
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
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pittiGood morning05:31
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didrocksgood morning07:46
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dholbachgood morning08:00
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smb@pilot in08:19
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: smb
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tkamppeterpitti, hi10:24
pittihello tkamppeter10:24
tkamppeterpitti, my single-sign-on (OpenID AFAIK) does not work any more on wiki.ubuntu.com.10:25
pittitkamppeter: do you get wiki timeouts?10:26
pittiI got plagued by them as well since the recent wiki update; I just kept trying until it worked10:26
pittii. e. log in twice, then wait a minute, and press reload10:26
pittithen it suddenly worked10:26
tkamppeterpitti, yes, after a certain time delay (some minutes) I get 502 Proxy Error.10:26
tkamppeterOn FF and Chromium.10:26
tkamppeterpitti, reload gives: "OpenID error: Nonce already used or out of range."10:29
pittitkamppeter: can you please ask in #canonical-sysadmin ?10:30
pittithere's nothing I can do about the wiki, I'm afraid10:30
tkamppeterpitti, thanks, I have posted the problem on that channel now.10:33
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zygamvo, ping12:21
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mvohey zyga13:21
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zygamvo, hey13:23
zygamvo, is python-apt a native thing or is it pure python13:24
zygamvo, or actually -- is there a chance to get python-apt up on pypi?13:24
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mvozyga: its mostly a wrapper around the c++ libapt stuff, so not native13:28
jamespagedoko: around? I have a query re a change in openjdk-6 6b2313:30
zygamvo, is it still "normal" setup.py + friends?13:30
mvozyga: yes13:31
mvozyga: but it needs libapt-pkg-dev to build13:31
zygamvo, do you think it would be possible to publish python-apt on pypi13:32
zygamvo, this way one could use virtualenv with --no-site-packages to get it13:32
zygamvo, and still having libapt-pkg-dev installed locally they would build it fine13:32
mvozyga: I don't have experience with pypi, but if its possible, sure, why not13:40
mvozyga: I will ask bary for advice once he is online13:40
nigelb7/w 2713:49
Ursinhanigelb: irssi? :P13:49
zygamvo, thanks13:53
seb128!pilot in14:01
seb128@pilot in14:02
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: smb, seb128
seb128(catching up the round I missed yesterday)14:02
ogasawara@pilot in14:02
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara, smb, seb128
seb128slangasek, since you assigned bug #742017 to yourself should I unsubscribe the sponsors? (i.e will you handle it)?14:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 742017 in popularity-contest (Ubuntu) ""readline() on closed filehandle FILES" warnings caused by multiarch" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74201714:06
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nigelbUrsinha: Yes :-)14:10
cjwatsonpitti: language-pack-kok{,-base} is missing from the archive and causing build failures (language-pack-gnome-kok{,-base} is there)14:14
pitticjwatson: lokoing14:15
pitti"looking" too14:15
pittihm, they shoudn't even exist14:21
tumbleweedcan an ubuntu-branches member please mark these merged: https://code.launchpad.net/~marcelstimberg/ubuntu/natty/epdfview/fix-for-783109/+merge/61794 https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/ubuntu/natty/oss4/fix-746048/+merge/6494514:32
cjwatsontumbleweed: done14:34
pitticjwatson: ah, I found the bug in langpack-o-matic, fixed; I removed these two empty -kok packages14:34
cjwatsonpitti: great, thanks14:35
pittifunny corner case14:35
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loolpitti: I don't know what causes it, but I really have trouble booting nowadays; I can only boot when going back to 2.6.38-8-generic, the 3.0 kernels have a too racy boot; I get various types of boot failures14:57
loolsometimes I get errors about not being able to rnu dmsetup, sometimes I get the /home couldn't be mounted screen "Keep waiting etc.", if I skip I get lightdm but can't move the mouse or type with the keyboard (not even switching ttys)14:58
ogra_can you ssh ?14:59
ogra_we have a weird error on omap where the whole usb stack stops working in 3.0 if compiled with the current toolchain15:00
looldidn't try, but probably as the system is running: if I trigger a reboot before pressing skip, it will actually reboot -- or if I press the power button15:00
loologra_: that's known, isn't it?15:00
loologra_: let me hand you the patch15:00
ogra_but your symptoms sound so similar15:00
loolno, the omap issue only affects the OMAP USB stack, nothing else15:00
ogra_nah, hand it to ppisati rather :)15:01
