. is it different now?19:22
dr_willis_i think the term 'root listen' may not be right..19:22
dr_willis_normally only root user can start services that are below 102419:23
wolsTravis-42: only root can bind to ports <102419:23
wolsTravis-42: this is still the case19:23
dr_willis_bind thats the term19:23
Travis-42dr_willis_, right, so if you use a port above 1024 for ssh, then a non-root user could create a service at the same port, and possibly steal your password if you're not using private keys19:23
rypervencheTravis-42: I use 20022 for my SSH. It doesn't really matter what you use.19:24
crayonhi everyone i am using ubuntu 11.4, i tried to update my gnome 2 desktop to gnome 3, after updating packages my unity also got disturbed. help me, i m unable to login19:24
dr_willis_Travis-42,  i dont think so.  but an attacker would always scan the low 1024first19:24
U-b-u-n-t-uI upgraded to 11.04 and when I did the install froze then I logged on and the / wouldnt mount so I manually mounted it and dkpg --configure -a to finish the install but it hung up on winbind. I restarted and 11.04 booted however now when I leave the computer running over 4 hours without activity the ubuntu doesnt respond... suggestions?19:24
milen8204how to change font of .str file on Ubuntu 11.0419:24
=== yhvh is now known as names
Travis-42rypervenche, a non-root user, perhaps a hacked one, could crash sshd and replace it with a proxy, if the port is > 102419:25
Travis-42if there are no other users, maybe it's not an issue19:26
LABcrabrypervenche: Like i did on the 5315?  Ugh... why the need for BIOS updates?  IdleOne: Yeah, it's Idle all right... it turns on and off!  ;)19:26
rhin0what would be causing  a problem with 11.04 (and 10.04) on a dell inspiron laptop where the mouse cursor freezes as soon as you have logged in but the rest of the system is running fine -- have just had to re-install19:29
rhin0mouse cursor just locks up19:29
rhin0has heppened after a week or so of no problems with 11.0419:30
dr_willis_tried an external mouse?  that would narrow it down to a touchpad, or usb issue19:30
rhin0ah ok19:30
LABcrabAll right, i'm outta here.  Thanks, and see you later!19:30
dr_willis_mouse is ok on the GDM login screen rhin0 ? but not once the user logs in? that would point to some odd compiz/mouse setting issue.19:31
rhin0maybe I disable compiz -- how would you do that19:31
rhin0not interested in desktop special effects19:31
dr_willis_rhin0,  as a test you could install say.. 'icewm' and see if the issue affects other window managers.19:31
dr_willis_if it affects them all. then it wouldent be a compiz/gnome specific issue.19:32
mrdebdr_willis_: is icewm easy19:32
dr_willis_icewm is trivially easy... :)19:32
dr_willis_!info icewm19:32
ubottuicewm (source: icewm): wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.7~pre2-1 (natty), package size 733 kB, installed size 1876 kB19:32
mrdebok nice19:33
dr_willis_icewm is just a window manager. I always keep it handy for a 'backup' window maanger.19:33
rhin0right I wait until it happens again if it happens again then deselect current window manager/compiz19:33
dr_willis_good for when i vnc into a box.19:33
dr_willis_rhin0,  so it only happens sometimes? thats even weirder..19:33
rhin0happened at 5am this morning after a week of use19:34
dr_willis_You mean a week of UPTIME ?19:34
=== dr_willis_ is now known as Dr_Willis
Goliathhey where is syslog.conf in ubuntu?19:37
Dr_Williswonka_, ?19:37
Dr_Willis~$ locate syslog.conf19:38
GoliathDr_Willis: it got renamed?19:38
Dr_Willisif syslog got replaced by rsyslog that would make sence...19:39
tonyyarussoGoliath: There are multiple syslog daemons.  Ubuntu uses rsyslog.19:39
oCeanGoliath: there is still a syslog.conf in package sysklogd19:39
Dr_Willis /usr/share/doc/sudo/sample.syslog.conf19:39
d-_-bGuys, for some reason with y new system build, moving things around n the desktop is really laggy.19:39
d-_-bgames run great tho19:39
GoliathoCean: ok19:40
Dr_Willis!info rsyslog19:40
ubottursyslog (source: rsyslog): enhanced multi-threaded syslogd. In component main, is important. Version 4.6.4-2ubuntu4 (natty), package size 209 kB, installed size 704 kB19:40
Dr_Willisits  'important'   :)19:40
oCeanDr_Willis: hey, you spelled that correctly :)19:41
tonyyarussoHe missed the apostrophe in "it's" though.  :(19:41
Dr_WillisNow heres an interesting bug.... every so often in unity my launcher icons, and top menu bar gets messed up graphics,  The programs i have running are fine. title bar text and so forth are find19:42
Dr_Willisbut Unity seems to have just had a brain freeze.. it works but   the icon/text is all garbled19:42
DamnSoGooDwhat app can convert a file to ISO?19:43
Dr_WillisDamnSoGooD,  you can make a data disk/iso with most of the cd burning apps. k3b. gcombust, and others19:44
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto19:44
DamnSoGooDno, i will not burn it, i will just convert a file to .iso format19:44
Dr_WillisDamnSoGooD,  that dosent make sence. clarify what the file is to begin with19:45
Dr_WillisYou can gerneate an iso with those tools.. you dont have to burn it.19:45
FirstmateI'm installing Ubuntu, however on the "Install" step. It does not provide the option to install alongside Windows 719:45
DamnSoGooDah see, thank you doc19:45
FirstmateAny help?19:45
Goliathtell kde please19:45
* Dr_Willis hands tonyyarusso a live.19:46
* Goliath squirts19:46
tonyyarussoA live what?  Fish?  Monkey?19:46
oCeanGoliath: you can log bugs in launchpad, not here19:46
Dr_WillisFirstmate,  check your disk parittion layout...19:46
Dr_WillisFirstmate,  if you have 4 primary partitions - you will need to do some work befor you can install.19:46
FirstmateCheck what specfically?19:46
FirstmateI see.19:46
FirstmateYeah I have 419:46
Dr_WillisFirstmate,  outout of 'sudo fdisk -l' for starters.  or gparted19:47
DamnSoGooDDr_Willis: does bradero can? or aptoncd?19:47
Dr_Willisi seen way to many windows  installs that use 4 primary parittions.19:47
FirstmateYeah, silly HP adds a few19:47
FirstmateMeh, I'll be back later.19:47
Dr_WillisDamnSoGooD,  why are you even trying to do this exactly? what do you plan on doing with the ISO?19:47
Firstmategotta head out for a bit19:47
lazaHow do I quickly get a list of all packages that are removed but still configured (rc). I could use dpkg -l, grep, sed. Is there something easier?19:48
d-_-bMoving things around is really laggy on my desktop for some reason,19:48
DamnSoGooDi will use in vbox, i will mount it as a cd because i don't know how to use the shared folder :D19:48
Dr_WillisDamnSoGooD,  shared folders in vbox are rather easy to use.. you just use the proper mount command - im not even sure if you need to install the guest addations any more19:48
mrdebis icewm not being developed19:49
mrdeblast time was last year19:49
Dr_WillisDamnSoGooD,  or just install ssh tools on the host and guest and transfer files over the network. or use samba.19:49
Dr_Willismrdeb,  its been around for proberly 10+ years also.19:49
Jake1hey room in ubuntu 11.04 my mouse doesn't seem to click in the correct spot or something strange19:49
DamnSoGooDi have vnox-ose, so how can i mount my shared folder to vbox? i have in there XP :D19:49
Dr_WillisDamnSoGooD,  whats the guest OS?19:50
Dr_Willisthe vbox docs give the exact commands/syntax to use i recall.19:50
mrdebso its ok to install it19:50
Dr_Willismrdeb,  why wouldent it be? :)19:50
wonka_you mouuse is clicking to you?19:50
Jake1NOOOO like  sometimes when i goto press file and other things it won't let me19:51
Jake1there cursor is over it but the click won't work19:51
Dr_Willismrdeb,  what sort of support are you looking for?19:52
Jake1its like its an entire line off of wher eit should be19:52
Dr_Willisthey have an irc channel and mailing list.19:52
Dr_Willisbut i imagine anything you want to learn about icewm is in its docs or forum posts.19:53
mrdebDr_Willis: if its ok, i will try it19:54
Dr_Willisits just a window manager..  its not like its going to blow up your pc...19:54
mrdebDr_Willis: just being careful19:55
Dr_WillisI imagine thers less bugs in icewm, then there is in compiz :)19:55
mrdeboh yes19:55
Dr_Willisits not like its xmms, or bitchx :)19:55
FishFaceShadows around application windows. 11.04. How to get rid of this?19:55
Dr_WillisFishFace,  that wiould be a compiz setting,  you can uise the 'ccsm' tool.19:56
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:56
safiyyahI have a broken machine with an initramfs error. It happened previously 2 days ago, but in the middle of a diagnosis it resolved itself. Today, the system froze so I shut it down using the power button, and on reboot, I got the initramfs error. http://paste.ubuntu.com/628040/ when I tried to use the shift key at boot up to It wouldn't go into the menu and I got a kernel panic error message:...19:56
FishFaceDr_Willis: Thanks bud :)19:56
mrdebDr_Willis: so icewm has a panel and such. what differs it from xfce20:03
FirstmateSo I have a partition called HP Tools, but I long ago reinstalled a fresh Win7.20:03
FirstmateThink it's safe to remove that HP TOols partition20:04
FirstmateI know that wasn't a ubuntu quest, but I figured it was an easy quest.20:04
Freakishhmmm L1nuxRules, thanks for that wonderful experience yesterday...20:05
Dr_Willismrdeb,  icewm had it about 10 yrs befor xfce existed...20:05
Freakish<----- davet20:05
Dr_Willisif not more.. :)20:05
Dr_Willismrdeb,  icewm is a window maanger.. xfce is a desktop20:06
Dr_WillisFirstmate,  its gotten where when i get a  new machine. I get a new hard drive and clone the  included HD to it.. and keep  the original as a 'backup' on a shelf. :)   its amazing how complex these partiton layouts can be on these things20:07
netspyneed to access my modem through the console. help needed on howto20:07
FreakishDoes anyone here have experience working with the latest version of VirtualBox?20:07
Dr_WillisFirstmate,  you could clone it to a file via dd and keep a copy somewhere safe.20:07
rypervencheFreakish: latest as in?20:08
wolsFreakish: ask your real question20:08
FirstmateI'll just remove the HP_Recovery one20:08
Freakishthe VirtualBox 4.0.8 version20:09
Dr_WillisOk. heres a 'test'  - using Unity,  and chromium browser, or google chrome, go to the  url ->   http://chrome.angrybirds.com/      - here  the unity panel gets all messed up when i mouse into/out of the briowser window. I have to fix it with 'unity --replace'20:09
FirstmateIt won't work anyways since the HP recovery program got removed XD20:09
Dr_Willisit seems to do it every time20:09
aureianimusFirstmate, i think hp provides something for that20:09
wols!anyone > Freakish20:09
ubottuFreakish, please see my private message20:09
Firstmateaureianimus: for what?20:09
aureianimusfor making the recovery + removing the partition20:09
Dr_WillisHP proberly has some tool to make a backup/restore dvd set20:09
FreakishI'm running Natty 11.04, and I'm working on setting up a Mac OS X Snow Leopard VM20:09
FirstmateYeah they do20:09
FirstmateBut I can always get a different backup utility.20:10
FreakishAnd I was wondering if any of you have tried the same20:10
FreakishI've followed guide after guide with nothing.20:10
Dr_WillisFreakish,   Not really ubuntu related. :) and i think technically not 'legal' either.  ive never gotten it to work either.20:11
netspyhave googled, can't figure how to access the console port of my modem using a console cable20:11
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
FreakishIt's legal, I bought my .dmg via the Mac website20:11
hiexpomy  ? is  i already have my terminal settup so if i use ls it will show differant colors for the items  but how could i make it so saywhen downloading the output would have differant colors20:11
Dr_WillisFreakish,  i think their EULA says it can only be used on real apple hardware..20:11
Dr_Willishiexpo,  downloading via wget or what?20:12
