
=== Squt is now known as Sput
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didrocksdebfx: ScottK: FYI, I worked during the Qt contributor summit with the nokia guys to backport the a11y support (Qt and QML) to 4.7. I have something which apply now, I'll try to push it to the ubuntu-desktop ppa and get it staging for a few days09:07
didrocksdebfx: ScottK: right now, it's only activated under an environment variable, so shouldn't hurt stock Qt usage09:08
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
debfxdidrocks: cool, do they have a rough release date for 4.8?10:15
didrocksdebfx: no, when showing our own schedule, they told me it was better to focus on 4.710:16
didrocksmaybe 4.7.4, no release date apparently, but should be in our time frame10:16
debfxokay, I hope qtwebkit 2.2 works well with 4.710:19
didrocksdebfx: I asked to them on that specific point, they answered it should be ok10:20
debfxthat doesn't sound very confident ;)10:21
debfxfabo: I have one more request for qtcreator: could you add kdelibs5-data to suggests10:24
debfxit can use the kate syntax highlighting definitions10:24
fabodebfx: ok. sounds a candidate for split (kate syntax highlighting definitions)10:28
fabodebfx: qtwebkit 2.2 works with Qt 4.7, I have a branch on-going10:28
fabodebfx: I'll update qtwebkit to beta1 as soon as it's released10:30
bambeeDay-1 and I am on vacation... rhaaaa!!! Once on vacation: coding,packaging,coding,packaging and coding again!! :D10:40
=== ximion2 is now known as ximion
bambeeapachelogger: ping, have you access to lp:language-selector ? I've a fix for the kde frontend :)10:44
debfxfabo: yeah might be worth splitting10:46
=== ximion2 is now known as ximion
apacheloggerbambee: I guess I do11:35
bambeeapachelogger: the "missing language" dialog is shown before the gui is displayed, with this bug the systemsettings integration is ugly...  it's a tiny fix11:37
bambeealso I am fixing a missing translation11:37
apacheloggerwhere is it?11:38
bambeeapachelogger: I will ping you, when you can merge changes ;)11:38
bambee(I've to fix the translation before)11:38
bambeeapachelogger: how a "QtGui.QApplication.translate" can be recognized by intltool-update (which is apparently used by language-selector) ? 11:41
bambeeI can use extractrc and sed to replace each "i18n" by a "_" but it's ugly and not done automatically... :\11:41
apacheloggerI do not compute the question11:43
apacheloggerwe need dbus portation11:49
apacheloggerholy french fries11:49
ScottKdidrocks: Great.  Please chat with fabo about it and maybe we can get the patches in Debian too.11:58
didrocksScottK: sure, still waiting on the ppa first and some final tests, then I'll bother fabo which is quite busy I guess, so do not want to disturb him for nothing until ready11:59
bambeeapachelogger: grrr :p12:06
jussiapachelogger: you gonna get an N9? 12:07
bambeeapachelogger: well, if you create a gui using "designer" . How make the strings translatable by gettext ?12:07
bambee(I am talking about strings like labels, items and so on)12:08
bambeeif you generate your gui from UI to a python script , QtGui.QApplication.translate is used. however intltool-update  is looking for "_()"12:09
bambeethat's why the string "System Default" is not translated in language-selector (see the kcm)12:10
apacheloggerjussi: so nokia will12:11
apacheloggerjust read the hardware specs12:11
apacheloggersounds like we have a new target device for kubuntu mobile 12.0412:11
jussiapachelogger: yup12:11
apacheloggergotta get our hands on the n950 though12:11
apacheloggersuper awesome dev version12:11
jussiapachelogger: Im trying to get my hands on the n950 :D12:11
jussiapachelogger: https://meego.com/community/device-program12:12
jussiapachelogger: pls apply12:12
jussiDeadline for applications: end of Tuesday, June 28th.12:12
=== ximion1 is now known as ximion
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bambeeapachelogger: ping, https://code.launchpad.net/~bambi/language-selector/missing-language14:18
bambeeI propose a merge?14:20
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=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanapachelogger: Can you dd your sdcard and put it up somewhere?17:36
apacheloggerQuintasan: my sd is filled up with kde trunk :P18:14
apacheloggereven dding a new one would take ages to up18:14
Quintasanherp derp18:15
QuintasanI get the idea that it fails to run ssh at startup18:15
