
saidianHello. I'm having trouble mounting a Mac share on Ubuntu server and was wondering if anyone could help out?00:44
keeshas anyone seen broken fonts in cacti after upgrading to 11.04?01:15
jj995Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0". ---- I'm getting this message on the terminal whenever I run an X application, e.g. gedit.  The X application works fine, but I'd like to get rid of this RANR message.  Any ideas?  I tried removing libxrandr2 from Synaptic, but it seems like tons of things depend on it that I want to keep01:16
kexmanis there any nice 1 liner command for ubuntu server latest, to strip it down to the bare minimum ? like if i selected LAMP or something so that should be gone ... i want a minimal ubuntu install with openssh only but dont want to reinstall02:11
twbTry aptitude markauto '?installed ?not(?section(metapackages)) ?not(?name(openssh-server))'02:16
twbBut be sure to review the propsed change before you approve it, in case there's extra stuff in there02:16
kexmanwhat is the difference between what ubuntu minimal installs as "core" and ubuntu-server without selecting any additional packages like lamp, openssh, postgres and such03:23
twbWell, possibly the kernel flavour03:25
twbIf you do a ubuntu-server install and keep clicking next, you will get ubuntu-minimal + ubuntu-standard + server kernel flavour + stupid 200MB of thunderbird/firefox/oo.org english language packs03:26
kexmantwb: duhhh03:27
kexmani dont need all that03:27
twbSo do an expert install03:27
twbUncheck "standard packages"03:28
kexmani just want ubuntu-sver = ubuntu-minima-server :) no X involved no nothing that i dont need :)03:28
kexmanlike gentoo minimal :P03:28
twbOr do it from apt when you're done03:28
twbkexman: uh, none of what I said included X03:28
kexmantwb: thats good :D03:28
kexmani didnt say you did :)03:28
twbubuntu-standard is stuff like less and w3m03:28
kexman200mb thunderbird stuff is what i dont need :)03:29
twbkexman: yeah, that pisses me off, too03:29
kexmantwb: so standard i do need :) those are really basic03:29
kexmantwb: how to remove it ?03:29
twbaptitude remove ~i~nlanguage-pack IIRC03:29
twbOh, but then you'll need to configure locales by hand, which is something like "locale-gen en_AU.UTF-8; set-locale LANG=en_AU.UTF-8"03:30
kexmanomg :) that hurts :P no click of button for that :P joking :)03:30
kexmantwb: thanks a lot03:30
twbI think in theory if you are using the CD's preseed file, one of the options disables those03:30
kexmanso other then that ubuntu-standard is nice to have right ? i dont want "cant" use it minimal :)03:30
kexmantwb: hmm ? dunno what your talking about i just clickclickclick without not even selecting openssh right now03:31
kexman5,689 kB will be freed :S03:31
twbkexman: if you boot the installer from the network, you don't get a preseed file by default.03:31
kexmanno 200mb here :)03:31
twbkexman: so the installer can't "tell" if it's a server or desktop install03:32
kexmantwb: i downloaded a ubuntu-server iso03:32
kexmanbtw i need to do set-locale only 1 time and im done ?03:33
kexmanalso no set-locale command here ...03:33
twbkexman: don't bother trying that unless "locale -a" reports only the "C" locale03:33
twbIt's supposed to be automated03:33
kexmanit reports C locale03:34
kexmantwb: i removed the language packs and i generated the en_US.UTF-8 locale03:34
twbkexman: *only* the C locale?03:34
kexmannow id like my system to use it03:34
twbHang on, lemme look up what I do03:34
kexmanen_US.UTF-8 + POSIX03:34
twbupdate-locale LANG=${LANG:-en_US.UTF-8}03:35
twbupdate, not set03:35
kexmantwb: thanks03:37
kexmantwb: so this will remain no need to do anything more ? its permanent right ?03:37
twbYeah, you should be done now03:38
twbIf you are logged in, you might need to log out and back in03:38
twbYou might want to "aptitude purge ~c" too03:38
kexmantwb: whats that for ?03:39
twbRemoves config files of uninstalled packages03:39
keyboardtalkI am trying to set up userdir with 10.04 and apache2. I am getting a permissions error when I try to access user directories. Any help?03:45
twbkeyboardtalk: root_squash?03:46
keyboardtalktwb: what is that?03:48
twbkeyboardtalk: not that, then03:49
jmarsdenkeyboardtalk: check that www-data or whatever your apache2 runs as has read permissions to the ~/public_html/ directories concerned?  And that /home/whoever is not 0700, for instance?03:51
twbjmarsden: oh, mea culpa; I thought apache2 ran as root03:51
twbI guess only the master proc does03:51
jmarsdentwb: It drops root ptivs as soon as it binds to port 80, basically.03:51
keyboardtalkwww-data is the owner of public_html03:56
keyboardtalkI gave everything read permissions03:57
