[00:00] so you have not wifi working? [00:03] that is correct, before I had it working on the same laptop with ubuntu, it does not have a built in wireless [00:03] mmm [00:05] basically i want to solve the "unclaimed" problem, how can I "reclaim" it? [00:09] don't really know, trying to find out [00:09] charlie-tca, do you know more about this? or where to search? [00:12] mattman55, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74651 [00:12] Hey, I just dumped some new themes into my /usr/share/themes folder, how do I get the appearance manager to pick up on them? Is there something that I should clear? [00:12] (XFCE of course) [00:12] I am not any good on wireless. I usually refer to #ubuntu-beginners if no one here can help [00:12] nope just choose that theme on the theme list it should be there [00:13] orngjce223: just open settings -> Appearance or Window Manager depending on the type of theme, it should be there. [00:13] It's not there yet, though. [00:13] Huh [00:13] appearance handles gtk themes, window manager handles xfwm4 themes [00:13] Wait a moment, I need to check that I got the directory structure right [00:13] I might be a stupid [00:14] Oops! [00:14] I forgot to put the gtk2.0 directory in [00:14] Guess that's my bad then [00:14] Never mind! [00:15] orngjce223: usually, just copy the entire theme folder, which will have gtk, xfwm, notification, and other stuff, depending on the theme [00:16] Yeah [00:16] Well, I copied the gtkrc from xfce-dusk and edited it [00:16] But then I forgot to recreate an analogous folder structure when I put the new directory in [00:17] So yeah, my fault really [00:17] Sorry [00:17] Huh [00:17] Okay [00:17] I'm in Settings>Appearance with the gtk theme [00:17] But I don't see it there still [00:18] Is there a theme list cache I'm supposed to clear? [00:18] You gave the new theme a unique name, right/ [00:18] It usually goes by the folder name, but the theme might have put it's own name in too [00:19] Yeah [00:19] Folder name, I think [00:19] Let me check the files though [00:20] Huh [00:20] Yeah, there's no name spec in the file [00:20] I put it in a folder with a new name though [00:22] Maybe it is just isn' t [00:22] Huh. [00:22] Maybe it just is not gtk compatible? Is it a gnome theme, by chance? [00:22] I copied from xfce-dusk and only edited the color values [00:23] So I seriously doubt I've made something incompatible honestly [00:23] did you copy all the stuff, or just a single part? [00:24] the gtkrc was literally the only file in there, IIRC [00:24] Yeah [00:24] It was the only thing there [00:25] yup [00:25] and dusk works? [00:25] Yep [00:26] Correction: I'm using it right now and it works fine, I just wanted different colors [00:26] you created a new folder, put the gtk-2.0 folder in it, and put gtkrc in the gtk-2.0 folder? [00:26] yes [00:26] I am at a loss [00:26] ochosi: you around for a quick minute? [00:27] knome: you around? [00:27] help with a new theme not showing up? [00:27] See if I can get the experts to help with this [00:27] Thanks [00:27] charlie-tca, hmmh [00:28] If you copy a theme, and rename the new folder, shouldn' t it show up in appearance? [00:28] you might need to restart the appearance dialog, but yes, it should be instant [00:28] Huh. [00:28] okay, orngjce223 your turn [00:29] * orngjce223 restarts it [00:29] Now I'm just confused. [00:29] ask knome. He knows a lot more than I do about themes [00:29] 'k [00:32] orngjce223, does the problem persist? [00:33] Should I send you the tarball of the particular theme? [00:33] if you want, i can test it quickly, yes [00:33] Yeah, it reoccurs even when I move the folder out and back in [00:34] Thanks [00:34] http://www.mediafire.com/?hgqeiug077oakuc [00:34] ? [00:36] orngjce223, ahem, "gtk-2.0", not "gtk2.0" [00:36] Oh! [00:38] Yeah it works now [00:38] Derp [00:38] Thanks [00:48] Okay sorry one more question, since I'm building something based on these themes [00:48] Where is the actual choice of theme saved within one's home directory? [00:49] do you mean the theme name, or what? [00:50] When you select a theme, where is that /preference/ saved? not the name but which one you picked [00:50] right. i don't know. maybe in .config, or xfconfig [00:52] hm [00:52] * orngjce223 recursively searches .config for any mention... no? [00:53] i actually think that's stored in xfconf [00:53] #xfce will know better [00:54] Okay [00:54] cd #xfce [00:54] Wait [00:54] * orngjce223 slap XD [01:08] Thanks, knome [01:08] no problem [01:08] charlie-tca, see the link #x-d [01:09] do you know how I can customize the lightdm theme? 