loolthis is on a thinkpad, I don't think keyboard and mouse are on USB; plus the build issue is specific to an OMAP struct15:01
ogra_i dont know much about the bug, just that it only shows up with the recent toolchain15:02
geserI get the race with mounting my lvm volumes in oneiric too. I get better a success rate when booting without "quiet splash".15:02
loologra_: workaround http://paste.debian.net/120560/15:03
ogra_lool, ah, i saw that one, doesnt work15:04
ogra_paolo already tired that15:04
smb@pilot out15:07
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara, seb128
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bdrungcjwatson: when will be new packages synced from debian. it's in debian for three days.15:39
seb128cjwatson, should the sponsors be subscribed to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/60433515:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 604335 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub-pc.postinst script fails to detect virtio vda disk in KVM guest" [High,Triaged]15:39
cjwatsonbdrung: which package do you care about?15:40
seb128cjwatson, or is that something you will deal with when you have time rather?15:40
cjwatsonseb128: I'll deal with it when I have time; best not to be dealt with by general sponsorship IMO15:40
bdrungcjwatson: packaging-dev15:41
seb128cjwatson, ok thanks, that's what I was thinking, unsubcribing the sponsors then ;-)15:41
cjwatsonbdrung: I literally *just* synced that15:41
bdrungcjwatson: :) thanks15:41
salty-horseany chance of natty getting this simple fix for a gdb segfault ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdb/+bug/69181415:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 691814 in gdb (Ubuntu) "gdb crashed with SIGSEGV in response to strace command with no arguments" [Medium,Confirmed]15:45
seb128does anybody has any clue about libevent or an opinion on bug #79618715:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 796187 in libevent (Ubuntu) "Sync libevent 2.0.10-stable-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79618715:46
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seb128the version is still in debian experimental but is needed by some softwares (fedora did the update for f15 it seems)15:48
davmor2hey guys is the delay for the touchpad disable while typing adjustable?  It's taking 2 or 3 seconds to react once I stop typing in oneiric15:58
Ampelbeinseb128: re bug 765915, I updated the merge proposal and added a comment. Could you review the patch again?16:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 765915 in libqtbamf (Ubuntu Oneiric) "libqtbamf version 0.2-0ubuntu2 failed to build on i386" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76591516:17
mr_pouitcjwatson: hey, I've again another weird issue with xubuntu daily builds for you (sorry ;-). There's no ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu in the current daily builds (yet it is in live seed, and apparently recognized by germinate). Ubiquity-slideshow-*edubuntu* is selected and shipped instead...16:17
seb128Ampelbein, thanks16:18
seb128Ampelbein, about the optional symbols my guess was that somebody marked them optional for a reason so I would like to understand why if we drop them16:18
seb128Ampelbein, like it's already weird that symbols are different when building on natty and oneiric16:18
Ampelbeinseb128: maybe the switch from gcc4.5 to 4.6? I've seen that a few times symbols differ between natty and oneiric.16:19
Ampelbeinseb128: I think I can agree on the optional symbols comment. There's no harm in having them, I just thought it would be best-practice to have them removed.16:21
seb128Ampelbein, well, it might be fine, I will just let somebody with a better understanding of that package decide on why they were marked optional rather than dropped to start ;-)16:22
pittilool: is the booting trouble on arm or x86? haven't had a boot failure in months16:24
hallynmvo: could you take a quick look at bug 800209?  It seems similar to bug 455861 in debconf...16:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 800209 in libcap2 (Ubuntu) "package libcap2-bin 1:2.20-1 failed to install/upgrade: error writing to '<standard output>': No such file or directory" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80020916:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455861 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu Lucid) "Possible race in debconf socket forwarding" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45586116:46
mvothanks hallyn that looks indeed like it, might be that aptdaemon crashed  too or got killed16:52
hallynmvo: cool, thanks for looking17:05
cjwatsonmr_pouit: hmph :-)17:17
cjwatsonmr_pouit: that's really rather bizarre17:18
cjwatsonmr_pouit: that's freaky.  have you tried reproducing it locally?17:20
