
=== chalcedo- is now known as chalcedony
PcSettidentify PcSett05:54
PcSettPcsett password qx9yk405:58
PcSettOK - Hi! :-)06:07
nigelbPcSett: I'm sure you might want to change that password.06:09
MartijnVdS(and not send it to a public channel :))06:10
nigelbthat too ;)06:11
PcSettHi :-)06:24
AlanBellmorning all07:17
popeyMorning all07:49
DJonesHi PcSett don't know if you've changed it, but but just looking at scrollback, you typed your nickserv password into the channel08:13
popey06:12:28 -!- PcSett [~mumper@host86-135-56-156.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]08:14
popeyoh, back08:14
danfishDJones: been there, done that ;)08:14
DJonesdanfish: I think most people have done it once08:15
JGJonesHmm - ta popey for letting us know about dropbox - I still have it, but no documents etc in it - I treat it as an insecure flash disk now08:27
JGJonesthe lack of having your own encryption key is an issue (same problem I have with Ubuntu One)08:28
JGJonesbut while searching Android market, I came across Wuala - you encrypt data before you upload to them08:30
shaunoI'm mildly disappointed that this is a surprise to anyone.  you'd have thought that we'd know by now that this is how online services work.  especially (cost-)free ones08:30
JGJonesfree account comes with 1GB - enough for documents etc.08:31
popeyJGJones: i use spideroak08:31
JGJonesand should be quicker than dropbox as their servers are based in Europe08:31
popeyencrypted end to end08:31
JGJoneslooking at that - have heard of spideroak, but never used - for a long time now, I've used Jungledisk for online backup08:32
JGJonesjungledisk backup at moment cost me about 30p a month ;-)08:34
popeyits not backup I'm after, but sync08:34
MooDoohello all08:47
oimonubuntu one would be picking up customers right now if they had fully functioning multi platform client09:13
nigelbI believe they are working on it.09:14
BigRedSoimon: it's hilarious that it's not even multi-distro 'compatible'09:15
BigRedSI'd be using it now if I hadn't been told off for using Debian...09:15
TheOpenSourcererdropbox works really well. Well, it just works.09:15
MooDooTheOpenSourcerer: it does work really well, but then again so does spideroak as well :D09:16
oimoni don't think dropbox deserve my attention09:16
nigelbThere is sparkleshare.09:16
oimoncompanies that can't be trsuted with the small things (telling the truth) can't be trusted with the big things09:17
JGJonesThat it does - hence I use it as a quick'n'dirty insecure flash disk, but I've now signed up for spideroak so I can sync my documents too.09:17
* oimon only uses ubuntu-based distros anyway, so can use ubuntu one09:18
popeynigelb: i am utterly unimpressed with the way the u1 file sync project has been managed over the years09:18
oimonsyncany: "We're making good progress: the team is growing, the Windows version almost on the same level as the Linux version"09:18
MooDooJGJones: spideroak works really well09:18
popey /cc aquarius09:18
aquariusI am aware of your concerns. :)09:18
popeyproxy proxy proxy09:19
popeyI think Canonical should forcably look to putting a proxy in the office09:19
popeylook to forciably09:19
popey-typos and syntax failure09:19
oimonsyncany could be a solution for me since i have unlimited storage available via an ssh account09:20
oimonforcibly :P09:21
nigelbpopey: git doesn't work with proxy either :|09:21
* nigelb was mad when he found that out.09:21
MooDoodogmatic69: morning09:25
JGJonespopey you should have another 1GB free with spideroak :)09:26
dogmatic69anyone know how to make bash files work in netbeans, or... a ide that is nice for bash (non terminal)09:26
MooDooJGJones: you work for them or something? ;)09:27
MooDooah just seen the tweet09:27
JGJonesMooDoo, heh :) nah, popey tweeted a referral link09:27
nigelbpopey: Neat :D09:30
JGJonessmall bug in spideroak UI - it tells me "Available Storage: 2GBs Free" but in Storage Bar, it say 3GB :)09:32
AlanBelljust been reading up about ensemble in Ubuntu. Seems a bit loopy.09:33
popeyAlanBell: I don't get it either09:33
AlanBellso if I am reading it right, you spin up an Amazon EC2 image, which then can spin up another one to run MySQL and another one to run wordpress and it configures them to talk to each other09:34
AlanBells/wordpress/other stuff/09:34
oimonisn't it like the VMware orchestrator?09:35
AlanBellso by my calculations that is three VMs where you pay by the second to run one wordpress09:35
shaunocongratulations, you can count higher than most the people on the cloud bandwagon ;)09:38
JGJonespff the numering scheme always work for me - one, two, many.09:38
oimonthey should call the plural of formula, formulae though09:39
oimonespecially if they will use fancy latin words as principia09:39
oimonthe ensemble makes sense to me though09:40
AlanBellI think they need to pick a better example use-case than wordpress09:41
oimonoh, i was reading https://ensemble.ubuntu.com/09:41
oimonthere wasn't any wordpress mentioned09:41
AlanBelland http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxMhKbDSbOw09:43
shaunoI'm still not sure what $18/month for EC2 actually gets you over paying the same for a vps.  besides having to pay per GB for your traffic09:45
oimonrapid scalability?09:46
AlanBellfor what?09:46
selinuxiumMorning all  o/09:48
JGJonesshauno, I'm using EC2 for webhost at the moment09:50
JGJonesusing the free tier so it's costing me nothing for a year.09:51
JGJonesafter that I'll just switch to a VPS09:51
gordAlanBell, iirc it deploys to individual EC2 instances now, but thats because its early in development, in the future it'll do multiple services per machine10:00
gordi think the entire thing is really just about getting lots of different services up and talking to each other quickly10:00
diploMorning all, I have a dir in /home/andy called www which is synced with U110:02
diploIs there a way I can not sync certain sub dirs in that www dir ?10:02
gorddiplo, not explicitly i think, its worth noting that u1 does not follow sym links, so if you make those dir's sym links to somewhere else then it won't sync those dirs10:03
diplook, that's worth a try thanks10:04
oimonhttp://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/21/nokia_singapore_meego_but_no_windows/ << Nokia unveils first and last ever Meego phone10:08
AlanBellgord: yeah, it just seems like a harder way to do stuff10:13
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davmor2morning all11:00
MooDoodavmor2: morning matey11:00