11.10 [01:09] okay [01:09] elros, not yet. ask closer to release [01:09] ok [01:10] it works, a few buttons are missing icons [01:14] um, probably got to wait until we have a theme to customize ;) [01:14] well you sure can customize what is out already [01:14] or create from scracth [01:14] elros, anyway, about the missing icons, i think that's more an issue with icon themes than lightdm, but i might be wrong [01:35] elros, try reading this: http://people.ubuntu.com/~robert-ancell/lightdm/reference/ [01:36] LightDM is very customizable, and is fun to play around with :D [02:47] How can I get the "places button" like in ubuntu, on xfce? [02:49] Clerisy, install the package xfce4-places-plugin [02:49] Then add it with right click > add to panel [02:49] ty [02:51] Perfect. Thanks xrdodrx [02:51] One more thing [02:52] In the previous xfce I was using, there was an option in the panel so that you could change the width of the taskbar window buttons. How can I get this feature in 4.8.8? [02:52] Clerisy, I'm not sure what you mean by taskbar window buttons [02:52] The buttons in the taskbar that appear when you open a window [02:52] :s [02:53] Clerisy, still not entirely sure what you mean...the buttons with the window titles on them? [02:53] yeah [02:54] yes, that's what I meant xrdodrx [02:55] I'm not sure if that's possible [02:55] :( [02:55] it may be, I just cannot find it [02:55] in the previous panels [02:55] when I right clicked the panel and clicked "properties", there was a setting that was like, "max width of button" or something. [03:00] here xrdodrx [03:00] it was called [03:00] "Task list fixed length" [03:01] Clerisy, looks like that was taken out [03:01] ( ´,_ゝ`) [03:01] it might be in some configuration file somwhere, but I'm not sure. [03:01] I loved that feature >.< [03:02] You could set it to like 1000 and then every button would resize to fill the taskbar [03:02] so if you had just one button open it would take the whole taskbar [03:02] then 2, it would half each [03:03] Clerisy, right-click the panel, and select panel -> panel preferences [03:03] Clerisy, then go to the items tab, and select the "window buttons" applet [03:03] Clerisy, there's an "edit" button to the right of the list [03:03] Clerisy, you should be able to access the customization menu there [03:04] ive already gotten this far :P [03:04] theres nothing like it there [03:04] knome, that doesn't include what he's looking for [03:04] Clerisy, okay, so did you add separator/spacing? [03:04] uhh I dont think so [03:05] that could be causing it [03:06] where is that option knome? [03:06] Clerisy, the separator or spacing is an "applet" in the panel, you should see that in the applet list [03:07] where do you want me to put it? [03:08] it's not doing anything knome [03:08] Clerisy, wekk, i think you shouldn't add any, at least [03:08] hng [06:52] hello [06:54] #ubuntu [06:57] anyone that know what the universall bar in unity is called and how i install it in classic ubuntu or in xubuntu [07:06] anyone that know what the universall bar in unity is called and how i install it in classic ubuntu or in xubuntu? (not the unity "dock") [07:57] anyone here knows how to install globalmenys in xubuntu? [08:10] indicator-applet-appmenu install that and add to panel [08:11] thanks [08:11] short memory hehe [08:12] bazhang so its just sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-appmenu or suso apt-get install globalmenys? [08:13] the first [08:13] ok thx [08:15] np === t][s][o is now known as t_s_o [09:02] Question - which version of Ubuntu would best suit a Toshiba Satellite laptop? [09:02] T2300 processor - 1 mb ram [09:02] have