apacheloggerQuintasan: well, get a rs232 cable :P18:17
Quintasanhow does one use it with that?18:19
Quintasanapachelogger: any idea how do I make ssh start at bootup?18:21
apacheloggerit should automatically18:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: your eth comes up?18:21
apacheloggerblinky lights and stuff18:21
apacheloggercan you ping the machine?18:21
Quintasanno effing idea right now since I turned it off18:22
Quintasanno idea since I dont know the ip18:22
apacheloggeravahi-browse -a18:23
apacheloggerlinaro comes with avahi, so if you have avahi running your machine should be able to find the linaro setup18:23
apacheloggerping linaro.local18:23
* Quintasan also cant umount the damn sdcard18:25
Quintasanapachelogger: with avahi I get only my machine :S18:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: you use the microsd right?18:27
* Quintasan tries replugging18:27
Quintasanapachelogger: yes18:27
apacheloggerin the micro sd port? :D18:28
Quintasanno, no microsd ffs18:28
apacheloggerI do not think the board can boot from sdcard18:28
QuintasanStandard SD card18:28
apacheloggerQuintasan: check the back of your sdcard18:28
QuintasanThey supplied me with a SD card18:28
apacheloggerthere should be the microsd card^^18:28
apacheloggerwell hidden :D18:28
Quintasanoh fuck18:28
apacheloggerthe sdcard thing is really just a sorta adapter18:29
QuintasanNow, what the hell I do with that one?18:29
Quintasancool story apachelogger18:30
Quintasannow, board cant boot from sdcard?18:30
apacheloggerno, only micro18:30
QuintasanWhat type of fail do you call that?18:30
apacheloggerso take the sdcard husk out and put the micro in18:30
apacheloggerthen reset18:30
apacheloggerthen it should come up proper18:30
apacheloggerQuintasan: that is a very accepatble limitation really18:31
* Quintasan waits18:31
Quintasankubotu: order cookies for apachelogger18:31
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to apachelogger.18:32
* Quintasan executes sudo flash-kernel18:34
QuintasanSomething must have failed18:38
Quintasancant do anything on my desktop18:42
apacheloggermgraesslin: ping18:43
Quintasanunhung'd itself18:44
mgraesslinapachelogger: pong18:44
apacheloggermgraesslin: building workspace on arm I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/630483/ and I have no idea why18:44
apacheloggergit master that is18:44
apacheloggerwith gles and mobile set to true18:44
mgraesslinI don't get this (kwin-wayland (almost master) + gles + mobile + desktopgl18:45
Quintasanwayland on arm interesting18:46
apacheloggerQuintasan: mind the desktopgl18:46
QuintasanShould that be there?18:46
apacheloggermostly is not on arm :P18:46
mgraesslinQuintasan: no option yet, we don18:46
mgraesslin't have key events18:46
mgraesslinapachelogger: I think I see it18:47
mgraesslinno, false alert18:47
mgraesslinno idea, just remove lanczosfilter from the build18:49
mgraesslinthat should not harm and it's useless on arm anyway18:50
apacheloggermgraesslin: /home/linaro/kde-workspace/kwin/scene.cpp:97: undefined reference to `KWin::LanczosFilter::LanczosFilter(QObject*)'18:53
mgraesslindamn it18:53
* apachelogger comments a bit18:55
apacheloggermgraesslin: seems to be linking now19:17
mgraesslinwhat did you change?19:17
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
ScottKagateau: Did the appmenu changes for Qt get into 4.8?19:17
shadeslayervalorie: around?19:31
QuintasanScottK: Qt merge is still WIP19:32
Quintasanno shit20:09
Quintasanapachelogger: chroot mnt/ /bin/bash20:09
Quintasanchroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory20:09
apacheloggerwhy bin/bash?20:09
* Quintasan goes into mnt/bin and there is bash inside20:09
apacheloggerwhy chroot if there is ssh?20:09
QuintasanI reinstalled the system20:10
Quintasansince I messed something up and it didnt want to boot20:10
shadeslayerhi apachelogger20:10
apacheloggeryo shadeslayer20:10
apacheloggerQuintasan: so why the /bin/bash argument?20:10
Quintasanwhat else?20:10
apacheloggerchroot by default should use your login shell or something20:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: becoming glib developer now20:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: why so?20:11
apacheloggercause it is cool20:11
shadeslayeri thought Qt was kool20:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: no20:13
apacheloggerwhat be cooler about Qt than in glib?20:14
QuintasanHow can THAT be cool?20:15
Quintasanoh wait20:15
QuintasanIt's that low-level API for C?20:15
