
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftadpm, \o/  i now have the chromium desktop file with the unity quicklist translated in 30 langs10:40
fta32 more to go10:40
ftachrisccoulson, how many langpacks do you have for ff/tb?10:41
chrisccoulsonfta - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.head/view/head:/debian/locales.shipped10:43
chrisccoulson78 by the look of that10:43
ftagood, i'm just at 6210:44
ftaeven 6110:44
chrisccoulsonyou'll probably overtake me soon whilst firefox isn't translatable in launchpad ;)10:45
chrisccoulsonalthough that's something i'm fixing, but in my spare time mostly10:45
dpmfta, great news!10:48
ftachrisccoulson, i wish someone worked on improving evo like you do for tb :P11:11
ftathe evo api seems very limited, the spec is too obscure11:17
chrisccoulsonm_conley_away, i started pushing changes here - https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/messagingmenu-extension/me-fixes12:31
chrisccoulsonthere's a few other things i want to fix before uploading (ie, making sure all of the visible strings are translated, and i also want to hide the account name if there is only a single account)12:31
chrisccoulsonbut it's working quite nicely atm12:32
chrisccoulsonalso, i need to limit the number of entries to 6, as per the spec12:36
ftachrisccoulson, it seems all my indicators stopped being updated since ~ a week ago. at least rhythmbox, the load indicator and a few others13:23
chrisccoulsonfta - i've not noticed that yet. i guess it's time for me to upgrade again ;)13:23
ftathey all display old frozen data13:23
chrisccoulsonhuh, thunderbird says i have 2 accounts, which is a lie. i only have 1!13:24
chrisccoulsoni wonder what the second account is ;)13:24
ftai'm started to think i've upgraded to oneiric too early13:24
ftathe bugs are piling up like crazy everywhere13:25
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's definitely getting interesting13:26
ftainteresting? i'd rather say alarming13:27
ftaespecially when i read "don't spend too much time on bug fixing early in the cycle"13:28
ftai can't even start unity-3d on my other box, it's been crashing on startup for a week, no one cares13:29
ftai guess i'll give gnome-shell another try13:30
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
fta..or maybe i should move to mint14:56
joeleskoHello. I was wondering how packages should be maintained for the various releases of ubuntu.15:17
joeleskoFor seamonkey, I've been building the current Mozilla release in my ppa for all supported ubuntu releases.15:19
joeleskoI'm using all releases back to lucid and wanted to make sure I had the patched version of seamonkey.15:21
joeleskoIs that the way it should be maintained?15:22
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley, how are you?16:34
m_conleychrisccoulson: good, and you?16:34
chrisccoulsonm_conley, yeah, good thanks16:34
chrisccoulsonm_conley, so, there is a bug in dbusmenu or libindicate somewhere which breaks the thunderbird indicator16:36
chrisccoulson(and every other indicator it seems, as well)16:36
m_conleychrisccoulson: hrm - in what way?16:36
chrisccoulsoni thought i was going crazy, because thunderbird keeps adding empty indicators to the menu16:36
chrisccoulsonbut i've just spoken to ted, and it seems that pidgin and liferea get the same thing too (and fta saw that with liferea too)16:37
chrisccoulsonso i don't think it's anything we're doing ;)16:37
chrisccoulsonm_conley, http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/broken-indicator.png16:42
chrisccoulsonsorry about the massive screenshot ;)16:42
chrisccoulsonit does that quite frequently though16:43
m_conleychrisccoulson: hrm.  that's frustrating.  Have they narrowed down the problem?16:43
chrisccoulsonm_conley, not yet. i guess that will be my next task ;)16:43
m_conleychrisccoulson: the yaks continue to be shaved.  :)16:43
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i guess that with your contacts work, we will get gmail contact support pretty much for free won't we? (via eds)16:48
m_conleychrisccoulson: yep!16:48
m_conleychrisccoulson: :D16:48
m_conleyexclusively for Linux folk.  Hooray! :)16:49
chrisccoulsonthat's really good :)16:49
chrisccoulsoni can't wait to be able to have my phone contacts syncable with thunderbird :)16:49
m_conleychrisccoulson: I hope it works for you.  I'm starting write now.16:50
chrisccoulsonawesome :)16:50
chrisccoulsond'uh, why didn't i think of that in the first place? i've been scratching my head this afternoon trying to figure out how to get notified when a user adds or removes an account in thunderbird17:02
chrisccoulsonand i can just listen for changes in the mail.accountmanager.accounts pref!17:02
chrisccoulsonsimples :)17:02
chrisccoulsoni can't believe i didn't think of that in the first place17:03
* chrisccoulson clearly needs more coffee17:03
micahgchrisccoulson: did we ditch the ubuntu start page for Firefox 5?17:26
chrisccoulsonmicahg, no, it should still be there17:26
micahgii  xul-ext-ubufox                        0.9.1-0ubuntu0.11.04.1            gives me the mozilla about:home :(17:27
chrisccoulsonwhat locale?17:27
