
tomi_how do i stop displaying ~/Desktop on desktop?01:04
jmarsdentomi_: In Lubuntu?  If what you are seeing is a shortcut, delete it.01:06
tomi_what i am seeing is the entire content of ~/Desktop01:07
tomi_yes lubuntu01:07
mama21mama"Tengo Problemas párrafo USAR EL Navegador Por Defecto"01:07
mama21mama"I have trouble using the default browser"01:08
tomi_mama21mama, i use firefox and have set that in preferred applications ... works ok for me01:11
mama21mama"use firefox"01:11
mama21mama"still not working."01:11
jmarsdentomi_: Well, that is probably  as designed... there was nothing in ~/Desktop in your default install.  So you can just move all those files to some other place, if you do not what them on your desktop.01:11
jmarsdenmama21mama: You will need to be more specific.  "Not working"?  What exactly happens when you open the browser?01:12
tomi_jmarsden, oh, i did not do a default install i used the instructions on psychocat to remove ubuntu andd install lubuntu-desktop01:13
jmarsdenThat should not matter.  Those instructions do not add things into ~/Desktop either.  You must have put those files there yourself.01:13
tomi_so must be a hangover from ubuntu setting eh?01:13
mama21mama"sylpheed not open the link"01:13
mama21mama"I\u0026#39;m translating the English language is difficult"01:14
tomi_oh they are things that were in my ~/Desktop from when i was using ubuntu01:14
jmarsdenmama21mama: so the browser works OK?  But clicking on mailto: lines does not?01:14
jmarsdentomi_: OK, so do something like     mkdir ~/myolddesktopstuff ; mv ~/Desktop/* ~/myolddesktopstuff01:15
tomi_yep ty jmarsden01:15
jmarsdentomi_: You're welcome.01:15
tomi_j,instant fix01:16
mama21mama"why not leave this in Lubuntu gnome brings problems"01:16
tomi_jmarsden, instant fix01:16
mama21mama"had two firefox, firefox via ppa"01:17
mama21mamatenia dos firefox, firefox via ppa01:17
jmarsdenmama21mama: Why not answer my question?   Is your problem that mailto: links do not work for you?01:17
mama21mama"and firefox in / opt / fierfox / firefox"01:17
mama21mamay firefox en /opt/fierfox/firefox01:17
jmarsdenThat is a known issue in some older versions of Lubuntu, I think.01:17
mama21mamahoy borre el /opt/firefox01:19
mama21mama"now delete the / opt / firefox"01:19
jmarsdenmama21mama: If you refuse to answer my questions and just do things, I cannot help you.01:19
mama21mama"but firefox works fine via ppa"01:19
mama21mamapero el firefox funciona bien via ppa01:20
tomi_jmarsden, i think he is a spanish speaker using a translating engine01:20
jmarsdenYes, but he is also not reading what anyone else says to him...01:20
tomi_fair nuff01:21
mama21mamano work link mail01:21
mama21mama"translating it seems"01:21
jmarsdenOK.  Wait while I try to find the bug report about this.  It is a known problem.01:21
mama21mamalibfm-pref-apps no work01:23
mama21mamagnome malo01:23
jmarsdenmama21mama: The bug is reported at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-meta/+bug/662544 including a patch you can try.01:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 662544 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "mailto: link in Lubuntu spawns Chromium window (dup-of: 657335)" [Undecided,New]01:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 657335 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Wrong pdf viewer set by default on Lubuntu settings" [Medium,Fix released]01:24
mama21mama"this is not my problem"01:27
jmarsdenOK.  So.  What *does* happen when you click on a mailto: link ?01:27
mama21mama"my problem"01:29
mama21mamamira la imagen amigo.01:29
mama21mama"look at the picture friend."01:29
jmarsdenAh... you want to click on links in Sylpheed and have a browser open.  Not the other way around.01:30
jmarsdenI need to go eat, may be back later.01:30
mama21mama"ok I\u0026#39;ll stay"01:31
mama21mama"go eat friend"01:31
mama21mamave a comer amigo01:31
tomi_Lamento no hablan español, pero tratar de clic derecho sobre el enlace y elija "Abrir vínculo en el navegador"01:34
