
io!info ubuntu-desktop | plov00:00
ubottuplov: ubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.220 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 60 kB00:00
Alexanderwhat if i want proxychains to run with a program that i run with wine, rypervenche00:00
ioAlexander: you should be reading a getting started manual first, so that you understand Terminal and Linux in general before going any further00:01
Alexanderalright thanks io00:01
rypervencheAlexander: You will probably be able to answer those questions yourself once you know the command line better.00:01
Dulakplov: nomachine NX is really good, vnc also pretty good for remote desktop00:01
plovio: i dont understand, just looks like a meta package for installing the desktop environment00:01
Bfhany1 know how to update java ?00:01
rypervencheBfh: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade00:01
th0rplov: you want the desktop locally or remotely?00:01
ioplov: you want a GUI right?00:02
plovremotely , like VNC00:02
sarkishey guys, why does inconsolata look like crap on ubuntu 11.04? im using it as my fixed width font 12px and it looks bad in my terminal00:02
sarkisi tried messing with the antialiasing as well00:02
WallyesDulak: How do I add it? I think I read that before and I added a ModeLine under Monitor Section in xorg.conf?00:02
th0rplov: install something light, like lxde or xfce, then ssh to the server with X-forwarding enabled, and start the desktop there00:02
ZykoticK9rypervenche, seeing as how aptitude is no longer installed by default in Ubuntu, I'm not sure how good it is to recommend it's use ;)00:02
ioplov: if you want a GUI on the server then '$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' or '$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop' if you don't want the applications that come with it00:02
rypervencheIs there a versions bot in this room like in #debian?00:03
rypervencheZykoticK9: Ah, so it's finally gone is it? Shame...00:03
iorypervenche: !info <package name>00:03
DulakWallyes: you can edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  as far as the correct modeline to use, that's specific to the hardware00:03
Dulakplov: nomachine NX00:03
rypervencheio: Thank you.00:04
chalcedonyis there a pastebin that you recommend besides pastebin.com? it's saying it's under heavy load atm?00:04
rypervenche!info sun-java6-jre00:04
ubottuPackage sun-java6-jre does not exist in natty00:04
szalZykoticK9: in Kubuntu it still is00:04
io!info *java6* | rypervenche00:04
ubotturypervenche: Package java6 does not exist in natty00:04
szal!info sun-java6-jre00:04
ubottuPackage sun-java6-jre does not exist in natty00:04
chalcedony!info pastebin00:04
io!java | rypervenche00:05
ubottuPackage pastebin does not exist in natty00:05
ubotturypervenche: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.00:05
io!pastebinnit | chalcedony00:05
io!pastebinit | chalcedony00:05
ubottuchalcedony: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com00:05
iochalcedony: that supports a number of paste bins00:05
rypervenche!info openjdk-6-jre00:05
ubottuopenjdk-6-jre (source: openjdk-6): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component main, is optional. Version 6b22-1.10.2-0ubuntu1~11.04.1 (natty), package size 204 kB, installed size 712 kB00:05
iorypervenche: you can also message the bot (suggested if the information is for yourself)00:06
minimecrypervenche: As you see it is always good to talk in private to the bot. Otherwise we get spammed... ;) /msg ubottu !info firefox00:06
rypervencheio: I was checking the version for the one who wanted to upgrade his java. Will do next time.00:06
chalcedonyio i'm on windows atm. i was hoping to use the pastebin to explain my problem and what i've tried so far.00:06
io!paste | chalcedony00:07
ubottuchalcedony: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:07
CarlFKvelofille: that thread ended with: apply patches... " Still no official support (out-of-the-box) for the 82801H (mitec) card?"00:07
WallyesDulak:  I used the command "cvt 1176 664" and added the modeline under monitor section. Is it not right to my specific hardware then?00:10
Sphyyrhi i have a question about booting ubuntu 11.04 64bit off of a flash drive00:10
chalcedonyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/630080/ my problem00:10
Sphyyris this the correct irc to post my question?00:11
trismSphyyr: yes, ask your question00:11
sarkishas anyone got inconsolata looking decent in gnome-terminal? the antialiasing seems off i think, don't know if its jsut me00:12
Sphyyrok im using unetbootin to create the bootable flash drive, and when i try to start up using said drive, it will allow me to choose off the menu to boot into ubuntu and then it just displays static on my screen00:12
Sphyyrit doesn't appear to be just an ubuntu issue as ive tried fedora as well00:13
=== rabc is now known as draioch
Jake123Is there a channel for KDE or Kubuntu?00:14
tk`sarkis: remember trying it and didnt like the hinting. I use liberation mono now00:14
minimecJake123: Yes /join #kubuntu00:15
OerHeksJake123, join #Kubuntu00:15
AginorJake123, try #kubuntu or #kde and see if you have success00:15
IboSthey answer generally00:16
IboSjust be patient00:16
=== brechdurchfall is now known as brechdurchfall|a
strelokhi all00:16
velofilleahh poop, ive been in #ubuntu all this time and i use Kubuntu , does this mean i need to change window manager? or channel? :)00:17
Aginorvelofille, is that you? :D00:18
velofilleit might be :)00:18
Aginorvelofille, and yes you have to change window managers now00:18
velofilleawwww, but im rendering videos :/00:19
Stingray88Is anyone willing to assist me in figuring out how to make my nvidia drivers work? I have an extremely common issue that no one has been able to figure out...00:19
velofilleStingray88, go ahead00:19
velofilleim bored and rendering videos, ill give it a crack00:19
trismSphyyr: I used to have a similar problem with a nvidia card that I could work around by adding nomodeset to the kernel command line until I could get the nvidia drivers installed00:19
icerootcan you recommend a vncviewer which can scale the resoltution00:19
Stingray88I'm getting the "This driver is activated but not currently in use" message00:19
trismSphyyr: I do not remember off the top of my head how you do the with the unetbootin menu though, from the livecd you can hit f6 to add the option (or type it in)00:20
Sphyyrtrism ok but im using amd, ill go ahead and try that though00:20
Stingray88Apparently it's an issue with 11.04 and nvidia drivers00:20
ZykoticK9Stingray88, is the driver working?  if it is, just ignore the message.00:20
Stingray88I can get a picture, but I can't change anything I'm supposed to like resoltutions00:21
velofilleStingray88, new install or upgrade?00:21
westzi'm working with a laptop with no cd drive, and a bios that doesnt support booting from usb. can make a partition with the installation media to reinstall from?00:22
ZykoticK9Stingray88, does nvidia-settings say it's using the nvidia driver?00:22
velofillewestz, that would work00:22
Stingray88I upgraded at first from 10.10 and couldn't figure out the issue after about a month, so I went and did a fresh install yesterday00:22
westzvelofille, how would i go bout that?00:23
velofilleStingray88, ahh ok, i do know there were problems on upgrade, removing the Xorg config so it generated a new one worked. But if you did a fresh install its something else00:23
velofillewestz, you would need to remove the hdd , put it in usb caddy or similar to write an image00:23
velofillewestz, if you had windows or something installed you can use that, the ubuntu site has several ways documented on writing an image file to usb stick, do the same but use the partition00:24
tk`Stingray88: check if module is loaded > lsmod | grep nvidia00:24
velofillewestz, you would still need a boot loader to boot that though00:24
lefty|afkI forgot the address to enter to get into my router00:24
velofillewestz, better off putting the hdd into another machine, do the install, and move it back00:24
ZykoticK9lefty|afk, or are probably the two most common00:25
lefty|afkZykoticK9, thanks!00:25
westzvelofille, i have a second laptop that has a cd drive tht i used to install ubuntu on this one. i wanted to know what i'd need to formt the recovery partition to00:25
westzvelofille, yeah thats what i've already done00:25
velofillewestz, always go for the easy option :D00:26
marckanyone here00:27
westzvelofille, i wanted to know wht to format the other partition to, and some documentation on adding the recovery imge to grumachine)b2 (accustomed to old grub as i use arch on my00:27
velofillewestz, you could make a small partition at the beginning but just so long as the boot load listed it which is the harder part if your bootloader is grub and thats rm -rf'd00:27
velofillewestz, maybe hda1 = /boot ,hda2 = recovery, hda3 = install ?00:28
marckcan anyone answer my question pls about this http://s1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa461/marckison/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png00:28
Skeeter-i need some help with mdadm00:28
westzi mean what filesystem (if any) do i formt the recovery partition to?00:28
velofillewestz, you would not format in any, just use the ubuntu disk image writer00:29
velofillewestz, create the partition, do not format it , apt-get install usb-imagewriter , use that00:30
velofillewestz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles00:30
westzthat'll work with a standrd hdd?00:31
velofillewestz, should do, also http://www.webupd8.org/2009/04/4-ways-to-create-bootable-live-usb.html which uses a cd image00:31
velofillejust make sure you use the partition not the entire drive00:31
marckhttp://s1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa461/marckison/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png please can anyone help me00:31
JarvisSkeeter-: what seems to be the problem00:31
westzso hda200:32
marckwith the unknow monitor00:32
westzfollowing that scheme that is00:32
velofillemarck, looks like you need to define your monitor00:32
westzi get the feeling im gonna have to do some grub.conf editing... i hate that00:32
velofillewestz, heh, use ubuntu config for it ? (unsure if there is one)00:33
Stingray88tk': I believe the module is loaded00:33
marckhow do i define my monitor00:33
ZykoticK9marck, depending on your gfx card, perhaps installing the driver will allow the card to detect the monitor (applies to nvidia, perhaps AMD/ATI as well) - if not, you'd need to manually configure the monitor (is it an older monitor by chance?)00:33
Jarvismarck: be aware some native drivers (nvidia i know does so) use one screen that covers any number of monitors, so you'll need to use the utility that is designed for your graphics card00:34
velofillemarck, please dont message me00:34
marcki have an intel00:34
westzi dont believe there is  tool to graphically configure boot devices... maye i'll write one... i've been looking for a good project to learn python through :)00:34
marckstart up manager worked but thene it failed00:35
tk`Stingray88 u had it working in 10.10 then? wt does nvidia-settings say now?00:35
robin0800westz: ubuntu-startup-manager00:35
Stingray88tk', in 10.10 the driver simply stated it was activated, in 11.04 it states the driver is actived but not currently in use00:35
westzrobin0800, thanks00:36
marckit helps u get ur resolution higher00:36
Stingray88tk`, and now it doesn't allow me to use certain resolutions I was previously able to00:36
marckanyone got a solution to my problem00:36
tk`Stingray88 wt card is it? and wt res are you trying to set?00:37
NoWayJosewill a belkin n150 wireless router work with linux?00:37
westzi can understand using older versions that are LTS, but whats th10.10 when theres a newer version?e point of using, say,00:37
tk`u can try setting resolution in xorg.conf manually00:37
marcki have intel pentium 4 and my graphics chipset is Intel® 82845G Graphics Controller00:38
NoWayJoseim reading the box here and it says windows required...00:38
ZykoticK9westz, well, 10.10 doesn't use Unity would be one reason I'd suspect00:38
marckbut the chipset i cant get on ubuntu 11.0400:38
icerootNoWayJose: yes a router is independed from the os from the clients00:38
westzZykoticK9, yeah, but neither does 10.04, and that's LTS00:38
NoWayJoseiceroot: ok i remember the days of winmodems...just making sure this aint like that00:39
westzZykoticK9, and you dont have to use the unity on 11.04 anyway. i dont.00:39
Stingray88tk`, The card is a GeForce 5200 FX, and I'm trying to set the resolution to 1280x800, forgive my ignorance, but I don't know the correct thing to write into xorg.conf to do that00:39
icerootNoWayJose: a modem is connected directly to the pc and need drivers. a router is not connected directly, its just using standard-lan/wifi technics like dhcp, wpa and so on00:40
Jarvismarck: I would advise you to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Resolution00:40
ZykoticK9Stingray88, do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf?  If not, "sudo nvidia-xconfig" would give you one (and solve your issue if you don't currently have one!)00:40
NoWayJoseiceroot, ok thank you very much.00:40
Stingray88ZykoticK9, Yes I do have one. What would be the correct way to add the resolution I want to it?00:42
mobileÍà ðóñêîì êòî ãîâîðèò00:42
westzim not trying to be difficult, i literally cant see the reasoning. even if you need to for older hardware, you can still use the LTS closest to the release that supports your hardwre00:42
ZykoticK9Stingray88, i think you need to get the driver actually working, then you should be able to specify the resolution from nvidia-settings (if you're using nv, nouveau, vesa they may not support non-standard resolutions).  Good luck.00:43
szalmobile: please fix your encoding so we can at least identify your language00:44
westzi consider old non-lts releases to be dead once there's a newer release. 10.10 doesnt exist to me, only 10.04 nd the current (11.04)00:44
ZykoticK9westz, "perhaps" you should instead view all "supported" releases as existing...00:44
westzZykoticK9, i thought once there was a newer version it wasnt supported anymore? (except lts of course)00:45
westzif not, it still doesnt change my choice to not use arch as my main machine00:45
ZykoticK9westz, non-lts releases are all supported for a set period, i don't think 10.10 has reached EOL00:45
WallyesZykoticK9: How do I get xvidtune to work? Have to add a modeline from "cvt 1176 664" and added under monitor section in xorg.conf. Its still desplays a to big size for my screen. Says that my hardware configuration not supporting it to use xvidtune00:46
marckidk how to do this00:46
marcklast time i downloaded ubuntu 11.0400:46
ZykoticK9Wallyes, i'd never heard of xvidtune before today - on my system (which doesn't use proprietary drivers) it is working.  I'm guessing it doesn't work with proprietary - but i'm not sure man.  Good luck.00:47
marckwith start up manager it worked perfectly00:47
testcaseI've got a kind of weird bug. I think it's in the WUBI uninstall process. Any idea who I should tell about it?00:48
szalStingray88: if the xorg.conf states "Driver nvidia", all you should need to do is reboot if you recently changed something about the settings..  if your resolution is too low, try putting 'edd=on' as additional argument in the kernel boot line in Grub; if that fixes your issue, make it permanent by adding 'edd=on' as an option between the quotes in the line of /etc/default/grub that starts w/ 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX='00:48
kexmani am trying to install ubuntu but it doesnt recognizes my broadcom wifi and no cable option00:48
kexmansooo i plugged in my phone and did usb thetering :)00:48
kexmanwhich works wonderfully with sysresccd for example. but ubuntu install cant see it :(00:49
testcaseIt's a very weird bug & I'm kind of curious why it's happening. It's also a hell of a nuisance.00:49
szalStingray88: and after modifying /etc/default/grub run 'sudo update-grub'00:49
p_resanyway to upgrade to the latest firefox 5 in natty?00:50
szalluff: don't IRC as root..00:51
ZykoticK9p_res, this might help http://techie-buzz.com/foss/firefox-5-ubuntu.html00:52
=== eliezer is now known as eliezer_
p_resthanks ZykoticK9, i'll take a look at that.00:52
iflemakexman, there used to be a global proxy setting under the administration menu.... also theres a good chance what you need to activate the wireless is on the install cd.00:52
B3rz3rk3rhi guys, i need some help with directory aliasing on Gadmin-ProFTPd, how do I allow users out of the home directory, or put links to other allowed directories into their home?00:53
kexmaniflema: im going nonwireless install :) bad choice ?00:53
sozietyHello I need a vpn client (pptp or ipsec), that when the vpn falling down, the pc disconnect from internet (sorry my english :S)00:53
BaptisteGC salut, j'ai créé une radio avec plein de protocole dont SIP, y'aurait-il qqn pour tester tout ca ?00:53
szal!fr | BaptisteGC00:53
ubottuBaptisteGC: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:53
WallyesHow do I get xvidtune to work? Have to add a modeline from "cvt 1176 664" and added under monitor section in xorg.conf. Its still desplays a to big size for my screen. Says that my hardware configuration not supporting it to use xvidtune. xvidtune i belive can fix that problem?00:54
BaptisteGC salut, j'ai créé une radio avec plein de protocole dont SIP, y'aurait-il qqn pour tester tout ca ?00:54
Jeffsihello, im having a problem and im not sure if it is ubuntu or the computer but basically when ubuntu install disk boots up all the way the computer shuts off or sometimes it happens during the boot process, if someone is able to give there input on this, that would be very much appreciated00:54
chalcedonyin 10.04: i did update/upgrade today and now it won't boot, in safemode, older kernel, i get: system monitors: It appears your graphic driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?00:55
chalcedonyATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics00:56
Jeffsianyone here that could help me?00:56
chalcedonyJeffsi, keep asking, helpers may be busy00:57
testcaseSo, I think WUBI isn't allowing the proper deletion of the username & password of Linux Mint installs... who do I report this to?00:57
sozietyHello I need a vpn client (pptp or ipsec), that when the vpn falling down, the pc disconnect from internet (sorry my english :S), anyone here that could help me?00:57
szalJeffsi: but don't repeat yourself too fast00:58
ejvchalcedony: better to advocate patience, rather than encouraging him asking again so quickly lol00:58
marckim looking for an answer for my resolution problem00:58
marckive been looking for an answer for 3 days00:58
szalJeffsi: and the description sounds more like a problem w/ hardware (temperature, PSU, RAM..)00:58
szal!enter | marck00:58
ubottumarck: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:58
chalcedonyszal, ejv - true, sorry00:58
ejvchalcedony: np00:58
testcaseAnybody know who works on WUBI?00:59
testcaseevj: Which ones?00:59
ejvtestcase: https://launchpad.net/wubi00:59
B3rz3rk3rtestcase here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi00:59
ejvtestcase: https://launchpad.net/wubi/+topcontributors00:59
ejva simple google, isn't it? :)01:00
Jeffsihello, im having a problem and im not sure if it is ubuntu or the member:computer but basically when ubuntu install disk boots up all the way the member:computer shuts off or sometimes it happens during the boot process, if someone is able to give there input on this, that would be very much appreciated also i can confirm that temps and ram are ok so far01:00
B3rz3rk3rindeed :P01:00
testcaseevj: Unfortunately I failed the google on it.01:00
wellyHi chaps. I've got a python script that I need running when the server reboots (if it ever does, which it might!) - what would be the best way of setting this up on 10.04?01:00
ejvtestcase: that's 'ejv' and do not email the developers directly, that will annoy them. Instead, file a bug report if you're having a problem.01:00
BaptisteGC salut, j'ai créé une radio avec plein de protocole dont SIP, y'aurait-il qqn pour tester tout ca ?01:00
ejv!fr | BaptisteGC01:01
ubottuBaptisteGC: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:01
testcaseevj & B3rz3rk3r: I think I got what I needed. Thanks guys. No need to be so cranky.01:01
B3rz3rk3rwelly, easiest way would be to use Startup applications I think01:01
wellyB3rz3rk3r: oh sorry, I should have mentioned this is on 10.04 server01:02
wellywithout a gui01:02
ejvwho said i was cranky... lol01:02
B3rz3rk3rwelly, ah, not too sure then mate, sorry01:02
wellyB3rz3rk3r: no worries :) cheers anyway!01:03
ejvJeffsi: it's definitely your computer01:03
AcidphaseGreat pastebin is overloaded lol01:03
ejvAcidphase: use an alternative01:04
ejvAcidphase: i enjoy pastee, for secure pastes01:04
Jeffsiejv: what do you suspect could be the problem? i was thinking either not enough power or something with freenas01:04
BaptisteGC salut, j'ai créé une radio avec un protocole SIP, y'aurait-il qqn pour tester tout ca ?01:05
ejvthe ubuntu live disc should not fail in botting, regardles of the underlying storage presented to the system, freenas on it or not...01:05
ejvJeffsi: ^01:05
ejvs/botting/booting/ && s/regardles/regardless/01:06
B3rz3rk3r!fr | BaptisteGC01:06
ubottuBaptisteGC: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:06
ejvi don't think BaptisteGC is paying attention01:06
B3rz3rk3rno, its worth a shot though right?01:06
robin0800Jeffsi: if its 11.04 hit space at boot time and then choose install01:07
AcidphaseOkay, get stuck on Bootup here is the info: https://pastee.org/g9uh701:07
Jeffsirobin0800:  its the LTS version and i think it probably is a component in the computer but i am not sure whick other than maybe the psu but not sure01:08
kingofswordshi how do i install XVID MPEG-4 decoder?01:08
ejvJeffsi: in that case, try to reduce the system to it's most bare bones components (if possible)01:08
ejvJeffsi: if you're trying to flush out a bad component, you'll need to compare behavior with known functioning components01:08
Faustus2how can one connect vpn automatically? the "Connect automatically" option doesnt work for vpn...01:08
BaptisteGC salut, j'ai créé une radio avec un protocole SIP, y'aurait-il qqn pour tester tout ca ?01:09
* ejv sighs01:09
AcidphaseGuess no one has a solution for that one =P01:09
ejvAcidphase: what does google say regarding ubuntu $_VERSION and your 'udev' error? :)01:10
ejvi don't personally know why you're getting that so i'd search and also check the ubuntuforums01:10
Acidphaseya I did that01:11
rontapHullo. new user here01:11
Acidphasethen came here01:11
Jeffsiejv:  I have  1 HDD/1 dvd drive/ a dedicated graphics card then the cpu/mobo running and thats all and this computer was made from other old working computers so im not sure why anything would all of a sudden not be working right though01:11
ejvAcidphase: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/78421601:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 784216 in udev (Ubuntu) "/run/udev not writable error message" [Low,Triaged]01:11
rontapI would like to learn more about themes, or colours, or anything to customise my Ubuntu =]01:12
ZykoticK9!themes > rontap01:13
ubotturontap, please see my private message01:13
Acidphaseya just read that no solution for me there, I can't boot and apparently creating the /run/dev doesnt help either01:13
sarthorHI, using natty, Wlan is not working, lspci show.. Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01), Any help please.01:13
ZykoticK9rontap, BTW i think that factoid is probably a bit outdated due to Unity.  Good luck.01:13
=== Monotoko is now known as Guest80530
ZykoticK9!broadcom | sarthor01:14
ubottusarthor: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:14
rontapoh ok, thanks lol01:15
kingofswordsdoes veoh work in ubuntu?01:15
ejvAcidphase: if you have the energy, make an account on launchpad, and file a comment on that bug, provide them your kernel info, anything relevant, etc.01:15
AcidphaseBTW if you get any users using a Asus Crosshair Formula III and they complain on along system hang tell them they need to add the acpi=off to their grub01:15
chalcedonythe "fglrx" 'native ubuntu' drivers seem to have ceased to work for me with the update i did, help?01:16
Acidphaseejv: Ya was trying to prevent from doing that was looking for the quick solution =P01:16
ejvAcidphase: ;)01:16
AcidphaseGood news is at least I know where to start01:16
Acidphasechalcedony: what's it doing?01:17
B3rz3rk3rhi guys, i need some help with directory aliasing on Gadmin-ProFTPd, how do I allow users out of the home directory, or put links to other allowed directories into their home directory?01:18
Acidphasechalcedony: you said cease , in what sense no loading no flgrx at all ? fglrxinfo doesn't spit out anything?01:18
chalcedonyAcidphase, first it wouldn't boot, in safe mode in the 28 kernel (10.04) i get errors including: system monitors: It appears your graphic driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?01:18
chalcedonyAcidphase, TI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics01:19
AcidphaseGot did you try using rescue ? and booting in loa graphical mode to at leadt get back to X?01:20
chalcedonyAcidphase, i'm in low resolution now, it's not powering my lcd monitor, just the crt01:20
kexmancould anyone help me use my phone as usb2net adapter to be able to use 3g or wifi ? somehow on ubuntu it doesnt just "works" :P01:21
Acidphasechalcedony: Oh and this is a good link for step by step info http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Natty_Installation_Guide01:21
AcidphaseIn the mean time does Jockey still work?01:21
kexmani tested it on another distro and worked like a charm01:21
kexmanso it would be wonderfull to make it work under ubuntu also01:21
Acidphasechalcedony: sorry automatically assumed you were using Natty, if not that site has version specific info01:23
diyttowhat command can i run to get what graphics card i have?01:23
ZykoticK9diytto, "lspci | grep -i vga"01:23
chalcedonyAcidphase, yes i was there too, trying to figure out what it says to do01:23
shesek_Has anyone been having troubles with VLC taking insane amounts of resources, to the point the system freezes?01:23
chalcedonyAcidphase, thanks - trying01:23
shesek_It takes me something like 10 minutes to kill it, I've started having a terminal open with 'killall -9 vlc' that I make sure is one alt-tab away from VLC whenever I view a video01:24
shesek_its really annoying :O01:24
Acidphasechalcedony: and Jockey (additional drivers) can't fix it either?01:24
Acidphasebrb kid is getting into something01:24
shesek_Started when I upgraded to 11.0401:24
chalcedonyAcidphase, not sure yet, looking at that01:24
velofilleshesek_, never had that problem, could be video related (as in drivers or vlc interacting with video)01:26
jstooneHi everyone, I'm setting up my LAMP and I was wondering if there is a way that I can gain permission to add and change files without doing "sudo" all the time? Is it right that the owner of /var/www should stay www-data?01:26
th0rshesek_: I have had some suspicions about the latest vlc....maybe I wasn't imagining things after all. Think I will install an earlier version and see what happens01:27
velofillejstoone, does apache need to write to it also ?01:27
velofillejstoone, you can chown as your user just fine but apache will not be able to write to things (ie wordpress or some cms need to etc)01:27
Acidphaseknew he was goin to say that =P01:28
marck_im back01:28
sozietyHello I need a vpn client (pptp or ipsec), that when the vpn falling down, the pc disconnect from internet (sorry my english :S), anyone here that could help me?01:28
velofillesoziety, look at openvpn01:28
Acidphasechalcedony: How yamacking out with that?01:28
jstoonevelofille: ok, I've just ´ls -l´ on my /var dir and I see that it's root:root that owns it.. shouldn't it be www-data?01:28
westz_velofille, you the on-call tech support today then? lol01:28
prodigelhi all. can someone pls guide be with grub rescue. on mobile here, messed up partitions, i think it's grub2. thanks01:29
Random832jstoone: /var itself?01:29
sozietyvelofille, it´s pptp or ipsec?01:29
velofillejstoone, the owner does not matter , and you want to deal with  /var/www not just /var01:29
Acidphasechalcedony: How you making out*, can't type tonight must be the 3 year old next to me creaming....01:29
velofillewestz_, i do it for a living (im a sysadmin at rimuhosting.com) today im bored whilst rendering HOWTO videos01:29
sozietyvelofille, is it pptp or ipsec?01:29
chalcedonyAcidphase, wb- my other friend says to take the word 'splash' out of the grub menu ?01:29
velofillejstoone, the owner does not matter so long as apache can read the files and execute the directories01:30
jstooneRandom832: velofille: yea I misstyped i ´ls -l´ in the /var folder so I could see the owner of www/ (:01:30
velofillesoziety, did you want a client? or a server01:30
westz_velofille, i do minor IT for my friends (guys like me are a dime a dozen, i know) i just think it's funny that everyone seems to be deferring to you01:30
velofillejstoone, ahh yep. I've seen a few chown entire  /var before :D01:30
sozietyvelofille, I need a client01:30
velofillewestz_, nobody else was helping at the time :D01:30
shesek_velofille, th0r, I would I go about checking what could cause it? Any logs that could give me an idea?01:31
jstoonevelofille: woops, that wouldn't bee good XD01:31
velofillesoziety, ahh ok, thats different. Unsure what would be best, PPTP can be setup on Linux - i think by using ppp (like dialup)01:31
westz_i'll help with what i can01:31
velofillewestz_, to me most of this is the equivalent of 'how do you maximuze a window' windows support :D01:31
jstoonevelofille: thanks btw (: sold and clear answars! good job.01:31
sozietyok thanks velofille01:32
velofilleusually i get customers with far worse problems, unfortunately my knowledge is skewed to server based rather than desktop01:32
Acidphasechalcedony: um not sure how that will fix your fglrx problem sorry busy here at home01:32
velofillei use linux on desktop, but i just use command line for everything so not familiar with a lot of the gui versions :/01:32
westz_velofille, to my equivalent windows experience, a lot of this is "how to modify your registry"01:33
westz_velofille, do you do windoze tech support too?01:33
chalcedonyAcidphase,  i was trying to figure that out too... but he says it helped him01:34
velofillewestz_, nope01:34
chalcedonyunderstand about kids Acidphase we had 701:34
Acidphasechalcedony: If your just getting to the shell and can't get back to Xsever , login then type: sudo apt-get remove fglrx , sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install fglrx01:34
velofillewestz_, not overly familiar with windows, i could do it if i had too, but not if i can help it :D01:34
Acidphasethen sudo reboot01:34
velofillewestz_, its not like its hard in any case01:34
prodigelso ...anyone knows a bit of grub rescue? :\01:34
sozietyany program in linux like deep freeze?01:35
chalcedonyAcidphase, wow thanks -- ill try that after i do splash01:35
th0rshesek_: the only thing I can think of offhand is top. But if you are having the same problem I am, when things go wrong you can't get to a terminal to run top01:35
Acidphasechalcedony: (you can alwso do tat while your in X just load the temrinal)01:35
snazzydrehow do i fix this chat error "Can't establish video stream01:35
snazzydre(Friends)'s software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your computer01:35
snazzydretechnical details01:35
snazzydrecodec negotiation failed: there was no intersection between the remote codecs and the local ones"01:35
FloodBot1snazzydre: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:35
snazzydreoh sorry01:35
westz_velofille, i can fix any windoze problems: boot puppy from disk, sudo cfdisk, format drive, reinstall windoze :D do it all the time01:36
nsdI'm having a rather odd display related issue with a machine: I can use a TV hooked up to the svideo out, but not the vga connection on the same video card. This only affects the installed version of Ubuntu; I have confirmed that I can use the display just fine booting off a ubuntu live CD. Short of reinstalling Ubuntu, how can I fix the issue?01:36
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nsdAlso, I don't know what card (exactly) is in there01:36
jstooneCan apache write to /var/www if the owner is www-data:www-data? - atm it's owned by root:root01:36
westz_i only bother with the formatting in puppy because windoze likes to try to save your (usually virus infected) documents01:36
Acidphasechalcedony: as far as Upgrading to 11.6 cause I have a feeling thats what you did some of the symbolic links get screwy in Ubuntu sometimes but if you follow that lik I gave you earlier it will teach how to fix it the problem :)01:37
shesek_th0r, but even if I did... it wouldn't tell me what causes it01:37
chalcedonyAcidphase, i'm in 10.0401:37
snazzydrei can not video chat with my father because it days his software does not understand my any of my video formats how do fix this?01:37
shesek_th0r, after I do manager to kill it, are there any logs that could tell me why that happens?01:38
Acidphasechalcedony: that's fine pretty much the same from Lucid and Natty as far as the fglrx process01:38
th0rshesek_: none that I know of...sorry01:38
shesek_well... I'll try to log ps aux for vlc01:39
shesek_php -r 'while(1){`date >> ~/vlclog; ps aux|grep vlc|grep -v grep>>~/vlclog`;sleep(3);}'01:39
Acidphasechalcedony: trust me I know what your going through been down the road myself I have a ATI 5870 so talking from experience lol01:39
shesek_to see CPU/mem usage01:39
shesek_I'll keep that running while using VLC01:39
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velofillewestz_, oh yeah i can do all that probably, i just dislike doing it :D01:40
westz_changed my buddy's windoze wallpaper. black background, white letters: "I find your lack of XORG DISTURBING"01:40
velofillewestz_, im REALLY biased against windows, cant stand it, dont like how it works01:41
westz_velofille, agreed. i only have it because i got it free01:41
velofilleI have no problems with others using it though, i just dont watch to touch it myself. Means my job scope is limited somewhat, but at least i get jobs doing what i really love :)01:41
westz_velofille, true, good way to be too01:42
velofilleyeah, windows would be my backup job :D01:42
westz_once you know *NIX you can do about anything01:42
TrDwath is the default log deamon in natty ?01:42
szalTrD: the one you set when installing01:43
velofilleTrD, rsyslogd ?01:43
szalTrD: ah, nvm, I misread you01:43
TrDyes velofille :)01:44
Acidphasegod I hate mirc, even after using it for 10 years booting between operating systems , I need to get back to fixing my own problem now lol01:44
TrDit's rsyslogd01:44
TrDnp szal01:44
chalcedonyAcidphase, lol thanks!01:44
velofilleTrD, i admit to ps aux |grep log01:44
Acidphasechalcedony: iit work for ya?01:44
szalAcidphase: don't use mIRC then :P01:44
TrDme too :P01:44
velofillehey dont dis mIRC, thats what got me using Linux :D01:45
chalcedonyAcidphase, i was busy copying the grub page manually01:45
snazzydrei have ubuntu 11.04 and i am using empathy to video chat using my msn account and when my friend tries to send me a video chat it says that his software does not understand any of the video formats supported by my computer and then the technical details says codec negotiation failed: there was no intersection between the remote codecs and the local ones, now my camera works when using cheese webcam booth so i know the driver works01:45
snazzydre, so my question is how would i go about fixing this issue?01:45
qin!info retty01:45
ubotturetty (source: retty): attach processes running on other terminals. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0-2 (natty), package size 9 kB, installed size 76 kB (Only available for i386)01:45
TrDAcidphase: use KVIrc01:45
Acidphaseszal right now stuck in winblows and all my cripts are setup in mirc from being a net admin for year on UTChat.com01:45
velofillei learnt programming from it, then heard of this awesome thing called Linux which let you program the whole OS! :D01:45
velofillesnazzydre, codec is like the interpreter - check to see if there are mode codecs for it01:46
westz_velofille,  lol really? whats this linux? can i use it?01:46
snazzydrewould i do this with software center or synaptic01:47
qinIs there tool like retty for 686?01:47
Acidphasechalcedony: their is easier way , if your dual botting when you get the grub boot menu hit "e" remove splash from the menu then hit F10 thhis will try your friend theory and wont save anything01:47
velofillesnazzydre,  you just need to install h264 codec.01:47
velofilleSee the FAQ: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ01:47
Acidphasechalcedony: it will just bootup with that option removed that time01:47
velofillesnazzydre, http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ#Which_video_codec_do_I_need.3F01:47
cc123hi all, ive been running apt-get update / apt-get upgrade on my ubuntu 9.10 karmic box every week for the past 5 weeks and there have been no updates. is it no longer supported with apt-get?01:47
ZykoticK9qin, i386 is i686 from an Ubuntu perspective01:47
chalcedonyAcidphase, thanks i'll try that :)01:48
Hazd0tEvening, everyone. If anyone has a moment to help me out, I'm sad to find that 11.04 is not detecting my cd/dvd-rom and I have no idea what to do about that.01:48
snazzydrei have seen this page and i checked to see if i had this codec using the instructions provided on the url and the terminal says i have it i think01:48
chalcedonyAcidphase, f-10 didn't do anything, nor ctrl f-1001:49
qinZykoticK9: ok, Is there tool retty-like for 64bit server?01:49
ZykoticK9qin, no idea.01:49
stravantWhat's the "right" way to view a text file which has a binary blob somewhere in it, for example cat'd to the end? When I try to view such a file with GEdit it refuses to open it because it has the binary blob in it, but it's the text I'm interested in so it's no appropriate to view it using a hex editor. Is there any way to amke GEdit show the binary bit as random noise so I can view the rest normally?01:49
ZykoticK9qin, couldn't you accomplish the same thing with screen?  I'm not entirely clear what retty does...01:50
th0rstravant: have you tried to cat it to an output file?01:51
velofillestravant, vi will handle it, alternatively 'strings filename.cc' piped through less01:51
Hazd0tAnyone have a moment?01:52
w30stravant, try the command strings on the file01:53
qinZykoticK9: Like an idiot, started crawler out of screen (well tmux), but there is tool called gbd01:53
w30stravant, from a terminal of course01:54
qinZykoticK9: Sorry, gdb01:54
stravantw30: Yea, I guess that will work, but it seems inconvenient that Gedit won't do it01:54
ZykoticK9qin, GNU Debugger?01:55
usr13Hazd0t: What do you need?01:55
w30stravant, whatever you do don't edit it unless you are using a hex editor01:55
qinZykoticK9: yes, how to: http://etbe.coker.com.au/2008/02/27/redirecting-output-from-a-running-process/01:55
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Hazd0tI just made the switch over to Ubuntu. Was rocking 10.10 for a few days and I just finished the upgrade to 11.04, but in both instances my cd/dvd drive isn't being detected and I haven't been able to find a forum post describing how to fix the issue.01:57
usr13stravant: Sorry, I only needed to scoll up a bit...01:57
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velofilleHazd0t, thats an oddity, does dmesg say anything ?01:58
Hazd0tI was able to pop a disc into it a minute ago, and now it's not even opening.01:58
Hazd0tI'd be happy to tell you, Vel, but what am I looking for?01:58
usr13Hazd0t: eject  #what does that do?01:59
sarthorHi, again, using natty 32bit, my Wlan is "Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01, " I read and followed this like, " https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx  " but still my Wlan is disabled. HELP02:00
Hazd0teject: unable to find or open device for: `cdrom'02:00
velofilleHazd0t, open a terminal and type 'dmesg'02:00
velofilleit may or maynot have a few lines at the end02:01
usr13Hazd0t: cat /etc/scsi/scsi02:01
velofilleignore all the rest of the messages - its from bootup and the start02:01
bobweaverhi there I would like to set up (I think) proxychains and squid so that I would be more safe online I would like to make a post on ubuntu forums but I have no Idea where I should post this any thoughts?02:01
Hazd0tNot that I'm seeing, Vel.02:02
sudokilldoes anyone know how to configure iptables to detect port scans?02:02
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usr13Hazd0t: pastebinit /etc/scsi/scsi02:02
ZykoticK9usr13, do you mean proc or etc?02:03
usr13sudokill: configure iptables to detect port scan?  I don't think so.02:03
sudokill? lots of people have don it02:03
sudokilljust lots of different configs...02:04
usr13sudokill: Are you wanting to block port 113 ?02:04
usr13sudokill: iptables does not detect things.02:04
Hazd0tAny other suggestions?02:04
usr13sudokill: iptables is for pakcet filtering and NAT02:05
bobweaversudokill, zenmap02:05
sudokilli have nmap, that is a port scanner02:05
sudokillnm found out the iptables rules02:05
shingensudokill: psad perhaps? :)02:06
usr13sudokill: So what is it exactly you want to do?02:06
sudokillfor them just to show up my iptables logs02:06
sudokillwhich is var log messages02:06
usr13ZykoticK9: Oh yea, proc02:07
sudokillarnos iptables scirpt dos it but i dont want to use that02:07
sarthorHi, again, using natty 32bit, my Wlan is "Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01, " I read and followed this like, " https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx  " but still my Wlan is disabled. HELP02:07
usr13ZykoticK9: That was a typo.  Sorry.02:07
ZykoticK9usr13, it was for someone who left - no need to apologize to me.02:08
usr13ZykoticK9: Yea, I know... but guess I felt like I should apologize to someone....  :(02:08
ZykoticK9Hazd0t, see usr13 updates above (usr13 guess they aren't gone, my bad)02:08
Hazd0tUpdate regarding the drive. Using "eject" in terminal produced no result five minutes after I got the tray open and put a disc in there. So I restarted my computer and as it was booting I tried popping the disc tray open again and it opened no problem. Not a hardware issue.02:09
usr13Hazd0t: look at /proc/scsi/scsi   i.e.  cat /proc/scsi/scsi02:09
Hazd0tA moment.02:09
ZykoticK9usr13, ok - i'm not crazy, guess they just returned02:09
Hazd0tWould you like a copy?02:09
usr13Hazd0t: So it's working now?02:10
Hazd0tIt's recognizing that something is there, yes.02:10
velofilleHazd0t, its possible that the link from /dev/cdrom or /dev/dvd is to the wrong place also02:10
Hazd0tStrange. Apologies, as I said, I've only been messing around with it for a few days.02:10
usr13Hazd0t: Well, you can't rule out a hardware issue.  It still may not read anything.02:11
Hazd0tAny idea how I could check on that, Vel?02:11
velofilleHazd0t, ls -l /dev/cdrom02:11
Hazd0tWell sure, but all I'm saying is that I used my CD drive in order to install ubuntu in the first place.02:11
usr13Hazd0t: So what is it?  /dev/hdc  ?02:12
Hazd0tVel, no such file or directory.02:13
Hazd0tBear with me, 13, I'm not sure what you're asking me.02:13
phrostbiteDo any of you know an app for ubuntu that will teach me how to type properly?02:14
Hazd0tWell I mean, I suppose there really isn't an issue. Before when I opened my computer, the only thing that showed up was filesystem and now the drive is there. I guess a way to figure out if it's working would be to pop a CD in and see if I can open it with banshee or something.02:14
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aeon-ltdphrostbite: typing properly being...?02:17
phrostbiteWell while most of the time I dont look at the keyboard for normal things I just peck at the keyboard with my two index fingers02:18
sw0rdfishuhhh hi guys, what can be the cause that my terminal doesn't wanna scroll up when I do shift+pg-up02:18
phrostbiteI have done it for so long that like I said I never really look at it02:18
aeon-ltdphrostbite: how long is long?02:19
w30phrostbite, tuxtype of course :=)02:19
phrostbiteEver since I got a computer lol. I got one when I was in like 4th grade and I am 24 now.02:20
phrostbitethank you w3002:20
RenatoSilvawhat is the package name for ubuntu help? I want to install pt_BR's02:20
racarHello folks, i dont know why but i can start mysql another ( with init.d ) when i try with "service mysql start" i got : "job is already running : mysql" , but when i do " ps -ef | grep mysql "  i got nothing. Anyone have a idea ?02:20
w30phrostbite, you have to have penguin wings instead of fingers though02:21
racardamn i should read myself before pressing enter02:21
aeon-ltdphrostbite: thats quite a bad habit, most people i've known just slowly develop multi finger typing naturally - there are some browser based (usually flash games) available02:21
phrostbiteI can type a little bit using a few fingers however. But oh well.02:22
phrostbiteYeah I just never bothered to do it. People are so surprised at how fast I can type doing it my way.02:22
phrostbiteLast typing test I took for an employer I got 64 wpm02:22
racaryou would type faster with all your finger02:22
phrostbiteI know. And now that I am trying to learn to program it will take even longer since I am not used to using punctuation such as " and ;.02:23
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sw0rdfishi just removed the menu in my terminal lol how do i get it back?02:24
velofilleo/~ iiiiiiii have become , comfortably numb02:25
velofillesorry if i wondered off there halfway02:25
RenatoSilvahow to find a translation of ubuntu-docs????02:25
Picivelofille: ♫ try #ubuntu-offtopic ♫ for randomness02:25
szalsw0rdfish: or Ctrl+Shift+M02:25
velofillePici, i may do that one as well as this one :D02:25
sarthorHi, again, using natty 32bit, my Wlan is "Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01, " I read and followed this like, " https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx  " but still my Wlan is disabled. HELP02:25
StooballI have a problem with 10.04 LTS - I can't send it by "Report a problem" because that don't work. I am not a geek so do not talk "geek speak" The problem may be with my computer - I just don't know! Can anyone help please?02:26
CoreyStooball: What's the problem you're experiencing?02:26
Nobgul-BNC!ask | Stooball02:26
ubottuStooball: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:26
GregAceHi guys02:27
BoulderDavewhen i run sudo apache2 -S , i get the error "apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}" .    In /etc/apache2/envvars APACHE_RUN_USER is set to www-data.  any ideas what I can do?02:27
StooballThanks Corey - tmw (The Mana World) just closes my computer when I run it02:28
GregAceI have a quick question, I've just installed truecrypt but the gui doesn't seems to start when I launch it, how to troubleshoot those problems ?02:28
CoreyStooball: YOu running it under WINE?02:28
Nobgul-BNCGregAce, You can try running to from the terminal. It willprint to screen02:29
Nobgul-BNCwill, print02:29
GregAcehum ok02:29
StooballTried Under wine (portable) and ManaPlus Install for Ubuntu and repository02:29
GregAceok, I think that's where the problem is :02:31
GregAce: error while loading shared libraries: libfuse.so.2:02:31
|COM|Styxhello all02:31
|COM|Styxmy nvidia card is giving me some trouble02:31
|COM|Styxi get a kernel panic when i start the system when i have it in02:32
racari run : "service mysql start" => mysql satrt/running but i can't see it in the ps listing. Can't figure it out why. Anyone have a idea ?02:32
|COM|Styxit works under windows, so could it be a problem with one of the modules linux is loading?02:32
spaghettiHi! I am a Ubuntu newbie needing help with video settings under Xubuntu 11.04.  Would someone kindly help me?02:32
Corey!ask | spaghetti02:32
ubottuspaghetti: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:32
lsv dsっtrtrtフェラ02:33
szal!jp | lsv02:33
ubottulsv: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。02:33
spaghettiI am running Xubuntu 11.04 on a Dell Inspiron 8500 old laptop. Somehow all of the desktop icons as well as the mouse cursor are very blurry.  How do I fix it?02:34
GregAcehow can I solve conflits with library sharing : : error while loading shared libraries: libfuse.so.2: Cheers02:34
GanymedeDoes anyone know a utility to lock the screen after some time of inactivity? One that isn't a complete eyesore like xscreensaver's lock screen? I'm using openbox-session as my desktop.02:34
|COM|StyxGregAce: what does "ldd /usr/lib/libfuse.so.2" say?02:35
Nobgul-BNCGregAce, Is that lib installed.02:35
szalspaghetti: wrong screen resolution, /me thinks02:35
RenatoSilvahow to get ubuntu help translated? which package02:35
dulihow do I install libxdiff via package manager?02:36
GregAceNobgul-BNC, Yes I'll double check02:36
spaghettiszal: thanks. I tried a few resolutions but that didn't help. The desktop background and everything within the browser windows are all fine.02:36
Stooballtmw (The Mana World) just closes my computer when I run it in wine (portable) and Ubuntu Instal02:36
GregAceNobgul-BNC, It's installed (and I've re-installed)02:38
x0xhelow, i have a problem with the wifi conection in puppy 525 , i am conected but i dont surf, thanks02:39
sarthorHi, again, using natty 32bit, my Wlan is "Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01, " I read and followed this like, " https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx  " but still my Wlan is disabled. HELP02:39
GregAce|COM|Styx,  it says no such file or directory02:39
szalx0x: this is #ubuntu, not #puppy (or whatever their channel is called)02:39
x0xok thanks02:40
|COM|StyxGregAce: you need to install that library, then.  if it already is installed, run "sudo ldconfig"02:40
