
Picirww: tazer has already gotten kicked once today in -ot02:21
rwwPici: thanks02:21
IdleOnewithout getting the hint02:21
PiciAnd a search of BT reveals that he has a bit of a history.02:22
PiciWell, he was quiet for a while02:22
PiciAnd then he was annoying, but not o4o.02:22
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1428 users, 0 overflows, 1428 limit))03:04
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1430 users, 3 overflows, 1433 limit))03:04
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1428 users, 3 overflows, 1431 limit))03:04
rwwyay ninja network instability03:04
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ubottuIn #kubuntu, Graf_Westerholt said: ubottu is not fully right. Gimp is for Windows and Mac also. :)05:49
bazhangPM'd gulzar to let him know chat in #ubuntu-offtopic05:57
rwwdamnit, if I'd been paying attention he would have been /removed for that06:01
bazhangnext time I'll +q06:02
rwwnot if I get there first :(06:02
Tm_Tmorning all07:05
sugwhere is menu.lst ?09:45
IdleOnejungli this is not a support channel.09:45
IdleOneplease part.09:46
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bazhang<Goliath> thats why i use arch16:48
ikoniacan't be bothered with him and this approach all the time16:48
ikoniabazhang: he's currently using ubuntu16:49
ikoniahe was making the statment if he wants to compile - that's the reason he uses arch16:49
bazhangikonia, so he says16:50
ikoniaI have no reason to doubt he is showing information to suggest he's running ubuntu16:50
bazhanghe's trying to create an issue. see his previous behavior16:50
ikoniayes, it won't last long I assure you16:50
* mneptok 1 | Goliath 016:52
bazhangomega is joining and quitting in a large number of channel16:53
mneptokthe vanity hostmask is something straight out of a 1998 EFnet troll.16:54
ikoniagolath is ranting in ##linux now16:55
ikoniasorry, #archlinux16:55
bazhanghah, was going to say I had huuuge lag if that was the case16:55
Picioh, I'm not going there.16:55
ikoniait's cleaned up a lot, some good guys/discussions in there16:56
bazhangIdleOne, only 20 more channels to go!17:06
bazhangie sending omega to fix his connection17:06
IdleOneI'll worry bout the ones I op in :)17:06
bazhanghe knows that channel.18:19
bazhanghe was asking how to remove an extremely tight screw18:20
PiciSome people don't know how to read bot messages18:20
bazhangfor a hdd that would run ubuntu18:20
PiciI don't understand it myself.18:20
bazhangwhy is sudokill asking for support in #ubuntu ?18:24
Piciwhy not?18:25
bazhang<sudokill> n oits a data drive, i dont even use ubuntu. i just want ext4 for the data18:25
ubottuFirefox 5 packages for Natty/11.04 are currently building, it should be available as an update soon.18:37
PiciI'm getting some more info for other releases, will update the factoid accordingly.18:37
Pici!fx5 is <alias> ff518:37
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici18:37
Pici!no ff5 is <reply> Firefox 5 packages are currently building!  The new version will be available as a security update in Natty/11.04.  If you'd like Fx5 in earlier releases, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/18:52
ubottuI'll remember that Pici18:52
ikoniabazhang: fyi: I'm not interested in helping him as every time I advise him on what to do / not to do he does the exact opposite and comes back asking for help18:58
bazhangikonia, yeah, I was there for the whole ordeal18:59
ubottuIn ubottu, RoyK said: Bacula is a backup system for Ubuntu - see https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/bacula.html or http://bacula.org/ for more info19:09
bazhangugh [snake] again with the piracy19:30
PiciWell, at least someone else pointed out the piracy thing19:31
ikoniaPici: looks like your ff5 factoid is getting used a lot already20:42
Piciikonia: I'm surprised its taken this long for people to start asking about it actually.20:42
knomePici, when's firefox 6 out?20:46
oCeanI need it ^20:46
knomei need ff7 to be honest, but could ubuntu PLEASE even ship ff6???!20:46
PiciNo one ever asks about needing newer versions of chrom(ium)20:47
knomePici, well now that you say it, i need chromium 2020:48
genii-aroundknome: The daily build firefox's user agent says version 7.0a120:56
ikoniathe future20:57
mneptokbought a motorcycle today. watched a salesman spend 45m putting together a US$45K quote for multiple ATVs. the customer responded, "you aren't working with me," and walked out. total waste of the person's time. i told them to apply to be on the -ops team, a cite their experience.21:00
genii-aroundknome: http://imagebin.org/15939521:02
knomegenii-around, did i say 7? i meant 17 ;)21:02
knomegenii-around, what a good waste of time, the site21:05
mneptoki just want knome 2.0. the bugs in this release are getting annoying.21:10
knomemneptok, i know, i know! but even the 1.x is in the alpha's!21:10
genii-aroundWork over! Laters22:14
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