FreakishAh, screw 'em.... but at least you didn't send me an evil command :P20:12
hiexpoDr_Willis, yes and like updates etc20:13
Dr_Willishiexpo,  theres various 'log/text' colorizer tools in the repos. but it may take some work.20:13
FreakishSomeone with the handle L1nuxRules sent me a very, very wicked command to use, and me being a n00b to Linux, I typed it in without checking on it's usage.20:13
Dr_Willis!info color-tail20:13
ubottuPackage color-tail does not exist in natty20:13
mrdebDr_Willis: do i need anything else besides installing icewm to move in it20:13
Dr_Willis!info colortail20:13
ubottucolortail (source: colortail): log colorizer that makes log checking easier. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.3-1 (natty), package size 24 kB, installed size 144 kB20:13
wolsDr_Willis: like windows where "downloaded files" are treated different20:13
Dr_Willismrdeb,  icewm is just a nice simple window manager.. should be trivial to figure out.20:13
Dr_Willisi used to use icewm in vnc all the time. years ago.20:14
rype89why is it when I try to uefi boot the livecd, it stays at the loading page for quite a while and then end up in the busybox shell?20:15
Freakish@Dr_Willis: On to my next question though, which is entirely Natty Narwhal... I'm looking to upgrade my BIOS, and all I can get from Toshiba support is an .EXE that won't execute properly with WINE. Any ideas?20:15
Dr_WillisFreakish,  if its a dos executable - use a freedos live cd20:16
Dr_WillisFreakish,  if its a self-extracting archive. with some special window exe's in it. You will have to use windows of some kind i imagine20:16
Freakish@Dr_Willis: It has an extractable iso that should do the job, but I don't have any CD's handy a.t.m. Are there any Bootable USB solutions through Ubuntu that might do the trick?20:17
Dr_WillisFreakish,  it would totally depend on the  os on the iso.20:18
Dr_WillisFreakish,  try unetbootin i guess.20:18
Freakish@Dr_Willis: Thanks, I'll see what I can do with it. Thanks!20:19
rype89why is it when I try to uefi boot the livecd, it stays at the loading page for quite a while and then end up in the busybox shell?20:20
wolsone can boot a ISO from grub/grub220:20
Dr_Williswols,  dending on the ISO file. yes..20:20
Dr_Willispendrivelinux site has some tools for setting up multi-boot USB's that use grub2 and iso files20:20
oCean!br | gerson20:20
ubottugerson: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:20
gersonna proxima verƧao voces vao colocar ubuntu sem efeitos20:21
awallinany guides on how to install/test the ekopath compiler out there? http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=pathscale_ekopath4_open&num=120:21
=== KittenCollision is now known as Kittens
DrSlonyHelp, I'm using a 64 bit ubuntu to compile my program, but someone who uses a 32 bit ubuntu would like a binary, can I compile a 32 bit binary on a 64 bit machine?20:21
nerdshellhow to assign a specific ip adress to an alias , e.g will be Myhomeserver, ?20:22
awallinDrSlony: vn with 32-bit install comes to mind...20:22
awallinDrSlony: vm :)20:22
Dr_WillisI think you can do it without a vm. but ive never needed tod o so.20:22
gersonvoces vao tiar ubuntu sem efeitos  na procima verƧao20:23
Dr_Willis'cross compile'   is the term used I belive20:23
Dr_Willisnerdshell,  one way. edit your /etc/hosts file20:23
wonka_se voce quiser nos tiramos20:24
pfifoDrSlony, no cross tools need, just add -m32 to your options20:24
nerdshellDr_Willis: Ok, thanks, now can you give me some help to make my server send me his ip adresse by mail, each time it reconnects to the internet ?20:24
oCeanDrSlony: I think gcc takes the -m32 argument to compile in 32bit mode20:24
wonka_gmail comes to my mind20:24
Dr_Willisnerdshell,   thats what people normally use  the 'dyndns' service for.20:24
nerdshellDr_Willis: I don't really get it, could you explain further please ?20:25
Dr_Willisnerdshell,  i can make my home machine always be at 'drwillis_lovenest.dyndns.org'20:25
Dr_Willisnerdshell,  go read up at dyndns.org20:25
spacebug-Hello! I have problems with syncing big files to ubuntu one. 'u1sdtool --current-transfers' says written bytes (= total bytes) but it gets stuck there20:25
Dr_Willisif my ip changes. i have a tool running that updates the dyndns information on the dyndns server20:26
pfifoOops! Google Chrome could not find drwillis_lovenest.dyndns.org20:26
Dr_Willispfifo,  :)20:26
* pfifo registers drwillis_lovenest.dyndns.org20:26
Dr_Willispfifo,  try   http://chrome.angrybirds.com/20:26
gersonvoces vao tiar ubuntu sem efeitos na proxima verƧao20:27
Dr_Willissee if unity messes up for you like it does for me.20:27
oCean!br | gerson20:27
Dr_Willisnow how the browwser is messing up Unity.. im not sure20:27
oCeangerson: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado20:27
gersonvoce quer fazer sexo20:28
Dr_Willisnerdshell,  my router has a dyndns feature built in. I dont even need to set  it up on a specific pc.20:28
ortsvorsteherhi. i need to connect a samsung galaxy 9000i mobile device over usb or cable to a ubuntu 11.04 laptop. the only thing i found, there is no connection possible. does someone have experience whith that?20:28
=== PleXuS is now known as PleXs
pfifoohh was i not supposed to frag the smiley face?20:29
wolsortsvorsteher: what happens if you simply plug it in?20:29
Dr_Willispfifo,  i start that game, and the unity panel messes up..20:30
=== James is now known as Guest76297
Gatekeeper__hello everyone need help with ubuntu 11.04 have a ati radeon 9600 agp X wont start and the log is telling me (EE) No Drivers Available / No Screens please help !! thanks20:30
Dr_Willispfifo,  trying to track down why, or even what to file a bug report against20:30
ortsvorsteherwols, nothing, the mobile device just tells me : to end samsung kies, press start button. but nothing is mounted...20:30
rype89why is it when I try to uefi boot the livecd, it stays at the loading page for quite a while and then end up in the busybox shell?20:31
Dr_Willisortsvorsteher,  this is some sort of Android Phone?20:31
pfifoDr_Willis, xubuntu :(20:31
ortsvorsteherDr_Willis, yes, it is.20:31
Dr_Willisortsvorsteher,  the #android channel may be able to help20:31
Gatekeeper__hello everyone need help with ubuntu 11.04 have a ati radeon 9600 agp X wont start and the log is telling me (EE) No Drivers Available / No Screens please help !! thanks <----- Any ideas ...?20:31
ortsvorsteherDr_Willis, good idea. thank you20:31
Dr_WillisGatekeeper__,  install the ati drivers?20:32
Dr_Willisthats an old card.. it may not work with the flgrx drivers however...20:32
wolsDr_Willis: it won't20:32
Gatekeeper__Dr_Willis,  there is no driver for that card20:33
coz_For 7000 to HD4xxx series cards, you can use the open source "radeon" driver. HD2xxx and later series cards are also supported by the proprietary "fglrx" driver.20:33
wolsbut radeon works fine20:33
coz_^that probably needs updating20:33
Dr_Williswell theres a 'driver' for the card.. its just its the standard radeon/ati drivers now a days. :)20:33
PeskyJI have this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/697063 - is there a way to create a boot disc that works and modify the install such that it will boot?20:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 697063 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu boot fails with message: phy0 - rt2800pci_mcu_status: Error - MCU request failed, no response from hardware (dup-of: 659143)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 659143 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "64bit-only: regression: kernels >=2.6.34: rt2800pci: load firmware Error with ralink [1814:0781]" [Medium,Fix released]20:33
Gatekeeper__its the RV350 any help to get it running please20:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».20:33
james_1313I need help with getting grub rescue at boot, I think i moved something while rearranging my partitions... Im booting from a live usb right now...20:34
whallzhi, i'm using ubuntu 11.04 natty, with unity disabled, is there a way to disable the expo mode/windows scale feature? or at least change it's keyboard shortcut?20:34
DrSlonypfifo oCean thank you20:34
edbianjames_1313: Are you using 11.04 or... ?20:34
Adamfyrejames what live usb are you using?20:34
edbianwhallz: Yes, install ccsm and edit the expo plugin20:34
Dr_Williswhallz,  those are compiz featuires. use the ccsm tool to tweak it how you want20:34
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:34
Gatekeeper__how to i install the open source "radeon" driver <--------------------- ...?20:35
rpkHello, I'm using 11.04 classic in a vmware vm.  immediately after logging in, I have the nice black bars and classic skin, then it drops back to this grey theme.  how can I keep the black standard theme?20:35
whallzedbian: thanks Dr_Willis thanks20:35
Dr_Willisrpk,  ive seen some iothers mention a grey theme bug. I thought i saw it mentioned at the askubuntu.com  site. i dident read up on it however.20:35
Dr_WillisI can browse askubuntu.com from my android phone. :) i just cant post to it.20:36
edbianDr_Willis: he was more thankful for my help! :P20:37
rpkoh so its a bug :/  I was just hoping it was trying to automatically adjust to my hardware config (which is low, since i'm in a vm)20:37
Dr_Willisrpk,  youa re using the latest virtualbox ?20:37
Dr_Willisoh wait vmeare.. no idea on vmware. :)20:37
rpkVMware workstation on win 7 x64 host (but os is 32 bit ubuntu)20:37
Dr_Willistheres some known issues in earlier vbox versions..20:37
PeskyJis it possible to boot from some simple image and fix the kernel so that the machine will boot properly?20:38
rhin0yes PeskyJ20:39
rhin0you use the live cd PeskyJ -- mount the corrupted volume20:39
rhin0or you could boot from the USB key -- installed ubuntu20:39
wonka_be careful20:39
PeskyJthere's no corrupted volume and the live CD doesn't boot either due to the same problem in 11.0420:39
Gatekeeper__Dr_Willis, when i use the open source "radeon" driver my screen flashes a few times and just stays on the terminal20:39
Dr_WillisGatekeeper__,  i got rid of all my ati systems  ages ago.. well all but one.. :)20:40
rhin0if a cd doesn't boot it's either a problem with the cd,cd player or the machine (not ubuntu) cds are read only20:40
PeskyJit's a fresh install on a brand new laptop, the bug is in the wireless driver20:40
Gatekeeper__kk anyone else know a solution20:40
wonka_are you kidding?20:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 659143 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "64bit-only: regression: kernels >=2.6.34: rt2800pci: load firmware Error with ralink [1814:0781]" [Medium,Fix released]20:41
rhin0if you have a problem connecting or your machine crashing because of the wireless driver -- connect to the internet with a usb wireless dongle (as I did recently) -- then download the wireless driver20:41
PeskyJrhin0: it won't boot20:41
Dr_Willisa wireless driver bug causes the system to not boot.. that is.. weird20:41
rhin0I had it recently20:42
PeskyJwell according to that bug report on launchpad it's in the kernel20:42
rhin0every time the machine connected it crashed -- I used a usb wiress dongle to download the wireless driver -- all ok20:42
PeskyJso it affects the live CD (live CD won't boot) but I installed from the alternative installer and now the machine won't boot for the same reason20:43
Dr_WillisPeskyJ,  you could boot a differnt live cd. chroot in, and try to update/upgrade perhaps.20:43
rhin0live cds don't get 'affected' they are read only you have a problem either with your hardware or with hardware/initial ubuntu install incompatibility20:43
Dr_Willisassuming theres a update kernel out for it.20:44
pfifoPeskyJ, have you tried booting with your wireless device disabled? My laptops can toggle it off, and theres probably a way to disable it in the bios too20:44