twbYou may also need to dance with <directory> options in the apache configuration03:59
twb#httpd can help with that03:59
jmarsdenkeyboardtalk: are perms on /home/whoever sufficient that www-data can traverse it to find /home/whoever/public_html ?04:00
twbsu - www-data -c 'find /home/fred/public_html -ls' >/dev/null04:02
twbSee what errors (if any) it gives04:02
keyboardtalkthe parent folder needs read access as well?04:02
jmarsdenkeyboardtalk: needs x, for directory search, I think.04:02
twbSounds right04:03
twbposix permissions hurt my brain tho04:03
jmarsdenSo /home/whoever probably needs to be 711 not 700.04:03
keyboardtalkdoes that compromise the security of anything inside the home directory?04:04
jmarsdenIt means all users can traverse that directory... if that is a compromise in your situation, I can't say :)04:04
keyboardtalkwell it's working, thank you very much04:05
jmarsdenYou're welcome.04:05
kexmantwb: how do i remove config files of uninstalled packages ? where would does hide ? :)04:16
jmarsdenapt-get purge PACKAGENAME04:21
twb12:38 <twb> You might want to "aptitude purge ~c" too04:22
=== KB1JWQ is now known as Corey
jazz2hi, how can I get back to a 2.6.28 kernel on my 10.04-server? since I upgraded from 9.04 the wlan connection is dead slow with the 2.6.32 kernel (I even made a clean install to check if the upgrade was faulty, but unfortunately there is no 2.6.28 kernel available anymore, as it was when I upgraded) or do I have to go back to 9.04?06:15
twbjazz2: that's extremely non-trivial06:19
jmarsdenjazz2: Maybe you should be asking "how can I fix my wlan connection" instead?06:19
twbGrr, this bot doesn't know *anything* :-/06:19
jmarsden<dpkg> [xyproblem] People often falsely diagnose problems because they are looking too closely at a problem: they have got stuck at a particular point (Y) doing something (X) and so ask about step Y, not realising that there is an easier or better way to do X in the first place.  See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/XyProblem or http://homepages.tesco.net/J.deBoynePollard/FGA/put-down-the-chocolate-covered-banana.html06:20
jmarsdentwb: You are just too used to dpkg :)06:20
twbActually greybot in this case06:20
jmarsdenjazz2: If you only have one machine to deal with, it would seem quicker and easier to replace the wlan NIC with one that is well supported, than to try using old non-standard kernels etc etc.06:22
twbEven if you had 100 machines06:22
twbI'm not convinced the kernel is the problem, tho06:23
jazz2twb, jmarsden, I would like to have a wlan fix, but it seems there are some ppl having similar problems (from what I could google) so I just thought I could go back; In the upgraded version I could change from between 6.28/31/32 and the problem wasn't there in 2.6.2806:25
jazz2so I thought it would be esiest for the shortterm (until it gets a fix) to use the old kernel06:26
jmarsdenI really doubt it.  Easiest is probably a $10 wireless NIC that you know is supported well in 10.04.2 :)06:27
jazz2it's a zydas which worked great up until now06:27
BuenGenioApache2 on my 11.04 server doesn't restart properly07:11
BuenGenioit just hangs saying ... waiting ...........................07:11
BuenGeniobut never restarts07:11
BuenGenioadditionally apache2 can only be killed with -S KILL07:11
=== smb` is now known as smb
uvirtbotNew bug: #799623 in clamav (main) "Incorrect generated logrotate file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79962309:02
xperiahello to all. i have heavy big problems for some strange reason with my DNS Server. if i try several times as a example to load a website with wget it hangs allways at the resolving of the domain name. need help with this one. problem is with other ISP it works all fine when the sites are loaded just with my ISP it makes problems09:52
xperiawhen i sniff the requests i get also this errors here09:53
xperia00:04:41.281 0.132 426 393 GET 302 text/html (NS_ERROR_REDIRECT_LOOP) http://www.mypicx.com/images/logo.jpg09:53
xperiawhat could be wrong. have lot of time outs and a heavy lag with the DNS09:53
jazz2xperia, sometimes there is an issue, that the dns tries to resolve using ipv6 first and only resolves ipv4 when that times out09:56
xperiahmmm i looked the last days in the bind log and it is full of strange messages like09:58
xperiaJun 20 10:56:48 HauptServer named[7854]: error (network unreachable) resolving 'ns1.nzz.ch/A/IN': 2001:500:2d::d#5309:58
xperiaJun 20 10:56:53 HauptServer named[7854]: error (unexpected RCODE REFUSED) resolving 'www.zischweb.ch/AAAA/IN':
xperiaWhat should i do ?09:59
airtonixanyone installed bind9.7 from haukes ppa on maverick?10:02