installed 11.4 but seems to run very slow [09:02] Can anyone help? [09:04] Is there a version that better suits laptops? [09:05] you can try installing xubuntu-desktop [09:05] is that different to 11.04? [09:12] anyone? [09:15] ok thanks - will just play around with it. [09:32] Anyone that knows how to activate globalmenu in xubuntu? I have done sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-appmenu but i cant find the setting to activate it in xubuntu [10:11] hi [10:11] i have a question about software center [10:12] what does mean number under the rating stars? [10:13] how many users rated or how many reviews are available? [11:13] hi. i have a question about xfce4-appfinder. where he is "picks up" applications, and how i can add/remove applications from his list? [11:16] all installed apps afaik, you can install and remove those with synaptic or software center [11:16] doesn't it look for .desktop files? [11:16] idk, never used it [11:17] me neither really, but is there any other sensible way? [11:19] hmm. in fact, i want to make my appfinder to show me ALL applications installed on my xubuntu. the default "Xubuntu session" is hides many of applications from user. i want to unhide all of them, but i don't want to use "Xfce session" [11:22] probably the solution for me is to edit some configuration files related to .desktop files [11:27] when i look in /usr/share/applications , i see that this directory contains enough *.desktop files for me to use. is there a possibility to make appfinder to show me these files? [11:34] is there a way to get the tasklist fixed width in 4.8.8? [12:09] thank you all [12:25] how to change task list button width in xfce 4.8.8 [15:13] how i can install libreoffice? [15:14] with software center on synaptic [15:14] *or [15:14] but this work properly? [15:14] yup [15:14] ok thx [15:57] how to make an autostart application start minimized to system tray? [15:59] to system tray? [15:59] yes [15:59] so that i don't have to close or minimize the app every time i boot in [16:01] hum, let me think [16:01] try the application documenatation to see if it is possible [16:01] most apps tell you how to start them minimized [16:01] how about thunderbird [16:02] thunderbird has good documentation [16:02] try thunderbird --help in a terminal [16:03] nope [16:03] nothing [16:03] worth implementing in thunderbird --help [16:04] Not all apps will start minimized. Thunderbird is probably one of those [16:36] can someone help me fix my sound problem? [16:37] please? [16:49] nina_, what's happening with your computer on xubuntu? [17:03] Using Thunar 1.2.1 and Xubuntu 11.02, I am attempting to copy (and merge/overwrite) folders and files from an ext4 partition to a USBstick/drive formated with ntsf. Normally I would expect a folder named "Music" on the ext4 partition to be merged with a folder named "music" on the ntfs USBstick. What I am seeing, however, is that the "Music" folder is being copied to the ntsf USB stick, resulting in two folders "Music" and "music". Any ideas as to h [17:03] ow this is happening? [17:04] 11.02 ?? [17:04] linux recognizes capital letters [17:04] Those are two different folders under anything except windows [17:04] yes, file (and directory) names are case-sensitive [17:05] Yea I know...but ntfs (the FS that is being copied to) does not [17:05] You are coping a folder with a capital letter, linux copies it that way [17:05] ok [17:05] It does not care what ntfs sees [17:10] Then why, six months ago, under Ubuntu 10.10 and nautilus, doing exactly the same thing, with the same files, to the same ntfs USBstick, did the folders merge? [17:11] um, sounds like something Ubuntu did to force it [17:11] Guest46202, Nautilus probably has some code to probe that, but if it does, it means it will not to what you want, if you want both "Music" and "music" directories [17:11] Ubuntu is not Xubuntu, Nautilus is not Thunar [17:11] knome, no, I want them to merge. [17:12] ok, thanks [17:12] case-sensitiviness does not usually make sense in the same-name-but-different-casing, but sometimes it does [17:12] Guest46202, rename the dir you