
=== slicer_ is now known as slicer
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brianthelionI'd love some eyes on my bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nfs-utils/+bug/79411204:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 794112 in ubuntu (and 2 other projects) "Kerberos + LDAP + NFSv4 on Natty - Unable to recover unattended client (affects: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,New]04:46
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benonsoftwareQuestion: I know wht to do when to truage bugs but I can not select it in the menu.08:28
benonsoftwareQuestion: I know wht to do when to truage bugs but I can not select it in the menu09:34
jibelbenonsoftware, members of bugcontrol are allowed to do this. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl09:36
benonsoftwarejibel, On the wiki it says for no 5 to sign up Please list five or more bug reports which you have triaged and include an explanation of your decisions. How do we triage if we are not on the bug control group?09:38
jibelbenonsoftware, 'you have triaged' doesn't necessarily mean set to triaged. Changing the status to confirmed or any other status with a clear explanation of why is triaging as well.09:41
benonsoftwareOh sorry. It doesn't really make sence on the wiki09:42
jibelbenonsoftware, no worries, that is not the first time someone ask about it, so the wiki needs to explain the difference between 'triaged' - the status - and 'triaging' - the activity -09:47
benonsoftwareAny one have any bugs that needs fixing besides #1? :)10:29
benonsoftwareAny bugs regarding Ubuntu10:34
benonsoftwareAny one have any bugs that needs fixing besides #1? :)10:55
benonsoftwareAny one have any bugs that needs fixing besides #1? :)11:01
jtaylorpick one: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs11:04
benonsoftwareThere are too many Wich one to choose?11:06
lifelessbenonsoftware: please don't change the status of old closed bugs11:18
benonsoftwareI won't11:18
lifelessbenonsoftware: thank you. I mentioned that because you had.11:19
benonsoftwareSorry but what one?11:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 100000 in launchpad "There are still too many bug reports (affects: 2) (heat: 17)" [Undecided,Opinion]11:21
benonsoftwareAhh sorry. :(11:22
jibelpedro_, Is there a catch all package for gnome for bugs like bug 799537 ? I think it's more a feature than a bug.13:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 799537 in gnome-common (Ubuntu) "Mouse pointer dissapearing, and reappears on mouse move (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79953713:25
seb128jibel, no, not selecting a source is what you should do when you don't know where the bug should go13:26
seb128jibel, well "you" being the submitter13:27
seb128jibel, there is "unclutter" which does what the title describe for example13:27
seb128jibel, the behaviour in i.e gedit is because gtk text widgets hide the cursous on key press to avoid distraction when typing13:28
seb128jibel, it's a gtk feature13:28
cyphermoxbdmurray: ping?13:30
jibelseb128, and a nice feature, but the other part of the report is odd "It also happens when a program like update manager, or even the bug reporter is working, it dissapears even if it is not in the programs window"13:31
seb128jibel, well, could be that the user installed "unclutter"13:32
seb128jibel, which is a service hidding the cursor after some seconds13:32
seb128jibel, otherwise dunno, but seems rather an xorg issue than a GNOME one13:32
hggdhseb128: I am starting to think bug 795737 is resolved, I have had no lightDM crashes so far (and salut :-)13:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 795737 in evergreen "search scoped to OU can be slower in staff client than OPAC (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79573713:48
hggdhugh, worng bug13:49
hggdh* applications fail gracefully13:49
hggdh* applications fail gracefully13:49
* hggdh gives up13:49
seb128hey hggdh, ok, feel free to close it then ;-)13:49
seb128the new version might have fixed some issues13:49
hggdhwill close13:50
pedro_lol at bug 79970813:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 799708 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "greek philosopher on screen (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79970813:50
seb128hey pedro_, lol indeed! :-)13:52
pedro_salut seb128 :-)13:52
pedro_what a great imagination to compare the trash icon with Pythagoras haha13:52
cyphermoxbdmurray: I think I found out what was wrong with your wireless; I updated the bug.14:25
bdmurraycyphermox: that line was there but removing it did not fix the issue15:25
bdmurraycyphermox: additionally fwiw I went into edit connections in nm-applet - deleted the one for javelin7 and added it again and auth-alg was added15:26
cyphermoxI just did try it too but I don't get that option added15:26
brianthelionWho likes complicated security scenarios?15:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 794112 in ubuntu (and 2 other projects) "Kerberos + LDAP + NFSv4 on Natty - Unable to recover unattended client (affects: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,New]15:28
cyphermoxbdmurray: is it wpa, wpa2, wep, or wpa enterprise?15:29
bdmurraycyphermox: wpa215:29
jtaylorcan someone check this bug and reopen it: bug 56306015:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 563060 in zope.interface (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "pkg_resources.require() throws a DistributionNotFound exception if python-setuptools is not installed (affects: 4) (heat: 26)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56306015:39
jtaylorinstructions in last comment15:39
brendandpretty bad security bug15:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 800172 in xorg (Suse) (and 3 other projects) "Application keylogger vulunerability in Xserver (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New]15:39
brendandhow do you set it as one (reporter hasn't)15:40
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bdmurraycyphermox: what reads the systems-connections?  http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManagerConfigurationSpecification seems to indicate auth-alg should maybe be shared15:48
cyphermoxthere's code in NM that reads it... and yeah, I see it should probably correctly be "OPEN", but ignored... and it clearly isn't in your case15:50
cyphermox(it's also old documentation)15:50
bdmurraybrendand: click the 'this report is public' thingy top right15:50
cyphermoxbdmurray: could you attach your file from system-connections after blanking the password?15:52
bdmurraycyphermox: added16:00
cyphermoxbdmurray: thx16:22
cyphermoxbdmurray: indeed even if I add it here it's not reacting differently; it just works fine16:22
bdmurraywould setting up a connection in /etc/network/interfaces exercise the stack differently?16:25
cyphermoxbdmurray: I was about to suggest16:25
cyphermoxI see it was already set up before16:25
cyphermoxit will at least clarify it's not an issue with NM, and more likely with wpasupplicant or the driver16:25
cyphermoxyou'll want to uncomment the stuff in /e/n/i then sudo restart network-manager to make sure the interface isn't managed16:26
bdmurraycyphermox: and I just need wpa-ssid and wpa-psk in /e/n/i ?16:32
cyphermoxyes I think that's sufficient16:32
bdmurrayokay I get the same error message then16:32
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bil21alcan any body tell me what is compiz what is this is this a branch or else??19:52
Picibil21al: I'm not sure I understand your question.19:58
bil21alpici; ok i have lots of  question cn i ask u19:59
Picibil21al: Just ask here, if someone knows the answer, they will respond.19:59
bil21alwhen should we change the status of bug to confirm to triage? what was the bug situation??can any body  help me in this case?20:00
bil21alno one knows its ok20:09
micahg!patience | bil21al20:09
ubot4bil21al: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:09
ansgarbil21al: You might be looking for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status20:10
bil21alansgar: thank you20:11
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bdrungkamusin: thanks for making vlc bugs public.21:50
kamusinbdrung, heh there are tons of them in other applications21:52

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