nigelbmorning davmor211:00
davmor2MooDoo: Morning me owld mukka11:00
MooDoodavmor2: how are you chap?11:01
davmor2nigelb: morning dude11:01
nigelbdavmor2: *yawn* though I'm seriously questioning its morning11:01
davmor2MooDoo: I've been better but on the whole I can't complain11:01
nigelbIts a lazy afternoon for me11:01
davmor2nigelb: nice11:01
MooDoodavmor2: u poorly?  or just busy?11:01
davmor2MooDoo: just feeling blurrrr mostly tired I guess need a holiday to recharge oh I got one next week :D11:02
oimondoes a . in front of a @twitter hide it from others?11:02
MooDoodavmor2: i get on the week after, whitby :D11:03
nigelboimon: It stops it from being hidden from others11:03
nigelbstarting a tweet with @ hides it from most clients11:03
oimonnigelb: oh. so what's the shortcut for a DM?11:03
davmor2MooDoo: We are off to Bakewell for the week,  hmmmmmm lots of tarts (the edible kinda, minds out of gutters)11:04
nigelboimon: On the new web us, just press 'M'11:04
gorddavmor2, you in dublin next week?11:04
davmor2gord: Nope11:05
MooDoodavmor2: i'll be there at the weekend :D11:06
gorddavmor2, boo11:06
MooDoodavmor2: father in law has a static caravan there :)11:06
davmor2gord: yeah I know but we aren't platform dude11:07
gorddavmor2, please change jobs entirely, i require other uk'ers to gasp in shock at Daviey's flip flops11:08
davmor2MooDoo: where bakewell?11:08
MooDoodavmor2: yeah :) about 4 mins out the town center :)  where you staying :)11:08
davmor2gord: isn't AQ there surely between the 2 of you, you'll be able to make him cry enough to lose them :)11:09
nigelbgord: Daviey has flip flops? O_O11:09
davmor2MooDoo: we will be at the Camping and Caravanning Club site let me grab the details11:09
nigelbdavmor2: +1 to that ;)11:10
MooDoodavmor2: i'll pmsl laughing if it's the same site lol11:10
davmor2MooDoo: Nope but not far away Bakewell Camping and Caravanning Club Site, Hopping Lane, Youlgreave, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1NA. We get there Sunday11:13
MooDoodavmor2: aye not that far at all from me....i'm the other side of bakewell11:16
JGJonesSeem all the news are all for IT security lately - Distribute.IT was cracked and around 4800 sites lost along with emails.11:19
JGJonesAussie hosting company11:19
nigelbJGJones: Oh yay :|11:20
MooDoodavmor2: have a fun time, it's a glorious area and if you get up there early enough, give us a buzz, i'm sure i can shout you a pint11:20
davmor2MooDoo: We'll have to meet up somewhere just so we can say we are not bots on an irc channel11:21
MooDoodavmor2: yeah :)11:21
* MooDoo starts to hick fizz blerp i'm not a bot wibble wibble11:21
JGJoneshttp://goo.gl/CaLpg - about Distribute.IT for those interested (seem even their backup was destroyed...ouch)11:22
shaunothat is ouch.  that's more disgrunted employee ouch, than drive-by vandalism11:26
nigelbUnlike the case of Sony, this one doesn't seem to be an attempt to showcase the insecurity of the system. It seems to be just to stop their business.11:26
bennie_hey, bit of a random question. Does anyone know if using noatime as a partition mount option will disable Zeitgeist logging (my super +f is being odd)11:28
JGJonesQuick question - got a Macbook Pro (Core2Duo) - what's the maximum memory I can stuff into it?11:28
pioneerouch, another reason to use offsite backup's of your servers info11:28
JGJonesCan it take 2x2GB?11:28
BigRedSpioneer: more pertinently, off *line* backups11:29
BigRedSJGJones: I'd be surprised if it couldn't11:29
MooDoogoogle it?11:29
JGJonesI would assume so since I have a older laptop from Dell that could take much more...11:29
JGJonesMooDoo, yup just done...Apple say 3GB11:29
* BigRedS is surprised11:29
JGJonesI could put in 2x2GB, but it'll only use 3GB?!11:29
pioneerBigRedS, to true. some nice LTO tapes with sql backups and the like11:29
BigRedSthis isn't a 32 bit kernel thingy is it?11:30
JGJonesno, it's 10.611:30
BigRedSpioneer: that sort of thing11:30
BigRedSwe used to use an external disk whose power supply was plugged into one of those timer things. It was only powered up for an hour a day11:31
pioneerkeep the hours down?11:31
JGJonesBigRedS, looking at crucial.com - it say for a 2.2GHz core2duo macbook pro, the max is 4GB11:35
shaunoJGJones: the older c2d claim they take 3, but should use 2x2 if the firmware is up to date11:37
shaunowhich is why you'll get both answers11:38
shaunoalso, as much as these guys don't use the exposure, this one's getting rather interesting - http://thenextweb.com/industry/2011/06/21/lulzsec-supposedly-claims-its-biggest-coup-yet-the-entire-uk-2011-census/11:38
shaunoer, don't need the expoure, rather11:39
JGJonesshauno, thanks - firmware should be up to date so will get memory for the wife's macbook pro.11:40
JGJonesas well as a battery.11:40
brobostigongood morning everyone,11:41
JGJoneslulzsec - hardly something to boast about...all they had to do was to just go on a train with civil servents on it...they always leave a laptop withn unencrypted data lying around ;)11:41
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davmor2morning czajkowski how am ya kiddo11:43
pioneermorning brobostigon11:43
MooDooczajkowski: MORNING hugs....missed you :)11:43
brobostigonmorning pioneer11:44
* daubers ponders a mug of tea11:50
nigelbthat reminds me that I need some tea.11:52
* nigelb goes to get some.11:52
daubers\o/ tea11:58
JGJoneshmm...that remind me I forgot about my tea and it's now cold.12:00
* JGJones pretend it's iced tea.12:00
popeyI dont mind cold tea and coffee12:00
MooDoooooo yeah cold coffee :)12:00
popeyI do mind when a full cup of cold tea or coffee are tidied away12:00
JGJonesglad to know I'm not the only one then :) People usually go urgh.12:01
shaunothat's what microwaves are for :p12:02
pioneerdrink the cold one quick.. then go make another :)12:05
MooDoointeresting watching other meetings, nice to see what's going on12:11
MooDoosorry popey i meant to ask you if you were supposed to be in the meeting, i got distracted12:16
MooDoojpds: it's pastebin, anyone could of put that :)12:18
jpdsMooDoo: Yep.12:18
MooDoojpds: there has already been a responce - http://pastebin.com/g1C7d82G12:19
popeyI was afk MooDoo12:19
shaunofiglet \o/12:19
jpdsMooDoo: Ha.12:19
JGJonesI'm just waiting for a civil servent to pipe up "err...where's my laptop" then I'll panic ;)12:26
shaunois it bad that I'm almost interested to see the data for mashup value?12:30
shaunoit'd be a shame if the only uses it saw were evil :o)12:32
