
SpamapSwow.. sitting here thinking I might be able to hack out some kind of LXC provider. Everything is twisted around twisted. :-P00:51
m_3SpamapS: you can test out an LXC ensemble entirely within a KVM vm.. <grin>00:59
m_3SpamapS: ssounds fun man01:00
SpamapSm_3: just trying to wrap my head around how to make "deferred" objects for commands that will run locally is kind of weird. I wish it was more straightforward. :p01:09
* SpamapS prefers threads and locking to event based and non-blocking. :p01:09
hazmatSpamapS, coroutines ftw01:11
SpamapShazmat: indeed :)01:11
hazmatevent based isn't the problem per se.. callback oriented programming is not fun01:12
SpamapSIt can be.. gearman makes it pretty simple.. but thats because you say "when told to do X, run function Y".. same with libevent ..01:12
hazmatSpamapS, what are you looking into?01:12
SpamapStwisted seems to take it 2 or 3 steps further. :-P01:12
hazmatSpamapS, yeah... ruby 1.9 fibers with libevent are nice01:12
SpamapShazmat: I'm tired of whining about having LXC .. i want to JFDI01:12
hazmatSpamapS, awesome! ;-) how's it going so far?01:13
SpamapShazmat: mostly just renaming stuff.. the spots that reference txaws .. I need an equivilent for lxc basically01:13
m_3SpamapS: libvirt in-between or not?01:13
hazmatSpamapS, yeah.. the dummy provider is probably your best starting point01:14
SpamapSI'd love to use libvirt but at this point I'm not really very well versed in working with virsh or libvirt.. whereas I know all the steps involved for direct LXC containers.01:14
SpamapShazmat: I hadn't thought of that.. I'll take another stab later tonight w/ the dummy provider.. the EC2 one has so much .. ec2-ness.. ;)01:14
SpamapSSome things that EC2 wraps in an API call we'll have to emulate.. like generating Ids and allocating storage.. but thats not really all that difficult given that the target is just the local machine.01:15
hazmatSpamapS, ic some benefits of libvirt on the desktop.. but mainly that its already got the networking work setup.01:15
SpamapShazmat: lxc has the networking stuff done too01:15
SpamapSthere are basically 3 steps.. pick bridged or not.. lxc-create to create your container image.. lxc-start to boot it.01:17
hazmatSpamapS, it still requires some manual setup of dnsmasq vs. libvirt01:17
SpamapShazmat: if you've setup libvirt once, it "just works" magically. :)01:17
SpamapSits kind of cheating..01:17
hazmatSpamapS, anyways.. libvirt definitely has a lot more moving parts, if you want to go straight lxc, that rocks as well01:18
SpamapShazmat: so I guess lxc doesn't have it directly worked out.. but 'Depends: libvirt-bin' is kind of all you need.01:18
SpamapShazmat: would love to do it w/ libvirt .. gains a lot of ability to have kvm and qemu01:19
SpamapSanyway, I'll keep pounding on it. :-P01:19
hazmatSpamapS, indeed.. that would be nice with orchestra01:19
hazmatSpamapS, cool.. if you got any questions i'll be around01:19
m_3SpamapS: libvirt would rock... either way would be great though!01:20
SpamapShazmat: sweet. :)01:20
SpamapSYeah I'm just kind of tired of waiting on the 1s latency for every command (even w/ open-tunnel) chatting with Amazon.01:20
SpamapSand not spending $1.25/formula change to run all my tests would be good too. :)01:20
* SpamapS disappears01:21
hazmat__ SpamapS out of curiosity outside of the current dir for hooks, are there any other things you think need working on in the formula dev cycle? leader election perhaps? or..?04:20
kim0morning everyone08:28
kim0hazmat__: hmm .. I cannot connect to a bootstrap node .. getting → ERROR Can't yet connect to started machine: Invalid SSH key13:34
kim0was this part of the code changed recently ?13:34
hazmat__kim0: no its the same13:50
hazmat__kim0: its possible cloud-init hasn13:51
kim0hazmat__: yeah .. I viewed the key ssh inserts and it's not mine13:51
hazmat__dropped the ssh key yet13:51
kim0any idea where that key comes from13:51
hazmat__kim0: odd.. its sniffed from your home directory ~/.ssh else its pulled from an explicit path or content specified in environments.yaml13:51
SpamapSso, have we all seen this yet? http://www.livestream.com/oreillyconfs/video?clipId=pla_ae0330db-596b-4b7d-ad28-ccd6ec230b7d&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb17:06