rhin0it may be an idea to try to connect with a wireless usb dongle -- then download all the updates / proprietary drivers if ubuntu runs peskyJ20:44
Dr_Willistheres a boot option to ignore/not load spefific modules also20:44
PeskyJDr_Willis: how do you get the boot options? is there a secret key to press while it's booting?20:45
rhin0f11 or f12 peskyj on some machines I think f2 or even escape on asus20:45
Dr_WillisPeskyJ,  shift key if grub is hidden. or the space key from live cd when yous ee the man-keyboard imnage20:45
rhin0its a function key anyay -- maybe del20:45
Dr_Willis the live cd boot options = space key at the right time i think.20:46
rhin0ah I thought you mean the bios options20:46
rhin0not sure if you can disable wireless in the bios on all machines20:46
rhin0one idea would be to put yourself and machine into a lead box so it doesn't connect until you fix it20:47
PeskyJyeah - this laptop seems to have a very limited BIOS config screen :(20:47
colin_i just installed zorin, am i in the right place?20:47
jNovicehi, I have 10.10, and when I run update manager, it suggest ~700mb of updates - it looks like it want to upgrade to 11.04. Why?20:47
PeskyJrhin0: it would still break as it happens when the kernel loads the driver I think - when the hardware is detected, not when it trys to connect20:48
wolsPeskyJ: boot options for a ubuntu cd: F620:48
Dr_Williscolin_,  zorin is not ubuntu. its a spinoff with its own support channels and web site.20:48
colin_does that mean its bad?20:48
Dr_Williscolin_,  no idea.. i never used it.. you are using it.. so what do you thinjk of it.. :)20:48
colin_gr8 so far20:49
Dr_Williscolin_,  it does mean that its not supported by this irc channel.20:49
colin_basically i was using mint20:49
centHOGGhi, how do you edit your host file in gnome ubuntu 10.4?20:49
Dr_Willismint also has its own support channels.20:49
colin_but my ati card was causing it to freeze up20:49
Dr_WilliscentHOGG,  gksudo gedit /etc/hosts20:49
colin_someone suggested zorin20:49
colin_as soon as i put cd in, it had wobbly windwos and desktop cube20:49
rpkDr_Willis: found the bug on launchpad, added myself to it, hopefully it gets resolved eventually :(20:49
colin_so hopefully it wont start to freeze up, and i can keep it20:50
Dr_Williscolin_,  ubuntu variants/spinoffs are a  getting comonplace.. any real impressive features of them.. are not as commonplace.20:50
rpk(and sudoing the gnome-settings-deaemon resolved it termporarily)20:50
Dr_Willisrpk,  egads! :)20:50
colin_its just like windows zorin is20:50
Scunizi How do I add someone to sodoers?20:50
Dr_Williscolin_,  thats a big vague. :) but dosent really matter i guess.20:51
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:51
colin_like the menu is hte same and everything20:51
Dr_WillisScunizi,  theres spefific commands used to alter the sudoers file. be CAREFULL when messing with it.20:51
Dr_Willisand make backups.20:51
edbianvisudo   ?20:52
josePhoenixDoes apt/dpkg overwrite /etc/sudoers in upgrades?20:52
Dr_WillisjosePhoenix,  it would /shouild ask what to do if it detects a customuized sudoers20:52
edbianjosePhoenix: I don't see why any package would ever want to do that but it is root so it could20:52
Dr_Willissame as it should do for most all other /etc/ config files20:52
rype89why is it when I try to uefi boot the livecd, it stays at the loading page for quite a while and then end up in the busybox shell?20:52
ScuniziDr_Willis, got it.. I did a fresh install saving my /home on a laptop adn when entering new user name and pass I did a new user entirely.. not my old one.. so I have 2 users for the system but the old one didn't get picked up in sodoers.. the new did...20:52
josePhoenixDr_Willis: Okay, because I'm thinking of customizing sudoers and adding /etc/sudoers.d/ or similar. I don't want the reference to that to disappear.20:53
Dr_WillisScunizi,  i think thres a user admin tool that you can use to enable that.20:53
ScuniziDr_Willis, probably.. just haven't had time to futz with it.20:53
PeskyJif I can boot from another image, how would I prevent it from trying to load that rt2800pci driver?20:53
Dr_WillisPeskyJ,  i recall seeing some ignoremodule= option20:54
PeskyJDr_Willis: what conf file would it be in?20:54
chili555PeskyJ, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf    blacklist rt2800pci20:55
Oerrype89, as you asked before, i don't own a mac,  these pages maybe any help > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages20:56
rype89Oer: i'm not on a mac either, just an efi powered board20:57
PeskyJchili555: ok I'll try that thanks :)20:57
pfifoPeskyJ, that's not what your lookingfor20:57
lacrymologyI just installed a wireless card, apparently it works fine, connects to my router and everything, but the system doesn't seem to be using it...20:57
Dr_WillisPeskyJ,  it was a kernel boot option you could type in from the grub/syslinux menus20:57
Oerrype sorry, my bad, i asumed efi mac system20:57
Dr_WillisPeskyJ,  i saw it mentioned on an askubuntu question..20:57
pfifoDr_Willis, PeskyJ, I just used this today with 'acpi.power_load=1' im pretty sure thats similiar to what you need just a completly unrelated module in this case20:58
chili555pfifo, sorry 'bout that. i prolly got here a bit late20:59
edbianlacrymology: You're connected to a network!  How is the machine not using it?20:59
lacrymologyedbian: I have both wireless and wired, I'm connected through wired now20:59
Dr_Willispfifo,  well this was somthing like 'ignoremodule=noveau'  (in the question i was reading)20:59
Dr_Willisbut that might be X specific also.. not for kernel moduiles20:59
Dr_Willisi cant even find the question now on askubuntu20:59
edbianlacrymology: What card do you have?21:00
Dr_Willisgoodnight all21:00
lacrymologyedbian: a realtec.. 8515, I think. But I tell you, the card is working properly and it's connecting to the access point, and has it's correct IP address and everything, but the system isn't using that interface for internet connection21:01
PeskyJI don't really understand why the bug report is saying it's in certain kernel versions, if it's a module then surely just replacing that will fix it?21:01
Gatekeeper__hello anyone ... my radeon driver is now working but the desktop only shows my mouse cursor no menu's <-------------- Please help >>????!!!21:01
ImDexterim trying to donwload games from playdeb. some of them are added to software center, but others wont: there isnt a software package called "whatever" in my current software sources. what do I have to do in those cases?21:01
edbianlacrymology: Unconnect the wire21:01
pfifoPeskyJ, You can blacklist a module using the following syntax: module_name.blacklist=yes. This will cause the module to be blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local both during the installation and for the installed system.21:03
ImDexterwith what do I open games downloaded from playdeb?21:03
DrSlonypfifo oCean cmake fails when i try that in the latst ubuntu, however it works just fun when i run the exact same command for the same program on my gentoo machine, can you take a look please? http://paste2.org/p/147694421:03
lacrymologyedbian: if I do that, I'll drop from here =P. Just by the way, lshw -class network only shows the wlan adapter now, eth0 is not showing there (but it's working, it appears in ifconfig)21:03
DrSlonyDo i need to install anything to be able to compile 32 bit code on a 64 bit ubuntu?21:03
oCeanDrSlony: try installing package gcc-multilib21:05
lacrymol1gyedbian: ok, it worked.. but can't I have it both ways? fallback to wlan if wired fails?21:05
R4D4RHello, I am currently trying to remove ebox (2.0.20) from my computer, but the process crashed while running 'apt-get remove --purge ebox-communications', now when I try to run apt it says "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'", but when I do so it just says "setting up ebox (2.0.20) and never gets past that.21:05
edbianlacrymol1gy: That's exactly what you have right now.21:05
pfifoDrSlony, you might be missing 32bit libs for the project your making, im pretty sure 64 bit ubuntu only ships with 32 bit binaraies and no *-dev, so you probably need to build and install your 32 bit deps21:05
edbianlacrymol1gy: Pulling the wire made the interface 'trail'21:05
guntbertDrSlony: did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingCompilers#32-bit%20Builds%20on%20AMD64 ?21:06
PeskyJpfifo: is that in the grub boot commands?21:06
lacrymol1gyedbian: not really. See, I tried not unplugging the cable but turning the wired modem off. The eth network appeared as connected, but there was no internet access.. that was when it was failing21:06
edbianlacrymol1gy: Mmm, it didn't switch to wifi?  (I'm kind of surprised)21:07
DrSlonyoCean pfifo guntbert thank you, i'll read and try again21:07
pfifoPeskyJ, yes, youll have to determine the actual module nome from someone else or google, I have no idea what to actually put there, but it can be done21:07
guntbertDrSlony: Good luck :-)21:07
edbianlacrymol1gy: Perhaps because it was still on a working network.  Just not connected to the Internet21:07
Gatekeeper__hello anyone how do i disable unity or access the login screen to bypass unity only have console mode and sesktop no menus21:07
Gatekeeper__please help21:07
edbianlacrymol1gy: I'm not sure of a simple way to get what you want.  I'm sure there are elaborate failsafe programs out there.21:08
guntbertGatekeeper__: you want console only?21:08
diyttoI just got a hardware requirement warning that said I can't run unity...21:08
lacrymol1gyedbian: it's ok, I'm not really gonna do that, anyways, I think. I just got a new ISP and they gave me a wireless router, but when I can get  along enough cable, I'm wiring this box anyways21:09
PeskyJpfifo: ok trying it now :) what's the correct way to see the boot log during boot instead of the graphical progress thingy?21:09
Gatekeeper__guntbert, i have desktop but think ,y display card cant support unity because when i login there are no menu's nothing only mouse cursor want to get default gdm login21:09
edbianlacrymol1gy: :)   sounds great!21:09
pfifoPeskyJ, remove "quiet splash" from the boot options21:10
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guntbertGatekeeper__: on the login menu, type/select the user name and then (before typing the password) select "ubuntu classic" from the session menu at tha bottom21:11
guntbert!classic | Gatekeeper__21:11
ubottuGatekeeper__: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".21:11
Gatekeeper__guntbert, how do i do that via terminal i have no buttons nothing to logout21:12
guntbertGatekeeper__: you mean you don't get any menu? but you get a terminal?21:13
PeskyJpfifo: are we talking about in grub here? I don't see anything to do with quiet splash21:13
Gatekeeper__guntbert, yes i got terminal want to change through there if possible21:13
dasupergamerhi all21:14
pfifoPeskyJ, press "E" to edit the boot command21:14
PoindexterIs php5 backwards compatible with php4?21:14
guntbertGatekeeper__: now I understand, what happens when you type         sudo service gdm start   ?21:14
pfifoPoindexter, no21:15
PeskyJpfifo: my bad - found it21:15
* pfifo starts to make a pot of coffee, bacon flavored coffee21:15
PoindexterPfifo thanks. Should I create a different USER group with Apache2 to use php4 for that application?21:15
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dasupergameris there any different between ubuntu, kubuntu xubuntu and so on21:16
PeskyJpfifo: should the module.blacklist=yes be an option to the 'linux' command or before it on a separate line?21:16
edbiandasupergamer: The DE they use. That's about it.21:16
Guest27303help! i accidently turn off the window manager on 11.04 when i tried to enable cube in ccsm21:16
guntbert!variants | dasupergamer21:16