JGJonesOhhh...on this day - the world first stored-program computer ran its first program in 194812:37
shaunopfft.  it'll never take off12:39
oimonah manchester, my alma mater12:39
dogmatic69most commands i run in php cli return to a var, eg: $txt = `ps ax | grep /usr/sbin/apache2 | grep -v grep | cut -c1-5 | paste -s -`; $var has the result... but something like $txt = `mysqladmin -u root -proot status` when mysql is down just shows the txt in terminal12:39
dogmatic69how do i get that text?12:39
popeyredirect the output to a file and read the file?12:39
JGJonesshauno, it'll fail...it doesn't have 64Kb which as anyone know is enough.12:40
shaunomost likely stderr.  try tacking 2&>1 to the end of the mysql command (but inside the backticks)12:41
dogmatic69popey: ew12:41
shaunoer, 2>&1, rather12:41
popeyno, the "ew" is you're using php cli12:41
dogmatic69shauno: trying :)12:41
dogmatic69popey: sshhh12:41
* dogmatic69 has weak bash skills12:41
shaunonot sure if php has it's own way to capture stderr, but that'll be the root of it. by default you're capturing stdout only12:42
dogmatic69thanks shauno that worked12:43
dogmatic69shauno: so what does that do?12:43
dogmatic69it redirects output from ? to ?12:43
shauno1 is stdout, 2 is stderr.  2>&1 tells it to put stderr into stdout.12:44
shaunoso you capture both as one output12:44
shauno(alternatively you could do something 2>foo.errors >foo.log, to capture them seperately)12:45
shaunoI'm pretty bad at explaining these things, but that should be plenty of google-fu :)12:46
* davmor2 points at Daviey 's unsuitable choice of footwear and laughs till it dawns on him that he is wearing a pair of birkenstocks12:47
shaunohttp://content.met.police.uk/News/eCrime-unit-arrest-man/1260269113895/1257246745756   \o/12:58
daubersshauno: There seems to be an assumption that's linked?13:10
dogmatic69shauno: tx13:15
BigRedSdaubers: I think that's entirely based on timing13:15
dogmatic69how can i run a command on server B from server A13:20
BigRedSssh serverB "command"13:21
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daubersBigRedS: So we're back to the decline in pirates causing global warming?13:22
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BigRedSdaubers: yup13:23
daubershttp://xkcd.com/552/ \o/13:24
BigRedSI am amused at the thought that all those paper censuses are already in electronic form13:27
shaunodaubers: that seems to be the impression, yeah.  bits like "DDoS attacks against a number of international business and intelligence agencies" and "in co-operation with the FBI" narrow it down quite a bit13:32
BigRedSI'd be surprised if any arrest like that wasn't in co-operation with the FBI13:33
shaunoafaict, 'co-operation' when it comes to uk/us relations means "doing as we're told"13:34
oimonespecially when president blair was in charge13:35
oimoni notice that my local shopkeeper has many packets of after-eight sweets due to expire 7/11..wonder if he'll do me a deal13:37
oimonmore likely he will continue to sell to people who don't check expiry dates13:37
shaunocan't hurt to try.  it'll atleast give him the impression people do check the dates ;)13:38
oimonyeah, and i think i'm the only one buying them13:39
BigRedSshauno: not really. I've long put that down more to blair agreeing with bush than him being particularly subservient13:40
BigRedSin any case, there's much longer history of police cooperation between the two than the subservient-uk thing13:40
davmor2hey gord is there a way to make the App launcher go back in after it decides it doesn't want to play hide and seek anymore?13:42
gorddavmor2, not that i have found, but i don't work on that so i don't know a huge amount about it13:43
gordapart from alt+f2 unity13:43
davmor2gord: Nope still not playing13:44
davmor2gord: I'm guessing there is an app causing it and I blame mumble13:45
gorddavmor2, mumble is a problem app =\13:46
oimonis there another, more polite sounding word than urinal?13:47
davmor2oimon: p pot13:47
gorddavmor2, we are all very sorry about it :( http://i.imgur.com/lDHCI.jpg13:47
PcSettArternoon each :-)13:48
davmor2gord: that is the worlds saddest looking puppy13:48
davmor2gord: I'm assuming it is mumble anyway that or skype13:49
gordmumble normally acts weird for me13:50
gordlike with all aspects, not just unity13:50
davmor2gord: the launcher onlt ever seems to play up when I use mumble though which is annoying considering how much my team uses mumble :)13:51
oimonnew version of swype for android is much better now :D13:51
gorddavmor2, run the windows version in wine? ;)13:52
shauno*gasp*  I'm telling rms!13:52
BigRedSoimon: is that the funny keyboard?13:55
davmor2gord: harsh I'd use the android version on my phone if that worked properly :)13:56
oimonBigRedS: yes, it's great..helps you type 10x faster13:56
BigRedSah, I never got the hang of it...13:58
BigRedSclearly I can't manage these keyboards either :/13:58
oimonit was buggy before13:59
oimonwell , it was good, then they released a buggy one, now it's good again13:59
BigRedSahhh. This was stock on my galaxy, so I suspect it was the buggy one13:59
BigRedSthat was quite a pervasive pattern13:59
davmor2gord: I found a fix restart machine13:59
gmbThis makes me very, very happy: http://goons.fabcat.org14:01
gmbJust wanted to share.14:01
* gmb exeunt, in pursuit of a brass band14:01
dogmatic69whats the thoughts on using git for backups?14:13
dogmatic69ie: i have a folder full of images, have a cron running every few min doing git status, if there are changes do git add && commit && push to master repo. then just back up the master repo daily or something?14:14
gordonly makes sense if you want to be able to revert revisions14:15
gordi doubt you do14:15
dogmatic69it also makes the backups smaller as its just pushing new files instead of gzip the whole folder and uploading to S314:16
BigRedSdogmatic69: there's rsyncalikes for s314:17
BigRedSit's also ruby, though :(14:17
BigRedSit still only does whole files, though. but it'll can either work on modified time or on md5s14:17
BigRedSthat's mostly immaterial so long as it works now14:18
* popey hugs spideroak14:19
BigRedSI do keep meaning to try one of the s3fs things and plain old rsync14:19
BigRedSbut I suspect that will be suboptimal14:19
dogmatic69im usinng s3cmd now, but uploading 100's of MB every day for something that has not changed14:21
MooDoopopey: tis good isn't it :)14:21
dogmatic69and when someone in the office needs to fix something on the site its a few hundred meg backup and then download.14:22