ftahm, looks useful.. http://code.google.com/p/address-sanitizer/wiki/AddressSanitizer17:28
chrisccoulsonhmmm, it worked when i tested it :/17:28
micahgI remember it working before as well17:29
* micahg checks error console17:29
micahgah :(17:29
micahgchrisccoulson: I"m getting gSearchEngine is null in chrome://browser/content/aboutHome.js17:31
chrisccoulsonmicahg, do you have any other extensions installed?17:32
micahgglobal menu bar17:32
chrisccoulsonthat's a secondary error17:34
chrisccoulsonaboutHome.js belongs to firefox. that code is only being executed because the home page is about:home17:34
chrisccoulsonso, that's a red herring for the wrong start page17:34
micahgthere's also trouble reading the manifest file for the default theme even though the theme is loaded17:35
micahgchrisccoulson: what's weirder is a clean profile works :(17:38
micahgat least on the local machine, trying in vm17:38
micahgdouble weird17:39
micahgin the VM on a new profile it's fine, in the default profile not17:39
=== Guest72525 is now known as Omega`
micahgchrisccoulson: ok, here's how I reproduce, I tested before launching QRT it shows up fine, when I run through the QRT script, it doesn't17:45
micahgchrisccoulson: oh, silly me, I forgot we now have 2 "home" pages...17:46
micahgchrisccoulson: so, false alarm17:47
micahgI haven't tested enough on natty yet to remember that :-/17:47
ftachrisccoulson, did you upgrade recently?17:52
chrisccoulsonfta - not since last week17:52
chrisccoulsonperhaps i will do later tonight17:52
ftajust wanted to know if you were able to complete the upgrade17:54
ftai'm not17:54
ftafor about a week now17:54
ftaThe following packages have been kept back:18:03
fta  gnome-panel gnome-panel-data libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx mesa-common-dev18:03
fta  libgl1-mesa-glx: Breaks: nvidia-current but 275.09.07-0ubuntu1 is installed.18:04
fta  gnome-panel: Breaks: libpanel-applet-3-0 but 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu6.5 is installed.18:04
fta               Breaks: libpanel-applet2-0 but 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu6.5 is installed.18:04
fta               Breaks: python-gnomeapplet but 2.32.0-0ubuntu3 is installed.18:04
Omega`how should I install fx5 on natty?18:04
Omega`is it in a ppa of ours?18:04
micahgOmega`: wait for me to push it to -security :)18:04
Omega`ah :)18:04
micahgfta: are you doing a dist-upgrade?18:04
Omega`very well!18:04
micahgOmega`: I'm running some final tests, should be some time today18:04
PiciHeya folks.  I hear that Firefox 5 is currently building.  Will 10.10 and 10.04 need to use a PPA to get it, or will it be landing in the same method as 11.04?18:38
Picii.e. via security updates.18:40
chrisccoulsonPici, you'll need to use a PPA18:47
Picichrisccoulson: Thanks.  I'll update ubottu accordingly.18:47
chrisccoulsoni've no idea when it will finish building, the lack of builders is a serious bottleneck at the moment18:47
PiciThats fine.  I just want some info to throw at users who will inevitably start asking soon.18:48
* chrisccoulson bangs head against wall19:16
chrisccoulsoni've just spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out why my label in the messaging indicator doesn't update when i try to change it in thunderbird, thinking that i'm doing something wrong again19:17
chrisccoulsonand it turns out the indicator just doesn't update. i have to restart the indicator service for it to update19:17
chrisccoulsonwhy do i always end up exposing all of these sorts of bugs in ubuntu? ;)19:18
chrisccoulsonm_conley, how do you think we should handle the limit of 6 indicator entries in thunderbird? (ie, what do you think we should do if we get more than 6?)19:28
chrisccoulson(the 6 comes from the spec btw)19:29
m_conleychrisccoulson: mmhmm - I remember that limit19:29
* m_conley thinks19:29
chrisccoulsonat the moment, we just ignore it :)19:29
m_conleychrisccoulson: how did Evolution solve that?19:29
chrisccoulsonm_conley, it doesn't. but then, it only shows an indicator for the inbox associated with each account19:30
chrisccoulson(which isn't what the spec says you should do)19:30
chrisccoulsonso you would only get 6 in evo if you have 6 accounts19:30
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i was thinking of collapsing the indicators down in to per-account indicators, rather than per-folder (and then just combining the counts)19:31
m_conleychrisccoulson: yes - that would greatly simplify things19:31
chrisccoulsonok, i'll take a look at that this evening then :)19:32
m_conleychrisccoulson: k, thanks. :)19:32
chrisccoulsonm_conley, did you see what i'd done so far?19:32
chrisccoulsoni've pushed everything here atm: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/messagingmenu-extension/me-fixes19:32
m_conleychrisccoulson: oh, awesome - looking forward to merge requests.  :)  (and figuring out how to deal with merge requests with bzr / Lp...)19:33
m_conleychrisccoulson: oh yes, that's much better19:35
m_conleychrisccoulson: some good fixes / improvements in there.  :)19:35
m_conleythanks for polishing my crappy code.  ;)19:35
chrisccoulsonheh, i've enjoyed working on it :)19:35