ubottudasupergamer: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu21:16
edbianGuest27303: metacity --replace&21:16
dasupergamerso they run wxatly the same21:16
pfifoPoindexter, apache runs as www-data, you sould keep it that way unless there is a very good reason to change it21:16
edbianGuest27303: change the settings back (so that you can use compiz again)21:17
Guest27303idk how21:17
edbianGuest27303: how did you cause the cube problem in the first place?21:17
edbianGuest27303: CCSM is a good place to start :)21:17
guntberthi munis,  Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:17
munishow are everybody today21:17
PoindexterThanks Pfifo. When installing a new website should I use /var/www or /usr/share/Apache2/default-site   ?21:18
pfifoPeskyJ, to the linux command21:18
Gatekeeper__guntbert, gdmsetup canged login via that thanks all working....21:18
pfifoPoindexter, /var/www21:18
PeskyJpfifo: ok retrying :D I'm new to editing the grub commands - it's fun21:18
PoindexterPfifo I thought so. Thanks. If I install a default index.html in the /var/www will that become the default?21:19
edbiannothing is more fun than editing configuration files21:19
dasupergamerdeleting them in fun too21:19
PeskyJpfifo: you are a superstar!!!21:20
PoindexterPfifo do I need to set a path in a .conf file?21:20
redmenacehelp i still cant turn on the window manager!!21:20
edbianredmenace: metacity --replace&21:20
edbianredmenace: Did I help you a second ago?21:20
pfifoPoindexter, its set to /var/www by default. you probably want index.php instead of index.html21:20
redmenacei tried that, but it didnt work all it did was turn off unity panels21:21
PeskyJpfifo: the blacklist thing works great - now I think I will be able to get the fixed module and make it all work (or at least get it to boot to try!)21:21
edbianredmenace: Ahh, you're running unity!  Didn't know that :P  compiz --replace&21:21
edbianredmenace: We need compiz to run unity21:21
pfifoPeskyJ, you shoul;d propose a workaround on that bug report21:21
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redmenaceahh that didnt work either edbian21:22
R4D4RHow can I remove a package that did not completely install with apt-get, and now won't let me run apt-get remove? (Gives message "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'" but hangs there also)21:22
PoindexterPfifo I have tried to SSH into the /var/www directory and copy and paste from a Windows remote box to Ubuntu. I get permissions denied. What is the command to give me permission to chmod into /var/www21:22
edbianredmenace: then we need to edit the settings (because they're causing compiz to crash immediately)  mv ~/.compiz ~/.backupcompiz21:23
edbianredmenace: Then try compiz --replace& again21:23
edbianredmenace: What questions do you have?21:23
redmenacenone i just want a border and buttons on my windows21:23
edbianredmenace: haha, don't we all?21:24
PoindexterI do have root access.21:24
redmenaceedbian i tried it still doesnt work!!21:25
edbianredmenace: What happens, any errors?21:25
pfifoPoindexter, well you could sudo to turn into root, but what I do is make a folder in my home directory called html or Public, then remove /var/www and use a link to point /var/www to /home/pfifo/html `sudo ln -sf /home/pfifo/html /var/www` this makes it so my normal user can work with anything in the html folder.21:25
edbianredmenace: what errors?21:26
redmenaceidk what there are is there any way to reset compiz?21:26
PeskyJpfifo: ok, will do :)21:26
edbianredmenace: Yes, you move the folder I had you move.  Can you pastebin ls -la ~   ?21:27
redmenacejust a sec21:27
edbianredmenace: sure21:27
PoindexterPfifo so I need to establish a <group> first?21:27
pfifoPoindexter, you automatically are in a group named after your user ie pfifo is in the group pfifo21:28
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PoindexterPfifo so by default Poindexter is in  the group as root?21:28
pfifoPoindexter, no, type groups to get a listing of your groups21:29
PoindexterSo the groups is in the www-data21:29
pfifowww-data is a user and a group on your computer21:30
hamneggaAnyone know what file backs up your panel config in gnome?21:30
pfifo!permissions | Poindexter21:31
ubottuPoindexter: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:31
jasongriffeeis there a guide to syncing my firefox bookmarks with ubuntu one?21:33
PoindexterI read those file permissions but it has nothing to do with SSH drag and drop.21:33
pfifoPoindexter, i have no idea there, i only use cli tools21:34
Ianster_guyHello floodbot121:34
PoindexterPfifo right now I am using x11vnc ssh into a Linux box from a Windows box talking with you. VNC connected.21:35
wonka_my mediavision card is not working21:35
anastasisPlease help. When I have two monitors my sticky notes (ubuntu 11.04) are buggy. When I move them around they make trails that dont go away. LIke he box is not rerawing properly and generally acts weird. when in single monitor mode it works fine. ANy idea how to fix for two monitors. OR.. is their a way to use Tomboy notes to create notes that are permanently on the desktop..21:36
Ianster_guyLOL this room seems quiet on the weekend. and vary active at night21:36
jasongriffeehow do I enable bookmark syncing in ubuntu 11.0421:37
PoindexterPfifo I have tried a nice  program namely, WinSCP to SSH into the Linux box but the situation is the same with drag and drop with a GUI Windows box to Ubuntu.21:37
* pfifo needs to go now21:37
wonka_bye pfifo21:38
anastasisPlease help. When I have two monitors my sticky notes (ubuntu 11.04) are buggy. When I move them around they make trails that dont go away. LIke he box is not rerawing properly and generally acts weird. when in single monitor mode it works fine. ANy idea how to fix for two monitors. OR.. is their a way to use Tomboy notes to create notes that are permanently on the desktop..21:39
jeyIn Ubuntu 11.04 is there a way to have separate mixer settings for headphones vs speakers? I know that the OS is capable of detecting whether headphones are plugged into this laptop (other OSes do it)21:39
jeyI want speakers to be muted but unmuted when headphones are plugged in21:40
redmenaceedbian, im in ubuntu safe mode, and in ccsm what should i put for settings?21:41
jasongriffeeJey, u mean have speakers run when headphones are not plugged in, then mute when inserted?21:42
zerosniperhi guys, i have an ubuntu server with a gui installed..  I dont want x to load at boot but i would like to be able to run startx if i need to for some reason.  Can anyone help me do that/21:42
jeynah, just want to have the speakers always be muted, but headphones be unmuted21:42
audaSalam alikm21:42
redmenacehelp i accidently turned off the window manager in unity by trying to enable cube, now im in safe mode, and in ccsm, what should  i put for settings?21:42
wonka_Salam, thanks21:42
zerosniperhi guys, i have an ubuntu server with a gui installed..  I dont want x to load at boot but i would like to be able to run startx if i need to for some reason.  Can anyone help me do that?21:43
jasongriffeewould muting them manually when unplugged be a acceptable compormise, or is there a tech issue perventing that?21:43
jeyzerosniper: you want to change the default runlevel21:43
jribzerosniper: add " text" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub21:44
thegladiatoris it possible to remove gnome-panel ?21:44
Raikiazerosniper: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1519013&highlight=startup+terminal21:44
jribzerosniper: you do not want to change your default runlevel21:44
jribzerosniper: you also do not want to follow that forum thread as it is outdated21:44
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jasongriffeethegladiator, sound gnome panel?21:44
Raikiazerosniper: Just remove gdm from rc.d21:44
thevishygnome-panel I mean21:44
centHOGGzerosniper: what is so bad about x at boot?21:45
jribzerosniper: you also do not want to what Raikia has just suggested21:45
thevishyI have docky installed , dont need the gnome-panel - Mac like21:45
Raikiajrib: Why not?21:45
RaikiaThats what I did and it works great21:45
bsmith093how do i know if my soundcard has line in21:45
hamneggaanyone here have the google-talkplugin working?21:45
zerosniperthanks jrib21:45
usr13bsmith093: Look at it.21:45
jrib!upstart | Raikia21:45
ubottuRaikia: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:45
wonka_these soundcards requests are giving me some weird ideas21:45
usr13hamnegga: Yep21:46
redmenacebye wish me luck21:46
PoindexterCentHOGG perhaps Zerosniper wants to use it as a server without unnecessary resources being used.21:46
jribRaikia: gdm is started by upstart because of /etc/init/gdm.conf21:46
jeyis there a way to query the attached monitors? something akin to lspci but for monitors21:46
bsmith093so how do i check in software? if my soundcard has line in? im trying to rip cassettes to mp321:46
hamneggausr13, you got any advice on that?21:46
jribjey: maybe xrandr?21:47
hamneggaI've been trying to get it working for days21:47
jeyjrib: thanks i'll check21:47
usr13hamnegga: I don't really remember.  It's been installed for a while now.21:47
wonka_I will make my software to mute if the headphone is unpluged21:47
usr13hamnegga: Just works,  that's pretty much all I know.21:47
thevishyI need to have a simple X session what are my choices ? not lubuntu or xfce21:47
jribthevishy: one of the *boxes, like fluxbox?21:48
zerosniperShould i change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text" ?21:48
hamneggayeah, none of my plugins wanna show up in firefox, it's wicked annoying.  I have every possible plugin directory all symlinked up too21:48
jribzerosniper: you can just change it to "quiet text" if you wish21:48
zerosniperwhat command do i use to update grub? is it simply "update-grub" ?21:49
jeff_I am having a problem with the FN-keys on a gateway laptop after blacklisting acer-wmi for the wifi21:49
jribzerosniper: with sudo in front, yeah21:49
zerosniperthanks jrib21:49
zerosnipercan we pm?21:49
thevishywould be a good choice yes jrib  , but I have a huge problem , I cant connect to net - because the WIFI thing is tied up to gnome21:49
jribzerosniper: better in channel21:50
jeff_the keys do not connect to the volume21:50
jribthevishy: why is it tied up to gnome?21:50
udrhi! I have stupid beginner's problem. I have a server with jaunty (9.04), for which support has run out. I want to upgrade, but cannot find a packet source for the upgrade manager.21:50
jrib!upgrade | udr21:50
ubottuudr: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:50
zerosniperim trying to edit with grub but i cant make any changes. its open in read only.  Do i need to change to su?21:50
jribzerosniper: do: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub21:50
thevishyI have not been able to use a wifi on any other X sessions , because gnome -panel is the only way I know to connect Wifi21:50
zerosniperwhat is the gk?21:51
jeff_anyone know about function keys on laptops?21:51
HordekingHas anyone else had issues with the startup disk creator installed with ubuntu creating usb disks that don't start up right (something about a bad syslinux config)?21:51
jribthevishy: you should be able to run nm-applet in other environments (I HOPE!), but if not there is always nmcli (cli interface to network-manager) or wicd21:51
zerosniperit says failed to run gedit as user root?21:51
djzielinjoin bzr21:52
thevishylet me try21:52
jribdjzielin: /join #bzr21:52
HordekingI had to run the windows version under wine to do it, and even then it had issues writing the mbr (fortunately usb-creator-gtk wrote that correctly earlier)21:52
K1ng`i have newly installed 10.04 server... the problem is when grub wasnt installed to harddrive. it was installed to flashdrive. but all system file was installed on harddrive21:54
usr13K1ng`: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit21:55