dogmatic69git pull <backup-repo> seems good14:22
BigRedSaren't you going up to an actual server instance, thoug? where you could just run rsyncd?14:23
dogmatic69atm its from instance to S314:24
dogmatic69got a synology box that the instances could push to14:25
dogmatic69or synology could pull from14:25
dogmatic69currently there are about 5 client servers, all running exactly the same thing14:25
dogmatic69hosted software etc14:25
dogmatic69how do you make a new line in bash? just leave a space?14:41
bigcalmIf it's in double quotes14:42
BigRedSor just echo ""14:44
dogmatic69echo "MySQL: $mysql \n" is showing the \n14:47
shaunoecho -e14:49
shaunoit won't evaluate escapes by default.  echo -e this\nthat will14:50
BigRedSbut echo appends a newline by default14:50
MooDoowords=”first line \n second line.”14:50
MooDooecho -e $words14:50
MooDooand you'll get first line14:51
MooDooshauno: sorry missed your line :)14:51
shaunoand my secondline :p14:51
shauno(long day.  I'll find anything funny)14:51
shaunojust waiting for someone to echo -ne & we can start banging coconut shells together14:52
shaunoI sent management an email asking if we could send someone to NZ to deliver a slap.  got the reply that we can only budget for surface mail14:54
shaunoglad to see I'm not the only one having a bad-head day14:54
selinuxiumpopey, How do you fire up spideroak on Natty?14:55
JGJonespopey what do you use for updating dyndns on a server?14:55
popeywoah woah14:55
popeyand ddclient14:55
selinuxiumcheers :)14:55
BigRedSis there an easy way to have the MySQL commadn line client use those pretty tables even when I've done `echo $someSQL | mysql`?14:56
selinuxiumerm, Spideroak installed but not found under atl-F2...14:56
popeycapital S14:56
shaunoBigRedS: --table ?14:57
BigRedSshauno: yes! Cheers!14:58
shauno--help|grep table  ;)14:58
BigRedSI grepped for so many things, table wasn't one of them :)14:59
shaunolol.  yet it was the first thing you asked for14:59
shaunonot complaining tho, makes it easy to look clever :)14:59
BigRedShaha, yeah15:00
selinuxiumpopey, Hmmm still not... Strange15:03
oimonugh i hate it when i accidentally print a confidential doc to a printer a few floors away..15:07
oimonubuntu...y u no remember my default printer?15:07
selinuxiumpopey, SpiderOak    (got it)15:08
JGJonesoimon, it's because ubuntu love you15:08
BigRedSpeople still print things?15:08
oimonJGJones: it wants me to remain fit?15:08
oimonBigRedS: you should see my office right now15:08
oimonunder mountain of paper15:08
oimontis the annual review season15:08
BigRedSahh :(15:09
JGJonesBigRedS, I still print. Once in a blue moon...so infrequently, the inkjet tend to get dried up and jammed15:09
oimonmy inkjet at home claims to have empty cartridges, however they aren't empty15:09
oimonit seems the only way to fix those "problems" is to buy new catridges15:10
shaunothere's usually hacks around that.  they believe the wee chips on the carts rather than reality15:10
revo_hi, can you help me with lucid?15:11
JGJonesoimon, that's common to Canon's I think?15:11
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:11
* oimon has a canon ip430015:11
revo_ok, let me re-phrase that15:12
revo_can i get help with lucid here, or should i move along?15:12
bigcalmrevo_: please just ask your question15:12
oimonrevo_: plenty of lucid users in here15:12
bigcalmIf somebody can help you, they will. If not, try again later15:12
JGJonesaye, Canon need their chips to be hacked if filling ink yourself.15:12
oimonJGJones: not filling ink myself though15:13
oimoni hate inkjets15:13
oimonusually i use my trust laserjet 4+15:13
JGJonesoimon, not a problem with HP - I fill it up myself and it's good as new.15:13
oimonwhich is 20 yrs old i think15:13
shaunoI just don't have a printer.  paper is evil.15:13
JGJonesI didn't know Trust make printers now.15:13
JGJonesThought they was more of a cheap mouse/webcam's :D15:14
revo_the screen keeps blanking after 10 minutes, i have unchecked screensaver and selected never twice in energy manager, i have also appended "Off" next to "DPMS" in the xorg.conf as well as 'xset -dpms' as a start up process, what can i do to stop the screen blanking?15:14
oimonwas about to throw away my laserjet because i thought it had become rubbish. .turned out that ubuntu is misclassifying it as a PS printer when it isn't, since 10.04 at least. took me ages to figure that out15:14
JGJonesthem old HP printers are almost as tough at the IBM Model M keyboard's15:15
JGJones /at/as15:15
oimonrevo_: although you have disabled screensaver, what time is it set to?15:17
oimoni vaguely remember a similar problem once15:17
revo_oimon, let me check15:17
revo_that would be 4 minutes oimon15:17
JGJonesrevo_, what's your screen timeout in Power Managements?15:19
revo_JGJones, never15:19
oimondesktop or laptop?15:19
revo_oimon, personal computer, revo acer aspire15:20
revo_nvidia ION gpu15:20
oimoni have the same machine15:20
revo_freshly installed last week15:20
revo_good huh!:)15:20
JGJonesrevo_, just wondering - does the same thing happen on the monitor using a different OS? Such as Windows?15:20
oimonusing it as a display screen in a foyer, i have disabled screensaver15:21
revo_yes me too oimon15:21
revo_well trying to15:21
revo_JGJones, good point i could check that15:21
oimonhmm can someone verify a bug? i click help on the screensaver page and get an error15:21
oimonThe file ‘/usr/share/gnome/help/user-guide/en_GB/user-guide.xml’ could not be parsed because one or more of its included files is not a well-formed XML document.15:21
JGJonesrevo_, I only said that because many moons ago, I had an iiyama CRT monitor....after roughly 10-15 minutes it'll die on me.15:23
DJonesrevo_: JGJones oimon This sounds like the problem and solution to that, its something I had a problem with some years back http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122298015:23
* MooDoo pokes czajkowski oi afternoon 15:23
revo_ok, i have had this problem before and adding xset -dpms to startup seemed to work, but not now15:24
oimonhdmi or vga connection?15:25
revo_wow 2005 DJones thats way back lol15:25
oimonrevo_: do you also get the bug when you click help on the screensaver page?15:25
DJonesrevo_: Yes I know, but that did the trick for me a while back15:26
revo_help has never worked on most apps so i dont try oimon15:26
revo_DJones, hey, if it works good times!15:26
DJonesThe post is dated 25th July 2009 though15:26
DJonesthe 2005 was the persons join date to the forums15:26