GregAce|COM|Styx, But it's installed02:40
KM0201sarthor: have you tried restarting, or are you on the live CD?02:40
sarthorisntalled Ubuntu, and yes i restarted several times.02:41
GregAce|COM|Styx, what's those run-time bindings ?02:41
GanymedeNever mind, gnome-screensaver might work out.02:41
irb111I have installed Java 1.6 in my home directory and I want to use this version. I've updated my .bash_profile to point to the /bin directory of Java 1.6 but when I type java -version I still get reference to the old version02:41
|COM|StyxGregAce: what do you mean?02:41
x0xplease help me there arent people in channel puppy02:41
irb111also, "which java" references the old version as well02:41
sarthorKM0201,  inStalled Ubuntu, and yes i restarted several times.02:42
KM0201sarthor: i'm assuming Ubuntu is wired to the internet right now, right?02:42
GregAce|COM|Styx, 2 sec I'm reading the man of ldconfig02:42
irb111any idea how I can get my system to reference the new java version? I don't have root, this is my hosting provider's server02:42
sarthorKM0201, in distrowatch, ubuntu is on the top. i know only that webiste rating.02:42
|COM|StyxGregAce: ldconfig updates the database of where different .so files are02:42
sarthorKM0201, may be your right, majority here are exprts. while i am not.02:43
KM0201sarthor: ?... i'm not really sure why you're talking about distrowatch, but ok...02:43
KM0201sarthor: are you wired to the internet?02:43
irb111Can anyone help?02:43
sarthorKM0201, yes. i am connected via Wire.02:43
StooballAh well, back to Windoze :02:44
GregAce|COM|Styx,  yup I got that, well I still get the error truecrypt: error while loading shared libraries: libfuse.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:44
wildgoosex0x, Try ##linux02:44
|COM|Styxget libfuse2 using apt-get or synaptic02:45
sarthorKM0201, yes. using that newly installed windows i am connected via cable to the Internet,02:45
szalx0x: http://puppylinux.org/wikka/IRC <- you could've easily found that out yourself02:45
x0xok thanks wildgoose02:45
sarthornot windows.. sorry ubuntu 11.04 KM020102:45
GregAce|COM|Styx, I'll probably reboot to fix it,  libfuse is installed but I think used by another instance.02:45
irb111KM0201, can you help me out by any chance?02:45
x0xthanks a lot ;)02:46
|COM|StyxGregAce: on linux more than one program can have a file open02:46
|COM|Styxso long as it's read-only access, which it would be with a shared object02:46
GregAce|COM|Styx, I hate having to use those old windows tricks to fix stuff,02:46
|COM|StyxGregAce: that won't fix it02:46
KM0201sarthor: i know there *was* an issue w/ the STA driver, but I honestly thought it had been resolved.. i don't have a 4313, but i've gotten the b43 driver working great if I compile it from source (4313 apparently requires the STA driver)02:46
irb111can anyone see me?02:46
KM0201irb111: why don't you just ask your question?02:47
|COM|StyxGregAce: try "locate ilbfuse.so.2"02:47
irb111I have installed Java 1.6 in my home directory and I want to use this version. I've updated my .bash_profile to point to the /bin directory of Java 1.6 but when I type java -version I still get reference to the old version02:47
szal!patience | irb11102:47
ubottuirb111: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:47
=== dividebyzer0 is now known as wx4nc
irb111 also, "which java" references the old version as well02:47
dr_willisirb111,  you sure your bin is at the front of your path?02:47
GregAce|COM|Styx, it's in /lib02:47
irb111let me check02:48
sarthorKM0201, E: firmware-b43-lpphy-installer: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 102:48
|COM|StyxGregAce: you ran "sudo ldconfig", right?02:48
KM0201sarthor: and the truth shall set you free... you have a 4313-lpphy  those are always a problem02:48
GregAce|COM|Styx, 2 times, with the verbose02:48
|COM|StyxGregAce: hmm...  try ldd on the library that's having the problem again02:49
KM0201sarthor: i have never had luck getting those lpphy devices to work w/ Ubuntu...02:49
irb111ok, it wasn't in the front of the path02:49
irb111that fixed it!02:49
irb111curious, why does the order matter?02:49
sarthorKM0201, please... do not say like this. today i purchased this laptop. and i collected from 4 months.02:50
dr_willisbecause there has to be an order it follows.. what if you hav 2 identically named binaries...02:50
dr_willisleft to right... first one found - gets used.02:50
KM0201sarthor: well, what do you want me to say?...02:50
sarthorKM0201, they will not replace my laptop due to this. they will say.. install windows....02:50
KM0201sarthor: well, yeah?.. did you nuke windows completely?02:50
irb111dr_willis: makes sense02:51
GregAce|COM|Styx, yup I've done ldd showed few dependencies02:51
sarthorKM0201, may be some ppl will get hurt. but i really do not like windows.. Main Reason.. Costly.02:51
KM0201sarthor: well, thats fine, but when you know nothing about linux, removing yourself rom Windows cold turkey, isn't very smart (and this is coming from someone who also despises windows)02:52
|COM|StyxGregAce: did you try "ldd $(which truecrypt)"?02:52
sarthori never said, i know nothing. I know but little.02:52
con-manwhy would the print screen button not work in 11.0402:52
con-manI dont get the pop up to save a png02:53
con-mannor is anything copied to the clipboard02:53
admngy2hi - how do I do an updatedb in ubuntu?  (for find)02:53
sarthorKM0201, if install MINT will there be some change that wlan will work?02:53
KM0201sarthor: very unlikely, id on't know how to be more clear, those lpphys are always a problem02:53
KM0201they aren't supported by the broadcom drivers yet, in any distro, to my knowledge02:54
KM0201sarthor: second, mint might as well be an ubuntu spin, so you'd just be wasting your time most likely02:54
trismcon-man: does gnome-screenshot in the terminal work?02:54
itaylor57KM0201, o/02:54
KM0201itaylor57: o/02:54
con-mantrism, yes actually it does I just tried it02:55
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trismcon-man: are you running compiz?02:56
KM0201sarthor: you  might try the forums, see if someone there can help you,  or if you want to try another distro, I would try Fedora.02:56
GregAce|COM|Styx, As you expected still not  working02:57
|COM|Styxwhat did it say?02:57
sarthorAhhhhhhhhhh. thinking about my money....... that took 4 months, and after that i was able to purchase a laptop.02:57
KM0201sarthor: well, honestly, you should have dual booted till you  had these issues resolved....02:58
=== dividebyzer0 is now known as wx4nc
GregAcestill the same error can't load the shared object file02:58
sarthorKM0201, windows cost a lot. do have money brother.02:58
GregAceand I've re-installed it02:58
KM0201sarthor: did the laptop not come preinstalled w/ Windows?02:58
OmegaKM0201: Why do you keep giving bad advice, someone comes in here and you tell him/her s/he shouldn't remove windows (after s/he already did)? Then you go on to tell them to try another distro?02:59
sarthorKM0201, i purchased without windows. with windows it was costly.02:59
KM0201Omega: why don't you follow the conversation.02:59
KM0201sarthor: oh ok...02:59
OmegaOther distro talk should go in #ubuntu-offtopic02:59
trismcon-man: I would check if apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_screenshot is set correctly in gconf-editor, and also check that the take screenshot command is set to Print in Keyboard Shortcuts02:59
trismcon-man: I don't know if something in compiz overrides this though02:59
KM0201Omega: and i didn't tell him not to remove windows, i was saying he should have dual booted till he had these issues worked out, if you don't like my advice, put me on ignore.03:00
KM0201we've been through this.03:00
KM0201Omega: and i suggested another distro, because there's a known problem w/ that device and ubuntu.03:00
GregAceanyone as a cool tuto for crypt a partition with LUKS ? Truecrypt is bugged for me.03:00
sarthorPeace brothers.03:00
OmegaKM0201: If it works on another distro it can be made to work on Ubuntu.03:01
KM0201Omega: most likely, its not gonna work w/ Fedora either03:01
KM0201.. why am i even explaining myself to you?03:01
sarthorone thing. it works on ubuntu. but on live CD03:01
KM0201sarthor: so it works on the live cd?03:01
sarthorKM0201, yes.03:01
KM0201sarthor: that's further than i've saw most get w/ it.03:01
admngy2guys is there no "updatedb" in ubuntu?03:02
KM0201maybe the grandmaster wizard omega can help you.03:02
icerootadmngy2: sure03:02
admngy2well, this server doesn't have one03:02
Omega!coc | KM020103:02
ubottuKM0201: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct03:02
icerootadmngy2: but fist install "locate" with "sudo apt-get install locate"03:02
sarthorKM0201, you all are good and helpful for new learners. kool.03:02
Poindexter_Does anyone here have the problem with Verizon blocking ports: 80, 443, or 4125      ?03:07
obelixwhich svga's card pci are supported by the kernel linux to acquire ?03:07
CoreyPoindexter_: Inbound or outbound?03:07
CoreyPoindexter_: Nothing rational blocks port 80 outbound.03:07
|COM|Styxobelix: look for an ati card03:07
obelixyes, but which one03:08
Poindexter_Well here is the url: http://forums.verizon.com/t5/FiOS-Internet/FIOS-and-Windows-Home-Server/td-p/16738103:08
CoreyPoindexter_: *sigh*  That would be inbound.03:08
obelixi am using only a svga card card agp on a pc which has got pci )not pci express)03:08
GaduMy computer going into a reboot loop unless I use nolapic. However, using nolapic causes Ubuntu to only see 1 core of my dual-core CPU. What do I do? O_O03:08
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DarkenvyWhat channel would I get advice to convert flac to apple lossless?03:08
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:09
Poindexter_I installed Ubuntu on a friends box and I can ping the box but not http://<IP address> or  ssh into the box.03:09
Darkenvydamnit a split RIGHT NOW?!03:09
rubenjrmy computer recognizes my itouch but when i open rythymbox its not under devices. any suggestions?03:09
CoreyPoindexter_: It's against residential terms of service to run servers on the connection; spring for business class if that's something you want to do.03:09
obelixand so i need of a svga to acquire,03:09
Poindexter_Corey, I use Comcast and I have no problems.03:09
obelixComcast ? what is ?03:09
OntologI would like to have bash autocompletion *always* try to complete filepaths if there is no other completion available. how can I configure this?03:10
CoreyPoindexter_: Just because they don't actively block it doesn't mean it's against their ToS.03:10
Coreyit's not, rather.03:10
Poindexter_I have had no problems up to this point.03:10
obelixthe old Sapphire are fine supported ?03:10
Poindexter_Even the fact of SSH into the Ubuntu box being blocked is stupid.03:11
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/03:11
acp_any one here have fix there internal mic in lenovo thinkpad edge11? Im using 10.04 amd64. I have added options snd-hda-intel model=ideapad/thinkpad in alsa-base.conf still not working my kernel is 2.6.32-32-generic. any advice? thanks in advance.03:11
CoreyPoindexter_: Call your ISP and ask them.  There's nothing more we can do for you here on this issue.03:11
rwwAnyways, given that Comcast is pretty lax about enforcing that part of their ToS, the more likely problem is that you're not port forwarding correctly.03:11
rwwbut... what Corey said.03:11
Poindexter_Corey I don't use Verizon and would never suggest anyone do use it.03:12
maxophim having trouble with my synaptic package manager03:12
maxophcan anybody help?03:12
CoreyPoindexter_: Your recommendations are relatively immaterial here.  If you're having an issue with the service, call them. :-)03:12
obelixyou are not the one, me too03:12
acp_help with my internal mic issue03:12
|COM|Styxmaxoph: whats it saying?03:12
obelixbut i backup all and i'll provde to change hdd03:13
obelixi am using a pc that has got 6 years :-D03:13
maxophwhen i try to open it it says something like E: Encountered a section with no Package: header03:13
maxophE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-i386_Packages03:13
maxophE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.03:13
maxophE: _cache->open() failed, please report.03:13
Coreymaxoph: Use a pastebin, please.03:13
Nobgul-BNC!paste | maxoph03:13
ubottumaxoph: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:13
dominickBest Webcam Software03:14
Corey!best | dominick03:14
ubottudominick: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:14
Poindexter_Corey is there a personalized pastebin server for Ubuntu?03:14
acp_any one here is using thinkpad or have installed ubuntu amd64?03:14
Corey!paste | Poindexter_03:14
ubottuPoindexter_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:14
obelixon thinkpad rus too GNU/linux gNewSense03:15
Jordan_U!anyone | acp_03:15
ubottuacp_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:15
jstooneHi everyone I've been trying editors like kompozer and bluegriffon and they've been missing a little, I need something with code hints, like you have in Dreamweaver, is there something like that out there?03:15
Poindexter_Corey I was asking about the software not the pastebin website.03:16
peregrine81hello I am having a strange SSH issue03:16
obelixi don't know this last one editor, i sue GNU/EMACS and GNU/NANO03:16
dominickPeople are there any webcam software out there that is good03:16
Nobgul-BNCjstoone, Scintilla and SciTE03:16
Nobgul-BNCDepending on the code highlighting you need03:17
matjuI try hdparm on /dev/dvd and i get "Bad Address". Is this the sign that I have to use another command instead, and which one would that be ?03:17
acp_Im having issue with my internal mic in lenovo thinkpad edge11, Im using 10.04 amd64. I have added options snd-hda-intel model=ideapad/thinkpad in alsa-base.conf still not working my kernel is 2.6.32-32-generic. any advice?03:17
peregrine81I can connect and work just fine but after a while the SSH connection hangs. The wierd part is that I can type and send commands but it doesn't show on my screen. When I reconnect I can see all the keys I typed and things I did .03:17
maxophcan anybody help me with my synaptic package manager problem?03:17
Coreyperegrine81: What do the logs say?  Might want to crank up verbosity.03:17
jstooneNobgul-BNC: obelix: I'm sorry for the lack of info, I'm mainly writing HTML, CSS and a lot of PHP03:17
wildgoose!anyone | maxoph03:18
ubottumaxoph: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:18
m_fulderI have to computers in my network one with IP and another with the ip .. now I the 40 one has a SMTP server working on it and I would like to use that server while sending mails with PHPs mailfunction i.e. comp 60 sendmail func.. do I need to install SMTP on comp 60 aswell or is there any easier solution?03:18
peregrine81Corey: alright lemme figure out how to do that03:18
Nobgul-BNCjstoone, Scite should work for you03:18
Coreymaxoph: mailx03:18
obelix@all for any who has joined in the # in this few seconds: havee a good day" :-D03:18
CoreyEr, m_fulder: mailx03:18
maxophdoes anybody can help me with my synaptic package manager?03:19
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maxophim sorry but im truly a beginner03:19
Coreymaxoph: Ask your question.03:19
Corey!ask | maxoph03:19
ubottumaxoph: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:19
maxophi have problem with my synaptic package manager03:19
lapagashould one allow the fsck to run (after a certain amount or reboots) in a wubi install?03:19
jstooneNobgul-BNC: Thanks for the solid answar (: I'm greatfull, thanks again03:20
m_fulderCorey is it simple to config?03:20
qinmaxoph: Can you describe it?03:20
Nobgul-BNCjstoone, No worries.03:20
=== dividebyzer0 is now known as wx4nc
rwwlapaga: yes03:20
Coreymaxoph: "I have problems with X" is not a problem description we can do anything with.03:20
jstoonemaxoph: stop asking again and again and read what the bot says. Write what you want us to help you with instead. ;)03:20
obelixleft t ostay fsck if your hdd is not really in good condition, or you can damage any information that is on the clusters of your hdd03:20
lapagarww, thank you03:20
maxophit says something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/630165/03:20
jstoonerww: Love your name03:20
Omega!ot | jstoone03:21
ubottujstoone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:21
jstooneOmega: Sorry ment to write it as private message, sorry about that mate.03:21
[THC]AcidRain /join #godaddy03:22
obelixtry to do thre analisys with the package that is inside the distribution03:22
Corey[THC]AcidRain: Not helpful.03:22
peregrine81Corey: All I had to do was ctrl+shift+w and it unhung my connection?03:22
Coreymaxoph: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* from a terminal.  Then re-update your package lists.03:22
jstooneNobgul-BNC: Does it support Code Hinting btw?03:23
[THC]AcidRainok so my question is this, when using postfix; on the godaddy webpage in the zone file, does the smtp.secureserver.net need to point to my computer?03:23
maxophokay thanks.i will try and see if it works03:23
[THC]AcidRainOR, the domain itself already pointed, and i leave that alone03:23
Nobgul-BNCjstoone, there are custom scripts around the net that you can Get that will do that. But code hinting for the most part is a full on editor thing. like blue..03:23
Corey[THC]AcidRain: If you want inbound mail to hit your server you have to point the MX record for the domain to your server via its A record (NOT a CNAME).  As to how to do this with GoDaddy, call them and ask.  That's what you're paying them support dollars for.03:24
[THC]AcidRaingood point03:24
jstooneNobgul-BNC: Yea, but none i've tried so far has had it :( It just speeds up the workflow when you can use the hinting which auto-completes the snip (:03:25
[THC]AcidRainthen the A record is already pointed. and im good to go. thx Corey03:25
Corey[THC]AcidRain: You need more than that. :-)03:25
Corey[THC]AcidRain: What's the domain?03:25
rwwCorey: If there's no MX record, A is used instead.03:25
[THC]AcidRainim just trying ot make sure i have all the prerequisits before i attempt to successfully install postfix03:26
Nobgul-BNC[THC]AcidRain, I would suggest sending in a support ticket with your request along with your telephone number. Asking them to give you a call when they are going to do the modifcations. I have used godaddy for over 6 years for my companies websites, and not once have I even touched the dns zone editor.03:26
Coreyrww: Correct, but it's poor practice.03:26
rwwCorey: Why?03:26
maxophcorey: ive tried but it says this http://paste.ubuntu.com/630169/03:26
[THC]AcidRaini have an mx record. but the A record is pointed to my box03:26
Coreyrww: As well as, in this case [THC]AcidRain has an MX record that points to GoDaddy.03:26
Nobgul-BNCjstoone, 1 sec there is 1 that does it all let me ask someone.03:26
[THC]AcidRainthe mx record is pointed to smtp.secureserver.net03:26
rwwCorey: ah03:26
[THC]AcidRainso everything on the godaddy side is properly setup?03:27
Nobgul-BNCjstoone, Just hold tight they are afk. I know its a IDE just can't place the name03:27
Corey[THC]AcidRain: No, that's not what you want.03:27
[THC]AcidRainoh... why not?03:27
Coreyrww: And there are some busted mailservers out there that don't honor A records; they choke on a lack of MX.03:28
[THC]AcidRaincause in postfix ill forward to acidshower.com03:28
* rww wanders off to add an MX record03:28
Nobgul-BNCjstoone, google editrocket for linux03:28
Coreyrww: Not common, but email is a study in edge and corner cases.03:28
rwwoh, I have one. I could have sworn I didn't :|03:28
Corey[THC]AcidRain: Unless smtp.secureserver.com is you, you don't want mail going there.03:29
[THC]AcidRainso what do i put is my question?03:29
[THC]AcidRainmy ip address?03:29
Corey[THC]AcidRain: No.  MX has to point to an A record-- y'know what?  Call GoDaddy.  They're better at explaining this. ;_)03:30
jstooneNobgul-BNC: Cool, I'll look into it! Even though I just found out that I can install a plugin for Eclipse, which is GREAT, cause I write Java most of my time (:03:30
[THC]AcidRainwell can you just give me an example?03:30
[THC]AcidRainthats all i wanna see really03:30
Nobgul-BNCjstoone, hehe Yer most of what you want is all in IDE's03:30
[THC]AcidRaini dont know what to search for on google to get my answer03:30
Nobgul-BNCthc hold on a second03:30
Nobgul-BNCI will pastebin you my whole zone file.03:30
Corey[THC]AcidRain: What do you want to see exactly?  I mean, sequestered.net is set up properly.03:32
Nobgul-BNC[THC]AcidRain, can't dump it but basicall03:32
JessicaRNcan clonezilla resize as well as copy?03:33
Corey[THC]AcidRain: dig mx sequestered.net03:33
[THC]AcidRaini just want to be sure everything is exactlly right outside of postfix03:33
Nobgul-BNCthe ^^03:33
Nobgul-BNCthat is my mx entry for my server.03:34
sw0rdfishafter you do apt-get install openvpn........./etc/openvpn should have server.conf03:34
[THC]AcidRainand mail.nobgul.com is your box?03:34
[THC]AcidRainso you didnt change your hostnames to mail.nobgul.com03:34
Nobgul-BNCYou setup a aname record03:34
Nobgul-BNC[THC]AcidRain, ill tell ya what jump over to #ubuntu-offtopic03:35
Nobgul-BNCIll explain it to ya03:35
JessicaRNcan clonezilla resize as well as copy?  I have a 30gb w2k install that is mostly empty.  I wanna copy it to an external 20gb USB drive.  Can this be done?03:36
lsvdoes anyone knows if it is possible to use a ps3 controller to play games in Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS?03:36
CoreyJessicaRN: You don't want to do that.03:37
djr013lsv: I've done it before. :)03:37
djr013lsv: If I remember correctly, it just works, though you might have to set up control assignments in the games.03:37
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JessicaRNcorey, y not?03:38
lsvdjr013: help me please? (I have to use a usb cable to connect the controller I don't have bluetooth)03:38
djr013lsv: Actually I've only ever tried using USB, not sure about wirelessly.03:38
JessicaRNthe 30gb is mostly empty03:38
lsvdjr013: oh ok, I'm trying to play Alex 4 with the ps3 controller.03:39
|COM|Styxlsv and djr013: that discussion was just going on in ##linux too03:39
CoreyJessicaRN: Then resize the partition FIRST.  Then clone it.03:39
djr013lsv: No idea about that game, but I'm guessing you'll just have to go to the game's settings and enable/configure the controller.03:39
JessicaRNcorey, clonezilla cant resize?03:40
lsvdjr013 |COM|Styx: thanks03:40
JessicaRNgparted wont let me resize the w2k partition.  I'm running a gparted livecd03:44
aferlahello, why appear message bat battery?03:49
aferlahello, why appear a message in my ubuntu sesion with bat battery?03:50
Polah!repeat | aferla03:50
ubottuaferla: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:50
=== awolf is now known as adamwolf
djr013JessicaRN: Try running checkdisk in Windows and rebooting safely a couple times.03:58
w30Some how I have slow keys for my GDM login screen. Any one kow how to reverse that?03:58
JessicaRNdjr, ty.  I'm running chkdsk now03:59
isforinsectsMy sound works as of GDM, but once I login, it stops working right after that. And pulseaudio has what looks like a higher than normal memory load in htop. Where should I go next to debug this?03:59
ZykoticK9lsv, with the controller plugged in verify that you have a /dev/input/js0 assuming you do, verify that is where your game is also setup to use (some games will try /dev/js0 by default)03:59
JessicaRNwhat does the multiple reboot do that just one wouldn't?  (just curious)04:00
lsvZykoticK9: thanks, I'll try that04:00
w30JessicaRN, makes file system check one mount closer to being due.04:01
JessicaRNoff-topic, but i just found an old red led display TI calculator.  an sr-16.  I'd love to find an old watch with one of those displays.04:02
isforinsectsWhat the heck. I seem to no longer be a part of the audio group. This very very likely seems to be my problem.04:02
hiyoHello there, I need help installing Trisquel (couldn't get anyone to help me on thier channel) as I am trying to replace my current Linux partition on a computer that has both Linux and Windows, so what am I supposed to do in the advanced partitioner settings?04:04
isforinsectsNope... not being a part of the audio group was not the issue.04:05
isforinsectshiyo you will likely need to shrink your windows partition to make unallocated space for a new partition.04:05
hiyoisforinsects: I wish to replace my current Linuxpatition with the new one I am about to install04:06
lsvZykoticK9: I do have a /dev/input/js0 file and when I start the game (alex4) in the menu screen the arrow just starts cycling through all the options and the game will not quit.04:06
isforinsectsI have now fixed my problem. Somehow my output was set to a nonexistant option. Resetting to internal fixed. *shrug*04:06
isforinsectshiyo: erase the old linux partition then?04:07
isforinsectshave everything backed up onto another computer04:07
hiyoisforinstects: yes exactly04:07
isforinsectssrsly everything, tripple checked?04:07
JessicaRNsheesh.  now i found 2 old gieger counters...04:07
djr013JessicaRN: Sometimes after correcting an error, windows will reboot, detect that it indeed changed something on the filesystem, and ask to reboot to register the change it made.04:07
ZykoticK9lsv, sorry i've never even heard of alex4 - but if you have /dev/input/js0 that says the "system" sees the joystick.  If you want you can "cat /dev/input/js0" in a terminal and move stick/press buttons to get text confirmation that it's working.  Good luck.04:08
hiyoisforinsects: yes exactly04:08
JessicaRNty djr04:08
commander1988199I am trying to install ubuntu on my hp dv6693us laptop. When I try to run it from usb or install it, the screen is not right. It is split up in 3 sections and blurry. almost like an old windows 95 problem. What could be causing this and is there any way to install ubuntu on my laptop?04:08
lsvZykoticK9: no problem. Thanks :)04:08
djr013JessicaRN: Plus it emphasizes that you need to reboot safely so the filesystem isn't marked 'dirty' from a hard reboot. ;)04:08
isforinsectshiyo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/DeletePartition afaik04:08
JessicaRNdjr: tyx204:09
hiyoisforinsects: thank you04:09
commander1988199has anybody heard of my ubuntu problem? look up.....04:10
soreaucommander1988199: Which graphics card does it have?04:12
Rogan_Hey all. I've got an odd question if anyone would be kind enough to help. I've got a hfs+ drive from an old mac, which I'm having issues with the files on...04:13
commander1988199soreau NVIDIA GeForce Go 7150M04:13
Rogan_I've got a bunch of files in some system resources directory which have koren file names. They don't appear in Thunar (with hidden files on) and in ls they come up as ???????? and then their name in koren characters04:14
Rogan_I can't delete them with rm, it says no such file or directory04:14
Rogan_Any ideas04:14
commander1988199<soreau> NVIDIA GeForce Go 7150M04:14
lsvZykoticK9: it works :D  weird configuration though :\04:16
Kindarihey guys got a question. I updated my netbook to 11.04 and its saying the password to unlock my keyring is no longer my login password. my password is indeed the same, wondering what i should do04:16
jgpzenSuicide is the only logical choice04:17
Ubossis it possible to have ChanServ in my channel?04:17
commander1988199are you still there soreau?04:17
Kindari(But typing in the password I use for my login is not working)04:17
lsvKindari: open a terminal and type seahorse04:17
Rogan_... IRC Help channel will tell you all about that Uboss, I can't remember the commands04:17
Ubossthanks man04:18
djr013Rogan_: Hmm, not sure what might be going wrong at all. Almost all of Linux software tends to support UTF-8. So iunno.04:18
Rogan_Or google :D04:18
jamescarrwhats the simplest and easiest way for me to setup the mailserver?04:18
jamescarrI dont want to even think about it!04:18
Rogan_djr013: I don't think it's character related, I believe the files aren't actually there at all... Just some sort remaing reference to tehm04:19
Kindarilsv: did that. tried changing the password but its not working.04:19
MadHaTTer_666@kindari type this in terminal "lmfao i dont remember the syntax for changing thhe root passwd" somebody help me out04:19
djr013Rogan_: Does ls -a display them?04:20
lsvKindari: then delete the item and create another one.  (THIS WILL DELETE YOUR PASSWORDS, YOU WILL HAVE TO ENTER THEM AGAIN)04:20
KindariMadHaTTer_666: its not the root password, dont hate.04:20
djr013Should tell you if it's a high or lower level problem.04:20
Rogan_ls -ia gives04:20
Rogan_oops hahaha wrong paste04:20
FloodBot1Rogan_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:20
GD_is there ubuntu room for chinese?04:21
rodhashHello guys, is there any way to define a picture as background in my yakuake? Currently it's transparent with compiz...04:21
ZykoticK9!cn | GD_04:21
ubottuGD_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。04:21
Rogan_In short, yes it does show them, they even have a number... Is it possible to delete them by that?04:21
commander1988199I am trying to install ubuntu on my hp dv6693us laptop. It has an nvidia geforce go 7150m video card. It is currently running windows 7 but trying to install ubuntu. I have the installation on a usb stick. When it gets to the part where it asks me if I want to run or install it, everything looks fine. However when I go to install or run the screen becomes blurry and seperated. It looks like 3 seperate screens and I am unable 04:21
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ZykoticK9commander1988199, you might want to try using nomodeset and see if that has any impact (it does for "some" nvidia cards)04:22
rodhashHello guys, is there any way to define a picture as background in my yakuake? Currently it's transparent with compiz...04:23
commander1988199how would I do that zykotick904:23
ZykoticK9commander1988199, at first screen press a key - then you should see a menu with F6 as an option and can "select" nomodeset04:23
ZykoticK9!tab > commander198819904:24
ubottucommander1988199, please see my private message04:24
GD_ /join #ubuntu-hk04:24
ZykoticK9GD_, no space at the beginning04:24
commander1988199ZykoticK9: okay I will try one sec thx04:25
djr013Rogan_: Are the files just on a plain local ext* partition, not encrypted or anything?04:26
Rogan_djr013: They're on a hfs+ drive sadly... But normal files on there seem to work04:27
anthony_alanhey, total newbie here, is there an easy way to mount a networked directory shared with SMB connection so that it appears as a folder?04:27
velofilleanthony_alan, yep, you can view the network04:28
velofilleanthony_alan, oops hit enter too soon. View the network, browse for the share, then the shared folders, it will auto mount04:28
djr013Rogan_: Oh, no idea about that. Does hfs+ support UTF-8 or similar filenames?04:29
anthony_alanvelo - ah, right, thanks so much, so obvious!04:29
Jeffsiwould there be any reason why ubuntu server boots fine on my computer but ubuntu desktop eventually shuts off my computer?04:31
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, did you install a proprietary gfx driver on the desktop install?04:32
Rogan_Wikipeida says "HFS Plus permits filenames up to 255 UTF-16 characters in length" so I assume it should be fine with that...04:32
JeffsiZykoticK9:  no i did not, what exactly is that?04:33
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, i was just wondering if you install a nvidia/ati driver of some sort.  Well best of luck.04:33
TalaskinaJeffsi: could be a difference in the kernel,04:33
JeffsiTalaskina:  would that maybe help04:34
TalaskinaJeffsi: shouldnt be that much difference but if there is, and video drivers too. base install of server works fine, and base install of desktop doesnt, right?04:34
TalaskinaJeffsi: there are some factors that you would need to narrow down first. firstly you install the desktop edition, what exactly do you mean by shuts down. does it shutdown immediately, after a period of time, after you do updates?04:35
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commander1988199ZykoticK9: when I press tab at the installer boot menu screen, notthing happens04:36
=== Uboss is now known as i3Guy
JeffsiTalaskina: the desktop will turn off after a little while of running sometimes while i am answering those install questions sometimes while it boots, it varies every time04:36
ZykoticK9commander1988199, try space or enter (at the first GUI looking opportunity)04:36
TalaskinaJeffsi: is this just with the latest version?04:37
TalaskinaJeffsi: the 11.04?04:37
commander1988199okay will try brb04:37
arooni-mobilewhat are peoples thoughts about the WUBI install of ubuntu (t420 with 500GB of hard drive space)04:37
JeffsiTalaskina: im using the LTS version04:37
TalaskinaJeffsi: interesting that should be pretty stable04:37
TalaskinaJeffsi: is it just the monitor, or the entire computer, shuts down?04:37
TalaskinaJeffsi: and both the desktop and server are both the LTS 10.04 version correct?04:38
ZykoticK9arooni-mobile, in my opinion WUBI is ideal for "testing" if you like Ubuntu or not, but having GNU/Linux rely on Windows is FAIL (again only MY opinion)04:38
JeffsiTalaskina: computer shuts off, fans spin down, etc04:38
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JeffsiTalaskina: yes they are both LTS04:38
TalaskinaJeffsi: how does the live desktop work? does it stay on?04:39
TalaskinaJeffsi: when running just from the CD04:39
djr013Rogan_: Oh, heh, just a guess.04:39
Rogan_djr013: Thanks for trying, I'll wrangle this beatie another day haha :)04:40
JeffsiTalaskina:  I have not tried running it from the cd, i atempt to instal it if im able to get that far04:40
TalaskinaJeffsi: try from CD, use it for about half an hour and see how it reacts. if everything is stable you can rule out kernal issues,04:41
TalaskinaJeffsi: how long have you had the server edition up and running?04:41
abdorezahi all04:41
commander1988199ZykoticK9: space or install does not work either...04:41
rodhashno idea?04:41
TalaskinaJeffsi: you had the server completely installed right?04:41
ZykoticK9commander1988199, sorry i can't help then, good luck.04:41
commander1988199ZykoticK9: thank you for your help anyways....04:42
wolscommander1988199: ctrl+alt+f2 ?04:42
ZykoticK9commander1988199, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions -- i think it might be outdated however :(04:42
wolscommander1988199: num lock?04:42
commander1988199okay one sec, let me turn the other laptop back on...04:43
JeffsiTalaskina: i have not had it installed and running(the server edition)  but the boot works fine, install looked great, and the memtest worked fine and stayed on for about an hr till i shut it down04:43
=== raw is now known as iPhoner
wolscommander1988199: try the alternate installer04:43
TalaskinaJeffsi: on the install screen?04:43
commander1988199wols: will try... does it matter though that I am installing from a usb stick?04:44
TalaskinaJeffsi: ok. you know how to do a md5sum check on the iso you downloaded?04:44
TalaskinaJeffsi: for the desktop edition04:44
TalaskinaJeffsi: i would also make sure the file is comlete and not messed up04:44
Jeffsii downloaded it via torrent so i would assume it wowuld be fine04:44
wolscommander1988199: no. it's always the same keyboard driver...04:45
YusukeHello guys, the default network manager seem like not showing all the available wifi .. is this a bug? any alternative for wifi manager?04:45
TalaskinaJeffsi: i had something like that happen before , i knew the disc was bad on a ubuntu desktop edition and i tried it anyway i got through the entire install and afterwards it started acting up04:45
commander1988199wols: okay. thanks04:45
wolsJeffsi: check the md5sum still04:45
commander1988199ZykoticK9: yeah thats my frist screen, then after that its all blurry thanks for the link04:45
TalaskinaJeffsi: what wols said :)04:45
Jeffsialright, i am not entirely sure how to do this on a mac though04:45
TalaskinaJeffsi: the more i think about it, the more i suspect you may have a bad desktop edition iso image or maybe it burned bad04:46
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ZykoticK9Yusuke, an alternative NM is called wicd (not sure it would help you though)04:46
karrot2I've made it so that my computer auto logs in to a user, but right after it logs in it has to ask for a password to access the keychain to get the wifi connection going... is there any way around having to punch in this password?04:46
Yusukewhy the network manager not showing all available wifi?04:46
Talaskinakarrot2: same thing happens to me, i have been too lazy to try and find an answer to why the keychain keeps poping up after login04:47
ZykoticK9karrot2, sure, turn autologon off ;)04:47
commander1988199wols: where is the alternate installer again?04:47
ZykoticK9!alternate | commander198819904:47
ubottucommander1988199: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal04:47
karrot2ZykoticK9: ahhhhh!!! That is my solution to all my linux problems04:47
JeffsiTalaskina:  i am unsure on how to do this on a mac though, i looked around and am not seeing all that much04:48
karrot2Talaskina: if you ever find an answer...04:48
TalaskinaJeffsi: google md5sum checker for mac and whatever it tells you, then google md5sum ubuntu 10.04 desktop04:48
commander1988199ZykoticK9: thank you04:48
TalaskinaJeffsi: it also wouldnt hurt to google and read a quick how to article on md5sum comparing and what exactly it is you are doing its pretty simple in the end04:48
Talaskinakarrot2: i was able to fix it before. if i find a solution and you are still on sure.04:49
ZykoticK9karrot2, the "actual" answer is to use Unsafe Password Storage (sorry i've forgotten how to enable/disable that)04:50
JeffsiTalaskina:  i understand how it works and what not just not how to do it04:50
Talaskinaok try this04:51
Talaskinaopen up a cmd prompt04:51
wolskarrot2: google next time. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=920250  "ubuntu keychain password"04:51
karrot2ZykoticK9: thank you, at least now I have something to google04:51
TalaskinaJeffsi: apple still lets you have cmd prompts right?04:51
TalaskinaJeffsi: i have never played with a mac :)04:51
ZykoticK9!md5sum | Jeffsi04:51
ubottuJeffsi: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:51
pappa_bear_hi all, i'm a macbook5-1 running 11.04 having a few probs with steam04:51
TalaskinaJeffsi: from the cmd prompt it will look something like this : md5sum ubuntu-desktop-10.04.iso04:52
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, on Mac the command might be md5 and not md5sum BTW...04:52
TalaskinaJeffsi: and that will give you the string of text from the iso image and just google what the text should be.04:53
commander1988199wols: tried ctrl alt f2 however that just took me into the text mode. fromt here the screen still is blurry and the text is in the centre of the screen04:53
TalaskinaJeffsi: yea, never played with mac :)04:53
Jeffsii think its doing its thing04:54
jamescarrseriously... could someone point me to a dead simple, fool proof postfix smtp server setup?04:55
jamescarrthis is making me cry04:55
jamescarrI want to just develop04:55
karrot2I've made it so that my computer auto logs in to a user, but right after it logs in it has to ask for a password to access the keychain to get the wifi connection going... is there any way around having to punch in this password?04:55
JeffsiTalaskina:  here is the outputMD5 (/Users/Jeff/Desktop/ubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-i386.iso) = 477350cbea8936c63d587cf2be69181b04:55
ZykoticK9jamescarr, i don't think a "simple" mail server setup exists.  Good luck.04:55
karrot2wols: That look was good, but it assumes you punch in your password for login, which I'm not doing04:55
pappa_bear_<karrot2> could it be in your keychain settings?04:56
jamescarrZykoticK9, I want to just say 'sudo apt-get install simple-single-user-mailserver' and be done04:56
jamescarr(sorry for the foul language04:56
karrot2pappa_bear_: damn good idea, I"m going to check that04:56
TalaskinaJeffsi: well the md5sum looks good04:57
TalaskinaJeffsi:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes04:57
JeffsiTalaskina:  lol my cd drive is broken, i just put in the cd ive been trying to install with and it is saying its a blank04:57
TalaskinaCD could be bad04:58
TalaskinaJeffsi: yea, so maybe bad CD, but we maybe onto something04:58
pappa_bear_anyone know anything about Wine or Steam in particular?04:58
Talaskinapappa_bear_: like running steam on wine on linux?04:58
ZykoticK9!wine | pappa_bear_04:59
ubottupappa_bear_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:59
Talaskinapappa_bear_: steam as in the game service?04:59
Jeffsii know, i have a laptop here without a HDD, what if i put in the cd and asked it to check disk for defecs?04:59
Talaskinapappa_bear_: i can imagine that would be flaky as all heck04:59
TalaskinaJeffsi: that may work04:59
TalaskinaJeffsi: it couldnt hurt.04:59
wolsTalaskina: steam works fine, so people say04:59
pappa_bear_yes, the game service, i've got it running and installed but can't seem to configure the video to play anything05:00
Talaskinawols: thats suprising, i cant imagine something as complicated as steam actually working. but steam i guess wouldnt be the problem its running the games05:00
pappa_bear_i'm on a macbook 5-1 running 11.0405:00
ZykoticK9pappa_bear_, "Join #winehq for application help" from factoid above05:00
Talaskinapappa_bear_: yea thats your best bet05:00
pappa_bear_<ZykoticK9> thanks, later :)05:01
TalaskinaJeffsi: yea so check your CD, in that HDless laptop and see what it returns, your ISO is good but maybe it was a bad burn05:01
Talaskinanext, lol05:02
JeffsiTalaskina: yea, i need to stop trusting this dvd drive until i get it fixed05:02
austinium_Hi, iam trying to get a script to run after the machine starts by making an @reboot entry on crontab, the script deploys a web application on tomcat. i am using 10.04 and the script is not being run after reboots, what am i missing?05:02
wolsTalaskina: appdb.winehq.org05:02
faryshtaAnyone can help me installing a sony handicam as a webcam?05:03
wolsaustinium_: why do you use cron for this?05:03
Talaskinadid the CD turn out bad?05:03
TalaskinaJeffsi: cd bad?05:03
austinium_it takes almost a minute for the war(web application archive) file to deploy, to so thought that adding it to cron so that it run after startup would prevent it from slowing down the startup process05:04
JeffsiTalaskina: so i have this all loaded up and tos telling me to either try or install ubuntu, i see no check option05:04
faryshtaAnyone can help me with webcam issues?05:04
austinium_the other option would be to add it to /etc/rc.local?05:04
wolsJeffsi: try md5sum /dev/sr0  ?05:04
Talaskinawols: that would give him a diff sum05:05
wolsaustinium_: or even its own upstart script05:05
Jeffsifrom where, thers no cmd promp05:05
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts05:05
wolsJeffsi: ctrl+alt+f205:05
austinium_wols: wouldn't it slow down startup?05:05
Talaskinawols: its the same data, but structure is diff from iso to CD, you will get a diff md5sum doing it that way05:05
Talaskinawols: at least i am pretty sure, i remember reading an article about this same thing a while back05:06
wolsaustinium_: so does a cron script. you have to start it somehow, that always takes time05:06
wolsTalaskina: so how does the live cd do it?05:06
wolsJeffsi: go to "try" then and check there05:06
Talaskinawols: it most likely carries a diff md5sum than what you would see on the site05:06
austinium_wols:ok,i was under the impression that adding it to cron would let ubuntu boot first and then deploy it, guess i was wrong?05:06
Talaskinawols: the site is for the ISO md5sum, if you run a md5sum on a disc you will see differences, but you can always try it05:07
wolsaustinium_: as I said: when cron starts it it still needs to start... and mangling startup procedure isn't really a gain05:07
josePhoenixHi #ubuntu05:07
faryshtaAnyone can help me with webcam issues?05:07
Talaskinawols: and if I am wrong :) its a good learning experience05:07
Jeffsithis is taking a while05:08
TalaskinaJeffsi: CD is alot slower than HD05:08
austinium_wols: /etc/rc.local should be fine then?05:08
austinium_or, maybe theres a way to schedule the script to run after the system boots up?05:09
gulzarmy xchat hangs at 'now logging in'. How to solve it. ( Now using Pidgin). :)05:09
JeffsiTalaskina: i dont like cd, i have so many coasters because of them :(05:09
Talaskiname either05:09
Talaskinajust get bigger hard drives :)05:09
wolsaustinium_: yes works. best is its own upstart task as I said05:10
TalaskinaJeffsi: too bad no one has perfected a seamless, diskless network install over the internet.05:10
TalaskinaJeffsi: thats easy05:10
Jeffsii only use them for things like installs, lol i have a teribye in this small laptop :P05:10
TalaskinaJeffsi: not bad i have 250 in this one, but i have 2 desktops05:10
austinium_wols: thanks :) one last question, hows creating an upstart task different from adding it to /etc/rc.local???05:11
Jeffsii think my desktop has 1.5ish but thats mostly used for backups05:11
TalaskinaJeffsi: if you are feeling so inclined get multiple 1.5s and build an array out of them05:11
wolsaustinium_: it's a separate task to start on bootup like others. upstart can better parallelize it05:12
TalaskinaJeffsi: pretty good learning experience to get a 10.04 server up and working with a raid, for a file server, <-did it, and i tinker with it sometime05:12
TalaskinaJeffsi: sometimes even05:12
gulzarbazhang: r u there?05:12
Jeffsithe output of the md5 was 477350cbea8936c63d587cf2be69181b /dev/sr005:13
kerebrusIf you press ctr alt f1 to drop out of X and into shell whats the command to get back?05:14
TalaskinaJeffsi: well then i stand corrected05:14
TalaskinaJeffsi: hm, so the disk is good05:14
gulzarmy xchat hangs at 'now logging in'. How to solve it. ( Now using Pidgin). How to solve it? I tried deleting .xchat2 folder from Home. but no effect..............05:14
dinkdink_kerebrus: usually alt+f7 or f805:14
TalaskinaJeffsi: you sure about the CD rom drive you are using to, well that wouldnt matter the server is fine05:15
JCDGhello, how  can i do if I want to write in the terminal "remove kde", but in reality is a long long long command line?.05:15
JeffsiTalaskina: id love to do that but i cant afford it at this time, lol im using a pice of cardboard for this case because i couldnt find the actual case side and cant buy a new cheap one05:15
dinkdink_kerebrus: depends05:15
kerebrusdinkdink hm let me try that real quick, might have to come back lol.05:15
TalaskinaJeffsi: wow05:15
TalaskinaJeffsi: interesting, trying to think of something else that would possibly be your cause.05:15
kerebrusdinkdink alt f8 worked05:16
TalaskinaJeffsi: sorry i just cant think of anything beyond this point, you have good discs, the drive appears to be working fine for now,05:16
Jeffsimaybe the PSU not giving enough power but im not sure if theres a diference in power consumption with the 2 versions05:16
dinkdink_kerebrus: on mine it's f7..05:17
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TalaskinaJeffsi: no there shouldnt be,05:17
kerebrusdinkdink mine just set there with f705:17
TalaskinaJeffsi: and you cant swap out cd drives at this time. so05:17
faryshtaAnyone can help me with webcam issues?05:17
Jeffsiwait what was that05:17
Jeffsii have like 3 or 4 cd drives but im using this 1 because im sure its working great05:18
TalaskinaJeffsi: swapping CD drives?05:18
TalaskinaJeffsi: it couldnt hurt if you wanted.05:18
Jeffsii could try a diferent 1 though05:18
dinkdink_kerebrus: if you take x down, e.g. sudo service gdm stop and then start it back up, e.g. sudo service gdm start it tends to relocate but there is no harm in going through all the f keys to find it05:18
TalaskinaJeffsi: personally i dont think its the issue, BUT with that being said we have elimited all the other more probable causes05:18
TalaskinaJeffsi: that we know of05:18
TalaskinaJeffsi: one thing i have learned is never dismiss the improbable after you have gone through everything else.05:19
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kerebrusdinkdink yea I killed X then startx, but what looking for a way to not close all my apps and windows, thanks for the info.05:19
Jeffsialright, its hooked up, lets try this05:19
ZykoticK9kerebrus, keeping apps going between logouts is tricky (i don't know of a way to do it with GUI apps) for CLI stuff there is "screen"05:22
JeffsiTalaskina: i have ubuntu loadig screen so far05:22
Jeffsishut off05:22
TalaskinaJeffsi: same issue?05:23
JeffsiTalaskina: yup05:23
JCDGcan I make some kind of alias using "remove xxxxx" and in reality is a long list of packages?05:24
wolsZykoticK9: Xnest or some vnc trickery might do it. but all are hacks, and when you need 3D it cannot work afaik05:24
syrinx_JCDG: a script?05:24
JCDGsyrinx_: yeah I think so05:25
syrinx_JCDG: just write a bash script and run it :D05:25
JCDGsyrinx_: but how do I make it permanet?05:25
syrinx_JCDG: I don't understand what you mean by that?05:26
JeffsiTalaskina:  what makes me think this may possibly be hardware or compatibility issue is the fact that this cd works fine so far in this laptop05:26
JCDGsyrinx_: uhm, I mean, instead of doing a ./xxxx I will just write "remove XXX" and the script runs.05:26
TalaskinaJeffsi: maybe,05:27
wolsJCDG: then you need to write a script named "remove"05:27
syrinx_thats really not worth the trouble/security issue05:28
ZykoticK9JCDG, why would you need to run removals more then once (on the same machine)?  If you create a ~/bin directory and place your script in there - it "should" be in your path.05:28
JeffsiTalaskina: any ideas?05:28
gulzarmy xchat hangs at 'now logging in'. How to solve it. ( Now using Pidgin). How to solve it? I tried deleting .xchat2 folder from Home. but no effect..............05:28
nessusis there a way to run 11.04 with the user interface that was standard with 10.04?05:28
