
karniHave a great afternoon/evening everyone!00:01
nessitakarni: you too!00:11
nessitaI'm off as well00:11
nessitathisfred: if you're back, and if you're still working, I would strongly appreciate a review for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/better-folder-mgmt/+merge/6528100:29
nessitathisfred: if not possible, is OK :-)00:29
thisfrednessita: will do, and then I'm EOD too, have to cook00:30
* nessita too00:30
nessitathisfred: is long, so you're allowed to not to it00:30
nessitato not to do it*00:30
thisfrednah, I have a little time yet, I'll do it00:30
nessitathisfred: YOU ROCK, genial!00:32
nessitaok, all emails sent, all branches submitted, all energy wasted00:32
nessitabye all!00:32
thisfredsee you tomorrow!00:32
* nessita realizes that wasted was not the proper term00:33
nessita"all energy ran out"00:33
nessitathisfred: is that better? ^ (englishly speaking)00:33
thisfrednessita: yes, wasted implies it was all for nothing :)00:33
nessitaright, and it was not the case (luckily)00:34
nessitaok, I'm gone00:34
thisfredreviewed, few minor issues01:10
thisfrednow it's cook or be cooked01:11
adorilsonrye: hi02:17
adorilsonhi, folks02:18
* karni EODs, for real this time02:44
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duanedesignmorning all11:40
karnihi duanedesign11:41
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* fagan break12:22
nessitahello all!12:33
nessitahi duanedesign!12:44
nessitaralsina: you back to duties? :-)12:44
nessitamandel: good morning. You walking the beast?12:46
nessitaralsina: ping13:16
ralsinagood morning!13:34
ralsinanessita pong13:34
mandelnessita: yes, I was, but I'm back :)13:34
nessitaralsina: volviste!13:34
ralsinanessita: back in business, just a tad late because of kid's school parents meeting13:35
nessitaralsina: when you have a moment, I need a review form you in a branch where I'm having some QT issues13:36
ralsinanessita: right now is a god time :-)13:36
nessitaralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/better-folder-mgmt/+merge/65281/comments/141693/+reply13:36
nessitaah no13:36
nessitaralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/better-folder-mgmt/+merge/6528113:36
ralsinanessita: ok, branching13:37
nessitaralsina: please read the merge proposal description and run the branch on linux13:37
ralsinanessita: ok13:37
mandelralsina, nessita: a review for this will be very appreciated13:38
nessitamandel: already approved, running tests still13:38
ralsinamandel: right after nessita's13:38
nessitaralsina: I need to solve the "QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SomePanel "Form", which already has a layout" warning, to understand where is coming from, please see the __init__ of the UbuntuOneBin class13:38
ralsinanessita: hmmmm that's pretty harmless13:38
mandelnessita: cool :)13:38
nessitaralsina: ... I know the code is not correct, so I would like to know how's the proper way of doing it13:39
ralsinanessita: ok, I'll take a look13:39
ralsinaprobably you need to set to no layout on designer on the container, or setLayout(None) somewhere13:40
ralsina*or* you are setting the layout of the wrong kind of widget. Will know in 5'13:40
nessitaralsina: you browse the source, I don't think is that simple, I'm trying to build a widget from an .ui, then make that widget parent of other widgets that are also built from an .ui13:42
cjohnstonnessita: ping13:43
nessitacjohnston: pong13:43
ralsinanessita: ok, I am looking now13:43
cjohnstonnessita: I was told you may be the correct person to talk to.. I don't know if you have seen status.ubuntu.com yet... On the teams page there are 6 Ubuntu One teams.. Some with only 2 or 3 work items.. I wanted to see about reducing it to just the one core team, and then create topics (like what is seen on the main page of status.ubuntu.com) for any other breakdowns that may be needed. http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-o13:44
nessitacjohnston: I'm definitely not the person to talk to, you may wanna talk about that with Chipaca`, he is our engineering manager and handles all the "sub teams" (ubuntuone-desktop, ubuntuone-foundations, ubuntuone-web)13:46
cjohnstonOk.. Thanks nessita13:46
nessitacjohnston: that url is giving me 404, btw13:46
cjohnstonOdd.. it's working just fine for me.. Try http://status.ubuntu.com ?13:47
ralsinanessita: ok, stupid question, qtreactor url please?13:47
nessitathat works, thanks :-)13:47
nessitaralsina: git clone https://github.com/ghtdak/qtreactor13:47
cjohnstonChipaca`: ping.. Same comment/question as I asked nessita ^ :-)13:47
ralsinanessita: thx!13:48
Chipaca`cjohnston: looking13:50
Chipaca`cjohnston: the page looks "interesting", but not particularly useful13:50
Chipaca`cjohnston: what *should* i be seing?13:50
ralsinanessita: have you considered doing that using promoted widgets instead?13:51
Chipaca`ralsina: welcome back!13:51
nessitaralsina: I'm not familiar with promoted widget, so no13:51
cjohnstonThese are burndown charts... If you go to the Teams page, you will see many different Ubuntu One teams.. Chipaca` http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/teams.html13:51
ralsinaChipaca`: thanks!13:52
ralsinanessita: basically, you use a placeholder widget on designer, right click and tell it promote to WhateverWidget that is on module whatever13:52
cjohnstonSo for example: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/ubuntuone-hackers.html  The ubuntuone-hackers team... (The trendline is off, I'm waiting to a new bzr pull to fix it)13:52
Chipaca`cjohnston: i'm using chromium, and all i see are dots (and, well, the header with "teams", but clicking it gives me dots also)13:52
nessitaralsina: I don't think that is what I need, from that explanation13:52
cjohnstonYou have a defined font siz13:52
ralsinanessita: and you don't have to load and insert each manually. But since you already did that I will try to make the warning go away :-)13:52
Chipaca`cjohnston: I have a what?13:53
Chipaca`alecu: just the person i was looking for!13:53
ralsinanessita: hmmm.... maybe I am not understanding the problem then. Give me 5' more to see if I get it.13:53
alecuhello Chipaca-prima13:53
nessitaralsina: I need a base panel to be parent of all the other panels. This parent need to implement some common functionality, and has an empty container to pack another widget in it13:53
nessitaralsina: sure13:53
alecuhello also ralsina, everybody!13:54
nessitadobey, mandel, thisfred, fagan, alecu, ralsina: stand up in 6'13:54
nessitahi alecu!13:54
ralsinanessita: oooooook I get the idea now. Have never done it this way, so it will take me a bit to untangle it13:54
mandelalecu: morning!13:54
cjohnstonChipaca`: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-work-items-tracker/+bug/795623 is affecting you..13:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 795623 in launchpad-work-items-tracker "Can not use minimum font size and can not zoom page (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:54
ralsinaalecu: 'elo13:54
Chipaca`alecu: i'm trying to bring up the control panel on windows, and failing. what do i need to fix?13:54
cjohnstonI'm not sure how to fix that in Chromium.. /me is looking13:55
alecuChipaca`, got any error?13:55
Chipaca`cjohnston: I can look in firefox also :_)13:55
Chipaca`alecu: "no module named gi.repository" :-/13:55