chrisccoulsonand it's been a bit of a learning curve, having not really done much with thunderbird before19:36
m_conleychrisccoulson: and new stuff with jsctypes too - callbacks and whatnot19:41
m_conleychrisccoulson: it was very satisfying to figure out js callbacks.  :)19:42
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's been interesting :)19:42
ubot2Factoid 'ddeb' not found19:49
ubot2dbgsym is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash19:49
ftachrisccoulson, the messaging menu is totally broken, i get the blue envelope, but all counters are stuck at 021:38
fta(with evo)21:38
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, i keep finding bugs whilst i'm working on the thunderbird integration too21:38
chrisccoulsonit's a pain, because i have to spend time figuring out if it's a tbird issue or not ;)21:39
ftait used to work though21:39
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not sure why it's so broken atm21:39
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
ftaoh my, the notifications regressed too22:07
ftanow they appear on top of fullscreen gl games, and block them22:08
ftahow i can i frag in those conditions22:09
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
micahgchrisccoulson: would you happen to know offhand how to test webfav?22:42
chrisccoulsonyou need to install the old netbook edition. it only works with that22:42
chrisccoulsonyou're not going to find anybody to test that tbh22:42
micahgso why do we have it in natty?22:42
chrisccoulsonbut the extension is like, 10 lines of code isn't it, and using interfaces which haven't changed since the beginning of time ;)22:43
chrisccoulsonbecause the old netbook shell is still in the archive22:43
chrisccoulsonit was used for the arm guys until we got unity-2d22:43
micahgah, ok, would you know offhand which package?22:43
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure, i've never used it before22:44
micahgk, I'll hunt for it22:45
micahgmozvoikko looks fine though22:45
asacwebfav adds a launcher item for a webpage afair ;)22:45
micahgasac: right, but only to the old shell, so to test it, I have to install the old shell :)22:45
asacwas used by oem at some point22:45
asacdoesnt it just create a .desktop file?22:46
micahgugh, I have to test on armel :)22:46
asacor is hte launcher removed on x86?22:47
asacshould work on both22:47
* micahg hunts for a .desktop file22:47
BUGabundooh look, its asac22:47
asaciirc it was not really arm22:47
BUGabundolong time no see22:47
asacit was just unr22:47
micahgasac: the netbook-meta package is only on arm in natty22:47
asacright ... but i guess you can still install it on x86 somehow22:47
asaclike ubuntu-netbook-edition22:47
micahgyeah, I don't see any ..desktop files22:47
micahgThis package depends on all of the packages in the Ubuntu Netbook system for22:48
micahg armel. Note that Ubuntu Netbook Edition doesn't exist anymore for other22:48
micahg architectures, as unity and many applications now handles different22:48
micahg screensize themselves.22:48
* micahg guesses we should've convered it to arch:armel for natty...22:49
asacseems to save /tmp/webfav22:49
asacseems to save /tmp/webfav/*.desktop22:49
micahgah indeed22:50
micahgthat seems silly22:50
asacfeels really like oem super magic ;)22:50
asacsomeone probably added a hack to monitor that dictory and then make something with that22:50
micahgok, let me see what to do about it22:50
micahgI forgot I have xubuntu on my arm netbook, so I can't even test it there :(22:51
asacwell... talk to stevenk or someone from oem team if they remember22:51
asaci guess it can be killed22:51
asacnot sure22:52
asacmfrey basically ;)22:52
asacmicahg: if you just want to test check if the .desktop file is created at the plcae i mentioned22:53
micahgasac: yeah, it's there with the correct URL, that's considered a good check?22:53
asacfeels like it ... i doubt though that there are any special consumers still ;)22:55
asacyou should reall yfind out if this shouldnt be removed22:55
micahgyeah, we'll do that for oneiric, I guess I can ask if we need to keep bumping compatibility for future firefox versions as well22:55
chrisccoulsonwe'll need to bump it for every single release22:57
chrisccoulsonm_conley_away, i hit some issues with the indicator-collapsing idea, so i implemented the 6 limit a bit differently22:58
chrisccoulsonthe commit message explains why - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/messagingmenu-extension/me-fixes/revision/4822:58
micahgchrisccoulson: that means a USN for each release and if no one is using it, I'd rather not22:58
chrisccoulsonmicahg, well, i have to bump it for every release, unless you've got another suggestion on how i can make it work without doing that ;)22:59
chrisccoulsonhow are you?23:00
chrisccoulsonmicahg, although, i guess hardly anyone uses webfav. i hope it's not blocking the firefox update ;)23:01
micahgchrisccoulson: no, won't block, just a question of pushing the extension out now or not23:02
chrisccoulsonmicahg, there's no reason not to. it's just a compatibility version bump, and the interfaces it uses haven't changed (and are unlikely to change tbh)23:02

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