
rlameiroailo: unfortunately no...00:24
rlameirothe audition was very bad for me, the worst one I ever played...00:24
rlameirowe live and learn and move on, next time will be better00:25
ailorlameiro, too bad. Yep, and there will be more chances as well00:25
rlameiroailo: do you have some skeleton of the script? or just sctered bits?00:26
ailorlameiro, Your script, or -controls?00:26
ailorlameiro, Nothing useful right now. I made a functional -controls for natty. I'm making a total rewrite for Oneiric01:11
ailo(sorry for answering so late..)01:12
rlameirono prob01:12
aboganiScottL: I released the lowlatency kernel for Natty also.08:05
* abogani waves08:06
falktx_hi there16:15
=== falktx_ is now known as falktx

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