TalaskinaJeffsi: have any extra CDs?05:28
rww!classic | nessus05:28
ubottunessus: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".05:28
TalaskinaJeffsi: oh,05:28
TalaskinaJeffsi: try this-05:28
nessusthank you rww05:29
TalaskinaJeffsi: try just for the sake of it, linuxmint i forget which version is the equivelent to 10.0405:29
TalaskinaJeffsi: yea its the same thing as ubuntu but they tweak it a bit, try it out, its close enough to test and see tho05:30
Jeffsiive never herd of it05:30
TalaskinaJeffsi: its an off shoot of ubuntu05:30
TalaskinaJeffsi: i run it, its pretty good.05:30
faryshtaI am trying to install a webcam but cheese can't recognize it. lsusb command trows "Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0595:4343 Zoran Microelectronics, Ltd Digital Camera EX-20 DSC"05:30
TalaskinaJeffsi: all the same software just a few extras, try it and see if the desktop will install properly.05:30
JCDGsyrinx_: wols I want to install all the desktops eviroments of ubuntu, that's the easy part but removing them is the hard part. It's just a "apt-install kubuntu-desktop" but to remove that is a pain.05:31
JeffsiTalaskina:  i think i may be out of cds05:31
Jeffsithis board does support usb i think but im not sure how to do that05:31
TalaskinaJeffsi: hm05:31
TalaskinaJeffsi: not sure about that one.05:31
syrinx_JCDG: thats a bad way of going about it05:32
syrinx_you'd be better off using a VM or liveusbs/cds05:32
gulzarsyrinx_: that's right........ i removed Gnome+Unity and installed XFCE but everything went out of control and I end up installing Xubuntu instead. :)05:32
JCDGsyrinx_: gulzar: in fact I'm removing kde in favor of xfce.05:33
syrinx_gulzar: exactly, you end up with a broken system05:33
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »05:34
JCDGsyrinx_: why does this happen if kde an gnome should not have common desktop  packages?05:34
rwwnote: I have not ever actually done that (I use a different, convoluted method), so ymmv.05:34
dinkdink_cool man cool, ps -C Xorg shows which tty X is on05:35
Talaskinatake care going.05:35
JeffsiTalaskina:  what does it usually mean if a computer shuts off regardless of the os?05:35
syrinx_JCDG: conflicting packages?05:35
gulzarJCDG: nice..... then gud will be installing XFCE and not doing this conversion......its not that good till. THEY need to make a easy method . :(05:36
syrinx_Jeffsi: overheating05:36
syrinx_broken fan, etc05:36
Jeffsisyrinx_: i dont think overheating is the issure bease the bios tells me it is running at 32-36C always05:37
JCDGsyrinx_: yeah, conflicting, shared, whatever the name is. I mean, the conflict shuld not exist.05:37
gulzarJCDG: Try pureXFCE but do have a backup of important data and your /home........05:37
t-floEvening all... I'm attempting to make my own MIDI device. I'm using a microcontroller with an FTDI chip to make a virtual serial port (/dev/ttyUSB0). I can, using a serial terminal, get MIDI data from the microcontroller at whatever baud I set. However, I can't get any program to recognize a MIDI device. NOTEMIDI doesn't compile (I'm on 10.04) and spikenzielabs' serial-MIDI driver doesn't see any serial ports. Any advice?05:37
JCDGJeffsi: I had that problem with a HP machine, and it was overheating, I had to use a paper sheet as a "abanico" to cool it.05:37
JCDGgulzar: pure xfce meaning "install xfce"?05:38
gulzarJCDG: yes ! but they have instructions to remove KDE and Gnome. I followed them and got a nice broken system ..... No prob try it but FIRST make a BACKUP . :)05:39
JeffsiJCDG: lol well the heatsync has a fan on it so i dont think ill need to do that05:39
syrinx_Jeffsi: could also be bad memory05:40
syrinx_bad hard drive maybe05:40
JCDGgulzar: I tried the one on psycocats and worked partially because the there was an issue with some dependat packages of open-jdk, but I could sove that. No I just have Unity and Uity-2d05:41
wolsJeffsi: in BIOS, it's idle. when it boots it runs stuff, even when it's mostly I/O bound05:42
JCDGgulzar: I want to keep unity, unity-2d and gnome, and install xfce, and the lxde...05:42
syrinx_JCDG: the point of that is?05:43
gulzarJCDG: yup! issues are there....... I think we have to wait a little bit for stability in CONVERSION...... and thanks to make me remember about installing jdk 8-)05:43
Jeffsiwols: alright, what would you think it is then?05:43
gulzarJCDG: then its not a problem........ If you want to keep all DE then simply install them from Software Manager. I did this with Gnome+KDE+e1705:44
DigitalSkinwas wondering in I have a .sh that i run in the term to disable my touchpad  what would I use to make it run at boot  I made it like this i wrote this    xinput set-prop 11 "Device Enabled" 0    and named it disabletouchpad.sh  now i opened startup and put the xinput set-prop 11 "Device Enabled" 0 in the cmd to be run and nothing , I also pointed it to the .sh itself and nothing and by nothing i mean it didnt worl .so what am i doing wrong05:44
MagePsychohi guys05:45
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MagePsychoi am getting following error while committing svn05:45
MagePsychosvn: 'var/cache' is not a working copy05:45
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faryshtaIs there a list of supported webcams for ubuntu?05:45
JCDGsyrinx_: I just want to try them all and see which one fits better with my notebook. gulzar: you're welcome!05:45
gulzarIS THERE ANY GIRL HERE? I have only seen boys ............. (don't take it in wrong way)........ Just want to know if any girl is .....05:46
rwwgulzar: The gender of channel participants is offtopic for this channel. I recommend not asking.05:47
syrinx_gulzar: don't do that05:47
gulzarJCDG: open software mamager and search for KDE, XFCE4, e17. Can also try adding ppa for unity2D05:47
harisundDoes anyone know in which file ~/bin gets added to my path? I haven't added it manually in either of .bashrc or .bash_profile or anything !!!!05:47
wolsJeffsi: it still sounds like hardware. I'd run a memtest86 and check the exhaust fan for it getting too hot. if windows is still installed, run prime95 there05:47
faryshtaIs there a list of supported webcams for ubuntu?05:48
gulzarrww: Ok. But I asked to know if there is any girl using Linux and is on Xchat. I am not interested in username or chat. Just want to know if  there is any?05:48
Jeffsiwols: hmmm, it just shut off with the server disk going05:48
wols!webcam > faryshta05:48
ubottufaryshta, please see my private message05:48
syrinx_gulzar: yes, there is05:48
wolsJeffsi: define "shut off"05:49
rwwgulzar: You are not taking my hint. That is not a particularly good idea.05:49
gulzarsyrinx_: Ok....... nice ;-)05:49
gulzarrww: I understand that. O:-)05:49
Jeffsiwols: the computer turns off as if i held the power button, fans spin down, HDDs spin down, etc05:51
wolsJeffsi: acpi or hardware issue (like overheating)05:51
gulzarJeffsi: that's what happens of you long press POWERBUTTON........05:51
ectospasmI have two problems with my bluetooth keyboard (MS Bluetooth 6000).  It will work fine, and then it locks on a key (lllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiike tttttttthis!!!!!!!!!!!), and it becomes unusable.  The other problem is it will stop responding (usually after a period of brief inactivity).  Turning off the keyboard and turning it back on resolves both problems temporarily05:52
wolsJeffsi: what machine is it?05:52
rypervenchegulzar: There are women who use GNU/Linux, yes.05:52
Jeffsiim not sure, do u want mobo model?05:53
wolsyes. does it always shut off at the same time?05:54
Jeffsiwols: i think this was made by gigabyte but it has parts frm other computers that i threw in05:54
wolslshw tells you05:54
wolsor under windows, cpu-z for example05:54
gulzarrypervenche: thanks..........actually around One year back I spoke to one of them, but never again to any other..... its always boys. Just checking about the usage %. No other intension05:55
bazhanggulzar, thats enough.05:55
Jeffsiwols: what was that05:55
gulzarbazhang: about what?05:56
syrinx_bazhang: o/05:56
Jeffsiwols: no its at diferent times and the mobo is a ga-81pe1000-g05:56
wolsJeffsi: tried the alternate installer?05:57
wolstried other (live) CDs?05:57
Jeffsiwols: no, i ran out of cd's and am unsure how to do usb booting05:58
wolsset first boot devic to usb-hdd and boot from usb. done :)06:00
gulzarmy xchat hangs at 'now logging in'. How to solve it. ( Now using Pidgin). How to solve it? I tried deleting .xchat2 folder from Home. but no effect.............. Any hint?06:00
bazhanggulzar, try #xchat06:01
codygarveranyone got a secret for making iphone syncing work in natty and beyond?06:01
gulzarbazhang: I mean the software shows - Connected. Now logging in... and that's it . no more messages and no connection06:02
rwwgulzar: yes, go ask #xchat. #freenode might know too.06:03
loki2UHow do I update java in kubuntu so I can watch streaming media in you tube and the like?06:04
gulzarrww: Oh right.............. they always. Thanks.06:04
loki2Uwrong chan I assume. kk thanks anyway.06:05
korbengoodmorning to all of u (here it's 8:11am)06:11
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Name141Does the 64bit version of Ubuntu use more RAM than the 32bit?06:14
wildgooseI hope so06:15
korbendon't think so06:15
Name141wildgoose: I meant just doing nothing, like Windows 706:15
korbenName141 do u use 32bit version?06:15
Name141korben: Yes.06:15
korbenonce i log in06:15
korbenand all the fancy stuff come up :P06:16
korbenlike cairo dock..06:16
korbenit occupies like 600/200006:16
ZykoticK9Name141, all 64bit systems will both use and support more RAM then 32bit - nature of the beast i'm afraid06:16
korbeni have 2Gb of ram06:16
Name141ZykoticK9: So I should stick to 32bit till I get over 2GBs of RAM no matter what OS it seems.06:17
ZykoticK9Name141, probably until you have 4GB really06:17
korbenName141 if u don't like the fancy stuff06:17
korbenu can use it with 1024 as well.06:17
ZykoticK9Name141, 64bit is faster for SOME things however06:17
Name141ZykoticK9: I figure this E2160 wont make much differences on either/or 32/6406:18
korbenwhat cpu do u have?06:18
wildgooseI am trying to setup NoMachine but I'm getting "Authentication failed for user", my pastebin for the server side connections looks like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/630234/06:18
ZykoticK9Name141, i am running 64bit on my EEE with only 1GB RAM (don't see much advantage however)06:19
Name141korben: I said E2160.06:19
Name141ZykoticK9: Although the Athlon 2 X4 system flies with 64 bit (32 bit does too.) I figure I'll just use 32bit.06:23
Name141(Er on this one)06:24
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saidianCan't mount samba shares on ubuntu server. anyone help?06:27
iamanalogSo i have a quick question, i have a cr48 running 11.04 that cant seem to handle any bitrate for internet streams.  Everything is updated as far as i can see and Im guessing more information would be needed but has any one seen any issuse like this solved? If i had to guess i dont have something installed right? As a test i had a hp notebook and an android phone stream the same stream with perfect quality and no buffering.06:29
mobius420greetings ubuntu channel.  Does anyone know if there is a way to obtain a graphical output from a fingerprint scanner in linux? For instance using twain + gimp?06:31
saidianCan anyone help with mounting network shares via command line?06:31
mobius420saidian,  this might help some*    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab06:34
mobius420I am wanting to get graphic output from my fingerprint scanner :)   for completely playful reasons06:34
binniIs it easy to install and/or run GNOME Classic (Gnome 2.x) in Ubuntu 11.04 (as in not Unity or GNOME 3)?06:35
saidianmobius420, thanks. been there though and can't get the mount's to work (either temp or in fstab)06:35
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rww!classic | binni06:36
ubottubinni: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".06:36
binnirww: okay great, thanks!06:36
stevr1ithello, i need your help libreoffice crash every 5 minutes, with ubuntu 11.04 64 bit ati saphie 1 gb video card, I have already reinstalled it and deleted the folder in home but no improvement, do you know any solution?06:36
mobius420saidian,  this might sound asinine but I have to update quite often after installing the latest samba share software in ubuntu06:37
stevr1itI ma using ubuntu classic without effect06:37
mobius420saidian,  if you heve not updated after installing samba try that and it *might work06:38
mobius420saidian,  everything will *appear to be working, only it *wont work until I update06:38
saidianmobius420, I have run "apt-get update" several times.06:39
mobius420saidian,  kk  just makin sure :)06:39
saidianmobius420, np06:39
mobius420saidian,  does the share work via nautilus?06:40
saidianmobius420, don't know "nautilus"06:40
mobius420saidian,  from terminal try   <sudo nautilus>06:40
mobius420saidian,  this launches the graphical file browser06:41
saidianmobius420, "command not found", I'm running Server 11.0406:41
mobius420saidian,  you may or  may not require sudo as you may  or may not want to be in root06:41
mobius420saidian,  kk06:41
yp_620hi,guys,i read a comment which said the ubuntu design team is using adobe suite to design ubuntu, does that mean ubuntu is designed under Windows/Mac06:42
rww!ot | yp_62006:42
ubottuyp_620: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:42
ghshis it a mistake that 11.04 can't add other partitions not listed in the box (custom) partitions during install: I did it any way after but what a pain06:42
yp_620no offense, i like ubuntu06:42
saidianmobius420, can access share's from wife's Win7 and MacBookPro.06:43
saidianmobius420, the error I'm getting is "mount error(22): Invalid argument"06:43
mobius420saidian,  you are running natty?06:45
saidianmobius420, yes06:45
mobius420saidian,  kk06:45
Jake123whats the off topic channel?06:47
agrundnerAny web devs who have a preference for using ubuntu on their main machine? Join me over at #ubuntu-offtopic for a discussion.06:47
rwwagrundner: don't do that, please. If it's offtopic for here, then asking people to join you elsewhere to discuss it is also offtopic for here ;P06:47
mobius420saidian,  is this a new-ish install?06:49
agrundnerrww: I never know what's offtopic -- even when it's Ubuntu related. Thought I'd try something new.06:49
rwwagrundner: If it's an Ubuntu technical support question or an answer to same, it's ontopic for here.06:49
saidianmobius420, been running since 11.04 came out. Share's just quit about 2 weeks ago.06:50
mobius420saidian,  kk06:50
RevSpecies116agrundner: minor offtopic stuff happens in here - but it is rare, and is dependant on what shadow OP's are in here06:51
agrundnerRevSpecies116: I vote for making #ubuntu-offtopic > #ubuntu AND #ubuntu > #ubuntu-support06:53
saidianmobius420, fstab= // /mnt/software cifs credentials=/root/.credentials06:54
RevSpecies116I actually think this IRC channel should be more integrated into Ubuntu as a whole - great support here, and live too...06:55
RevSpecies116Just checked - at least 6 complicated clicks [reading guff, scrolling down, knowing what you are doing] are needed to get here from the (?) Help button on 10.04LTS. Who would I raise that with rww to make it easier to get here for all concerned?06:58
rwwRevSpecies116: Ubuntu Brainstorm, Launchpad bug against whichever package you're talking about, or participate in the next UDS06:58
RevSpecies116rww, thanks - will check that. If UDS is coming to Australasia soon, I will see about attending.07:01
AfteraffektHow do i change between pulse audio and alsa?07:03
saidianmobius420, ok...just did "smbclient -L // -U {username}" and it list's all the shares from that MAC.07:04
wolssaidian: what error do you get with your fstab entry?07:05
NuxRoHi, which is going to be the next LTS version?07:05
wolsmun_: 12.04 the way it looks like. last were 8.04 and 10.0407:06
saidian<wols>, "mount error:(22): Invalid argument"07:06
wolssaidian: if you remove the credentials thing?07:06
saidian<wols>, asked for a password then same error07:08
wolssaidian: and you also are missing the 0 0 fields at the end07:08
saidian<wols>, yes07:08
wolssee http://webscript.princeton.edu/~pug/faqwiki/index.php?title=Using_SAMBA/CIFS_to_access_Windows_Shares#Command_Line_.28Terminal.2907:08
AfteraffektI fixed my pulse audio, but alsa is still not wanting to switch to headphones when they are inserted07:09
AfteraffektAnd mic isnt working07:10
saidian<wols>, same error07:10
Gumphey #ubuntu, i changed a setting in my BIOS and now the computer won't boot and i cant access the BIOS settings anymore07:14
Gumpwtf. i thought it was impossible to corrupt the BIOS from within BIOS settings. what now? am i gonna have to flash my BIOS or something crazy like that?07:14
mobius420Gump,  you could reset it with a jumper removal07:15
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ActionParsnipHi pehden07:17
wolsGump: you have a jumper on your motherboard you can use to reset the BIOS07:17
wolsGump: laptops are different. often it helps there to remove battery and power cord then press power button for a long time07:18
ActionParsnipOr take power and bios battery out and leave it half an hour07:19
pehdenI think i have the weirdest issue that i have never seen before. Well any one from any ip address not local to my LAN can access my web site hosted localy07:19
ActionParsnipPehden: have you added any firewall rules?07:20
pehdeneven changed the lan ip addresses to see if that was the case07:20
Gumpwols, yeah it's a laptop. removing the CMOS battery did it. thanks07:20
AfteraffektGump, glad that worked07:21
AfteraffektWas about to recommend the same thing lol07:21
Gumpheh. ty07:21
ActionParsnipPehden: can you connect to the socket with telnet?07:21
pehdeni can ping the local ip and connect to the local ip and see the default site not set up page i have on the server but if i type in the domain name it fails with a time out on any pc in my LAN07:22
pehdeneven tried useing a custom dns as in google and even opendns same thing07:23
wolspehden: normal. consumer routers DNS and DNS sucks. put it in your /etc/hosts file. all you can do07:23
wolsDNS and NAT  that is. btw: buy a linux based router and it will work :)07:24
pehdenits an Arris Dosis 307:24
pehdenits new07:24
pehdenas i have been told07:25
ActionParsnipWols: not great if the pc is mobile and you try access the name outside of the home lan, but yeah most home grade routers suck07:25
pehden50 mbps07:25
pehdenthats the thing i can access the sites from some one elses wifi just not my own07:25
wolsit's still crap with some proprietary crappy OS07:26
pehdenhow messed up is that lol07:26
wolsyes. cause the NAT on it doesn't work right07:26
AfteraffektActionParsnip, i have a linksys wireless N with DD-WRT, love it07:26
pehdenlinksys i thought was linux based07:26
Afteraffektit is xD07:27
wolspehden: only some. and they suck compared to the others available usually07:27
pehdeni tried to mod my old wrt54g07:27
Afteraffektpehden, ive modded over 50 of those now07:27
ActionParsnipAfteraffekt: me to but stock firmware. Try playing with huge backbone cisco routers. Good fun07:27
pehdenits in a closet now though lol07:28
AfteraffektActionParsnip, I will NOT mess wit another Cisco Rack Router07:28
pehdenthis router has anoption that says07:28
Afteraffekt8 hours in control panel to find 1 line messed up = never again07:28
ActionParsnipAfteraffekt: hehe07:28
AfteraffektI wish i could fix this!07:29
ActionParsnipAfteraffekt: its like a single character error in C++07:29
AfteraffektActionParsnip, I felt i was doing C++ 4 hours in lol07:29
Kartagiswhy do I get No username specified when I have the line //campus01/mtozses    /mnt/t        cifs    credentials=/root/.mtozses    0    0 in /etc/fstab?07:30
Afteraffektis that in your fstab?07:31
ActionParsnipKartagis: is the credentials file owned by root:root and chmodded 60007:31
Kartagisaccolade: it's 64407:32
KartagisActionParsnip: *07:32
Kartagisis that why?07:32
ActionParsnipKartagis: also check syntax of the file, don't add spaces in it07:33
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AfteraffektActionParsnip, i see whats wrong07:33
KartagisActionParsnip: username=user07:34
ActionParsnipKartagis: 644 is fine. 600 is just safer as random users cannot read the file07:34
AfteraffektKartagis, is the username in the credentials file?07:34
KartagisAfteraffekt: yes07:34
ActionParsnipKartagis: looks fine. Not sure. Ill sniff around07:34
AfteraffektKartagis, whats your syntax for that .mo file07:34
KartagisAfteraffekt: .mo??07:35
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KartagisAfteraffekt: ^^07:36
Afteraffektand its set to 644?07:36
KartagisAfteraffekt: yes07:37
Afteraffektdid you made the file as root? or standard user?07:37
Afteraffektif you made it as root, fstab wont see it cause it uses system:system i believe07:37
KartagisAfteraffekt: I used sudo vim /root/.mtozses07:37
Afteraffektthat might be why07:37
Afteraffektcan you try to remake it not as root?07:37
KartagisAfteraffekt: chown?07:37
JCDGI work at Cisco :S07:38
syrinx_no you don't07:38
JCDGYeah ;)07:38
KartagisAfteraffekt: I wrote it as normal user, same07:39
AfteraffektKartagis, no clue then07:39
JCDGsyrinx_: That should be offtopic...07:39
syrinx_ yes it should07:40
syrinx_JCDG: pretty late, its all good07:41
realgodhow to connect .dbf with gambas07:41
realgodhow to connect .dbf with gambas07:41
ScanMan1st time call/1st time listener here.07:41
syrinx_ScanMan: ahoy07:41
realgodhow to connect .dbf with gambas07:42
mekwallhey guys! if I get "├──" instead of a tree char |- in my terminal, what might be wrong? :)07:42
ScanManAhoyhoy Syrinx07:42
Afteraffektrealgod, repeating doesnt help07:42
realgodyep i know07:42
syrinx_Afteraffekt: +107:42
syrinx_first off, whats gambas?07:44
andantinogambas is like the linux equivalent of visual basic i think07:44
realgodyes it si07:45
syrinx_so opening a dpf file with it is #ubuntu's problem07:45
syrinx_doubt it07:45
andantinoi just downloaded it like a half hour ago07:45
andantinobut i havent tried it out yet07:45
ScanManSilly question... What package would I need to install to play DVD's??  Using Karmic Koala.07:45
wsagentneed help tittle bar is getting missing in all windows then i have to replace metacity and logout always07:46
mknixmplayer, totem, vlc etc07:46
andantinowsagent are you trying to use compiz?07:46
AfteraffektScanMan, mplayer, totem, vlc07:46
Afteraffektone of those as mknix said07:46
korbenwsagent question. why do u switch window managers?07:47
officeris anyone here07:47
korbenprobably often?07:47
bullgard4What does a small patent key symbol next to a »Partition« entry /dev/sda2 or /dev/sda7 in GParted mean?07:47
FlechmenHey, how come in ubuntu server 11.04, it says samba isn't installed right after I installed Samba 3.5.8 and it wants me to install Samba 4?07:47
arooni-mobilewhat version of ubuntu should i run for my t420 laptpo?07:48
bullgard4arooni-mobile: Ubuntu 10.04.07:48
wsagentandantino: korben: i am using mac theme and compiz also07:48
arooni-mobilebullgard4, why not the 11.04 guy?07:48
korbenwsagent then why do u replace metacity?07:48
wsagentfor getting my tittle bar back07:49
andantinowhen you use compiz certain themes will now work07:49
bullgard4arooni-mobile: It is not as stable. You will have more trouble setting it up.07:49
andantinoyour close buttons disappear right07:49
lapionbullgard4, what program are you using to look at the partition ?07:49
andantinoand maximize, etc07:49
bullgard4lapion: GParted.07:49
korbenwsagent i have the same issue at logon but only once every 100 startups07:49
wsagentno it shows different but then i logout and reloging then will get ok07:50
korbenthe compiz fails to load07:50
lapionbullgard4, could you please explain patent key symbol ..07:50
korbendo u have the latest of compiz?07:50
wsagentkorben oho is there any permanant solution for it ?07:50
wsagentyes i have the latest compiz07:51
korbenwell i have noticed wsagent that it happens in SOME themes ..07:51
andantinoi prefer the old fashioned window switcher07:51
korbenu can always have the compiz icon on the notification area always visible07:51
korbenand reload the compiz from there07:51
bullgard4lapion: Yes. A »patent key symbol« looks like a modern small key made from steel which  you use to open a house door.07:52
korbenbut i tell u .. nowadays it happens to me only once in 100 startups so it doesn't bother me07:52
korbeni don't know any other solution07:52
Jordan_Ubullgard4: It means that the partition in question cannot be modified because its filesystem is in use, i.e. mounted.07:52
syrinx_bullgard4: that means the partition is encrypted07:52
syrinx_or, what Jordan_U said07:53
wsagentkorben thanks for that tip any way i will keep compiz icon always appear07:53
korbenwsagent so that u don't have to relogin or open xterm etc07:53
korbento reload compiz07:53
andantinoif you want to modify the partition you would probably use a live cd, or do it from another OS if you run one07:53
martianixorso what pdf viewer to use?07:53
wsagentkorben yeah i got it thanks07:54
korbenactually now that u mentioned it wsagent it has not happened to me the last 3 months :P07:54
lapionbullgard4, I have googled for patent key symbol images however nothing appears to be clear with regards to what it looks like07:54
hermanlfAny ideas. I just upgraded my motherboards firmware and some linux/ubuntu CDs won't boot anymore. Windows 7 and Scientific Linux 6 cds boot just fine.07:54
hateballmartianixor: depends on your needs and so on. is the current one causing you problems?07:54
andantinoi always thought that symbol was like a lock not a key07:54
syrinx_andantino: it IS a lock07:54
martianixorhateball: unfortunately ... ALL OF THEM07:54
syrinx_martianixor: openoffice pdf?07:55
hateballmartianixor: Personally I run KDE, and use Okular... and I dont have any issues that I know of07:55
wsagentkorben ok let me try to count it now onwards07:55
andantinoi dont even use gparted anymore so i cant remember07:55
martianixorhateball: lucky you07:55
hateballmartianixor: what seems to be the problem then?07:55
martianixorhateball: my guess is that it's some library ...07:55
martianixorhateball: segmentation fault07:55
korbenwsagent change some themes and observe07:55
bullgard4lapion: Here is a picture of a patent key: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img2.photographersdirect.com/img/19309/wm/pd2030243.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.photographersdirect.com/buyers/stockphoto.asp%3Fimageid%3D2030243&usg=__1tg8hgmz08YHCwkbjXW__DlC1cE=&h=335&w=500&sz=25&hl=de&start=31&zoom=1&tbnid=zlmAEI96tHd0RM:&tbnh=133&tbnw=194&ei=QkAATtihOsXAswbmquSSDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522pat07:56
FloodBot1bullgard4: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:56
wsagentkorban will try that too07:56
syrinx_bullgard4: whoa07:56
andantinoive never seen that before07:56
hateballmartianixor: oh, no pdf viewer will start at all?07:56
andantinoheya neil07:56
bullgard4Jordan_U: Thank yiu for explaining.07:56
martianixorhateball: Not really :-S07:57
Neili'm new here07:57
syrinx_Neil: iH07:57
Neilhi adantino07:57
Neilsup syrinx07:57
martianixorhateball: well if I didn't feed it a file may be07:57
Jordan_Ubullgard4: You're welcome.07:57
martianixorhateball: let me check07:57
wsagentkorben do you know any proxy software to unblock government blocked sites07:57
Neilyou can try CyberGhostVpen Wsagent07:57
wsagentThanks neil07:57
martianixorhateball: well xpdf, epdfview both start without a file07:57
martianixorhateball: but not evince07:57
hateballmartianixor: well both evince and okular use the poppler libs, so I guess that might be broken07:58
wsagentNeil How can i get it from where can i download ?07:58
Neilhold one07:58
Neilbut before that07:58
Jordan_Uwsagent: tor is good as long as you don't need much bandwidth.07:58
Neilits a paid service07:58
martianixorhateball: right now you're able to use okular aren't you?07:58
korbenwsagent government blocked sites? no , i am sorry but my government doesn't have blocked sites so..07:58
FloodBot1Neil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:58
Neilfor extra features07:58
hateballmartianixor: I am07:58
ghshis it a mistake that 11.04 can't add other partitions not listed in the box (custom) partitions during install: I did it any way after but what a pain07:58
Neilbut u can use the free service07:58
martianixorhateball: also I'm on 11.04 what about you?07:59
Neilwhich is equally food07:59
syrinx_!enter | Neil07:59
ubottuNeil: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:59
andantinohey syrinx_, i remember you, you helped me out a couple months ago07:59
hateballmartianixor: So am I07:59
syrinx_andantino: :D yes I did!07:59
andantinoi did get arch running on an old computer07:59
martianixorhmmm I guess I'll check okular07:59
wsagentJodab>U: but tor is not working for me07:59
syrinx_andantino: awesome, PM me or come to #ubuntu-offtopic to talk about it!07:59
Neilwsagent... here's the link to CyberGhostVpn [http://cyberghostvpn.com/]  its a free service..but for extra features you need to pay up08:00
hateballmartianixor: Okular depends on a lot of KDE libs, so be warned if you're one of those "I dont want to install lots of libs" guys ;)08:00
lapionbullgard4, I do not see how gparted could display such detailed graphics images, as gparted does not have the capability to display images08:00
martianixorhateball: yeah no worries I got'em08:00
Kartagiswhat's this new menu system? unity? I want my old menu system back08:00
jimjamhi all - anyone else had trouble opening telnet, or indeed IRC, links straight from firefox in 11.04? FF version 4.0108:01
Neilcan i join multiple rooms at once ?08:01
jimjamKartagis - select 'classic' at login08:01
martianixorhateball: now okular starts and opens the file but not evince08:01
SirDeiuKartagis: logout of unity / choose the old gnome v2 and log in :)08:01
wsagentNeil but that site is blocked here08:01
solid_liqNeil, no...  irc doesn't have "rooms"08:01
Neilwhich country you in? wsagent08:01
martianixorhateball: nor any of the other ones I've mentioned08:01
lapionbullgard4, at least gparted cannot do anything with visual images, only partition managing of imaged hdd's work08:01
solid_liqNeil, but you can join multiple channels at once08:01
hateballmartianixor: yeah... sorry I dont know what might be wrong then. I only run KDE :/08:01
bullgard4lapion: Therefore I used the name »symbol". A »patent key symbol« is an abstraction of a real »patent key«.08:02
Neil<solid_liq> new to this thing mate.. i'm trying to catch up :)08:02
Kartagislogout unity? how?08:02
Kartagisoh, logout system08:02
martianixorhateball: It's OK :) at least I got something to read the k-computer-project-overview.pdf file08:02
solid_liqNeil, well, learn tab-completion too then ;)08:02
hateballmartianixor: :)08:02
Kartagisjimjam: can I switch to classic and back anytime I want?08:02
jking2hateball: which is the REAL stable version of KDE 4???08:02
wsagentNeil i am in UAE08:02
martianixorhateball: thanks for mentioning okular :)08:02
jimjamKartagis: yes08:03
Neilwsagent .. the govt probably blocked that site too.. well i can give you a software its a trial version though..it hides your ip, should work hopefully08:03
hateballjking2: I'm not having any issues with 4.6, stability-wise08:03
korbenKartagis everytime u login there is a session option below username and password. u choose from there anytime :)08:03
wsagentNeil thanks a lot08:03
jking2hateball: How did you manage the widgets? did you use them a lot?.08:04
Neilwsagent...you won't be able to access the site though, coz its probably blocked too . most of the proxy sites in the middle east are blocked08:04
ghshlapion: the live cd with fluxbox can08:04
wsagentneil yeah you are true08:04
hateballjking2: I use a rather low amount of plasmoids. Not sure what you mean by "manage" them tho.08:04
EMABradDoes anyone in here know how to get MAME to cooperate?08:04
lapionghsh, the live cd with fluxbox can what ?08:05
ghshlapion: sorry Lag -- show images08:06
jimjamxterm -e telnet %h %p08:06
wsagentNeil: can you provide me the software that you told me before for hiding IP08:06
jimjamwhat do %h and %p mean in "xterm -e telnet %h %p" - a config entry in firefox08:06
Neilshould i post the link here? its a trial version btw.. will work for 14 days and then you'll have to pay for it08:06
lapiongparted displays graphic images on the live cd of fluxbox ?08:07
jking2hateball: I meant that if you did not had any trouble with them, I used to had KDE 4.6 and I don't quite know if my netbook was to slow to handle all the plasmoids correctly or if this was a KDE issue.08:07
wsagentneil i couldn't see the link08:07
snimavatWill ubuntu work on the Dell XPS core i7 2630, 10809, nvidia 525 optimus ?08:07
martianixorNeil: how did you know that most of the proxying sites are blocked in the MEA ?08:07
korbenhe is a government official :P08:08
wsagentmartianxor because i am from MEA08:08
martianixorkorben: negative08:08
ghshlapion: no the live cd uses fluxbox as the desktop -- and fluxbox can08:08
Neilthey are, the govt has blocked almost all the proxy sites to prevent people from bypassing the filters.08:08
=== Heval is now known as JDuke128
lapionbullgard4, well most likely it's not a patent key, but simply a key symbol to symbolize that the partition is locked by the fact that it is mounted....08:09
wolswonder how they can block tor or freenet08:09
martianixorswearing swearing censorship and filters08:09
korbenquestion. why does a goverment block a website?08:09
wolskorben: cause it violates some law or other08:09
wolsofficial laws or unofficial ones08:09
lapionghsh, the ubuntu live cd can also show images but gparted cannot so it's irrelevant08:09
wsagentwols I tried tor and freenet both are not working here08:09
Neilyou need to properly configure tor to make it work08:10
korbeni wish my government could block m$%^&*soft.com08:10
ghshlapion: yes a sad joke long lost my friend08:10
martianixorwols: and why would be there a law or other that will be violated if you visited a website???08:10
korbenyeah i mean afterall u are a visitor08:10
lapionghsh, it's totally offtopic, and has absolutely no funny merits08:10
martianixorah he answered already by saying08:10
korbenit doesn't mean that u agree with the opinions refered08:11
martianixor... or unofficial ones08:11
Neilbtw, i'm new here and how do i join multiple channels at once08:11
wolsmartianixor: cause its the law. if you visit a website with child pornography (for the obvious example), it's illegal in every country in the world08:11
jimjamanyone know where the telnet executable is in the filesystem?08:11
martianixorwols: seriously? illegal ???08:11
Steristis there any software available that will batch-zip files individually?08:11
ghshlapion: ok then08:11
martianixorwols: :D very strange08:11
qinNeil: /j #anotherchannel08:11
Neilty qin08:11
wolsmartianixor: yes. in EU, north america, all islamic countries. basically all countries over the globe08:11
wsagentThey even blocked deviantart 1x.com orkut and all po&n08:11
qinjimjam: type: which telnet08:12
martianixorwols: cause somehow their filters doesn't seem to be blocking those08:12
Mandrewmartianixor,  here in sweden we have laws that makes it illegal to visit sites with childporno08:12
lapionbullgard4, or maybe it's just a symbol for a partition that's either hidden or it's a symbol used in the name of the partition either way try to google it08:12
Steristis there any software available that will batch-zip files individually?08:12
qinwsagent: Get yourself vps, and tunnel conection via ssh08:12
martianixorMandrew: I know that and I'm aware that they've even been taking care of that especially lately08:12
jimjamqin: just normal telnet :)08:12
CoreySterist: What are you trying to do, exactly?08:13
quick-hey :)08:13
martianixorMandrew: and it's good08:13
maxy1Hi i have notebook and build in microphone and cardreader are not working, already deleted pulseaudio, but still no effect.08:13
martianixorMandrew: but it's not blocked everywhere08:13
qinjimjam: Command is: which telnet (to find binary)08:13
quick-my system has become very slow , i have 11.04 , would someone pls tell me how to fix it08:13
Mandrewmartianixor, im not saying its bad ;)08:13
wsagentqin can you help in this more08:13
Neilyeah wsagent, the main reason behind blocking was porn lol.. sad but true :p08:13
Steristcorey i have about 200 powerpoints from the past few years of work and i need them zipped into their own files, not in one archive08:13
jimjamqin: haha fantastic thankyou!08:13
RevSpecies116martianixor: Are you trying to access websites that are blocked in your part of the world?08:14
CoreySterist: for i in `find /path/to/files`; do zip $i; done08:14
CoreySterist: Change the zip flags to taste.08:14
wolsmartianixor: no. often it is not, but sometimes it is. the main users of blocking are repressive governments, islamic ones, china, etc08:14
martianixorMandrew: no no my point is in some parts of the world what's supposed to be open is being blocked while what should be blocked is available ...08:14
Steristcorey is this part of bash?08:14
bullgard4lapion: I agree with your statement: [09:09]<lapion>bullgard4, well most likely it's not a patent key, but simply a key symbol to symbolize that the partition is locked by the fact that it is mounted...."08:14
Mandrewmartianixor, true08:14
rypervencheHow is this not being sent to off-topic?08:14
CoreySterist: Yes.08:14
CoreySterist: Although zip is a separate binary.08:14
martianixorRevSpecies116: Oh yeah is a problem with that?08:15
martianixoris there*08:15
quick-my system has become very slow , i have 11.04 , would someone pls tell me how to fix it08:15
IAmError_What's DRM and why is it bad? (sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but it seems that a lot of Linux users dislike it).08:15
bullgard4lapion: I did google for this meaning in the past. --  Today <Jordan_U> gave an explantaion.08:15
CoreyIAmError_: Here's a music file.  It's only licenesed to play on your Windows computer.  You're out of luck on your android phone, Ubuntu computer, and your Mac.08:15
RevSpecies116Yes, respect the laws of the land you happen to reside in. Don't like them laws, then change them or leave the part of the world you are in, martianixor08:15
martianixoryeah sorry off-topic ...08:15
Steristcorey if i wanted to flag help on that command, what would it look like?08:15
wolsquick-: there is no quick magic bullet. you need to find out the reason why it's slow. e.g. is the cpu slow, is memory lacking, etc08:15
quick-Leofelix: hey08:15
llutz_!ot | IAmError_08:15
wsagentqin: can you direct me to get some more help about vpn and ssh tonnel08:15
ubottuIAmError_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:15
martianixorRevSpecies116: well you're right08:16
CoreySterist: man zip08:16
Steristcorey thank you very much :)08:16
CoreySterist: No worries.08:16
quick-wols:  how do i find it . when i installed 11.04 it was very fast used to startup in seconds but now it takes time :(08:16
maxy1Hi i have notebook and build in microphone and cardreader are not working, already deleted pulseaudio, but still no effect.08:16
Leofelixanyone program in fortran08:16
wolsquick-: so what changed between being fast and now?08:17
wolsLeofelix: ask your real question08:17
RevSpecies116maxy1: deleted pulse audio? Oh my... You will have issues - sorry I cannot resolve them08:17
lapionbullgard4, next time say you allready have the answer to your question instead.. :-)08:17
martianixorRevSpecies116: ironically we did just exactly that ;)08:17
quick-wols: nothing the config is same . i have not added/removed anything08:17
RevSpecies116You may have to reinstall pulse audio08:17
qinwsagent: Test if you can have ssh access to server outside your contry.08:17
astraljavamaxy1: Check with alsamixer whether the microphone channel is muted.08:17
quick-        08:17
maxy1well there is 2 mic sections08:17
maxy1there are08:17
qinwsagent: Gave you ip in private message, btw.08:18
lapionand sometimes a partition can be locked by the fact that the table is locked because swapspace is in use..08:18
Leofelixhow do I send a message to someone, sorry first time using irc08:18
maxy1There is frontmic08:18
lapionbullgard4, swapspace on said drive08:18
bullgard4lapion: When I put my question here in this channel, I did not have an answer to it. Rather, <Jordan_U> answered.08:18
maxy1and dock mic section08:18
CoreyLeofelix: /query USER message, although be aware that some people find it rude to do that without asking.08:18
wolsquick-: you phone your mechanic. "my car is suddenly slow". what is your mechanic supposed to do? that's what you are doing right now08:18
=== Termana_ is now known as Termana
neilhow do i run .net applications on Ubuntu 11.04 ?08:19
wolsLeofelix: /msg <nick> <message>08:19
maxy1and i can only choose between line in or mic in08:19
RevSpecies116Neil - with mono08:19
quick-Leofelix:  chek this out http://www.livinginternet.com/r/ra_priv.htm08:19
wolsneil: via mono08:19
arooni-mobilewhich version of ubuntu should i get for my t420?  10.04?  11.04?08:19
RevSpecies116At a terminal: mono <name of application>08:19
quick-wols:  i didnt got  you08:19
wolsarooni-mobile: 11.0408:19
RevSpecies116If that don't work, mono doesn't support the app08:19
neilIsn't mono for compiling the application? . I have a file in the   .msi format which is ready to install08:19
neilhow do i make it work08:19
bullgard4Neil: Isn't ".net" a Windows term?08:20
neili can send the file for u guys to check out08:20
neilit is08:20
RevSpecies116mono <name of msi>.msi08:20
wolsneil: no it's not. and installers are different again. try to install via WINE08:20
arooni-mobilewols, 64 bit ?  i have 4gb now and may go to 6 or 8gb08:20
wols!pm | Leofelix08:20
ubottuLeofelix: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:20
maxy1Hi i have notebook and build in microphone and cardreader are not working, in alsamixer there are FRONT MIC and DOCK MIC, only selections are LINE IN or MIC IN08:20
wolsarooni-mobile: sure08:20
RevSpecies116Neil: mono is a framework08:20
tensorpuddingneil: mono is .NET, not all windows applications use .NET, and not all that use .NET are compatible with mono08:21
neilwell i have this program which I'm trying to run, and it doesn't seem to work with Wine :/08:21
wols!repeat > maxy108:21
ubottumaxy1, please see my private message08:21
quick-wols:  thanks08:21
maxy1Hi i have notebook and build in microphone and cardreader are not working, already deleted pulseaudio, but still no effect.08:21
quick-\quit See u later people08:22
RevSpecies116Neil - it is not supported, then. No need to run it08:22
Corey!wine |  neil08:22
ubottuneil: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:22
Leofelixhas anyone had any luck getting legacy support for g77 in 11.0408:22
wols!pm > neil08:22
ubottuneil, please see my private message08:22
RevSpecies116maxy1: you may need to re-install pulse audio!08:22
hateballjking2: I would say your netbook is too slow then. I'm using a bunch of plasmoids, and a fair amount of desktop effects on my... 4-5 year old laptop and there's no problem. It does have proper GL acceleration tho08:23
neilI tried running it with WIne, it does install it self , but doesn't run08:23
maxy1because of it the sound wasnt working08:23
RevSpecies116Neil - where did it get installed?08:23
wolsneil: install with wine, run with mono08:23
neilC drive i guess08:23
RevSpecies116maxy1 - there may be no way you can get support unless you have a 'default' ubuntu install08:24
jking2hateball: It's an atom at 1.66 Ghz, with 2 Gigs Ram. How do I know if I have the proper GL acceleration?08:24
RevSpecies116removing pulse audio makes your Ubuntu not a 'default' environment08:24
neilMonoDevelop 2.4 ? i have it installed.. after i open the program how do i run the .executable ?08:24
RevSpecies116so you may have to re-install pulseaudio to get support08:24
RevSpecies116Neil, open a terminal08:25
wolsneil: not monodevelop but mono. different thing08:25
RevSpecies116And cd to the installed directory of the executable08:25
gartralhello all, im having a severe problem after updating today, after my one computer rebooted and came back, its giving me a plain grey login prompt and saying that there was an installation problem, i can't log in to either user account on the machine08:25
RevSpecies116and then type: mono <name of exe>08:25
wolsjking2: glxinfo |less08:25
wolsgartral: saying what problem?08:26
jking2wols: should I see the gears?08:26
wolsjking2: "the gears" don't mean anything at all08:26
LeofelixLeofelix: test08:26
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )08:27
martianixorRevSpecies116: may I PM?08:27
neilhow do i install Mono,  i have mono develop installed :/08:27
Leofelixhow do I sent a message that shows red to a user?08:27
afatyHow to set the default editor is vim?08:27
RevSpecies116yes martianixor08:27
gartralwols: configuration problems: the defaults for GNOME power manager have not been installed correctly08:27
RevSpecies116Neil - mono is a part of the Ubuntu default install08:28
RevSpecies116What Ubuntu you running, Neil?08:28
neil11.04 Wubi installer08:28
Leofelixafaty what do you mean by default?  don't you need to open it in xterm?08:28
gartralwols: i CAN login from command-line08:28
RevSpecies116then you use the terminal: mono <name of exe>08:28
afatyLefelix: yes08:28
neilcan i pm u RevSpecies11608:29
wolsgartral: reinstall the gnome power manager package maybe. I dunno offhand which it is. you can look into /var/log/dpkg and /var/log/apt/history.log tho08:29
gartralhow do i check freespace from a command line?08:29
wolsgartral: df08:29
RevSpecies116Yes, Neil08:29
Leofelixso what do you mean by default?08:29
grepsdis there a known issue with "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 12)" and the fact that my second minot isn't detected ? (my two monitors are of the same model)08:29
llutz_afaty: sudo update-alternatives --config editor08:29
afatyMy current default editor is nano08:29
wolsafaty: update-alternatives08:29
afatyThink you08:29
gartralwols: I cant because i don't have a network connection08:30
wolsgartral: remove gnome power manager?08:30
wolsgartral: then start X and then reinstall it?08:30
gartralwols: that sounds like a bad idea08:30
wolsgartral: and network manager should work outside gnome too afaik08:31
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wolsgartral: your choice. you can't break gnome more than it already is broken, can you?08:31
Leofelixis there a way to easily add old repos?08:31
bullgard4 grepsd "Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 12)" is no full designation. A number is needed in addition.08:32
gartralwols: you don't know my luck08:32
grepsdbullgard4 : how to retrieve it please ?08:32
wolsLeofelix: you can just add them, however the software you install that way might break your ubuntu08:32
bullgard4grepsd: Use lspci08:32
wolsbullgard4: he already did.that's what lspci told him08:32
grepsdthat's what i did.08:33
wolsgrepsd: lspci -nn gives you the numnber. but what you have is a sandy bridge vga there afaik08:33
bullgard4grepsd, wols I see.08:33
grepsdSo i should try to find a proper driver for this GC ?08:34
gartralwols: yea, removing gnome-power manager is a very bad idea, it's going too remove the ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-netbook metapackages, and EVERYTHING linked too them08:35
wolsgrepsd: if you already run 11.04 it's unlikely you find it08:35
wolsgartral: I didn't say to remove it via apt-get, did I?08:35
gartralwols: how else would i?08:35
wolsgartral: other choice is to use /etc/network/interfaces for network access. your choice08:35
wolsgartral: via dpkg of course (with some force obviously)08:36
grepsdhummm wols do you have any idea about how to make my second monitor to get detected or do you think i'm stuck ?08:37
hateballjking2: if you can run "3D" stuff  you have it. but it's also a matter of how much power you have. is it an intel or nvidia gpu?08:38
K-RichHi all, I'm using the adobe flash beta, and i want to install boxee, but it depends on flashplugin-nonfree .... is there a way i can make it ignore this dependency?08:39
jking2hateball: It should be an Intel because it's a low power machine. It's an Acer 532h.08:39
wolsgrepsd: tried xrandr?08:39
wolsK-Rich: equivs08:39
K-Richwols: ummm can you elaborate a bit?08:40
hateballjking2: then low GL performance is to be expected, especially if you keep all fancy effects running08:40
peter_felchingHi. I am using 11.04 on eeepc 1001 px. I have problem setting the wifi in monitor mode (invalid argument). Anyone knows how to fix it?08:40
grepsdwols : nop, i'll try08:40
gartralwols: whats the format for editing /etc/network/interfaces?08:40
wolsK-Rich: equivs is a package. read its description08:40
empolhi all, can i install gnome 3 in my maverick meerkat?08:40
wolsgartral: how do you connect to the internet?08:40
jking2hateball: do you know of any optimization guide or something similar?.08:40
wolsempol: no08:40
empolowh, so only natty?08:41
gartralwols: a wifi device that annoyingly comes up as eth0 (it's broadcom)08:41
grepsdok, xrandr is telling me that all the connector are disconneted (VGA1 is good, HDMI1 & DP1 are not)08:42
grepsdso, it may be an hardware problem ?08:42
wolsgrepsd: dunno, sorry08:43
grepsdThanks all the same08:43
hateballjking2: sadly no :/08:44
wolsjking2: glxinfo |grep direct08:44
gartralwols: a wifi device that annoyingly comes up as eth0 (it's broadcom)08:44
idi0ti need help filing a bug report - i'm not sure how to categorize it08:44
avernosi'm having troubles with dual monitor, i cant set it up to to have an extended monitor with xinerama. might be cuz of 3D desktop effects? how can i disable the desktop effects of ubuntu ?08:45
idi0tavernos - compiz/3d desktop effects is unlikely to be the problem here - it's probably a config error with xinerama08:46
elfrannehow  can i remove a user from the login screen ?08:46