xperiai have bind9 running on natty but dont know if i have the haukes ppa10:03
airtonixi need the dnssec extensions to get samba4 running properly10:03
jazz2xperia, do you have/use ipv6? can that be the issue?10:03
xperiawell i guess i dont have ipv6 any suggestion how to check and do it on my ubuntu server ? looks like problem is related to this ipv6 change then that has been done a few days ago10:04
jazz2maybe this is helpful: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu.html10:05
xperiajazz2 found this one too as it is more related to bind =>http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2009/03/21/configure-bind-9-for-ipv4-or-ipv6-only/10:13
xperiathanks a lot for your help. need now to look if this was the problem10:13
jazz2xperia, good luck :)10:14
speakmanStill having serious fatal MCE's :( http://pastebin.com/KdUHbpdC Any suggestions are welcome!10:18
DigitalFlux_Hi Guys10:29
DigitalFlux_So i've installed cobbler under Ubuntu10:29
DigitalFlux_and while i try to network-boot natty, i get the error that it can't find the preconfig file, it's searching in
DigitalFlux_Any hints why is that ?10:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #799656 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79965610:36
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fulchello, i would like to ask for some help with regards to Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud11:31
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kexmanmorning :)12:15
_johnnyanyone remember some months/a year ago where a security update was pushed fixing some openssh bug/vulnerability? anyone got a link for which it was, or which ubuntu version it was? got a friend on 10.04 who might be a victim12:23
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb
uvirtbotNew bug: #799630 in drbd8 (main) "package drbd8-source 2:8.3.7-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: drbd8 kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79963013:05
Davieykirkland: Around?13:24
zulDaviey: how did you fix mod-perl?13:40
Davieyzul: build failure?13:42
Davieyzul: it was failing due to a test failure13:42
zulDaviey: so how did you fix it? :)13:43
Davieythe test suite only worked with HTTP 1.0 not HTTP 1.113:43
Davieycherry picked patches from upstream13:43
Davieyand like a good cookie, fixed it in Debian :)13:44
Davieyzul: why do you ask?13:48
zulim just curious13:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #799711 in ocfs2-tools (main) "o2cb[11796]: ERROR: ocfs2_controld.pcmk did not come up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79971113:51
Kathusyaswhats the diffrent of ubuntu / ubuntu server is it same distro?13:53
Davieyuvirtbot: Maybe one day, you'll give us good news?13:55
uvirtbotDaviey: Error: "Maybe" is not a valid command.13:55
hallynDaviey: hey, how is status on spice packages?14:14
Guest81013hey guys, i need to change the grub loader on my ubuntu to text so that it doesnt load the gui, i cant remember where the grub files are kept.  can anyone help me by telling me where the files are kept?14:17
Davieyhallyn: Hello sir!  Good to have you back :)14:18
Davieyhallyn: was this something you asked me to sponsor?14:18
hallynyup :)14:19
pwnguinanyone selfhosting openID providers?14:19
Guest81013hey guys, i need to change the grub loader on my ubuntu to text so that it doesnt load the gui, i cant remember where the grub files are kept.  can anyone help me by telling me where the files are kept?14:19
hallynthe packages in ppa:serge-hallyn/spice2 for universe14:19
hallynGuest81013: edit /etc/default/grub i think14:19
Guest81013hallyn: that is correct. thankyou14:21
Guest81013hallyn:  i changed it to text but its still loaded the gui.  any ideas exactly what i should change it to in order to stop the gui loading by default?14:26
hallynyou cleared out 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT' and then ran update-grub?14:28
hallynGuest81013: ^14:28
Guest81013ahhh yes14:29
Guest81013lol thats what i missed14:29
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w00I have in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades set: APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1"; but i would like to know how can i check that it updated the package list?14:46
brianthelionHi all! Just trying to get some eyes on my krb5/ldap/nfsv4 bug -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/79411215:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 794112 in ubuntu "Kerberos + LDAP + NFSv4 on Natty - Unable to recover unattended client" [Undecided,New]15:24
brianthelionfeedback greatly appreciated15:25
Davieyhallyn: Hmm.. I reviewed it and seem to remember i had some questions.15:32
