
tntcDoes the ubuntu one music player support anything besides .mp3?02:03
tntcI've only got mp3s, so I can't test, but an interested party is asking.02:03
karnitntc: Do you mean Ubuntu One Music for Android?02:04
karnitntc: I think mp3 and ogg, although this just rings a bell, I'm not sure (and it's 3AM so I won't test this now)02:05
tntchehe. fair enough :)02:05
karnitntc: Cool :)02:05
tntcI wish I had flacc to test it with. that's what he was asking about02:05
karnitntc: Aha.. That I can say for 99% sure, we don't support flacc.02:06
tntcI just tried Google Music, but IMO, ubuntuone is way better.02:06
karnitntc: Win! \o/ Thank you :)02:06
tntc:) Worth every penny I paid. I've got 3 x 20Gb packs02:06
tntcplus the mobile service02:06
tntcit's excellent!02:06
karniCardinalFang: lol, you just missed it! "03:06 < tntc> I just tried Google Music, but IMO, ubuntuone is way better."02:07
karniCardinalFang: Do we support flacc?02:07
CardinalFangFLAC?  Hrm, maybe.02:07
karnitntc: Thanks man! We're happy to hear that :)02:07
CardinalFangOgg/Flac should be scanned correctly.02:07
karniCardinalFang: tntc: :D02:07
karnitntc: You see, I shouldn't have been so sure (there goes the 1% chance of me being wrong ;) )02:08
CardinalFangFLAC on Android, hrm.  Probably.  It's all native codecs, so if phone supports it. ...02:08
tntckarni: More than happy to share it :) I keep hearing about all these cloud services popping up, but the Windows Live cloud is weird and only allows syncing of 5gb out of the 25gb, and I don't even want to touch the iCloud02:08
karnitntc: 5 out of 25? hahahah :D That sounds funny.02:09
tntcUbuntu One 1) has an ubuntu client 2) Syncs anything I want 3) has a nice music app. Trifecta02:09
tntckarni: You can UPLOAD more to it, but you can actively sync it with mesh or something.02:09
karnitntc: Just you wait for more ;)02:09
tntckarni: I'll be a test monkey if you want :)02:09
karnitntc: I can't say more, but stay tuned :)02:09
tntcI will! I've actually converted all my machines to Ubuntu. I find myself missing too much in Windows 7.02:10
karnitntc: Who-hooo! Sweet! (I can't remember when I last used my Win7)02:10
tntcI have to use XP/7 for class and work sometimes, but for home use I'm completly hooked.02:11
karnidammit, django is so cooool! o_O :D02:11
tntcooh, python!02:12
karnitntc: I know that pain. I hate when my college assigned stuff stricte for Windows.02:12
karnitntc: Ubuntu revolves around python. Ubuntu One as well :)02:12
tntcI'm taking an MIS class, and it's all MS Office.02:12
tntcFortunately, last semester I took a Unix Systems programming course, and this fall my web dev course is likely to be in linux02:13
tntcLAMP stack, I think02:13
karniI'm just going through tutorial01 on django website and I'm having a braingasm.02:13
karnitntc: :)02:13
tntcStill, out of all the languages I've used, I like python the best. For my Java assignments, I often prototype in python first because it's so. much. easier.02:13
tntche! I want to build a page using django. I haven't had the time lately.02:14
karnitntc: Tell me more. I'm Android developer.. xD02:14
karnitntc: And by that I mean.. I agreeeee!!!02:14
tntckarni: I wish there was full blown python for Android! The ASE is good, but full market support would be the best!02:14
karnitntc: Time you say. That's why I'm still up ant it's 3AM xD02:14
tntckarni: hehe. It's only 9pm here, but I'll be up for another 6 or 7 hours I bet.02:15
karnitntc: Man, if Android could run python apps.. Insane!02:15
tntckarni: well, ASE means it SORT OF can02:15
karniRight. Sort of - makes a difference :(02:15
tntcIs there a Jython port for droid yet?02:15