are copying. [17:15] hello all: using xubuntu 11.04 on an old dell and loving it -- was a Puppy user for a long time and the speed is the same yet xubuntu is friendlier. [17:15] just sayin' ;) [17:16] spongedaddy, thanks for the feedback [17:16] knome, my pleasure! [17:17] now i'm looking for a way to help out if my meager skills can be useful [17:17] certainly [17:18] what area would you be able to help with? [17:18] testing, bugs, docs, marketing, wiki updates, ... [17:19] by day i'm a mild-mannered tech writer/website builder/data analyst [17:19] spongedaddy, do you know js(ajax) / jquery well? [17:19] by night i'm a fledgling programmer [17:22] knome, unfortunately not really. somewhat familiar with javascript which shld help my learning curve. its on my bucket list. [17:23] spongedaddy, it's okay. we're currently building a new website and i thought you might have wanted to share some insights about some js [17:23] knome, docs is probably where i could be most useful. [17:24] i know just enough js to get myself both in and out of trouble [17:24] spongedaddy, then talk to charlie-tca :) with the new website coming up, we might also need some website editors, if you're interested in that [17:24] groovy! [17:25] spongedaddy, http://demo.knome.fi/imgcapt/ <- something from last nights hacksession [17:26] spongedaddy, you might need to refresh after loading (still investigating why it doesn't always work) [17:28] knome, ok -- i see the "ImgCaptDemo" page and some hover-over buttons. looks neat but refresh doesn't change anything. [17:30] well yeah, the refresh was only needed if the page looked broken at load [17:32] ok -- definitely interested in helping with content if needed. [17:32] great! you might want to join #xubuntu-devel, where most of the development discussion in IRC happen [17:33] we also have a mailing list, to which you should subscribe if you want to keep track of what's happening: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-devel [17:34] bbl -> [17:34] i've joined the devel mailing list and will check in on the IRC channel -- thanks!! [18:21] hi there [18:56] hey question, what does this means? http://imagebin.org/158925 [18:57] i have to check dependencies? [19:24] Hi there ! Need support about Xubuntu Live CD. [19:24] Real quick if someone can help [19:25] Live HD, to be exact. [19:26] are you in a live CD? [19:28] No, the problem is that I need a password for Xubuntu when bootin on my Live HD (hard drive) [19:28] booting* [19:29] When trying to log in [19:34] Mebius, you don't need one [19:34] how did you make that "live hard drive"? [19:34] I've tryed with no password but still doesn't work [19:35] it can be "ubuntu" [19:35] Managed with unetbootin but wasn't detecting drives so used LinuxLiveUSB [19:35] Tryed also, still doesn't work [19:36] i don't understand what you did or how, but try the same password from the system you used LLU [19:37] I'm on live harddrive [19:37] Nevermind people, I'm setting new 11.04 version on it. Will try to set custom password with persistance mode [19:42] Thanks anyways [19:56] GridCube: that means you should close update-manager, open a terminal, and run sudo apt-get update [20:10] okay thanks charlie-tca [20:11] It should tell you anything else needs to be done in terminal [20:11] it said nothing just updated [20:12] i run sudo apt-get check [20:12] and nothing either [20:15] guess it was just a silly thing [20:34] Then it may have been the update-manager/software-center glitch that shows up ocassionally. [22:25] good evening [22:25] hello [22:25] oh, somebody is not asleep :) [22:25] remind you, there are people in this room from all around the world [22:31] !hi [22:31] Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [22:31] why did you fail me then? [22:33] knome: nah, i completely forgot about that ;) [22:45] hi guys. Today I did the mistake of upgrading from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04. Huge, HUUUGE mistake. Now I want to switch to Xubuntu. Can I install one meta-package and get a full Xubuntu install rather than an Ubuntu 11.04+XFCE? [22:47] sure [22:47] charlie-tca, how