idi0telfranne: ubuntu menu -> system -> administration -> users and groups08:47
K-Richwols: i've looked at the man pages for both equivs-build and equivs-control and i'm not sure i understand how to do this, i already have the boxee .deb08:47
wolsgartral: something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/630302/08:47
jiltdilelfranne:userdel -r08:48
empolhow can i change my root password and my login screen password?08:48
jking2wols: hateball I just uninstalled KDE a few hours ago. But I'll give it another try soon! :D08:48
hateballjking2: Best of luck :)08:48
elfranneI don t want to delete the user, just that i don t appear on the menu at startup08:48
jiltdilempol: don't go for root  and login password  for  passwd in termianl08:48
avernosidi0t, i've managed to config before ( i just reinstalled ) under same ubuntu (latest) i tried all convinations i could think of but is still not working. i get or a black screen or something like wrong resolution and mixed resolutions. but the  coordinates should be right.. any pointers?08:49
gartralwols: all good, i followed http://www.absolutelytech.com/2010/04/13/solved-unable-to-boot-due-to-gnome-power-manager-error/08:49
jiltdilempol: sudo will work almost all for you :)08:49
wolsK-Rich: equivs-control to create a (fake) control file and equivs-build to create a (fake) package. all for your flashplugin. then you install this (fake) flashplugin .deb file08:50
idi0tso can you get both monitors to go to a virtual desktop at least? can you turn on your secondary monitor?08:50
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avernosidi0t, i can turn them both on. what do you mean go to a virtual desktop? like separate desktop ?08:52
odixhow can i shrink a logical volume mangement08:52
odixubuntu should not let you even use that if its live cd can't resize it, thats seems backward to me08:52
K-Richwols: i've never worked with control files, not sure how to do this m808:53
idi0tavernos: i basically just mean can you go to system -> prefrences -> monitors, enable both your monitors, and then move the mouse between both monitors? ie the two monitors form a sort of big 'virtual desktop'08:55
jiltdilodix:1. umount  the mount point  2. e2fsck -f /path/to/volume 3. resize2fs  /path/to/volume  size  4.lvreduce  -L size /path/to/volume  5.mount the volume  :)08:55
odixits the root filesystem08:55
ksinkaridi0t: you can have one desktop per workspace though08:56
jiltdilodix: sudo -i firstly to gain root privelege08:56
odixjiltdil, i can't unmount a rot filesytem08:56
avernosidi0t, i cant use monitors, seems that i have to use the nvidia tool. but yes. i can do that. however those are independent desktops, i can move the mouse over, but i can move windows. i got separate panels and applications/places/system menus... so is just like having 2 desktops instead of an extended desktop08:57
odixjiltdil? right...08:57
avernosidi0t, last time i've managed to enable it, was with the xinerama option. but now if i enable it, configs just gets messed up badly, cant use the desktop at all.08:58
wolsodix: remount read only. or use a live cd08:58
odixlive cd does not support lvm08:58
odixmakes no sense08:58
ksinkaridi0t: and then you can move your mouse between the two workspaces08:58
idi0tidi0t: ok08:58
avernosidi0t, everytime i do so, i have to unplug monitor and restart x and reset configs to 1 monitor and start all over again08:58
ksinkaridi0t: but you can't have one workspace spread over two monitors08:59
idi0tthat's what's normally meant to happen yes08:59
ghshodix: gparted live cd does08:59
odixghsh, no it doesnt08:59
ghshodix: what i am reading says so09:00
avernosi have no idea how to manually configure xinerama, any pointers appreciated. or another way to do it will also be good09:00
odixim booted into gparted09:00
odixdownloaded it yesterday from the server09:00
ghshok then09:00
odixsorry i just think thats bad to offer to do it but have no way to undo it09:02
odixthats bad setup09:02
odixubnutu server09:02
avernosi've tried to set different absolute values, but it stills gets messed up. mainly black screen on screen0 and normal on screen1. i've read that desktop effects or 3d effects with xinerama are only available in the main screen, and thats something i didnt have before. i didnt have the effects activated last time, i think09:02
K-Richwols: i figured it out after a bit more reading, thank you for pointing me in the right direction09:02
K-Richwols: it installed and now to see if it works09:02
Drake|hey.  forgot how to do this:p09:02
Drake|I need to move a folder to a new location.  (Terminal) but forgot how to :p ex: mv /media/mount1/folder /media/mount2/folder09:02
avernosi used to turn off desktop effects under system/preferences/appareance but it isnt there anymore, where can i disable the effects?09:03
K-Richwols: it works..... thank you :)09:03
jiltdilodix: there are many documentation available on net go and see lots of there09:04
CheappIs there a way to re-detect touchpad in 11.04. Got a bug where my touchpad detects as ps2 mouse but it should be fixed in 11.04 wich i have but it didnt fix automatically09:06
taniaHELLO WORLD!09:08
jpds!es | tania09:08
ubottutania: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:08
kinano_hey everyone09:08
taniaHOW ARE YOU?09:08
jpds!ot | tania09:09
ubottutania: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:09
kinano_can anyone help me upgrade my ubuntu?09:09
wolsCheapp: it's newly detected everytime you start X09:09
wols!upgrade > kinano_09:09
ubottukinano_, please see my private message09:09
Cheappwols: ah, seems it doesnt work then09:10
xijhinganyone know a link to a good guide on using chroot to create an os inside another directory?09:10
kinano_ubottu: sorry, i am kinda new here.. i am using irc in terminal09:10
ubottukinano_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:10
wolsxijhing: any debootstrap howto should do it09:10
avernosthat was it. I disabled desktop effects (at login screen) and xinerama is now working fine.09:10
CheappBit annoying to use a netbook when u cant disable touchpad while typing.09:10
wolskinano_: /msg ubottu <topic>    note that ubottu is a bot09:11
kinano_thanks wols09:11
taniahello world09:11
pajerohello tania09:11
wols!ot > tania09:12
ubottutania, please see my private message09:12
avernoscan someone tell me how to reload or re add the applets that comes with ubuntu in the top panel right side? after messing with xorg conf they are gone. i added date/time but i cant find volume and (turn off computer/etc )09:12
DJonestania: This channel is for ubuntu support questions rather than general chat, if you just want to chat, please join #ubuntu-offtopic09:12
kinano_i am trying to upgrade to ubuntu 11.04 but i keep getting an error message09:12
kinano_can someone help?09:12
wols!errors > kinano_09:12
ubottukinano_, please see my private message09:12
HeizelHello guys09:13
wols!ot > Heizel09:13
ubottuHeizel, please see my private message09:13
kinano_!errors > kinano_09:14
ubottukinano_, please see my private message09:14
__fish__hey - is it normal that it says my nvidida driver is activated but "not in use"? ôO09:15
wols__fish__: where does it say that?09:15
Tm_T__fish__: have you rebooted after activating?09:15
__fish__in that additional drivers option in the system settings09:15
wolsTm_T: why would you reboot?09:16
Tm_Twols: so the nvidia driver gets fully installed09:16
wolsTm_T: huh? it's a kernel module and a X driver09:16
Tm_Twols: yes, and kernel module or part of it gets compiled at the boot time09:16
__fish__already rebooted plenty of times since it says that09:17
Tm_T__fish__: then it's something else09:17
__fish__do i have to change something in the NVIDIA X server settings?09:17
DJones__fish__: I've had a similar problem with a very old nvidia card where the driver didn't install properly, eventually I went back to the nv driver to get a good resolution09:18
wolsTm_T: last I checked dkms it got compiled at install09:18
wols__fish__: what's in your xorg.conf?09:18
wols__fish__: and what driver do you use right now? e.g. what does glxinfo say?09:18
FireStormsguys I see something that looks a bit iffy09:18
__fish__wth is glxinfo?09:19
shomonhi, how do I get ubuntuone-syncd to just turn off? It's always in my "top" - and I didn't even turn it on since I installed ubuntu09:19
FireStorms/root/.local/share/Trash/files are all under subversion, I never issued this, is this common?09:19
StarminnI cannot install banshee-community-extensions. When I try to, it gives me this: http://imagebin.org/15929909:20
FireStormsWhy would this happen argh09:21
wolsFireStorms: maybe Trash is versioned now for some reason or other. svn is a good as choice as any then09:22
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wolsStarminn: use apt-get to install it. better error message09:22
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Starminnwols: http://pastie.org/210034309:24
brad__I want to download an older version of a piece of software, hopefully using Synaptic or apt-get.  How can I check to see what older versions are in the repositories?09:25
FireStormswols, it would be a good idea if it let me delete files. I delete them subversion brings them straight back09:25
wolsbrad__: packages.ubuntu.com09:25
caoxiaomini don't know09:25
wolsFireStorms: you can empty your Trash, no?09:25
wolsFireStorms: I mean that being able to bring deleted stuff back is the point of Trash, me thinks09:25
FireStormswols I mean if I navigate to that directory I posted and do CTRL+A and DEL they'll disappear for a second and then come back09:26
wolsFireStorms: use your GUI to empty the trash. it has a nice dialog for it somewhere09:27
wols!cn | caoxiaomin09:27
ubottucaoxiaomin: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。09:27
* FireStorms loses faith in humanity09:28
rypervenchecaoxiaomin: 你有什麼問題?09:34
rypervencheoops, meant to pm that09:34
__fish__anybody here uses whatpulse? cause I downloaded the setup thing and the application, launched an finished the setup script but the application doesn't seem to do anything when double clicking it09:34
guillemhs 你有什麼問題? <- What problem do you have?09:34
guillemhstraditional chinese09:35
FireStorms__fish__, have you checked allow executing as program09:35
rypervencheguillemhs: I prefer traditional. :)09:35
CheappIs there anything i could try to do: Im running a netbook with ubuntu 11.04, touchpad is detected as ps2mouse so I cant disable touchpad while typing. It seems the bug has been fixed in 11.04 but i still cant get it to work. (upgraded from 10.10)09:35
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CheappDont want to do a reinstall.09:36
FireStormsAnyone have fingerprint software working on 10.0409:36
wolsCheapp: anything in your xorg.conf? if not, maybe you can explicitly configure it the way it should be?09:36
StarminnI cannot install banshee-community-extensions. When I try to, it gives me this: http://pastie.org/210034309:36
alias_woodyis it possible to  allow a regular user to mount a filesystem without editing /etc/fstab (ie: put user in the options field)?09:36
wolsStarminn: apt-cache policy;apt-cache policy banshee-community-extensions09:37
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Starminnwols: http://pastie.org/210040509:41
shomonhi, how do I get ubuntuone-syncd to just turn off? It's always in my "top" - and has never been turned on09:42
FireStormsAnyone have joy on getting finger print authorization to work on Ubuntu 10.04 on a Toshiba Tracra A-10 or similar.09:42
wolsStarminn: apt-cache policy banshee-extensions-common       it looks like that banshee ppa is not working properly09:43
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Cheappwhat is the command to upgrade to 11.1009:44
wolsFireStorms: https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/fingerprint-gui09:44
Starminnwols: Refresh 2100405 (the last link)09:45
wolsStarminn: I'm a moron :(   your initial synaptic paste showed why it didn't want to install. try to install it using aptitude, it should give you an explanation how that lyrics package prevents the install. sorry09:48
Starminnwols :) That's okay. Thank you for your time and thoughts, though. :)09:49
shomonsudo how do I get ubuntuone-syncd to just turn off? It's always in my "top" - and has never been turned on09:49
shomonthought I'd try that last question preceeded by "sudo" :)09:49
LucaS05hi...can i make here a question about c programming?09:49
LucaS05i haven't found a suitable channel09:50
wolsStarminn: aptitude install <banshee thing> should tell you why it doesn't want to install. usually you have to remove the lyrics package first, then you can09:50
wolsLucaS05: ##c is there09:50
StarminnLucaS05: ##c?09:50
LucaS05is empty :D09:50
wolsLucaS05: you are wrong09:51
shomonhttp://twkm.freeshell.org/c.html talks about it?09:51
wolsLucaS05: ##C has 356 users in there09:51
shomonjust type /j #c09:52
wolsshomon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1218933  shows how to remove all of ubuntuone. it will take care of that daemon too09:52
Starminnwols: Lyrics is not installed. Aptitude: http://pastie.org/210040509:52
shomonwols, thanks!!!09:52
LucaS05wols is ##C not ##c :D09:53
LucaS05anyway thanks09:53
* Starminn it *IS* ##c and not ##C... oh well09:53
shomonwols - so to stop that daemon I have to remove all of ubuntuone? may as well turn it on and use it... what does it want I wonder...09:53
ilangeerani want to talk with a person who knows about redhat linux09:53
wolsStarminn: after "The following packages have unmet dependencies:" you see exactly why it can't be installed. if you need those packages, you have to decide09:54
IdleOneilangeeran: /join #redhat or #rhel or #fedora09:54
wolsStarminn: I suggest you uninstall all of banshee and reinstall it. just don't purge anything so you don't lose any data09:54
paradox_hello, everyone09:55
wolsStarminn: those 3 packages there prevent the new banshee from installing basically09:56
wolsilangeeran: you need to /join #redhat   then09:56
tarzeauhow can i disable/remove "poweroff" for users?09:56
velofilletarzeau, http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/03/20/disable-shutdown-for-normal-users/09:57
wolstarzeau: don't put the user in powerdev group?09:57
tarzeauwols: the users are not in powerdev group09:57
SockPant1hey all09:57
wolstarzeau: damn traitor :P09:57
SockPant1is there a way to turn off your laptop monitor but keep a connected monitor on (so you use only one monitor)?09:57
tarzeauvelofille: that's so very old. there's no /etc/X11/gdm or gdm.conf in /etc/gdm. i need this for natty09:58
Starminnwols: So removing via Software Center would be adequate enough?09:59
wolstarzeau: classic or unity?09:59
wolsStarminn: sure09:59
wolstarzeau: if classic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxOqXDLNKso ;)09:59
tarzeauwols: both!09:59
velofilletarzeau, yeah i realized that10:00
tarzeauwols: i'd rather disable unity completely instead of just the poweroff in unity10:00
ilangeeranno response in #redhat10:00
velofilletarzeau, some of its still valid :)10:00
velofilleilangeeran, whats the problem10:00
tarzeauthe thing is we have the users with nis/ldap (about 5000)10:00
wolstarzeau: you can always install classic and uninstall unity.10:00
tarzeauand this gui configuration editor is not something i want to do on 300 computers10:00
tarzeaudamn linux on the desktop sucks so much10:01
velofilletarzeau, change it in the config on one machine, find the change it made, then made that via CLI on all the rest10:02
ilangeerani am having a question related to redhat.when i asked in the #redhat channel,nobody answered me.please me,velofille10:02
wolstarzeau: don't you guys have a windows site license?10:02
tarzeauvelofille: how would i do that?10:02
tarzeauwols: sure, but some software doesn't work on windows10:02
wolsilangeeran: we ONLY support ubuntu. we cannot help with redhat10:02
velofilletarzeau, . ok backup homedir, login, change setting, diff backup to current dir, find the difference10:02
tarzeauwols: some people want linux10:02
wolstarzeau: morons!10:02
tarzeauvelofille: we don't change homedirs of users10:02
tarzeauvelofille: and /etc/skel is also not something we use10:03
tarzeauwols: absolutely!10:03
velofilletarzeau, im not suggesting that, im suggesting using a script to modify the existing install10:03
tarzeauvelofille: yes but we can't change the existing config of users in their home10:03
velofilleie if its just a text addition to a config echo configopt >> /home/place10:03
velofillewhy not ? :O10:03
FireStormshey wols thanks for that link with the finger print, it works, it's like a sci-fi file hehe10:03
tarzeauvelofille: the problem is this software doesn't allow configuration in /etc or somewhere else10:03
velofilleif you cant change /etc or /home then you're screwed :)10:04
tarzeauvelofille: because some users run debian lenny, some ubuntu lucid, and at least one ubuntu mucholder10:04
mandehellow all?10:04
tarzeauvelofille: we can change /etc, but the damn sofwtare doesn't support it10:04
FireStormsAnyone here use fingerprint?10:04
tarzeauwols: i guess i need to change the job10:04
FireStormsto login10:04
tarzeauFireStorms: no10:04
velofilletarzeau, hmm so scripting it sounds the best method then, detect OS, update files required (when found)10:04
wolsFireStorms: it's insecure anyways10:04
tarzeauFireStorms: we had such a usb-device for door opening10:04
tarzeauvelofille: ok thank you very much10:05
velofilletarzeau, im pretty good at scripting if you need a hand, though im heading to bed soonish10:05
FireStormsonly insecure if they can get my fingers, they'll never get my fingers!10:05
* FireStorms muhahaha10:05
tarzeauvelofille: i'd need the stuff to do this in /etc, but i am pretty bad at it. good night10:05
wolsFireStorms: all they need is a glass you used to dring frm10:05
velofillethough its more window manager than distro isnt it10:05
tarzeauvelofille: maybe you can help me tomorrow? gurkan@phys.ethz.ch10:05
Starminnwols: Didn't help (remove, install)10:06
mandehow to make ubuntu system more faster?10:06
tarzeaumande: haha :)10:06
tarzeaumande: get a faster computer, don't use gnome/unity/kde10:07
wolsStarminn: the aptitude output tells you which version exactly it needs. check if that version is available anywhere10:07
mandeok ..10:07
FireStormswols, hmmm point taken, I've seen enough films to know that trick - guess I'll have to start wearing gloves all the times, beats typing a password like you losers10:07
velofilletarzeau, you could always just change the /bin/shutdown binary to a script that exits X10:07
SockPant1halp. compiz is taking up roughly 95% of my cpu load on this netbook. im using the standard unity you get when you boot the 11.04 live version. what can i try to make it actually usable? is classic better or worse?10:08
tarzeauvelofille: you mean /sbin/shutdown ? it's already -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root10:08
velofilletarzeau, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1427933 second to last post10:08
wolsFireStorms: I used it on my thinkpad with windows (no support for linux for the device) but it wasn't great10:08
mandewhen i play music or video ubuntu stuck !!!  why?10:08
velofilletarzeau, yep, the /usr/lib/indicator-sesson/gtk-logout-helper appears to call that10:09
FireStormsSockPant1, system -> preferences -> appearances -> visual effects (tab) -> select none10:09
SockPant1FireStorms: where is this in unity?10:09
tarzeauso i just do o-x /sbin/shutdown ?10:10
vanquish349is there a good program to view and and browse and edit .gifs10:10
wildgoosemande, What are your system specs?10:10
tarzeauvanquish349: gimp?10:11
velofilletarzeau, i would mv shutdown to realshutdown ; then touch shutdown ; chmod +x shutdown10:12
velofilleso to shutdown you would call realshutdown10:12
vanquish349tarzeau: i have it but i dont think i can go through frames10:12
tarzeauvelofille: ouch. but yes i'll consider that if the chmod o-rx /sbin/shutdown doesn't work10:12
josephchew02Hi everyone, I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop. However I have a little problem with my USB keyboard.10:12
FireStormsSockPant1, do a search for Unity 2D environment10:12
tarzeauvanquish349: sure gimp can do so10:12
mandetoshiba s129 @ wildgoose10:12
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velofilletarzeau, the chmod may produce an error - give it a go ?10:12
josephchew02The USB keyboard is unusable on the login page. But it becomes usable after login.10:13
josephchew02What i should do to it?10:13
wolsmande: you want more RAM if at all possible running ubuntu in 256MB is not good at all. use lubuntu at the most10:14
tarzeauvelofille: indeed that's so broken!10:14
wolsjosephchew02: can you use it when the console (ctrl+alt+f2)?10:15
tarzeauvelofille: the proper way would be a configuration dialo for /usr/lib/indicator-sesson/gtk-logout-helper10:15
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velofilletarzeau, hehe doh! try the mv10:15
ActionParsnipjosephchew02: you aren't alone http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79197510:15
__fish__thunderbird has an option to import data from outlook - can i make that work if outlook is installed on antoher partition, too?10:15
tarzeauand /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate10:15
tarzeauvelofille: yes i'm trying10:15
velofilletarzeau, i see that doesnt exist in natty it seems10:15
velofilleim looking for it now10:16
tarzeauvelofille: the shutdown menu entries still appear :(10:16
velofilleyep they will, they just will not work10:16
ActionParsnipjosephchew02: possible fix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132364010:16
tarzeauvelofille: can't i make them disappear?10:17
__fish__anybody read my question?10:17
velofilletarzeau, check this http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/losing-the-shutdown-confirmation-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic/10:17
ActionParsnip__fish__: install it on the other OS and then convert, then backup the setting and restore in Ubuntu (or just symlink the data from Ubuntu to have a single storage of data)10:18
tatersalidcan anyone tell me how to get ubuntu 11.04 to start up in a different resolution10:18
velofilletarzeau, gdm gconftool-2 -t bool -s /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_restart_buttons true10:19
wols __fish__ if the other partition is mounted, it should work10:19
mandeWols, i have 512 RAM10:19
ActionParsniptatersalid: what video chip?10:19
tatersalidsory but i really dont know its an old onboard video10:20
admngy2how do you update a site's security certificate/  do you just download the new one and put it in the right directory (renaming hte old one to .old or something)?10:20
josephchew021Hi, I was able to go into the console, but i was not able to come back =P10:21
wols!pm > __fish__10:21
ubottu__fish__, please see my private message10:21
josephchew021Sorry I am newbie... By the way, I was able to use my keyboard in the console10:21
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josephchew021I just installed ubuntu 11.04 to my desktop. However, the logitech USB keyboard is unusable on the login page. Once it is login using the virtual keyboard, the keyboard becomes usable again.10:22
SockPantshow well does the intel gma3150 work with 11.04?10:23
__fish__wols, even with all partitions mounted the outlook data doesn't show up10:23
josephchew021I have tried searching over the internet but no solution found.10:23
wols__fish__: you might have to point thunderbird to the data if you can. if you can't, I guess you need to go the way ActionParsnip told you10:23
wolsSockPants: as well as the gma3150 works: not very well :P   that's not a problem of ubuntu but the hardware of coures10:24
SockPantswols: i've read things about bad driver support, has than been fixed or is it still an issue?10:24
wolsSockPants: it's an old, tested chip. there aren't really any surprises. pretty much all problems are the result of the hardware itself cause it's so inferior10:24
SockPantswols: considering graphics is taking up pretty much all my cpu power as soon as i connect a second monitor (even on 720p) is this to be expected from a 3150?10:25
josephchew021Anyone please help me... I am having problem with my USB keyboard which is unusable during the login page. However it is okay after I login using the virtual keyboard.10:26
tatersalidproblem i'm having is my main monitor just says "imput not supported' unless i plug it into another monitor then back into my main monitor10:26
rocket16Hello guys. Is there a way I can drop all those IPA letters with plain text? My GoGear device does well with .txt files, but can't render IPA. :(10:27
wolsSockPants: define "graphics"10:28
SockPantswols: top shows compiz using between 80 and 97% cpu10:29
wolsjosephchew021: can you use it with grub? can you use it in text consoles?10:29
wolsSockPants: probably. I wouldn't run compiz on a 3150 anyways.10:29
wolsit is at its limit with compiz10:30
SockPantswols: how do i not run compiz? i simply booted the live install.10:30
josephchew021wols: I can use it in the console10:31
josephchew021wols: is it the alt+ctrl+F2?10:32
wolsyes that's it10:32
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SockPantswols: of all the different versions of the desktop i can choose (unity 2d, unity, classic) which is the least cpu intensive?10:32
wolsSockPants: unity 2d or classic normally10:32
SockPantsis unity 2d any good? from what i read it seems a bit lame10:33
wolsbasically anything with fancy 3D is bad :)10:33
SockPantshow do i make it use unity 2d?10:33
wolsSockPants: from what I read, unity is evil incarnate and SADFL will be in hell for it eternally :P10:33
osseDoes anyone now how I can run the latest alpha/beta/whatever version of Firefox (Aurora)? I downloaded an archive and extracted it. Apparently you're suppost to just ./firefox but that lauches the installed firefox, not the firefox-bin in the same directory10:34
SockPantswols: well i've been using unity (dont know which one) for a few hours on just the netbook screen and it seems nice, but if there's a better alternative i'd glady try it since this is impossible to work with on a second monitor10:34
wolsSockPants: well anything without 3D effects. simply disable these effects if you can (gnome?) and run unity2d where you can't10:35
wolsSockPants: or you can run xfce or lxde if you want10:35
SockPantswols: any idea how to run unity2d? not sure where the option is10:35
wolsme neither. I don't run either, sorry10:35
josephchew021wols: but I still cannot type on my keyboard on the login screen.10:35
SockPantsi was thinking about xfce, what are the downsides of that?10:35
SockPantsdo all programs work?10:36
wolsyes. they work. you can still use all gnome apps and the like10:36
SockPantswols: so i just install xubuntu instead then? i can try that live cd10:37
wolsjosephchew021: I dunno why sorry. you could check your .xsession-errors maybe10:37
wolsSockPants: no need to. just install xfce10:37
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels10:37
SockPantswols: what's the difference? i havent installed any os yet anyway10:37
wolsI thought you had installed ubuntu?10:37
SockPantswols: just running live10:37
josephchew021wols: Oh no.. =(10:38
wolsthe different ubuntu flavours are simply different GUIs on top of ubuntu. you can have all 3 or 4 of them installed at once and choose between them.10:38
SockPantsic, well then i'll give it a try10:38
Blou_Aapholy hell unity sucks and gnome is broken10:39
ActionParsnipBlou_Aap: use gnome classic session then10:39
josephchew021anyone knows this issue? : USB keyboard is unusable on the login screen but it is working after login.10:39
wolsSockPants: see that? :)10:39
Blou_Aapthere goes all my hopes I ever had for ubuntu10:39
SockPantswols: lol yes10:39
Blou_Aap"gnome is broken"10:39
SockPantsbooting back into w7 starter though, it's all much smoother and i don't have to 'wait' for shit to finish nearly as much, so i'm hoping xfce will fix that10:40
Blou_Aapside bar just gets stuck, obscuring everything10:40
wolsBlou_Aap: <wols> start a wm war <dpkg> emacs makes me vomit!10:40
ActionParsnipBlou_Aap: sure but a different session type may help. Its at least worth a try...no?10:40
Blou_Aapbloody retarded10:40
ActionParsnipBlou_Aap: you can change the unity hide behaviour in ccsm10:41
Blou_AapActionParsnip, I tried, I evn gave gnome 3 a shot, and I don't have time to mess around10:41
SockPantsi've had problems with that bar. sometimes it doesnt appear, sometimes it sticks, ... annoying10:41
SockPantsbut when it works...10:41
Blou_Aapthis is the problem with ubuntu now, they going backwards10:41
Blou_Aapand I LOVED it10:41
Blou_Aapand I hate windows for android dev10:42
ActionParsnipBlou_Aap: use a different DE then10:42
wolsBlou_Aap: were you around when kde4 freshly came out?10:42
Blou_Aapi guess, but now it takes a chunk of my time to setup again10:42
Blou_Aapmy setup was PERFECT with 10 I should have never upgraded10:43
ActionParsnipBlou_Aap: lxde will be a fast install, it is teenytiny10:43
SockPantsunable to locate package xubuntu-desktop10:43
Blou_Aapye sure, but I have to setup all my dev tools again and my android profiles sigh10:44
rahul_I need some help regarding the sensitivity of the touch pad of my lappy10:44
jca1981-Anyone can help me getting IpV6 to work?10:44
rahul_i has reduced drastically10:44
wols!info xubuntu-desktop10:44
ubottuxubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.128 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 48 kB10:44
wolsSockPants: as you see: universe10:45
SockPantswols: thx10:45
Blou_Aap"key to show the launcher"10:45
Blou_Aapy no HIDE >:(10:45
jca1981-Anyone can help me with getting IPV6 working on Ubuntu box, i have tried guide from, sixx / terodo / Hurricane Electric and i now have all the interfaces and i think this is causing problems so i need to remove some10:46
fropkianyone there10:46
fropkihi this is fropki10:46
fropkiwant to know about someone10:46
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Blou_Aapover it, back to Windows 7 for good10:50
fropkianyone is there10:51
wolsfropki: do you have a ubuntu related question?10:51
rahul_Need to increase the touchpad sensitivity10:51
fropkiwhich pad u r using10:51
fropkihi tavasti10:52
fropkir u there10:52
Drake|is there an easy way to "append" a folder when moving files? (teminal)10:53
Drake|I kinda wanna merge the two folders. on different mounts10:54
SockPantsDrake|: how about copy?10:54
Drake|SockPants: Don't think that will help any10:55
velofilleDrake|, it should work10:56
velofillecp folder1/* folder2/10:56
Drake|well then i get cp: omitting directory10:57
velofilleuse -r10:57
SockPantsDrake|: man cp10:57
velofillecp -r folder1/* folder2/10:57
velofillerecursive :)10:57
Drake|ofc. forgot recursive.. :p10:58
skylined101hi . is there any way i can grab all files from vbulletin forum ?10:58
SockPantsskylined101: ftp/10:58
skylined101i mean grab all threads ..10:59
wolsskylined101: are you the owner of the forum?10:59
SockPantsskylined101: not that i know of, there may be a crawler or something but it's not really a ubuntu related question10:59
Drake|velofille: another little q . a  cp *.* will copy all files.. but how about copying all folders in a folder? :)10:59
wolsthen you need to use something like wget to grab it all10:59
wolsDrake|: no, "*.*" is windows talk. does not apply to ubuntu. under linux it's only "*"11:00
SockPantsDrake|: no need for *.*, just use *11:00
velofilleDrake|, a cp *.* only copies files with a dot in them11:00
velofilleDrake|, what SockPants said11:00
velofilleDrake|, and yes that will do folders11:00
Drake|aah okey ty SockPants and velofille :D been to long away from terminal.. been using cmd for to long xD11:00
ActionParsnipcould make an alias ;)11:01
velofilleall good :)11:01
fropkidoes anyone has backtrack tutorials11:03
fropkipls help11:03
fropkiwant to learn backtrack11:04
velofillemight pay to wait a while11:04
llutz_!backtrack | fropki 1st learn that it is not supported here11:04
ubottufropki 1st learn that it is not supported here: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition11:04
ActionParsnipfropki: ask in the backtrack channel11:08
neo_HI does anyone know how to build my own repo for ubuntu 11.04 so that i will be able to install them later. please help...11:08
jpds!info reprepro | neo_11:09
ubottuneo_: reprepro (source: reprepro): Debian package repository producer. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.5.0-1 (natty), package size 417 kB, installed size 1032 kB11:09
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wsagentneed help i was trying to install tor, add source in the repository and when i update it shows 403 forbidden and 404 not found11:14
wols!info tor11:15
ubottutor (source: tor): anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 1016 kB, installed size 2104 kB11:15
wolswsagent: what source did you add?11:15
ActionParsnipwsagent: did you add the proxy info in /etc/apt/apt.conf11:16
wsagentActionParsnip No11:16
ActionParsnipwsagent: you need to add that too so that apt-get etc uses the proxy11:17
udonnomeguys,is there an software which i can use to download videos from youtube?11:17
wsagentActionParship: but i couldn't even install tor11:17
wsagentwols: deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org maverick main11:18
wsagentdeb-src http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org maverick main11:18
ActionParsnipudonnome: youtube-dl11:18
udonnomeok,thank you :)11:18
wolswsagent: get it from ubuntu direct. it's in universe11:18
Sidewinder1udonnome, There is also a Firefox plugin called unplug.11:19
ActionParsnipwsagent: shouldn't it be: http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/dists maverick main11:19
udonnomeSidewinder1, how i can find that plugin?11:19
udonnomeanyway,thank you i found it11:20
Sidewinder1udonnome, I believe that it is an addon/extension, found through Firefox tools.11:20
wsagentActionParsnip: let me try that11:22
udonnomeou god,i am so inlove with ubuntu :D11:22
ActionParsnipwsagent: I don't use the app but the server does have a maverick folder.11:24
wsagentSo is there any other source for it11:25
wsagentActionParsnip: i know now its blocked by the gov here11:27
udonnomeSidewinder1, i have the plugin how can i use it to download the video?11:32
Sidewinder1udonnome, I don't use it much but believe that if you click on the "unplug" icon in the upper right of the FF window, it will ask you to "search for media on that page", then it'll download it.11:34
udonnomeou,ok,gonna look for it11:35
udonnomeok another thing,is there a codeck pack for ubuntu,couse it dont wanna run any media?11:36
Parallaxare you using VLC?11:36
udonnomenope,the default software that is in ubuntu11:37
wolsudonnome: there are no "codec packs" cause they are not needed11:37
udonnomebut it dont wanna run any media11:38
buff27udonnome, apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras11:38
wolsudonnome: which media?11:38
udonnomeaha,i found that restricted extras11:39
jakeriverthat is really one helpful thing, i must say11:40
rapt0rhi all11:42
ohmyanyone knows if a C alternative exists for Bootchart, i've just started reading the documentation and it looks for me thats everythign is java based. Java/Ruby/Python are not available on my embeded system11:48
ohmymy aim is to measure the boot time of my embedded system based on ubuntu11:48
JoupiHi : I am using Xchat-gnome to follow several channels. I am wondering if there exist a way to split the window to follow them at the same time to avoid clic or any other app to do that ? thanks.11:49
chaddyJoupi: clic? mouse clicks? try alt + 1-911:51
buff27Joupi, good question........... I would like to know mysself11:52
Joupichaddy : yep but still have one at a time, I want to see them together ;-)11:52
Joupibuff27 : I was just told on another channel to try irssi or weechat ...11:53
buff27Joupi, I have tried irssi but prefer a gui app11:53
pukekoon a server install , after hitting F4 to select minimal install, how do i confirm my choice ( which key ) ?11:54
llutz_Joupi: xchat has a "detach" function, not sure about xchat-gnome11:55
buff27llutz, good one, yep that will work for x-chat11:56
antiheroProblem: Using xclip -i seems to have no impact on my gnome/unity applications. What clipboard command should I use?11:57
long@all how to play four-in-a-row in a network game, i mean how to enable network game12:06
probyhello , guys is there any correction of the K&R 2nd exercices??12:06
novabytecan I select files with multiple file extensions with find, e.g:  find src -name "*.{gs|vala}"12:08
wsagenttor is blocked by our gov12:08
wsagentwhat to do12:08
Sidewinder1What country, just curious?12:09
novabytewsagent: payed for VPN service?12:09
wsagentMiddle east12:09
wsagentI am looking for some free service like tor to access some of website like orkut and all12:10
JESUSELIFELET_Anyone know of a proxy?12:23
JESUSELIFELET_a proxy that works12:23
JESUSELIFELET_and searched google and found not one that works12:24
afidegnum_Hello good mornign all12:25
JESUSELIFELET_apologize for my English do not dominate12:25
afidegnum_pls I have created a symlink earlier by typing, ln -s /opt/drush/drush /usr/local/bin/12:25
afidegnum_how do i remove it ?12:25
chaddyafidegnum_: rm12:26
vavrek_abountu1: rm /usr/local/bin/12:26
chouchouare you all online?12:27
jvargasCan I downgrade to a previos kernel image?12:28
jribjvargas: sure, just select it at the grub menu12:28
jvargasI have a very serious issue with a netword card which reproduces in the current linux image, not in the one shipped with 10.10 server12:28
jvargasjrib: I don't have it installed yet, and they doesnt appear on synaptic.12:29
jribjvargas: what version of ubuntu are you using?12:29
jvargasjrib: 11.0412:29
ntr0pyI am trying to get vdpau hardware acceleration with nvidia-current and vlc, worked on maverick but something went wrong in Natty. Can someone give me a hint what i did wrong here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/630370/12:30
jribjvargas: and your issue is reproducible on all of the 11.04 kernels?12:30
jvargasjrib: i just have one. 2.6.38, i see no others.12:31
jribjvargas: do you have a bug report for the issue?12:31
vavrekjvargas: vainfo works OK ?12:32
jvargasjrib: yep, I already found some other guys have the same issue. But I just found that it works with older kernels, the one shipped in 10.1012:32
jvargasvavrek: vainfo is?12:32
jribjvargas: can you link to the bug report?12:33
vavrekupps my fault :-)12:33
jvargasjrib: sure, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/72917112:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 729171 in linux (Ubuntu) "NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0 (atl1c): transmit queue 0 timed out" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:33
jribjvargas: I'd give 2.6.39 a try to see if the issue is resolved (https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa) rather than revert to the older one.  I'll send you a link on building a kernel package though and then you can build whatever version you'd like :D12:34
jrib!kernel > jvargas12:34
ubottujvargas, please see my private message12:34
jvargasjrib: http://codepad.org/aoCaiK9h12:35
Goliathhow can i enable ubuntu development repository?12:35
jribGoliath: what is "ubuntu development repository"?  What do you want to accomplish?12:35
Goliathjrib: ubuntu untested/ unstable/ oneiric12:36
jribGoliath: #ubuntu+1 for that12:36
jvargasjrib: i will try right now12:37
wsagentneed help google earth installed but when i click on the icon no response12:37
wolswsagent: run it from a terminal12:38
Kaigeoshi, trying out Natty and love it,12:38
Kaigeosjust having some issues with gaming in wine/playonlinux12:38
wsagentwols: how can i run it from terminal12:38
Kaigeosanyone here use an HP G50 that could help me find native chipset drivers rather then generic?12:39
wolswsagent: open terminal, enter name of program to run, press enter12:39
wolsKaigeos: chipset drivers for what?12:39
wsagentwols but it gives me an error /usr/bin/googleearth: 14: /usr/lib/googleearth/googleearth-bin: not found12:40
Kaigeosvideo mostly I suppose wols12:40
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wolswsagent: and now you know why it doesn't run12:40
SockPantsman, unity 2d is shit, and broken with 2 monitors12:40
SockPantsunity 3d is not even suitable for netbooks12:40
SockPantsso i guess it's either classic or xfce for me12:40
wsagentwols so i just have to add this file manualy or what ?12:41
wolsSockPants: to be fair, very few people run netbook but with 2 monitors12:41
jvargasjrib: I tested with a ubuntu server 10.10 cd , and it worked. but do you think this issue is related to kernel or maybe something in ubuntu 11.04 apps?12:41
wolswsagent: you have to install it all properly. it sounds like you are missing parts of the software12:41
jribjvargas: I don't know12:41
SockPantswols: thats weird, its the only way to do actual work on a netbook12:42
jvargasjrolland-ubuntu: sorry, didnt received last message12:42
wsagentwols: i believe i installed it properly12:42
jvargasjrib: sorry, didnt received last message12:43
mzx7896slightly OT question: if i dump a iso9660 filesystem to a usb stick, linux has no problems mounting/reading it. is there any chance to read the stick on windows?12:43
jribjvargas: I don't know12:43
jribmzx7896: ##windows12:43
mzx7896jrib: okay, i'll ask there12:43
wolsmzx7896: ##windows12:43
inashdeenwhat is the # for ubuntu off topic?12:48
rage_kid999I want to turn off mirror screen in Ubuntu 11.04 can't find how12:48
JediMasterhi guys, I'm running linux-virtual kernel but I need the DRBD kernel module which is included in everything but the -virtual kernel, how do I go about building just that module?12:51
ActionParsnipSockPants: try a different DE then..12:51
jvargasjrib: it didn't work. using 2.6.39-0.5 . the error is still present but at least the connection doesn't freeze so fast as with 2.6.38. The max speed rate I get is 250Kbps on a 100Mbps link.12:52
JediMasterthink there used to be a drbd8-module-source but it doesn't exist in natty12:52
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ActionParsnip!away > Goliath|Away12:53
ActionParsnipjvargas: tried the rate option in ifconfig12:54
jvargasActionParsnip: how do I do that?12:55
ntr0pyHas someone got vdpau hardware acceleration working with nvidia in natty?12:55
ActionParsnipjvargas: there are guides online, or the man page will tell you12:55
whitekidneySo uh, I have no sound, what do?12:57
jvargasActionParsnip: that's for wifi, and using iwconfig. I am looking for a solution on a 100Mbps link.12:57
whitekidneyActually, I do have sound, but the bass is VERY distorted.. what do? :(12:58
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studentzHi there which are the normal PERMISSIONS for /tmp12:59
wolsstudentz: usually 277713:00
keithbstudentz: or "drwxrwxrwt  20 root root" in text13:00
JediMastertrying to follow the https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/drbd.html guide, which says that -virtual kernel users should manually compile the drbd kernel module, but gives no instructions, can anyone point me in the right direction please?13:01
JediMasterAnd yes, tried -server kernel but it won't run on the VPS I'm using13:01
snow_ruhi all13:02
ActionParsnipjvargas: same is on ifconfig13:02
snow_ruthere is no update for the the task bar ?13:02
snow_ruubuntu 11.0413:02
litbhello all13:02
snow_ruwho is a motu here !13:02
whitekidneyMy bass is very distorted in ubuntu, what can I do to solve it ?13:02
litbi'm using ubuntu jaunty13:02
snow_ruVery bad 11.0413:03
litbbut apt doesn't find the repository anymore :((13:03
ThinkT510JediMaster: you should know better: do or do not, there is no try13:03
snow_rupeople are changing the distro now13:03
amerohey guys. how to download a package from ppa when the official repo also serve that package? any way to tell aptitude to grab the package from ppa instead?13:03
ActionParsniplitb: jaunty is dead, there is no more support for it13:04
litband in the mirrorlists at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors jaunty is missing for all the servers I tried13:04
litbActionParsnip: why is it dead?13:04
FireStormsI want to undo a command I ran: sudo gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --type bool --set /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list true13:04
Tyrnisplop all13:04
ActionParsnip!jaunty | litb13:04
ubottulitb: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.13:04
litbis there any archive server that still supplies its packages?13:04
ActionParsniplitb: regular releases are only supported 18 months13:04
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101013:04
FireStormsWhen I run sudo gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --type bool --set /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list false13:04
litbi mean, even old ones. I just wanna install this silly KDE program :(13:04
ActionParsnipFireStorms: why does it need sudo?13:05
whitekidneyMy bass is very distorted in ubuntu, what can I do to solve it ?13:05
FireStormsActionParsnip, It changes the login screen13:05
litbActionParsnip: that's bad news :( do you think I can get a .deb for it somewhere?13:05
FireStormsWhen I restart my system the command takes effect again13:05
ActionParsnipFireStorms: what are you trying to change?13:06
chaddywhitekidney: try "pulseaudio -k", helps to have only one sound app running at a time13:06
FireStormsActionParsnip, Well the command makes it so the user list when you login dissapaers and replaced with a password input, I don't want this13:07
ActionParsnipFireStorms: System->Administration->Login Window13:07
litbActionParsnip: ahh what's http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/  I think I can use it!13:08
whitekidneychaddy: Nope, didn't help :(13:08
FireStormsPlease see this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10963670#post1096367013:08
FireStormsI need help :/13:09
litbit works :)13:09
keithbwhitekidney: have you tried loading the equaliser to look at the settings?13:10
whitekidneykeithb: Uh, which one? I tried turning the bass of in the sound properties but that gave me some high pitched whistle noise in my right speaker13:11
whitekidneyI also tried the one n Audalicious13:11
abysHey guys, my wireless connexion is deactivated and can't find a way to reactivate it, even after reinstall... the shortcut on the key board is not working and there is no switch on the computer...13:11
keithbwhitekidney: which ubuntu version you on?13:11
JediMasteris there any reason why I can't install the -server kernel for the exact same build as the -virtual kernel and symlink the drbd.ko file?13:12
keithbwhitekidney: can't help any more, I have 11.04 here13:12
pedrocrI connected a USB modem (huawei e1550) to ubuntu 11.04 but network manager doesn't show it13:13
pedrocrin the past this was because the device needed to be switched to modem mode but now that seems to happen automatically13:13
keithbwhitekidney: and you can only access the equalizer through a sound app now13:13
pedrocrI have /dev/ttyUSB0...3 but the desktop just doesn't react to it13:13
pedrocrany ideas?13:13
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fellipehi everyone, after I log in with a rbash account, why can't I do "su" to a new user? the authentication fails everytime13:15
Sidewinder1!modem | pedrocr13:16
ubottupedrocr: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up13:16
pedrocrSidewinder1, It's a GSM modem not dial-up13:16
alienmindtrickhow do i get the 3 login screens not to pop up every time i start my machine?13:17
alienmindtricki'm using 11.04, i should have stated13:18
usr13pedrocr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152254013:18
jvargaswhere can I find the firewall rules that are set at system startup?13:19
abyswhat is the web address I can use not to flood the chat to paste something?13:19
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:20
Net_Spyim having issue with ssh13:20
pedrocrusr13, that's for 10.04, where you needed to configure modeswitch, this version seems to be doing it automatically13:20
pedrocrI'll try it anyway13:20
chaddythat's a pity, Net_Spy13:20
Net_Spyservice started n listening to port 22 but cant get connect to my ubuntu machine from windows using putty13:20
chaddyboth on the same LAN?13:20
abyscan someone help me with that? http://paste.ubuntu.com/630381/ can't find a way ton activate it....13:21
sozietyhello, I want to install ubuntu, who version from ubuntu recommend me?13:21
usr13pedrocr: I didn't really know if there was very much info there that you could use, didn't read all of it, but just was some discussion from people that used it.13:21
soziety10.10 or 11.04?13:21
chaddyNet_Spy: is it a previously known host?13:21
Net_Spythis is fresh ubuntu installation13:21
chaddywhat I mean is have you used putty to connect to a previous install at the same IP?13:22
usr13soziety: Just depends on what kind of Ubuntu experience you are interested in.13:22
usr13soziety: There is a third option as well, 10.0413:22
chaddynot sure how putty does it, but there will be a record of known hosts which doesn't match the new install perhaps13:23
sozietyok thanks usr1313:23
usr13soziety: My choices would be between 10.04 and 11.0413:23
Net_Spyputty doesnt record13:23
Sidewinder1!lts > soziety13:23
ubottusoziety, please see my private message13:23
Net_Spyinfact ive removed it13:23
Net_Spygetting error conenction closed by
Net_Spydo I need to generate any sort of key or wat13:24
JediMasteranyone know where I can find drbd8-module-source for natty?13:24
jvargaswhere can I find the firewall rules that are set at system startup?13:25
usr13Net_Spy: sudo apt-get install openssh-server13:25
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
Net_Spyits all ready install13:25
chaddyNet_Spy: can you connect from the ubuntu machine to itself? ie ssh user@
usr13jvargas: There are lots of firewall scripts on the internet that you could use/customize13:26