apacheloggerreturn TRUE;20:16
apacheloggerthough I'd not call it low-level since it does c-objects :P20:16
Quintasanreturn 1;20:17
Quintasanwould be faster :P20:17
shadeslayerhex > *20:17
shadeslayeror rather ASM > *20:18
apacheloggerQuintasan: please explain20:18
Quintasanapachelogger: explain what?20:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: x86flat?20:18
apacheloggerQuintasan: why return 1 would be faster20:18
* Quintasan has no idea20:18
* Quintasan meant faster to type20:18
apacheloggerI see20:18
shadeslayerhehe sure20:19
* apachelogger wants data on that20:19
Quintasanapparently, my connection was upgraded to 6mbps20:19
Quintasanrunning torrent to benchmark20:19
apacheloggerI am not sure hitting 1 would be faster20:19
Quintasanit's 1 versus typin true20:19
QuintasanTRUE even20:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: they probably have a data cap || will introduce one in due time20:19
QuintasanThat's probably in your country :P20:19
apacheloggerone does not type numbers as part of stuff that often, so actually getting to the 1 might take longer than you think20:19
apacheloggerat least for me20:19
Quintasanoh, 600kb/s20:20
QuintasanI like that20:20
apacheloggerI am decently sure that typing true I can do faster than 120:20
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah thats true for me, but most of the ISP's are doing that these days20:20
shadeslayerBump up speed -> add data cap20:20
bambeesomeone could review this merge? https://code.launchpad.net/~bambi/language-selector/missing-language/+merge/6539520:20
shadeslayerbut nao i have a no data cap plan20:20
bambee(without trolls :P)20:20
QuintasanAm I living under a rock? Nothing like that ever happened20:20
apacheloggerbambee: your changelog is kaput20:21
apacheloggeralso whatever happend to kde-langauge-selector?20:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: you might want to add  the -h switch to http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/scripts/deb-copyrightcheck20:22
* Quintasan browses that folder20:23
bambeeapachelogger: the code for "main" was totally useless. it's a kcmodule now :)20:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: why?20:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: removes file names, helpful when you're just searching a particular folder20:23
apacheloggerbambee: so? why take away functionality?20:23
bambeethe actual language-selector does not use options anymore20:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: unhelpful when searching 10k source files20:23
bambee(at least the kde frontend)20:23
bambeealso it's a kcmodule now20:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: helpful when adding stuff to debian/copyright for just a particular folder20:24
apacheloggerbambee: so start the kcm in there?20:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: unhelpful when doing that for 10k source files in different folders20:24
bambeeapachelogger: the install/uninstall mode does not make sense, we use tabs now20:25
shadeslayermy kate is busted20:25
apacheloggerbambee: yes, so start the kcm :P :P :P : P20:25
bambeeso just keep "createPlugin" :P20:26
bambeeI don't understand why keep a useless code...20:26
apacheloggerwhat be the point of createplugin?20:27
apacheloggerkubotu: hello20:27
kubotuyo owner!20:28
bambeeapachelogger: CreatePlugin is used by systemsetting to start the kcm20:28
bambee(in python)20:28
bambeemy change is kaput, you're right :)20:29
apacheloggerI do not compute your change there at all20:30
* Quintasan starts doing layout for kwin with opengl es magic20:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw ever had to deal with KAssistantDialog?20:30
bambeewtf? everything is right here o_O20:31
Quintasanapachelogger: We will basically rebuild kdebase-workspace and just install KWin?20:31
apacheloggerbambee: yeah, just saying, that needs a closer look than I can throw right now20:31
bambeeapachelogger: I was talking about the changelog :)20:32
apacheloggerperhaps lunchpad broke it20:32
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh btw did you see the page where HP has released all the drivers for the Touchpad as well as patches for them ?20:33
* Quintasan thinks it won't make any sense otherwise20:33
Quintasanapachelogger: ^20:33
shadeslayerhmm .. i need a script it seems20:34
apacheloggerarrr, the gpl be a harsh mistress20:35
DarkwingDuckYay, I'm not sick anymore20:35