do I do that? [22:47] open a terminal, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop [22:47] ok [22:47] and that I get the full xubuntu just like if I did a fresh install? [22:48] no, you get a xubuntu install on top of a Ubuntu install. It does not remove Ubuntu, it adds Xubuntu [22:48] ok [22:48] There is no easy way to a fresh Xubuntu install without actually redoing it [22:52] funny, I am installed xubuntu thought synaptic and it says that it has to remove ubuntu-desktop [22:52] we shall see :-) [22:52] hopefully this shall comprehensively shoot Unity [22:53] yes, it does remove the desktop meta-package, but that does not remove all the other stuff [22:54] well, the more Unity it takes away, the better. I am SO SO SO pissed at Ubuntu/Canonical/Shuttleworth for this abomination and for dumping GNOME (even dumping the name) [22:54] does Xubuntu support real transparency? how about compiz? [22:55] Have you looked at gnome3? It is not really so pleasant either [22:55] no, I have seen it yet, but I hear that it is bad [22:55] though better than Unity [22:55] more configurable [22:56] ok, going to Xubuntu [22:56] see in in a couple of mins [22:56] Xubuntu uses the Xfwm compositor [22:57] It can usecompiz [22:58] back [22:58] looks great so far [22:59] I need to so some configs now (font size etc.) [23:00] charlie-tca, thanks for the tip!!! [23:01] ha [23:01] this is cool [23:01] irc while installing [23:01] heh [23:02] nice little touch [23:03] :D [23:03] welcome to xubuntu [23:04] althought that irc while installing has been there since like... 2008? [23:04] ha [23:04] GridCube, thanks, it feels wonderful. [23:04] i've never really used xubuntu [23:04] like once before [23:04] say, can I use compiz with Xubuntu? [23:04] :D [23:04] yes [23:04] i'm a puppy user mostly [23:04] !compiz [23:04] Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz [23:06] oh, t3084, i've never used puppy, but on the *buntu family we are quite helpful most of the time :D you just ask [23:06] I have used compiz before, I just want to know if that works with Xubuntu [23:06] good to know [23:06] i've tried the latest ubuntu [23:06] and it's cool and all [23:06] but too bloaty :p [23:07] and I know i could strip out gnome [23:07] but why should I? [23:07] :p lol [23:07] i learn linux on puppy so I'm kinda bias [23:07] but I like trying them all [23:07] i used arch and slackware for awhile [23:08] but you just can't seem to beat a good debian build [23:08] as far as compatibility goes [23:09] :) [23:12] all done installing! [23:12] see ya all around [23:12] ; [23:12] ^.^ [23:14] hey , I installed two CPU monitors on the top panel. how do I get rid of the 2nd one? [23:15] >contextual panel >delete? [23:15] found it, thanks! [23:15] i don't unse 11.04, its has new panels so i dont really know how its called [23:18] GridCube: right click the icon, click remove? [23:19] one more question: the entire desktop is a little to the left. how do I re-center it? [23:20] oh good to know, you know because the 11.04 menus have two levels? one for the proper launcher/addon and other for the panel itself, i didn't knew if the remove was on the first or the second level [23:20] gNewPower: usually by using a self-adjust button on the monitor itself [23:21] gNewPower, installed the drivers for your video card? if yes then just use the autoadjust from the monitor's menu [23:21] stupid me! that workedf [23:21] -f [23:21] thanks guys, Xubuntu feels like a dream come true, especially after Unity!! [23:22] C: [23:39] hey, who can I configure windows to roll-up with I double click on their title bar? [23:40] nevermind - found it ;-) [23:41] can i install globalmenu in xubuntu? [23:42] What is it? [23:54] Apparently nothing important :) [23:57] charlie-tca i guess you talk with me ;) [23:58] the globalmenu is a applet [23:58] Sounds like something Gnome or Unity specific then? [23:58] its in ubuntu 11.04 [23:59] or shall i say in the unity part of ubuntu but you can install it in ubuntu classic too [23:59] alrighty then [23:59] That doesn' t mean it can be used in Xubuntu. Unity and classic are both gnome based.