SpamapSIt appears to me that cast isn't really all that similar to ensemble in its design, and limits its focus to "deployment" instead of "service orchestration"17:13
SpamapSstill, we need to start giving these exact kind of lightning talks17:13
m_3SpamapS: agree17:14
hazmat__SpamapS: interesting, haven't seen it yet, thanks for the pointer17:15
SpamapSone slide.. they want it to be a 'zookeeper-lite'17:15
kim0is zk-lite the so called noah .. 17:27
=== koolhead11 is now known as koolhead11|afk
SpamapSSo, I'm thinking of importing all of the non-ubuntu formulas into principia, but separating them out using a file in principia-tools.. one for "contrib" and one for "principia" .. contrib being formulas that make use of software not in the formula and/or ubuntu itself.17:39
SpamapSAnybody have thoughts? (I'll send this to the ML too)17:40
kim0+1 for raising visibility .. yesternight I was contemplating formulizing bigcouch .. and was discouraged since it wasn't packaged either duh17:41
m_3+1 shows examples of how formulas will be actually used in the wild17:41
SpamapSkim0: well.. there are .. I dunno.. 1000 things already in the archive that you could write formulas for...17:42
SpamapSIts intriguing that people are submitting more formulas for stuff not in Ubuntu than stuff in Ubuntu.17:43
m_3SpamapS: some of that's laziness too... less constrained... less debconf17:44
sidneiwas about to say that17:44
m_3path of least resistance17:44
SpamapSThe constraints are there to protect users though.17:45
m_3it's important we put out as many as we can off the packages... to show how17:45
m_3and, most importantly, for them to clone / cut-paste17:45
SpamapSAnd truthfully.. packaging makes it easier to write a formula. :)17:46
m_3SpamapS: so contrib's critical, but we should always prefer packages when possible17:46
m_3SpamapS: harder maintainer's job17:46
SpamapSWell I'm not so sure what we prefer will matter all that much..17:46
m_3SpamapS: ha17:46
m_3SpamapS: yes17:46
SpamapSThis is a non issue for Ubuntu.. they don't offer anything that can't be in the archive.17:47
m_3SpamapS: easy to find (search) examples that can be forked17:47
SpamapSBut this is sort of like the flash installer..17:47
SpamapSIts a formula tha downloads what you want.17:47
SpamapSI wonder.. maybe we should make it a policy that if you download the software from somewhere else, you must be able to cryptographically verify it.17:48
m_3SpamapS: oooh, hotbutton analogy17:48
SpamapSLike, we'll be signing formulas.. so drop the accepted key in there, and gpg --verify the tarball.17:48
m_3wow, that's pretty limiting17:49
m_3as a user, I'd wanna pull from my repo... crypto be damned17:50
SpamapSI'm talking only about principia17:50
SpamapSas a user, write a formula that rm -rf's /17:50
SpamapSI don't care17:50
m_3SpamapS: oh, right... sorry17:50
SpamapSBut for distributing to others..17:51
SpamapSI'm suggesting that we should hav a social contract, like Debian and Ubuntu, that tells users what they can expect from the default ensemble formula namespaces.17:51
m_3SpamapS: is it too much of a hassle to implement later?17:54
m_3SpamapS: i.e., anything goes for now while we're getting the word out?17:54
SpamapSAnything goes, until somebody's database winds up in a russian hacker's hands. ;)17:55
m_3SpamapS: although trust/integrity is important... don't have an answer17:55
m_3SpamapS: right17:55
SpamapSThis isn't that hard.17:55
SpamapSIts not like we're asking everybody to have two signatures from our keyring.17:55
m_3SpamapS: worth trying... see what it does to constraints in contrib17:55
SpamapSJust verify the tarball.17:56
SpamapSHonestly if its not verifiable.. then its not suitable for common distribution.17:56
SpamapSWe can make some tools for making it easy too.17:56
_mup_ensemble/expose-ec2-provider r260 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:57
_mup_Initial commit17:57
SpamapSOf course.. I tend to call those tools.. dpkg and debhelper.. ;)17:57
m_3SpamapS: yup17:57
m_3SpamapS: there are plans for an open formula exchange?17:58
SpamapSm_3: yes, it should end up working just like PPA's18:10
_mup_txzookeeper/session-event-handling r48 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com18:20
_mup_add a test for expired session events, address some review comments [1-3]18:20
=== daker is now known as daker_