mama21mama"before was not so. you to click and launch the browser"01:35
tomi_ok, pero eso es lo que estoy haciendo .... podría ayudar a01:36
mama21mama"will try"01:36
mama21mama"I did not open it."01:37
tomi_tratar de establecer sólo la versión de uno de firefox .... desde los repositorios, en lugar de ppa01:38
mama21mama"Νομίζω ότι το πρόβλημα είχε εκκαθαριστεί για να δείτε μια firefox"01:39
mama21mama/bin/sh: tal: not found01:39
mama21mama"I think the problem was cleared to see a firefox"01:39
mama21mama/bin/sh: tal: not found01:39
mama21mamacreo que el problema fue a ver borrado un firefox; tal vez ese era el que abria los links.01:39
mama21mama"I think the problem was cleared to see a firefox"01:39
mama21mama/bin/sh: tal: not found01:39
tomi_mama21mama yo uso thunderbird no sylpheed, así que puede no ser capaz de ayudar a más01:43
mama21mama"sylpheed uses less ram"01:44
mama21mama"thunderbird spend a little more ram"01:44
tomi_true too01:44
tomi_Yo lo uso porque es mi preferencia01:45
tomi_mama21mama ..... Espero que alguien le puede ayudar .... me tengo que ir ahora, lo siento, no pudo hacer más por ti01:47
mama21mama"well thanks"01:48
=== mama21mama is now known as parnassus
jmarsdenparnassus: What is in the file    ~/.config/libfm/pref-apps.conf      on your machine?02:21
jmarsdenparnassus: Also, what do you have set in Sylpheed under  Configuration -> Common Preferences -> Details -> External Commands   ?02:24
jmarsdenparnassus: Lastly, what does      grep uri_open ~/.sylpheed-2.0/sylpheedrc      output?02:26
=== parnassus is now known as mama21mama
mama21mama < jmarsden> parnassus: What is in the file    ~/.config/libfm/pref-apps.conf      on your machine? | http://pastebin.2.je/l/2302:28
mama21mama< jmarsden> parnassus: Also, what do you have set in Sylpheed under  Configuration -> Common           hyperair       Preferences -> Details -> External Commands   ? /opt/firefox/firefox '%s'02:30
mama21mamaalli esta el problema02:30
mama21mama"there is the problem"02:30
jmarsdenOK.  The default is to set that to      sensible-browser '%s'     which should work better for you.02:31
mama21mamajmarsden, gracias02:32
jmarsdenYou are welcome :)02:32
mama21mamajmarsden, jedi02:32
mama21mama"que lindo now open the link."02:33
hyperairwhy's there a hyperair between common and preferences? O_o02:58
jmarsdenNo idea... I wondered that myself when I saw it :)03:00
jmarsdenMaybe he hit h and then tab ?03:01
maahesisn't pcmanfm supposed to be able to set your wallpaper?07:16
jmarsdenmaahes: Really?  A file manager sets the wallpaper?  Seems odd... what makes you think pcmanfm should be able to do that?07:31
maahesjmarsden: erm, nautilus does, and quick searching about on the internet showed that pcmanfm at least *used* to do so, not too long ago in fact, and was the default method of lxde07:32
maahesonly I can't seem to find the option to make it do so.07:32
jmarsdenOK.  In Lubuntu 11.04 here, start -> Preferences -> Customize Look at feel     seems more the right place for that sort of thing.07:33
maahesnot exactly using lubuntu, just trying to use lxde and some backends07:34
PhosphenesIs there some way to give all the desktops different wallpapers?07:34
PhosphenesChanging one always changes all of them07:34
jmarsdenmaahes: I don't know... I can right click on the desktop and change wallpaper there, does that work in stock LXDE?07:38
jmarsdenPhosphenes: I don't know of a way to set wallpaper per virtual desktop.  Interesting idea, though.07:39
maahesjmarsden: I'm not using lxde. I'm just trying to use some of its backends with awesome. some forum posts I had found referred to an option in preferences which is not there. I just wondered if it was something I could get with a compile-option07:39
PhosphenesI know you could do it in kubuntu07:39
PhosphenesYou had to set some option for allowing separate widgets per desktop07:39
PhosphenesBut since lubuntu doesn't have widgets I guess not07:40