revo_true my bad15:26
revo_thing is it may have i totally different display when i drop it off at the school15:27
revo_DJones, xorg amended going for reboot, thank you v-much15:30
oimonis .webarchive a real apple file?15:31
oimonsomeone just sent me 2 files called .webarchive which i cannot view15:31
shaunosounds about right :/15:32
shaunoI'd just ask them to use print as pdf. you should be able to break a webarchive into parts by hand, but it's really gotta be worth the time15:38
oimonshauno: i think i will delegate to a mac owning colleague :)15:42
shaunoeven easier  heh15:42
shaunobut yeah.  it's safari's version of .mhtml15:42
shaunoexcept they use plist instead of mime as the container.  obviously so they can remain cross-compatible with nextstep :/15:43
hcfdReposting due to connection barf:15:51
hcfdTFTPD on Ubuntu: xinetd is the only option?15:51
hcfdtftpd-hpa is better perhaps?15:52
revo_a big massive huge thank you to DJones that xorg fix seemed to have done the business15:57
DJonesrevo_: You're welcome15:59
shaunoman I'm getting old.  someone mentioned sisters of mercy, and I thought of the leonard cohen song instead of the band :/16:07
MooDooshauno: ouch16:09
shaunoI saw him amsterdam a few years ago. but still, I may have to bic the greys away for that one16:12
oimonwayne hussey, lol16:19
MooDooeveryone seen AlanBell email about re-approval for the loco?16:25
oimonsees this, thinks of popey: http://www.quickmeme.com/Minecraft/16:26
DJonesAnother bitcoin story that doesn't involve hacking https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2011/06/eff-and-bitcoin The EFF has decided to stop accepting donations in the form of bitcoins16:26
AlanBellMooDoo: I did, yes :)16:26
MooDooAlanBell: :p lol16:27
MooDooAlanBell: might tag along :p16:27
selinuxiumshauno, I am seeing the Sisters soon... :)16:28
* MooDoo starts singing Dominion16:29
* selinuxium starts dancing, arms outstretched, watching my shoes...16:29
davmor2I saw it I'll try and remember not to be asleep ;)16:39
oimonselinuxium: clementine has just decided to start playing the cure in homage16:41
suprengrHiyaz all.. a quandary: I'm looking a way of encrypting a *single*  folder... putting it up on Ubuntu One... retrieving it & decrypting on another pooter.  CryptKeeper springsto mind but have not experience in that use.  Ideas [pretty please]?16:42
JGJonesTrueCrypt is another solution16:42
* BigRedS ponders suggesting a convoluted solution involving luks and fuse16:43
BigRedSactually, I'd probably gpg a tar of the file16:44
suprengr[nothing sinister - it's the "pictures" folder... it has family photos & therefore has daughter photos.  Don't want pervs getting near it therefore]16:44
gordi don't understand spotify at all16:44
JGJonessuprengr so basically you're after a file-sync service that encrypt files before uploading?16:44
gordwhy can't i just give it a genre and tell it to go nuts16:44
BigRedSit gets buggier with every update. or at least did until I stopped updating it16:45
suprengrBigRedS, that was my first thought.. but I was thinking of a way of real sync for the folder.16:45
BigRedSgord: 'cause it's not lastfm16:45
gordit should be!16:45
BigRedSsuprengr: ahhhhh, sync. yeah. forgot it did that16:45
BigRedSwell, they can fix that when the volume knob works16:46
suprengrJGJones, yes, exactly that16:46
JGJonessuprengr, if after a filesync software that encrypt before upload, I just signed up with spideroak this morning as it does that.16:47
suprengrJGJones, thanks - will have a look16:47
* suprengr ponders... if onlu U1 did that...16:48
JGJonespopey had a referral link that give a free 1GB extra to the free account giving you 3GB btw16:48
JGJonessuprengr, aye....I agree...U1 need it.16:48
shaunopopey's going to be rolling around in a 50Gb spideroak account by the end of the day ;)16:49
daubersAlanBell: I need to add the scifi thing to the team reapproval whatsit don't I16:56
MartijnVdSscifi thing \o/16:57
gordscifi! \o/16:59
MartijnVdSJust over 1 month to go :)16:59
AlanBelldaubers: yup, that would be great17:01
MartijnVdSdaubers: Do you have any more details than the date yet?17:03
daubersMartijnVdS: been a touch busy :( Shall try and do something about that this evening :)17:08
daubersI've been told that regents park is really close, so would be the best bet for pinic-ing17:09
MartijnVdSdaubers: it's 2 tube stops/about a km17:09
MartijnVdSwell 4 tube stops, but close together17:10
daubersHeh :) Anything closer?17:10
MartijnVdSI'm not the London expert :P17:11
MartijnVdSdaubers: most tube lines pass King's Cross, so anything would work really17:11
MartijnVdSdaubers: (BL is in the middle between Euston and King's Cross St Pancras)17:12
daubersAttack of the OSM kind tonight by the look of it17:12
MartijnVdSdaubers: Google Maps has a London Underground overlay (heh)17:13
MartijnVdSdaubers: click a station, and all lines passing it light up17:13
shaunothere is a certain amount of irony to asking the dutch guy for directions ;)17:18
daubersYeah, based on googley maps, regents park is the closest17:18
daubersJust tube from KC to Regents park :)17:19
daubersCan meet people for BL at the thinking dude17:20
MartijnVdSthinking dude?17:26
daubersThere's a big statue of a dude thinking17:29
MartijnVdScan't find it on streetview :)17:29
daubersYou can just see him with his compasses behind the tree17:29
MartijnVdSthat's the square in front of the entrance of the BL :)17:30
* MartijnVdS went there last year for the maps thing17:30
Laneymy tea strainer split open and dumped its contents in the bottom of the cup17:31
daubersOh noes!17:33
JGJonesThat's not a bad thing.17:33
daubersHome times!17:33
JGJonesLook on the bright side.17:33
JGJonesYou get to read your tea leaves after you're done!17:33
Laneyi get to experience their unique texture too17:33
Laneyespecially the sticks and seeds since it's chai17:33
MartijnVdSSounds like the manufacturer should be tried for treason17:34
* popey makes some mint chilli tea17:34
MartijnVdSClosest I have to that is mildly chilly tea :(17:35
davmor2MartijnVdS: not quite the same then17:35
MartijnVdSdavmor2: not really, no17:35
andylockranhow do19:04
andylockranthings good?19:06
Core_UKdum dee dum19:33
jacobwob la di ob la da do da19:37
Core_UKWhat was that open source drop box alternative on the u:uk podcast?19:38
MartijnVdSUbuntu One? :P19:38
jacobwsyncopy even19:38
jacobwi don't think so19:39
Core_UKthats mac only19:39