Net_SpyRead from socket failed: Connection reset by peer13:26
usr13jvargas: You really need rules that meet your specific needs.13:26
Net_Spy@usrl3 : Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer13:27
usr13Net_Spy: Were you asked for password?13:27
Net_Spyno even doing ssh localhost -p 2213:27
Net_Spygettting this : Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer13:27
usr13Net_Spy: sudo apt-get install openssh-server13:28
jvargasusr13: I need to delete annoyinh rules defined by ubuntu that make my network card very slow13:28
Net_Spyit says already installed13:28
chaddysudo restart ssh, if you're positive it's installed13:28
usr13jvargas: "defined by ubuntu"?13:28
jvargasusr13: yeah, somewhere it is setting some CONNMARK target tules13:29
usr13jvargas: iptables -F   will delete them13:29
alienmindtrickHow can I prevent having to log into the 3 keyring logins that pop up each time i start my machine?13:29
usr13jvargas: Are you sure?13:29
usr13jvargas: Something tells me you are barking up the wrong tree.13:30
jvargasusr13: yeah I know how to delete, but I want to remove them permanently13:30
chaddyalienmindtrick: use insecure keyring storage was the only answer I found to that one13:30
usr13jakeriver: Then you find the script and edit it, (or delete it).13:30
Net_Spystop n start it again13:31
Net_Spystill same13:31
alienmindtrickchaddy: i found a thread in ubuntu forums that suggested that. i tried it. still got all 3.13:31
usr13jvargas: Unless you have created one, or have installed a firewall application that created one, there should not be a firewall script, by default.13:31
chaddyNet_Spy: is your router redirecting port 22 to the right ip?13:31
Net_SpyCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key and sshdCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key13:31
Net_Spyinfact commented those line in config file13:32
chaddyso you're doing passwordless authentication?13:32
usr13jvargas: (...that is why I think you may be barking up the wrong tree.)  How do you know, or what makes you think there is a firewall script on your system?13:32
usr13Someone please correct me if I am wrong;  Ubuntu does not come with a firewall script.13:33
jvargasusr13: because those rules are set13:34
chaddyusr13: I'm not in a position to correct you as that is also my belief13:34
jvargasusr13: I installed this system just yesterday13:34
usr13Net_Spy: Are you using the right IP?13:34
Net_Spyip is correct13:35
* JediMaster kicks Ubuntu for specifically excluding drbd kernel module from the -virtual image =(13:35
JediMasterand then removing the package to compile it manually13:35
JediMaster"because it's in the kernel"... when it isn't in all the kernels =/13:35
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usr13Net_Spy: nmap
usr13Net_Spy: netstat -an |grep LISTEN |less13:36
usr13jvargas: iptables -L13:37
usr13jvargas: What do you see....?13:37
DamnSoGooDwhat is the command for channels list?13:37
usr13jvargas: iptables -L |pastebinit13:37
Net_Spyusrl3 and chaddy I ran sshd-generate13:37
jvargasusr13: man I already delete them. They are on mangle table. I am still performing a "grep" to find them.13:38
chaddyok, thanks, sorry wasn't of more help, Net_Spy13:38
Net_Spysome times solution r very simple13:38
Net_Spyall we need to look closer :)13:38
Net_Spythank you guys for helping13:38
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usr13jvargas: yea, well, that is the only way I would know how to find them... unless I had a clue as to what application created them.13:41
usr13jvargas: Did you use the ufw command previously?13:41
jvargasusr13: nope, I disabled it before, already looked at it. it's somewhere else.13:42
jvargasusr13: ok found them, it was a previous installation of zentyal.13:43
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ameen_ada berita baru apa neh??13:44
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:46
usr13jvargas: "previous install of zentyal"?  You said you "installed this system just yesterday".13:46
tolgahi all how do i join the pinguyos chat13:46
bazhang!id | ameen13:46
ubottuameen: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia13:46
jvargasuser: yep, installed for testing during some minutes13:46
bazhang!alis | tolga13:47
ubottutolga: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*13:47
bazhang /msg alis list *pinguy* tolga13:47
ameenoke trims... klo ubuntu-indonesia ada juga...13:48
bazhangameen, /join #ubuntu-id13:49
tdnIn Calc, how do I show the weekday name of a given date? I can use WEEKDAY(), however, this only gives me the weekday number, e.g. 2 or 3, and not the weekday name, e.g. tuesday or friday.13:49
bazhangtdn, try #openoffice.org13:50
chaddyhello Tetracomm13:52
TetracommRenaming gdm to gdm.disabled no longer prevents GDM from loading at startup. Could someone tell me what to do in 10.04 LTS?13:52
bazhangTetracomm, what are you trying to do13:53
bazhang!nox | Tetracomm this?13:53
ubottuTetracomm this?: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode13:53
Tetracommbazhang: No. I want to tell it not to load GDM automatically. So It will just boot to the command prompt and I can type gdm and press enter like I used to when ready.13:54
bazhangTetracomm, in text only mode?13:55
TetracommI guess that is it.13:57
TetracommI will try.13:57
JediMasteris it possible to copy a kernel module from a different kernel and use it (same version number, e.g. copy a -server module into -virtual?)13:57
bazhangJediMaster, to accomplish what13:58
JediMasterbazhang: to get drbd8 module that's missing in -virtual13:58
bazhangJediMaster, what's that module do13:58
JediMasterbazhang: makes drbd work =)13:58
m_fulderIm tryin out the ssmtp and filled out all the information in my config correctly ie the host authuser and authpassword..but now when I try send mails with ssmtp mail ad then write To:mail From:mail Subject: mysub and some message I get the error message couldn'tconect to smtp.mysmtp.com:25 .. why is that :(13:58
bazhangJediMaster, care to explain what that is?13:59
JediMasterbazhang: "networked raid 1"13:59
bazhangJediMaster, no13:59
m_fulderCannot open *13:59
JediMasterbazhang, surely if it's the same exact version with just different modules it should work14:00
bazhangJediMaster, then why ask14:00
JediMasterbazhang: because I don't know how I'd go about doing it, I've tried copying the drbd.ko file into the same directory in the /lib/modules/....-virtual/ directory and it still doesn't find it14:00
JediMasterbazhang: I figured there was some way of loading the module in that I didn't know about, insmod says it's an invalid format, and modprobe can't find it14:01
fellipehi friends. In ubuntu 11.04 server, when I log on with some user and try su to another user or even root user, I get authentication failure, just like password incorrect..  can anyone help?14:05
fellipehi friends. In ubuntu 11.04 server, when I log on with some user and try su to another user or even root user, I get authentication failure, just like password incorrect..  can anyone help?14:06
fellipehi friends. In ubuntu 11.04 server, and 10.10 desktop, when I log on with some user and try su to another user or even root user, I get authentication failure, just like password incorrect..  can anyone help?14:06
lafonfellipe, if someone knows the answer they will respond14:07
lafonstop flooding14:07
fellipeok sorry14:07
vampyrowhat about sudo fellipe14:07
jpdsfellipe: Well, check /var/log/auth.log14:07
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fellipejpds: hi, check it for what?14:08
jpdsfellipe: Any errors it might say.14:08
Kartagiswhy am I getting "No username specified" in syslog even though I have the line "//campus01/mtozses    /mnt/t        cifs        credentials=/root/.mtozses        0    0" in my /etc/fstab?14:09
fellipejpds: ok, wait.14:09
fellipejpds: hi,14:11
deliriaHey, when another program which uses sound is open mpd fails to play, and gives the following error message: output: Failed to open "My ALSA Device" [alsa]: Failed to open ALSA device "hw:0,0": Device or resource busy14:11
fellipejdps: Jun 21 10:02:12 ubuntu-server su[3359]: FAILED su for root by rconta. Jun 21 10:02:12 ubuntu-server su[3359]: - /dev/pts/1 rconta:root. Jun 21 10:02:19 ubuntu-server unix_chkpwd[3362]: check pass; user unknown14:11
deliriaplayer_thread: problems opening audio device while playing "<snip>.mp3"14:11
deliriaAny idea how to fix that? It happens, for example, after I finish watching a video in youtube and the tab is still open, or when mplayer is paused14:11
fellipejdps:  Jun 21 10:02:19 ubuntu-server unix_chkpwd[3362]: password check failed for user .Jun 21 10:02:19 ubuntu-server unix_chkpwd[3362]: password check failed for user .14:11
vladimirovgood day, I have write this script, but it doesnt work, just start the first app, what is wrong? http://pastebin.com/sWvUGDA314:12
chaddydeliria: pulseaudio -k14:12
fellipejdps:  Jun 21 10:02:22 ubuntu-server su[3361]: FAILED su for fellipe by rconta. Jun 21 10:02:22 ubuntu-server su[3361]: - /dev/pts/1 rconta:fellipe. Jun 21 10:06:59 ubuntu-server sshd[3256]: Received disconnect from . Jun 21 10:06:59 ubuntu-server sshd[3230]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed14:12
chaddymight help to close the sound using tab, too14:12
fellipejdps: any idea?14:12
DamnSoGooDhow can i install a theme from other diistro?14:13
deliriachaddy: I'm not using pulseaudio (actually I'm using debian stable, but couldn't get any help else where and this channel had always helped me with debian problems)14:13
chaddysorry, deliria, what alsa knowledge I had has dimmed with time14:14
jpdsfellipe: No, but now you have something to start researching from.14:14
deliriachaddy: thanks anyway :)14:14
fellipejdps: indeed.. :/14:14
sipiorfellipe: given that the log says "user unknown", are you quite sure the user exists on the system in question?14:16
fellipesipior: of course! I've just created a new user to test this14:17
fellipesipior: and try to find out the mistery14:17
th0rfellipe: and since the log says su failed....does that user have access to sudo?14:17
sipiorth0r: su is not sudo :-)14:17
fellipeth0r: that's correct! it is what I would answer now14:18
fellipeth0r: anyway, the user does not belong to sudoers14:18
th0rsipior: yeah....but an earlier im said the credentials were in /root/.....14:18
sipiorth0r: sorry, what does that have to do with anything?14:19
th0rsipior: sorry...just realized I crossed threads back there somewhere14:19
fellipesipior and th0r: ubuntu 10.04 it works fine..14:20
sipiorfellipe: does "sudo -i -u <desired username>" work?14:21
fellipesipior: I will try, but I guess will not work because the first user does not belongs to sudoers group14:22
lafoncan the auto scroll be disabled in empathy?14:22
sipiorfellipe: then add them.14:22
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fellipesipior:but I can't add, because I am trying  to have a very limited user in firewall, to connect via ssh14:23
sipiorfellipe: well, it's working.14:23
louis_i just uninstalled empathy.. its doesn't connect to facebook14:23
n1xNc0d3hi, I'm having issues wid my ATI graphics. even if i set my resolution to 1024x768 at 85Hz the frequency goes back to 60Hz after restarting.14:24
fellipesipior: what's is working?14:24
sipiorfellipe: your user is very limited.14:24
fellipesipior: and what version are  you using?14:24
sipiorfellipe: a mix, at the moment.14:24
fellipesipior: I do not know "mix" version :(14:25
* sipior sighs14:25
fellipesipior: I've just tested in ubuntu 10.04, creating a rbash user and then su <new user> , and worked14:26
sipiorfellipe: then use 10.0414:26
b0otAnyone know of something good where people could upload configs with certain tags, and then people could search for configs?14:26
fellipesipior: so, what fuckin'  is happening in recently versions ????14:26
lafonlouis_ unfortunately that doesn't answer my question14:26
bazhangfellipe, no cursing14:26
fellipesipior: I cannot use 10.04 because the current firewall is 10.1014:27
sipiorfellipe: my guess is that you have configured your system badly. no one else seems to have this issue.14:27
Supradeepwhere can i find a s/w for telugu fonts??14:28
louis_lafon: I just expressed myself. I tried it from the tray icon "mail" but no luck14:28
bazhangttf-telugu-fonts Supradeep ?14:28
fellipesipior: I've installed a fresh system in virtual box to do these tests, so the only thing I did was : useradd -m -d /home/raccount -s /bin/rbash raccount  and then passwd raccount14:28
lafonlouis_: lol ok14:28
bazhangSupradeep, sudo apt-get install ttf-telugu-fonts14:29
Supradeepdidnt get u14:29
sipiorfellipe: can you use the login normally?14:30
bazhangSupradeep, thats the command to install via terminal14:30
* Sidewinder1 sighs...14:30
bazhangSupradeep, or install via synaptic package manager14:30
bazhang!software | Supradeep14:31
ubottuSupradeep: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents14:31
Supradeepok i'll try to... thanx bazhang14:31
bazhangyou're welcome Supradeep14:31
lafonwhat is the component msdxm.ocx? I need it for a win program.14:32
=== Supradeep is now known as sup2044
bazhanglafon, in ubuntu? where do you see this14:32
lafonafter starting up a program for wine14:33
bazhanglafon, try #winehq perhaps14:34
lafonok thanks14:34
troulouliouhi  i have ubuntu 11.04 with unity 2D and randomly my gtk theme fail back to classic theme on startup14:34
trouloulioureally can't understand the problem14:34
bazhangtroulouliou, how did you select unity-2d14:35
kruxlafon, if you google it up you will find that file needed..14:35
louis_I just love classic theme until unity gets better... even gnome3 needs to be better14:36
trouloulioubazhang, in GDM14:36
lafonill try that krux14:36
trouloulioulouis_, i mean i would like to have ambiance theme applied14:36
kruxit's a Windows Media Player 2 ActiveX Control14:36
louis_troulouliou: Did you select classic theme at login screen?14:37
troulouliouno and in theme selection i choose ambiance but randomy it is either classic or ambiance14:38
louis_just log out, select ubuntu classic and choose the ambience theme14:39
OerHekslouis_ is right, login classic, change theme, logout and start unity again, may help. i believe the theme is not 100% compatible ?14:41
fellipesipior: what login can I use normally?14:41
jaslTrying to increase the timeout on phpmyadmin.  A google search turns up multiple suggestions to add this: $cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = 3600 * 9;  But that didn't do anything for me.  Any ideas?14:41
sipiorfellipe: the one that you created, and are attempting to su to. can you use that login outside of su?14:41
jaslAnd before it's asked, I did restart Apache.14:42
ntr0pywhy could nautilus-open-terminal NOT appear in the context menu after relogin?14:42
fellipesipior: sure. I can connect via ssh using this user normally14:42
louis_maybe he needs with no effects... if video card is the trouble14:43
sipiorfellipe: so which account are you trying to su from?14:44
internetpcActionParsnip : hi..I just purchased "hp pavilion dv6".  In Additional Drivers it gave me AMD Graphics driver.I installd it and it asked me to restart.After the restart ubuntu failed to open..plz help me...I have formatted the genuine windows 7 which was inbuilt.14:44
sipiorfellipe: so, to clarify, you can login to both user1 and user2 normally at a prompt, but "su user2" does not work when logged in as user1?14:45
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fellipespior: step by step: 1) useradd -m -d /home/test -s /bin/rbash  test;  2) passwd test (password: 123); 3) ssh test@<ip>; 4) su myaccount (password is 123 too); 5) authentication failure (in ubuntu 10.10 or higher)14:46
chaddy /join #russia14:47
internetpcanyone plz help me..14:47
bazhanginternetpc, with what14:48
internetpcbazhang : I just purchased "hp pavilion dv6".  In Additional Drivers it gave me AMD Graphics driver.I installd it and it asked me to restart.After the restart ubuntu failed to open..plz help me...I have formatted the genuine windows 7 which was inbuilt.14:48
wx4ncinternet: what do you mean it wouldnt open?14:49
vavrekinternetpc: NTB has dual GPU ? integrated and dedicated ?14:49
bazhanginternetpc, failed to open? it did not boot at all?14:49
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fellipesipior:  so, to clarify, you can login to both user1 and user2 normally at a prompt, but "su user2" does not work when logged in as user1? that's correct!14:49
internetpcya..but it was just like a terminal..and it Welcomed me and told me about my last visit..14:49
wx4ncinternet: FYI, the DV6 is notorious for overheating issues. Get a cooling pad and keep it on there. You don't want the board to go out14:50
internetpcvavrek : dedicated14:50
CooKieMonsterwho can help me setting up a tv viewer program on my ubuntu ?14:50
bazhanginternetpc, this was a wubi install?14:50
Slyhi. trying to compile php without suhosin on bubuntu 10.10 like this http://ak33m.com/?p=5514:50
bazhangSly, whats bubuntu14:50
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Slybut i need a packet called "locales-all" which isnt available anywhere14:50
wx4ncinternet: try pressing ctrl-alt-f7, see if that gets you in. if not, try logging in and typing "startx" without the quotes14:51
Slybazhang:sry, meant ubuntu14:51
sipiorfellipe: does it work the other way "su test"?14:51
alienmindtrickhow do i prevent having to log in to keyring 3 times every time i start my machine?14:51
fellipesipior: what other way?14:51
internetpcbazhang : no..I used " Erase and use complete disk" option.14:51
Sidewinder1CooKieMonster, What you want to do can be frustrating; you'll want to look into both MythTV and Kaffeine.14:51
sipiorfellipe: if you're logged in as "myaccount", can you su to user test?14:52
Sidewinder1CooKieMonster, Not necessairily in that order; I use Kaffeine.14:52
CooKieMonsterkaffeine support philiphs tv tuner chip ?14:52
Slyanyone wants to help me compiling php OR getting the damn locales-all package?14:53
ActionParsnipalienmindtrick: set a blank password for the keyring14:54
sipiorfellipe: anyway, i've got a meeting in about five minutes, so i'm off. good luck getting the login straightened out.14:54
ntr0pyHow can i get "open in terminal" in nautilus context menu?14:54
Sidewinder1CooKieMonster, Not sure, I think there is a place on the MythTV web site to check hardware compatibility with the various kernels/versions...14:54
fellipesipior: ok, thanks!14:54
alienmindtrickActionParsnip: that only works until you log out and then back in. i've read similar problems with other users in ubuntu forums.14:55
internetpcbazhang : are you there ?14:55
nikhildubeyI need help friends.,.. Just installed windows 7 on ubuntu 11.04. Problem as expected. win7 bootloader eaten up my grub..what to do?14:55
alienmindtrickActionParsnip:  also, if you check the tick box for "always log in..." that is one of 4 options with the pop up windows, the same applies - it only works until you log out.14:56
dr_Willisinternetpc:  dont msg me  talk in channel14:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:56
edbiannikhildubey: You got that?14:57
internetpcdr_Willis : ok..plz help me sir..I just purchased "hp pavilion dv6".  In Additional Drivers it gave me AMD Radeon Graphics driver.I installed it and it asked me to restart.After the restart ubuntu failed to open ie it was just like I was in recovery mode..plz help me...I have formatted the genuine windows 7 which was inbuilt.14:57
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2  nikhildubey14:57
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:57
Slyapt-get build-dep php5 tells me it couldnt find the required "locales-all" package. how to get it??14:57
nikhildubeyi am rite now on ubuntu 11.04 from live disk.. please tell what to do now?14:57
Sidewinder1!grubrepair > nikhildubey14:58
ubottunikhildubey, please see my private message14:58
bazhangnikhildubey, read the link provided above14:58
Lofdewow ive been logged in here for probably 2 weeks and didnt even realize it lol14:58
edbianLofde: That's stability for ya!14:58
Lofdeyea isn't that the truth :) ..14:59
edbianskyubuntu: hello15:01
skyubuntuany idea how to fix that15:01
jvargashow can I make all of my kernels appear in grub at startup?15:02
skyubuntuCannot find config.m4. Make sure that you run '/usr/local/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module15:02
bazhangskyubuntu, fix what15:02
edbianskyubuntu: fix what?15:02
jvargasAnd, of course, how can I make appear grub on Natty? It never appears.15:02
skyubuntui just run /usr/local/bin/phpize15:02
edbianskyubuntu: oh reading...15:02
em_hello how i can remove "about me" and "mail" gadgets on the top of left corner15:02
bazhangjvargas, hold shift at boot15:02
nikhildubeyi run this command: sudo apt-get install grub-pc15:02
edbianskyubuntu: I think you need to run that command from inside a specific folder.  I don't know what folder they're referring to though15:03
SoftarPaulIs there any way for installing winamp in Ubuntu?15:03
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious or xmms2 instead.15:03
skyubuntui try to install imagick15:03
em_sudo apt-get install audacious15:03
bazhangSoftarPaul, why bother. use audacious instead15:03
jvargasbazhang: thanks, will try now15:03
em_how i can remove "about me" and "mail" gadgets on the top of left corner15:03
em_ubuntu 11.04)15:03
SoftarPaulbazang: I use winamp in my phone and want to sync(you can do that with winamp+phone)15:04
nikhildubeyGuys what to do now?? grub 2 ?15:04
bazhangem_, you mean right corner presumably15:04
skyubuntuwhen i run this sudo pecl install imagick i het error for phpize :)15:04
abhinavmehtathere is some directory/path, which redirects output to output console...like "echo "hello world" > /dev/null" will output to some dump terminal...similarly whts the directory/path for getting output on current output console..15:04
bazhangnikhildubey, continue following the guide?15:04
em_bazhang, yes i mean right corner15:04
edbiannikhildubey: Read the guide multiple people have posted for you.15:05
nikhildubeybazhang: pls tell where to start? i just did sudo apt-get install grub-pc15:05
g[r]eekHi, I'm currently running 10.10, and the default install of Vim is version 7.2 - how do I get Vim 7.3 (which is the default for Ubuntu 11.04) without upgrading Ubuntu?15:05
bazhangnikhildubey, in the link? continue following it15:05
bazhangg[r]eek, check for a PPA or compile it?15:06
bazhang!ppa | g[r]eek15:06
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.15:06
ubottug[r]eek: please see above15:06
Sidewinder1!grubrepair > nikhildubey15:06
ubottunikhildubey, please see my private message15:06
g[r]eekbazhang, thanks15:06
wolsnikhildubey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB215:06
em_so, what i should to do...15:06
bazhangem_, dont think that is removable15:07
wolsbazhang: it's software. of course it is removable15:07
em_i think that's gnome applets15:07
bazhangwols, then please explain how15:07
dr_Willisunity is very locked dowd15:07
em_but i don't know pack names...15:08
edbianwols: If you mean by editing source code...15:08
wolsedbian: probably other ways too. e.g. rm-ing a .so or such :)15:08
dr_Williswebupd8 site has a list of unity hacks15:09
bazhangem_, the only thing I can think of is something called confity, but thats an unsupported PPA15:10
odixanybody know how to get rid of all the junk ubuntu server spits at you when you login via bash shell15:10
odixits not in .profile15:10
dr_Willisconfity did not do a lot  when i checked it out.15:11
dr_Willisodix:  touch. hushlogin15:11
dr_Willisooops typo15:11
dr_Willis touch  .hushlogin15:12
tobagowhen i want to list all cron jobs for use foo i do "crontab -u foo -l". where is it configured? in which file to find the configurations using vim?15:12
nikhildubeybazhang: i tried this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB2 .and installed boot repair graphical tool.. now what to do i am confused15:13
m_fulder can't telnet anything there's just written Trying <IP> all the time :S what could be wrong???15:13
tobago"vi /etc/cron.d/foo" ???15:13
wx4nctobago: i edit using the command "crontab -e"15:13
odixwhat does touch do15:13
wx4nci cant remember where it goes though15:13
wx4ncodix: creates a file15:13
dr_Willismakes a file   see man touch15:14
tobagowx4nc: well. i know. just wanted to verify something.15:14
odixahh, thats ubuntus way, so there is no file where i can actually edit it, except .profile, its hardcoded15:14
wx4ncie, "touch boobs" creates a file called "boobs" in the working directory15:14
tobagolol @ wx4nc15:15
tobagotouch boops! funny example...15:15
wx4nchaha figured some of us could relate15:15
odixno still there15:15
odixits all the landscape data when you enter a shell i want gone...ubuntu throws at you15:15
dr_Willisodix:  it depends pn what junk you are talking about15:15
odixload status15:16
chaddymotd, odix?15:16
odixthe advertisement15:16
chaddymessage of the day15:16
odixfor canocial, yes i guess the motd15:16
fortisvMornin guys. New to Ubuntu (and Linux) here and have what is probably a dumb question... if I'm a member of a group, and there is a folder with that group as default and r-x group permissions, I should be able to access it right?15:16
odixthe welcome to ubuntu stuff...15:16
dr_Willishushlogin should hide the motd15:17
edbianfortisv: yep15:17
odix.hushlogin doesnt ;\15:17
fortisvodd, it still says access denied :/15:17
dr_Willisunless you typoed15:17
edbianfortisv: If you mean 'that group as default' that that group is the group owner of course15:17
odixi still want my .profile echo stuff said, but those are my words...tried googling, let me try again15:17
dr_Willisnot at home so i cant double check it15:17
edbianfortisv: Did you just add yourself to the group? You'll have to log out and log back in.15:17
wx4ncodix, try that15:17
fortisvedbian: aha! thats what I was missing.  thanks i'll try!15:18
wx4ncsorry, that should work a little better15:18
edbianfortisv: sure15:18
odixahh im dumb15:18
odixyou said it before, thanks wx4nc15:18
punkinhellhi, can anyone recommend a superb FPS game in ubuntu like unreal tournament???15:20
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/15:20
bazhangpunkinhell, the software center has a listing, perhaps take a look15:21
punkinhellmy software listing has only the offcial ubuntu repositories15:21
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/15:22
sancan anyone please help me15:22
phoque_unisan, depends15:22
bazhangsan, with what15:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:22
sani installed this ubuntu many times 11.04 even 10.10 but it hangs after i enter username password15:22
santhen i go to second option of rescue there i choose failsafe option with low graphics and it works15:23
sani reinstalled many times same problem15:23
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
sanit tells ubuntu is unable to correctly detect your display something like that15:23
dr_Willisi agree x video issue.15:24
dr_Williswhat  video card15:24
sanintel dgc100 2gb ram dual core 3ghz inbuilt ati x200 what do i do?15:24
saneven setup hanged everytime i used alternate setup to install15:25
sanin 9.10 compiz effects worked nice15:25
sanbut its end of life for 9.10 sad15:26
sanother versions dont work15:26
sandr_Willis: inbuilt ati x20015:27
b0otWhen I tried to do apt-get install tasketl I get errors were encountered while processing gdm, gdm-guest-session, ubuntu-desktop15:27
sandr_Willis: i guess it is 128mb only i dont need unity but even in ubuntu classic it doesnt boot i hav to choose this failsafe option15:27
b0otany ideas?15:27
ohirsan: check your ati chipset carefully then search forums for advice (how to use old proprietary drivers with new ubuntus)15:27
odixhmm /etc/motd isnt working, something is filling etc motd with live variables at login15:28
odixsomething for landscape i believe15:28
sanohir: i googled that but i dint understood so i came here for help15:28
ohirsan: you need to know exactly what chip is culprit. x200 is not enough descriptive15:29
=== mb is now known as Guest70463
sanohir: d102gcc15:30
ohirsan: I understand that yours is put into notebook box, so you need to know what kind of x200 chip your box has15:30
fisthey does someone know where i can change the background color of some text in libreOffice impress (presentation)? my dialog looks like this: http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/7172/screenshot18k.png but should be http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/4034/nuotrauka3.png15:30
sanohir: :( and how to know that i am really sorry i am not that pro15:31
sanohir: anyways.. i just downloaded and installed kde version i will reboot and try running in kdm enviroment then in gdm15:32
ohirsan: quick google says http://blogs.kde.org/node/394215:32
chaddyodix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1061031015:33
Sidewinder1san, If all else fails, as a last resort, you may wish to install 10.04 and try it.15:34
magicjHelp - I am getting the message: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"15:34
odixthank you15:34
odixexactly what i needed15:34
chaddyno worries15:34
odixsometimes ubuntu is a bit to automated for me =)15:34
odixback to slack!15:34
odixhah, no15:34
ohirsan: thats pity but ati do not want to cooperate with open source developers. So its really hard way if you are not professional. For the future I'd advise to not buying anything with ati label on it. Its their (ati) fault mostly15:34
sanSidewinder1: tried... only 9.10 works15:34
Sidewinder1san, What ohir, said!15:35
sanohir: :( hmmmm.. sad15:35
Sidewinder1san, Nvidia would be my choice.15:35
sananyways i am rebooting in kde desktop of 11.0415:35
Sidewinder1san, Good luck!15:36
sanSidewinder1: its costlier in my region much than ati15:36
sanSidewinder1: i am not that rich so i prefer ati/amd cards15:36
Sidewinder1san, Sometimes, not always, 'ya get what 'ya pay for. :D15:36
sananyways thanks all for help...15:36
Sidewinder1No prob.15:36
MonotokoSidewinder1, there are several exceptions to that :P15:37
Sidewinder1Monotoko, There always are...15:37
edbianAm I running this correctly?  convert image.jpg --resize 1024x2884   ?15:37
MonotokoSidewinder1, suppose the exceptions prove the rule15:38
Sidewinder1Monotoko, Gonna' go philosophical on us? ;-)15:38
ActionParsnipedbian: I believe you need the output file name15:40
fortisvedbian: that worked, thanks15:40
ActionParsnipedbian: http://tuxarena.blogspot.com/2009/08/tip-of-day-resize-images-from-cli-using.html15:40
fortisvanyone here know anything about remote networking with mysql and socket connection errors?15:43
jconnollyusing compiz, non-Unity (classic) 11.04, and 2 sections of my screen are unclickable... anyone have an idea as to the cause?  it's two horizontal stripe regions.  I think it's compiz or gnome because it's not particular to an application.  it happens with gnome-terminal, chrome, etc.  Gotta be a windowing thing.15:44
delinquentmewhat needs to be done to get flash to run correctly on ubuntu 10.04?15:48
hpusera red suit15:48
stkrzysiakdelinquentme: theres a cool flash dl script someone wrote15:49
delinquentmestkrzysiak, im FOR it15:49
koshieFinalRelizdelinquentme, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree don't work ?15:49
koshieFinalRelizWhat is your browser ?15:49
delinquentmeid love to have it work on FF and chrome15:50
koshieFinalRelizInstall flashplugin-nonfree, reboot your browsers and it works normaly.15:50
koshieFinalRelizdelinquentme, 32 or 64 bits ?15:50
stkrzysiakdelinquentme, i cant find it, but google it, it just dls what you needs, and build, it was what I used when I had 10.0415:50
Sidewinder1delinquentme, Flash works fine in my 10.04 FF...Have you seen:15:51
koshieFinalRelizdelinquentme, try my way15:51
delinquentmekoshieFinalReliz, i just ran the commands :D15:51
Sidewinder1!flash > delinquentme15:51
ubottudelinquentme, please see my private message15:51
delinquentmelets see if pandora works15:51
koshieFinalRelizdelinquentme, Ok ;)15:51
backsfullhello world !15:52
backsfullalguien ha trabajado con Backuppc ?15:52
koshieFinalRelizhello backsfull15:52
koshieFinalReliz!es backsfull15:52
backsfulles una pregunta muy tonta15:52
koshieFinalRelizbacksfull, english channel right here.15:52
BlouBlou!es | backsfull15:52
ubottubacksfull: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:52
backsfullsorry ! kodapa15:52
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
delinquentmepandora = not workage15:52
backsfullby default, i connect to ubuntu-es15:52
koshieFinalRelizBlouBlou, thanks :)15:53
backsfullsorry !!!15:53
backsfulli visit ubuntu-es15:53
backsfullsee you later friends !15:53
koshieFinalRelizdelinquentme, it works ?15:54
delinquentmedoes not seem to work15:54
hpuserdisable no-flash plugin?15:55
koshieFinalRelizdelinquentme, wait15:55
koshieFinalRelizI've the good way I thinjk15:55
thunder1212i have some query regarding my laptop15:55
lafon!ask | thunder121215:56
ubottuthunder1212: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:56
stkrzysiakdelinquentme, i can't be certain, but if all of the other methods mentioned fail, try this: http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/install-adobe-flash-player-square-on-linux.html  I believe that was what i used back then15:56
koshieFinalRelizdelinquentme, I've two way, one with a ppa : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash and install flasplugin64-installer15:57
koshieFinalRelizAnd install the 32 bits on your 64.15:57
koshieFinalRelizJust, the 64 bits is no longer supported by Adobe.15:57
icerootkoshieFinalReliz: wrong15:58
koshieFinalReliziceroot, Really ?15:58
icerootkoshieFinalReliz: there is again an amd64 version15:58
Skeeter-how can i manage to restore a superblock?15:58
owenmHi all. Running 10.04, just apt-get update && upgraded on my server. I'm stuck at a screen for grub-pc informing me that I have chose not to install grub to any devices, and asks if I want to continue without installing grub. Anyone seen this? I can file a bug if needed.15:59
wx4ncowenm, did you update your kernel?15:59
edbianpiotr_: working15:59
piotr_it's work :)15:59
koshieFinalReliziceroot, in french «Adobe ayant momentanément arrêté le support officiel du plugin flash 64 bits, il est conseillé d'utiliser la version 32 bits faisant appel à nspluginwrapper depuis que des failles critiques ont été corrigées seulement dans la dernière version. » It's a information from the ubuntu-fr information.15:59
[snake]when I double click on something I just downloaded in firefox's downloads box, it comes up saying the location is not a folder... why doesn't it just open the file?15:59
owenmwx4nc: no kernel update16:00
piotr_ok cya16:00
ActionParsnipowenm: sounds like a grup-pc update, just humour it and it should be ok16:00
icerootkoshieFinalReliz: i luckily dont speak french16:00
icerootkoshieFinalReliz: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/square/16:00
wx4ncowenm: Action just nailed it. Just go right along with it and it should work out fine. I remember I had a server do that once as well16:01
koshieFinalReliziceroot, That say, shortly, Adobe no longer support for a while the 64 bits version.16:01
koshieFinalRelizSo is dangerous.16:01
icerootkoshieFinalReliz: ah yes you are right, the download page is holding an old version with security-wholes16:02
icerootkoshieFinalReliz: like every flash-version....16:02
koshieFinalReliziceflatline, irony or really ? :D16:02
koshieFinalRelizI don't speak english very well :)16:02
thunder1212i use an acer laptop and recently i have noticed that the cooling fan does not work and the laptop gets overheated and the battery is also broken (which i knew of course:-) ), i got my laptop diagnosed at a service center and they say that the transistor which takes care of the cooling fan has burnt, i even saw the board ans it was ! so i want to know if use an external cooling pad will it solve the problem bcoz the company guy said that the mother16:03
thunder1212board replacement will be very expensive. the laptop's warranty has expired..16:03
icerootkoshieFinalReliz: the suare-version is out of date but using flash is always a security-risc... (but that is offtopic)16:03
koshieFinalReliziceroot, yes yes16:03
koshieFinalRelizIt's flash.16:03
siavoshkcthunder1212: put another transistor there16:04
owenmActionParsnip, wx4nc: fair enough. same thing happens on dpkg-reconfigure, fwiw. it *does* regenerate the .cfg once I politely decline an install, and everything seems quite normal. i'll just try a reboot and see what happens. cheers!16:05
fellipehi friends! how to reinstall su command!!!????16:05
belithunder1212: nobody can tell you....all additional cooling stuff might help.....another idea would be to power your fan permanently from another power source of your mother board...16:05
icerootfellipe: how you removed it?16:05
kingdomHow to run multi touch in the touch board ?16:05
fellipeiceroot: in fact, I will paste what I wrote16:06
fellipein other channel16:06
GalaxorHi.  In a VM, I've got two identical drives -- one in sata and one in ide.  I've got /dev/sda and /dev/sdb.  How do I tell which is which?  Which one is the robot imposter that I have to shoot?16:06
GalaxorDo I cut the red wire or the blue wire?16:06
fellipeiceroot: i've created an account and ln -s /bin/su  and then I did  chown user.user  to this link. And now I cannot do su command using non-root user, because the authentication always fail!!!16:06
kingdomHow to run multi touch in the touch board ?16:06
belifellipe: use nopaste to paste16:06
icerootfellipe: sudo still working?16:07
kingdomHow to run multi touch in the touch board ?16:07
fellipeiceroot: sudo is ok, but when I use su in non-root session, the authentication always fails16:07
fellipeiceroot: so, how to recompile, or reinstall it??16:07
belifellipe: outch....what is your inital problem?16:08
kingdomHow to run multi touch in the touch board ?16:08
icerootfellipe: what? use remove the link and change the owner back with sudo16:08
iceroot!repeat | kingdom16:08
ubottukingdom: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:08
fellipebeli: as I told to iceroot, i've created an account and ln -s /bin/su  and then I did  chown user.user  to this link. And now I cannot do su command using non-root user, because the authentication always fail!!!16:08
belifellipe: noooo....why did you do that...what are you trying to do....16:08
fellipeiceroot:  I already did this16:08
fellipebeli: I don't have time to explain the entire history, so I need to get  fresh maverick su  command!16:09
icerootfellipe: -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 33112 21. Feb 14:00 /bin/su16:09
icerootfellipe: just change it with sudo to that16:09
beliiceroot: chmod, not sudo16:10
icerootfellipe: the sticky-bit is important16:10
icerootbeli: without sudo... have fun16:10
fellipeiceroot: at this moment, my su is rwxr-xr-x16:10
beliiceroot: but you dont use sudo to change permissions....you use sudo to run the chmod tool as root ;)16:10
MK``Whenever I reboot/log out and back in, the theme I have selected is randomly not applied to my gnome panel, it uses the default (ugly) GTK+ theme. Any idea what could be causing this? It doesn't seem to be related to me changing panel settings.16:10
DevilCodehey all, having some issues partitioning an SDHC card16:10
fellipeiceroot: I am so nervous I don't know the correct command line to set permissions you told me16:11
icerootbeli: i know that i mean and know that16:11
belifellipe: without the setuid bit it wount work16:11
DevilCodeThe first (boot fat) partition works fine, the second an ext4 come up with superblock issues16:11
beliiceroot: i know that you know....but  i guess he could missunderstand it ;)16:11
trippphi, i have a 50 gb ntfs partition and with wubi i have installed ubuntu 11.04  and it reserves 6 gbs... now i have removed everything from that drive and now i wanted to expand ubuntu to 20 gbs or more how can i do this? please help16:11
fellipebeli or iceroot ,could you give me the command line to set the permissions?16:11
icerootfellipe: sudo chmod u+s /bin/su16:12
icerootfellipe: then it should work again16:12
kingdomHow to run multi touch in the touch board ?16:12
fellipeI will try16:12
icerootkingdom: i already told you please not spam the channel with it16:12
bazhangtrippp, expand the wubi install?16:12
belifellipe: and maybe you have the time then to explain us your initial problem ;)16:12
tripppbazhang, yes16:12
fellipeI LOVE YOUUUU!16:13
icerootfellipe: never!! change permissions on files belonging to root. there is a reason for the perission16:13
belifellipe: and now read about what the setuid and setgid bits are for ;)16:13
fellipeTHANKS A LOT!!!!16:14
tripppbazhang, is it possible ?16:14
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belifellipe: and then dont use them yourself ;)   always use sudo for the trick16:14
mvumiI don't have power point presentation in my office how do i get it?16:14
kingdomiceroot : I do not want to inconvenience, I want all to see ^ _ ^16:14
fellipeok, thanks!16:14
icerootkingdom: we saw about 7 times16:14
Farisfree tells me that 2259 mb of memory is used whereas system monitor says that only 610 mb is used16:14
Fariswhich one is right ?16:14
icerootFaris: both16:15
iceroot!ram | Faris16:15
ubottuFaris: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html16:15
icerootFaris: there is a difference between free ram and the cached/buffered16:15
kingdomI am sorry ..  bye . ^.^16:15
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1625371 trippp16:16
icerootFaris: free is telling you about "free" shared" "buffers" "cached"16:16
[snake]when I double click on something I just downloaded in firefox's downloads box, it comes up saying the location is not a folder... why doesn't it just open the file?16:16
tripppbazhang, thank u.... :)16:17
FarisI see16:17
bazhang[snake], downloaded what16:17
Farisand that's because Linux models many things as files16:17
JerubWhat's the correct way to configure a daemon to start on boot under ubuntu? What's the procedure?16:18
icerootFaris: no16:18
icerootFaris: but everything is a file for linux but that is not the reason16:18
iceroot!boot | Jerub16:18
ubottuJerub: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:18
FarisIs that because of linux or because of the used filesystem ?16:19
icerootFaris: because of linux. the link from ubottu will tell you more details16:20
beliFaris: on linux EVERYTHING is file...not just many things16:20
Farisbeli: Okey :]16:21
icerootFaris: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/16:21
ohirFaris: is that because linux likes you. So it caches many files you may use. In case an app needs memory freeing it from cache and giving to an app takes microseconds16:21
kingdomFaris :Do you speak Arabic?16:21
Jerubiceroot: i'd really rather not use /etc/rc.local, is there a manual on the topic of adding services that can be activated with update-rc.d that i can acess?16:22
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icerootJerub: man update-rc.d16:22
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The_ExplorerHow does one force xorg to use kernel keymap?16:23
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Jerubiceroot: that didn't answer my question, was i unclear?16:23
[snake]bazhang, it happens with everything I download... this one is a torrent file.16:23
icerootJerub: you asked for a manual about update-rc.d correct?16:24
Jerubiceroot: no, i asked how to add services that i can then configure with update-rc.d16:25
maujhsnmaujhsn is in the house Hello everybody! I learning libvisual for the first time can anymore tell me what path or folder to goto to compile libvisual?16:25
Jerubit looks like i'm actually looking up the wrong tree, it looks like modern practice is to use upstart and /etc/init/* instead of /etc/init.d/*16:25
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Jerubyep, looks like update-rc.d is definately the wrong thing to use entirely.16:26
[snake]anniex, hi16:27
beliJerub: it's a question of philosophy....look at slackware....still using BSD style inits16:27
Jerubbeli: i'm not caring about philosophy, i'm just after good practices so i can put together something.16:28
anniexsnake hello16:28
anniexhow are you16:28
beliJerub: and that leads you again to philosophy....waht is best practice? who defines that?16:28
[snake]anniex, I'm good... but this is a support irc thingy... last time I tried having a casual conversation, I got yelled at.16:29
GoliathHey i am using kubuntu. what package do i have to install so i have ubuntu? ubuntu-desktop ?16:29
beliJerub: use what fits your needs and does not isolate you from the main stream16:30
ActionParsnipGoliath: it's one way, yes16:30
GoliathActionParsnip: whad do you mean its one way16:30
ActionParsnipGoliath: well, it will install a FULL Ubuntu desktop. You can install Gnome without all the gnome apps and just use the desktop16:31
GoliathActionParsnip: so it installs some apps used only by ubuntu and not kubuntu?16:32
ikoniaGoliath: ubuntu-desktop installs gnome, themes, base applications etc, gnome-desktop, installs gnome16:32
ActionParsnipGoliath: for example, if you install ubuntu-desktop you will alos install gedit, you already have kate / kwrite whatever so you will duplicate apps16:32
beliGoliath: why do you want to switch to ubuntu? and do you have your /home on a seperated volume?16:32
[snake]can you dualboot with two different hard drives?16:33
ActionParsnip[snake]: yes16:33
[snake]and grub16:33
ActionParsnip[snake]: yes16:33
Goliathi just want ubuntu also16:33
maujhsnI learning libvisual for the first time can anymore tell me what path or folder to goto to compile libvisual?16:33
Goliathso the end system if i run ubuntu-desktop install is the same as if i had a new ubuntu?16:33
Goliathkubunu + ubuntu-desktop = ubuntu?16:33
ActionParsnipGoliath: yes16:33
BlouBlouGoliath: kubuntu + ubuntu-desktop + unity + gnome = ubuntu16:34
ikoniaGoliath: ubuntu/kubuntu are the same os, different desktops16:34
ActionParsnipGoliath: you will have the choice at login, depends how much space you have to hold all the extraapps16:34
GoliathBlouBlou: what is unity?16:34
ubottu!Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu16:34
ikoniawiegraf77: ?16:34
BlouBlouwell, remove unity if you want from the list16:34
bazhangwiegraf77, pardon?16:34
beliGoliath: idea to not double stuff and install bloat your disc.....would be to overwrite your system partitions and remount /home/ ..............BUT you need your home on seperate partition for this16:34
BlouBloubut you need gnome too, or it will be kubuntu with ubuntu apps, but no the same desktop16:34
wiegraf77sorry just testing.....16:35
beliGoliath: and you dont need to install gnome to run gnome apps......gnome libs are enough16:35
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GoliathActionParsnip: does ubuntu-desktop package include unity?16:36
Goliathor gnome-desktop16:36
delinquentmehow does one install a tarball?16:36
bazhangdelinquentme, of what16:37
bazhangdelinquentme, you are on ubuntu? firefox is already installed16:37
delinquentmeyeap reinstalling16:37
bazhangdelinquentme, use the package manager then16:37
Skeeter-I need some help trying to recover my RAID superblock16:38
delinquentmeflash doesnt won with that package so im installing it right off their website16:38
delinquentmewon = work16:38
delinquentmewhich they've got a linux tarball for16:38
delinquentmesooo thats what id like to install16:39
bazhangdelinquentme, sure it does. works fine here16:39
BluesKajit probly won't work either , delinquentme16:39
belidelinquentme: fix your install......flash is working with firefox on ubuntu...you need to install additional packages16:39
delinquentmei know i've installed like 4 packages16:39
delinquentmenone work16:40
belidelinquentme: you messed up your setup16:40
bazhangdelinquentme, which ones16:40
delinquentme2 this try and probs like 3 before16:40
delinquentmeso how to i reset them16:40
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf16:40
bazhangdelinquentme, gnash?16:40
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: use http://pastebin.com to host the text please16:40
belidelinquentme: start firefox and install flash-aid add-on :)16:41
delinquentmeActionParsnip,  http://pastebin.com/N7i7qFDw16:41
belidelinquentme: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/flash-aid/16:41
Goliathikonia: can you include pypanel in ubuntus repositories, as it used to be?16:42
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: sudo dpkg -P gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash; sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer16:42
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: gives native 64bit flash :)16:42
ikoniaGoliath: sorry what ?16:42
cybervolfejoin #ubuntu16:43
maujhsnI learning libvisual for the first time can anymore tell me what path or folder to goto to compile libvisual?16:43
bazhangcybervolfe, you are here already16:43
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PiciGoliath: pypanel was removed from Debian and thusly removed from Ubuntu.16:43
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cybervolfehey i am having a problem with my swap16:43
PiciGoliath: See the deleted record here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pypanel/+publishinghistory16:43
cybervolfecan u help16:43
ActionParsnipGoliath: it stopped in hardy, ages ago16:44
delinquentmeActionParsnip, .. it installs16:44
delinquentmeand crashes16:44
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: can you pastebin the result please16:44
GoliathPici: Why was it removed?16:44
delinquentmeActionParsnip, from the install?16:44
PiciGoliath: It says right on the page that I linked you.16:44
cybervolfeactually my ubuntu is not utilizing it16:44
cybervolfecan anyone help16:45
ikoniacybervolfe: ubuntu will use swap when it needs to16:45
The_Explorercan anyone inform me how to make X use the default kernel keymap layout16:45
GoliathPici: dead upstream and buggy?16:45
ikoniaGoliath: read the page16:45
cybervolfei am having 4 gb ram and 4 gb swap16:45
Goliathikonia: i read it16:46