maahesyou can do it in kubuntu and ubuntu with some extra package, dunno about lubuntu07:40
jmarsdenPhosphenes: Lubuntu is a lot smaller and lighter than Kubuntu, so it may not have that capability.07:40
PhosphenesOh well, I guess that's what I get for wanting better performance ;)07:41
jmarsdenPhosphenes: well... then the real question is *did* you get better performance :)  if you did... it's probably worth the tradeoff!07:42
PhosphenesIt definitely was worth it. I'm only using a netbook and it couldn't run all the flair of kubuntu.07:42
jmarsdenOK.  Good :)07:43
PhosphenesI also tried xubuntu which ran pretty well, but I still prefer the lubuntu desktop07:43
giampieroHello everybody, I'm a former Ubuntu and new Lubuntu users, I've got a few questions. Is there anyone who fells like trying to answer me?10:44
Neosanoargh! where's the goddamn download page?11:11
Neosanoall I see is the download button which shoots .iso file in my face11:11
NeosanoI would like to use torrent to download it, and also I would like to know the md5 sum11:11
Neosanowhoa! it's in the topic..11:12
Neosanowhat about a link from lubuntu.net?11:12
pylixi'm trying to install lubuntu on my emachine desktop, but the cd just camps in an endless loop with the ubuntu logo and elipses13:28
pylixis my disc corrupted?13:29
buff27sounds like it might be pylix, try it on another pc?13:41
buff27use unetbootin and load image on a usb stick?13:42
pylixwhat's unetbootin?13:43
buff27a tool to right .iso files to USB13:44
pylixyou need a blank usb right13:45
buff27or just format it to FAT/FAT3213:46
buff27i tend to just use usb instead of burning CD's these days13:46
buff27handy for my netbook too, as it doesn't have a CD/DVD drive13:47
pylixthey're faster13:47
pylixI tried with ubuntu and never got it to work right13:47
pylixbut yeah i'll look into it13:48
pylixthx for the help13:48
buff27yeah I found unetbootin does the trick. No problem, only recently switched over to lubuntu myself, previously xubuntu13:49
AmberJlxde menu doesnot seems to find, recognize and add some programs that I installed using synaptic...17:35
AmberJHow do I add them manually17:35
AmberJOfcourse, there's Alt+F2 run dialog...but there should be a way to add custom entries to lxde menu17:35
AmberJIsn't there a 'better' menu generation utility that works with lxde (e.g. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fluxbox#Menu_Management) ?17:39
phillwAmberJ: it *should* add them, which one(s) are you having a problem with?17:39
AmberJphillw, ktouch17:41
AmberJktouch is a KDE program to learn to touchtype17:41
phillwAre you on Lubuntu 11.04?17:43
phillwgive me a few minutes and I will pop it onto my system.17:44
AmberJphillw, did you suggested anything....this connection keeps disconnecting :(18:14
phillwAmberJ: I will have a play, i'm really sorry for delays. I'm in a meeting at the moment.18:16
AmberJnp phillw, I'll catchup with you tomorrow...18:17
maahescan you start lxsession if you're already running x?20:39
=== ubuntu__ is now known as idontkn0w123
AnandAhm Can anyone tell me how to install Lubuntu from windows using wubi?22:29
AnandI'm a complete noob in Linux22:29
bioterrorboot lubuntu cd and tell to installer to install beside Windows22:30
AnandCan I mount it?22:30
AnandI mean I dont have a cd with me right now22:31
bioterrormount what?22:31
AnandI mean iso22:31
bioterrordo you have 1GB usb stick?22:31
AnandNo not now22:31
AnandI cant use wubi?22:31
AnandThere's a wubi.exe in the image22:32
bioterrorsure you can, but I've never used it22:32
bioterrorprobably not many of us22:32
AnandBut it shows only Ubuntu  . Kubuntu etc22:32
AnandNot Lubuntu22:32
PhosphenesLubuntu isn't listed in most things because it only recently became official22:34
bioterrorI've heard more not so good stories about wubi than good stories22:35
AnandI'll get a CD tomorrow then22:35
AnandThank you22:35
diyttoDoes lubuntu have a gui installer like ubuntu?23:42
pmatulisdiytto: yes23:53

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