K1ng`ok hold on i need to start it21:55
usr13K1ng`: Probably just need to do  grub install /dev/sda21:56
usr13!grub2 | K1ng`21:56
ubottuK1ng`: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:56
K1ng`usr13, i cant install any package. i am its get stuck on 50%.... Segmentation faulty tree21:58
zerosniperi am not sure ifits connected. but since i changed it to quite text i now dont have a reboot button in the gui?  is that to be expected?21:59
usr13K1ng`: That's ok. Just re-install grub.21:59
usr13K1ng`: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub21:59
K1ng`ok. let me do it then i will let you know22:00
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zerosniperi am not sure ifits connected. but since i changed it to quite text i now dont have a reboot button in the gui?  is that to be expected?22:00
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guntbert!repeat | zerosniper22:01
ubottuzerosniper: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:01
zerosniper!repeat | guntbert22:02
ubottuguntbert: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:02
guntbertjas_: please use #test for testing22:02
joost1123is anyone here using a 2011 Macbook Pro?22:02
guntbertzerosniper: I beg your pardon?22:02
Pr070calis anyone here using gnome 3 how can i enable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9pmbAo6T-A22:02
zerosnipersorry, i was just seeing if i could do that cool message too22:03
alexsn/usr/sbin/update-initramfs: symbolic link to `/bin/true'22:03
alexsnis this intended?22:03
zerosniperhey guys, once you have finished with a session in x, how do you close x and leave the command line running?22:03
guntbert!askthebot > zerosniper22:03
ubottuzerosniper, please see my private message22:03
jas_i have a question if the nvidia drivers installed through system -> administration -> hardware drivers are equivalent to the nvidia offical web page drivers22:03
guntbertzerosniper: did you start the session with startx?22:04
zerosniperits ubuntu server, it has been configured to boot with text mode, then if i need gui i use startx, how do i return to text mode once i have completed the task in the gui22:05
guntbertzerosniper: usually you just log out, but there is a terminal command too ...22:05
zerosniperahh yes, logging out has done it22:06
zerosniperthat is fine22:06
alexsnguys anyone knows why update-initramfs links to /bin/true on natty?22:06
jas_admin_: i have a question if the nvidia drivers installed through system -> administration -> hardware drivers are equivalent to the nvidia offical web page drivers22:06
zerosniperis there a good easy to learn way to manage apache, mysql ect?  for webserver managment?22:06
guntbert!serverguide | zerosniper22:07
ubottuzerosniper: The Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/22:07
redmenaceok i fixed the prblm where i didnt have borders and buttons on my windows, but you the black box in the uper-right corner that gives noticfications, how do i get that back22:07
johntramphi.   are there any digital video cameras (not a webcam) which can be accessed via /dev/video0 when connected to the pc?22:07
johntrampor do they all show up as a mass storage device22:07
brontosaurusrexjohntramp, probably the ones that use firewire22:08
K1ng`usr13, actually i am totally lost22:08
johntrampbrontosaurusrex: ok thanks22:09
redmenacecan some one send me a message on jabber, im redstar@jabber.org, i need to see if the black box indicator still works22:10
guntbertredmenace: not here please - keep it to ubuntu support22:10
jeyis there something that lets me contorl the volume from the keyboard (without special multimedia keys)? something analogous to SizzlingKeys for MacOS22:10
redmenacesorry,  but i think i lost the black indicator box22:11
* jey hasn't used a linux machine as desktop in quite a while22:11
johntrampjey: alsamixer22:11
zerosniperWhen i startx i frequently get a message saying "it seems that you do not have the hardware require to run unity. Please choose ubuntu classic at the login screen and you will be using the traditional enviroment".  Can i stop this message showing, perhaps loading the classic mode by default?22:11
guntbert!classic | zerosniper22:12
ubottuzerosniper: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".22:12
moystardHello everyone!22:12
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jeyjohntramp: I mean that I want to bind global hotkeys under X to raise/lower volume -- sounds like this will probably need cooperation of my window manager22:12
moystardtalking about unity, it's crazy to see how much it impacts opengl performances of the other running programs :/22:12
guntberthello moystard,  Do you have an ubuntu support question?22:12
johntrampjey: yes it depends on which WM you use22:12
zerosniperwhen i "log out" i get back to command line22:12
zerosniperso i cant log out and switch.22:13
moystardguntbert, no no, just came to talk why? :D22:13
zerosniperis there a config somehwere i can edit for this?22:13
jas_i have a question if the nvidia drivers installed through system -> administration -> hardware drivers are equivalent to the nvidia offical web page drivers22:13
jeyjohntramp: how about under Unity? though I should probably just pick a tiling window manager and switch to that, then look into binding these keys...22:13
redmenaceyeah whats the black box that appears in the upper-right hand corner called?22:13
guntbertmoystard: this channel is for ubuntu support only, chatter takes place in #ubuntu-offtopic22:13
zerosniperdo you guys think http://webmin.com/index.html is any good?22:13
guntbert!webmin | zerosniper22:14
ubottuzerosniper: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.22:14
zerosniperis there a more recent tool that is preferd ?22:14
redmenaceis there a gnome help channel?22:15
guntbertzerosniper: no :-(22:15
zerosniperhmmm.. is there any web administration utility that i can install to manage my server like Plesk or Cpanle but free?22:16
toad`does someone feel like helping me reinstall ubuntu on a laptop that dual boots with win7 using GRUB222:16
guntbertzerosniper: not to my knowledge, but you *could* ask in #ubuntu-server22:16
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wonka_soon I will provide one, this is a promise22:17
zerosniperim currently using the freenode web chat.  how do i open a new tab with that chan in it?22:17
toad`bugger all22:18
toad`I need help quick22:18
Oerzerosniper, type /join <channel>22:18
toad`how do I 'destroy' a partition, this one tutorial says to 'destroy' not delete22:19
BlouBloutoad`: Do it by gparted22:19
BlouBlou!gparted | toad`22:19
ubottutoad`: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type Ā« sudo apt-get install gparted Ā» in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:19
toad`from within ubuntu?22:20
toad`I cant apt-get cause I cant get online, cause network manager is missing, thus why Iwant to reinstall22:20
toad`cant I do this from within the installation setup? from the LiveCD?22:20
vorbis5first time, can you people see this msg?22:20
pfifovorbis5, what message?22:21
BlouBloutoad`: yes, you can22:21
Oertoad`, yes, you van choose manually, and then you can re-use the partition, including formatting22:21
toad`do I just delete the partition ubuntu is on?22:21
guntbert!who > seven try it out22:21
ubottuseven, please see my private message22:21
toad`how do I reuse?22:21
redmenaceumm, i think i might of lost notify-osd22:21
toad`should I delete it? it turns into unallocated free space?22:21
toad`will this mess up GRUB?22:21
toad`let me stick the livecd in and get the installation going then we'll go from there22:21
pfifotoad`, can you pastebin?22:22
toad`what would you like me to pastebin?22:22
pfifotoad`, the output of "sudo fdisk -l && sudo os-prober"22:22
toad`I can try sure22:22
toad`waht will this be telling me?22:23
DrSlonyHelp oCean pfifo guntbert or anybody, when I try compiling a program into a 32 bit build on a 64 bit ubuntu machine, it fails at the "Linking CXX executable" stage with this: http://paste2.org/p/1477027 How do I fix it? I don't see any 32 bit caito, pango, lcms etc packages using "sudo apt-cache search cairo | grep 32"22:23
toad`or you rather22:23
toad`should I do that from within ubuntu>? cause I'm in the process of booting from the livecd22:23
pfifotoad`, if you cant get to a pastebin PM it to me and ill copy it over22:23
toad`honestly I just wanna reinstall. :)22:23
AngelousYes, hello. I'm having a problem with my Ubuntu 11. I had to re-setup my router and afterwards now ipconfig doesn't work for my vm. I checked to make sure that net-tools was installed and it is. So does anyone have any idea what my problem is here?22:23
toad`I tried getting network manager back on but that was far too much trouble, there really isnt much on here so I figure a fresh instal wont be too much trouble.22:23
guntbertDrSlony: no help from me, sorry (I only found that page ...)22:23
pfifoDrSlony, the easiest way to do it is by building a 32 bit chroot22:23
toad`Usually I'll reinstall windows, then install ubtunu and everythign works great, but I've never tried to reinstall ubuntu after having Windows 7 instlaled.22:24
alexsnAngelous: ipconfig works for windows only22:24
DrSlonypfifo how?22:24
alexsnAngelous: use ifconfig22:24
pfifoDrSlony, check out debootstrap, you said you know gentoo so you should feel at home22:24
Oertoad`, choose manually, and then you can re-use the partition22:25
vorbis5help please: I'm connected to the internet obviously, but I'm it says im not connected to a 'network'. I cant ping any of the other computers on my network. whats wrong?22:25
toad`o I didnt see anywhere to reuse partitions22:25
toad`only to delete them22:25
toad`one sec livecd is loading22:25
redmenacenever mind, i didnt lose notify-osd22:25
redmenacebut thanks to all who helped me22:26
pfifovorbis5, maybe your router is blocking ping, can you pastebin the output of 'ip addr && ifconfig'22:26
toad`so Im assuming I check Specifiy partitions manually22:26
DrSlonyi think my solution is different: how do I install a 32 bit cairo package, for example?22:27
vorbis5pfifo, thanks for replying... I pretty good with computers but completely new with ubuntu. what is pastebin?22:27
toad`so do I hit 'revert'? 'change'?'delete'? pfifo22:27
pfifo!pastebin | vorbis522:27
ubottuvorbis5: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:27
alexsnvorbis5: run 'tcpdump -i <iface> icmp' where iface is not interface (e.g. eth0)22:27
DrSlonyim sure for a 32 bit ubuntu it would just suffice to type "sudo apt-get install cairo", so how do I specify a 32 bit version when running that from a 64 bit one?22:27
pfifotoad`, "format" and use as "/"22:27
toad`there is no 'format'22:28
pfifoDrSlony, you cant, you would have to build from source22:28
toad`just what I said22:28
toad`change, delete, revert22:28
AmpelbeinDrSlony: dpkg -i --force-architecture *.deb22:28
toad`I'm at the installation setup menu22:28
AmpelbeinDrSlony: but that would conflict with the rest of your system22:28
AngelousHey, how do I figure out what port my SSH sever is running on? I forget.22:28
alexsnvorbis5: then open another terminal and try pinging22:28
toad`pfifo, ?22:28
pfifotoad`, change, then use as / and click format ext422:29
alexsnvorbis5: if you see sends with no replies it's not your machine22:29
AmpelbeinDrSlony: the fastest was on a amd64 system to compile for i386 is indeed a chroot.22:29
vorbis5k ill try that22:29
AngelousThat's default, I'm wanting a command that will tell me without having to look in the sshd_config22:29
DrSlonyeh ok, thank you22:29
toad`what do you mean 'use as /'?22:29
toad`do I put a 'mount point;?22:29
guntbertAngelous: lsof -i | grep ssh22:29
toad`o is that what you mean, 'mount point: /'?22:29
