
SpamapSanybody have a good guide for using lxc with libvirt?00:30
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koolhead11hi kim016:11
kim0koolhead11: hey :)16:11
kim0koolhead11: very well .. how about yourself16:12
koolhead11all well thanks!!16:12
koolhead11did you posted the new blog?16:13
kim0koolhead11: which one16:17
* kim0 brb in 5 mins16:17
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SpamapSsmoser: On natty, can I use cloud-init with a local file for the metadata?19:32
SpamapSsmoser: awesome thanks..............................19:41
SpamapSsmoser: so, dump the data into /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud  ?19:43
smoserthe current trunk doc is right.19:43
smoser'nocloud-net' rather than 'nocloud' will guarantee that network is up.19:44
smoseryou care about that if you do any boothooks19:44
Kyle__Has anyone here installed images from http://uec-images.ubuntu.com on your UEC cloud?19:51
Kyle__I ask because each time I try to run one, they don't start.20:09
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obinoKyle__: did you manage to start other images? is this a problem only with images form the URL you sent?20:56
Kyle__obino: Only with the images from that site.  The ones I download from links the extras page all work.20:58
obinothey stay pending?20:59
obinothe ones that doesn't work I mean :)20:59
Kyle__The ones that don't work are all from that site, yes.21:00
obinowhich kernel/initrd are you using?21:02
Kyle__The ones bundled with those images.21:02
obinoor do you see any error in nc.log?21:02
obinonc.log may contains some errors21:03
Kyle__Opening it back up, didn't see any errors last time.21:03
obinoif not, one option would be to try to start them by hand21:03
obinoif there is no error, eucalyptus (uec) handled the image to libvirt to start it21:03
obinoyou can look at /var/log/libvirt for logs about it21:04
Kyle__How would you do that (I have a way I've tried, but don't want to color your thoughts with a prehaps bad way I've been trying to use).21:04
obinoor you can try to run it by hand to check what the proble it21:04
obinoin eucalyptus.conf on the NC there is an option to have MANUAL_CLEANUP21:04
obinoset it, and restart the NC21:04
Kyle__MANUAL_CLEANUP?  WHat will that do?21:04
obinoafter that the failed instance files will be left behind21:04
obinoyou will see them in $INSTANCE_PATH21:05
obinosearch for a directory with the name of your instance id21:05
obinoinside you will have everything you need to start it with virsh21:05
Kyle__Cool.  Thank you.21:05
obinoyou will need to modify the *xml file21:05
Kyle__It needs virsh, not just kvm/qemu-kvm?21:05
obinonetwork will not work as is for example21:06
obinoand the paths may be different21:06
obinovirsh (libvirt) will call kvm/qemu the same way eucalyptus does21:06
Kyle__Hum.  In nc.log I see walrus_request(): due to error, removing /var/lib/eucalyptus/instances//admin/i-48C707B9/kernel21:06
Kyle__error: failed to download or prepare into /var/lib/eucalyptus/instances//admin/i-48C707B9/kernel21:06
Kyle__Failed to prepare images for instance i-48C707B9 (error=1)21:06
obinook, then you don't even get the files on the NC21:07
obinodo you happen to donwloads the admin credentials multiple times?21:07
Kyle__Err I think I've done it more than once... why?21:08
obinothere is known issue about that21:10
Kyle__So.... what can be done?21:10
obinoyou should use only the last one downloaded to bundle the image21:11
obinothe bundling will encrypt the image with the cert21:11
obinoyou should use the last one downloaded to do that21:12

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