cjohnstonIf you could try that.. That might be easier than checking settings, although I did just figure the fix in Chrome if FF doesnt work. :-)13:55
alecuChipaca`, oh, yes. I saw that one. Let me check.13:56
ralsinanessita: where are you setting UbuntuOneBin.ui_class ?13:56
ralsinanessita: nevermind, found it13:58
alecuChipaca`, try this branch: lp:~alecu/ubuntuone-control-panel/run-windows-run13:58
Chipaca`cjohnston: I'm not sure how these are generated13:58
Chipaca`cjohnston: but they seem wrong on several axes13:58
cjohnstonYes.. I'm waiting on IS to update the config file for me13:58
Chipaca`alecu: now i got a window, but tracebacks about 'get_root_dir' being missing14:00
alecuChipaca`, welcome!14:00
cjohnstonIf you look at the teams page though, there are 6 Ubuntu One teams, that I want to take down to just one team... We can do topics, which is pretty much grouping blueprints together, to futher specify the blueprints into categories..14:00
alecuralsina, nessita just called me; her flat has run out of electrical power.14:00
ralsinaalecu: ok14:01
Chipaca`cjohnston: ok. what do you want from me?14:01
dobeycjohnston: the only team that should be there is "ubuntuone-team"14:01
mandelalecu: can I have a review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/legal_linux_chars/+merge/6528514:02
cjohnstondobey: ubuntuone-team only has 22 work items, whereas ubuntuone-hackers has 123....14:02
Chipaca`cjohnston: I'm not sure I understand what you expect to be in the burndowns. Currently I'm seeing a bunch of apparently unrelated blueprints14:02
alecuChipaca`, sd_client is still missing some bits, and for that my branch needs to comment a few broken bits, and we need to ignore some other broken bits like that.14:02
Chipaca`cjohnston: for example, why is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-gtk3-gnome3 under "ubuntu one team"?14:03
dobeycjohnston: because ubuntuone-hackers includes other people who aren't necessarily on the u1 team14:03
cjohnstonBecause it has a work item that is assigned to a member of the "ubuntu one team"14:03
nessitaand we're back!!!14:03
Chipaca`dobey: they *all* include other people14:03
Chipaca`I don't know what's expected, what *should* be in the burndowns14:03
dobeyChipaca`: ubuntuone-team shouldn't14:03
nessitaralsina: are we standing up?14:04
cjohnstonSo... dobey, remove all but ubuntuone-team... Do you want any topics, like what is on the overview page?14:04
Chipaca`dobey: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-developer-ubuntu-dot-com-plans is under ubuntuone-team14:04
alecunessita, welcome back!14:04
dobeyChipaca`: joshuahoover made that team explicitly for the purpose of burndown charts14:04
ralsinanessita: sure14:04
nessitaalecu: :-)14:04
ralsinaeveryone, standup!14:04
dobeyChipaca`: because rodrigo is in it still?14:04
thisfredDONE: #779851 slight return (rewrote some parts of the branch to make the progress as informative as it can be) TODO: next unity integration bug I guess. BLOCKED: no LIKED: http://outloud.fm/u1rocks NEXT: mandel14:04
mandelDONE: Fixed bug 800077 bug 798641 bug 799722 bug 799751. Discovered bug 800091 which is very high priority atm because it simply blocks everything. Reviewd alecus branch for bug 79982714:05
mandelTODO: bug 800091 and propose SDTool only when all tests pass (includes fixin the previously mentoned bug)14:05
mandelBLOCKED: no, but I need to have lunch :)14:05
mandelnessita, please14:05
dobeyand why is yaili there?14:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 800077 in ubuntuone-client "There is no bin that allows to start sd on Windows (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 12)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80007714:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 798641 in ubuntuone-client "The windows IPC should be using named pipes and not sockets (affects: 1) (heat: 133)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79864114:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 799722 in ubuntuone-client "IPC on windows uses the old CredentialsManagementTool and has an import error (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79972214:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 799751 in ubuntuone-client "The file system notifications on windows do not convert the legal utf8 chars to ilegal windows chars (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79975114:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 800091 in ubuntuone-client "Tritcask has an issue when opening files on windows that were closed in a different session (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80009114:05
nessitaDONE: bug #798964, tons reviews, windows port pushing/metting14:05
nessitaTODO: bug #798413, maybe bug #80016114:05
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:05
nessitaNOTE: will run to university after the morning meetings, I'll be back after lunch14:05
nessitaNEXT: alecu14:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 798964 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Add new folders tweaks (affects: 1) (heat: 24)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79896414:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 798413 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Provide a method in backend to list only devices info without querying local settings from syncdaemon (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79841314:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 800161 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Do no allow folder creation in a folder containing an UDF (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80016114:05
alecuDONE: fixed #799827, found #799958 and started working on it14:05
alecuTODO: fix that bug, keep pushing u1cp-windows forward14:05
alecuBLOCKED: no14:05
alecuNEXT: None14:05
alecu*DONE: fixed bug #799827, found bug #799958 and started working on it14:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 799827 in ubuntuone-client "find_credentials expects a proxy but gets a deferred (windows) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79982714:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 799958 in ubuntuone-client "windows ipc is not using the credentials management tool (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79995814:06
ralsinaDONE: nothing, vacation!14:06
ralsinaTODO: finding out right now14:06
ralsinaNEXT: noone14:06
Chipaca`ralsina: TODO: styling14:06
dobeyλ DONE: people chasing14:06
dobeyλ TODO: fix more stuff14:06
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:06
nessitaralsina: NEXT: fagan14:06
ralsinaChipaca`: ok, will do that after the two reviews I have pending14:06
nessitaChipaca`: wasn't ralsina our installer dev?14:07
ralsinanessita: that too14:07
ralsinanessita: now there is code I can steal ^w reuse14:07
dobeyChipaca`, cjohnston: and also, yes, those pages seem wrong on some levels :)14:07
Chipaca`ralsina: nessita: alecu: mandel: let's have a mumble so we can organize ourselves14:07
ralsinaChipaca`: sure14:07
thisfrednessita: one last tiny comment on your branch, but I understand why the unicode is there in the first place now :) (I would still like to see a test with a path that is and encoded string with non-ascii chars)14:07
nessitaralsina, alecu, Chipaca`, mandel: mumble in 8 minutes? (ie a las y cuarto)14:07
ralsinanessita: ok14:08
nessitathisfred: we can't build a Qstring with that kind of strings14:08