Davieyhallyn: i should have made a note15:32
hallynDaviey: going to plumber's?15:33
Davieyhallyn: unlikely15:35
Davieyhallyn: Think it'll be useful?15:38
hallynwell i've not seen a schedule.  But i'd think so, yes.  Good people are there usually.15:39
hallyn(i'm gonna be hiding at a min-conf on the 8th)15:39
xperiahello to all. i have just connected my ubuntu server to my adsl modem and i am able to download content from the internet but if i try to access the webserver nothing happens.15:42
xperiassh connection to the server from outside is possible. what could be the problem ?15:42
xperiaokay got it running15:45
xperiait was the reversy proxy that maked problems15:46
zulRoAkSoAx: can you push the mini.iso stuff for cobbler upstream16:08
RoAkSoAxzul: yes will do!16:08
zulRoAkSoAx: if i get some spare time ill add arm detection support this week sometime i hope16:10
RoAkSoAxzul: cool... are there any arm ISO's yet?16:11
negronjlgood morning all16:12
zulRoAkSoAx: no im suspecting it will behave a bit differently16:12
RoAkSoAxzul: ok16:12
RoAkSoAxnegronjl: morning16:12
negronjlhi RoAkSoAx16:12
zulRoAkSoAx: as in slit my wrists differently16:15
DavieyRoAkSoAx: arm doesn't yet use ISO's.16:16
DavieyThat will hopefully come this cycle.16:16
RoAkSoAxzul: hehehehe yeah I cna imagine looking at all the documentation :)16:16
RoAkSoAxDaviey: cool!16:16
DavieyCurrently it's a dd image with OEM mode ubiquity on first boot.16:16
=== lolmatic is now known as KittenIsATranny
=== KittenIsATranny is now known as lolmatic
=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha
xperiahello to all. i am trying to turn my ubuntu server into a wirelsee access Point based on this howto here16:35
xperiathe thing that i dont understand is the interface br016:35
xperiahave installed the bridge utils like written but dont see still the br0 interface16:36
airtonixxperia: without reading that page I think you need to manually add the br0 interface to your /etc/networks or something ?16:42
airtonixxperia: does your wifi device successfully enter master mode ?16:43
xperiaairtonix: i am not that versatile with wifi. the server has wlan0 interface but if it is possible to run as master mode i cant say16:44
xperiaany sugestion how to find it out ? have just running lspci and found the wlan card16:45
xperia03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43225 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)16:45
smosercjwatson, so, for libpng, using pkg-config is fine, but it looks to me that libx11 and libjpeg62 do not provide pkgconfig files, so it doesn't work fo rthem.16:48
smoseryou suggest making pkgconfi files and bugs for those packages or... something else?16:49
airtonixxperia: lspci -nn16:49
airtonixxperia: then search the manufacturer code and device id on some websites like hotspot ap or something16:50
airtonixtbh it's much easier to buy a 35$ tplink 1043nd and flash it with openWRT16:50
airtonixthen you can opt install all kinds of linux stuff on it16:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #799798 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79979816:51
* zul lunch17:04
cjwatsonsmoser: x11.pc exists17:09
cjwatsonsmoser: for libjpeg, hmm.  a Debian-specific patch for this is to add /lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) and /usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) to your search path (you'll need to 'export DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)' somewhere, perhaps in debian/rules, or fetch the output of 'dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH' in config_unix.py)17:10
cjwatsonthat would handle the cases you've dealt with using pkg-config too, although pkg-config is generally better17:11
=== jj-afk is now known as jjohansen
xperiaairtonix one small question my eth0 interface has this data here at the moment17:18
xperiainet Adresse:  Bcast:  Maske:
xperiaMy Question is what i need to write for the br0 interface as ip adresses ?17:18
xperia    #address
xperia    #network
xperia    #netmask
xperia    #broadcast
airtonixfor next time, use pastebin17:18
airtonixor dpaste or any other other derivatives17:19
airtonixfrom memory i think your bridge is going to be anything that isn't on that eth0 network17:19
airtonixit's essentially a different subnet of it's own17:20
xperiaahh then i have to use the wan IP adress then ?17:20
airtonixwell i'm not sure about that17:20
airtonixare you looking to create an access point that more than one wifi client can connect to or are you just wanting to do a point to point connection ?17:22
xperiaairtonix yes this is my idea17:27
airtonixaccess point or tunnel?17:33
