
snailmōrena koutou00:30
hadsYay, server went down for more RAM and disk, DNS failover worked correctly and everything back up and running with no issues.08:54
HoggsWell DNS is a pretty easy thing to make redundant :p10:30
hadsYeah I wasn't so much thinking of the DNS but the web application and replication on top of that.12:37
Hoggshads: Oh, you mean you had a script automatically update DNS records to another webserver?12:38
hadsI didn't write the DNS update side of things (using a hosted DNS service), just the replication bits.12:39
hadsBut yeah, site running on multiple servers with failover DNS records12:40
Hoggsah, neat13:15
HoggsWhere do you host?13:15
snailmōrena e hoa21:28
Atamirakia orana22:02

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