ralsinanessita: I don't quite understand how you use setupUi on that branch14:08
nessitaralsina, alecu, Chipaca`, mandel: so we can build mate :-P14:08
Chipaca`dobey: the shim work got pushed forwards a week14:08
nessitaralsina: neither do I :-)14:08
Chipaca`dobey: so, no news on that yet14:08
thisfrednessita: well what happens when the filesystem hands you a path like that then?14:08
ralsinanessita: you are calling it twice on the same widget? You are not supposed to do that :-)14:08
dobeyChipaca`: by forward you mean back?14:08
Chipaca`dobey: I'm looking into the future, future is that ways14:09
alecualready on mumble.14:09
dobeyChipaca`: ok, so what do we do for lucid?14:09
dobeybecause i'm pretty sure the lucid freeze hasn't moved :)14:09
Chipaca`dobey: for 10.04.3 you mean? nothing14:09
ralsinanessita: if the UI in ubuntuonebin.ui has a placeholder, then you have to call setupUi(sel.ui.placeholder)14:10
dobeynothing is great. i like nothing.14:10
Chipaca`dobey: we don't have the resources to do what we'd have to do to do it right, and to do things wrong we might as well leave wrong enough alone14:10
nessitaralsina: I tried that, is does not work14:11
nessitaralsina: the setupUI expects something with setObjectName method, and the placeholder does not have that14:11
nessitathisfred: that is handled by QT. The call to getExistingDirectory handles all that14:12
ralsinanessita: alternative is to use a promoted widget to provide the common part of the UI (title, progressbar) in each tab's UI14:12
nessitathisfred: we're given a QString which inside has a unicode14:12
nessitathisfred: and syncdaemon expects an unicode encoded with utf8 and transforms all that is needed14:12
ralsinanessita: the *other* alternative is to ignore the warning because it's not a real problem, but I know that's hard ;-)14:13
nessitathisfred: the QString given is also a unicode encoded with utf8, as far as I understand14:13
thisfrednessita: ok, excellent!14:13
thisfrednessita: unicode is not encoded :)14:13
thisfredyou can be one or the other14:13
nessitathisfred: True, sorry for mixing that up14:13
thisfrednm, branch is great14:14
Chipaca`alecu: nessita: mandel: any other branch i should merge into u-c-p before showing it around the office?14:14
Chipaca`i won't show it to mpt, though14:14
nessitaChipaca`: yeah, several not done yet?14:14
nessitaChipaca`: is not showable, not close, you know that, do you?14:14
* mpt pouts14:14
* nessita freaks14:14
Chipaca`mpt: I've never seen you go postal, but this would definitely push you towards that edge14:15
Chipaca`nessita: i need to show it, i will show it, my question is: is there anything else done i should merge before that?14:15
ralsinanessita: tried it, it works14:16
nessitaChipaca`: the current control panel does not communicate with syncdaemon. LEt's talk in mumble14:16
ralsinanessita: basically, added a placeHolder widget in data/qt/ubuntuonebin.ui and did self.ui.setupUi(self.bin_ui.placeHolder)14:17
ralsinalogging into mumble, going slowly!14:18
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fagansorry was helping my da with his computer and lost track of time14:22
* fagan writes some notes14:23
fagan* Looked at the code for the keyring in sso to see where exactly its going wrong on my system14:24
fagan* Looked at the keyring api a bit to figure out how to debug it14:24
fagan* See what I can do to fix it14:24
fagan* nope14:24
=== karni_ is now known as karni
mandelalecu, nessita, ralsina: I'm away for about 20 min for lunch14:46
nessitamandel: enjoy that!14:46
alecumandel, buen provecho!14:46
* nessita will grab the bolied water and make some tea instead14:46
ralsinamandel: take 40, don't choke, dude :-)14:49
alecunessita, mandel, ralsina: hey, all: I need to be afk for 1h30, starting in 30' aprox. Amelia woke up with lots of fever, so she's not going to kinder, and I'll need to take care till the nanny arrives.14:55
ralsinaalecu: ack14:55
nessitaalecu: ok14:58
=== nessita1 is now known as nessita
nessitadamn power supplier15:10
=== kenvandine_ is now known as kenvandine
* alecu will be afk for ~ 1h30m15:25
nessitamandel: were you able to dump all tritcask issues to guillermo?15:37
nessitamandel: any pending reviews from you to us?15:37
mandelnessita: yes, he is taking care of them15:37
mandelnessita: let me take a look at the reviews, one min15:38
verteroknessita: "all"? I'm only aware of one15:38
nessitamandel: I'm then reassigning bug #800091 to verterok15:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 800091 in ubuntuone-client "Tritcask has an issue when opening files on windows that were closed in a different session (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80009115:38
nessitaverterok: yeah, that one, that seems big enough to be a lot :-P15:38
verteroknessita: yes, windows is broken beyond any possible fix :p15:38
* nessita agrees15:39
mandelnessita: I need a +1 for this https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/legal_linux_chars/+merge/65285 which I already ask for to ralsina and alecu...15:39
dobeynah, the fix for all windows problems is to reinstall :)15:39
ralsinamandel: I'll look at it in 5'15:39
nessitamandel: can you please re ask ralsina and Chipaca`? alecoo said he was afk for a while15:39
verteroknessita, mandel: how on earth adding a print before an self.assertEqual call might fix a test?15:40
nessitaverterok: timing issue15:40
verteroknessita: it's an update of a dict!15:40
nessitaverterok: is it done from a deferred?15:41
dobeythe classic "let's add a print '\a' statement to fix it"15:41
verteroknessita: no threads, no twisted, no nothing...just plain old python15:41
nessitaverterok: show me the code15:41
nessita(I'm not buying it then :-P)15:41
verteroknessita: tests/syncdaemon/test_tritcask.py # KeydirStatsTests.test_remove15:41
dobeyverterok: there can be other twisted-based tests causing timing issues (and by could be, i mean are)15:42
mandelChipaca`: cn I get a review for this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/legal_linux_chars/+merge/6528515:42
Chipaca`mandel: yes15:42
* Chipaca` reviews`15:42
mandelverterok: no clue, windows is a weird thing...15:42
mandeland python on windows even more15:42
ralsinamandel: looks good to me, of course not actually knowing that remove_illegal_windows_whatever does ;-)15:43
mandelralsina: converst ?/ etc in utf8 chars that look the same15:44
ralsinamandel: ok then +115:44
nessitamandel: what else you need reviewed?15:44
mandelralsina: did you run the test?15:44
ralsinamandel: you need it on windows, right?15:45
mandelralsina: yes15:45
ralsinamandel: don't set to approved then15:46
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
mandelnessita, ralsina: this should be an easy one https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/use_txnamedpipes/+merge/6531715:47
nessitamandel: looking15:47
ralsinamandel: cool, will get to it after this one15:47
nessitaralsina: while you run mandel's tests, could you please finish https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/better-folder-mgmt/+merge/65281? (your placeholder fix is now there)15:48
ralsinanessita: sure15:48
ralsinaManuel, I get ImportError: No module named ubuntu_sso.main.windows15:50
ralsinamandel: ^15:52
mandelralsina: then you do not have sso installed in the system, do you?15:52
ralsinamandel: looks like it. Just setup.py install from sso?15:53
mandelralsina: yes15:54