CardinalFangkarni, Django high-five.02:15
karniCardinalFang: Django high-five!02:16
karnitntc: *looks around* I have no idea. Jython is written in pure Java..02:16
karnitntc: Anyway, lemme play a moment with django and I'm outta here :)02:17
tntck! good luck!02:17
karnitntc: Thanks! HAve a great evening!02:17
tntcyou too!02:19
tntcOh, on a side note, two features I would love from UbuntuOne: Web based player for music, and VIDEO support.02:20
karniI'm just learning dvorak, but Dvorak+Python+Django (I'm new to all three, apart from reading TONS of python for few months now) - is orgasmistic for my geek brain.02:20
karnitntc: Noted ;)02:20
tntckarni: :D02:20
tntcSee, I can't do Dvorak. I don't spend enough time on machines I can customize like that. I tend to mold myself around the tool I'm using, rather than the other way around.02:21
tntcIt means I'm really good with defaults.02:21
tntcI was so relieved when Ubuntu switched the music player to Banshee. <302:21
tntcnow all we need is chromium as the default browser, and I won't have to change anything to use ubuntu out of the box ;)02:22
karnitntc: I just added a layout - switching Dvorak/QWERTY is matter of a shortcut now :)02:22
karnitntc: Agreed! Chromium ftw02:22
tntckarni: on Ubuntu, sure! But I know all these crazy Mac/Windows people02:22
karnitntc: Well, not to mention you have to actually know dvorak :)02:23
karnitntc: Ah right. True.02:23
tntckarni: meh. I'd learn it.02:23
karniYes, it's very pleasant to learn :)02:23
tntcI just don't /need/ to. If someone handed me a dvorak keyboard for work, i'd figure it out, but until then, I'll be on QWERTY02:23
karniMeh, I'm writing this in QWERTY (still 5x slower on dvorak)02:24
tntcmeh. It gives me time to think :)02:24
CardinalFangtntc, groovy, python, scala, I think they all import some language-supporting libraries that make them really bulky to have on a tiny device.02:24
karnitntc: Coding so many hours daily brought me to conclusion I have to care about my palms and fingers. And qwerty is a silent killer.02:25
CardinalFangtntc, I tried with Clojure a while back.02:25
tntcCardinalFang: eh. a 1ghz CPU and 512MB of ram isn't enough to handle python?02:26
CardinalFang... like, Android 1.5, G1 days.02:26
CardinalFangtntc, the RAM is the problem.02:26
CardinalFangtntc, but, I don't really know.  Go find out.  Come back and report.02:26
* karni falls back to django02:26
tntcCardinalFang: well, like I said, ASE supports python, so the base language is there.02:27
tntcThey have hooks into the regular android interfaces. I think it's just not complete yet.02:28
tntcIt has been done before. PyS60 from Nokia02:28
CardinalFangBut those aren't inside a JVM.  Add a layer.02:29
CardinalFangAnd I programmed on S60 Python quite a lot.02:29
tntcI suppose. Perhaps it's wishful thinking :)02:30
tntcI think even ASE/SL4A would be more than sufficient if it had more developer umph behind it02:33
tntcand a little bit of integration with the Android SDK02:34
karniomg doing this tutorial is like Christmas revisited, I love it! django automates everything02:38
karni(Not that I love Christmas, but referring to presents mainly brings happy memories ;P )02:39
pepokcould anybody help?09:07
pepoki cannot start ubuntu one09:07
pepokI have account09:07
pepokbut after upgrade to the last distribution is ubuntu1 not starting09:08
pepoknot showing up09:08
vinexas I need help with starting of ubuntu one09:40
vinexasit is not even showing after clicking ubuntu one from the menu09:40
vinexasI have upgradet to linux mnt 11.0409:41
vinexasafter that I cannot start ubuntu one client on my PC09:41
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