jacobwi could well be wrong, i often am; you should wait for an answer from someone who knows or check the show notes on the uupc website19:40
webpigeonMartinp23: "open source" :P19:40
webpigeonMartijnVdS: ^ mistab19:40
MartijnVdSwebpigeon: the client is... :)19:40
webpigeonMartijnVdS: the server 'aint :P19:41
MartijnVdSdetails, details19:41
Core_UKare Mozilla getting desperate?19:41
MartijnVdSCore_UK: have been for a while, why?19:41
Core_UKfirefox 5 out today19:41
Core_UKfirefox 6 tomorrow...19:41
webpigeonCore_UK: owncloud?19:42
webpigeonjacobw beat me to it :P19:42
MartijnVdSCore_UK: really?19:42
Core_UK6 no, 5 yes :P19:42
Core_UKowncloud... thank you :)19:42
MartijnVdS'6 for developers'19:42
Core_UKIs chrome the future?19:43
webpigeonWhy do most projects seem to be doing major version bumps these days :/19:43
MartijnVdSwebpigeon: Chrome/Chromium started it19:43
jacobwi'm sure their new rapid development cycle won't work, just like gnome and ubuntu's don't :P19:43
JGJonespff - Opera does it better - it goes up to 11!19:43
MartijnVdSwith version 12 coming up..19:43
webpigeonMartijnVdS: yeah, but bring back the major releases being API breaks :P19:43
MartijnVdSJGJones: you like niche browsers then? :)19:43
MartijnVdSwebpigeon: nah, don't break apis, iterate!19:44
jacobwJGJones: C++ now goes up to 11 ;)19:44
webpigeonMartijnVdS: isn't that just breaking the API whenever you feel like it? :P19:44
MartijnVdSwebpigeon: no, that's providing a new API, making the old one complain19:44
MartijnVdSwebpigeon: then removing the old API after pushing people to the new one :)19:45
JGJonesMartijnVdS, I've been using Opera since 1997 or something like that :)19:45
MartijnVdSJGJones: so it's a nostalgia thing ;)19:45
JGJonesMartijnVdS, Chrome's the only browser that I actually really like apart from Opera :)19:45
MartijnVdSI love chrome for its speed19:46
Core_UKi dont trust google19:46
JGJonesbut I still go back to Opera (it's still just as fast as Chrome for me)19:46
MartijnVdSand its lack of memory bloat issues19:46
webpigeonMartijnVdS: then you end up with ArrayLists and Vectors :P19:46
MartijnVdSಠ_ಠ @ Mozilla19:46
MartijnVdSCore_UK: Chromium != Chrome19:46
Core_UKi was going to ask19:46
MartijnVdSI use Chromium, not Chrome19:46
Core_UKhow independant from google am i if i use chronium?19:46
MartijnVdSCore_UK: as long as you don't set up sync, I don't think it talks to google at all19:47
MartijnVdSCore_UK: unless you use google, of course19:47
MartijnVdS(you can set the search engine to Bing if you want, and the "prediction engine")19:47
jacobwhow are you independent from Richard Stallman if you use programs compiled by GCC ?19:47
webpigeonMartijnVdS: wonder if it does the whole, "this is a bad sight...", damn it, stop reading my brain.19:47
MartijnVdSjacobw: as long as I don't have to eat things from my foot...19:47
Core_UKWhy would I want to be idependant from RSM :D19:48
Core_UKgoogle want to take over the world I know it!19:48
TheOpenSourcererSo what is Canonical/Ubuntu's position on Firefox/Thunderbird/Chrome when they are releasing new versions every 6 weeks!19:48
Core_UKthey are considering Chrome i heard19:49
webpigeonTheOpenSourcerer: run away? :P19:49
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: they just put the new versions in $currently_supported_release, don't they?>19:49
gordTheOpenSourcerer, we'll take the latest crack, as we have always done19:49
MartijnVdSI'm sure I've had Chromium updates on natty19:49
gordversion numbers really mean nothing19:49
TheOpenSourcererHistorically they stuck to a version in a version19:49
JGJonesMartijnVdS, I don't seem to get memory bloat with Opera19:49
Core_UKhas anyone used owncloud on linux and windows?19:49
JGJonesalthough I admit I've not really looked and compared...I just know opera "just works" for me...ie never lose a session etc.19:50
jacobwserver or client?19:50
TheOpenSourcerergord: I agree that with the 6 weekly releases they don't really mean much. But it's a bugger for packagers and extension maintainers19:50
brobostigoni get chromium updates, almost everyday, but i use the chromium daily, ppa.19:50
webpigeonCore_UK: can't say I have but it's PHP so... should work... :/19:50
webpigeonserver ^19:50
gordTheOpenSourcerer, not really, it depends more on if api/abi changes more than if the version numbers go up19:50
TheOpenSourcererI have a Thunderbird extension. And when Gecko moves froms say 4 -> 5 it can/will change APIs19:51
TheOpenSourcererLikewise 5->619:51
TheOpenSourcererAnd so on.19:51
TheOpenSourcererEvery 6 weeks.19:51
gorddepends on their policy of api changes between major versions19:52
TheOpenSourcererAdmittedly they may be small incremental changes but nevertheless it's a PITA19:52
webpigeonTheOpenSourcerer: what I was saying earlier, I don't think that every update will break the API anymore :/19:52
gordchances are they will adopt a depreciation model, depreciate old api but keep it around19:52
TheOpenSourcererThere are no guarantees - from Mozilla at least.19:52
webpigeonwhich means, guess if it works :P19:52
Core_UKcan i use gmail + the client ?19:52
webpigeonCore_UK: it shouldn't effect gmail?19:53
jacobwthe client of what?19:53
gordthe config stuff in gnome 3 really really sucks19:56
gordit shouldn't take that long just to figure out where you change the setting for dimming a laptop screen, then being presented with the ugliest most bare interface ever =\19:56
webpigeongord: the only thing I've had trouble finding is the wireless settings19:57
webpigeongord: I think brightness is in power or monitor, or something like that :P19:58
gordwebpigeon, its in "screen" - which is obviously different from "display"19:58
webpigeonobviously :P19:59
gordat least the old config for that didn't look like crap19:59
webpigeonTheOpenSourcerer: name the store contest \o/20:00
TheOpenSourcererThey should call it apps tore20:01
webpigeonTheOpenSourcerer: the store formally known as the app store? :P20:02
dwatkinsgood call, TheOpenSourcerer20:03
webpigeonwhat's wrong with a software repository anyway?20:06
daubersSoftware Bazaar \o/20:08
dwatkinsSoftware Emporium20:09
webpigeondaubers: only with what that is if canoical gets annoyed and they have to have a rename the ranamed app store20:11
JGJonesIt's Not Apple App Store!20:14
JGJonesI Can't Believe It's Not Apple App Store20:14
webpigeonrename it to iapp store20:15
JGJonesheh that would really piss Apple off :)20:15
TheOpenSourcererApple Store :-D20:15
JGJonesThe Store20:16