airtonixbecause you can just use ufw's NAT features to do the latter17:34
airtonix(which is just a simplified interace to IPtables NAT features)17:34
airtonixtime to sleep17:35
xperiaokay airtonix have nice sleep17:39
hallynmdeslaur: hey, do you know what is going on with bug 795427 ?18:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 795427 in libvirt "Upgrade Libvirt up to 0.9.1 generates new bug with Virt-Manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79542718:13
mdeslaurhallyn: I have no idea what that's about18:16
mdeslaurhallyn: it's booting from the disk instead of from the cdrom? I dunno18:16
hallynok :)   me neither, wanted to ask you before askng for clarification18:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #611644 in open-vm-tools (multiverse) "Snapshot with quiesce option fails and kills VM on ESXi 4.1" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61164418:47
nonotzacould someone help me out with this odd behavior in ubuntu? when I start up I get two start up messages like this: http://pastebin.com/uGX2J7cY18:52
nonotza** when I login ...19:03
SpamapSnonotza: thats been fixed in a recent update actually19:03
nonotzaoh ok, I just updated actually19:04
nonotzalet's see if it worked19:04
nonotzado you know how I can change that text?19:04
nonotzawhat do you know ... its fixed now hehe19:04
SpamapSnonotza: read 'man motd' and 'man motd.tail'19:05
nonotzathank you19:05
SpamapSnonotza: ^5 for testing our updates. :-D19:05
AndroidLoverInSFi got postfix mail delievered to my maildir new folder alright. but when i type mail. it says i have no new mail. so what wrong and how to fix? ideas?19:05
hggdhDaviey: there?19:29
SpamapSAndre_Gondim: mail checks your system mail queue, Maildir is something different.19:37
SpamapSAndre_Gondim: you might want to look at 'mutt' or 'sup-mail' if you want to see your mail via the console.19:38
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
orudiehow can I archive a directory with preserving the entire files and subdirectory structure ?20:02
pmatulisorudie: use rsync or cp20:04
pmatulis'rsync -a --delete' or 'cp -a'20:04
RoyKpmatulis: cp -a won't remove old stuff20:08
RoyKorudie: rsync -avP will do it verbosely and allow large files to be resumed (-P == --progress --partial)20:09
pmatulisRoyK: should20:09
RoyKshould what?20:09
pmatulisRoyK: should remove old stuff20:09
RoyKcp -a doesn't remove anything20:09
orudieso I should use rsync and not scp ?20:10
RoyKI'd use rsync20:10
RoyKrsync uses rdiff for large binary files, so if a small set is changed in a large binary file, mostly the differences will be transferred again20:10
orudieRoyK, I need to migrate the content of /var/www/ which contains a number of websites, about 5 GB total from one host to another. can you give an example of rsync command line to be used ?20:11
RoyKrsync -avP /var/www /new/path20:11
RoyKor somehost:/new/path20:11
RoyKit'll tunnel over ssh unless you ask it otherwise20:12
orudieand to specify ssh port ?20:12
patdk-wk-e 'ssh -p 222'20:12
RoyKyes, patdk-wk's right20:12
patdk-wkrsync supports ssh port directly now?20:12
RoyKno, my wrong20:12
RoyKfrom the manual20:13
RoyKso, yes, it does, but not with -p20:13
RoyKagain, I may be wrong, seems --port is more for the rsyncd works20:14
RoyKrather do as patdk-wk said20:14
patdk-wkya, that is for rsync protocol only20:14
patdk-wkeasier to use the uri syntax for it, rsync://user@host:port/20:14
RoyKor ssh:// .. ?20:14
patdk-wkdoesn't say that is supported20:15
RoyKrsyncd is rather outdated imho20:15
orudieso this would be good way ? rsync -aevP 'ssh -p 222' /var/www/ user@host:/new/path ?20:15
patdk-wkI use rsyncd for some things20:15
RoyKwell, I guess -e 'sssh -p someport' should work, then20:15
RoyKorudie: looks good20:15
patdk-wkhmm, is it legal to have the e floating in the middle like that?20:16
RoyKsssh == Schutzstaffel-shell :P20:16
RoyKsorry, one s too much20:16
RoyKpatdk-wk: rsync -avP -e 'ssh -p someport' usr@host:/somepath20:16
patdk-wkthat is what I do, it's *safer*20:16
RoyK-e is just another argument and 'ssh... is just the value of that20:17
patdk-wkI've had programs take vP as the aurg to -e i nthe first example20:17
patdk-wkprobably cause they don't use getopt or whatever?20:17
RoyKthe -vP parts will give you quite a lot of output and not very much needed20:17
RoyKgetopt() just takes whatever's given and parses it20:18
RoyKrsync -a -v -P -e ... == -avPe20:18
patdk-wkya, but does rsync -aevP = rsync -a -e vP20:18
RoyKpatdk-wk: no20:18
RoyKpatdk-wk: -e takes an argument, the command, 'ssh' or 'ssh -p someport' etc20:19
RoyKpatdk-wk: so try "ssh -e 'ssh -p 2020' -avP /my/dir user@somehost:/their/dir20:21
