
paultagjacob: dang, read your post in lp :(03:24
paultagjacob: that sux0rs03:24
Cheri703paultag: ?03:24
paultagCheri703: jacob beleated a PPA and he did not mean to03:25
paultagI rather love this youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zucBfXpCA6s03:26
paultagI think, honestly, that it's the best video on all of youtube03:27
paultagit's so impressive03:27
=== Unit193BeGone is now known as Unit193
jacobpaultag: i'm ok with it being nuked, i just wish i could get the name freed up so i could reupload :P13:08
thafreakMorning ohio14:45
thafreakI miss anything lately?14:45
thafreakAhhh, I'm only one person...geez...why do people think I can do 4 things at the same time?14:59
* thafreak is currently downloading Fedora 15...16:16
* Cheri703 is trying to get moving and get ready to go see a client16:17
thafreakClient eh? How many active clients are you up to now Cheri703?16:17
Cheri703what do you mean by active?16:18
Cheri703most are "fix it" clients, and once it's fixed, they don't call back for a while16:18
* thafreak still really only has 1 client, the in-laws :)16:18
Cheri703this one is a repeat16:18
Cheri703ah, ok16:18
Cheri703I've had...somewhere between 10-15 clients I think? maybe more...I dunno16:19
thafreakYou staying pretty busy?16:19
Cheri703a lot of them have been from the same family :)16:19
Cheri703in-laws and siblings and such, different households, but same base :)16:19
Cheri703uhm, it varies16:19
Cheri703I always say I'm self/un employed depending on the week :)16:19
Cheri703I could be busier16:19
thafreakAre you liking it though? I think that's probably most important...16:19
Cheri703need more money, but considering that I haven't done any proper advertising...I'm doing ok I guess16:20
Cheri703yeah, I like it, I want to move away from virus fixing and more into some other areas, but virus fixing is generally the easy bread&butter stuff16:20
thafreakyeah, I've never advertised...hell I've never even put up an actual website :)16:20
Cheri703my website is...sparse...it's basically just my flyer image at this point16:21
* thafreak PAID for a site design...but never implemented it :)16:21
Cheri703alright, I have to go get changed and grab the bus. back later16:23
Cheri703client rescheduled, luckily I found out before I got on the bus :)17:17
Cheri703empathetic hugs for paultag18:10
* paultag hugs Cheri703 18:11
Cheri703paultag: http://jobs.streetsblog.org/jobs/open-source-transportation-software-engineer/18:13
paultagCheri703: humm18:13
Cheri703paultag: ?18:24
paultagCheri703: I'll look into that :)18:28
Cheri703streetsblog is awesome18:28
Cheri703I just fixed my front door latch...it was being dumb...20:49
jacobblargh, launchpad is so full of it.23:11
jacobI can understand not being able to resurrect the deleted ppa, but seriously, the name is now locked forever? askdljfhaskldjf23:12
canthus13Cheri703: ehh.... Cathy Malmrose is the keynote speaker at OLF...23:12
Cheri703saw that...23:12
Unit193Who is that and why is it bad??23:18
Cheri703that's the ceo of zareason, the one who sent me a nasty email and said crap about me behind my back...23:19
Cheri703I went from NOTHING to do, other than two things I'd been putting off, to now having MANY23:31

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