delinquentmeupdated ActionParsnip  http://pastebin.com/LRMVyHJd16:46
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: you will need to run:  sudo apt-get --purge autoremove16:46
Goliathikonia: its a history16:46
ikoniacybervolfe: ok16:46
dagerivi want to remove all gui features in 11.04, making the gui run as fast as possible. but i cant find anything in the settings16:46
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: then close ALL browsers and rerun, should be fine#16:46
cybervolfebut untill now it had been  never used it16:46
ActionParsnipdageriv: install lxde, it'll be faster16:46
hagalazHi Channel. I'd need help with email sound notification. I get none in Thunderbird and FF addons (ymail wtacher, gmail manager). I tried system/built-in and custom wav. -  I I use ubuntu 10.1016:46
PiciGoliath: Thats what it says, so yes.16:46
ikoniacybervolfe: probably never needed it, 4GB of ram is quite a lot for a generic desktop16:46
Goliathikonia: read the page https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pypanel/+publishinghistory16:46
ikoniaGoliath: I don't need/want to read it thanks16:47
GoliathPici: so what if it is buggy. maybe i want a buggy application16:47
Goliathikonia: it doesnt say much as you can see16:47
cybervolfebut now my system seems to be slow16:47
cybervolfei dont know why16:47
sipiorGoliath: nothing stops you from installing it on your own.16:47
ikoniaGoliath: the fact remains, it's removed and now unavailable from the ubuntu repos16:47
mneptokGoliath: you are free to grab the source for any program you wish and compile it.16:47
Goliaththats why i use arch16:47
Goliathin case you wonder16:47
PiciGoliath: Then take it up with Debian.  You can search their bugs database as well as I can to find the details.16:47
ikoniacybervolfe: ok , what have you done to investigate16:48
GoliathPici: i thought ubuntu didnt copy debian16:48
sipiorGoliath: you're really asking why ubuntu doesn't keep crappy software in its repositories?16:48
mneptokGoliath: if you use Arch, what support question do you have about an Ubuntu system?16:48
Goliathsipior: man16:48
sipiori would've thought that was self-evident.16:48
ikoniaGoliath: ubuntu is based on debian, debian is it's upstream provider16:48
Goliathsipior: its about choice. noone is forced to install something. its about having as many packages available as one wishes16:49
cybervolfewhen i load a software (eg:just a text editor) it takes much time to load16:49
bazhangGoliath, you are using arch, why ask in here16:49
Goliathsipior: of course i can get it from source, as in any linux distro. that isnt the case16:49
ActionParsnipGoliath: there may be a ppa with a newer version16:49
ikoniaGoliath: I suggest you talk to the debian maintainers if you want more details/personal information on the decision16:49
Goliathbazhang: i am not right now, what are you talking about16:49
fathom_hello all, Seamonkey keeps crashing--here is the output when it does--http://pastebin.com/pQSXP1kw16:49
sipiorGoliath: linux has had quite enough of that useless kind of choice.16:50
fathom_Is there a way to fix?16:50
aristidesflWhat is the fastest way of configuring wpa wireless with command line?16:50
ActionParsniparistidesfl: wicd-curses16:50
ikoniacybervolfe: open a terminal, do you know how to do that ?16:50
PiciGoliath: ANYWAY... lets all get back on topic.  What help do you want from *us* here today regarding this?16:50
mneptokGoliath: the package was removed from Debian and Ubuntu inherited that change. the binary package no longer exists. you can compile it yourself, or find an alternative. with that, the "support" aspect of your question is resolved, and we can close this topic on the support channel.16:50
GoliathPici: relax cowboy16:51
Goliathi am using ubuntu right now. i had a question16:51
PiciGoliath: I'm very relaxed, I just want to know how we can help.16:51
shishiris python is good programming language ?capable of doing what other programming language can do ?16:51
The_ExplorerHello, can someone inform me how to make xserver use the default kernel keymap. For cases where its an alternate keymap16:51
aristidesflActionParsnip: thanks16:51
sipiorshishir: yes.16:51
ActionParsniparistidesfl: it also has a desktop x based app. wicd rocks!16:52
fathom_It looks like there is a buffer overflow in Seamonkey,is there a way to downgrade it?16:52
ikoniashishir: the guys in #python are better placed to discuss that16:52
cybervolfearistidesfl:use ifconfig and iwconfig16:52
fathom_I cannot get at my e-mails, which is really frustrating16:52
aristidesflcybervolfe: no need to install wicd-curses?16:52
ikoniacybervolfe: have you opened a terminal ?16:53
cybervolfewhat to do next?16:53
ikoniacybervolfe: type "top"16:54
ikoniacybervolfe: that's going to give you a highlevel display of your system resources16:54
mneptokif you like pretty colors, try htop16:54
hagalazanyone have any idea why my FF and thunderbird are silent when giving email notifications?16:54
cybervolfeok i got it16:55
CooKieMonsteris mythtv a legitimate software  ? why it asked to join their group and required sudo ...stuffs16:55
ikoniacybervolfe: keep in mind, it's just a highlevel overview, so don't read too much into what you're seeing16:55
ActionParsnipCooKieMonster: sure, you may need to add yourself to a group16:56
fathom_Does anyone have issues with seamonkey?16:56
shishiri have just upgarded the ubuntu to 11.04 but i don't like its panel means everything is in left hand side i want every thing on top how can i change  like 10.1016:56
ActionParsnip!classic | shishir16:56
ubottushishir: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".16:56
cybervolfethere is lot of digits are changing16:56
ikoniacybervolfe: look at the obvious stuff, eg: ram and cpu usage16:56
ikoniacybervolfe: at the top16:56
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hhhzzzarnhate it.16:57
fathom_It looks like Ubuntu used an unstable release version of seamonkey16:57
MK``Whenever I reboot/log out and back in, the theme I have selected is randomly not applied to my gnome panel, it uses the default (ugly) GTK+ theme. Any idea what could be causing this? It doesn't seem to be related to me changing panel settings.16:57
marckubuntu 11.04 failed16:57
hhhzzzarntruly did. so sad.16:58
cybervolfethe %CPU gives maximaum 616:58
ActionParsnipfathom_: grab the latest from the site, uninstall the current one. You may be able to find a ppa16:58
bazhang!ot | marck hhhzzzarn16:58
ubottumarck hhhzzzarn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:58
cybervolfe%MEM gives 2.216:58
ikoniacybervolfe: do you see a linux that says %id in the cpu line at the top ?16:58
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ikoniacybervolfe: sorry a "line" that says %id16:58
hhhzzzarn!ot | marck bazhang16:58
ubottumarck bazhang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:58
cybervolfeno  i got PID16:59
bazhanghhhzzzarn, have a support issue?16:59
ikoniacybervolfe: look above the list of processes16:59
hhhzzzarnnext time someone kicks me, it won't solve anything.16:59
cybervolfeyaya i got it it looks like this 98.2%id17:00
ActionParsnip!away > derp|gone17:00
ubottuderp|gone, please see my private message17:00
cybervolfewhat does it means?17:01
ikoniacybervolfe: do you see the %id line ?17:01
ikoniacybervolfe: ok, what number does that show ?17:02
cybervolfeit gives 98.2%id17:02
ikoniacybervolfe: that means your cpu is idle and not a problem17:02
cybervolfebut why its so slow17:02
ikoniacybervolfe: what video card do you have ?17:03
cybervolfeati mobility radon 5000 series 1gb17:03
ikoniacybervolfe: ok - a lot of problems, including poor visual performance are down to miss-configured video cards and poor xorg drivers17:04
marckcan anyone help me with my monitor problem here is some information   when i put sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a i get this : description: VGA compatible controller        product: 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller        vendor: Intel Corporation        physical id: 2        bus info: pci@0000:00:02.0        version: 02        width: 32 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_lis17:04
ikoniacybervolfe: what video card drivers are you using ?17:04
fathom_ActionParsnip, is there a way to get the latest seamonkey off a binary repository? When I build from source I wind up crashing the computer over the long term from package conflicts. Binary distributions don't like source stuff17:06
marckwhen i put sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a i get this : description: VGA compatible controller        product: 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller        vendor: Intel Corporation        physical id: 2        bus info: pci@0000:00:02.0        version: 02        width: 32 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom        configuration: driver=i915 latency=0        resources: ir17:06
bazhangmarck, and whats the question17:07
marckmy screen resolution problem17:09
marckwhen i put sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a i get this : description: VGA compatible controller        product: 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller        vendor: Intel Corporation        physical id: 2        bus info: pci@0000:00:02.0        version: 02        width: 32 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom        configuration: driver=i915 latency=0        resources: ir17:09
bazhangmarck, I dont see a question there, just your specs17:11
wolsmarck: and we see them for the third time now. I think we know it by heart17:11
cybervolfeikonia:are u there?17:11
jiltdilis firefox5 is not out for 64bit os?17:11
ikoniacybervolfe: yes17:11
marcklol ok17:11
ikoniajiltdil: firefox 5 is not out in ubuntu at all17:11
ActionParsnipfathom_: https://launchpad.net/~seamonkey2/+archive/seamonkey217:12
ActionParsnipjiltdil: you can get it here https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa17:12
ikoniajiltdil: keep in mind that PPA is totally unsupported17:12
ActionParsnipjiltdil: it wil upgrade your normal firefox so only install the app then remove the ppa17:12
marckbazhang ur busy17:13
ActionParsnipjiltdil: yes that is a 3rd party source, your own risk17:13
marcki private chat u17:13
bazhangmarck, no, ask here17:13
cybervolfeplz help me to fix it17:13
ikoniacybervolfe: what video card "drivers" are you using currently ?17:13
finallove make love17:14
marckmain question17:14
cybervolfeati mobility radon 500017:14
bazhangfinallove, not here17:14
marcktry help me pls17:14
fathom_ActionParsnip, Thanks17:14
bazhangmarck, then ask an actual question17:14
ikoniacybervolfe: sorry, I'm not being clear, not what hardware, what video card drivers17:14
SandrithaHolaa (:17:15
Sandrithaqueetaal :D17:15
bazhang!es | Sandritha17:15
ubottuSandritha: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:15
SandrithaHello :D17:15
marckIm having a problem with ubuntu 11.04 it wont reach its maximum resolution, but it only go to 1024x768  the maximum resolution suppose to be 1280x102417:15
Sandrithahow are you ;)?17:16
IboSmi hijo se llama jose17:16
Sandrithasoy espaañola!17:16
SandrithaIboS eres español/española?17:16
wolsIboS, Sandritha: english only please. and ubuntu related topics17:16
marckcan anyone answer my question17:16
cybervolfedirver :fglrx_pci17:17
hikushello world17:17
marcki guess no one can answer my question17:19
ikoniamarck: doesn't look that way17:20
marckIm having a problem with ubuntu 11.04 it wont reach its maximum resolution, but it only go to 1024x768  the maximum resolution suppose to be 1280x102417:20
ActionParsnipmarck: which video chip?17:20
marckanswer that17:20
ikoniamarck: you've said that17:20
wolsmarck: you could check your Xorg log to see what the probing of the display does17:20
ikoniamarck: you've asked and no-one has answered meaning they either don't know the answer at this time, or don't have time to help17:20
ActionParsnipmarck: you have given nearly zero detail and are waiting about 90 seconds before repasting, have some patiencwe17:20
wolsActionParsnip: intel 94517:20
wolsActionParsnip: he has given more detail than we wanted. not necessarily the right detail but I definitely give an A for effort...17:21
ActionParsnipmarck: if nobody can reply, wait a good while then reask, if not then try later on in the day17:21
marckmy graphics intel corporation 82845G17:21
donkeyinspaceanyone knows if its possible to install ubuntu in the same pen drive where we are running the ubuntu live?17:21
ActionParsnipwols: looks like its an 8284G ;)17:22
ActionParsnipmarck: those things can get touchy with timings and can cause crashes last I read17:22
ikoniadonkeyinspace: if it's already partitioned, sure17:22
delinquentmeActionParsnip, ps you're phenomenal :D flash works :D17:22
wols < marck> when i put sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a i get this : description: VGA compatible controller        product: 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller17:22
wolsmarck: lspci -nn |grep -i vga17:23
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: 64bit flash for 64bit OS17:23
alex_grggot 403 forbidden error while trying to run php script in lamp server17:23
marckwitch means17:23
chombeeHey, can anyone tell me how to add an "administrator" user (with the same privileges as the first user that is created at install, ability to sudo etc) from the command-line? I've been searching but can't find. Presumably it's a case of creating a user and then adding him to the right groups?17:23
wolsmarck: run it. paste its output17:23
alex_grgcan any one suggest??17:23
wolsalex_grg: not enough info17:24
donkeyinspaceikonia , right know i have ubuntu live in a 1gb primary partition and have 15g free space what do i do next, can you help_17:24
marck00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2772] (rev 02)17:24
marckthats wat i get17:24
ikoniadonkeyinspace: partitioning that pen drive while you're using it, is not a good idea17:24
alex_grgit says : you don't have permission to access /sitefolder/ on this server17:24
wolsok. definitely 945. how much RAM have you allocated for video in BIOS?17:24
stephenhhello, i have the line "append base-installer/kernel/linux/extra-packages-2.6= tasks=standard pkgsel/language-pack-patterns= pkgsel/install-language-support=false lang=  initrd=ubuntu/hardy/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz console-setup/ask_detect=false console-setup/layoutcode=gb locale=en_GB netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 netcfg/get_hostname= url=http://kickstart.ops.eu.clara.net/kickstart/preseed.default netcfg/dhcp_timeout=60 debconf/priority=cr17:25
wolsalex_grg: ls -l /var/www/sitefolder17:25
ActionParsnipchombee: useradd -G admin name17:25
stephenh**sorry for big line**17:25
marckso wols u read that17:25
ikoniastephenh: do you have a question ?17:25
wolsmarck: I asked you something17:25
stephenhdo i really need all the options that aren't set?17:25
stephenhsorry, perhaps the ircd cut off the end17:25
marck00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2772] (rev 02) thats what i get17:25
wolsmarck: not that's not it.  < wols> ok. definitely 945. how much RAM have you allocated for video in BIOS?17:26
ikoniastephenh: if you don't want the options, no17:26
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stephenhlike: netcfg/get_hostname=   do i need that?  it's not set to anything?17:26
ActionParsnipmarck: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1328411   may help, you may need an xorg.conf to make it fly.17:26
chombeeActionParsnip: thanks, looking into it17:26
stephenhi'm referring to the options that aren't set17:26
ikoniastephenh: if you're build doesn't rely on getting a supplied hostname, no17:26
stephenhit doesn't i guess, it's just to use with my initial preseed17:27
alex_grgok i got list of files with permissions, now what to do??17:27
stephenhand then i'm going to run puppet from the box17:27
ifarouki'm unable to mount my encrypted home, i'm sure i'm using the write phassphrase but encryptfs-mount-private say incorrect phasephrase,  any help pleaaaase ,  its an emergency17:27
donkeyinspaceanyone knows if its possible to install ubuntu in the same pen drive where we are running the ubuntu live?17:27
marckthe xorg.conf wont work on my pc17:27
ikoniadonkeyinspace: I told you, yes, if it's pre-partitioned17:27
wolsdonkeyinspace: you were answered long ago17:27
ikoniadonkeyinspace: why are you asking the same question17:27
wolsmarck: you don't want to answer, fine. best help yourself then. good day17:28
marckeverytime i put xorg.conf it fails17:28
donkeyinspaceikonia , can you explain me as if i was a child? thank you17:28
alex_grgwols: i got list of files with permissions. now what next??17:28
marckmy ram 51217:28
Pici!who | marck17:28
ubottumarck: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:28
alienmindtrickI just did a fresh install of Natty a couple days ago and now when i start my machine i have to unlock the default keyring 3 times, every time, despite having it unlocked in System Settings > Control Center > Passwords and Encryption Keys > Passwords > Default. Why, and how do I fix this?17:28
ikoniadonkeyinspace: "if you have already partioned the pen drive for use as a linux install, yes. you can"17:29
wolsalex_grg: can www-data read those files?17:29
MK``Whenever I reboot/log out and back in, the theme I have selected is randomly not applied to my gnome panel, it uses the default (ugly) GTK+ theme. Any idea what could be causing this? It doesn't seem to be related to me changing panel settings. Once the default theme is there, logging out and back in won't restore it, only a reboot will (sometimes)17:29
marck<wols> i got 512 ram17:29
donkeyinspaceikonia , the ubuntu live is on a 1gb partition. what do i do to the remaing free space_17:30
ikoniadonkeyinspace: you need to partition it for an ubuntu system17:30
alex_grgwolf: yeah17:30
alex_grgyou mean with text editor??17:31
[Spooky]Hello, anyone in here that use mobile internet with their Ubuntu dist?17:31
wols[Spooky]: ask your real question17:31
wols!3g > [Spooky]17:31
donkeyinspaceikonia , what kind of file system do i use? ext4 . do i use swap area?17:31
ActionParsnipmarck: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:32
wolsdamn, there was some page about it. I remember :(17:32
ikoniadonkeyinspace: yes, and yes17:32
alex_grgwols: :(17:32
[Spooky]wols: My REAL question is.. Is the support for mobile internet good in Ubuntu?17:32
wols[Spooky]: varying wildly17:33
chombeeActionParsnip: thanks, my user is able to sudo nwow17:33
marckwat to do next ActionParsnip17:34
donkeyinspaceikonia , do i partition the ext 4 as a primary partition? what about the swap area?17:34
ikoniadonkeyinspace: doesn't matter17:34
waza-ariHey - how is it possible to resize some jpg pictures WITHOUT loosing the exif data? I tried digikam and mogrify (imagemagick), but both strip the exif data. any idea?17:34
ikoniadonkeyinspace: have a read up on partitioning17:34
marckActionParsnip what to do next17:35
wolswaza-ari: tried convert?17:35
alex_grgwols: what is that www-data??17:35
waza-ariwols: convert -resize also strips exif...17:36
SmeeI have a dual-booting question. When I attempt to dual boot win7/ubuntu, I can only get grub to work if I don't create a swap partition. Does that make sense?17:36
Bfh_use wubi17:36
Bfh_itll set up everything for u and ull have a good dual boot17:37
wolsSmee: no it doesn't make sense17:37
SmeeIf I create just a / point, grub will pick it up and boot, if I create a swap, which dumps it into an extended, it drops grub to command line on boot17:37
ActionParsnipmarck: find some sample xorg.conf files and try them, the link I gave gives a basic file, you can find them all over17:38
Smeedoes the / point have to be in the same extended partition as swap?17:38
jkarahalisHey guys. How do you recommend upgrading to Firefox 5 today?17:38
wolsSmee: no. grub doesn't care about swap, at all17:38
[Spooky]wols: Ok thanks for reply.17:38
wolsjkarahalis: we don't since it's not in ubuntu17:38
ActionParsnipjkarahalis: you can via 3rd party ppa, its not supported here and you use it at entirely your own risk17:39
marckcan u give me the link17:39
jkarahaliswols ActionParsnip: Thanks. I heard Ubuntu now does rolling releases with Firefox. Is that correct?17:39
ActionParsnipmarck: scroll up, I pasted you the link17:39
wolsSmee: grub works fine with extended partitions too btw17:39
ActionParsnipjkarahalis: to my knowledge, no17:39
jkarahalisActionParsnip: Alright, thanks!17:40
marckgksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf you told me to   do this17:40
ActionParsnipmarck: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132841117:41
james23Hey, I have a dual booter and my windows partition appears to have a nasty virus, what's the best antivirus for ubuntu?17:42
james23that can also scan my other partitions17:42
ActionParsnipjames23: there is no single best app for anything17:42
bazhangjames23, clamav, though better to use a windows solution for that17:42
=== ckrailo_ is now known as ckrailo
ActionParsnipjames23: if you go for clamav, grab the clamav ppa for later engine / defs17:43
james23bazhang: I tried clamav it didn't find it17:43
marckwhen i past it do i restart the pc17:43
bazhangjames23, thus my suggestion to use a windows solution17:43
marckor go to monitors17:43
james23bazhang: I can't open windows17:43
james23bazhang: I used trinity resource kit in trying to fix my gfs computer which is also sick and clamav and fprot were both of no use17:44
bazhangjames23, try ##windows then17:44
alex_grg---php script not running in lamp server??? help me17:44
ActionParsnipmarck: yes to try it, if you get no x server, reboot to root recovery mode and rename the file17:45
ActionParsnipjames23: boot safe mode and use stinger :)17:45
ActionParsnip!av | james2317:45
ubottujames23: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus17:45
MK``james23: You can try a windows AV program in wine but I dunno how well that would work. See the article ;)17:46
james23ubottu: hey, I've looked there, I'm currently getting avast4, I've had ubuntu crash super wierd a couple times lately, I was worried that somehow the virus might try to come over to this partiions17:46
ubottujames23: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:46
MK``james23: No, the virus can't move itself unless you ran it, and gave it permissions.17:47
Renektonhi all. I'm using ubuntu 11.04 on laptop. For using S-video out to TV need to install something special?17:48
CheeryI try compile git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/nouveau/xf86-video-nouveau/ because my card requires the freshest driver to provide any accel17:50
IAmError_Hello. I'm having an issue with my Update Manager. It won't connect to the internet, and gives me this error: http://pastebin.com/mJsDwYeZ17:51
SockPantshow do i set the default de to classic?17:51
bazhangSockPants, choose from login17:51
wols!classic > SockPants17:51
ubottuSockPants, please see my private message17:51
ActionParsnipSockPants: log into it, gdm remembers the last session used17:51
buttonswhere does apcupsd put its config files?17:53
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buttonsnevermnd found it17:55
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donkeyinspaceikonia , i already have the partitions and am trying to install but get a No root file system is defined. message what is wrong?17:57
ikoniadonkeyinspace: you have not partitioned it17:58
ikoniadonkeyinspace: you told me you had 1 partition and the rest was free space17:58
MK``When I do something like open a folder, it shows "Opening [folder]" in the taskbar long after it has opened successfully, for a set time, even after it has opened or even been closed. What is causing this delay?17:58
donkeyinspaceikonia , im stucked right know just a minute17:58
IAmError_Hello. I'm having an issue with my Update Manager. It won't connect to the internet, and gives me this error: http://pastebin.com/mJsDwYeZ17:59
selvakumaranHello there.,17:59
selvakumarani m installing Ubuntu nw.,17:59
ikoniaIAmError_: that's a 3rd party repo it can't connect to, not an ubuntu repo17:59
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IAmError_ikonia: Whys it using a 3rd party repo though? I never changed anything.18:00
ikoniaIAmError_: you have configured it to do this18:00
ikoniaIAmError_: it's the looking glass desktop repo18:00
donkeyinspaceright know i am on the allocate drive space installation process and i can see 3 partitions 1fat 16 where ubuntu live is 2 ext4 and 3 swap area18:00
Renektonhi all. I'm using ubuntu 11.04 on laptop. For using S-video out to TV need to install something special?18:00
[snake]how do you take an EXTREMELY tight screw out without ruining the head of the screw?18:00
IAmError_ikonia: No idea what that is?18:00
marcoserver irc.oltreir.org18:01
ActionParsnipIAmError_: if you go to http://pastebin.com/mJsDwYeZ you will see it doesn't exist18:01
donkeyinspaceikonia , right know i am on the allocate drive space installation process and i can see 3 partitions 1fat 16 where ubuntu live is 2 ext4 and 3 swap area18:01
bazhang!ot | [snake]18:01
ubottu[snake]: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:01
ikoniaIAmError_: well, someone has configured it on your machine18:01
ikoniadonkeyinspace: are you doing this from the usb boot ?18:01
IAmError_ikonia: IS there a way to remove it?18:01
donkeyinspaceikonia , yes18:01
ikoniaIAmError_: sure, remove it from either /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.d18:01
ikoniadonkeyinspace: I told you not to do that18:01
[snake]bazhang, I'm taking a screw out of a hdd extra metal thingy, which is going to be a dualbooted hdd with ubuntu... so YEAH18:01
donkeyinspaceikonia , no you dont. so it s not possible?18:02
bazhang[snake], that is not ubuntu tech support. try the offtopic channel or hardware channel18:02
ikoniadonkeyinspace: yes, I DID tell you not to partition from the usb disk you are running from18:02
donkeyinspaceikonia , so it s not possible?18:03
ikoniadonkeyinspace: <quote> 17:24 < ikonia> donkeyinspace: partitioning that pen drive while you're using it, is not a good idea </quote>18:03
squigdoes any one know where I might find some docs about signing my own personal apt repository for packages I have built?18:04
selvakumaranafter choosing swap and root partition, how to create normal partitions for personal use, as D: E: in win_____? that is which mount point has to be selected??18:04
selvakumaranin installation:after choosing swap and root partition, how to create normal partitions for personal use, as D: E: in win_____? that is which mount point has to be selected18:04
donkeyinspaceikonia , my first question was anyone knows if its possible to install ubuntu in the same pen drive where we are running the ubuntu live?18:04
tarskeehow can i find the name of the proxy im behind to put into synaptic, netstat?18:04
ikoniaselvakumaran: linux uses hard disks/partitions diferent from c:/d:/e: drive type use18:04
ikoniadonkeyinspace: yes, and I told you to partition your disk first18:04
IAmError_ikonia: Thank you for the help :D I removed it and it updated my package info finally.18:04
ikoniadonkeyinspace: I then told you not to partition from the usb stick you are using18:05
ActionParsnipselvakumaran: you can mount the partitions using the places menu, or adding an entry in /etc/fstab to mount at boot18:05
selvakumaranikonia:  ok yaar, just need such structure18:05
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ikoniaselvakumaran: you can't have that structure18:05
donkeyinspaceikonia , well right know is partitioned and still running from ubuntu live pen drive what do i do next_18:05
selvakumaranActionParsnip:  No i m installin ubuntu for the whole HD, need such partitons18:05
ikoniadonkeyinspace: I'm not going to help you any more as a.) you're not listening to what I've said b.) you're partitioning it from the USB disk which I told you explicitly not to do18:06
selvakumaranikonia:  THEN, Shud i have only  1 partition huh?18:06
ikoniaselvakumaran: that is one layout yes, one for /18:06
ActionParsnipSansui350A_: if you are using the whole drive, you wont have any ntfs, ubuntu will use the full space18:06
donkeyinspaceikonia , do i need to partition it from the cd_18:06
ikoniaselvakumaran: there are some good info snippets on tldp.org on the linux file system, or google "linux fhs file system"18:06
kingofswordshow do i install coddecs pack?18:06
WXZdoes natty narwhal still use nautilus, and if so what version?18:07
ikonia!codecs | kingofswords18:07
ubottukingofswords: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:07
ikoniadonkeyinspace: I'm not helping you any more - good bye18:07
kingofswordsikonia, thx18:07
ActionParsnipkingofswords: install ubuntu-restricted-extras and possibly w32codecs from medibuntu (I assume 32bit gnome desktop)18:07
BluesKajkingofswords, install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:07
ActionParsnip!info nautilus | WXZ18:07
ubottuWXZ: nautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (natty), package size 1135 kB, installed size 3040 kB18:07
WXZActionParsnip: yea, I saw that just now18:07
SovekHey, is there a DOSBox channel?18:07
kingofswordsok how d oi do that?18:07
ActionParsnipSovek: #dosbox  maybe18:08
WXZdoes the "is optional." mean that it's no longer the default browser, or it's optional as in it's not part of -core18:08
donkeyinspaceikonia , if i needed it to partition it from the cd what havent you just told me to?18:08
bastidrazor!synaptic | kingofswords18:08
ubottukingofswords: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:08
ikoniadonkeyinspace: I'm not helping you any more - good bye18:08
ActionParsnipkingofswords: guess, the hint is "install"18:08
Sovekthank you, the /list command is not the best in xchat18:08
bazhang!alis | Sovek18:09
ubottuSovek: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*18:09
Pici!alis | Sovek18:09
kingofswordsyeh is it s 64 bit ubuntu18:09
ActionParsnipkingofswords: then install w64codecs from medibuntu repo18:09
kingofswordsActionParsnip, is that all i need?18:09
ActionParsnipkingofswords: and ubuntu-restricted-extras   should be fine18:10
BluesKajkingofswords, in the terminal:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:10
kingofswordsi dunno whats medibuntu is18:10
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:10
ActionParsnipkingofswords: go find out :)18:10
kingofswordsarent these restricted extras and medibuntu already installed thou?18:11
Skeeter-could anyone help me recover my raid softwate superblock18:11
bazhangkingofswords, no18:11
ActionParsnipkingofswords: nope :018:11
brian_Hello, can someone help me figure out whats going on with my Swap space?18:12
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:12
kingofswordsi thought they were in software sources?18:12
IdleOnekingkong: for legal reason they are not installed by default18:12
brian_I've been trying to figure out why my system is performing so badly, apps are constantly hanging (they turn gray) -- I opened System Monitor and it shows 0 bytes Swap space18:12
bazhangkingofswords, ^18:12
IdleOnebazhang: thanks18:13
kingofswordsoh ok...but when i install them they are in software sources?18:13
kingofswords cos i think i already installed#18:13
bazhangkingofswords, check the package manager18:13
BluesKajyup kingofswords they are but can't be installed by default when installing the OS due to legal reasons . you have to choose the option to install them yourself18:13
brian_Can someone help me setup my Swap space?18:14
ActionParsnipkingofswords: add the medibuntu repo and you can install the w64codecs. The resricted extras package will install most of what you need18:14
kingofswordsBluesKaj, ok thx...then i did alreay18:14
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ActionParsnipbrian_: how much RAM do you have?18:14
bazhangno need for the repos for that package18:14
brian_I have 4 GB RAM18:14
brian_I have already installed Ubuntu, but it shows 0 bytes Swap space :(18:14
wolsbrian_: unless you want to hibernate, it is unlikely you need swap18:15
brian_I have a swap partition created18:15
kingofswordsi have medibuntu definetly18:15
sanjidAfter reinstalling grub, ubuntu no longer shows up, only windows. When running update-grub from the livecd, I get the following error: "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat `aufs'." Any idea why?18:15
wolsbrian_: so what's in your /etc/fstab  for swap?18:15
ActionParsnipbrian_: then use 4Gb RAM if you need hibernate etc or intend to do high CPU use things. Otherwise you can get away with not having it18:15
brian_wols: It says 018:15
RU-XerYuSTried to add medibuntu and am getting this error: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en . I can't get synaptic to open. ubuntu software is fine but would like to clean it up.18:16
brian_lost the window, one sec18:16
brian_wols: # swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation18:16
brian_UUID=e46f75c6-868b-4ad5-b3b1-3dd49908f708 none            swap    sw              0       018:16
HISHAMOhay guy718:16
HISHAMOi need some help with my phone18:17
bazhangHISHAMO, how does that relate to ubuntu18:17
=== tarskee is now known as tarski
[snake]bazhang, maybe he has ubuntu on hi phone :C18:17
wolsbrian_: blkid  says this UUID is which partition? and what does swapon -a  do?18:17
ikonia[snake]: let him answer then, rather than "maybe"18:18
ActionParsnip[snake]: possible with some nokias ;)18:18
brian_swapon: cannot find the device for UUID=e46f75c6-868b-4ad5-b3b1-3dd49908f70818:18
HISHAMOthe vibration suddenly  stope18:18
HISHAMOwht can i do to fix it?18:18
brian_wols: swapon: cannot find the device for UUID=e46f75c6-868b-4ad5-b3b1-3dd49908f70818:18
RU-XerYuS64bit Ubuntu 11.04 on a Thinkpad x120e e35018:18
[snake]I got linux on my nintendo wii... it wasn't installed though18:18
ikoniaHISHAMO: how is this an ubuntu issue ?18:18
wolsbrian_: so what does blkid say? what does fdisk -l say?18:18
bazhang[snake], stop with the chit chat please18:18
[snake]bazhang, sorry18:18
HISHAMOany one?18:19
Pici[snake]: You can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like18:19
bazhangHISHAMO, how is that an ubuntu issue18:19
ikoniaHISHAMO: I'll ask one more time - "how is this an ubuntu issue"18:19
[snake]Pici,  cool18:19
kingofswords[snake], theres an android channel18:19
brian_wols: "fdisk -l" says: /dev/sda5          117488      121602    33041408   82  Linux swap / Solaris18:19
wolsbrian_: then blkid shows some swap too18:20
HISHAMOwhat kind of issuos you help with man?18:20
ikoniaHISHAMO: this channel is ubuntu support discussion18:20
sudokillI have a 1TB ntfs drive that i want to convert to ext4. i have no way of backing the data up i have used 450GB of it, so if i create a 500GB ext4 partition, can i just copy the files over to that, then delete the ntfs and extend the ext4?18:20
brian_wols: based on example from a forum I ran: "sudo blkid -c /dev/null -o list"18:20
mneptoksudokill: do you have Windows handy?18:20
brian_wols: I got this: /dev/sda5                                                                     swap                                   (not mounted)                                                                     7f4588ac-2a57-4c92-a2d7-64b1d9a9f71218:20
sudokillmneptok, yes18:20
ActionParsnipsudokill: you can resize partitions. No backup is a bit terrifying. I suggest you look into that fast18:21
ikoniasudokill: extending partitions is risky, but in principal, yes18:21
HISHAMOcan you tell me a name of chanell i can find help in with this problem18:21
ikoniaHISHAMO: sorry, no18:21
sudokillrisky how? ill defrag it first... ill be using parted magic and gparted probably18:21
mneptoksudokill: use Windows to move the data to the first 450GB and then create free space in the 500GB at the end. then use Ubuntu to format that empty partition.18:21
ikoniasudokill: data can get corrupted,18:21
wolsbrian_: then add it to your fstabm or rather replace the current swap in fstab with that18:21
ActionParsnipHISHAMO: try #mobilephones18:21
sudokillok i know windows defrags it for you to ensure no data is lost18:21
HISHAMOthanks for nothing!18:21
brian_HISHAMO: That's a hardware problem,18:22
mneptoksudokill: you are far, FAR more likely to get good results resizing NTFS in Windows than in Linux\18:22
ikoniaHISHAMO: welcome18:22
brian_actuall nm18:22
ActionParsnipHISHAMO: read the channel head.18:22
wolssudokill: defrag has nothing to do with backups at all. doesn't pervent data loss either18:22
sudokillwhen i resize i mean18:22
BluesKajsudokill, why convert the ntfs, just create an ext4 partition install ubuntu and you'll still have access to the ntfs drive's data18:22
brian_wols: Any ideas whats going on with my swap partition?18:22
sudokilln oits a data drive, i dont even use ubuntu. i just want ext4 for the data18:22
apollo00I am trying to rm -fr a dir & receive an Input/output error; next i tried find . -inum [inode-number] -exec rm -i {} \; still no luck... does anyone know of another method to remove files18:23
BluesKajsudokill, not necessary18:23
wolsbrian_: you don't have your current swap partition in your fstab, hence it cannot get mounted on bootup. nothing more, nothing less. I told you what to do to fix it18:23
brian_wols: I'm sorry, I must have missed your instructions somehow, or misunderstood18:24
eiriksvinwtf, why does everything break in ubuntu 11.04? I have to fix something darn near every single day!18:24
wolsdoes anyone make sens of what sudokill just said? he never uses ubuntu but wants a ext4 partition?18:24
wols< wols> brian_: then add it to your fstabm or rather replace the current swap in fstab with that18:25
BluesKajwois . I was wondering what he;s trying to accomplish18:25
ActionParsnipother distros use ext4...18:25
brian_wols: I'm sorry, I'm not exactly sure how to do that... is there a good resource that can explain the process in more detail?18:26
wolsActionParsnip: then why ask us? nevermind18:26
arooni-mobilewhen i'm isntalling ubuntu ; will it be able to resize my existing c: partition?  i have tried to shrink via the windows 7 utility but there are files in those blocks and it wont let me shrink it past a certain amount18:26
SockPantsin disk utility -> smart data my ssd is reporting an assessment of 'warning' for 'reallocated sector count' with 384 bad sectors, is this a lot? ssd is pretty much new at 4.0 hours and 52 cycles.18:26
wolsbrian_: blkid gave you a UUID for sda5 right? you replace the current UUID in your fstab for the seap device with this new UUID, then you run swapon -a again to test and you should have swap. voila!18:26
wolsSockPants: I am not sure how smart is relevant at all for SSDs18:27
wolsarooni-mobile: defrag and srhink. do it in windows18:27
brian_wols: Ok, that sounds like a plan, how do I modify fstab?18:27
arooni-mobilewols, i cant shrink past a certain point cuz there are files in the middle of the partition18:28
wolsSockPants: all the wear levelling and reordering it does is never reported to SMART normally. wouldn't make sense either when a SSD often has 10% spare sectors18:28
ActionParsnipwols: strange isn't it :)18:28
wolsActionParsnip: hence: defrag18:28
wolsbrian_: with an editor18:28
bazhang!fstab | brian_18:29
ubottubrian_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:29
brian_ubottu: Thank you, thats great information18:30
ubottubrian_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:30
brian_I meant to thank bazhang18:30
wolsbrian_: I suggest only editing the UUID part of the swap line you pasted above18:31
parolangWhat's the command to determine the Ubuntu version?18:31
coz_lsb_release -a18:31
bazhangparolang, lsb_release -a18:31
SockPantsdoes anyone have any experience with changing the i/o scheduler on an ssd?18:34
brian_wols: I think that worked :) for the record, the reason for my confusion for a minute there was I thought fstab was a system command/utility only, which I would need to learn how to use; I did not realize it corresponded to a text config file18:35
brian_wols: System Monitor is now showing the correct amount of swap space. :) thank you for your help!18:35
WXZcan you add bottom panels in unity?18:35
wolsbrian_: swapon worked?18:35
parolangbazhang: Cool, thanks.18:36
brian_wols: After replacing the UUID in /etc/fstab as you suggested, running "sudo swapon -a" seemed to work, yes.18:36
RafeKettlerMy fresh Ubuntu 10.10 install doesn't recognize the hostname of my FTP server. Any ideas?18:37
richukWXZ, you can add a dockbar but not pannels, you would need to switch to the classic environment for that, i might be wrong tho18:37
sanjidI want to add ubuntu to grub via the grub.cfg file, any advice on how to do so?18:38
WXZwait, gnome panel is there by default isn't it?18:38
WXZthat's what youtube says18:38
wolssanjid: run the live cd, chroot to your ubuntu installation (with bind mounting /dev and /proc) and run update-grub. os-prober should pick it up18:39
richukyeah but your not using Gnome when your using Unity WXZ18:40
WXZoh, right, you get to chose which one you want right?18:40
WXZwhen installing18:40
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bazhangWXZ, gnome-shell?18:41
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richukyeah, if you log out WXZ you and get to the login screen, click on your login id and there will be an option to change environment, just select the classic ubuntu and you will be back in gnome18:41
bazhangWXZ, the choice is between classic and unity.18:41
bazhangWXZ, gnome3 is not a choice18:41
WXZrichuk: ok, no worries then18:42
dixsonhoepphow to install file "pol" I downloaded the playonlinux and comes in this extention, I do18:42
blip-hi, where is sshd logged under ubuntu ?  thanks18:42
sanjidwols: When I run sudo update-grub, I get /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat `aufs'. How would I chroot to the installation?18:43
RafeKettlerAny ideas on an issue with resolving FTP hostnames?18:43
Piciblip-: /var/log/auth.log or if you've enabled debugging, it should get dropped into /var/log/messages iirc.18:43
Guest73834salam all18:44
wolsblip-: /var/log/auth.log for example. possibly syslog, depending on settings iirc18:44
wolssanjid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot18:45
blip-Pici, wols:   I'm trying to ssh from my windows desktop to Ubuntu laptop (11.04).  I've set up sshd/openssh-server and my firewall shows it's listening on port 22.  No ports blocked.  Yet I the connection times out.   I did tail -f /var/log/auth.log ... nothing appears when i try to connect18:45
blip-I can ping the laptop from the desktop just fine, both on my home network18:46
sanjidwols: thank you very much!18:46
wolsblip-: telnet to port 22 on your ubuntu box18:47
wolsblip-: from windows18:47
blip-wols, well this is strange, but when I turned off Firestarter, the connection worked... it wasn't showing me that it was blocking connections... it18:48
blip-it usually says that in the Events section18:48
blip-maybe it's outdated or broken18:48
wolsblip-: iptables -L  always does18:48
wolsit's the only proper firewall to check. screw the frontends18:49
wildc4rdevenin all18:50
dixsonhoeppknow how to install ubuntu muonline18:50
dixsonhoeppI have played?18:50
donkeyinspaceikonia , can you help know is my punishment over?18:50
blip-wols, yeah my bad for trusting it, been using it for few years because I like the system tray icon/notification.  Turns out it didn't inform me because of a permission problem with it writing logs to disk.18:50
blip-wols, thanks18:50
sanjidwols: worked like a charm. Thank you very much!18:51
BluesKajblip what are you using to ssh from windows , putty ?18:52
jasljsfiddle doesn't like Chrome???18:52
dixsonhoeppah played gumbound in ubuntu? know how to install18:52
MK``When I do something like open a folder, it shows "Opening [folder]" in the taskbar long after it has opened successfully, for a set time, even after it has opened or even been closed. What is causing this delay?18:52
MK``and, whenever I reboot/log out and back in, the theme I have selected is randomly not applied to my gnome panel, it uses the default (ugly) GTK+ theme. Any idea what could be causing this? It doesn't seem to be related to me changing panel settings. Once the default theme is there, logging out and back in won't restore it, only a reboot will (sometimes)18:53
ikoniadonkeyinspace: sorry, I'm not interested18:54
=== geekbri is now known as brian_
crazyharryanyone tried to make Skydrive work in Ubuntu ?18:54
blip-BluesKaj, yep putty.  but problem solved, was error/bug on my linux firewall18:55
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donkeyinspaceikonia , i really dont see your point what have i done wrong to deserve this kind of treatment?18:55
BluesKajblip-, yeah I saw that , I was just curious what app on the windows side18:56
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bazhangdonkeyinspace, ask the channel, dont target individual users18:57
wolsdonkeyinspace: you asked for advice from a person and then didn't listen to that advice. what's the point for the advice-giver to help you if you ignore him?18:57
bazhangdonkeyinspace, every 15-20 minutes or so, if someone knows , they will answer18:58
donkeyinspacewols , im very sorry if im not einstein18:58
bazhangdonkeyinspace, lets move on please18:58
donkeyinspacewols , im very sorry if im not einstein and im trying to leave windows and start with ubuntu18:59
* BluesKaj wonders what advice he ignored , and what the issue is ...I'm old and have some patience18:59
wolsdonkeyinspace: and you depreciating yourself (falsely) doesn't make me (or anyone else) inclined to help you. if you are in a hole, stop digging18:59
bazhangdonkeyinspace, thats enough18:59
BluesKajdonkeyinspace, what was your question?19:01
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donkeyinspacewols , do you know some tutorial to install ubuntu in the same pen drive you got the ubuntu live?19:01
donkeyinspaceBluesKaj , do you know some tutorial to install ubuntu in the same pen drive you got the ubuntu live?19:01
blip-Do I need additional software to access shared directories on the network via MS Networking/Samba ?19:02
blip-I tried pointing the browser to it19:03
ActionParsnipblip-: is the file server  windows 7?19:03
crazyharryanyone tried to make Skydrive work in Ubuntu ?19:03
BluesKajdonkeyinspace, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick19:03
blip-ActionParsnip, oh no it's a Linux-based NAS box19:03
systemWa.Na.Soo.Mo.Stialing Ga.Ham iss.Pahn19:04
=== system is now known as Guest9770
Guest9770is this money to you, cause your currency exchange rate should improve... istanawahan19:04
FloodBot1Guest9770: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:04
blip-ActionParsnip, I can access the shares from my windows machine fine, just want to know how to access from ubuntu machine too19:04
yomamadiditHas anyone ever installed Ubuntu 10.x on an Intel server motherboard. Intel can only install with the server deployment tool RHat or SUSE?19:04
syst3mw0rmwhen i do sudo -s & when i do su.... is there any difference?19:05
syst3mw0rmi was playing around around with .bashrc and amazed to see that in case of sudo -s...the original user .bashrc was used while with su root bashrc file was loaded19:06
SockPant5a few questions19:06
SockPant5why do the notifications hide as soon as i move my mouse over them19:06
SockPant5i want to be able to click them to get to the app that's sending them, or to close them.19:06
syst3mw0rmany pointers about the difference between these two?19:06
BlouBlouSockPant5: compiz effect?19:06
blip-btw I'm on Kubuntu if it matters, 11.0419:06
SockPant5BlouBlou: hm, i'm running classic with no effects19:06
blip-I found some old posts on the ubuntuforums that involve manually mounting the samba shares via cli, shouldn't it be possible through my file manager somehow ?19:07
SockPant5is it growl that does the notifications? if not can i replace it with growl?19:07
ActionParsnipblip-: use the 'connect to server' menu item in nautilus19:07
SockPant5in the mean time, second question: can i get something like the app bar in unity but on classic?19:08
trismSockPant5: default is notify-osd (and that sounds like notify-osd's behavior), there are several others in the repo, such a notification-daemon which has more options19:08
Pici!dock | SockPant519:09
ubottuSockPant5: Ubuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.19:09
SockPant5which one is most like the unity dock?19:09
foufishi, a question on removing kernel file should i mark on synaptic to do this?linux-image-, linux-header- pae or both?19:10
afairleyhi there, is this a good place to look for some help getting unity to behave in a dual head environment?19:10
wolsfoufis: both19:11
coz_afairley,  it works here on dual monitors,, what is the issue?19:11
wolsfoufis: the kernel is the "image" file but the headers file doesn't make any sense without the image19:11
ActionParsnipSockPant5: you can use unity2d with great results19:11
coz_afairley,  which video card do you have on that system?19:11
* LOLZ awesome youtube clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KkS3ZG_WIw19:11
ActionParsnipfoufis: remove the image and the headers will fail deps and be marked for removal19:12
foufiswols: oh ok...removal or complete removal?19:12
afairleyhi coz_ I have a Quadro 200019:12
afairleycurrent behavior is19:12
SockPant5ActionParsnip: i've tried unity2d, within 2 seconds i had broken it (when using a second monitor)19:12
ActionParsnipfoufis: if you run:  sudo apt-get --purge autoremove     it will completely remove what is necessary19:12
coz_afairley, are you using twinview with that or  separate xscreen settings?19:13
afairley1) xinerama leads to black unusable screen with only a mouse pointer19:13
ActionParsnipSockPant5: ahh, ive heard stuff of dual monitors and unity19:13
george___Hello. I use Kubuntu 11.04 64-bits.  I quit vlc because its plugin crashes FF4 and don't work on chromium. However it seems that this patch here http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=361263  fixes the problem. How can I install this patch on my system?19:13