RoyKthe -e 'blah' can be anywhere in the string, just before /my/dir20:22
patdk-wkfor the record: rsync -aevP 'ssh -p 222' = rsync -ae 'vP' 'ssh -p 222'20:23
patdk-wkrsync -avPe 'ssh -p 222', works as expected20:23
pythonirc101I've a 200GB hard drive on which I want to install ubuntu and then i've 5 other drives on which i want to run RAID 5. Is this easy to configure during installation?20:23
RoyKpythonirc101: just use manual partitioning20:24
RoyKpythonirc101: setup the root drive with whatever's needed there, create partitions on the data drives for 'physical drive for used with RAID' and after doing that, configure the RAID20:25
sw0rdfishhey guys add-apt-repository needs to be installed? its giving me 'command not found'20:25
patdk-wkinstall it?20:25
RoyKapt-get install python-software-properties20:25
RoyKerm, that was perhaps wrong20:25
pythonirc101RoyK: Lemme try20:25
patdk-wkya that is it, heh20:25
patdk-wkmy search wouldn't bring it up20:26
RoyKanyway, adding something to /etc/apt/sources.list.d should work well20:26
RoyKI'm on Maverick on this box (or VM)20:27
RoyKtried to upgrade it to natty the other day, but grub messed up :P20:27
pythonirc101RoyK: I guess its easier to just install the OS on the 200GB harddrive and then setup the RAID later?20:28
pythonirc101RoyK: I dont see any raid options in the installer?20:28
orudiewell i tried rsync as a test , didn't work.. not sure what I did wrong there http://paste.ubuntu.com/629990/20:29
RoyKpythonirc101: with the server installation, the options are there20:29
pythonirc101RoyK: In the partitioning phase?20:29
RoyKpythonirc101: just choose 'manual partitioning', and do as I said above20:29
RoyKpythonirc101: you need to create a 'physical partition for raid' on each of the data drives20:29
pythonirc101I did goto manual partitioning, but it asks me for mount points and such...no mention of raid anywhere20:30
RoyKafter that, exiting the partitioner, it's simple20:30
pythonirc101ok, lemme try again20:30
RoyKpythonirc101: the standard partition type is ext4, press enter there and choose RAID partition20:30
RoyKor filesystem type, even20:30
orudieanyone? what did I do wrong there ?20:31
RoyKorudie: 21:23 < patdk-wk> for the record: rsync -aevP 'ssh -p 222' = rsync -ae 'vP' 'ssh -p 222'20:32
RoyKso move the e after the P20:32
RoyKsince e takes an argument, P doesn't20:32
pythonirc101with 5 1TB drives, should i go with RAID 5 / 6/ 10?20:33
pythonirc101I need reliability in case one drive fails, and fast IO20:33
cloakable5 probably20:33
RoyKpythonirc101: depends on the needs20:33
patdk-wkpythonirc101, depends what you call fast io20:33
RoyKpythonirc101: RAID-5 is rahter slow for random access20:33
RoyKpythonirc101: RAID-6 even slower20:33
patdk-wkbut only random writes20:33
pythonirc101what about raid 10?20:34
sw0rdfishi'm just trying to add the repository for nginx20:34
RoyKpythonirc101: 5 drives in RAID-1+0 isn't very easy :P20:34
patdk-wkraid10 is fast for random writes20:34
sw0rdfishadd-apt-repository ...etc gives me command not foudn20:34
RoyKsw0rdfish: and reads...20:34
pythonirc101can raid 10, 5 , 6 all survive one disk failure? more?20:35
patdk-wkrandom reads would be faster with raid5/6 than raid1020:35
RoyKpythonirc101: if you don't have a bad-ass database or a lot of video streams to serve, just use RAID-520:35
sw0rdfishI can add it to /etc/apt/sources.list :D20:35
patdk-wkraid10 depends, can handle 1 or more failures20:35
RoyKpythonirc101: RAID-6 can survive two drive failuers, RAID1+0 can survive one drive failure on each mirror20:35
pythonirc101ok, raid 5 seems to be the middle ground then?20:35
RoyKpythonirc101: for five drives, just use RAID-5 - it'll probably suffice20:36
pythonirc101one drive failure? + good read/write?20:36
patdk-wkif a disk fails in raid5 or raid6, though, your speed will ONLY be 20% what it used to be20:36
RoyKpythonirc101: anyway - you can change it to RAID-6 later by adding a drive and doing some mdadm magick20:36
patdk-wktill the new drive is rebuilt20:36
pythonirc101so i need raid 5 -- and i make all my 5 drives active?20:36
patdk-wkthat will give you 4*drive space available20:37
RoyKworking with ZFS with rather large volumes (some 350TB total) Linux RAID is a heaven when it comes to flexibility20:37
pythonirc101when one fails , i replace it?20:37
pythonirc101RoyK: How do you even build the 350TB storage? one machine? or distributed zfs?20:37
RoyKpythonirc101: think of it as this - in the ZFS world, we talk about RAIDz1 or RAIDz2 or even RAIDz3. RAIDz1 has one parity level, so it can survive a dead drive (per VDEV). Same applies to RAID-5. RAIDz2 is like RAID-6. RAIDz3 is like - well - RAID-6 with another parity drive20:38
RoyKpythonirc101: two 100TB boxes and a few smaller ones20:38