ralsinamandel: ok, will do that and get back to you in 5'15:54
verteroknessita, mandel, ralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~verterok/ubuntuone-client/fix-800091/+merge/6535715:56
mandelverterok: on it!15:57
ralsinaverterok: well, the fix looks reasonable ;-)15:57
mandelverterok: is that correct, we do not need to flush ?15:57
ralsinamandel: it should flush on process death regardless of how it dies15:58
verterokmandel: no need to flush/fsync on read-only files15:58
ralsinaand that too, of course15:58
verterokmandel: ImmutableDataFile instances represents ro files, which are opened using 'rb'15:58
mandelok, let me test it in a real life case :)15:58
nessitaverterok: an you please add that clarification as a comment?15:58
verteroknessita: comment where? it's in the class docstring15:59
nessitaverterok: in the close() implementation, anyone reading that def will wonder why the parent class is not called15:59
verteroknessita: ok, somethig like: "I don't call parent close, as I'm a read-only file and there is no need to call flush nor fsync (and windows hate it and dies in horrible ways)"?16:01
nessitaverterok: for instance :-D16:01
mandelverterok: just tested it in a real env (my account syncing) and it works!!!16:01
verterokmandel: cool16:02
verteroknessita: added comment & pushed16:02
mandelnessita, verterok: I thin windows is actually doing something right here, if you flush in a readonly file you should get an exception telling you something like 'you have no w you fool'16:02
mandelwith an ascii mr.t if possible :)16:02
thisfredCardinalFang: could you have a brief look at the pastebin attached to bug #80017916:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 800179 in desktopcouch "Desktopcouch unable to find listening port? Evolution CouchDB addressbooks still not available [http://askubuntu.com/q/49060/13049] (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80017916:03
ralsinanessita: yes that fixes the stuff with the warning, but have you looked at eric's comment about unicode stuff? Need a hand with that?16:03
thisfredralsina: seems that was a non-issue16:04
nessitaralsina: I replied to all, did you read my responses to check if they make sense?16:04
thisfredCardinalFang: Looks like desktopcouch's couchdb crashes because it can't find the remote dbs. Never seen that before...16:04
ralsinanessita: I see no response to the last one16:04
nessitaralsina: the only one that has not response is "I will set this to approve, to not hold this up in case I'm not around to re-review, but please fix the last two concerns (or explain why I'm wrong about them ;) "16:05
ralsinanessita: but yes, basically, QString(u"whatever") is the correct thing16:05
ralsinanessita: weird, I see no response for "It does, but here you're passing in a unicode string..."16:05
ralsinanessita: then again, I may need to reload the page ;-)16:06
nessitaralsina: ah I replied to that here16:06
ralsinanessita: ok then :-)16:06
ralsinanessita: yes, your responses about unicode make sense, so +1ng it.16:06
ralsinamandel: the test_dir_create seems to be stuck forever on windows :-(16:07
mandelralsina: is not flushing the changes from the chace… do tyou remember my long email...16:08
mandelralsina: how are you running the tests?16:08
ralsinamandel: run-tests as usual. No I don't remember the long email, sorry :-(16:08
mandelralsina: look at the description of the branch, it tell you which tests to run exactly, the cache issue with the file system is something to fix later… which I dont know how :P16:09
ralsinamandel: ok, will do that16:09
ralsinamandel: ok, tests pass16:11
ralsinamandel: so, you could set it to approved now16:12
mandeljust did :P16:12
CardinalFangthisfred, looking.16:15
* ralsina wonders if the windows-installer project should have linux support. Probably not.16:17
nessitaralsina: yes!16:17
nessitaralsina: the wizard should be multiplatform unless it delays you a lot16:18
* ralsina was kidding ;-)16:18
nessitaralsina: since we will use it on linux as well16:18
ralsinanessita: I am actually doing it on linux, so...16:18
nessitaralsina: ack16:18
ralsinawe should rename the project maybe16:18
nessitaralsina: so, as an FYI, let me share with you that the feelings of the windows team are very sensitive right now, so we need to be careful with the jokes (general notice)16:19
mandelnessita, ralsina: did you have the chance to look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/use_txnamedpipes/+merge/6531716:19
nessitamandel: yes, runinng tests now16:20
ralsinanessita: oops, ok, will be sensitive from now on.16:20
nessitamandel: all green, approving. PLease seek a windows review with IRL testing, maybe Chipaca` so ralsina can code :-)16:20
Chipaca`which branch is it now?16:21
Chipaca`didn't get to review the last one, mandel, my vm was in use (and i understood ralsina gave you a review, if not please ping)16:21
nessitaChipaca`: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/use_txnamedpipes/+merge/6531716:21
mandelChipaca`: yes, no worries, I ping people as I need :)16:21
nessitaChipaca`: I would love if you could run thar IRL16:21
nessita(on windows, of course)16:22
dobeylunch, bbiab16:22
Chipaca`what is "IRL" in this context16:22
Chipaca`nessita: ?16:22
nessitain real life. Like grabbing syncdaemon and making it run16:22
nessitamandel: is thata possible, right? ^16:22
Chipaca`mandel: how do i run tests on windows?16:23
mandelnessita: Chipaca`: using this you can make it run IRL16:24
mandelChipaca`: how to run the tests is given in the proposals16:24
Chipaca`mandel: you're right, apologies16:28
mandelChipaca`: no worries, is normal :)16:28
Chipaca`ugh, no storageprotocol16:30
* Chipaca` branches16:30
CardinalFangthisfred, I don't see crashes in that attached pastebin log.16:33
rodrigo_rye, is there a bug # for the dc brokenness in oneiric?16:34
thisfredCardinalFang: hmm, maybe I was thrown off by the 'Crash report'16:35
thisfredCardinalFang:  ok, then it seems it's just running? On 10.10 we didn't have the threeway fork and respective logs yet or did we?16:35
CardinalFangthisfred, yeah, those are crashes, but normal erlang way of handling errors.  Nothing that causes it not to listen on a port.16:36
CardinalFangthisfred, only two then.16:37
CardinalFangone for replication, one for DBus server.16:37
thisfredI guess the dbus is what we need16:40
Chipaca`rodrigo_: what brokenness?16:40
rodrigo_Chipaca`, couldn't authenticate errors, rye told me it was broken in oneiric16:41
rodrigo_Chipaca`, the keyring access, iirc16:41
Chipaca`rodrigo_: hmm... is this keyring issue different from the ubuntu sso issue around the keyring changing its api?16:46
rodrigo_Chipaca`, not sure, it might be the same16:46
rodrigo_Chipaca`, I just get 'unauthenticated' errors when accessing it from evolution16:46
Chipaca`rodrigo_: right, i don't know what bit is giving you that. We have some issues with several system services changing their api (for no good reason, i must add)16:52
rodrigo_Chipaca`, yeah :)16:53
mandelralsina: can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/use_txnamedpipes/+merge/6531716:53
Chipaca`mandel: tests run and work ok. on to IRL testing ...16:53
ralsinamandel: wasn't chipaca looking at it?16:53
mandelChipaca`, ralsina: oh cool, I'll wait then16:54
Chipaca`ralsina: i am16:54
Chipaca`mandel: how do i test IRL?16:54
Chipaca`mandel: just running u1-syncdaemon?16:55