webpigeonJGJones: i think that's what apple calls their buildings where people go to tell apple they're shiny broke20:17
JGJoneswebpigeon, they don't have a name20:18
JGJonesThey just have a logo in front20:18
MartijnVdSJust like LEGO stores really20:18
JGJonesuhoh...how long before LEGO get sued then?20:18
MartijnVdSJGJones: no they put their own logo out ;)20:19
JGJonesI once went into a LEGO store20:19
webpigeonJGJones: ah, the only one round here is a 3rd party contractor that went away and came back :(20:19
MartijnVdSJGJones: came back a poor man? :)20:19
JGJonesJust to have a look.20:19
JGJonesWas asked by staff to kindly bugger off, they'll like to go home too :D20:19
JGJonesI did spend hours in there, built many great structures.20:19
JGJonesI wisely forgot my wallet that day.20:20
webpigeons/forgot/misplaced intentionally/20:20
MartijnVdSI might be visiting the London one next month (when I'm there) -- we don't have them (really) in .nl20:20
MartijnVdShttp://www.flickr.com/photos/treenaks/sets/72157614289501300/  ;)20:21
dwatkinsI keep meaning to go to the Lego store in Milton Keynes as we pass by there occasionally.20:21
JGJonesyeah that's the one I was in.20:21
JGJonesIt's quite small20:21
MartijnVdSJGJones: ^^ This is what LEGO is for :)20:21
dwatkinsaww, proper old castle Lego that's yellow :)20:21
dwatkinsI started buying up the sets I used to have as a child from ebay.20:21
MartijnVdSdwatkins: early 80s :)20:21
dwatkinsI also found there's a chess set made of castle Lego :D20:22
andylockranit'd be nice if there was a % on dp-release-upgrade20:22
andylockranmav -> natty20:22
JGJonesWhen I was a kid, I got 4 lego lunar sheets20:22
webpigeondwatkins: :D20:22
JGJonesbest thing ever.20:22
MartijnVdSandylockran: it'll get there eventually20:22
andylockranMartijnVdS: It's on my work laptop.. and I need to head home soon :p20:22
MartijnVdSJGJones: I got lots of roads 8-)20:22
dwatkinswell, actually there are several, but the huge one is out of my price range for now20:22
webpigeonLast lego i used was a robot that couldn't add up.20:22
MartijnVdSandylockran: it's a laptop.. it'll upgrade fine in your bag :)20:23
JGJonesas I was always into sci-fic so getting to build spaceships etc and space structure etc was awesome.20:23
MartijnVdSJGJones: are you coming to the scifi (BL) thing as well?20:23
MartijnVdSs/are you/will you be/20:23
dwatkinsJGJones: same here, I had quite a lot of the blue space Lego20:23
JGJonesis there a link for it?20:24
MartijnVdSJGJones: talk to daubers20:24
andylockranMartijnVdS: just finished..20:24
JGJonesdwatkins, mine was mostly grey...well actually loads of colour...lego blocks always just get dumped into one giant box and you dig thru :)20:24
andylockranas soon as I complain there's no need to20:24
MartijnVdSJGJones: the 24th of July20:24
MartijnVdSJGJones: yeah, I have a box like that here :)20:25
dwatkinsJGJones: I can hear that sound in my head now20:25
MartijnVdSdwatkins: I rebuilt my old sets for those photos20:27
MartijnVdSdwatkins: the sound.. it's soothing20:27
Azelphuris there any gadget I can use on Ubuntu to detect motion on a webcam?20:30
Azelphursecurity camera style? :P20:30
MartijnVdSAzelphur: apt-cache show motion20:30
MartijnVdSAzelphur: like that? :)20:30
Azelphurcool :D20:30
Azelphurpeople keep going in the room with my £2000 supercomputer in it and stacking boxes and such in there, so I'm just going to put a couple of very loud speakers in there.20:31
jacobwdang, i thought that was going to be *really* cool apt-cache easter egg20:32
dwatkinsAzelphur: is it a WOPR?20:36
MartijnVdSWOPR = is a fictional military computer featured in the movie WarGames and its sequel. It is an acronym for War Operation Plan Response.20:36
Azelphurhaha :P20:37
MartijnVdSAzelphur: so, how much did you lose in the MtGox hit? :)20:37
Azelphurhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/May%202011/IMG_20110525_034107.jpg nope, it exists20:37
AzelphurMartijnVdS: nothing, I don't use mtgox20:37
ali1234looking through brikipedia i now realise that i had a LOT of lego20:41
andylockranJGJones are you any relation to DJones ?20:42
MartijnVdSali1234: omg there's a wiki with all sets? *bookmark*20:43
MooDoohello all20:44
ali1234also brickset.com20:44
dwatkinsthere's also peeron, bricklink and brickset20:44
ali1234brickset looks more complete20:44
MartijnVdSdwatkins: Peeron and Lugnet I knew20:44
ali1234i remember saving up tokens to get this: http://www.brickset.com/detail/?Set=6893-120:45
webpigeonI'm getting any work done this evening :P20:45
dwatkinsah yes, lugnet, sorry20:45
ali12344.99 on ebay, that's a travesty20:45
ali1234it's worth way more than that20:45
MooDoonow there is something i've not heard in awhile WOPR :)20:45
dwatkinsMooDoo: one of my favourite films, that20:45
MooDoodwatkins: don't tell me your password is joshua?20:46
dwatkinsMooDoo: haha, no20:46
dwatkinsSomewhere in that film the password became the name of the process20:46
MartijnVdSali1234: I had http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/6394_Metro_Park_%26_Service_Tower20:47
ali1234so... is there some site that has scans of the instructions of all these sets? or at least parts lists?20:48
MartijnVdSPeeron used to have instructions20:49
MartijnVdSand part lists20:49
dwatkinsit doesn't have them any more?20:51
ali1234it still has them20:51
JGJonesandylockran, heh - no relation to DJones :)21:02
MartijnVdSJGJones: As far as you know... :)21:03
JGJoneswe're separated by up to 8 people apparently...so he's a cousin then ;)21:03
daubersisn' there a meeting this evening?21:06
brobostigoni though meetings were normally thursdays.?21:07
daubersDid I misread "Thursday" as "Today"?21:07
brobostigontoday is tuesday.21:07
MartijnVdSThere's a recording of the podcast today..?21:07
daubersApparently the meeting is tomorrow :)21:08
MooDoothere is a meeting on now, loco reapprovals21:10
MooDooquite intersting21:10
MooDoodaubers: the uk loco team is up for re-approval soon so i'm seeing how it all works :)21:14
Laneywhatever is reapproval?21:15
Laneyproving that you are good?21:15
daubersMooDoo: I read AlanBells message :)21:20
daubersMooDoo: Our wiki page looks sad :(21:20
MooDoodaubers: that's why i'm there so i can se eothers and what we need to do to make ours look wicked :)21:20
daubersNeed to get the RAT piccies form last year on there, and the scifi thing on there :)21:22
MooDooi think that's the whole idea of AlanBell getting people to the meeting so we can see what happens and what we need to do21:23
MooDooczajkowski: ?21:33
