
nlsthznNight shift coming to a close... cheers all :)03:31
CrummyGummyHiya, Does Ubuntu still use the interfaces file for IP configuration?07:05
superflyCrummyGummy: not on the desktop AFAIK07:11
superflyCrummyGummy: network manager does some autodetection and whatnot07:11
CrummyGummyja thanks, I was talking about server. I got it, the default route was in the wrong/different subnet07:13
superflymorning sakhi07:29
=== kuber_pietie is now known as nuvolari
=== Hodge is now known as Hodgestar
panphriedMartini please Maaz10:06
panphriedMaaz Martini10:06
Maazpanphried: What?10:06
panphriedworth a try10:07
queeryill fix thath10:07
panphriedthanks :)10:08
queerytry now10:09
panphriedMaaz, a Martini please10:09
Maazpanphried: Go get it yourself!10:09
queeryjust Martini10:09
panphriedlol. fair enuf10:09
panphriedMaaz Martini10:10
* Maaz shakes up a vodka and gin mixed Martini for panphried10:10
panphriedexcellent Maaz, thank you very much 10:10
panphriedits that sort of day10:11
queeryMaaz, coffee on10:21
* Maaz washes some mugs10:21
MaazCoffee's ready for queery!10:25
queeryMaaz, ty10:25
MaazEnjoy queery10:25
=== panphried is now known as panphried_
tumbleweedMaaz: highvoltage ++ [[ raising an interesting discussion in the community council ]]12:22
marcogtumbleweed: discussion being?12:24
tumbleweedtop item on wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda/talk12:24
marcogmakes sense12:27
=== panphried is now known as panphried_away
=== panphried_away is now known as panphried
scar[w]in which country is highvoltage atm?13:49
marcogcanada if i'm not mistaken13:50
=== drubin_ is now known as drubin

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