ubottubugs.gentoo.org bug 361263 in Applications "media-video/vlc has undefined symbol: NPP_Initialize on /usr/lib64/nsbrowser/plugins/libvlcplugin.so" [Normal,Confirmed: ]19:13
afairleycoz_, seperate x screens leads to secondary screen having no window decorations or menus19:13
coz_afairley,  right so twinview is the way to go19:13
foufisActionParsnip: thanks!19:13
coz_afairley,  what is the combined resolution of your monitors19:14
blip-ActionParsnip, I see the share and its top-level dirs, but when i try to browse in, the login user/pass fails.  could this be because my desktop has also mounted this samba share and thus can't make a new session ?    multiple clients should be able to mount right ?19:14
afairleycoz_ I'll give it a go, I remember it rubbing me the wrong way under gnome, perhaps I will find it more pleasant under unity19:14
SockPant5ActionParsnip: normal unity worked ok with a second screen, but it ate all my cpu (compiz).19:14
coz_afairley,  with nvidia it is essentially the BEST way to go  separate screens dont work well as far as I have expeirneced and  also moving windows from one monitor to the next is not possible19:15
SockPant5after that i switched to classic and it doesn't even use any, just around 10% at worst19:15
coz_afairley,   what is the read out of this command ?    glxinfo -l |grep MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE19:15
afairleycoz_, yeah, it's really better to just put things on monitors regularly anyways19:15
afairley    GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 1638419:16
afairley    GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 1638419:16
FloodBot1afairley: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:16
Tenoch_Guys, how do i use xorgwizard so it ignores my laptop monitor (it does not work) and use an exterman monitor? i have access to terminal not GUI19:17
coz_afairley,  ok that  16384  is a video card hardware limitation,, it means that the combined resolution of both monitors cannot exceed that resolution horizontally or vertically19:17
afairleycoz_ am I unmuted ?19:17
coz_afairley,  what do you mean?19:18
afairleycoz_, so that means the sum of the number of pixels  can't exceed that number?19:18
tinheadI cannot find grub's menu.lst in Nutty Narwhal: need to modify kernel command line. Any pointers how I can set the kernel command line in Nutty?19:18
coz_afairley,  exactly19:18
coz_afairley,  in either direction19:18
afairleyoh, when I gave you the output from glx, floodbot was unhappy19:18
coz_afairley,  oh ok19:19
trismtinhead: you can add items to the kernel command line in /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, and then running sudo update-grub; natty uses grub2 which has no menu.lst19:20
trism!grub2 | tinhead for more info:19:20
ubottutinhead for more info:: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:20
tinheadtrism: Thanks.19:21
SoobNauceHi.  I need help (not google tutorials) figuring out compiz, emerald, and the window managers.  Ultimately I want glassy borders for my windows.  Where do I go to find this sort of help?  #gnome ?19:23
bfh198Quick question; antivirus // firewall software worth getting ? -- also is it really necessary ?19:23
bazhangSoobNauce, emerald is no longer supported nor maintained19:23
SoobNaucebazhang: Is compiz still allowed?19:24
crusaderad bfh198: There is a firewall in the ubuntu software center that's very good, avast make an antivirus software suite19:24
crusaderadnot really necessary tho19:24
bazhangbfh198, antivirus no, there is iptables/ufw for firewall though19:24
Picibfh198: There is already a firewall in Ubuntu, and no you don't need antivirus unless you're afraid of spreading infected files to Windows users (it won't affect Ubuntu)19:24
coz_SoobNauce,   there is a c++ build for emerald,, however I have not tested it because it wouldnt compile for me  and compiz is default in 11.0419:24
SoobNauceSo then does compiz do glass borders?19:25
bazhangSoobNauce, translucent you mean?19:25
bfh198Thanks for answers.19:25
coz_SoobNauce,  no  that would be the responsibility of either gtk-window-decorator using the gnome themes or kde-window-decorator using kde themes19:25
SoobNauceok, so I find settings for gtk-window-decorator...  ...where?19:26
coz_SoobNauce,  so you would have to use a gtk2 theme  with transparency at this point19:26
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
SoobNaucesystem>preferences>appearance ?19:26
coz_SoobNauce,   you could also play with rgba settings via gnome-color-chooser19:26
codex84i have ubuntu .10.1019:26
codex84<codex84> when i go bed to and leave my pc on sleep mode,or hibernate19:26
codex84<codex84> when i get out of sleep mode,or hibernate my pc lose connection and i have to plug off the router19:26
codex84<codex84> and plug it back in to go online idk why it does that19:26
dr_Willissome thenes have specual settings iv seen19:26
FloodBot1codex84: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:26
coz_SoobNauce,   well the appearnce dialog  will offer changing and installation of new themes  not  transparency19:26
SoobNaucecoz_: Where do I go to find transparency options?19:27
coz_SoobNauce,   well as I said,, gnome-color-chooser,, which has to be installed,,  however,, i would read some how tos  for using that before playing with it19:27
dr_Willisnot all themes have the option i think19:27
coz_SoobNauce,   take time to research rgba settings via gnome-color-chooser  as well as many other options offered within it19:28
SoobNaucenew question, why does Ambiance put the close/minimize/maximize on the top left of a window?  I kind of like them on the top right19:28
coz_SoobNauce,  eaily changed  open a terminal19:28
ActionParsnipcodex84: sounds like you need a wakeup script to unload then reload the module driving the NIC19:28
dr_Willis !controls19:28
ubottuStarting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more informationand workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263319:28
coz_SoobNauce,   gconf-editor19:29
[snake]Is is piracy if I bought windows xp before, but now I'm using a burnt copy, because we lost the old copy?19:29
bazhang[snake], thats hardly on topic here19:29
coz_SoobNauce,  maneuver to apps/metacity/general19:29
SoobNaucecoz_: Can I find gconf-editor in any menus or is it only reachable from a terminal?19:29
[snake]bazhang, it will  be >.>19:29
bazhang[snake], no it wont19:29
cimehi! with ldapsearch I get all users in my LDAP directory... but I get rows like this - objectClass: posixAccount ... how do I display content of these classes?19:29
coz_SoobNauce,  it can be enabled to show in the menus  go to system/preferences/ main menu19:30
ActionParsnipSoobNauce: its nearer unity meaning quicker use as well as notify using the right side. It does make sense19:30
crusaderadgconf-editor is an awesome tool19:30
SoobNauce[snake]: Where did you burn it from?19:30
[snake]bazhang, yeah, my next question is how to fix ubuntu after I install windows next to it. because windows wipes out grub.19:30
coz_SoobNauce,  when that opens click on "system tools:  and tick the gconf configuratoin editor19:30
SoobNaucecoz_: thanks19:30
[snake]SoobNauce, I got it from a friend.19:30
SoobNauce[snake]: That means it's piracy.19:30
IdleOne!fixgrub | [snake]19:31
ubottu[snake]: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:31
SoobNauce[snake]: Were you looking for confirmation or something?  "no, I agree with you, it's totally ok"19:31
crusaderadsnake: if you use your key it's not piracy19:31
coz_SoobNauce,  then when you open gconf,, maneauver to   /apps/metacity/general,, in the right had pane,, look for   "button_layout"   you want it to look like this     :minimize,maximize,close19:31
SockPant5how can i make the taskbar on the bottom (with all teh open windows) autohide?19:31
dr_Willisit dosent matter anyway. fix your grub19:31
SoobNaucecoz_: ok.  does it matter that I use compiz instead of metacity according to "compiz fusion icon"?19:32
Gnea[snake]: it's not piracy if you're using your original product key not more than once, just transferred it19:32
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents19:32
IdleOneWe don't care where you got your copy of windows nor is it on topic for this channel.19:32
[snake]Gnea, oh... thanks! that's what I thought19:32
ActionParsnip[snake]: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin719:32
coz_SoobNauce,   well yes  and also fusion-icon is particularly for compiz 0.8.x  not unity's 0.9.x19:32
SoobNaucecoz_: I think it's relevant at this point that I log on under "ubuntu classic" (the one without the mac-style sidebar)19:33
coz_SoobNauce,   that is not classic19:33
[snake]ActionParsnip, I am most grateful, that you would research that topic for me. thank you kind sir.19:33
coz_SoobNauce,  that is the  ubuntu  desktop   the classic is for regular gnome19:33
SoobNaucecoz_: the one without the sidebar?19:34
coz_SoobNauce,   Unity  or  Ubuntu under sessions...is the one with the "sidebar"  Launcher panel19:34
Picicoz_: eh? Thats sounds just like what SoobNauce just described.19:34
SoobNauceI have no sidebar19:34
coz_SoobNauce,  oh yes  sorry  I misread19:34
SoobNauceI don't know how to say this without accidentally implying I have a sidebar19:34
ActionParsnip[snake]: no worries, thanks for the gratitude :D19:34
coz_SoobNauce,  that is classic with No  sidebar19:34
=== ogra_ is now known as IIll
cimehi! with ldapsearch I get all users in my LDAP directory... but I get rows like this - objectClass: posixAccount ... how do I display content of these classes?19:35
SoobNaucecoz_: er, so I'm using the fusion icon, and seem to be running 0.8.  Where do I find the [close/minimize/maximize] settings in configuration editor?  Still metacity?  metacity/general ?19:37
=== IIll is now known as ogra_
coz_SoobNauce,  y es19:37
coz_SoobNauce,  look for  "button_layout"19:37
coz_SoobNauce,   use this  combination        :minimize,maximize,close19:38
ubottuStarting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more informationand workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263319:38
HabstinatHello. My Pavilion dm4 wouldn't start Ubuntu before. I added nomodeset, and now it starts, but it boots into a full screen command line. Startx won't work. I would paste the error message I get when I do startx here, but I can't as I only have access to a command line and it's kind of long to retype. Any ideas?19:38
HabstinatIt's 10.10 on the laptop by the way.19:39
coz_SoobNauce,  simply double click t he words  "button_layout"    ,  a dialog appears and you can simply copy paste that combination I gave you19:39
SockPant5how can i add a panel in classic to put some apps in like in unity? you can do that with panels right?19:39
ActionParsnipHabstinat: use a wired connection and get full updates19:40
coz_SockPant5,  you mean launcher  icons?19:40
ActionParsnipSockPant5: yes you can19:40
SockPant5coz_: no idea,19:40
SockPant5in fact19:40
coz_SockPant5,  it would be far more efficient to use something like cairo dock ,, my opinion19:40
SockPant5how can i add applications other than ff to the top panel?19:40
coz_SockPant5,  try a drag and drop19:41
coz_SockPant5,  from the menus  drag the icon to the panel19:41
SockPant5ok awesome19:41
codex84how u do19:41
SockPant5i have the empathy thing in the top right corner, but can i access my contacts list from there too?19:41
coz_SockPant5,  also you can right click th e upper panel "Add panel"  and most likely do the same19:42
coz_SockPant5,  rather   "New Panel"19:42
SockPant5i removed the whole thing19:43
fuusukei am connected to the internet but evolution gives connection timed out19:43
SockPant5the one with the battery icon and all the others19:43
duncanhi guys19:43
fuusukecan any1 help?19:44
westzvelofille, you here still?19:44
coz_SockPant5,    right click panel  "Add to panel"   indicator applet19:44
coz_SockPant5,  or  Indicator applet complete19:44
tjchi all could anyone help me in order to remove ubuntu 10.10 in order to make fresh install of 11.04?19:45
SockPant5is there any way to remove the email thing from that?19:45
westztjc, what's your problem?19:45
coz_tjc,  are you installinf from live cd...yes?19:45
fuusukei am connected to the internet but evolution gives connection timed out19:45
coz_tjc,   it should overwrite that current install19:45
fuusukecan any 1 help?19:45
tjclook now i am using 10.10 but i have some issues with flash player and youtube firefox etc19:46
sarittjc: format the partitions you're installing, this will remove the previous install (make a backup of your personal data!)19:46
fuusukei am connected to the internet but evolution gives connection timed out, can any1 help i am using 10.0419:46
westztjc, you'd probably be better off going back to the LTS (10.04) as 11.04 is still being tinkered with19:46
saritfuusuke: can you ping your mail server?19:46
ender_33how do I turn an mp3 file into text (transcription)19:47
l33tn00bAnybody know a way to change standard runlevel in ubuntu/xubuntu to boot into text mode instead of gdm/xfce?19:47
SockPant5what about empathy, can i use the indicator bar to access it's contact list?19:48
bazhang!nox | l33tn00b19:48
ubottul33tn00b: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode19:48
saritfuusuke: try "telnet pop.gmail.com 995", it should return "Connected to gmail-pop.l.google.com."19:48
zolperlignore --chann\els #ubuntu * JOINS QUITS PARTS NICKS19:48
saritSockPant5: click the envelope > chat19:48
tjcok @sarit or @westz can i talk to any of you privately?19:49
l33tn00bthx @ubottu. I'll try that...19:49
SockPant5sarit: aaah the envelope19:49
sarittjc: yes19:49
SockPant5how intuitive19:49
westztjc, sure i suppose, can we get a room?19:49
bazhang  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS zolperl19:49
fuusuketelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out19:49
mark7845why does why 1tb hard disk show up as only 916GB and only have 870GB of free space? I just formatted it with ext 319:50
Coreyfuusuke: traceroute pop.gmail.com to a pastebin19:50
StarminnWhen I try to install banshee-community-extensions, I get this: http://www.pastie.org/210275419:50
fuusukethis is what i getafter doin a telnet to mail server19:50
dr_Willisreserved space of 5% is defsult Starminn19:50
Coreyfuusuke: Pastebin is your friend.19:51
Starminndr_Willis: I think you mean mark784519:51
mark7845dr_Willis: what is the reserved space for19:51
westzmark7845, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_disk_drive#Units_of_measuring_capacity19:51
mark7845westz ty19:52
dr_Willisroot isrr and sustem trcovery19:52
dr_Willistune2fs can change the amount19:52
coz_Starminn,  try  installing  banshee-extensions-common first19:52
mark7845So the amount of available space I have on my HD is correct then, I havn't formatted it wrong19:53
coz_Starminn,  I am testing it here hold on19:53
dr_WillisGiB  vs GB  numbering can vonfuse things also19:53
Starminncoz_: Refresh the pastie (http://www.pastie.org/2102754) and look to the bottom.19:54
coz_Starminn,   this is 11.04 ..yes?19:54
coz_Starminn,  ah sorry it is not19:55
coz_Starminn,  then I am not sure,, it installed fine on 11.0419:55
fuusuketelnet pop.gmail.com shows trying
fuusukecan any1 help19:56
bil21alcan any body tell me when should we change the ststus of bug  from confirm to triage??what is the situation ?19:56
coz_Starminn,   have you tried the PPA   for banshee?19:56
Starminncoz_: Well, not on 10.10 lol. Before it wouldn't update so I removed it. Then when I tried re-adding it, this occured.19:57
Starminncoz_: Which PPA?19:57
l33tn00bLooks like the bot trick couldn't help ;) Changing default runlevel to boot into text mode on ubuntu/xubuntu? Anyone?19:57
coz_Starminn,  there are 2   unstalbe  =    https://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/banshee-unstable   and stabel =   http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/2319:57
coz_Starminn,  I meant  stable and unstable   darn fingers19:58
Coreyfuusuke: DNS resolution error.19:58
Coreyfuusuke: dig pop.gmail.com to a pastebin, please.19:58
fuusukeCorey: how do i fix it?19:58
Coreyfuusuke: You could start by giving me the diagnostic information I've been asking you for rather than bleating the same problem description every five minutes.19:59
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode20:00
brackiCan sb tell me where ufw stores its rules?20:00
brackiI changed my SSH port to a non standard port and for whatever reason ufw doesn't pick it up20:00
macobracki: /etc/ufw/*.rules20:00
coz_ ok ,, need to break here,, be back later20:01
jnlsnl_hey im trying to setup gitweb on my server, but it get the error: "Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error." here is my vhost for gitweb: http://pastebin.com/uWdS7BPf hmm.. any suggestions?20:01
brackimaco: does it automatically pickup stuff from applications.d?20:01
Coreybracki: Shouldn't.20:02
brackiCorey: So what's /etc/ufw/applications.d good for?20:03
macobracki: dunno. dont think that dir existed last time i looked20:03
sarit!pastebin | sarit20:03
ubottusarit, please see my private message20:03
b0otAnyone know of any tool for ubuntu that would allow me to monitor live bandwidth usage in a form that I could process in a bash script for a specific ip/subnet/interface20:03
SockPant1is there any way to collapse application's title bars like it does in unity (or at least partly) in classic-noeffects?20:04
fbasshello, I'm trying to open audacity, but I'm getting an error.20:04
rdocjoin #diaspora-dev20:05
saritb0ot: there are network counters in /proc or /sys you could use20:05
fbassthat pastebin is the error.20:05
b0otsarit, I would want something that has info on a more granular level and where i don't have to do packet math20:05
fbassIt worked before, but I recently installed portaudio from src, and it stopped working. Any ideas?20:05
mfilipewhat is the shortcut to open window conversation of empathy?20:05
fbassI hope this is the right channel to ask this question.20:05
bil21almfilipe; in unity press super key and the number of the application in the launcher(number is written on the application)20:07
tecladohi everybody20:07
provIs there a way to create a partition to match exactly the image I want to dd into it? In size that is.20:07
aceI am trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 on a Toshiba Satellite L655D - S5050. I tried installing off of a USB drive first, then off of a CD with a new downloaded image. It takes forever to get to the Welcome screen, and if I click on Try Ubuntu, it just runs and runs. I tried doing an install, but it just hangs up  and doesn't finish. Any ideas?20:07
oCeanbracki: in the man ufw page there's some documentation on application integration (describing the using of applications.d subdir)20:07
provWhat I want to do is restore an image I made of a partition using dd. I now need to make a new partition again to match the old size. How can I do this so I can dd the old image into the new partition?20:09
tecladoanybody knows what they had been made with the ubuntu 9.04 repositories???20:09
oCeanteclado: they moved since it is end of life20:09
ohirace: could be you have <1GB ram20:09
oCean!eol | teclado20:09
ubottuteclado: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:09
aceohir, it has 3gb20:10
=== omarezz is now known as om4rezz
saritprov: use fdisk to create the partition, make it the same size of the previous one (or bigger). if bigger, run resize2fs afterwards.20:11
ohirace: then I dunno. Next can be non-english install without fast internet connection. Graphics that is not or is poorly supported by xorg.20:11
repvikI'm having issues typing in bash in 11.04. Keystrokes don't "come through". I get this both from local console and through ssh. Known issue? I couldn't find anything useful with google.20:11
aceohir, it's the first Toshiba that I had a problem with. I did installs on lots with no problems20:12
ohirace: does live version runs ok on said box?20:12
provsarit: I will try that.20:12
aceohir, No, I can't run live20:12
aeon-ltdjust wondering this firefox 5 update could really have been called firefox 4.1 right? i mean minor changes shouldn't merit a +120:12
ohirprov: next time you should know that you need disk layout file attached to dd backup20:13
provohir: How is that to be done?20:13
mfilipebil21al, but I received a message and I want read it, so I don't want back to mouse to read the message. do you understood?20:13
aceohir, I just got it to start up in Live CD20:14
ohirprov: on terminal do: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda > disk_layout.txt and keep this with your backup20:14
bil21almfilipe : its the bug u may report it.either i also dnt knw more about it.20:15
Gr8Qi am looking for coupon codes for ubuntu anyone20:15
ohirprov: if sda is your hdd of course (usually is)20:15
JAWCAnyone know what might cause TrueCrypt to forget to delete ~/.TrueCrypt-lock-user when it's closed? Should any of these [ http://pastebin.com/ZbZcebbi ] processes be killed?20:16
macoGr8Q: this channel is for tech support, and ubuntu is free, so you don't need coupons20:16
ohirace: did livecd started in quick?20:16
palutkesomeone has a alfa awuso36h running with linux?20:17
aceohir, I had it sitting at the welcome screen for a while, and when I clicked on Try Ubuntu, it went in fairly quick20:17
* sarit has never heard of coupons for something that's free anyway20:17
Gr8Qto order thats it maco. i meant discount code20:17
=== palutke is now known as psyxxxx
aceohir, I forgot the command to check my graphics driver20:17
ohirace: did you install english version or other language/locality?20:17
macoGr8Q: but it's free20:17
SockPant1how do i get ff5?20:17
l33tn00bpalutke: Yep. Work's fine!20:17
macoSockPant1: if you're on 11.04 itll come through your regular updates, likely tomorrow20:17
jnlsnl_Someone want to have a rainbow adventure debugging my internal server error :))20:18
saritGr8Q: what exactly do you want to order?20:18
Gr8Qi wanted to get the cd/dvd but they charge20:18
SockPant1maco: tomorrow? cuz if it takes much longer is there another way to get it?20:18
aceohir, it's not installed, just running Live CD in English20:18
Pici!ff5 | SockPant120:18
ubottuSockPant1: Firefox 5 packages are currently building!  The new version will be available as a security update in Natty/11.04.  If you'd like Fx5 in earlier releases, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/20:18
psyxxxxleetn00b: do u know how u can bring it under 100mW20:18
ohirace: internationalized packages are huge and they need to be downloaded. CD/USB keeps only basic english packages20:18
macoGr8Q: your local community team may have some CDs20:18
bil21almfilipe :  when did u get this problem?20:18
aceohir, I am using English20:19
SockPant1ok great :) but the building will take around a day not like a few weeks, i assume20:19
macoGr8Q: but downloading and burning to a CD or a flash drive shouldn't be too bad20:19
ohirace: so ok, loading livecd takes quite some time. Depends on device speed. With usb it can be a few minutes on modern box20:19
Gr8Qmaco: i have to find out but i rather get it on my own20:19
mfilipebil21al, it isn't a problema but an usability-less20:19
macoGr8Q: as far as i know, the canonical web store doesn't even do coupon codes at all20:19
ohirace: with poor cd/dvd drive it can be 10+ minutes20:19
SockPant1i'm also having trouble with my netbook's trackpad20:20
SockPant1the scrolling is absolutely unusable20:20
SockPant1it jumps all over the place20:20
SockPant1i'm thinking driver issue?20:20
l33tn00bpsyxxxx: no. didn't try that out. only used the alfa with backtrack live-cd...20:20
psyxxxxah ok thx20:20
Gr8Qmaco: i went to canonical store and it still  asks for coupon code at some place before the final checkout out20:21
K1ngcan anyone help me with load balancing?20:21
CoreyGr8Q: What are you attempting to buy?20:21
brackiAh, the answer is /lib/ufw/user.rules20:21
macoCorey: a CD20:21
CoreyGr8Q: And what URL is this at?20:21
Gr8QCorey: Natty release20:21
Coreymaco: Ahhh.20:21
saritK1ng: LVS?20:22
macoGr8Q: hmm maybe they give them to special customers or something, but public "hey we have a coupon code, buy stuff!" hasn't happened yet20:22
K1ngsarit, what is LVS?20:22
SockPant1there's probably no coupon codes.20:22
CoreyK1ng: What's your real question?20:23
saritK1ng: load balancing ;) no really, www.linuxvirtualserver.org20:23
Gr8Qmaco: special guests i guess :)20:23
SockPant1anyone know where to start looking to fix ugly trackpad scrolling (two-finger)?20:23
saritSockPant1: lspci -nn to identify your hardware, than look if a driver is needed20:24
SockPant1sarit: it's not listed20:24
K1ngi have 2 internet connection. 1 of them useless now.... so i am trying to setup ubuntu server as network server and i want to load balance between 2 connection20:25
saritSockPant1: hmm, if it's not on the pci bus, might be on usb. Try lsusb.20:25
edwardthefmahello all20:25
SockPant1K1ng: you might get more answers about that in #ubuntu-server, those guys spend their time doing stuff like that20:26
* sarit advises rwilco to change his/her password :)20:26
edwardthefmai need help patishing my hard drive for a ubuntu install20:26
Piciedwardthefma: partitioning20:26
* edwardthefma is a crap speller20:26
deanHi all I wonder if someone could help me with a virtualbox issue?20:27
SockPant1sarit: all i have is a lot of Linux Foundation root hubs and one Z-Star Microelectronics Corp.20:27
l33tn00bpsyxxxx: did some research. maybe this could help you --> http://www.janoweb.net/tutorials/improve-TX-Power-ALFA-AWUS036H-changing-CRDA.html#axzz1PwMTo6CN20:27
edwardthefmaXd i want to do it with out erasing my current vista os20:27
brier_I have an odd problem installing Centos as a guest VM on Ubuntu.20:28
saritSockPant1: currently out of ideas20:28
SockPant1sarit: would it be listed in pci if it was a ps/2 device? they usually are afaik20:28
brier_As a default it used the virtio drivers.  I removed them and used the IDE and the realtek drivers instead.20:29
saritSockPant1: don't have pci devices anymore, wouldn't know, too long ago20:29
brier_I also had to specify noapic.20:29
saritSockPant1: I mean ps/2 devices20:29
blip-hi, anyone know any graphical SMB share folder managers ?  Dolphin under KDE is not able to authenticate into the protected folders on my SMB share20:30
repvikI'm having issues typing in bash in 11.04. Keystrokes don't "come through". I get this both from local console and through ssh. Known issue? I couldn't find anything useful with google. It appears to only happen when X is running. Nothing in any logs.20:30
deanWhen I load virtualbox and try to load my OS it wont load and said I need to install kernal has anyone had this problem?20:30
brier_So that worked, but the kernel that was installed is the 2.6.18-238.el5xen.20:31
Gr8Qanyone got the natty Compat wireless drivers patched?20:31
deanCould someone tell me if there is a channel for Vbox?20:33
brier_So why would the install put xen kernels in /boot instead of the normal boot image?20:33
ikoniabrier_: what virtualiztion are you using20:33
oCeanbrier_: so that is actually a centos question20:33
vladikoffhey Iused update-alternatives --config java, and I was able to switch from OpenJDK to Sun, but 'root' still uses openjdk, what do i do?20:34
deanCan anyone see my messages?20:34
oCeandean: there is #vbox20:34
ikoniadean: yes20:34
deanOh ok lol thanks oCean20:34
deanthanks ikonia20:34
brier_I have used system-config-samba.noarch before.20:35
ikoniabrier_: what virtualiztion are you using20:35
brier_I am using KVM virtualization and it could be a Centos problem.20:36
=== k1ng__ is now known as k1ng
flowbeehi folks.  installing ubuntu 11.04 on my t420.  i have 409.2GB of free space.  i believe its best to have a separate partition for /root/ and for /home/.  questions: 1) how big should /root/ be?  2) do i only want two partitions (one for /home/ and one for /root/) ?20:36
ikoniabrier_: it sounds like the centos installer is detecting the virtualization wrongly and putting the xen kernel in rather than stock20:36
brier_Just seems weird that as a default it installed the xen kernel and not install virtio drivers...20:37
eniac_@nikola chelma ti si?20:37
flowbeealso should i go with ext3 or ext420:37
brier_ikonia... that does sound like what it is doing...20:37
eniac_nikola jesi li ti20:38
ikoniaeniac_: what language do you speak ?20:38
brier_flowbee: ext4 is mature and has better logging/recovery...20:38
SockPant1sarit: it's a synaptics touchpad i think, i've been meddling with some options using synclient and they have effect. they don't fix the problem though20:38
ikoniasanja: ?20:39
brier_I guess I will go bug the Centos IRC :)20:39
brier_Thank you much.20:39
zaksoldierالسلام عليكم20:40
oCeanzaksoldier: you were told multiple times that you should use English here20:40
flowbee3) do i need a partition for /swap?  if so how big?  4) ext3 or ext4?  5) for each partition do i want primary/logical?  6) order of the partitions; should it go /, /home/ swap?  another order?20:41
zaksoldierOk ok sorry20:41
katsrcwhat's the best way to upgrade to Firefox 5?20:41
ikoniaflowbee: 3.) up to you - normally yes, 4.) ext3/4 depends on your needs, 5.) primary/logical doesn't matter20:41
saritflowbee: 3) i don't use a swap partition, enough ram, if needed can use a swapfile20:41
[snake]I am having a problem with my 2.5" hdd hot swap and ubuntu20:42
zaksoldierI said Salam alekom only ( hi )20:42
saritflowbee: 5) consider using LVM20:42
Piciflowbee: 3) At least the size of your ram if you want to hibernate20:42
ikoniaflowbee: 6.) order - doesn't matter20:42
oCean!ff5 | katsrc20:42
ubottukatsrc: Firefox 5 packages are currently building!  The new version will be available as a security update in Natty/11.04.  If you'd like Fx5 in earlier releases, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/20:42
erkan^How install I Firefox 5 on ubuntu ?20:42
katsrcoCean: thanks!20:42
oCeanerkan^: read the lines above your message20:42
=== vatts is now known as vatts[off]
erkan^where, o?20:43
erkan^oCean, ?20:43
Picierkan^: the one from ubottu20:43
erkan^I can not understand, Pici20:44
erkan^I ask20:44
zaksoldieroCean: I said only Salam alekom (hi)20:44
Pici!ff5 | erkan^20:44
ubottuerkan^: Firefox 5 packages are currently building!  The new version will be available as a security update in Natty/11.04.  If you'd like Fx5 in earlier releases, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/20:44
erkan^where can i install firefox 5 on ubuntu?20:44
oCeanzaksoldier: yes, but I told you before that you should use English20:44
zaksoldierOk man20:45
ender_33firebloat more like it20:45
Piciender_33: Those sort of comments aren't needed here.20:46
Picierkan^: Do you understand now?20:46
zaksoldierIs any one know Arabic20:47
Pici!sa | zaksoldier20:47
ubottuzaksoldier: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية20:47
zaksoldierubottu: Did you know arabic20:49
ubottuzaksoldier: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:49
zaksoldierOk man20:49
oCeanzaksoldier: I've told you before this channel is for technical ubuntu support. If you like to chat, do so in #ubuntu-offtopic20:49
jnlsnl_i think something is wrong with my vhost rewrite rule, if anything jump in your eyes let me know: RewriteRule ^.* /gitweb.cgi/$0 [L,PT]20:49
mainVoidHello I have a question: Does know how to direct your local traffic so when your running a vpn client connection only certain ports get routed through that vpn? ie i want to 'browse the web' without the vpn20:49
wolfricI deleted all files from /etc/ldap/slapd.d/ (which consisted of the config files and schemas etc for ldap). i then tried to do apt-get remove slapd and it keeps failing. The init script apparently fails (slapd isn't running). I've tried with -f but it hasn't made a difference. Can i forceably remove it anyway?20:51
eniac_somebody knows password for Minecraft?20:52
ikoniaeniac_: ?20:52
eniac_@ikonia: Its a game Minecraft20:52
OerHekseniac_, registering minecraft is free20:52
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
eniac_i will check again20:53
prezeshello everybody. how to quickly move to text mode in ubuntu 10.10?20:53
OneiricOneprezes, ctrl-alt-F120:54
prezesare you sure? people tell me ctrl+alt+f7 or f820:54
hypatiaprezes: ctrl-alt-f7 moves you back to graphical20:55
mainVoidi usually press ctrl+alt and then proceed to bang on the f keys20:55
prezesthanks for help20:55
eniac_I did some registration on the site, then i downloaded .jar20:55
hypatiamainVoid: or that :)20:55
eniac_when i enter my login data it says: "user not premium" and20:56
Picieniac_: This really isn't an Ubuntu support question, if you want to ask about it in #ubuntu-offtopic, that would be more appropriate.20:56
prezesI have 1 more question? is slim( login manager) compatible NOW with ubu 10.10 Lots of people have problems after install this software20:57
prezesI have 1 more question? is slim( login manager) compatible NOW with ubu 10.10 Lots of people have problems after install this software20:58
[snake]can i start applets in unity somehow21:00
[snake]specifically this one21:00
flowbeehow big a swap size do i need if i want to be able to hibernate my t420 with ubuntu 11.04.  it has 4GB of RAM now; and i may add 2-4GB of ram in the future.21:00
aeon-ltdflowbee: around the same as your ram, but it also depends on the software you run i'd say 2gb+ is fine21:01
albechtrying to get rsync in daemon mode to preserve privileges. Do I have to connect as root to the rsync server or only run the rsync server as root?21:01
guntbertflowbee: for hibernatingI recommend amount of RAm you have, you can add swap space later too21:01
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync21:02
flowbeewhat do you folks think of simply using a swap file instead of a swap partition?21:02
awallinflowbee: isn't swap for people who don't know how to buy RAM ? :)21:03
flowbeeawallin, i'm thinking swap files are better21:03
guntbertawallin: no21:04
guntbertawallin: in fact he was talking about hibernating21:05
abyshi all, how can I configure grub2 to keep a boot option?21:05
flowbeeim going to use a swap file; instead of swap partition; seems easier to adjust later21:05
TCCbzombie processes21:06
TCCbhow to find them?21:06
TCCbno way to really kill them, is there.21:06
=== a is now known as Guest93455
EMABradWhat issues are there when doing an "update" upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04?  I've been putting it off recently because I fear it'll destroy my system.21:08
eniac_@Pici:sorry :)21:09
saritabys: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2, check the section on /etc/grub.d/21:09
guntbertabys: edit /etc/default/grub accordingly and run sudo update-grub afterwards21:09
guntbertTCCb: zombie processes *are* dead already, they don't use any system resources21:10
saritTCCb: how to find zombie processes, I think most (if not all) have "(defunct)" next to their entry in "ps -ef"21:12
TheSimkinubuntu tol dme i had a new version21:12
TheSimkinso i hit upgrade21:12
TheSimkinand it put me into a beta mode21:12
TheSimkinhow do I go back cause this is breaking everything :(21:12
guntbert!enter | TheSimkin21:12
ubottuTheSimkin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:12
PiciTheSimkin: What does 'a beta mode' mean?21:12
TheSimkinPici: i dunno what versin it is but it's telling me these problems are caused be unstable packages.21:13
gilesI want to switch to runlevel 121:13
PiciTheSimkin: Can you pastebin the exact error message?21:13
gilesso I type sudo telinit 121:13
TheSimkinPici: there are hundres21:13
gilesthe machine goes to a bootsplash21:14
TheSimkinPici: the worst problem is it install nouvoue drivers and they are absolutely awful21:14
gilesthen stops21:14
PiciTheSimkin: How did you upgrade?21:14
Pici!enter | giles21:14
ubottugiles: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:14
gilesright sorry pici.21:14
TheSimkinPici: update manager21:14
PiciTheSimkin: Did you give it any command line arguments?21:14
guntbert!runlevels | giles21:14
ubottugiles: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.21:14
TheSimkini think it might just bee 11.0421:14
TheSimkinbut it's seriously rboken :(21:14
PiciTheSimkin: Then could you please pastebin the errors you're getting.21:14
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:15
TheSimkinbut it has tteh 3.0.1 kernel21:15
gilesI want to switch to runlevel 1. so I type sudo telinit 1. the machine goes to a bootsplash. then stops21:15
TheSimkinPici: well that would be nice but i can't even start the machine up properly21:15
TheSimkinPici: how do i undo the upgrade?21:15
TheSimkinor is it even possible?21:15
PiciTheSimkin: 11.04 doesn't have the 3.01 kernel.21:15
gilesguntbert: okay, and how does that help me?21:15
genii-aroundgiles: Try alt-f1 or ctrl-alt-f121:15
PiciTheSimkin: are you running the alpha release of Ubuntu?21:16
gilesgenii-around: I can't sent alt-f1 because it's a vm.21:16
TheSimkinPici: maybe, i dunno what happened.21:16
TheSimkinPici: i just want to go back21:16
guntbertgiles: sorry, I just saw that it doesn't really help, looking into it21:16
PiciTheSimkin: When did you install Ubuntu?21:16
alesanhi! how can I install firefox 5?21:16
alesanI am using the latest ubuntu21:17
alesanbut it doesn't have firefox 521:17
Pici!ff5 | alesan21:17
ubottualesan: Firefox 5 packages are currently building!  The new version will be available as a security update in Natty/11.04.  If you'd like Fx5 in earlier releases, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/21:17
gilesgenii-around: alt+f1 does nothing, ctrl+alt+f1 sends me to a console but of my host machine not my vm21:17
alesanPici, thanks!!!!!21:17
alesanPici, so I will wait. Thanks again!!!21:17
Picialesan: no problem :)21:17
genii-aroundgiles: runlevel 1 usually gets rid of all the extraneous consoles leaving you with just the primary one. If you have no way to switch to it, you may have some difficulties.21:17
TheTonguenotice it says Release Candidate21:18
TheSimkinPici: i think i'm going to switch back to gentoo, ubuntu is far too whimsicle formy tastes :(21:18
gilesgenii-around: yeah I guess this question is more relavant to #virtualbox.21:18
PiciTheSimkin: If you installed 11.10, the alpha release of Ubuntu, then yes, it would likely be broken.21:18
guntbertgiles: you said VM? then use <host key> F121:19
BluesKajTheSimkin, will gentoo help your spelling too ? :)21:19
PiciBluesKaj: Thats uncalled for.21:19
gilesguntbert: no luck21:19
guntbertgiles: on the splash screen just press <alt> <left> until you get the "recovery menu"21:20
BluesKajyeah Pici , but it's still funny :)21:20
gilesguntbert: no sorry.21:21
guntbertgiles: I just did exactly that, -- btw do you *really* need runlevel 1? or just a terminal?21:22
gilesguntbert: I want to remount root ro21:22
guntbertgiles: use a live CD? runlevel 1 is the recovery menu on ubuntu21:23
gilesguntbert: done it, <host-key>+f1 and then type telinit 1 there doh21:23
guntbertgiles: all set now?21:24
bfh198Any1 Know how to get something like itunes onto linux, pref low cpu/ram usage. but something that i can use to edit my itunes songs.21:24
bfh198edit my ipod *21:24
gilesguntbert: yeah it pops the spash screen up again, but I have to quickly press <host>+f1 again, then I get the recovery menu...21:24
guntbert!itunes | bfh19821:25
ubottubfh198: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee21:25
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:25
Mandrewhow do i over clock my processor?21:25
SockPant1can i have the top panel (also) display on the second monitor?21:25
guntbertgiles: good :)21:25
sc30317Mandrew, in the computer BIOS (if applicable).  What kind of computer do you have?21:25
Mandrewi have a netbook21:25
guntbertMandrew: how is that an ubuntu support question?21:25
SockPant1Mandrew: you can't overclock a netbook, it will melt21:26
Mandrewok tnx21:26
Mandrewthen i leave it alone :D21:26
SockPant1if you need to be able to run more things at once you could upgrade the ram21:26
SockPant1that's usually easy21:26
Mandrewyea a good idea SockPant121:27
gilesguntbert: now I do: mount -o remount,ro /dev/sda1 and it says device is busy?21:27
alienHi all, anyone know when the due date for FF5 on ubuntu it .. to my understanding its available only as BETA at the moment!21:28
guntbertgiles: thats whi I suggested to use a live "CD" (iso)21:29
genii-around!ff5 | alien21:29
ubottualien: Firefox 5 packages are currently building!  The new version will be available as a security update in Natty/11.04.  If you'd like Fx5 in earlier releases, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/21:29
rookswhy HDD is spinnging when my CPU reaches 100% load?21:29
gilesguntbert: yep that would be better, but I thought you should be able to remount root in runlevel 1?21:29
aeon-ltdOK GONNA CLEAR THIS UP ABOUT FF5 - the way ubuntu packages are released as opposed to bleeding edge distros, they are tested then branded and documented if needed then released for you to update to, this branding can be from days to weeks usually21:30
aliengenii-around:  thx :D21:30
kernelpanickerI'm looking to set a youth hostel up which currently has a hosed Windows box with a scenario whereby they just run off a live Ubuntu DVD all the time... any suggestions (small distro) or other ideas?21:30
guntbertgiles: not to my knowledge21:30
guntbert!ot | kernelpanicker21:30
ubottukernelpanicker: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:30
gilesguntbert: well that's what man zerofree told me.21:30
peasantgiles: mount -o remount /21:30
kernelpanickerWhat??  My question is off topic?21:31
guntbertgiles: no idea wha zerofree might be :)21:31
kernelpanickerA question about ubuntu setup?21:32
guntbertkernelpanicker: yes, in a support channel21:32
kernelpanickerguntbert: help me understand that...21:32
gilesguntbert: it zero's your free space.21:32
Picikernelpanicker: You made a statement about Ubuntu. If you want other distros, the best place to ask is ##linux.21:32
guntbertkernelpanicker: you were asking "any suggestions (small distro)"...21:32
genii-aroundkernelpanicker: Depending on the hardware, if low specs ... Lubuntu or Xubuntu live CD probably21:32
Picikernelpanicker: Was there a question about Ubuntu that I missed there?21:32
PiciMaybe I did miss it, /shrug21:33
kernelpanickerOMG... that is so shallow... you spot a mention of distro and ignore the rest of the question...21:33
kernelpanickerclassic irc kneejerk stuff21:33
kernelpanickerread the rest of the question...21:33
guntbert!attitude | kernelpanicker21:33
kernelpanickerwhat I meant to say is what the most pared down version of ubuntu is...21:33
ubottukernelpanicker: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:33
Picikernelpanicker: Oh. Then genii-around's answer is great.21:33
Picikernelpanicker: LXDE is the new lightwight desktop of choice, if they have a live-cd, I'd go with that on a low-spec computer.21:34
guntbertgiles: I see, no experience with that here, but as Isaid: use a live CD :)21:35
kernelpanickerI am a huge volunteer myself on irc and elsewhere, and just returned from the Southeast Linux Festival, where I volunteered.  My attitude is and has been stellar.  Thank you genii-around, I'll look into your recommendations now.21:36
deanHi all could someone tell me if there is a itunes linux equivalent?21:38
juker_1994hi gays!21:38
LjLjuker_1994: i think you mean guys21:38
kernelpanickerGenii-around: all I need for apps is actually internet... how do I pare down the DVD to just that and a desktop?21:38
=== dean is now known as Neohasreturned
NeohasreturnedHi all is there an itunes equivalent for linux?21:39
genii-aroundkernelpanicker: There are kiosk versions.. of regular Ubuntu at least. You'd have to search online probably for more info21:39
kernelpanickergenii-around: that sounds promising, since this is essentially a kiosk... cool, thanks for the help ;)21:40
genii-aroundkernelpanicker: You're welcome21:40
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retentiveboyanyone know if there's a way to add "acl" as a mount option for encrypted home directories?21:44
NeohasreturnedHey guys is there an application that lets you manage your ipod?21:44
joel135check your /etc/fstab perhaps?21:44
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retentiveboyjoel135: nope, directory is mounted automatically at login.21:45
joel135Neohasreturned: have you tried http://www.gtkpod.org/wiki/Home   ?21:45
Dman674hello how do i delete login keyring?21:46
Dman674im in 10.04.221:46
Neohasreturnedjoel135, I think I have tried it before I don't think it worked with my ipod21:47
joel135retentiveboy: I don't use it myself, but check /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER21:49
joel135Neohasreturned: can you use it as a mass storage device?21:50
sc30317Neohasreturned, you could always install Rockbox; awesome open source firmware for the IPOD that allows you to use it as a mass storage device21:50
Neohasreturnedjoel135,  I don't think so21:50
Marchitoswhy does i can't run su?21:51
Marchitosand i need sudo?21:51
NeohasreturnedRockbox does it allow me to transfer playlists onto it?21:51
joel135Marchitos: do you mean that sudo works, but su doesn't?21:51
flowbeeis it possible to hibernate on ubuntu if i have a swap file instead of a swap partition?21:52
saritMarchitos: did you set a password for the root user?21:52
Shadowjedi01what is up with nothing being supported for ubuntu21:52
saritMarchitos: than you won't be able to use su cause su tries to authenticate you as "root"21:53
joel135Marchitos: you need to give the user 'root' it's own password, but it isn't adviced for sequrity reasons. instead use the workaround "sudo su "21:53
Marchitosthat's the question: why does the root account is disabled by default?21:53
saritjoel135: I'd prefer "sudo -i"21:53
Marchitosi thought there was a security issue, but if sudo can do everything, then why disable it?21:53
Neohasreturnedsc30317, I have checked that rockbox out only works upto 2nd generation ipods21:54
Shadowjedi01is there any way to get 11.04 back to a default look21:54
Squid_TamerI think the problem with opening root is that attackers try to break into that first21:54
aeon-ltd!classic | Shadowjedi0121:54
ubottuShadowjedi01: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".21:54
Shadowjedi01which interface do you guys prefer21:55
Shadowjedi01I haven't really  messed with it yet21:55
aeon-ltdShadowjedi01: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic21:55
Shadowjedi01good deal ty21:55
saritShadowjedi01: on the logon screen, click your user name, before entering the password, choose "Ubuntu classic" at the bottom of the screen21:55
Psydollsarit, tere ma da pudha21:57
joel135how do I configure Apache 2 to listen to two different ports, each providing a unique /var/www equivalent?21:59
joel135mtx1980: try /list instead22:00
virgois there any program with gui that can open multiple terminals and i can customize buttons that give some command sequences into terminals?22:00
sc30317Neohasreturned, what iPod do you have?22:02
IdleOnevirgo: byobu22:04
IdleOne!info byobu22:04
ubottubyobu (source: byobu): a set of useful profiles and a profile-switcher for GNU screen. In component main, is optional. Version 3.33-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 61 kB, installed size 608 kB22:04
IdleOnehmm sorry not byobu22:04
jihardjoin # irc2go.com22:04
flowbeei'm installing 11.04 on my t420.  if i want my /home/ to be encrypted; is it enough to simply check that box during regular install ?  or do i need alternate disc install?22:05
Dulakvirgo: not sure it's what you need but fabric allows you to run multiple commands through ssh from a single command22:05
joel135flowbee: I think checking the box only encrypts the $HOME of one user, someone please confirm22:06
jasljoel135 install webmin22:07
guntbert!webmin | joel135 jasl22:07
ubottujoel135 jasl: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.22:07
jaslFunny that it works for me at 10.0422:07
guntbertjasl: it will work until it breaks something :)22:08
joel135I'm too tired to take any risks at the moment. Any other suggestions?22:08
guntbertjoel135: try to ask in ##httpd22:09
jaslSo they dropped support and probably didn't replace it with anything, right?22:09
Picijoel135: 'they'?22:09
z0mbi3hi all, could someone pint me in the right direction of how to unload a driver/stop a usb device during suspend, and reload it during resume? I've got a tv dongle that's stopping suspend from working. I'm on lucid lynx.22:09
guntbertjasl: it was not a question of dropping support - webmin was never adapted to the debian/ubuntu scheme for config files22:10
IdleOnevirgo: maybe this is what you are looking for http://ubuntuguide.net/clicompanion-run-and-store-terminal-commands-from-a-gui22:10
intlkleinblueHey all, I was updating and I have this problem come up:22:10
intlkleinblueW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4EA3A911D48B8E2522:10
jaslToo bad.  It's a nice product.22:11
cogitornintlkleinblue: apt-get install ubuntu-keyring22:11
intlkleinbluecogitorn: I already have this installed...22:12
BelialAre there currently any known issues with ppa.launchpad.net? I'm seeing some 404's on an update22:12
intlkleinblueBelial: same22:12
intlkleinblueBelial: Murrine, for example comes up with 404 when updating22:12
intlkleinbluebut msot everything else is fine22:12
PiciBelial: PPAs aren't gauranteed to exist forever. Do you see the packages listed on the PPA page for that software?22:12
BelialPici: Aware of that, I was asking as there were multiple 404's that were fine earlier, wondering if there may be a systems issue I wasnt aware of :)22:13
jaslHit http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages worked22:13
intlkleinblueI think my my problem I mentioned earlier with the missing key has something to do with adding a pubkey or something22:14
intlkleinbluehow do i do this?22:14
BelialPici: intlkleinblue: Must be going through some work, thats one responding with the file and one missing now :) I'll give it a while and if it persists, see if its been reported. Thanks: )22:15