Chipaca`probably not :)16:55
mandelChipaca`: you can do it with the following branchhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/provide_windows_start_script16:55
mandelChipaca`: you will need to get your credentials for u1 and put the in the fault, you need sso running for that16:56
Chipaca`mandel: half through that you started sounding like "no, you can't do IRL testing yet"16:56
Chipaca`nessita: how important are IRL tests?16:57
Chipaca`nessita: if I have to do all the above, IRL tests fail :)16:57
nessitaChipaca`: I'd say very, but I see your point. I guess we can make IRL "mandatory" after that last branch (the one that provides de start script) is in place16:57
nessitawhat puzzles me is how we were testing branches before having a start script! :-)16:58
nessitamandel: how do you run your syncdaemon without the start script?16:58
mandelnessita: I walways had the start script with the credentials harcoded for test, that is why I create the next branch16:58
Chipaca`mandel: +117:01
nessitadobey: seems like you have u1client nightlies outdated? tarmac fails with: "Instance of 'SyncDaemonTool' has no 'is_autoconnect_enabled' member" and the branch that provides that landed last week17:05
nessitadobey: can you please confirm and re-approve https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/better-folder-mgmt/+merge/65281 ?17:05
* mandel walks dog17:05
nessitacan I have a couple of reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/simpler-devices-backend/+merge/65368 ?17:07
Chipaca`syncdaemon running on windows17:10
Chipaca`I don't know if it's *working*, but it's running :)17:11
ralsinaCan I have two reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/ui_files_1/+merge/65371 ? Runs only on Linux ATM17:11
Chipaca`and it certainly looks like it works :)17:11
ralsinanessita: on it!17:11
nessitaralsina: looking17:11
ralsinanessita: sorry about the length but I did the minimum I could :-(17:12
nessitaralsina: under 1000 is completly ok17:12
nessitayours is 80917:12
ralsinanessita: forget it, it has a lot of cruft in ubuntuone_installer/gui/__init__.py that shouldn't be there17:12
Chipaca`nessita: reviewing17:12
Chipaca`ralsina: also17:12
nessitaralsina: so, your branch needs fixing then?17:13
ralsinanessita: or rather, lots of it *should* be there but I don't know which parts yet17:13
nessitaralsina: I'm not following, can you please restart from the top? :-)17:13
ralsinanessita: it has too many constants, other than that it should be ok-ish17:13
ralsinanessita: ok, that branch replicates most of the structure of the controlpanel project into windows-installer. I may have copied a bit too much ;-)17:14
nessitaralsina: right, can you please clean up a bit?17:14
ralsinanessita: I can remove most of ubuntuone_installer/gui/__init__.py. I will ask again in a few minutes17:15
nessitaralsina: please. Also, we do not versionate (under bzr) the ui.py generated files, so you need to remove those and set a .bzrignore rule17:15
ralsinanessita: ok17:15
Chipaca`ralsina: you didn't link your branch to a bug17:19
ralsinaChipaca`: oops, will do in 1'17:19
Chipaca`ralsina: also, no such file "ubuntuone-installer-qt"17:20
nessitaralsina: bzr ci --fixes=lp:12345617:20
Chipaca`ralsina: maybe you forgot to add it?17:20
ralsinaChipaca`: very likely!17:21
Chipaca`no é así, loco, no é17:21
Chipaca`ralsina: let me know when to re-pull17:21
ralsinaChipaca`: now17:22
* ralsina is so rusty his chair is getting red17:22
nessitaralsina: can I also repull?17:23
ralsinanessita: sure17:23
nessitaralsina: I mean, did you clean up already?17:23
ralsinanessita: yes17:23
* nessita is leaving in 10 minutes17:23
nessitaralsina: the ui dir is still there:17:24
nessita+N  ubuntuone_installer/gui/qt/ui/17:24
nessita+N  ubuntuone_installer/gui/qt/ui/__init__.py17:24
ralsinanessita: yes... shouldn't it be there, not even empty?17:24
nessitaralsina: nopes17:25
nessitayou can check the controlpanel tree17:25
nessitanessita@dali:~/canonical/u1/controlpanel/trunk$ bzr st ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/ui17:25
nessita  ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/ui17:25
nessitabzr: ERROR: Path(s) do not exist: ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/ui17:25
ralsinaok, removing it completely then17:25
nessitaralsina: let me know17:26
Chipaca`ralsina: import error: from ubuntuone_installer.gui.qt.main import windows: cannot import name windows17:26
ralsinaChipaca`: only on linux right now17:26
ralsinawindows in an hour or two after I have a page in it17:27
ralsinanessita: ui folder gone17:27
ralsinanessita: did you set PYTHONPATH=. ?17:29
nessitaralsina: clicking on cancel does not stop the reactor17:29
dobeynessita: just finished an apt-get upgrade17:29
nessitayou need to fix that in the same way that controlpanel does17:30
ralsinanessita: this just opens a wizard. I'll file a bug for that one17:30
nessitaralsina: ack17:30
nessitadobey: does that mean I can re approve?17:30
dobeynessita: i just did17:31
nessitaah, you did17:31
nessitaralsina: can you please clean up all the copied docstrings? """The user interface for the control panel for Ubuntu One.""" :-)17:31
ralsinanessita: filed bug #80028217:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 800282 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Closing the window should stop the reactor (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80028217:32
nessitaralsina: grepping -i for "control panel" should give nothing ;-)17:32
ralsinanessita: sure thing!17:32
nessitaralsina: also remove def uri_hook(uri):17:32
ralsinanessita: if control panel uses it, we probably need it on installer too17:32
nessitaralsina: don't think so, is too specific17:33
nessitaanyways, is better practice to add the stuff we need when we need it17:33
ralsinanessita: ok17:33
nessitaotherwise we can easily forget and crowd the project with unedeed stuff17:33
* alecu is back17:33
nessitahey alecu!17:34
ralsinanessita: removed references to control panel, removed the hook17:36
nessitaralsina: approving but I'm hating the code duplication in logger,py, can you please file a bug to improve that later? :-)17:39
ralsinanessita: we really should have a libary of random useful stuff17:39
ralsinanessita: filed bug #80028417:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 800284 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "logger.py is duplicated from the control panel (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80028417:41
dobeynessita, ralsina: btw, are we putting a "[] Start Ubuntu One at Log-in" option to cp this week?17:42
ralsinadobey: this week? doubt it17:42
ralsinanessita: thanks!17:42
nessitaok, I'm off to the Uni17:43
nessitabye all, see ya in a couple of hours!17:43
ralsinabye nessita17:43
faganEOD for me I think17:44
faganralsina: did you see that im doing something for josh17:44
ralsinafagan: didn't, please tell me! :-)17:44
faganralsina: im reformatting the FAQ from moin to rst17:45
ralsinafagan: cool17:46
* ralsina hearts rst17:46
faganralsina: never heard of it17:46
ralsinafagan: check rst2pdf.googlecode.com :-)17:46
faganbut its not the first time I had to convert stuff, I had to change the quickly docs from html to docbook17:47
faganralsina: nice17:47
* mandel back17:47
ralsinawell, compared to docbook, rst is heaven17:47
faganralsina: I did it by hand :)17:48