DarkwingDuckWell, for the most part.20:35
Quintasanapachelogger: Are you actually paying attention to what I am typing?20:35
DarkwingDuckBenifit of being sick... I lost 8 pounds in a week.20:36
* Quintasan already knows the answer20:36
* Quintasan wants food20:36
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: wow, you should start a sickness centre ... none of the health programs make you lose 8 pounds in a week20:37
QuintasanDarkwingDuck: Free moneyz essentialy20:37
bambeeapachelogger: changelog fixed20:45
shadeslayermaco: could i possibly work on bug 634215 if you're not working on it?20:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 634215 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity-kde install allows invalid hostnames" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63421520:54
macoshadeslayer: go ahead. apachelogger is the one who assigned it to me, despite the "don't assign bugs to others without asking first" rule20:55
* Quintasan hands maco a Pointy Stick of Doom20:56
Quintasanmaco: poke apachelogger with it20:56
QuintasanUnfortunately shadeslayer lost the Mighty Stick of Poking Harlad somewhere20:57
* maco pokes apachelogger20:57
* apachelogger throws up20:57
shadeslayeroh there it is20:57
QuintasanIt works20:57
apacheloggerthe rule is there to make crazy people not do it20:57
apacheloggerthen again a rule aint gonna stop crazy people20:57
shadeslayerQuintasan: apachelogger ate the mighty stick of poking harald20:58
shadeslayerso no oe could poke it20:58
shadeslayer*one could poke him20:58
Quintasanshadeslayer: He couldn't have done it because I gave it to you20:58
shadeslayerQuintasan: he stole it from me20:58
QuintasanOr you are telling me you let him eat it?20:58
shadeslayerit kept it on yofel's server20:58
* Quintasan pulls a fish out of the water20:58
* Quintasan hits shadeslayer with it20:58
shadeslayerand he stole it from there20:58
shadeslayerQuintasan: you're hitting the fish with me? :P20:59
QuintasanI would go "Quintasan hits the fish with shadeslayer"20:59
* Quintasan crafts a new Stick of Poking Harlad21:00
QuintasanThis time I'll make it from mercury so apachelogger can't eat it21:00
QuintasanWhatever, it has to be something uneatable21:02
shadeslayeryou can eat cyanide, but then you die21:03
QuintasanSame thing with mercury21:03
shadeslayerdidn't know that you could die from mercury poisioning21:03
QuintasanIt is highly toxic21:04
apacheloggerrobots can eat everything21:05
apacheloggeryou are all out of the loop21:05
* yofel advises shadeslayer to invent a robot grinder for his server as additional protection21:05
QuintasanOh, robots get oil instead of beer21:05
apacheloggerwrong again21:06
QuintasanTherefore apachelogger has to be human and is prone to mercury intoxication21:06
apacheloggerkubotu: google futurama bender21:06
kubotuResults for futurama bender: 1. Bender (Futurama) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bender_(Futurama) | 2. Futurama: http://www.ilovebender.com/ | 3. Futurama: Bender's Game (Video 2008) - IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1054486/21:06
QuintasanBut that's a cartoon character21:07
apacheloggeryour hooked up with the matrix21:07
apacheloggeryou need to get out21:07
micahgISTR bender drinking alcohol as well21:08
Quintasanapachelogger: How do I login to linaro without a password?21:08
apacheloggerusing a password21:10
Quintasanand the password is?21:10
apacheloggerno password21:11
* Quintasan now wonders what is the board's ip21:11
Quintasanlinaro:linaro doesnt work21:13
Quintasanapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/8568721:25
QuintasanLooks like the expected output?21:25
Quintasanomfg alive21:27
shadeslayerQuintasan: "ITS ALIVE" eh? :P21:28
QuintasanThis Milestone sure does shitty photos21:32
* Quintasan runs aptitude and purges the damn xfce21:33
apacheloggerzeiss makes all the difference21:34
Quintasanexpect pics soon21:40
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
shadeslayerapachelogger: pokety poke22:01
Quintasanmeanwhile at ARM22:03
QuintasanUnpacking libqtgui4 (from .../libqtgui4_4%3a4.7.2-0ubuntu6.1_armel.deb) ...22:03
shadeslayerQuintasan: hmm, i'm still a bit undecided about something, want to have a look  at it?22:05
Quintasanif it has something to do with python then don't want to look at it22:05
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://h41112.www4.hp.com/promo/webos/us/en/tablets/touchpad.html << to_buy || !to_buy22:05