AmpelbeinDrSlony: there is some work going on to make 64 and 32 bit packages co-installable (http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/) but not all libraries have been converted yet.22:29
toad`click format? aswell I assume?22:29
alexsntoad`:  / means root22:29
toad`and ext4 journaling is what I want?22:30
toad`here goes22:30
FloodBot1toad`: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:30
toad`im going to hit 'ok'22:30
pfifotoad`, yes the mount point should be "/" the filesystem should be "ext4" and there should be a checkbox to make it format or delete data22:30
diyttoCan someone help me?22:31
vorbis5alexsn: its telling me eth0 is not a directory22:31
alexsnvorbis5: type 'ip link show'22:32
toad`awesome thanks pfifo its installing now22:32
alexsnpaste the output here22:32
guntbertdiytto: you have to ask your question before we can know :)22:32
diyttogreen91: I tried to install windows on its partition, but now it screwed up grup and I cant load my ubuntu22:32
pfifo!grub | green9122:32
ubottugreen91: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:32
green91 you generally want to install windows first prior to installing linux/grub22:33
green91yes, i know what grub is22:33
diyttoI forgot22:33
pfifooops wrong dude22:33
FloodBot1diytto: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:33
alexsndiytto: try googling it, it's a really common question22:33
diyttoOkay cool22:33
pfifo!grub | diytto22:33
ubottudiytto: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:33
vorbis5alexsn, sorry, not to sure what to do from there22:33
Ampelbein!google | alexsn22:34
ubottualexsn: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.22:34
=== tripelb is now known as tripblbot
vorbis5vorbis5@solarlight:~$ ip link show22:34
vorbis51: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN  link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:0022:34
vorbis52: eth0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN qlen 1000 link/ether 00:26:b9:0a:88:89 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff22:35
vorbis53: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000 link/ether 00:24:d6:09:ce:b0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff22:35
=== tripblbot is now known as tripelbot
toad`did you install ubuntu first and then windows?22:35
green91diytto: you're gonna need to use the livecd to fix grub so that its put back in your mbr22:35
toad`I've always installed windows first fresh, then installed ubuntu and itll instal GRUB accordinly22:35
usr13vorbis5: What is it you are trying to do?22:35
toad`and it works perfectly eacht ime22:35
alexsnvorbis5: you're using wireless right?22:35
vorbis5alexsn, yup22:35
diyttoI actually need to reformat a partition on my hdd22:35
diyttoAnd use ubuntu22:36
diyttoThen i can install windows22:36
pfifogreen91, be a power user ;) http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/10/20/backing-up-the-mbr/22:36
alexsnvorbis5: ok then, run 'tcpdump -i wlan0 icmp &'22:36
toad`no install windows first man22:36
toad`then ubuntu22:36
toad`itll do GRUB automatically22:36
diyttoWell i already have both installed22:36
diyttoIm not reinstalling both again22:36
alexsnvorbis5: then ping something22:36
pfifodiytto, read that link ubottu gave you it has step by step instructions22:37
diyttoEasier to just fix grub22:37
diyttopfifo: I got that thanks :)22:37
=== tripelbot is now known as tripelb
vorbis5alexsn, "vorbis5@solarlight:~$ tcpdump: wlan0: You don't have permission to capture on that device" :(22:37
alexsnvorbis5: type 'sudo -s'22:37
alexsnvorbis5: then try again22:37
diyttoHow can I reformat a partition in Ubuntu? :p22:38
guntbertalexsn: sudo -i is "slightly" better in terms of setting a proper environment22:38
pfifodiytto, mke2fs mkfs mkreiserfs mkdosfs22:39
alexsndiytto: by reformat you mean create a new partition or a new filesystem?22:39
guntbertdiytto: not all commands at once :)22:39
pfifoguntbert, lol22:39
tripelbdiytto: I'm wanting to do that but I'm antsy about losing some data. I know what you do is to reboot from a livecd (and thus you are rebooting NOT from the partion you wish to change) and then you use gparted to do it.   -- alexsn I'm in the converstion too.22:40
guntbertpfifo: :)22:40
vorbis5alexsn, that worked, but when i ping from there its still telling me he host is unknown22:40
diyttoCreate a new filesystem on the partition22:40
alexsnvorbis5: did you configured dns servers?22:40
lapionhello I have found an important security flaw in the apt system22:40
tripelbdiytto, oh you want something different than I do. (dont forget to back up anything on the partion that you want to keep.22:41
pfifohere it comes22:41
NoWayJoseDo I need to have an internet connection to install Ubuntu on a system along with Windows using the Wubi program?22:41
tripelbNoWayJose, nope22:41
NoWayJosetripelb, Where does it get the data from?22:41
tripelbNoWayJose, I take it back. I dont know.22:41
tripelbfor sure.22:41
NoWayJoseheh, ok22:41
tripelbNoWayJose, I take it back. I dont know. --- but this looks like it knows https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide22:42
pfifoNoWayJose, are you saying your windows dosent have internet?22:42
diyttoWell the partition is currently Fat32 for windows, which i want it to be, but i want it to be a fresh partition with nothing on it22:42
NoWayJosepfifo, correct22:42
wildbatWubi is slow == y ppl using it ?22:42
centHOGGvfat32... win98?22:43
pfifowildbat, partitioning is scary22:43
tripelbwubi also means you cant get your data unless you boot into that windows. So if windows goes so does your data22:43
lapionToday when I was at a train station where there is wifi delivered by my isp, when I did an update of the apt-system, the apt-system downloaded the login page for the wifi22:43
NoWayJoseMy laptop is also 64-bit....will the 32-bit ubuntu work on there, or is it a must that I use the 64-bit?22:43
pfifoNoWayJose, I dont know either but if you do then they wasted 699MB of packages on the CD22:43
sobaidaguys newbie here can somebody teach me how to use aircrack22:43
centHOGG64bit better than 3222:44
th0rNoWayJose: you can use 32bit on a 64 bit machine22:44
tripelbpfifo I dont know if this is good advice but sHe could use ubuntu from a flashdrive.22:44
NoWayJoseok thanks.22:44
alexsnNoWayJose: 32bit will work just fine22:44
wildbatpfifo: it is more scary when you see CPU usage in disk access under Wubi ~22:44
lapionan put it in the list directory of the apt system, and all the package managers crashed until I deleted all files in the list folder and updated the lists (after logging in)22:44
tripelbwildbat, could you expalin that to me (CPU usage in disk access under Wubi22:44
sobaidaguys newbie here can somebody teach me how to use aircrack22:45
pfifowildbat, yo dawg we heard you like operating systems22:45
NoWayJosepfifo, I was just wondering, because the wubi exe wasn't but 4MB...then it put ubuntu on this system with no problem...i am guessing it downloaded it from somewhere which made me think it needed an internet connection22:45
allu2Hello, i got a problem with unity 2d, the unity button is on wrong screen on my dual screen system, the side bar does appear when i move mouse on it, but on the screen left to me while the button is on left corner of the right screen.22:45
sobaidaguys newbie here can somebody teach me how to use aircrack22:46
allu2so pressing the side bar i impossible without pressing the unity button as when i move off from it it hides again22:46
pfifoNoWayJose, there are all the base and main packages on the CD itself, thats usually where you get your packages from during a normal install.22:46
colin_plz hepl22:46
NoWayJosepfifo, I had no CD in it..22:46
th0rsobaida: that really doesn't come under the pervue of ubuntu support22:46
allu2sobaida: if you give me 10 mins maybe :P22:46
diyttoSo how can I reformat this partition? Can i do it in Disk Utility?22:46
lapionsobaida, we do not condone or help people using things such as aircrack... please use the google or read the man somewhere22:46
wildbattripelb: it use NTFS and loop mount the root image ~ and ntfs under linux is CPU hogging ~ so22:47
NoWayJosewth is aircrack?22:47
pfifoNoWayJose, then perhaps it just sets up a pre-install enviroment and finishes the rest later on22:47
colin_im in zorin, when i press on a new window, the ones infront, move out the way and go behind, i dont like this animation, but i dont see how to turn it off22:47
sobaidai am having a hard time understanding thingd here22:47
* diytto waits22:47
* pfifo fires up his XP VM22:47
wildbatNoWayJose: it sniff data and crack the Wifi Key22:48
sobaidaallu2 pls teach me?22:48
NoWayJosewildbat, ah ok thanks22:48
NoWayJoseappreciate you guys, later.22:48
sobaidaallu2 pls teach me?22:48
linuxtweaker36anyway to change the permissions of the "halt" command so that common users can execute it and shutdown the computer?22:48
diyttoCan I reformat my 8GB FAT32 partition in a live cd? I want it to be an empty patition for a windows XP install.22:48
colin_can anyone stop my windows from shuffling?22:48
allu2sobaida: i pm you22:49
vorbis5alexsn, haha sorry i keep bothering you, closed irc by accident. anyway, it still says that the host is unknown when i try pinging to the comp on my network22:49
bindidiytto: could do that in xp install, no?22:49
sobaidago ahed allu222:49
diyttobindi: Im not sure :s22:49
wildbatdiytto: are you on Live CD ? you can't format a OS while it is running . and you can do it in gparted in LiveCD22:49
diyttowildbat: I am on a live cd22:49
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wildbatdiytto: run Gparted then22:50
muay-guyhello, has anyone succesfully installed firefox4 + flash in 10.04?22:50
alexsnvorbis5: what do you ping exactly?22:51
diyttowildbat: Perfect thanks.22:51
pythonedHello, for a ubuntu beginner what books can you recommend except the ubuntu help? I tried googleing but I found only old books about ubuntu.22:51
diyttoWould NTFS or FAT32 be better for windowsxp22:51
vorbis5alexsn, "ping chiara-pc" (my moms computer upstairs)22:52
th0rpythoned: check the linux documentation project...tldp.org22:52
wildbatdiytto: NTFS22:52
diyttowildbat: Thanks22:52
G00053just bought an ssd and i want to move my os install over to it, whats the best approach ?22:53
alexsnvorbis5: do you have a dns server on your network or something?22:53
tripelbdiytto, sometimes people who are sopistocated dont understand the simple squestions.  When you use the installer, it will reformat the partition.22:53
th0rvorbis5: if you don't have dns on your local network you need to add that hostname to /etc/hosts22:53
pfifo!clone | G0005322:54
ubottuG00053: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type Ā« aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages Ā», move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type Ā« sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install Ā» - See also !automate22:54
vorbis5th0r, is that hostname like my wan ip?22:54
th0rvorbis5: no, on your local network you will use local ip addresses...probably 192.168.x.x, you need to add the hostname and ip address to /etc/hosts for anything you want to 'ping' by name22:55
pythonedth0r,  Thanks so much22:55
th0rpythoned: your local ip addresses are probably dynamic...they are subject to change on reboot22:56
G00053pfifo , what your saying is to do a fresh install and just reinstall my packages ? is there any way to just make a direct copy of whats on my hdd ?22:56
sylar_locam adress is
pythonedth0r,  ?22:56
tripelbdiytto, windows XP will reformat the partition too. The installers all do that.22:56
pythonedth0r,  I think you got the wrong person :)22:56
pfifoG00053, sure, rsync is best for that, but a reinstall is probably quicker22:56
sveinseIs there I way I can determine the dirs and order of dirs ld.so is searching for so's?22:56
th0rsylar_: no, that is the loop address, there is also a local ip addres for the net22:56