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Piciintlkleinblue: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4EA3A911D48B8E2522:15
JontaClarification on start of point 7? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild22:16
guntbertPici: s/adv/add/22:16
JasonnI am trying to install inspircd on 11.04 and it tells me that g++ is not installed, but it is, and I cannot install gcc, as the package is not found.22:17
intlkleinbluethanks Pici, guntbert22:17
IdleOneJasonn: install build-essential22:18
JasonnE: Unable to locate package build-essential22:18
JasonnIdleOne: ^^22:18
Jasonngot it22:19
intlkleinbluehmm, Pici. I get this error when I try the command: `gpg: conflicting commands`22:19
fortisshowdy all22:20
JasonnIdleOne: perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").22:20
Jasonn 22:20
JasonnIdleOne: How do I fix that issue?22:20
fortissI'm looking for a lock screen that woks like the iphone slide to unlock22:21
flowbeei want the full disk encryption that the alternate install provides; but i'm already mostly through the regular install.  should i wait for it to finish and then reinstall with alternate cd?  i am also trying to maintain dual boot into windows 7 if that matters22:21
xiloI installed ubuntu after windows 7 and realized my windows 7 partition wasn't big enough for the files I want on there (it installed, I just need more room) How do I resize windows 7 to give me more room? Or make another partition accessable from windows 7 (EG: a J:\ drive of some sort)22:21
IdleOneJasonn: I don't know to be honest.22:21
Johnnee_HELP!!! Please, i need someone who can help me recover my 10.10 installation via 1 on 1 guidance or using teamviewer remotely for faster resolution. Please!!?22:21
JasonnIdleOne: It also sais some other crap after, but it just tells me the locale settings22:21
Psydollcan someone tell me if there is an open source program to broadcast on internet radio?22:21
Johnnee_HELP!!! Please, i need someone who can help me recover my 10.10 installation via 1 on 1 guidance or using teamviewer remotely for faster resolution. Please!!?22:22
Autoclesiscan Abiword alphabetize like LibreOffice?22:22
fortissxilo: right click "computer" click manage, click disk managment22:22
JasonnJohnnee_: Check PM22:22
guntbert!repeat | Johnnee_22:22
ubottuJohnnee_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:22
xilofortiss: I'm guessing you mean to do that on windows 7 right?22:22
sc30317Johnnee what is the issue22:22
gribouillewille firefox 5 be available for maverick ?22:22
xilook cool. i will be right back after i boot into windows 722:23
fortissyou can resize your partitions in there22:23
IdleOne!ff5 | gribouille22:23
ubottugribouille: Firefox 5 packages are currently building!  The new version will be available as a security update in Natty/11.04.  If you'd like Fx5 in earlier releases, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/22:23
fortissit doesnt work with ext partitions though22:23
JasonnI get this error when I try to build something, its a fresh install ubuntu 11.04: perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").22:23
fortissso anyone know of a piece of software that will allow my lubuntu box to "unlock" like a iphone slide to unlock screen?22:24
IdleOneJasonn: don't do that please22:24
JasonnIdleOne: Sorry, I meant to send it to someone else in another channel with the first letter as U and it just went to #ubuntu by default :S22:25
rawfodogI want to share a folder I have in windows 7 with my Ubuntu computer. Thing is, I share my network with other people and I don't want them getting at it. Any tutorials on how to make a folder exclusive and or how to make another workgroup or something to exclude other people from this folder ?22:25
Jasonnrawfodog: FTP is a good method22:25
Johnnee_HELP!!! Please, i need someone who can help me recover my 10.10 installation via 1 on 1 guidance or using teamviewer remotely for faster resolution. Please!!?22:25
rawfodogI downloaded fileZilla server, couldnt get it to work on windows 722:26
Jasonn!abuse Johnnee_22:26
IdleOneJohnnee_: what is the problem?22:26
Jasonn!abuse | Johnnee_22:26
ubottuJohnnee_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:26
fortissrawfdog: if you're sharing with windows 7 you can set permissions on the folder. Only people you specify will have access22:26
Jasonnrawfodog: Run the server on the ubuntu box, install vsftpd22:26
koppeDual-booting w/grub setup from Linux.  What is the right entry for booting FreeBSD or OpenSolaris?22:27
blinkybhow can i prevent my pc from going into sleep mode?22:27
Jasonnblinkyb: change the power settings22:28
fortissblinkyb what os?22:28
Johnnee_i was prompted to perform an automatic update and my ubuntu got corrupted and i can no longer boot into it... i get the list of OS to choose from, but the timer is gone and when i select any of the ubuntu entries it doesn't work.22:28
blinkybi mean, the screen goes off whenever am watching dvd. i have to move the mouse every 5 minutes to prevent that from happening22:28
fortissblinkyb: what OS22:28
blinkybJasonn & fortiss: I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on a desktop.22:28
joel135blinkyb: do you use Totem?22:28
IdleOneblinkyb: edit the screensaver settings22:29
intlkleinblueguys, I still have the problem I said earlier...22:29
intlkleinblueW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4EA3A911D48B8E2522:29
RoastedIs it normal to see "Disk /dev/md0 doesn't contain a valid partition table" when I run sudo fdisk -l when running software raid 1 array via MDADM??22:29
saritJohnnee_: short solution run the ubuntu live cd and see what "update-grub": does22:29
naphidiahey quick question, anyone know if the aircrack-ng ubuntu package im trying to patch my kernel and using one of the supplied patches in the doc dir but im not able to extract the patch...22:29
saritRoasted: yes22:29
naphidiaits in linux-wlanng-0.2.8.patch.gz format22:29
naphidiatar xzvf didnt work22:29
IdleOneintlkleinblue: sudo apt-key add --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4EA3A911D48B8E2522:30
Roastedsarit, is there a reason why?22:30
blinkybIdleOne: it doesn't work22:30
Dulaknaphidia: it's gunzip you want, not tar22:30
naphidiagunzip -d ?22:30
saritRoasted: afaik, it's not common practice to partition a raid /dev/md0 device. It is technically possible though.22:30
Roastedsarit, I thought you HAD to to use it once the array existed...22:30
Dulaknaphidia: no, just gunzip filename.gz22:30
Roastedotherwise how would you write data to it?22:30
saritno, you can even make a /dev/md0 with /dev/sda and /dev/sdb (so not using partitions at all)22:30
=== xilo is now known as xilo_
naphidiaany to patch something i know the command is patch > something22:31
naphidiabut not sure..22:31
naphidiapatch -p1 < ?22:31
naphidiasomething like thta ?22:31
Johnnee_sarit: i already tried that.. now i get a mssg: unspecified error22:31
IdleOne!patch | naphidia22:32
ubottunaphidia: Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.22:32
Dulaknaphidia: patch -p1 < filename.of.patch.here22:32
saritJohnnee_: hm... kinda vague :)22:32
Dulaknaphidia: you need to be in the right dir for that to work22:32
naphidiaok ty22:33
intlkleinblueIdleOne: same error as before...: gpg: conflicting commands22:33
Roastedsarit, that still makes no sense to me. When you create an array, you thereby create a "disk". the disk needs a partition table and partition in order to be used, otherwise its just unallocated space.22:33
fortissI wont ask again after this, I have a kiosk running lubuntu and need a screensaver that will activate after 5-10 seconds that will feature a slide to unlock function. Its not for security its just to make sure all screen touches are deliberate and buttons are not pressed from someone brushing up against the kiosk.22:33
maru_hey, is there a possibilty to set up networkmanager so it only controls one of my two wireless interfaces=?22:33
RoastedHowever, my array is clearly working: md0 : active raid1 sdb1[0] sdc1[1]22:33
saritRoasted: you do not need partitions on a disk to put a file system on it22:34
Roastedsarit, well a file system is kinda what I was referring to. I guess I wasn't using wording right.22:34
saritRoasted: mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda; mount /dev/sda /something will work as well (it will format the whole disk)22:34
Roastedsarit, so you're saying it's possible to have a file system on an array without a partition table?22:34
Roastedsarit, and thereby I should just ignore my /dev/md0 doesn't contain a valid partition table error?22:34
saritRoasted: yes, mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0; mount /dev/md0 /mountpoint22:35
benedicthi, is it possible to wake my laptop after hibernation (writing ram to hdd) with a key stroke like it is sued to be with suspending (kepping ram in ram)22:35
Roastedsarit, it seems as if my NAS (also running a raid 1 array) also gives the same output. hmm. glad to see that now.22:35
|COM|Styxi'm trying to find the source of a problem with my nvidia card22:36
saritRoasted: there's no reason to do fdisk /dev/md022:36
|COM|Styxdoes the default x86_64 ubuntu kernel have the magic syskey enabled, by any chance?22:36
Roastedsarit, I wasn't. I did sudo fdisk -l because I was trying to see if my flash drive was detected that I plugged in. That's when I saw that partition table error and thought "what the??"22:36
saritRoasted: never mind that error, "fdisk -l" does also fdisk -l /dev/md022:37
stealhi all how can I convert lastest ATI driver in a deb package?22:37
Roastedsarit, right, I'm just saying I didn't specifically run fdisk on the md0. I just noticed it when troubleshooting something else.22:37
bilzhelp! ive broken my laptop! i had ubuntu 10.10 installed. i then installed windows 7 and couldnt get back into ubuntu. then booted into ubuntu using 10.04 live disc and tried to fix grub. now when i boot up my laptop it says "grub loading" and then just gives a blank screen22:38
thevaliantxis there a way to send a message to another user on the local network using pidgin?  just wanting to try some new things with linux :)22:38
edbianbilz: Boot the live CD again.  I'll help you fix it more carefully22:38
bilzedbian, booting it up now. thanks :)22:38
maru_bilz, maybe grub is broken22:38
thevaliantxor is pidgin not the best tool for this?22:38
edbianbilz: sure22:38
edbianmaru_: grub is definitely broken22:38
bilzedbian, right, im in22:39
maru_yeah. simply fix it with a live CD22:39
stealthevaliantx, I don't know with pidgin but i hope that you can use write command22:39
edbianbilz: You need to mount your ubuntu root in /mnt  Do you know how to do that?22:39
rookshow to make swap load all its stuff back to mem?22:39
maru_hey, is there a possibilty to set up networkmanager so it only controls one of my two wireless interfaces?22:39
bilzedbian, I can mount it into /media22:40
|COM|Styx*sigh*  i hate irc22:40
thevaliantxsteal, would you mind referring me to a up-to-date extensive tutorial on using the CLI with ubuntu?22:40
edbianbilz: I'd rather have it in /mnt but that's ok too.  (putting it in /mnt makes it easier to type the full path later)22:40
edbianbilz: What folder is it in then? /media/<numbers>/  ?22:40
edbianbilz: this is a 10.10 live Cd and a 10.10 install correct?22:41
bilzedbian, no.  10.04 livecd, a 10.10 install22:41
Johnnee_HELP!!! Please, i need someone who can help me recover my 10.10 installation via 1 on 1 guidance or using teamviewer remotely for faster resolution.22:42
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edbianbilz: Ok.  Close enough.  Anything older than 11.04 uses the verison of grub we need :)22:42
stealmsg thevaliantx man write22:42
bilzexcellent :)22:42
edbianbilz: Anyway, here is what you need to run: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/<numbers> /dev/sda22:42
edbianbilz: I am assuming you have only one harddrive22:42
bilzedbian, exactly what I did22:42
thevaliantxsteal, am doing that now :)  problem is, i'm not sure what my wife's username is or how to find it on the network.22:43
edbianbilz: Really...22:43
bilzedbian, yeah. one hard drive, partitioned though22:43
edbianbilz: run this then: sudo grub-install --recheck --root-directory="/media/<numbers> /dev/sda22:44
edbianbilz: It will give more output.22:44
nellweeI have a emachine with onboard nvidia 6100 and fresh install of ubuntu 10.04. why dose the recommended driver run so slow ?22:44
coz_nellwee,  well it could be a few things,, first make sure you have compizconfig-settings-manager   installed22:45
edbianbilz: You can pastebin the output if you'd like (I'd like that :) )22:45
coz_nellwee,  then that would be listed under   /system/preferences/  or just run     ccsm22:45
sammitchhow can i ask the bot something?22:46
bilzedbian, have you made a typo in that last statement?22:46
bilzyou have an unclosed "22:46
edbianbilz: yeah I forgot to close my quotes22:46
edbianbilz: good catch22:46
coz_nellwee,  once in ccsm  click on the   OpenGL plugin to get into it's settings and  untick the "Sync to VBlank"  option22:46
arand!msgthebot > sammitch22:46
ubottusammitch, please see my private message22:46
bilzedbian,  i mean, where does the unclosed quoet go :)22:46
coz_nellwee,  although,, I have a 6600gt on one machine as onboard,, its "ok"  not great22:47
edbianbilz: run this then: sudo grub-install --recheck --root-directory="/media/<numbers>" /dev/sda22:47
johwilsammitch, try /msg the bot22:47
nellweecoz_, ill try that. I use hardware drivers and installed recommended driver and was very slow so I removed it and now it is back to normal.  did not know compiz would effect that22:47
sammitcharand: thx22:47
bilzedbian, Installation finished. No error reported.22:47
coz_nellwee,  well the sync to vblank actually may be the culprit not compiz22:47
edbianbilz: Was there any more detail than that?22:48
bilzedbian, nope. :22:48
nellweecoz_,  I dont understand what that is22:48
bilzshall i try and reboot and see what happens?22:48
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edbianbilz: yep!22:48
edbianbilz: I'm here for ya22:48
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:49
bilzedbian,  :(22:50
edbianbilz: no good?22:50
bilzedbian, the only time it says "grub loading" btw, is when i hold shift when i boot up22:50
bilznope, no good22:50
edbianbilz: Let's take a closer look then.  Can you pasetbin sudo fdisk -l ?22:51
xio39does anybody know of a true hardware raid solution that is cheaper than 3ware for sata hybrid drives? i'm looking to get the highest performance at the lowest cost.22:51
xio39hybrid ssd &22:51
nellweecoz_,  hardware drivers shows 3 drivers and only one says recommended and when i installed it all my windows come up slowly from bottom of screen to top . after installing ubuntu I ran all updates first then hardware driver last for video22:51
coz_nellwee,  well it is part of nvidia driver,, specifics I cant give at this point,, however,, it can interfere with how fluid the windows , etc  are drawn22:51
bilzedbian, sure, give me a sec22:51
coz_nellwee,  install the  "current"  driver then reboot the system22:52
nellweecoz_,  would one of the other drivers work or is the default driver that ubuntu installs work for 3d support?    that is what I did before on driver then reboot and it ran slowly after reboot22:54
bilzedbian, http://www.pastebin.com/w1auuUDa22:54
coz_nellwee,  well I would attemtp the  nvidia_current  right now,, reboot,, install compizconfig-settings-manager  then disable sync to vblank to test22:54
coz_nellwee,  it can also be disabled in nvidia-settings as well22:55
nellweecoz_,  ok will try that, thanks22:55
coz_nellwee,  no problem,, let me know if you get stuck22:55
bilzmmmm, primary partition problem or something?22:55
nellweecoz_, ok22:55
Johnnee_HELP!!! Please, i need someone who can help me recover my 10.10 installation via 1 on 1 guidance or using teamviewer remotely for faster resolution.22:57
NictraSaviosJohnnee_, Calm down. Whats the issue.22:58
NictraSaviosJohnnee_, You can't come in here barkin orders, now calm down. Ill help you.22:58
Johnnee_look i don't need your help with that attitude.. im asking for help, not barking.. thank you but no thanks22:59
intlkleinblueElli, Elli. Lamasabacthani!22:59
intlkleinblue#ubuntu has forsaken me22:59
ikoniaintlkleinblue: please stop that22:59
intlkleinbluewhy can't I get any help for this simple question ikonia ?22:59
NictraSaviosJohnnee_, If your gonna freak out nobody is gonna help you. I'm willing and able, take it or leave it.22:59
ikoniaJohnnee_: you'd do wise to follow advice, calm down,22:59
DrSlonyHelp, I'm on the dev team of RawTherapee and we've found an issue with our gtkrc themes in Ubuntu 11.04. The background color appears white and we don't know what's wrong. Can anyone please advise? Screenshot of RawTherapee in Ubuntu 11.04: http://i.imgur.com/910y9.png How it's supposed to look, screenshot from Fluxbox: http://i.imgur.com/PqJnZ.png22:59
bilzedbian, have you left us :(23:00
DrSlonyIt works fine in KDE and Windows and non-11.04 Ubuntus23:00
Johnnee_you calm down..23:00
katsrcdoes anyone know if Firefox 5 will use GTK 3?23:00
coz_DrSlony,  let me install it and test23:00
ikoniaJohnnee_: saying "HELP!"...... isn't very polite/useful, just explain the issue, and if they can, someone will help you23:00
NictraSaviosJohnnee_, hmm? Oh I am. I'm just asking you to mind your manners. Now, whats the issue.23:00
Johnnee_im good thanks23:01
intlkleinblueikonia: I've asked several times, politely and patiently. Yet no one even responds when I ask why the gpg: conflicting commands error comes up. Just dead silence. I'm just a little upset at the lack of addressal or anything at least.23:01
ikoniaDrSlony: have you tested with any other gnome 3 packages23:01
ikoniaintlkleinblue: someone may not know the answer, or have time to help23:01
NictraSaviosJohnnee_, K, good luck.23:01
Johnnee_i feel youre the ones being rude and arrogant so i'll get help somewhere else thanks23:01
ikoniaDrSlony: sorry, any other gtk3 distros/packages23:01
ikoniaJohnnee_: ok - bye23:01
DrSlonyikonia have I tested any other gtk3 packages in ubuntu 11.04?23:02
ikoniaDrSlony: no, tested your product against any other gtk3 rendered software, eg: fedora 15,23:02
DrSlonyikonia http://code.google.com/p/rawtherapee/issues/detail?id=79423:02
NictraSaviosDrSlony, Also opensuse and ArchLinux sport it.23:02
ikoniaDrSlony: that doesn't answer my question23:03
ikoniaDrSlony: if you're a developer on a project, I expect much better base analysis of problems23:03
intlkleinblueI think I'm gonna rm-rf my laptop and just go back to Windows. This is ridiculous.23:03
NictraSaviosintlkleinblue, What is the issue?23:03
bilzcan anyone help me fix my ubuntu - windows 7 dual boot? i had ubuntu 10.10, installed windows 7, lost my grub. now i cant seem to reinstall the grub properly?23:03
coz_intlkleinblue,   that's not going to solve anything or make you understand the issue better23:03
nemordump windows 723:04
ikonianemor: that's not helpful23:04
intlkleinblueNictraSavios: Thank You. You see, I've been trying to update my computer running 10.04 LTS. I try running the sudo apt-get update command and I get this error come up at the end all the time:23:04
DrSlonyikonia it doesn't answer your question, it offers more information on the subject23:04
intlkleinblueW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4EA3A911D48B8E2523:04
bilznemor, windows 7 was working before i tried to fix ubuntu...23:04
DrSlonyno, i havent tested in fedora 1523:04
sammitchbilz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows this one helped me23:04
ikoniaDrSlony: yes, but I asked a question not more information23:04
mistermcfisherI'm having an issue with ubuntu 11.04, it will give me the keychain ulock screen five or six times and I'll fill it out, and then it will connect23:04
bilzsammitch, thats the one i used, and now ive broke them both.23:04
ikoniaDrSlony: it provides no more information that what you've already pasted in this channel23:05
DrSlonyikonia i offered more information of my own accord before answering your question.23:05
intlkleinblueThen, after I ask in this channel, I get pointed to this command: ssudo apt-key add --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4EA3A911D48B8E2523:05
intlkleinblueBut running this only results in this error: `gpg: conflicting commands`23:05
DrSlonyikonia assuming the theme is wrong in fedora 15, what's the issue?23:05
NictraSaviosintlkleinblue, You should have googles that. It means your missing a key. Part of Ubuntus security is that each repo must have a signed key, you simply need to add it in. If you get a confliction error, http://thinkhole.org/wp/2006/01/03/public-key-not-available/23:05
ikoniaDrSlony: I'd look at the base differences between the desktops, the core thing is gtk323:05
intlkleinblueThis is where I am stuck, NictraSavios23:05
sammitchbilz: what ubuntu do you use?23:06
mistermcfisherNictra, was that to me?23:06
intlkleinblueI actually did Google the problem before coming here, and I saw that exact post as well.23:06
bilzsammitch, 10.1023:06
bilzbut im using 10.04 live cd23:06
nemorbilz what do you see at boot23:06
NictraSaviosintlkleinblue, give me one seccond, ill get a command for you to type in23:06
NictraSaviosmistermcfisher, huh?23:06
bilznemor, a blank screen23:06
bilzif I hold down shift, it says "grub loading" then i reach the blackscreen again23:07
mistermcfisherNictra, sorry also having trouble with keychain23:07
sammitchbilz: hm... i am not sure if it safe to recover a 10.10 ubuntu witha 10.04 live cd... althought tey state that only 11.04 and higher have an ew grub version...23:08
NictraSaviosintlkleinblue, here, this may help http://blog.launchpad.net/ppa/adding-a-ppas-key-to-ubuntu23:08
DrSlonyikonia so you don't actually know what the problem is? "I'd look into gtk3" is quite obvious, I was hoping that people who would respond to my question would actually have experienced something similar and would be able to point me closer to the problem.23:08
NictraSaviosmistermcfisher, Whats the error your getting?23:08
sammitchbilz: are you on your live system now?23:08
saritsammitch: grub2 works fine with Ubuntu 10.1023:08
ikoniaDrSlony: well seeing as you've done no debugging and given me no information to work with, it's pretty hard to give you the exact problem or a possible resolution23:08
DrSlonyikonia "no debugging"?23:08
mistermcfisherIt is saying that my keyring didn't unlock when I log in and then making me log in five or six times23:09
nemorwhere was installed grub23:09
ikoniaDrSlony: the fact that if you think "it's gtk3 is quite obvious" why have you not tested it with other gtk3 rendering projects/distros to prove/disprove this23:09
sammitchsarit: thx for your concern... there is someone trying to fix a 10.10 ubuntu with a 10.04 live cd... that's why i medntioned it... do you knwo something about that?23:09
bilzsammitch, yes\23:09
pappa_bear_Hi all, any1 feel like helping me troubleshoot CS1.6 wine/Steam23:09
nemorin mbr or /boot23:09
ikoniapappa_bear_: guy in ##winehq can23:09
NictraSaviosmistermcfisher, Oh thats a differnt keyring. Yes I know about that issue, Give me a second I got your back23:09
makayhi everyone23:09
DrSlonyikonia i came here to save time installing other distros, hoping to get a response from people who've had similar gtkrc issues23:10
pappa_bear_i was there last night... noone answeed me23:10
sammitchbilz: just to know... how experinced are you with ubuntu/linux.... just to know with whom i am dealing.23:10
makaydo you know of any guide to help me install "pyopencl"?23:10
makayi have the package i just cant for the life of me get it to install23:10
mistermcfishernictrasavios I'll brb23:10
bliket_is there a teamviewer like thing for ubuntu? what I am trying to do is set up something so I can control my computer remotely without setting up port forwarding (I do have a dedicated server with port forwarding if that helps, which can be used to handle incomming connections)23:10
NictraSaviosmistermcfisher, Click on Places, Home Folder. You will then need to hit Control+H on your keyboard to view hidden files. (By the way, if you want to always view hidden files, you can click on Edit, Preferences and click the box in front of Show hidden and backup files.) Browse to the folder called .gnome2, and then to the folder called keyrings. Inside it is a file called default.keyring. Delete it and the next time you enter a site or23:10
NictraSaviosmount with a password, it'll ask for a keyring password, and then you can set a new one.23:10
saritsammitch: haven't done it myself, but if it's only grub that is the issue, should work fine (regardless if you install grub legacy or grub2)23:10
NictraSaviosmistermcfisher, Then simply leave both feilds blank.23:11
ikoniaDrSlony: don't lie - you didn't know it was a gtk issue, or you'd not be pointing out that it works in fluxbox or other such desktops23:11
bilzsammitch, not very experienced23:11
ikoniaDrSlony: I suggest as a developer you stop expecting people to debug your package problems and start doing the basics and giving people more information to actually helpyou23:11
intlkleinblueBY JOVE! Thank you so much everyone!23:11
nellweecoz i unchecked synk to vblank and rebooted again, also double checked it in compiz and is unchecked there but still the windows all come up slowly and has a delay  on everything23:11
bilzsammitch, used it for a while but never really learnt all the technical details23:11
nemordo you have any live cd that works fine bilz23:11
NictraSaviosintlkleinblue, No problem.23:11
sammitchbilz: so is it ok when we ok through the how to i linked again to amke sure you didn't mix or miss anything?23:11
bilznemor, yes. the one ive booted from23:11
NictraSaviosintlkleinblue, It just takes a little google, and alot of DIY23:11
nemorand u r using now right23:12
sammitchsamrose: ... when we go through the...23:12
nemorof course23:12
bilznemor, sure. sammitch , sure23:12
bilzi can tell you exactly what i did23:12
nemormaybe someone can help you in detail23:12
bilzit asked me to mount the ubuntu drive23:12
nemorusually in those cases i reinstall everything23:12
pappa_bear_gotta love trolls23:12
DrSlonyHas anybody here experienced issues with gtkrc theme files which worked fine in GTK2 but started not displaying correct colours in GTK3/Ubuntu 11.03?23:12
nemorsorry ;)23:12
ikoniapappa_bear_: ?23:12
bliket_is there a teamviewer like thing for ubuntu? what I am trying to do is set up something so I can control my computer remotely without setting up port forwarding (I do have a dedicated server with port forwarding if that helps, which can be used to handle incomming connections)23:12
NictraSaviosDrSlony, GTK 3 is a total rewrite of the gnome stack.23:13
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bilzto do that, i simply clicked on places -> 115 GB Filesystem (which is my ubuntu partition) which opened the file browser. this immediately mounts the drive23:13
ikoniaDrSlony: this is not gtk debugging - try #gtk or do some debugging yourself for your own software23:13
intlkleinblueIt seems my problem was answered long ago by Pici and IdleOne. The problem was I followed guntbert and changed the 'adv' in the command to 'add'. This changed everything when I used the straight command given by Pici and IdleOne. A thousand bows, ikonia, Pici, IdleOne, and NictraSavios !!23:13
NictraSaviosDrSlony, things have changed. Read up on it, join the gnome devel team.23:13
bilzsammitch, I went to /media/<numbers> to check that it wasmy ubuntu partition, and it was23:13
DrSlonyNictraSavios ok23:13
nemortry to locate grub.cfg23:13
NictraSaviosintlkleinblue, Lmao, alright23:13
bilzsammitch, i then did "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 /dev/sda" where the number is replaced with my number. i got no errors to report23:14
sammitchbilz: do you have only one hard dsik or more?23:14
antiheroIf I run a program in wine, how do I know where the binary is on the HDD??23:14
sarkishey guys, what controls the fonts in sites like facebook.com?23:14
sarkisseems all my fonts are really tiny23:15
djBoLoNbliket_,   eh teamviewer23:15
bilzsammitch, one hard disk, partitioned several times23:15
mistermcfishersorry I disconnected23:15
Coreysarkis: Ctrl-+23:15
bliket_djBoLoN, is there something better?23:15
djBoLoNworks fine for me23:15
NictraSaviossarkis, Right click on desktop > change wallpaper > fonts tab > boost the size of em23:15
kv102tHello people, i would like to enable disale transmission using terminal. is this possible23:15
mistermcfisherNictra, I'm in that folder but I don't see the file you specified23:15
Coreykv102t: Disable how?23:16
mistermcfisheris it login.keyring?23:16
kv102tcorey, i want to be able to ssh in and tur on thw web access part, not leave it open all the time23:16
nellweei have onboard nvidia 6100 and installed recommended current driver on ubuntu 10.04 and turned off synk to vblank and installed compiz manager and checked to see if synk to vblank is off there too then rebooted and still very very slow response with ubuntu desktop. anyone know a fix??23:16
NictraSaviosmistermcfisher, Hmm. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1615575 ?23:16
mistermcfisherI'll check it out23:16
Coreykv102t: Stop and start the service, presumably.  /etc/init.d/SERVICE stop/start23:16
NictraSaviosmistermcfisher, Yes :P, keyring23:17
mistermcfisherand another problem23:17
mistermcfisherNictraSavios, is that the file?23:17
mistermcfisherthe login.keyring?23:17
sammitchbilz: also do you have now two fresh installed systems... so in case something brakes nothing is lost... apart from time?23:17
NictraSaviosmistermcfisher, Probably. Things probably changed in unity, so id bet thats it23:17
kv102tcorey: when it's disabled, i don't want opn port on server. but transmisson should still download information.23:17
Coreykv102t: So firewall it off I suppose.23:18
bilzsammitch, i have most my important stuff backed up on a separate partition23:18
nemorwasn't time money?23:18
Corey!ufw | kv102t23:18
ubottukv102t: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME)  and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.23:18
bilzsammitch, though I was really hoping i wouldnt have to format the crap out of everything :(23:18
sarkisdo you guys know which font controls the website fonts?23:18
mistermcfisherNictraSavios, it also seems that I disconnect randomly, I've only been able to rely on my phone as a modem which is connected to the same network my PC disconnects from23:18
NictraSaviosmistermcfisher, Ouch, networking. Sorry, I know nothing about that :(23:18
nemorsearch file grub.cfg23:19
nemoror menu.lst23:19
kv102tcorey: using the firewall, is it easy to make a quick access chane?23:19
NictraSaviosmistermcfisher, Sounds like it may be something other then your PC though.23:19
Coreykv102t: One line.  Could even script it.23:19
nemormaybe just a prob of menu visualization timeout etc23:19
robin0800sarkis, its usually in the browser configuration but some? sites override this23:20
nellweeis there a channel for nvidia linux driver support?23:20
sammitchbilz: don'T worry... jsut wanted to check ot the situaton23:20
qinsarkis: Font usually are defined in css (you can see source of site in any browser)23:20
kv102tcorey: thanks, i'll read up :)23:20
bilzsammitch, do I need to run something like update-grub23:21
sammitchbilz: it will not hurt23:22
trailoryowhere can I get some help with installing starcraft 2 through Wine?23:22
nemorgood idea23:22
sammitchbilz: i was reading your fromer post and compared them to the website... seems you did everthing correctly...23:22
nemorbut from where23:22
sammitchbilz: so after this grub install... can you still boot windows?23:22
qintrailoryo: /j #winehq23:23
bilzsammitch, maybe im mounting wrong or something? sudo update-grub gives an error23:23
trailoryoqin: tyvm23:23
bilz/usr/sbin/probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).23:23
mrmcgibbyI have a USB drive that I've formatted as ext4. It seems that after some period of time, something fails, and the system brings the device up again.  Wondering if I have a faulty drive?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/630571/23:24
sarkislooks like it was in the browser settings needed to adjust that23:24
sarkisthats what i was looking for23:24
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bilz:'( fix my ubuntu sammitch ;923:25
JamesJRHHello. One of my Ubuntu laptops crashed. Now it can't mount /dev/sda2. I have booted to a Natty LiveCD. 'sudo e2fsck -fv /dev/sda2' says the device is busy. Mounting hangs and becomes uninterruptible. Any ideas?23:25
sammitchbilz: ok,what do you get with the command 'mount' ?23:25
NictraSaviosbilz, at the grub loader, press c (unless it drops you to a command prompt anyway), type ls and locate your partition (note the way they are written) type in root=(hd0,msdosX) , if that dosent work, put set root=(hd0,msdosX) , where X is the partiton number of the root partition (the number from /dev/sdaX)23:25
mrmcgibbyJamesJRH: what does dmesg say about it?23:26
qinJamesJRH: Is sda2 /home, and how large?23:26
bilzsammitch, it appears mounted23:26
NictraSaviosbliz, then type in ls  /boot/ locate your kernel (vmlinuz?), and type linux /boot/XXkernelnamehereXX , then initrc /boot/XXinitimagehereXX23:26
nemoraborted journal23:26
NictraSaviosbliz finnaly, type boot.23:26
nemorcan you recover the data mrmcgibby23:27
NictraSaviosbliz from within your ubuntu, you can now fix everything23:27
nemorcopy them somewhere23:27
bilzNictraSavios, i dont follow what you first said23:27
bliket_can anyone explain how to do this? http://www.howtoforge.com/reverse-ssh-tunneling23:27
mrmcgibbynemor: The data isn't critical as it's a new drive I'm trying to backup to23:27
sammitchbilz: please paste the output...23:27
bilz"at the grub loader" - i never get there23:27
nemori have had probs with ext4 then changed filesystem23:27
nemori am not sure it is so stable yet23:27
chaddybliket_: you want a how to follow a how to?23:28
bliket_i am confused23:28
NictraSaviosbilz,  , just do this. simpler http://linuxers.org/howto/how-recover-grub2-ubuntu-910-karmic-koala23:28
chaddybliket_: which bit baffles?23:28
nemorhave you ever considered other filesystems mrmcgibby23:28
bliket_all the ips and all23:28
mrmcgibbybliket_: not hard.  do you have a more specific question?23:28
bliket_i just cant seem to get it23:29
nemori would try an dformat it with another filesystem hoping is not the drive which has problems23:29
mexiaguys i need some help with a fresh ubuntu installation23:29
bliket_I got two computers one is here and one is remote23:29
mrmcgibbynemor: I could try another one, it just seems that the device itself is having problems, and the filesystem problems are only incidental23:29
JamesJRHmrmcgibby: Looks like a cleanup was attempted. Then it says '----[ cut here ]----'.23:29
nemorother filesystems? = jfs, xfs, ext323:29
bilzsammitch, www.pastebin.com/UqSDcnzC23:29
bilzNictraSavios, it doesnt matter that that is 9.10?23:29
bliket_is there a better tutorial on how to do this?23:30
mrmcgibbybliket_:  you need to ask a more specific question23:30
nemorthat's also possible23:30
sammitchbilz: no, 9.10 and higher use the same grub - so same way tzo fix23:30
nemor, mrmcgibby23:30
sammitchtzo = to23:30
bliket_mrmcgibby, i just can't get it to work, and its confusing....23:30
JamesJRHqin: No. 55GiB23:30
mrmcgibbyJamesJRH: could you pastebin it?23:30
NictraSaviosbliz grub2 is grub223:31
bliket_mrmcgibby, i can compile files and write code and solve dependencies and set up most things in linux, but this tutorial has me all confused23:31
NictraSaviosbliz I used that on Arch Linux, Its infact part of a Gentoo installation.23:31
NictraSaviosbliz There univeral command s:P23:31
mrmcgibbybliket_: what specifically isn't working for you?23:31
JamesJRHmrmcgibby: How do I get the "cut" output?23:31
mrmcgibbydmesg > somefile.txt23:32
SpynxicWhat's a recommended virus scanner? I want to scan my C:\ using ubuntu on my flash drive.23:32
NictraSavios!virus " Spynxic23:33
ubottuNictraSavios: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:33
NictraSavios!virus | Spynxic23:33
ubottuSpynxic: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus23:33
ubuntu_noobhey guys.im still new in programming what more effecient perl or ruby?23:33
NictraSaviosubuntu_noob, C++23:33
bliket_mrmcgibby, the IP addresses got me confused, I don't know which one in that tutorial is the source and which one is the destination, plus I am not accessing with the same username (someuser), on one computer i want to be root and on the other computer i want to be a regular user (the regular user is the one that should be able to access root of a remote machine that is behind nat)23:33
sec_goatcan some one help with my broadcom BCM4318 wireless? tried a few things I can't seem to get it to work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190177 ndiswrapp-utils isn't found in apt-get and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1747147 this didn;t work either23:33
nemorclamav ?23:33
sammitchbilz: what is the partition setup of your hard dsik?23:33
NictraSaviosSpynxic, Why would you even keep windows? Getting a virus in it should be a lesson that you dont want it or need it.23:34
nemordo you want to scan  a fat partition Spynxic?23:34
ubuntu_noobwell im still 9 and im planning to study c++ but i need to start in basics ryt23:34
SpynxicNictraSavios: thank you23:34
NictraSaviosSpynxic, Anyway, If you really need one, clamav.23:34
xseni301hello all23:34
bilzsammitch,  http://www.pastebin.com/w1auuUDa23:34
pappa_bear_ubuntu_noob start with python or lisp23:34
ubuntu_noobsomebody told me java is somehow requisite with c++ is that ryt?23:35
nemorclamav > clamwin23:35
NictraSaviospappa_bear_, lisp.... L-ittle I-nsipit and S-tupid P-arentheses23:35
ubuntu_noobpython?.ok tnx ill ask google for python tutorial23:35
sec_goatubuntu_noob they are all seperate languages. . . it all depends on your preference. . . some are easier to learn than others23:35
pappa_bear_ubuntu_noob python is a strong efficient language and you don't have to compile23:35
SpynxicNictraSavios: I want to switch to using ubuntu as my main OS, but I'm still worried about compatibility issues23:35
bilzmaybe its time to get rid....23:35
NictraSaviosSpynxic, I can help you with those :), Are you experanceing any issues now? Have anything your worried about?23:36
ubuntu_noobtnx papa bear..il think ill study python first then maybe c++ later23:36
mrmcgibbybliket_: read the man page for ssh on the -R and -L options.  That howto is terrible23:36
sammitchbilz: rid?23:36
bliket_mrmcgibby, that is exactly what i am doing now :D23:36
NictraSaviosubuntu_noob, Personally, I code in C++ and objective-C , I started with Java and python.23:36
pappa_bear_ubuntu_noob and the 'For Dummies' books are easy to find on the pirate bay and can teach you the ins and outs23:37
SpynxicNictraSavios: Counter Strike 1.6 (Steam)23:37
NictraSaviosSpynxic, Ahh, Well I know steam runs on wine. PlayonLinux can help you get your game up and running.23:37
bilzsammitch, yeah, format. is there anyway to back to windows 7 now that ive broken ubuntu and windows 723:37
sammitchubuntu_noob: java is good for starting... especially with eclipse as IDE23:37
qinpappa_bear_: Some things you could tell in private.23:37
nemorwindows 7 is professional need or affection?23:38
ubuntu_noobpirate bay copy that...well i really wanted to learn programming coz im aiming to make a game something later23:38
ubuntu_noobtnx guys23:38
NictraSaviosSpynxic, Here you go, http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Play-CounterStrike-1-6-in-Linux-38077.shtml23:38
nemordo you edit flash23:38
SpynxicNictraSavios: thank you again haha, you're great23:38
bilzwas a professional need, not grown into an affection and i havent touched ubuntu for a month until today. the day i do, is the day i break my laptop. the story of my ubuntu/linux experiences23:38
nemori think using flash is the only reason to use windows23:38
NictraSaviosSpynxic, Just doing what I can :D23:38
nemorand silverlight23:38
pappa_bear_Spynxic i'm working on the same thing if you wanna private23:39
bilznow* grown into an affection23:39
sammitchbilz: hm, i would not rush into formatting... usually killing the setup with installing windows is quite common and no big issue to fix...23:39
bilzyes, i was using it for .net23:39
NictraSaviosnemor,  Moonlight , and flash is available for ubuntu.23:39
qinSpynxic: CS (steam) install via wine, and do not deliver too many issues.23:39
nemori mean23:39
nemoradobe flash23:39
tuxuserhey guys i could use a general advise: I put some mountpoints from an external USB-Drive into fstab.. the device however gets populated after the boot process... In which scripts would you put the mounting commands?23:39
nemorthe maker23:39
nemorsorry for names23:39
bilzsammitch, what else do you propose?23:39
tuxuserinit.d probably ?23:39
nemormoonlight doesn't work always always23:40
sammitchso the /dev/sda contains a /boot folder?23:40
sammitchso the /dev/sda1 contains a /boot folder?23:40
NictraSaviostuxuser, Edit the fstab as normal, but mount them in /media/foldername and use the defaults,nofail option.23:40
blablia box with 3 network cards, eth0 linked to Internet, eth1 to LAN-A and eth2 to LAN-B, How can I make LAN-A having a higher priority than LAN-B for Internet bandwidth (give all bandwidth to eth1 when there's a request fom LAN-A and give back bandwidth to eth2 when transfer's finished) ?23:40
tuxusernofail means it tries till it succeeds, correct?23:40
Spynxicqin: I always assumed Wine was for simple files, like running one exe at a time. Not a full complex program23:40
NictraSaviostuxuser, nofail means, if it aint there, we dont care23:41
nemorbilz have you tried to google your problem23:41
GahhruubaHello, I am seeking help with 2 Ubuntu 10.04 systems, they cannot share files with eachother via samba and I am at a loss of what to do, looked around the ubuntu forums and still no progress. If anyone is able to help me please PM me or something :/23:41
tuxuserah :) thanks alot23:41
karrot2is there anyway to command line out of my current desktop environment straight into gnome without going through the login screen?23:41
Spynxicpappa_bear_: just sent you a pm23:41
qinSpynxic: No, it is power-horse with can do attitute23:41
edbianbilz: you probably hate me by now23:41
NictraSaviostuxuser, try noauto aswell, that will no automaticly mount it durring boot, then make a small bash script, and add it to the startup prorgrams to have them mounted when everything else is loading up :P (alot later in boot)23:41
tuxuseralso a good idea :)23:42
edbianbilz: Can I see sudo fstab -l ?23:42
=== kefir is now known as kefir_away
nemorwindows is addictive23:42
nemorlike cookies23:42
edbiansorry: sudo fdisk -l23:42
tuxuserembedded system rock so much.. they are almost TOO fast in bootin lol23:42
sammitchbilz: there is also a command 'update-grub2' did you try that?23:42
NictraSaviosnemor,  more like crack, its about as healthy for you as that23:42
qinbilz: Are you reinstalling grub?23:42
bilzedbian, http://www.pastebin.com/w1auuUDa23:42
bilzsammitch, yes23:42
bilzqin, yes23:42
SpynxicWhen I was running Linux Mint a few months ago, I could use the command sudo apt-get search, now I get an error with that command. Does apt-cache search return the exact same results?23:42
nemordon't underestimate the hideous power of cookies23:43
qinWhat distro, and what liveCD?23:43
qinbilz: ^^^23:43
bilzdistro: 10.10, livecd, 10.0423:43
NictraSaviosSpynxic, I belive that it is. I think mint uses apt-get search as an alias for it.23:43
nemorlanguage that is a mystery23:43
nemorwhy language works and when it fails23:43
sammitchbilz: so when you reboot you get grub, but booting into ubuntu or windows won't work?23:43
edbianbilz: Your partition table is strange.23:43
NictraSavios!mute | nemor23:44
Tobarjais anyone familiar with git not installing due to 'dpkg-maintscript-helper: not found' ? http://pastebin.com/s9ATq0xw23:44
NictraSavios!offtopic | nemor23:44
ubottunemor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:44
bilzedbian, figured23:44
edbianbilz: /dev/sda1 is your linux though I see.  Look at man grub23:44
arandSpynxic: The is aptitude search and apt-cache search, but no apt-get search, unless Mint is weird.23:44
edbianbilz: man install-grub  (I'm full of typos tonight)23:44
arandedbian: grub-install, no?23:45
NictraSaviosarand, They use alias "apt-get search"="apt-cache search"23:45
bilzno manuel entry , edbian23:45
iocordoes anyone know if it's possible to repair a 3gp video that's gone a bit wrong?23:45
edbianbilz: or perhaps it's grub-install   (I don't remember)23:45
qinbilz: Did you mounted / ?23:45
edbianqin: He did with me in /media/<numbers>23:45
qinbilz: You need to mount via menu>places to make it easy.23:45
JamesJRHmrmcgibby: http://paste.ubuntu.com/630579/23:46
bilzive mounted using sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt23:46
JamesJRHmrmcgibby: What is the 'cut here' on line 772?23:46
bilzive looked at the manuel, edbian , but not sure exactly what im looking for23:46
edbianbilz: Do you have '--boot-directory'  or '--root-directory'  ?23:47
bilzedbian, root-directory23:47
qinbilz: unmount it, reboot and mount via places, and: mount | tail -123:47
edbianbilz: ok, that's what we've been using23:47
sammitchedbian: bilz you have to use --roor-directory23:47
edbiansammitch: Except on 11.04 (but we're not using that right now)23:47
edbianbilz: Do you have a /boot/grub/  inside your ubuntu / ?23:48
sammitchedbian: yes23:48
bilzedbian, you mean /mnt/<number>/boot/grub?23:48
bilzoh, sorry, no number23:48
edbianbilz: yes23:48
bilzyou mean /mnt/boot/grub23:48
edbianbilz: whatever, you know hwat I mean23:48
edbianbilz: yes that23:49
bilzedbian, its there23:49
edbianbilz: with stuff in it?23:49
bilzlots of stuff in it23:49
bilzlots of .mod files23:49
trancegeekwhy, on ubuntu 11.04 x64, when i do iwconfig wlan0 essid 'anyessid', does it not set the essid (iwconfig wlan0 shows 'ESSID:""')23:49
edbianbilz: k good sign23:49
trancegeekit doesn't show any errors23:49
trancegeekacts as though it would if it set the essid23:49
trancegeekbut doesn't set the essid23:49
edbianbilz: let's look at the MBR and see if grub is there.  dd if=/dev/sda of=myMBR bs=1 count=51223:49
trancegeekthis is when using the adapter in ad-hoc23:49
sammitchedbian: bilz sorry, i've to sleep now... guess edbian will take porper care fo you ;) good luck... in case, jsut f*ck windows and go for ubuntu only :P sometimes, it helps to let things like they are and try again the next day... often helped me23:50
trancegeekit works with ad-hoc with networkmanager every 1/1000 tries23:50
edbiansammitch: bye! :)23:50
trancegeekessid gets set right every time23:50
trancegeekwith networkmanager23:50
bilzthanks sammitch , see ya23:50
sammitchbilz: my hlep wasn't much tough... merly 0 :P23:50
bilzedbian, www.pastebin.com/e4V5zhne23:51
edbianbilz: that looks good.  Did you run the dd command ?23:51
bilzedbian, a little further down23:51
bilzat the bottom of the paste23:52
edbianbilz: ok, no file myMBR23:52
qintrancegeek: What about putting network manager down?23:52
edbianbilz: the dd command created a file called myMBR  the file command will let you read it23:52
edbianbilz: What's wrong?23:53
trancegeekqin: the device isn't managed by networkmanager23:53
bilzwant me to run file myMBR?23:53
trancegeeknetworkmanager in the system tray shows "device not managed"23:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:53
trancegeekand i have it set up in /etc/network/interfaces so that it's not managed by networkmanager23:53
trancegeekbecause networkmanager doesn't work... at all23:53
edbianbilz: yes file myMBR23:53
edbianbilz: The output won't be very long.23:53
bilzedbian, http://www.psatebin.com/V3Qe216S23:54
JamesJRHWhat is the 'cut here' on line 772 of http://paste.ubuntu.com/630579/ ?23:54
bilzedbian, http://www.pastebin.com/V3Qe216S23:54
FloodBot1bilz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:54
edbianbilz: Something is wrong here.  There is no grub installed to this HDD.23:55
edbianbilz: It should read: mbr: x86 boot sector; GRand Unified Bootloader, stage1 version 0x3, stage2 address 0x2000...23:55
edbianthen partition stuff23:55
edbianbilz: grub is not mentioned at all here23:55
bilzah. definitely not that. what's my next move?23:56
edbianbilz: What happens when you boot ?23:56
bilzedbian, I just get a black screen23:56
edbianbilz: What happens when you press shift ?23:56
bilzcant select either operating system23:56
trancegeekthis is a five minute task on windows... why is it so impossible on ubuntu?23:56
edbianbilz: You can't get a menu to show up at all?23:56
bilzed1703, when I hold shift it says "grub loading" and ten i get back the blackscreen again23:57
trancegeek!= faster23:57
bilzedbian, dont think so. unless there are other keys I can press to try?23:57
edbianbilz: This drive isn't a raid or something weird right.  This isn't wubi or a VM ?23:57
kercyrIn ubuntu, how do I change the console (CTRL+ALT+F-key) keyboard layout?23:57
edbianbilz: shift is the magic key23:57
bilzits an ACER laptop. nothing weird as far as I know. Not a VM23:58
chaddytrancegeek: thought you said it was the work of seconds with network-manager?23:58
chaddydon't really understand what problem you're having23:58
trancegeeknetworkmanager refuses to reliably set up an ad-hoc network23:58
edbianbilz: you have ubuntu mounted in /mnt right?23:58
trancegeekit works 1/1000 times23:58
trancegeeki'm trying to do it the manual way23:58
bliket_how do I execute a command in ssh after opening an ssh connection? like "ssh -u user -p pass someserver.com&&ls"?23:58
trancegeekand the manual way refuses to set an essid23:59
bilzedbian, yeah. checked /mnt/home/billy to check all my old files are there and it is23:59
edbianbilz: can you show me /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst ?23:59
edbianbilz: Particularly the end of it ?23:59

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