RoyKthat's net storage, after RAIDz2 overhead :P20:39
pythonirc101RoyK: how many active drives for raid 5 should i use?20:39
RoyK5-6 max20:39
RoyKfor RAID-6, a bit more, perhaps up to 1220:39
pythonirc101RoyK: So if i put 5 active, and one crashes, I'll have to find out which one crashed, and replace it manually?20:39
RoyKand if you replace the wrong drive, tough luck :P20:40
pythonirc101sounds good...checking hard drives should be easy... :)20:40
patdk-wkwhy it's nice to check serialnumbers20:40
pythonirc101well i can always check the drives one by one using my external sata plugs?20:40
pythonirc101patdk-wk: ah, the serial numbers tell which one failed then?20:40
patdk-wkif you use smartctl on the drive to read that info20:40
^rcaskey350TB is a hefty number20:41
patdk-wkor use smartctl to see what drives are left working :)20:41
patdk-wkmdadm will tell you what device failed20:41
patdk-wksmartctl on that device will give serial20:41
pythonirc101nice thanks20:42
pythonirc101RoyK: Who builds 100tB boxes? how much do they cost?20:42
RoyK^rcaskey: 100+100+60+50+14+12 - well, not quite 350, but still ok20:43
uvirtbotRoyK: Error: "rcaskey:" is not a valid command.20:43
^rcaskeyRoyK, why broke out like that?20:43
* RoyK kicks uvirtbot 20:43
RoyK^rcaskey: different use pattern20:43
uvirtbotRoyK: Error: "rcaskey:" is not a valid command.20:43
RoyKthe three 100+100+14 are backup servers for bacula20:43
^rcaskeywould 96 be close enough?20:43
RoyK60+50 are scientific work data + backup20:44
RoyKthe last 12TB box is a file server20:44
RoyKthe latter with all striped mirrors and some nifty SSDs for caching20:44
pythonirc101RoyK: Who builds the 100TB boxes?20:44
RoyK100TiB or 110TB for the big ones20:44
pythonirc101how much do they cost?20:45
^rcaskeyRoyK, i'm way out of my league, I'v only got 2TB in mine and I never got around to my SSDs due to ram + nvram20:45
RoyKthis was back in, what, november, perhaps october, and they cost us about NOK 130k a piece20:45
^rcaskeyIf you are willing to do your JBOD in software Dell R510s are cheap20:46
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RoyKI learned one lesson, though - don't mix SuperMicro SAS expanders and WD desktop drivers20:46
pythonirc101I'm using seagate + supermicro sata ports20:46
RoyKseagate and hitachi works well20:47
patdk-wkroyk, what wd drives did you attempt to use?20:47
RoyKbut there's something fishy about the timing with WD desktop drives20:47
RoyKdunno if this is an openindiana/solaris issue, but sometimes we see a whole backplane/sas expander go bad, starting to produce massive i/o errors20:48
RoyKbut only one20:48
RoyKwith four backplanes/sas expanders per server, it's quite easy to pinpoint the black sheep20:48
patdk-wkI have a bunch of the yellow currently20:49
patdk-wknext level up from black20:49
RoyKis that a cheap green thing?20:49
RoyKoh, RE20:50
RoyKRE is ok, but bloody expensive compared to blacks20:50
RoyKthing is, Seagates and Hitachis work flawlessly, but adding a bunch of WD green/black drives to a chassis, the whole thing starts acting erronously20:51
patdk-wkI have nothing but issues with green drives20:51
RoyKthey work well directly attached20:51
RoyKbut through an LSI 3810, they are chaos20:52
RoyKso are WD Blacks20:52
RoyKwith LSI 9201 it works better, though, but not quite20:52
^rcaskeymy how I hate hardware20:52
RoyKyeah, better off without it - use Semaphore!20:53
^rcaskeyMy file server rocks the two-disk raid 120:54
^rcaskeyI'd bet in the average week a single piece of data doesn't get read off a disk20:55
^rcaskeyWell excluding whatever smart does20:55
* RoyK is setting up a new 2-drive RAID-5 for a private server soon20:55
^rcaskeyummm howzat work?20:56
^rcaskeymirrored parity data on reserved portions of both disks :P?20:57
RoyKit's just that simple20:57
RoyKyou need 1+n data drives and one parity drive20:57
RoyKn >= 020:57
patdk-wkit's like raid1, but slower :)20:57
patdk-wkcause of cpu overhead20:58
RoyKbut more flexible :)20:58
RoyKwhen I want to add another, I expand the RAID-5, adding another drive20:58
RoyKwhops, lots of more capacity20:58
RoyKand then another, and another20:58
RoyKand if I grow past 4-5 drives, I change it to RAID-6 and keep on growing20:58
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pythonirc101RoyK: Somehow grub wont install on my raid/other drive...still trying...21:06
RoyKpythonirc101: grub won't install on a RAID-521:06
RoyKpythonirc101: use a single drive or a mirror for the root, and data drives for the rest21:07
pythonirc101the problem is , its showing me /dev/mapper for installing grub21:07