cjwatsonthis business of removing .pyc files from the squashfs is good at finding obscure bugs in packages17:20
didrockscjwatson: you mean, packages shipping them?17:21
didrockshum, that's… interesting :)17:21
* dholbach hugs barry17:21
cjwatsonspecifically it catches cases where packages run dh_python2 or whatever in the wrong place and thus lose the generated maintainer scripts17:21
barrydholbach: we even got our first participant on #ubuntu-pyjam :)17:21
cjwatsone.g. python-appindicator (I'm fixing it now)17:22
dholbachbarry, NICE17:22
dholbachbarry, I'll blog about it in a bit17:22
barryLaney: that's the only appropriate outerwear for the jam session17:22
mr_pouitcjwatson: no, not yet (I'm not on my system, so I only browsed through several live build & germinate logs in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/)17:23
seb128james_w, hi, could you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~alexandru.cucu/ubuntu/natty/whois/fix-for-785052/+merge/64172 as merged?17:25
pittiseb128, james_w: ^ done17:25
seb128pitti, oh you can do that? thanks ;-)17:25
pittiI wonder why you can't17:26
pittiprobably because TB owns UDD owns those merges or so17:26
seb128likely something like that17:26
Laneyit's ~ubuntu-branches membership17:26
seb128I can set as merged those for which I've upload rights to17:26
seb128but natty is stable so I can't for those17:26
seb128I think17:26
bdmurrayseb128: could you look at sponsoring the debdiff in bug 797894?17:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 797894 in update-manager (Ubuntu Natty) "update-manager bug reports would benefit from an apport-hook" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79789417:28
seb128bdmurray, why do you need to do17:30
seb128+    report['GconfUpdateManager'] = command_output(['gconftool-2', '-R',17:30
seb128+        '/apps/update-manager'])17:30
seb128if you use17:30
seb128+    attach_gconf(report, 'update-manager')17:30
bdmurrayattach_gconf only shows the non-default values while command_output shows both17:31
seb128why are the default values useful?17:32
bdrungbarry: do you have a todo list for the dh_python2 transition?17:32
seb128we usually want to see what is non standard?17:32
bdmurrayHow would someone easily find the default values?17:32
seb128bdmurray, why do they matter? they could be as well variable in the source17:34
seb128bdmurray, what is useful on bugs is usually what users tweaked to be non standard, we know what is the standard behaviour17:35
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seb128well it's mvo's software so I will let him decide what he finds useful in bugs ;-)17:35
cjwatsonmr_pouit: test-building locally now, will take a while17:37
mr_pouitcjwatson: I checked some old build logs, and the latest build containing ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu is from June 13 (incidentally, just before the switch to live-build). After that, -edubuntu is selected instead (I don't know why we didn't notice that earlier)17:38
charlie-tcamr_pouit: attaching the logs to the bug from today17:38
cjwatsonmr_pouit: ... oh, it's because I'm an idiot17:38
cjwatson        xubuntu)17:38
cjwatson                add_task live edubuntu-live17:38
cjwatsoncharlie-tca: what's the bug#?17:39
charlie-tcaIt was xubuntu slideshow for alpha117:39
charlie-tcabug 80021117:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 800211 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu desktop installation shows edubuntu slideshow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80021117:39
cjwatsonyeah, alpha-1 predated live-build17:39
cjwatsonthanks, I'll take that17:39
bdmurrayseb128: I can see what you are saying and I'll watch to see if the default gconf information really is useful.  It might be worthwhile to remove it.17:40
loolpitti: it's on x8617:40
mr_pouithuhu, this explains the issue ;-)17:40
charlie-tcaI will throw all the logs into it17:40
loolpitti: on a thinkpad with LVM root and home17:40
seb128bdmurray, thanks, the reason I prefer not having it personally is to avoid having useful informations in the middle of the noise, we should limit what we list to what is useful17:40
cjwatsoncharlie-tca: no need17:41
charlie-tcaOkay, I won't.17:41
bdmurrayseb128: and I honestly don't know how to find the default gconf values for an application (regardless of whether or not that is useful)17:41
cjwatsonfixed for tomorrow's builds17:42
=== jj-afk is now known as jjohansen
seb128bdmurray, why would the default gconf values be useful? do you try to get the default value of the code variables?17:46
seb128bdmurray, software variable defaults are not really useful to debug usually, the code writer know those, what is useful is what is non standard17:47
pittiyes, in general it's better to only include "unexpected" information, as then it's a lot easier to read and spot17:49
bdmurrayokay that makes sense17:50
