
sec_goatCan any one help me with the Broadcom BCM4318 driver? Not sure where / how to get i t01:04
sec_goattrying here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19017701:06
sec_goatbut /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist doesnt seem to exist01:06
diyttohow can i check what graphics card i have?01:22
szczurlspci | grep VGA01:45
szczurrun this in terminal01:46
* phillw good evening to the night shift :)02:07
phillwokies, seems like diytto only one still about....02:08
diyttoI just got a notification i was higlighted02:09
diyttoWhatd i miss02:09
phillwyou had a question regarding graphics card?02:09
diyttoYea i got it thiugh02:09
phillwgood, I'm just doing a quick look over before I head for bed :)02:09
=== Unit193_ is now known as Unit193
head_victimI did an 11.10 - 11.04 this afternoon on my ancient laptop, other than the 5 or more prompts that I had to respond to (was trying to let it do it's thing while I was working elsewhere in the house and had to keep coming back to check it) it was flawless. Nice work.08:34
=== ubot5` is now known as ubot5
pmatulishow do i configure multiple keyboard layouts?16:43
MK``pmatulis: Do you mean like US, Japanese layouts or individual key layouts17:31
pmatulisMK``: multiple.  i need both 'us' and 'ca fr'17:32
MK``Do you have a keyboard input methods setting?17:32
MK``"Keyboard Input Methods" in the software center if you do not17:33
pmatulisMK``: you have s/c installed on lubuntu?17:34
MK``I am using Ubuntu with gnome, not lubuntu right now. I do not know what default programs it has17:34
MK``test, てすと、테스트, 特色他 ㄔㄍㄋㄔ, yeah, this one works fine pmatulis. Should have no trouble if you get it installed.18:03
pmatulisMK``: which one?18:04
MK``"Keyboard Input Methods" in the software center18:04
MK``lets you switch between layouts with defined shortcuts18:04
pmatulisMK``: can you run it and then do a 'ps ax | grep key' or somesuch18:04
pmatulisMK``: i want to find the command so i can find the package18:05
pmatulisMK``: doesn't s/c give you the package name?18:05
MK``Oh, that18:05
MK``"ibus" is the package name.18:06
MK``and ibus-gtk for the gui18:06
MK``ç á isn't that about all you need for french? :P18:08
pmatuliswow, ibus is not a dependency of ibus-gtk18:09
aalkexHello, I was using Lubuntu 10.10 for a long time without problems, but now I decided to install 11.04, it crashes A LOT! it just goes POOF and I can see the login screen again. Sometimes I can reproduce it, sometimes I can't. any way to solve it? it was working ok before in 10.1018:45
bioterrorX crashes18:46
bioterrorif it gets you to LXDM18:46
bioterrorlook for xorg's logs18:46
aalkexfor example if I set Icon size to 24 pixels in lxpanel preferences it crashes18:46
aalkexwhere are these logs?18:46
aalkexsooo.. lets see..18:50
=== alex__ is now known as aalkex
aalkexso.. here I am18:53
MK``You cursed me aalkex. I just went to open a terminal with alt+f3, but accidentally hit fn+f3 and made my computer fall asleep18:55
alex__bioterror, now it did it without any reason... uhh... so I look at the log, nothing wrong there18:57
MK``alex__ are you on a laptop?18:58
MK``Segfault. Hm19:02
MK``"Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information."19:02
alex__I have two monitors, can it be a problem?19:02
alex__uhh, the fact that it was working OK makes me angry :O19:06
alex__this is how I configure monitors19:07
alex__xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1600x900 --right-of DVI-0 --primary19:07
alex__xrandr --output DVI-0 --mode 1440x900 --left-of VGA-019:07
MK``Only explicit error I can see there is [ 37565.987] (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)19:08
alex__sometimes this script fails throwing me to login screen...19:08
alex__apt-get install fglrx should fix it, right?19:09
MK``it's ok to declare VGA-0 to be right of DVI-i which hasn't been initiated yet, right? (No idea)19:09
MK``I don;t know19:09
alex__why it hasn't been initiated?19:09
alex__well, it was working in 10.1019:10
MK``I mean, you are saying it's to the right of DVI-0 before the DVI-0 line. Again, I do not know, may be nothing19:10
MK``May also want to try in #xorg19:10
alex__well, kk, thanks19:12
alex__I'll let you know if I will find something that will fix it19:12
MK``Upgrading to 11.04 gave me many issues as well. I'm on a laptop, and a kernel regression makes it use 40% more power19:14
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
ActionParsniphey guys21:20
ActionParsnipdoes anyoone know the command to run the "customize look and feel" like this: http://images.maketecheasier.com/2011/02/lubuntu-install-icon-theme.png21:20
ActionParsnipnm got it, lxappearence21:21
sec_goatcan some one help with my broadcom bcm4318 wireless card? tried  afew things nothing seems to work23:30
sec_goattrying this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190177 but cannot seem to install ndiswrapper-utils23:30
sec_goatinstalled some b43xx from the synaptic package manager, that didn't work23:31
sec_goatalso tried this one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1747147 and that didn;t work either23:32

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