
=== jrib is now known as Guest88340
=== Guest88340 is now known as jrib
valorin_Is there anyone around who can help with Bug #755842? It's a pretty bug usability bug imho, but it doesn't appear to have been noticed by the right people in over 2 months...06:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 755842 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Non-maximized windows which sit on the border of a workspace move when called (affects: 19) (dups: 3) (heat: 78)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75584206:37
BombadillHi, I need some help with Launchpad: #79922514:12
BombadillHow do I get the state back to New so that it gets reviewed by the ubuntu-sponsors team?14:13
AmpelbeinBombadill: hi!14:14
AmpelbeinBombadill: I can set it back to new or just upload to ubuntu.14:14
Bombadillplease set it back to 'New', it's a Sync request14:15
Bombadillor, just sync it ;)14:15
AmpelbeinI'll set it to confirmed and let an archive-admin sync it. (-2 isn't on packages.debian.org yet)14:18
Bombadillokay, thanks a lot!14:20
AmpelbeinBombadill: as to your question why it didn't fail on debian: I don't know, maybe something to do with arch:all packages being built by the uploader (you) and not the buildds. (the failure was at the -doc package)14:20
Bombadillah, good point14:21
Ampelbeinthanks for making a new debian upload so quickly for a ubuntu issue btw! ;-)14:21
Bombadillno problem. From my experience with my packages, Ubuntu problems almost always are Debian problems too ;)14:24
BombadillAmpelbein: Thanks a lot for the Launchpad updates.14:25
penguin42does anyone know if there is an equivalent debian bug channel somewhere?14:29
Bombadillpenguin42: hmm, I don't know, but I guess you would get a better answer on #debian-devel14:32
Ampelbeinpenguin42: hmm, maybe #debian-bugs or #debian-devel on OFTC?14:32
penguin42Ampelbein: Thanks; I rarely use OFTC14:35
Abhijitcharlie-tca, ping17:26
Abhijitcharlie-tca, may i pm17:34
bullgard4[Natty 64-bit] My new computer shows after 1 week for the 1st time: "panic occurred, switching back to text console". It shows a detailed error report of 64 lines in a virtual console.  To report meaningfully to Launchpad, do I have to copy all 64 lines by hand, or will I find them in a log on hdd after restart?21:39
charlie-tcaUsually they will be in a log, if it was already running a desktop, it should be in /var/log/kern.0 or /var/log/syslog.1 after the restart21:45
bullgard4charlie-tca: Thank you for your information.21:56
charlie-tcaYou are welcome22:00

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