muay-guyI keep getting asked to go to http://get.adobe.com/es/flashplayer/ to install flash because I've installef firefox 422:56
sylar_[sylar@sylar ~]$ cat /etc/hosts22:56
olskolircso go muay-guy22:57
lolmatichow do i mount a folder with its sub folders in another folder read only?22:57
muay-guybut when I install it I get a message from chrome (i'm doing this in chrome, firefox doesn't even allow me to load apt) I get a "Package 'adobe-flashplugin' is virtual" exception22:57
tripelbpythoned There is a website called introduction to linux I finally found a good one. It's HTML and its free. It's all text.22:57
diytto!grub2 > diytto22:57
ubottudiytto, please see my private message22:57
olskolircadobe 10 should be in your repository muay-guy22:57
vorbis5thor, alexsn, ok but when i enter a folder like /home/vorbis5/Documents it says "Operations on this network are disabled because there is no network connection." whats going on there?22:57
Psycho_Mariohi, is it possible to run a command when ubuntu comes back up after suspend to ram?22:57
muay-guywell, firefox doesn't seem to be loading it22:57
th0rsylar_: right, that is the loop address for the local host. If you want to ping other computers by name, and don't have dns, you need to add their hostname/ip to that file22:57
dijonyummy123i setup vsftp and ftp to mounted cifs. i can put a new file there but for some reason cannot overwite an existing file from ftp, any idea22:57
olskolircsudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin muay-guy22:58
pfifomuay-guy, goto a command line and type 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer'22:58
muay-guyolskolirc, I downloaded firefox and just left it in ~/bin/firefox though22:58
muay-guyshould I move it somewhere else22:58
G00053pfifo: fair enough . I can deal with fresh, so since i'm going to keep my dataon a  seperate drive than the os how do i go about setting up my home folder ?22:58
vorbis5thor, alexsn, operatoins on this *folder...22:58
olskolircok you have to create a soft link22:58
muay-guypfifo, I've done that alread22:58
muay-guyI think the problem is that the firefox folder is not where it's supposed to be22:58
muay-guyI have it in my home folder22:59
muay-guyWhere should I move it to?22:59
pfifoG00053, I would use the ssd as my homedrive, thats the speed bottleneck, but either way you want is taken care of in the partitioning screen of the installer22:59
alexsnvorbis5: one step at a time23:00
alexsnvorbis5: what are you trying to do, from where?23:00
runelindI want to install a newer version of openssh detailed at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/1:5.3p1-3ubuntu723:01
runelindhow do I go about it?  download that .tgz file or is there a ppa I can add?23:01
pfifomuay-guy, what is this firefox folder in your home? you shouldnt have anything like that23:01
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muay-guypfifo, I downloaded the tar.gz and uncompressed it there23:02
vorbis5alexsn, not really sure. i just installed ubuntu so im trying learn a few things. on my win7 in cmd i could just "ping chiara-pc" and it would ping that computer because i was on the network. it seems that im not connected to a network right now23:02
pfifomuay-guy, ubuntu comes with ff4 now, you dont have to run it like that.23:02
G00053pfifo:  right just trying to plan this before i pull out my knife... I've got a 64gb ssd and a 1tb hdd . so i think what i'll do is use the hdd for backup of my home folder and for my media. does that sound right ?23:02
lolmatichow do i mount a folder with its sub folders in another folder read only?23:02
olskolirctype locate flashplugin-alternative.so muay-guy.  then you will know where to soft link it from23:03
alexsnvorbis5: show me your ip addresses type: 'ip addr show'23:03
muay-guyI just added the mozilla repository and I'm upgrading23:03
pfifoG00053, if you want to get exotic, make a 64 gb raid 1 with mdadm and make it a folder for extreme fast access data23:04
pfifoG00053, or maybe try mounting the ssd at /home/G00053/Downloads23:04
potisadictosanybody chating with me now?23:05
zerosniperguntbert: you still here? anyone know how i can remove ebox from my installations?23:05
vorbis5alexsn, under wlan0 i found "inet"23:05
pfifoit is storming here, lots of lightning, i might get disconnected23:06
alexsnvorbis5: ok, what other machines are there on the network?23:06
th0rvorbis5: in windows you have a23:06
alexsnvorbis5: if you don't know you're need to run a scan23:06
th0rvorbis5: (oops) 'workgroup' and that is why you could access the other computer23:07
dannyHey, I think my help thread on ubuntu forums may have died (the guys hasn't responded in a number of hours). Can someone take a look please? the url is ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10954391#post1095439123:07
vorbis5alexsn, how do i run that scan?23:07
alexsnyou'll need to download nmap: 'sudo apt-get install nmap'23:08
vorbis5k done23:08
dannyDoes anyone have time to check out my thread or should I try a different channel?23:09
sylar_vorbis5: wlan0 is your wifi adress, to know your bridge you nedd to do "ip route show"23:09
Kr3m1inI need help regarding my wifi...23:09
alexsnvorbis5: run: 'nmap -v -sP | grep -v down'23:09
pfifodanny, this is in a virtual machine?23:10
dannyPfifo: yes23:10
Diamondcitedanny: You did the modprobe incorrectly23:10
dannyDiamondcite: oh, how do I do it then?23:10
Kr3m1inCan somebody help me with my wifi in Ubuntu?23:10
Diamondcitedanny: Try "sudo modprobe rtl8187"23:10
pfifodanny, you cant use that usb device in a virtual machine iirc, only usb storage will work23:10
Kr3m1inCan somebody please help me with my wifi?23:11
dannypfifo: Oh, so I need to dualboot?23:11
th0rKr3m1in: you have given us way too much information about your problem....everyone is confused23:11
pfifodanny, what you need todo is bridge the wireless connection from windows into your VM23:11
Diamondcitepfifo: Really? I thought Virtual box had the USB working to some extent.23:11
Kr3m1inth0r: Too much information?23:11
pfifoDiamondcite, usb mass storage for USB 1.023:11
dannypfifo: I have wireless in my VM, but I need to access the actual device for kismet23:11
Kr3m1inth0r: That must be sarcasm...23:11
Diamondcitepfifo: But my vbox has usb 2.0 support x.x23:12
vorbis5alexsn, well i found 192.168.70 .78 .83 .85 and .8623:12
dannydiamondcite: same thing, this time it just asked for my sudo password23:12
pfifodanny, you need to dualboot, or check out the aircrack livecd for a ready to go patched ndiswrapped drivers for kismet23:12
wildbatdanny: you need sudo for modprobe23:12
dannydiamondcite: I think I incorrectly installed the driver23:12
dannywildbat: I get the same error when I sudo23:12
PipmasHello, I wish to auto mount a partition on startup. It is called windows and is ntfs, it's address is /dev/sda2. I am not sure what to add to fstab23:13
alexsnvorbis5: do you know the ip of the machine you're trying to reach?23:13
dannypfifo: Ready to go? As in I install the things from the cd and my usb device will plug n play?23:13
alexsnvorbis5: it can be either one of those23:13
vorbis5alexsn, true haha give me a sec and ill find out23:13
pfifodanny, ready to go as you put the cd in your computer and boot, no install or anything23:13
Kr3m1inCan somebody help me with my wifi? There is no 'wireless connection' option on my menu.23:13
pfifodanny backtrack and aircrack livecd are both like that23:14
dannypfifo: oh I see23:14
dannypfifo: I tried to use backtrack too but it didn't recognize my usb thing23:14
Kr3m1inCan somebody help me with my wifi? There is no 'wireless connection' option in my menu23:14
alexsnKr3m1in: is the wireless can up?23:14
dannypfifo: albeit in VM23:14
alexsnKr3m1in: type 'ip link show'23:14
pfifodanny, youll never get it to work in a vm23:14
Kr3m1inalexsn: in the terminal?23:15
alexsnKr3m1in: yes23:15
pfifodanny, just boot that CD and your set!23:15
PipmasCan anyone help me with a fstab entry? :)23:15
alexsnPipmas: sure23:15
dannypfifo: Ok, would the same work for backtrack?23:15
Kr3m1inalexsn: Ok, what am i looking for?23:15
Pipmasalexsm:  I wish to auto mount a partition on startup. It is called windows and is ntfs, it's address is /dev/sda2. I am not sure what to add to fstab23:15
Pipmaswoops typo on the name :P23:16
dannypfifo: Like, could I boot from the backtrack live cd and have everything ready to go?23:16
alexsnKr3m1in: what entries do you have there23:16
alexsnKr3m1in: wireness interfaces usually starts with wlan*23:16
pfifodanny, yeah, but im not 100% sure of how well maintained backtracks drivers are for kismet, it can do alot more, where as aircrack is specifically for kismet/airocrack23:16
alexsnKr3m1in: wireless*23:16
Kr3m1inalexsn: there is nothing relating to 'wireless' in the output23:17
dannypfifo: Alright thanks! So I should be downloading the "Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution" to boot from, right?23:17
alexsnPipmas: it's better to mount it using uuid and not by/dev entry23:17
Kr3m1inalexsn: err return whatever you want to call it23:17
alexsnPipmas: run 'blkid'23:17
Diamondcite... aircrack.. so that's the purpose ^_^23:18
alexsnKr3m1in: what entries do you see?23:18
pfifodanny, sounds good23:18
Kr3m1inalexsn: 1. lo: 2. eth023:18
HenriquezDoes anyone know if you can delay an application (VMware Server 2 ) from running ?23:18
dannypfifo: perfect, thanks!23:18
Kr3m1inalexsn: and then gibberish23:18
pfifoDiamondcite, penetration testing of course23:18
alexsnKr3m1in: that means your wireless card is either not connected or there's no driver for it23:19
Kr3m1inalexsn: crap23:19
Kr3m1inalexsn: is there any 'hub' for downloading drivers for ubuntu?23:19
Phlunk3Hi guys, I have an issue with youtube (and all other flash) as well as videos (avi etc on my hdd)  suddenly videos are speed up and there is no sound, can anyone suggest a solution or point me towards some information regarding this?23:20
alexsnKr3m1in: not that i know of, you should check the manufacturer site for a linux driver23:20
fhughson_how is everyone today?23:20
pfifoKr3m1in, you shouldnt download software from anywhere except the ubuntu repos, ass a rule of thumb23:20
Pipmasalexsn: typed that command in terminal, it gave me a list of partitions23:20
alexsnPipmas: still need help?23:20
qinKr3m1in: Drivers are in repos, PPA, on vendor site, or git, Do not use anything else.23:20
th0rKr3m1in: if you have the windows drivers look at ndiswrapper23:20
Pipmasalexsn: not sure what to do next23:21
Kr3m1inalexsn: Well I guess i should figure out what wifi card i have in my laptop...23:21
alexsnPipmas: ok you got the UUID for /dev/sda2?23:21
Kr3m1inalexsn: any way to profile that on ubuntu?23:21
Pipmasalexsn: yes23:21
Kr3m1inalexsn: *in23:21
vorbis5alexsn, the computers name is stealthaim-pc with ip of
alexsnKr3m1in: 'lspci -nv' will give you all the divices23:22
alexsnPipmas: ok then, Add the following to /etc/fstab23:22
Benkinoobyhi, i am wirting a small script to suspend my laptop after 30 minutes. #! /bin/bash; sleep 1800; pm-suspend; ... do i have to add an exit 0; ?23:23
alexsnPipmas: UUID=xxxxxxxxx     /mnt/windows ntfs rw,user,noexec,noatime,umask=0 0 023:23
alexsnPipmas: replace xxxx with the uuid you got from blkid23:23
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alexsnPipmas: and /mnt/windows with the mount point you want23:24
Kr3m1inalexsn: Is there some sort of identifier that i should look for after i enter the script?23:24
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning23:24
Kr3m1inalexsn: I'm not seeing any 'key words' like 'wifi' etc.23:24
Pipmasalexsn: thank you so much23:24
alexsnKr3m1in: you can filter by class23:24
alexsnKr3m1in: I'm not sure which class wifi cards get23:25
Kr3m1inalexsn: well then...23:25
Kr3m1inalexsn: perhaps google would help?23:25
Kr3m1inalexsn: what would I search for?23:25