ralsinathere is something called pandoc that may save you some effort. Not sure it understands moin though17:48
faganralsina: it was a problem with the code we had in the docs. It messed with all the automated tools17:49
ralsinafagan: it happens. Hopefully this time it's easier17:49
alecumandel, ping17:49
faganand there was some othr formatting bits too that I forget :)17:49
mandelalecu: pong17:50
alecumandel, in provide_windows_start_script, in run_test.bat: how do I make u1trial use the correct reactor?17:50
faganralsina: yeah well its not too hard by the looks of it so I can sort it fast enough and get back to figuring out how the keyring bits are not working in 11.1017:50
alecumandel, in my env it's trying to use the glib reactor :-(17:50
mandelalecu: you have to use the —reactor parameter17:50
fagananway EOD later all17:50
mandelalecu: so, u1trial —reactor=txnp test_path17:51
ralsinabye fagan!17:51
alecumandel, perhaps it should be inside the .bat?17:51
mandelalecu: yes, it should, I must have forgotten to update it17:51
mandelstupid me...17:51
mandelalecu: but I need to fix that branch conflicts first, your CredsManagementTool landed first and got some stupid conflicts, easy to solve, but has to be done :P17:52
alecumandel, sure, go ahead.17:52
alecuanyway, I'm getting "the path to test does not exist" now :-(17:53
mandelalecu: shall we add a bug stating that run-test is bad and we add it to that branch?17:53
alecumandel, sure, I'll add it and I'll get to work on it later.17:53
mandelalecu: superb17:54
ralsinaok, lunch break for me, be back in 30 or so17:55
alecumandel, I'll work on in on another branch. Didn't realize that the .bat was there before your branch.17:56
* alecu brbs17:57
mandelChipaca`: can you re-give me the +1 for this https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/provide_windows_start_script/+merge/6537617:57
mandelChipaca`: I had to resubmit the merge proposal because the dependencie sin the branches were given very strange conflicts17:58
Chipaca` mandel ther eyou go17:58
mandelChipaca`: txh!17:58
mandelthx :P17:58
mandelalecu: can you test this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/provide_windows_start_script/+merge/6537618:02
mandelalecu: is a milestone, it means that in truck we have sd working on windows, we just have to make it easy for people to have the credentials18:02
alecumandel, sure, I was already taking a look at that branch.18:03
ralsinadobey: is tarmac merging ubuntuone-windows-installer?18:04
mandelalecu: awesome, I'm going for rugby (is 7 pm here) but I'll be back in a few hours and will propose the sdtool branch, will try to ping you and nessita about it18:04
dobeyralsina: no18:04
alecumandel, ack18:04
mandelalecu: if you are ok with that branch, can you approve it so that it lands while I'm at rugby?18:04
ralsinadobey: ok18:04
ralsinadobey: could it? ;-)18:06
dobeyralsina: maybe? i don't know anything about u1-windows-installer's requirements for landing branches. are there tests we have to run? what else does it require? can it be done on linux?18:07
ralsinadobey: yes to linux, no tests yet, just pep8 and u1lint18:07
ralsinadobey: requirements same as for control panel18:08
dobeythen i guess we can add it to tarmac, sure18:08
ralsinadobey: cool thx18:08
=== mandel is now known as mandel_rugby
dobeyi wonder if there is an easy way to do a mass deactivation of milestones on lp18:09
dobeyprobably "write a script"18:09
ralsinadobey: cool, right now is only me working on it but that may/will change eventually and tarmac would be handy18:10
dobeyralsina: i understand. i don't care how many people are contributing to it. all i care about are the requirements for landing branches in it :)18:11
dobeycontrib agreement, tests, etc… stuff18:12
ralsinadobey: ok. Will this be dome soonish (say, next day or two) or should I figure out how to manually merge to trunk? ;-)18:12
dobeyhrmm, need to move the branches too.18:14
dobeyralsina: i would say by eod today18:15
ralsinadobey: cool then, thanks you so much18:15
dobeyralsina: don't propose any other merges to it until i get stuff moved around and tarmac set up though. :)18:18
ralsinadobey: sure thing18:18
ralsinaI can push branches but not propose merges, right?18:19
dobeyralsina: let's hold on that too, but should only take me a few minutes to get this set up18:20
ralsinadobey: ok, sorry then because I pushed one a few minutes ago. No more, I promise18:21
dobeyheh, ok18:21
ralsinadobey: that was quick :-)18:24
dobeyi haven't set up tarmac yet. i merged your branch by hand to avoid a slew of other migration problems :)18:26
dobeyralsina: do you have a branch that adds run-tests/run-tests.bat which only do the pep8/u1lint checks (preferably using USE_PYFLAKES=1)?18:32
ralsinadobey: don't have it18:32
ralsinadobey: could have it!18:32
dobeythat's the spirit! :)18:32
dobeyralsina: i've got trunk moved to the right team ownership, and set up tarmac to merge the branches. but there's no run-tests yet, so haven't set it up to run one :)18:33
dobeyralsina: but as soon as there's a branch adding that, i can add the config option to run it18:33
ralsinadobey: that's ok for today I will have one useful tomorrow18:33
dobeyok, well it's set up :)18:34
ralsinadobey: cool, thanks!18:35
dobeynow back to evil dbus API changes18:35
dobeyhrmm, and calling this landscaping co.18:36
alecuhey all, I'm having a configglue issue on windows: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/630494/19:02
alecuanybody has any idea about that?19:02
alecuChipaca`, ^ did you have that issue running mandel's branches?19:03
dobeyhrmm. having trouble understanding some of the txsecrets tests19:30
ralsinaCan I get two quick linux reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/ui_files_2/+merge/65388 ?19:36
ralsinaalecu, nessita: ^ ? pretty please?19:46
ralsinaalecu: thx!19:48
ralsinadobey: awesome19:48
dobeycan i steal alecu after he does that review, for a bit? the txsecrets tests in sso are confusing me19:49
ralsinadobey: fine by me if alecu is willing19:50
alecuralsina, I see that you branch has pylint annotations. How are you running pylint on it?19:56
dobeyalecu: have you a few minutes to help with that?19:56
ralsinaalecu: manually19:56
ralsinaalecu: u1lint ubuntuone_installer19:56
alecuralsina, perhaps you should make that part of the run_tests.bat for the installer.19:57
alecuralsina, anyway, approving.19:57
ralsinaalecu: yes, have a bug for that19:57
ralsinaalecu: thanks!19:57
alecudobey, tell me19:57
dobeyalecu: so i'm working on fixing the properties issue in txsecrets (bug #800294), and running the tests i'm getting a few failures/errors, but can't really tell why19:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 800294 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Support new fdo secrets API property names (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80029419:58
dobeyhold on, phone19:59
ralsinaI have a weird problem with https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/ui_files_2/+merge/65388  .. I can only set it to work in progress or merged20:02
dobeyalecu: these are the current errors i have: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/630510/20:03
dobeyalecu: i'm not sure why the first one is failing, it seems like it is expecting the wrong thing, from my reading of the code20:03
dobeyralsina: oh, right, one second, i need to fix up the reviewers20:04
dobeyforgot to do that :)20:04