czajkowskiyour comment above21:35
MooDooczajkowski: wasn't meant to be funny ;(  sniff21:35
MartijnVdSMooDoo: "Wasn't it supposed to be funny?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Apr1PQP0TO4 ;)21:39
MartijnVdSMooDoo: (it seems I have music for EVERY occasion)21:39
MooDooso that's what happens when your application page isn't up to date :D21:46
webpigeonMooDoo: shotgun?21:49
MooDoowebpigeon: not that bad, a chance to try again :)  it's quite good really21:50
MooDooirish team now, channel just went nuts lol21:51
webpigeongood nuts or bad nuts? :P21:52
MooDoolots of support :)21:52
czajkowskiMooDoo: you following now :D21:52
MooDooczajkowski: yeah21:53
czajkowskiawesome application21:53
MooDooczajkowski: seems simple really prepare before hand and sail straight through21:54
czajkowskiwe worked on it over 2 weekends on irc and face to face21:54
czajkowskiplus we have all events blogged and taken pics of21:55
czajkowskiso easy to lay our hands on info21:55
MooDooczajkowski: you can tell :)21:55
* MooDoo is taking notes lol21:55
MooDooczajkowski: simples ;)21:58
MooDooAlanBell: interesting meeting :) liked it22:22
AlanBellthought you might :)22:23
MooDooAlanBell: our page needs a LOT of work lol22:23
AlanBellit does22:23
Azelphurhey awesome, google autocompletes my name now with clear references to me :D22:25
Azelphurtype azelp, it comes up Azelphur, Azelphur servers, Azelphur irc22:25
MooDoohay popey22:25
czajkowskiMooDoo: tis cool to get people into the habbit of knowing what happens in the meeting22:26
czajkowskisometimes there are agenda items22:26
czajkowskisometimes not22:27
czajkowskipopey: boo22:27
MooDooczajkowski: yeah it was good...22:27
brobostigonok,good night everyone, sleep well.22:28
MooDoobrobostigon: laters22:28
webpigeonnight brobostigon22:28
czajkowskipopey: join the club22:28
brobostigonnight MooDoo and webpigeon :)22:28
czajkowskichairing a meeting without having dinner is a bad bad bad idea22:28
MooDooczajkowski: SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE.....NANDOS22:29
czajkowskiI know22:29
MooDoolaters all22:37
webpigeonLaters MooDoo  o/22:37
bigcalmpopey: know if we can add DNS entries on the superhub?23:03
bigcalmMy android tablet might be here tomorrow and I'll need to be able to view URLs on my dev server23:03
JGJonesHmm...what's a good simple server solution that use asterix?23:09
JGJonesor something like that?23:09
JGJoneswell...to work with a old fashioned 56K modem23:10
JGJoneswanting to setup a solution where I could get a computer to dial up a text relay remotely so that I could access it anytime remotely...and MAYBE be able to carry voice for VCO (Voice Carry Over) where I could talk into phone, but replies are in text...but going complicated here...just a solution allowing me to access remotely to dial a 56K modem?23:11
JGJoneswould need an equilivent to hyperterminal on Windows?23:11
webpigeonJGJones: i'm not sure but we used miniterm for cisco routers, i know hyperterminal is usually used on windows for that...23:13
webpigeonJGJones: minicom sorry, too many things with simlar names23:19
JGJoneswebpigeon, the textphone that I use to call text relay is called a minicom too(!)23:22
JGJonesmine is actually dated from the 80's and still in use.23:23
JGJonesand I hate the goddamn thing.23:23
JGJones1 line display, and I type faster than it can transmit.23:23
webpigeonoh dear :(23:23
JGJoneshyperterminal was one solution...but alas...I don't use Windows :)23:24
JGJonesso wondered if there was an equlivent software for linux (don't care if it's CLI based)23:24
JGJonesjust need to be able to communicate in V18 protocol23:26
webpigeonhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minicom or maybe even putty, but i'm not sure putty can do it23:26
JGJonesor Baudot23:26
Laneyto kindle with the MSE discount or not to kindle with the MSE discount?23:29
Core_UKWhat is the best dropbox alternative, if anyone has any experience in that area?23:30
webpigeonrsync + ssh :P23:31
bigcalmSyncAny.org might be, once it's ready23:31
bigcalmI'm waiting for windows and linux interfaces to be ready without fiddling then will move away from dropbox23:32
bigcalmMight fill up my dropbox account with /dev/random before leaving23:32
Laneysparkleshare (H)23:32
Laney(might not actually do what you want)23:32
bigcalmSpider Oak is another alternative23:32
webpigeonfile sync is something with seems to have ballooned many projects as of late23:33
* bigcalm heads to bed23:34
AlanBellJGJones: so you want a V18 modem at home or something plugged into a POTS line23:37
AlanBellthen SSH in and talk to the modem which talks to minicom users23:37
AlanBell!info cutecom23:38
lubotu3cutecom (source: cutecom): Graphical serial terminal, like minicom. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22.0-2 (natty), package size 53 kB, installed size 204 kB23:38
AlanBellhmm, quite basic23:39
JGJonesAlanBell, Thanks! I'll check it out23:39
AlanBellI don't think I have any hardware at all with a modem now23:39
AlanBella friend of mine has a minicom hardware device, but I think facebook has taken over now23:41
JGJonesI don't either...would have to get one on ebay23:41
AlanBellso you want to use it with a voice relay service or something?23:43
JGJonespretty much yes23:43
JGJonesthere's only 1 text relay in UK at the moment - http://www.textrelay.org/23:44
AlanBelldo they not have other protocol support over IP?23:44
AlanBellthat sucks23:45
JGJonesBT pay for it - they aren't going to put in any extra money for R&D23:45
AlanBellah, right23:45
JGJonesIn USA - they operate differently - all telecommunication pay into a central "pot" for access services23:46
AlanBellprobably not R&D costs (I did the research just now, in my head) they just don't want it being used by many people23:46
JGJonesand out of this - there are many video, text and captioned relays - the more users they have, the bigger share of the pot they get basically.23:46
JGJonesI've used their services...damn fantastic...even have iPad/Android apps etc.23:46
JGJonesthere are private companies doing the same here, but I have to pay for it23:47
JGJonessignvideo.co.uk is what I use - but it cost £80 a week.23:48
AlanBellhmm, ok interesting23:48
JGJonesfor roughly about 2 hours a week.23:48
JGJoneshowever that's paid by Access to Work not myself thank feck, but the Gov is cutting AtW fund so it's uncertain if I can continue with it.23:49
AlanBellnight all o/23:49

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