alexsnKr3m1in: try lspci -vv23:26
alexsnKr3m1in: it's more verbose23:26
zerosniperhmmm, startx hangs and crashes to command line unless i use sudo startx any ideas?23:26
Kr3m1inalexsn: Would the device for ethernet control wifi too?23:27
pfifoKr3m1in, just pastebin it, your looking for "ethernet"23:27
qinzerosniper: Did you stop gdm?23:28
Kr3m1inpfifo: I did the command lspci -vv, and I see devices for 'ethernet control' as well as 'network controller'23:28
zerosniperhow can i check?23:28
pfifoKr3m1in, does 'iwconfig' give any model numbers/product names23:28
zerosniperqin: sdm stop/waiting23:28
zerosniperis this the reason?23:29
alexsnKr3m1in: 'ethtool -i eth0'23:29
qinNo, try: xinit -- :1 vt823:29
pfifoKr3m1in, is this a USB device?23:29
alexsnKr3m1in: match the bus you see there with the output of lspci23:29
Kr3m1inpfifo: it is not a usb device23:29
NFischerHi all! i need help.. ive created a channels.conf with "scan".. now it did not find many of my wanted channels.. i added them manually into the channels.conf.. now those manually added channels dont give out any video but audio only.. im quite sure that parameters are correct for those channels.. mplayer says "NO VIDEO! AUDIO MPA(pid=102) NO SUBS (yet)!  PROGRAM N. 0" any suggestions of how to solve that issue?!23:29
zerosniperqin:  can i restart gdm?23:30
pfifoKr3m1in, can you just copy paste the output of lspci to http://fpaste.org or do you not have internet23:30
Kr3m1inpfifo: entered command 'iwconfig' return: lo, eth0, easytether0 (my temp. solution to access my network) status: no wireless extensions23:31
qinzerosniper: Sure, if you with to see login screen23:31
Kr3m1inpfifo: oh,23:31
itiliousis there an alternative, better working, flash player for ubuntu besides adobe's flash player?23:31
Kr3m1inpfifo: thanks, ill try it out...23:31
itiliousnever seems to work properly on ubuntu ..23:31
Kr3m1inpfifo: what would be my wireless: 'network controller' or 'ethernet controller'?23:32
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alexsnKr3m1in: both devices has a pci bus23:33
pfifoKr3m1in, google searh both of them and see if you can determine23:33
Rioting_Pacifistnetstat shows no proccesses communicating on ipv4 but wireshark shows loads of traffic, is there anything i can do to find which process is sending out data?23:34
Kr3m1inalexsn: the ethernet controller has a pci express fast tag to it23:34
Kr3m1inpfifo: ok23:34
alexsnKr3m1in: you have eth0 on your machine, run 'ethtool -i eth0' and look to the bus for the ethernet card23:34
alexsnKr3m1in: your wireless will be the other one23:34
pfifoKr3m1in, youll want to put in the model number or chipset name, not just "network controller"23:34
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alexsnRioting_Pacifist: what type of traffic is it?23:36
Rioting_PacifistUDP, TCP and ICMP23:36
Phlunk3sorry for repeat, but cant seem to figure this one out. I have an issue with youtube (and all other flash) as well as videos (avi etc on my hdd)  suddenly videos are speed up and there is no sound, can anyone suggest a solution or point me towards some information regarding this?23:36
esc__hello, is there a way to delay the alsa output? i want to "synchronize" an mpd stream and alsa output. mpd is configured to output to alsa and httpd.23:36
pfifoRioting_Pacifist, try `sudo netstat -l`23:36
Kr3m1inalexsn: that command isn't working... i have to install it with a command. I tried the command, installation failed23:37
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: icmp packets is handled by the kernel so there's no process associated with it23:37
Kr3m1inpfifo: what do you want exactly? I'm talking to two people at once, multitasking with my ubuntu laptop and my pc laptop... I apologize because the multitasking is sending my mind in so many different ways23:37
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: on the tcp / udp is your machine the destination?23:38
kiichirois there a way to search for files on ubuntu?23:38
alexsnkiichiro: man find23:38
qinkiichiro: find23:38
pfifoKr3m1in, firstly, just do a plain 'lspci' no -vv23:38
Rioting_Pacifistpfifo: netstat doesn't show anything other than dhcp and now konversation23:38
Kr3m1inpfifo: ok two results regarding networking...23:39
pfifoRioting_Pacifist, are you sure its your computer wireshark is sniffing this traffic from?23:39
Kr3m1inpfifo: network controller: Ralink corp. device 539023:39
pfifoKr3m1in, what do they say? in detail23:39
Rioting_Pacifistalexsn: its sometimes source sometimes destination23:39
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: and there's no listeners on the dst ports?23:40
Kr3m1inpfifo: Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 02)23:40
qinRioting_Pacifist: iftop23:40
pfifoKr3m1in, its the RaLink23:40
Kr3m1inpfifo: so just google the driver from there, huh?23:40
qinRioting_Pacifist: Wireshark "see" many things.23:40
dijonyummy123anyone might know why nothing happens when i right-click the gnome menu in 10.10 do Edit Menus, it used to give me that alacarte thing but just does nothing now23:41
qinRioting_Pacifist: Also ngrep is usefull.23:41
pfifoKr3m1in, i googled 'ralink 5930 ubuntu 10.04' and got some good looking hits on how to setup the device23:42
lolmaticcan anyone tell me how to mount an ntfs(-3g) folder read only in another folder by using fstab?23:42
uqurhi, i have a problem,23:42
uqurabout compiz23:42
Rioting_Pacifistqin: iftop is still showing the same results alexsn netstat -lp only shows only dhcp and konversation23:42
pfifololmatic, have you already tried on your own and ran into a problem or do you need a guide for fstab?23:43
uqurcan you help me23:43
Kr3m1inpfifo: no, its ralink 5390, i apologize for the typo if i entered it wrong when i first send the details23:43
lolmaticpfifo: i have tried various fstab options. but i didnt get it to work23:43
pfifoKr3m1in, i corrected myself a couple lines later23:43
pfifololmatic, can you paste your fstab line please23:43
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: if you're machine is the destination but noone listens on the dst port the packet will be discarded23:43
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: but wireshark will still see it23:44
lolmaticpfifo: i always get the message that it is mounted read-write and when i unmount the folder the other mount gets unmounted, too23:44
Phlunk3sorry for repeat, but cant seem to figure this one out. I have an issue with youtube (and all other flash) as well as in banshee and media player videos (avi etc on my hdd)  suddenly videos are speed up and there is no sound, these same files open fine in vlc, can anyone suggest a solution or point me towards some information regarding this?23:44
Rioting_Pacifistalexsn: but on some i'm the source23:44
uqurplease help me23:44
Core_UKmy sound just went REALLY weird, can i restart something to correct it23:44
pfifololmatic, in that case please pastebin the output of this "cat /etc/fstab && cat /etc/mtab && mount"23:45
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: what packets are those when you're source23:45
lolmaticpfifo: /media/STUFF/media      /home/cgboard/download  bind    ro,bind 0       023:45
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: what's above tcp / udp?23:45
Rioting_Pacifistalways going to 6881 which is a torrent port afaik "  3.710363 -> TCP 6881 > 54940 [RST, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=0 Len=0"23:46
uqurhi, i have a problem compiz, please help me23:46
pfifololmatic, see above, i dont want to tell you something thats going to break something23:46
qinRioting_Pacifist: Do you use transmission?23:48
lolmaticpfifo: well i want the folder /media/STUFF/media which is on an already mounted ntfs-3g partition to be mounted in /home/cgboard/download read only in fstab. i had it running some time ago but i lost the fstab :(23:48
pfifoqin, transmossion is 51413, rtorrent is 688123:48
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: maybe some is spoofing your machine?23:48
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: is that possible?23:48
Rioting_Pacifistqin: no I use ktorrent but it is off23:49
lolmaticpfifo: root@Kommander:/home/cgboard# mount download23:49
lolmaticmount: warning: /home/cgboard/download seems to be mounted read-write.23:49
Rioting_Pacifistalexsn: but then why would wireshark see the packets23:49
qinRioting_Pacifist: sudo netstat -tupa23:49
pfifololmatic, are you familiar with how to use a pastebin?23:49
lolmaticpfifo: it was only 2 lines23:49
Rioting_Pacifistqin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/629011/ no torrent programs23:50
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: when your machine receives with unexpected seq number you're machine will respond with a RST packet23:50
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: it's the way tcp works23:50
centHOGGsometimes an oatmeal packet23:50
qinalexsn: Torrent use udp23:50
pfifololmatic, pastebin this "cat /etc/fstab && cat /etc/mtab && cat mount && sudo blkid && sudo fdisk -l"23:50
alexsnqin: he pasted tcp23:51
pfifololmatic, it should be a huge amount of data23:51
Rioting_Pacifistalexsn: ok and all the UDP is incoming, so it sounds like my router/firewall is screwed23:51
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: is it always from the same host?23:52
skooz2011my card reader is not working.  using ubuntu 11.04 on an acer laptop23:52
pfifoRioting_Pacifist, try "ps aux" to check for a torrent program that is running23:52
qinRioting_Pacifist: tcptrack have option to see udp packets, but all you need to do is to restart torrent client and close it gracefully, so all connection should terminate, if this fails (few minutes) restart your router (if possible)23:52
pfifoRioting_Pacifist, try 'sudo netstat -lavM'23:53
Rioting_Pacifistpfifo: netstat: no support for `ip_masquerade' on this system.23:53
pfifoRioting_Pacifist, drop the M from that command then23:54
Rioting_Pacifistqin: I don't have rtorrent or transmition23:54
qinRioting_Pacifist: You did not use torrent?23:54
Rioting_Pacifistqin: no i use Ktorrent23:55
andrewSquestion: best software to run windows7 as a vm from ubuntu's 32 bit desktop?23:56
alexsnRioting_Pacifist: it's a bit weird, you see incoming udp packets and your machine respond with tcp RST?23:56
Rioting_Pacifistalexsn: qin: pfifo: thanks guys, I'm pretty sure alexsn is right and my system is fine just getting hit by scans from the internet because my router is screwed23:56
[THC]AcidRainQuestion: if i change my hostname, does that mean when someone types in example.com into their browser, it will forward to my ip address?23:56
phrostbiteHow do I run a .tgz file?23:56
[THC]AcidRainjust wondering if it even works like that23:56
MrUnagihow do you open a new shell in cli23:56
[THC]AcidRaini havent researched it yet23:56
Kr3m1inpfifo: Ok, I found instructions, however it it is made with 32 bit systems in mind. I run x64. Refer to this: http://atinfinity.wordpress.com/2011/05/21/ralink-rt5390-wi-fi-driver-on-ubuntu-11-04/23:56
tiocstiphorost: it's an archive. tar -zxf filename.tgz23:57
riddlahhello folks. I'm going to ask about the topic that everyone's probably sick of.... broadcom sta wireless23:57
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qinRioting_Pacifist: ktorrent is also silly23:57
riddlahI've been able to get b43 working but it's slower than Christmas, and wondering if I could get any better luck with STA. Everything I've tried has failed.23:58
Kr3m1inpfifo: what do I do with the x64 patch?23:58
Rioting_PacifistKr3m1in: apply it allong with the other patches23:59
clavius_i need help linking a live.com mail account to my evolution23:59
clavius_does live use pop protocol?23:59
alexsnKr3m1in: you're trying to compile a driver, you sure you know what you're doing?23:59

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