pythonirc101I dont know where to install it right now..I've a raid 5 and another separate drive named /dev/sd.... -- dont remember21:07
RoyKpythonirc101: then just reinstall, use manual partitioning, create a small /boot of 1-2GB, a swap partition about half your RAM size (or twice, if you expect it to overcommit a lot), then the root for the rest of the drivee (or mirror)21:08
RoyKthen install and create the RAID-5 volume manually21:08
pythonirc101here is the problem...I've two drives 200GB and 5x1TB...the 200GB is also a raid, and  grub wont install there either...21:08
RoyKit should work fine with the installer, but there may be issues21:08
pythonirc10140GB x 5 = 200GB21:09
RoyKpythonirc101: did you add a mirror for the root?21:09
RoyKthen use the two 200GB drives for the root alone21:09
pythonirc101I was hoping to install things on the 200GB hard drive and keep the 5x1TB for data/storage21:09
RoyKjust mirrors21:09
RoyKpythonirc101: in the installer, create a fresh partition on each of the two 200GB drives, on each, create a 2GB partition for /root (ext2), a 2GB partition (or so) for swap, and the rest for the root. Mark all those as physical RAID partitions21:11
RoyKwhen done, go back and create ext2/swap/ext4 on those partitions, and leave the data out of it21:11
RoyKthen, when installed, create a new RAID with mdadm21:11
pythonirc101I only have one 200GB drive...which is a hardware raid - Five 40GB drives = 200GB21:11
RoyKI thought you were talking about software raid?!?21:12
pythonirc101I've a software raid (5x 1TB) and a hardware raid (40GB x 5)21:12
RoyKthe root partition on an ubuntu server won't need more than a mirror of those21:12
RoyK40GB is sufficient for most21:13
RoyKmost, being very large fileservers doing nasty stuff21:13
JanC5 x 40 GB = 200 GB  doesn't sound like (real) RAID to me  ;)21:14
pythonirc101so grub wont install on a software raid i take it?21:16
pythonirc101can one install the os on a software raid?21:16
RoyKpythonirc101: that's a waste, really21:16
RoyKpythonirc101: just use two of them in a mirror21:16
RoyKor three in a three-way mirror21:17
RoyKor rather, give up using SSDs for the root21:17
RoyKit won't help much - most of the root fs is cached upon bootup anyway21:17
RoyKuse cheap spinning drives21:17
pythonirc101RoyK: If I mirror two drives for the OS, that'll leave me with only 3 drives for a software RAID...not good21:17
RoyKuse SSDs for something fun like caching21:17
pythonirc101I need capacity21:18
RoyKwell, I'm going to bed and refuses to listen to idiots about this topic - one last message - use small, spinning drives for the root, two in a mirror, use large drives for data, raid-5 or striped mirrors, and if you can, use ZFS so you can allocate SSDs as caching devices21:19
pythonirc101I'll try, thanks.21:20
sw0rdfishRoyK, hei man21:24
sw0rdfishdu er veldig aktiv I dag :)21:24
sw0rdfishyou there, mate?21:26
raubvogelQuestion on https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/kerberos-ldap.html: don't you have to create the principals for the slave KDC?21:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #799942 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: подпроцесс установлен сценарий post-installation возвратил код ошибки 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79994222:26
RoAkSoAxkirkland: this server side (powerwaked) ARPMonitor to auto wakeup machines is sweet!!22:36
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kirklandRoAkSoAx: neat :-)22:58
zookoDear people of #ubuntu-server: I'm used to debian/ubuntu packages coming configured to a working state.22:59
zookoBut cron-apt apparently requires me to un-comment-out dozens of lines in /etc/cron-apt/config. What gives?23:00
adam_gkirkland: hey dude ive been using tmux for a year or so, id be happy to checkout any of the profiles you're working on23:10
kirklandadam_g: smoser told me you were a tmux user ;-)23:10
kirklandadam_g: nice, so have you used byobu at all?23:10
adam_gkirkland: not so much, lately i haven't been doing enough remote work to need anything like it.  i use a tiling window manager locally that works similarly23:15
kirklandadam_g: right; okay23:15
kirklandadam_g: well, perhaps we'll catch up in Dublin and you can show me some tips and tricks23:16
zookoSorry to ask a question and then disconnect.23:17
zookoThe question was: why does cron-apt come with a config file with everything commented-out, instead of with useful default values?23:17
RoAkSoAxkirkland: By the end of this week I hope to have a fully functional powerwaked server that will grab ips/mac's for powerwake cache, listen for ARP Broadcast in the network, and wakeup those machines which need to be woken up23:29
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