alecudobey, is this happening on your new branch?20:05
dobeyalecu: yes20:05
dobeyralsina: fixed; you should be able to set it now after you reload the page20:05
alecudobey, do you want to push it, so I can take a look?20:06
ralsinadobey: thanks!20:06
dobeyalecu: lp:~dobey/ubuntu-sso-client/new-kr-props20:07
ralsinaNo rush, trivial branch for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/stop_reactor/+merge/6539120:13
dobeyralsina: does super() not work right in Qt?20:15
ralsinadobey: I am old fashioned20:16
dobeywell, you are writing Qt and Python, so yes :)20:16
dobeyalecu: any ideas20:20
alecudobey, get_default_collection creates a new collection if it can't find it on the default path. The first test creates a sample collection on the default, then tests get_default_collection.20:20
alecudobey, since the collection was already created at the start of the tests (before the first assert), calling get_default_collection should not create a new one.20:21
alecudobey, so I think that testing twice for 1 is right.20:21
dobeyalecu: but why would my changes affect that, given i'm not changing that path?20:22
aleculooking again.20:23
alecudobey, I have not followed it properly, but I would suspect it's related to the splitting of LABEL_PROPERTY into ITEM_LABEL_PROPERTY and CLXN_LABEL_PROPERTY20:29
ralsinaanother trivial branch for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_800346/+merge/6539720:32
dobeyalecu: huh20:33
dobeyralsina: approved20:34
ralsinadobey: thanks!20:34
alecuralsina, approved both20:38
ralsinaalecu: thanks!20:38
* nessita is back20:42
ralsinahello nessita20:42
dobeyalecu: i'm not sure, since i also updated the usage of that constant appropriately as well20:42
ralsinanessita: I looked and control panel does have the gui/qt/ui/__init__.py file you made me delete :-)20:43
nessitaralsina: it has the file but is not versioned20:44
ralsinanessita: you lost me20:44
ralsinaapparently you just run into a hole in my bzr knowledge20:44
nessitaI just got here20:44
nessitaralsina: hum, I see what you mean. Then you were right, somehow bzr told me is was not versioned but actually is20:45
nessitaralsina: sorry for the confusion20:45
ralsinanessita: no problem whatsoever20:45
alecudobey, right. But I guess that the mocks rely on both being the same, for looking up the objects in their dicts20:46
alecuor something like that.20:46
ralsinayet another very simple review: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_800330/+merge/6540020:47
nessitaralsina: can you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/simpler-devices-backend/+merge/65368 ?20:47
ralsinanessita: sure, trade you ;-)20:47
nessitaralsina: are you using --fixes?20:48
* nessita guesses not20:48
ralsinanessita: yes, unless I forgot in one branch20:48
dobeyalecu: i haven't found anywhere that suggests that :-/20:48
nessitaralsina: the 800330 is not bind to the bug report, can you please ci --fixes --unchanged, please?20:48
nessitaralsina: and I'm not sure that we're having a GTK version of the installer, aren't we?20:49
ralsinanessita: we are probably never going to have one20:49
ralsinanessita: but better safe than sorry20:49
nessitaralsina: can we delete all the GTK specific bits?20:49
nessitawe can add them later, and ideally in a way we ran tests for both all the time20:50
ralsinanessita: ok, file a bug and I will do it. I will still keep the directory structure so we can add a gtk/ later20:50
ralsinanessita: bug linked20:50
nessitaralsina: makes sense about the file dir. But the GTK bits please remove them in this branch20:50
nessitaralsina: since it will make the diff smaller ;-)20:50
ralsinanessita: ok20:51
nessita(is not like is big, but I see no point in adding stuff that we will not use)20:51
ralsinanessita: removed and pushed20:52
nessitaralsina: hey! do not assign me to bugs from the installer, assign yourself! :-P for example: bug #80028420:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 800284 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "logger.py is duplicated from the control panel (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80028420:53
ralsinanessita: hey, you own logger.py ;-)20:53
nessitaralsina: nopes, you own installer till friday at least20:53
ralsinanessita: ok, I will reassign to me20:53
nessitaralsina: also, please be sure to not leave the bugs in NEW. So, please set importance and status to either TRiaged or In Progress20:53
nessitaalready changed assignee20:54
nessitaralsina: and also, to measure the work done/pending till Friday, we're tagging bugs with u1-zomg-windows, like I mentioned in the first email I send you last week20:54
ralsinanessita: ok, will tag20:55
nessitathat way we can search globally and not only by project20:55
dobeygrr, i don't understand why this is breaking :(20:55
ralsinaI thought they changed to in progress when you attached a branch. Oh well.20:55
dobeyralsina: nope, but change to fix committed when tarmac lands branches that are attached to bugs20:56
ralsinadobey: ok20:56
dobeyralsina: so given the ideal velocity of our branches, the "in progress" is not as useful if you've already made the branch to fix it :)20:56
ralsinadobey: yeah, in an ideal world ;-)20:56
dobeywell in an ideal world we wouldn't be touching windows :)20:57
dobeyand i wouldn't be writing python ;)20:57
nessitaralsina: in the script in your last branch does: `which xvfb-run` u1trial --ignore-paths $QT_TESTS_PATH "$MODULE"20:58
dobeynow why is this thing breaking :(20:58
nessitaralsina: I don't think we want to ignore the wt tests20:58
ralsinaoops, deleted wrong line, I suppose20:59
dobeyi don't think we want to run the tests on linux?20:59
ralsinadobey: there are no tests yet, but yes, they will have to run20:59
dobeyralsina: we'll have to run windows installer tests on linux?20:59
ralsinadobey: it's actually a setup wizard21:00
dobeyright. for windows. :)21:00
ralsinadobey: should work just the same on Linux21:00
nessitadobey: no, for both21:00
dobeyhow many control panels do we need? :P21:01
dobeyis it an installer or what?21:01
nessitaralsina: I would suggest to remove the definition of QT_TESTS_PATH altogether since we don t need that21:01
ralsinadobey: not a control panel. Just a setup wizard. You know they are not the same thing :-)21:01
nessitadobey: is a wizard to setup Ubuntu One21:01
ralsinanessita: makes sense21:01
dobeywhat does "setup" mean here?! install? sign up on sso?21:01
nessitadobey: you can see the wireframes between our (canonical) google docs21:02
ralsinadobey: choose what to sync, buy storage/streaming, sign in, a few other things. Check the workflow on gdocs21:02
nessitadobey: we really need to get things moving on and we don't have time to argue, sorry21:02
ralsinadobey: not constructive. This has been discussed for months. Facepalms were only allowed until april.21:03
nessitadobey: you are welcome to send an email to the list, though21:03
ralsinanessita: removed the variable and pushed21:04
nessitaralsina: ack. Any news on my branch? :-)21:04
nessita(I'm depending on it)21:04
ralsinanessita: reading it21:04
ralsinanessita: it's a tad longer than mine ;-)21:04
ralsinanessita: do you need any specific testing?21:05
nessitano, the next one will expose this in the IO21:05
ralsinanessita: ok21:05
nessitaralsina: approved and globally approved (we decided with the rest of the windows team that trivial branches can land with one review)21:06
ralsinanessita: cool21:06