apwpitti, do you use editmoin? and if so is it still working for you17:50
bdmurrayapw: I think you need to update your cookie in your moin_ids file17:51
bambeeEvening, I've two bug fixes for language-selector (KDE frontend), Can I propose a merge directly (including a description)? or I need to report a bug ?17:51
pittiapw: no, unfortunately it broke with the recent wiki upgrade :(17:51
pittiapw: I haven't found a way to make it work again, the new wiki doesn't set the cookie any more17:51
pittiapw: it sets _a_ cookie, but that doesn't work with editmoin17:51
apwphththt, thats very annoying17:52
seb128sbeattie, hi, could you unsubscribe the ubuntu-security-sponsor from bug #783508 ?17:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 783508 in nginx (Ubuntu) "nginx package in Lucid Lynx allows null byte vulnerability in certain configurations" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78350817:53
seb128sbeattie, so it drops from the sponsoring list ;-)17:53
sbeattieseb128: sure, though it should be getting auto-closed soon.18:00
seb128sbeattie, ok, thanks18:00
seb128sbeattie, I forgot it was a security upload, I was thinking normal SRU with the bug staying on fix commited for a week while it's in proposed ;-)18:00
seb128@pilot out18:08
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara
* dholbach hugs seb12818:09
seb128dholbach, ;-) hug!18:14
Ampelbeinhi there, is there an archive admin available to push gnustep-gui through binary new? thanks.18:33
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RoAkSoAxhey guys, two upstreams have merged their code of two different projects into one single project. That has left us with a new package in Oneiric (resource-agents). Thjis package replaces the package cluster-agents and some of the bits installed with redhat-cluster (part of both cman and rgmanager). This new pakcage (resource-agents) is not yet in Debian, but will be soon. However, I'll be filing a MIR for resource-agents so I was wondering if it 20:48
slangasekRoAkSoAx: you truncated at "I was wondering if it"20:50
RoAkSoAxI was wondering if it would make sense to request a removal of cluster-agents (even though it will not be removed from20:50
RoAkSoAxDebian anytime soon) or should I just request a demotion20:50
slangasekby "request a demotion" you mean "get the package unseeded"?20:51
RoAkSoAxslangasek: yeah a demotion from main to universe, and replace all those depends on cluster-agents for resource-agents20:51
slangasekarchive admins don't demote packages except when the components-mismatches page tells us we can... so just do the replacement of the depends and the archive state will take care of itself20:52
RoAkSoAxslangasek: cool. Thanks!20:53
slangasekdoes resource-agents really need an MIR, given that both cluster-agents and redhat-cluster are in main?20:53
slangaseka stub bug saying "resource-agents is the software formerly known as prince" is probably sufficient20:53
RoAkSoAxslangasek: not really, it basically hsa the same as what's in cluster-agents plus some pieces of redhat-cluster, plus a couple of new scripts/manpages20:54
slangasekhmm, are we getting rid of c-a and r-c *both* this cycle, or only c-a?20:54
RoAkSoAxslangasek: only c-a20:55
slangasekok... I guess you should file an MIR then, the MIR team might care about having two copies of the r-c source around :)20:55
RoAkSoAxslangasek: ok cool.. cause in redhat-cluster I'm just dropping the installation of such files20:56
RoAkSoAxslangasek: but anywayas, thanks for the tips20:56
ogasawara@pilot out21:43
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
broderdo the Release/Sources/Packages/etc. files in the archive end up in LP anywhere?22:04
broderor are they generated entirely externally?22:04
jelmerbroder, they're generated from the database but not stored in the database22:06
broderso there's no archive of them anywhere?22:06
jelmerbroder: there isn't a as-is copy of them in Launchpad itself, though all the data should be present to reconstruct what was in an archive at a given time22:08
broderjelmer: sure, but i can't reconstruct the signatures :)22:09
jelmerbroder: there might also be external copies/backups of them, outside of Launchpad22:09
* broder nods22:09
broderunfortunately, "ubuntu", "archive", "backup", and "snapshot" are all sufficiently generic that they're really hard to google for22:13
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emOh hi22:45
jcrigbycjwatson, ping?23:20
cjwatsonjcrigby: it's bedtime here, please leave a message23:24
jcrigbycjwatson, ok23:24
micahgjcrigby: re e-mail to devel-permissions> do you remember who was chairing that meeting?  I would suggest asking that person to e-mail the tech board on your behalf to make it happen23:46
jcrigbymicahg, thanks, I'll do that23:46
jcrigbypersia, ping?23:48

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