kim0niemeyer: SpamapS hazmat jimbaker .. I'm starting to push Ensemble outside our usual circle of readers, by getting the word out through guest articles on other high traffic sites. Infoq.com have sent me a preliminary approval, so I'm starting with them. Here is the very crude article I have today (stealing great content from SpamapS :) http://j.mp/lVUEuZ .. It's crude at the moment (just done writing it) .. but your feedback (direct edits or comment18:46
kim0Also it might be a good idea to add a section about Ensemble's software architecture ... if any of the devs is interested in adding that part18:47
kim0v0ld3m0rt: hi there18:47
kim0v0ld3m0rt: first time to land in #ubuntu-ensemble ? 18:50
kim0Then you're up for the official welcome 18:50
* kim0 prepares a Royal ceremony :)18:50
v0ld3m0rtthank u...18:50
v0ld3m0rti wud be starting on ensemble..18:51
kim0v0ld3m0rt: how did you find out about ensemble18:51
kim0great news!18:51
v0ld3m0rti have been a inquisitive developer..18:51
v0ld3m0rti like to explore mailing lists and forums..18:51
kim0good find!18:51
v0ld3m0rtso thats where i heard abt ensemble..18:52
kim0v0ld3m0rt: so have you already played with it .. read the docs ..etc yet ?18:52
v0ld3m0rti hv just started.18:53
kim0v0ld3m0rt: check out https://ensemble.ubuntu.com/docs/ then :)18:53
v0ld3m0rti was looking for that..18:54
v0ld3m0rtthough i started with code..18:54
v0ld3m0rtjust to get feel of it..18:54
kim0v0ld3m0rt: feel free to grab me anytime to help with anything .. enjoy hacking18:55
v0ld3m0rtyeah sure....thank u very much....18:55
v0ld3m0rtu guys are really friendly..18:55
kim0hehe :)18:55
SpamapShazmat: so, this special AMI that we're using .. I need to duplicate that for the LXC thing I'm working on18:56
SpamapShazmat: any tips on where to find the bits that do that?18:57
SpamapShazmat: also, since the copyright MP doesn't change any code.. can you just merge it, or do you want to wait for a 2nd +1 ?19:15
SpamapShazmat: err, the txzookeeper merge I mean19:15
SpamapSahh.. bin/ensemble-make-image19:20
* SpamapS wonders if he can just run that19:20
SpamapSdur.. no19:21
m_3SpamapS: ubuntu-vm-builder and then copy dpkg selections over from the AMI?19:24
m_3SpamapS: AMI's gonna have all the /etc/init/cloud-init metadata deps anyways19:24
SpamapSlxc has a simpler shell script based template that I'm using.. 19:31
SpamapSjust finishing the cloud-init bits.19:31
hazmatSpamapS, i'll just merge it19:32
hazmatSpamapS, the bits are in a couple of pieces for the install. the ec2 providers launch setups a cloud config that will effectively recreate it (on a vanilla image)19:33
hazmatSpamapS, common packages defined in ensemble/providers/common.py which gets formatted by ensemble/providers/ec2/utils format_cloud_ini ... the actual commands run to setup the agents are passed to format_cloud_ini by ensemble/providers/ec2/launch.py and differ depending on if its a bootstrap node vs. service unit node.19:35
hazmatSpamapS, the bin/ensemble-make-image script is used to create the images with the packages preinstalled19:36
hazmatthe images haven't been updated yet to default to the ppa19:36
SpamapShazmat: So what I'm doing is setting an environment variable 'ENSEMBLE_LXC_PROVIDER_CONFIG' which is a script the lxc template will run to configure the agent startup, since I"m not entirely sure how to make cloud-init read a local file.19:37
SpamapSSince everything else seems to be the same, I'm doing all of that in the initial "bootstrap" phase which is basically like making an AMI. :)19:38
hazmatSpamapS, SpamapS, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/doc/examples/seed/README19:42
hazmatSpamapS, smoser pointed that out to me a few weeks ago19:42
hazmatas docs on using the on disk data for cloud-init19:42
SpamapSSo the format_cloud_ini call is in the wrong place19:43
SpamapSshould be in common19:43
hazmatSpamapS, agreed19:43
SpamapSOh man, I hate when I try to work on Ensemble and end up working on Ensmeble19:45
SpamapS   if [ -n "$ENSMEBLE_LXC_PROVIDER_CONFIG" ] ; then19:45
SpamapS        $ENSMEBLE_LXC_PROVIDER_CONFIG $rootfs19:45
SpamapSconsistent mispellur19:45
m_3SpamapS: my fingers kept doing ensemple for the longest time19:47
SpamapShazmat: seems like a lot of the stuff in ec2 should be common19:56