apacheloggerthe pyth0rn22:05
apacheloggerit shall eat you alive22:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: oi this is important22:05
apacheloggerand then expl0der22:06
Quintasan>16GB $499.9922:06
apacheloggerkubotu: google alligator python22:06
kubotuResults for alligator python: 1. Gator-guzzling python comes to messy end - Technology & science ...: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9600151/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/gator-guzzling-python-comes-messy-end/ | 2. Photo in the News: Python Bursts After Eating Gator (Update): http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/10/1006_051006_pythoneatsgator.html22:06
kubotu3. The Human Element: Giant Python Vs. Alligator: http://humanelement.blogspot.com/2007/04/giant-python-vs-alligator.html22:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: i found drivers for the touchpad, HP also provides patches22:06
QuintasanI would buy it if I had moneys22:06
apacheloggerI once had a patch22:06
shadeslayerwould it be possible to get these into Ubuntu and thus enable me to effectively boot ubuntu on this device?22:06
apacheloggeron me arrrr-m22:06
apacheloggercause I am no good at skateboardering22:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: what sort of question is that now?22:07
apacheloggerof course not22:07
apacheloggerthey need to go into their upstream projects22:07
shadeslayerwhat if upstream rejects them?22:08
apacheloggerthen you need to become a pirate and sail the seas in an everlasting quest for more rum22:09
* apachelogger could use some rum22:09
* claydoh could use some cash, then he'd by everyone some rum22:10
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah, i'm still thinking of whether to pre order or not22:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: should i press this pre order button?22:11
claydohshadeslayer: yes, then if you don't like it send ot to me :)22:12
shadeslayer^^ :P22:12
claydohlooks nice, tho22:12
claydohintegrstion with a pre phone sounds interesting22:13
shadeslayerclaydoh: supports Qt unofficially as well22:13
claydohif you have a pre phone22:13
shadeslayerclaydoh: nope, also, am getting this to run plasma active22:13
* claydoh may get and android phone for his birthday22:13
claydohthe features of the webos sound cool, tho22:14
* claydoh hates being a pauper22:14
shadeslayerclaydoh: android sucks at uptime22:15
shadeslayerso i end up rebooting my phone every 2-3 days22:15
claydohreally? my wife hasn't rebooted hers in like months22:16
apacheloggerphones are made for rebooting22:16
claydohexcept when she had to have it serviced22:16
shadeslayerclaydoh: dunno, i've rooted it and run custom ROM's ... HTC Sense was the shit22:16
apacheloggerwe have to keep in mind: shadeslayer likes ot break his phone22:16
shadeslayer^^ that too22:16
claydohso would I :)22:16
apacheloggerI once had a broken phone22:17
apacheloggerthen I started doing kubuntu mobile22:17
shadeslayerstill can't find a decent micro SD card22:17
apacheloggerever since I have a useless phone22:17
claydohshe hasn't even upgraded to froyo yet, doesn't see the need22:17
shadeslayerto run kubuntu on it22:17
apacheloggerrbelem: oh, btw, did you ever get around to install kubuntu mobile natively on the n900?22:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: like ever 2nd camera comes with class4?!?!?22:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: any ideas whats the difference between a KPageDialog and a KDialogAssistant22:18
rbelemapachelogger, not yet. i will use the same meego method22:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: mine is class 2 i think22:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: and its only 2 GB's22:18
apacheloggerI once had 2GB, windows used like 200, the rest was prn22:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: whats the status of GLES on KWin?22:27
shadeslayerdoes it work? (TM)22:27
=== apachelogger is now known as rohansgoogle
shadeslayer. . .22:29
rohansgoogle[1] prn22:30
rohansgoogle[2] horse prn22:30
rohansgoogle[3] kwin cool by martin22:30
rohansgoogle[4] viagra4free22:30
shadeslayerah wait .... didn't martin do a GLES branch?22:30
=== rohansgoogle is now known as apachelogger
claydohapachelogger: only 2gb prn?? how does one survive on that little?22:39
apachelogger200mb were consumed by the windows22:40

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