
nhandlerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue22105:00
pleia2nhandler: ^506:08
* holstein highfives nhandler & pleia2 :)06:13
pleia2woohoo :)06:13
* pleia2 dinner &06:14
NRWliongood morning from germania08:31
* pleia2 hugs MooDoo 16:59
MooDoohello pleia2 :) hugs16:59
pleia2so on a day to day basis, the news theam posts things to ubuntu-news.org as they are announced on mailing lists (releases, other important stuff), or what people drop by here and ask us to cross post news items from their blog (jono will do that from time to time)17:00
pleia2we also keep an eye out for ubuntu related news in the wild and add it to https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en when we find it to prep for the ubuntu weekly newsletter that's put together each weekend17:01
pleia2so on weekends we're all in here saying "we need to find more news!" "someone please write summaries!" etc17:01
MooDooseems simple enough :)17:02
MrChrisDruifI must be out in the weekends....never seen frantic looking for summaries :P17:25
pleia2yeah, you disconnect when you go away, it's weird ;)17:31
NRWlionhi folks17:33
NRWlionhey kennymc017:34
pleia2pulled in the blueprint items from our UDS etherpad: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-ubuntu-news-team17:54
pleia2and I dropped akgraner a PM to see if she's still able to do her blueprint tasks, or if we have to reassign17:54
MrChrisDruifpleia2; I meant that I thought I've been around in the weekends....but nothing frantic went on :P, only yesterday :P17:54
pleia2MrChrisDruif: yeah a browse of my logs shows you weren't around for when we were doing a lot of the work over the weekend17:55
* MrChrisDruif is off, talk to ya later. And last weekend I've been away :P17:55
* pleia2 is on west coast US time, so tends to work later in the day than others :)17:55
NRWlionpleia2: greetings from Europe (utc +2) ;)18:00
pleia2happy tuesday NRWlion :)18:01
NRWlionsweep the happy ...18:01
NRWlionlong day and tomorrow will be too18:01
NRWlionand on thursday i have to do Emergency Duty :(18:02
* NRWlion is heading offline for the sportsclub18:04
NRWlioncu guys tomorrow at university!18:04
* NRWlion bounces into the channel and waves!21:48

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