ralsinanessita: +1 on your branch21:06
ralsinaI just ran the tests and did a quick code review, though21:06
* ralsina adds bugs for each page on the installer now21:07
dobeystupid string literals21:18
mterryIf I wanted to ask U1Files to return a special error code for "out of space", where do I file that bug?21:23
dobeymterry: ubuntuone-servers i suspect (presuming you mean the REST API)21:28
dobeyhrmm, so it seems like these properties changes work ok with gnome-keyring 2.x also21:29
mterrydobey, thanks; filed bug 80038421:30
nessitaralsina, alecu: do you know if mandel landed everything he had to? does he need reviews?21:30
ubot4mterry: Bug 800384 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/800384 is private21:30
dobeyhrmm, and i wonder if i can make dnsmasq give out both ipv6 and ipv4 to the same MAC21:31
ralsinanessita: not sure. Don't remember him asking for reviews except one that chipaca was doing21:31
ralsinanessita: that was https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/use_txnamedpipes/+merge/65317 and it's merged now21:32
nessitaright, he also needed to propose the start script21:32
ralsinanessita: checking...21:33
ralsinanessita: that one is approved21:33
nessitaChipaca`: any idea if the start script for syncdaemon, from mandel branch, is working? asking differently, did he request a review from you for that branch?21:33
ralsinanessita: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/provide_windows_start_script/+merge/6537621:33
ralsinabut... HAS NO COMMIT MESSAGE21:33
ralsinaoops, sorry about the capshouting21:34
nessitaralsina: let me set it21:35
alecuralsina, nessita: I've just set it21:35
alecunessita, you won.21:35
nessitaalecu: did you explain to mandel that CredentialsManagementTool is not meant to be used like that?21:36
nessitaralsina: I hope you don't get tired of this but, you're referencing "2nd page of the installer design" in the bug reports (which are publics) and the design specs are not visible21:47
ralsinanessita: I intend to fill those up with screenshots from the wireframe when I start them21:47
ralsinanessita: I had to file 14 of those :-(21:47
nessitaralsina: is there any chance to not reference the spec but to describe very shortly what the tab does? Example: "Show licence agreement on 2nd tab, cancel if not accepted"21:48
nessita"Show folder list so user can subscribe/unsubscribe as s/he wishes"21:48
ralsinanessita: yes there is a chance21:48
ralsinanessita: I'll do it, even21:48
nessitaralsina: no need to fix what's done21:48
nessitaralsina: only what's coming next21:49
ralsinanessita: so  only 13 of those ;-)21:49
ralsinanessita: don't wprry I will make all the bug reports pretty21:49
nessitaI'm glad I noticed soon enough!21:49
nessitaralsina: or you can make teh bug reports as you work on the tabs21:49
ralsinanessita: I wanted to create them even if as placeholders so there was a visible goal21:50
nessitaright, makes sense21:50
ralsinanessita: I can flesh them up as I work on them though21:50
ralsinanessita: what's the proper way to start the control panel? I am guessing it's not Popen(['/usr/bin/control-panel-gtk'])22:10
nessitaralsina: start it from where?22:10
ralsinanessita: the installer, after it finishes22:10
ralsinait shows a button saying "start the dashboard"22:10
nessitathen yes, subprocess.Popen, but you can't hardcode the abspath22:11
nessitaassuming the controlpanel is installed in both systems, they should be in the PATH (the .msi should take care of that in windows)22:11
ralsinaI can use shell=True... but that's not usually recommended22:11
nessitaralsina: why would you use shell=True?22:11
ralsinanessita: because if you don't do that, the PATH is ignored22:12
nessitaIn [1]: import subprocess22:12
nessitaIn [2]: subprocess.Popen(('ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk',))22:12
nessitait does not work on windows, assuming the panel is in the PATH env?22:12
* ralsina checks22:13
ralsinashocking! ;-)22:13
ralsinanessita: should be exactly the same on windows. Seems I was just wrong. It happens :-)22:13
nessitayes, it happens. Anyways, we should confirm this works on W22:14
ralsinaOTOH, the *name* ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk is platform dependent (not really but kinda)22:14
ralsinayes, works on windows22:14
nessitaralsina: you need to use ubuntuone-control-panel-qt on linux and ubuntuone-control-panel-qt.exe on windows22:15
ralsinawe should use alternatives to set a ubuntuone-control-panel22:15
nessitathat is what you mean?22:15
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
ralsinano, the "-gtk" part is currently linux only22:16
nessitaright, that is why I said -qt22:16
ralsinaok then, yes that.22:16
ralsinaeventually you can do -qt on linux too, of course22:16
ralsinaCan I connect a branch to a bug in a way that doesn't say "this branch fixes the bug"?22:17
nessitaralsina: no... sorry22:17
ralsinanessita: no problem22:17
nessitayou need to manually set it to In progress22:17
nessitaor create finner grained branches or bugs22:17
nessitabugs, I mean22:18
* alecu heads for the pediatric. bbl22:23
ralsinalast review request of the day: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_800383/+merge/6541622:28
dobeymy review request :)22:32
nessitaralsina: you need to add tests :-)22:33
ralsinanessita: yes i do!22:33
nessitagreat! we; re in sync then22:34
dobeyralsina: needinfo about the subprocess.Popen bit :)22:34
ralsinadobey: such as? ;-)22:34
dobeyShould this not be ubuntuone-control-panel-qt, given that we're running it from a qt gui? Also, should we not rely on IPC activation to just start the correct one for the user's environment, instead of running it directly?22:34
nessitaralsina: our policy is to add tests for all the code we write, not about what we do in designer. Anyways, we don't need to add any complex bit in designer other than layout and widgets packing22:34
ralsinanessita: there is no logic in designer22:35
nessitadobey: for now we will be running it directly, since we won't be doing a IPC activation for QT22:35
nessitaralsina: right, which is good22:36
nessitaI was explaining the policy22:36
nessitadobey: I agree we should open the -qt panel22:36
ralsinanessita: so yes, I will add tests, but I need to get a handle on how and how much and "have the time" :-(22:36
nessitaralsina: hem...22:36
nessitaralsina: let's drop the tests when we really need to22:37
nessitaralsina: I think that today, we can ask you to write tests :-) (still)22:37
ralsinanessita: ok, will try to do it tonight late22:37
nessitaralsina: thanks, you can check our current test suite to have a guide22:37
nessitathey are not long nor complicated22:37
nessitabut they are a safety net that I think is very important for "it just works"22:38
dobeymy branch already has tests and i updated them ;)22:38
ralsinanessita: agreed22:38
ralsinaok, time to be a dad22:39
ralsinadobey: I will try to do a review later, sorry :-(22:39
dobeyno worries. i'm happy i got the branch working ;)22:39
thisfredoops, dogs need to be walked, later all22:40
ralsinasee you later/tomorrow all!22:40
dobeywell i'm off. have a good evening all22:40
nessitaralsina: wait22:40
nessitaralsina: if you eod, please send the report22:40
nessitais very important, we're very very tight with the schedule22:41
nessitadobey: I will review your branch pretty soon22:41

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