hazmatSpamapS, you mean from ec2.utils or other stuff?19:57
SpamapShazmat: there's really nothing EC2 about ec2.get_machine_variables 19:57
SpamapShazmat: except the curl to get the instance-id .. but.. hrm.19:57
SpamapSmaybe not19:58
hazmatSpamapS, yeah.. that does look pretty generically useful19:59
hazmatget machine options has some ec2 specifics, but the variables are meant for cloud init formatting19:59
SpamapShazmat: the curl to get the instance-id seems a bit of a hack .. we should be able to just pass that in.19:59
hazmatSpamapS, user-data is passed in the api that returns the instance id20:00
SpamapSOk, I'm going to go try having a sip of 5 hour energy and see if I can actually think this through. :-P20:01
* SpamapS suddenly feels he has lost most cognitive function20:01
* hazmat recommends coffee20:03
hazmat"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."20:04
m_3hazmat: nice20:05
hazmatclassic dune derivation20:05
_mup_ensemble/expose-ec2-provider r261 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com20:08
_mup_Fix open_port/close_port spike20:08
SpamapShazmat: there's a *ton* of useful generic code in ec2/launch.py23:20
* SpamapS 's been refactoring on En-Sem-Ble... alll the live long daaaay23:21
SpamapSmost of it just copies right into common.py without modification... just nice little generic routines for setting up a machine to run the agents and such23:21
hazmatSpamapS, nice23:22
SpamapSCould not find the main class: org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain. Program will exit.23:45
SpamapSHrm.. how do I run the test suite?23:45
ajmitchSpamapS: how are you going at getting this into debian?23:47
SpamapSajmitch: Not much traction thus far.23:48
ajmitchis the hold up sponsorship or getting it ready?23:48
SpamapSajmitch: sponsorship, but truthfully, I think i need to re-submit txzookeeper with the license clarified.23:48
* ajmitch can probably help out with some sponsorship at least23:49
SpamapSajmitch: given the ubuntu-specific nature of ensemble today.. its not 100% critical it go into Debian. It currently hard-codes an AMI that is Ubuntu.. so it can't even drive a Debian EC2 node.23:49
SpamapSajmitch: much appreciated! :)23:49
ajmitchbeing less ubuntu-specific in the future would be nice :)23:50
SpamapSBut I figure getting ensemble, the client, onto as many platforms as possible, is a good idea. :)23:50
SpamapSajmitch: thats up to the community. We're.. kind of focused on that platform. :)23:50
* SpamapS points to the channel name.. and domain name.. and funding party..23:50
ajmitchI can't imagine why :P23:50
SpamapSajmitch: honestly it should be easily doable. Especially if other platforms adopt cloud-init.23:51
SpamapSScary as it sounds, ensemble should be pretty easily portable to the Amazon AMI's23:51
ajmitchI'm still a bit fuzzy on the details of how the bits fit together23:52
SpamapSajmitch: We need more pictures23:52
ajmitchsuch as whether it relies on ec2/similar cloud platforms23:53
SpamapSRight now, the only "provider" is EC223:54
SpamapSwhich actually means Eucalyptus and OpenStack should work23:54
SpamapSI'm working on a local-only LXC provider so I can develop while disconnected and not sit waiting for Amazon constantly. :)23:54
ajmitchmy 'development environment' at work is simply using virtualbox on a desktop with plenty of RAM :)23:55
SpamapSThis is the typical engineer idea.. "I can't possibly wait 1 second for every command.. so I'll spend 40 hours writing a solution."23:55
SpamapSajmitch: Yeah, LXC should alleviate some of that RAM requirement.. shared VFS cache.. shared heap.23:55
ajmitchI'd probably need to grab that backported kernel to do so, running on lucid23:56
SpamapSchroot + network isolation basically23:56
SpamapSYeah, you would. :P23:56
SpamapSBut I hear that it works quite well.23:56
ajmitcha bit worrying to see that zookeeper will be orphaned in debian23:58
SpamapSThats a tempest in a teapot.23:59
SpamapSWe'll be taking on maintenance of it if nobody else wants it more.23:59
* ajmitch always thinks of zookeepr, which is rather different :)23:59
SpamapSJames Page, one of our guys who has been active w/ the debian java team, has drafted an email and we should be on our way to taking it on soon. Plus I'm actively seeking DD status.23:59

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